1 This page was designed by Evie for the Forgham Memorial Award 2019 The Bulletin June 2019

The Bulletin - Hutton Cranswick

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This page was designed by Eviefor the Forgham Memorial Award 2019

The BulletinJune 2019



Do you enjoy receiving your copy ofThe Bulletin each month ??

If your answer is “yes”, then you needto understand the importance of

finding a volunteer to take on the roleof distribution coordinator.

The suitable volunteer would need to . . . .

  Give up a few hours of their timeeach month

  Have access to a vehicle

  Collect pre-packed Bulletins fromthe printer in Driffield

  Distribute the packs to thedelivery team in Hutton andCranswick

  Drop off spare copies atcommunal locations in Cranswick

  Manage associated administrativetasks

  Attend a monthly committeemeeting (with tea and cake)

Please get in touch with Annie on 01377275324, mob 07791 214664 or email

her at [email protected]


The date for judging our Yorkshire in Bloom entry is set for Thursday 11th July 2019.The Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) Yorkshire in Bloom judges will be looking at threebusinesses and two youth organisations in the morning and the village in general in theafternoon. This is the opportunity to show what we can do.

In order to put on a good show for the judges as they travelround the village please can you decorate your entrances and front doors with hangingbaskets or containers. Our colour theme this year is the Yorkshire Flag: blue, green,yellow and white.

The Rai l w ay Stati o nWork is progressing. We don’t yet have a date for its completion. There has been someflytipping on several occasions behind the recycling bins. If you notice anyone flytipping, please report them toEast Riding of Yorkshire Council.

Competitions results:Photographic competition – a Spring VisitorWinner: Richard Alderton – Seven-spot ladybirdHighly Commended – Monica McGregor – Spring flowers

Garden competition – planting in a recycledcontainerWinner: Josie GrevetteHighly commended: Sarah Fetches

For more information on Village in Bloomplease contact:

Gina Simpson at: [email protected] or on01377 270173 orHeather Teare at [email protected] or on

01377 270187.All offers of help are welcome.

Village Show – advance noticeVillage in Bloom will sponsor the following classes in the Village Show:16 Decorated/planted wellie or container Under 4 years17 A flowerpot creation, using a minimum of 3 flowerpots Under 7 years18 " 7-10 years19 " 11-15 yearsThere will be a £5 W H Smith voucher for the winner of each class, and an additional £5 for the overallclass winner (classes 16-19)

“In Bloom” meetingThe next meeting of the ‘Village in bloom’ group will take

place on Tuesday 4th June at 2.00 pm inthe Conservatory at Cranswick Garden Centre.

Come and join us.More volunteer gardeners are always welcome.

Di vi di n g pl an ts and recycl i n gWe have been concentrating on growingperennials this year to add to our stock incontainers to avoid using too many bedding plants.We have received some lovely plants. If you aredividing perennial plants that have grown toolarge or getting rid of them please don’t throwthem away. Give one of us a call and we can collectthem or you can deliver them to Gina Simpson,57 Main Street.

Appeal fo r l arge con tai n ersOn previous judging tours the judges have made commentsabout some of our smaller containers, which lack impactand are difficult to keep well-watered in times of drought.If anyone has any large containers, which they no longerneed e.g water tanks, old feed troughs please can they getin touch with us, because we may be able to use them. Thiswill be a project for next year. We want to brighten upthe entrances to the village by using larger containerswith more of a wow factor.



CHURCHWARDENSSt Peter's, Hutton CranswickDr Robin Freeman 01377 270547Mr Michael Searle 01377 271566St Leonard's, SkerneMrs Margaret Brennand01377 252157Mr Nick Minns 01377 255600

St Mary's, WattonMr Tony Pexton 01377 270281Mrs Joanne Blacker 01377 270228

St Margaret's, BeswickMr John Duggleby 01377 270229

All Saints, NaffertonMr Michael Anderson 01377 254410Mr Brian Fairfield 01377 538195

St Mary's, WansfordMr John Seaton 01377 255592


MINISTRY TEAMRev’d Simon Elliott Vicar 01377 271592 or 07958 398307

E mail: [email protected] Gwyneth Southall Reader 01377 253572Miss Trish Barker Reader 01377 270091Mr Martin Adams Reader 01377 270120Mr Michael Searle Recognised Parish AssistantMrs Carol Searle Recognised Parish Assistant

Anyone wishing to arrange a wedding or a baptism please contact Revd Simon Elliott

Saturday 8th June from 2.00 to 4.00 p.m.

£4 to include Tea & Cream Scones,(Children free)

In Aid of Church Funds.


