THE BEACON The official newsletter of Lumen Christi Council 13520, Knights of Columbus Illuminating the faith community of All Saints Church, Dallas, Texas Volume 9, Number 1 August 2012 QUARTERLY CORPORATE COMMUNION Lumen Christi Council will have our quarterly Corporate Communion Mass on Saturday, August 18 at 5:00 pm. This is an opportunity to join as a Council Family in faith and worship of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. As is our custom, the August corporate communion is in commemoration of the birth of Fr. Michael McGivney, our founder. Why do we gather? “For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst.” Matthew 18:20. We gather in communal prayer, in support of the principles of our faith and the principals of our Order: charity, unity and fraternity. We will line up before the Mass in the hallway and process into Mass following the Color Corps Honor Guard and then sit together in the reserved front rows of the church (sections C & D). Please arrive at least 15 minutes early. Ministers are still needed for the Mass. Please contact Doyle Kitchen at (214-923-9244 or [email protected]) to volunteer. - article submitted by Doyle Kitchen; picture taken by Jerry Cayce NEW MEMBER WELCOME RECEPTION Immediately following the Corporate Communion, the Council will host a reception in the Fellowship Hall in honor of all Knights and their families who joined the Council in the last fraternal year as either new members or transfers. The event will run until approximately 7:30pm. This is a great opportunity to welcome our new brothers and their families to the council. Light refreshments, beer, wine and soft drinks will be served. All members of the family are invited and we will have the gym open to allow some of our younger and more energetic family members to let off some steam. Invitations were mailed to our new members and we encourage all council members and their families to attend this event. The reception is being coordinated by Larry Milliken and I am sure he will be grateful for assistance in setting up the hall starting at 3:30pm on the 18th - watch out for more details in the email blast nearer the time. - article submitted by Gerry Rice; picture taken by Jerry Cayce WHAT’S INSIDE Grand Knight’s Message: 2 Member Recognition 3 Officers and Directors 3 Pro-Life Genderside 4 Tip of the Month 4 October Baby 5 Council Welcome Reception 1 Pancake Breakfast 5 Fall Festival 6 Church Corporate Communion 1 Fall Festival 6 Chalice for Vocations 7 Council Prayers 9 Community Fisher House Lunch 8 Membership Welcome Reception 1 New Members 7 Family Corporate Communion 1 Welcome Reception 1 Fund Raising Fall Festival Tamales 6 Director Needed 8 Liaison Reports Ladies Auxiliary 8 Fourth Degree 9 Field Agent Newsletter 10 From the State Deputy 11 Supreme Knight’s Report 11 Two Month Calendar 12 THE BEACON is published the first week of each month. Deadline for articles is the 25 th of each month. Lumen Christi Council #13520 All Saints Catholic Church 5231 Meadowcreek Drive Dallas, TX 75248 Members process into church following the Color Corps and sit in reserved seats. Everyone in the council family is invited to welcome our newest members

THE BEACON – The Official Newsletter of Lumen Christi ...uknight.org/Councils/The Beacon - August 2012.pdfStephen Hielig Michael Knecht . Ed Fiorito Adrian Becker . Fr. Paul Gray

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Page 1: THE BEACON – The Official Newsletter of Lumen Christi ...uknight.org/Councils/The Beacon - August 2012.pdfStephen Hielig Michael Knecht . Ed Fiorito Adrian Becker . Fr. Paul Gray

THE BEACON The official newsletter of Lumen Christi Council 13520, Knights of Columbus

Illuminating the faith community of All Saints Church, Dallas, Texas

Volume 9, Number 1 August 2012

QUARTERLY CORPORATE COMMUNION Lumen Christi Council will have our quarterly Corporate Communion Mass on Saturday, August 18 at 5:00 pm. This is an opportunity to join as a Council Family in faith and worship of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. As is our custom, the August corporate communion is in commemoration of the birth of Fr. Michael McGivney, our founder.

Why do we gather? “For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst.” Matthew 18:20. We gather in communal prayer, in support of the principles of our faith and the principals of our Order: charity, unity and fraternity.

We will line up before the Mass in the hallway and process into Mass following the Color Corps Honor Guard and then sit together in the reserved front rows of the church (sections C & D). Please arrive at least 15 minutes early.

Ministers are still needed for the Mass. Please contact Doyle Kitchen at (214-923-9244 or [email protected]) to volunteer.

- article submitted by Doyle Kitchen; picture taken by Jerry Cayce


Immediately following the Corporate Communion, the Council will host a reception in the Fellowship Hall in honor of all Knights and their families who joined the Council in the last fraternal year as either new members or transfers. The event will run until approximately 7:30pm. This is a great opportunity to welcome our new brothers and their families to the

council. Light refreshments, beer, wine and soft drinks will be served.

All members of the family are invited and we will have the gym open to allow some of our younger and more energetic family members to let off some steam.

Invitations were mailed to our new members and we encourage all council members and their families to attend this event.

