الزاويةنويةÐنية النÐوية الحسعل ال1 ِ مْ سِ ŗ ِ اِ نٰ مْ ح الرْ يِ ح الرِ م ة يِ او الز ة يِ و ل عْ ال ة يِ نْ Ð س حْ ال ة يِ و نْ Ð النThe Alawi Husayni Ninowy Zawiyah Of The Shadhili Rifa’i Qadiri Sufi Tariqa ا نِ د ي س ãƻ ع ل ص م ŵ لل ا م ح مِ د ِ Ŷِ آل وِ رْ و الن

The Alawi Husayni Ninowy Zawiyahihsanpath.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/The-sevens-of... · 2019. 12. 7. · (3) And from the mischief of darkness when it sets in (4) And from

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  • العلوية الحسينية النينوية الزاوية


    ِم الرَّحِيْ الرَّْحٰمِن اللِ بِْسِم

    النَّْيَنوِيِّة اْلح َسْينِيَّة اْلَعَلوِيَّة الزَّاوَِية

    The Alawi Husayni Ninowy Zawiyah


    The Shadhili Rifa’i Qadiri Sufi Tariqa

    َحمَّ اَللَّه مَّ َصلِّ َعلَى َسيِِّدنَا النُّْورِ َوآلِهِ ۣ دِ م

  • العلوية الحسينية النينوية الزاوية


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  • العلوية الحسينية النينوية الزاوية


    ية َاْلم َسبََّعات اْلخِْْضِ

    The Sevens of Al Khidr (Alayhi As Salaam)

  • العلوية الحسينية النينوية الزاوية


    This page intentionally left blank

  • العلوية الحسينية النينوية الزاوية


    The Seeker reads the ten sevens of Al Khidr

    ِم الرَّحِيْ الرَّْحٰمِن اللِ بِْسِم

    ْ َلمِ اْلٰع َربِّ ِہلِلْمد َاْلحَ يْ ٰم ﴾۲﴿ ِم الرَّْحٰمِن الرَّحِيْ ﴾۱﴿ۙ ۙ َن ی اَک اِيَّ اَک َنْعب د َو اِيَّ ﴾۳﴿ۙ ۙ ِن لِِک َيْومِ الدِّ

    ْ ِ ﴾۴﴿ۙ ۙ ن َنْسَتِعی اَط اَمۡیِقَتۡسُمۡل نَا دِ ہْ ا َ ْ ﴾۵﴿ۙ ۙ الِّصِّاَط الَِّذي ْيہِ َت َعلَ َن اَْنَعمْ ِِصَ

    ْ ْم ۙۙ۬ ۬ ِ الْ غَی وْ َمغْ ر َوَل ْم ْيہِ ِب َعلَ ض

    ا ْ الضَّ َسْبًعا - ﴾۷﴿ َن لِّی

    ِم الرَّحِيْ الرَّْحٰمِن اللِ بِْسِم

    ﴾۴ۣ ﴿اْلَوْسَواِس ۙ۬ اْلَخنَّاِس ََشِّ ِمْن ﴾۳﴿ۙ ۙ اِلِٰہ النَّاِس ﴾۲﴿ۙ ۙ النَّاِس َملِِک ﴾۱ۣ ﴿ النَّاِس بَِربِّ ق ْل اَع ْوذ

    ْورِ الَِّذْی د ٪ۙ ۙ النَّاِس َو اْلجِنَِّة ِمَن ﴾۵ۣ ﴿النَّاِس ي َوْسوِس فِْی ص َسْبًعا -ۙ ﴾۶﴿

    ِم الرَّحِيْ الرَّْحٰمِن اللِ بِْسِم

    ٰثِت فِی ﴾۳﴿ۙ ۙ َو ِمْن ََشِّ َغاِسٍق اَِذا َوَقَب ﴾۲﴿ۙ ۙ ِمْن ََشِّ َما َخَلَق ﴾۱﴿ۙ ۙ ق ْل اَع ْوذ بَِربِّ اْلَفَلِق َو ِمْن ََشِّ النَّفّٰ

    َقدِ ٪ۙ ۙ َو ِمْن ََشِّ َحاِسٍد اَِذا َحَسَد ﴾۴﴿ۙ ۙ اْلع َسْبًعا - ﴾۵﴿

    بِْسِم اللِ الرَّْحٰمِن الرَّحِْيِم

    َمد ﴾۱﴿ۙ ۙ َاَحد الل ہ َو ق ْل ًوا َاَحد َو َلْم َيك ْن ﴾۳﴿َلْم يَلِْد ۙ۬ َو َلْم ي ْوَلْد ﴾۲﴿ۙ َالل الصَّ ف ٪ۙ ۙ لَّٗہ ك َسْبًعا -ۙ ﴾۴﴿

