5- L t f V3c f w Y PAGE EIGHT THE OCALA BANNER v = f P I 1 I Ce t 4 μ MONDAY BEGINS II A GLEAN SWEEP Ii MONDAY BEGINS January 3005 I- Ii January 3005 I 1 << l < 7 c N- r I 1 v > The Great Mill and Factory Salje that has been in full force in this store for the past twenty days has proven to be the most successful 1 bargain event ever held in Ocala High qualities and low foundation have been the foundation this sale has been based on Thousands of dollars worth of iii goods have been sold and thousands of dollars worth of goods are yet to be sold Beginning Monday Jan 30 we intend making a clean sweep sale of every ar ¬ ticle of winter merchandise in this store Prices must be no object These goods must be sold to make room for the large spring stock which is daily arriving Come out and see your dollar will have wonderful buying power in this store- CLEAN r A SWEEP MEANS Mens dress and business suits Hamilton Brown Shoes The Ameri- can ¬ 8 98 I S15 values Gentlemen for men S4 all r Matchless Money Saving Opporquties sale the only world over for this sweep 298 P tI Mens mixed tweed suits 698 Ladies long jackets worth from A huge assortment of childrens worth 1250 129- A Q 748 Mens S shoes jackets morth 250 1500 to 4000 only 1 9 8 i l c Mens odd coats in weaves and Ladies Plush Capes lar jo assortment of childrens 1 s 248 229- L Ladle f ses 2 98 a jackets ATorth 85 mixing 85 values + 5 values only 243 1 Mens odd coats 223 Ladles velvet capes worth from arg e assortment of Cltlltll tl ready Ladies 2 shoes tf 84 values 2 48 I 187 198 0 S300to40U to wear lnsses 4 values only r I + rY- Y I L f tens overcoats 849 Ladies tailor made suits worth 798 Childrens worth 80 long silk wilts 347 < 0 boys or girls shoes 163 Sl5 values frOInSI200to SISOu J only c jX 3S A- r THE BOSTON STORE t- w i- tff 4 AI If 1 y- t itA r t THE MERCANTILE CUCKOO 1 There is a bird called the cuckoo which builds no nest of its own but lays its eggs in the nests of other birds to be hatched by them they sharing the benefits of the time care and labor of the other birds but con- e ¬ tributing nothing in return In every community there are hu ¬ man cuckoos men who reap all the benefit and profit of the labor and foresight of other men and yet bear none Of the burden and expense Men who will not assist any public enterprise but are the most clamor- ous ¬ 1 for the benefits it confers men who will not spend a cent to adver- tise their town not even the line of goods they carry but who loudly h contend for a large share of the bus- iness ¬ f I a > which the brain prudence generosity and money of their more I liberal competitors has created It is the same principle laying r their eggs in others nests An- other ¬ point The question has- a moral aspect undoubtedly The bird gets something for nothing 1 and the man designs to do the same I thing which is the motive of the I gambler and a tentative violation of I g the spirit of the eighth command- ment ¬ Is there an analogy between I the habits of the cuckoo bird and the disposition of many men to reap that they have not sown to gather that a j they have not strewn Are you of I the class brother riding your com- petitors ¬ I i and neighbors into condi- tions ¬ i t 5 1 you in no way contributed to t I t create Lay in your own nest and I hatch out your own beiletits1e I n I cater Ga News I We have these same cuckoos in Ocala some very big ones There is one thing to envy about I Y Florida Its always Fishing time down there Atlanta Constitution I How about spring weather in winter time Metropolis I It is sometimes quite artic Wed- nesday ¬ morning for instance some e water pipes burst Lets tell the t truth about our climate as well as all other things I The teacher who taught him jiu jitsu said now my young man that a just fitsyu a To paddle your own Canoe all alone I Ps When a big ruflin hitsyu n Y Chicago Record Herald 4it The Hannah Elias mess now run- ning ¬ through the big dailies is sick- ening ¬ T i and disgusting in its detr s 1 T ryr s r THE TYRANNY GF COWARDS The worst of all tyranny is the tyranny of cowards said Tocque vine The most conspicuous living example of that Wise generation is Nicholas II czar of all the Russia The Bourbons ver fools as Nap leon said hut they were not lacking- in physical courage Nicholas seems to be no less deficient in courage than in knowledge of his people How easy it would have been for a really brave ruler to deal with the situation that developed in St IV- tFrsburg yesterday No mob was ever less bloodthirsty than that which assembled at the Winter Pal ¬ ace to petition for a redress of griev- ances ¬ None ever showed more con- fidence ¬ in its sovereign the individ uality of whose person had been guaranteed by its leaders UYe do not