The temperature on the first Bank Holiday ofMay 2019 was 13 degrees Centigrade in thispart of the world. On the same Bank Holidayof 2018, it was more than twice as hot, wewere basking in temperatures of 29 degreesC, and that’s how it continued, more or lesswithout a break, for the whole summer.Recently,protestors from“ExtinctionRebellion”brought much ofLondon to agrinding haltwith theirpeacefulprotests.Whatever youthink of theirmethods, theirmessage is thatwe need tochange our wayof life to protect the only planet available forus to live on.There seems no doubt that the climate ofour planet is changing, and it also seemslikely that we human beings have at least apart to play in slowing down that change,and even reversing it.In the first couple of chapters of Genesis -the first book of the Bible - there are twodescriptions of the relationship betweenpeople and the planet.Firstly, there’s a recognition of the God-givenpower which we undoubtedly have over

creation, which the Bible calls “dominion.”But alongside that, and equally importantly,there’s a God-given commission – humanbeings are expected to exerciseresponsibility and care for the world whichthey have been given as a gift.Whatever your view of climate change and

its causes, it’s hardto disagree with theview that we havepower to shape ourenvironment. Justlook at the way inwhich fields havebeen farmed overthe centuries, theway in whichhedgerows andwoods, paths andlanes form apicturesquepatchwork in ourprecious corner of

God’s creation… the signs of human workand creativity are everywhere around us.With power comes responsibility, and surelywe each have a part to play in looking afterwhat we have been given. But the Bible sayswe aren’t alone in this vital work… God theCreator is behind us and alongside us in ourefforts to take care of His creation, and –where necessary – to repair it.Hoping you enjoy June… whatever theweather…!Simon

Do you believe in climate change?



Plans are well under the way forCranbury 2019, all of our acts arebooked and now it’s onto stagesurrounds, decor and props!

The fun kicks off at the earlier time of1pm this year. We have FREEchildren’s entertainment allafternoon; a magician, an entertainer,bouncy castle, inflatable assaultcourse, face painting and a craftmarquee hosted by The CreationStation, we also have a tots disco. Wehave live music in the afternoon froma local Ukulele Band and then wehead into the evening with a fantasticline up of musicians and bands.

Details and timings will be releasedon social media nearer the time.As always our main focus now is ticketsales and sponsorship, we have somefantastic sponsorship opportunitiesstarting from as little as £100 so if youcan help please get in [email protected], likewise ifyou can spare any time the daybefore, the day of or the day after,we’d be grateful for as many pairs ofhands as possible.Help us to give something back to thevillage by buying tickets and comingalong on the day to support us.

Tickets are available at the WhiteHorse and Foreman’s Garage, pricedat £15 per adult and £5 per child(3-17yrs), children’s tickets include adrink and ice cream. Tickets will beavailable on the gate but will bepriced at £20 per adult and £10 perchild.Follow us on Facebook@CRANBURYFEST for updates,offers, giveaways and competitions.


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Little used Hitachi Digital TV Recorder notvery old, any offers considered. Please

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All work incl: laminate flooring, doorhanging, cupboards, wall units,

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No job too small

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Various jobs including Digging, Weeding,Hedge Cutting, Grass Cutting.

Footpaths and Patios Power WashedSnow Clearing and Wood Cutting

Log cutting, sweeping out garages andSheds and rubbish removal undertaken

NO JOB TOO SMALLFor immediate response contact

Robert Mumby01377 200245

Mobile : 07983 652650


Hutton Cranswick Methodist ChurchSunday Service: Cranswick 10.30

Minister : Rev’d Robert Amos – 01377 252105Inter-Church Prayer Fellowship

Mondays 9.30 am at 13a Orchard Lane

Dear friends

What will stand out for you so far in 2019? For me oneof them will be that Barnsley was promoted back to theChampionship. I look forward to games with Hull!

I celebrate a milestone on June 22nd when I share my65th Birthday with my twin brother Steve. Thinkingabout it I have known Steve longer thananyone else, he was my ‘Wombmate’.Wehave been described as a ‘BOGOF’- Buy OneGet One Free. I insist I was the ‘bought’ onebecause I arrived first, so I am heir to thefamily fortune, which unfortunately hasnever been found. I share a lot ofcharacteristics with my brother, similarsense of humour, music and faith. It’sinteresting that one of my favourite disciplesof Jesus was Thomas, he was known asDidymus (Twin) I wonder what his brotherwas like?.

Is sixty five old? It depends on who you are with. Iremember as a sixteen year old going to the 65th partyof my great uncle thinking that he shouldn’t be let outunaccompanied especially without a carer! On my 40thbirthday a teenager shared with me some great wordsof wisdom. . . “don’t worry, age is just a number soenjoy each day as it comes”.

Of course getting older does brings about changes. Ihave got to the point in my life where everything clicksinto place . . . my neck, my back! and I have given upthe idea of professional football but I like what the Biblesays in Titus 2:2 ‘Older men are to be sober-minded,

dignified, self-controlled, sound in faith, in love, and insteadfastness. With God’s help I’m working on it!

In the Old Testament Psalms (90 v 12), we are encouragedto "number our days." It is said that the average life spanis 75 years of age so in that time you will live for 27,375days. That sounds like a lot, but how quickly time passes.As a kid waiting for the end of term or a holiday seemed

like an eternity. As I get more mature timeseems to whiz by.