    ِم الرَّحِيْ الرَّْحٰمِن اللِ بِْسِم

    ٰۤاَ ْوَن ق ْل ي ْوَن ۙ ﴾۱ۣ ﴿يَُّہا اْلكِِٰف ْوَن َمۤا َاْعب د ۙ ﴾۲﴿ۙ ۙ َلۤ اَْعب د َما َتْعب د ا ﴾۳﴿ۙ ۙ َو َلۤ َاْمُتۡن ٰعبِد َو َلۤ َانَا َعابِد مَّ

    ْوَن َمۤا اَْعب د ﴾۴ۣ ﴿َعَبْدتُّْم ٪ۙ ۙ دِيْن ك ْم َولَِی دِيِْن َلك ْم ۙ ﴾۵﴿ۙ ۙ َو َلۤ َاْمُتۡن ٰعبِد ۙ َسْبًعا - ﴾۶﴿

  • العلوية الحسينية النينوية الزاوية


    In the name of God, the Merciful, the Especially Merciful

    (1) Praise God, Lord of the Universe (2) The Merciful, the Especially Merciful (3) Owner of

    the Day of Doctrine {Judgement} (4) You Alone we worship and You Alone we beseech (5)

    Show us the straight path (6) The path of those you favor, not those with wrath upon them

    nor those astray! –7 times

    In the name of God, the Merciful, the Especially Merciful

    (1) Say: I seek refuge with the Lord of humanity (2) The Ruler of humanity (3) The god of

    humanity (4) From the mischievous whispers of the retreater (5) The one who whispers in

    humanities' hearts (6) Among sprites and humanity. –7 times

    In the name of God, the Merciful, the Especially Merciful

    (1) Say: I seek refuge with the Lord of Daybreak (2) From the mischief of what He created

    (3) And from the mischief of darkness when it sets in (4) And from the mischief of magic's

    dischargers (5) And from the mischief of the envious when they envy. –7 times

    In the name of God, the Merciful, the Especially Merciful

    (1) Say: God is One (2) God is Absolute (3) He neither sired, nor was sired (4) And no one

    could be like Him –7 times

    In the name of God, the Merciful, the Especially Merciful

    (1) Say: O infidels (2) I worship not what you worship (3) And you are not worshippers of

    what I worship (4) And I am not a worshipper of what you worship (5) And you are not

    worshippers of what I worship (6) To you your religion and to me mine! –7 times

  • العلوية الحسينية النينوية الزاوية


    الرَّحِْيِم بِْسِم اللِ الرَّْحٰمِن

    َل َاْلَحیُّ ۙ ۙ ۣ ہ وَ اِلَّ اِلَٰہ َلۤ َالل ْوم ۙ۬ ٗہ ِسَنة اْلَقيُّ ذ خ

    ٰمٰوِت َوَما َتاْ ؕ َلٗہ َما فِی السَّ َل نَْوم ِ وَّ ؕ َمْن ف ِِ ی اْلَْر

    ْوَن بَِش َذا الَِّذْی َیْشَفع عِْنَدہ ْن عِْلمِٖہۤ اِلَّ بِاِذْنِٖہؕ َیْعَلم َما بَیَْن َايِْديْہِْم َوَما َخْلَفہ ْم َوَل ي ِحْيط ٍٍ مِّ ْۡی

    َِ ٰمٰوِت َواْلَْر ہ السَّ ِسيُّ ْ ٍَ َوِسَع ُك بَِماَشا ہ َما َوہ َو اْلَعلِیُّ اْلَعِظيْ د ہٗ َيئ وْ َوَل اِلَّ َسْبًعا -م ﴾ حِْفظ

    ْبَحاَن ةَ َو َل َوَل َحْوَل اَْكبَر الل َو الل اِلَّ َوَل إَِلهَ اللِ َواْلَحْمد اللِ س اْلَعلِیِّ للِ ا بِااِلَّ ق وَّ

    اْلَعِظْيِم َسْبًعا - ل َونِْعَم اْلَوكِي الل َحْسِبَۡی

    دِ َسيِِّدنَا َعلَى َصلِّ اَللَّه مَّ َحمَّ مرّة ِمائة - َوآلِهِ النُّْورِ ۣ م

    نَْيا فِی آتَِنا َربََّنا ِ فِی َو َحَسَنًة الدُّ ة َبْعَد ق ل ْوبََنا ت زِغْ َل َربََّنا ٠ النَّارِ َعَذاَب َوقَِنا َحَسَنًة اْْلِِخَ

    نَْك ِمْن َلَنا َوَهْب َهَديْتََنا إِذْ ََّك َرْحَمًة َلد ٠ اْلَوهَّاب َانَْت إِن

    ئَِكَتہٗ َو اللَ اِنَّ ٰۤاَ َمل ؕ ي ْوَن َعلَی النَِّبۡیِّ ْوا الَِّذيَْن يَُّہا ی َصلُّ ْوا َعَلْيِہ َوَسلِّم ٠ َتْسلِْۡیً ٰاَمن ْوا َصلُّ

