13effort) ft VOLUME &7. NEW SERIES. ri HERIFF'S SALE.? By virtue ol sundry writs of Fi. Fa., Vend Exponas, and Levari Facias, to me directed, there will be sold at the Court House, in the Borough ot Bedlord,on Saturday, the 27th day of April, 1861, at 10 o'clock, A. M., the following described Real Estate, to wit : The undivided half of one tract of land, con- taining 21 acres, more or less, unimproved, ad- joining lands of King & Osborne and others. ALSO, The undivided half of 19 acres ot land, about 4 acres cleaied, and under fence, adjoining lands of Ralhmell Wilson and others. ALSO, The undivided ball ot 160 acres of land, more or less, about 30 acres cleared and under fences, with a log dwelling house there- on erected, also an apple orchard thereon, ad- joining lands of John P. Anderson and othns. ALSO, One tract of land containing 5 acres, more or less, nearly all cleared and under fence, adjoining lands of Ratlimell Wilson and others, all situate in Broadtop Township, Bed- ford County, and taken in execution as the property ol Lemuel Evans. ALSO, One tract ol laud containing 12 acres, more or less, adjoining the Town of Fair Play, and about 2 acres cleared and undrr fence, with 2 two story plank dwelling houses and frame Store house thereon erected, adjoining 'and3 of King. Watson &. McCanless, and lot of George W. Figard and others, situate in Broadtop Township, Bedford County, and ta- ken in execution as the property of Aaion W. Evans. ALSO, One tract ol land containing 285 a- cres, more or less, about .100 acres cleared and under iencp, with a story and half plank dweP ling house, story and half log dwelling house, saud mill, small grist mill, and bank barn there- on erected, also an apple orchard thereon, ad- joining lands of Nathan Grubb, Laban Hanks, Samuel Snively and others, situate in Monroe Township, Bedford County, and taken in exe- cution as the property of John Martin. ALSO, One tract of land situate in South- ampton Township. Bedford Counfy, contain- ing 206 acres and allowance, adjoining lands of A. Ritchey, Israel Bennett, other lands of said Oss, being pall of a larger tract of land containing 439 as, 98 per's, and allowance,o- s riginally surveyed for David Yoiung, the 6lh October, 1794, conveyed to said Oss, by Abram Kerns, Esq., by Deed dated 20th day of Sept. 1843, recorded in Vol. A. C , page 37, in Re- corder's office of said county, 100 acres cleared and under fence, with a two story dwelling bouse and barn thereon erected, balance ofsaid Tract being well timbered. ALSO, One tract ot land situate in said Township of Southamp'on, adjoining the above mentioned tract of land, and lands ol William lams, Artrrnas Bennett and Arnold Lashly, containing 87 acres and all being a part oflhe tract broqght by said Oss, bv Deed dated* 16th December, lSsl,and Recorded in Vol. A. C., page 38, from the Executors ot Abraham Kerns, dec'd. ALSO, One tract of land warranted in the name of Colin Loyer, containing 399 acres, more or less, situate in said Township ot Southampton, adjoining lands of \rtema.=, John and Robert Bennett, and another tract ot land warranted in the name of Colin Lover, ALSO, One tract of iar.d warranted in the nameofColin Loyer. containing 371 acres, more or less, adjoining lands of Artemas Ben- nett, John Summerville, Solomon Smith and others, situate ;n Southampton Township, Bed- ford County and all taken in execution as the property of William Oss. ALSO, Two lots of ground in the Town of Clearville, fronting 120 feet on main street, and extending back 173 feet to an alley, with a two story log dwelling house thereon erected, adjoining lot of Rev. Thomas Heyden on the East, an alley on the west, situate in Monroe Township, Bedford County, and taken in exe- ? cution as the property of Mathew Murray and I Mary Ann Murray. ALSO, AH Defendant John Etcher's right titla interest and claim in and to one tract of iand containing 74 acres more or less, about 4-0 acres cleared and under fence with a two story log dwelling house with stone basement, one log stable and other out buildings thereon erected, adjoining lands of Henry Fisher, John j Bowser, John Eicher jr., and others, situate in Liberty Township, Bedford County and taken in execution as the properly of John Eicher. ALSO, All D-fendant Joshua Filler's right title and interest in and to one lot of ground in tbeTo'vnof Kainsburg fronting about 82 feet on Main Street and extending back about 190 teet, with a story and a half log dwelling house and log stable thereon erected, adjoining lot of widow Overocker, on the North, and lot of Emanuel J. Oiebl, on the South. ALSO, One lot ol ground in the Town ol Kainsburg, fronting about 82 feet on Main street and extending back about 190 leet, With a large two story Tavern house, with kitchen, store room, and ware house attached, and frame -stable and other out buildings, thereon erected, adjoining lot ol George Morgart,on the North, and lot of George James, on the South, and all situate in Colerain Township, Bedford County, and taken in execution, as the property of Joshua Filler.' ALSO, All Delendant John Wright's inter- est in and to one tract of land containing 500 acres more or less, about 100 acres cleared and under fence, with a story and a half log house, and log stable thereon erected, also an apple orchard thereon, adjoining lands of Joshua Pen- nell, Philip Swartzwelder and others, situate m Monroe Township, Bedford County, and ta- ken in execution as the property of John Wright. ALSO, One tiact of land, containing 7~ a- cres, more or less, about 40 acres cleared and under fence, with a two story log dwelling | house, and log stable thereon erected, adjoining j 'he Juniata River, on the East, Sarr.uel Brum- j haugh, on the North and West, and the Hope- j Well Tron and Coal Company, on the South, situate in Liberty Township, Bedford County, and taken in execution, as the propeity of John A. Osborn. ALSO, One tract of Jand containing 55 a- cres more or less, about 30 acres cleared and under fence, with a two story log dwelling house and small log s'able thereon erected, ad- joining lands, ot William Cook, George Trout- inan and others, situate in Harrison Township, Bedford County, and taken in execution, as the property of Samuel Miller. ALSO, All Defendant, Frederick Sbimer's, right title and interest in and to one tract ot land, containing 260 acres more or less, about 120 acres cleared and under fence, with a two story log dwelling house, Tenant houe, double log barn, and other out buildings thereon erec- ted, also an apple orchard thereon, adjoining lands of Michael Schater, David Goghenour and others, situate in Union Township, Red- fdid County, and taken in execution as the properly of Frederick Shinier. ALSO, One lot of ground, in the Town of Pleasantville, fronting about 80 feet on the Johnstown road, and extending back about 200 feet, to land ot Jacob H. Wright, with a two story frame house thereon erected, adjoining lot ol Andrew Horn on the East, and Public Road on the W>st, situate in St. Clair Town- ship, Bedford County, and taken in execution, as the properly ol David Sleek. ALSO, One tract of land, containing 150 acres, more or less, about 30 acres of which is cleared and under fence, with a two story log dwelling house, Blacksmith shop, Wagonma- ker shop and log stable thereon erected, adjoin- ing lands of Frederick Steuby, George May and others, situate in Juniata Township, Bed- [ ford County, and taken in execution as the property of George Trout man. ALSO, One tract of land, containing 256 acres, more or less, about 75 acres cleared and under fence, with a story and a half log house, log stable'and Saw Mill thereon erected, also an apple orchard thereon, adjoining lands ot Joseph Mills, John Mills, heirs Jano others, situate in Monjoe Township, Bedford .County, and taken in execution, as the piopertv of Jacob C. Boor. ALSO, One tract of land, containing 100 acres, more or less, about 20 acres cleared and under fence, with a two story log dwelling house, and small stable thereon erected, adjoin- ing lands of William Becquelh, John Ingland and others, situate in iMonroe Township, Bed- ford County, and taken in execution, as the properly cf Gaston Hand. ALSO, One tract of land, containing 170 acres, more or less, about 100 acres cleared and under fence, with a '.wo .