The Armenian Genocide (Warning: gruesome pictures)

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The Armenian Genocide (Warning: gruesome pictures)

Page 2: The Armenian Genocide (Warning- gruesome pictures).pdf

Photo Source: Flickr Creative Commons by young shanahan


Posted by Mike Opelka


What do you call the 1915 “mass deportation” of Armenians from the Ottoman

Empire (Turkey) that resulted in the death of 1.5 million people?

Most historians and Armenians around the world call it genocide. The Turkish

government and the United States are not among those who will officially accept

the word “genocide” when speaking of the decimation of the Armenian people in

the early part of the 20th Century. (And that list also includes U.S. Presidents.)

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The lack of respect given to the Armenian genocide is shocking when you

consider the scope and brutality of the event that killed 75 percent of the

Armenians — a predominantly Christian group.

The History:

Armenia was a trendsetter when it came to Christianity. The country adopted that

faith in 301 A.D. This was even before the formation of the Holy Roman Empire.

For centuries the Armenian people built a healthy and prosperous country.

However, in the 15th century, the Ottoman Empire absorbed Armenia and the

Armenians. The non-Muslim Armenians were classified as “infidels” and had to

pay higher taxes and saddled with fewer rights than Muslims.

The Ottoman Empire stayed dominant in the region through the 19th century and

into the early part of the 20th century. But in the late 1890s, Armenians were

growing tired of their status as second class citizens and continued their push for

more rights. In 1894, that push was met with a violent response from the Sultan

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who turned loose his private army on the Armenians. In the ensuing battles

between 1894-96, it was reported that as many as 200,000 Armenians were

killed by Sultan Abdul Hamid’s troops in what has been called theHamidian

Massacre. However, the killing of the 200,000 Armenian Christians was nothing

compared to the 1915 genocide.

What led to the near extermination of the Armenians? It appears a combination

of a few factors were working together to create a rabid form of Turkish

nationalism that saw the Armenians as the enemies of the state. After all, the

non-Muslims were officially considered “infidels” in the eyes of the Turks.

In 1908, a group of young Turks forced the Sultan out and took control of the

government. At first they talked of bringing new freedoms to the Armenian

people. Unfortunately, those freedoms never were granted by the ruling “Young

Turks.” Instead the Armenians were seen as a threat to the shrinking Ottoman


Published by permission from Wallstein Verlag, Göttingen.

Armin T. Wegner. © Wallstein Verlag, Göttingen. All rights reserved.

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1912-13 had the Turks losing huge chunks of their land to Christian regions that

were breaking away. Greece, Bulgaria, and Serbia were all successful in their

efforts to leave the Ottoman Empire. This was a devastating loss of power to the

Turks and was the spark for even greater nationalism to foment.

Muslim refugees from the now-Christian breakaway countries poured into

Istanbul with tales of Christian violence against their families. Some of the more

extreme members of the Young Turks formed the Committee of Union &

Progress (CUP). The CUP was focused on pushing Turkish nationalism, their

chant was “Turkey for the Turks.”

The growing Turkish nationalism was also fuel for more hatred against the

Armenian community, especially after Germany and Russia began warring in

1914. Turkey sided with Germany in this conflict. The Turks hoped a defeat of

the Russians would help in the prospect of rebuilding their empire. In December

of 1914, the Ottoman Turks tried to invade Russia, but suffered a horrible defeat.

More than 100,000 Russian troops stormed across the border into Turkey and

reports say that more than 5,000 Armenians helped the Russians, some even

enlisting in the Russian Army.

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This was likely a move that enraged the Turkish leaders who saw the Armenians

as a liability. The Armenian members of the military were immediately disarmed

and moved into labor camps and subsequently executed.

Not long after that, on April 24th, a group of 250 Armenian intellectual leaders of

the community were rounded up and shipped off to a camp where they were


Turkey had killed off the Armenian soldiers and the cultural elites. All that

remained was to order the rest of the population to comply with a relocation order

that was essentially a death sentence. Most of the Armenians were forced to

march for sixty days and many did not survive the trip.

Like the Nazis, many Armenians were also transported via rail. And, also like the

Nazis, the Turks forced their victims to purchase tickets for the ride to their own


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The accounts of the atrocities committed against the Armenians is as brutal and

disgusting as any you have heard about from Hitler’s attempts to exterminate the

Jews from Germany and the world. Small children and old people were marched

over mountains and in circles, without food and water, literally until they died.

Young Christian girls were defiled by the Turkish soldiers. There are reports that

many killed themselves after being raped. The barbaric treatment of the

Armenian women went even further.

On page 96 we see the following image on the Armenians being crucified by


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Figure 6: Crucified Armenian women in the area of the Der-es-Zor.

In his post on the genocide, (The Forgotten Genocide: Why It Matters Today)

Raymond Ibrahim recounted the story of a woman who claimed to have

witnessed the brutal crucifixion of 16 young girls.

In her memoir, Ravished Armenia, Aurora Mardiganian described being raped and

thrown into a harem (which agrees with Islam’s rules of war). Unlike thousands of other

Armenian girls who were discarded after being defiled, she managed to escape. In the

city of Malatia, she saw 16 Christian girls crucified: “Each girl had been nailed alive

upon her cross, spikes through her feet and hands, only their hair blown by the wind,

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covered their bodies.” Such scenes were portrayed in the 1919 documentary filmAuction

of Souls, some of which is based on Mardiganian’s memoirs.


Why Won’t America Call It Genocide?

It’s a good bet that Turkey and its leaders do not want to use the term genocide

because it would likely cost them considerable sums of money in reparations, as

well as the public embarrassment they would have to endure. But what about


No American president has officially called the mass killings that started in 1915

“genocide.” President Bush went as far as publicly urging Congress to reject a

resolution on the subject.

In 2008, presidential candidate Barack Obama promised that, as president, he

would acknowledge it, saying; “Armenian genocide is a widely documented fact.”

Despite that very clear language, President Obama was not been so quick to

follow up on his campaign promise. After he was elected, on Armenian

Remembrance Day, the president issued a statement. The word that was

conspicuously absent from the release — genocide. That term was also absent

from every single April 24th Armenian Remembrance Day since 2009.

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2009 – Statement from President Obama

2010 – Statement from President Obama

2011 – President Obama’s statement on April 24th.

2012 – The President made another statement on April 24th.

Instead of using the word “genocide” the White House statements all use the

term “Meds Yeghern.” What does that mean? Meds Yeghern is an Armenian

phrase that has the same meaning as genocide in their language. But Armenians

want the world to recognize the atrocity they suffered at the hands of the Turks.

And while our presidents won’t say the word or put it in statements, the Turks are

actually forbidden from using it. The word “genocide” is off limits — as in illegal.

You can be locked up for saying the word or using it in a story. (The Blaze staff

would likely be placed under arrest and receive death threats for this article


Figure 4: Armenians tortured and violated. Taken on the road from Trapesunt

(Trabzon) to Ersnga by a German officer.

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So, why won’t a U.S. President call the very well-documented forced removal of

1.5 million people from their homes — many who were forced to march more

than 50 miles into the desert where almost certain death awaited them —


CBS’s “60 Minutes” filed a story that speculated our lack of ability to call this

genocide and what it really is: That it might have something to do with America’s

military relationship with Turkey and that the country is vital to delivering supplies

to our troops on the ground in both Iraq and Afghanistan.

The “60 Minutes” segment also includes a chilling video shot on the banks of the

Euphrates River where it is believed 450,000 of the victims perished. In fact, the

remains of the Armenians are so prevalent in the area that all you need to do is

scratch the sand along the river banks and you will find pieces of human bones

that have been there for 98 years.

The Armenian people are persistent. Ninety-eight years after the genocide began

in their country, they still hold out hope that Turkey will recognize what was done

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to the Armenians. They also hope that America will make good on the promises

made by so many presidents.

In the meantime, Armenians are contributing in communities all over the U.S. As

a matter of fact, one of the largest Armenian communities in the country is in

Watertown, Massachusetts — a town that found itself in the center of the media

spotlight this week. Watertown is also the home of the Armenian Library and

Musuem of America.





The Forgotten Genocide: Why It Matters Today

By Raymond Ibrahim on April 24, 2013 in Islam, Muslim Persecution of Christians

Today, April 24, marks the “Great Crime,” that is, the Armenian genocide that

took place under Turkey’s Islamic Ottoman Empire, during and after WWI. Out of

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an approximate population of two million, some 1.5 million Armenians died. If

early 20th century Turkey had the apparatuses and technology to execute in

mass—such as 1940s Germany’s gas chambers—the entire Armenian

population may well have been annihilated. Mostobjective American

historians who have studied the question unequivocally agree that it was a

deliberate, calculated genocide:

More than one million Armenians perished as the result of execution, starvation, disease,

the harsh environment, and physical abuse. A people who lived in eastern Turkey for

nearly 3,000 years [more than double the amount of time the invading Islamic Turks had

occupied Anatolia, now known as “Turkey”] lost its homeland and was profoundly

decimated in the first large-scale genocide of the twentieth century. At the beginning of

1915 there were some two million Armenians within Turkey; today there are fewer than

60,000…. Despite the vast amount of evidence that points to the historical reality of the

Armenian Genocide, eyewitness accounts, official archives, photographic evidence, the

reports of diplomats, and the testimony of survivors, denial of the Armenian Genocide by

successive regimes in Turkey has gone on from 1915 to the present.

A still frame from the 1919 documentary film Auction of Souls, which portrayed

eye witnessed events from the Armenian Genocide, including crucified Christian


Indeed, evidence has been overwhelming. U.S. Senate Resolution 359 from

1920 heard testimony that included evidence of “[m]utilation, violation, torture,

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and death [which] have left their haunting memories in a hundred beautiful

Armenian valleys, and the traveler in that region is seldom free from the evidence

of this most colossal crime of all the ages.” In her memoir, Ravished

Armenia, Aurora Mardiganian described being raped and thrown into a harem

(which agrees with Islam’s rules of war). Unlike thousands of other Armenian

girls who were discarded after being defiled, she managed to escape. In the city

of Malatia, she saw 16 Christian girls crucified: “Each girl had been nailed alive

upon her cross, spikes through her feet and hands, only their hair blown by the

wind, covered their bodies.” Such scenes were portrayed in the 1919

documentary film Auction of Souls, some of which is based on Mardiganian’s


What do Americans know of the Armenian Genocide? To be sure, some

American high school textbooks acknowledge it. However, one of the primary

causes for it—perhaps the fundamental cause—is completely unacknowledged:

religion. The genocide is always articulated through a singularly secular

paradigm, one that deems valid only those factors that are intelligible from a

modern, secular, Western point of view, such as identity politics, nationalism, and

territorial disputes. As can be imagined, such an approach does little more than

project Western perspectives onto vastly different civilizations of different eras,

thus anachronizing history.

War, of course, is another factor that clouds the true face of the Armenian

genocide. Because these atrocities occurred during WWI, so the argument goes,

they are ultimately a reflection of just that—war, in all its chaos and destruction,

and nothing more. Yet Winston Churchill, who described the massacres as an

“administrative holocaust,” correctly observed that “The opportunity [WWI]

presented itself for clearing Turkish soil of a Christian race.” Even Adolf Hitler

had pointed out that “Turkey is taking advantage of the war in order to thoroughly

liquidate its internal foes, i.e., the indigenous Christians, without being thereby

disturbed by foreign intervention.”

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It is the same today throughout the Muslim world, wherever there is war: after the

U.S. toppled Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein, the nation’s Christian minority were

first to be targeted for systematic persecution resulting in more than half of Iraq’s

indigenous Christian population fleeing their homeland. Now that war has come

to Syria—with the U.S. supporting the jihadis and terrorists—the Christians

there are on the run for their lives.

Massacred Armenians.

