for the parishes of Humshaugh with Simonburn & Wark, and Chollerton with Birtley, Gunnerton & Thockrington The Broadsheet April 2015 During the Humshaugh Benefice vacancy please contact the Churchwardens: Humshaugh: John McCollum (681682) or Roger Langford (681195) Simonburn: Judith Brown (681371) or Veronica Allgood (689533) Wark: Ann Bell (230259) or John Cooper (230367) For clergy matters, contact the Rural Dean: The Revd. Dr Susan Ramsaran (220019) www.humshaughbenefice.org.uk The Revd. Michael J Slade Vicar, Chollerton with Birtley, Gunnerton & Thockrington Tel: 01434 681721 email: [email protected] www.chollerton-churches.org.uk

The Broadsheet April 2015 - Humshaugh · day during Holy Week as Christians journey through the Passion Narrative, ... amazement, and a little joy break out at the news. The women

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for the parishes of Humshaugh

with Simonburn & Wark, and

Chollerton with Birtley,

Gunnerton & Thockrington

The Broadsheet



During the Humshaugh Benefice vacancy

please contact the Churchwardens:

Humshaugh: John McCollum (681682) or

Roger Langford (681195)

Simonburn: Judith Brown (681371) or

Veronica Allgood (689533)

Wark: Ann Bell (230259) or

John Cooper (230367)

For clergy matters, contact the Rural Dean:

The Revd. Dr Susan Ramsaran (220019)


The Revd. Michael J Slade Vicar, Chollerton with Birtley,

Gunnerton & Thockrington

Tel: 01434 681721

email: [email protected]



Chollerton Vicarage

Dear friends,

If all goes according to plan this edition of the Broadsheet should arrive with you during Holy Week (the week beginning with Palm Sunday on March 29th) or in the following Easter Week.

People sometimes comment about how busy I must be during Advent and Christmas and often I retort by saying that Christmas is never as busy as Holy Week and Easter. That is because there is offered every day during Holy Week as Christians journey through the Passion Narrative, culminating with the crucifixion of Jesus at Calvary on Good Friday.

The story of Jesus’ Passion is filled with contrasts: a joyous arrival on a donkey, confrontation with traders and money-changers in the Temple, a simple celebratory meal taken with his disciples, washing of their feet, intrigue, plotting, betrayal, arrest, an unjust trial, torture, abandonment, loss of everything including his dignity, and the humiliation of a cruel death on a cross between two common criminals. Our services during Holy Week will engage with these emotive issues and Christ’s Via Dolorosa.

In among all of that mocking, spitting, beating and hatred was forgiveness. Jesus forgives them for they know not what they do. These for me are the most wonderful words that Jesus ever uttered and sit alongside the most important question ever asked of humankind, ‘Who do you say that I am?’

I find these two sentences go together. One asks us to say who we think Jesus is. The Lent course I have been leading in the Chollerton and Humshaugh benefices invites me to consider the question and reply: ‘Jesus is Lord.’ The Archbishop of Canterbury said that he needed a lifetime, even all of eternity, to fully understand what that reply meant for him. Accepting Jesus as Lord in and of our lives is a big step. It means travelling (as best we can) His way rather than our own, and engaging with the possibility that everything we do may be done under Jesus’ authority. We would be saying, ‘Jesus is my Lord’; not just on a Sunday, not just when we’re feeling good about things, but all of the time: 24/7. We are only human and try as we may we are unlikely to be able to be like Jesus in our lives even for some of the time. We may feel a sense of sorrow about that as we consider how we have fallen short of his example or drifted away from God. However, in the second sentence I quoted, Jesus offers us a way back. Forgiveness for whatever we feel we have not done right or in any way we have let him and ourselves down, is available to us – freely, openly (as his arms were on the cross), and for everyone forever.


To enable this to happen he goes to his grave after this act of forgiveness on the cross. Death must take place before resurrection. His body is released into the hands of Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus, two fine men, who do the decent thing for him, anointing his body with myrrh and wrapping him in clean linen cloths. In just three days Jesus is risen. Guards on his tomb have fainted dead away at the shock. Disbelief, amazement, and a little joy break out at the news. The women are the first to realise, then later the men. Resurrection defeats death for all time.

I often wonder what he must have looked like, after the resurrection. My instinct is to say, ‘a bit of a mess.’ What he had been through would have almost destroyed his body. Surely he must have borne the marks of suffering. Is that not the same with us? We bear the marks of what we have been through. We are after all only fragile clay jars which can easily be broken and, even when stuck back together, show the cracks. How wonderful it is to be forgiven, to be healed, to have new life, to shine like lights again as new life follows from the darkness of whatever we have endured. That really is something to celebrate. New life in Christ brings hope, forgiveness and restoration for everyone, you and me alike.