The question we can all ask is how are weusing our 27,375 days? Do we live each dayas though it were our last?

I remember reading a quote that said ‘Don’tspend your time counting your days, butmaking your days count’. It’s been workedout that Jesus only lived about 12,045 dayson this earth, and yet historians andtheologians agree that he was the most

influential person who ever lived. From the age twelve, hedemonstrated that he knew his life's purpose: which wasto do the will of God. Even when life was difficult andpainful, he spent time in prayer, dedicating his life to thewill of God. He shared time with people and made adifference with his teaching and presence.

Time - we can waste it, manage it, live within it but we can’tregain it once it’s gone or repeat it if we need a secondchance. The moment gone is gone forever.

Enjoy each day as it comes!


The Station - as all rail users will be aware, there is a considerable amount of essential improvement work currently in handat our Station. Quite apart from the contractual work - and at this stage we have no idea of timings for the erection of thenew shelters/installation of the Rail ticket machine, etc. - two "In Bloom" supporters have in recent months been workingtheir socks off to rid the embankment behind Platform 1 of all its briars/weeds/unwanted saplings and general mess andcreate an eye-catching area full of attractive perennials - all of which have been acquired at no cost. Unfortunately due tothe current contractual platform work much of this endeavour disappeared under mounds of soil/rubble without anywarning to our team! However work is now in hand once more to restore this banking and re-plant where necessary. Thisis a considerable undertaking and greatly appreciated. In order to retain the soil a quantity of planks or similar wererequired to shore up quite a lengthy area of soil, and we would like to thank most sincerely the generous residents who,when asked, have provided the necessary wood barriers and planks FOC so that the good work may continue. Anexcellent community undertaking - keep your eyes open - in time this area will look even more stunning.Gina Simpson


Get Gorgeous [email protected]/getgorgeous4u

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Group Bookings also arranged.

13Page 410


Hutton Cranswick Parish Council

Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held in the W.I. Hall,Main Street, Cranswick on Wednesday, 24th April, 2019 at 7.00 pm.

Present: Councillors: Alderton, Lock, Mrs Mills, Richardson (in the Chair), Sibley-Calder, Mrs Simpson, Swan, Teare,Wilson. Ward Councillor: LisseterParishioners present: One.The Clerk recorded the minutes.

19/080 Apologies: Councillors: Mrs Kelly, Poolford, Thompson, Mrs Thurlow, Ward: Mrs Evison and Owen.

The Chairman thanked Councillors for their commitment and resolve over the Term of the Council.

19/081 Declaration of Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary interestsCllr Mrs Mills Item No.15 - 19/091 - Non-pecuniary - HCSRA Committee MemberCllr Mrs Simpson Item No.15 - 19/091 - Non-pecuniary - HCSRA Committee MemberCllr Teare Item No.15 - 19/091 - Non-pecuniary - HCSRA Committee Member

19/082 Minutes – Resolved – That the Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on the 27th March, 2019, beapproved and signed as a correct record (proposed Cllr Lock/seconded Cllr Swan).

19/083 Public Participation – Cllr Lisseter concurred with the sentiment of the Chairman and recognised the Councilhad a reputation as being diverse and rigorous in meeting its responsibilities.

19/084 Police Report – Updates for East Wolds and Coastal and Driffield/Rural for March, 2019 were noted.

19/085 Planning Matters – The following decisions were noted:

(a) 19/00022/OUT: Outline - Erection of a dwelling with double garage (all matters reserved). Land North of 85Main Street, Hutton Cranswick, East Riding of Yorkshire, YO25 9QN – Outline Planning Permission –Approved – 8 Conditions.

(b) 19/00278/PLF: Erection of single storey extension to side, erection of storage building to rear, demolition ofgarage and store to rear and conversion of former club facility, to accommodate an additional 7 bedrooms,in conjunction with existing B and B with associated internal and external alterations. White Horse Inn, 51Main Street, Hutton Cranswick, East Riding of Yorkshire, YO25 9QN – Full Planning Permission – Approved –7 Conditions.

(c) 19/00250/PLF: Erection of single storey detached dwelling and installation of 2.4m high acoustic perimeterfencing to Eastern boundary. The Sidings, Station Yard Close, Hutton Cranswick, YO25 9LN – Full PlanningPermission – Approved – 7 Conditions.

(d) Appeal Decision 3218477: 18/00078/REFUSE: 18/01025/PLF: Conversion and raising of roof height ofexisting garage/workshop to form dwelling, following removal of car port, Land and Building, North of TheWillows, 3 Station Road, Hutton Cranswick, East Riding of Yorkshire, YO25 9QZ – Appeal to PlanningInspectorate against the refusal of planning permission – Written Representations – Appeal Dismissed.

(e) 18/02968/PLF: Erection of a function building to replace existing marquee, Land South East of StruncheonHill Farm, Rotsea Road, Hempholme, East Riding of Yorkshire, YO25 9ET– Full Planning Permission –Approved – 11 Conditions.

