THE CASE OF MY" A Play Dealing with Dual Per- sonality Wins Success. MISS STARR'S FINE WORK Audlence at Belasco Theatre Favorably Impressed by Drama and Acting. \\ hat waa Becky? A fifrure In the sub- ,,,ns.lous mlnd? A result of hypnotic suggestlon? A fantaay of a crazed braln? A "dual personallty"? What ls a dual personallty? These questlons, and many almllar ln tendemy, will be flung about for Bome weeks. And a large army of la* qulrers will lncllne to the bellef. which th* plf*y nelther B_8Q_Bl*B nor suKirests, that Becky ls an earth-bound splrlt ob- a**sliia the body of L»orothy. Ab the play smacks of aclence, and ls founded upon Ihe now well known case of Mlss Chris- tlne Beauchamp, a case whlch Dr. MoftOO prhi.'- made known to the world, tbe ar- frument for ati obsesslng spirlt will prol>- i a-ly ba thrown aslde by author and man- ager. and the posltlon of the nerva 8B_» rlallsta, etc, fortlfied for present pur- pooea lt would never do for 80188-68 to a knowledfre the possibillty of "spiiltual- Istlc" Obsesslon. Besides, th.-re was a "splrltuallstic" play ln th* Belasco The¬ atre last season. The pollcy must be scl- rntlflc thls B^aBon. And lt becomes so wlth very good dramatlc affeot At any rat». the dramatlc effect is produced. al- though the contrlbutlon of sclence may ba Iba least of Its Inirredlents. Mr. Kdvvard Ixicke writes the play. Hr, Belasco produces lt in the tlieatre whlch oears his name. Th" play has atrong interest and ls so well acted. acted wlth Buch unuaual merlt. that it aciileves Instant and unmlstukable success. lt praeenla MIbb Frances Starr ln an uneom- monlv effectlve part, whlch she acts wlth r.'inarkable aklll and dlscrirnlnation. and it *rlves auch actors as Albert Brunlng and t'harles Dalton a moat llberal oppor- tutilty, too, of whlch they take full advan- 'scr. That Mr. Belasco b touch Ib every- wjiere evldetit no one need bc told, But Ui-- Belascan power Is even mor* peteal her. tlinn ever lt has been. I'orothy. n pretty «Irl of twent**, ls u I'Atlent ln the "home" of Dr. Km.rson. a ai.e.-iaiiBt ln Bjerveua a-aeaaaa al Ifeadow*; A.lle. N, Y. Bhe ls a lovrly and gentlc crectuie when ln h.-r normal atate Hut wlien she chanires lnto Becky, or _a**Ckjr "drjves her out," ehe ls a vlclous. vu'gnr llttle anlmal. Here, ,,f | .urse. you have ti parl dear te the baarl ef an actress. it acta itseir. aa Um a_*rb_| ajoaa, Bai M;*>- Frmmoas aaarr alda It with geanlna artistl. '"'«rr H. tl ),;,rt becomes a fe* tiialo Jekyll-Ilyde. And tbea V* ha\e Bu aagravat-d _r«_aif__t Professor Bai- __aa* is the SvetiKall of thls piece. flven- .r1I turned villalu wlthout a aoul to awear l.y. Charlea l>_lton acts luanaall. Bnd he makes the rascal llva bofore vour Bbec. H |r qulte a study, this. The -aar_-Deal naajaner of the man, the tri.ksi «if hand aad :ln_er, vo'ce, vvalk-iill speak tlie fnker. thoujrh th" roKii^'s hypnotic aepera are g.nulne enoual.. as Sver.gall s arera, bart the] tr* powera of evii. i>oro- thv supposed tu be Balzamo s _a_gbt*r. Slie ls really the dauxl.t'r ef l>r. BnH r- B*n. Alfri-d BrunliiK B-Bjra Km.rsun, and tha' Is .'uulvabnt to s.ivlnn tliat Dr. Ktnerson ls admlrahly act*-. ___***__00, then uslng anotlier nam". hypnotlz.-d Kniersun's wife and run away wlth her. The poor wurnan 8-*d Ir a f.-w moi.t' Fate works It out that Dorothy, now Bbeul twenty years of age, BOJBOa under are of Dr. Kmeraon. whosc study of "the case of Becky." liocky b.'ln* tba Ilyde-personallty 'vhlch BBbdUBB th'.- J__jr_ ln Dorothy, ls be.innii.K to attruct the attention of men of sclence. ' the liypnoUsm" la 888*4-78*- to breuk down tne evil hypnottsm yf _a_BBB_-0 nnd t" irtve "Becky" away from Dorethjr *Dd "back to where she eaaaa from." B_-B_raaai*a thi-ory !h tuat Dorotb*r*a aua- cepUbillty to U;e Becky obsesalon ls d ra to prenatal lriffii-*nrc\ Maybe. Hut Dor¬ othy has B080 nuojeot <mly three moriths jjf.o thr domlnatlon i.y ivcky. Before thal ' I wae - subject for tlie proft-ssl.nal ex- hihitions af tba kaava iiu^umu, irboea real name 1- I'rlar; Stonc. Well Becky 1* dlfvea "ba.-k to wher.- ahe came. from," wherevcr toat may Ije, and whatever "she" niuy ba Ba'samo's power ls br-ken. He tan do no more harm to any one. And the play ends wlth Dorothy cur.d. fllmple aaMWafb to outline lri irlnt, but ali workert up lnto the «hupe of an Interestlna; p!ay. MIb" Htarr'a changes from tba lovable Dorothy to the wlcked mlnx Htcky re- r*f_ ln her far m<>re ablllty aa an actress than she ha* baaa credlted wlth In pie- vloua aeaaonB. The town will run to see tne a'treaa and tlie play. The play ls tn fhree acts. two af whlch leave llttle or fotliing lo be deslred. The trdrd ls eked out by nov- attj taklng the Bhape of an up-to-date pl.VBklan'B laboratory, fltted wUh.lngenl* o M electrlcal devlces for quietlng dls- tressed nerves and lnduclng hypnoils. Hy theie _!d* Balsamo la defcated, but r.ot untll he has revolted bla hearera by con- fesslons of hla roK'Jery. "Whv dldn't you klll me?" he crlta at the end. You are lncllned to the oplnion that the klllin. would have been no murder. If the ple> makee any plea lt Ib for what mav t.. called "white" hypnotlsm as agalnnt "black." But, after ali, bypnotlam 18 tlie Biibjection of one "personallty" by and to another, und there ___*f_r 1888 88 tha >. ' of casea. However, the doctors B-*** wrangle over that subject. The present bu*!ne*s ls tne play. and the play will do ss much business as Mr. Hel;is<o wlshes, no doubt. He has never given nri ad wlth f.rmi r frrlp than tiie Becond art of "Becky," nor haB ha BOar provlded the puhllc wlth better actlnj? than that of the seven players who make up thls eaat, A. W. CAIT OaT HI CA9M Of _-BCKT.M br. 8_a*fM*i, ...Albarl Hnirilut Dr lvt*ra.Hariy C Jlrown* John Arnold._._*n* OHrl.-n l*T*f.*l Balraroo ... ,i:arle» Dalton Thomaa.John P llrav n M,»* Pettlnglll. Mary [_tWt_* Dorothy.t'r_.' ** Htari "FUNF FRANKFURTER" Oerman Comedy Received with Acclaim at Irving Place. Karl Roeisler's 88888*807, "IMe Fiinf Frankfurter." whlch bad a Bensatlonal run ln Germany and Austrla last 8*8*800 and whlch will be seeti In NVw York ln F.ngll»h *oon under the cham-ed tltle of "The Golden ___B8VM araa pres. nted ln the orlglnal last night at the Irving Place Theatre. Th* atory af the play. as is already known here, waa bullt about the hlatory of the celebrated Rothachlld famlly, and althoueh the name Ia not ueed ln the play the nv* Frankforter* are easlly rei .»r- mtable aa the flve Bothsrhlld brothers, who aa b&nker* beoame iwwrrii In dlffer- .Q| part* of Kurop*- The smbltlon of jabajaaaL the pnB upon whom Ihe Aua- trlan Emperor conferred the tltle of baron, to marry hls Charlotte to the Her- zog von Taunus forms the narratlve theme of the play. Salomon haa rlsen from the obscurlty of hls orlginal plar-e ln Ilfe.that of a Jew, i»orn and brought up In an old hou.se on .lew's Alley, In Frank- fort.to that of baron of the Austrlan Kmplre and rtchest lianker In Vienna. He wants to crown his trlumph over early condltiona by marrying hla daughtr-r to a member of the nobllitv. Thls hc so far ."uceeeds in as to brlng the Duke von Taunus to the polnt of propoaal. But at the rnoment of hls reallzlng thls greatest ambltlon f'harlotto, as usunl, stepb ln with Ideas of her own. She refnses the duke and marrles one of h«r own race nnd statlon. In galning an audlence here the, pla'" .le;^tids les.v on Its presentatlon of the prlvate affairs of n hlMorlc family than cn Its comedy nnd r-ommon humanlty. and "Die Filnf Frankfurter" Is full of both. The _B_jde heartcd, old noble woman, who Is ihe mother of the flve suecessful men is a character stmiy of the most syir- pathetlc klnd. True to her race, and pr.-- ferring the slmplicity of her life as fl Jewlsh matron on the old street of the ,h ws to that ln any pnlare or among any other people. fhe waves aslde the tltle of b_1888888, BB whlch her son's lnvestlture has ralsed her also, and derlalms hlttcrlv against what she describes as the m.-sal- liance between Charlotte and the duke "At aeventy-two 1 cannot change," she says softly. but decislvely. "No Kalscr can make me a baroness. It ls a mas- (.oeraak " Tbe oharact.-rs of her sons, al) dlffer- rr.tlated in serloueness and comedy, stnrul out clearly. Nor ran the one who watches help sympathlzlng with the ambltlon of Salomon. th" opposition of the old mother, the drolle>> of the oldest hrother. the bonhomle of tbe duke and the galety of B-Jot880_'a daughter. Oeorglne von Neuendorff played tlv role of the old mother with strength and graea. Her gcntleness was not the weak itnbeclllty of most stage mothers. It 8-8 the klnd of gentleness whlch lndlcates strength nnd command. Helnrlch Marliw j.layed Salomon arlth dlgnity and fervor. Otto Stoeckel was a natural flgure aa a member of the hlgh nobllitv. whlle Rose Llcht^nstcln was a typical "backfls'-h," lust verging on wonisnhoo.l The productlon at the Irvlng Plaea _ capital nnd the lack of the.itrlcallsm ln the actlng throughout the plece is notabl. CAPT OF "I>IF. PTNF KHANKH'nTKR" r>if aitp Praa Qaakda Qaeag.*a aaa Neuon.i'.rtT Anwim .Fetdl-aa 1 Martlnl Nathnn. Brnat Robert F-lotnon.HelnrW h atarle- i nr; .ChrlMliin RUO Jaceb... '.'.'. ._a Juei.»