Seeing the lambs, the bulbs really coming on now, the longer days (oh joy!), the warmth of the sun and the green blush overtaking empty branches – all signs of new life in creation and, I hope, new life in Christ.

I pray you will have a blessed Easter, full of joy and new life for you and those you love.

With much love,


Round and about Humshaugh

Mothers’ Union

Jennie Jones came to the Mothers’ Union meeting at the Langfords’ house on March the 5th, giving a wonderful afternoon with beautiful photos of the Pilgrimage, she and her husband took to the Holy Land. The photos were accompanied by prayers and music. You really felt you had been in that very special country yourself that afternoon… In April, actually in Holy Week, we will welcome Barry Noble on Thursday the 2nd, who will talk on the Walsingham’s Shrine. That meeting will most probably be at Anne and Malcolm Race’s house and we will meet at 2pm. And, as always, anybody is very welcome to join us. The MU members would like to wish everybody a very happy Easter.


Pub Quiz

The next Quiz is on Tuesday 21st April in The Crown at 8pm and will be in aid of

the Village Hall. Mick Jonas will be the question master.

Humshaugh Cricket Club

Humshaugh Cricket Club will be running its annual jumble sale in the village hall on Saturday April 11 at 2 pm. Members will be leafleting as many houses around the village as possible in the week before the sale, asking villagers to donate items – glassware, china, crockery, kitchen ware, household ware, tools, books, DVDs, CDs, games, puzzles, soft toys etc, and especially homemade goodies like biscuits, cakes, scones, jams etc. Items for the raffle and the tombola would also be appreciated. Members will then be knocking on doors on the Friday evening before the sale to collect any items that villagers would care to donate. Stalls will be set up in the hall and light refreshments will be available in the supper room during the sale. For further details, or to arrange collection of items outside the afore mentioned time, please contact club secretary, Nick Hayward, on 681463.


Whenever I make biscuits for a village event, I always make Auntie Hett’s ginger biscuits. Who was Auntie Hett? She was David Prest’s great aunt (his grandmother’s sister). Harriet Wragg was born in 1872 at 4, Douglas Terrace and lived there until she died in 1965. Harriet never married, she made her living by baking – she supplied bread and biscuits to many of the houses in Humshaugh, including Miss Cruddas of Haughton Castle – the chauffeur would come to Douglas Terrace to collect the food. I was given the recipe of the ginger biscuits by my mother in law when I married David. She had always made Aunty Hett’s gingers – my daughter and granddaughter now make them, so five generations have made these biscuits. I have Auntie Hett’s cooling trays, which must be well over a 100 years old. Sadly, I never met her, she died the week that David and I started going out together. Liliane Steele’s late mother “Lil” told me on the day we moved into Humshaugh, that Miss Wragg had made her wedding cake and that she was a “peach” of a woman.


Humshaugh Swallow Project

How time flies! 2014 was the fourth year of the project. A total of 68 nestlings were

ringed and four new adult females were caught near nests.

This year we visited 12 different sites and monitored 27 nests, of which eight were

definitely second broods and some late nests may be second broods from birds we

did not find early on. Eight pairs raised five chicks each and six fledged four each.

We caught eight returning birds, our highest number yet. The adult female

swallow first ringed in 2011 that was caught at a different nest site in 2013 was still

at the second site in 2014 and a female first ringed in 2012 was at the same nest site

in 2013 and 2014. Four males caught as adults in 2013 were still at the same nests

in 2014. We also had our first known nestling returning to breed, a male ringed in

the nest by the river was nesting in the centre of the village this year, so much for

male swallows returning to their natal site!

Thank you to everyone who has been involved in this project, to all of you who

have allowed us access to your gardens and outbuildings, without your help this

project could not work. It is almost time for our swallows to return, I will be

looking out eagerly for them and will be popping round to see you all soon when

your birds are back on territory

If anyone else would like to help with this project or if you have swallows in your

garden we could monitor, please do let me know on 01434 681051, 07717574151

or [email protected]

Many thanks Tina

Womens’ World Day of Prayer

A warm welcome was given to everyone who attended the Womens’ World Day of

Prayer at Gunnerton church on the evening of Friday 6th March. Beginning and

ending with the sound of rhythmic Caribbean music the colourful and lively service,

prepared by the Christian women of the Bahamas, centred around the theme of

radical love. To underline this theme the gospel reading was taken from St John

chapter 13 in which Jesus washed the disciples feet and said, “Do you know what I

have done to you?” The service consisted of readings, hymns, prayers and quiet


After the service there was an opportunity for the congregation to view the displays

and chat over coffee and cake. A date for the diary next year when the service will

take place as usual on the first Friday in March which in 2016 is Friday 4th March.