    ٍد َسيِِّدنَا َعلَى َوبَارِْك َوَسلِّْم َصلِّ اَللَّه مَّ َحمَّ ِ َعَددَ آلِهِ َعلَى َو م ِ يَلِْيق َوَكَما اللِ ْنَعامِ إ ٠ َكَمالِهِ ب

    ٍد أَْسَعِدنَا َعلَى َوبَارِْك َوَسلِّْم َصلِّ اَللَّه مَّ َحمَّ ِ َعَددَ آلِهِ َعلَى َو م ِ يَلِْيق َوَكَما اللِ مِ ْنَعا إ ٠ َكَمالِهِ ب

    ٍد ىن ْورِاْله َد َوبَارِْك َعلَى َوَسلِّْم َصلِّ اَللَّه مَّ َحمَّ ِ َو َعلَى آلِهِ َعَدَد م ٠بَِكَمالِهِ يَلِْيق َوَكَما اللِ مِ ْنَعا إ

  • العلوية الحسينية النينوية الزاوية


    In the name of God, the Merciful, the Especially Merciful

    God, there is no god but He, the Living, Self-Subsisting. Neither sleep nor slumber overtakes

    Him. He possesses all that is in the heavens and earth. Who intercedes with Him without

    His permission? He knows what is before them and after them and they grasp nothing of

    His knowledge but what He wills. His throne spans the heavens and earth and it tires Him

    not maintaining them. And He is the Great, the High! –7 times

    Glory to God, Praise God, there is no god but God, God is the Greatest, there is neither

    Power nor Change but by God, Enough for me is God and the Best Guardian. –7 times

    O God, send prayers upon our Master Muhammad, the Light, and his Family! –100 times

    Our Lord, grant us good in this life, good in the next and save us from the torment of the

    fire. Our Lord, do not let our hearts waiver after You have guided us and bestow upon us

    Mercy from Your Self, surely You are the Bestower!

    God and His Angels surely send prayers upon the Prophet; O you who believe, send prayers

    upon him and salute him most thoroughly!

    O God, send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family to the

    number of God's bounties and as befits his entirety!

    O God, send prayers upon, salute and bless our Excellency Muhammad and his Family to

    the number of God's bounties and as befits his entirety!

    O God, send prayers upon, salute and bless the Light of Guidance Muhammad and his

    Family to the number of God's bounties and as befits his wholesomeness!

  • العلوية الحسينية النينوية الزاوية


    ٍد َسيِِّدنَا َعلَى َوبَارِْك َوَسلِّْم َصلِّ اَللَّه مَّ َحمَّ ٍد َسيِِّدنَا آلِ َعلَى َو م َحمَّ َ َصلَّْيَت َكَما م ى َعل

    ٍد َسيِِّدنَا َعلَى َوبَارِْك ، إِبَْراهِيَم َسيِِّدنَا آلِ َعلَى َو ، إِبَْراهِيَم َسيِِّدنَا َحمَّ ِدنَا َسيِّ آلِ َعلَى َو م

    َحمَّدٍ ْ فِی إِبَْراهِيَم ، َسيِِّدنَا آلِ َعلَى َو إِبَْراهِيَم ، َسيِِّدنَا َعلَى بَاَرْكَت َكَما ، م ََّك َن اْلَعا َلمِی َحمِْيد إِن

    ٍَ َخْلقَِك َمجِْيد ، َعَدَد ِشَك َوزِنََة َنْفِسَك َورَِضا َما كَلَِماتَِك َوِمَدادَ ََعَْك ، ك لَّ ا َذَُكَ

    ْوَن الذَّ ُِك

    َك َغَفَل َو َسْبًعا -اْلَغافِل ْوَن َعْن ذُِْكِ

    ٍد َسيِِّدنَا َعلَى َوبَارِْك َوَسلِّْم َصلِّ اَللَّه مَّ َحمَّ ِ بَِجَمالِهِ َتلِْيق َصََلةً آلِهِ َعلَى َو م ،َوَكَمالِهِ هِ َوَجََل ل

    َحمَّدٍ َسيِِّدنَا َعلَى َوبَارِْك َوَسلِّْم َصلِّ َو ََلةِ َوأَذِْقَنا آلِهِ َعلَى َو م ة َعَلْيهِ بِالصَّ ِ َ َلذَّ ٠ هِ وَِصال

    ٍد َسيِِّدنَا َعلَى َوبَارِْك َوَسلِّْم َصلِّ اَللَّه مَّ َحمَّ لِیَن فِی ِ آلِه َعلَى َو م بَارِْك َعلَى َو َوَسلِّْم َوَصلِّ ، اْْلَوَّ

    ٍد َسيِِّدنَا َحمَّ يَن ، فِی آلِهِ َعلَى َو م ٍد َسيِِّدنَا َعلَى َوبَارِْك َوَسلِّْم َصلِّ َو اْْلِِخِ َحمَّ فِْی آلِهِ َعلَى َو م