wish to do harm If he will only listen to our grievances we are sure he will be just and merciful Those were not the cries of assas ¬ sinsA word from the czar himself even his appearance before his peo ¬ plean uplifted handwould have satisfied a majority that the Little Father had heard their prayer and would redress their wrongs Instead hundreds of dead and wounded men and women are tie czars answer to the appeals of op pressed people With DOOOU Japan- ese hanging to the brown bears flank in Manchuria Nicholas could think of no hotter way of answering a pe- tition ¬ than to slaughter his subjects New York World WAR I The question that must arise in every mind says Mr Bryan is Can war be really ncce arj i Mutt men fiht each other and kill each other in order t3 etpblih justice Must the dtftmie o na- tion be forever determined by their wars There is an ever increasing multi ¬ tude who look for the coming of the day when wars shall be no more This multitude will force the pulpits- to begin a warfare against war and when this is done with zeal fervor and power the wholesale slaughter of men by their fellow men will cease Wars would have long since ceased if the followers of Christ were his followers in deed as well as in name Mrs Mary E Provine and Miss Edna Forrest of Killmichael Miss arrived Saturday for a short visit to Mr S L Bitting and family The I former is Mrs Bittings mother while the latter is her niece 1 P 2 < dt tf- i L ifti c = = < < O I Marriage Announcement lien and Mrs Fitzhugh Lee an- nounce I I the engagement of their j daughter Annie Fitbtijrb Lee to t i Lieut Lewis Brown jr A the I Seventh Tinted States Cavalry TIll t wedding has heel fixed fr the loth of February and will be olemnixed 1 ill St outs Episcopal church of N rfolk Va It is a matter of com- ment f among army people that the j Seventh Calvary is f listers old rest I ment and surv ers of the civil war remember that it was frequently in action during arious Virginia cam- paigns ¬ with the Confederate forces commanded by Fitzhugh Lee The Generals eldest daughter Ellen is the wife of Capt Rhea of that regi ¬ ment and his son George Mason Lee who about a year ago married a daughter of Gen Geo H Burton Inspector General United States Army is a subaltern in the same crack body Lieut Brown is a Rhode Island man his fiance is regarded- by connoisseurs as the most beautiful T girl in Virginia Naturally the wed- ding ¬ ceremonies next month will as ¬ semble in Norfolk a brilliant delega- tion ¬ fium the military body and rep ¬ l resentatives of the most artistic and distinguished families of the south Gen and Mss Lee and Miss Lee were in Oeala in lb > S ei route to Cuba and they were given a large re Cption at the Oala Louse by the I people of Oeala The above an- nouncement ¬ will be of interest all- over tle south Water Route Between East and West Coast To the Editor of he Ocala Banner Your issue of the 13th contains a communication nom Peter Stanley about a water route between the I east and west coasts and states the I belief that very few people in the state are aware of the fact I sup ¬ pose he has reference to the Santafe connection Lake Santafe in the t northeastern part of Alachua county has an outlet through the Santafe and Suwannee rivers to the gulf and through mill and orange sinks Lock loosa and Orange lakes and the Ockla waha and St Johns rivers to the At- lantic ¬ I I Notice Strayed or stolen one small black mare about six years olrj Branded- Z I on shoulder A liberal reward will be given anyone returning her or giving any information as to her whereabouts J J LEITNE- Rl10dw tf Geiger Fla- t I a 1 Home For the Aged i Jacksonville has begun the erec- tion ¬ I of a home for the aged At the laying of the corner stork May r Nolan delivered a very beautiful touching and eloquent address The following extract from his speech gives an idea of its touching pathos When one is bowed beneath the accumulated weight of years when t cares oppress subsistence precarious t no longer able to smuggle with ad- verse waves when hunger gnaws and hope has well nigh fled the heart when age and want oh ill itched pair stands before you iih mute appeal 1 repeat is there anything nobler and more Godlike t lun to such an one eonuave have a place prepared for you i Thanks are due from the peojle throughout the state to the press of j Ocala and Palatka for the gallant j and vigorous tight made by them to J induct the Railroad commission to grant the prayer made by the Gaines- ville ¬ Board of Trade against the vi- cious ¬ I and unjust freight discrimina I tion methods practiced i j by transpor- tation t I companies against interior cities While this decision of the commission will be of equal advan- tage ¬ to every