-tory frame dwelling housp, frame Bank barn and other out buildings thereon erected, also an apple and peach orchard thereon, adjoining lands of Adam Otto, Joseph Blackburn, Wm. Border and others, fi'.uate in Napier Township, Bedford County, and taken in execution, as the property of Jesse Black- burn . Sheriff's office, Bed- l"JOH \ J. CESSNA, ford, April sth, '6l. } Sheriff. IT ST OF GRAND JU RORS? J Drawn for A- pril Term, sth Monday, (29th day) 1861. John W. Crissman, Foreman, Daniel N. Bear, Samuel R. Bottomfield, Jacob G. Brig- gle, Abraham Bennett, John Clavcomb, Jacob Coplon, Emanuel ifehl, David Diltz, Adam Diehl, Peter R. Hillegas, Rudolph Hoover, George W. Hollar, John Johnson, Jacob Kiler, Henry Q. Lashley, Cyrus S. Over, Lewis Piper Thos. C. Reighart, Joseph S. Biddle, Christian Snowberger, James Taylor, John VVolf, Phil- lip Zirnmers, Jr. LIST OF PETIT JURORS. Jacob Anderson, J. S. Brown, D. A. T. Black, Jacob S. Brumbaugh, Jonathan Bowser, James Burns, of Thos., Christian Batzel, Joseph M. Berkheimer, Joshtia Diehl, John Diltz, Cadwalader Evans, George Elliott, George Elder, William Forney, John Gates, William Grove, George W. Horn, Charles Hilligas, OliveFHorlon, George W. Householder, L>q., Isaac Imler, A.J. Kegg, Job. Lysinger, Wm. Lamburn, Horatio Means, Joseph Mullen, Wrn. Masters, James Miller, John A. Osborne, Wm. Ott, John Riley, Jr., W. W. Shuck, David Steel, Michael Smouse, Thomas Spicer, Adam Weaverling, Solomon Williams, Jacob Zim- mers, of George. IJST OF CAUSES? J , Put down for trial at April Term (29th day) 1861. Daniel Means vs. D.Fletcher, et aI. Isett, Wigton & Co. H. McNeal. Lott (V Watson " Sproat if Snel!. Abner Thompson " David Stuckey. Wm. A. Powell <? J. Stndebaker. G. F. Steele's use <? W. 'l'. Daiigherty. Ab'm. Skelly, ?' Joseph Garber. Mary J. Baker << Samuel Smith. O. H. Gaither, Esq., ' Collins, Dull & Co. Same " Same. O. F.. Shannon, Esq., " Philip Keagy et al. S. Brown's Ex'r, 4i Philip Zimme rs. Catherine Bennett's use . 44 John Wright. Peter Stayerjet al " Wm. Mndara et al. Ab'm. Pitcher et al " H ester Stayer et al. Prothy's. Office, Bed- t TATE, ford, AprilgOth, IS6I. J Piothonotary. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of administralioc having been granted to the subscriber, on the estate of Geo. Ritchey, late of Union Township dec'd, all persons indebted to said estate are notified to make payment immediately, and those having claims a- gainst said estate will present them properly authenticated for settlement. LEVI RITCHEY, March 8, 1861. Adm'r. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letlprs of Administration having been granted to T he subscriber, on the estate of Isaac Grove, late of Monroe Township, dec'd, all persons indebted to said estate, arej herebyj notified to make payment immediately, and those having claims against the same will present them properly- authenticated for settlement. JESSE GROVE, West Providence, JOHN L. GROVE Monroe, March 8. 1861. Administrators. riIHE BEDFORD GAZETTE "*? IS PUBLISHED EVEBY FRIDAY MORNING BY B. F. MEYERS, At the following terma, to wit: $1 .50 per annom, CASH, in advance. $2.00 < if paid within the year. $2.50 " 't if no t paid within the year subscription taken for less than six months HP""No paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid, unless at the option of the publisher, it haf been decided by the United States Courts 4 that tht stoppage of a newspaper without toe payment ol ar- rearages, is prima facie evidence ot fraud and is a criminal offence. [t=r~Tbe courts have decided that persons are ac- countable for the sub-cription price of nevvspapeis. it they take them from the post office,whether 'hey subscribe for them, or not. RATES OF CHARGES FOR ADVER- TISING. Transient advertisements will be inserted at the rate of SI.OO per square often lines for three inser- tions, or less, but /or every subsequent insertion, 25cents per square will be charged in addition.? Table and figure wont double pi ice. Auditor's notices ten lines and under, SI.OO ; upwards often lines and under fifteen $1.50. Liberal reductions made to persons advertising by the year. REMARKS OF HON. P. C. SHANNON. Tlit* following eloquent lemarks were made by HOD. P. C. SHANNON, in the late Democrat- ic Convention at Harrisbuig, upon a motion to adjourn : Mr. President : ?Not correctly understan- ding the question before the Convention, 1 beg leave to ask whether it \0 dAiliable ? [The President stated the motion aLjLlhe amendment i thereto ; and added that theffatler was, in his ; view, the subject cf remark \u25a0 '?Well sir," continued the delegate from Allegheny "I may be permitted to say, -vith all respect, that 1 am opposed to both propositions; and before I close, shall offer an amendment.? The Convention has settled the question of con- I tested seats, and has appointed, in a happy and highly prop er manner, tls highest and rno< t important committee?that on resolutions.? When the gentleman from Bedford [Mr. Cess- na, j made the motion to leave the selection of this committee to the delegates from each senatorial district, it met my utmost approba- tion ; because I fancied I saw in it not merely honorable adjustment, but also a bright augury of" a lasting truce between '.he two sections which have ot late divided the Democratic party of this State. And, sir my most ardent anticipations as to the wisdom of the plan, have been more than realized in fhe announcement of the committee. Permit me to add, that I recognizeo upon it gentlemen who are states- men and patiiots, in the truest sense ot those terms ; gmtlt.livn of cul- tivated intellect and of unfaltering moral cour- age? who are an honor to|our party and to our commonwealth. [Great cheering.] I suppose, sir, it inigt not be considered tash for me to declare, in advance ot their action, whatever that action may he, that, for one, I am now almost prepared (o leave the destinies of my narty to their cool reflection and sage co .i. el. Still, it cannot be denied that, look- ing over the face of the whole countiy, if we are not in the midst of revolution, yet one is 1 awfully and most threatningly impending over us. Our hearts, with the richest treasuiy of their hopes, won Id fain palliate or disguise the portentous omens of the times ; but alas, the stubborn reality?hkc the finget of Time on the brow of Age?is rapidly augmenting ; whilst siupified thought, awaking to the tiulh, totters and reels at Ihe contemplation. Sir, is there not hot and angty dissension throughout fhe land ? Are not the storm clouds gathering over the political sky of the fairest Republic that the sun of heaven ever shone upon ? Is there no' the spirit of evil riding on the northern blast ; whilst the southern gales, which were wont to be sol!, soothing and aiotnatic, corne laden [with words of wrath, woe and dismemberment? Is not one portion of the Union ariayed against the other?morally and intellectually, if not physically ? Alas, alas, it is too true ; The American Union is now torn, threatened and bleeding. The civilized world, beyond the seas,"looks upon us with fear and amazement. They look at oui statistics, and see that the year of the census dis- playing our greatest prosperity, is also fhe year of secession and dissolution. Tney ask, Can this thing be? They inquire, Can a nation whose growth and prosperity have been so al- most fabulous : whose system professes to be based upon the capacity of man for self govern- ment ; whose power has unlocked the ports of the must distant nations ; whose influence is felt in every nation of the Christ ion woild ; can such a Republic, in the y ear of its greatest glory and renown, be so false to itself, so blind, so mad, as fo risk all the choicest blessings of earth, in pursuit of miserable abstractions, and in d *ense of false points of honor ? Whilst Italy the land of beautv and verdure ?led by our example and inspired bv our idea, has been wading through rivers of blood to establish the principle and practice of unity, even under monarchical itile?we, on the other hand, are ignobly, wickedly and madly en- gaged in scattering to the four winds of heav- en the ever lustrous, the immortal motto of our glorious sires? ll E pluribus ujium." Is such to b* the fate of our youthful Repub- lic, which, short months stood bloom- ing and bright, like some celestial creation, with one loot silver tipl, resting on the shores of the Atlantic, and the other, golden sandaled, on the margin of'the Pacific ; with one hand. Ceres, like, scattering richest bounties over the valleys of the North, and with the other sowing the prolific seeds of phnty and wealth over the lowlands of the sunny South ; standing fair and beauteous, the admiration of the world with an equal smile and care over all sections, knowing no North, no South, no East, no West, but casting, like the dews of heaven, equal favor upon all. In the mysterious de- crees of Providence, is suclf a fate reserved for Freedom of Thought and Opinion. BEDFORD, PA., FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 12,186 L j this best of all the governmental fabrics of the earth ? Are we even now tottering, and ] nius ' we tall ? No, no, a thousand times no ! I In the vocabulary of American youth, imprin- ted upon our hearts at our mothers' knees and unuer our fathers' teachings; in the lexicon read and studied by the bivouac fires<of the Re- volution ; far more gorgeously than acy princely or knightly misaal of old, by the blood that flowed from Bunker Hill lo York- town m the greatlAmeiican lexicon whicn God has tbs* framed, illuminated and consecrated, there is, there never tau be such a loul word as disunion ! It must be, sir, that the mutter- inns we hear are merely fanciful ; that it is , but a phantom that stalks before our disordered vision. tfck.