The Body Cleanse Diet€¦ · How do you know You Need a Detox? Actually you don’t. Because there is no such thing as “real” detoxing. When it comes to the human body, our organs

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Page 1: The Body Cleanse Diet€¦ · How do you know You Need a Detox? Actually you don’t. Because there is no such thing as “real” detoxing. When it comes to the human body, our organs
Page 2: The Body Cleanse Diet€¦ · How do you know You Need a Detox? Actually you don’t. Because there is no such thing as “real” detoxing. When it comes to the human body, our organs

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Copyright © 2015 Anna Cortesi

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

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DETOX VS CLEANSE .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 4

HOW DO YOU KNOW YOU NEED A DETOX? ..................................................................................................................................... 5

WHY MOST OF THE DIETS DO NOT WORK ........................................................................................................................................ 6

WHY A SHORT CLEANSE SHOULD NOT LOOK LIKE A FAD DIET ...................................................................................... 7

SIGNS OF A SHORT CLEANSING ................................................................................................................................................................. 8

WATER: HOW MUCH IS ENOUGH? ........................................................................................................................................................... 9

FIBER IN, FIBER OUT ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 10

YOGURT AND BODY CLEANSING ............................................................................................................................................................ 14

ANTIOXIDANTS RULE ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 16

BEST CLEANSING FOODS TO MUNCH ON ....................................................................................................................................... 19

JUICING .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 21

HYDRATING SMOOTHIES FOR INTESTINAL HEALTH ............................................................................................................... 25

LESS PROCESSED FOODS, MORE WHOLE FOODS .................................................................................................................... 30

HELP YOUR BODY DIGEST PROPERLY ................................................................................................................................................ 32

7 DAY BODY CLEANSE PROGRAM .......................................................................................................................................................... 33

SETTING HEALTHY EATING GOALS ....................................................................................................................................................... 41

MORE ABOUT THE AUTHOR : ANNA CORTESI, RD, MSC ....................................................................................................... 43

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Detox vs Cleanse

The word detox has been thrown around over the last decade as something fad. The sad thing is that many people don’t actually understand what it means to detox or why they should actually be doing it. So, the best place to begin is by actually defining detox to gain a better understanding of it as it is, and not just as some fad.

What does it Mean to Detox? One of the very first things people think about when they hear the word detox is drugs and alcohol. While detoxing from these things is extremely important, it actually goes much deeper than riding you off these two well- known toxins. And it also goes deeper than a simple “detox diet” regime.

The main point of a detox is to eliminate anything in your body that produces negative health results. This can mean detoxing from air pollution, chemicals, food additives and secondary cigarette smoke. All of these things have a negative impact on the human body, so ridding yourself of them can only bring good results.

When we do a full body cleanse we are helping to remove harmful material from our colon and our kidneys. This is of great importance since these two areas of our body have the heaviest responsibility of removing toxins naturally. With the way things are in our environment today, it is understandable why these organs would need some outsider help in doing their natural job.

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How do you know You Need a Detox?

Actually you don’t. Because there is no such thing as “real” detoxing. When it comes to the human body, our organs ie. Kidneys, skin, liver etc are programmed to detox every now and then to get rid of several toxins naturally. There are many signs that can easily show that your body needs a good cleanse though and this where nutrition comes on the surface to help your body thrive naturally. Most of these signs are ignored simply because we usually do not connect them with the need to cleanse our bodies. The following are symptoms that may crop up if your body is in need of cleansing and nutritional fortification.

◉ You have headaches that are unexplained by other common triggers

◉ You experience memory issues for no apparent reason

◉ Your hair and nails are brittle when this had never been an issue for you before

◉ You have back pain and cannot pinpoint a cause for it

◉ You are exposed to toxins frequently, such as smoke, pesticides and air pollutants.

Even if you are unsure that a body cleanse will help you, it will never hurt to try. The right nutritional cleanse will help boost your immune system, purify your blood and reduce your body’s need for stimulants such as caffeine and several drugs.

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Why most of the diets do not work

Obesity is the main reason why hundreds of diets are on the rise, behind a huge money making industry taking advantage of peoples’ desperate need to shed those pounds. However there is far more to losing weight than a mere diet.

Diets are good for emergency weight loss but they are in effect just a quick fix. Many people go through a weight loss plan and do indeed lose weight and feel ecstatic. Then when they return to their normal and usual eating habits they see those pounds coming back and pretty soon they are the same, or worse still, heavier than they were in the beginning. Disappointed and depressed, they give up and resign themselves to being fat. You can avoid this happening to you with a few simple steps: Avoid fad diets (ones in fashion) and “lose weight quick diets”. Do not just rely on diet alone combine with other weight loss techniques. Combine with other weight loss techniques: do not just do dieting, for success use other techniques to help you lose weight, like exercise. Exercise while eating healthy is one of the best ways to lose weight. You need only do about 20 minutes 3 times a week to see real, long lasting results.