interior city it is a notable fas well as regrettable fact the press of other cities did not evince any disposition to assume an aggresive spirit in the interest of the people of their respective com- munities ¬ and their silence was as painful as it was embarrassing to those who naturally expected their aid In fact the representative Lake City paper rave notice that it would pursue a policy of masterly neutrality during the fray But the great trans- action ¬ is done and the glorious lib ¬ erties accorded Jacksonville by rail ¬ roads ore oursours to enjoy and ours to preserve < Jainesville Star Delegates to the Convocation The following persons have been elected delegates from Grace Church- in this city to attend the Episcopal Convocation in Tampa Wednesday and Thursday Messrs Townsley Por- ter ¬ John Pasteur D S Woodrow Mrs W P Ifaisley Mrs HW Lit ¬ tle Mrs J B Cutler and Mrs C L Bittinger Rev Henry W Little the rector is also attending the convoca ¬ tion j What is frezied finance to fren- zied I newspaper existence Lawson I might get pointers by staying around a newspaper office OUR 19I CLUBBING LIST Having made special arrangements with s vtrnl of the 1est- ncrSpale1 in the country we are no vr prepare to offer the fol loin very liberal propositions on subscriptions in connection- i with The Ocala Weekly Banner I The Ocaa Weekly Banner j The Ocala Weekly Banner Atlanta Weekly Constitution The Jacksonville Sr mi The Sunny South Atlanta i Weekly Tunes Uiion I One Year Ior One Year For i 1 200 150Th- e The Ocala Weekly Banner The Ocala Weekly Banner The Toledo Weekly Blade Thriceaweek NY World I One Year For One Year For y 13 ° 165 The above rates apply only to paidinadvance subscriptions < y and may be taken advantage of by old is well as new subscribers R 3s these offers may be witlulrawn at any time we advise imme- diate ¬ action on the part of those who wish to avail themselves of the opportunity Address all orders for the above to THE OCALA BANNER rt OCALA FLORIDA = = c- r rlii ll OLD r lICK r HOUSE < c 4 Lt 1to a r 4 J K 136 r V z1 t n 1 h A rI I V t1 i r L j tv tJ < DJ c YEA R L4JL- n vil lj W fi It y I 1 0 LD J rt l arts Frees lead 1 L aa r Our Offer e Cut rr tmnd father Colonel Joseph Williams tie revolution hOri pt1hihi thi hlliIW right on this spot in 176V more than lJJ fear htf e waKr adx rriiii g thnclve a oid honsi dreamed of uing IKT 1 o w hickey bihutts Oi rs business after lnchma > y nRirCIer > iatterninaatUMiiittofIinrS our ueee They euHlO co np et with us tin < because they are not distillers and in attempting torn at our prices they put on the market terribly injurious and dangerous concoetloflsIllany which contain the deadly wool leohoL Our t siress rolr 031 e aaC cur 2iskry hn wihstN vi all eempetiao It i txry ends halfa record cues for almost II een = paldcj in me bL lCo worl Fur tu been reeognizrd as the purest arC best pxsibie to lae 1ld Curing that time r ern riors Our whiskey has w dss of n 12 of customers In ord r mne1seo r ls ei rtstonrrs uAhaic served and sltisfi d al p st rffcrs c next few t oths we ofTer r toh r rec do Iy low and mecltnse srrs fr c r only If not sztisactory wlrn received you can rftum4t yrices on our hih praCe ou eicpense r i u tvi ii faire propSiion COUC3 C asc Our words and lAC nr o V rt i C vil tcU otr is as good us gold the Peoples National qXPIK A i OYOL fATJON Packed in 4 73 > as in Leg J= 3 gallons Special O er lln > loxed puuicox sot boxed I CCi J 3 r taortemjt7hoxc S t90 S 715 R x GP J 1 = Lu1 Qti3ts Fvore 11 botfs bxod 6 675 1005 95 BOr3S 12 fa quarts KiSSt Qlalty in Gxitrs txdr 1005 973 1 12 uI uorts whi ft MLs Choice ia IxKtles boxed 145 13S3 12 r oI i 1 rU r teSt 3 yas oii 1825 3 EJli = M is App Ec cy bn jus boxed > 1531 695 2132 Qrr t of i hcl r1cMt linerentkiidsfor5lS35 Terms With cs ch order erg ng from this advrrusracnt cash with order acccrnpanied by the namrs and illlllLwhisVey drinVcrs ve pror JS s to give freca Hand < ame Pocket Flask Cork addresses of ten tar Clipper Wethr vnthfoir tfrairril eoorc pictjrrs Screw Knife and ri reprs eatin four BY P=ChsIC thrc t31saL antirevoutianar scenes s cr tV cave Gars 1 you cet arut two I added rr p atza ship fours carts abut g xi Soot express cZet J < ray as rich ccprrss on rt1S azcs FR Eli ad n to the above rt you O friends Iill we pay on the above paclc the above pac 3es we ai1I send to the one makir j up ceorcer four fiend full scan order at once for four of lte1y free Soactatorce quarts of the Sane row abso P S The above prices apply to > C r Ga Ky Va To orders tray all ether fe fjo pet Id Miss K 3 N C Tran Va for adCia rrj tank in North Carolina all our officials Seniors oral express Rcfcrcnce5E and Con = r = e1 THE OLD NICK WILLIAMS CO Lock Box 68 Williams NC <<

