Division 7 North ● Region 16 ● Cali-Nev-Ha District ● Key Club International Remember to be gentle with yourself and others. We are all children of chance and none can say why some fields will blossom while others lay brown beneath the August sun. ― Kent Nerburn The Official D7N Newsletter | August 2013 | Volume 5 | Issue 3

The Busy Bee | Volume 5, Issue 3 | August 2013

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Volume 5, Issue 3 of Division 7 North's Newsletter, The Busy Bee!

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Page 1: The Busy Bee | Volume 5, Issue 3 | August 2013

Division 7 North ● Region 16 ● Cali-Nev-Ha District ● Key Club International

“Remember to be gentle with yourself and others. We are all children of chance and none can say

why some fields will blossom while others lay brown beneath the August sun.” ― Kent Nerburn

The Official D7N Newsletter | August 2013 | Volume 5 | Issue 3

Page 2: The Busy Bee | Volume 5, Issue 3 | August 2013

In this issue…

Greetings from Our LTG ...................... 3

DLT Introductions ................................. 4

President Introductions ....................... 7

Challenge of the Month ................... 14

Monthly Recognition ......................... 15

The Buzz on 7 North ........................... 16

Upcoming Events .............................. 19

Projects ............................................... 20

Contacts ............................................. 21


Page 3: The Busy Bee | Volume 5, Issue 3 | August 2013

Greetings from Our LTG

Hey busy bees,

The scent of fall is in the air! For many, this brings the start of school, piles of soggy leaves to rake, and

substantially chillier weather. If you're in Key Club, fall also brings the bustling season of Region Training

Conference and Fall Rally! Hold on tight, because this is going to be one amazing ride!

Firstly, our August DCM will be held at the Kiwanis Family House on Sunday, August 25th. Come and help

out with a K-Family Workday from 8:30am-12pm, and then attend the DCM from 12-2pm! Here's your

chance to give back to the Kiwanis Family House while earning service hours for your club! Our DCM will

include division, district, and international updates as well as icebreakers, but there will also be awesome

leadership training workshops hosted by the Leadership Team and an informal cheer workshop led by some

talented Key Clubbers. If you weren't able to attend Officer Training Conference in July, here's your chance

to get that blood pumping for service and spirit!

In this issue, you will find a series of introductions to your new Division 7 North leaders. Each active club's

president has kindly written a short blurb about herself so you can get to know her better (coincidentally, all

of our club presidents this year are female). Don't be afraid to approach our awesome leaders at the next

DCM--our presidents are great resources if you need ideas for a service project or fundraiser!

Region 16's Training Conference will be held on September 28th, and Key Clubbers from all over the region

(Division 7 North Bees, 7 South Monsters, 27 North Grizzlies, 27 South Koi, 44 North Ninjas, and 44 South

Dinos) will be in attendance! The packed itinerary includes individual Division Council Meetings, spirit battles,

20 different workshops, free hugs, a visit with the UC Davis and Sac State Circle K's, a special service

project, food, an inter-division social, a chance to meet Cali-Nev-Ha District Tech Editor Lincoln To, and

plenty of training to give YOU the GOLDEN touch of service! Registration will open in the next few weeks; we

encourage ALL Key Clubbers to attend. The prices are $5 for pre-registration online and $7 at the door, so

when registration opens, hurry and reserve your spot! Please keep in mind that it is mandatory for

attendees to provide their own chaperons in the 1:12 ratio.

Following Region Training Conference, October brings us Halloween, the UC Davis Circle K Key 2 College,

AND Fall Rally North! This year, Fall Rally North will take place on Saturday, October 19th at the Six Flags

Discovery Kingdom Park. Come out and support Pediatric Trauma Program by "buying" your District

Executives and Lt. Governors in a mock auction while meeting new people and having fun on thrilling roller

coasters such as the Medusa and Kong! Stay tuned for more updates on how to register and attend all of

these events.

As this summer draws to a close, I hope that you take some time to reflect on what you have accomplished

as Key Clubbers and as people this summer. I encourage you to answer my August Challenge of the Month

as part of your reflections. What is YOUR favorite Key Club Service Project? I hope to hear from you soon!