    ٍد َعلَى َوبَارِْك َوَسلِّْم َصلِّ َو ، حِیٍن وَّ َوْقٍت ك لِّ َحمَّ ِ اْْلَْعلىَ فِی اْلَمََلِ آلِهِ َعلَى َو َسيِِّدنَا م لَى َيْومِ إ

    يِن ۢۡبَِيا َعلَى َجمِْيِع َوبَارِْك َوَسلِّْم َصلِّ َو ،الدِّ ئَِكةِ َعلَى َو ، َواْلم رَْسلِیَْن ٍِ اْْلَن بِیَْن الْ اْلَمل َّ ََ ، م

    ِ َعلَى َو الِِحیَْن اللِ عَِباد َمَواِت أَْهِل ِمْن الصَّ َوَتَعالَى َتَباَرَك الل َوَرضَِۡی ، اْْلََرِضیَْن َوأَهِْل السَّ

    ِ َعْن َسا َو ، َعلِّیٍ َو ع ْثَماَن َو ع َمَر َو بَْْكٍ أَبِیْ اْلَجلِیِّ اْلَقْدرِ َذوِی َعْن َساَداتَِنا اللِ ْولِ أَْصَحاِب َرس ئِر

    ابِِعیَْن َعِن ، َو َواْلم َهاِجرِيَْن ْنَصارِ اْْلَ ِمَن أَْجَمِعیَْن ْم التَّ ِلَى بِإِْحَساٍن َله يِْن َيْومِ إ نَاَوا الدِّ ْ ْحُش

    ْم َواْرَحْمَنا ْوم َيا ٠َيا َحیُّ ٠ لل اَ َيا ٠ الرَّاحِمِیَْن أَْرَحَم َيا بَِرْحَمتَِك َمَعه أَنَْت ٠ َقيُّ٠َل إَِلَه إِلَّ

  • العلوية الحسينية النينوية الزاوية


    O God, send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and the Folk of our

    Master Muhammad just as you sent prayers upon our Master Abraham and the Folk of our

    Master Abraham, and bless our Master Muhammad and the Folk of our Master Muhammad

    just as you blessed our Master Abraham and the Folk of our Master Abraham, throughout

    the Universe; You are surely Praised, Exalted! {Do this} to the number of Your creations, to

    Your Self's Pleasure, the Beauty of your Throne, Extent of Your Words, for every instance

    those who remember You do so and those who neglect You do so! –7 times

    O God, send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family a prayer

    that befits his beauty, his splendor and his wholesomeness, and send prayers upon, salute

    and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family and let us taste by sending prayers upon

    him the delight of communing with him!

    O God, send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family among

    those of old, and send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his

    Family among those of new, and send prayers upon, and bless our Master Muhammad and

    his Family in every instant and interval, and send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master

    Muhammad and his Family in the Highest Assembly until the Day of Judgement, and send

    prayers upon, salute and bless the entirety of Prophets and Messengers, as well as the

    Close Angels…

    And God's Righteous Servants of the inhabitants of Heavens and Earths! The pleasure of

    God, Blessed and High, be upon our Manifest, Worthy Masters, Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman,

    and Ali and the remaining Companions of God's Messenger altogether, among the Helpers

    (Ansar), Migrants (Muhajireen) and those who follow them in goodness until the Day of

    Judgement! And gather us and have mercy upon us with them, by Your Mercy, O Most

    Merciful of the Merciful! O God! O Living, Self-Sustaining! There is no god but You!

  • العلوية الحسينية النينوية الزاوية


    َحمَّدٍ َسيِِّدنَا َعلَى َوبَارِْك َوَسلِّْم َصلِّ اَللَّه مَّ اِج م الِِكیَْن ق ل ْوِب ِِسَ َمْشَهدِ َوَجنَِّة السَّ

    یَْن ٍِ بِیَْن اْلَمْحب ْو ق ل ْوِب َحِة َوَرا اْلم ِحبِّ َوَجََلِل لِمِیِْن اْلَعا عِْلِم َوَمْنَشإِ اْلَعارِفِیَْن َتاِج َولَِوا

    ٠ اْلَمْخل ْو قِیَْن أَْنَفاِس َعَددَ َوَسلِّْم آلِهِ َعلَى َو اْلَهائِمِیَْن َجَمالِ

    ٍد َسيِِّدنَا َعلَى َوبَارِْك َوَسلِّْم َصلِّ اَللَّه مَّ َحمَّ َمامِ اْلَبْدرِ َعلَى آلِهِ َو م ََل َوِمْصَباحِ التَّ مِ الظَّ

    ِفْيِع ِع الشَّ ِذْی َالنَِّبۡیِّ ، َواْلِْزدَِحامِ الرَّْجَفِة َيْوَم فِْيَنا اْلم َشفَّ ، َوَرائَِحت ه ن ْورٍ ن ْور َفْوَق َهْيَئت ه الَّ

    ه كَاف ْور َو َوَعْنبَر َو َوْرد َونَدٌّ ِمْسك ٍ ، َورِْیق َشوِّق نَ ، َصََلًة َوَمْعل ْوٍل َعلِْيَلٍة لِك لِّ ِشَفا إَِلْيهِ ات

