T HE TH LI P I HE OF OAKMONT, PLUM VE ONA www. v at li . rg Te ly ffi ial web ite f r ur pari e. l ite a al be a e e fr t i web ite. CLE GY r u E il: ffi e v th li . rg ev. Kevin . P eckin Pri t A ini tr t r ev. e r e alt n S ni r P r i l Vi r ev. avid eWitt S ni r P r i l Vi r ev. Frederick ru er P ri l in eac n J se h Vannucci eac n Ti thy N ca Weekend Mass Ti es tur y Vigil: 4:00 PM t. Iren eu 4:00 PM t. J hn the ti t 5: 0 PM t. J eh :00 PM Our L y f J y un y: :00 M Our L y f J y : 0 M t J eh 9:00 M t. J hn the ti t 10:00 M Our L y f J y 11:00 M t. J nu riu 11:00 M t. Iren eu 11: 0 M t. J hn the ti t :00 PM t. J hn the ti t C nfe in: Mn y :00- : 0 PM t . J nu riu We ne y :00- : 0 PM t. Ir n u tur y 9: 0-10:00 M t. J n t B ti t —Or By A int nt St. Ir n us, ak nt St. J nu rius, St. J hn th tist, Plu St. J s h, V r na, ur L y f J y, Pl TWENT FI T UND IN DIN TIME UGU T 2 , 2 19

THE CATHOLIC PARISHES · 8/25/2019  · -Quien tiene el hábito de orar, en su vida ve la acción de Dios en los momentos de más importancia, en las horas difíciles, en la tentación,

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Page 1: THE CATHOLIC PARISHES · 8/25/2019  · -Quien tiene el hábito de orar, en su vida ve la acción de Dios en los momentos de más importancia, en las horas difíciles, en la tentación,




The only official website for our parishes.

School sites can also be accessed from this website.


Group Email: [email protected]

Rev. Kevin G. Poecking

Priest Administrator

Rev. George Dalton

Senior Parochial Vicar

Rev. David DeWitt

Senior Parochial Vicar

Rev. Frederick Gruber

Parish Chaplain

Deacon Joseph Vannucci

Deacon Timothy Noca

Weekend Mass Times

Saturday Vigil: 4:00 PM St. Irenaeus

4:00 PM St. John the Baptist

5:30 PM St. Joseph

6:00 PM Our Lady of Joy

Sunday: 8:00 AM Our Lady of Joy

8:30 AM St Joseph

9:00 AM St. John the Baptist

10:00 AM Our Lady of Joy

11:00 AM St. Januarius

11:00 AM St. Irenaeus

11:30 AM St. John the Baptist

6:00 PM St. John the Baptist

Confessions: Monday 6:00-6:20 PM

St . Januarius

Wednesday 6:00-6:20 PM

St. Irenaeus

Saturday 9:30-10:00 AM

St. John the Baptist

—Or By Appointment

St. Irenaeus, Oakmont

St. Januarius, St. John the Baptist, Plum

St. Joseph, Verona, Our Lady of Joy, Plum



AUGUST 28, 2019

Page 2: THE CATHOLIC PARISHES · 8/25/2019  · -Quien tiene el hábito de orar, en su vida ve la acción de Dios en los momentos de más importancia, en las horas difíciles, en la tentación,


Beau Quattrone

School Principal,

OPV Catholic Schools

Dear Friends in Christ:

In today’s Gospel, the key to salvation is knowing and

being known by Jesus. “People will come from east and

west and north and south, and will recline at table in the

kingdom of God. For behold, some are last who will be

first, and some are first who will be last.” (Luke 13:29)

Jesus is saying that people are going to come from all

over and enter into God’s kingdom. He is reversing their

expectations. They expected to be first, but Jesus says

they will be last. They expected God to judge harshly,

but he says he’s going to give them grace. That means

there’s hope for us, for all of us. Anyone can know Jesus

and be saved.

Knowing Jesus is something we teach in our Catholic

schools. Everyone knows that school will be starting for

our students soon. In the Catholic Schools of Oakmont,

Plum, and Verona we have three schools and a change

has occurred within the school administration. As for

myself, I am honored to be representing both St. John

the Baptist and St. Joseph Catholic Schools as the

Principal. We have two Vice-Principals, Mrs. Tina Bucci

at St. Joseph and Mrs. Jeanne Loebig at St. John the

Baptist. Mrs. Bucci is responsible for the Preschool at

St. Joseph’s and Mrs. Loebig is the Preschool

Coordinator for St. John the Baptist and St. Irenaeus.

Polly Swank has been hired to teach the newly formed

St. Joseph Preschool class. We would like to welcome

Sarah Desciak to our St. Joseph Middle School, she will

be teaching Math and Science. Mrs. Cathy Krchnavy will

be added to the Preschool staff at St. John’s. As an

administration, we are dedicated to hiring the best

qualified and certified teachers for our students.

But it is an exciting time as we are combining activities,

events, and fundraisers with both St. Joseph (SJV) and

St. John the Baptist (SJB) Schools. The First Annual

SJV/SJB Golf Outing was held on Saturday, August 17


at Manor Valley Golf Course. The weather cooperated

with many prayers by our Golf Committee members and

everyone had a great time. I would like to thank all those

who planned and set up the Golf Outing. We are

planning a combined “Welcome Back to School”

picnic with SJV and SJB students and families at Penn

Hills Park on Friday, August 30


. Later in September,

another combined event at SJB will be the Annual Duck

Race, so remember to look for the flyer and buy your

ducks! As you will see, students will be together during

events, assemblies, and field trips. They have gotten

along very well with each other when a few events were

combined. For many years the Girls Volleyball team

along with our Cross Country teams from SBJ and SJV

have been combined. As you can see, combining events

and other activities is nothing new for the students. They

get along very well with what I have seen. We need to

educate our students with the graces of God in body,

mind, and spirit. Let’s ask the question in regard to

Luke’s Gospel, “Will I be Saved?,” so why not make the

best of an opportunity that puts you in the graces of the

Lord. Together we can make a difference and make

these great schools we have in our area, even greater.

God bless,

Beau Quattrone, Principal

Page 3: THE CATHOLIC PARISHES · 8/25/2019  · -Quien tiene el hábito de orar, en su vida ve la acción de Dios en los momentos de más importancia, en las horas difíciles, en la tentación,


will say, “We ate and drank in your company and you taught in

our streets.' Then he will say to you, 'I do not know where you are

from. Depart from me, all you evildoers!' And there will be wailing

and grinding of teeth when you see Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob

and all the prophets in the kingdom of God and you yourselves

cast out. And people will come from the east and the west and

from the north and the south and will recline at table in the

kingdom of God. For behold, some are last who will be first, and

some are first who will be last."