Melanie Fu

D7N Lieutenant Governor

Page 4: The Busy Bee | Volume 5, Issue 3 | August 2013

DLT Introductions

Page 5: The Busy Bee | Volume 5, Issue 3 | August 2013

Hello everyone!

My name is Joyce Yu and I am the vice president of Pioneer’s Key Club and

also one of the two executive assistances for our division! I was a very

clueless, shy, and awkward freshman when I joined Key Club. At first I

thought it was just a club where you can gain community service hours, plus

my sister recommended me to join so why not? After committing so much

time and effort to Key Club I realized that it wasn’t just a community service

club, it was way more than that. After two years of dedication, I learned that

Key Club was an organization that’s fun because of all the spirit, friendly

because of the teamwork, and wonderful because it helped me realize to

assist others in need because I want to, not because I have to. I’m glad I

joined Key Club because not only do I enjoy it, I was able to come out of my

comfort zone and be myself in front of others. It’s okay to be awkward

because you’re not alone. Key Club not only has bettered me as a person,

but it has also impacted my life in several other ways that I am very much

thankful for. This club affects lives on a positive note and I wish to see that

within our division this year. I also hope that everyone feels more included

in our Key Club family or “Ohana”, and I hope I get to know each and every

one of you by the end of my term. (If you play tennis maybe we can go hit

together a little? Haha who knows!).

Joyce Yu

Hi! My name is Benjamin, but you can call me Ben or Benji, I don’t care.I am

a very crazy, fun, and outgoing person. I love making people laugh and love

to have a great time. I joined Key Club because it seemed like a good

opportunity to get my community service done and out of the way. I thought

it was going to be really boring but it turned out to be really fun. Everyone is

always full of spirit. My goals for Key Club this year are to encourage more

people to join and to help serve the community.

Benjamin Lee

Page 6: The Busy Bee | Volume 5, Issue 3 | August 2013

Hello D7N!

The name’s Vivian. I am currently your Division News Editor, but that’s not all though. I am also

C.K. McClatchy’s Tech Editor and an incoming senior. I am going into the architecture field.

However, with every newsletter that I write and fliers that I create, I am starting to think about

getting into visual communications. I also really enjoy playing golf, even though I may not be the

best player. Photography is another thing that I absolutely love. I take my camera almost

everywhere. I take pictures anything and everything. Then I try to make up a story for the


I technically started Key Club my freshman year when some of my friends dragged me into it, but

I was not really active, I only attended just a handful of meetings and community service events.

It’s not until this past year that I started to seriously get into Key Club because a wise man told

me that if I was going to be in a club I should commit to it, or why be in it at all. And I am

BEEyond happy that I listened to his advice. I was able to meet such amazing people and have so

much fun. I was also able to learn what Key Club is really about and what we do to help those in

need. I met people all over the district during Fall Rally and DCON. Moreover, the community

service and service projects that we participate in are also super fun. We help organizations like

PTP and Project Eliminate by organizing fundraisers. With that, I am proud to say that I am Key

Clubber, and I hope to share this experience with others. I guess that’s why I wanted to become

your Division News Editor in the first place.

Some of the things I want to see accomplished in Key Club this year is to have members be more

active and enjoy everything Key Club has to offer. From there, I would also like to see an increase

in members and watch our ohana grow.

Vivian Lu

Page 7: The Busy Bee | Volume 5, Issue 3 | August 2013

President Introductions

Page 8: The Busy Bee | Volume 5, Issue 3 | August 2013

I joined Key Club during my freshmen year because I've always wondered what everyone was talking about and of

course it was about Key Club! After hearing about Key Club at Club rush I knew I wanted to help my community and

save lives! Something interesting about myself is I played the violin for 6 years since I was 11! And before joining KC,

I didn't like the color yellow, but after years of buying yellow spirit gear, it became one of my favorite colors! My goals

for Key Club 2013-2014 term is to raise a certain amount of money for Pediatric Trauma Prevention by Fall Rally North

and increase the amount of community service hours and members by carpooling to events! Another goal is to have

members experience the fun by meeting friendly Key Clubbers at Fall Rally and of course DCON!