The reception is being coordinated by Larry Milliken and I am sure he will be grateful for assistance in setting up the hall starting at 3:30pm on the 18th - watch out for more details in the email blast nearer the time.

- article submitted by Gerry Rice; picture taken by Jerry Cayce

WHAT’S INSIDE Grand Knight’s Message: 2 Member Recognition 3 Officers and Directors 3 Pro-Life

• Genderside 4

• Tip of the Month 4

• October Baby 5 Council

• Welcome Reception 1

• Pancake Breakfast 5

• Fall Festival 6 Church

• Corporate Communion 1

• Fall Festival 6

• Chalice for Vocations 7

• Council Prayers 9 Community

• Fisher House Lunch 8 Membership

• Welcome Reception 1

• New Members 7 Family

• Corporate Communion 1

• Welcome Reception 1 Fund Raising

• Fall Festival Tamales 6

• Director Needed 8 Liaison Reports

• Ladies Auxiliary 8

• Fourth Degree 9 Field Agent Newsletter 10 From the State Deputy 11 Supreme Knight’s Report 11 Two Month Calendar 12

THE BEACON is published the first week of each month. Deadline for articles is the 25th of each month.

Lumen Christi Council #13520

All Saints Catholic Church 5231 Meadowcreek Drive

Dallas, TX 75248

Members process into church following the Color Corps and sit in reserved seats.

Everyone in the council family is invited to welcome our newest members

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2 THE BEACON – The Official Newsletter of Lumen Christi Council 13520 August 2012


In this, my first Grand Knight’s Message, I want to take a moment to look back on the achievements of our Council since being Chartered on May 5, 2004 and to look forward to the year that lies ahead.

In our eight plus years we have grown from mostly being known for our BBQ Chicken sales to becoming an intrinsic part of the faith community and have rightly earned the reputation of "If you want something done right ask the Knights". We have done this in a complementary fashion and with the support of the other great ministries in the Parish particularly the Men’s Club and All Saints Women’s Organization

We have readily picked up the baton when asked by the Parish, for example reviving Sunday Morning Fellowship, worked with various Parish organizations on Lenten Dinners, provided manpower for Golden Saints and of course our famous Pancake breakfasts which have grown from strength to strength over the years.

This would not have happened without the able leadership of my worthy predecessors, Bill Fox, Chris Diaz and Jack Ayers and of course you the members of Lumen Christi without whom none of their successes would have been possible.

Any reflection on our first eight years would not be complete without acknowledging our fellow Knights who have "fallen asleep and awoken in the house of the Father", as Fr. Paul Gray used to say.

Dr. Noble Rumbo Carl Nichols Stephen Hielig Michael Knecht Ed Fiorito Adrian Becker Fr. Paul Gray Brother Thomas (Sean) Keating

In the next few weeks, we will appropriately honor their memory when we unveil our Memorial Plaque.

Looking forward to this fraternal year, I am honored to announce that Bishop Farrell has confirmed Father Vincent Anyama as our Chaplain. I am also pleased to announce two additional appointments since our last meeting: Our new Director of Council Programs is John Meyer and Chris Diaz will resume a familiar role as Editor of THE BEACON.

The Parish has asked the council to take the lead in two specific areas this year, namely striving to get the various ministries working together on activities and initiatives and of course the defense of Religious Liberty.

Our Pastor and the staff have clearly seen the efforts we have undertaken in the past to coordinate our activities with the other parish Organizations whether it be Lenten Dinners, Fall Festival, Ladies Day of Reflection and the Advent and Lenten

reflection booklets. The Chalice for Vocations program is again starting to gain momentum, thanks in no small effort to the outstanding work of Doyle Kitchen, with a number of other ministries taking part and providing vocal support of the initiative.

Our next task is to look at how we can better involve and support the youth of our Parish.

As Knights, we have no stronger responsibility, outside of our families, than to defend our Church and Her Bishops and Priests. The campaign, led by our Supreme Knight, in support of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops defense of our constitutional right to Religious Liberty will be a major focus in the weeks and months ahead. We have heard from our own Pastor of those in our own parish who question why the Bishops should be spending so much time on this issue.

This is not about the HHS mandate; it is only the first avenue of attack that the current administration has chosen to pursue. If they succeed in forcing Religion to be defined, as that which takes place within the four walls of a Church, more will surely follow. We only have to look across the Atlantic to see where this could ultimately go…

Catholic Adoption agencies closed down because they would not place children with same sex couples.

University Catholic Chaplaincies being told that they have to invite and give an equal platform to pro-abortion speakers at any Pro Life event.

Teachers in Catholic Schools being told that they must teach that same sex marriage is acceptable and equal to the traditional definition taught by the Church.

This will be a frequent topic of conversation both at our meetings and in the pages of THE BEACON.

