The Alpha Attitudes

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  • 8/9/2019 The Alpha Attitudes


    The Alpha Attitudes

    If you set up the frame that she is ALREADY attracted to you, and act in every way congruent

    with that frame, then it almost becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy

    !atch your thoughts, they become your words"

    !atch your words, they become your actions"

    !atch your actions, for they become your deeds"

    !atch your deeds, they become your character"!atch your character, it becomes your destiny#

    Always assume that she will fuc$ you#

    It%s generally agreed that it%s a good idea to always have a positive attitude, but ta$e it one step


    AL!AY& A&&'(E the )E&* possible situation I suppose +(a$e the o &ay o+ is thephysical manifestation of this

    'sing A&&'(.*I/& to lead her state

    *he most important part of a .' is leading ER states, and very little has been said on thissub0ect

    *he /LY way to lay a girl is to get her to feel se1ually attracted to you, but there are certainsteps you have to LEAD her through to get there

    If you A&&'(E her state as being positive, and conductive to your being able to proceed withthe .' 2ie her state is that she is attracted to you, etc3, and you A4* A& I5 she ALREADY feels

    this way, then you can create a frame based on this perception and draw her into your reality

    If you set up the frame that she is ALREADY attracted to you, and act in every way congruent

    with that frame, then it almost becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy If you tal$, act, $ino, use bodylanguage, etc that is completely 4/6R'E* with the 5A4* that she wants you, if you A4*

    A& I5 she already wants you then she will begin to feel that way *here%s a psychological term

    for this that I can%t remember right now, but it is similar to the +fa$e it till you ma$e it+ idea

    &o, for e1ample, let%s assume that you%ve approached a ) and are demonstrating value, alphacharacteristics, etc as per *5( Your .' is going well, but doubt starts to creep into your

    mind +Is she attracted to me7 Am I ma$ing progress7+ ow should you deal with this7

    5irst, brea$ your own state and reframe the situation 4hange the defeatist frame of

    +I%m unsure of her attraction+ to the winning frame of, +&he is attracted to me already+ !e all

  • 8/9/2019 The Alpha Attitudes


    $now to do this by now, I hope &o, how to let ER $now about this new frame and draw her

    into your reality7 &imple A4* A& I5 &tart tal$ing to her li$e you would if she was attracted to

    you 2since, in fact, in your reality she already is#3 &tart */'4I6 her 2$ino3 A& I5 she werealready attracted to you &tart using body language that sends out signals that she is already

    attracted to you )e 4/6R'E* in every way with this new frame, and E&.E4IALLY with

    8I/, and you 4A draw her into your reality

    /ne great e1ample of reframing that I can use as an analogy is (aniac%s post about missing adate and RE5RA(I6 the situ when he called her e did a total reversal and RE5RA(ED as

    if &E was the one who had gotten the date time wrong 2+o, we weren%t supposed to meet last

    night at 9:;;, I have it right here in my schedule, it%s tomorrow night+, etc3 and made ERapologi

  • 8/9/2019 The Alpha Attitudes


    !hat is the .'A aura7 I%ve been thin$ing about it, and the vibe that I aim to put out

    -positive energy

    ->uiet confidence

    -someone people would !A* to be around

    -comfort in own s$in

    -pauses to build up anticipation for 0o$es, etc

    -no fear that tal$ing slow will lose attention of girl or group

    -no fear of +aw$ward pauses+ let%s them linger if he wants

    -rarely laughs at own 0o$es or 4?5 comments, while others laugh

    -ma$es statements, does not as$ >uestions until someone has earned that level of rapport

    -totally in control with absolute security of positive end result

    -$nowing confidence@smile@breathing

    -peaceful loo$, li$e from +(eet oe )lac$+, but with an ultra bad-ass

    coc$y@confident@playful an unlimited ammunition of bad-ass 4?5 lines-ability to switch gears without warning +You%re silly goof 2change tonality to se1ual3

    I want to see you+

    -does not loo$ around at other people, or loo$ concerned or threatened by anyone else very

    much in internally-centered

    Alpha scale#

    I thin$ its because girls DE*E4* when you%ve ED6ED the opener and conversation with

    overly coc$y shit, to protect yourself from re0ection

    It%s called )/LDE&& B& 4/5IDE4E&4ALE:

    -(A4/ 6'Y

    2overcompensates by being too bold3

    -6//D 6'Y

    2doesn%t >ualify himself, but isn%t mean to cover up3

    -I4E 6'Y

    2overcompensates by being too nice3

    )e the good guy A little coc$y, cool sense of humour, but not trying too hard *rying too hard to

    be macho@bold is beta because its overcompensating insecurities


    C I tal$ slow

    I do not care what others thin$

  • 8/9/2019 The Alpha Attitudes


    I do not move or turn around because of others

    F .eople have to wor$ for my attention @ interest

    G I ignore those who are not worthy of my attention

    H I move slowly, rela1ed and controlled

    I stand straight, poised and spread in a rela1ed way

    9 I spea$ in a deep, rela1ed tone

    J I remain alpha regardless of what crisis comes my way

    C;I never supplicate to others

    CCI never >ualifie myself to others

    CI am the anchour of the conversation

    CI am never impressed

    CFI only have rapport with betas, e1cept for a few e1ceptions

    CGI answer >uestions with degrading 0ibberisch

    CHI don%t give a fuc$ about others

    CI get more credit for minor actions than betas C9I have the ultimative comfort in my own s$in

    CJI am the leader

    ;I attract others with my frames

    because I am Alpha

    )y (aniac igh