Diets in fashion are just that. They are not usually long lasting and if you lose weight it is often only temporary. When you lose weight quickly your body will be stressed and you have a very good chance of regaining your weight and even adding more pounds. A better way is to adjust your eating habits permanently. This can be done by:

◉ Cutting out so-called junk foods like chips candy and sweets.

◉ Eating smaller portions

◉ Drinking more water

◉ Eating more fiber rich foods – they fill you up while they contain many nutrients.

Be determined to succeed and you will. Once you are determined to lose weight you will be able to do it. You just need the willpower and attitude to make the changes in your lifestyle to lose those pounds and get healthier. Try to reduce stress (both mentally and physically): mental and physical stress causes your body to react by retaining weight and not allowing you to achieve your goal. When you are stressed or even depressed there is a tendency to eat more to relieve emotions. Plus your body views this frame of mind as a stress factor and again inhibits weight loss.

Change your habits and try to put all these simple techniques to work and you will lose more weight than you expected. When you lose weight you will look better, feel better and be able to live a healthier, more satisfying life.

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Why a Short Cleanse Should NOT Look Like a Fad Diet

The main reason that so many people have become familiar with the term detox or cleansing is that it has become an extremely popular type of fad diet. However, it is very important to understand that a nutritional cleanse should NOT take on the appearance of a fad diet. It can be really difficult to distinguish between these two things, so how do you really know which is which?

How to easily identify a Fad Diet If what you are on is a fad diet, the following points will be typical:

◉ The plan pushes “answers” to fast loss of weight

◉ You will have to cut calories drastically

◉ You will be doing it for more than 2 weeks

◉ It is either mostly vegetable soups or protein-based shakes and powders

◉ Advice given does not come from real experts

◉ Many of the expectations are completely unrealistic

A fad diet can be very dangerous for your overall health and cause the yo-yo effect. This is when you lose weight fast (mostly water weight) and once you stop the diet and go back to your old eating habits, you gain it back just as quickly as you’ve lost it. Then disappointment and guilt occurs and this is where we see un-successful repetitions of the very same crash diets. Some of the reasons these diets are used by so many people worldwide are: Because there are claims that are supposedly backed by the scientific community and because their promoters and marketers are obviously very convincing.

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Signs of a Short Cleansing

A short cleansing plan can be actually nutritionally correct, in addition to the following:

◉ No massive cuts in calories and food portions

◉ Includes whole foods – no packets of special foods or processed items

◉ No need for unrealistic claims attached, you feel the difference from day one

◉ It is always short in terms of time-scale so that it will not make you deprive any foods

◉ It is based on nutritional recovery and it is fortified with nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and good enzymes.

The reason you should not be going for the fad diet is simply because it is unhealthy no matter how you justify it. Fad diets can only give quick short term results (if at all) while a short cleanse will show to you the positive impacts of what clean eating can do to your body, it can help you change your bad eating habits and if done properly, lose weight in a healthy and realistic way (over a period of time, not overnight). Be health-wise!

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Water: How much is enough?

Drinking plenty of water during your cleanse is extremely important in order to get the most out of your plan.

Don’t Panic About Water Weight During a woman’s cycle, it is very common for bloating to occur. This bloating is only water weight and you will notice that when your monthly cycle has ended, the bloat seems to magically disappear. It may sounds crazy though, but what usually results in water retention in the human body is the lack of drinking enough water!

So… How much is enough? Some health professionals say 8 to 10 glasses of water per day, some others say as much as you can. What I am saying is that it depends. Not everyone needs 2 liters of water daily, simply because no one is the same with someone else. We all are different people with different needs and just like our food portions, our water (or else, liquid) requirements vary. A patient with kidney disease requires less because of kidney dysfunction when an athlete obviously needs more. An easy way to find out your estimated daily liquid requirements (if you are completely healthy) is to count your body weigh in kilos (kg) times 35 ml (milliliters).


If my body weight is 50kg then 50 (kg) x 35 out throughout the day then I will probably need a bit more.

Why Water and Detox are Partners in Crime Whether cleansing or not, drinking enough water is vital to your body’s health as it keeps you hydrated. Dehydration can be very dangerous no matter what the circumstances are. Although the majority of people are aware of this, they still do not drink the amounts of liquid their body requires every day. Do not forget: You are already partly dehydrated when you feel thirsty. Drinking enough water aids in flushing the bad stuff out. Think of it like this; the toxins you are ridding yourself off will general come out through bowel, urinary voids and skin.