As I said in my first Grand Knight’s Report at our business meeting, we must discuss these issues and be informed of where those seeking political or judicial office stand on them. We, however, must not open ourselves or the Church to any accusation that we are supporting or campaigning for any particular party or candidate, that could place our and their status with the IRS at risk.

The year ahead provides us with many opportunities to increase the positive impact we play here at All Saints and in the wider community, I am confident that with your support our Council can only continue to improve. In everything we do, we must always remember that…

We Are Called to be the Light of Christ Gerry

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3 Volume 9, Number 1 Illuminating the Faith Community of All Saints Catholic Church, Dallas, Texas

2012-2013 Council Officers and Directors

Chaplain: Rev. Vincent Anyama

Grand Knight: Gerry Rice 214-725-2946 / [email protected]

Deputy Grand Knight: Harry Storey 214-557-2923 / [email protected]

Chancellor: Michael Greene 972-447-9984 / [email protected]

Financial Secretary: Michael Riley 972-484-0595 / [email protected]

Treasurer: Jeff Stuart 972-699-1317 / [email protected]

Recorder: Bob Pitts 214-537-5582 / [email protected]

Advocate: Vic Owen 972-235-2771 / [email protected]

Warden: Stan Tax 214-354-8722 / [email protected]

Warden’s Aides: Frank Kozel 214-801-4782 / [email protected]

Al Steindorf 916-220-2953 / [email protected]

Inside Guards: John Arciniega 972-991-3542 / [email protected]

Ron Schott 469-737-5984 / [email protected]

Outside Guards: Roger Klotz 972-239-2168 / [email protected]

Steven Trax 585-737-7291 / [email protected]

Trustees: 1 year Chris Diaz, PGK

972-742-7282 / [email protected] 2 year Larry Brennan

972-866-8431 / [email protected] 3 year Jack Ayers, PGK

972-733-0360 / [email protected] Directors:

Church Doyle Kitchen 214-923-9244 / [email protected]

Community Ed Munno 972-788-9174 / [email protected]

Council John Meyer 972-699-7866 / [email protected]

Family Evan Fernando 972-250-6565 / [email protected]

Membership Larry Milliken 972-733-0931 / [email protected]

Pro-Life Jim DeSmet 972-931-8405 / [email protected]

Youth Justin Frerich 806-445-1622 / [email protected]

District Deputy: David Axberg

214-417-3769 / [email protected]

MONTHLY RECOGNITIONS Knight and Family of the Month As we discussed at the July meeting we did not recognize a Knight or Family of the month for June. The Grand Knight and the rest of the officers do not have the opportunity to see all of the great work performed by our Brother Knights and their Families. Nominations for these awards can be recommend to the Grand Knight through the Council website which provides the perfect mechanism for doing this.

Therefore, I am asking that all of you consider who you believe deserves these awards and nominate them using the link on the home page of the website. This will be an experiment for the next two months.

Pictured is the home page of our website www.lumenchristikc.org. The place to cast your vote is just below the rotating slide show and above the last announced winners,

<<<<<<<<<<<< (ignore the fact that it says “for September” we are working on July for the August meeting)

A few ground rules:

• Nominations must include the Knight’s or Knight’s family and supporting text; the name alone will not give much insight into why the nominee(s) deserve to be recognized.

• The Knight or Family with the most nominations may or may not be selected - the supporting text is going to play a significant part in making these choices.

We will review how this works and we hope that this will be our practice for the remainder of the fraternal year and beyond.

- article submitted by Gerry Rice

AUGUST BIRTHDAYS… August 12: Fr. Michael J. McGivney Founder of the Knights of Columbus

3: Glen Abel 19: Norman G Stauffer 26: Mark J Madine 4: Steven L Trax 23: Ralph N Belmonte 28: Douglas Hazelbaker 9: Derek T Downs James F Reidy 29: Jose R Martinez 11: Rufus Green 24: Jeffrey W Stuart 30: Roger J Scott 13: Jose Jaime 25: Kenneth Cernak 31: Roger L Klotz 14: Alexander Acuna Rev. Louis Chijioke 15: Verne V Owen Rev. Peter Chinnappan

- compiled by John Arciniega

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Pro-Life GENDERCIDE: SEX-SELECTION ABORTION Sex-selective abortion has resulted in the loss of at least 163 million girls and a severe imbalance in gender ratios in many countries such as China and India.

This “bachelor surplus” has had devastating effects for women. The scarcity and demand for wives has resurrected the ancient practice of selling and buying women into forced marriages. A family will sell their daughter to the man with the highest price, and men consider women to be commodities for purchase. Consequently, sex trafficking and prostitution is rampant in these countries. Furthermore, men who cannot find women in their native countries to marry will purchase and “import” women from elsewhere.

In China, many women are pressured by their husbands, families and societies to abort their daughters or commit suicide by drinking agricultural fertilizer. Research has shown that crime waves, violence and militant societies are the hazards of “bachelor surplus.” If

brides are prizes for the rich, a society with an imbalanced sex ratio will end up with millions of poor, frustrated, young men who have no hope for marriage.