Anne Race



As I commence the April notes, Easter is foremost in mind. The shops are full of Eggs, chocolate or other ingredients, bunnies and other items to celebrate this occasion within the churches calendar. I do wonder how many buying these items actually understand if this is just a commercial `rip off’ or the significance of Easter. I also wondered if it would be correct to wish all readers a Happy Easter, then this morning from Christian Aid I received a card wishing me a Happy Easter, so it is HAPPY EASTER to all. Christian Aid week will be coming up shortly so please do support them when the envelope drops into your letter box and give a smile to the collector – it could be me! Do you wish to be featured in THE BROADSHEET as a grumpy person?

These notes shall fall upon your doorstep either before or just after Easter, which I do hope many had the opportunity to attend one of the services within the Benefice. Easter is a sad/happy event. Here in St Michael’s we are having a service of Holy Communion on Easter Sunday at 6.00pm; a death for all along with a rising for all within three days to a new world for all.

So, back in March The Ladies Guild held their Bingo in The Town Hall which was well supported. The first time I have attended and believe me I had no idea you were so fanatical about it! Lent Lunch on 26th was, I hope, well supported as takings went off to Save the Children, in fact as I write these notes a testing soup is on the stove, perhaps by now it will be burnt!

March 17th was the date when your PCC may have been voted off! The AGM’S were held and I suspect the normal pattern of election and procedure will have continued. On the Monday of Easter week the Northern Cross Pilgrims will arrive into the village around 5.00pm to stop overnight to soak their feet, feed their souls then rest their bodies on the hard wooden floor of The Town Hall en route carrying the cross to Holy Island to meet with other Pilgrims on Good Friday. Here in Wark, Sally has arranged a Good Friday walk commencing at 10.00am from the War Memorial arriving back an hour later to partake of the refreshments available in various places in the village, before heading off to the devotional service at 1.30pm in St Michael’s

Now all of you who fell into the category of eligibility for Wark Old Peoples Party will be, or you should be, aware a great deal of the funding this year came from the Wark Scarecrow Trail which was organized by Laureen. So much fun was obtained from this that a repeat event will be held this year over the weekend of 12th – 14th June. Now, unless you are involved with arranging such a thing , you will not be aware of the hours prior arranging, therefore we must say the last and this will be the final day for placing an entry will be 4th June 2015. After that date maps etc


need to be printed and promotional signs distributed. Laureen would encourage any farms around the village, along with homes in Stonehaugh to participate so it does become Parish wide Entry is £3.00, so get on the ‘phone and call Laureen `the Scarecrow lady’ (as she was nick named last year) on 230858. It is all in good fun and for a most important , cause.

As I’ve walked around the village today (13th March) I see the daffodils starting to come into bloom so hope they do hang on a little longer for a full show as the W.I. have a `DAFFODILS IN WARK’ day on Sunday 19th April. Whatever, come along to the great occasion and enjoy a `Great W.I. Bake Off Tea’ in the Town Hall between 2pm and 5pm.

These notes are written with sadness in my heart as a man, I along with Christine, knew as Uncle Jimmy has died. He, along with Mary, and their family lived alongside us for many years and was following the retirement of his father in charge of the Post Office here in Wark. Jimmy was received into St Michael’s churchyard following a service in MURC on 17th March 2015. We send prayers and sympathy to all the family

I am informed a few tickets are still available for the annual Wark Charity Lunch on Wednesday 13th May so contact Ann on 230259. This year the proceeds will be divided between GATEWAY INTO THE COMMUNITY and ALZHEIMER’S ASSOCIATION.

In the March BROADSHEET our Rural Dean mentioned the visitation of a group from Ripon College Cuddesdon early in April. They are being accommodated by parishioners throughout the Benefice with a number of events arranged. One of these events being a supper In Wark Town Hall on Thursday 9th April (the hall is closed for decoration at this time so it will be restricted to the two front rooms) There could be around 24 to be fed so if you can help in anyway please contact Ann on 230259.

