© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. SAP Anywhere/SAP Business One The Best of Both Worlds for the Growing Business: SAP Anywhere and SAP Business One Table of Contents 3 Sell More and Grow Faster with a Complete, Digitized Front Office 4 Centrally Capture Crucial Information and Share One Source of the Truth 5 Drive Profitable Growth with Streamlined Back Office Operations 7 Get in Touch

The Best of Both Worlds for the Growing Business: SAP ... B1 Anywhere.pdf · solution. SAP Anywhere is a new, mobile-first cloud appli-cation built specifically for the growing business

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SAP Anywhere/SAP Business One

The Best of Both Worlds for the Growing Business: SAP Anywhere and SAP Business One

Table of Contents

3 Sell More and Grow Faster with a Complete, Digitized Front Office

4 Centrally Capture Crucial Information and Share One Source of the Truth

5 Drive Profitable Growth with Streamlined Back Office Operations

7 Get in Touch

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© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

50,000SAP Business One customers in 150 countries

Trusted by over 50,000 companies in 150 coun-tries, SAP Business One business management software streamlines your key business process-es – from accounting and CRM to supply chain management and purchasing – in a single solution.

SAP Anywhere is a new, mobile-first cloud appli-cation built specifically for the growing business. Easy to use and quick to deploy, it enables you to run your entire front office – including digital marketing, sales, inventory and customer service – from the palm of your hand.

Together they deliver a complete, affordable and customizable front and back office solution to help you gain greater control over all business areas, see who your best customers are, and serve them better.

With SAP Anywhere and SAP Business One you get a complete front and back office solution for driving your business growth – from one partner. Both applications are designed specifically to meet the needs of small and midsized businesses, and together they can help you compete more effectively and efficiently in the digital age, act on timely information, and drive profitable growth.

Customer Master



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Product MasterInventory

eCommerce Digital MarketingPoint of Sale

Production PurchasingOrder Fulfillment

Payables ReceivablesLedger

Powered by SAP HANA®

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© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

See clearly, think clearly, and act clearly to close the gap between strategy and execution and become a best-run business.

BeCOMe an OnlIne SellInG MaChIne wITh e-COMMerCeSAP Anywhere enables you to capture leads, manage opportunities, and drive deals to your online or retail stores that result in orders. You can also manage brand-specific websites, launch one or more online stores, or sell on third party mar-ketplace channels like Amazon, eBay and Google. All these online channels are managed from SAP Anywhere and flow through native integration to the SAP Business One order fulfillment engine.

DelIver a SlICk POInT OF Sale exPerIenCeSAP Anywhere features an integrated mobile POS system that enables you to quickly confirm product availability and complete transactions – wherever you are. SAP Anywhere Show and Sell POS app links with best-in-class POS hardware to provide a virtual product showroom, in-person checkout, inventory management, and customer management right from your iPad.

PunCh aBOve yOur weIGhT In DIGITal MarkeTInGEven if you don’t have a big ad agency or interac-tive creative team, you can still create digital mar-keting to drive your brand and drive sales. SAP Anywhere helps you go digital and go big with built-in social media integration (Twitter, Face-book, Pinterest) and automated email marketing tools like MailChimp and Constant Contact.

Sell More and Grow Faster with a Complete, Digitized Front Office

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© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

See a COMPleTe CuSTOMer hISTOry With SAP Anywhere and SAP Business One you can store all your critical customer and contact data in one place, so front and back office staff can see a complete customer history of all your mar-keting, sales, and service interactions. Based on your sales and controlling requirements, you can configure the built-in integration to determine which solution drives the creation and updating of this customer data.

MaInTaIn a real-TIMe InvenTOryYou can also store all your item and warehouse data in one place. The SAP Business One solution defines and maintains your item, warehouse and inventory quantities master, and this common in-ventory database can be accessed and updated in real time by both SAP Anywhere and SAP Busi-ness One whenever inventory moves in or out of your organization.