READING I IS 66:18-21 �

Thus says the LORD: I know their works and their thoughts,

and I come to gather nations of every language; they shall come

and see my glory. I will set a sign among them; from them I will

send fugitives to the nations: to Tarshish, Put and Lud, Mosoch,

Tubal and Javan, to the distant coastlands that have never

heard of my fame, or seen my glory; and they shall proclaim my

glory among the nations. They shall bring all your brothers and

sisters from all the nations as an offering to the LORD, on

horses and in chariots, in carts, upon mules and dromedaries, to

Jerusalem, my holy mountain, says the LORD, just as the

Israelites bring their offering to the house of the LORD in clean

vessels. Some of these I will take as priests and Levites, says

the LORD.


R.(Mk 16:15) Go out to all the world and tell the Good News.

Praise the LORD all you nations;

glorify him, all you peoples!

R. Go out to all the world and tell the Good News.

For steadfast is his kindness toward us,

and the fidelity of the LORD endures forever.

R. Go out to all the world and tell the Good News.

READING 2 HEB 12:5-7, 11-13

Brothers and sisters, you have forgotten the exhortation

addressed to you as children: "My son, do not disdain the

discipline of the Lord or lose heart when reproved by him;

for whom the Lord loves, he disciplines; he scourges every son

he acknowledges." Endure your trials as "discipline";

God treats you as sons. For what "son" is there whom his father

does not discipline? At the time, all discipline seems a cause not

for joy but for pain, yet later it brings the peaceful fruit of

righteousness to those who are trained by it.

So strengthen your drooping hands and your weak knees.

Make straight paths for your feet, that what is lame may not be

disjointed but healed.

R. Alleluia, alleluia. JN 14:6

I am the way, the truth and the life, says the Lord;

no one comes to the Father, except through me.

R. Alleluia, alleluia.

GOSPEL LK 13: 22-30

Jesus passed through towns and villages, teaching as he went

and making his way to Jerusalem. Someone asked him, "Lord,

will only a few people be saved?" He answered them, "Strive to

enter through the narrow gate, for many, I tell you, will attempt to

enter but will not be strong enough. After the master of the

house has arisen and locked the door, then will you stand

outside knocking and saying, 'Lord, open the door for us.' He will

say to you in reply, 'I do not know where you are from. And you


Taller de Oración (Primera parte)

Necesidad de la oración

La oración es tan necesaria en nuestra vida espiritual como lo es respirar para

nuestra vida del cuerpo. Dios es un Padre que nos ama, y con la oración nosotros

participamos de su amor. Es un Padre que llena de bendiciones a sus hijos. La

oración cristiana da frutos, no sólo con uno mismo sino con los demás, nos hace

crecer en el amor a Dios y a los hombres.

La oración ilumina y fermenta toda nuestra vida y nos hace crecer interiormente.

Dios se convierte en un Alguien en nuestras vidas y no es sólo una "idea" sin

vida. El diálogo continuo con Dios se vuelve parte de nuestra vida cotidiana

Para continuar con el taller, puedes ir recorriendo en orden los siguientes enlaces

o escoger el que más se adapte a tus necesidades de oración.

¿Qué es la oración?

-Para orar, es necesario querer orar.

-La oración es buscar a Dios, es ponernos en contacto con Dios,

es encontrarnos con Dios, es acercarnos a Dios.

-Orar es llamar y responder. Es llamar a Dios y es responder a sus invitaciones.

Es un diálogo de amor.

-Quien tiene el hábito de orar, en su vida ve la acción de Dios en los momentos de

más importancia, en las horas difíciles, en la tentación, etc.

-En cambio, si no oramos con frecuencia, vamos dejando morir a Dios en nuestro

corazón y vendrán otras cosas a ocupar el lugar que a Dios le corresponde.

¿Por qué nos desanimamos en la oración?

-Algunas veces podemos desanimarnos en la oración, porque creemos que

estamos orando, pero lo que hemos hecho no es propiamente oración.

La oración no es:

-Si no se dirige a Dios, no es propiamente oración.

-Si no buscamos una comunicación con Dios, sino únicamente una tranquilidad y

una paz interior, no estamos orando, sino buscando un beneficio personal.

-Si no interviene la persona con todo su ser (afectos, inteligencia y voluntad)

no es oración.

-Si no hay humildad y esfuerzo no es oración. Para orar es necesario reconocer

que necesitamos de Dios.

-Si no hay un diálogo con Dios, no es oración.

-Cuando retamos o exigimos a Dios, para que Él haga lo que nosotros queremos,

tampoco estamos orando.

-Si no nos sentimos poco a poco más identificados con Jesucristo y su voluntad

no hemos hecho oración.

-Si no tenemos un fruto de más amor a Dios, al prójimo y a nosotros mismos, no

hemos hecho oración.

Características de la oración

-La oración se dirige a Dios y no necesita de muchas palabras:

Él conoce lo que nos pasa.

-La oración debe ser perseverante: tener paciencia en establecer ese

diálogo con Dios.

-La oración debe ser insistente: no abandonarla a la primera sino insistir

-Para orar es necesario ser humildes: es enriquecerse partiendo de

nuestra pobreza para abrirnos a la riqueza de Dios.

-La oración es poderosa: se pueden observar en la Iglesia muchos imposibles

conseguidos por la oración

-La oración es confiada: al orar se tiene la certeza de que Dios no nos va a fallar y

esto debe transformar nuestra vida

-La oración, siempre debe estar precedida del perdón: antes de orar debemos

limpiar nuestro corazón...

-La oración es necesaria para no caer en tentación: nos fortalece para vivir

siempre cerca de Dios.

Page 4: THE CATHOLIC PARISHES · 8/25/2019  · -Quien tiene el hábito de orar, en su vida ve la acción de Dios en los momentos de más importancia, en las horas difíciles, en la tentación,





SATURDAY– Twenty First Sunday in Ordinary Time 8/24 (VIGIL) 4:00 p.m.

Ken Beck (Cousin, Kim Walsh)


4:00 p.m.

Mary Shaffer (Carmen Nowicki)


5:30 p.m.

Brandstetter Family (Family)


6:00 p.m.

Ralph Mozelewski, Sr. (Family)


SUNDAY - Twenty First Sunday in Ordinary Time 8/25 8:00 a.m.

Ellie Paul (Ansy)


8:30 a.m.

Deceased Members of Ciarnelli Family (Geri Cianelli)


9:00 a.m.

Ashley Morabito (Amanda Nicolson)

Marianne DiPlacido & Evita Grande (Family)


10:00 a.m.

Liz Bachtel (Jim & Margie Fisher)



11:00 a.m.

Conrad “Duck” DeMichiei (Gus & Connie Dekavalao)


11:00 a.m.