    ه مَّ َعَلْيهِ ، َصلِّ َوت َهيِّم َناى أَْن ت ِحبُّ َكَما َعَلْيهِ َوَسلِّْم اللَّ

    َّ َم ی َصل ٠ َعَلْيهِ َوی َسلَّ

    ْقَنا َمَحبَّتِهِ كَاَساِت ِمْن ْسقَِنا أَ َو َوعِْشقِهِ وَِصالِهِ فِْی أَْفنَِنا اَللَّه مَّ اَريِْن فِی َمْوَلنَا َيا َواْرز الدَّ

    ْؤَيَته نَّتِهِ اتَِّباِع َعلَى أَْحيَِنا َو ر َفَقائِهِ َواْجَعْلَنا ِمْن ِملَّتِهِ َعلَى َوأَِمتَْنا س ْعه ، ر َكَما فِْيَنا َوَشفِّ

    َع أَْن ي ِحبُّ ٠ بِّ اْلَعاَلمِیَْن َر ِہلِل َواْلَحْمد َعَلْيهِ َواْلم َسلِّمِیَْن خَِيارِاْلم َصلِّیَْن ِمْن َواْجَعْلَنا فِْيَنا ی َشفَّ

    َمًدا بََركَاتَِك َوأَنَْمى ، أَبًَدا َصَلَوا تَِك أَْفَضَل اْجَعْل اَللَّه مَّ َعَدًدا ، َعلَى وَّ َفْضًَل َتِحيَّاتَِك َوأَْزكَى َِسْ

    ِف ِ اْلَخََلئِِق أََْشَ ِة اْل ِ اْلَحَقائِِق َوَمْجَمَع ، ْنَسانِيَّ َجلَِّياِت اْل ِة ، َوطَْورِ التَّ ِ يَْمانِيَّ ْحَسانِيَّةِ ، اْل

    ارِاْْلَ َِوَمْهبِط ِة ِْسَ مِ النَّبِیَّٖن عِْقِد َواِسَطِة ، الرَّْحَمانِيَّ َقدَّ َوَقائِِد َرْكِب ، َجْيِش اْلم رَْسلِیَْن ، َوم

    ۢۡبَِيا ِمیَْن ٍِ اْْلَن ٍِ َحاِمِل ، أَْجَمِعیَْن اْلَخْلِق ، َوَاْفَضِل اْلم َْكَّ ِة َوَمالِِك ، اْْلَْعلَى اْلِعزِّ لَِوا اْلَمْجِد أَزِمَّ

    ِق َواْلِحْلِم اْلِعْلِم َمنَۢۡبِع اْْلَ ْسنَۡی ، َتِب َواْلِحَكِم ، اْلم َتَحقِّ ب ْودِيَِّة بِأَْعلَى ر بِأَْخََلِق َاْلم َتَخلِِّق ، اْلع

  • العلوية الحسينية النينوية الزاوية


    O God send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad, the light of travellers'

    hearts, the garden of the lovers' shrine, the relief to the beloveds' hearts, the mark of the

    gnostics' crown, the source of scholars' knowledge, the splendorous beauty of the sincerely

    intent, and his Family, and salute him the number of breaths of created beings!

    O God send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family, the

    completely full moon, the lamp amid darkness, the pre-eminent intercessor for us on the

    Day of Convulsion and Crowding, the Prophet whose form is light upon light, whose scent is

    musk, incense, rose, ambergris and camphor, and whose saliva is a cure for the ailing, a

    prayer arousing in us a yearning for him, infatuating us with him! Send prayers upon him, O

    God and salute him as You love that prayers are sent upon him and that he is saluted!

    O God annihilate us in his communion and ardor, slake us from the cups of his love, provide

    us, O our Protector, with vision of him in both realms, revive us to follow his way (Sunnah)

    and have us die on his creed, make us of his comrades, let him intercede for us as he loves

    to, and make us of the best of those who send prayers upon him and salute him, and praise

    God, Lord of the Universe!

    O God make the best of Your prayers everlasting, Your continually increasing blessings

    eternal, and Your purest greetings countless and virtuous, for the Most Noble of human

    creations, amalgam of truths of faith, limit of revealed perfection, birthplace of Merciful

    secrets, highlight of the Prophetic necklace, commander of the army of Messengers, chief

    of the noble Prophets' troop, best of Creation altogether, bearer of the most exalted

    standard, owner of reins of splendid majesty, fountainhead of knowledge, forebearance

    and wisdom, validator of the highest order of servitude, perfumed by manners of the

  • العلوية الحسينية النينوية الزاوية


    ِة ِت اْلَمَقاَما مِ ، َسيِِّدنَا ، َواْلَحبِْيِب َاْلَخلِْيِل اْْلَْعَظِم ، اْلِْصِطَفائِيَّ َحمَّدِ َوَمْوَلنَا اْْلَُْكَ بِن م