THE BOSTON STOREufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/04/87/34/00309/00038.pdfwaha and St Johns rivers to the At-lantic ¬ I I Notice Strayed or stolen one small black mare about six years

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Page 1: THE BOSTON STOREufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/04/87/34/00309/00038.pdfwaha and St Johns rivers to the At-lantic ¬ I I Notice Strayed or stolen one small black mare about six years


Lt f V3c




1 ICe

t4 µ



January 3005 I-


January 3005I

1 << l < 7 c N-

r I1

v > The Great Mill and Factory Salje that has been in full force in this store for the past twenty days has proven to be the most successful

1 bargain event ever held in Ocala High qualities and low foundation have been the foundation this sale has been based on Thousands of dollars worth ofiii goods have been sold and thousands of dollars worth of goods are yet to be sold Beginning Monday Jan 30 we intend making a clean sweep sale of every ar ¬

ticle of winter merchandise in this store Prices must be no object These goods must be sold to make room for the large spring stock which is daily arriving

Come out and see your dollar will have wonderful buying power in this store-

CLEANrA SWEEP MEANSMens dress and business suits Hamilton Brown Shoes The Ameri-

can¬8 98 I

S15 values Gentlemen for men S4 allr Matchless Money Saving Opporquties


onlyworld over for this sweep 298


tI Mens mixed tweed suits 698 Ladies long jackets worth from A huge assortment of childrensworth 1250 129-


Q 748 Mens S shoesjackets morth 2501500 to 4000 only 1 98i

lc Mens odd coats in weaves and Ladies Plush Capes lar jo assortment of childrens 1

s248 229-


Ladle f ses2 98 ajackets ATorth 85mixing 85 values + 5 values only 2431

Mens odd coats 223 Ladles velvet capes worth from arg e assortment of Cltlltll tl ready Ladies 2 shoestf