C.K. McClatchy

Hello! My name is Selina Arias, and I'm a senior at Davis High School. Fun facts are so hard to think of! Instead,

here are three things no one knows about me... I want to play soccer at least once on every continent. I love

Starbucks' Cafe Mocha more for its classy name than for the taste, and I plan on visiting my family in Costa Rica

before I turn eighteen.

I joined Key Club in my sophomore year at my friends' prompting, but soon fell in love with the club's family dynamic,

and how I could serve the local and global community through collaboration and leadership. This year I'm working

with a wonderful officer team, and I'm so thankful for how supportive and dedicated they are. We've spent much of

the summer reorganizing, planning, and bonding as a team. To sum up our goals, I can say that we are planning to

have the most spirited, service-packed year possible with an ever growing club. I am so excited to work with our

division this year, and I know it'll be great. Go bees!


Page 9: The Busy Bee | Volume 5, Issue 3 | August 2013

What drew me to Key Club was the enormous amount of spirited individuals and the passion to serve. I didn't join Key

Club early on because there was no such Key Club at Hiram Johnson. With the help from two other amazing peers, we

were able to found Key Club late September of last year. Some of our top goals for this year are to expand our club

and to get more members to attend divisional and regional events. We aim to improve on communication within our

board of officers and having more fundraisers throughout the year. Aside from Key Club, I have a love for science and

engineering. I've been a scientist at heart since I was a kid; questioning, inspecting, and experimenting on my own. I

look forward to pursuing my dreams in college and, of course, finishing my term as president. :)

My name is Sharon Ng and I will be an adult by the end of this year :3. I am a very motivated person, I never

procrastinate and I always have a lot on my plate (true in both literal and metaphorical senses), but I also manage

my time well. I'm a really laid back person and I think I have a really good sense of humor. In my free time, I like to

play tennis, work out and hang around with my friends. I joined key club my junior year because I wanted to find a

cool club to volunteer with rather than volunteering on my own. I love the empowering feeling after volunteering and

it's nice to have a group of people to share it with. As president this year, I hope to be more organized and to have

increased attendance in volunteer events. Another goal is to give a name to Key Club at our school and to fundraise

for local charities once every other month. I'm also captain of the tennis team, so at the beginning of the year juggling

both Key Club and tennis will be difficult, but I look forward to the challenge and I hope I can surmount to it.

Hiram Johnson


Page 10: The Busy Bee | Volume 5, Issue 3 | August 2013

Hi my name is Joann Vang and I'm Luther Burbank High School's Key Club president for 2013-2014. Key Club was the first club I joined when I

started my high school years. My older brother was the current president when I was a freshman and urged me to join, so I did. I tagged along with

him to every event he went to and each time I went I fell more in love with the club and the people that came with it. As the 2013-2014 president

of Luther Burbank's Key Club, the goals my advisor, officers, and I have set up is to keep our members active and on their feet, motivate our

members, encourage the friends around us to join Key Club or just to give up a little joy in the things we do, create a new way to transfer money

from our members to our Key Club account, make our events more exciting, and encourage parents to join in on the fun. These are the goals that

we have set for ourselves for the year as of now. We will keep making progresss in the things we do to our communtiy and to us and inform you

all with our future events planned. Thank you!

Hello Bee-utiful Bees! My name is Stephanie Gee and I am the President of John F. Kennedy High School’s Key Club.

This is my third year in Key Club and I’ve loved it ever since I joined! I joined because I heard about the great

community service opportunities available and district meetings, which gave me a chance to meet other key clubbers,

that were included in Key Club.

Fun facts:

- I’ve swam on a swim team for 8 years and this Spring will be my 4th year swimming for Kennedy!

- I am a lifeguard and I teach swim lessons

- I was the Secretary of JFK Key Club in the 2012-2013 term

- I love to bake delicious cupcakes, cakes, cookies, brownies, and cake pops!

- I love sushi

My goals for JFK Key Club this year are to raise enough funds and (hopefully) go to DCON! It’s been a while since we

last went and it would be a great way to meet other awesome Key Clubbers from all over the district!