Frederick Bracco (Wife, Dee)


11:30 a.m.

Michael Holodnik (Sister & Brothers)

Richard Kastelic (Sandy, Karen & Debbie)


6:00 p.m.

Living & Deceased of the Parish


MONDAY - Weekday 8/26 9:00 a.m.

Susan Pernice Farrell (Fran & Jim Obritz)


6:30 p.m.

Carl Wildow (Frank & Jan Siatkosky)


TUESDAY - St. Monica 8/27 7:30 a.m.

William Studner (Agnes Bauer)


9:00 a.m.

Bruna Fassetta (Tony Traficante)


WEDNESDAY - St. Augustine 8/28 9:00 a.m.

Nancy Molcsan Hubian

(Daniel R. Molcsan, Sr. and Daniel R. Molscan, Jr.)


FRIDAY– Weekday 8/30 7:30 a.m.

John & Mary Humar (Leo Langerholc & Family)


9:00 a.m.

Blanche Kursion (Family)



Bill DiNatale (Dorothy)


SATURDAY - Weekday 8/31 9:00 a.m.

Bosso & Balenciaga Families (Fran & Family)

Thomas MacNamara (Linda & Chris Neff)


SATURDAY– Twenty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 9/1 (VIGIL) 4:00 p.m.

George Lepovsky (Family)


4:00 p.m.

John Balocik (Jeffrey & Arlene Sparks)


5:30 p.m.

Pauline Cunningham (Cunningham Family)


6:00 p.m.

Marlene Mamros (Husband, Jerry)


SUNDAY - Twenty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 9/1 8:00 a.m.

Bill Mahan (Family)


8:30 a.m.

Richard Claypoole (Arlene & Harry Julian)


9:00 a.m.

Paul & Mary O’Block (Family)

Kathy Harrington (Deb & John Kraemer)


10:00 a.m.

Bill Mahan (Family)


11:00 a.m.

The Richard Baird Family (S&TW) - Merante Family


11:00 a.m.

John Balocik (Jefffrey & Arlene Sparks)


11:30 a.m.

Ed & Dolores Burns (Bequest)

William E. Garver, Jr. (Garver Family)


6:00 p.m.

Living & Deceased of the Parishes


9:00 a.m.

Della Cummings (Family)


THURSDAY - Weekday 8/29 7:30 a.m.

Paulose Mani (Ansy)


6:30 p.m.

Francis Raucci (Martha Tejchman)



Page 5: THE CATHOLIC PARISHES · 8/25/2019  · -Quien tiene el hábito de orar, en su vida ve la acción de Dios en los momentos de más importancia, en las horas difíciles, en la tentación,


St. Januarius: Offertory: $2,228.00 PSP: $510.00

St. Irenaeus: Offertory: $5,142.00 PSP: $260.00

St. John the Baptist: Offertory: $10,887.00 PSP: $1,905.00

St. Joseph: Offertory: $5,780.00 PSP: $446.00

Our Lady of Joy: Offertory: $5,583.00 PSP: $592.00



Below are the totals for the Festival Profit Allocation. Every parish received a share of the raffle proceeds based on the tickets sold by

each parish before the festival began. Every parish received $50 per parishioner volunteer per night.

Also listed are the final Totals for the Festival.

OPV Festival 2019 Totals�



Gross �

Income� Expenses�Net Income�

P/E �


Area Totals� �� �� �� ��

Donations� $20,393� $0� $20,393� 100%�

Food� $46,306� $13,998� $32,308� 70% �

Gambling� $4,643� $380� $4,263� 92%�

Games� $7,659� $6,051� $1,609� 21%�

Kiddieland� $3,218� $1,880� $1,338� 42%�

Raffles� $7,413� $3,568� $3,845� 52%�

Grand Raffle� $72,763� $21,505� $51,258� 70%�

Rides� $8,247� $7,597� $650� 8%�

Beer/Wine� $3,589� $1,610� $1,979� 55%�

Booth Sponsorship� $6,320� $2,500� $3,820� 60%�

Donation (Post)� $413� $0� $413� 100%�

Nightly Entertainment� �� $1,330� �$1,330���

Security� �� $1,980� �$1,980���

Cap. Improvements� �� $614� �$614���

Misc. Expenses� �� $17,159� �$17,159���

Totals� $180,964� $80,172� $100,792���

% of Gross Income� 44%� 56%���

Mark you calendars!

Next year’s festival dates:

July 8 -11, 2020









STI� $5,175� $1,200� $6,375�

SJAN� $1,765� $700� $2,465�

SJB� $15,662� $34,950� $50,612�

SJV� $9,788� $4,500� $14,288�

OLOJ� $18,868� $7,200� $26,068�

�* SAM� �� ��


(rounded up)�

TOTALS�� $51,258� $48,550� $100,792�

Looking for a great way to

support Catholic Schools?

Business owners can

receive tax breaks for

donating to the school of

their choice through the

Education Improvement

Tax Credit (EITC)

program. For more

Information, contact the

Diocesan Office for Stewardship at


* A little over half of the beer & wine sales ($1,000) will be

donated to The Substance Addiction Ministry (SAM).

Page 6: THE CATHOLIC PARISHES · 8/25/2019  · -Quien tiene el hábito de orar, en su vida ve la acción de Dios en los momentos de más importancia, en las horas difíciles, en la tentación,



Anyone can create an email address on Hotmail, Gmail, or any other free email services and attach a false name to it. Please do

not be deceived by any scam emails asking for money, gift card codes online, and always check the domain that has sent you an

email to see if it is using the name of our staff or clergy. Trusted domain names for our grouping are diopitt.org, stjohnplum.org, and

opvcatholic.org. Even fake phone numbers can be set up and pretend to be a priest or employee of the church. Know that no one

from our grouping will ever contact you and ask you for gift card codes over the phone or by mail. Contact the parish office if you

want to check, but there’s nothing we can do to stop these scams other than to inform everyone. Be Aware! If you receive any

scam emails please report them as spam and ignore them. If you have any questions please contact the office at 412-793-4511 or

email [email protected].

In Addition: Solicitations for money after Mass by individuals are not permitted on our

properties. If you see this happening, please do not engage them, or inform them to contact

a priest or Sister Lynn during the week.

SAM Rosary >>>

WHEN: Wednesday, September 18, 2019 WHERE: St. Joseph Church, Verona, PA

The next Substance Addiction Ministry Rosary for Recovery will be Wednesday, September 18 at St. Joseph Church, 825 Second

Ave., Verona, PA 15147. We will meet at 7:00PM in the church for the Rosary followed by an informal gathering for all who are

afflicted or affected by addiction. It will be a safe, confidential place for people to seek education, referral and support.