-- Mv convictions are, and so I ha jr expressed 1 myself, that much must tiie RepubfiiNlip inevitably answer for before the en and the bar of trie civilized world?'for its birth found us in peace arid fraternity, whilst the few years of its existence have brought us, in some wy or other, ITthe verge of destruc- . tion.tothe edge of the yawning abvss which | swallows hope, concord, peace aod union. I Yet hetvier than the responsibility of a mere i P art y> masses of which, I freely a imit, are aw ay .by well meant impulses, is, and ever Kthat of thr leaders of (hat sectional or- ganiza. on. Cunning, goldt-n-toogoed and as- i piring, they busied themselves "in leaching phrases to the great Northern heart, which re- duced o logical elements, were found to con- tain mimer at war with the hitherto sacred principles of the equality of the States, and the rights or the people thereof in the common ter- ritories of the government. To ry-asseri these cardinal doctrines ; to face the common danger, to counsel together for the welfare of our country, to pour'oil upoo the troubled waters, by just compromises and con- cessions ; these, and kindred ideas, are the ob- jects for which we are assembled, and to their calm bet earnest consideration we should bend all the faculties of our heads, and all the sym- pathies of our hearts. For ourselves, we should be fraternai and united, so that our example inay operate beneficially in other sections of theconfederacy ; and a* our assemblage has been appropriately o;>eoed with prayer and benedic- tion, let our hearts respond to the solemn invo- cation. But <t has been said, that, as the committee is not t.-ady to report, and there is, therekne, no fur|>ai business before the (loavmiiun, we shoe.ld postpone all further action until to-mor- row. Many of us have come from the most distant part* of ihe Slate, with earnest desire to accom iish what we can in this goo-1 work. Ij p' a looking around over the nearly four huarlfi ,\u25a0 Aetegafes of wbrch ihk body U compo- sed, I recognize many venerable gentlemen, whose gray hairs give additional lustre to their services and p uitian??gentlemen whc give in- creased eviJer.ee oi their patriotism bv Their at- tendance here; ! refer to Lewis and Randal!, of ; Philadelphia ; to Nevin and Sanderson oi Lan- I caster ;to : 'larke of Indiana, and others. What i so becoming, sir, on the eve of ihe anniversary | of the birth of Washington, and amid the perils j which seem to environ the nation, over whose i cradle he watched so fondly?v. hat so in as to i listen to their voices, and tc hearken to their i counsels. For trvself, I desire that tbey shaft I he heard ; and I tmtgine it is not taking upon ; myself too much lo declare, that all the "young i men of the Convention would gladly listen to them till the gray of dawn. .\or can we be occupied it) a better manner. For as in the de- crees of the Great Master of the vineyard, th* too great exuberance and fecundity of May are oftentimes checked and retarded, for benefi- cient ends, by chili ng winds and white Iro-ts; so, among mankind, it has been iound thai the eagerness, impetuosity and enthusiasm of youth are best curbed and tempered by the coo! words of wisdom that drop Pom the lips of hoary ae. Like Rasselas, the youth of this nation seem°to think that they have Jived too long ic the hap- py valley ofpeace, delight ar.d unity ; and thev ardently sigh, like he did, lor an.pier regions, wider scope and freer licence; it >s Well that in their foolish wanderings in pursuit oi delusions and unlried experiments, the venera- ble Imlacs ol the land should follow their foot- steps, and lure them back to the peace, liberty and contentment they are leaving behind. Here, in the capital of tfie commonwealth, this very evening you hear the strains of mar- tial music, the clangor of the trumpet and the tread of armed men ; congregating, it is true, lor no warlike object, but preparing to welcome, with to-morrow's sun, the coming of the great chief of the opposite party, who is also the President elect of the nation. They are pre- paring to swell the pageant and to give eclat to the ovation to Abraham Lincoln. It is not in my heart to find fault with all this ; on the con- trary, I think it is due from his parlv, as a compliment to the wonderful success oi the man, and as an acknowledgement of the grandeur of the station he is about to occupy. For although the Presidency, as matters now stand, is no bed of roses?is filled with the thorns of care, and canopied with a worse dread than the sword ol Damocles; yet its possession is still the emblem ol national respect, as well as the sceptre ol national power. But when, to-morrow, the Governor of this State shall greet, with tones of welcome, the advent of the dist.nguished stranger, I wish "he would say to him, that the people of Pennsylva- nia want no civil war ; that they look upon it with horror ; that they consider it the worst curse which could befall a Christian government. I wish he would counsel him to moderation, to patience, lo wisdom ; above all, to a just sense of the equal constitutional rights of the citizens of every State ir, whatever thing is guaranteed to them. Let him say, that it there have beep anger, rashness and precipitancy in the cotton States, it will be a bad thing to follow such an example ; that, at all events, error is best cured by persuasion, kindness and forbearance ; and tbat it becomes bim to inquire whether there 1 are. or are not, causes for the irritation so gen- erally prevailing in the southern mind. "Let him tell Abraham Lincoln to drop the partisan and become the patriot ; for that, if he does not there are yet left in old Pennsylvania, 230,000 Democratic freemen, who will closelv scrutin- ize and critically weigh every act of his admin- istration ; who will not consent to war in aov unrighteous cause ; who demand a redres of all real grievances in whatever section, and who declare (bat eveiy possible measure of conciliation, which honor can allow, must be first fully exhausted, betore tbey can e7en think of destroying the American Union in the fiendish way of fratricidal war. Let Governor Curt in admonish Mr. Li ncoln to beware of the spirit of precipitancy which he condemns in others; that loternaf force is not suited to the genius of our people, nor is it an element of our organization. In Heav- en's name, and for holy purposes, let him tell him to beware I Let him say in the language of the poet?- "t.ocbiel, Lochiell beware ot the day When the lowlands shall meet tOee in battle array ! Kor a field 01 the dead rushes red on my sight, And the clans of Cuilodeu are scatter'd in flight." THE KANSAS SOFFEREES? One of the relief Commi!tet Rascals exposed by a Republican Brother. ? IVe find the following expose ia the Doniphan county (Kansas) Wliitecloud Chief, (Rep.) It shows how a Republican philan- thropist disposes oi donations sent to suffering Kansas: Woll River Township, ) Doniphan County, March 9. ) D*ar Sir , Your letler of the sth iast., ma- king inquiry with regard to certain goods aod money sent to Mr. James Underwood, of this place, in care of Samuel C. Pooieroy, and oth- er matters has been received. I jwili endea- vor to give you a correct statement of the facts as clearly as possible. About the Jth of January last, there were sent to Mr. Underwood, in care of General Pomeroy, from Rockville Station, in the "State of Indiana, for distribution to the people of this township, the following described goods, to wit: One hundred and ten barrels of flour, ninety bushels of wheat, a still greater, propoilion of corn" meal, $250 in clothing, valued, and six boxes of clothing not valued. There was also sent, at the same time, from the same place to Pomeroy, a sum ot money ,of which I now forget the exact amount, near S3OO, to pav freight on these good 3. The Chairman of the Comities at Rockvilie wrote to Mr. Underwood at the same time sending