No matter how healthy you are, water is the substance that heals, purifies and keeps every organism on earth alive.

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Fiber in, Fiber out

We have all heard the lectures about how important it is to our bodies to get enough fiber. During a good cleanse, fiber is as much important as water.

Why Fiber? Fiber intake should be taken seriously whether you are on a cleanse or not. The reason is that foods filled with fiber are best friends with your digestive system! Yes, fiber does help keep the gastrointestinal tract healthy and regular, as in bowel movements. But does it only help us face issues such as constipation, getting things moving naturally and regularly? The answer is no. Dietary fiber does much more than that.

Fiber Rich Foods There are many natural drugs on the market today that help you get the fiber your body needs. However, there are plenty of foods that contain enough fiber to keep you healthy as well. Here are a few of them:

All types of fruits, especially when dried All types of vegetables (including the skin) All type of nuts

All types of beans/pulses

Organic is always best to choose but since this is not always possible for everyone, choose organic every time you can.

How Fiber Makes a Good Cleanse So, what role does fiber actually play into the Body Cleansing process? It is quite simple. The fiber you take into your body will help to capture any toxins that are inside your body and then help you eliminate them more easily. This helps improve the functions of your digestive system and will help with any pain or discomfort you may have been experiencing from irregular bowl movements. So, when you are on your cleanse, never forget about the fiber.

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Natural fiber is a great way of keeping a body lean and healthy. Some may be surprised to find that this element is rich in many foods that they would never consider eating. A list of high fiber foods is the ideal tool for making sure that these nutrients are in great supply in your diet plan.

Losing weight is pretty easy on a high fiber diet. This is especially true considering the vast number of food choices that you have at your fingertips. Use a list of high fiber foods as a source of grocery shopping inspiration and you will see how many great choices you really have. The general rule is to have at least three grams of fiber for every 100 calories in each serving. The fiber actually balances the rest of the caloric intake in a few ways. This nutrient is ideal for natural weight loss and overall health. This element works in a number of ways.

First of all, anyone who has a substantial appetite will appreciate having a full feeling throughout the day. Foods high in fiber keep you feeling full and this makes the temptation to snack quite manageable. If you are not constantly hungry you are much less likely to cheat on your weight loss plan. The fiber- rich foods also serve to absorb fat from foods. You can actually eat fatty foods without suffering the weight gain ramifications if you start your day with a healthy fiber-dense breakfast. Fiber actually traps fat and keeps it from being absorbed into the human system.

Of course, you have to be reasonable about this. Don’t think that eating a bowl of oatmeal followed by four pieces of butter cream icing filled cake is going to work. The idea is to create a balance that is realistic. Also, you can’t expect to lose weight while eating lots of fatty foods. The fiber simply serves as a balancing agent when you are on a maintenance plan. If you want to lose weight without feeling hungry all day, you might want to look into a fiber-rich eating plan. A great place to start is a list of high fiber foods for inspiration.

A list of high fiber foods helps you know which foods to include in your grocery shopping list and daily meal planning. Although obtaining adequate fiber is important for our bowels, too many people do not obtain sufficient amounts of fiber each day, which results in poor bowel function and of course, constipation.

The recommended daily fiber consumption should be about 25-35 grams for an adult. The typical adult in the USA and EU averages about 11-15 grams of fiber per day which is almost one third of the recommended daily intake.

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What makes fiber? The walls of plant cells are the sources of dietary fiber. Here is a list with typical high fiber foods along with the approximate number of grams of fiber each one contains in quantities of 1/2 cup unless otherwise noted:

◉ Bananas, 3 grams - medium 8" long

◉ Beans, 6-10 grams - baked beans, black beans, great northern beans, kidney

beans, garbanzos, pinto beans, white beans

◉ Berries, 4-5 grams - blackberries, raspberries

◉ Bran Cereals, 5-10 grams - All-Bran, Bran Buds, 100% Bran, Raisin Bran

◉ Bread, 4-7 grams - 2 slices whole wheat

◉ Broccoli, 4-5 grams

◉ Brussels Sprouts, 2 grams

◉ Carrots, 3-4 grams

◉ Dried Figs, 10 grams - 3 figs

◉ Fruit, 4 grams - medium apple, medium pear

◉ Green Beans, 2 grams - broad beans, pole beans, snap beans

◉ Greens, 4-6 grams - beet greens, collards, kale, spinach, turnip greens

◉ Lentils, 6 grams

◉ Lima Beans - 4-6 grams

◉ Peas, 7-9 grams - black-eyed peas, green peas

◉ Potatoes, 4-5 grams - medium baked sweet potato

◉ Sweet Corn, 5 grams

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Including more of the high fiber foods from this list can help increase daily fiber consumption which is so important for regulate bowel function. Also crucial for good bowel function is daily adequate liquid consumption. Each fiber particle can absorb liquid in the colon and aid frequent regular movements in the bowels.