For more information please contact Noreen at 412-296-1709

Addiction Recovery Ministry Update

The ministry is growing and reaching many who are addicted and afflicted. We currently offer a monthly educational opportunity, as well as a

monthly opportunity for prayer and reflection. We are working on providing an Addiction Recovery Ministry “Hope” Fund to assist those who are

coming out of rehab to restart their life. In October, there will be a great fundraiser for A.R.M. and the Light of

Life Mission. On October 5 at 6:00 p.m. in St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, Oakland, “Come Together to

Fight Addiction”, featuring a Beatles Tribute band, will be held to benefit both programs.

For more information regarding this event or to be a sponsor, contact the Addiction Recovery Ministry

at 412-218-5410 or send an email to [email protected].

If you would like to receive our monthly newsletter, please also contact us at the phone number or email address listed above.

You can find us on Facebook at Addiction Recovery Ministry Pittsburgh or our website addictionrecoveryministrypittsburgh.org.



Please note that with the new Mass schedule, previously scheduled Mass intentions may need to be adjusted

to coincide with the new Mass schedules.

St. Januarius - Sunday, 7:45 AM intentions will now be celebrated at the 11:00 AM Mass

St. John the Baptist - Sunday, 11:00 AM intentions will now be celebrated at the 11:30 AM Mass

St Joseph’s - Saturday, 6:00 PM intentions will now be celebrate at the 5:30 Mass

Our Lady of Joy - Sunday 12:00 Noon intentions will now be celebrated at the 8:00 AM Mass

NOTE: Mass intentions dedicated to someone who is not deceased will be offered for their Spiritual & Temporal Welfare (S&TW)

Page 7: THE CATHOLIC PARISHES · 8/25/2019  · -Quien tiene el hábito de orar, en su vida ve la acción de Dios en los momentos de más importancia, en las horas difíciles, en la tentación,


OPV Catholic Women's Retreat

September 13th - 15th, 2019

St. Paul of the Cross Retreat Center

Southside, Pittsburgh

"Blessed by God Who Surround You With

Loving Compassion"

Retreat information and registration form are

available online at opvcatholic.org

Carpooling to and from retreat will be available.

For more information contact these promoters:

STI: Mary Lou Kissane (412) 337-0178

Mary Sutton (412) 334-4922

SJAN & SJB: Betsy Yaklich (412) 527-1170

SJV: Lisa Cannillo (412) 427-2295

Barb Johnson (412) 795-1876

OLOJ: Sandy Barca (724) 733-2163

Kathleen Float (724) 325-2482

For Financial Assistance, Contact Your Parish Promoter

� �Have you thought about becoming Catholic but have

questions about Jesus Christ or the Catholic Church?��

If so,�let's talk about them!��We invite any and all �

questions! We also welcome�you to attend RCIA Inquiry

which begins at�7:00 on Wednesday, September 11�in the

St. Zachariah Room of St. John the Baptist Church. The

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is for those who

are not baptized, those baptized in another Christian �

tradition and those who are baptized Catholic who would

like to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. Attending

RCIA Inquiry is not an obligation to become Catholic. It is an opportunity to ask your questions and to gain �

understanding of some foundational�beliefs of the Catholic Church.��

� � We welcome your questions about RCIA and invite you to contact Ronald Donatelli, Coordinator of RCIA,

at�[email protected]. You may also call 412�793�4511. We ask all our OPV parishioners to let those who have

questions about the Catholic faith know about our parish RCIA. �


>> How to Build a Culture of Life

WHO: Respect Life Committee WHERE: SJB St. Elizabeth Room When: Wednesday, September 4th at 6:00

THE PROBLEM……. Watching the news and reading the headlines, we may feel helpless seeing the heartbreaking lack of respect for human life. How do

we respond when our efforts seem small in the face of the culture of death?

OUR RESPONSE……. Changing the culture is a process of conversion that begins in our own hearts and includes a willingness to be instructed and a

desire to be close to Jesus – the source of joy and love. Jesus promised his disciples, “I am with you always, until the end of the age.” (Mt 28:20)

WHERE TO BEGIN:: On Wednesday, September 4


at 6:00pm in the St. Elizabeth Room (Church Annex) at SJB, we will be showing the movie, Unplanned (the

conversion story of Abby Johnson, a former director for Planned Parenthood who made the decision to leave her job and to support the efforts of 40 Days for Life).

Respect Life issues are many and we want to know what is on your heart. There will be a brief meeting before the movie to talk about what a Respect

Life Group might look like for our OPV Catholic Community and also ways to honor Respect Life Month (October).

Please take a moment to reflect on the 2018-2019 Respect Life Theme: EVERY LIFE: CHERISHED ~ CHOSEN ~ SENT

Cherished: Nothing can diminish the priceless worth of any human life.

Chosen: God creates every person for eternal union with Him.

Sent: We are called to be messengers of God’s Love.

Please RSVP to [email protected] or call/text Fran Morrow at 412-965-9874.


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Sign Up for Flocknote Announcements

Text ‘OPVJYM’ to 84576

for Junior Youth Ministry

Text ‘OPVSYM’ to 84576

for Senior Youth Ministry

Questions: Contact Kristin Consuegra,

Coordinator of Youth Ministry

at [email protected]


Page 9: THE CATHOLIC PARISHES · 8/25/2019  · -Quien tiene el hábito de orar, en su vida ve la acción de Dios en los momentos de más importancia, en las horas difíciles, en la tentación,


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1450 Renton Road

Pittsburgh, PA 15239


♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ �

St. Irenaeus Adult Choir is welcoming new

members to join and further enrich our

beautiful choir and music ministry. Previous choral

experience or the ability to read

music is welcomed, but not required. Please contact our

Director of Music and Worship, Andrija Andelic,

at [email protected]

or 412-794-4006.

♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪

The St. Irenaeus


Flea Market

opens on

Tuesday, September 17th.

Halloween, Autumn and

Christmas Decorations, Clothing

and Accessories, Household

Items, Furniture, and Much More!


Overeaters Anonymous

Contact Dee for more information

At 724-339-3617.

All meetings are held every

Tuesday at 7:00 pm in the

Church Hall

All are welcome to attend

the meeting!

Tuesdays 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Thursdays 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Saturdays 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Donations may be dropped off when the flea

market is open on Tuesdays, Thursdays and

Saturdays or call Elaine at 412-828-8515

to make other arrangements.

If you would like to have the

sanctuary candle burned in memory of a

loved one, please contact the office.

Candles are $10.00 per week and your

dedication will be included in the bulletin.


387 Maryland Avenue

Oakmont, PA 15139




Any information you would like to have

included in the Bulletin should be sent to:

Karen Deemer at [email protected].

Information must be submitted at least

two weeks in advance.


