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The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club Newsletter - February 2010

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Page 1: The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club Newsletter - February 2010




Vol. 1 Issue No 1

February, 2010.


� Narrow Neck Plateau – a ‘Doorway’ to Time and Space.

� Internet articles.

Are they out there????

Page 2: The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club Newsletter - February 2010

Newsletter of The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club February 2010.

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Blue Mountains UFO Research Club News. Our meetings are held on the third Saturday of the month, at the

Gilroy residence, 12 Kamillaroi Road, South Katoomba, from 2pm onwards.

We are situated on the corner of Kamillaroi Road and Ficus Street, and as we always say, park in Ficus Street where there is safer parking. PLEASE NO SMOKING ON THE PREMISES. ALSO, NO LARGE BAGS IN THE CINEMA OR THE HOUSE. PLEASE NOTE. Please contact us prior to bringing along any new friends interested in UFOlogy and the mysteries generally. Anyone with any personal experiences involving UFOs or the ‘unexplained’ are invited to share them with us all. Contact Information: Phone: 02 4782 3441, Email: [email protected] [or catch our website on rexgilroy.com or

mysteriousaustralia.com]. Please note our new email address.

A plate of food to share for afternoon tea is appreciated.


FEBRUARY • Any sightings of UFOs seen by members.

• General discussion of UFO sightings on the Blue Mountains.

• Latest report on the Burragorang Valley Underground Base UFO activity.

• Other DVD presentation on UFOlogical matters.

• Any DVD material from members for showing is always welcome.

• Other surprises. • Weather permitting there will be a Skywatch out on Narrow Neck Plateau. [Don’t forget - warm clothing is

a necessity as the weather can change very quickly!], and don’t forget to bring a torch and binoculars.

As, from this meeting the Club program will concentrate solely upon UFOlogical matters,

it has therefore been decided to create two newsletters - “Newsletter of the Blue

Mountains UFO Research Club” and “The Temple of Nim” Newsletter for general

‘unexplained’ mysteries, historical, archaeological and general cryptozoological and relict

hominological matters. If any member has material or an article to place in the newsletter

please feel free to forward it to us by the second Saturday of the month.

To assist with the costs involved in producing these, a gold coin donation will be



Copyright © Rex Gilroy 2010.

ver the years Narrow Neck Plateau has been the scene of incredible UFO and psychic phenomena. It has also lately been the location of much light energy orb activity. And, as every member of Blue

Mountains UFO Research Club knows, the far end of the ‘Neck’ is an excellent location for watching the activities of the inhabitants of the top secret Australian-American underground advanced space technology base.


Rex and Hea th e r G i l r o y , Aus t r a l i a ’ s t o p UFO and ‘Un exp l a i n e d ’ Mys t e r i e s Re s e a r c h t e am .

Pho t o c o py r i g h t © Rex G i l r o y 2004 .

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Newsletter of The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club February 2010.


As residents of Megalong Valley [which lies on the west side of the ‘Neck’] will tell you, UFOs of more than one design frequently fly to or from the ‘ base’ in the course of which they are known to zoom low over farms on occasions, and more than a few apparent landings have been claimed to have taken place on isolated properties. As recent as June 2007 a ‘saucer-shaped’ craft encircled by a single row of white lights, and about 15 metres in diameter, was seen by a property owner on the western side of the valley around 10pm one night. The craft displayed no other lights. The dark shape moved silently southward over hills and gullies before suddenly “shooting off southward, gaining height to vanish into overhead clouds”, said the man.

In February 1997 a Mr Randolph was hiking out to the end of the ‘Neck’ around 10.30am one morning when “everything seemed to suddenly close in on me and I found myself on a narrow track instead of the wide dirt road. At this point several campers were approaching me from the far end of Narrow Neck, two of them young women. I stepped to one side for them and said ‘hello’. One of the women answered me back, while the others just kept walking”, he told me.

However, Mr Randolph noticed that the people were all dressed in either late 1940s or early 1950s hiking gear!

“At that point I suddenly found myself on the dirt road, the narrow track having vanished from under me”, he said. Mr Randolph had momentarily stepped back in time when the only access to the end of the plateau

was a narrow track. In 2007 Ken Briggs and Susan Clark of Sydney claimed to have been walking back from the end of

the ‘Neck’ around 2pm one day in October. They were just past the Water Board fire tower when they were overcome by a bluish haze. Upon passing through it they noticed that the sun was further east in the sky, and that their watches told them that the time was 9.45am!