John F. Kennedy

Luther Burbank

Page 11: The Busy Bee | Volume 5, Issue 3 | August 2013

I'm Mary. Mary P. Vang. I joined Key Club because my sister told me all about it. For once, there was going to be a

cool club on campus, in my opinion other clubs weren't so awesome. For the first time, my sister's friends were going

to develop a Rio Linda Key Club. With their determination and confidence, they were able to establish such a great

club on campus. I decided to join because I heard it were a good point on colleges, and also because I heard of the

cute guys. Not going to lie, haha. Turns out, this club was different. Different from all the other clubs I've seen. This

one had actually had a bond formulated within each other that brought warmth and love from all around. Maybe that's

when I decided I wanted to be more than a part of this club, more than a member, I wanted to lead and bring the

warmth and joy to others like it had done to me. That's when I decided to stay, with my family, and that's why I joined

Key Club. Fun Facts... I'm not really a funny person, people don't usually laugh with me. They laugh at me, due to my

clumsiness, but I still love them. I have the perfect impersonation of the typical Asian person, especially with the

addition of my chinky eyes when I smile and laugh. Reading is almost better than food, it's my oxygen. My club/division

goals is to be able to feel the year with a greater bond than before. I lack in many qualities to be a Key Club leader,

yet I'll bear my best and overcome those barriers to make this division proud. I'd like to have more members actively

interact with other Key Clubs from different schools, and have them work together hand and hand to make our division

more alive than ever. I hope we could get an award for being awesome, haha. Yet, we don't need one because I know

we already are! I just want this year to be successful, but also fun and worth living for more than it already is now.

Hey Key Clubbers! My name is Lily Saephan and I'm the President of Sacramento Charter High School. I became a

member of Key Club in my freshman year because of the community service. At first, I joined Key Club for all the

wrong reasons, but as time gradually passed, I learned to love serving others in my community. I became passionate

and invested in the different variety of volunteer work. My goal for this year is to help others find that inner passion

for service like I did. I hope to build closer relationships with members, and fund-raise lots of money for the benefit

of the inspiring organizations!

Rio Linda


Page 12: The Busy Bee | Volume 5, Issue 3 | August 2013

My name is Kristen Lau and I'm the president of the Saint Francis high school key club. I joined key club my freshman year because my sister was

VP and I was interested in the type of service events Key Club offered. Once I saw how Key Club was able to affect so many people's lives, I was

hooked and knew I had to be involved at a higher level. So that's why I ran for president, and this year I'm really going to focus on raising awareness

and money for Kiwanis and other Key Club projects. I also want to increase my school's participation in DCM and other division wide activities. And

I hope to get at least 20% of our club to attend DCON and fall rally. I really want to revive the Saint Francis Key Club and I want this year to be an

example for the following classes.Key Club not only allows the youth to the change the world around them, but also make friends and connections

while doing so. One fun fact about me is that I've never had stitches.


My name is Melinda Vallar and I am going to be a junior in the upcoming school year. I joined Key Club because it

looked fun and interesting during my freshman year's club rush, so I decided to join and try it out. My extincts told me

right because the past two years of Key Club has been such a blast and I got to meet so many nice, spirited, and

motivated Key Clubbers. If someone told me in my freshman year that I would be appointed Key Club President during

the end of my sophomore year, I would have laughed and say that it would never happen. I just could not imagine

myself speaking in front of many members and leading them because I was so shy back then. My experience in Key

Club, especially during my sophomore year has taught me to be more confident in myself and that there was no need

to be afraid to speak and lead others because we are all friends and a family.

Fun facts would be that I absolutely love tennis and my favorite colors are turquoise, purple, lime green. My favorite

animal is a tiger and I do not really like pink, but I like/love Hello Kitty. One day my dream is to travel around the

world, see many beautiful and interesting places, and eat the food of different countries and cultures.

My club goals for this year is to have 60 and up members and to maintain a decent amount of members during the

whole year. I want my members to be passionate about Key Club and the service that we do. Most importantly I want

my members to have fun and enjoy themselves while we fund raise for charities and do service activities.