(f) 19/00446/PLB: Installation of a white oak staircase to replace existing staircase to kitchen/dining room. IvyHouse Farm, 14 Station Road, Hutton Cranswick, East Riding of Yorkshire, YO25 9QZ – Listed BuildingConsent – Approved – 2 Conditions.


Page 411


(g) 19/00678/PAD: Display of 6 no. illuminated fascia signs and 2 no. illuminated totem signs, following removalof existing signs and totems (retrospective) at Broach Hill Garage, Beverley Road, Hutton Cranswick, EastRiding of Yorkshire, YO25 9PQ – Consent to display and advertisement – Approved – 3 Conditions.

A complaint received from a resident, following the decision made by the Council, not to object to theapplication was considered. The Council remained of the view as to not object to the application. Thedetailed report, prepared by the planning officer, addressing the residents’ complaint, was noted.

19/086 Planning Application:(a) 19/01072/PLF: Increase in roof height to create first floor accommodation, erection of two storey extensions

to rear and side, following removal of existing conservatory and the erection of detached double garage torear. The Chestnuts, 70 Hutton Road, Hutton Cranswick, East Riding of Yorkshire, YO25 9PP – Full PlanningPermission – Resolved – a majority decision to not object to the application (proposed Cllr Sibley-Calder/seconded Cllr Teare).

19/087 Representatives, reports:(a) In Bloom - Cllr Mrs Simpson reported donations had been received from WI whist drive and Foresters

Friendly Society. The village photography competition had been judged. Work had commenced onimprovements to the Station, but no firm programme was available from Northern Rail. Representativesare travelling to Manchester to be part of a Community Rail Promotion.

(b) Pond – Cllr Sibley-Calder raised concerns of the build-up of algae and weed in the pond. Advice would besought from the Environment Agency on appropriate steps to take in making improvements to thecondition of the pond.

19/088 Play Area – It was noted the new see-saw was to be installed in the next few weeks.

19/089 Clerk’s report:(a) P60 – A P60 end of year certificate 2018/19 had been issued to the Clerk.

(b) Election 2nd May, 2019 – East Riding of Yorkshire Council had informed the Clerk that there had been 13Persons nominated for the election of Hutton Cranswick Parish Council on the 2nd May, 2019. This resulted inan uncontested election. Apart from the chairman and vice-chairman, councillors would retire on the fourthday after the election date. The annual meeting of the Council must take place within 14 days of theretirement date. The annual meeting was to be held on the 15th May, 2019.

(c) Installation of circular seat and provision of table top on tree stump on the Green – Resolved to accept aquotation for the work (proposed Cllr Sibley-Calder/seconded Cllr Alderton).

(d) Village Taskforce Walkabout, 30th April, 2019 – Councillors would provide the Clerk with any issues to beraised with the East Riding of Yorkshire Council Taskforce team.

(e) Dog fouling on The Green – A complaint had been received about there being considerable amounts of dogfouling on the bank bordering the road at the rear of the Green. The Council urged dog owners to beresponsible and clean up after their pets, in particular in this area where young children play on a daily basis,putting them at greater risk of contracting a serious illness from dog faeces.

19/090 Allotments – Resolved to accept a quotation for making good overgrown vacant allotments and grantsupport to the allotment budget allocation from contingencies (proposed Cllr Swan/seconded Cllr Mrs Mills).

19/091 HCRSA – Cllr Swan reported the pitches had been drained, seeded and fertilised. Safety signs had beenreplaced as necessary. The cricket club had disbanded. A Family Club was planned for the 14th and 15th June, 2019.There was interest in setting up a Children’s Club. This was been explored for over the school summer holidayperiod. The financial accounts were in a good state. Repair to the fence around the Astroturf pitch was needed andthe condition of the Astroturf was poor. Costing work for the new development was still in progress.


Page 412


19/092 Centenary Wood – The Minutes of the Meeting held on the 13th February, 2019 were received (proposedCllr Swan/seconded Cllr Mrs Mill). Cllr Richardson gave feedback on matters discussed at theCommittee Meeting held on the 3rd April, 2019. A decision on a recommendation from theCommittee, to accept a quotation, for a new footpath along the ridge of the north east zone wasdeferred, pending a site visit by Councillors.

19/093 Gatehouse Lake – Resolved to approve a proposal from the Angling Club to construct a new stockpond (proposed Cllr Swan/seconded Cllr Sibley-Calder).

19/094 Parish Plan – Cllr Teare presented a report circulated to Councillors, on the results of the survey on theneeds for wraparound and holiday childcare provision within the village. There was a demand for an after-schoolhours club and a holiday club for school age children. A local resident was proposing to run a club at the SRA.

A conclusion on the Parish Plan would be presented in July, 2019.

19/095 Communication Strategy – Cllr Sibley-Calder was not aware of any further hostile comments, on socialmedia, towards the Council since the last meeting. Cllrs Swan and Thompson would present proposals on aCommunication Strategy to a future meeting.

19/096 Damage to verge on Howl Lane – Concern from a resident was noted. The verge in question was owned bythe East Riding of Yorkshire Council.