84 values 2 48 I 187 1980S300to40U to wear lnsses 4 values only rI



Y I Lf

tens overcoats 849 Ladies tailor made suits worth 798Childrens

worth 80long silk wilts 347 < 0 boys or girls shoes 163Sl5 values frOInSI200to SISOu J only





w i-

tff4 AI

If 1 y-t itAr t



There is a bird called the cuckoo

which builds no nest of its own butlays its eggs in the nests of otherbirds to be hatched by them theysharing the benefits of the time careand labor of the other birds but con-

tributing nothing in returnIn every community there are hu ¬

man cuckoos men who reap all thebenefit and profit of the labor andforesight of other men and yet bearnone Of the burden and expenseMen who will not assist any publicenterprise but are the most clamor-



1 for the benefits it confers menwho will not spend a cent to adver-tise their town not even the line ofgoods they carry but who loudly

h contend for a large share of the bus-


f I

a > which the brain prudencegenerosity and money of their more I

liberal competitors has createdIt is the same principle laying r

their eggs in others nests An-


point The question has-

a moral aspect undoubtedlyThe bird gets something for nothing 1

and the man designs to do the same I

thing which is the motive of the I

gambler and a tentative violation ofI

gthe spirit of the eighth command-



Is there an analogy between I

the habits of the cuckoo bird and thedisposition of many men to reap thatthey have not sown to gather that

a jthey have not strewn Are you ofI

the class brother riding your com-

petitors¬ I

i and neighbors into condi-



t 5

1 you in no way contributed to tI

t create Lay in your own nest and I

hatch out your own beiletits1e I

n I

cater Ga News I

We have these same cuckoos inOcala some very big ones

There is one thing to envy about I

Y Florida Its always Fishing timedown there Atlanta Constitution I

How about spring weather in wintertime Metropolis I

It is sometimes quite artic Wed-


morning for instance somee water pipes burst Lets tell the

t truth about our climate as well asall other things


The teacher who taught him jiujitsu said now my young man thata just fitsyu

a To paddle your ownCanoe all alone I

PsWhen a big ruflin hitsyu n

Y Chicago Record Herald

4it The Hannah Elias mess now run-


through the big dailies is sick-


T i and disgusting in its detr s 1


ryrs r


The worst of all tyranny is thetyranny of cowards said Tocquevine The most conspicuous livingexample of that Wise generation isNicholas II czar of all the RussiaThe Bourbons ver fools as Napleon said hut they were not lacking-in physical courage Nicholas seemsto be no less deficient in couragethan in knowledge of his people

How easy it would have been for areally brave ruler to deal with thesituation that developed in St IV-

tFrsburg yesterday No mob wasever less bloodthirsty than thatwhich assembled at the Winter Pal ¬

ace to petition for a redress of griev-ances


None ever showed more con-


in its sovereign the individuality of whose person had beenguaranteed by its leaders UYe donot wish to do harm If he willonly listen to our grievances we aresure he will be just and mercifulThose were not the cries of assas¬

sinsAword from the czar himself

even his appearance before his peo ¬

plean uplifted handwould havesatisfied a majority that the LittleFather had heard their prayer andwould redress their wrongs

Instead hundreds of dead andwounded men and women are tieczars answer to the appeals of oppressed people With DOOOU Japan-ese hanging to the brown bears flankin Manchuria Nicholas could thinkof no hotter way of answering a pe-


than to slaughter his subjectsNew York World



The question that must arise inevery mind says Mr Bryan is

Can war be really ncce arj i Mutt menfiht each other and kill each other in ordert3 etpblih justice Must the dtftmie o na-tion be forever determined by their wars

There is an ever increasing multi ¬

tude who look for the coming of theday when wars shall be no moreThis multitude will force the pulpits-to begin a warfare against war andwhen this is done with zeal fervor andpower the wholesale slaughter ofmen by their fellow men will cease

Wars would have long since ceasedif the followers of Christ were hisfollowers in deed as well as in name