It is ironic that the feminist reproductive health rights movement is responsible for this global trend of eliminating females through sex-selective abortions. The very movement that purportedly sought to empower women has caused women not only the devaluation of women, but has endangered their very existence. And in spite of the tragic evidence, the feminist movement has failed to stand up for these women and continues to ignore the fact that 163 million girls missing because of sex-selective abortion.

This conflict highlights the fundamental error of the feminist and reproductive health rights movement that you cannot promote or protect women while at the same time promoting abortion. The right to choose allows you to choose a boy over a girl. The self-contradiction of the feminist slogan “pro-choice, pro-woman” is shown most evidently in the instance of global gendercide.

Article from www.pro-lifearticles.org

- compiled by Jim and Sharon DeSmet, Pro-Life Program Couple (972-931-8405)


What did Roe v. Wade decide?

In the 1973 Roe V. Wade decision, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled 7-2 that the Fourteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, which protects the rights to life, liberty and property, entailed a “right to privacy” that included the right for a woman to procure an abortion up until “the point at which the fetus becomes ‘viable’.”

Roe V. Wade effectively overturned all existing state laws against abortion. Roe v. Wade did allow for some limitations on when abortions could be obtained. However, these limitations were effectively nullified by the courts decision in Roe’s companion case, Doe v. Bolton which will be covered next month.

Sharing the Pro-Life Message” published by the Pro-Life Action League, ProLifeAction.org

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On Tuesday, August 21, the All Saints Youth Ministry will host a movie night in Fellowship Hall. Before the movie begins, all in attendance will have the opportunity to eat dinner and listen to guest speaker Tom Clark, the Pro-Life Chairman for the Texas State Council, Knights of Columbus. Meal begins at 5 PM. Tom’s presentation will start at approximately 5:30 and the movie will begin around 6:15 PM.

According to All Saints High School Youth Ministry Coordinator and Brother Knight Josh Schwartz, October Baby is a powerful movie that shows how God can bring beauty from our most painful experiences. The movie is interesting and well produced. The message is uplifting and powerful. This would be a good movie for the whole family to view.

This is an excellent opportunity for us as Knights to show our support to the youth of our parish and the projects they support. How we deal with pro-life issues is important to our faith. Please consider joining the youth in this effort and bring the whole family. Please RSVP with the number of people you intend to bring (by email – [email protected]) so we can ensure that we have enough food to accommodate everyone.

- article submitted by Chris Diaz; picture take by Chris Diaz


On Sunday, August 19, we will have our “Welcome Back” Pancake Breakfast. Since most people take vacations during July, the pancake breakfast staff did as well. We missed our normal and expanding clientele. Also expanding is our menu offering – come and see what “The newly appointed pancake chef” has in store!

Help is needed in the kitchen from the hours of 7 AM until cleanup which ends sometime after 1 PM. Please sign up for the event on our web site at http://kofcknights.org/CouncilCalendarNew.asp?CNO=13520. Just follow the instructions at the top of the page. At least eight to ten folks are needed for food prep early and throughout the morning for serving and additional cooking. Volunteers are not limited to Knights – family members are welcome. If you have any questions please contact Stan Tax (214-354-8722 / [email protected]).

This past year has been an incredibly busy year for us in the Council. This coming year will be no different, as our new Grand Knight and his staff are planning additional program opportunities. I personally want to thank all those folks who were

there, helping achieve the goals of the Council and ultimately strengthening the Community and Fellowship that we have at All Saints. Your generous contribution of time and labor is something you all should be proud of. When we come together, we are a formidable group, as reflected in our Order’s principles of Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism.

- article submitted by Stan Tax; picture taken by Chris Diaz

Stan Tax thanks the council when he was presented a chef's jacket at the last meeting

Pro-Life Chairman and guest speaker Tom Clark

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Fund Raising FESTIVAL TAMALES SALES As in past years, Lumen Christi Council will sponsor a booth at the Fall Festival selling cooked tamales to enjoy at the event and frozen tamales to take home for future gastronomical pleasure.

Early each morning at least five men are needed to handle set up which includes a portable tent, a freezer, generator, credit card machines, signage and of course the tasty tamales. Since we will be serving other cooked items with the tamales, additional prep work and cooking assistance will be required - some of this being prior to the Fall Festival. Members of the Lumen Christi Council family are also needed on the sales side to work in shifts. Of course, everything comes down and gets stored at the end of the day.

To sign up for setup, food prep, cooking, sales and/or tear down, please contact event chairman Al Steindorf (916-220-2953 / [email protected])


The Fall Festival is a major fellowship event that takes place on All Saints Parish grounds each year in September. The festival is a family friendly two-day event with great food, beverages, live entertainment, bingo, a silent auction with incredible items, games with prizes for children of all ages (even the ones who don't realize they're already grown-up). Parishioners and members of the greater community will help us celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the All Saints Fall Festival on September 29 and 30.