*. i"ri«rlr>tt».n..s» l.lrht»nst»ln Cnstav. Herzoa; von Taunus.Otto BtoacKal )'..lzitraf rhrlstoph Moriti .Helnrlrh r.il* Prlnsearfn Erelln. im J*1*'1 Fdrst von Klausthal-Agor/lo ...A Meyer-hl»en Hi» Filr«tln .Marl* Ifuhrke r.raf Fehrenbsrs . Os-tatr Oln.ar Frttu von St i>oraes K'mstanze von k»r.a rf Baron Beulherg .T'a'il r>l*tt l>r Domherr .__*!« T.i KaMnet«-ath Yssel .Willy FT»y Der Kammerdlener des llrrroaja .T. l'ra.-tor*ua H(.fJ»iw.-ller P"hl. .T-:1Iuf Staed er Roaa.Ltaa Haenself-r l.lfschen. Cenal Ooettar THEATRICAL NOTES. .7,.hn lft.BOB has deeeldad upon next Monday as the dnt* for the flrst and only professlonal matlne* of the Rrrnsteln play. "The Attack," at the Garrlck Thea¬ tre. Ifauda Adama and a eea-pany of flfty laave Keai York for Charlotte, N C, to- morrow te give the Bral Of two hundr-d performancea of Tater Pan." They arffl .. intaeaperaed with apeelal univ-rsity perfoi_8a_eeB of Itra other Barrie play* "rtl, Lagion of _eo88ora'' arid "Tho T>adles' Bhakrsi earr-.'' whlch wlll be Mlsa Adains's playa for tbe n«xt 8)8BM00 and a half Robert [_tr__M B8_T0aaB l" give "Man ar.d Superman" at Bpectal IliaUnaaa, UM thlrd act of wi.lch has n.-ver been acu-d ln thls country at all end never ln Its in- tlrety anywhere. The entlre ballet from "Th- Merr\ Countcaa" wlH tak- part in the perfornt* aruc ol "Th- 1 assing Show of U-" at t!,e Winter Garden to-nn.rn-v afternoon as a f.-ature of th>- eelahraUoa of the one hun- dr.-dth performam.». MI1-. Darle wlll Uo her solo dances. liie members of the "Over Mlght" com¬ pany. playlng thls week at the Majeatlc Theatre, Bwoklyn, artB ba the gutata of Mad_4 Bannadr at to-motroWa matlr.ee performance of "Llttle Mlaa Bro*n" ut UM *fcth Street Tbeatre Mlsa Kermedy formerly played ln "Over Nlght," whlch was written by the BUtbOT of "Llttle Mlaa Brown." romsto-k a <;«>i. Ita oiBorated, an« nouni ¦¦. that ttelr produetlon of "1 !ie Prute," a new Amerb-an drnna. by Fred- erle Amoiu Kurrlar, at the ssth 8treet rheatre haa betn postponed to Tueaday. Mor.day rnatlnees of "Hanky Panky" will be glven at the Broadway Theatre durlr.g tl.e rest of UM < ngagement of tbat mualcal pla>, whlcli enda on November 2. In addltlon to the p»-rfoririance of "Btere' ut the Harrl* Tbeatre to-morrow rnatlnee, Arnold Daly wlll present hla In- terpreiatlon of Oacar Wllde'a famoua p ;n Tha iiaiiad af BedaJlaB Oaoi." Lt-e Kohlniar wlll 88 one of the prlnci- pa! ptajrara in "The Woman Hatera' Cluh." a Vtenaeaa operetta which a ii Woods wlll produce at the Astor Theatre oa Monday exenlng. 8 PRAISESNEWSPAPERSHERE Sir George Reid, Press Club Guest, Delays Trip to England. Sir Oeorge Houston Held, formerly Prlaae Mlnister an.l now Hlgti commln- sloner of Australln, waa tho guest of lion.ir laat nlght Ht a dlnner at the New rort ProBfl Clah, Lady R«iid accom- PBBlad her husband to the dlnner. It was learaei during the course of the dinner that 8lr Q_BBajB, who lnt»nd«:d to leaVB the PrcaB club with hla wlfe for the Mauretanla, on whlch he was to sall for England to-day. had postponed hla rei_ra im i_aaeaaa te h eaaie mesBagt; from the I'orclgn Ofllce The messuge In- fortned Slr Oeorge that he should vlslt Presid4nt Taft and call also at the Rrltlsh Kmbpsay ln Waahlngton. After vislting Preaident Taft Slr Oeorge wlll return to F.ngland on T'>sdav Chareaa R afat.aiejr. praaadaal of the Press Clah, Introduce,) the spenkers, who w«re Slr Oeorge, Hannen Swaffer, of "Tlu- I.oridon Mlrror"; Joseph P. Mennejny nnd Lr. Adams. Bf the Cbt-BgO Preas Clah, "Aa a man ln public Ilfe, I of course raaffBCl the presi ln thls rountry, England and Auatralla." said Hlr (Jeorge; "and al¬ though your papers have attalned a hlgh degree nnd standard of excellence, I 808 tru!> say tbat those of Australla are on the same plane. When I left Oanada It was with mlsglvlngs that I croased the border Into the t'nlted fltates-mlsglvlngs of soclal and polltlcal nature. I found lt ratlrety dlfferent; that you arere not a dlfferent rnce of people you and the Brll- iah people. Wfl are both of the same race. "Thougb there waa a great revolutlon. a rebelllon between the two countrles years ago. lt proved that you were true aons of tbe mother land. and that Wash¬ ington. your lender, was one of Eng- land'a greateat men " GAHI-CASAZZA'S PLANS Four Novelties and Revivals Before Christmas, He Says. ARRIVES FROM EUROPE Opera Season to Open at the Metropolitan with Caruso in "Les Huguenots." Cilnllo Gattl-Tasazza. general manaR.r of the Metropolitan Opera Houae, who ar- rlved In New York yesterday morning on the Kronprinzessln ''ecille. recelved the muslcal reporters In the afternoon In hls offlce at the opera house. Mr. Gattl.. "a- s;.r.za ajave some addltlonal facts to the ones set forth ln the prospectus issued on Monday, and among other thlngi an- nounc.'tl that four novelties and revivals would l.e given before Ohrlstmaa: "!>>s Huguenotfl." "The Mngte Flute," "Horls <;.>iid.-now" and I.es f'ontes d'Hoff- mann " "Oyrano" will he given later ln the season, though It Ib not yet deflnltely .1.-clded whether or not Mme. Alda Is to sinjr Roxane. 'The seaaon will probably open wlth a performance of 'l>»s Hupuenots' ln Ital- lan, wlth Caruso In the tenor role," sald Mr. QattL "FI.nor Polacco will dlrect, :is M__tor Tosraiilnl Is not 10 arrlve untll December 1, but 1 can 888.88 the pub¬ lic that Sltrnor Polacco Is a worthy sub- Btltute. I am not a man given to enthu- slasms. but I conslder our new conduetor a man ef splendld capaclty. He ls young fresh. authorltatlve and an artlst of the first rank Ha vvlll also conduct 'l-.es CoTitf-r. d'Hoffmann.' 'Les Huguenots' Ib Is to ba given In I.allan, as I feel that bel canto operas are usually more effec¬ tlve ln that lantfuiiKe. Moreover, Meyer- beer waa a German writlng for France, so the work ls, at any rate, a hybrld " 'The Maglo. Flute' is to be sung ln Ger¬ man under the dlrectlon of Alfred Hertz. while "Boris Goudenow" will be produced by Mr. Toso.-inlnl. The three chlef bary- lOfM parts In 'I.es 08*1-88 d'Hoffmann' will be ImperaeCNated bp three srparat* artlsfs. and not, as at the Manhattan, by one-Mr Renaud Miss Hi 1888*1 will slng the r>oll, and Mlss Beffi Julletta Mlss Borl by the way. eebleved a remarkable succ "s in Boeaoa Ayraa au three re- Vtva | will hava speclal settlnics. It Is not v»t OJUlta d*4-ld"il whether or nm Mme Alda is to atnf Roa__n* Inl '. yrano,' but tbe opera will sureiy be given. probably la Irobraar* Belto'a Tlero1 is not fhtrtebed. nnd Mme. Baaa Oaaaa arlll be ereated neal rear al Ibe Metropolitan under the dire.-tion of the eOtnpOBar, OlOI*" dano. T have beard B*V*ral new Ger- man works during the summer. and one of them. "Der 1'erneklana. by S. huckcr. lmpresscd me, but It l-qntt-fl three. or- chestras, and I do not thlnk w'e will rjlve II Rlchard Mtrauss's __rleda* snd Kaaaa1 is unsulted for a large th-a're and. be- sldes, only ..ne of tba three acts Is rnual cal.the other tWO ar» porely dramatlc." CAN'T HELP MISSIONARIES World Conference Commijtee Drops Corean Petition. Mol.onk Ijike, N Y. <>ct 1 Tl.e la* ternatlonal lOOtjBOatlO* .'orr.mltt.-c of the .JD-loburgb World Mlsslonary Confer¬ ence eaeaad Ha naeattan al Laka btobenb to-day. Tlie f888-111188 on prtnMples un- derlylnK tbe relatlons of mli'lonarl.-a 88td governm.-nti. Includlng ltenr Admlral Mahi.Ti. Betb L«oa aad S!r Andrew Fra- sr-r. of _*0__U»d, r.-poTtf.i as _eve**nta_ prtnclplaa tbal B_la*8oa_uiaa BboaM ra naaln aabjaeta af t-aar <>wn |uaainiaaata unl»*s naturallred elsewhere, that the clvll statns of eoaverta tn f«.re|_n eoun- trl-s remalna __ehen_r*d <.«¦ ept as the cointry muv laapee* dlxabllltles. and 'hat mlaaaonarlaa akaaM .-laim no paeaMar lvii lelatleaa le -oavarta or any rixht te Int.-rfer.- In tbafr telatiotiB to their kov- ei nment. Tba appaal from the a-taataaaarlea Cor.;i was lald befora tiie commlttee, but It was agreed tliat. whlle deeply tnter- ..st..l In Ihe relatlons of the Chrlatlan . 'oreans to the .lapanese _overnment, the present status of the case was BOeb that no a'tlon could be etaken The following. ofhVers »-ir ele.ted: n aaldanl. John it btett; rlta pe-eadaate, Dr Jullu* Hi'hter, of Germany, and the RU v r B Bardiley. of Kngland: tiaaaarer. K, W. Row.-ll. of I'anada; a*.c- retary. .lohn H. Oldam, of H.uUand; ex¬ ecutlve .ommlttee, the ofheers and Klr Andr. w Kiaaei. of f.-otland; the Hev. I»r R Wardlaw Thompson, <»f l_BB-kBBJ Jam.s L, B.'irton, Of Boston: Artbur J. Hrowne, Of HOW York, and t'onnt Von Moltke, of Deninarb. It was d-OMod to hold the neit m-etlng of ti.- oomaafttea on the CO-tlnerH or Europe kelly'crocker WEDDING Cereraony to Take Place on Saturday in Fitchburg. [Bl Teleg^aph "> Th.' 1 flt 88M Boston, Oct 1 -The Hev. __*4tOOtt Poe* h.Kiy. haadaaaatar of Gn.ton Mattaat, and the Hev. George P. Thomas. rector of I'hrlst Cboreb, Fitchburg, will offlclate at the araddlm aaal laliiriay of mi*s char- lotte Bartow Ciaeker, of ntebbarc. anu .baaa Keiiy. ot Kyaeb ea-t->«r-Had-ea- Tha o8B*ea_oaji vvin take aaaaa la <:hnst Chareh, FltchburK. and Mlss t'ro< ker will have as attendants Mlss Hos« and Mlaa Haien Paatbedjr, at Gn.ton, tne flrat aa paaJd 8f honor; Mlss Helen Buih rd, of New H.iiford: Mlss Vloiet Thuyei, of liouth- boro; .vllss Klsle Hopklns ano Mlas ABnes lluUlldaaoa. af Philadelphia, wnd Misa lsabelle I'aiter. of Richmond, Va. Meredlth Blaaden. of New York, will b* the best man. and the UBhers will lnclude Bvelyn IrvlnK and Morgan F Gllhert, of New York. Framb 8ar«ent. ef Boston; Harton Hall, of Colorado nprings. and Samuel and Doualas I.'rocker, ..f Fitch¬ burg. A receptlon will follow at The Knoll, the home of the brlde's parrnta. Mr. Kelly and bla bride will BV* ln ParlB. » NEWSPAPER IN NEW HOME "Lob AngeleB Times" Occupies Plant on Anniversary of Diaaster. Dos Amteles, oct. l.