Understanding Islam 1 Understanding Islam Dr. Stephen M. Kirby [email protected] IslamSeries.org ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Islam – the religion taught by Muhammad. Islam does not mean peace. The Arabic word 'Islam' simply means 'submission', and derives from a word meaning 'peace'. In a religious context it means complete submission to the will of God. Website of the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia, Washington, DC http://www.saudiembassy.net/about/country-information/Islam/understanding_Islam.aspx ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Muslims – followers of Islam ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________

The Arabic word 'Islam' simply means Understanding … Islam 2 The Five Pillars of Islam 1. Proclamation of Faith ( Shahadah ): There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger

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Page 1: The Arabic word 'Islam' simply means Understanding … Islam 2 The Five Pillars of Islam 1. Proclamation of Faith ( Shahadah ): There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger

Understanding Islam


Understanding Islam

Dr. Stephen M. Kirby

[email protected]









Islam – the religion taught by Muhammad.

Islam does not mean peace.

The Arabic word 'Islam' simply means 'submission', and derives from a word meaning 'peace'. In a religious context it means complete submission to the will of God.

Website of the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia, Washington, DC









Muslims – followers of Islam








Page 2: The Arabic word 'Islam' simply means Understanding … Islam 2 The Five Pillars of Islam 1. Proclamation of Faith ( Shahadah ): There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger

Understanding Islam


The Five Pillars of Islam

1. Proclamation of Faith (Shahadah): There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger.

2. Five scheduled prayers daily

3. Almsgiving (Zakat)

4. Fasting

5. Pilgrimage to Mecca for those who are able (Hajj)








Muhammad bin Abdullah

570 AD - Born in Mecca

595 AD – Married Khadija

610 AD – First “revelation”

613 AD – “Revelation” to preach openly








Muhammad bin Abdullah

619 AD – Khadija and Abu Talib died

620 AD – Six men from Medina converted to Islam (Ansar – Helpers)

621 AD – First Pledge of Al-Aqabah

June 622 AD – Second Pledge of Al-Aqabah








Page 3: The Arabic word 'Islam' simply means Understanding … Islam 2 The Five Pillars of Islam 1. Proclamation of Faith ( Shahadah ): There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger

Understanding Islam


Muhammad bin Abdullah

July 622 AD – The Hijra (Mecca to Medina –the Emigrants/Muhajirun)

September 622 AD – Muhammad emigrates to Medina

The first “fighting” verse was “revealed”:








Muhammad bin Abdullah

Permission to fight (against disbelievers) is given to those (believers) who are fought against, because they have been wronged; and surely, Allah is able to give them (believers) victory.

Chapter 22, Verse 39








Muhammad bin Abdullah

Jihad (holy fighting in Allah's Cause) is ordained for you (Muslims) though you dislike it, and it may be that you dislike a thing which is good for you and that you like a thing which is bad for you. Allah knows but you do not know.

Chapter 2, Verse 216








Page 4: The Arabic word 'Islam' simply means Understanding … Islam 2 The Five Pillars of Islam 1. Proclamation of Faith ( Shahadah ): There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger

Understanding Islam


Muhammad bin Abdullah

March 624 AD – Battle of Badr (about 314 Muslim warriors). Plunder and Paradise.

January 630 AD – Muslims conquer Mecca









610-622 AD – About 200 Muslim converts

September 622 AD – Hijrah with 70 Muslim men and their families

March 624 AD – Fight, Plunder, Paradise(Badr – 314 Muslim warriors)

January 630 AD – 10,000 Muslim warriors conquer Mecca








June 7, 632 AD – Muhammad died in Medina

On his death bed he said

I will expel the Jews and Christians from the Arabian Peninsula and will not leave any but Muslims.

Sahih Muslim, Vol. 5, No. 1767








Page 5: The Arabic word 'Islam' simply means Understanding … Islam 2 The Five Pillars of Islam 1. Proclamation of Faith ( Shahadah ): There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger

Understanding Islam


The Koran

The unadulterated, pure word of Allah, eternal and perfect, and delivered through the angel Gabriel to the final prophet Muhammad.








The KoranConsists of 114 chapters (Suras) – not arranged in chronological order – generally from longest to shortest.

According to Islamic tradition, the first chapter “revealed” was Chapter 96.

The last chapter “revealed” was Chapter 9.








The Koran

Putting it together:

Compilation of the Koran was ordered by Abu Bakr, the first caliph after Muhammad’s death, with the assistance of 'Umar, who subsequently became the second caliph.

Only one copy of the Koran was made.








Page 6: The Arabic word 'Islam' simply means Understanding … Islam 2 The Five Pillars of Islam 1. Proclamation of Faith ( Shahadah ): There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger

Understanding Islam


The Koran

Uthman, the third caliph

(reigned 644-656 AD)

Differences in how the Koran was being recited in the expanding Muslim empire.