the goods, informing him of the facts. About the 20th cf January, Mr. U., accompanied by myself, weal to At- chison, for the purpose of procuring the good-, and bringing them out here. When we asked General P iTieroy concerning the goods, ne said that there had never been any shipment what- ever to him from RocUville. Mr. Underwood remarked that there must he some mistake as he had then in his possession a letter from the Chairman of the Committee at Rock ville, sta- ting that the goods had been sent soma time, an<l demanded to see Pomrroy's books. At first the Genera! refused to allow the books to be seen, he would not do so until he wa shown the letter from Rockvtlle. I Mr. U., felt some delicacy with re- gard to allowing the letter, as it cor.taioed some allusions to the General of a not very highly flattering character ; but at length bath letter and books were produced, ami it was found by the books that the goods had been sent and re- ceived a? the letter described. Pomeroy then *aid that the goods had not been shipped to Mr. Underwood, and that at ai! events they had al- ready been distributed, and that be cou'd get none of them. The Genetal then left the ot- fice, leaving us to the gentlemanly attention of one of his clerks, Mr. Derricks cf this county, from whom we received no satisfaction, but a- buse. Mr. Underwood has never yet received soy of his goods, and 1 do not think it probable he ever will. With regard to the way in which acountc are kept at the general relief depot, it i 3 a little curiou-j. Tbe system is one oi double entry. It is a very simple plan, but very ingenious.? The teamsters, as you doubtless know, receive a certain compensation for hauling each load, when they choose io take it?say from §5 to S2U, according to distance. Well, this is the way 'hay are paid : they sign a receipt on the books at Pomerov's office, £3 for so much money received for hauling, and thereupon receive an order on tlie "old clothes depot" for the same amount of clothing. When they arrive at the clothing depi, they are compelled to take old clothes at a remarkably stiff price, considering they are sent as a charity ; and then another entry is made upon the lx>ok,of clothes distrib- uted. Don't you see how readily the money will be accounted for, by paying off teamsters at the rate of from one hundred to two hundred and fifty per day, and at from $5 lo S2O per head in old clothes 7 Yours trulv, Geo. H. RODB, Sec'y. of Wolf River Tp. Relief Com. A PIG JOKE. ?We had a hearty laugh the other day, at hearing a friend tell of a man who was attempting to put a yoke on a pig.? He had cornered grunter in a room having a glazed window, when the animal, believing they were preparing to infringe upon its full freedom, went with a single bound through the window. "Drat it," said the old man, looking after him a moment, "I've got your dimensions any- how?seven by nine exactly !" KF""Mr Brown, you said the defendant was honest and intelligent. What makes you think so?are you well acquainted with the gentleman ?" "No sir, I never seen him." "Why then do you come to such a conclu- sion "Cause he takes ten newspapers, and pays ' for them in advance WHOLE NUMBER, 2945. VOL. 4. NO. 35. . ORIGIN OF THE UVPSIES.?The Gypsies are not Egyptians, as is commonly supposed, but are ol the lowest class ol Indians among the es- late 3 of Hindoslan, commonly or in Hiridostan, Sundars. They are f oun d in' f'ersia, Turkey, Russia, Hungary, and most of the continental nations, amounting to more than seven hundred thousand ; they ail speak one language, differing only in a small decree from each other, as the provincial acceota 'ol a kingdom may differ, and this language l 8 nearly the same-the H-ndostanee. In e emigration of this people from theii own countrv°is at- tributed io the war of Ttmour Beg, (408,) at which peri>d their a'rivai in Euiop \ firmed by historical authorities. Socru-i Vi the conqueror, that one hnndreJ ihousan ;, wtio surrendered as slaves, wer put to death ; m consequence of which, a universal panic seized the inhabitants, and they fled in all directions the Sundars gradually finding their way info Europe. The features of the Gypsies plainly showed their eastern origin ; but' thev had so well contrived to dupe the European inhabi- tants that, till the advancement ol Oriental lit- erature, their country could never be clearly traced. In England, where they arrived in the time of Hemy VHJ, they met the taste of the vulgat by pretended skill in astrology, and the art of palmistry, bringing with thrn their na- tive tricks of juggling. "That the Gypsis are ol the race mentioned, can scarcely be doubted, when we put all the reasons together for eslab- | lishing the theory. The date of the scattering of the Indian tribes by Timour Beg agrees with that of their emigration to Europe lan- guage accords with that ol Hindostanee ; their "persons strongly resemble the people of that country?so much so, that the troops of Hic- dastan shuck the British officers with surprise when they joined their armies, as so nearly re- sembling these people ; and their customs and | mode of life in every respect are perfectly in accordance with those of the Sundars ; both are , filthy and disgusting in their habits ; both are ; given to steal ; both dislike to communicate ; their language to strangers ; they are remarka- bly fond of horses ; they prefer food killed bv disease; they have similar dances; hey are alike wanderers, and are averse to civilized life | they equally dislike agricultural pursuits, and practice music, or travel about with their tin- ! ker's tools, ready to work at every door ; their I marriage customs are similar. The belief that i the Gypsies were Egyptians arose from the re- port circulated by the first of them, tbattthey were pilgrims from Egypt. The Gypsies have no particular religion, all professedly ing to that of the countries where thev dwell, but being for the most part, destitute of faitb. IV NO SE.T TUE.V. ?OId mother Banner was pious t,ut poor. Jo the midst of her extreme want, her trust and confidence was put in God. It was Jate one chilly night in the autumn of the year, when two rather wild youn men were passing her cottage on their One of them had under his ari#some loaves ol bread which he had purchased at the village stive. A faint light glimmeied from Mother Banner's casement. Said the one who had tlje . loaves to his companion : "Let u? have some litty with the old wom- an *" "Agreed," said the other. They approached the house, and peeping in- to the window, 3aw the old woman upon 5 her knees by the health, where a few embers wete mouldriog in the ashes. She was engaged in prayer. They listened and heard her offering an honest petition for bread. She was utterly destitute ot bread. In furtherance oftbeir fun, one of them vvith tiie loaves climbed softly up the roof of the cot- tage and dropped one loaf after the other down the chimney. As the bread rolled down on the hearth, they caught the lady's eye, and in the fullness ol her heart she exclaimed : "Thank the Lord ; bless the Lord for his bounty." "But the Lord didn't send them," shouted a voice from the chimney. "Yes he did." said she, undauntedly ; "the Lord sent them, and the Devil brought them." QCP"The English travelers complain that tbey are so hurried in our hotels and so little in our stage coaches. An Irish traveller took a different view ot 'he case. Honest Pat came IU at one o'clock and was called up in baL ea hour. "And what will ye charge for the bit of a lodging ?" "Twenty-five cents," was the reply "An' sure it was kind of ye to call me so airly ; if I'd slept till morning, I'd not had the money to pay the bill.". WOODEN NUTMEGS OUTDONE. ?There is a Parisian dandy, who, we think, rather outdoes Connecticut. C had at his residence a complete costumeof a groom. When offering an attention to one of the fair sex, he used to say, "Permit me to send you a boquet by my black servant." He then repaired to his garret took out his blacking bottle, polished his face and hands, put on his livery, and knocked at the lady's door. "Here," he [said, "are some flowers, sent by my master (to madame." He had spent the last five francs in the purchase.? Madame was so delighted with the present, that she presented a louis to the bearer. That is a clear pocketing of three dollars, and a lady favor ioto the bargain. [tF"The editor of the Belfast Star, (Rep.) says he is afraid "Mr. Lincoln lacks backbone." For the Lord's sake, how long a backbone do you wish a man to have ? !EF~A raw Irishman, on his first sight of a locomotive, declared thai it was the devil..? "No." said his companion, "it's a staraeboat hunting for wather."