Finally ,Wark C of E Aided School will celebrate 50 years of their being in `the new school building’ on Sunday 26th April. This shall take the form of an open afternoon that day with displays of school memorabilia. Let us go along to have a laugh at the way we used to look! Remember those clothes – I never wore something like that! Oh yes we did! Look at the evidence.

A number of years ago St Michael’s enjoyed the services of a Curate and I have been requested by a number of readers to print the poem Dad penned,that was read at his funeral (it was the cleanest amongst the many) so here goes.


Congratulations Rita on your ordination we are proud of you today From St Michael’s PCC and all the congregation our prayer for you we say To keep us on the straight and narrow path is a mammoth task we know But you will help us plant our footsteps firmly as we go Now we will help you all we can to prove you are as good as any man One thing, Rita, we must mention if you want to attract attention Keep your skirts and sermons short, give the boys a thrill When you climb into the pulpit show your knickers with a frill!

There is nothing more I can or should say.

Love to all. John

We are introducing a scarecrow trail around Wark and Stonehaugh 12th-14th

June. This involves competitors constructing and displaying a scarecrow of their

choice over that weekend

The cost to each competitor will be £3. 1st and 2nd prizes of £30 and £10 will be

awarded according to votes from viewers. Viewers can buy a map, £2, showing

the location of each scarecrow on the trail. Included with the map is the voting

form to be completed and handed back to the organisers by Sunday afternoon.

Scarecrows should be in position from Thursday evening of the event and will

stay on show over the weekend with presentations taking place on the Sunday

afternoon at the Town Hall where afternoon tea can be purchased.

All monies raised from this fun event are to support the Senior Citizen’s Festive


Interest has already been shown and it is hoped that even more people in Wark

and Stonehaugh will join in this year and volunteer to make a scarecrow. This

can be on an individual, group or organisation basis but names of competitors

will need to be forwarded to the organisers by Thursday 4th June to allow time for

the maps to be completed. That gives everyone time to put their thinking caps on

and start designing, collecting materials etc.

All those interested in making a scarecrow please contact the Laureen Kirtley



Benefice of Chollerton Benefice of Humshaugh

Sunday 5th April - Easter Day

9.00 Thockrington Family Communion

10.30 Chollerton Family Communion

6.00 Birtley Family Communion

9.30 Humshaugh 1662 Communion

11.00 Simonburn Holy Communion

6.00 Wark Holy Communion

Old Testament: No reading

Gospel: Mark 16:1-8

Epistle: Acts 10:34-43 Psalm: 118:14-24

Sunday 12th April - The Second Sunday of Easter

10.30 Chollerton Benefice Holy


9.30 Humshaugh Morning Prayer

11.00 Simonburn Holy Communion

6.00 Wark Holy Communion

Old Testament: [Exodus 14:10-end] Gospel: John 20:19-end

Epistle: Acts 4:32-35 Psalm: 133

Sunday 19th April - The Third Sunday of Easter

9.00 Gunnerton Holy Communion

10.30 Birtley Matins

9.30 Humshaugh Holy Communion

11.00 Simonburn Morning Prayer

6.00 Wark Evening Prayer

Old Testament: [Zephaniah 3:14-end] Gospel: Luke 24:36b-48

Epistle: Acts 3:12-19 Psalm: 3:12-19

Sunday 26th April - The Fourth Sunday of Easter

9.00 Thockrington 1662 Communion

10.30 Chollerton Holy Communion

9.30 Wark Holy Communion

11.00 Simonburn Morning Prayer

6.30 Humshaugh Evening Prayer

Old Testament: [Genesis 7:1-5 etc] Gospel: John 10:11-18

Epistle: Acts 4:5-12 Psalm: 23

Sunday 3rd May - The Fifth Sunday of Easter

9.00 Gunnerton Holy Communion

10.30 Birtley Holy Communion

9.30 Humshaugh 1662 Communion

11.00 Simonburn Holy Communion

6.00 Wark Evening Prayer

Old Testament: [Genesis 22:1-18] Gospel: John 15:1-8

Epistle: Acts 8:26-end Psalm: 22:25-end

Sunday 10th May -

9.00 Thockrington Holy Communion

10.30 Chollerton Holy Communion

6.00 Birtley Holy Communion

9.30 Humshaugh Holy Communion

11.00 Simonburn Holy Communion

Old Testament: No reading

Gospel: Mark 16:1-8 Epistle: Acts 10:34-43

Psalm: 118:14-24


Wark C of E First School 50th Anniversary

Wark First School are celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the building of the

new school on Sunday 26th April and would like to welcome students past and

present, parents and friends to join them between 2pm and 4pm.