He ordered 4-7 additional copies of the one Koran to be made and distributed. All other copies/partial copies were destroyed.








The KoranBut was a verse left out of the Koran? ‘Umar said:

Allah sent Muhammad with the Truth and revealed the Book (the Qur'an) to him, and among what Allah revealed, was the Verse of the Rajm (the stoning to death) of married person [sic] (male and female) who commits illegal sexual intercourse, and we did recite this Verse and understood and memorized it. Allah's messenger did carry out the punishment of stoning and so did we after him. I am afraid that after a long time has passed, somebody will say, 'By Allah, we do not find the Verse of the Rajm in Allah's Book,' and thus they will go astray by leaving an obligation which Allah has revealed.

Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol. 8, No. 6830








The Koran

And verily, 'Umar brought Zayd ayat al-rajm(the "stoning verse") to include in the codex, but Zayd did not include it because 'Umar was the only witness.

The Perfect Guide to the Sciences of the Qur'an, p. 140








Page 7: The Arabic word 'Islam' simply means Understanding … Islam 2 The Five Pillars of Islam 1. Proclamation of Faith ( Shahadah ): There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger

Understanding Islam


The Koran

It was narrated that 'Aishah said: "The Verse of stoning…was revealed, and the paper was with me under my pillow. When the Messenger of Allah died, we were preoccupied with his death, and a tame sheep came in and ate it."

Sunan Ibn Majah, Vol. 3, No. 1944








The Koran on Muhammad

He who obeys the Messenger (Muhammad), has indeed obeyed Allah...

Chapter 4, Verse 80

Indeed in the Messenger of Allah (Muhammad) you have a good example to follow for him who hopes for (the Meeting with) Allah and the Last Day, and remembers Allah much. Chapter 33, Verse 21








…Ibn 'Abbas said that the Prophet said, 'Whoever explains the Qur'an with his opinion or with what he has no knowledge of, then let him assume his seat in the Fire.‘

Tafsir Ibn Kathir, Vol. 1, pp. 32-33








Page 8: The Arabic word 'Islam' simply means Understanding … Islam 2 The Five Pillars of Islam 1. Proclamation of Faith ( Shahadah ): There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger

Understanding Islam


The TafsirsThe tafsirs (commentaries) explain the meanings and the contexts of verses in the Koran.

Tafsir Al-Qurtubi (Al-Qurtubi - 1214-1273 AD)

Tafsir Ibn Kathir (Ibn Kathir - 1323-1396 AD)

Tafsir Al-Jalalayn

Jalalu'd-Din Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Mahalli - 1389-1459 AD

Jalalu'd-Din as-Suyuti - 1445-1505 AD. (p. xv)








The Sunnah

The examples, ways, and teachings of Muhammad that have become rules to be followed by Muslims.

Two sources for the Sunnah:

1. The Hadiths

2. The Sira – the authoritative biography of Muhammad









Reports about the examples and teachings of Muhammad believed to have come from those who were with him and observed and heard them.

Second only to the Koran in importance to Islam.








Page 9: The Arabic word 'Islam' simply means Understanding … Islam 2 The Five Pillars of Islam 1. Proclamation of Faith ( Shahadah ): There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger

Understanding Islam



Six Books of Hadith/The Sound Six:

Sahih Al-Bukhari 810-870 AD

Sahih Muslim 821-875 AD

Sunan Ibn Majah 831-895 AD

Sunan An-Nasa'i 836-925 AD

Sunan Abu Dawud 824-897 AD

Jami' At-Tirmidhi 827-901 AD









It was narrated from Musawir Al-Himyarifrom his mother that she heard Umm Salamah say: "I heard the Messenger of Allah say: 'Any woman who dies when her husband is pleased with her, will enter Paradise.'"

Sunan Ibn Majah, Vol. 3, No. 1854









Narrated Abu Hurairah: Allah's Messenger said, "The Hour will not be established until you fight against the Jews, and the stone behind which a Jew will be hiding will say, 'O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, so kill him.'"

Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol. 4, No. 2926








Page 10: The Arabic word 'Islam' simply means Understanding … Islam 2 The Five Pillars of Islam 1. Proclamation of Faith ( Shahadah ): There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger

Understanding Islam



The Life of Muhammad (Sirat Rasul Allah)

Muhammad Ibn Ishaq (704-773 AD)








SiraMuhammad was involved in the beheading of 600-900 captured males of the Jewish BaniQurayza tribe. He “sent for them and struck off their heads…as they were brought out to him in batches…This went on until the apostle [Muhammad] made an end of them.” Muhammad then “divided” their wives, children, and property among the Muslims, and sold other of the women “for horses and weapons.”

The Life of Muhammad, pp. 464 and 466








SiraWhen Kinana bin al-Rabi of the Jewish Bani al-Nadir tribe would not reveal where his conquered tribe’s treasures were hidden, Muhammad ordered one of his soldiers, “Torture him until you extract what he has,” so a fire was built on Kinana’s chest until Kinana nearly died. Kinana's head was then cut off by one of the Muslims.