--Just two yeara almoBt to the hour from the tlme Ma plant was blown up by dynamlta "The Dos Anneles Times" publlBhed the flrat edltlon of the paper prlnted on the alte of the wre.ked bulldlm; 'The Times" moved Its edltorial and rr.erhanlcal departments lnto the new buildlng, at l«t Btreet and Broadway, yesterday, the flrat tlme that both de- Dartments have been under the Bame roof»ln<e the disaster "The Times plant was wrck.d by dynamlte at l o'clock on the momltiR of October I, 1910. * MISS GOULD OIVES $10,000. Norfolk. Va., Oct. 1 Annoumement was made to-day of a _lft of flO.000 by Mlss Helen Gould toward a fund of |io(>,(«0 for the Young Men b ChriBtlan A*- Bociatlon ln Portemouth, Va. "IHE- SPY" IN L Adaptation from the French at the St. James's Theatre. REMARKABLY GOOD CAST Play, Produced Under the Name of "The Turning Point," Wins Great Applause. [By Cahle to Ths Trlbune 1 London. Oct. 1..Slr George Alex¬ ander produced to-night at the St. James'a Theatre "The Turning Polnt." 8 play whlch Charlea Frohman wlll later present In New. York under the tltle of "The Spy." The atory of the play. already fully told ln the Trlbune rable dispatches, ralses two entirely dlfferent questlons, vlz., (1) iiow far murder may be Justifled by patrlotlsm. and (2) whether the atrictest possihle dtroroa laws nre not advlsable, both from the polnt of vlew of morality and of the ultlmate happincss of both the Bo-cnlled vlctims. The story ls that of a Fren-h officer who has bOCOOae deeply invilved In debt, partly through his lavlsh devotlon to his wlfe wiio really loves him, though they have been eHtrangeil on ac- count of his overbearlng ta_8pef_flB-Bl The wlfe hns OBterod on fl i'riemishtp with a brilliant lawyer and ex-Cabinet minister, who flaVMBOOaa to mar"y her if she enn get a divoreo, l»ut -lie ls 8 CatboUc und the church refueea its aanction to divorce. The offloer, who Is now a BOtOael, la inspecting a frontler fort. when h<? flnds hlmself ln the power Of R 880- tended banker. who Is really a spy. and who has bought up the 08-0-01- debts. The spy threatens to ruln Ihe colonel unless the latter turns nvcr :he plans of the fort. The colonel blazes up, nnd in a Hplrlt af patrlutic fury kllls the spy. Then at mldnight he goes to his wife'a room. when- she is OBBiCt-Bfl her lawyer lOTOT, tells her of UM murder. .irul Instead of spcaking to her In hla former dlctatorial way. he mak-s ii slmple appcal for prote. tlon. <"on- froatOd by the terrlble sltuition in whlch hi»r boabaad haa place,1 lier. the wlfe naltzcs ahe loves hlm It only remalns to any that tha play well deserves the pralse given lt. BOth by crltlcs and by Slr Henrge Ab xand.-r hlmself. In oxplalning hls chol-e of thls pla) for UM trptWhlB of his s.-ison. It Ib not likely, however, to arouse the dlseusalon in LOB-BB that :t dld in 1'arls. wher.. the 1888 BrOhltB BOpOCtaBy tirought OUl caused widespreid argu- ment. unless the _r_UBBOBl Ifl fotrced here by nrtifVlu! mearis. Th.- Interest atnl popularity >'f tbe play in LaaBoaa prabtably Ita in tha piuer and excelleti-" <>f its aeing. ln the Kngllah adaptat|..n i crtam meas- nre ..f .¦omnionpl.-i. 8BMMM in the lines, Which too froBjaaatri -aaceaB t.. Um levei of the old faabJoated taah draaaa, ls rather DotJeeable, but the nigh le\,-l Whleh the plav r».808 as a pteca of dramatlc wrltlng eaaU] .irrics tbta faalt Tiie most lniens.- BB-flBOBl of tha plav ceaaes la Um i.ad acl la faet, H la not a BBOBBiBt, but tiie ,-ntlr.- .,'t. UM whole af arhlch ls glven t.. the 8-088 ln Iwhlih UM estrange.l B-BaMJad BBd vslf- are l.rought togethT b> UM patrlotlc inurder OOBBSUtterd by UM h8_8ba__> The lntere.-it <tbl not Baf aft"r thflfl, however. but was BOatO-Md 10 thi Baal Icurtaln, when the dtaappotllted adtnlr-r of the wlfe 80008888 the liusbatnl's de- fender before the ei.uns ln the preaentatlon pralse must go ln OflJ-Ol measure to all the a. tors. Slr i;.-..rge Alexander, of curse, played c.ilonel Felt. the prlndpal part, but. excellent aa was hls work, lt waa DO h-etter than that of Hodfrey IVarle as Marcel DoaUOOUfl. Ihe wife'a nultor, «.f Miss Kthel Irving us the wlfe or J l> Ib'verldge aa Monsdgne ir Jussy, the prloal who refuaed t" saticti.m the dl- \..i a The play was rOOOlVed with gr.-ut BB- tbUHlasm and Blr deorge Alexander waB called upon to speuk. CUPID TRAVELS BY WIRE Oirl Operator Becomes Bride of Manufacturer. Mlaa Ann Jeanctte Brown, the b.-ll- of the telegra.h kev," formerly a tele- graph operator at the Hotel Aator dln.jd laat nlght at the Hotel St. BearM. where ahe received the devoted atten- tlon of wulter and hallboy. chamb.-r- mald and carrlage llflBBBtehar BBd of her husband, Dodtay C. Wray. presi¬ dent of the tUbOfc Maiiuf.i'turlng Ci.m- pariy, of Ht. Iaouls Thia remarkabie traaetttea frora thut Of a humble empU-ye ln one of Kew Yorka large hotela to that of guest la .xp.-nslve apurtments ln another.was bn.t.ght about by one B-BflOB a llttle, roay ,-heeked felh.w who Btgaa hla name "l» Ctlpill." Mx.iit r>lx weeks 8g0 Htinouncement was made of Mlas Urowns engage- ,ne.t to Mr Wiajr. it waa h raaiaaee of the teb-graph kajra U_t nlght aaw the happv s.nuel to the atory. The OaajBta were marrled ft tbe Holy Trln- Itv Church, No. all Baal Ittb atreet Mr. and Mrs. Wray aiB leave to-day for thelr h.»ne> moon. WHAT 18 GOING ON TO-DAY. . .. ,1,.. \mril. an Miiseuril of Art New York 7<...l-«l'"1 » nrk '"", ,n* >,n Cortliuaii P*rk __ea__ liubber Hhow, N.w (.rand i>ntral 1-1808 Flrr preventlor, eihll.lt. Madls..n BjaaN <.ar oiT'a.r BBBflBjaaj af Ba T.ft aflji j>araaao Bi'Blneaa Maa'a Aawoclauc-. .Nnssa'i »n« Spru:a straets. 12 rn to 2 p rn ajMChaj <* Baa IMdja Atianti, ataua Oaal longreaa. CarnegU Hall Heetlaaj af ^ Bjaaae i-ay <"'h. "."" A,,or' ^._».ft__r%-_a8_ t" lUth Asse.nlTv Dlstn-t. No. .Wl W est H.'th 8tr*at, 8 v. m _8-raaa under tha aaaetoaa af iha »"uf.'V,'f Al-iluratlon hy John Qu.n¦¦>' Adama «;" ^ ,t.i,. .»ntr. as a M4S.BB <>i impruw.* CUlctr^nxVtn> '..rlBtl... ABBB-BtlaB, MO, I West 1-ith street, H p. m 4dJre8B under tha auspl.-s af Ma Hoard Bfl A _-_BB_B- by Dr. M.:r« ¦ 7»!P'"no^" -i-ommoi Anlrnals and Thelr So.rj T4»M« Mffn's Hel.r.w 8MOe_Ul4M Hall. »-«! . r<" »n,1 I-Blngton avenue I P '" Meetlnc of Iha Unlon I.e««u« ^'u^. «.*' P, BB, Addreea by Job E Hailgt-s at Itspubllcan me-t Ina. Ntw Bur Caalno. avenlng. ^**8V8-8aaJa*ts%7»nS-8Vd ¦¦ a+~* ^.-_r__aai__«< **vw . .¦¦i MURPHY Coiitribution! Don't I contribute the brains to the party? (The name of Charlea Francia Murphy does not appear in the Democratic campaign sithscriptioti list.) BACK TO POST-GRADUATE Alexander H. Candlish Again Superintendent of Hospital. \:. __j .1. r ]{ .'andllsh. after an absenc- <.f rive v. ira, wm *_eh te bla atd d**a aa auperlatendeol of tbe N*ar forh Poat- ... Hospital reaterda) Mr. Cand* ttab araa prevlottalir with tba thlrtaen xaars. in tha eerly arl af IM ba vv m caii-.i t.. leba charge of Iba New Torb Bye and Kar lnnri'.ary. and two ****** 88*0 he B*e_( to tha N*u'-' ejteel Hospn.ii it vMts __M i.v ;. lapaeeantatlva af tba heepftal ia«.t alghl thut it araa ln rer*agnl* tion not only ef Bla peat a*rvle**i ai th* Poot-Grad-ate, btrl <>f tb* hlab ataadard r .. ;.¦(:, y ba h id raalntalned la bla ...i r i'ia< aa tbal he had b**n i tO hls pres.Tit pOB- * GEN. ROBERT AVERY DEAD War Veteran Succurabs to Heart Disease in Ambulanoe. M_).,i H.ii.i.il Rob*ti V.'iv. l..w>er end reteraa of the Clvll Ua:. dled lata I.¦ '.i.i.iv afternoon arhlla on bla w.iy to ii,.- Ri ceptlon Honpit.il in an ambulanoe. 'i _* auaa of bla _4 ath araa beai l -la.aa Tl.e gVnOTal, who li.e.l at No M S. oiid Ptaee, Brookljr-, aaal had oflteaa at Mo. M i'..;rt street, "8*8)1 10 Bla. k*.-Il's Island reater-aj te aaa tne army aarajaon tbera m ragard to bla baalth, aa he bellaved be w;m auffartni nrota aeota la-UaaaUoa, tccompaalad by Dr. Pndderew, arhlla retumlng te lb* Manhattan si.le on » i,.,, boat i.mniiiin.'.i of feeltag III i"'.. v K.'i off tba baal al lOtb atrei . aad start.-,i t.. ar-lh t'W.it.i Thlrd aveau*. when th.- -***aeral aajddealy r**aed Bnd .aiiKhi blfl cmpanloii'* ann. Tb* do.tor Induced the manaral te anter tha halraray pf a tenenaenl bouaa, arbea* ba fctada an , x.uiilriation aml found hla P-l8* tO ba ¦lon and bla beerl action wak. m aplte ,f the B-oarta ef Dr. Pn_d«a-*J and i»r. IVitlnz. who came wlth th* K. " ptloti rlnar/tuU embuh-oee, the a*a*aral dted. Ueneral Avery araa bnrn Bevaaty-flve v.'.us aao ln lunkhiiuno.-k. 1'enn At the .M.tl.r.-ak .,r lb" vvnr he Join.-.i ti..- IOM Nen vork Volonteera, with tba ranb of eaptatn iie araa ara_ra_ed In th* n*ch at^ Chancellorsvllle and lo*t a l*g ." ""' battla "f Loohoal Mountain. He was ¦nuatcrcd oat of active amrrlat ln 18M rongreaa hu.i tartea eoaataajit-Utd the gen- eral for hlr- c.tidu.t at LOObOOl -foon- talr. and thr.-.- tlnies for hls brav-rv at (hatK-ellorsvllie. After bein. muster.