Some strange time/space anomaly seems present out on Narrow Neck Plateau. I have gathered accounts of people in recent years who have from one clifftop location looked back to where the famous Landslide is, only to see the cliff there is as it was BEFORE its collapse in the early 1930s.

In 1970 I was informed by a Mrs Shelley Edmonds, that her father, John Styles, when a young bushwalker and camper spent a lot of time out on the Plateau, one day in about March 1914, he claimed to have seen from a high point, a distant view of Katoomba, but not the Katoomba of 1914. What he saw was apparently the Katoomba township of perhaps fifty years in the future, with great areas of houses which were otherwise in his time non-existent, the areas being bushland with a few scattered properties. He could see apparent vehicles on a road in the far distance and was dumbfounded, until the vision vanished at an instant and he saw the Katoomba of his own time!

There was a time when such phenomena were put down to ‘time tunnel’ experiments in the underground Burragorang Base, but it seems that ‘time window’ experiences have been occurring out on that Plateau from far earlier times.

Back in 1970 at my then Mt York Natural History Museum at Mt Victoria, I met a Mr Colin Eastwood, who told me that when he was a Boy Scout at age 15 in 1949, he was with his Sydney troop on Mount Solitary, which lies across from the first arm of Narrow Neck Plateau with Ruined Castle in between, when they heard a loud roar overhead.

“We all saw what today I know to have been a 747 jet passing high overhead from east to west. Yet these aircraft didn’t exist back then”, he informed me.

The ‘Neck’ and its neighbouring valleys have many more eerie tales to tell, but then the whole Blue Mountains region contains literally thousands of mysterious and incredible stories of people who have taken that ‘One Step Beyond’ to momentarily see past events, and in some cases in past generations experienced scenes of the future – our present!


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Newsletter of The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club February 2010.


UFO spotted in NSW's South Coast in past month claim

• By Neil Keene

• From: The Daily Telegraph July 25, 2008 12:00AM

UFOS have been spotted on the NSW South Coast in the past month as former US astronaut Dr

Edgar Mitchell ignites the debate about aliens making contact on earth.

Dr Mitchell, a veteran of the Apollo 14 mission, who, along with commander Alan Shepard holds the

record for the longest-ever moon walk during the 1971 mission, said yesterday that extra-terrestrials had

paid repeated visits to our planet but the encounters were kept secret by government agencies.

NASA officials were quick to dismiss the suggestion of a cover-up.

Dr Mitchell has made similar claims previously and is a self-proclaimed devotee of paranormal


"I happen to have been privileged enough to be in on the fact that we've been visited on this planet and

the UFO phenomena is real," Dr Mitchell said.

"It's been covered up by all our governments for the last 60 years or so, but slowly it's leaked out and

some of us have been privileged to have been briefed on some of it.

"I've been in military and intelligence circles, who know that beneath the surface of what has been public

knowledge, yes - we have been visited."

Narrow Neck Plateau, location of the Blue Mountains UFO Research Club Skywatches, Katoomba NSW.


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He said the aliens were similar to the traditional image, having a small frame, large eyes and head.

He claimed our technology was "not as sophisticated" as theirs and "had they been hostile we would be

been gone by now".

His words drew the support of thousands of believers, including many from Australia who say they have

seen UFOs and aliens.

Yesterday, a Daily Telegraph website poll revealed 70 per cent of voters, more than 1400 people, believe

Dr Mitchell was right and contact with aliens had been covered up.

Our UFO video special: Watch videos taken by Australians and tourists claiming to be UFO sightings

over the Sydney region and the rest of Australia

UFO Research NSW spokesman Doug Moffett said that a growing number of people believed alien life is


Mr Moffett, 48, who has spent more than 15 years speaking to Australians who have claimed to have had

a close encounter with aliens, said belief in extraterrestrial life was one of society's last taboos.

"To say you have seen a UFO is almost tantamount to saying you've lost your marbles for a lot of

people," he said.

Mr Moffett said it was impossible for sceptics to say - with total certainty - that there was no such thing as

alien life.

The UFO and Paranormal Research Society of Australia, one of 30 UFO research groups around the

country, catalogues dozens of alleged close encounters in NSW, with the most recent sightings just weeks


On June 30, an unnamed UFO spotter at Nowra on the South Coast reported seeing a military helicopter

following a UFO that had been flying over the local golf course.