    لِِب ، َعْبِد بِن اللِ َعْبدِ ىاْلم طََّّ ٠ ْم َوَسلَّ َصْحبِهِ َو َو َعلَى آلِهِ َعَلْيهِ الل َصل

    َوبَارِْك َوَسلِّْم َصلِّ َۙللَّه مَّ ا1ٍد َعلَى َسيِِّدنَا َوَمْوَلنَا َحمَّ ِة ، اْْلَْصِل ةِ َشَجرَ َعلَى آلِهِ َو م النُّْوَرانِيَّ

    ِ َوأَْفَضِل اْلَخلِْيَقِة ِف اْل ِة ، َوأََْشَ ْوَرةِ ْنَسانِيَّ ِة الصُّ ارِ َوَمْعِدِن ، اْلجِْسَمانِيَّ ِة ، اْْلَِْسَ الرَّبَّانِيَّ

    ل ْومِ ِة ، َوَخزَائِِن اْلع ِة ، َوالرُّْتَبِة اْلَبْهَجِة َصاحِِب اْلِْصِطَفائِيَّ نِيَّ ِة السَّ انَْدَرَجِت ، َمِن اْلَعلِيَّ

    ْوَن ْم َتْحَت النَّبِيُّ َما َعَددَ ، آلِهِ َعلَى َعَلْيهِ ، َو َوبَارِْك َوَسلِّْم َصلِّ َو إَِلْيهِ ،َ و ِمْنه لَِوائِهِ ، َفه

    ِلَى َوأَْحَيْيَت َوأََمتَّ َوَرَزْقَت َخَلْقَت ِہلِل َواْلَحْمد َكثِیًْرا َتْسلِْۡیً َوَسلِّْم أَْفَنْيَت َمْن َتْبَعث َيْومِ إ

    ٠ اْلَعاَلمِیَْن َربِّ

    ِ ق ، ار ، َواْنَفَلَقِت اْْلَنَْوار ، َوفِْيهِ اْرَتَقِت اْلَحَقائ ِت اْْلَ ِْسَاَللَّه مَّ َصلِّ 2 َعلَى َمْن ِمْنه اْنَشقَّ

    َلِت َله اْلَخََلئَِق ، َو َفأَْعَجزَ آَدَم ع ل ْوم َوَتَنزََّلْت ٍَ ، َوَل َسابِق ِمنَّا ي ْدرِْكه َفَلْم اْلف ه ْوم َتَضا َلحِق

    ِ َيا ِ اْلَمَلك ْوِت ََفِ ْونَِقة ، َو َجَمالِهِ بِزَْهر ِ اْلَجبَر ْوِت م ِ بَِفْيِض حَِيا َتَدفَِّقة ، أَنَْوارِه ٍَ م إِلَّ َوَل َشْۡی

    ، َصََلًة قِْيَل َكَما َلَذَهَب اْلَواِسَطة َلْو َل َمن ْوط ، إِذْ بِهِ َوه َو ْوط ه وَ ْيهِ َكَما إِلَ ِمْنَك ،بَِك َتلِْيق اْلَمْوس

    ٠ أَهْل ه

    َّه اَللَّه مَّ َك إِن الُّ اْلَجاِمع ِِسُّ ٠ يََديَْك بَیَْن َلَك اْلَقائِم اْْلَْعَظم َوحَِجاب َك ، َعَلْيَك الدَّ

    1 This prayer is from Sayyidi Ahmed Al Badawi 2This prayer is from Sayyidi Abdus Salaam Mashish

  • العلوية الحسينية النينوية الزاوية


    choicest processions, the greatest friend and most honorable love, our Master, our

    Supporter Muhammad ibn Abdullah ibn Abdul Mutalib, God's prayer and salutations upon

    him, his family and companions!

    O God send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master and Supporter Muhammad and his

    Family, the tree of brilliant roots, best of human nature, noblest physical form, fountain of

    Divine secrets, treasure house of choicest disciplines, possessor of brilliant magnificence

    and highest class, for all Prophets fall under his flag as they are from him and go to him!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless him and his family to the number of what You

    created, sustained, caused to die and brought to life until the Day You resurrect those You

    have annihilated, and salute him with abundant salutations! And praise God, Lord of the


    O God send prayers upon the one from whom the secrets spring forth, the lights burst out,

    in whom all realities were sewn, ceasing the knowledge of Adam, paralyzing all creatures,

    and reducing understanding so that none of us of the former or later could reach him, then

    the realms' gardens became pleasing by the blooming of his beauty and the domain of

    power effused by the flood of his lights such that there was nothing save that he was in

    charge of it; if not for the keystone, all others would fall, as it is said, a prayer linked to You,

    from You to him just as he deserves!

    O God, he is Your universal secret, indicating You and Your Supreme Veil, existing for You in

    Your control!