Always remember to add a few grams of fiber at a time so the intestinal tract can adjust. If after a few days you are still not having a daily bowel movement, you may wish to add a fiber supplement to your diet.

Some of the best fiber supplements are psyllium and rice bran. Invest in your health by regulating your bowel movement. All wastes will be eliminated along with the toxins from your system instead of your body reabsorbing them.


◉ 1 cup dried prunes

◉ 1 cup dried figs

◉ 1 cup raisins

◉ 1 cup dried apricots

◉ 1 cup oat bran

◉ 1 cup shredded linseed and pumpkin seeds

◉ 2 tbp honey mixed in 4 tbsp water


All ingredients should be natural without sugar.

Chop all dried fruits into small pieces and mix them in a large bowl with the rest of the ingredients. Refrigerate the salad and consume 4 tablespoons of the mixture every day for a minimum of 3 days.

Just 4 tablespoons of this High Fiber Super Salad per day can ensure regular bowel movements, beat the bloating and provide you with adequate amounts of fiber, omega 3 fatty acids, antioxidants and precious minerals such as zinc and iron.

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Yogurt and Body Cleansing

It has been given different names but the nutritious value of yogurt makes it useful for our continuous and profoundly used up body. It should be part of your daily diet as it helps with increasing ways of creating a clean digestive system. The process of making yogurt must have developed somewhere in Asia or Europe as there is a huge supply of milk.

In Europe and Asia, cow’s milk is very prevalent; buffalo’s milk is also used in India. In Russia goats and sheep’s milk are a good source of providing milk from which the rich and smooth yogurt is formed. Yogurt can be made by the use of Soya which is considered as a very healthy drink.

By being an excellent desert, yogurt also happens to be very nutritious with many important benefits written to its name. It has all the essential sources of high quality protein, vitamins and minerals. High content of calcium also proves to be excellent for our digestive system. As the proteins from yogurt are easily digested you can consume it very easily as a snack.

As for the digestibility factor of the yogurt, it is better in comparison to cow’s milk due to the fermentation process through its production. It is been said that consuming at least 250 grams yogurt a day would help to improve your thiamine levels. Thiamine helps in maintaining your appetite as well as the continuous growth of your body.

Acidity can be easily fought by drinking kefir, a healthier form of sour milk/yogurt. If it happens to be very sour it turns out to be even better as it helps in fighting the influx of lactic acid in the system. You can use yogurt in different forms which makes it more interesting and also very appetizing for many children and adults too. Yogurt also contains Vitamin B12 which is very good for our body. There are three types of yogurt regular, low-fat, and skimmed milk.

As yogurt contains live bacteria it proves to be very useful for the body providing all the necessary health benefits needed by you. Studies show that people who have yogurt three times a week can increase their life span than those who have it just once a week. Your immunity increases by having yogurt. It has a fine resistance to fight diseases. Eating yogurt helps with vaginal yeast infection. Low fat yogurt also aids weight loss which for many may be a very significant problem. Lactobacillus is a pro-biotic bacterium found in yogurt which helps in curing arthritis as well as preventing it.

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Easy yogurt snacks while on a cleanse:

◉ Yogurt with organic rolled oats and honey or carob syrup

◉ Yogurt mixed with water and stevia

◉ Celery dips in yogurt and mustard seeds

◉ Kefir blended with strawberries and chia seeds

◉ Yogurt with linseed and honey

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Antioxidants Rule

How many times have we heard the term antioxidant and not really understood what in the world it means? This is common since it had actually become a buzz word over the past decade or so. Let’s take a look at the word antioxidant and get a better grasp of what it means.

What are Antioxidants? Antioxidants are compounds found mostly in foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables. They can actually wipe out the horrible effects of free radicals that are harmful to our body. Antioxidants have a part of the reason why going on a body cleanse is so important to our health. So where do we find these miracle compounds?

The best places to pull your antioxidants from are seeds, nuts, fresh vegetables, fruits and fresh juices. There is strong evidence that shows how antioxidants can help you avoid cancer, heart disease and other serious medical conditions. They can also help you boost your immune system and this is why people who are already experiencing health problems are strongly encouraged to eat more antioxidant rich foods by their doctors and nutritionists.