-d OUl Of a'tlve servke he was made a majer -**neral <»r the naarvi r-er-ae. From MN to UM he aaarad as an adveeat* gen- rrai eattllag ciatms m the South. rjaaatal Avery i-avr* a wife and three aona it.- was a aiambar of tb* Loyal legion. tbe Unlon Laatae Club of Broob* ¦n th- ..hi Qoard of Iba Utb Raglroent th* Grand Army of tba K.pnhU'-. th* Maeeaia aad thr att-Jeal CWtura leetet*, of Itrooklyn FRANK SAFFORD. Kll.k Hafford. for 8 ..omh.-r of ve.-.rs ,......, |. ,his clty asa hotel mi.n..K.-r. ,,1(.i v.steni.iv laernlnaj from Brbjhta ,l,s,ss... ln the Hotel Alabama. No 1. ¦aat Utb Htreet. whlch he had **** ntly icaatrcd H- bed baea corn**eted with ,)l(. mltIla«eme.ts of tbe Flfth Avenue. ,... HreHim and Bba Park Avenue h-tels ln thi- Otty a»"l w,,n ,,,,. '.*ra'~n ,1,y Hotel and the Hot.l V-ndome ln Boston. ,.. Ua aera la MaaabBBtar. a_tarton_, a_v*etgh< raara aaa. ¦*¦ "aV<" !1 wlfe- * OBITUARY N0TE8. MMM KMMA FRF.F.DMAN. a protnl- .,:,. member of the Reformed «'hurch I;,,,, R former d.rector M"the Martha 8, , son Home. dled at her home *«¦ ;* ' "' t,-* avenue, Mount Vernon. >;8,:rd'iy af emoon from .P«Pl«y. Her husband^ | j Frecdman. ls connected wlth the Corooratlon Counsels offlce In Manhattan. T J ROHKKTS. clerk of the Board of Educatlon of BoKota many feaMt, dMd auddenly »t hls home on Uirch R^enue. BeCbenaaeb yesterday afternoon waa sevrnty-four years old. Two >ears _*o Mr and Mr. Roberts celebrated th. Ir golden weddlna. He leavea a wldow and .one daughter._ __ Papers Resent American Suc- cess, Declares H. W. Savage. BAGGAGEPUZZLESCUSTOMS Manager Brings Novelties for Use in New Production, "Somewhere Else." ii Rngllah newepapera," aaya ' "a_d M.u'll see tbat 'Haada aeroaa tbe sea' sentiment greal many of us on thls slde of fhe water bai . for a loag time so foadl) eherlahed. ts a joke. and it's on u«. Whether it be nn B-tomohtM, an i fathletle contest. n Panama t'anal proj." t I ..r a play, the aaajortty of BagBah a_l-l tors bbb aee nothing g'*>d Ib an Ataerteaa instltutlon. and use the word American aa b ajmonynaa for inferlor Mr Baeaga returned yeaterday on the KronprlnseBBln CacBle from a slx weeks' rteB te Baropa The greater part of hla tlBBB abroad was apent ln l.ondon. wh-^re he went bi wltneas the I>rury I.ane pro- dttCttOB of "Kverywoman " N'..t in the last thlrty wars." <on- t1nn.<l Mr. Savat'e. "has ther.- been no- tleeahle BUCtl a spitit intluenclng the. untings uf the maj..rlt\ of BagllBh 008/8- paper men. Thej appear t.. reaeal Amerl- eaa auceeee, an.i thej eerttUaly oae aB of the powera of thelr ootumna to beltttie Ani-ri'-._i yrod.cM "it is the Bearapapera af riBBgland which are tryiug BO hard to have a prohlblttve tarlff placed upon the c-luaply prtoed aUtomoMUal ot American tnariufiBCttire. There are Bsore i-'r.-n.-h Btotor cars of the aama grada aold la Greal Brltala, but that doean'l seem to annoy the ___. Itah inoulderB of pubi.e op.Boa; their affortfl are beat toward the exciusion of Ute Americaa made ____liaaa ¦Tha Engllah Bewayapara are reaponal- i,i,. for the feeUag th.it exlars througbout the arnptre raajarda_| Um Paaaaaa caaaL They never let an opportunity escape to prearnl oor si.ie of tha qj_aa_iaa in a bad Ught Aicrican vlrtorles ln the Olymple gamBa Brotjghl forth from thaaa raaaaa* tloaa oa our Bportamanehlp, which in the slght of the other eountrles represented ln tlios.- .-..rit.stH put BB-taad and Its .porta fiat.tiiity In the class wlth tho bear arlth a sore head." Mi BaragB sald la the case Bf theat- rlcata the aaaaa attitude wa.s raalntatnatt. lle BUbanltted tbls from 'The \l.irichest.-r (liiMidlan '. Thls plav was written by an Knglislr man. but an KnglNhman ln Amerlea ar.d for the American pubUc. and it haa all of that s.-ntitn.-iital worshlp of Iha husK. aometlmea alncere, but aearly aiways vui- gar aometlmea knowlng and again trana- narently puertle, whlch is auch a baffllng ¦nd Oftefl louehltig part of the Ainencun ebaracter, Th- i-ustoms inapaetora arho aaaiBmed Mr Savage's bugg-ge mlght have b<-.-u forglv.-n for bellevlng they were inspe. t- Ing tbe effect s Bf B travelling maglclan. A step ladder that wlll step. a disap- pearlng OOeJrtaU. h tralned table. whbh aervea a course dlnner to the peraona seated around it. along wlth a acore of other miracle working devb-e* were In- cluded in hla derlaratlon. Theae pecullar rontrlvances were pi.ked up In the nov- 1,-lty markets of Herlin. Parls and l.on- don. and nre to become stage propertlea In the prodMictlon of "Somewhere Else." a fantastle mualcal entertulnment by Avery Hopwood and Ouatav Ludera, whlch wlll be produced ln December. They are the Itema upon the orlglnal property Uat whlch could not be obtaln.-d ln thls country. Kuropean agenta of the producr searched the novelty shopa of the ClBlhs-Bl until they found them. .lewela that would do credit to a vlaltlng daughter of royalty. for uae on aome unusual costumea whlch wlll be a feature of the "Somewhere Elae" production. were also contained in the Savage trunks m_ B LET U8 DO THE WALKING. Consult The Tribune'a Room and Board Regiatar. A condaneed liet of i furniehed rooma..Advt. . . SUES FOR WIFE'S LOVE Actor Alleges Manager Broughl About Fraudulent Divorce. The legal sa___*a_«-_eata ef Loole T. arinach, an a.-tor and HMIMgaf ef stocla rompenlea and hla Curukai wife, who l* now Mrs. Dorothy R***J CMtt-BB, wife of john j OoUlaa, praarldenl <<t tba Pred C Whltney Tbaatrleal Prodaclng <'->mpanv. I*d rtotarrtoj to stin another a>-ti>>n. when the form.-r husband sue.t the preoaat hus¬ band for iio.ono dansagea aaaartlng th*t Colllns alienat. .1 the affe.tlons of hi- wife and then mnrrb-d her himself. Mrs. wins'h. after oetalntng a divorce In ."'hlcago, ninrri.d CofllHa on sej.tember II h.sf in Stamford. Oonn. Mra rolllns ls a ntece of the late Oovernor M<-Mlllln of Tenaaaao* Mlaa-tb la alao aalaa to hava annuiie.i th.- decroa ef divorce ob- telaed by hia a-tfe. Ha ba-aaea ad hi« duniaallt treabtea on CeUbaa Ha said tim he and Mlss Dorothy Ragal w-r» married in Noveaaber, U'i", it. Atlentte .'itv ajTInaeb sald hls wife state. 1 she **** a resi.ient f Cbaeege to Kive her a stnnd- inu' in 'ourf and that he was not there to defead the dlverca aoll Also two wit- n.'^x whom he had never sen testlfle 1 _e*_B*t hlm ColUna la well haoarn la the theatrirai paeaaaelon as a inMral comedy prodneer. He 1s twenty-eiaht 1*08-8 old and Mrs. Ootltha ls thirty-flve * JORDAN TO RETIRE IN 1915. Btenf-ad D_Jv-raftjr, ChL. Oet i.-r>avid Starr Jordan wl'.l r.sljrn ai president of Stanford Unlverslty In 1915 to work for int-rn.itlonal p.-a.-e. This announcement waa made on th* ..ampus to-day dartog tb* <.»¦!.-bratlon 0* the twenty-tirst Mrthday ef the unt»! \ oi f lt v MARRIED. ,;.. DWIM DAV18.Oa Tueaday. O.-tober _, 1818 il tb* Plr*t Church of fhriat. Hart-» *0r_ lonn. l.> the He. Franeli Ooodwtr.. I) Ii BBBlated hv the lt*\ Rockwell Hir- n.on Pott*r, D. !>. Jani.-l Llpplnrott <e***» win to Dorothv W.ndell t>avia, dau.htar ot PVadcrlck \Wnd-u navi*. Nollce* of marrl*a;ea and deatha mml a* _,,iaaaa*aa*a b.v full name and addrea*. DIED. a_r-nee_, __*_*. L**a__, Joha J (iarvan Patrick UptxeCt, Blliab-th B. Ulllet. Buaaa V kf. Nl. hola, Mary. Klii-.ha'.l. Lloyd A. Thomson. Cllffor*. raUBOUSON Surnh. hs.J BB. Servlcoa Th* Funeral Church, No 841 West 2M at (Fr*n_ Campbell BulldhiKi. T__r*_ay, 2 o'clock. Automoliilc ***-*8* O-JtVAM l'atrl.k P-MI-I servlc-s will b* held at St Josephi ('-th.'lral. Hartford. fonn Thurid-y mornlnB. Octob*r 8. *t 11 o'clock. A ape.-lal traln will l*ave th« flrand rentral Statlon Tl.uraday _M*f-_*4J at 7:10. 9I___BT- Baaa* Vtac*ni Mi!n..r. »ud<i«nly. Beptrmb-r i."' D*l*v*<1 »lf* of Elmalle Mor ven Glll*l an.i laufbtar Of -M lata itvarlea E Mllnoi Funeral B*f"*lc** at Ali Salnu Bfemorlal Church, HUhUnJ- of Naveaink. October '-'¦ UPOO the arrival of i>ntr*l Hall ,,,m.1 ..f N.'W Jersey traln leavlna; foot of W**4 888 at. at 10:!W a m foi Atlantic lllahlaa-a grt-am. in BraaMya. T_*e_ey, Ooaabar '. 1912 l loyd vlon.'.. Klml.all. ln hl* fllat vear Funeral Wrvl.-ea will N h-ld at Randolph. vi o* __*re_ey b**i__b_. Oeaabaa 3. at u o'clock. ii-sMiv "ii M'.n.i":. aiBtaaabBr M,_ MjM John Joaeph L-nnon. huaband1 of <*\%«n* I ennon Funera from hla late re«lfl.'ni#. st. "i« B__ford *t. BTookir*. on BhiiiHar, october .. at 9 a m. Mi-TKorr-Oa Oaaabar i. «JLB__4*a____ l.ll-roti. at her r«»l'len. a, N* l«i Ku*0T Koad, Flatbuah. virnul-4 «>n rtept.-n.her 28. 191'-. Marv M.h- oi« belovd wife ot John Nicbeto. ,^'n-ral fr»m her late r**M.e*. ** Madlaon a iCk!>n. *a o . E Weaaaa-ap. Oaaabar a ¦rii.iMsoN on sunday ai81*1*8. ¦jBeeaahar i. 51a at hla reaMence. So M8 North fTrov iT. Kaat Oiange. K J. Oolonel ( llf- J T..ni.>n, ln th- 70th year of >.U *8*. Funeral Be.vleea and Mgh re.p.le.n maw *t iary.. Ka.t fhaiavA.at jaaM_a. aL. \\>.lnea.l*y. Octob*r 2. 1!M- < arria|*. *iu hl .. F_«t Or*n«* atatlon o- *rrlval of D . ?. * W R-lh-oad tr.ln >*vl,,« Hoboken al tf't,.*. a m Interment prlvata cKM^KKna. THE WOODLA1VN CEME"KJr.ll_. ataa- B: Hirltm Traln,and by Troll-T. Offlc*, 20 Bait 2Sd St . »». T. CNDEnTAKKB*- t-itWK E. CAMPBKI.L. 241-1 W*a11 IM fit. n*£la Prlvat- Room*. Prtrat. Ambu. Uncea. T-l. 1824 Chelnea orncKB. MA1N OFF1CE.No. 168 N****0 *tr**t UPTOWS OFF1CK- No. 13rt4 Broadway am

