Volume 13, Issue 4 “One of the signs of new life we see in our church, district, conference, and denomination is an increasing commitment to risk-taking mission. We take risks all of the time when we serve people because Christ calls us to, whether or not they walk through the doors of our facility…” - Rev. Jay Regennitter, PG 7

The Beacon - April 2012

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Morningstar United Methodist Church's monthly publication of events and information.

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Page 1: The Beacon - April 2012

Volume 13, Issue 4

“One of the signs of new life we see in our church,

district, conference, and denomination is an

increasing commitment to risk-taking mission. We

take risks all of the time when we serve people

because Christ calls us to, whether or not they walk

through the doors of our facility…”

- Rev. Jay Regennitter, PG 7

Page 2: The Beacon - April 2012



3 Pastor’s Letter

4 Church Calendar

5 Church Servant Schedule

6 Church Finances

6 Signs of Spring

7 Risk-Taking Mission

and Service

8 Contact Information

Morningstar UMC seeks to share the light and love of Jesus Christ to all we encounter. Morningstar will be a community where each person is offered opportunities and challenged to grow in his/her relationship with God throughout his/her life. As we grow in our love of God, we will increase our growth of healthy relationships by encouraging people of all ages through accountability, study, prayer, fellowship, and service. The more our congregation grows in these primary relationships (with God and our neighbors), we will see ourselves reaching out into the local community, region and world through acts of service – sharing the light of Jesus Christ in hands-on, meaningful ways, and inviting others to experience God’s love for themselves.

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My best friend and his wife struggled with infertility for several years. This past fall, they made the decision to adopt domestically, and began the process. Late in 2011, they discovered they were pregnant, and put the adoption on hold. In early 2012, they miscarried. Not long after their miscarriage, they decided to reactivate their adoption. Sixteen days after they reactivated, they got the call; their daughter was born. If anyone understands the death and life cycle, it’s them. Many of us have experienced death and life cycles, as well. Family members pass away; infants are born. Yearly, we see the life cycle throughout the earth. We have seen the signs of new life popping up early this year with warm temperatures. Trees have buds on them; flowers have popped up, and some are in bloom already. Signs of new life are all around us! Signs of new life exist in our church. Financial health, growth in worship attendance, new ministries and small groups beginning, and a constant stream of new visitors are just some signs. I recently had a conversation with a former pastor, who remarked that he was amazed by the number of names he didn’t know in the newsletter. God is doing amazing things in this place! Of course, no sign of life here is possible without the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. I hope you’ll join us as we experience that life cycle throughout worship during Holy Week. Then, experience the signs of new life that come as the risen Christ meets us through the power of the Holy Spirit!

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April 2012

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 9:00am Christian Formation 10:10 Prayer Time 10:15am Worship 11:15am Church Council Meeting


7:00pm Boy Scouts 7:30pm Men’s Group (Gill Street)


1:00pm Sit-N-Knit


Family Night 5:30pm Dinner 6:30pm Worship 7:00pm Classes 7:00pm Youth Handbells and Choir


7:00pm Maundy Thursdays worship at MUMC


(No School) 12:00pm Crafters 7:00pm Good Friday Worship at WOF



8:00am Easter Breakfast 9:00am Christian Formation 10:10 Prayer Time 10:15am Worship 3:30pm HSH Meal Team #2


7:00pm Boy Scouts 7:30pm Men’s Group (Gill Street)


1:00pm Sit-N-Knit


Family Night 5:30pm Dinner 6:30pm Worship 7:00pm Classes 7:00pm Youth Handbells and Choir


6:00pm Chancel Choir 7:00pm Handbell Choir


10:00am Ladies’ Bible Study


10:00am Praise Band Rehearsal


9:00am Christian Formation 10:10 Prayer Time 10:15am Worship 1:00pm Lay Lead-ership Meeting 2:00pm SPRC/Trustees/Finance Meeting


7:00pm Boy Scouts 7:30pm Men’s Group (Gill Street)


1:00pm Sit-N-Knit


Family Night 5:30pm Dinner 6:30pm Worship 7:00pm Classes 7:00pm Youth Handbells and Choir

19 6:00pm Chancel Choir 7:00pm Handbell Choir


10:00am Ladies’ Bible Study


8:00am Advanced Lay Speaking Class


9:00am Christian Formation 10:10 Prayer Time 10:15am Worship 11:15am Anniversary Team Meeting 1:00pm Newcomer Meeting 6:00pm ISU Wesley Foundation Meal


7:00pm Boy Scouts 7:30pm Men’s Group (Gill Street)


1:00pm Sit-N-Knit


Family Night 5:30pm Dinner 6:30pm Worship 7:00pm Classes 7:00pm Youth Handbells and Choir


6:00pm Chancel Choir 7:00pm Handbell Choir


10:00am Ladies’ Bible Study


10:00am Praise Band Rehearsal


9:00am Christian Formation 10:10 Prayer Time 10:15am Worship 2:00pm Ladies’ Spring Fling


(No School) 7:00pm Boy Scouts 7:30pm Men’s Group (Gill Street)