The Importance of Antioxidants in Cleansing The foods we eat are directly related to our health and well-being, so it is only common sense that they help during detoxification. Foods that contain these antioxidants are known as neutralizers. They work by blocking free radicals, ridding the body off free radicals and preventing any further damage from free radicals that are already present in your body. And if you are unsure about what free radicals consist of, here are some of the best examples:

◉ Vehicle fumes; gas, exhaust

◉ Burnt food

◉ Cigarette smoke; both first and second hand

◉ All types of air pollution

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Toxins can include perfume, alcohol, cigarette smoke, pesticides, mercury, food additives, oral contraceptives, and cleaning supplies. Toxins are transformed chemically to less harmful compounds that can be excreted via stools or the urine.

Is there anyone who should not try a cleansing diet? I don’t think so.

There are endless cleansing plans you can follow, so choose carefully. Some will advocate complete fasting or juice-only days, but beware of the health implications and never start such an extreme plan without consulting your doctor or a qualified dietitian and nutritionist.

Benefits of a Short Cleanse 1. Improves symptoms of heartburn, constipation and gas and treats digestive


2. Boosts the immune system and energy levels

While we cannot avoid all free radicals in the world we live in today, we can fight back against them by cleansing our body with plenty of antioxidants.

The Body Cleanse Diet Plan will do exactly that in just seven days – all you have to do is continue reading this book.

It’s no secret that antioxidants are incredibly beneficial to good health. It’s believed the antioxidants in food can reverse or slow aging, enhance your immune system, increase your energy and improve heart and other organ health.

Given all we know about antioxidants and their beneficial properties, it’s amazing how many people don’t get enough fruits and vegetables, the primary sources of antioxidants. The most known recommendation is a minimum of 5 servings of fruits and vegetables daily, but of course, getting 7-10 servings per day is best.

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Here are 4 steps on how to get more antioxidants into your diet. 1. Breakfast

Breakfast does not have to be a hurried toast or a processed cereal bar on the way out the door. Throw some berries or strawberries and Greek yogurt into a blender; pour your delicious mixture into a jar and you’ve just added one to three servings of fruits to your daily intake.

2. Snacks

How about a handful of goji berries or raisins for a snack, or some fresh red grapes? Dip some apple rings in yogurt. Need more crunch? How about some julienned carrots dipped in hummus or tzatziki?

3. Lunch and dinner

It might sound cliché, but adding a freshly prepared salad to each of your main meals can add tons of nutrients to your overall health and well-being. They don’t have to be dull and boring, and they don’t have to be just salad greens. Add some red pepper slices to your green salad, some sun dried tomatoes and shredded carrot, whip up a broccoli for added flavor and sprinkle red kidney beans and onion on top.

4. Beverages

Replace your alcohol or soda intakes with tea or coffee, both with several antioxidant compounds. Have a glass of red wine with dinner and do not be afraid to ask for some red berries or strawberries in your champagne.

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Best Cleansing Foods to Munch on

If you have decided that doing a complete body cleanse is the right move for you, it is important to plan it out well in order to get the best results. If you simply wake up one morning and decided to detox then it is very likely that this purification process will either fail completely or only work half way. And what is the point of doing something so important only half way?

The Name of the Game is “Planning” One of the things that you must take into consideration BEFORE going on a cleanse is your food menu. Drinking a lot of water and taking fiber supplements is all well and good, but if you don’t also eat the proper foods, your cleanse is pointless. The key is planning. So, what foods should be on your cleansing menu?

Green Veggies While all veggies are good for you, when doing a detox the best you can do for your success is eating plenty dark green vegetables. And the very best kind of green veggies are those dark leafy greens. These veggies can help prevent several types of cancers and improve your immune system as they have tons of antioxidant vitamins and minerals. Go for:

◉ Broccoli

◉ Kale

◉ Spinach

◉ Brussel sprouts

◉ Collard Greens

◉ Parsley

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Raw Fruits Raw fruits are good for you for so many reasons, I could write a whole new book about. However, when it comes to body cleansing they are a double treat. This is because they contain a lot of water (they ARE mostly water) and natural enzymes along with vitamins which are very important to the entire process!

Green Tea Since you have to drink lots of water anyway, you may as well turn it into a flavorful green tea? Green tea not only helps with your water intake but is also very high in antioxidants because of caffeine! Caution: for every cup of green tea you drink, consider drinking another cup of water or juice since caffeine does not have only antioxidant properties but it is also a strong diuretic.

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Why Juicing? Here is yet another buzz term for you – juicing. Everyone hears about how good it is to juice and again, they aren’t clear on why. Basically, juicing is using liquid (juices) as a solid food replacement, whether it is in the form of a soft textured juice or a high fiber smoothie. When people cleanse, most of the times they will do it through juicing.