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Figure 8: Skull of Armenians burnt alive in the village of Ali-Srnan. Source:

Armjanskij Central’nyj Komitet (Izd.): ,Al’bom’’ armjan’-bežencev’’. Tiflis (um

1918) Ref. Nr.: 91 From: http://www.aga-online.org

Figure 9: Mass grave containing the bodies of killed Armenians. From Deutsche

Welle, dw-world.de 24.04.2005

There is no denying that religion—or in this context, the age-old specter of

Muslim persecution of Christian minorities—was fundamental to the Armenian

Genocide. Even the most cited factor, ethnic identity conflict, while legitimate,

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must be understood in light of the fact that, historically, religion—creed—

accounted more for a person’s identity than language or heritage. This is daily

demonstrated throughout the Islamic world today, where Muslim governments

and Muslim mobs persecute Christian minorities—minorities who share the same

ethnicity, language, and culture, who are indistinguishable from the majority,

except, of course, for being non-Muslims.

If Christians are thus being singled out today—in our modern, globalized,

“humanitarian” age—are we to suppose that they weren’t singled out a century ago

by Turks?

Similarly, often forgotten is the fact that non-Armenians under Turkish hegemony,

Assyrians and Greeks for example, were also targeted for cleansing. The only

thing that distinguished Armenians, Assyrians, and Greeks from Turks was that

they were all Christian. As one Armenian studies professor asks, “If it [the

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Armenian Genocide] was a feud between Turks and Armenians, what explains

the genocide carried out by Turkey against the Christian Assyrians at the same


Today, as Turkey continues moving back to reclaiming its Islamic heritage, so too

has Christian persecution returned. If Turks taunted their crucified Armenian

victims by saying things like “Now let your Christ come and help you,” just last

January, an 85-year-old Christian Armenian woman was repeatedly stabbed to

death in her apartment, and a crucifix carved onto her naked corpse. Another

elderly Armenian woman was punched in the head and, after collapsing to the

floor, repeatedly kicked by a masked man. According to the report, “the attack

marks the fifth in the past two months against elderly Armenian women,” one of

whom lost an eye. Elsewhere, pastors of church congregations with as little as

20 people are targeted for killing and spat upon in the streets. A 12-year-old

Christian boy was beaten by his teacher and harassed by students for wearing a

crossaround his neck, and three Christians were “satanically tortured” before

having their throats slit for publishing Bibles.

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Outside of Turkey, what is happening to the Christians of today from one end of

the Muslim world to the other is a reflection of what happened to the Armenian

Christians of yesterday. We can learn about the past by looking at the

present. From Indonesia in the east to Morocco in the west, from Central Asia in

the north, to sub-Sahara Africa—that is, throughout the entire Islamic world—

Muslims are, to varying degrees, persecuting, killing, raping, enslaving, torturing

and dislocating Christians. See my new book, Crucified Again: Exposing Islam’s

New War on Christians for a comprehensive account of one of the greatest—yet,

like the Armenian Genocide, little known—atrocities of our times.

Here is one relevant example to help appreciate the patterns and parallels: in

Muslim-majority northern Nigeria, Muslims, led by the Islamic organization, Boko

Haram (“Western Education is Forbidden”) are waging abloody jihad on the

Christian minoritiesin their midst. These two groups—black Nigerian Muslims

and black Nigerian Christians—are identical in all ways except, of course, for

being Muslims and Christians. And what is Boko Haram’s objective in all this

carnage? To cleanse northern Nigeria of all Christians—a goal rather reminiscent

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of Ottoman policies of cleansing Turkey of all Christians, whether Armenian,

Assyrian, or Greek.

How does one explain this similar pattern of Christian persecution—this desire to

be cleansed of Christians—in lands so different from one another as Nigeria and

Turkey, lands which share neither race, language, nor culture, which share only

Islam? Meanwhile, the modern Islamic world’s response to the persecution of

Christians is identical to Turkey’s response to the Armenian Genocide: Denial.

Finally, to understand how the historic Armenian Genocide is representative of

the modern day plight of Christians under Islam, one need only read the

following words written in 1918 by President Theodore Roosevelt—but read

“Armenian” as “Christian” and “Turkish” as “Islamic”:

the Armenian [Christian] massacre was the greatest crime of the war, and the failure to

act against Turkey [the Islamic world] is to condone it… the failure to deal radically with

the Turkish [Islamic] horror means that all talk of guaranteeing the future peace of the

world is mischievous nonsense.

Indeed, if we “fail to deal radically” with the “horror” currently being visited

upon millions of Christiansaround the Islamic world—which in some areas has

reached genocidal proportions—we “condone it” and had better cease talking

“mischievous nonsense” of a utopian world of peace and tolerance.

Put differently, silence is always the ally of those who would commit genocide.

In 1915, Adolf Hitler rationalized his genocidal plans, which he implemented some

three decades later, when he rhetorically asked: “Who, after all, speaks today of the

annihilation of the Armenians?”

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And who speaks today of the annihilation of Christians under Islam?



Armenian Genocide – Wiki…

Armenian civilians, escorted by armed Ottoman soldiers, are marched

through Harput(known as Kharpert by Armenians, the kaza of the Mamuret-ul

Aziz), to a prison in the nearby Mezireh (Ottoman: Mazraa, present-dayElâzığ),

April 1915



Armenians from Kesaria in front of jail one hour before all were murdered

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Armenians oone hour before they were murdered. One can see they were

business men yet the Turks are putting out propaganda that they were plotting

against them and had weapons hidden in their homes. This is their single excuse

for the genocide they committed.

Genocide photo

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Genocide photo

Genocide photo

Genocide photo

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Genocide photo

More pictures

here: http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=armenian+genocide+pictures&qpvt=a


The Massacre of 1.5 Million Armenian Christians by Muslim Turks that Inspired

Hitler’s Holocaust

You can read more about the genocide here, and view more shocking images here.

From the Mail Online:

When the Turkish gendarmes came for Mugrditch Nazarian, they did not give him time to

dress, but took him from his home in the dead of night in his pyjamas.

The year was 1915, and his wife, Varter, knew that she was unlikely to see her husband

alive again. Armenian men like him were being rounded up and taken away. In the words

of their persecutors, they were being “deported” – but not to an earthly place.

Varter never found out what fate her husband suffered. Some said he was shot, others

that he was among the men held in jail, who suffered torture so unbearable that they

poured the kerosene from prison lamps over their heads and turned themselves into

human pyres as a release from the agony.

Heavily pregnant, Varter was ordered to join a death convoy marching women and

children to desert concentration camps.

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Genocide:The Ottoman Turks murdered more than 1.5million Armenians between 1915 and 1917

She survived the journey alone – her six children died along the way. The two

youngest were thrown to their deaths down a mountainside by Turkish guards;

the other four starved to death at the bottom of a well where they had hidden to


Varter herself was abducted by a man who promised to save her – but raped her

instead. Eventually, she was released to mourn her lost family, the victims of

Europe’s forgotten holocaust.

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A Turk teasing starving children with bread!!!!!

The killing of 1.5m Armenians by the Ottoman Turks during World War I remains

one of the bloodiest and most contentious events of the 20th century, and has

been called the first modern genocide.

In all, 25 concentration camps were set up in a systematic slaughter aimed at

eradicating the Armenian people – classed as “vermin” by the Turks.

Winston Churchill described the massacres as an “administrative holocaust” and

noted: “This crime was planned and executed for political reasons. The

opportunity presented itself for clearing Turkish soil of a Christian race.”

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Picture reprinted by permission.

Armin T. Wegner. © Wallstein Verlag, Göttingen. All rights

reserved. http://www.wallstein-verlag.de/9783892448006.html

Chillingly, Adolf Hitler used the episode to justify the Nazi murder of six million

Jews, saying in 1939: “Who, after all, speaks today of the annihilation of the


Yet, carried out under the cover of war, the Armenian genocide remains

shrouded in mystery – not least because modern-day Turkey refuses to

acknowledge the existence of its killing fields.

Now, new photographs of the horror have come to light. They come from the

archives of the German Deutsche Bank, which was working in the region

financing a railway network when the killing began.

Unearthed by award-winning war correspondent Robert Fisk, they were taken by

employees of the bank to document the terror unfolding before them.

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They show young men, crammed into cattle trucks, waiting to travel to their

deaths. The Turks crowded 90 starving and terrified Armenians into each wagon,

the same number the Nazis averaged in their transports to the death camps of

Eastern Europe during the Jewish Holocaust.

Behind each grainy image lies a human tragedy. Destitute women and children

stare past the camera, witness to untold savagery.

Almost all young women were raped according to Fisk, while older women were

beaten to death – they did not merit the expense of a bullet. Babies were left by the

side of the road to die.

Often, attractive young Armenian girls were sent to Turkish harems, where some

lived in enforced prostitution until the mid-1920s.

Many other archive photographs testify to the sheer brutality suffered by the

Armenians: children whose knee tendons were severed, a young woman who

starved to death beside her two small children, and a Turkish official taunting

starving Armenian children with a loaf of bread.

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THOSE WHO FELL BY THE WAYSIDE. Scenes like this were common all over

the Armenian provinces, in the spring and summer months of 1915. Death in its

several forms—massacre, starvation, exhaustion—destroyed the larger part of the

refugees. Image taken from Ambassador Morgenthau’s Story, written by Henry

Morgenthau, Sr. and published in 1918.

Eyewitness accounts are even more graphic. Foreign diplomats posted in the

Ottoman Empire at the time told of the atrocities, but were powerless to act.

One described the concentration camps, saying: “As on the gates of Dante’s

Hell, the following should be written at the entrance of these accursed

encampments: ‘You who enter, leave all hopes.’”

So how exactly did the events of 1915-17 unfold? Just as Hitler wanted a Nazi-

dominated world that would be Judenrein – cleansed of its Jews – so in 1914 the

Ottoman Empire wanted to construct a Muslim empire that would stretch from

Istanbul to Manchuria.

Armenia, an ancient Christian civilisation spreading out from the eastern end of

the Black Sea, stood in its way.

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At the turn of the 20th century, there were two million Christian Armenians living

in the Ottoman Empire. Already, 200,000 had been killed in a series of pogroms

– most of them brutally between 1894 and 1896.

In November 1914, the Ottoman Empire entered World War I against the Allies

and launched a disastrous military campaign against Russian forces in the

Caucasus. It blamed defeat on the Armenians, claiming they had colluded with

the Russians.

A prominent Turkish writer at the time described the war as “the awaited day”

when the Turks would exact “revenge, the horrors of which have not yet been

recorded in history”.

Through the final months of 1914, the Ottoman government put together a

number of “Special Organisation” units, armed gangs consisting of thousands of

convicts specifically released from prison for the purpose.

These killing squads of murderers and thieves were to perpetrate the greatest

crimes in the genocide. They were the first state bureaucracy to implement mass

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killings for the purpose of race extermination. One army commander described

them at the time as the “butchers of the human species”.

On the night of April 24, 1915 – the anniversary of which is marked by Armenians

around the world – the Ottoman government moved decisively, arresting 250

Armenian intellectuals. This was followed by the arrest of a further 2,000.

Turkey refuses to acknowledge the killing fields

Some died from torture in custody, while many were executed in public places.

The resistance poet, Daniel Varoujan, was found disembowelled, with his eyes

gouged out.

One university professor was made to watch his colleagues have their fingernails

and toenails pulled out, before being blinded. He eventually lost his mind, and

was let loose naked into the streets.

There were reports of crucifixions, at which the Turks would torment their victims:

“Now let your Christ come and help you!”

Johannes Lepsius, a German pastor who tried to protect the Armenians, said:

“The armed gangs saw their main task as raiding and looting Armenian villages.

If the men escaped their grasp, they would rape the women.”

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So began a carefully orchestrated campaign to eradicate the Armenians.

Throughout this period, Ottoman leaders deceived the world, orchestrating the

slaughter using code words in official telegrams.

At later war crimes trials, several military officers testified that the word

“deportation” was used to mean “massacre” or “annihilation”.

Between May and August 1915, the Armenian population of the eastern

provinces was deported and murdered en masse.

The American ambassador to the Ottoman Empire, Henry Morgenthau, said:

“Squads of 50 or 100 men would be taken, bound together in groups of four, and

marched to a secluded spot.