19/097 Audit Code of Practice – The view of the National Association of Local Councils (NALC) on the National AuditOffice consultation on the Audit Code of Practice was noted.

19/098 Internal audit report for the year ended 31st March, 2019 – Resolved to accept the report and noted, theauditor considered the accounts had been well maintained and no matters arose that needed to be drawn to theattention of the Council (proposed Cllr Teare/seconded Cllr Mrs Simpson).

19/099 Annual Governance and Accountability Return for the year ended 31st March, 2019: To review theeffectiveness of the system of internal control – Section 1 - Annual Governance Statement 2018/19 - following areview of the effectiveness of the system of internal control, it was Resolved to approve Section 1 - AnnualGovernance Statement 2018/19 (proposed Cllr Swan/seconded Cllr Mrs Mills).

19/100 Annual Governance and Accountability Return for the year ended 31st March, 2019 – Resolved to approve(a) Section 2 – Accounting Statements 2018/19, (b) the dates planned for the provision for the exercise of publicrights and (c) the documentation to be submitted with the Return (proposed Cllr Swan/seconded Cllr Mrs Mills).

19/101 Creation of a one-way traffic system in part of Main Street, Cranswick and Hobman Lane – Resolved toseek advice from East Riding of Yorkshire Council on the proposal received from a resident (proposed CllrTeare/seconded Cllr Mrs Simpson).

19/102 Reserves – Resolved to approve the earmarked reserves as presented (proposed Cllr Teare/seconded CllrSwan).


Page 413


19/103 Payment of accounts, monthly budget report:

Resolved – To approve payment of accounts, as presented. The bank accounts balance and the Monthly budgetreports were noted (proposed Cllr Swan/seconded Cllr Sibley-Calder).

19/104 Other payments – Resolved to approve payment of (a) £25.00 to Harry Berriman and (b) £1140.00 toPSM Plant and Agricultural Services (proposed Cllr Swan/seconded Cllr Alderton). Both payments will berecorded on the May Meeting agenda and minutes.

19/105 Correspondence - The following correspondence was received and noted: -(a) ERNLLCA Newsletter, March, 2019.(b) 2019 Governance and Accountability manual.(c) ERNLLCA District Committee Meeting – 9th April, 2019.(d) My Account – a new quick and easy way to contact East Riding of Yorkshire Council.(e) Invitation to attend one of this year’s Town and Parish Council Liaison Meetings with the Head of Planning

and Development Management.(f) Hornsea Four Meeting Minutes Wednesday, 13th March, 2019.(g) East Riding of Yorkshire Council’s Overview & Scrutiny Work Programme 2019/20.(h) ERNLLCA - Making Tax Digital – VAT.

19/106 Next Meetings – The following meeting dates were agreed to be held in the W.I. Hall, Main Street,Cranswick.

(a) 15th May, 2019 – 7.00 pm - Annual Meeting of the Council,(b) 22nd May, 2019 – 6.45 pm - Annual Parish Meeting and(c) 22nd May, 2019 – 7.00 pm - Ordinary Meeting (May).

There being no further business, the Meeting closed at 8.10 pm.

ChequeNo Name Details Net of Vat VAT



3337 Hutton Cranswick WI Hall Hire of Hall - PC meeting 24th April, 2019 12.00 12.00

3338 ERNLCCA ERNLCCA and NALC Membership fee - 2019-20 713.54 713.54

3339 HCSRA Donation as precept (19/071) 5000.00 5000.00

3340 HC In Bloom Donation as precept (19/069) 1200.00 1200.00

3341 HC Bulletin Donation as precept (19/068) 2500.00 2500.00

3342 Mrs Price Siting of Parish Notice board 2.00 2.00

3343 Village Show Donation (minute 17/115) 500.00 500.00

3344 Autela Group Limited Payroll and auto pension enrolment assessment: Jan-Mar, 2019 47.00 47.00

3345 Administration Salary and expenses 409.92 409.92

3346 ERNLCCA RFO Training 50.00 10.00 60.00

3347 East Riding of Yorkshire Council Copy paper 11.10 2.22 13.32

3348 Opus Energy Electricity standing charge period 1/3/19 to 31/3/19 13.04 0.65 13.69

3349Beverley and North Holderness InternalDrainage Board Agricultural Drainage Rates year ending 31st March , 2020 91.26 91.26

3350 Yorkshire Water Garden allotments - water consumption 42.12 42.12

3351 A Johnson Annual audit and report 315.00 315.00

3352 T. Eling Landscapes and Garden ServicesSupply and plant 2 Hornbeam trees on The Green. Make safesplit tree in Centenary Wood 132.90 26.58 159.48

Totals 11039.88 39.45 11079.33


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The next Hutton Cranswick ParishPlan is a statement of how thecommunity sees itself developingover the next few years. It shouldreflect the views of the communityas a whole and contain an actionplan which identifies practicalsteps that can be taken to helpthe community achieve its visionor the future.