There will be tea and cake, entertainment by the children plus an exhibition of

old photos and 60’s fashion.


Restoring services

The bridge painting is almost complete. Final works to be completed at this stage are:- 1. Painting contractor expects to complete work in two weeks, once the weather (temperature) has improved. 2. Repointing the top of the masonry piers 3. Installing brackets to the bridge structure to carry BT and street lighting ducts and cables 4. Installing cabling to ducts which necessitates off peak road closures to lift the BT chamber lid at the Wark end of the bridge. There will be traffic lights at the Birtley end of the bridge in order to lift the BT chamber lid. 5. Connect the cables – same procedure as above 6. Finish off painting the kerbs and retouching any paintwork damaged during blasting operations 7. Reinstall scaffold supports to the main girders and remove the scaffold supports under the deck fixed to the pier

8. Remove all scaffolding 9. Remove the compound and the temporary car park in April/May To enable BT to reinstate the electrical and telephone cabling, the bridge will close to traffic between 9am and 3pm each weekday during March/April for a maximum of two weeks – weather permitting. Timescale is dependent on completion point 1 above. Meantime, discussions are taking place with Lafarge Tarmac to find a permanent solution to the bridge road surface problem.

In the event that there is an issue which requires an immediate response, speak to site staff in the site cabins beside the Sports Club on the Birtley side of the bridge, once work commences.

Any concerns outside normal working hours – call Northumberland County Council’s 24hr hotline: 0845 600 6400 or email: [email protected]


Messy Church… … meets again in Barrasford Village Hall on Saturday June 27th at 3.00pm. Please note the change from the usual Saturday in the month. Families welcome with something creative to do for adults and children of all ages. A short time of singing and a prayer or two follows before we enjoy

Services for Holy Week in the Chollerton and Humshaugh Benefices

Monday March 30th: Compline at 9.00pm at Gunnerton St Christopher

Tuesday March 31st: Compline at 9.00pm at Chollerton St Giles

Wednesday April 1st: Compline at 9.00pm at Thockrington St Aidan

Maundy Thursday: Holy Communion service at Birtley St Giles at 7.30pm

Holy Communion service at Humshaugh St Peter at 7.30pm

Good Friday: Humshaugh Benefice Devotional Service at Wark St Michael at 1.30pm

Chollerton Benefice Service of Hymns and Meditations for the Third Hour at Gunnerton St Christopher at 2.00pm

Simonburn Notes

Mothering Sunday service, on March 15th, was taken by Lay Reader Pam Nobbs.

It was a lovely service and posies of daffodils were given out by the children.

Unfortunately we were without an organist, but we managed to borrow some

backing CD's from Humshaugh!

On that note! We would like to welcome a new organist to Simonburn, Richard

Pattison, who is will be joining us from Alston.

Our Easter day service, on Sunday April 5th at 11 o'clock, will be taken by the

Rev. Canon Michael Jackson. The church will be looking at its Easter best, with all

the beautiful flowers.

If you are going on holiday soon why not have a look in the church at the book

table, there some great holiday reads.

Simonburn Village Hall Committee will be holding there A. G. M. in the village

hall on Thursday 30th April at 7.30pm. You are all are welcome.

Best Wishes



Please ensure that all bookings for Gunnerton Church are made by contacting

Susan Reay on 01434 681852

Community Events in Gunnerton Church

From the Registers in the Chollerton Benefice

Holy Baptism We welcomed into the Family of the Church

Tommy William Dodd at Chollerton St Giles on Sunday March 1st

Funerals and Memorial Services We celebrated the life of

Doris Amelia Law, 85, at Chollerton St Giles on Friday February 20th Stephen John Petrie, 43, at Humshaugh St Peter on Friday 27th

February Stella Mary Candy, 93, at Humshaugh St Peter on Wednesday March 4th

William Murray Dixon, 96, at Hexham Cemetery on Friday March 6th Dorothy Joyce Brownlee, 81, at Newcastle West Road Crematorium on

Friday March 13th Norah Faries, 93, at Humshaugh St Peter on Friday March 13th

Gunnerton Lunch Club

Wednesday April 29th £2.50

12noon-1.00pm Delicious homemade soup, pudding, tea and coffee, raffle,

and, as always, good conversation, Raffle

New volunteers are always welcome to prepare and /or serve the lunches. If you are interested in helping at this monthly event please

contact Alison on 689996.