Mrs Mary E Provine and MissEdna Forrest of Killmichael Missarrived Saturday for a short visit toMr S L Bitting and family The I

former is Mrs Bittings motherwhile the latter is her niece 1

P2 <



L ifti c

= =

< < O

I Marriage Announcement

lien and Mrs Fitzhugh Lee an-


I the engagement of theirj daughter Annie Fitbtijrb Lee to


i Lieut Lewis Brown jr A theI Seventh Tinted States Cavalry TIllt

wedding has heel fixed fr the lothof February and will be olemnixed

1 ill St outs Episcopal church ofN rfolk Va It is a matter of com-

mentf among army people that thej Seventh Calvary is f listers old restI ment and surv ers of the civil warremember that it was frequently inaction during arious Virginia cam-


with the Confederate forcescommanded by Fitzhugh Lee TheGenerals eldest daughter Ellen isthe wife of Capt Rhea of that regi ¬

ment and his son George Mason Leewho about a year ago married adaughter of Gen Geo H BurtonInspector General United StatesArmy is a subaltern in the samecrack body Lieut Brown is a RhodeIsland man his fiance is regarded-by connoisseurs as the most beautiful


girl in Virginia Naturally the wed-


ceremonies next month will as ¬

semble in Norfolk a brilliant delega-tion


fium the military body and rep ¬ l

resentatives of the most artistic anddistinguished families of the south

Gen and Mss Lee and Miss Leewere in Oeala in lb > S ei route toCuba and they were given a large reCption at the Oala Louse by the I

people of Oeala The above an-


will be of interest all-

over tle south

Water Route Between East and WestCoast

To the Editor of he Ocala BannerYour issue of the 13th contains a

communication nom Peter Stanleyabout a water route between the I

east and west coasts and states the I

belief that very few people in thestate are aware of the fact I sup ¬

pose he has reference to the Santafeconnection Lake Santafe in the t

northeastern part of Alachua countyhas an outlet through the Santafeand Suwannee rivers to the gulf andthrough mill and orange sinks Lockloosa and Orange lakes and the Ocklawaha and St Johns rivers to the At-

lantic¬ I


NoticeStrayed or stolen one small black

mare about six years olrj Branded-Z

Ion shoulder A liberal reward

will be given anyone returning heror giving any information as to herwhereabouts J J LEITNE-

Rl10dw tf Geiger Fla-





Home For the Agedi Jacksonville has begun the erec-tion


of a home for the aged At thelaying of the corner stork May rNolan delivered a very beautifultouching and eloquent address

The following extract from hisspeech gives an idea of its touchingpathos

When one is bowed beneath theaccumulated weight of years when

t cares oppress subsistence precarioust

no longer able to smuggle with ad-

verse waves when hunger gnawsand hope has well nigh fled theheart when age and want oh ill

itched pair stands before youiih mute appeal 1 repeat is there

anything nobler and more Godliket lun to such an one eonuave havea place prepared for you


Thanks are due from the peojlethroughout the state to the press of j

Ocala and Palatka for the gallant j

and vigorous tight made by them to J

induct the Railroad commission togrant the prayer made by the Gaines-ville


Board of Trade against the vi-



and unjust freight discrimina I

tion methods practicedi

j by transpor-tation


companies against interiorcities While this decision of thecommission will be of equal advan-tage


to every interior city it is anotable fas well as regrettable factthe press of other cities did notevince any disposition to assume anaggresive spirit in the interest ofthe people of their respective com-munities


and their silence was aspainful as it was embarrassing tothose who naturally expected theiraid In fact the representative LakeCity paper rave notice that it wouldpursue a policy of masterly neutralityduring the fray But the great trans-action


is done and the glorious lib ¬

erties accorded Jacksonville by rail ¬

roads ore oursours to enjoy andours to preserve < Jainesville Star

Delegates to the ConvocationThe following persons have been

elected delegates from Grace Church-in this city to attend the EpiscopalConvocation in Tampa Wednesdayand Thursday Messrs Townsley Por-


John Pasteur D S WoodrowMrs W P Ifaisley Mrs H W Lit ¬

tle Mrs J B Cutler and Mrs C LBittinger Rev Henry W Little therector is also attending the convoca ¬


What is frezied finance to fren-zied


newspaper existence LawsonI

might get pointers by staying arounda newspaper office


Having made special arrangements with s vtrnl of the 1est-

ncrSpale1 in the country we are no vr prepare to offer the fol

loin very liberal propositions on subscriptions in connection-i with The Ocala Weekly BannerI