Hutton CranswickParish Council

Clerk: Mr Steve SandersonBella Cottage, Sheepman Lane,

Cranswick, YO25 9RATel; 01377 270058

e-mail: [email protected]

Richard AldertonTel: 271848Joanne KellyTel: 270737Martin LockTel: 271329Yvonne MillsTel: 202140John PoolfordTel: 270539Stephen RichardsonTel: 270248Ian Sibley-CalderTel: 07770 632893

Gina SimpsonTel: 270173Richard SwanTel: 07711 623967Melvyn TeareTel: 270187Russell ThompsonTel: 07753 134146Andrew WilsonTel: 270908Kelly WilkinsonTel : TBA

Allotments:These are situated on Beverley Road. There are anumber of plots currently available.If you would like to rent an allotment ofapproximately 1/10th of an acre for £15.00 peryear, please fill in an application form and send itSteve Sanderson, Clerk to Hutton CranswickParish Council.An application form is available on the council’swebsite. When a plot becomes available you willbe contacted. Thank you.

The next Council Meeting is on Wednesday 26th June2019 starting at 7.00pm in the W I Hall

The meeting is open to the public and early in theAgenda, the public and councillors may ask questionsor make statements (limited to 3 minutes per person).No need to book - just turn up.

The Agenda is available on the council website.Minutes of the April meeting are published in this Bulletin.

A Flag for HuttonCranswick

The Parish Council is holding acompetition for young people in theparish to create a new village flag. Aflyer detailing the criteria for thedesign, the competition timetableand the judging process is availableon the Parish Council page of thevillage website.


The competition close on June 7th 2019. There will be apublic vote at the Village Show on July 28th.

The 8th May 1945 was the daypeace emerged after nearly sixyears of war, so the 75thanniversary on 8th May 2020represents an importantmilestone in our history.

You will agree that we cannotlet this day pass withoutreflecting on the enormoussacrifice, courage anddetermination of people fromall walks of life who saw usthrough this dark period. Thecelebration, VE Day 75, willcover the weekend of 8th - 10thMay 2020, and will be aninternational celebration ofpeace – a time to remember,reflect and pay tribute to themillions who played such a

vital part in achieving it. YourParish Council will be lookingfor ways to celebrate in HuttonCranswick and invite you tomake suggestions and ideasfor the weekend.


“BAKE IN A BOX”Would you like a box of Genuine Home Baking

delivered to your door every week?The boxes contents will rotate on a four weekly basis,

and will cost £11.00 per week

8” Cherry PieVictoria Sandwich6” Coconut Tart

3 Sultana Scones

8” Bramble & Apple PieChocolate Cake

6” Ground Rice Tart2 Cherry & Almond


8” Apple PieCoffee Cake

3 Jam & 3 Lemon Tarts6 Mince Pies

8” Raspberry & Apple PieSmall Fruit Loaf

6 Jam Tarts6 Lemon Tarts6 Almond Tarts


Be part of this inspirational project, help us by

sponsoring a brick. Please use the form below

Yes, I w ould like to support the SRA Appeal w ith my donation of £___________

Title: _________ First name: ______________ Surname: ______________________

Home address: _________________________________________________________


Postcode: _____________________Date: ___________________________________

Signature: ____________________________________

Registered Charity No 700877

Hutton Cransw ick Sports and Recreation Association,Queen Elizabeth 11 Playing Fields, Rotsea Lane,Hutton Cransw ick, YO25 9ES

Tick to Gift Aidyour donation:

I w ant to gift aid mydonation and any

donations I make in thefuture or have made in thepast 4 years to SRA.I am a UK taxpayer andunderstand that if I payless Income Tax and/orCapital Gains Tax than theamount of Gift Aid claimedon all donations in that taxyear it is my responsibilityto pay any difference.Please notify the charity ifyou: w ant to cancel thisdeclaration; change yourname or home address; nolonger pay sufficient tax onyour income and/or capitalgains.

I’d like to sponsor a brick for £30. Name / message to be included on your brick(max no of letters is 30, including spaces and punctuation).

Please make your cheque payable to Hutton Cranswick SRA and forw ard w ith this form to

Your Sports and Recreation Association

We believe a more modern building would greatly enhancethe facilities within the village and offer a greater choiceof activities.We are now planning to build this new facility for thevillage which will meet these aspirations. To do this wewill need to raise £560,000. We are putting the projectplan and detail in place so that we can identify the nextsteps for creating the new building.We are seeking funding through various charities and trusts.We are looking locally to suppliers and trades people whoare prepared to offer their expertise in creating our newbuilding. Please get in touch with Mike Wardell on 07814923699.

“Have a go evening” 12 July . .Coming up on Friday 12 July is our “ Have a goevening”. This is a great opportunity for you andall your friends and relatives to have a go at thelarge range of activities and sports on offer at theSRA. More detail in the next Bulletin - Barbequerefreshments and licensed bar will be available -so book this date in your diary now.