Birtley Village Hall

Birtley & District Gardening Group Next meeting is on Tuesday April 14


7.30pm for 7.45pm. Woodland Gems

with Dr Andrew Ward Norwell Nurseries, Newark

The group always welcomes new visitors or prospective members

whether experienced or rookie gardeners.

The annual membership for 2014/15 season is £20.00 Couples £40.00. Guests/single talks £4.00

Coffee Morning

Thursday April 2nd from 10.30am Delicious coffee, home bakes

and great conversation guaranteed!

Birtley Local History Group Local outing in May,

to be confirmed Further details from Mary White

Tel. 01434 230307 £2.00 per person

Other Church services within the Chollerton Benefice

Barrasford Methodist Chapel: Normally services are at 6.30pm each Sunday.

Great Swinburne: St Mary’s RC Church. Mass at 10.15am and 12.00 Noon every Sunday, the 12 o’clock Mass in the Extraordinary Form, said in Latin.

Enquiries to Fr Bede (Tel: 681968)


Barrasford Village Hall:

Quiz night on Friday 17th April. .

8.00pm start, pooled supper and bar.

All welcome

Afternoon Tea Parties

Tea parties will take place once a month at Newton Village Hall from 2.00pm to 4.00pm. Everyone is welcome and they are particularly for the elderly, people who feel lonely and the less mobile.

The dates are:

Wednesdays on 8th April and 13th May. There are several volunteers who are willing to provide transport to and from. The whole thing is free of charge to everyone. There will be tea/cakes/sandwiches provided – and hopefully lots of happy smiles, friendship and laughter.

More details from Alice Murphy, 01434 689387 or 07968 396938.

Chollerton WI Wednesday, 1st April: 7.30pm Silks and Satins by Tricia

Stainsby. If you are looking for a gift that is different, items will be for sale after the meeting.

Wednesday 6th May: Susan Johnson talking about the Cullercoats Fishergirls (her grandmother was one of them).

Wednesday 3rd June: we are having a talk on Woolcraft by Fransje Samsom (not a Cookery Demo as stated in last month's Broadsheet).

In July we are looking forward to a Nature Walk at Ladycross, led by Colin Jewitt.

New members and visitors are always welcome


The Scarecrows are returning!

The Barrasford Hall Committee and Chollerton churches thought it would be great to make scarecrows again. Photos of our last scarecrow’s weekend can be viewed on : www.chollerton-churches.org.uk/social.

We shall be meeting in Barrasford Village Hall on Saturday July 18th from 2.00pm to 4.00pm. Tea, coffee squash and biscuits will be served. In the meantime please drop off no longer needed glasses, beads, hats and clothes to Chollerton Vicarage to help make these life-like figures. Any unused clothes and items will be donated to local charity shops or recycled. The scarecrow weekend is September 12th and 13th and there will be afternoon teas and prizes.


Simonburn Village Hall

Annual General Meeting

will be held in the village hall on Thursday

30th April at 7.30pm.

All are welcome. ️

Chollerton Benefice Churches Social event To celebrate St George's Day, there will be a traditional home-cooked Sunday lunch served at Gunnerton Church on April 19th, at 12.30 for 1.00pm. Tickets are available at £14.50 including drinks from Fiona at the Vicarage, Tel.681721. Booking early is essential.


The Broadsheet Editor – Roger Hadley

Tel: 01434 681077 – email: [email protected]

Please don’t forget the deadline for the Broadsheet is 14th of each month

May 23rd Bacon butties and Afternoon Tea at Chollerton Vicarage Following which we hope to offer regular Saturday morning bacon butties at Chollerton church during the summer

June 14th Birtley Fete at Chipchase Castle

June 19th Midsummer barbecue at Gunnerton church

July 24th Chollerton Safari Supper

July 26th Birtley Champagne and Strawberries (tbc)

August (date tbc) Thockrington Fete at Carrycoats Hall

September 4th Ken and Alison’s wine tasting evening

September 12th and 13th Scarecrow weekend with Barrasford village hall committee

October 11th Birtley Harvest lunch at 1.00pm Birtley village hall

October 25th Sing for your supper at Chollerton church, and

November 27th Chilli evening (venue tba)

Easter is not just for the Bunny,

With goodies and treats that he brings,

Easter is when we must celebrate

And alleluia is the song that we sing!

Easter is really for Jesus,

Who died and then rose from the dead.

We must always remember the love Jesus showed

And all of the things that He said.

So, remember this Easter when you go to Church,

And this message you tell everyone.

That Easter is all about Jesus,

The Bunny and treats are just fun!