  • العلوية الحسينية النينوية الزاوية


    ْقنِۡیْ بَِنَسبِهِ ، َو أَْلِحْقنِۡیْ اَللَّه مَّ ْفنِۡیْ ، بَِحَسبِهِ َحقِّ ِ َم ِمْن بَِها َاْسَلم َمْعرَِفًة اِيَّاه َوََعِّ ،اْلَجْهِل َوارِد

    ع ِلَى َسبِْيلِهِ َعلَى َواْحمِْلنِْۡی ، اْلَفْضِل بَِها ِمْن َمَواهِِب َوأَُْكَ تَِك إ ْو فً ، َحْْضَ تَِك ا َحْمًَل َمْحف بِن ِّْصَ

    جَّ ،َفأَْدَمَغه اْلَباطِِل َعلَى بِْی َواْقِذْف ْوحِْيدِ ِمْن أَْو َحالِیْ َواْنِشْلنِۡیْ ، بَِحارِاْْلََحِديَّةِ فِْی بِْی َوز فِی التَّ

    ْقنِْۡی َّۡی ، ةِ اْلَوْحَد بَْحِ َعیِْن فِْی َوأَْْغِ بَِها ، سُّ أ حِ َوَل ، د أَجِ َوَل ، ع أَْسمَ َوَل أََرى َل َحت ْجَعِل َواإِلَّ

    ْوحِْی َحَياَة اْْلَْعَظَم اْلِحَجاَب اللَّه مَّ ْوَحه ، ر ِ لِِمْ اَعوَ َجاِمَع َوَحقِْيَقَته ، َحقِْيَقتِْۡی ِِسَّ َور َتْحقِْيِق ب

    ِل اْلَحقِّ ل َيا ، اْْلَوَّ ٍَ بِهِ بَِما َسمِْعَت ئِى انَِد اِْسَمْع ٠ بَاطِن َيا ٠ َظاهِر َيا ٠ آِِخ َيا ٠ أَوَّ َعْبِدَك نَِدا

    يَّا ، ْ َزَُكِ َمرْ بِْيَل َس بِْی َواْسل ْك َوبَْيَنَك ، بَْينِۡیْ َواْجَمْع َلَك ، بَِك نِْی ْ، َوأَيِّد َلَك بَِك نِْی َواْنِّص

    ِمَك بَِفْضلَِك َضاتَِك ٠ الل ٠الل٠الل ٠ غَیْرَِك َوبَیَْن بَْينِۡیْ ح ْل َو َوَُكَ

    َِ الَِّذْی إِنَّ آَن َعَلْيَك ََفَ ْ َ َك َلَرا اْل ِلَى دُّ ٍ إ نَْك ِمْن َربََّنا آتَِنا ، َمَعاد َلَنا ِمْن َوَهيِّْئ َرْحَمًة َلد

    ئَِكَتٗہ َو اِنَّ اللَ أَْمرِنَا َرَشًدا ، ٰۤاَ َمل ؕ ي ْوَن َعلَی النَِّبۡیِّ ْوا ی َصلُّ ْوا َعَلْيِہ َو َسلِّم ِذيَْن ٰاَمن ْوا َصلُّيَُّہا الَّ


    ِ اْْلَنَْوارِ ، ارِ َوَمْظَهر اْْلَِْسٍَِ ِديَِّة ، َاللَِّطْيَفِة اْْلََحِديَِّة ، َشْمِس َسَما اْلم َحمَّ

    اِت 3 اَللَّه مَّ َصلِّ َعلَى الذَّ

    ِ َوَمرْ ٠ اْلَجَمالِ َفَلِك َوق ْطِب اْلَجََلِل َمَدارِ َكز

    3 This prayer is from Sayyidi Ibrahim Ad-Dusuqi

  • العلوية الحسينية النينوية الزاوية


    O God, join me to his kin, authenticate me by his high regard, acquaint me with him with an

    acquaintance that saves me from the sources of ignorance and slakes me with the sources

    of graciousness! Carry me along his path to Your Presence, surrounding me with Your help

    and use me to strike falsehood refuting it and plunge me into the oceans of Oneness,

    liberate me from the trappings of Theology, instead drowning me in the essential sea of

    Unity until I neither see nor hear nor find nor perceive other than it! And make, O God, the

    Supreme Veil the life of my soul, his soul the secret of my reality, his reality the

    conglomeration of all my worlds by actualizing the Primal Truth! O Eternal Without

    Beginning! O Everlasting Without End! O Manifest! O Hidden! Hear my plea just as You

    heard the plea of Your servant Zakariyyah and help me with You for You, support me with

    You for You, connect me with You, send me on the course of Your Pleasure, Grace and

    Nobility and resolve that which is between me and other than You! God! God! God!

    Indeed the One Who obliged you with the Quran will return you to the promised end. Our

    Lord, grant us Mercy from Your very Self and pave a righteous way in our affairs! God and

    His Angels surely send prayers upon the Prophet; O you who believe send prayers upon him

    and salute him most thoroughly!

    O God send prayers upon the Muhammadan Essence, Subtle and Unique, Sun in the Sky of Secrets, Manifestation of Lights, Central Pivot of Sublimity, Axis of the Orbit of Beauty!

