The CCPS SpedUcat or September 2018 M ESSAGE FROM THE DIRECTOR WELCOME to the 18-19 school year !!!! Where did Summer go? Many of our students participated in "Camp Lazy Days" at the YMCA of the Chesapeake located in Easton, MD. CCPS had over 40 students attend this day camp that offered so many unforgettable experiences. CCPS Special Education department would like to give a big SHOUT OUT to Ann Fink, Brian Byrnes and Carmen Milligan for all their efforts in making this happen for our kids. On Aug. 13 and Aug. 20, the CCPS special education department hosted their annual "Welcome Back Meeting" This is an opportunity for all special education staff and our new teachers to get acquainted before the big opening day. All staff received information on MSDE special education updates, legal updates with Rochelle Eisenberg and professional development in specially designed instruction with Todd Richardson from Goalbook App. Over 90% of the special education staff attended!!! During the 18-19 school year, the special education leadership team has created a roadmap of many exciting opportunities for our special education staff. Our IEP chairs and special education leadership team will participate in "Collaborative Coaching Model" with Peter DeWitt. Our special education teachers will continue their journey with Goalbook App and specially designed instruction. As Always, thank you for your continued support. This is going to be the BEST year ever!

The CCPS SpedUcator · 2018-09-04 · Speaker: Chelsea Hayman, Maryland ABLE. May 7, 2019 Tuesday, 10 a.m. 1 p.m., at Tuckahoe State Park, 13450 Cherry Lane, Picnic Pavilion, Queen

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Page 1: The CCPS SpedUcator · 2018-09-04 · Speaker: Chelsea Hayman, Maryland ABLE. May 7, 2019 Tuesday, 10 a.m. 1 p.m., at Tuckahoe State Park, 13450 Cherry Lane, Picnic Pavilion, Queen

The CCPS SpedUcat orSeptember 2018


WELCOME to the 18-19 school year !!!! Where did Summer go? Many of our students participated in "Camp Lazy Days" at the YMCA of the Chesapeake located in Easton, MD. CCPS had over 40 students attend this day camp that offered so many unforgettable experiences. CCPS Special Education department would like to give a big SHOUT OUT to Ann Fink, Brian Byrnes and Carmen Milligan for all their efforts in making this happen for our kids.

On Aug. 13 and Aug. 20, the CCPS special education department hosted their annual "Welcome Back Meeting" This is an opportunity for all special education staff and our new teachers to get acquainted before the big opening day. All staff received information on MSDE special education updates, legal updates with Rochelle Eisenberg and professional development in specially designed instruction with Todd Richardson from Goalbook App. Over 90% of the special education staff attended!!!

During the 18-19 school year, the special education leadership team has created a roadmap of many exciting opportunities for our special education staff. Our IEP chairs and special education leadership team will participate in "Collaborative Coaching Model" with Peter DeWitt. Our special education teachers will continue their journey with Goalbook App and specially designed instruction.

As Always, thank you for your continued support.

This is going to be the BEST year ever!

Page 2: The CCPS SpedUcator · 2018-09-04 · Speaker: Chelsea Hayman, Maryland ABLE. May 7, 2019 Tuesday, 10 a.m. 1 p.m., at Tuckahoe State Park, 13450 Cherry Lane, Picnic Pavilion, Queen


With the start of the school year, we wanted to remind you of some acronyms that you may hear in IEP meetings.

IEP- Individualized Education Program

PLAAFP- Present Level of Academic Achievement and

Functional Performance

AT- Assistive Technology

FBA- Functional Behavior Assessment

BIP- Behavior Intervention Plan

ESY- Extended School Year

LRE- Least Restrictive Environment

APE- Adapted Physical Education

KRA- Kindergarten Readiness Assessment

COS- Child Outcome Summary

SLP- Speech/Language Pathologist

OT- Occupational Therapy

PT- Physical Therapy

Last school year was the first year for implementing Special Education (SPED) secretaries in each elementary and secondary school, and it was a huge success. We are excited to be continuing with having SPED secretaries. We would like to remind parents that the SPED secretaries will be contacting you to schedule IEP meetings throughout the school year.

Caroline County Public Schools (CCPS) Special Education (SPED) department will be continuing to write High Quality Standard-Based IEPs by providing professional development (PD) to teachers with school-based monthly PDs on present levels, goals and objectives. We are looking forward to a successful school year!