The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1861-04-12 [p ]€¦ · riIHE BEDFORD GAZETTE "*? IS PUBLISHED EVEBY FRIDAY MORNING BY B. F. MEYERS, At the following terma, to wit: $1.50 per

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Page 1: The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1861-04-12 [p ]€¦ · riIHE BEDFORD GAZETTE "*? IS PUBLISHED EVEBY FRIDAY MORNING BY B. F. MEYERS, At the following terma, to wit: $1.50 per

13effort) ftVOLUME &7.


ri HERIFF'S SALE.?By virtue ol sundry writs

of Fi. Fa., Vend Exponas, and Levari Facias,to me directed, there will be sold at the CourtHouse, in the Borough ot Bedlord,on Saturday,the 27th day of April, 1861, at 10 o'clock, A.M., the following described Real Estate, towit :

The undivided half of one tract of land, con-

taining 21 acres, more or less, unimproved, ad-

joining lands of King & Osborne and others.ALSO, The undivided half of 19 acres ot

land, about 4 acres cleaied, and under fence,adjoining lands of Ralhmell Wilson and others.

ALSO, The undivided ball ot 160 acres of

land, more or less, about 30 acres cleared andunder fences, with a log dwelling house there-on erected, also an apple orchard thereon, ad-joining lands of John P. Anderson and othns.

ALSO, One tract of land containing 5 acres,more or less, nearly all cleared and underfence, adjoining lands of Ratlimell Wilson andothers, all situate in Broadtop Township, Bed-ford County, and taken in execution as theproperty ol Lemuel Evans.

ALSO, One tract ol laud containing 12acres, more or less, adjoining the Town of FairPlay, and about 2 acres cleared and undrr fence,with 2 two story plank dwelling houses andframe Store house thereon erected, adjoining'and3 of King. Watson &. McCanless, and lotof George W. Figard and others, situate inBroadtop Township, Bedford County, and ta-ken in execution as the property of Aaion W.Evans.

ALSO, One tract ol land containing 285 a-cres, more or less, about .100 acres cleared andunder iencp, with a story and half plank dwePling house, story and half log dwelling house,saud mill, small grist mill, and bank barn there-on erected, also an apple orchard thereon, ad-joining lands of Nathan Grubb, Laban Hanks,Samuel Snively and others, situate in MonroeTownship, Bedford County, and taken in exe-cution as the property of John Martin.

ALSO, One tract of land situate in South-ampton Township. Bedford Counfy, contain-ing 206 acres and allowance, adjoining landsof A. Ritchey, Israel Bennett, other lands ofsaid Oss, being pall of a larger tract of landcontaining 439 as, 98 per's, and allowance,o- s

riginally surveyed for David Yoiung, the 6lhOctober, 1794, conveyed to said Oss, by AbramKerns, Esq., by Deed dated 20th day of Sept.1843, recorded in Vol. A. C , page 37, in Re-corder's office of said county, 100 acres clearedand under fence, with a two story dwellingbouse and barn thereon erected, balance ofsaidTract being well timbered.

ALSO, One tract ot land situate in saidTownship of Southamp'on, adjoining the abovementioned tract of land, and lands ol Williamlams, Artrrnas Bennett and Arnold Lashly,

containing 87 acres and all being a part oflhetract broqght by said Oss, bv Deed dated* 16thDecember, lSsl,and Recorded in Vol. A. C.,page 38, from the Executors ot Abraham Kerns,dec'd.

ALSO, One tract of land warranted in the

name of Colin Loyer, containing 399 acres,more or less, situate in said Township ot

Southampton, adjoining lands of \rtema.=, Johnand Robert Bennett, and another tract ot landwarranted in the name of Colin Lover,

ALSO, One tract of iar.d warranted in the

nameofColin Loyer. containing 371 acres,more or less, adjoining lands of Artemas Ben-nett, John Summerville, Solomon Smith andothers, situate ;n Southampton Township, Bed-ford County and all taken in execution as theproperty of William Oss.

ALSO, Two lots of ground in the Town ofClearville, fronting 120 feet on main street, andextending back 173 feet to an alley, with atwo story log dwelling house thereon erected,adjoining lot of Rev. Thomas Heyden on theEast, an alley on the west, situate in MonroeTownship, Bedford County, and taken in exe- ?cution as the property of Mathew Murray and IMary Ann Murray.

ALSO, AH Defendant John Etcher's righttitla interest and claim in and to one tract ofiand containing 74 acres more or less, about4-0 acres cleared and under fence with a two

story log dwelling house with stone basement,one log stable and other out buildings thereonerected, adjoining lands of Henry Fisher, John jBowser, John Eicher jr., and others, situate in

Liberty Township, Bedford County and takenin execution as the properly of John Eicher.

ALSO, All D-fendant Joshua Filler's righttitle and interest in and to one lot of ground intbeTo'vnof Kainsburg fronting about 82 feeton Main Street and extending back about 190teet, with a story and a half log dwelling house

and log stable thereon erected, adjoining lot ofwidow Overocker, on the North, and lot ofEmanuel J. Oiebl, on the South.

ALSO, One lot ol ground in the Town olKainsburg, fronting about 82 feet on Main streetand extending back about 190 leet, With alarge two story Tavern house, with kitchen,store room, and ware house attached, and frame-stable and other out buildings, thereon erected,adjoining lot ol George Morgart,on the North,and lot ofGeorge James, on the South, and allsituate in Colerain Township, Bedford County,and taken in execution, as the property ofJoshua Filler.'

ALSO, All Delendant John Wright's inter-est in and to one tract of land containing 500acres more or less, about 100 acres cleared andunder fence, with a story and a half log house,and log stable thereon erected, also an appleorchard thereon, adjoining lands ofJoshua Pen-nell, Philip Swartzwelder and others, situatem Monroe Township, Bedford County, and ta-ken in execution as the property of JohnWright.

ALSO, One tiact of land, containing 7~ a-cres, more or less, about 40 acres cleared andunder fence, with a two story log dwelling |house, and log stable thereon erected, adjoining j'he Juniata River, on the East, Sarr.uel Brum- jhaugh, on the North and West, and the Hope- jWell Tron and Coal Company, on the South,

situate in Liberty Township, Bedford County,and taken in execution, as the propeity of JohnA. Osborn.

ALSO, One tract of Jand containing 55 a-cres more or less, about 30 acres cleared andunder fence, with a two story log dwellinghouse and small log s'able thereon erected, ad-joining lands, ot William Cook, George Trout-inan and others, situate in Harrison Township,Bedford County, and taken in execution, asthe property of Samuel Miller.

ALSO, AllDefendant, Frederick Sbimer's,right title and interest in and to one tract otland, containing 260 acres more or less, about120 acres cleared and under fence, with a twostory log dwelling house, Tenant houe, doublelog barn, and other out buildings thereon erec-ted, also an apple orchard thereon, adjoininglands of Michael Schater, David Goghenourand others, situate in Union Township, Red-fdid County, and taken in execution as theproperly of Frederick Shinier.

ALSO, One lot of ground, in the Town ofPleasantville, fronting about 80 feet on theJohnstown road, and extending back about 200feet, to land ot Jacob H. Wright, with a twostory frame house thereon erected, adjoininglot ol Andrew Horn on the East, and PublicRoad on the W>st, situate in St. Clair Town-ship, Bedford County, and taken in execution,as the properly ol David Sleek.

ALSO, One tract of land, containing 150acres, more or less, about 30 acres of which iscleared and under fence, with a two story logdwelling house, Blacksmith shop, Wagonma-ker shop and log stable thereon erected, adjoin-ing lands of Frederick Steuby, George Mayand others, situate in Juniata Township, Bed-

[ ford County, and taken in execution as theproperty of George Trout man.

ALSO, One tract of land, containing 256acres, more or less, about 75 acres cleared andunder fence, with a story and a half log house,log stable'and Saw Mill thereon erected, alsoan apple orchard thereon, adjoining lands otJoseph Mills, John Mills, heirs Jano others,situate in Monjoe Township, Bedford .County,and taken in execution, as the piopertv ofJacob C. Boor.

ALSO, One tract of land, containing 100acres, more or less, about 20 acres cleared andunder fence, with a two story log dwellinghouse, and small stable thereon erected, adjoin-ing lands of William Becquelh, John Inglandand others, situate in iMonroe Township, Bed-ford County, and taken in execution, as theproperly cf Gaston Hand.

ALSO, One tract of land, containing 170acres, more or less, about 100 acres cleared andunder fence, with a '.wo .-tory frame dwellinghousp, frame Bank barn and other out buildingsthereon erected, also an apple and peach orchardthereon, adjoining lands of Adam Otto, JosephBlackburn, Wm. Border and others, fi'.uate inNapier Township, Bedford County, and takenin execution, as the property of Jesse Black-burn .