Each year, it takes a tremendous amount of volunteer hours to plan and make our festival a success. Members of our council are taking lead roles in this event and they welcome your support. Lumen Christi Council will also sponsor a booth selling cooked tamales to enjoy at the festival and frozen tamales to

take home for future pleasure.

Brother Knight Stan Tax (214-354-8722 / [email protected]) is the Festival Co-Chair this year. He urges all Brother Knights to take an active role in making this event a rousing success. If you have the inkling to volunteer in a major support area, contact Stan to get the Fall Festival committee meeting schedule and learn of the festival planning needs.

Brother Knight Doyle Kitchen (214-923-9244 / [email protected]) will coordinate our TABC certification efforts and beverage service. If anyone would like to volunteer as a parishioner, please contact Doyle for additional information. NOTE: Lumen Christi Council insurance restrictions do not permit Knights of Columbus attire if you participate in this capacity.

Brother Knights Chance Barkley (806-853-7387 / [email protected]) and Justin Frerich (806-455-1622 / [email protected]) are coordinating volunteers for the festival. Over 800 parishioners volunteered in previous years and no doubt, at least that number is needed again this year. There are needs during setup and teardown as well as during the actual festival hours. When you sign up as a volunteer through Chance or Justin, you are not looking for a “lead” role, but a role that is important none-the-less. The volunteer form is included as an attachment to THE BEACON. Lumen Christi Council prospect Kelly Halaszyn (832-964-5571 / [email protected]), future son-in-law of our own Woody Berry, is in charge of Underwriting and Fund Raising. If you would like to become a sponsor of the festival or have items to donate for the silent auction or as prizes for some of the games, Kelly would love to hear from you. The festival donor form is also included as an attachment to THE BEACON. Both forms are available on the parish website www.allsaintsdallas.org. Please complete the form(s) and submit them as soon as possible. - articles compiled by Chris Diaz; ; pictures taken by Jerry Cayce

Many parishioners fill the courtyard and parish grounds for this annual event.

Doyle Kitchen spent numerous shifts at the Festival. Here he is at the Council Tamales Sales area.

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Lumen Christi Council participates in numerous activities throughout the year that show our support for our Clergy, Religious and those discerning a calling in Seminary or other institutions of formation. This show of support comes spiritually, financially and fraternally. To read more, look at the latest Knights in Action section of the Supreme website via the following link: http://www.kofc.org/un/en/knightsinaction/detail/1109South.html. If you have interest is finding out more about our programs in this area, contact our Director of Church Program Activities Doyle Kitchen (214-923-9244/[email protected]), our Chancellor Mike Greene (972-447-9984/[email protected]) or our Seminary Liaison Chris Diaz (972-742-7282/[email protected]).

Membership THREE JOIN COUNCIL In First Degree exemplification ceremonies held on Thursday, July 26 at St. Joseph’s Church in Richardson, Charles (Adam) Gilliland joined our Order and became a member of Lumen Christi Council. Stephen Ingram proposed Adam for membership. Chris Diaz will carry on the duties of proposer when Stephen returns to the seminary. Grand Knight Gerry Rice, Membership Director Larry Milliken and recent inductee Mark Madine joined Stephen and Chris at St. Joseph’s in support of our new Knight. Adam, who turned 18 on July 2, is a lifelong parishioner who is active in youth ministry, community service and high school sports. Adam participated in the Altar Service program and is now a constant fixture at the 5 PM Teen Mass on Sundays.

During our July business meeting, the membership approved transfer applications for Reverend Vincent Anyama and Matthew Woyak.

Bishop Kevin J. Farrell, DD, Bishop of Dallas approved the appointment of Fr. Vincent as the new Chaplain of our council. Fr. Vincent comes to us from St. Francis of Assisi in Frisco, which was his first assignment after his ordination.

Matt Woyak is transferring from his council in Rhode Island. He is the All Saints Junior High School Ministry Coordinator. Before coming to All Saints Matt worked at the Pines Catholic Camp where he served as Retreat Ministry Staff. He is married to Meg who frequently joins Matt at ASJHM functions like “Saints Alive!” and Junior High Bible Study.

Please welcome all three new members of our council.

- articles this page submitted by Chris Diaz; pictures taken by Chris Diaz

Bishop Seitz presents the Chalice for Vocations to Todd Sluder and his three sons during a commissioning ceremony in the Fellowship Hall. Grand Knight Gerry Rice and other members of the council offer prayers. Weekly recipients of the Chalice for Vocations are announced at Mass and the congregation is invited to attend the ceremony.

Current Grand Knight Gerry Rice and Past Grand Knight Jack Ayers present check for $1139 to Committee of 1000 Chair Joe Picard during the Diocesan Organizational meeting in July. The check represented proceeds from our community meal 50/50 and purchase of current year “Committee of 1000” pins by members of the council and parish.