Besides sporting activities there are numerousother activities run at the SRA for the benefit ofthe village and surrounding area. These includePilates, Body Work, Children’s Soft Play, a CoffeeClub, Whist as well as a Youth Club for GrownUps. We also have our fun monthly Quiz Night.Many of these events are advertised in theBulletin.

Family Camp ( 24 hours)

Friday 14th June

Try out your camping skills,check out your tent before thesummer break. And have a GreatFather's Day weekend at theSRA. Entertainment, Games andactivities. Licensed bar andbarbeque. Do join us - pitch upfrom 3pm and get settled in tothe site. Pre book by contactingus on 270187.

Pitch fee £5 per tent.

Hutton Cranswick SRA

Friday 21st June 7.30 pm

Entrance £5.00

includes supperPlease phone Mike Wardell

on 07814 923699. to book a place.


HUTTON CRANSWICK VILLAGE SHOWSunday July 28 2019 10am to 4pm

Celebrating and showcasing achievements of our community groups and individuals.Please contact us on [email protected]

Sponsorship Partners: Hutton Cranswick Parish Council: Cran-Bury Festival: UK Bars

Have a go and enter the show!!The schedule of classes to enter and programme for the day is inprint and will be delivered to every home in Hutton Cranswick.

There are new classes, extra prizes and colourful rosettes to win.

We are celebrating 25 years of Yorkshire in Bloom and adoptedthe Yorkshire Flag colour scheme in our rosettes.

Blue, Green, Yellow and White

So if you want your item to be noticed adopt the colourssomewhere in your designs. Be it decorated cakes, flowerarrangement, photographs or needlework.

Each year Val Thompson creates a challenge in the baking class.This year is no exception. Detailed in the schedule is her recipefor Naked Fatless Sponge – now this is a challenge and a half!!

Have a go andenter the show!

Schedule is being deliveredthrough out the village.

Entries into our box in theSPAR by Saturday 13th JulyDownload a copy from our

village show page on theBulletin website:


Help make the show biggerand better!

Have a stallWe had a great response from last month’sannouncement about stalls. A stall at the show isideal for fundraising, promoting your group’sactivity or raising your business profile.

We have prepared an information sheet and asimple application form for potential shareholders.Get in touch to get a copy. Our deadline forapplication is the end of June.

Email [email protected] ortelephone 270187.

A Flag for Hutton CranswickThe Parish Council is holding a competition for young people in the parish to create a new villageflag. A flyer detailing the criteria for the design, the competition timetable and the judging processis available on the Parish Council page of the village websitehttp://www.huttoncranswick.com/parishcouncil.htmlThe competition close on June 7th 2019. There will be a public vote at the Village Show on July 28th.


We believe in bringing people together toenjoy fun, friendship and adventure in a

place they can belong.

Do more. Share more. Bemore.

Join us as a volunteer

We have had another busy month at HuttonCranswick Scouts. Beavers have just had a crickettaster session on the green with All Stars Cricketwhere they learnt new skills through the gamesthey played. This got us thinking - maybe someonecan enlighten us as to the last time a propercricket match was played on the green – we’vebeen trying to remember, but our best guess isabout 20/25 years ago.Scouts have been doing random acts of kindnessand have distributed plants or mugs round thevillage to people whom they thought deserved alittle treat. Unfortunately the rain damaged someof the notes they left as they put them ondoorsteps, but the thought was there!We’ve had a group Easter party with Magic Mike,magic tricks, balloon models and dancing. Scoutswent to Big Fun in Hull with Scouts from all overthe area. St George’s day brought a fun day on theshowground, with reptiles, a climbing wall, swordand shield making, backwoods cooking, keyringmaking, a fire engine pull, and renewing ourpromise.All sections made something for Mother’s day tothank their Mums. Cubs used their knotting skillsto make trebuchets, and then had a competitionfiring things across the scout hut.Places available in all sections again from afterhalf term, contact us on:[email protected]

The Hutton Cranswick Scout group has a numberof events and activities planned over the next sixmonths and would like you to help get them ready.Email [email protected] with yourcontact details and we can arrange to meet up.



Danny GladstoneCity & Guilds 17thEdition Electrician

All types of Domestic, Industrial and Commercialwork undertaken including fitting of new sockets,provision of outside lighting and house rewiring.

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Were you a child growing up in the Second World War?The Bulletin team, working with Hutton Cranswick WI and children from theprimary school are looking to record experiences of villagers who grew up inthe Second World War. If you grew up during this period and would be willingto share your experiences, then we are organising for a number of the older primary school children to helprecord your experiences. We are organising an afternoon tea in September at the WI Hall when the interviewswill take place. Please get in touch with The Bulletin Team by calling us on 270187 and mention this article.

Planting a Bean Seed1. First put some soil in the cup.2. then put the bean in the soil.

3. then put six squirts of water into the cup.4. Put the cup on the window.