Sheriff's office, Bed- l"JOH \ J. CESSNA,ford, April sth, '6l. } Sheriff.


pril Term, sth Monday, (29th day) 1861.John W. Crissman, Foreman, Daniel N.

Bear, Samuel R. Bottomfield, Jacob G. Brig-gle, Abraham Bennett, John Clavcomb, JacobCoplon, Emanuel ifehl, David Diltz, AdamDiehl, Peter R. Hillegas, Rudolph Hoover,George W. Hollar, John Johnson, Jacob Kiler,Henry Q. Lashley, Cyrus S. Over, Lewis PiperThos. C. Reighart, Joseph S. Biddle, ChristianSnowberger, James Taylor, John VVolf, Phil-lip Zirnmers, Jr.

LIST OF PETIT JURORS.Jacob Anderson, J. S. Brown, D. A. T.

Black, Jacob S. Brumbaugh, Jonathan Bowser,James Burns, of Thos., Christian Batzel, JosephM. Berkheimer, Joshtia Diehl, John Diltz,Cadwalader Evans, George Elliott, GeorgeElder, William Forney, John Gates, WilliamGrove, George W. Horn, Charles Hilligas,OliveFHorlon, George W. Householder, L>q.,Isaac Imler, A.J. Kegg, Job. Lysinger, Wm.Lamburn, Horatio Means, Joseph Mullen, Wrn.Masters, James Miller, John A. Osborne, Wm.Ott, John Riley, Jr., W. W. Shuck, DavidSteel, Michael Smouse, Thomas Spicer, AdamWeaverling, Solomon Williams, Jacob Zim-mers, of George.

IJST OF CAUSES?J , Put down for trial at

April Term (29th day) 1861.Daniel Means vs. D.Fletcher, et aI.Isett, Wigton & Co. H. McNeal.Lott (V Watson " Sproat if Snel!.Abner Thompson " David Stuckey.Wm. A. Powell <? J. Stndebaker.G. F. Steele's use <? W. 'l'. Daiigherty.Ab'm. Skelly, ?' Joseph Garber.Mary J. Baker << Samuel Smith.O. H. Gaither, Esq., ' Collins, Dull & Co.Same " Same.O. F.. Shannon, Esq., " Philip Keagy et al.S. Brown's Ex'r, 4i Philip Zimme rs.Catherine Bennett's use .44 John Wright.Peter Stayerjet al " Wm. Mndara et al.Ab'm. Pitcher et al " H ester Stayer et al.

Prothy's. Office, Bed- t TATE,ford, AprilgOth, IS6I. J Piothonotary.

ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.Letters of administralioc having

been granted to the subscriber, on the estate ofGeo. Ritchey, late of Union Township dec'd, allpersons indebted to said estate are notified to makepayment immediately, and those having claims a-

gainst said estate will present them properlyauthenticated for settlement. LEVI RITCHEY,

March 8, 1861. Adm'r.

ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.Letlprs of Administration having

been granted to T he subscriber, on the estate of

Isaac Grove, late of Monroe Township, dec'd, allpersons indebted to said estate, arej herebyj notifiedto make payment immediately, and those havingclaims against the same will present them properly-authenticated for settlement.

JESSE GROVE, West Providence,JOHN L. GROVE Monroe,

March 8. 1861. Administrators.



BY B. F. MEYERS,At the following terma, to wit:

$1 .50 per annom, CASH, in advance.$2.00 < if paid within the year.$2.50 " 't if no t paid within the year

subscription taken for less than six monthsHP""No paper discontinued until all arrearages are

paid, unless at the option of the publisher, it hafbeen decided by the United States Courts 4 that thtstoppage of a newspaper without toe payment ol ar-rearages, is prima facie evidence ot fraud and is acriminal offence.

[t=r~Tbe courts have decided that persons are ac-countable for the sub-cription price of nevvspapeis.it they take them from the post office,whether 'heysubscribe for them, or not.


Transient advertisements will be inserted at therate of SI.OO per square often lines for three inser-tions, or less, but /or every subsequent insertion,25cents per square will be charged in addition.?Table and figure wont double pi ice. Auditor'snotices ten lines and under, SI.OO ; upwards oftenlines and under fifteen $1.50. Liberal reductionsmade to persons advertising by the year.


Tlit* following eloquent lemarks were madeby HOD. P. C. SHANNON, in the late Democrat-ic Convention at Harrisbuig, upon a motionto adjourn :

Mr. President : ?Not correctly understan-ding the question before the Convention, 1 begleave to ask whether it \0 dAiliable ? [ThePresident stated the motion aLjLlhe amendment

i thereto ; and added that theffatler was, in his; view, the subject cf remark \u25a0

'?Well sir," continued the delegate fromAllegheny "I may be permitted to say, -vith allrespect, that 1 am opposed to both propositions;and before I close, shall offer an amendment.?The Convention has settled the question of con-

I tested seats, and has appointed, in a happy andhighly prop er manner, tls highest and rno< timportant committee?that on resolutions.?When the gentleman from Bedford [Mr. Cess-na, j made the motion to leave the selection ofthis committee to the delegates from eachsenatorial district, it met my utmost approba-tion ; because I fancied I saw in it not merelyhonorable adjustment, but also a bright auguryof" a lasting truce between '.he two sectionswhich have ot late divided the Democraticparty of this State. And, sir my most ardentanticipations as to the wisdom of the plan, havebeen more than realized in fhe announcementof the committee. Permit me to add, that Irecognizeo upon it gentlemen who are states-men and patiiots, in the truest sense ot thoseterms ; gmtlt.livn of cul-tivated intellect and of unfaltering moral cour-age? who are an honor to|our party and to ourcommonwealth. [Great cheering.]

I suppose, sir, it inigt not be considered tashfor me to declare, in advance ot their action,whatever that action may he, that, for one, Iam now almost prepared (o leave the destiniesof my narty to their cool reflection and sageco .i. el. Still, it cannot be denied that, look-ing over the face of the whole countiy, if weare not in the midst of revolution, yet one is

1 awfully and most threatningly impending overus. Our hearts, with the richest treasuiy oftheir hopes, won Id fain palliate or disguise theportentous omens of the times ; but alas, thestubborn reality?hkc the finget of Time on thebrow of Age?is rapidly augmenting ; whilstsiupified thought, awaking to the tiulh, tottersand reels at Ihe contemplation.

Sir, is there not hot and angty dissensionthroughout fhe land ? Are not the storm cloudsgathering over the political sky of the fairestRepublic that the sun of heaven ever shoneupon ? Is there no' the spirit of evil riding onthe northern blast ; whilst the southern gales,which were wont to be sol!, soothing andaiotnatic, corne laden [with words of wrath,woe and dismemberment? Is not one portion ofthe Union ariayed against the other?morallyand intellectually, if not physically ? Alas,alas, it is too true ; The American Union isnow torn, threatened and bleeding. Thecivilized world, beyond the seas,"looks upon uswith fear and amazement. They look at ouistatistics, and see that the year of the census dis-playing our greatest prosperity, is also fhe yearof secession and dissolution. Tney ask, Canthis thing be? They inquire, Can a nationwhose growth and prosperity have been so al-most fabulous : whose system professes to bebased upon the capacity of man for self govern-ment ; whose power has unlocked the ports ofthe must distant nations ; whose influence isfelt in every nation of the Christ ion woild ;can such a Republic, in the y ear of its greatestglory and renown, be so false to itself, so blind,so mad, as fo risk all the choicest blessings ofearth, in pursuit of miserable abstractions, andin d *ense of false points of honor ?

Whilst Italy the land of beautv and verdure?led by our example and inspired bv our idea,has been wading through rivers of blood toestablish the principle and practice of unity,even under monarchical itile?we, on the otherhand, are ignobly, wickedly and madly en-gaged in scattering to the four winds of heav-en the ever lustrous, the immortal motto of ourglorious sires? llEpluribus ujium."