Pictured above are Adam Gilliland (left) and proposer Stephen Ingram after exemplification ceremonies.

Matt Woyak at recent JHS Retreat Fr. Vincent during parish

welcome reception.

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Lumen Christi Council will again provide lunch at Fisher House – the “home away from home” for patients and families of patients receiving medical care at the local VA medical center. The Fisher House we serve is located on the campus of the veteran’s hospital in South Dallas. Volunteers are needed to handle pre-event food purchase and prep work. On the day of the event – Thursday, August 30 – eight to ten knights, spouses or family members old enough to assist in the kitchen, are needed for final preparation and serving of the meal. Cleanup of the facility is also part of the service opportunity. If you have additional questions or can volunteer for this event contact Community Program Director Ed Munno (972-788-9174 / [email protected]).

- article by Chris Diaz

Fund Raising DIRECTOR VACANCY Brothers, while we have had great success with tamales sales we are now entirely dependent on this as our only fund raising activity. This creates some risk to the ability of the council to support everything we agreed to in the budget.

Therefore, Harry and I are looking for someone to volunteer as our Fund Raising Director with the objective of identifying additional opportunities that we as a council could use to generate additional revenue.

Please contact either Harry Storey (214-557-2923 / [email protected]) or Gerry Rice (214-725-2946 / [email protected]) to express your interest.

- article by Gerry Rice

Liaison Reports

REPORT OF THE LADIES AUXILIARY The Ladies Auxiliary of Lumen Christi Council nurtures an individual’s faith journey while providing an avenue for social contact among members of the Auxiliary. Supporting service projects of our own Lumen Christi Council and other All Saints Parish organizations, the Ladies Auxiliary is open to wives, widows, mothers and other relatives of Knights in good standing. Members must be 18 years of age. Monthly meetings are the third Monday of the month in the St. Theresa Room. The meeting starts at 7:30 PM immediately following the Knights/Auxiliary community meal at 6:30 PM in the Fellowship Hall.

The new officers for the Ladies Auxiliary for 2012-2013 were installed at the Annual Knights of Columbus Officer Installation Dinner held on June 23. Current officers are Barbara Meyer - President, Linda Gorman - Vice President and Mary Baldy-Klotz - Secretary/Treasurer. Director of Communications Anne Stuart, Sunshine Director Helen Brennan, and Called by Name Director Linda Gorman, will continue in their positions for the year.

At their meeting in July, the Lady Knights discussed the various programs for their meetings for the year. There were several suggestions to be explored. Once decided Linda Gorman will post a schedule. Please email any other ideas for programs to Linda at [email protected]. In addition, a brochure for the Ladies Auxiliary for use in the Parish Welcome Center was discussed. Information to be incorporated into the brochure was collected and a preview will be presented at the next meeting. Anyone with information or ideas can email suggestions to Barb Meyer at [email protected]. A sample will be ready for the next meeting.

Maureen Morel would like to make up a history scrapbook of the Ladies Auxiliary. If you have any articles or photos, especially from the early days of the Auxiliary, would you please get them to Maureen or bring them to the August meeting scheduled for August 20.

- article submitted by Barb Meyer; picture taken by Jerry Cayce

Outgoing Grand Knight Jack Ayers presented floral bouquets to the new officers at the Installation Dinner. Pictured above left to right are Barb Meyer - President, Jack Ayers, Linda Gorman - Vice President and Mary Baldy-Klotz - Secretary/Treasurer.

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9 Volume 9, Number 1 Illuminating the Faith Community of All Saints Catholic Church, Dallas, Texas


The Fourth Degree of the Knights of Columbus was created on February 22, 1900. Following the Spanish American War, it was decided to add the new degree based on the principle of Patriotism. The first uniformed Corps for the Fourth Degree was used in June 1902. Thus the Fourth Degree became the very visible arm of the Knights of Columbus.

The Christopher Columbus Assembly # 2266 was chartered on January 29, 1992 in Plano, Texas. The Assembly was assigned to service three Councils: 6065 in Richardson, North Dallas, and Plano, 7850 in Plano, and 9903 in McKinney.

Today, members of the Christopher Columbus Assembly come from five Councils in the Dallas/Plano area. Our own Lumen Christi Council along with knights from St Marks, Council 6065; St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Council 7850; St Paul, Council 12021; and Prince of Peace, Council 11716.

If you have been a knight for six months and are a Third Degree Knight in good standing, you too can become a Fourth Degree Knight of Columbus.

The next Fourth Degree Exemplification kicks off with a Hospitality evening at the Sheraton Grand Hotel, DFW Airport starting at 6:00 PM on October 19, 2012. Registration is from 7:00 AM to 9:30 AM on Saturday October 20. Candidates assemble in Tuxedo for a class photo at 9:30 AM. The Exemplification begins at 10:30 AM and will be completed by 1:15 PM. The Assembly will host a lunch for the new Sir Knights from 1:15 PM to 2:30 PM.