"The craft was a rounded triangle shape, about the size of the helicopter without tail or rotor blades," the

spotter claimed.

"Many aircraft fly over our area and my home but (I) have never seen anything like it.''

Mr Moffett said that while many people believed in otherworldly life, most were afraid to admit it

because of the stigma attached.

"I guarantee that you would know someone who believes in extraterrestrial life,'' he said.

"But they're not going to come out and wave a flag in the middle of Pitt St because you know what would

happen - if you jumped up in the middle of your lunch room and said 'Hey guys I saw a UFO last night'

they would just bag you out.''

UFO researcher Moira McGhee, a law graduate, said she had no doubt about the existence of alien


"Yes I think there is intelligent life. Has it come to Earth? From an impartial point I can't say but I think it

has,'' she said.

"If contact has been made, it only stands to reason that there would be a (government) cover-up.''

Katoomba couple Rex and Heather Gilroy are among the UFO enthusiasts who regularly perform ``sky

watches'' throughout Australia with telescopes, binoculars and video cameras to record what they say is

evidence of UFOs.

Strange triangular shaped imprints, lights hovering kilometres above the earth, ``saucer nests'' and silvery,

round, glowing objects are just some of the unusual sights Mr Gilroy said he had witnessed.

"The universe is a big place,'' he said.

"We're just a little insignificant speck on the edge of the milky-way ... there's got to be something more to



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Newsletter of The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club February 2010.


Robbie Williams wants NT property

so he can hunt UFOs. Matt Cunningham

November 26, 2009 06:36am

BRITISH pop god Robbie Williams is on the lookout for a new property in the Northern Territory

Outback so he has a good base to hunt Unidentified Flying Objects.

The global megastar arrived in Sydney this week with his actress girlfriend Ayda Field.

Williams - a noted UFO buff - has hinted he is keen on a property in the Outback and last month revealed

Field had a "premonition" she would end up in Australia.

"I'm thinking of coming down there. I have been looking for places out in the Outback, maybe a farm,"

Williams said before the release of his latest hit record Reality Killed The Video Star.

Lew Farkas, the owner of the Holiday Park in Wycliffe Well in Central Australia - a world-famous UFO

hotspot - said an associate of Williams' had visited his park.

"A mate of his came and stayed here and was telling me how Robbie was right into UFOs and was a real

buff on the subject," he said.

"He said he would let him know about Wycliffe Well and the UFO element."

Mr Farkas said his property - on the market since last year - would be perfect for Williams.

"I haven't heard from him but if his mate has talked to him then maybe he's considering Wycliffe," he


"Being the UFO buff that he is, it would fit in with his way of thinking. Maybe it could be a joint venture.

He might want to invest in it and I could look after it."

Williams claims to have seen UFOs at least three times.

And he has spent much of his spare time in recent years visiting observatories in the Arizona desert.

Territory UFO spotter Alan Ferguson said Williams would have a field day in the NT.

"He needs to mellow out and chase aliens," he said.


Space Shuttle Discovery (STS-48) films UFOs September 15, 1991, between 20:30 and 20:45 GMT

On September 15, 1991, between 20:30 and 20:45 Greenwich Mean Time, the TV camera located at the back of Space Shuttle Discovery ’s cargo bay was trained on the Earth’s horizon while the astronauts were occupied with other tasks. A glowing object suddenly appeared just below the horizon and "slowly" moved from right to left and slightly upward in the picture. Several other glowing objects had been visible before this, and had been moving in various directions. Then a flash of light occurred at the lower left

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of the screen; and the main object, along with the others, changed direction and accelerated away sharply, as if in response to the flash. Shortly thereafter a streak of light moved through the region vacated by the main object, and then another streak moved through the right of the screen, where two of the other objects had been. Roughly 65 seconds after the main flash, the TV camera rotated down, showing a fuzzy picture of the side of the cargo bay. It then refocused, turned toward the front of the cargo bay, and stopped broadcasting.

Clip from NBC broadcast on UFOs

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Diagram of Traced Trajectories

• The distance from the Discovery to the Earth’s horizon is 2,757 kilometers.

• The UFO's speed before accelerating into space is 87,000 kph (Mach 73).

• Three seconds after the light flash, the UFO changes direction sharply and accelerates off into space at 340,000 kph (Mach 285) within 2.2 seconds.

• Such an acceleration would produce 14,000 g of force.