Is such to b* the fate of our youthful Repub-lic, which, short months stood bloom-ing and bright, like some celestial creation,with one loot silver tipl, resting on the shoresof the Atlantic, and the other, golden sandaled,on the margin of'the Pacific ; with one hand.Ceres, like, scattering richest bounties over thevalleys of the North, and with the other sowingthe prolific seeds of phnty and wealth overthe lowlands of the sunny South ; standing fairand beauteous, the admiration of the worldwith an equal smile and care over all sections,knowing no North, no South, no East, noWest, but casting, like the dews of heaven,equal favor upon all. In the mysterious de-crees of Providence, is suclf a fate reserved for

Freedom of Thought and Opinion.


j this best of all the governmental fabrics of theearth ? Are we even now tottering, and

] nius ' we tall ? No, no, a thousand times no !I In the vocabulary of American youth, imprin-

ted upon our hearts at our mothers' knees andunuer our fathers' teachings; in the lexiconread and studied by the bivouac fires<of the Re-volution ; far more gorgeouslythan acy princely or knightly misaal of old, bythe blood that flowed from Bunker Hill lo York-town m the greatlAmeiican lexicon whicn Godhas tbs* framed, illuminated and consecrated,there is, there never tau be such a loul wordas disunion ! It must be, sir, that the mutter-inns we hear are merely fanciful ; that it is

, but a phantom that stalks before our disorderedvision. tfck.--

Mv convictions are, and so I ha jr expressed

1 myself, that much must tiie RepubfiiNlipinevitably answer for before theen and the bar of trie civilized world?'for itsbirth found us in peace arid fraternity, whilstthe few years of its existence have brought us,in some wy or other, ITthe verge of destruc-

. tion.tothe edge of the yawning abvss which| swallows hope, concord, peace aod union.

I Yet hetvier than the responsibility of a merei P arty> masses of which, I freely a imit, areaw ay .by well meant impulses, is, and ever

Kthat of thr leaders of (hat sectional or-ganiza. on. Cunning, goldt-n-toogoed and as-

i piring, they busied themselves "in leachingphrases to the great Northern heart, which re-duced o logical elements, were found to con-tain mimer at war with the hitherto sacredprinciples of the equality of the States, and therights or the people thereof in the common ter-ritories of the government.

To ry-asseri these cardinal doctrines ; to facethe common danger, to counsel together for thewelfare of our country, to pour'oil upoo thetroubled waters, by just compromises and con-cessions ; these, and kindred ideas, are the ob-jects for which we are assembled, and to theircalm bet earnest consideration we should bendall the faculties of our heads, and all the sym-pathies of our hearts. For ourselves, we shouldbe fraternai and united, so that our exampleinay operate beneficially in other sections oftheconfederacy ; and a* our assemblage has beenappropriately o;>eoed with prayer and benedic-tion, let our hearts respond to the solemn invo-cation.

But <t has been said, that, as the committeeis not t.-ady to report, and there is, therekne,no fur|>ai business before the (loavmiiun, weshoe.ld postpone all further action until to-mor-row. Many of us have come from the mostdistant part* of ihe Slate, with earnest desire toaccom iish what we can in this goo-1 work.

Ijp' a looking around over the nearly fourhuarlfi ,\u25a0 Aetegafes of wbrch ihk body U compo-sed, I recognize many venerable gentlemen,whose gray hairs give additional lustre to theirservices and p uitian??gentlemen whc give in-

creased eviJer.ee oi their patriotism bv Their at-tendance here; ! refer to Lewis and Randal!, of

; Philadelphia ; to Nevin and Sanderson oi Lan-I caster ;to : 'larke of Indiana, and others. Whati so becoming, sir, on the eve of ihe anniversary| of the birth of Washington, and amid the perils

j which seem to environ the nation, over whosei cradle he watched so fondly?v. hat so in as toi listen to their voices, and tc hearken to theiri counsels. For trvself, I desire that tbey shaftI he heard ; and I tmtgine it is not taking upon

; myself too much lo declare, that all the "youngi men ofthe Convention would gladly listen tothem till the gray of dawn. .\or can we beoccupied it) a better manner. For as in the de-crees of the Great Master of the vineyard, th*too great exuberance and fecundity of May areoftentimes checked and retarded, for benefi-cient ends, by chili ng winds and white Iro-ts;so, among mankind, it has been iound thai theeagerness, impetuosity and enthusiasm of youthare best curbed and tempered by the coo! wordsof wisdom that drop Pom the lips ofhoary ae.Like Rasselas, the youth of this nation seem°tothink that they have Jived too long ic the hap-py valley ofpeace, delight ar.d unity ; and thevardently sigh, like he did, lor an.pier regions,wider scope and freer licence; it >s Well thatin their foolish wanderings in pursuit oidelusions and unlried experiments, the venera-ble Imlacs ol the land should follow their foot-steps, and lure them back to the peace, libertyand contentment they are leaving behind.

Here, in the capital of tfie commonwealth,this very evening you hear the strains of mar-tial music, the clangor of the trumpet and thetread of armed men ; congregating, it is true,lor no warlike object, but preparing to welcome,with to-morrow's sun, the coming of the greatchief of the opposite party, who is also thePresident elect of the nation. They are pre-paring to swell the pageant and to give eclat tothe ovation to Abraham Lincoln. It is not inmy heart to find fault with all this ; on the con-trary, I think it is due from his parlv, as acompliment to the wonderful success oi the man,and as an acknowledgement of the grandeur ofthe station he is about to occupy. For althoughthe Presidency, as matters now stand, is no bedof roses?is filled with the thorns of care, andcanopied with a worse dread than the sword olDamocles; yet its possession is still the emblemol national respect, as well as the sceptre olnational power.

But when, to-morrow, the Governor of thisState shall greet, with tones of welcome, theadvent of the dist.nguished stranger, I wish "hewould say to him, that the people of Pennsylva-nia want no civil war ; that they look upon itwith horror ; that they consider it the worstcurse which could befall a Christian government.I wish he would counsel him to moderation, topatience, lo wisdom ; above all, to a just senseofthe equal constitutional rights of the citizensof every State ir, whatever thing is guaranteedto them. Let him say, that it there have beepanger, rashness and precipitancy in the cottonStates, it will be a bad thing to follow such anexample ; that, at all events, error is best curedby persuasion, kindness and forbearance ; andtbat it becomes bim to inquire whether there 1

are. or are not, causes for the irritation so gen-erally prevailing in the southern mind. "Lethim tell Abraham Lincoln to drop the partisanand become the patriot ; for that, if he does notthere are yet left in old Pennsylvania, 230,000Democratic freemen, who will closelv scrutin-ize and critically weigh every act of his admin-istration ; who will not consent to war in aovunrighteous cause ; who demand a redres ofall real grievances in whatever section, andwho declare (bat eveiy possible measure ofconciliation, which honor can allow, must befirst fully exhausted, betore tbey can e7enthink of destroying the American Union in thefiendish way of fratricidal war.

Let Governor Curt in admonish Mr. Li ncolnto beware of the spirit of precipitancy whichhe condemns in others; that loternaf force isnot suited to the genius of our people, nor is itan element of our organization. In Heav-en's name, and for holy purposes, let him tellhim to beware I Let him say in the languageof the poet?-"t.ocbiel, Lochiell beware ot the dayWhen the lowlands shall meet tOee in battle array !Kor a field 01 the dead rushes red on my sight,And the clans of Cuilodeu are scatter'd in flight."

THE KANSAS SOFFEREES? One of the reliefCommi!tet Rascals exposed by a RepublicanBrother. ? IVe find the followingexpose ia theDoniphan county (Kansas) Wliitecloud Chief,(Rep.) It shows how a Republican philan-thropist disposes oi donations sent to sufferingKansas:

Woll River Township, )

Doniphan County, March 9. )D*ar Sir , Your letler of the sth iast., ma-

king inquiry with regard to certain goods aodmoney sent to Mr. James Underwood, of thisplace, in care of Samuel C. Pooieroy, and oth-er matters has been received. I jwili endea-vor to give you a correct statement of the factsas clearly as possible.