Juicing vs Solids While it is true that you can do a successful cleanse by simply changing your diet without juicing, there are some great benefits of juice over solids. Keep in mind that for some people, both methods are equally effective, but certain situations make juicing a great choice.

For people that are cleansing their body because of noticeable health troubles and other physical issues, juicing may make things easier and more convenient the first time around. This is because when you break down whole foods, such as fruits and vegetables, they are broken down into their most basic form (juice). Therefore, it is much easier for your body to digest the liquidized form of food and do not stress your inner organs to over-work by consuming solids- something they are already doing daily. It is like giving your organs a break to relax.

What to Juice If you think that juicing may provide a very boring diet, I can assure that you are wrong! There are literally endless recipes for great juicing that are both healthy and tasty. You can download my e-book on 10 days of juicing with delicious cleansing recipes here.

You can juice any type of fruit or vegetable and make it into the best detoxing formula. And if you don’t relish the idea of three juiced meals a day, you can replace one or two meals with juice and then eat a solid meal of whole foods during your cleansing time. In this book, I will show you how you can easily cleanse your body by eating the right types of solid foods in the most nutritious combinations.

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Due to the highly processed foods that we consume and the polluted air that we breathe, our body accumulates toxins. The body does its best to eliminate the toxins, but ends up being stressed due to the overload. Symptoms such as chronic headaches, skin allergies and premature ageing start to appear. What can we do to help our ailing body? Many studies have been done on the beneficial effects of juicing. Juicing provides the body with so many nutrients that can definitely help increase our lifespan, treat bio chemical imbalances, reduce cholesterol levels – just to name a few, and boost our immunity to the maximum.

What happens to our organs while juicing? Our body simply gets a rest from food and digestion, the immune system focuses on elimination of toxins, with the aid of the organs of elimination (liver, pancreas, gall bladder, kidneys, intestines, skin, etc.).

During a prolonged juice fast (3 days and more), the body starts to burn off and digest its own tissues by process of autolysis in a discriminate manner. It will first decompose and burn those cells and tissues, which are diseased, damaged, aged or dead (tumors, morbid cells, abscesses, excess fat deposits, etc.). The stomach becomes less acidic and certain detox symptoms can be experienced eg. Acne breakouts, fatigue, headaches, as the body eliminates its toxins. In a few days, these symptoms ease and the body feels renewed, overwhelmed with a sense of health and well-being!



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Most sicknesses are the direct result of the lack or deficiency of vitamins, minerals and salts needed by the body to function properly. It’s important for us to make sure we have enough of those crucial substances, and yes, juicing can be the answer.

Juicing is a way of healing and preventing ailments through an exclusive diet of fruits and vegetables – blended or juiced. It is one of the most effective ways to bring back health and restore the body. Here are some all natural juicing remedies:

1. Sore Throat – grapes, lemon, pineapple, prune, tomato, carrot and parsley.

2. Headache - lemon, carrot, lettuce and spinach.

3. Colds – grapefruit, pineapple, carrot, onion, celery and spinach.

4. Influenza –orange, lemon, grapefruit, carrot, onion and spinach.

5. Allergies – apricot, grapes, carrot, beet and spinach.

6. Eye Disorders: apricot, tomato, carrot, celery, parsley and spinach.

7. Constipation – (blended) fresh apple, pear, grapes, lemon, carrot, beet and dried fruits

8. Diabetes – citrus fruits, carrot, celery, lettuce and spinach.

9. Acne – pear, plum, tomato, cucumber, carrot and spinach.

10. Asthma – lemon, peach, carrot, radish and celery.

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Get Enough Calories/Energy While Cleansing Juicing or Solids, make sure you get sufficient energy while cleansing. Going on a cleansing plan may be extremely difficult for those who are used to eating junk food. It is kind of a double edged sword at first but well worth it in the end. During a cleansing regime you are going to have to lay off caffeine, sugar and other things you may be used to in your daily diet. For some people, that would drain all of their energy since certain foods play an integral part of their daily life. So, how would you ensure that you have enough energy?

Replacement Intake Replacement intake is a fancy way of choosing one thing to replace another. For instance, if you would have to find something to replace your coffee but still provide you with the same, or near same, amount of caffeine that the coffee has, I would say you should go for green tea.

Easy food swaps:

◉ Sugary snacks and desserts – Fresh or dried fruit, honey, molasses and homemade fruit leathers

◉ Salty Crisps – Oven baked vegetable slices with herbs and spices

◉ Meat – Tofu, Beans and Veggie Burgers

◉ Alcohol – Homemade herbal ice-teas and virgin mojitos with honey or stevia

◉ Chocolate Mousse – Dark Chocolate or your own chocolate mousse by blending cocoa and avocado.