THE CASE MY GAHI-CASAZZA'S PLANS IHE- …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1912-10-02/ed...cepUbillty to U;e Becky obsesalon ls d ra to prenatal lriffii-*nrc\ Maybe. Hut Dor

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THE CASE OF MY"A Play Dealing with Dual Per-

sonality Wins Success.


Audlence at Belasco TheatreFavorably Impressed by

Drama and Acting.\\ hat waa Becky? A fifrure In the sub-

,,,ns.lous mlnd? A result of hypnoticsuggestlon? A fantaay of a crazed braln?A "dual personallty"? What ls a dual

personallty? These questlons, and many

almllar ln tendemy, will be flung aboutfor Bome weeks. And a large army of la*qulrers will lncllne to the bellef. whichth* plf*y nelther B_8Q_Bl*B nor suKirests,that Becky ls an earth-bound splrlt ob-a**sliia the body of L»orothy. Ab the playsmacks of aclence, and ls founded uponIhe now well known case of Mlss Chris-tlne Beauchamp, a case whlch Dr. MoftOOprhi.'- made known to the world, tbe ar-

frument for ati obsesslng spirlt will prol>-i a-ly ba thrown aslde by author and man-

ager. and the posltlon of the nerva 8B_»rlallsta, etc, fortlfied for present pur-pooea lt would never do for 80188-68 toa knowledfre the possibillty of "spiiltual-Istlc" Obsesslon. Besides, th.-re was a

"splrltuallstic" play ln th* Belasco The¬atre last season. The pollcy must be scl-

rntlflc thls B^aBon. And lt becomes so

wlth very good dramatlc affeot At anyrat». the dramatlc effect is produced. al-though the contrlbutlon of sclence mayba Iba least of Its Inirredlents.Mr. Kdvvard Ixicke writes the play.

Hr, Belasco produces lt in the tlieatrewhlch oears his name. Th" play hasatrong interest and ls so well acted. actedwlth Buch unuaual merlt. that it aciilevesInstant and unmlstukable success. ltpraeenla MIbb Frances Starr ln an uneom-

monlv effectlve part, whlch she acts wlthr.'inarkable aklll and dlscrirnlnation. andit *rlves auch actors as Albert Brunlngand t'harles Dalton a moat llberal oppor-tutilty, too, of whlch they take full advan-'scr. That Mr. Belasco b touch Ib every-wjiere evldetit no one need bc told, ButUi-- Belascan power Is even mor* petealher. tlinn ever lt has been.I'orothy. n pretty «Irl of twent**, ls u

I'Atlent ln the "home" of Dr. Km.rson. aai.e.-iaiiBt ln Bjerveua a-aeaaaa al Ifeadow*;A.lle. N, Y. Bhe ls a lovrly and gentlccrectuie when ln h.-r normal atate Hutwlien she chanires lnto Becky, or _a**Ckjr"drjves her out," ehe ls a vlclous. vu'gnrllttle anlmal. Here, ,,f | .urse. you haveti parl dear te the baarl ef an actress.it acta itseir. aa Um a_*rb_| ajoaa, BaiM;*>- Frmmoas aaarr alda It with geanlnaartistl. '"'«rr H. tl ),;,rt becomes a fe*tiialo Jekyll-Ilyde. And tbea V* ha\eBu aagravat-d _r«_aif__t Professor Bai-__aa* is the SvetiKall of thls piece. flven-.r1I turned villalu wlthout a aoul toawear l.y. Charlea l>_lton acts luanaall.Bnd he makes the rascal llva bofore vour

Bbec. H |r qulte a study, this. The-aar_-Deal naajaner of the man, the tri.ksi«if hand aad :ln_er, vo'ce, vvalk-iill speaktlie fnker. thoujrh th" roKii^'s hypnoticaepera are g.nulne enoual.. as Sver.gall s

arera, bart the] tr* powera of evii. i>oro-thv l« supposed tu be Balzamo s _a_gbt*r.

Slie ls really the dauxl.t'r ef l>r. BnH r-

B*n. Alfri-d BrunliiK B-Bjra Km.rsun, andtha' Is .'uulvabnt to s.ivlnn tliat Dr.Ktnerson ls admlrahly act*-. ___***__00,then uslng anotlier nam". hypnotlz.-dKniersun's wife and run away wlth her.The poor wurnan 8-*d Ir a f.-w moi.t'Fate works It out that Dorothy, nowBbeul twenty years of age, BOJBOa under

are of Dr. Kmeraon. whosc study of"the case of Becky." liocky b.'ln* tbaIlyde-personallty 'vhlch BBbdUBB th'.-J__jr_ ln Dorothy, ls be.innii.K to attructthe attention of men of sclence. '

the liypnoUsm" la 888*4-78*- to breukdown tne evil hypnottsm yf _a_BBB_-0 nndt" irtve "Becky" away from Dorethjr*Dd "back to where she eaaaa from."B_-B_raaai*a thi-ory !h tuat Dorotb*r*a aua-

cepUbillty to U;e Becky obsesalon ls d rato prenatal lriffii-*nrc\ Maybe. Hut Dor¬othy has B080 nuojeot <mly three moriths

jjf.o thr domlnatlon i.y ivcky. Before thal' I wae - subject for tlie proft-ssl.nal ex-

hihitions af tba kaava iiu^umu, irboeareal name 1- I'rlar; Stonc. WellBecky 1* dlfvea "ba.-k to wher.- ahecame. from," wherevcr toat may Ije,and whatever "she" niuy ba Ba'samo'spower ls br-ken. He tan do no moreharm to any one. And the play ends wlthDorothy cur.d. fllmple aaMWafb to outlinelri irlnt, but ali workert up lnto the «hupeof an Interestlna; p!ay.MIb" Htarr'a changes from tba lovable

Dorothy to the wlcked mlnx Htcky re-

r*f_ ln her far m<>re ablllty aa an actressthan she ha* baaa credlted wlth In pie-vloua aeaaonB. The town will run to see tnea'treaa and tlie play. The play ls tn fhreeacts. two af whlch leave llttle or fotliinglo be deslred. The trdrd ls eked out by nov-

attj taklng the Bhape of an up-to-datepl.VBklan'B laboratory, fltted wUh.lngenl*o M electrlcal devlces for quietlng dls-tressed nerves and lnduclng hypnoils. Hytheie _!d* Balsamo la defcated, but r.otuntll he has revolted bla hearera by con-

fesslons of hla roK'Jery. "Whv dldn't youklll me?" he crlta at the end. You are

lncllned to the oplnion that the klllin.would have been no murder. If the ple>makee any plea lt Ib for what mav t..

called "white" hypnotlsm as agalnnt"black." But, after ali, bypnotlam 18 tlie

Biibjection of one "personallty" by and to

another, und there ___*f_r 1888 88 tha >. '

of casea. However, the doctors B-***

wrangle over that subject. The presentbu*!ne*s ls tne play. and the play will doss much business as Mr. Hel;is<o wlshes,no doubt. He has never given nri adwlth f.rmi r frrlp than tiie Becond art of"Becky," nor haB ha BOar provlded the

puhllc wlth better actlnj? than that of theseven players who make up thls eaat,

A. W.

CAIT OaT HI CA9M Of _-BCKT.Mbr. 8_a*fM*i, ...Albarl HnirilutDr lvt*ra.Hariy C Jlrown*John Arnold._._*n* OHrl.-nl*T*f.*l Balraroo ... ,i:arle» DaltonThomaa.John P llrav nM,»* Pettlnglll. Mary [_tWt_*

Dorothy.t'r_.' ** Htari


Oerman Comedy Received withAcclaim at Irving Place.

Karl Roeisler's 88888*807, "IMe FiinfFrankfurter." whlch bad a Bensatlonalrun ln Germany and Austrla last 8*8*800and whlch will be seeti In NVw York lnF.ngll»h *oon under the cham-ed tltle of"The Golden ___B8VM araa pres. nted ln theorlglnal last night at the Irving PlaceTheatre.Th* atory af the play. as is already

known here, waa bullt about the hlatoryof the celebrated Rothachlld famlly, andalthoueh the name Ia not ueed ln the playthe nv* Frankforter* are easlly rei .»r-

mtable aa the flve Bothsrhlld brothers,who aa b&nker* beoame iwwrrii In dlffer-.Q| part* of Kurop*- The smbltlon of

jabajaaaL the pnB upon whom Ihe Aua-

trlan Emperor conferred the tltle ofbaron, to marry hls Charlotte to the Her-zog von Taunus forms the narratlvetheme of the play. Salomon haa rlsenfrom the obscurlty of hls orlginal plar-e lnIlfe.that of a Jew, i»orn and brought upIn an old hou.se on .lew's Alley, In Frank-fort.to that of baron of the AustrlanKmplre and rtchest lianker In Vienna. Hewants to crown his trlumph over earlycondltiona by marrying hla daughtr-r to a

member of the nobllitv. Thls hc so far."uceeeds in as to brlng the Duke vonTaunus to the polnt of propoaal. But atthe rnoment of hls reallzlng thls greatestambltlon f'harlotto, as usunl, stepb ln withIdeas of her own. She refnses the dukeand marrles one of h«r own race nndstatlon.

In galning an audlence here the, pla'".le;^tids les.v on Its presentatlon of theprlvate affairs of n hlMorlc family thancn Its comedy nnd r-ommon humanlty. and"Die Filnf Frankfurter" Is full of both.The _B_jde heartcd, old noble woman, whoIs ihe mother of the flve suecessful men

is a character stmiy of the most syir-pathetlc klnd. True to her race, and pr.--ferring the slmplicity of her life as fl

Jewlsh matron on the old street of the,h ws to that ln any pnlare or among anyother people. fhe waves aslde the tltle of

b_1888888, BB whlch her son's lnvestlturehas ralsed her also, and derlalms hlttcrlvagainst what she describes as the m.-sal-liance between Charlotte and the duke"At aeventy-two 1 cannot change," she

says softly. but decislvely. "No Kalscrcan make me a baroness. It ls a mas-

(.oeraak "

Tbe oharact.-rs of her sons, al) dlffer-rr.tlated in serloueness and comedy, stnrulout clearly. Nor ran the one who watcheshelp sympathlzlng with the ambltlon of

Salomon. th" opposition of the old mother,the drolle>> of the oldest hrother. thebonhomle of tbe duke and the galety of

B-Jot880_'a daughter.Oeorglne von Neuendorff played tlv

role of the old mother with strength and

graea. Her gcntleness was not the weak

itnbeclllty of most stage mothers. It 8-8the klnd of gentleness whlch lndlcatesstrength nnd command. Helnrlch Marliw

j.layed Salomon arlth dlgnity and fervor.Otto Stoeckel was a natural flgure aa a

member of the hlgh nobllitv. whlle RoseLlcht^nstcln was a typical "backfls'-h,"lust verging on wonisnhoo.lThe productlon at the Irvlng Plaea _

capital nnd the lack of the.itrlcallsm ln

the actlng throughout the plece is notabl.