About the Jth of January last, there weresent to Mr. Underwood, in care of GeneralPomeroy, from Rockville Station, in the "Stateof Indiana, for distribution to the people of thistownship, the following described goods, to wit:One hundred and ten barrels of flour, ninetybushels of wheat, a still greater, propoilion ofcorn" meal, $250 in clothing, valued, andsix boxes of clothing not valued. There wasalso sent, at the same time, from the same placeto Pomeroy, a sum ot money ,of which I nowforget the exact amount, near S3OO, to pavfreight on these good 3. The Chairman of theComities at Rockvilie wrote to Mr. Underwoodat the same time sending the goods, informinghim ofthe facts. About the 20th cf January,Mr. U., accompanied by myself, weal to At-chison, for the purpose of procuring the good-,and bringing them out here. When we askedGeneral P iTieroy concerning the goods, ne saidthat there had never been any shipment what-ever to him from RocUville. Mr. Underwoodremarked that there must he some mistake ashe had then in his possession a letter from theChairman of the Committee at Rock ville, sta-ting that the goods had been sent soma time,an<l demanded to see Pomrroy's books.

At first the Genera! refused to allow thebooks to be seen, he would not do sountil he wa shown the letter from Rockvtlle.I Mr. U., felt some delicacy with re-gard to allowing the letter, as it cor.taioed someallusions to the General of a not very highlyflattering character ; but at length bath letterand books were produced, ami it was found bythe books that the goods had been sent and re-ceived a? the letter described. Pomeroy then*aid that the goods had not been shipped to Mr.Underwood, and that at ai! events they had al-ready been distributed, and that be cou'd getnone of them. The Genetal then left the ot-fice, leaving us to the gentlemanly attention ofone of his clerks, Mr. Derricks cf this county,from whom we received no satisfaction, but a-buse. Mr. Underwood has never yet receivedsoy of his goods, and 1 do not think it probablehe ever will.

With regard to the way in which acountcare kept at the general relief depot, it i 3 a littlecuriou-j. Tbe system is one oi double entry.It is a very simple plan, but very ingenious.?The teamsters, as you doubtless know, receivea certain compensation for hauling each load,when they choose io take it?say from §5 toS2U, according to distance. Well, this is theway 'hay are paid : they sign a receipt on thebooks at Pomerov's office, £3 for so much moneyreceived for hauling, and thereupon receive anorder on tlie "old clothes depot" for the sameamount of clothing. When they arrive at theclothing depi, they are compelled to take oldclothes at a remarkably stiffprice, consideringthey are sent as a charity ; and then anotherentry is made upon the lx>ok,of clothes distrib-uted. Don't you see how readily the moneywill be accounted for, by paying off teamstersat the rate of from one hundred to two hundredand fifty per day, and at from $5 lo S2O perhead in old clothes 7

Yours trulv,Geo. H. RODB,

Sec'y. of Wolf River Tp. Relief Com.

A PIG JOKE. ?We had a hearty laugh theother day, at hearing a friend tell of a manwho was attempting to put a yoke on a pig.?He had cornered grunter in a room having aglazed window, when the animal, believingthey were preparing to infringe upon its fullfreedom, went with a single bound through thewindow.

"Drat it," said the old man, looking afterhim a moment, "I've got your dimensions any-how?seven by nine exactly !"

KF""Mr Brown, you said the defendant washonest and intelligent. What makes youthink so?are you well acquainted with thegentleman ?"

"No sir, I never seen him.""Why then do you come to such a conclu-

sion"Cause he takes ten newspapers, and pays

' for them in advance


VOL. 4. NO. 35.

. ORIGIN OF THE UVPSIES.?The Gypsies arenot Egyptians, as is commonly supposed, butare ol the lowest class ol Indians among the es-late 3 of Hindoslan, commonlyor in Hiridostan, Sundars. They are foun d in'f'ersia, Turkey, Russia, Hungary, and most ofthe continental nations, amounting to morethan seven hundred thousand ; they ail speakone language, differing only in a small decreefrom each other, as the provincial acceota 'ol akingdom may differ, and this language l 8 nearlythe same-the H-ndostanee. Ine emigrationof this people from theii own countrv°is at-tributed io the war of Ttmour Beg, (408,) atwhich peri>d their a'rivai in Euiop \firmed by historical authorities. Socru-i Vithe conqueror, that one hnndreJ ihousan ;, wtiosurrendered as slaves, wer put to death ; mconsequence of which, a universal panic seizedthe inhabitants, and they fled in all directionsthe Sundars gradually finding their way infoEurope. The features of the Gypsies plainlyshowed their eastern origin ; but' thev had sowell contrived to dupe the European inhabi-tants that, till the advancement ol Oriental lit-erature, their country could never be clearlytraced. In England, where they arrived in thetime of Hemy VHJ, they met the taste of thevulgat by pretended skill in astrology, and theart of palmistry, bringing with thrn their na-tive tricks of juggling. "That the Gypsis areol the race mentioned, can scarcely be doubted,when we put all the reasons together for eslab-

| lishing the theory. The date of the scatteringof the Indian tribes by Timour Beg agrees withthat of their emigration to Europe lan-

guage accords with that ol Hindostanee ; their"persons strongly resemble the people of thatcountry?so much so, that the troops of Hic-dastan shuck the British officers with surprisewhen they joined their armies, as so nearly re-sembling these people ; and their customs and

| mode of life in every respect are perfectly inaccordance with those of the Sundars ; both are

, filthy and disgusting in their habits ; both are; given to steal ; both dislike to communicate

; their language to strangers ; they are remarka-bly fond of horses ; they prefer food killed bvdisease; they have similar dances; hey arealike wanderers, and are averse to civilized life

| they equally dislike agricultural pursuits, andpractice music, or travel about with their tin-

! ker's tools, ready to work at every door ; theirI marriage customs are similar. The belief thati the Gypsies were Egyptians arose from the re-port circulated by the first of them, tbatttheywere pilgrims from Egypt. The Gypsies haveno particular religion, all professedlying to that of the countries where thev dwell,but being for the most part, destitute of faitb.

IV NO SE.T TUE.V.?OId mother Banner waspious t,ut poor. Jo the midst of her extremewant, her trust and confidence was put inGod.

It was Jate one chilly night in the autumnof the year, when two rather wild youn menwere passing her cottage on theirOne ofthem had under his ari#some loaves olbread which he had purchased at the villagestive. A faint light glimmeied from MotherBanner's casement. Said the one who had tlje .

loaves to his companion :

"Let u? have some litty with the old wom-an *"

"Agreed," said the other.They approached the house, and peeping in-

to the window, 3aw the old woman upon5

herknees by the health, where a few embers wetemouldriog in the ashes. She was engaged inprayer. They listened and heard her offeringan honest petition for bread. She was utterlydestitute ot bread.

In furtherance oftbeir fun, one ofthem vvithtiie loaves climbed softly up the roof of the cot-tage and dropped one loaf after the other downthe chimney. As the bread rolled down on thehearth, they caught the lady's eye, and in thefullness ol her heart she exclaimed :

"Thank the Lord ; bless the Lord for hisbounty."

"But the Lord didn't send them," shouted avoice from the chimney.

"Yes he did." said she, undauntedly ; "theLord sent them, and the Devil broughtthem."

QCP"The English travelers complain thattbey are so hurried in our hotels and so littlein our stage coaches. An Irish traveller tooka different view ot 'he case. Honest Pat cameIU at one o'clock and was called up in baL eahour.

"And what will ye charge for the bit of alodging ?"

"Twenty-five cents," was the reply"An' sure it was kind of ye to call me so

airly ; if I'd slept till morning, I'd not had themoney to pay the bill.".

WOODEN NUTMEGS OUTDONE. ?There is aParisian dandy, who, we think, rather outdoesConnecticut. C had at his residence acomplete costumeof a groom. When offeringan attention to one of the fair sex, he used tosay, "Permit me to send you a boquet by myblack servant." He then repaired to his garrettook out his blacking bottle, polished his faceand hands, put on his livery, and knocked atthe lady's door. "Here," he [said, "are someflowers, sent by my master (to madame." Hehad spent the last five francs in the purchase.?Madame was so delighted with the present,that she presented a louis to the bearer. Thatis a clear pocketing of three dollars, and a ladyfavor ioto the bargain.

[tF"The editor of the Belfast Star, (Rep.)says he is afraid "Mr. Lincoln lacks backbone."For the Lord's sake, how long a backbone doyou wish a man to have ?

!EF~A raw Irishman, on his first sight of alocomotive, declared thai it was the devil..?"No." said his companion, "it's a staraeboathunting for wather."