Please note that with the new Mass schedule,

the previously scheduled Sunday 7:45 AM Mass intentions

will now be celebrated at the 11:00 AM Masses.

St. Irenaeus Parish would like to thank Regina

Kuszajewski for her service to St. Irenaeus

Parish as an Altar Server. Regina will be

leaving to go to college.

Thank You Regina and God's

Blessings to you as you begin

this new journey.

Office Hours

Just a reminder that the St. Irenaeus

Office is open Mondays and Fridays

from 8 AM to Noon. Mass Intentions

are available by calling or stopping in

to St. Joseph Parish office Mondays

from 1 PM - 4 PM and Tuesday

through Thursday 8 AM - 4 PM.

Page 11: THE CATHOLIC PARISHES · 8/25/2019  · -Quien tiene el hábito de orar, en su vida ve la acción de Dios en los momentos de más importancia, en las horas difíciles, en la tentación,



444 Saint John Street

Pittsburgh, PA 15239


Sanctuary Candle for Aug. 25 - Aug. 31

The Sanctuary Candle burns this week

for Clarence & Helen Vandzura

requested by the Deemer & Minto Families


825 Second Avenue

Verona, PA 15147



If you could spare some time on Thursday mornings,

the church cleaners could use some extra help with

their weekly cleaning. They start at 9:00 AM.

Any help would be much appreciated.


This fall, we are planning to replace the church roof. Since this is a more urgent

need that the previously intended plans to update the sanctuary, we would like

to amend our case statement to repair the roof instead. This way, we can use

the funds raised from the Church Alive Capital Campaign for the needed roof

replacement. We have a contract already with a roofer and expect the roof

replacement to cost under $60,000. If any St. Joseph parishioner or benefactor

to our parish capital campaign has any further questions about this, please

contact the parish office.

If interested or for any questions,

please contact

Jon Parrotta at 412-519-2058�

Giant Eagle/Community/Labriolas

Thanks to all those who continue to purchase the grocery gift cards. This is a simple but

very effective way to help our school. To those of you who have never tried this program,

won’t you consider beginning to help. Many of our parishioners have scaled back their

budgets due to the economy, however, the need to purchase gas, prescription drugs and

food never ends. Please consider purchasing Giant Eagle, Community and Labriolas gift

cards. These cards are sold every week after all Masses and during the week at the

Parish Office. Our school receives 5% back on Giant Eagle and Community and 10%

ack on Labriolas at no additional cost to you.

Rosary For The Deceased

St. Joseph Parish Ladies of Charity invite all from the OPV group

to join them as they pray the rosary for the recently deceased of

our parishes Sunday, September 8th after the 8:30 AM Mass.

This is an opportunity to honor the deceased from the prior month

and to reflect in prayer.


Please note that with the new

Mass schedule, the previously

scheduled Sunday, 11:00 AM

Mass intentions will now be

celebrated at the

11:30 AM Masses.


Robert & Barbara Yost,

Robert, Jr. & Caden

Liturgical Ministers

(Aug. 31 & Sept. 1, 2019)

Altar Servers:

5:30 PM Aydan Johnson/K. Kohut

8:30 AM J. Maisto/T. Pizzuti


5:30 PM No Information

8:30 AM A. Forbeck


5:30 PM B. DeSantis/M. Forbeck

8:30 AM J. Hackett/L. Iachini

Extraordinary Ministers:

5:30 PM P. Boast, J. Eastley, B. Molyneaux,

L. & F. Opice, D. Santucci, D. Tappe

8:30 AM A. Bursic, J. Chirdon, P. Konieczka,

F. Morow, A. Rohm, B. Steinmeyer, C. Truckley

Other Volunteers

Money Counters: P. Sobczak, A. Provenza, M. Slipo

Giant Eagle Sellers: 5:30 PM Noonan/Konieczka

8:30 AM Olesinski/Vrscak

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2000 O’Block Road

Pittsburgh, PA 15239



Pre-Baptism Class

A class is required for any new parent(s)

wishing to have their baby baptized at

Our Lady of Joy Parish. The class will be

offered at 7:00pm

in the Father

Marchukonis Hall

on Thursday,

September 19, 2019.

Call St. John the Baptist at 412-793-4511

to register.

Sanctuary Candle for Aug. 25 - Aug. 31

The Sanctuary Candle burns this week for

Liz Bachtel

requested by Steve & Patty Mahr



Any information you would like to have

included in the Bulletin should be sent to

Karen Deemer at [email protected].

Information must be submitted at

least two weeks in advance.

The Holy Name Society holds regular

meetings the second Sunday of the month,

September through June, following the

10 AM Mass in Room 2 of

Fr. Marchukonis Hall at OLOJ.

Officer meetings are the preceding Monday

At 7 PM in the cry room at OLOJ.

The first scheduled meeting

for the season are:

Officer Meeting - 9/2/2019

Regular meeting - 9/8/2019


Please note that with the new Mass

schedule, the previously scheduled

Sunday noon Mass intentions will now

be celebrated at the 8:00 AM Masses.

Recent Funerals and Deaths

Carmelia Bencivenga (STI)

Joseph Szurszewski (SJV)

Lord, grant eternal

rest to the souls

of the

dearly departed.



Sunday: Is 66:18-21/Ps 117:1, 2, [Mk 16:15]/Heb 12:5-7, 11-13/Lk 13:22-30

Monday: 1 Thes 1:1-5, 8b-10/Ps 149:1b-2, 3-4, 5-6a and 9b [cf. 4a]/Mt 23:13-22

Tuesday: 1 Thes 2:1-8/Ps 139:1-3, 4-6 [1]/Mt 23:23-26

Wednesday: 1 Thes 2:9-13/Ps 139:7-8, 9-10, 11-12ab [1]/Mt 23:27-32

Thursday: 1 Thes 3:7-13/Ps 90:3-5a, 12-13, 14 and 17 [14]/Mk 6:17-29

Friday: 1 Thes 4:1-8/Ps 97:1 and 2b, 5-6, 10, 11-12 [12a]/Mt 25:1-13

Saturday: 1 Thes 4:9-11/Ps 98:1, 7-8, 9 [9]/Mt 25:14-30

Next Sunday: Sir 3:17-18, 20, 28-29/Ps 68:4-5, 6-7, 10-11 [cf. 11b]/Heb 12:18-19, 22-24a/Lk 14:1, 7-14�

A Note From The Human Coalition

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Baby Bottle

Campaign this year. As a collective result of St. John the

Baptist, Our Lady of Joy, St. Irenaeus, St. Januarius and

St. Joseph’s participation in our Baby Bottle Campaign, we

have received to date, a total of $6,154.77.

Because of God’s blessing and generous donors like you,

Human Coalition has helped rescue more than 11,436 children

and their families from abortion over the past nine years. Thank you for

standing with us to help save the lives of these precious children!