Saint Francis

Page 13: The Busy Bee | Volume 5, Issue 3 | August 2013

My name is Sylvia San and I am the president of West Campus Key Club. I'm super thrilled for the upcoming term

filled with more service, more club to club bonding and interaction, and most definitely the SPIRIT of Division 7 North.

Truly grateful for such an amazing club and division, I am glad I made the right choice to join Key Club as a sophomore.

Even though my decision was extremely influenced by my friends, this was one of the best choices I've made in my

high school career. I am thankful that our choice to take action makes a difference and I am a part of that difference.

Now, as president for this upcoming year, I intend to promote more membership activity and without a doubt, more

interaction between my club members, and more club-to-club bonding in our division. I like turtles. I play volleyball

and tennis. I really like eos lip balms. I am obsessed with Instagram and Tumblr. I dislike carrots. I love to karaoke.

These are some random fun facts about me, so we have anything in common, come talk to me and meet me. Even if

we don't have anything in common, I would love to meet all of you future leaders and most importantly all the

members or future members of this significant organization.

Hello fellow Key Club members this is Rebecca Guan! As a proud senior and president of Key Club at RCHS, I have strived to become a person that

not only others are able to look up to; but a person I could be proud of. Before reestablishing Key Club, I would cover myself in whiteout and wait,

sometimes even hope for someone else to write over me. Unfortunately, I was slowly becoming to despise myself. Aside I was an "overachiever "

kind of person, and the unsociable me could never accomplish anything I have set out to do.

Reestablishing Key Club and becoming president has become my "backbone" to becoming the archetype for a true leader. Stepping up to the

position of the president honestly guts for me, but I hope my experiences and struggles inspire people; "you're your own leader as well as a


My goal is to create a strong foundation for RCHS Key Club so when I graduate, future members will be able to build upon it. My main goal is for

all members will be able to become comfortable and enjoy interactions with fellow members as well as other functions. As a former introvert, as

cliché as it sounds I truly wish for success and liveliness for current and future members.

River City

West Campus

Page 14: The Busy Bee | Volume 5, Issue 3 | August 2013


What's your favorite Key Club service project? Write a few sentences about your service experience and how it impacted you.

Send your responses to [email protected] by September 16th

[subject line: “Challenge of the Month | August”]! You might be published!


Challenge: What's your favorite Key Club service project? Write a few

sentences about your service experience and how it impacted you.

Unfortunately we did not receive any responses to July’s

challenge. But we do hope you will tell us what you have on your

mind and encourage you to answer our future challenges. We’d

love to hear what you have to say.

Page 15: The Busy Bee | Volume 5, Issue 3 | August 2013

Member of the Month

Officer of the Month

Club of the Month

Pioneer Member

Luther Burbank President

Each month, we thank these schools and individuals for their GOLDEN service. Know someone you’d like to nominate? Let us know!

Send an email to [email protected] (title: D07N Monthly Recognition | “Month”) or contact LTG Melanie Fu, Executive Assistant Joyce Yu, or Division News Editor Vivian Lu.

Your input is highly appreciated!

Page 16: The Busy Bee | Volume 5, Issue 3 | August 2013

The Buzz on 7 North

Page 17: The Busy Bee | Volume 5, Issue 3 | August 2013

As we start heading towards the peak of summer and the weather is

getting hotter with each passing day, the Division 7 North bees cooled

off with some water works. And I don’t mean that they cried or

anything of the sorts. They did just the opposite. They played and

laughed as they participated in a few water related activity. To loosen

up and strengthen their teamwork, the bees played a little icebreaker

called “muddy river.” Their goal is to get the whole group across an

imaginary river by communicating with each other and helping one

another out. They must also be careful that they don’t fall into the

icky “river” or lose their stepping stones. Once everyone was across,

the bees celebrated by learning a few new cheers. Then, as the sun

is getting higher, the 7north bees cooled off for real with a friendly

game of water balloon fight. The balloons flew across the air like

rainbows and splashed the bees in a shower of cool water as they

buzzed around chasing each other. Unfortunately, all good things must

come to an end. When all the balloons were gone and the bees were

all exhausted, they sat down to have a small lunch provided by their

amazing advisors and chaperones.