The wives are not left out. There is a ladies luncheon with entertainment and door prizes from 11:30 AM to 2:00 PM.

Mass will follow at 4:00 PM and the evening will end with a formal banquet starting at 6:30 PM with dancing and socializing until 1:00 AM.

There is a Memorial Ceremony on Sunday Morning at 9:00 AM to complete the weekend event.

See Michael Greene or Jim Sammons for a Form 4, and exemplification registration form. The cost is $70.00 for the

candidate, which includes the Saturday evening banquet. The fee for the ladies luncheon is $25.00 and the fee for the Saturday banquet for guests in $35.00.

There is a special Exemplification rate of $89.00/night at the Sheraton Grand Hotel DFW Airport.

For new candidates, the Form 4 and all paperwork must be submitted by September 15, 2012 so that proper Assembly election procedures can be followed. For current Assembly members and guests, the registration form must be received no later than October 12, 2012.

As a large number of knights from our Lumen Christi Council are active in the Fourth Degree. Give serious thought of becoming a Fourth Degree Knight.

If any member wants to know more about the Fourth Degree, email me at [email protected] or see me at the council meeting.

- article submitted by Michael Greene, PFN; picture taken by Jerry Cayce

Fourth Degree Color Corps members Stan Tax, Henry Dominguez, Jim Sammons and Bob Wise (l-r) are very visible at many parish events at All Saints.


Prayers of the Council are offered for the Repose of the Soul of… • Carl Marks, cousin of Jack Ayers • Ben Hill, Longtime friend of Doyle Kitchen and Chick Young • Alex Petrilak, family friend of Al Steindorf

Prayers of the Council are offered for the Return to Good Health of… • Tony Welch • Buzzy Hale, Longtime friend of Doyle Kitchen and Chick Young • Cindy Batson • Carl and Betty Ann McKoon

Prayers of Thanksgiving are offered for the Answered Prayers of… • Kevin Finch and his mother

Page 10: THE BEACON – The Official Newsletter of Lumen Christi ...uknight.org/Councils/The Beacon - August 2012.pdfStephen Hielig Michael Knecht . Ed Fiorito Adrian Becker . Fr. Paul Gray

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Page 11: THE BEACON – The Official Newsletter of Lumen Christi ...uknight.org/Councils/The Beacon - August 2012.pdfStephen Hielig Michael Knecht . Ed Fiorito Adrian Becker . Fr. Paul Gray

11 Volume 9, Number 1 Illuminating the Faith Community of All Saints Catholic Church, Dallas, Texas


As the work of the Knights of Columbus gets greater visibility, we can also expect the Order to receive

more attention and public scrutiny. Because of our history and our leadership with the Church, we are trusted and expected to adhere to even higher standards of ethical conduct. This is a sacred trust and each of us is responsible for honoring the trust that our members and their families have placed on us.

We must keep in mind that as individuals we represent the core of the Order and as members it is our responsibility to honor the pledges of our degrees, keeping in mind our four principles … Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism. Our commitments to these principles must be renewed each day as we approach every aspect of our community involvement.

As individuals, our integrity, professionalism, and respect is the foundation of our service of teamwork. We must remember that we’re a service organization and we must strive to exceed people’s expectations. We can’t just talk the talk … we must walk the walk. The path is not always easy, but “We Are Called” to honor the legacy of our

Founder and the members of Knights of Columbus who have walked before us.

At the time of our founding in 1882, the care for widows and orphans was an urgent local need. This cause was a vital element of Father McGivney’s vision for the Knights of Columbus and our fraternal mission to protect Catholic families continues to the present day. This fraternal year, the “Power of One” [One Member – Per Council – Per Month] will be the single building block that will help every council grow stronger and more vibrant in their community. Think about this … One New Member each month. That’s twelve new members a year. Twelve new members … what a great way to inject enthusiasm, fresh ideas and new hope into your council.

By working together, neighboring councils in a district can make an even bigger difference in their community.

As Knights of Columbus, “We Are Called” to be the lay leaders in our parishes and local communities. I ask that you accept this call to be the best you can be in your Church and community involvement...

Vivat Jesus! Jim Collins, State Deputy

ORDER SETS NEW RECORDS FOR CHARITABLE GIVING The Knights of Columbus set new all-time records for charitable donations and volunteer service hours in 2011, according to Supreme Knight Carl Anderson, who released the results of the Order’s Annual Survey of Fraternal Activity in a presentation to the State Deputies on June 20, 2012.

The results of the survey indicate that total charitable contributions reached more than $158 million---exceeding the previous year’s total by approximately $3.4 million. Volunteer service hours to charitable causes grew to more than 70 million hours.

“When we talk about the “Power of One”, the necessity of growing the Order, the importance of Charity---this is the reality,” Anderson said of the numbers.

“I don’t think there’s any other Catholic volunteer association that is making this kind of a difference day in

and day out in our communities and our parishes than the Knights of Columbus.” Anderson added.