By Kenzie in the Reception Class

A GurdwaraA Gurdwara is a place of worship for Sikhs. It’s a place that is open for anybody in the World. To

enter a Gurdwara you must take your shoes off, tie your hair up (kesh).In a Gurdwara everyone sits on the floor and the langar (the kitchen)only makes vegetarian meals. There you can also talk about people’sproblems and discuss the punishment.The Nishan Sahib is a triangular orange flag with the Sikh symbol of aKhanda in the middle of it. It represents the values of the Sikh faith.The Sangat is a holy group of people. They sit and listen to the prayersthat are being read out in the Guru Granth Sahib (Sikh Holy Book).A Goalak is known as the collection box, (found in front of the Guru

Granth Sahib) where worshipers put money and then bow or kneel down to the Guru GranthSahib.By Eva in Year 5

Global WarmingSince the 1700s humans have buried gases into the atmosphere. Thesegases have created a blanket around the earth creating greenhouse.This blanket/greenhouse has then caused Global warming.The earth is heating up. If we don’t do anything about it, it would turnto serious problems like nature will die things will flood and ice will melt.What happens to the suns heat?It gets stuck and a blanket is formed or a greenhouse effect is formed.By Sophie in Year 5


Funded by Hutton Cranswick Parish Council andadvertising, The Bulletin is produced and delivered

monthly by our team of volunteers.If you need help with

Advertising, contact Frank on 270470;Deliveries - Annie on 275324;

Diary Dates - Sue M on 275333

If you would like to send an item/advert forpublication please email this to

[email protected] where it will be pickedup by Sue W, Lynn, Melvyn or Richard,

who will do their best to acknowledge receipt within 2-3 days.

All items for inclusion in The Bulletin should be withus by the 18th of the month, otherwise we cannot

guarantee inclusion.Did you know you can also view a colour copy of the

Bulletin on the village websitewww.huttoncranswick.com

When contacting any of our advertisers please tellthem that you saw their advert in The Bulletin.

Printed by Alma Printers, Driffield YO25 6LL

JUNE DATES FOR YOUR DIARYSaturday 1st Monthly Wildlife Walk 10:00am at Tophill Low. No booking necessary, standard admissioncharge bring your binocularsMonday 3rd Crafts 2:00-4:00pm at WI Hall, Cranswick. For information contact Gwyneth Southall 01377253572Monday Village Choir Practice 7:30-9:00pm at The White Horse, CranswickTuesday Pop-In 2:00-4:00pm at WI Hall, Cranswick. For more information contact Rose Bell on 01377270220Tuesdays (term time) Music and Story 1:30-2:45pm at St Peter’s ChurchWednesday Friendship Coffee Club 10:30am-12:00noon at SRA Rotsea LaneThursday 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th The Village Quilters 1:00-4:00pm at WI HallThursday 6th Pig Bingo 7:30pm (Eyes Down) at WI Hall, CranswickFriday Youth Club for Grown Ups 10:00-11:30am at SRA Rotsea Lane. Entrance £1.00 including coffeeor tea and biscuitsSaturday 8th from 10:00am 24 Hour Charity Sing-a-thon at Leconfield Recreation Club (HuttonCranswick choir slot is 7:30pm)Sunday 9th Tophill Low Open Day 10:00am – 4:00pmMonday 10th Library Van 10:00am-5:00pm at Hutton Cranswick SchoolMonday 10th Bridge 1:30-3:30pm at WI Hall, Cranswick. Contact Monica McGregor on 01377 270717Tuesday 11th WI Meeting 7:15pm at WI Hall, Speaker-Catherine Scott Writer & Performance PoetCompetition- A Poem about the WIFriday/Saturday 14th/15th June Family Camp at SRA Fri 3:00pm – Sat 4:00pmMonday 17th Crafts 2:00-4:00pm at WI Hall, Cranswick. For information contact Gwyneth Southall01377 253572Friday 21st Quiz Night 7:30pm at SRA. Rotsea Lane. Entrance £5.00 includes supper. Phone MikeWardell on 07814 923699 to book a placeMonday 24th Library Van 10:00am-5:00pm at Hutton Cranswick SchoolMonday 24th Bridge 1:30-3:30pm at WI Hall, Cranswick. Contact Monica McGregor on 01377 270717Tuesday 25th Tophill Low walk to see spectacular reptiles 9:00-11:00am Free with admission charge.Booking necessary on 01377 270690Wednesday 26th Parish Council Meeting 7:00pm at WIHall, Cranswick

Future Dates

Sunday 7th July and 25th August Service on the GreenSunday 7th July Open GardensThursday 11th July - In Bloom Judging (see page 4)Friday 12th July Hutton Cranswick School Summer Fair3:00-5:00pmFriday 12th July SRA Have a go eveningSaturday 27th July Cran-BurySunday 28th July Village Show to offer help or forinformation contact [email protected] 17th August WI Strawberry Tea 2:00-4:00pmFriday 4th October Quiz Night at SRA for WI EasternLights ChoirSaturday 23rd November Christmas MarketTo have your events listed in Dates for your Diary, pleaseemail [email protected] or contact Sue Moody on01377 275333