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April 2012

April 1 April 8 April 15 April 22 April 29

Offertory Music

Youth Bells Chancel Choir Chancel Choir Youth Handbells Handbell Choir

Liturgist Dave Venter Tricia Todd Dean Westpfahl Eva DeVore Betty Haag

Children’s Message

Andy Goveia Jay Regennitter Stephanie Soon Dave Venter John Weter

Acolyte Alaysia Peterson Hannah Schneider Morgan Kao Shelby Todd Riley Fleck

Media Technicians

John Weter Dean Westpfahl Joe Kao Mark Immke Andy Goveia


Mark Immke (H) Andrew Immke Tanner Todd

Georgia Griffith

Dave Wright (H) Sharee Wright Wayne Goris

Mike Schneider

Larry Haag (H) Betty Haag

Kim Kao Bill Sheets

John Weter (H) Sue Fetters Tom Howe Tricia Todd

Jim Snow (H) Mary Ann Altine Dean Westpfahl

Joe Kao

Greeters Georgia Griffith Kandi Schneider Dave & Pam Larry & Betty Haag Regan Jimison

Coffee Host Eva DeVore Lori Immke Tricia Todd Joan Burger Dave & Pam

Offering Counters

Mary Ann Altine Ruthann Sheets Regan Jimison Dean Westpfahl Sue Fetters

Newcomer Callers

Michelle Giermann Bill & Ruthann

Sheets Georgia Griffith Michelle Giermann

Bill & Ruthann Sheets

Church Cleaning

Regan & Ryan Jimison

Teri Peterson John Weter Dave & Pam

Venter Lori Immke

Lawn Mowing

(April 07) David Helpingstine

John Weter

(April 14) Wayne Goris

Wayne Giermann

(April 21) Joe Kao

Ryan Jimison

(April 28) Teri Peterson

Jay Regennitter

(May 05) Hunter Wright Sharee Wright

Holy Week Schedule

April 1 Palm Sunday Christian Formation 9:00am Worship 10:15am

April 5 Maundy Thursday Worship 7:00pm At Morningstar UMC

April 6 Good Friday Worship 7:00pm At West Olive Faith UMC

April 8 Easter Sunday Breakfast 8:30am Christian Formation 9:00am Worship 10:15am

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Have you noticed it? Some women at Morningstar seem to have an extra spring in their step and glow in their faces. Recently a women’s retreat titled “Treasured” was held at the church. Approximately 25 ladies were pampered with chocolate, snacks, a delicious meal, inspiring workshops, uplifting music, and fantastic fellowship. Participants were filled with the knowledge that God treasures them. This exciting reality has energized them to have another women’s activity called “Spring Fling.” On Sunday, April 29th from 2:00pm - 4:00pm, women of all ages (children, youth, adults) are invited to attend. A highlight of the afternoon will be an “in house” bridal fashion show. Come and join the excitement. Mark your calendars for April 29th! - Pam Venter, Member of Morningstar UMC

We all need to give ourselves a huge pat on the back! Why? The financial situation of our church is in excellent condition. Were you aware that not too long ago Morningstar UMC struggled financially? We used to “rob Peter to pay Paul!” For some time though, the church finances have been in the “black,” which means that our income has been more than our expenses. This is such fantastic news. As a congregation, we have been faithful. We have been faithful in our giving to build God’s kingdom here on earth. We have been faithful with commitments we made when responding to the stewardship campaign. Our financial condition is a testimony that God is breathing new life into our congregation. Proverbs 28:20 says, “A faithful man shall abound with blessing, but he who makes haste to be rich shall not go unpunished.” We are sharing our blessings from our lives with our church. This selflessness keeps blessing us further. I pray we can each continue with our devotion to support the ministry of Morningstar UMC and the Lord. Thank you for your generosity and faithfulness!

- Tricia Todd, Finance Chairperson

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One of the signs of new life we see in our church, district, conference, and denomination is an

increasing commitment to risk-taking mission and service. We take risks all of the time when

we serve people because Christ calls us to, whether or not they walk through the doors of our

facility. We risk when we give food, serve at the mission, and meet the needs of people in our

communities. When the UMC began Imagine No Malaria, a child died every 30 seconds from

that deadly disease; now, that number has been extended to a child dying once a minute. We

give because we know that Christ's love is extended to those who are in need.

In that same spirit, we participate in mission trips. I have often heard people who participate in

local, national, and international mission trips say that, as a result of serving others, their lives

are transformed. Our administrative assistant, Andrew Stange, and his fiancé will be serving in

an international mission this May on behalf of the North Central Jurisdiction of the UMC.

Andrew and Sarah will be traveling to Africa University, an educational institution with which

our conference has a partnership. If you wish to be an extension of their risk-taking mission,

you can help support them financially. In April, simply mark your gift "Andrew and Sarah," and

we will make sure that it is distributed to help cover the costs of their mission trip. Thank you

for helping to bring signs of life to a world in need. - Pastor Jay Regennitter

Want to know more about Andrew and Sarah’s trip to Africa University? Check out their blog set-up to share their thoughts and information before, during, and after the trip. journeytoafricauniversity.wordpress.com

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Morningstar United Methodist Church

Office Hours: Monday through Thursday, 9:00am -3:00pm

Office Telephone: (309) 452-6255

Website: www.mymorningstar.org

Worship with us on Sundays at 10:15 am

Contact Information

Rev. Jay Regennitter, Pastor [email protected]

Pastor Stephanie Soon, Deacon & Pianist [email protected]

Andrew Stange, Administrative Assistant [email protected]

Adam Drake & Kimberlyn Cross, Nursery Ministry Staff [email protected]