From The President: Things are warming up out here on the West Coast. As we move into summer, the temperatures can get to 110 degrees where we live in Corona, CA. It’s getting hot. However something else is getting hot here and it has nothing to do with the weather. I am speaking about the preparations for the 2018 Campers for Christ Ministries International Rally in Murchison, Texas (outside of Dallas). This event will take place October 3-7, 2018. Our Wagon Masters Richard & June Bartz are actively making plans. Vice President Ron Keller and myself plan to meet soon to review the agenda for this rally and make sure we are putting together a great program for your benefit. Additionally a slate will be prepared for election of officers and a review is being done of current bylaws for possible changes to present to the membership for vote. In addition I know there will be wonderful worship and great edifying messages shared in addition to some great testimonies. Will you make plans now to join us? Although my wife Jody and I will be unable to venture out in our motorhome due to a lack of travel time available, we will be traveling via plane to spend a couple days with you all. We look forward to meeting many of you there. This past year has certainly been an incredible time of growth as we have seen membership in Campers for Christ double during this time. We are reaching throughout the United States reactivating chapters and finding interested members. As great as growth is, reward comes in seeing the difference CFC makes in people’s lives. Fellowship with those of like mind in our camping environments is a bond and an impact unlike what can be formed within the walls of a church. The following four items come from the aims of Campers for Christ Ministries as outlined on our website www.campers4christ.org 1. To provide a means for Christian campers to get together for fellowship at local and national levels. 2. To provide a way for recognition of Christians on the road or while camping. 3. To encourage a witness to others, while camping, regarding the claims of Jesus Christ, the club Crest being an effective opener when asked to explain its purpose. 4. To provide a Chaplain service to campers if requested, especially to those who have no church affiliation. “And you shall be my witnesses… to the ends of the earth.” Jesus Christ (Acts 1:8) Come be a part and help us be witnesses of Jesus Christ to the ends of the Earth one campground at a time. Look forward to seeing you in Texas. Be Blessed, Camping in the Shadow of the Cross. Reverend Robb Judkins, President Campers for Christ Ministries The Campground Witness Quarterly Newsletter Printed in: March/JUNE/September/December Acts 1:8 (NKJV)“And you shall be witnesses to me…to the end of the earth” Volume 43 Number 2 JUNE 2018 Hollister, MO

The Campground Witness - campers4christ.org · made announcements and Larry led praise and worship. Robb brought the evening message. Robb brought the evening message. Several folks

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Page 1: The Campground Witness - campers4christ.org · made announcements and Larry led praise and worship. Robb brought the evening message. Robb brought the evening message. Several folks

From The President:

Things are warming up out here on the West Coast. As we move into summer, the temperatures can

get to 110 degrees where we live in Corona, CA. It’s getting hot. However something else is getting

hot here and it has nothing to do with the weather. I am speaking about the preparations for the 2018

Campers for Christ Ministries International Rally in Murchison, Texas (outside of Dallas). This event

will take place October 3-7, 2018. Our Wagon Masters Richard & June Bartz are actively making

plans. Vice President Ron Keller and myself plan to meet soon to review the agenda for this rally and

make sure we are putting together a great program for your benefit. Additionally a slate will be

prepared for election of officers and a review is being done of current bylaws for possible changes to

present to the membership for vote. In addition I know there will be wonderful worship and great

edifying messages shared in addition to some great testimonies. Will you make plans now to join

us? Although my wife Jody and I will be unable to venture out in our motorhome due to a lack of

travel time available, we will be traveling via plane to spend a couple days with you all. We look

forward to meeting many of you there.

This past year has certainly been an incredible time of growth as we have seen membership in

Campers for Christ double during this time. We are reaching throughout the United States

reactivating chapters and finding interested members. As great as growth is, reward comes in seeing

the difference CFC makes in people’s lives. Fellowship with those of like mind in our camping

environments is a bond and an impact unlike what can be formed within the walls of a church.