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Co-Sponsored by St. Joseph & St. John’s PTG

When: Friday August 30


Where: Penn Hills Park ~ Red Oak Pavilion

Time: 5pm – 7pm

PTG will provide hot dogs, condiments and paper products.

Each family should bring their own drinks.

If you have any questions, please contact

Julie Madera 412-491-7225

Thank you and we hope to see you there!



~Preschool � 8th Grade~�

Middle States Accreditation ~ Highly Qualified Teachers�

St. John the Baptist School (Plum) ~ Preschool-8th 412-793-0555

St. Joseph School (Verona)~ Preschool-8th 412-828-7213

St. Irenaeus Preschool (Oakmont) ~ Preschool 412-794-4005

Welcome to the OPV School Community

My name is Polly Swank and this is my first year at St. Joseph School.

I graduated from California University of PA with my Bachelor Degree in

Elementary/Early Childhood Education. I have been with the Diocese of

Pittsburgh for about 34 years. I come from a large family of 5 sisters and

1 brother. I am excited to be a part of beginning the Preschool Program

here at St. Joe’s. I enjoy taking trips to North Carolina where I love

to visit with some of my family. I look forward to a great year

and can’t wait to meet all of the St. Joseph family!

My name is Sarah Desciak, and this is my first year at St. Joe's. I

graduated from King's college with my Bachelors Degree in Math. I'm

originally from Northeastern PA, which is where I began my teaching

career. Last year, my husband, Mike, and I moved to Pittsburgh. It has

been an exciting adventure! This will be my second year teaching within

the Diocese of Pittsburgh, and I'm happy and honored to continue my

work in Catholic education. I'm excited to join the St. Joseph family and

am looking forward to a great school year!


If your last name starts with A-M,

please bring a dessert to share!

If your last name starts with N-Z,

please bring a side dish to share!

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Please note that the Adoration

First Week will resume starting again in September

First day of the Month:

Monday - Noon to 6:30 p.m. Mass – SJAN

Tuesday - 8 a.m. to Noon – SJV

Wednesday - 5 to 9 p.m. STI (except 6:30 p.m. Mass)

Thursday - 8 a.m. to Noon – OLOJ

Friday - 8 a.m. until 8:30 a.m. Saturday morning (all day and night) - SJB

Eucharist Adoration Volunteer Sign Up

Eucharistic Adoration volunteer sign up is now available for all OPV

churches. We will be using our online Volunteer Scheduler Pro

scheduling software to schedule Eucharistic Adoration. Those who are

not online can contact the parish office to be placed on the schedule.

The schedule for the first week in September is online now.

If you volunteered for the SJB fish fry or the OPV family

festival, use the same profile you used to volunteer. Or you can create a

new profile. You can find the buttons on our website at

https://opvcatholic.org/volunteer-at-opv. If you do not have

internet access, please call the rectory at 412-793-4511 to have your

name added to the schedule.

CCD Classes for the 2019-2020 Season will start the week of September 15th.

The following are the new CCD times for the OPV Parishes for the 2019/2020 School Year:

St. Irenaeus St. John the Baptist

Sunday—9:30am-10:45am (K-8) Sunday—10:00-11:15am (K-5)

Monday—6:00-7:15pm (K-8) Sunday—7:00-8:15pm (6-8)

Monday—5:00-6:15pm (K-7)

Tuesday—6:30-7:45 (1-8)

* Latino Schedule to be announced

Additional information, including the calendar of all classes and events,

will be available on the website shortly.

Children and young people in today’s world, now, more than ever, need to hear the Good News of Jesus. They need to meet good role models of faith. The most important

way is to achieve this goal is through Faith Formation. Faith formation equips individuals and families with tools to hear and speak the Word of God. It also provides means

for men, women, and children to practice the skills of communicating with God and one another in the language of faith. It is more than learning to recite prayers and list the

Ten Commandments. It is about bringing our children and young people to have a deeper relationship with God and Jesus. Each of us are made in God’s image, but that we

are each uniquely created as individuals. God has given each of us unique gifts and talents that make us who we are. We can use those gifts to evangelize especially those

who are about to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. You have much more to share with those you’ll teach than you might realize. When I first volunteered to be a cate-

chist, it was to share my teaching heart—not a teacher by training, but by calling. I wouldn’t have articulated it that way when I started, but I’ve since come to see my cate-

chist work as a part of my calling. In the early days, I just enjoyed working with kids and thought teaching was a wonderful way to do that. The most important reason to get

involved is so that we can help nourish the faith in children. If we don’t get involved, who will teach them and prepare them to be active members in the parish as they grow?

We ask that you prayerfully consider this important ministry. If you are interested in helping, you can reach us by e-mail at [email protected] or call the office at (412)


It’s our job: Jesus sent us to “go and teach all nations.”

- John Cupps, CCD Assistant Program Manager

Faith Formation Volunteers are Needed! >>>


CCD Registration Forms are now available on the

website for all children in Kindergarten through 8th grade.

You will find it under “Joint Efforts” at the top of the page,

then under “Faith Formation”. All students who plan on

attending CCD this year will need to fill out a new form.

These forms can be completed and sent directly from the

website at www.opvcatholic.org.

If you need a copy mailed to you, please contact Karen

Deemer at (412) 795-4511 or email her at

[email protected].

Additional questions can be directed to Steph Williams at

[email protected] or at (412) 795-4511.


The Blessed Sacrament is a large host consecrated from Mass. It is what we receive in Holy Communion, the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ.

The large host is placed in a luna which is a glass lens through which we can see the host. The luna is placed in a brass/gold monstrance so that it is elevated

on the altar, a kind of throne for Our Lord Jesus Christ. There on the altar, we can spend time in meditation and adoration of our loving God, offering prayers or

simply listening to God. Next to Mass itself, this is one of the highest forms of prayer and it can greatly enhance and develop our spiritual lives.


All of us should be familiar with the distinction between having a conversation over the phone or having a conversation face to face with another human being.

When we are in the presence of another person, it makes for a fuller conversation and participation in the dialogue. This is true for our prayer as well. We can

talk and listen to God anytime and anywhere. However, when we are in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament, we are there face to face with our Lord and it

can make for a better prayer and conversation with God.�

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The Meadows Day Trip

Join Our Lady of Joy for a fun filled day at the Meadows Casino on

Thursday, September 12th. The bus leaves OLOJ at 9:30 AM and

departs the casino at 5:00 PM. Cost is $25.00 per person, casino

bonus of $20.00 slot play and $5.00 food (subject to change by the

casino). For information or reservations, contact Larry Thomas at


Clean-Up Day

The Knights of Columbus Council 4242 will be conducting

a cleanup of Shannon Road in Verona

on September 7th at 8:30AM.