“Suddenly the sound of rifle shots would fill the air. Those sent to bury the bodies

would find them almost invariably stark naked, for, as usual, the Turks had stolen

all their clothes.”

In urban areas, a town crier was used to deliver the deportation order, and the

entire male population would be taken outside the city limits and killed –

“slaughtered like sheep”.

Women and children would then be executed, deported to concentration camps

or simply turned out into the deserts and left to starve to death.

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An American diplomat described the deportations or death marches: “A massacre,

however horrible the word may sound, would be humane in comparison with it.”

An eyewitness who came upon a convoy of deportees reported that the women

implored him: “Save us! We will become Muslims! We will become Germans! We

will become anything you want, just save us! They are going to cut our throats!”

Walking skeletons begged for food, and women threw their babies into lakes

rather than hand them over to the Turks.

There was mass looting and pillaging of Armenian goods. It is reported that

civilians burned bodies to find the gold coins the Armenians swallowed for


Conditions in the concentration camps were appalling. The majority were located

near the modern Iraqi and Syrian frontiers, in the desert between Jerablus and

Deir ez-Zor – described as “the epicentre of death”. Up to 70,000 Armenians

were herded into each camp, where dysentery and typhus were rife.

There, they were left to starve or die of thirst in the burning sun, with no shelter.

In some cases, the living were forced to eat the dead. Few survived.

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In four days alone, from 10-14 June 1915, the gangs ‘eliminated’ some 25,000

people in the Kemah Erzincan area alone.

In September 1915, the American consul in Kharput, Leslie A. Davis, reported

discovering the bodies of nearly 10,000 Armenians dumped into several ravines

near beautiful Lake Goeljuk, calling it the “slaughterhouse province”.

Tales of atrocity abound. Historians report that the killing squads dashed infants

on rocks in front of their mothers.

One young boy remembered his grandfather, the village priest, kneeling down to

pray for mercy before the Turks. Soldiers beheaded him, and played football with

the old man’s decapitated head before his devastated family.

At the horrific Ras-ul-Ain camp near Urfa, two German railway engineers

reported seeing three to four hundred women arrive in one day, completely

naked. One witness told how Sergeant Nuri, the overseer of the camp, bragged

about raping children.

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An American, Mrs Anna Harlowe Birge, who was travelling from Smyrna to

Constantinople, wrote in November 1915: “At every station where we stopped,

we came side by side with one of these trains. It was made up of cattle trucks,

and the faces of little children were looking out from behind the tiny barred

windows of each truck.”

In her memoir, Ravished Armenia, Aurora Mardiganian described being raped

and thrown into a harem. From a wealthy banking family, she was just one of

thousands of Armenian girls to suffer a similar fate. Many were eventually killed

and discarded.

In the city of Malatia, she saw 16 girls crucified, vultures eating their corpses.

“Each girl had been nailed alive upon her cross, spikes through her feet and

hands,” Mardiganian wrote. “Only their hair blown by the wind covered their


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In another town, she reports that the killing squads played “the game of swords”

with young Armenian girls, planting their weapons in the ground and throwing

their victims onto the protruding blade in sport.

Elsewhere, bodies tied to each other drifted down the Euphrates. And in the

Black Sea region, the Armenians were herded onto boats and then thrown


In the desert regions, the Turks set up primitive gas chambers, stuffing

Armenians into caves and asphyxiating them with brush fires.

Everywhere, there were Armenian corpses: in lakes and rivers, in empty desert

cisterns and village wells. Travellers reported that the stench of death pervaded

the landscape.

One Turkish gendarme told a Norwegian nurse serving in Erzincan that he had

accompanied a convoy of 3,000 people. Some were summarily executed in

groups along the way; those too sick or exhausted to march were killed where

they fell. He concluded: “They’re all gone, finished.”

By 1917, the Armenian ‘problem’, as it was described by Ottoman leaders, had

been thoroughly “resolved”. Muslim families were brought in to occupy empty


Even after the war, the Ottoman ministers were not repentant. In 1920, they

praised those responsible for the genocide, saying: “These things were done to

secure the future of our homeland, which we know is greater and holier than

even our own lives.”

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The British government pushed for those responsible for the killing to be

punished, and in 1919 a war crimes tribunal was set up.

The use of the word “genocide” in describing the massacre of Armenians has

been hotly contested by Turkey. Ahead of the nation’s accession to the EU, it is

even more politically inflammatory.

The official Turkish position remains that 600,000 or so Armenians died as a

result of war. They deny any state intention to wipe out Armenians and the

killings remain taboo in the country, where it is illegal to use the term genocide to

describe the events of those bloody years.

Internationally, 21 countries have recognised the killings as genocide under the

UN 1948 definition. Armenian campaigners believe Turkey should be denied EU

membership until it admits responsibility for the massacres.

Just as in the Nazi Holocaust, there were many tales of individual acts of great

courage by Armenians and Turks alike.

Haji Halil, a Muslim Turk, kept eight members of his mother’s Armenian family

safely hidden in his home, risking death.

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In some areas, groups of Kurds followed the deportation convoys and saved as

many people as they could. Many mothers gave their children to Turkish and

Kurdish families to save them from death.

The Governor-General of Aleppo stood up to Ottoman officials and tried to

prevent deportations from his region, but failed.

He later recalled: “I was like a man standing by a river without any means of

rescue. But instead of water, the river flowed with blood and thousands of

innocent children, blameless old men, helpless women and strong young people

all on their way to destruction.

“Those I could seize with my hands I saved. The others, I assume, floated

downstream, never to return.”




German archive material raises stir in Turkey by Muriel Mirak-Weissbach

Published: Tuesday July 31, 2012

Cover of the Turkish version of a study by Wolfgang Gust.

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Berlin, Germany – “Especially as 2015 approaches, the pressure will increase.

Turkey will, as it has done before, react harshly. It will utter threats, but they will

remain ineffective.

“Do you know why? It is because the Armenians have gotten a significant part of

the world to accept their claims of genocide.”

Who is speaking here? Is it a Diaspora Armenian bragging about progress

towards Turkish recognition of the 1915 genocide? That might seem most likely.

But, no, these are the words of a Turkish journalist writing in the pages of the

daily, Hürriyet.(1) The article, entitled, “We are surrendering ourselves to

‘genocide,’” appeared in the April 28th edition of the paper. Although Hürriyet is

generally considered rather nationalistic, the commentator Mehmet Ali Birand is

known as a liberal. He is not bragging. Quite the contrary: he raises the alarm

that, as the centenary of the genocide looms, Turkey may finally be forced to

acknowledge its occurrence.

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The reason for concern he identifies in the circulation of a new book in Turkish, a

hefty 1000 pages long, which presents irrefutable evidence of genocide. The

book, issued on January 12, 2012 by Belge Publishing House – whose owner

Ragip Zarakolu was recently put on trial on hoked-up charges – contains

translations “into an extremely comprehensible and beautiful Turkish” of

documents from the German Foreign Ministry archives during the First World

War. Wolfgang Gust, “the famous German journalist and writer,” put it together;

first published in German in 2005, Birand tells us that it also exists in other

languages. It is entitled, Alman Belgeleri: Ermeni Soykirimi 1915-1916 (German

Documents: Armenian Genocide 1915-1916).(2)

His assessment of the power of the documents is straightforward. “Without going

into detail,” he writes, “if you read the book and look at the documents, if you are

a person who is introduced to the subject through this book, then there is no way

that you would not believe in the genocide and justify the Armenians. Even if you

are an expert on the subject,” he adds, “or have researched what went on from

the Turkish side, again, you will be confused. You will have many questions.”

Birand concludes his somewhat agitated report with a challenge directed to the

leaders of his nation. “Now, I want to ask all Turkish officials: In the last 50 years,

have you done such a study? Have you researched international sources and –

however biased or one-sided it may be – have you been able to publish such a

book? What kind of study have you made – moving outside our own sources –

that would convince the international public? Were you limited to or satisfied with

using only Turkish archives because you could not find plausible documents or

evidence?” And his conclusion is brutal. “Let us not deceive each other: If you

can give answers to these questions, then you will be able to clarify some very

key facts for us.” But will they do so? Birand’s view: “I know you will be silent.”

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The Turkish edition of Gust’s monumental compilation of historical records has

indeed shaken the fragile edifice of lies and distortions which constitute the official

Turkish denial of events. It is one thing if historical records on the genocide from

Armenian sources — or American or British archives — are published, because

denialists can shrug them off as “propaganda” by Turkey’s wartime adversaries. It

is quite another matter when detailed accounts of the atrocities and official

discussions about the extermination policy originate from the archives of Turkey’s

wartime ally Germany – and that they now appear in Turkish translation.

In October 2011 another book containing much of the same documentation had

appeared in Turkish, translated and with a lengthy introduction by Serdar Dincer.

This book, entitled Alman-Türk Silah Arkadasligi ve Ermeniler, was published by

Iletisim Yayinevi publishing house and was reviewed, among other places, in

AGOS, the Istanbul-based paper of the late Hrant Dink. Dincer, who lives in

Berlin, drew his material from the same archives, and stressed the role of

German militarism in his analysis. In addition to positive reviews in AGOS and

Radikal, several Turkish journalists picked up the themes without directly citing

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the source, possibly because they objected to left-leaning references in the

introduction; others, seeking to deny that genocide occurred, picked out isolated

references to argue that the Armenians had been “terrorists” and deserved to be

deported, etc. Prior to the appearance of Dincer’s book, other volumes claiming

to deal with the German documents had appeared, among them one whose

leitmotif was that the “Armenians are lying.”

Blame it on the Germans

The more serious writers who attempt to blunt the impact of the documents as

Gust presented them seize on the German connection and distort it. Ümit

Kardas, a retired military judge, published a major piece in Today’s Zaman, a

leading Turkish daily on May 20 , in which he tried to twist the facts.(3) Entitled,

“German militarism’s connivance with Committee of Union and Progress,” the

article identifies the book issued by Wolfgang Gust and his wife Sigrid explicitly,

then proceeds to argue that it was German militarism which was ultimately

responsible for the genocide.

Kardas writes that the Germans “perceived the region as an area of interest as a

German colony,” and, through their military alliance with Turkey, “meddled with

the political affairs of the CUP.” He claims that “Non-Muslim groups living in the

Ottoman Empire posed an obstacle to Germany’s economic and ideological

aspirations in the East” and “Thus began the connivance of German militarism

with the CUP for inhumane practices against non-Muslims in the Ottoman

Empire.” The author states that “Germany’s policies … had overlapped with the

CUP’s policy of homogenizing the country,” i.e. turning it into a Turkish Muslim

state. He quotes a passage from one of the documents which refers to those

Turks and Arabs who disapproved of the massacres, and who held the Germans

responsible “as Turkey’s schoolmaster” during the war. Kardas ends with this

assertion: “The conclusion confirmed by the documents published by Gust is that

German military officers as agents of German militarism endorsed the forced

relocation, and they found military justifications for it…. And the CUP leaders

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violently implemented its Turkification and Islamification policies with support and

connivance from Germany.”




The Armenian Genocide is corroborated by the international scholarly, legal, and

human rights community:

1) Polish jurist Raphael Lemkin, when he coined the term genocide in 1944, cited

the Turkish extermination of the Armenians and the Nazi extermination of the

Jews as defining examples of what he meant by genocide.

2) The killings of the Armenians is genocide as defined by the 1948 United

Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of


3) In 1997 the International Association of Genocide Scholars, an organization

of the world’s foremost experts on genocide, unanimously passed a formal

resolution affirming the Armenian Genocide.

4) 126 leading scholars of the Holocaust including Elie Wiesel and Yehuda

Bauer placed a statement in the New York Times in June 2000 declaring the

“incontestable fact of the Armenian Genocide” and urging western democracies

to acknowledge it.

5) The Institute on the Holocaust and Genocide (Jerusalem), and the Institute for

the Study of Genocide (NYC) have affirmed the historical fact of the Armenian


6) Leading texts in the international law of genocide such as William A.

