George Feast The Black Hole short film analysis The short film ‘The Black Hole’ was uploaded on 31 October 2008 onto the YouTube channel ‘Future Shorts.’ The film’s meek run time of 2:49 contrast the amount of views it has gained; 15,623,677. The pieces main protagonist is an anonymous male whose identity is never revealed. He is represented as being a depressed office worker at the start of the films run time. This representation is constructed through the mise en scene of the shot which reveals an office working attire and the diegetic sound of a sigh he utters as he glumly stares at a photocopier. The representation of this character changes as he discovers the object which the short is named around ‘The Black Hole’. This object completely changes his representation until the short film’s sinister ending. This also presents the products mos blatant underlying theme of Greed. The settings of the product are represented as a bland and grey stereotypical office. This representation by the use of bland grey and white colours of the settings and the lack of vibrant colours or any unique or seemingly personal belongings. This is shown through the mise en scene of several establishing shots of the film. The target audience of the product would be white Caucasian males between 20-30 years of age. I inferred this information from the business office attire of a shirt and tie the main protagonist is working. This relates to the target audience of 20-30 year old males in the socio economic groups of C1-B. This relates because it would resemble the attire of the people that work in this same office based profession.

The Black Hole Short Film Analysis

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George Feast The Black Hole short film analysisThe short film The Black Hole was uploaded on 31 October 2008 onto the YouTube channel Future Shorts. The films meek run time of 2:49 contrast the amount of views it has gained; 15,623,677.The pieces main protagonist is an anonymous male whose identity is never revealed. He is represented as being a depressed office worker at the start of the films run time. This representation is constructed through the mise en scene of the shot which reveals an office working attire and the diegetic sound of a sigh he utters as he glumly stares at a photocopier. The representation of this character changes as he discovers the object which the short is named around The Black Hole. This object completely changes his representation until the short films sinister ending. This also presents the products mos blatant underlying theme of Greed.The settings of the product are represented as a bland and grey stereotypical office. This representation by the use of bland grey and white colours of the settings and the lack of vibrant colours or any unique or seemingly personal belongings. This is shown through the mise en scene of several establishing shots of the film.The target audience of the product would be white Caucasian males between 20-30 years of age. I inferred this information from the business office attire of a shirt and tie the main protagonist is working. This relates to the target audience of 20-30 year old males in the socio economic groups of C1-B. This relates because it would resemble the attire of the people that work in this same office based profession.The main part of the film which creates meaning through the use of lighting and camera angles is towards the end of the product. The anonymous character discovers that the black hole can create a portal that can allow him to traverse different body parts through objects. He uses this to take money out of a safe. As he repeatedly delves his hand through the portal to grab the money the camera is situated at an eye level close up shot of the protagonists face. Through the dark lighting and close up shot the audience can see his distorted expressions vividly and the sweat glistening on his brow and forehead.This shot is continued when he constantly and desperately proceeds to grasp the money out of the portal. This creates meaning by highlighting his grotesque features and the sweat situated on his face. This could resemble the grotesque and morally wrong act he is committing; theft. His greed and the power he possesses from utilising the Black Hole has over taken his sense of morality and caused him to do a deed revolved around greed which isnt acceptable.The ideology of the piece is blatant through the morally corrupt actions of the protagonist. The themes and ideology of the piece creates enigma by asking the audience about the responsibility of humans and how they handle great power. This is expressed by the anonymous character using the Black Hole in various ways; to open a door, acquiring food from a vending machine, grasping money from a vault. This power which he received from the Black Hole causes him to become entangled in using it. Upon stealing large quantities of money from a safe he attempts to climb inside and grab more. This results in the tape he used to keep the paper stuck to the safe to blow away, imprisoning him in the safe. This also shows how too much greed can lead to unwanted circumstances.The genre of the piece is a parable which has an over-arching message of prohibiting greed. The genre would also be a sci-fi due to the sci-fi elements included; The Black Hole. The convention of including a moral message inside the parable has been included but challenges the convention by implicitly suggesting it.