POwereD By SaP hanaBoth SAP Anywhere and SAP Business One lever-age the game-changing architecture of SAP HANA, the in-memory computing platform that makes a real-time business possible. They also share the same powerful analytics in an easy to use, graphics-based dashboard that’s accessible from anywhere in the world.

Centrally Capture Crucial Information and Share One Source of the Truth

Customer Master

Sales Returns

Exchange Rates

Sales Invoices

Credit Memos

Product Master

Sales Deliveries

Sales Orders

Payments, Prepayments

Inventory Levels

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© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

GeT a COMMOn vIew OF yOur InvenTOryOur combined solution provides accurate informa-tion about all inbound and outbound inventory movement, cost, pricing, units of measures and quantities on hand across your warehouse and re-tail locations. Using the core inventory functional-ity built into SAP Business One, you can define your item master and value inventory using stan-dard costing, moving average, FIFO, and actual batch and serial costing methods. With the built-in integration of SAP Anywhere front office, you will have real-time access to this inventory data for your e-commerce, point of sale and digital market-ing activities. As a result, both your front and back office functions will have a common view of inven-tory to ensure that you have the right products in the right place at the right time.

ManaGe yOur PrODuCTIOn PrOCeSSeSUse the SAP Business One Production, resource and material requirements planning (MRP) mod-ules to manage your production processes and create and maintain multilevel bills of materials (BOMs), issue and release production orders man-ually or by back flush, and globally maintain prices for BOMs.

FulFIll CuSTOMer OrDerS quICkly anD aCCuraTelyAs orders are created from your multiple sales channels in the SAP Anywhere front office solution – point of sale, online store, third party market-place or mobile sales force – they funnel in real time to the SAP Business One order fulfillment en-gine. Here your warehouse teams can group, pick, pack, and ship these orders from multiple chan-nels and across multiple warehouse using the effi-cient and scalable features of SAP Business One. As these inventory and accounting transactions are executed in SAP Business One, the built-in in-tegration updates SAP Anywhere to make sure that all parts of your operation have the latest or-der status.

neGOTIaTe BeTTer DealS wITh SuPPlIerSEvery small business needs a systematic ap-proach to managing the procurement process, from requesting vendor quotes to creating pur-chase requests to paying vendors. The SAP Busi-ness One purchasing module helps manage the complete order-to-pay cycle, including receipts, in-voices, returns, and payments. Integrated report-ing tools let you easily compare suppliers and pric-es to negotiate better deals and identify opportunities for cost savings.

Drive Profitable Growth with Streamlined Back Office Operations

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© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

MaxIMIze yOur CaSh FlOwThe SAP Business One accounts payable module manages all aspects of your vendor master file, as well as timely and accurate payments to satisfy your current vendors obligations. Tightly integrat-ed with the SAP Business One purchasing module, accounts payable offers the controls and reporting capabilities to ensure you pay exactly what you have negotiated and on time to maximize your cash flow.

STreaMlIne yOur FInanCIal ManaGeMenTSAP Business One ledger provides a complete set of tools to help manage and streamline your finan-cial operations. It automates everyday accounting tasks such as maintaining ledger and journal en-tries, supporting tax calculations, and enabling multicurrency transactions. In addition, you can conduct all your banking activities – including pro-cessing bank statements and payments, as well as reconciling accounts. You can also manage cash flow, track budgets, and compare actuals versus plans to see where your business stands at a mo-ment’s notice.

COlleCT MOney OweD In a TIMely FaShIOnSAP Business One accounts receivable module manages all aspects of the credit and payment terms and methods extended to your customers across all your sales channels. SAP Business One offers powerful cash flow, aging and dunning tools to track your accounts receivable and manage all collections the money owed by your customers in a timely fashion.

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© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

SAP Anywhere and SAP Business One are sold exclusively through SAP partners. To find out more about how the combined solution can help drive your business growth, please contact your SAP partner today.

Learn more

SAP Anywhere: discover.sap.com/sapanywhere/en-gb/index.html

SAP Business One: go.sap.com/uk/solution/sme-business-software.html

Get in Touch

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