The Bald Eagle National Symbol Power Point By: TS

The Bald Eagle National Symbol Power Point By: TS

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Page 1: The Bald Eagle National Symbol Power Point By: TS

The Bald EagleNational Symbol

Power Point By: TS

Page 2: The Bald Eagle National Symbol Power Point By: TS

Introduction • The Bald Eagles scientific name is Haliaeetus Leucocephalus • Bald Eagle is the

National Symbol of the United States

• The Bald Eagle is the most powerful bird alive

• The bald eagles name comes from an old English word meaning balde meaning white

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How Long The Bald Eagle Lives

• They can live 35 years long but probably no longer then that

• The bald eagle is endangered

• Because it’s endangered the bald eagle is not allowed to be hurt!

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Physical Features

• The bald eagles white head mite make it look bald• The girl bald eagle is bigger than the boy• The girl bald eagles body is 3 feet tall and its wingspan is 8 feet wide• Babies called eaglets are born light gray and turn brown at age 4 to 5• There great eyes can see a fish from a mile up

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Physical Features• A average bald

eagle weighs 9 pounds

• They have a white tail and a yellow curved beak

• A bald eagle can fly 20-40 miles per hour and at full speed they can fly 100 miles per hour

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• It lives in North America, Alaska, Canada, Florida, Baja, and California

• It lives near coastlines, rivers, lakes, wet prairies, and costal pine lands

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• The northern bald eagles climate is very cold and snowy for most of the year with temperatures that can get below 0 degrees

• The southern bald eagles climate is much warmer with temperatures that can be over 80 degrees

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Food • The bald eagle is part of the carnivore group

• There favorite food is fish• They eat coots and some eat

snakes• They can eat animals 3 or 4

times its size• They catch fish with there talons• They eat ducks and steal food

from other birds• They eat carrion which is dead

or rotting flesh• Sometimes it will eat a poisoned

animals and die

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• When babies are left alone they are eaten by hawks• They will eat small mammals• They do not have any predators but there biggest threat is a human

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How They Act• Bald eagles are typically

seen soaring on flat wings or perching in tall tress near rivers or lakes

• They are scavengers and look for already killed animals

• Talon clasping or cartwheel display is when 2 eagles clasp each others talons in midair and spin down and letting go only when they have almost hit the ground

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Babies• Some eagles just lay one

egg in there life• The baby hatches in six or

seven weeks• Baby eagles called eaglets

are helpless• The older eaglet will kill the

next to hatch if not watched• After 10 or 11 weeks in the

nest the babies fly• The eggs are white and very


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Adaptations For What is looks like

• It has little bumps on the bottom of its feet called spicules to help the eagle grip its prey in the air

• Their beak is strong and sharp pointed to tear apart meat but can also be used to feed or groom their babies

• They have very sharp and strong hook shaped talons to catch their food because their food is normally slippery

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Behavioral Adaptations • Eagles don’t sweat so they

need to cool of by perching in shade, panting, and holding their wings away from their body

• When eagles mature their dark brown feathers turn white this lets other mature eagles know that they are potential mate and respect its territorial boundaries

• Eagles don’t sweat so they need to cool of by perching in shade, panting, and holding their wings away from their body

• When eagles mature their dark brown feathers turn white this lets other mature eagles know that they are potential mate and respect its territorial boundaries

• The dark feathers attract sunlight that keeps their bodies warm and helps melt snow and ice that they pick up when diving for fish in cold water.

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Physiological Adaptations• Their eyes have 3 eyelids

to protect their eyes and sharp eyesight to help find food

• Their hearts and lungs are so efficient that they can get enough oxygen to fly at the highest altitudes

• Because eagles swallow big chunks of fish and sometimes dead mammals and birds their stomachs have extremely strong acids to help digest all the sharp bones that they swallow

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3 Or More Fun Facts• Over half of the worlds

eagles live in Alaska• They build the largest

nest of any North American bird

• Female eagles are bigger than male eagles

• There are more than 7,ooo on a bald eagle but none of them have them on their legs