Schabas’s Genocide in International Law (Cambridge University Press, 2000)

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cite the Armenian Genocide as a precursor to the Holocaust and as a precedent

for the law on crimes against humanity.


Armenian Patriarchate sues Turkey for land

Most people think the Armenian Genocide was purely about Turks killing

Armenians. However, a prime motivator for the killing of 1.5 million Armenians

living in Turkey was greed and the redistribution of wealth. The Ottoman Turkish

rulers wanted to take possession of the property belonging to its wealthy Armenian

minority. They succeeded.

Throughout the deportation, eyewitness testimonies repeat stories of Turkish officials

seeking bribes in the form of gold coins, rugs, jewelry, and so on.

Talaat Pasha (one of the architects of the Armenian Genocide) had the audacity to ask the

American Ambassador Henry Morgenthau for the life insurance policies of his victims,

because he reasoned the Turkish Government had become the beneficiary of the policies

since his victims left no heirs.

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Contrary to common belief, not all killings were perpetrated by chetes (criminal gangs)

and Turkish soldiers. Townsfolk throughout Anatolia were promised the homes and

belongings of their Armenian neighbors. After they were taught to hate the Armenians for

being giavurs or gavoors, which means ’infidels’ or ‘non-believers’, it was frighteningly

easy to whip the people into frenzied kitchen-knife welding mobs capable of murdering

their neighbors.

The Turkish government enabled and encouraged the mass looting that took place

everywhere the Armenians had once lived. In many instances, Turkey’s governing

leaders relocated Kurds and Muslim peoples from the Balkans and other areas to

depopulated Armenian communities (immediately following their mass killing and

deportation). The Ottoman Turks’ destruction of its Armenian Christian minority created

an ‘instant’ Muslim middle class.

Ottoman government archives containing records of land deeds are not accessible to

descendants of the Armenian Turkish citizens who were either killed or expelled from

their land. One of the obstacles to Turkey’s recognition of the Armenian Genocide is its

fear of reparations.

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Many of the Armenian churches not destroyed by the Turks were converted to

Mosques. Some Armenian churches (including the sacred Aktamar site) are

profitable enterprises employed by Turkey as part of its thriving tourism industry.

Even Mount Ararat, the ancestral homeland and pride of the Armenian people, now lies

within Turkey’s borders. A few weeks ago, I saw a Turkish tourism advertisement

prominently featuring Mount Ararat with a depiction of Noah’s Ark. Of course, there was

no mention of the Armenians, believed to be the descendants of Noah’s son, Japheth.




Excellent Video: 1915 AGHET – The Armenian Genocide (In English)

Published on Apr 15, 2013

Documentation about the Armenian genocide in 1915 which Turkey denies down to the

present day. The documentation is based on reports of, amongst others, the Ministry of

Foreign Affairs in Berlin, the American National Archives, the Library of Congress and

archives in France, Denmark, Sweden, Armenia, Russia and Turkey. These documents,

hidden for a long time in order not to harm Turkey, leave absolutely no room for doubt

about the reality of the Armenian genocide.


Muslim demonstraters in Germany demand withdrawl of Aremenian Genocide

part from German textbooks

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Close to two million Armenian Christians were slaughtered by the Muslims —

that cannot be erased, that cannot be removed. The Armenian genocide was the

Ottoman government’s systematic extermination of its Armenian minority (and

other relgious minorities) from their historic homeland in what is now Turkey.

Other Christian groups, the Assyrians, the Greeks and other minorities, were also

targeted for extermination. By Gd, Turkish Muslims shouldn’t be demanding that

this history be scrubbed from the books; they should be apologizing and making

amends, begging for forgiveness. Sick.

As for the Germans, I expect they, more than any other nation, will be sensitive

to hiding or scrubbing a genocide from their history books. Right?

“Turkish demonstrators in Germany demand withdrawal of Armenian Genocide part

from German text-books” Tert.am, June 24, 2014 (thanks to Armaros)

Turks have gathered in German Dusseldorf demanding withdrawal of ‘In 1915 Turks

committed genocide against Armenians’ formulation from history text-books.

According to Time Turk about 8 thousand signatures have been gathered in favor of it.

They have organized a rally in Dusseldorf trying to draw the attention on the gathered


One of the participants of the rally Ali Soilenmezoglu stated they demand the both parties

to study the topic and give their response, otherwise they will continue the rallies.

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Beispiel 5: Türkei

Christen führen ein Dasein als Bürger zweiter Klasse

Der Staatsgründer Attatürk selbst würde in der jetzigen Türkei als „Ungläubiger“ und

Feind des türkischen Volkes gebrandmarkt. War doch für ihn der Islam nichts weiter als

„die absurde Theologie eines unmoralischen Beduinen.“ Seltsam nur, dass diese Worte

ihres Staatsgründers bis zum heutigen Tage weder von türkischen noch Muslimen

anderer Saaten als Prophetenbeleidigung verstanden werden.

Von dereinst 250.000 Griechisch-Orthodoxen in Istanbul sind knapp 2.000

übriggeblieben, von mehr als 2 Millionen christlichen Armeniern (in osmanischer Zeit)

leben noch ganze 80.000 im Land. Die Ermordung von mehr als 1,5 Millionen

christlicher Armenier durch die Jung-Türken gilt unter Historikern als erster Genozid im

20. Jahrhundert.

Claude Mutafian, Universität Paris,

schilderte die Geschichte der türkischen Verleugnung des Völkermordes. Kemal Atatürk,

Gründer der Türkei, verleugnete die Existenz der Armenier, um den Anspruch der

Türkvölker aus Mittelasien auf die Türkei zu rechtfertigen. Erst 1965, mit dem Segen der

Sowjetunion, “erwachten die Armenier”, um den NATO-Partner Türkei an den Pranger

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zu stellen. Die Türkei argumentierte mit einem “Aufstand der Armenier” und “tragischen

Kriegsereignissen”. Raymond Kevorkian, Universität Paris, beschrieb die

Radikalisierung der Jungtürken nach den Balkankriegen und dem Zusammenbruch des

Osmanischen Reiches. “Der Prozess eines sozialen Darwinismus setzte ein. Für die

Türken galt gegenüber den Armeniern, der größten nicht-türkischen Volksgruppe neben

Griechen, Juden und arabischen Syrern, das Prinzip: du oder ich.” Kevorkian erzählt,

wie die Armenier ausgeraubt, deportiert und schließlich ermordet wurden. Den

Jungtürken ging es um eine “demografische Homogenisierung”. Im März 1915 wurden

“Sondereinheiten” zwecks “Liquidierung” der Armenier eingesetzt. Sie wurden in 30

“Schlachthäusern” konzentriert. Beim Euphrates wurden sie durch enge Schluchten

gejagt. Frauen und Kinder wurden “ausgefiltert”, während die Männer ermordet

wurden. Die Befehle kamen per Feldtelefon. Die Mörder behaupteten, “Dienst für die

Heimat” geleistet und “Fremdkörper entfernt” zu haben. Obgleich dem Islam abgeneigt,

hätten die Jungtürken die Religion für einen “ethnischen Nationalismus”


Vergessen ist der zeitgleich stattgefundene Völkermord an über 500.000 christlichen

Aramäern. Die Leidensgeschichte der aramäischen Christen ist weitgehend unbekannt;

der ottomanisch-türkische Massenmord an über 500.000 von ihnen im Ersten Weltkrieg

ist bisher von keinem einzigen Staat offiziell verurteilt worden.

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Der heute in der Schweiz lebende Aramäer Simon sieht für die aramäischen Christen in

der Türkei keine Zukunft: „Aufgrund von Anschlägen und Diskriminierung leben nur

noch zwei- bis dreitausend aramäische Christen in der Türkei. Hunderttausende sind wie

ich ins Ausland ausgewandert oder geflohen. In wenigen Jahrzehnten werden wohl nur

noch Geschichtsbücher über das einstmals blühende Leben der aramäischen Christen in

der Türkei Auskunft geben. Ohne Unterstützung einer breiten Öffentlichkeit im Ausland

können die aramäischen Christen in der Türkei nicht überleben.“ Heute ist der

Islamunterricht an der Volksschule für die wenigen übriggebliebenen aramäischen

Christen in der Türkei obligatorisch. Wer als Christ beim Staat arbeitet oder in der

Armee dient, muss massive Benachteiligungen in Kauf nehmen…..




Photograph links Germans to 1915 Armenia genocide

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German and Turkish officers pose with the skulls of Armenian victims


Newly discovered picture shows Kaiser’s officers at scene of Turkish atrocity

Robert Fisk Sunday 21 October 2012

The photograph – never published before – was apparently taken in the summer

of 1915. Human skulls are scattered over the earth. They are all that remain of a

handful of Armenians slaughtered by the Ottoman Turks during the First World

War. Behind the skulls, posing for the camera, are three Turkish officers in tall,

soft hats and a man, on the far right, who is dressed in Kurdish clothes. But the

two other men are Germans, both dressed in the military flat caps, belts and

tunics of the Kaiserreichsheer, the Imperial German Army. It is an atrocity

snapshot – just like those pictures the Nazis took of their soldiers posing before

Jewish Holocaust victims a quarter of a century later.

Did the Germans participate in the mass killing of Christian Armenians in 1915? This is

not the first photograph of its kind; yet hitherto the Germans have been largely absolved

of crimes against humanity during the first holocaust of the 20th century. German

diplomats in Turkish provinces during the First World War recorded the forced

deportations and mass killing of a million and a half Armenian civilians with both horror

and denunciation of the Ottoman Turks, calling the Turkish militia-killers “scum”.

German parliamentarians condemned the slaughter in the Reichstag.

Indeed, a German army medical officer, Armin Wegner, risked his life to take harrowing

photographs of dying and dead Armenians during the genocide. In 1933, Wegner pleaded

with Hitler on behalf of German Jews, asking what would become of Germany if he

continued his persecution. He was arrested and tortured by the Gestapo and is today

recognised at the Yad Vashem Jewish Holocaust memorial in Israel; some of his ashes

are buried at the Armenian Genocide Museum in the capital, Yerevan.

It is this same Armenian institution and its energetic director, Hayk Demoyan, which

discovered this latest photograph. It was found with other pictures of Turks standing

beside skulls, the photographs attached to a long-lost survivor’s testimony. All appear to

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have been taken at a location identified as “Yerznka” – the town of Erzinjan, many of

whose inhabitants were murdered on the road to Erzerum. Erzinjan was briefly captured

by Russian General Nikolai Yudenich from the Turkish 3rd Army in June of 1916, and

Armenians fighting on the Russian side were able to gather much photographic and

documentary evidence of the genocide against their people the previous year. Russian

newspapers – also archived at the Yerevan museum – printed graphic photographs of the

killing fields. Then the Russians were forced to withdraw.

Wegner took many photographs at the end of the deportation trail in what is now northern

Syria, where tens of thousands of Armenians died of cholera and dysentery in primitive

concentration camps. However, the museum in Yerevan has recently uncovered more

photos taken in Rakka and Ras al-Ayn, apparently in secret by Armenian survivors. One

picture – captioned in Armenian, “A caravan of Armenian refugees at Ras al-Ayn” –

shows tents and refugees. The photograph seems to have been shot from a balcony

overlooking the camp.

Another, captioned in German “Armenian camp in Rakka”, may have been taken by one

of Wegner’s military colleagues, showing a number of men and women among drab-

looking tents. Alas, almost all those Armenians who survived the 1915 death marches to

Ras al-Ayn and Rakka were executed the following year when the Turkish-Ottoman

genocide caught up with them.

Some German consuls spoke out against Turkey. The Armenian-American historian Peter

Balakian has described how a German Protestant petition to Berlin protested that “since

the end of May, the deportation of the entire Armenian population from all the Anatolian

Vilayets [governorates] and Cilicia in the Arabian steppes south of the Baghdad-Berlin

railway had been ordered”. As the Deutsche Bank was funding the railway, its officials

were appalled to see its rolling stock packed with Armenian male deportees and

transported to places of execution. Furthermore, Professor Balakian and other historians

have traced how some of the German witnesses to the Armenian holocaust played a role

in the Nazi regime.