CAPT OF "I>IF. PTNF KHANKH'nTKR"r>if aitp Praa Qaakda Qaeag.*a aaa Neuon.i'.rtTAnwim .Fetdl-aa 1 MartlnlNathnn. Brnat RobertF-lotnon.HelnrW h atarle-

i nr; .ChrlMliin RUOJaceb... '.'.'. ._a Juei.»*.i"ri«rlr>tt».n..s» l.lrht»nst»lnCnstav. Herzoa; von Taunus.Otto BtoacKal)'..lzitraf rhrlstoph Moriti .Helnrlrh r.il*Prlnsearfn Erelln. im J*1*'1Fdrst von Klausthal-Agor/lo ...A Meyer-hl»enHi» Filr«tln .Marl* Ifuhrker.raf Fehrenbsrs. Os-tatr Oln.arFrttu von St i>oraes K'mstanze von Z» k»r.a rf

Baron Beulherg .T'a'il r>l*ttl>r Domherr .__*!« T.iKaMnet«-ath Yssel .Willy FT»yDer Kammerdlener des llrrroaja .T. l'ra.-tor*uaH(.fJ»iw.-ller P"hl. .T-:1Iuf Staed er

Roaa.Ltaa Haenself-rl.lfschen. Cenal Ooettar

THEATRICAL NOTES..7,.hn lft.BOB has deeeldad upon next

Monday as the dnt* for the flrst and onlyprofesslonal matlne* of the Rrrnsteln

play. "The Attack," at the Garrlck Thea¬

tre.Ifauda Adama and a eea-pany of flfty

laave Keai York for Charlotte, N C, to-

morrow te give the Bral Of two hundr-d

performancea of Tater Pan." They arffl.. intaeaperaed with apeelal univ-rsity

perfoi_8a_eeB of Itra other Barrie play*"rtl, Lagion of _eo88ora'' arid "ThoT>adles' Bhakrsi earr-.'' whlch wlll be Mlsa

Adains's playa for tbe n«xt 8)8BM00 and a

halfRobert [_tr__M B8_T0aaB l" give "Man

ar.d Superman" at Bpectal IliaUnaaa, UMthlrd act of wi.lch has n.-ver been acu-dln thls country at all end never ln Its in-

tlrety anywhere.The entlre ballet from "Th- Merr\

Countcaa" wlH tak- part in the perfornt*aruc ol "Th- 1 assing Show of U-" at t!,e

Winter Garden to-nn.rn-v afternoon as a

f.-ature of th>- eelahraUoa of the one hun-

dr.-dth performam.». MI1-. Darle wlll Uo

her solo dances.

liie members of the "Over Mlght" com¬

pany. playlng thls week at the MajeatlcTheatre, Bwoklyn, artB ba the gutata of

Mad_4 Bannadr at to-motroWa matlr.ee

performance of "Llttle Mlaa Bro*n" ut

UM *fcth Street Tbeatre Mlsa Kermedyformerly played ln "Over Nlght," whlchwas written by the BUtbOT of "Llttle MlaaBrown."romsto-k a <;«>i. Ita oiBorated, an«

nouni ¦¦. that ttelr produetlon of "1 !ie

Prute," a new Amerb-an drnna. by Fred-erle Amoiu Kurrlar, at the ssth 8treet

rheatre haa betn postponed to Tueaday.

Mor.day rnatlnees of "Hanky Panky"will be glven at the Broadway Theatre

durlr.g tl.e rest of UM < ngagement of tbat

mualcal pla>, whlcli enda on November 2.

In addltlon to the p»-rfoririance of"Btere' ut the Harrl* Tbeatre to-morrow

rnatlnee, Arnold Daly wlll present hla In-

terpreiatlon of Oacar Wllde'a famoua

p ;n Tha iiaiiad af BedaJlaB Oaoi."

Lt-e Kohlniar wlll 88 one of the prlnci-pa! ptajrara in "The Woman Hatera'Cluh." a Vtenaeaa operetta which a iiWoods wlll produce at the Astor Theatreoa Monday exenlng.


PRAISESNEWSPAPERSHERESir George Reid, Press ClubGuest, Delays Trip to England.Sir Oeorge Houston Held, formerly

Prlaae Mlnister an.l now Hlgti commln-sloner of Australln, waa tho guest oflion.ir laat nlght Ht a dlnner at the Newrort ProBfl Clah, Lady R«iid accom-

PBBlad her husband to the dlnner.It was learaei during the course of the

dinner that 8lr Q_BBajB, who lnt»nd«:d to

leaVB the PrcaB club with hla wlfe forthe Mauretanla, on whlch he was to sall

for England to-day. had postponed hlarei_ra im i_aaeaaa te h eaaie mesBagt;from the I'orclgn Ofllce The messuge In-

fortned Slr Oeorge that he should vlsltPresid4nt Taft and call also at the RrltlshKmbpsay ln Waahlngton. After visltingPreaident Taft Slr Oeorge wlll return to

F.ngland on T'>sdavChareaa R afat.aiejr. praaadaal of the

Press Clah, Introduce,) the spenkers, whow«re Slr Oeorge, Hannen Swaffer, of "Tlu-I.oridon Mlrror"; Joseph P. Mennejny nnd

Lr. Adams. Bf the Cbt-BgO Preas Clah,"Aa a man ln public Ilfe, I of course

raaffBCl the presi ln thls rountry, Englandand Auatralla." said Hlr (Jeorge; "and al¬

though your papers have attalned a hlghdegree nnd standard of excellence, I 808

tru!> say tbat those of Australla are on

the same plane. When I left Oanada It

was with mlsglvlngs that I croased the

border Into the t'nlted fltates-mlsglvlngsof soclal and polltlcal nature. I found lt

ratlrety dlfferent; that you arere not a

dlfferent rnce of people you and the Brll-

iah people. Wfl are both of the same

race."Thougb there waa a great revolutlon.

a rebelllon between the two countrlesyears ago. lt proved that you were true

aons of tbe mother land. and that Wash¬

ington. your lender, was one of Eng-land'a greateat men


GAHI-CASAZZA'S PLANSFour Novelties and RevivalsBefore Christmas, He Says.


Opera Season to Open at theMetropolitan with Caruso

in "Les Huguenots."Cilnllo Gattl-Tasazza. general manaR.r

of the Metropolitan Opera Houae, who ar-

rlved In New York yesterday morning on

the Kronprinzessln ''ecille. recelved themuslcal reporters In the afternoon In hlsofflce at the opera house. Mr. Gattl.. "a-s;.r.za ajave some addltlonal facts to theones set forth ln the prospectus issued on

Monday, and among other thlngi an-

nounc.'tl that four novelties and revivalswould l.e given before Ohrlstmaa: "!>>sHuguenotfl." "The Mngte Flute," "Horls<;.>iid.-now" and I.es f'ontes d'Hoff-mann

" "Oyrano" will he given later lnthe season, though It Ib not yet deflnltely.1.-clded whether or not Mme. Alda Is to

sinjr Roxane.'The seaaon will probably open wlth a

performance of 'l>»s Hupuenots' ln Ital-lan, wlth Caruso In the tenor role," saldMr. QattL "FI.nor Polacco will dlrect,:is M__tor Tosraiilnl Is not 10 arrlve untllDecember 1, but 1 can 888.88 the pub¬lic that Sltrnor Polacco Is a worthy sub-Btltute. I am not a man given to enthu-slasms. but I conslder our new conduetora man ef splendld capaclty. He ls youngfresh. authorltatlve and an artlst of thefirst rank Ha vvlll also conduct 'l-.esCoTitf-r. d'Hoffmann.' 'Les Huguenots' IbIs to ba given In I.allan, as I feel thatbel canto operas are usually more effec¬tlve ln that lantfuiiKe. Moreover, Meyer-beer waa a German writlng for France,so the work ls, at any rate, a hybrld

" 'The Maglo. Flute' is to be sung ln Ger¬man under the dlrectlon of Alfred Hertz.while "Boris Goudenow" will be producedby Mr. Toso.-inlnl. The three chlef bary-lOfM parts In 'I.es 08*1-88 d'Hoffmann'will be ImperaeCNated bp three srparat*artlsfs. and not, as at the Manhattan, byone-Mr Renaud Miss Hi1888*1 will slngthe r>oll, and Mlss Beffi Julletta MlssBorl by the way. eebleved a remarkablesucc "s in Boeaoa Ayraa au three re-

Vtva | will hava speclal settlnics.It Is not v»t OJUlta d*4-ld"il whether or

nm Mme Alda is to atnf Roa__n* Inl'. yrano,' but tbe opera will sureiy be

given. probably la Irobraar* Belto'a Tlero1is not fhtrtebed. nnd Mme. Baaa Oaaaa arlllbe ereated neal rear al Ibe Metropolitanunder the dire.-tion of the eOtnpOBar, OlOI*"dano. T have beard B*V*ral new Ger-man works during the summer. and one

of them. "Der 1'erneklana. by S. huckcr.lmpresscd me, but It l-qntt-fl three. or-

chestras, and I do not thlnk w'e will rjlveII Rlchard Mtrauss's __rleda* snd Kaaaa1is unsulted for a large th-a're and. be-sldes, only ..ne of tba three acts Is rnualcal.the other tWO ar» porely dramatlc."

CAN'T HELP MISSIONARIESWorld Conference Commijtee

Drops Corean Petition.Mol.onk Ijike, N Y. <>ct 1 Tl.e la*

ternatlonal lOOtjBOatlO* .'orr.mltt.-c ofthe .JD-loburgb World Mlsslonary Confer¬ence eaeaad Ha naeattan al Laka btobenbto-day. Tlie f888-111188 on prtnMples un-

derlylnK tbe relatlons of mli'lonarl.-a 88tdgovernm.-nti. Includlng ltenr AdmlralMahi.Ti. Betb L«oa aad S!r Andrew Fra-sr-r. of _*0__U»d, r.-poTtf.i as _eve**nta_prtnclplaa tbal B_la*8oa_uiaa BboaM ranaaln aabjaeta af t-aar <>wn |uaainiaaataunl»*s naturallred elsewhere, that theclvll statns of eoaverta tn f«.re|_n eoun-

trl-s remalna __ehen_r*d <.«¦ ept as the

cointry muv laapee* dlxabllltles. and 'hat

mlaaaonarlaa akaaM .-laim no paeaMarlvii lelatleaa le -oavarta or any rixht te

Int.-rfer.- In tbafr telatiotiB to their kov-ei nment.Tba appaal from the a-taataaaarlea i»

Cor.;i was lald befora tiie commlttee, butIt was agreed tliat. whlle deeply tnter-..st..l In Ihe relatlons of the Chrlatlan. 'oreans to the .lapanese _overnment, the

present status of the case was BOeb that

no a'tlon could be etakenThe following. ofhVers »-ir ele.ted:n aaldanl. John it btett; rlta pe-eadaate,Dr Jullu* Hi'hter, of Germany, and the

RU v r B Bardiley. of Kngland:tiaaaarer. K, W. Row.-ll. of I'anada; a*.c-

retary. .lohn H. Oldam, of H.uUand; ex¬

ecutlve .ommlttee, the ofheers and Klr

Andr. w Kiaaei. of f.-otland; the Hev. I»r

R Wardlaw Thompson, <»f l_BB-kBBJ Jam.sL, B.'irton, Of Boston: Artbur J. Hrowne,

Of HOW York, and t'onnt Von Moltke, of

Deninarb.It was d-OMod to hold the neit m-etlng

of ti.- oomaafttea on the CO-tlnerH or


kelly'crocker WEDDINGCereraony to Take Place on

Saturday in Fitchburg.[Bl Teleg^aph "> Th.' 1 flt 88M

Boston, Oct 1 -The Hev. __*4tOOtt Poe*h.Kiy. haadaaaatar of Gn.ton Mattaat, andthe Hev. George P. Thomas. rector of

I'hrlst Cboreb, Fitchburg, will offlclate at

the araddlm aaal laliiriay of mi*s char-

lotte Bartow Ciaeker, of ntebbarc. anu

.baaa Keiiy. ot Kyaeb ea-t->«r-Had-ea-Tha o8B*ea_oaji vvin take aaaaa la <:hnst

Chareh, FltchburK. and Mlss t'ro< ker willhave as attendants Mlss Hos« and Mlaa

Haien Paatbedjr, at Gn.ton, tne flrat aa

paaJd 8f honor; Mlss Helen Buih rd, of NewH.iiford: Mlss Vloiet Thuyei, of liouth-

boro; .vllss Klsle Hopklns ano Mlas ABneslluUlldaaoa. af Philadelphia, wnd Misa

lsabelle I'aiter. of Richmond, Va.Meredlth Blaaden. of New York, will b*

the best man. and the UBhers will lnclude

Bvelyn IrvlnK and Morgan F Gllhert, ofNew York. Framb 8ar«ent. ef Boston;Harton Hall, of Colorado nprings. andSamuel and Doualas I.'rocker, ..f Fitch¬

burg.A receptlon will follow at The Knoll, the

home of the brlde's parrnta. Mr. Kellyand bla bride will BV* ln ParlB.



"Lob AngeleB Times" Occupies Planton Anniversary of Diaaster.

