The Built Environment: a critical health issue Diana Heggie - CEO Heart Foundation Victoria Smart Urban Futures Forum – MAV and Victoria Walks 25 March 2015

The Built Environment: a critical health issue Diana Heggie - CEO Heart Foundation Victoria Smart Urban Futures Forum – MAV and Victoria Walks 25 March

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The Built Environment: a critical health issue

Diana Heggie - CEO Heart Foundation Victoria

Smart Urban Futures Forum – MAV and Victoria Walks 25 March 2015

©2010 National Heart Foundation of Australia Healthy by Design – An Introduction

Healthy Lifestyle

©2010 National Heart Foundation of Australia Healthy by Design – An Introduction

Obesity crisis facing Australia 10 years from now

Strategies for changeStrategies for change

Individual Environment

Sedentary Behaviour Sedentary Behaviour

Healthy by Design Healthy by Design

Practical guidance to:•Encourage walkable & more liveable communities•Encourage physical activity through quality urban design•Facilitate healthy planning for healthy places

For use with and by:•Local government built environment professionals – planners, transport planners, open space and recreation, health planners, urban design etc•Private practice – including developers•Community organisations

©2010 National Heart Foundation of Australia Healthy by Design – An Introduction

Heart Foundation Local Government Awards

Amend the Planning and Environment Act to ensure health is a consideration in

urban design

Our Advocacy

We are asking the state government to:

• Enter the Local Government Awards – entries close Friday 22 May

• Join us in calling for amendments to the Planning Act

• Get innovative at the margins…. make a difference

• Get information on Healthy by Design email [email protected]

You can:

Can a footpath help prevent a heart attack?


The way your community is designed can either help or hinder your likelihood of keeping active.