One of the most spectacular video footage of a UFO encounter was taken by cameras on board the Discovery space shuttle, STS-48, on 15 September, 1991. The video sequence was picked up live by a number of amateurs who were directly monitoring the transmissions. The material has been shown in news broadcasts worldwide. The video shows several small bright objects manoeuvring on screen, apparently interacting with one another in a complex fashion. Skeptics have usually insisted these are merely shots of some of the many small ice particles which inevitably end up in orbit with every space shuttle. UFO investigators were quick to dispute this interpretation, and US scientist Richard C. Hoagland soon conclusively demonstrated the objects were actually large in size and many hundreds of kilometers away from the shuttle. One UFO in particular appears to rise up from below the Earth’s dawn horizon and can be clearly seen emerging from behind the atmosphere and the ‘airglow’ layers. It is certainly in orbit around the Earth, some distance out in space, and travellng quickly. A sudden, bright flash of light is then seen to the left of the picture, below the shuttle. The UFO then turns at a sharp angle and heads out into space at very high speed. Two thin beams of light (or possibly condensation trails) move rapidly up from the Earth’s surface towards where the UFO would have been if it had continued in its original orbit. Careful analysis of the video shows:

The light flash and light beams (or contrails) that shoot into space have variously been described as a ground-based attempt to disrupt or destroy the UFO. Hoagland interprets the incident captured by the Discovery's video camera more specifically as a "Star Wars" weapons test against a Star Wars drone (the UFO). Other UFO investigators prefer to describe it as a Star Wars attempt against an extraterrestrial UFO. Whichever version you prefer, the technology implied is most certainly impressive - at least of Star Wars caliber. More recently, from New Zealand, investigators have reviewed the video and corrected the actual time it was taken. They have found that the UFO incident was recorded over Australia and not the Philippine islands as was originally thought. Discovery's trajectory had already taken it across Surabaya in Java and above the Simpson Desert, Western Australia. The UFO is first picked up coming over the horizon when the shuttle is close to Lake Carnegie, WA. Later, the light flash and one contrail can be tracked back to Exmouth Bay near the North West Cape military facility. A second contrail can be tracked back to the Pine Gap military facility in central Australia. US investigators have been asking their Australian counterparts to provide further information which they don't have and which they probably can't get. All the information we have on this incident so far comes from the US or New Zealand. And, of course, there are Australia's stringent secrecy laws to contend with. The scenario was probably captured on video purely by chance. Along with other UFO incidents recorded on video by NASA, this material has contributed significantly towards NASA's recent decision to discontinue live television transmissions from space. [ Reprinted from the September 1995 issue of UFO REPORTER, the quarterly publication of UFO Research (NSW), P.O. Box Q95, Queen Victoria Building, Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia). The video footage itself (including a detailed investigation of the incident) can be found on the tape "Hoagland’s Mars Vol 2 : The UN Briefing (Extended Version)." * Diagram & text based on/borrowered from: http://www.mufor.org/sts48.htm

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Newsletter of The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club February 2010.


27 November, 2002 5:21PM AEDT

UFO sighting in Western NSW

Call Mulder and Scully, we've got an X-file!

They say the truth is out there, but for residents of the North West region of New South Wales, it might be a bit closer

than they thought!

A truck driver travelling north of Narrabri on Monday night says he spotted a low-flying object he can't explain, "I was

heading north...and this thing came from the left hand side, about telegraph pole height. I was in its path, and it swooped

around front of me...it was amazing the pace it went, and then it just sort of flattened out and took off on the right hand

side, and disappeared along the flat", 'Peter the Truckie' says , "I thought it might have been an aircraft, from an airforce

base, so I rang Williamstown Air Force base, and they said 'no, it wouldn't be flying that low', and I rang Parkes telescope

and the observatory in Canberra just to find out I'm not going bloody silly!"

Please Note

Our next meeting will be held on Saturday 20th March 2010, same time, same place – 12 Kamillaroi Road, Katoomba.

Our previous meeting was a huge success and we look forward to seeing you at our next one. There should be some good Skywatches ahead of us up here at Katoomba weather permitting.

`Meanwhile, there is a lot happening ‘up there’ at present so -

Until our next meeting –

Watch the Skies! Rex and HeatherRex and HeatherRex and HeatherRex and Heather

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RRP $65



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The latest book by by Rex and Heather Gilroy



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Rex and Heather GilroyRex and Heather GilroyRex and Heather GilroyRex and Heather Gilroy URU Publications