Dos Amteles, oct. l.--Just two yearaalmoBt to the hour from the tlme Ma

plant was blown up by dynamlta "The

Dos Anneles Times" publlBhed the flrat

edltlon of the paper prlnted on the alteof the wre.ked bulldlm;'The Times" moved Its edltorial and

rr.erhanlcal departments lnto the new

buildlng, at l«t Btreet and Broadway,yesterday, the flrat tlme that both de-

Dartments have been under the Bameroof»ln<e the disaster "The Timesplant was wrck.d by dynamlte at l

o'clock on the momltiR of October I, 1910.*

MISS GOULD OIVES $10,000.Norfolk. Va., Oct. 1 Annoumement

was made to-day of a _lft of flO.000 byMlss Helen Gould toward a fund of|io(>,(«0 for the Young Men b ChriBtlan A*-Bociatlon ln Portemouth, Va.

"IHE- SPY" IN LAdaptation from the French at

the St. James's Theatre.


Play, Produced Under the Nameof "The Turning Point,"

Wins Great Applause.[By Cahle to Ths Trlbune 1

London. Oct. 1..Slr George Alex¬ander produced to-night at the St.James'a Theatre "The Turning Polnt."8 play whlch Charlea Frohman wllllater present In New. York under thetltle of "The Spy." The atory of the

play. already fully told ln the Trlbunerable dispatches, ralses two entirelydlfferent questlons, vlz., (1) iiow farmurder may be Justifled by patrlotlsm.and (2) whether the atrictest possihledtroroa laws nre not advlsable, both

from the polnt of vlew of morality andof the ultlmate happincss of both theBo-cnlled vlctims.The story ls that of a Fren-h officer

who has bOCOOae deeply invilved In

debt, partly through his lavlsh devotlon

to his wlfe wiio really loves him,though they have been eHtrangeil on ac-

count of his overbearlng ta_8pef_flB-BlThe wlfe hns OBterod on fl i'riemishtpwith a brilliant lawyer and ex-Cabinet

minister, who flaVMBOOaa to mar"y her if

she enn get a divoreo, l»ut -lie ls 8

CatboUc und the church refueea its

aanction to divorce.The offloer, who Is now a BOtOael, la

inspecting a frontler fort. when h<?

flnds hlmself ln the power Of R 880-tended banker. who Is really a spy. andwho has bought up the 08-0-01- debts.

The spy threatens to ruln Ihe colonelunless the latter turns nvcr :he plansof the fort. The colonel blazes up, nnd

in a Hplrlt af patrlutic fury kllls the

spy. Then at mldnight he goes to his

wife'a room. when- she is OBBiCt-Bfl her

lawyer lOTOT, tells her of UM murder..irul Instead of spcaking to her In hlaformer dlctatorial way. he mak-s ii

slmple appcal for prote. tlon. <"on-

froatOd by the terrlble sltuition in

whlch hi»r boabaad haa place,1 lier. thewlfe naltzcs ahe loves hlm

It only remalns to any that tha playwell deserves the pralse given lt. BOthby crltlcs and by Slr Henrge Ab xand.-r

hlmself. In oxplalning hls chol-e of thls

pla) for UM trptWhlB of his s.-ison. It

Ib not likely, however, to arouse the

dlseusalon in LOB-BB that :t dld in

1'arls. wher.. the 1888 BrOhltB BOpOCtaBytirought OUl caused widespreid argu-

ment. unless the _r_UBBOBl Ifl fotrcedhere by nrtifVlu! mearis.

Th.- Interest atnl popularity >'f tbeplay in LaaBoaa prabtably Ita in thapiuer and excelleti-" <>f its aeing. ln

the Kngllah adaptat|..n i crtam meas-

nre ..f .¦omnionpl.-i. 8BMMM in the lines,Which too froBjaaatri -aaceaB t.. Umlevei of the old faabJoated taah draaaa,ls rather DotJeeable, but the nigh le\,-l

Whleh the plav r».808 as a pteca ofdramatlc wrltlng eaaU] .irrics tbtafaalt

Tiie most lniens.- BB-flBOBl of tha plavceaaes la Um i.ad acl la faet, H lanot a BBOBBiBt, but tiie ,-ntlr.- .,'t. UMwhole af arhlch ls glven t.. the 8-088 ln

Iwhlih UM estrange.l B-BaMJad BBd vslf-

are l.rought togethT b> UM patrlotlcinurder OOBBSUtterd by UM h8_8ba__>The lntere.-it <tbl not Baf aft"r thflfl,however. but was BOatO-Md 10 thi Baal

Icurtaln, when the dtaappotllted adtnlr-r

of the wlfe 80008888 the liusbatnl's de-

fender before the ei.uns

ln the preaentatlon pralse must go ln

OflJ-Ol measure to all the a. tors. Slr

i;.-..rge Alexander, of curse, playedc.ilonel Felt. the prlndpal part, but.excellent aa was hls work, lt waa DO

h-etter than that of Hodfrey IVarle as

Marcel DoaUOOUfl. Ihe wife'a nultor, «.f

Miss Kthel Irving us the wlfe or J l>

Ib'verldge aa Monsdgne ir Jussy, the

prloal who refuaed t" saticti.m the dl-

\..i aThe play was rOOOlVed with gr.-ut BB-

tbUHlasm and Blr deorge AlexanderwaB called upon to speuk.


Oirl Operator Becomes Brideof Manufacturer.

Mlaa Ann Jeanctte Brown, the b.-ll-

of the telegra.h kev," formerly a tele-

graph operator at the Hotel Aator

dln.jd laat nlght at the Hotel St. BearM.where ahe received the devoted atten-

tlon of wulter and hallboy. chamb.-r-

mald and carrlage llflBBBtehar BBd of

her husband, Dodtay C. Wray. presi¬dent of the tUbOfc Maiiuf.i'turlng Ci.m-

pariy, of Ht. IaoulsThia remarkabie traaetttea frora

thut Of a humble empU-ye ln one of KewYorka large hotela to that of guest la

.xp.-nslve apurtments ln another.was

bn.t.ght about by one B-BflOB a llttle,

roay ,-heeked felh.w who Btgaa hla name

"l» Ctlpill."Mx.iit r>lx weeks 8g0 Htinouncement

was made of Mlas Urowns engage-

,ne.t to Mr Wiajr. it waa h raaiaaee

of the teb-graph kajra U_t nlght aaw

the happv s.nuel to the atory. The

OaajBta were marrled ft tbe Holy Trln-

Itv Church, No. all Baal Ittb atreet

Mr. and Mrs. Wray aiB leave to-day

for thelr h.»ne> moon.

WHAT 18 GOING ON TO-DAY.. .. ,1,.. \mril. an Miiseuril of

Art New York 7<...l-«l'"1 » nrk '"", ,n* >,n

Cortliuaii P*rk __ea__liubber Hhow, N.w (.rand i>ntral 1-1808Flrr preventlor, eihll.lt. Madls..n BjaaN <.ar

oiT'a.r BBBflBjaaj af Ba T.ft aflji j>araaaoBi'Blneaa Maa'a Aawoclauc-. .Nnssa'i »n«

Spru:a straets. 12 rn to 2 p rn

ajMChaj <* Baa IMdja Atianti, ataua Oaallongreaa. CarnegU Hall

Heetlaaj af ^ Bjaaae i-ay <"'h. "."" A,,or'

^._».ft__r%-_a8_t" lUth Asse.nlTv Dlstn-t. No. .Wl W est

H.'th 8tr*at, 8 v. m

_8-raaa under tha aaaetoaa af iha »"uf.'V,'fAl-iluratlon hy John Qu.n¦¦>' Adama «;" ^,t.i,. .»ntr. as a M4S.BB <>i impruw.*CUlctr^nxVtn> '..rlBtl... ABBB-BtlaB,MO, I West 1-ith street, H p. m

4dJre8B under tha auspl.-s af Ma Hoard BflA_-_BB_B- by Dr. M.:r« ¦ 7»!P'"no^"-i-ommoi Anlrnals and Thelr So.rj T4»M«Mffn's Hel.r.w 8MOe_Ul4M Hall. »-«! . r<"

»n,1 I-Blngton avenue I P '"

Meetlnc of Iha Unlon I.e««u« ^'u^. «.*' P, BB,

Addreea by Job E Hailgt-s at Itspubllcan me-t

Ina. Ntw Bur Caalno. avenlng.

^**8V8-8aaJa*ts%7»nS-8Vd ¦¦ a+~*^.-_r__aai__«< **vw..¦¦i

MURPHY Coiitribution! Don't I contribute the brains to the party?(The name of Charlea Francia Murphy does not appear in the Democratic campaign sithscriptioti list.)

BACK TO POST-GRADUATEAlexander H. Candlish AgainSuperintendent of Hospital.\:. __j .1. r ]{ .'andllsh. after an absenc-

<.f rive v. ira, wm *_eh te bla atd d**aaa auperlatendeol of tbe N*ar forh Poat-

... Hospital reaterda) Mr. Cand*ttab araa prevlottalir with tbathlrtaen xaars.

in tha eerly arl af IM ba vv m caii-.it.. leba charge of Iba New Torb Bye andKar lnnri'.ary. and two ****** 88*0 he B*e_(to tha N*u'-' ejteel Hospn.ii

it vMts __M i.v ;. lapaeeantatlva af tbaheepftal ia«.t alghl thut it araa ln rer*agnl*tion not only ef Bla peat a*rvle**i ai th*Poot-Grad-ate, btrl <>f tb* hlab ataadard

r .. ;.¦(:, y ba h id raalntalned la bla...i r i'ia< aa tbal he had b**n itO hls pres.Tit pOB-



War Veteran Succurabs to

Heart Disease in Ambulanoe.M_).,i H.ii.i.il Rob*ti V.'iv. l..w>er

end reteraa of the Clvll Ua:. dled lataI.¦ '.i.i.iv afternoon arhlla on bla w.iy toii,.- Ri ceptlon Honpit.il in an ambulanoe.'i _* auaa of bla _4 ath araa beai l -la.aaTl.e gVnOTal, who li.e.l at No M S. oiid

Ptaee, Brookljr-, aaal had oflteaa at Mo. Mi'..;rt street, "8*8)1 10 Bla. k*.-Il's Island

reater-aj te aaa tne army aarajaon tberam ragard to bla baalth, aa he bellaved bew;m auffartni nrota aeota la-UaaaUoa,tccompaalad by Dr. Pndderew, arhlla

retumlng te lb* Manhattan si.le on »

i,.,, boat i.mniiiin.'.i of feeltag IIIi"'.. v K.'i off tba baal al lOtb atrei . aadstart.-,i t.. ar-lh t'W.it.i Thlrd aveau*.when th.- -***aeral aajddealy r**aed Bnd.aiiKhi blfl cmpanloii'* ann. Tb* do.tor

Induced the manaral te anter tha halraraypf a tenenaenl bouaa, arbea* ba fctada an

, x.uiilriation aml found hla P-l8* tO ba¦lon and bla beerl action wak. m aplte,f the B-oarta ef Dr. Pn_d«a-*J and i»r.

IVitlnz. who came wlth th* K. " ptlotirlnar/tuU embuh-oee, the a*a*aral dted.Ueneral Avery araa bnrn Bevaaty-flve

v.'.us aao ln lunkhiiuno.-k. 1'enn At the

.M.tl.r.-ak .,r lb" vvnr he Join.-.i ti..- IOMNen vork Volonteera, with tba ranb of

eaptatn iie araa ara_ra_ed In th* n*ch at^Chancellorsvllle and lo*t a l*g ." ""'

battla "f Loohoal Mountain. He was

¦nuatcrcd oat of active amrrlat ln 18M

rongreaa hu.i tartea eoaataajit-Utd the gen-eral for hlr- c.tidu.t at LOObOOl -foon-talr. and thr.-.- tlnies for hls brav-rv at

(hatK-ellorsvllie. After bein. muster.-d

OUl Of a'tlve servke he was made a

majer -**neral <»r the naarvi r-er-ae. From

MN to UM he aaarad as an adveeat* gen-rrai eattllag ciatms m the South.

rjaaatal Avery i-avr* a wife and threeaona it.- was a aiambar of tb* Loyallegion. tbe Unlon Laatae Club of Broob*¦n th- ..hi Qoard of Iba Utb Raglroentth* Grand Army of tba K.pnhU'-. th*

Maeeaia aad thr att-Jeal CWtura leetet*,of Itrooklyn

FRANK SAFFORD.Kll.k Hafford. for 8 ..omh.-r of ve.-.rs

,......, |. ,his clty asa hotel mi.n..K.-r.