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Konstantin Freiherr von Neurath, for example, was attached to the Turkish 4th Army in

1915 with instructions to monitor “operations” against the Armenians; he later became

Hitler’s foreign minister and “Protector of Bohemia and Moravia” during Reinhard

Heydrich’s terror in Czechoslovakia. Friedrich Werner von der Schulenburg was consul

at Erzerum from 1915-16 and later Hitler’s ambassador to Moscow.

Rudolf Hoess was a German army captain in Turkey in 1916; from 1940-43, he was

commandant of the Auschwitz extermination camp and then deputy inspector of

concentration camps at SS headquarters. He was convicted and hanged by the Poles at

Auschwitz in 1947.

We may never know, however, the identity of the two officers standing so nonchalantly

beside the skulls of Erzinjan.



The Kurds have acknowledged and apologized for their role in the Armenian Genocide.

They led the genocide at the behest of the Turks as they were promised their own state

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which didn’t come to pass instead they were the next in the line of Turkish fire! It would

be a good thing if Turkey would also acknowledge and apologize for their role.

And then there’s Germany and the Rothchild Deutsche Bank which always appears to be

around when there’s money to be made despite the cost of human lives. They helped

Hitler so why not the Turks since nothing is beyond the pale insofar as they’re concerned.


Editorial Cartoons of the Armenian Genocide


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From Dayton Ohio Daily Newspaper, 1924, after the signing of the Treaty of Lausanne,

which allowed the Turkish Republic to not bear the responsibility for the Armenian

Genocide (then called massacres) in the Ottoman Empire.

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Committee of the Young Turk Party – Revolution Declaration – (note the Holy Cross over the door of the


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fact Sheet: The Armenian Genocide

The University of Michigan-Dearborn Research

Dearborn, MI 48128

The Armenian Genocide was carried out by the “Young Turk” government of the

Ottoman Empire in 1915-1916 (with subsidiaries to 1922-23). One and a half

million Armenians were killed, out of a total of two and a half million Armenians in

the Ottoman Empire.

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Most Armenians in America are children or grandchildren of the survivors,

although there are still many survivors amongst us.

Armenians all over the world commemorate this great tragedy on April 24,

because it was on that day in 1915 when 300 Armenian leaders, writers, thinkers

and professionals in Constantinople (present day Istanbul) were rounded up,

deported and killed. Also on that day in Constantinople, 5,000 of the poorest

Armenians were butchered in the streets and in their homes.

The Armenian Genocide was masterminded by the Central Committee of the

Young Turk Party [Committee for Union and Progress (CUP)] – in Turkish

– [Ittihad ve Terakki Cemiyet] which was dominated by Mehmed Talât [Pasha],

Ismail Enver [Pasha], and Ahmed Djemal [Pasha]. They were a racist group

whose ideology was articulated by Zia Gökalp, Dr. Mehmed Nazim, and Dr.

Behaeddin Shakir.

The Armenian Genocide was directed by a Special Organization (Teshkilati

Mahsusa) set up by the Committee of Union and Progress, which created special

“butcher battalions,” made up of violent criminals released from prison.

Some righteous Ottoman officials such as Celal, governor of Aleppo; Mazhar,

governor of Ankara; and Reshid, governor of Kastamonu, were dismissed for not

complying with the extermination campaign. Any common Turks who protected

Armenians were killed.

The Armenian Genocide occurred in a systematic fashion, which proves that it

wasdirected by the Young Turk government.

First the Armenians in the army were disarmed, placed into labor battalions, and

then killed.

Then the Armenian political and intellectual leaders were rounded up on April 24,

1915, and then killed.

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Finally, the remaining Armenians were called from their homes, told they would

be relocated, and then marched off to concentration camps in the desert between

Jerablus and Deir ez-Zor where they would starve and thirst to death in the

burning sun.

On the march, often they would be denied food and water, and many were

brutalized and killed by their “guards” or by “marauders.” The authorities in

Trebizond, on the Black Sea coast, did vary this routine: they loaded Armenians

on barges and sank them out at sea.

The Turkish government today denies that there was an Armenian genocide and

claims that Armenians were only removed from the eastern “war zone.” The

Armenian Genocide, however, occurred all over Anatolia [present-day Turkey],

and not just in the so-called “war zone.” Deportations and killings occurred in the

west, in and around Ismid (Izmit) and Broussa (Bursa); in the center, in and

around Angora (Ankara); in the south-west, in and around Konia (Konya) and

Adana (which is near the Mediterranean Sea); in the central portion of Anatolia,

in and around Diyarbekir (Diyarbakir), Harpout (Harput), Marash, Sivas

(Sepastia), Shabin Kara-Hissar (�ebin Karahisar), and Ourfa (Urfa); and on the

Black Sea coast, in and around Trebizond (Trabzon), all of which are not part of

a war zone. Only Erzeroum, Bitlis, and Van in the east were in the war zone.

The Armenian Genocide was condemned at the time by representatives of the

British, French, Russian, German, and Austrian governments—namely all the

major Powers. The first three were foes of the Ottoman Empire, the latter two,

allies of the Ottoman Empire. The United States, neutral towards the Ottoman

Empire, also condemned the Armenian Genocide and was the chief spokesman

in behalf of the Armenians….

Only one Turkish government, that of Damad Ferit Pasha, has ever recognized

the Armenian genocide. In fact, that Turkish government held war crimes

trials and condemned to death the major leaders responsible.

Page 69: The Armenian Genocide (Warning- gruesome pictures).pdf

The Turkish court concluded that the leaders of the Young Turk government were

guilty of murder. “This fact has been proven and verified.” It maintained that the

genocidal scheme was carried out with as much secrecy as possible. That a

public facade was maintained of “relocating” the Armenians. That they carried out

the killing by a secret network. That the decision to eradicate the Armenians was

not a hasty decision, but “the result of extensive and profound deliberations.”

Ismail Enver Pasha, Ahmed Cemal Pasha, Mehmed Talât Bey, and a host of others

were convicted by the Turkish court and condemned to death for “the

extermination and destruction of the Armenians.”…

Read in full: http://www.umd.umich.edu/dept/armenian/facts/genocide.html

On reading the last article one can clearly see that Turks, who were closest to

the time of the genocide, knew exactly what happened. The Turkish Authorities

and The Turkish Court not only condemned the total annihiliation of the

Armenians but condemned those responsible to death!

Holy Resurrection Church

(site of mass grave in the Syrian desert discovered in the early 90s) Source

Page 70: The Armenian Genocide (Warning- gruesome pictures).pdf

Armenian Genocide Memorial – Philadelphia, PA Source


Armenian Genocide

University of Minnesota

“The Armenian Genocide of 1915 was the supremely violent historical moment

that removed a people from its homeland and wiped away most of the tangible

evidence of its three thousand years of material and spiritual culture. The

calamity, which was unprecedented in scope and effect, may be viewed as part

of the incessant Armenian struggle for survival and the culmination of the

persecution and pogroms that began in the 1890s. Or, it may be placed in the

context of the great upheavals that brought about the disintegration of the

multiethnic and multireligious Ottoman Empire and the emergence of a Turkish

nation-state based on a monoethnic and monoreligious society. The Ottoman

government, dominated by the Committee of Union and Progress (CUP) or the

Young Turk party, came to regard the Armenians as alien and a major obstacle

Page 71: The Armenian Genocide (Warning- gruesome pictures).pdf

to the fulfillment of its political, ideological and social goals. Its ferocious

repudiation of plural society resulted in a single society, as the destruction of the

Armenians was followed by the expulsion of the Greek population of Asia Minor

and the suppression of the non-Turkish Muslim elements with the goal of

bringing about turkification and assimilation. The method adopted to transform a

plural Ottoman society into a homogeneous Turkish society was genocide.”

Richard G. Hovannisian, “Denial of the Armenian Genocide in Comparison with

Holocaust Denial,” inRemembrance and Denial: The Case of the Armenian

Genocide, ed. Richard G. Hovannisian (Detroit: Wayne State University Press,

1999) 13-14.

Links Armenian Genocide

Armenian Research Project (PDF)


Armenian Genocide Denial

“It is important to understand the immorality and the harmful consequences of

denying genocide. As prominent scholars of genocide such as Israel Charney,

Robert J. Lifton, Deborah Lipstadt, Eric Markusen and Roger Smith have noted:

the denial of genocide is the final stage of genocide; it seeks to demonize the

victims and rehabilitate the perpetrators; and denying genocide paves the way

the way for future genocides by making it clear that genocide demands no moral

accountability or response.”

Peter Balakian, “Combating Denials of the Armenian Genocide in Academia” in

Encyclopedia of Genocide Volume I, ed. by Israel Charney (Jerusalem: Institute

on the Holocaust and genocide, 1999) 163-165.

“Anatomy of Genocide Denial: Academics, Politicians, and the “Re-Making” of

History” by Taner Akçam (PDF)


Page 72: The Armenian Genocide (Warning- gruesome pictures).pdf


Beatrice Ohanessian speaks about her mother’s experiences during the

Armenian genocide. UMN lecture(Date unkown)CHGS YouTube

Dr. Keith David Watenpaugh: “Hate in the Past Tense” CHGSum YouTube

channel-Presented on April 14, 2011

Fatma Müge Göçek, a Turkish-born historical sociologist, discusses feelings of

nationalism and identity in the Ottoman Empire during the 19th Century.

Facing History and Ourselves

Taner Akcam: “A Shameful Act: Armenian Genocide and Turkish

Responsibility” – A talk given at the IAS on November 29, 2006

“The Armenian Genocide: 90Years Later” CHGS &TPT Television

Production (50 minutes-MN Video Vault)

Dr. Taner Akcam (Segments from “The Armenian Genocide: 90Years


Vahakn Dadrian (Segments from “The Armenian Genocide: 90Years Later.”)

Dr. Eric Weitz (Segments from “The Armenian Genocide: 90Years Later.”)


Newspapers, Editorial Cartoons and Posters

Minnesotan Newspaper Reportage Selected Headlines 1915

Minnesota Newspaper Reportage Statewide 1915-1922

Editorial Cartoons

Posters and Additional Cartoons


Armenian Survivors

Minnesotan Armenian Survivors (article)

Chacke Yeterian Scallen and Massis Yeterian Sister and brother from

Minneapolis, both children of survivors, were born in Baghdad and tell the story of

Page 73: The Armenian Genocide (Warning- gruesome pictures).pdf

their family’s survival in 1915. Outakes from TPT-TV show of April 24, 2005,

“The Armenian Genocide: 90 Years Later.”

Eyewitnesses to the Armenian Genocide

Twenty Voices

Armenian Film Foundation


Artistic Responses to the Armenian Genocide

Robert Barsamian

Inheritance: Art and Images Beyond a Silenced Genocide

Apo Torosyan


Exhibition Catalogs

The Armenians: Shadows of a Forgotten Genocide (Publication)1999

Armenia: Memories of My Home (Publication) 1998


Memorials to the Armenian Genocide

Philadelphia Armenian Genocide Memorial

Memorials to the Armenian Genocide: Armenian National Institute


Resources for Teaching the Armenian Genocide (Secondary Educators)

Facing History and Ourselves

Armenian Genocide Resource Library for Teachers

Armenian National Institute


Abstracts and Articles

Page 74: The Armenian Genocide (Warning- gruesome pictures).pdf

Jennifer M. Dixon, “Education and National Narratives: Changing Representations

of the Armenian Genocide in History Textbooks in Turkey,” The International

Journal for Education Law and Policy, Special Issue on “Legitimation and Stability

of Political Systems: The Contribution of National Narratives” (2010), pp. 103-



Research Sites

YMCA International Work in Turkey: Anderson Library University of MN.


Armenian-Turkish Relations

Suit Over “Unreliable” Website Dismissed

This is an important victory for scholars and educators all over the United States.