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Hydrating Smoothies for Intestinal Health

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Less Processed Foods, More Whole Foods

Yet another two terms we hear being thrown around are whole foods and processed foods. What does this mean? One of the most important things to understand about these two food groups is this; whole foods are dense in nutrients while chemically processed foods are dense in energy. But don’t we need both?

Nutrients vs. Energy We all know that we need our vitamins and other nutrients in order to have the energy we need to function on a day to day basis. What many people don’t realize is that even though chemically processed foods like chocolates, crisps and cakes provide us with tons of energy, and this is basically all they provide us with.

Now, nutrient rich whole foods give us BOTH energy AND nutrients. Have you ever heard of empty calories? Well, that is what you get the most of from processed foods. When you eat whole foods you are getting vitamins, nutrients, fibers, minerals, enzymes and all the good things without added sugars and fats. Processed foods may be fast, easy and tasty, but they don’t give you much, if any, nutritional value.

Ingredients in Whole Foods If you are trying to choose the right food, look at the ingredients. The rule of thumb to follow when choosing whole foods is that they typically have just one ingredient in them, sometimes two. For instance, raw nut, fruits and vegetables are whole foods; and we are not talking about canned foods which are most always processed.

Whole Foods While Cleansing One of the biggest reasons that you want to consume only whole foods when doing a body cleanse is that whole foods will help your body regulate itself. For instance, your bowel movements will grow more regular and thus help you cleanse your body easily, thus, leaving you with a carefree feeling of emptiness and lightness.

◉ Avocados: Avocados are rich in mono saturated oils and vitamin E and vitamin A. Vitamin A is used by the body to produce new cells, which keeps your skin looking young.

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◉ These oils keep the membrane surrounding your skin cells, intact. In turn, this reduces the inflammation found with acne and eczema.

◉ Beetroots: Beetroots assist your cells in self-repair and renewal. They consist of anthocyanins, which are strong antioxidants (flavonoids). These also guard against free radical damage to it.

◉ Brazil nuts: What makes these nuts better than any other nuts, is the mineral selenium, which is important for its antioxidant effects. Brazil nuts are also high in omega-6 fatty acids, which promotes soft, smooth skin.

◉ Garlic: Garlic contains sulphurous compounds that stimulate the liver by acting as a detoxifier. This helps the body get rid of any toxins and clearing blemished, spotty skin. Garlic's main benefit is to improve blood circulation, which allows for the better flow of nutrients and oxygen to your organs.

◉ Olive oil: This rich in essential fatty acids oil helps your skin to look and feel healthy. It can be used for aiding digestion and regular bowel movement. It is high in vitamin E, which is important for skin elasticity. .

◉ Pomegranates: They are very high in antioxidants which fight against free radicals. The antioxidants found in pomegranates can protect your body from this damage. Pomegranates can also be used to help against skin aging. Due to their protection against skin damage, they allow for your skin to keep younger and healthier.

◉ Sunflower seeds: Sunflower seeds contain zinc and selenium, which not only aid fertility but also contain the soluble fiber pectin, which keeps your intestines moving and your skin clear.

◉ Linseeds: They are high sources of omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 help in the functioning of the nervous system and studies show that they are very important anti-depressants. They also have very powerful anti-inflammatory properties helping with conditions such as psoriasis and eczema.

◉ Walnuts: These nuts are high in essential fatty acids, which keep your cell membranes healthy. Walnuts may help reduce risk for prostate and breast cancer, and due to the amino acid l-arginine they contain, offer multiple vascular benefits to people with heart disease.

Incorporate these foods into your daily diet and see for yourself the amazing effects they will have on your body while cleansing.

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Help your body digest properly

We are all guilty of eating on the run by grabbing a bite while in our busy day while we drive, watch TV, read a book and when we cook. In today's busy lifestyle, we are constantly rushing from one thing to the next throughout the entire day. Even when we find ourselves finally at home in the evenings, we either gobble our food down, in turn overeating, or rushing this last meal of the day, in order to get everything else done and ready for tomorrow.

"How" we eat is of utmost importance. Mealtime should be one of the stress-free times of our day. All aspects involved in eating a meal, play a major but secondary role on food intolerance, digestion and proper nutrient absorption. Our lifestyle and attitude towards food seem to have more to do with time management, food availability, food intolerances and allergies. The way we eat can cause the food intolerance rather the food itself. This can even cause disorders such as asthma, arthritis, scleroderma, multiple sclerosis, Crohn's disease, IBS, lupus, skin complaints and even mental health problems like depression and schizophrenia.