,,1(.i v.steni.iv laernlnaj from Brbjhta,l,s,ss... ln the Hotel Alabama. No 1.

¦aat Utb Htreet. whlch he had **** ntly

icaatrcd H- bed baea corn**eted with

,)l(. mltIla«eme.ts of tbe Flfth Avenue.

,... HreHim and Bba Park Avenue h-tels

ln thi- Otty a»"l w,,n ,,,,. '.*ra'~n ,1,y

Hotel and the Hot.l V-ndome ln Boston.

,.. Ua aera la MaaabBBtar. a_tarton_,a_v*etgh< raara aaa. ¦*¦ "aV<" !1 wlfe-



.,:,. member of the Reformed «'hurch

I;,,,, R former d.rector M"the Martha 8, ,

son Home. dled at her home *«¦ ;* ' "'

t,-* avenue, Mount Vernon. >;8,:rd'iyaf emoon from .P«Pl«y. Her husband^| j Frecdman. ls connected wlth the

Corooratlon Counsels offlce In Manhattan.

T J ROHKKTS. clerk of the Board of

Educatlon of BoKota many feaMt, dMdauddenly »t hls home on Uirch R^enue.

BeCbenaaeb yesterday afternoon

waa sevrnty-four years old. Two >ears

_*o Mr and Mr. Roberts celebrated th. Ir

golden weddlna. He leavea a wldow and

.one daughter._ __

Papers Resent American Suc-cess, Declares H. W. Savage.


Manager Brings Novelties forUse in New Production,

"Somewhere Else."

ii Rngllah newepapera," aaya' "a_d M.u'll see tbat

'Haada aeroaa tbe sea' sentimentgreal many of us on thls slde

of fhe water bai . for a loag time so

foadl) eherlahed. ts a joke. and it's on

u«. Whether it be nn B-tomohtM, an i

fathletle contest. n Panama t'anal proj." t I..r a play, the aaajortty of BagBah a_l-ltors bbb aee nothing g'*>d Ib an Ataerteaainstltutlon. and use the word Americanaa b ajmonynaa for inferlorMr Baeaga returned yeaterday on the

KronprlnseBBln CacBle from a slx weeks'rteB te Baropa The greater part of hlatlBBB abroad was apent ln l.ondon. wh-^rehe went bi wltneas the I>rury I.ane pro-dttCttOB of "Kverywoman "

N'..t in the last thlrty wars." <on-

t1nn.<l Mr. Savat'e. "has ther.- been no-

tleeahle BUCtl a spitit intluenclng the.untings uf the maj..rlt\ of BagllBh 008/8-paper men. Thej appear t.. reaeal Amerl-eaa auceeee, an.i thej eerttUaly oae aBof the powera of thelr ootumna to beltttieAni-ri'-._i yrod.cM"it is the Bearapapera af riBBgland which

are tryiug BO hard to have a prohlblttvetarlff placed upon the c-luaply prtoedaUtomoMUal ot American tnariufiBCttire.There are Bsore i-'r.-n.-h Btotor cars ofthe aama grada aold la Greal Brltala,but that doean'l seem to annoy the ___.

Itah inoulderB of pubi.e op.Boa; theiraffortfl are beat toward the exciusion of

Ute Americaa made ____liaaa¦Tha Engllah Bewayapara are reaponal-

i,i,. for the feeUag th.it exlars througboutthe arnptre raajarda_| Um Paaaaaa caaaLThey never let an opportunity escape to

prearnl oor si.ie of tha qj_aa_iaa in a bad

Ught Aicrican vlrtorles ln the OlymplegamBa Brotjghl forth from thaaa raaaaa*tloaa oa our Bportamanehlp, which in the

slght of the other eountrles representedln tlios.- .-..rit.stH put BB-taad and Its

.porta fiat.tiiity In the class wlth tho

bear arlth a sore head."Mi BaragB sald la the case Bf theat-

rlcata the aaaaa attitude wa.s raalntatnatt.lle BUbanltted tbls from 'The \l.irichest.-r(liiMidlan '.

Thls plav was written by an Knglislrman. but an KnglNhman ln Amerlea ar.dfor the American pubUc. and it haa allof that s.-ntitn.-iital worshlp of Iha husK.

aometlmea alncere, but aearly aiways vui-gar aometlmea knowlng and again trana-narently puertle, whlch is auch a baffllng¦nd Oftefl louehltig part of the Ainencunebaracter,Th- i-ustoms inapaetora arho aaaiBmed

Mr Savage's bugg-ge mlght have b<-.-u

forglv.-n for bellevlng they were inspe. t-

Ing tbe effect s Bf B travelling maglclan.A step ladder that wlll step. a disap-pearlng OOeJrtaU. h tralned table. whbhaervea a course dlnner to the peraonaseated around it. along wlth a acore ofother miracle working devb-e* were In-

cluded in hla derlaratlon. Theae pecullarrontrlvances were pi.ked up In the nov-

1,-lty markets of Herlin. Parls and l.on-

don. and nre to become stage propertleaIn the prodMictlon of "Somewhere Else."a fantastle mualcal entertulnment byAvery Hopwood and Ouatav Ludera,whlch wlll be produced ln December.They are the Itema upon the orlglnal

property Uat whlch could not be obtaln.-dln thls country. Kuropean agenta of the

producr searched the novelty shopa of

the ClBlhs-Bl until they found them.

.lewela that would do credit to a vlaltlngdaughter of royalty. for uae on aome

unusual costumea whlch wlll be a feature

of the "Somewhere Elae" production.were also contained in the Savage trunks

m_ B

LET U8 DO THE WALKING.Consult The Tribune'a Room and

Board Regiatar. A condaneed liet ofi furniehed rooma..Advt.. .

SUES FOR WIFE'S LOVEActor Alleges Manager Broughl

About Fraudulent Divorce.The legal sa___*a_«-_eata ef Loole T.

arinach, an a.-tor and HMIMgaf ef stoclarompenlea and hla Curukai wife, who l*now Mrs. Dorothy R***J CMtt-BB, wife ofjohn j OoUlaa, praarldenl <<t tba Pred CWhltney Tbaatrleal Prodaclng <'->mpanv.I*d rtotarrtoj to stin another a>-ti>>n. whenthe form.-r husband sue.t the preoaat hus¬band for iio.ono dansagea aaaartlng th*tColllns alienat. .1 the affe.tlons of hi-wife and then mnrrb-d her himself.

Mrs. wins'h. after oetalntng a divorceIn ."'hlcago, ninrri.d CofllHa on sej.temberII h.sf in Stamford. Oonn. Mra rolllnsls a ntece of the late Oovernor M<-Mllllnof Tenaaaao* Mlaa-tb la alao aalaa to

hava annuiie.i th.- decroa ef divorce ob-telaed by hia a-tfe. Ha ba-aaea ad hi«duniaallt treabtea on CeUbaa Ha said timhe and Mlss Dorothy Ragal w-r» marriedin Noveaaber, U'i", it. Atlentte .'itv

ajTInaeb sald hls wife state. 1 she **** a

resi.ient f Cbaeege to Kive her a stnnd-inu' in 'ourf and that he was not thereto defead the dlverca aoll Also two wit-

n.'^x whom he had never sen testlfle 1

_e*_B*t hlmColUna la well haoarn la the theatrirai

paeaaaelon as a inMral comedy prodneer.He 1s twenty-eiaht 1*08-8 old and Mrs.

Ootltha ls thirty-flve*

JORDAN TO RETIRE IN 1915.Btenf-ad D_Jv-raftjr, ChL. Oet i.-r>avid

Starr Jordan wl'.l r.sljrn ai president ofStanford Unlverslty In 1915 to work forint-rn.itlonal p.-a.-e.This announcement waa made on th*

..ampus to-day dartog tb* <.»¦!.-bratlon 0*the twenty-tirst Mrthday ef the unt»!\ oi f lt v

MARRIED.,;.. DWIM DAV18.Oa Tueaday. O.-tober _,

1818 il tb* Plr*t Church of fhriat. Hart-»*0r_ lonn. l.> the He. Franeli Ooodwtr..I) Ii BBBlated hv the lt*\ Rockwell Hir-n.on Pott*r, D. !>. Jani.-l Llpplnrott <e***»win to Dorothv W.ndell t>avia, dau.htar otPVadcrlck \Wnd-u navi*.

Nollce* of marrl*a;ea and deatha mml a*_,,iaaaa*aa*a b.v full name and addrea*.

DIED.a_r-nee_, __*_*. L**a__, Joha J(iarvan Patrick UptxeCt, Blliab-th B.Ulllet. Buaaa V kf. Nl. hola, Mary.Klii-.ha'.l. Lloyd A. Thomson. Cllffor*.

raUBOUSON Surnh. hs.J BB. Servlcoa Th*Funeral Church, No 841 West 2M at (Fr*n_Campbell BulldhiKi. T__r*_ay, 2 o'clock.Automoliilc ***-*8*

O-JtVAM l'atrl.k P-MI-I servlc-s will b*held at St Josephi ('-th.'lral. Hartford.fonn Thurid-y mornlnB. Octob*r 8. *t 11o'clock. A ape.-lal traln will l*ave th« flrandrentral Statlon Tl.uraday _M*f-_*4J at 7:10.

9I___BT- Baaa* Vtac*ni Mi!n..r. »ud<i«nly.Beptrmb-r i."' D*l*v*<1 »lf* of Elmalle Morven Glll*l an.i laufbtar Of -M lata itvarleaE Mllnoi Funeral B*f"*lc** at Ali SalnuBfemorlal Church, HUhUnJ- of Naveaink.October '-'¦ UPOO the arrival of i>ntr*l Hall,,,m.1 ..f N.'W Jersey traln leavlna; foot ofW**4 888 at. at 10:!W a m foi Atlanticlllahlaa-a

grt-am. in BraaMya. T_*e_ey, Ooaabar '.1912 l loyd vlon.'.. Klml.all. ln hl* fllat vear

Funeral Wrvl.-ea will N h-ld at Randolph.vi o* __*re_ey b**i__b_. Oeaabaa 3. at uo'clock.

ii-sMiv "ii M'.n.i":. aiBtaaabBr M,_ MjMJohn Joaeph L-nnon. huaband1 of <*\%«n*I ennon Funera from hla late re«lfl.'ni#.

st. "i« B__ford *t. BTookir*. on BhiiiHar,october .. at 9 a m.

Mi-TKorr-Oa Oaaabar i. «JLB__4*a____l.ll-roti. at her r«»l'len. a, N* l«i Ku*0T

Koad, Flatbuah.virnul-4 «>n rtept.-n.her 28. 191'-. Marv M.h-

oi« belovd wife ot John Nicbeto. ,^'n-ralfr»m her late r**M.e*. N« ** Madlaon a

iCk!>n. *a o . E Weaaaa-ap. Oaaabar a

¦rii.iMsoN on sunday ai81*1*8. ¦jBeeaahari. 51a at hla reaMence. So M8 North

fTrov iT. Kaat Oiange. K J. Oolonel ( llf-

J T..ni.>n, ln th- 70th year of >.U *8*.Funeral Be.vleea and Mgh re.p.le.n maw *t

s« iary.. Ka.t fhaiavA.at jaaM_a. aL.\\>.lnea.l*y. Octob*r 2. 1!M- < arria|*. *iu

hl .. F_«t Or*n«* atatlon o- *rrlval of D .

?. * W R-lh-oad tr.ln >*vl,,« Hoboken al

tf't,.*. a m Interment prlvata


ataa- B: Hirltm Traln,and by Troll-T.Offlc*, 20 Bait 2Sd St . »». T.

CNDEnTAKKB*-t-itWK E. CAMPBKI.L. 241-1 W*a11 IMfit. n*£la Prlvat- Room*. Prtrat. Ambu.

Uncea. T-l. 1824 Chelnea

orncKB.MA1N OFF1CE.No. 168 N****0 *tr**tUPTOWS OFF1CK- No. 13rt4 Broadway am