The following four items come from the aims of Campers for Christ Ministries as outlined on our

website www.campers4christ.org

1. To provide a means for Christian campers to get together for fellowship at local and national levels.

2. To provide a way for recognition of Christians on the road or while camping.

3. To encourage a witness to others, while camping, regarding the claims of Jesus Christ, the club Crest

being an effective opener when asked to explain its purpose.

4. To provide a Chaplain service to campers if requested, especially to those who have no church affiliation.

“And you shall be my witnesses… to the ends of the earth.” Jesus Christ (Acts 1:8)

Come be a part and help us be witnesses of Jesus Christ to the ends of the Earth one campground at

a time. Look forward to seeing you in Texas.

Be Blessed, Camping in the Shadow of the Cross.

Reverend Robb Judkins, President Campers for Christ Ministries

The Campground Witness Quarterly Newsletter

Printed in: March/JUNE/September/December

Acts 1:8 (NKJV)“And you shall be witnesses to me…to the end of the earth”

Volume 43 Number 2 JUNE 2018 Hollister, MO

Page 2: The Campground Witness - campers4christ.org · made announcements and Larry led praise and worship. Robb brought the evening message. Robb brought the evening message. Several folks

Chaplain’s Corner:

Blessings and greetings in the Most High name of Jesus Christ!

Campers have you ever thought about the Influences from Childhood?

Isaiah 61:1-3 The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me,

Because the LORD has anointed me

To bring good news to the afflicted;

He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted,

To proclaim liberty to captives

And freedom to prisoners; 2 To proclaim the favorable year of the LORD

And the day of vengeance of our God;

To comfort all who mourn, 3 To grant those who mourn in Zion,

Giving them a garland instead of ashes,

The oil of gladness instead of mourning,

The mantle of praise instead of a spirit of fainting.

So they will be called oaks of righteousness,

The planting of the LORD, that He may be glorified.

No one's childhood is perfect. What we experienced during those years has a profound impact, even

into adulthood. Things we saw, heard, felt, and even things we did not feel can affect us later in life.

As one might expect, external influences do help to shape our personality. However, the result is not

always predictable. For example, early years full of painful experiences leave deeps wounds in some,

but in others, they contribute to the development of depth and perseverance.

Whether your younger years were joyful or painful, it can be valuable to consider what their impact

was, back then as well as in the present. You might start by exploring your responses to key

childhood events. Next, identify traits that you appreciated in your parents and others--qualities you'd

like to nurture in your own life. Finally, think about people with characteristics that impacted you

negatively. Ask God for healing and freedom from the patterns you may have developed in response.

Then shift your focus to godly attributes you want to exhibit instead, such as peace, grace, and


The heavenly Father wants to free you from any negative trends that took root early in life. He can

break any unhealthy pattern and replace it with hope and deep satisfaction in Him.

As you explore the effects of childhood experiences, pray to see through a lens of truth. When you

recognize ways that others negatively influenced you, pray for strength to forgive and God's help in

mending areas of brokenness--whether spiritual, emotional, relational, or mental.

Until we meet again, KEEP LOOKING UP!

In His service, Pastor Dusty Guy, Divine Healing Community Church, Chehalis, WA, Senior Chaplain, CFC

Page 3: The Campground Witness - campers4christ.org · made announcements and Larry led praise and worship. Robb brought the evening message. Robb brought the evening message. Several folks

Rally Reports


2018 Spring Rally Report, By Betty Bergfalk

Bill Conner opened the rally at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 26th, with prayer. 32 people were present at the Fellowship dinner of mixed croissant sandwiches and side dishes provided by the

chapter. We gathered in a circle outdoors under the tent canopies to eat and then share a testimony

or tell of a recent blessing. President Robb Judkins made announcements regarding the upcoming rally events, inviting everyone to attend and participate.