July DCM

Page 18: The Busy Bee | Volume 5, Issue 3 | August 2013

I enjoyed volunteering at the color run this year. We set up and prepared to throw powder

at the runners, and after the run was over, we had to help with clean up. What really liked

about participating in this event was how fun it was to throw powder at the runners and

cheer them on as loud as I could. The music that was also playing made the experience

even better. The only downside to it was that there was powder everywhere. And I do

mean everywhere. It found its way into our nose, mouth, ear and just about every inch of

our body and clothes. Overall, the color run was an awesome event that was worth

volunteering at.

Maddie Chou

CKM Member

Color Run Sacramento

The Ice Cream Safari event at the Sacramento zoo was an event

to never forget! It was my first time volunteering for an event

that was so packed with people that it actually made me feel the

pressure to work harder just to satisfy the sweaty, impatient

people. I felt that this was the first event that I contributed to

the overall effort. Throughout my shift, I don't even think I took a single break. My

partners and I were giving it our all while thawing at the frozen ice cream. I never knew

that a simple job such as scooping ice cream could be so tough! Overall, my experience

working that shift was pretty fun and challenging! If I was given another opportunity to

volunteer at this event, I would take up the offer without any hesitation!

Patricia Lee

CKM member

Ice Cream Safari

Page 19: The Busy Bee | Volume 5, Issue 3 | August 2013

August Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat.

1 2 3

4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15

16 17

18 19 20 21 22 23 24

25 DCM

26 27 28

29 30 31

August Division Council Meeting

What: As we are getting ready for the new school year, we should also

be getting ready for a year chock full of GOLDEN opportunities for

service. So to help you prepare for the road ahead, the leadership

team has arranged a small workshop that will give you all you need to

know to have the best year you possibly can. So join us for some

before-school learning. We will also be going over some new cheers

and will be revealing the winning T-shirt design. So don’t miss out on

this GOLDEN opportunity.

When: Sunday, August 25| 12pm-2pm

Where: Kiwanis Family House | 2875 50th St, Sacramento, CA 95817

Nicole Tji helps pass out snacks at Komen run

Upcoming Events

Page 20: The Busy Bee | Volume 5, Issue 3 | August 2013

Project eliMiNaTe (MNT)

Pediatric Trauma Prevention

“Project Eliminate is a partnership between Kiwanis and UNICEF to

ELIMINATE Maternal Neonatal Tetanus (MNT) from the world by 2015!

MNT is a terrible disease that affects the lives of mothers and babies in

28 countries worldwide. Recently, Key Club has helped to eliminate MNT

from countries such as China, Iraq, and Cameroon, but we're not done

quite yet! Your help is needed to achieve our goal! It only costs $1.80

(CAN YOU BEELIEVE THAT?!) to save the lives of a mother and her

future babies, so think about donating the money you would've spent on

that triple-mocha-cappuccino-frap to Project ELIMINATE!”

Pediatric Trauma Prevention, or PTP “is an organization that aims to

prevent childhood trauma accidents, the #1 case of death in children

under 14. These accidents can include anything from burns to bike

helmet defects and are often devastating- but the upside is that they

are completely preventable through lots of education. Raising

$150,000 for PTP is the California-Nevada-Hawaii Key Club District's

goal for 2013-2014, and as D07N we'd like to contribute as best as we


Page 21: The Busy Bee | Volume 5, Issue 3 | August 2013

Joyce Yu

Executive Assistant

[email protected]

Vivian Lu

Division News Editor

[email protected]


Melanie Fu

Lieutenant Governor

[email protected]







n 7









Feel free to contact us at any time if you have a great fundraiser idea, service project, community service

opportunity, etc. Also, let us know if you have any questions comments, or concerns you would like to

address. Or if you just need someone to chat with. Don’t BEE a stranger! And have a GOLDEN year!

Benjamin Lee

Executive Assistant

[email protected]

Page 22: The Busy Bee | Volume 5, Issue 3 | August 2013

C.K. McClatchy ● Davis ● Hiram Johnson ● Inderkum ● John F. Kennedy ● Luther Burbank

Pioneer ● Rio Linda ● River City ● Sacramento ● Saint Francis ● West Campus ● Woodland

Division 7 North

Thanks for Reading!