Overeating is a leading contributor to poor digestion, obesity, gastrointestinal disorders and many other clinical conditions. For whatever reason, we all overeat. This overindulgence places huge strain on our digestive system and enzymes throughout our stomach, pancreas and small intestines, not allowing them to work at their optimum.

Another bad habit we are all guilty of is rushing mealtime by throwing our food down in one go and not taking the time to enjoy it. One third of carbohydrate digestion can occur in the mouth by our saliva, if we just give it a chance to stay there for enough time. It is important to chew our food properly with every bite, putting less strain on our digestive system. The bite is just as important as the chew. Take smaller bites and allow each gulp that comes into your body to go through the correct steps for ideal digestion. It may seem like a good idea at the time, but washing down your food with a glass of fizzy liquid, be it juice or wine, is really not. There are certain enzymes in our stomachs that are released when we are eating a meal, ready to work on this solid food. When a fizzy liquid is ingested with these solid particles, it dilutes the enzymes and wreaks havoc with our digestion process.

Lastly, and the most calming piece of advice is to love your food! When sitting down for a meal, and yes I really mean sitting down to eat a meal, you need to take time to appreciate the food you have in front of you, pay attention to what you are eating, how you are eating it and how these nutrients are going to help your organs function optimally. This means no interruptions, no watching TV, messaging or chatting to your friends over the phone. Just try this and you will not be disappointed by the results.

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The Body Cleanse Diet Plan

Complete Body Cleanse in just seven days


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Setting healthy eating goals

Have we not all set weight goals, only to find that we fail to reach these absurd ideals we have set for ourselves? This always leaves us less brave and less motivated than the time before, right? Eating healthy and reaching your nutritional goals is easier than you may think.

Let's start with believing in ourselves. Now this may not always be easy, having failed before, but this time it should be different. The key to success is setting realistic, attainable goals and achieving these, one-step at a time. This not only gives us the ability to succeed, but also to build confidence within ourselves.

No person can tell you what eating plan you should follow. It needs to first work with you and your lifestyle in order to be followed and stuck to. For this reason, we will begin with some healthy guidelines that are recommended in leading a healthy life, but are certainly not the only guidelines to our ultimate health. Each of our bodies is different in many ways, as well as our lifestyles. In the end, only YOU know what is best for you! With these following healthy eating habits being met, step by step, you will see just how easy eating healthy can actually be.

Obviously, fruits and vegetables are a MUST and can make up the bulk of our meals, filled with an abundance of vitamins and minerals, with little of no fat at all. For those who are not fans of salads and vegetables, start with at least adding more fruit and some of the vegetables on your top flavor list. Cooking them in a way you can enjoy them, is a great way to begin. It is best to aim for 4-5 servings of each fruit and vegetable each day at first, but like said before, start with a goal, you can reach and make your way to this recommended serving over a period of time.

Eat more whole-grain foods, which are rich in fiber and low in saturated fats. Whole- grain foods to include are whole-wheat bread, rye bread, brown or wild rice and whole-grain cereal.

We should limit the amount of fats or oils we use in cooking and when used, it's best to stick to liquid vegetable oils such as olive oil for savory dishes, coconut to sweet or exotic dishes, grape seed oil to all dishes, rather than solid fats.

Stay away from red meat as much as possible and all meats, but if you must, try eating more chicken and fish no more than two-three times per week. These are lower in saturated fats and cholesterol than other meats such as beef, pork and lamb. Great source of protein for vegetarians are green leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds, beans and legumes.

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Lastly, learn to read the food labels on food packaging to help you make healthier eating choices. Start noticing the fat content, sugar content and preservatives. Let’s not forget that the smallest the list of ingredients is, the more likely the food product is wholesome or little to non- processed.

By making small changes like these every few days, and taking them one at a time, not trying to rush into all of them at once, the changes will become second nature to you, allowing you to set new goals, which will then too become second nature. Keep in mind that new behaviors take up to a month to become habit, leading to consistent healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle with little or no effort.

Good luck on your nutritious, body cleansing journey! I hope you get the most out of it - you deserve it!

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More about the author : Anna Cortesi, RD, MSc

Anna Cortesi is a Registered Dietitian, Clinical Nutritionist and owner of Cortesi Nutrition – a world-class wellness company which aims to improve the vitality of its clients.

As an internationally recognized expert, Anna has experience in the various roles of orthomolecular nutrition and she appears regularly as a nutritional expert on local and national news.

Anna has been featured in national and local media, including Time Out, Healthy Life, Vegan Cooking, Nutrition by Hopelessly Romantic Media, Sportive, Afisha and many more.

Visit Anna’s website here: www.annacortesi.com

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