The Causes of the First World War (first part) 1- Read pages 4-5 and draw up a chart that shows the country members of the Triple Alliance and the ones of the Triple Entente. 2- Alliance: copy the definition of this word in the glossary (book page 424) 3- Focus on the Central Powers (or the Triple Alliance), answer: Germany: a. Which was Germany’s priority by 1914? b. What was the name of Germany’s ruler, 1888-1918? c. What was the reason for tension between Germany and France? d. What did the Kaiser order to build in 1890? e. Which were Germany’s main concerns? Austria-Hungary a. Which were the characteristics of the Austro-Hungary b. Which were the groups that want independence? c. Which was the Austria-Hungary Emperor priority by 1914? d. What were the problems faced by Austria-Hungary in relation to its neighbours? Italy: a. In what way was Italy similar to Germany? b. What was Italy main ambition? c. Was Italy as important as Germany and Austria-Hungary? Support your answer. Who’s Who in the Alliances 4- Use the map below. Colour in the countries that form the Triple Entente in one colour and the Triple Alliance in another colour. Triple Alliance: Italy, German and Austria-Hungary. Triple Entente: Britain, France and Russia 1

The Causes of the First World War Questions

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Page 1: The Causes of the First World War Questions

The Causes of the First World War (first part)1- Read pages 4-5 and draw up a chart that shows the country members of the Triple Alliance

and the ones of the Triple Entente.2- Alliance: copy the definition of this word in the glossary (book page 424)3- Focus on the Central Powers (or the Triple Alliance), answer:

Germany: a. Which was Germany’s priority by 1914? b. What was the name of Germany’s ruler, 1888-1918?c. What was the reason for tension between Germany and France?d. What did the Kaiser order to build in 1890?e. Which were Germany’s main concerns?

Austria-Hungarya. Which were the characteristics of the Austro-Hungary b. Which were the groups that want independence? c. Which was the Austria-Hungary Emperor priority by 1914? d. What were the problems faced by Austria-Hungary in relation to its neighbours?

Italy: a. In what way was Italy similar to Germany? b. What was Italy main ambition? c. Was Italy as important as Germany and Austria-Hungary? Support your answer.

Who’s Who in the Alliances

4- Use the map below. Colour in the countries that form the Triple Entente in one colour and the Triple Alliance in another colour.

Triple Alliance: Italy, German and Austria-Hungary.Triple Entente: Britain, France and Russia

The Causes of the First World War (second part): Read pages 5-7 and answer.


Page 2: The Causes of the First World War Questions

1. What is it understood by British ‘splendid isolation’?2. Give the reason that explains why Britain started to co-operate with France by 1900s.When did

they sign an agreement?3. What was British opinion about Russia by 1904? When did they sign an agreement?4. Which was Britain’s main concern about Germany?5. Explain France’s main concerns and the reasons for them.6. How was France’s relationship with Russia?7. Describe Russia’s situation by the beginning of the 20th century.8. Mention and explain Russian situation in relation to their enemies.9. Now, read from page 4 to page 6 and draw up a chart as shown in page 7.10. Answer questions 3 & 4.11. Define `Balance of Power’

The tension builds; read pages 8 to 10 and answer the following questions:

1. Which European country had the biggest navy in the 19th century?2. Which was one of most important reasons of tension in Europe after 1900?3. What happened in 1898 in Germany?4. Why did Britain feel threatened by the Kaiser’s decision?5. What was the explanation given by Germany of her ambition?6. What happened in 1906 in Britain, and later in Germany?7. What was the situation of the European armies?8. Copy these definitions in the glossary section of your folder:

Imperialism:the actions of a powerful country that tries to take control of other countries, often using military forceMilitarism: Building up armed forces and getting ready for war.

9. Which country had the best trained and most powerful army?10. What was the Schlieffen Plan? Why was it conceived?11. Read the profile of Kaiser Wilhelm II (pag. 9) and write your impressions of this leader.12. How would you describe the Russian army?13. Which was the name of the French plan to attack Germany, and what does it consist of?14. What was BEF, which were its plans?15. What idea of war did most European countries had in mind just before it?

Morocco and the Balkans Crisis: read pages 10 and 11 and answer the following questions:

1. How many Moroccan crises were there, and when did they take place?2. What did the Kaiser say in his speech in Morocco in 1905?3. How was the Kaiser treated at the Algeciras Conference?4. What did he realize about the relationship between France and Britain?5. What was it formed as a consequence of the Moroccan crisis in 1907?6. What did the French try to do in 1911 and which was Germany’s response to this?7. How was the crisis solved?8. Why was the Balkans an unstable area?9. Describe the first Balkan crisis.10. How did Serbia emerge from the wars of 1912 to 1913?11. What gave Austria the chance to crush Serbia?12. Read source 20, then answer: what does Lloyds George say about the effect of the murder of

Franz Ferdinand in Germany?