Anyone interested in assisting can

contact Pete Konieczka at


Needed are:

*50/50 volunteers to help with selling tickets


*Kitchen volunteers for day of dinner

*Wait staff

*Groups or individuals to make and donate baskets

for the Chinese Auction

- Each basket should be worth a minimum of $100.

- List of items in basket posted on basket

Confirmation candidates and high school students…..

this is a great opportunity to earn volunteer hours!

Interested or needing more information contact Sister Lynn

at [email protected]

Looking for folks interested in

helping with the

St. Januarius Pork Roast Dinner

>> Save the Date <<

Annual St. Januarius Parish

Pork Roast Dinner

September 22, 2019

1:00pm – 6:00pm

$10 – ADULTS

$5 – CHILDREN under 12


Pork Roast, Sauerkraut, Mashed Potatoes/Gravy,

Green Beans, Applesauce, Bread/Butter

Dessert, Beverages

Bake Sale …... Chinese Auction …... 50/50 Raffle


Mass Intentions are available by calling Joyce Doyle at St.

Joseph Parish office (412-795-5114) Mondays from 1 PM - 4

PM and Tuesday thru Thursday 8 AM - 4 PM or by stopping in

the rectory at St. Joe’s during those hours. You can also email

her at: [email protected].

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Praying for Our Sick

Please pray for all those in our parish

grouping who are in need, especially the sick

at home, those in nursing homes and

hospitals, the unemployed, those who have

lost a loved one and those who feel isolated or


In particular, we ask you to pray for:

David Baker, Randy Barker, Jackson Beck,

George Benson, Mary Ellen Bodnar, Betty

Bosnich, Cecilia Condon, Dorothy Concilio,

Bonnie Conway, Phyllis Cosnotti, Patricia

Coto, Jim Cunningham, Paul Dannhardt, Guy

DeCarlo, Phil Derry, Audrey D’Incau, Mary

Denholm, Irene DePellegrin, John DeRiggi,

Alexander DeRiso, Sonny DeRiso,

John Dominic,

Natalie Evans,

Alice Falkowski,

Michael Fanzo,

Gino & Blanche

Fedel, Lois & Don

Funk, Dave

Gartner, George

Gerneth, Paula

Gent, Fritz

Gimbel, Barb

Goettler, Bill Gould, Marian Grasinger, Judy

Gratz, Bill Griffith III, Virginia Grilli, Pat &

Jean Guerrierro, Matt Gunsallus, Joe H.,

Julie H., Carol Harrity, Alice Havics, Mary K.

Heinz, Mary Henry, Russ Hull, Angela P.

Jackson, Steven Kalinowski, Tia K.,Mr. Phil

Karl, Sandy Keller, Doris Kennedy, Claire

Kleckner, Jacob Knighton, Ursula Koontz,

Mary Ann Kralovic, Eleanor Kuhn, Richard L.,

Josephine Labriola, Denny Lake, Debbie

Lawrence & Family, Mary Ann Leone,

Shirley Leras, Erica Letters, Margaret Mary

Lisotto, James Magernik, Kimberly

Manuppelli, Violet Marney, Jack Martz,

Farah Marshal, Brian Marquis, Richard

Martin, Louis Martin, Dolores Matthews,

Michael Marx, Ruth Marx, Lee Mazur,

Laura McAleer, Mary Ann McDermott, John

McGovern, Tim McKee, Tom Medved,

George E. Mesher, Rosemary Meuser, Ray

Milleman, David Miller, Mary Miller, Sally

Miller, Susan Miller, Michael Monfredi, Patsy

Montanaro, Dominic Mollica, Dorothy

Morrissey, Yvonne Mosco, Gene Mowry,

Gloria Mulholland, Colomba Musico,

Kenneth Myers, Lois Myers, Melissa N.,

Sandy Novak, Dorothy O’Donnell, Rene

Olean, Ross Orgera, Jimmy Painter, Edna

Parillo, Frank Parillo, John L. Parillo,

Michael Payne, Janice Pfeifer, Phyllis Pierce,

Dee Pivik, Jonathan Plake, F. L. & J. L.

Pro, J.R. Pro, Bernie Proch, Zita Pushkar,

Gia Regan, Paxton Renk, Jo Ann Rusnak,

Christine Russo, Melinda S., Camillo

Sciulli, George Scribe, Marge Scribe,

Dolores Sciullo, Janet Sendek, Jane Seibel,

Mary C. Sneider, Chris Sparacino, Colleen

Strahler, William Stezoski, Don Tappe, Janet

Terlizzi, Peggy Tomes, John Truxal, William

Volzer, Rita Vucic, Laure W., George

Walcutt, Loretta Williams, Elaine Wertz, Tom

Woods, Amy Worthington, Paul Zanella,

Joann Zapata, Barbara Zimmers, Betty

Zimmers, and Angie Zucco.

We will keep your loved one on our OPV Prayer List for

3 months. After that time, if you would still like your loved

one to be on the list, just call your parish

office and make a request.

We ask those who have requested a prayer,

to please give us an update call when

your loved one is better.


Rosary & Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena with Devotions

Every Wednesday after 9:00 a.m. Mass at St. John the Baptist

St. Anthony Novena

Every Monday at 7:00 p.m. at St. Januarius

St. Jude Novena

Every first Monday after the 6:30 p.m. Mass at St. Januarius

Morning Prayer

After 9:00 a.m. Mass on Tuesdays & Fridays and after 7:30 on Thursdays at Our Lady of Joy


Before Mass Tuesdays, Thursdays & Fridays at Our Lady of Joy

Mondays & Wednesdays in Advent & October at 6:00 p.m. at St. Irenaeus & St. Januarius

Rosary for the Deceased

After the 8:30 a.m. Mass every second Sunday of the month at St. Joseph

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

First Fridays:

8:00 a.m. Friday to Saturdays 8:30 a.m. at St. John the Baptist

2:45 p.m.-Thursdays: Rosary, Intercessory Prayer, Adoration, Divine Mercy Chaplet at Our Lady of Joy

Seven Sisters Apostolate

A group of seven women pray for 1 hour before the Blessed Sacrament on a selected day for each priest in our grouping.