Page 3: The CCPS SpedUcator · 2018-09-04 · Speaker: Chelsea Hayman, Maryland ABLE. May 7, 2019 Tuesday, 10 a.m. 1 p.m., at Tuckahoe State Park, 13450 Cherry Lane, Picnic Pavilion, Queen

New St af f Mem bers

Christina Schindler Coordinator of Special Education

Anglea Gebert Coordinator of Instruction for Birth to Five

Special Education and Early Childhood

Leadership Team


Amy Gilliland - DES Melissa Prendergast - FES Britt Robertson - FES

Olivia Sliwinski - CRMS Mary Farwell - CRMS Thomas Brockson - LMS

Brittney Casper - LMS Susan Angeloni - NCHS Brian Curtis - NCHS

Kelly Cannon - NCHS Devin Perkins - CRHS

Speech Pat hologist

Holly Ruskauff - DES

School Psychologist s

Michael Thompson - CRHS & NCHS Anthony Neak (Intern) - CRMS & LMS

Corrine Murray (Intern) - GES Alyssa Lair (Intern) - RES

Special Educat ion Secret ary

Patricia Curran - NCHS

Page 4: The CCPS SpedUcator · 2018-09-04 · Speaker: Chelsea Hayman, Maryland ABLE. May 7, 2019 Tuesday, 10 a.m. 1 p.m., at Tuckahoe State Park, 13450 Cherry Lane, Picnic Pavilion, Queen

Special Educat ion Cit izen?s Advisory Com m it t ee A Special Education Citizen?s Advisory Committee (SECAC) is a committee established by the local school system to seek meaningful input from parents, community partners, service providers, educators, and administrators on local issues relative to the provision of a free appropriate public education (FAPE) and the achievement of students with disabilit ies. To work most effectively a SECAC operates as a partnership between parents and families, community leaders and organizations, educators, and administrators at the local level. A local SECAC enables a local director of special education to collaborate with others on local issues and it has the potential to facilitate positive changes in the delivery of special education services and the achievement of students with disabilit ies. [COMAR


2018-2019 Calendar of Event s

Sept . 25, 2018 Tuesday, 6 p.m. at Board of Ed, light dinner provided.

Speaker: Rachel London, Esq. Deputy Director of MD Developmental Disabilit ies Council, ?Expectations Matter, Expect Ability.?

Oct . 18, 2018 TBA

Jan. 21, 2019 Monday, time TBA, Easton Chesapeake Bowling, SECAC Family Support event.

Jan. 29, 2019 Tuesday, 6 p.m. at Board of Ed, light dinner provided.

Speakers: Judith Gaston, Children Health Month in February, Anita Disbrow ?LISS and Kim Hopkins-Therapeutic Riding.

Mar . 05, 2019 Tuesday, 6 p.m. at NCHS cafeteria, Staff Appreciation Celebration

Mar . 26, 2019 Tuesday, 6 p.m. at Board of Ed, light dinner provided.

Speaker: Trish Kane, Pathfinders for Autism.

Apr il 18, 2019 Thursday, 6 p.m. at Board of Ed, light dinner provided.

Speaker: Chelsea Hayman, Maryland ABLE.

May 7, 2019 Tuesday, 10 a.m. ? 1 p.m., at Tuckahoe State Park, 13450 Cherry Lane, Picnic Pavilion, Queen Anne, MD. Discovery Day (Community agencies and organizations supporting families)

Please RSVP to our Family Support Resource Coordinator at 410-479-3609 if you plan to

attend as seats are limited.


Page 5: The CCPS SpedUcator · 2018-09-04 · Speaker: Chelsea Hayman, Maryland ABLE. May 7, 2019 Tuesday, 10 a.m. 1 p.m., at Tuckahoe State Park, 13450 Cherry Lane, Picnic Pavilion, Queen

What are Transition Services? The term ?transition services? means a coordinated set of activities for a child with a disability that: Is designed to be within a results-oriented process, that is focused on improving the academic and functional achievement of the child with a disability to facilitate the child?s movement from school to post-school activities, including postsecondary education, vocational education, integrated employment (including supported employment); continuing and adult education, adult services, independent living, or community participation; Is based on the individual child?s needs, taking into account the child?s strengths, preferences, and interests; and Includes instruction, related services, community experiences, the development of employment and other post-school adult living objectives, and, if appropriate, acquisition of daily living skills and functional vocational evaluation. (IDEA 2004 [34 CFR 300.43])

My student is now 14, now what? Now that your child is of transition age, which is age 14, he or she will receive transition services and have a Transition Plan embedded in their IEP.

