The American Revolution Chapter 9 Lesson 1 Moving Toward Independence

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Parliament’s taxing Tax: money citizens pay to their government for services (war) Stamp act: this tax made colonist buy a stamp for EVERYTHING they bought that was printed on paper So newspapers, playing cards, and Envelopes had a tax..

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The American Revolution Chapter 9 Lesson 1 Moving Toward Independence Colonists Were ready to make their own decisions The teenagers were ready to grow up! Colonist protested when Britain tried to force them to help them pay for the French and Indian war Parliament (the government in Britain) wanted the colonist to help pay for the war Colonist Protesting Parliaments taxing Tax: money citizens pay to their government for services (war) Stamp act: this tax made colonist buy a stamp for EVERYTHING they bought that was printed on paper So newspapers, playing cards, and Envelopes had a tax.. How do you think the colonist felt about these extra taxes??? The colonist did not want Parliament to tax them because they could not elect representatives to speak for them in parliament NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION!!!! The SONS of LIBERTY held protests in the colonies What is a Protest? Protest: a public show of dissatisfaction telling someone you dont like what they are doing out in Public We have protests today It can be peaceful or not The Sons of Liberty attacked tax collectors and broke into their houses. Protesting and Boycotting Boycott: to refuse to buy Example: the Daughters of Liberty boycotted, or refused to buy cloth from britain. They make their own cloth and did not have to pay taxes to Britain. British businesses in the colonies lost money because everyone was boycotting their Parliament canceled the stamp act.? shortName=address Boycotting Sugar in their tea Parliament's Tea Act Colonist make some tea! What do you think Parliament was taxing? you think that the colonist liked this?....NO NO NO Sons of Liberty dressed as Indians and climbed aboard ships and dumped british tea into Boston Harbor! We call this act of the colonist the BOSTON TEA PARTY THIS MADE BRITIANS LEADER ANGRY! THEY SENT SOLDIERS TO THE 13 COLONIES PARLIAMENTS PUNISHMENT PARLIAMENT WANTED TO PUNISH BOSTON ( WHERE THE BOSTON TEA PARTY WAS) Parliament took away all power form Boston and Massachusetts Colonial Governments Colonist called this the INTOLERABLE ACTS-- Intolerable means is cannot be accepted it is TOOOOO BADDDD!2848/Media/ccfpic.jpg&imgrefurl= /cc f.htm&usg=__ewYzaJn- 2NoMsk92qNmZVrppPJo=&h=200&w=320&sz=20&hl=en&start=21&itbs=1 &tbnid=BgMf7Ca6Skl0HM:&tbnh=74&tbnw=118&prev=/images%3Fq%3Din tolerable%2Bacts%2B1774%26hl%3Den%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:1 REVOLUTION BEGINS Conflicts with Britain grew and colonist DECLARED INDEPENDENCE!!!!! REVOLUTION: an overthrow of a government The colonist were angry with Britain so the declared their independence from Britain and started a REVOLUTION!s5/b/causrev.cfm FIRST CONTINENTAL CONGRESS DID 3 THINGS 1. Met in Philadelphia 2. Sent a letter to Britain The letter protested the taxes and the Intolerable acts 3. Stopped ALL trade between the 13 colonies and Britain THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR PAUL REVERE: Rode through the night to warn colonial fighters, called minutement, that the British were coming to attack! Minutemen drove back the WELL TRAINED British army to Boston BATTLE OF BUNKER HILL: British won BUT nearly 1/2 of their soldiers were killed.... The colonist started to believe that they could BEAT THE WELL TRAINED BRITISH you think they will win????? Minute Men Leaving for War Minuteman holding musket and flag. Cover illustration from Harper's Weekly, July 15, 1876. THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE SECOND CONTINENTAL CONGRESS: 1. THOMAS JEFFERSON WROTE THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE INDEPENDENCE: FREEDOM FROM BEING RULED BY SOMEONE RIGHTS: FREEDOMS PROTECTED BY LAWS 2. The 13 COLONIES STARTED A NEW COUNTRY BECAUSE BRITAIN HAD NOT PROTECTED THE COLONIST RIGHTS