Prayer Circle met at 8:30 a.m. outdoors next to Robb’s RV. Coffee provided. At 9 a.m., Robb opened

the morning session with prayer. 36 folks attended. Larry Shea led in praise and worship with his guitar. About 9:30, Don Johnson, George Maraccini, and Judy Wise on the guitar played and sang gospel songs as a musical trio. Then, George and Terry Maraccini spoke to the group, telling about

their life in Brazil, their Christian experience, and coming to America. Terry emphasized that she was not raised in church in Brazil and that her relatives were under the Satanic culture inf luence there. She met and married George and they came to America where she found Jesus Christ to be real in

her life and she could tell Satan, “Go to Hell.” George spoke on Matt. 6:6, encouraging us to go to our quiet place and pray to Jesus in secret. He told about being raised differently from Terry. A missionary from the USA preached in Brazil and George was quite young when he was saved. His

parents were Christians and took him to church. Later he met and married Terry, they came to the USA and attended church there. That was when Terry’s faith and knowledge of the Bible expanded, and they have been serving the Lord ever since. They are celebrating 54 years of marriage in May.

The rally continued with a Friday evening pot-luck supper. Robb said that a bird had flown into the

zippered food tent and could not exit. While he tried to rescue the bird he noticed it was a dove – the Lord impressed upon Robb that God had just released His Holy Spirit on this rally. Amen!

6 P.M. Larry and his wife, Elaine led in praise and worship. Chrissy did a praise song with the group

singing along. Dr. Don Johnson spoke for the evening service. He holds a PhD in Informational Science and one in Natural Science. For many years he was an Atheist. Now as a Christian he speaks at RV Parks and campgrounds in the USA. He was also the featured guest in an interview on

3ABN-TV recently. His message this evening was that God wants all people to be saved. As Christians we are to pray for those in authority. God will do the rest. He also read from the U.S. Declaration of Independence, recapping what our founding fathers believed. He stated that currently

61% of scientists in the USA claim to be Christians.

It began to get quite windy and cold. However, some stayed for the fireside time, making and eating SMORES.

Saturday morning prayer circle started the day’s rally at 8:30 a.m. Suzanne Sephes played the piano

keyboard and sang gospel songs. Larry led the communion service. Jody read various healing scriptures from the Bible and spoke on healing. Robb and Jody called up those who wanted prayer for their healing, anointing each one with oil and laying hands on them.

At 11 a.m. the group met for the semi-annual business meeting and election of officers. Robb Judkins will continue as president. Larry Shea is the new V.P. The officers for secretary and treasurer will be appointed by Robb.

As is the custom, the group met for lunch and Candy BINGO in the Lodge on Saturday.

Page 4: The Campground Witness - campers4christ.org · made announcements and Larry led praise and worship. Robb brought the evening message. Robb brought the evening message. Several folks

The Pot-Luck supper back at the campground site was enjoyable except for the chilling wind. Robb made announcements and Larry led praise and worship. Robb brought the evening message.

Several folks left early because of the weather.

Sunday morning the group met at Wilderness Lakes Chapel in the Lodge, with our own members, Ralph and Jeanette Hood and Betty Pommer leading praise and worship. Pastor Ralph then gave

the morning sermon. Some from CFC went to a restaurant for lunch.

Pot-Luck was at 5 p.m. in the campground area. Good food! Bad wind! We were all grateful for the chance to go inside the Lodge for our Variety Show and Auction, with cupcakes for dessert.

To close the rally on Monday morning, Robb and several of the men took down the tent canopies and

cleared the area. Non-perishable food was separated and boxed to be distributed to needy families in the park. Management helps to identify families in need. This is the outreach ministry of Campers For Christ-Emmanuel Chapter.

Campers For Christ International Officers Meeting March 24, 2018

The following elected officers, appointed officers and guests met at Fountain of Youth Spa Resort near Niland, CA. A Quorum was present.

Robb Judkins, President; Ron Keller, V.P.; Betty Bergfalk, Secretary; June Bartz, Treasurer; Ronnie Pixley, Membership Chairperson; Joan Keller, Music Director; Ken Pixley, Asst. to V.P.; Rich Bartz, Webmaster; Jody Judkins, and Vernon Bergfalk.