How will my student be involved in the Post-secondary decision making process? During Annual Review IEP meetings for students age 14 and older who have Transition plans as part of their IEPs, students will be facilitating and leading their IEP meetings. In the beginning portion of each meeting, before exploring a student 's present levels, the student will lead the IEP team through a discussion of their Transition Plan, including their goals, Transition Activities, and Agency Linkages. The objective of this format is to embrace the purpose of the Transition Plan and to focus the IEP team on assisting and empowering students to achieve their post-secondary goals during their final years of school. This format also strives to increase student engagement and investment in the student 's education and post-secondary goals.

These topics will also be discussed by the IEP team at the beginning of Transition-focused IEP meetings, and students who are active in these conversations will be able to practice self-determination, self-awareness, and self-advocacy skills they will need to succeed as they pursue their lives after high school.

How can I help my student? Parents can help students be active members of this new process by talking to their students about their future goals prior to IEP meetings. Some questions that parents can ask their student: What type of career do you want to pursue? Where do you intend to live? What types of training do you want to pursue after high school (on-the-job, college, apprenticeship, certification)? What supports that help you succeed in school would also help you succeed after high school?

What if my student isn't 14 yet, how can I help? If your student is not of the transition age of 14, it is NEVER too early to begin the conversation of life after high school! Some ideas are: Talk to your student and ask questions about their interests, strengths, what they want to do when they grow up! Discuss jobs/careers and colleges/training schools. Take them to a college campus! Have them volunteer in the community!

I still have questions! If you still have questions about Transition, please reach out to your student 's case manager. Also, feel free to reach out to Katie Birmingham, Transition Teacher Specialist or Ann Fink, Transition Teacher Specialist. We will be happy to guide you and your student through Transition Planning!

[email protected] 410-479-0100 [email protected]


Page 6: The CCPS SpedUcator · 2018-09-04 · Speaker: Chelsea Hayman, Maryland ABLE. May 7, 2019 Tuesday, 10 a.m. 1 p.m., at Tuckahoe State Park, 13450 Cherry Lane, Picnic Pavilion, Queen


The Caroline County Infants and Toddlers Program held screenings over this past summer. This was made possible with the collaboration of the Caroline County Public Library and Department of Social Services. Screenings were conducted to determine if children had a delay in any area of their development. If the screenings indicated concerns, the Infants and Toddlers staff recommended further evaluations to be completed through the program. Infants and Toddlers is an early intervention program for children birth to age 3 who may be experiencing a delay in development, or who have a diagnosed condition that has a higher probability of a delay.

Page 7: The CCPS SpedUcator · 2018-09-04 · Speaker: Chelsea Hayman, Maryland ABLE. May 7, 2019 Tuesday, 10 a.m. 1 p.m., at Tuckahoe State Park, 13450 Cherry Lane, Picnic Pavilion, Queen


Sept em ber

3 No School ? Labor Day

4 Students Report

12 Pre-K Orientation

13 Pre-K Begins

Oct ober

11 Q1 Interims Issued

15 No School ? Inservice

19 No School ? MSEA Convention

31 ½ Day ? Inservice

Novem ber

7 ½ Day ? Teacher Planning/Grades

12 No School ?Inservice/Conferences

13 Pre-K Conferences (No Pre-K)

16 Q1 Report Cards Issued

21 ½ Day ? Inservice

22-23 No School ? Thanksgiving Break

Page 8: The CCPS SpedUcator · 2018-09-04 · Speaker: Chelsea Hayman, Maryland ABLE. May 7, 2019 Tuesday, 10 a.m. 1 p.m., at Tuckahoe State Park, 13450 Cherry Lane, Picnic Pavilion, Queen


Elizabeth Anthony Director of Special Programs

Christina Schindler Coordinator of Special Education

Anglea Gebert Coordinator of Instruction for

Birth to Five Special Education and

Early Childhood

Valerie Ebling Special Education Teacher Specialist

Elizabeth Saylor Special Education Teacher Specialist

Carissa Hollinger Special Education Teacher Specialist

Katie Birmingham Special Education Transition Specialist

Ann Fink Special Education Transition Specialist