I want first to express my gratitude to General Counsel at the University of

Minnesota, and in particular to Brent Benrud, for his outstanding work on this

case. I applaud Judge Frank’s decision, as it bears witness to the high esteem in

which the judicial system in this country holds academic freedom. This outcome

honors the principles of freedom of speech, and is a remarkable example of the

law’s protection of free inquiry into matters of public interest. ~ Bruno Chaouat,

CHGS director

Latest News

U.S. Court of Appeals rules in favor of the University of Minnesota in case involving

the Turkish Coalition of America: MPR 5-4-2012 An Academic Right to an

Opinion: Inside Higher Ed: 5-4-2012 Group back in court with U over list of

‘unreliable’ websites: MN Daily 2-15-2012

Court dismisses Turkish Coalition lawsuit filed against the University of Minnesota

Page 75: The Armenian Genocide (Warning- gruesome pictures).pdf

On March 30, 2011 U.S. District Court Judge Donovan Frank dismissed a

lawsuit filed by the Turkish Coalition of America against the University of

Minnesota. The lawsuit arose from materials posted on the university’s Center for

Holocaust and Genocide Studies (CHGS) website, including a list of websites

CHGS considered “unreliable” for purposes of conducting scholarly research.

The Turkish Coalition claimed the university violated its constitutional rights, and

committed defamation, by including the Turkish Coalition website on the

“unreliable” websites list.

Read full press release

Court Dismissal Articles Judge throws out genocide ‘blacklist’ case: MN Daily 3-31-

2011Unusual Ruling for Academic Freedom: InsideHigher Ed 3-31-2011

Case Articles Statement from Bruno Chaouat, Director CHGS Lawsuit brewing

over U website warnings: MN Daily 11-22-2010Turkish group sues U for

‘unreliable’ website list: MN Daily 11-30-2010Suit Over ‘Unreliable Websites’:

Inside Higher Ed 12-1-10Documents: The Turkish Coalition lawsuit against the U

of Minnesota: MPR News 12-01-2010An unreliable source: MN Daily 12-06-

2010Turkish lobby: We were blacklisted: MN Daily 12-07-2010

An American Scandal by Meïr Waintrater 12-08-2010Unlikely Foes: Inside Higher

Ed 12-20-2010

Critical Thinking’ or Genocide Denial? TCA vs. U. of Minn: Armenian Weekly 1-


Letter of support: Middle East Studies Association (MESA) 1-18-

2011(PDF)Middle East Studies Group Urges End to Suit Against U. of Minnesota:

Inside Higher ED 1-19-2011


List of Genocide Memorials:




Page 76: The Armenian Genocide (Warning- gruesome pictures).pdf

Turkish FM: 1915 Armenian deportation inhumane

Ruined Site of the Old Armenian City of Ani (Turkey)

Turkish FM: 1915 Armenian deportation inhumane

Pope Francis drops the ‘G-word’ and rekindles century-old genocide debate

Twenty-two nations have already officially recognized the Armenian genocide

44 US States recognize the Armenian Genocide.

100,000 March From Hollywood to Turkish Consulate on Anniversary of 1915

Armenian Genocide

NYC: Thousands Rally In Times Square To Mark 100th Anniversary Of Massacre

of Armenians

The Armenian Genocide and my grandmother’s secret (with images)

Note: most images from within this






This Is Why They Destroyed Syria … and Who Did It Saturday, December 5, 2015 6:36

(Before It's News)

THE MILLENNIUM REPORT: Reporting the Most Important News in the World Today

The Syrian Holocaust: A Preplanned Genocide And Forced Exodus

Page 77: The Armenian Genocide (Warning- gruesome pictures).pdf

Please click on this photo to enlarge.

How the Syrian War and Ensuing Exodus was Modeled after the Armenian Genocide

Page 78: The Armenian Genocide (Warning- gruesome pictures).pdf

Destruction from the Syrian War

* * *

Northern Levant: Where oil and gas reserves, oil pipelines and refineries trump everything else … except occupation of the land

* * *

State of the Nation


To this very day the Armenian Genocide, which began within the borders of the Ottoman

Empire in 1915, has been vehemently denied by the Republics of Turkey and Azerbaijan. Both

Israel and the United States of America have likewise refused to acknowledge the historical

reality of the Armenian Holocaust. Why should these nations adamantly persist in their

Page 79: The Armenian Genocide (Warning- gruesome pictures).pdf

denial of such a well documented crime against humanity? Because 100 years later in 2015

there is now indisputable evidence that the very same countries are perpetrating a similar

genocide against the people of Syria, especially against the Christian communities as

occurred during the Armenian Genocide. The following photo-documentary presents

irrefutable evidence of the engineered genocide of the Armenians (as well as the Greek and

Assyrian Christians), just as the today’s alternative new media have provided similar

evidence of the ongoing genocide of the Syrian people.

The Armenian Genocide (Warning: gruesome pictures)


Only by understanding the true origin of the Dönmeh of Turkey

and the Wahhabi of Saudi Arabia will the Greater Israel Project

and Syrian Holocaust be properly understood.

The entire Arab Spring — from start to finish — was planned in the capitals of the Zio-Anglo-American Axis just as

each revolution was manufactured in the various Middle Eastern capitals.

Every protest and riot throughout the Arab Spring was staged, just as every revolution and civil war had been

fabricated in those nations which the Axis powers had targeted for a government overthrow.

In fact, not a single Arab Spring event has occurred without the fastidious planning and precise coordination of

the CIA and MI6, DGSE and MOSSAD. The Western powers not only engineered every rebellion in the Mideast, as

they continue to do so, they have been very careful to execute each coup d’état in such a way that the newly

installed leaders are always loyal to them, not to their respective citizenries.

Only with this understanding can the current Mideast wars and conflicts, genocides and holocausts, refugee crises

and exoduses be comprehended. Looking through the lens of history, particularly the most cataclysmic events of

the 20th century, will likewise inform one’s understanding that history is once again repeating itself.

German Caption Reads: “Crucified Armenian women in the region of Der-es-Zor (Modern-day Syria).

Some women were saved — as here in the picture — by Arab Bedouins who took them back down from the cross.”

Page 80: The Armenian Genocide (Warning- gruesome pictures).pdf

. The Execution Plan for the Armenian Genocide Duplicated in Syria

The preceding photo captured the crucifixion of 16 Armenian girls who were killed by the Young Turks working on

behalf of the crypto-Jewish Dönmeh that ruled Turkey at that time. The crypto-Jewish Dönmeh had infiltrated

all levels of the Ottoman Empire prior to the engineered election of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the first president of

the Turkish Republic. Ataturk has been credited with being the founder of the secular Republic of Turkey in stark

contradistinction to the former Ottoman Empire which enjoyed a large Muslim majority as well as sizable

Christian population.

“Dönmeh (Turkish: Dönme) refers to a group of crypto-Jews in the Ottoman Empire who, to escape the inferior

condition of dhimmis, converted publicly to Islam, but were said to have retained their beliefs. The movement

was historically centered in Salonica.[1] The group originated during and soon after the era of Sabbatai Zevi, a

17th-century Jewish kabbalist who claimed to be the Messiah and eventually converted to Islam in order to

escape punishment by the Sultan Mehmed IV. After Zevi’s conversion, a number of Jews followed him into Islam

and became the Dönmeh. Since the 20th century, assimilated Dönmeh might have intermarried with other

groups and most have assimilated into Turkish society.”[1]

The primary pretext for the Armenian Genocide was twofold:

(i) to remove the Armenian population from valuable land which was coveted by the oil companies

(ii) to scare the Armenian people away from their ancestral lands so that the state and concerned corporations

could exploit it without interference.

The article linked below presents the back story to this first genocide of the 20th century.

Why Were Jewish Zionists Behind The Armenian Holocaust?

It is important to be aware that while this fabricated pretext was operative at the time, it was merely a red

herring so that the true reasons for the Armenian Genocide would remain secret. That organized genocide, as it

turned out, was one of the first series of acts of terrorism directed at an indigenous population within the Middle

East in preparation for the formation of the Modern State of Israel. As follows:

“The international Jewish elite provoked the first world war in order to achieve several goals, including the

revolutions in Russia and Germany and the destruction of the Ottoman Empire. In 1917, Great Britain signed the

Balfour Declaration, the promise for the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine. British troops could gain control

over Palestine and prepared it for the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine. Crypto-Jew Mustafa Kemal

Ataturk created a Turkish Republic in order to destroy the Ottoman Empire completely. The Jewish revolutionist

Alexander Parvus (who got rich through arms trading) was the financial adviser of the Young Turks and the

Jewish Bolsheviks supplied Ataturk with 10 million gold roubles, 45,000 rifles, and 300 machine guns with

ammunition. In 1915, the Young Turks committed a genocide against the Armenians, but also against the Greeks

and Assyrians. The main reason for the Jewish genocide of the Armenians is that the Jews believe that the

Armenians are the Amalekites, the arch enemies of the Israelites (Jews believe they are the descendants of the

ancient Israelites). The Turkish government and Jewish groups such as the ADL deny the Armenian genocide,

Page 81: The Armenian Genocide (Warning- gruesome pictures).pdf

highly likely because the key persons of the Young Turk movement were Jewish, including Mustafa Kemal


The relevance of this critical piece of Turkish history should not be underestimated, particularly in light of the

stealthily pre-planned Syrian War, as well as the unprovoked Anglo-American war of aggression against Iraq. In

both cases it was the extremely strategic geopolitical value of the Northern Levant, which the Anglo-American

Axis (AAA) was determined to control, that triggered the unlawful wars. As long as Syrian President Bashar al-

Assad remained in power such absolute control over the region would be elusive for the AAA. Similarly, Saddam

Hussein had to be removed from power in Iraq for the AAA to exert its hegemonic authority over that nation as


Syria’s Bashar al-Assad: Secret Back Story Reveals Why The West Cannot Topple His Government

Asma and Bashar al-Assad

However, it is Syria which is of utmost importance toward the completion of what is known in intelligence circles

as the Greater Israel Project. Hence, the Modern State of Israel (MSI) is prominently configured in every aspect

of war-making against all the targeted Middle Eastern nations. Not only does such deliberate warmongering

advance the multi-decade, covert plan to trigger a Clash of Civilizations leading to a full-blown World War III,

each of the wars/conflicts serves to strengthen Israel’s geopolitical position within the Middle East.

The Greater Israel Project

The Greater Israel Project lies at the very heart of the AAA’s geopolitical triangulation strategy throughout the

Middle East. The United States, the United Kingdom and the Modern State of Israel have collaborated quite

closely for well over a century to implement this final phase of destruction of several Mideast nations. Because

their once clandestine agenda has now become transparent to the many concerned countries, these 3 nations

have become known as the true Axis of Evil in the world today.

“Greater Israel”: The Zionist Plan for the Middle East

Just as the MSI was born out of terrorism, its methodical expansion through the outright theft of Palestinian land

has occurred by way of incessant false flag terror operations. These and many other highly deceptive and

destructive tactics have been used against those who rightfully inhabit Palestine, just as they are now being

Page 82: The Armenian Genocide (Warning- gruesome pictures).pdf

utilized in Syria. The very essence of their ‘Relocation Plan’ is the employment of every form of terror. Just like

the Armenian Holocaust was implemented by the same Zionist cabal to scare them away from their communities,

which it did, the ISIS and Al Nusra terrorist groups have been set up and enabled to do the very same.

The purposeful and slow-motion Zionist genocide of the Palestinian people has likewise furthered the

cabal’s Greater Israel agenda. Systematically getting rid of those indigenous peoples throughout much of the

Middle East is a central component of that agenda. In this particular regard the AAA globalists seek not only to

remove the Palestinians from the MSI, but the Syrians from their lands as well. Witness what is perhaps the

largest mass migration in modern history of Syrian people to Europe. Irrespective of the fact that the forefathers

of Syrians and Palestinians alike have lived in the Mideast for centuries and in Israel over millennia, the Zionist

cabal is intent on their removal.