President Robb opened the meeting at 1:10 p.m. Ron Keller opened with prayer. Robb read an

inspiring devotional.

Secretary Betty read the minutes of the last officers meeting from January 7, 2017. Rich moved to accept the minutes as read, 2nd by Ken. Motion Carried.

Treasurer June gave the treasurer’s report. Total in Checking and Savings is $18,546.59. It was

noted that some of those funds are being held separately from inactive chapters for the purpose of start-up costs to reactivate a chapter or start a new one. Savings account has a balance of $10,254.17 as of March 14, 2018. Vern moved to accept the report, 2nd by Ron. Motion Carried.

Ronnie gave a report on membership. We gained 17 new members in 2017. So far in 2018, we have gained 16 new members and 7 renewals. CFC has 203 current members. A few are in arrears and will need to renew shortly to remain active. Ron moved to accept her report, 2nd by Rich. Motion


Old Business: Rich spoke about the CFC website that is capable of selling CFC items such as hats, T-shirts, sweat shirts, logos, patches, etc. Rich created a T-shirt designed for men and women and

showed it on Power Point and also showed caps and hoodie sweat shirts, mostly in the $16.99 to $24.99 range. He also spoke about a national group called RVillage that has a free website. Of its membership, about 800 are also part of several different Christian RV organizations. Rich

suggested that as individuals, we may want to join to become acquainted with other traveling Christians. Robb questioned our 501c3 status. Ron and Betty confirmed that indeed CFC, Int’l has filed and recorded as having 501c3 status with the IRS and fees are paid annually by the treasurer.

Robb then asked what new direction we should go in the organization. Some suggestions included

Page 5: The Campground Witness - campers4christ.org · made announcements and Larry led praise and worship. Robb brought the evening message. Robb brought the evening message. Several folks

posting of photos on social media, making member contacts personally by phone, email, or even in person when possible.

Continuing to support the Risley Family Ministry as missionaries in Mexico was mentioned. No motion was entered at this time to change the current donation of $50.00 per month. This could be changed at the next general business meeting/rally. There was some discussion about large size

Logos being sent to new members. Ronnie has been sending only the 6-inch size. The larger ones would require additional postage and therefore could be ordered on-line for a fee (to be determined.)

New Business 2018: Rally, date, location, wagon master After a lively discussion regarding possibilities for the next Int’l rally, Rich moved to have the rally in Texas, to be more centrally located

in the middle of the USA, during the last week of September or the first week of October. Vern 2nd. Motion Carried.

Rich offered to be Wagon Master for the upcoming fall rally. Ron moved to accept Rich as Wagon

Master, 2nd by Betty. Motion Carried.

Joan moved to plan for a (4) four-day rally, over a weekend, so Robb and Jody could attend. Vern 2nd the motion. Motion Carried.

June moved that we appoint a Chairperson for the Nomination Committee for recommendations for

officers to be voted on at the upcoming International rally. Ronnie 2nd. Motion Carried.

Ron moved for Robb to select a committee to meet and agree upon nominations for CFC International officers. Vern 2nd the motion. Motion Carried.

Robb suggested that Ron, as V.P., may need to pursue chapter activation and reactivation, with the

goal being to energize people to become members and to open chapters across the country. No motion was entered. However, Ron stated that he and his wife, Joan will be doing some traveling this summer with that purpose in mind.

Motion to adjourn made by Vernon, 2nd by Rich. Motion carried. Meeting was adjourned at 3:55 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Betty Bergfalk, Secretary

Special Prayer Requests

Campers For Christ Ministries and its members

For the peace of Jerusalem and its leaders for salvation & wisdom,

(Psm 122:6)

United States of America and its leaders (1 TIM 2:2) for salvation & wisdom

“Nothing lies beyond the reach of prayer

except that which lies outside the will of God”


Page 6: The Campground Witness - campers4christ.org · made announcements and Larry led praise and worship. Robb brought the evening message. Robb brought the evening message. Several folks

Campers for Christ Ministries extends condolences to the families of the following CFC members who

have departed earth and entered their Heavenly Home, to spend Eternity with Jesus. Our hearts and

prayers are with the families as they adjust to the loss of their loved one.