The Ocaa Weekly Banner j The Ocala Weekly BannerAtlanta Weekly Constitution The Jacksonville Sr miThe Sunny South Atlanta i Weekly Tunes UiionI One Year Ior One Year Fori

1 200 150Th-e

The Ocala Weekly Banner The Ocala Weekly BannerThe Toledo Weekly Blade Thriceaweek NY World

I One Year For One Year For y

13 ° 165The above rates apply only to paidinadvance subscriptions <


and may be taken advantage of by old is well as new subscribers R

3s these offers may be witlulrawn at any time we advise imme-


action on the part of those who wish to avail themselves ofthe opportunity Address all orders for the above to



= = c-

r rlii ll OLD r lICK r HOUSE<c 4 Lt 1to a r 4 J K 136r Vz1t n1 h A rI I V t1 i r L j tv tJ<DJ c YEA RL4JL-


vil ljW fi It y I

1 0LD J

rt l arts Frees lead1 L aar Our Offer e

Cut rr tmnd father Colonel Joseph Williams tie revolutionhOript1hihi thi hlliIW right on this spot in 176V more than lJJfear htf e waKr adx rriiiig thnclve a oid honsi dreamed ofuing IKT 1 o w hickey bihutts Oi rsbusiness after lnchma > y nRirCIer > iatterninaatUMiiittofIinrSour ueee They euHlO co npet with us tin < because they are notdistillers and in attempting torn at our prices they put on the marketterribly injurious and dangerous concoetloflsIllany which contain thedeadly wool leohoL

Our t siress rolr 031 e aaC cur 2iskry hn wihstN vi all eempetiao It itxry ends halfa record cues for almost II een=paldcj in me bL lCo worl Fur tubeen reeognizrd as the purest arC best pxsibie to lae 1ld Curing that timer ern riors Our whiskey has

w dss of n 12 of customers In ord r mne1seo r ls ei rtstonrrs uAhaic served and sltisfi dal p st rffcrs c next few t oths we ofTer r tohr rec do Iy low

and mecltnsesrrs fr c r only If not sztisactory wlrn received you can rftum4t

yrices on our hih praCeou eicpenser i u tvi ii faire propSiion COUC3 C asc Our words and lACnr o V rt i C vil tcU otr is as good us gold the Peoples NationalqXPIK A i OYOL fATJON Packed in 4 73 >as in Leg

J= 3 gallons Special O er lln > loxedpuuicox sot boxed

I CCi J 3 r taortemjt7hoxc S t90 S 715R x GP J 1 = Lu1 Qti3ts Fvore 11 botfs bxod 6

675 100595BOr3S 12 fa quarts KiSSt Qlalty in Gxitrs txdr 10059731 12 uI uorts whi ft MLs Choice ia IxKtles boxed 145 13S312 r oI i 1 rU r teSt 3 yas oii 18253 EJli = M is App Ec cy bn jus boxed >

1531695 2132Qrr t of i hcl r1cMt linerentkiidsfor5lS35 TermsWith cs ch order erg ng from this advrrusracnt

cash with orderacccrnpanied by the namrs andilllllLwhisVey drinVcrs ve pror JS s to give freca Hand <ame Pocket Flask Corkaddresses of ten

tar Clipper Wethr vnthfoir tfrairril eoorc pictjrrs Screw Knife and rireprseatin fourBY P=ChsIC thrc t31saL antirevoutianar sceness cr tV cave Gars 1you cet arut two Iadded rr p atza ship fours carts abutg xi Soot express cZetJ < ray as rich ccprrss on rt1Sazcs FR Eli ad n to the above rt you O friends Iill

we pay on the above paclcthe above pac 3es we ai1I send to the one makir j up ceorcer four


scan order at once for four oflte1y free Soactatorce quarts of the Sane row absoP S The above prices apply to > C rGa KyVa To orders tray all ether fe fjo pet

Id Miss K 3 N C Tran Vafor adCiarrj tank in North Carolina all our officials Seniors oral express Rcfcrcnce5Eand Con = r= e1THE OLD NICK WILLIAMS CO Lock Box 68 Williams NC