The Life of Muhammad, p. 515








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Understanding Islam


SiraThey took several captives from the people of Mina’ which is on the shore, a mixed lot among them. They were sold as slaves and families were separated. The apostle arrived as they were weeping and inquired the reason. When he was told he said, 'Sell them only in lots', meaning the mothers with the children.

The Life of Muhammad, p. 791, n. 914








Des Moines


Feb 11, 2012

Page 1E








The Tafsirs

By the (steeds) that run, with panting. Striking sparks of fire (by their hooves). And scouring to the raid at dawn. And raise the dust in clouds the while.

Chapter 100, Verses 1-4








Page 12: The Arabic word 'Islam' simply means Understanding … Islam 2 The Five Pillars of Islam 1. Proclamation of Faith ( Shahadah ): There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger

Understanding Islam


The Tafsirs

By the (steeds) that run, with panting:

Allah swears by the horses when they are made to gallop into battle in His path (i.e., Jihad), and thus they run and pant…

Tafsir Ibn Kathir, Vol. 10, p. 566








The Tafsirs

And scouring to the raid at dawn:

…meaning, the raid that is carried out in the early morning time. This is just as the Messenger of Allah used to perform raids in the early morning. He would wait to see if he heard the Adhan (call to prayer) from the people. If he heard it he would leave them alone, and if he didn’t hear it he would attack.

Tafsir Ibn Kathir, Vol. 10, p. 566








The Tafsirs

And raise the dust in clouds the while:

…meaning, dust at the place of battle with the horses.

Tafsir Ibn Kathir, Vol. 10, p. 566








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Understanding Islam


Islamic Society of North America (ISNA):


To foster the development of the Muslim community, interfaith relations, civic engagement, and better understanding of Islam.
















The Tafsirs

Jihad (holy fighting in Allah's Cause) is ordained for you (Muslims) though you dislike it, and it may be that you dislike a thing which is good for you and that you like a thing which is bad for you. Allah knows but you do not know.

Chapter 2, Verse 216








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Understanding Islam









Abrogation – The Key to Understanding Islam

If there is a conflict between the meanings of two “revelations” in the Koran then the most recent “revelation” is the one to be followed.

Medina supersedes Mecca

Whatever a verse (revelation) do We abrogate or cause to be forgotten, We bring a better one or similar to it. Know you not that Allah is Able to do all things? (Chapter 2, Verse 106)









Banning Alcohol – all Medinan verses

They ask you (O Muhammad) concerning alcoholic drink and gambling. Say: "In them is a great sin, and (some) benefits for men, but the sin of them is greater than their benefit.“

Chapter 2, Verse 219








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Understanding Islam



Say, 'O disbelievers! I do not worship that which you worship, but we worship that which you worship.'

Tafsir Ibn Kathir, Vol. 2, p. 468

I worship not that which you worship, nor will you worship that which I worship.

Chapter 109, Verses 2-3









O you who believe! Approach not As-Salat (the prayers) when you are in a drunken state until you know (the meaning) of what you utter... Chapter 4, Verse 43

Those in a drunken state are not to approach the prayer.

Tafsir Ibn Kathir, Vol. 3, p. 257









O you who believe! Intoxicants (all kinds of alcoholic drinks) and gambling...are abominations of Shaitan's (Satan's) handiwork. So avoid (strictly all) that (abominations) in order that you may be successful. Shaitan wants only to excite enmity and hatred between you with intoxicants and gambling, and hinder you from the remembrance of Allah and from As-Salat (the prayer). So will you not then abstain?

Chapter 5, Verses 90-91








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Understanding Islam



So give a respite to the disbelievers; and leave them for a while.

(Chapter 86, Verse 17 – Meccan)

Verily, those who divide their religion and break up into sects (all kinds of religious sects), you (O Muhammad) have no concern with them in the least. Their affair is only with Allah, Who then will tell them what they used to do.

(Chapter 6, Verse 159 – Meccan)








AbrogationThe “Verse of the Sword”

Then when the Sacred Months have passed, then kill the Mushrikun wherever you find them, and capture them and besiege them, and lie in wait for them in every ambush. But if they repent [by rejecting Shirk (polytheism) and accept Islamic Monotheism] and perform As-Salat (the prayers), and give Zakat (obligatory charity), then leave their way free. Verily, Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

Chapter 9, Verse 5









Fight against those who believe not in Allah, nor in the Last Day, nor forbid that which has been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger (Muhammad), and those who acknowledge not the religion of truth (i.e. Islam) among the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians), until they pay the Jizyah with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.

Chapter 9, Verse 29








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Understanding Islam


The Lesson of Abrogation

Abu 'Ubayda said, "Every ayat [verse] which obviates fighting is Makkan and abrogated by the command to fight.

Tafsir Al-Qurtubi, pp. 328-329