May the love and peace of God comfort and strengthen you at this time.

None reported at this time

Note to Regional Vice Presidents and Chapter Presidents:

Please notify International Editor with notifications of any deaths of members from your areas. This

information is falling between the cracks so we need to close the holes. Thanks for your assistance

in this important activity.


As CFC moves ahead more and more into the digital age, developing and using online resources will

become more important. We are 5 to 10 years behind the times. Please pray we can figure out how to

connect to a new generation of CFC members who are coming to us online as well as those we already

have and those we will bring in from just going around. Richard Bartz

Hello friends, we currently have a member owned business that would like to put up a poster to promote

Campers for Christ in their business. We are looking for some help designing this poster. Do you have

experience in this area or some ideas. If so please contact me so we can discuss some criteria. Also if

you have a business that you would like a poster for please let me know. Be blessed Camping in the

Shadow of the Cross. Robb Judkins, President Campers for Christ Ministries, 951-520-5100,

[email protected]

I occasionally get the paper Campground Witness Newsletters returned to me as undeliverable

due to an address change that we don’t have. Please let your chapter members know if there has been a change in address that they notify both the webmaster and the editor of the newsletter.

Thanks, Leesa Verdot, Editor CGW

2018 SCHEDULE OF RALLIES- Listed by date

SEED SOWERS (Missouri, Iowa, Kansas)

Spring Rally – June 7-9, 2018

Eagle Ridge RV Park, Eagleville, Missouri, 660-867-5518!


(HOOK UPS AVAILABLE – Be sure to make reservations!)

FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT, President John Cayton, 816-617-3372

2018 Campers For Christ Ministries International Rally

October 3 to 7, 2018

Page 7: The Campground Witness - campers4christ.org · made announcements and Larry led praise and worship. Robb brought the evening message. Robb brought the evening message. Several folks

Staway Ranch RV Park in Murchison, Texas

Full details will be coming soon.

Contact Wagonmaster Richard Bartz anytime [email protected] – 928-502-2375

Please send DIRECTLY to the Membership Chairman any changes in your postal Mailing

Address / E-mail Address / Telephone (indicate whether cell). THANK YOU! Send to:

Editor/Membership INFORMATION

Please take a few moments to read the following:

Campers For Christ Ministries: Website: campersforchrist.com

Membership Chairman: Ronnie Pixley, 848 West 36th Place, Yuma, Arizona 85365-4579,

(928) 446-6045, [email protected]

Campground Witness Newsletter Editor: Leesa Verdot; 753 State Highway BB, Hollister, MO 65672 (417)559-7552; email: [email protected]

Campers For Christ Web Master: Richard Bartz, 411 N. 6th St, # 4114, Emery, SD 57332.

(928) 502-2375 [email protected]

If you have not done so please sign up for the online version of the Campground Witness Newsletter.

Website manager Richard Bartz will notify you via email when a new newsletter is available to view at

the Campers for Christ website. Please send direct to Richard Bartz any address/e-mail changes for

receiving the Campground Witness Newsletter either through postal service or online notification. Be

a good steward of resources and sign up for the paperless version of the Campground Witness


Note to Secretaries of chapters:

Send rally reports, announcements, death notices and prayer requests no later than the 16th of

the month before publication is due, i.e. Aug 16th for the September newsletter. Send it directly to the editor at [email protected] not the website manager

Send rally reports ASAP via email (preferably) or postal mail to the editor. Please check your

punctuation and grammar before submitting. Corrections will be made before publication.

To be able to keep the reports at a reasonable length mention attendees, topics of different

speakers and a detailed teaching by one of the speakers. (We would like to see more teaching being sent so everyone can benefit from them)

If a rally is cancelled or has changes of any kind, notify the editor and the website manager.

Send to the editor and the web master all rally schedules as soon as you get them so they can

be published in the next newsletter.