It is now common knowledge among the world community of nations that the United States, United Kingdom and

Israel surreptitiously created ISIS and Al Nusra just as they created Al Qaeda. The blueprint for the formation of

these types of synthetic terror organizations came from the CIA’s establishment of the Mujahideen in

Afghanistan. By the use of proxy armies of paid mercenaries, which were comprised of ‘Islamist’ guerrilla

fighters, the USA was able to defeat the Russian military in Afghanistan. That development, in turn, permitted

the Taliban to come into power which merely created another tyranny for the Afghans to deal with.

Mujahideen (Arabic: ااااااااا) is the plural form of mujahid (Arabic: ااااا), the term for one engaged

in Jihad.[3]

What is crucial to understand is that these mercenary jihadis have nothing to do with the religion of

Islam. Whether they were even raised as Muslims is in serious question since many of them were exposed to a

false sect of Sunni Islam known as Wahhabism. This form of perverted Islamic fundamentalism was made the

official state religion by the crypto-Jewish monarchy of Saudi Arabia with the assistance of their Anglo-American

overlords. Likewise, the Dönmeh of Turkey introduced their own kind of Islam which had nothing to do with the

Prophet Muhammad or the Koran, and a LOT to do with the pseudo-Kabbalistic practices of the similarly warped

Sabbatean sect.

Page 83: The Armenian Genocide (Warning- gruesome pictures).pdf

Shabbatai Tzvi and the Sabbatean roots of the Donmeh

Ultra-Secret Conspiracy in the Middle East Revealed: The Donmeh, the Wahhabi and Zionism’s Sephardic Jewry

In this fashion did both Saudi Arabia and Turkey, one rabidly committed to the Sharia law of Wahhabism and the

other solidly secular, respectively, furtively contribute to the calculated subversion of their neighboring

states. Through relentless stoking of the fires of religious rivalries between Sunnis and Shiites, each Mideast

nation has fallen prey to these treacherous rivals, as well as to the ever-present Anglo-American raptors and

Zionist hyenas. The same cultural tensions and religious differences have especially been exacerbated in Syria

and Iraq. Prior to the wars which were inflicted upon them both, each nation enjoyed an unusual diversity of

culture and religions. Syria was particularly known for its religious tolerance and mutual acceptance.

Nonetheless, when the nexus of the CIA, MI6, DGSE and MOSSAD set about the process of creating ISIS and Al

Nusra, what little there was left of the Mideast peace would be shattered in a New York minute. Are there any

fake revolutions or civil wars which were not hatched by the banksters on Wall Street over the past 200

years? Who else could have arranged for the secret funding of ISIS and financing of Al Nusra, just like the CIA

helped coordinate for Al Qaeda? Both ISIS and Al Nusra are nothing but offshoots of Al CIAda Al Qaeda; albeit,

using a different name so that a new brand of exceedingly violent terrorism could be launched.

This “Made in the USA” label, which has been squarely affixed on all Islamic State terrorist products and services,

has occurred because of how transparent the photos of the ubiquitous fleet of Toyotas (with special gun mounts

and all) had become. When the whole ISIL guerrilla army is wearing American cross trainers, covered up with

Balaclavas made in Great Britain, and taking captagon that was manufactured in illicit drug enclaves which have

been protected by the U.S. War on Drugs, what else could be expected? That the USA funded, equipped and

Page 84: The Armenian Genocide (Warning- gruesome pictures).pdf

armed ISIS is now a generally accepted fact of life in the Middle East. Even President Barack Obama has yet to

deny such a self-evident truth.

CAPTAGON: Tons Of Amphetamine Drugs Smuggled Into Syria To Fuel ISIS Terrorism

Of course, there is also the dirty little secret that ISIS is really an acronym for the ISRAELI SECRET INTELLIGENCE

SERVICE. But how can this be so when it was just asserted that the U.S. intelligence agencies and secret services

such as the CIA, NSA, DIA and NRO were primarily responsible for the global network of synthetic terrorism. The

answer is really very simple, but known to only a few armchair geopolitical analysts who did not sleep through

their World War II history lessons.


All off the AAA intelligence agencies and secret services, to include first and foremost the

aforementioned “nexus of the CIA, MI6, DGSE and MOSSAD”, have a common home in

Switzerland. Switzerland is not only the most protected banking capital in the world as demonstrated by its

unique neutrality status during WWII, as well as home to the highly secretive BSI (Bank for International

Settlements), it is also the true home of the headquarters of the CIA (aka The Company).

The correct knowledge concerning this covert arrangement of the international order of “CIAs” is crucial to the

understanding of how Al Qaeda, ISIS and Al Nusra were created, as well as how they are quite efficiently

sustained throughout the world. It ought to be obvious to anyone with critical thinking skills that the appearance

of ISIS and Al Nusra on the Mideast set — coming practically out of nowhere as they did — could only have

happened with the enormous support of a well established network the size of The Company. Bearing in mind

that the CIA is intimately connected to every Fortune 500 company, as well as to a whole slew of super-secret,

privately held corporations across the planet.

Clearly, the rapid emergence of ISIS and Al Nusra was both state and corporate-sponsored in a major way. Given

this reality, there are very few state sponsors (with well connected intelligence agencies) that would qualify,

and, therefore, which must also be working in concert in order to pull off this con of the millennium. Hence, the

CIA, MI6, DGSE and MOSSAD must necessarily all be working closely together to maintain the Islamic State. It has

even been proven that ISIS-controlled oil wells and transportation routes have been carefully protected by the

very same CIA-coordinated network, just as their oil revenues have been safeguarded in their ultra-secret Swiss

bank accounts.

Page 85: The Armenian Genocide (Warning- gruesome pictures).pdf

I ISIS Crucifies 8 Christians in Syria for Apostasy

Crucifixions and Beheadings, Mass Shootings and Mass Graves

Who could possibly refute the effects that so many highly publicized beheadings and crucifixions would have on

Syrian communities across the Levant? Just like the Armenian Holocaust, the many spiritual communities which

dot the Syrian countryside rightly assessed the danger associated with the Fric & Frac of terrorism—ISIS & Al

Nusra. They had seen this all before when the Armenians, Assyrians and Greeks, who also happened to live in the

wrong place at the wrong time, were genocided by the Young Turks and their crypto-Jewish masters.

What better way for the Zionist cabal to clear the land of all unwanted Syrian citizens, sects and

communities which might stand in the way of their designs for a Greater Israel?

Not only did their scare tactics work, as they did when they crucified the Armenian girls pictured above, and

below, they have now overrun Europe with an unparalleled refugee crisis. Because the same Zionist cabal

effectively controls all the major leaders of the European Union, it has been quite easy for them to ensure a EU-

wide open border policy. In spite of an unprecedented backlash to the ongoing exodus ending up in both Germany

and France, both Chancellor Angela Merkel and President François Hollande have obeyed their masters

remarkably well.

Very few realize that the unending incidence of beheadings by ISIS and mass shootings by ISIL were carefully

scripted to scare the living daylights out of every Middle Easterner. Incidentally, whether these grotesque acts of

violence were actually faked is inconsequential at this point. All that the cabal wanted was to sufficiently

terrorize the Mideast masses so that they could be corralled into any pen of their making. By instilling the fear of

Page 86: The Armenian Genocide (Warning- gruesome pictures).pdf

wanton and barbaric terror into so many, the desired mass migration would take place of its own accord. And so

it did … and right on time in 2015!

Turkey: The Main Gateway into Syria for Terrorists and Mercenaries, Arms and Munitions, as well as out of Syria for oil and artifacts

Except that this whole mass migration was much more scripted than it initially appeared … and Turkey played the

key role for entry into and exit out of Syria. Clearly, the role of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is quite similar

to Ataturk’s during the formation of the Republic. Only in the current case Erdoğan appears to be taking Turkey

back to the heyday of Ottoman Empire with an emphasis on its Islamic roots.

Ataturk and Erdoğan: Cut from the same bot of cloth

However, almost everything that Erdoğan does is a carefully executed deception. He talks like a great leader but

then acts like a petty tyrant. He has done everything in his power to illegally remove Syria’s legitimate

president. Erdoğan has also somehow empowered Turkey to steal Syria’s oil and artifacts, take over its oil wells

and refineries, and aggressively support ISIS at every turn. The Turkish-Syrian border is in fact so porous that ISIS

can get through to their strongholds easier than Syrians can get out of their war-torn country. Truly,

President Erdoğan’s Turkey has come to represent the very worst of war-profiteering. And yet he dismisses the

indisputable evidence of oil theft and artifact trading so cavalierly.

There is very significant reason why Turkey emphatically denies involvement in the Armenian Holocaust — they

are now actively engaged in the Syrian Holocaust. And, it is the very same shadow leadership of the crypt-Jewish

Dönmeh that is leading the charge against Assad, his Alawite people, and the many Christian communities. The

very same reason applies to why Israel has refused to acknowledge the Armenian Genocide of between 1.5 and

2 million people. Because the entire mass murder was orchestrated by Zionists, they simply cannot admit that

such an atrocity ever took place. And yet neither the Turkish nor the Israeli governments offer any explanation

as to how so many Armenians mysteriously died. Certainly, the many innocent and tortured Armenian girls

(pictured below) did not crucify themselves.

Page 87: The Armenian Genocide (Warning- gruesome pictures).pdf

Why won’t Israel acknowledge the Armenian Genocide? The Donmeh Jewish leadership of Turkey was responsible.

Now the world knows why the recent beheadings and crucifixions of Syrian Christians were performed in such a

dramatic fashion. This is the way that the Zionists have always executed their terrorism, just as the American

neocons show no regard for any nation that they invade and destroy (remember the shock and awe of the Iraq

War). In this manner the people of those victimized countries suffer such “shock and awe” that they can only

think of how to quickly exit such a hideous war zone. Especially when the battlefields are overrun

by Daesh (formerly known as ISIS) is the will to vacate the premises that much stronger.

‘Da’ish’ becomes ‘Ja’hish’ – “The state of donkeys in Iraq and Syria”

The Wahhabism of Saudi Arabia and Deliberate Distortion of Islam

The Wahhabi ‘Muslim’ sect grew from an ultra-conservative Sunni branch of radical Islam unique to Saudi Arabia

under the direction of Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab. It has since become known as an extremely

fundamentalist variant of Sunni Islam which bears very little resemblance to what the Prophet Muhammad

taught. Further radicalization of the hard-core Sunni fundamentalist is the very hallmark of Wahhabism.

Page 88: The Armenian Genocide (Warning- gruesome pictures).pdf

Wahhabism (Arabic: اااااا, Wahhābiya(h)) or Wahhabi mission[1] (/wəˈhɑːbi, wɑː-/; Arabic: اااااا

ad-Da’wa al-Wahhābiya(h) ) is a religious movement or branch of Sunni Islam. It has been ,اااااااا

variously described as “orthodox”, “ultraconservative”, “austere”, “fundamentalist”, “puritanical” (or

“puritan”) and as an Islamic “reform movement” to restore “pure monotheistic worship” (tawhid) by scholars

and advocates, and as an “extremist pseudo-Sunni movement” by opponents. Adherents often object to the term

Wahhabi or Wahhabism as derogatory, and prefer to be called Salafi or muwahhid.[4]

Fast forward to 2015 and the whole world now witnesses on a daily basis the atrocities which are committed in

the name of this false religious sect. In truth Wahhabism has no real connection to the Islam that is expressed by

the Qur’an. It has been further manipulated by political forces (some would say tyrannical powers) in Saudi

Arabia who use it to oppress the citizenry. The following excerpt well explains how this is accomplished with

great ease throughout the Arabian Peninsula … and beyond with the spreading tyranny of ISIS.