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Parish Office ………..……..……………………………………………….…….....….……..…..….412-793-4511

Parish Fax …………...………...……….…...………..……...…………………...…………......…...412-793-4311

General Office & Oakmont/Verona Parish Accounting, Joyce Doyle………..…...………..…[email protected]

Safe Environment Coordinator, Barb Pronio……………...….…...…..……………..…. [email protected]

Plum Parish Accounting, Patty Mahr…….………………..………….….……..…[email protected]

Ministry Scheduler, Rita Gurganus...…………………………….……..…….…[email protected]

Bulletin Editor, Karen Deemer..……………………………………..…....……..……[email protected]

SOS Ministry, Sal Altomare..……………………………………...…..………......…..……[email protected]


“Beau” Quattrone, School Principal.....................................................................principal@opvcatholic.org

St. John the Baptist School & Preschool Office…………………..…………………..…….412-793-0555

Jeanne Loebig, Vice Principal…………...……………..……………………….…….……[email protected]

St. Joseph School & Preschool Office: .……………………………………………………...412-828-7213

Tina Bucci, Vice Principal:……………..………………….….…………... [email protected]

St. Irenaeus Preschool Office:…...……………….……………...…………...…………………412-795-4005

All Clergy are listed on the cover page.

Additional OPV Staff are listed below:

Mr. David Hall, Business Manager…………………………………………………[email protected]

Sr. Lynn Miller, Social Ministry ………………………………………………….....……[email protected]

Mrs. Stephanie Williams, Faith Formation Director………………...………………[email protected]

Mrs. Kristin Consuegra, Coordinator of Youth Ministry……………...……………[email protected]

Mr. Silvio Garcia, Young Adult Minister…………………………………………[email protected]

Mr. Ronald Donatelli, Christian Initiation………………………………………….……[email protected]

Ms. Brit Meli, Communication and Technology Manager…………………[email protected]

OLOJ Parish Mission Statement

Our Lady of Joy Parish is a Catholic community of faith dedicated to Mary, the cause

of our joy. We are centered in Jesus Christ, empowered by the Holy Spirit and

nourished by the Eucharist. We are a welcoming family, striving to see Christ in all

and responding to the needs of the members of our parish and community. Called to

act in faith, hope and love we seek to become a visible presence of Christ in the

world. Our Lady of Joy, pray for us!

SJV Parish Mission Statement

St. Joseph Parish is a faith community, rich in history and strong in its

Catholic tradition since 1866. Through the grace of the Eucharist and under the guid-

ance of the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to building up the Body of Christ

through a strong spiritual life, education in the faith and service to our parish and

community. St. Joseph, pray for us!

SJAN Parish Mission Statement

St. Januarius is a Roman Catholic community of faith focused on the life

and teachings of Jesus Christ. We are grateful to those who have built up

St. Januarius to be a welcoming, active, and spiritual parish. With the

Eucharist and through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we strive to use

the gifts and talents given to us by the Father to support the lives of

parishioners at all age levels and stages of life. We also pledge to live our

lives so that through our words and actions all may feel the presence of

Jesus Christ in the world today. St. Januarius, pray for us!

SJB Parish Mission Statement

Saint John the Baptist Parish is located in Plum Borough,

Pennsylvania and is part of the Roman Catholic Diocese

of Pittsburgh. As a faith community, we strive to imitate

our patron Saint John the Baptist who led others to Christ.

We are committed to keeping our faith alive and growing

through prayer, sacraments, faith formation and service.

Through evangelization and stewardship we encourage

full and active participation of all members. We hope to

reflect the life and love of Christ by strengthening the faith

of our parishioners while reaching out to all God’s people.

Saint John the Baptist, pray for us!

STI Parish Mission Statement

The Faith Community of St. Irenaeus strives for knowledge, service,

and faith through our patron’s guidance and the Holy Spirit dwelling

within us. With love, worship, and solidarity, we are building God’s

Kingdom in our families and communities. Nourished by Word and

Sacrament, we give ourselves to Christ and His Church for the greater

glory of God our Father.

“The proper glory of God is man fully alive.”

~St. Irenaeus

Page 18: THE CATHOLIC PARISHES · 8/25/2019  · -Quien tiene el hábito de orar, en su vida ve la acción de Dios en los momentos de más importancia, en las horas difíciles, en la tentación,

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Rev. Thomas BartleyAngel Fund

Consider the gift of a memorial tohonor your loved one, a donation

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John P. Donovanattorney

Wills & Estates434 Allegheny River Blvd,

Ste 200, Oakmont, PA


Meli Plastering, LLCFire & Water Restoration

Plaster • Drywall • Stucco Jim Meli

Cell 412-491-8659 | Ofc/Fax 412-795-8659345 Unity Center Rd,. Pittsburgh,PA 15239


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JIM MILLERPresident & Master Plumber

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Page 19: THE CATHOLIC PARISHES · 8/25/2019  · -Quien tiene el hábito de orar, en su vida ve la acción de Dios en los momentos de más importancia, en las horas difíciles, en la tentación,



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Fox Chapel PlazaPittsburgh, PA 15238


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Renée PeckRealtorOffice: 412-785-0450 1486 Butler Plank Rd.Cell: 412-877-4518 Glenshaw, PA 15116Email: [email protected]

Dr. Viola Agostino Valletta Chiropractic and Lifestyle Solutions For Families 2026 Logans Ferry Road New Kensington PA 15068

724.335.3696 | [email protected]

Meg L. BurkardtAttorney at law

Estates • Wills • Real Estate412.828.5040

[email protected]

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3-D-4-3 For ad info. call 1-800-477-4574 • www.4lpi.com 14-1224

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Page 20: THE CATHOLIC PARISHES · 8/25/2019  · -Quien tiene el hábito de orar, en su vida ve la acción de Dios en los momentos de más importancia, en las horas difíciles, en la tentación,

William E. Garver, D.D.S.Family & Cosmetic Dentistry

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www.familylegalcenter.com • 412-824-0100LAURA COHEN, Esq.

Estate Planning • Probate • Wills • Powers of Attorney4372 Old William Penn Hwy • Monroeville

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State Representative TONY DE LUCA 412-793-2448 • 7205 Saltsburg Rd., Penn Hills

Laura J. Abbott DeCarolis, CFP® President/Parishioner

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[email protected]

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Brian T. Soxman, Funeral Director, SupervisorAnna F. Zvirman-Nesbit, Funeral Director, Celebrant, Parishioner

GENERAL PRODUCTION LABORERS FT at Manufacturing Facility Midnight-8am shift or 4pm-midnight shift,

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3-D-4-3 For ad info. call 1-800-477-4574 • www.4lpi.com 14-1224

Monroeville/Plum ChapelAmber M. Scott, F.D. SupervisorCorner of Beatty Rd. & 48 North

(412) 856-4747www.jobefuneralhome.com

Contact us TODAY! We help Families with Wills, Probate/Estate and Elder Law Issues.3907 Old Willam Penn HigHWay, Ste 304, murrySvlle

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Senior Vice PresidentThe Kanaan - Yezovich Group

[email protected]

724 845-3276 • Fax 724 845-3279 www.aprorealty.com

Frank Skubel, OPV ParishionerREALTOR®, SRES, MRP, ABRPh. 412 [email protected]