The Arguing Chess Pieces 2LachieB

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  • 8/8/2019 The Arguing Chess Pieces 2LachieB


    The Arguing Chess Pieces

    Characters: Pawn 1= white, King 1= white, Rookie 2= black

    and Queen 2= black narrator

    Locations: Chess board 1, Chess board 2 and defeated Chess

    board 1

    Act 1

    Narrator- (The white team have won the first match and nowthe queen wants a rematch)

    Narrator- (The margin is big; hopefully both teams could win but

    they cant. Who do you choose?)

    King 1- Ha-ha Defeat finally

    Queen 2- I want a rematch

    King 1- Ok then

    Rookie 2- Again I dont want to die, AGAIN

    Pawn 1- Get ready for defeat

    Queen 2- Ha-ha dont make me laugh, lol

    King 1- OK........ You are sooooo random, lets play some chess

    Queen 2- Pawn to d3

    King 1- Pawn to d6

    Rookie 2- Put me somewhere. I am the best piece on the field.

    Queen 2- I........... Am

    King 1- CHECK

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    All Black pieces- What, what, what, what,


    Queen 2- But you have overlooked something; I can kill your

    pawn that is checking the king

    King 1- No you cant...wait let me check. Oh it seems I have but

    anyway look at the board it is impossible for you to win!

    End of act 1

    Act 2

    Narrator- (The surprise will come eventually. Will the king win

    or will the queenwin?)

    Narrator (The blacks are looking strong at the moment. Theyve

    got two queens which might throw the balance of the game.

    Queen 2- One of my pawns have now been transformed into

    another queen, now which means we have two queens

    King 1- Duh

    Rookie 2- What do you mean by that?

    Pawns 1- Just finish this already

    Queen 2- So you can run home to your mum and cry, boohoo

    King 1- Dont you know that chess pieces cant cry

    Queen 2- No why

    King 1- Because were made out of wood

    Queen 2- How are we talking then

    King 1- Uh uh

    Pawn 1- (interrupting) Magic, now may we continue with thismatch

  • 8/8/2019 The Arguing Chess Pieces 2LachieB


    King 1- Ok then, lets continue this unwinnable match for the

    black side

    Queen 2- Insults wont hurt me, but a woodchopper can. Get it

    wood woodchopper ha ha

    Pawn 1- No not really

    Pawn 1- (continuing) Now speaking of magic, did you know that

    we can come to life

    Rookie and queen 2- (under their breath) Crazy, also you

    wouldnt be able to do that

    Pawn 1- You want to bet on that

    Rookie 2- What for? Because I know Ive already won I just

    want to make it more interesting!

    King 1- How about my throne over Chessland

    Queen 2- What? You are willingly enough to do that? Im finallygoing to be the first ever girl king, oh yeah the BEST KING!

    Rookie 2- Lets play SpongeBob squarepants SpongeBob

    squarepants SpongeBob....... squarepants, ta da, aw this is


    (Everyone looks at rookie 2)

    Rookie 2- Oh this is soooooo awkward (just realises that theawkwardness is on him) oh sorry

    End of act 2

    Act 3

    Narrator- (The white team is trying to get into the blacks head

    and tell them that their magic is real)

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    King 1- (Whispers to one of his pawns) the black rookie is so


    Pawn 1- Duh his creator dropped him when he was a baby


    Rookies 2- Are you talking about when I was little wood

    Both queens on black TEAM- HOW ABOUT YOU USE

    (Sarcastically) MAGIC......... to make yourself normal

    PAWN 1- (Yelling) Its real! Just let me get to the other side of

    the board and I will show you!

    King 1- Even knowing he is the lowest rank of chess pieces

    they can turn into real life! So just let him show you!

    Queen 2- Fine then also just to make the bet legal, lets sign

    this deed for the rights of the kingdom of Chessland

    Pawn 1- Thank you! Now I have to go 6 spaces to perform a

    miracle and finally 6.

    End of act 3

    Act 4

    Narrator- (The blacks have finally let the pawn through but the

    question is, is their magic real?)

    Pawn 1- How do I look?

    Queen 2- You look the same

    Pawn 1- Then how could I move six spaces at a time if I am a


    King 1- You just got OWNED!!!

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    Queen 2- I am afraid that you are right. I am ready for the

    punishment that lies for me ahead!

    King 1- Firstly teach him some manners, then teach him to

    walk. Like we all can, then teach him to talk like us!

    Queen 2- Really all of us, really I am so surprised. Hey whats

    the catch?

    King 1- Forfeit this match

    Queen 2- For what? A magic trick which is probable caused by

    the gods above.... Whoops sorry just one god......... ME

    King 1- Pawns take the queens out. By our normal way, not

    their way!

    Queens 2- You will never take our spirit nor the throne thats

    waiting for me!

    King 1- Well see about that. After your disappearance

    someone will need to take your throne as Queen

    Queen 2- Well be back whether you like it or not

    King 1- NOT

    Rookie 2- Hey thats.... ummm I know it, I know that is shes our

    jester haha Ive always been on the White team! Why do you

    think Ive never taken their pieces?

    Pawn 1- Yeah bro great job, also he is my brother!!

    Queen 2- How did you become a black piece then?

    Rookie 2- Pass me that bucket of water (queen passes the

    bucket of water suspiciously, and rookie splashes water over

    himself) See Ive always been white!!

    Queen 2- How did you pass the recruitment centre?

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    Rookie 2- Well I sort of bribed your manager

    Queen 2- How much?

    Rookie 2- 2 million dollars, nah 2 billion dollars

    Queen 2- How can you afford that type of money?

    Pawn 1- The king is our dad, he can afford anything!

    Queen 2- But he cant afford a loss

    Rookie 2- Can we stop fighting pweeeeeese Im missing

    SpongeBob (sobs)King 1- Look what you did, you monster, you made my little kid


    Queen 2- You know what? I really dont care

    King 1- You are so mean!! (sobs as he wipes away a tear)

    Pawn 1- Youre right theyre so mean. I wish theyd just


    Queen 2- I dont understand why you always call me names?

    King 1- (Whilst sobbing) Are you finally going to give up? or are

    you going to pretend that you actually have a chance, at

    winning this chess match

    Queen 2- I believe we can win this chess match BRING ITON!!!

    End of Act 4

    Act 5

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    (The black team is in a impossible state to win, but still the

    queen does not show any weakness to the white team which

    on the queens part is impeccably smart)

    Narrator- The King continually teases the black team

    King 1- I bet your just trying to act macho to your chumps that

    are still on the board. This is your board; two queens, two

    pawns and a wait... a traitor rookie.

    Rookie 1- Right on Dad

    Pawn 1- Yeah, right on

    Queen 2- You can tell that you guys are family just look at the


    King 1- Maybe your just dumb, ever thought about that

    Queen 2- No, I havent actually because our family centuries

    ago (continues talking whilst being talked over)

    Rookie 1- Ive heard this story millions of times, I could

    remember every bit of it

    Queen 2- Millions upon millions of dol.... whats that? (pointing)

    King 1- Obviously that is a..... uhhh ummm

    Rookie 1- It looks like the founder of the village Rachu-Rachu

    Narrator- The founder of the village talked to the chess pieces

    and resolved the problem. It turned out the king of the white

    team was actually related to the queen of the black team. So

    they were brothers and sisters so after all that, the queen

    actually had two wonderful nephews