Wahhabism has been accused of being “a source of global terrorism”, inspiring the ideology of the Islamic State

of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), and for causing disunity in Muslim communities by labeling Muslims who disagreed

with the Wahhabi definition of monotheism as apostates.[4]

Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab was exceedingly adept at taking pure spiritual principles and warping them as a

way of controlling his adherents. There is no better example of this than the outright misrepresentation of

“jihad”. The original meaning of “jihad” is actually very beautiful and rich with profound spiritual meaning. As


Jihad (English pronunciation: /dʒɪˈhɑːd/; Arabic: اااا jihād [dʒiˈhæːd]) is an Islamic term referring to the

religious duty of Muslims to maintain the religion. In Arabic, the word jihād is a noun meaning “to strive, to

apply oneself, to struggle, to persevere”.[5]

The entire planetary civilization now only sees (and hears) of jihad in the most negative light. People everywhere

have been conditioned to falsely believe that jihad is some sort of declaration of holy religious war by Muslims

against the infidels (or, in some cases, against all other religions). This blatant corruption of the sublimely

spiritual notion of “jihad” occurred by purposeful design by those who have infiltrated the societies where

Wahhabism was widely practiced. Exactly who were those infiltrators?

The House Of Saud: It’s Jewish Origin And Installation By The British Crown

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As Saudi Arabia developed its vast oil reserves over the past century, the spread of Wahhabism has grown rapidly,

especially since the oil crisis of the 1970s. In fact, a burgeoning Wahhabi movement now exerts considerable

influence worldwide in the wake of its explosive growth that occurred with the 1973 oil embargo by OPEC and

subsequent American energy crisis. It is this extremely unhealthy symbiotic relationship between the USA and

Saudi Arabia that has given rise to all manner of conspiracies and collusions which have served to forever

destabilize the Middle East. Of course, Israel also plays a major role in this ongoing scheme to create the

necessary chaos out of which a new Mideast order will eventually be fabricated.

SAUDI ARABIA: Worldwide Hub Of Wahhabi Terrorism And America’s Great ‘Ally’

Russia Enters the Syrian Theater of War, Turkey Flips Out

With Russia’s entry into the Syrian theater of war everything changed. The conspiratorial schemes of Erdoğan’s

Turkey have been particularly exposed for the whole world to see. The Republic of Turkey (previously known as

the Ottoman Empire) is where the crypto-Jewish Dönmeh has been weaving its insidious webs well before the

Armenian Genocide. The clandestine Sabbatean network is now so well entrenched throughout Turkish society

that it is virtually impossible to expose it or its ill-doings to any meaningful degree.

The direct involvement of Erdoğan’s government in the financial and material support of ISIS reflects just how

controlled he is by the Dönmeh; unless, of course, he is really one of them just like Ataturk was. Clearly his son

Bilal Erdoğan is far deeper in this ISIS plot than his father would like him to be. The key point here is that none

of this mortifying exposure would have ever occurred were it not for the Putin’s Russia coming to the rescue of

Bashar al-Assad.

Meet The Man Who Funds ISIS: Bilal Erdogan, The Son Of Turkey’s President

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Bilal Erdogan son

of President Erdogan eating with ISIS terrorist leaders

In point of fact, it is only because the Russian military has entered the Syrian theater of war that so many other

inconvenient truths have been revealed about the AAA support of ISIS. The Russian aerial bombardment

campaign has exposed the nexus of Turkish, Saudi, Israeli and American complicity in their prodigious support of

the Islamic State, which was necessarily required for ISIS to effectively prosecute their war of terror throughout

the Northern Levant.

The highly strategic geopolitical advantages provided to anyone that controls the Levant are quite obvious to the

Zio-Anglo-American Axis. The USA, UK and Israel have each eyed this location over decades because of its

convenient access to the Mediterranean Sea, easy crossover for oil and gas conduits, as well as massive

undeveloped oil and gas reserves. The real problem there for the AAA is that the Russian Navy leases a naval

facility located in the port of the city of Tartus. Not only would Russia never give up this leased military

installation, they consider President Assad a good friend and protector of the Christian communities. Hence,

President Putin had very good reasons to blow up the Greater Israelproject before Syria went the way of Iraq and


Putin Goes Ballistic In Syria, Obliterates The USA’s Secret ‘Mideast Strategy’

The AAA conspiracy to keep ISIS terrorizing the Mideast, which has been funded, equipped and armed by the

USA, UK, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Israel, is now being exposed by every Russian sortie flown over Syria. The

shoot-down of their warplane by Turkey has particularly laid bare the AAA support for ISIL. Turkey has refused to

apologize for such a naked act of aggression committed to protect their illegal oil shipments delivered by the

Islamic State.

Russia has ‘more proof’ ISIS oil routed through Turkey, Erdogan says he’ll resign if it’s true

Not only does Erdoğan continue to deny the obvious Turkish act of war against Russia, he makes no pretense of

his disdain for the Russian airstrikes on ISIS. In all of these and many other happenings Russia has uncovered plot

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after plot which has caught the AAA co-conspirators in flagrant acts of unprovoked war-mongering, and especially

in numerous instances of naked war-profiteering. However, it is the much deeper conspiracy that Russia is

disclosing through the daily drips and drabs coming through the RT.com multi-media platform that graphically

expose the Greater Israel project for what it is.

Vladimir Putin: U.S. Implicated in Turkish Jet Downing

Turkey Shoots Down Russian Warplane Near Syrian Border


First and foremost, that the bogus Arab Spring was coordinated by the Anglo-American Axis, especially the USA,

UK, France, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Israel. The Obama Administration, and especially Hillary Clinton as

Secretary of State, were the key players in this CIA-coordinated black operation. Likewise, UK Prime Minster

David Cameron and Foreign Secretary William Hague made sure that Great Britain provided political and material

support whenever necessary. Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu as well as his entire government of warhawks have

been deeply involved in every aspect of the Syrian Holocaust, although usually in a quite furtive manner.

Secondly, that the Obama Administration has been directly responsible for funding, equipping and arming ISIS via

the CIA & Company. While Christian communities have been ruthlessly wiped out, Obama has empowered their

persecutors. While Christians have been beheaded, crucified and shot by the hundreds after digging their mass

graves, Obama has rejected Syrian Christian refugees. Clearly, the President of the United States has

empowered some of the most barbaric terrorist organizations of the 3rd millennium.

Top Obama Appointee: “President Knowingly and Willingly Armed ISIS”

Truly, there is now a stain on America’s honor that will never be forgotten. The profound betrayal of American

values, of the American people, and the friends of this once great nation is such that the world will never trust

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the USA again. Vast swaths of the Middle East have now been transformed into a dystopian, post-apocalyptic

wasteland because of the actions taken by the only hegemonic superpower on Earth. Likewise, through the gross

neglect and reprehensible inaction on the part of the United States of America, the indigenous peoples of the

Mideast have been subjected to every kind of horror and indignity.

Now the world really knows why Turkey, Israel and the USA have steadfastly denied the terror-filled

Armenian Genocide for 100 long years … … … and counting! Yes, the Zio-Anglo-American Axis is executing

nearly the exact same scheme of extermination and forced mass migration as they did during the Armenian

Genocide. And the Zionist cabal is doing it right now – in the very same place — throughout Syria (and Iraq),

while the whole of humanity watches.

State of the Nation

December 2, 2015

Author’s Note

The author ackowledges that oftentimes “God writes straight with crooked lines”. In the case of today’s Middle

East, the lines have never been so crooked … and crazy. However, there is always something going on in the

background that even those who run the world are completely unaware of. In other words the endless mayhem

and madness occurring in Syria and Iraq, Palestine and Libya may be happening in order to produce a specific

divine outcome.

For instance, the mass exodus out of Syria is nothing less than a biblical event. Those folks may have been

divinely inspired (after being methodically terrorized) to vacate what could be a battleground for a future World

War III. Much of the Mideast already resembles what many refer to as Armageddon! Therefore, it requires very

little imagination to see how things are certainly shaping up to transform a regional war into a full-blown World

War III scenario. Were nuclear weaponry to be used, who knows how many people would be killed or irreparably

injured for life? Once used, nuclear weapons would also contaminate the land, water and air for the foreseeable


The following video transcript of Natan, the teen prophet, is offered for further contemplation of the ever-

intensifying conflagration known in diplomatic cirlcles as “The Middle East Problem”.

Jewish Teen Utters Prophecy Received On Sukkot 2015, Day Of The 4th Blood Moon

Editor’s Note

There was an American silent film produced in 1919 about the Armenian Genocide that was based on an

autobiographical account written by Arshaluys (Aurora) Mardiganian. She also played the lead role in the

film “Ravished Armenia” which was also known as “Auction of Souls”. The film depicts the 1915 Armenian

Genocide, which was systematically carried out by the Ottoman Empire, from the point of view of the real

Armenian survivor Aurora Mardiganian.

This cinematic rendition of the Armenian Genocide reflects the sheer barbarity and terror that was inflicted on

the Armenian, Greek and Assyrian Christian peoples. It is no coincidence that this shocking portrayal of the

Armenian Holocaust is not dissimilar to the very same plight now suffered by the people of Syria. One hundred

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years later and the world now witnesses the Syrian Holocaust being perpetrated by the very same Zionist cabal

and their terrorist network.


[1] Dönmeh

[2] Jewish Young Turks and the Armenian Genocide

[3] Mujahideen

[4] Wahhabism

[5] Jihad


STRATFOR Chief Reveals Zio-Anglo-American Plot For World Domination

Erdoğan’s Turkey: A War Profiteer That Plunders And Pillages Syria At Will


I. The Dönmeh

“The Donmeh sect of Judaism was founded in the 17th century by Rabbi Sabbatai Zevi, a Kabbalist who believed

he was the Messiah but was forced to convert to Islam by Sultan Mehmet IV, the Ottoman ruler. Many of the

rabbi’s followers, known as Sabbateans, but also “crypto-Jews,” publicly proclaimed their Islamic faith but

secretly practiced their hybrid form of Judaism, which was unrecognized by mainstream Jewish rabbinical

authorities. Because it was against their beliefs to marry outside their sect, the Dönmeh created a rather

secretive sub-societal clan.” (Source: The Dönmeh: The Middle East’s Most Whispered Secret)

II. Sabbatai Zevi, founder of the Jewish Sabbatean movement

“Sabbatai Zevi (ש ב ת בש י ,other spellings include Sabbatai Ẓevi, Shabbetai Ẓevi, Shabbeṯāy Ṣeḇī, Sabbatai Sevi ,י

and Sabetay Sevi in Turkish) (August 1, 1626 – c. September 17, 1676) was a Sephardic Rabbi and kabbalist who

claimed to be the long-awaited Jewish Messiah. He was the founder of the Jewish Sabbatean movement. In

February of 1666, upon his arrival in Constantinople, Sabbatai was imprisoned following orders issued by the

grand vizier Ahmed Köprülü; in September of that same year, after being moved from different prisons around

the capital to Adrianople (the imperial court’s seat) for judgment on accusations of fomenting sedition,

Sabbatai was given by Köprülü, in the name of the Sultan Mehmed IV, the choice of either facing death by some

type of ordeal, or of converting to Islam. Sabbatai seems to have chosen the latter by donning on his head from

then on a Turkish turban. He was then also rewarded by the heads of the Ottoman state with a generous pension

for his compliance with their political and religious plans. Some of his followers also converted to Islam—about

300 families who were known as the Dönmeh (converts).”(Source: Sabbatai Zevi)

III. Anglo-American Axis

“The Anglo-American Axis is represented, first and foremost, by the major English-speaking countries of the

world: USA, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Israel. The European member nations of NATO, such as

Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands are also closely aligned with

the AAA as are all the Scandinavian countries. So are the Asian Pacific Rim nations of Japan, South Korea,

Taiwan and the Philippines. Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Egypt, Pakistan, Kuwait, Jordan, Bahrain, United Arab

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Emirates, and Qatar also owe their allegiance to the AAA but some of these may be changing. The World Shadow

Government is an ultra-secret, supranational organization which completely controls the Anglo-American Axis,

as well as the European Union, NATO, among many other institutional entities which constitute the Global

Control Matrix.”(Source: Vladimir Putin’s Russia: Perfect Foil To The Anglo-American Axis And Their New World



Depiction of the Armenian women who refused to convert and were crucified for apostasy during the genocide

Originally published by SOTN at: http://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=25505

The Syrian Holocaust: A Preplanned Genocide And Forced Exodus | The Millennium Report

THE MILLENNIUM REPORT: Reporting the Most Important News in the World Today