At the grassroots level, Knights are involved in a number of service projects that range from Habitat for Humanity, Special Olympics, Wheelchair Missions, Blood Drives, Coats for Kids, and collecting food for the needy.

-articles this page Copyright © 2012, Knights of Columbus, Texas State Council, Austin, Texas

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UPCOMING LUMEN CHRISTI CALENDAR OF EVENTS visit www.lumenchristikc.org and click EVENT CALENDAR to sign up for any of these events

AUGUST EVENT LOCATION TIME CONTACT 1 Wed Officer’s Meeting St. Theresa Room 7:00 PM Gerry Rice

2 Thu First Thursday Prayer for Vocations Chapel 7:00 PM Doyle Kitchen

3-4 Fri-Sat First Friday Overnight Eucharistic Adoration Chapel 8 PM – 9 AM Casey Fuld

4 Sat Rosary for Life @ Routh Street 4321 N. Central Expwy meet 9:30 AM* Jim DeSmet

5 Sun Sunday Morning Fellowship Fellowship Hall Morning Masses Mike Riley

11 Sat Rosary for Life @ Planned Parenthood 7424 Greenville Ave meet 9:30 AM* Jim DeSmet

11 Sat First Degree Exemplification St. Jude’s, Allen 9:00 AM Larry Milliken

12 Sun Sunday Morning Fellowship Fellowship Hall Morning Masses Jeff Stuart

13 Mon Directors and Chairs Meeting KLC Room 10 & 11 7:00 PM Harry Storey

17-18 Fri-Sat Special Olympics Aquatics Frisco Natatorium F 6-9PM/ S 9-5 Munno/Milliken

18 Sat Rosary for Life @ Southwest Center 8616 Greenville Ave meet 9:30 AM* Jim DeSmet

18 Sat Quarterly Corporate Communion Sanctuary Assemble 4:45 PM Doyle Kitchen

18 Sat New Member Welcome Reception Fellowship Hall 6:15 PM Milliken/Meyer

19 Sun Sunday Morning Fellowship Fellowship Hall Morning Masses Kevin Finch

19 Sun Pancake Breakfast Fellowship Hall Morning Masses Stan Tax

20 Mon Community Meal with Ladies Auxiliary Fellowship Hall 6:30 PM John Meyer

20 Mon Monthly Business Meeting Fellowship Hall 7:30 PM Gerry Rice

25 Sat Major Degree Our Lady of Angels 8:00 AM Larry Milliken

25 Sat Rosary for Life @Robinson's Clinic 1929 Record Crossing meet 9:30 AM* Jim DeSmet

25 Sat Deadline for BEACON articles Via Email Midnight Chris Diaz

26 Sun Sunday Morning Fellowship Fellowship Hall Morning Masses Mike Riley

27 Mon Christopher Columbus Business Meeting St. Mark’s Activity Cntr 7:30 PM Mike Greene

29 Wed First Degree Exemplification Prince of Peace 7:30 PM Larry Milliken

30 Thr Fisher House Lunch 4500 South Lancaster 10 AM – 2 PM Ed Munno

SEPTEMBER EVENT LOCATION TIME CONTACT 1 Sat Rosary for Life @ Routh Street 4321 N. Central Expwy meet 9:30 AM* Jim DeSmet

2 Sun Sunday Morning Fellowship Fellowship Hall Morning Masses Don Shaver

5 Wed Officer's Meeting St. Theresa Room 7:00 pm Gerry Rice

6 Thu First Thursday Prayer for Vocations Chapel 7:00 PM Doyle Kitchen

7-8 Fri-Sat First Friday Overnight Eucharistic Adoration Chapel 8 PM – 9 AM Casey Fuld

8 Sat Rosary for Life @ Planned Parenthood 7424 Greenville Ave meet 9:30 AM* Jim DeSmet

9 Sun No Coffee and Donuts --- --- ---

10 Mon Director’s and Chairmen Meeting KLC Room 10 & 11 7:00 PM Harry Storey

15 Sat First Degree Exemplification St. Anthony’s , Wylie 9:00 AM Larry Milliken

15 Sat Rosary for Life @ Southwest Center 8616 Greenville Ave meet 9:30 AM* Jim DeSmet

16 Sun No Coffee and Donuts --- --- ---

17 Mon Community Meal with Ladies Auxiliary Fellowship Hall 6:30 PM John Meyer

17 Mon Monthly Business Meeting Fellowship Hall 7:30 PM Gerry Rice

19 Wed Golden Saints Lunch Service Fellowship Hall 11:30-2:00 Bob Wise

22 Sat Rosary for Life @Robinson's Clinic 1929 Record Crossing meet 9:30 AM* Jim DeSmet

23 Sun Sunday Morning Fellowship Fellowship Hall Morning Masses Jeff Stuart

23 Sun Pancake Breakfast Fellowship Hall Morning Masses Stan Tax

* Meet 9:30 at Church or 9:45 at Center