  • العلوية الحسينية النينوية الزاوية


    ِ بِِسِّ اَللَّه مَّ ِ َلَديَْك ، ه ْن ، إَِلْيَك َوبَِسیْرِه صِْۡی ، ْنِی ح زْ َوأَذْهِْب ، ْ تِی َعثْرَ َوأَْقِل ، فِْی َخوْ أَمِّ ، َوِِحْ

    ْن ْذ لِْی َوك ْقنَِۡی إَِلْيَك نِیْ َوخ ٍَ ِمنِّْۡی ، َواْرز ْونًا َل َتْجَعْلنِْۡی َو ، َعنِّْۡی اْلَفَنا ، َمْحج ْوبًا ۡیْ بَِنْفسِ َمْفت

    ۡیْ ٍ لِْی َعْن َواْكِشْف ، بِِحسِّ ْومٍ ك لِّ ِِسّ ْوم ٠َيا َحیُّ ٠َمكْت ٠ َيا َقيَّ

    ٍد َسيِِّدنَا َعلَى َوبَارِْك َوَسلِّْم َصلِّ اَللَّه مَّ َحمَّ ۡیَو َو إِبَْرهِْيَم َون ْوٍح آدَم َعلَى َعلَى آلِهِ َو َو م ََ ْو م

    ٠ ْم َوَما َوعِْيَسۡی ه اللِ َصَلَوات َواْلم رَْسلِیَْن النَّبِیَّٖن ِمَن بَْيَنه ِعیَْن أَْجمَ َعَلْيهِْم َوَسَلَم

    افِْيَل َو َوِمْيكَائِْيَل ِجبْرِيَْل َسيِِّدنَا َعلَى َوبَارِْك َوَسلِّْم َصلِّ اَللَّه مَّ َحَمَلةِ َو َوعِزَْرائِْيَل إِِْسَ

    ئَِكةِ َعلَى َو اْلَعرِْش َّ اْلَمل ََ ه اللِ َصَلَوات بِیَْن اْلم ٠ أَْجَمِعیَْن َعَلْيهِْم َوَسََلم

    دٍ َعلَى َسيِِّدنَا َوبَارِْك َوَسلِّْم َصلِّ اَللَّه مَّ َحمَّ اِرَك َوَمْعِدنِ أَنَْوارَِك بَْحِ َعلَى آلِهِ َو م أَِْسَ

    ْوِس َو ح جَّتَِك َولَِساِن تَِك إَِمامِ َو َمْمَلَكتَِك ََع ازِ َحْْضَ ْلِكَك َوِِطَ َرْحَمتَِك ، َوَخزَائِِن م

    يِْق ْیَعتَِك َوَِطِ ِ ََشِ ذ ْوم ةً َصََل بَِتْوحِْيِدَك اْلم َتَلذِّ ْنَتَهى َل ، بَِبَقائَِك َوَتْبَقى بَِدَواِمَك َتد م

    ٠ اْلَعَلمِیَْن َربَّ َيا َعنَّا بَِها َوَترَْضۡی ، َوت رِْضْيهِ ت رِْضْيَك َصََلًة عِْلمَِك د ْوَن َلَها

    َحمَّدٍ َسيِِّدنَا َعلَى بَارِْك َو َوَسلِّْم َصلِّ َۙللَّه مَّ ا ْيَنا َصََلًة َوَعلَى آلِهِ م اْْلَهَْواِل َجمِْيِع بَِها ِمْن ت َنجِّ

    ر نَا اْلَحاَجاِت َجمِْيَع بَِها َلَنا َوَتْقِضْۡی َواْْلَفاِت ، يَِّئاِت َجمِْيِع ِمْن بَِها َوت َطهِّ ، السَّ

    َنا َو َرَجاِت ، أَْعلَى عِْنَدَك بَِها َترَْفع َنا الدَّ فِی اْلَخیَْراِت َجمِْيِع ِمْن اْلَغا َياِت أَْقَصۡی بَِها َوت َبلِّغ

    ثَلثا - اْلَمَماِت َوَبْعَد اْلَحَياةِ

  • العلوية الحسينية النينوية الزاوية


    O God, by his secret with You and traversing to You, allay my fears, reduce my slips, remove

    my sadness and concerns, Be for me, take me from me to You and provide me with

    annhiliation from my self! Do not make me tried by my ego, veiled by my senses and unveil

    every hidden secret to me, O Ever Living O Self-Sustaining!

    O God send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family and

    Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and all Prophets and Messengers between them,

    God's prayers and peace be upon them altogether.

    O God send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Gabriel, Michael, Israfeel, Izra'eel, Throne Bearers and the Close Angels, God's prayers and peace be upon them all!

    O God send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family, the

    ocean of Your lights, fountain of Your secrets, tongue of Your proof, groom of Your empire,

    criterion of Your Presence, model of Your dominion, treasure house of Your mercy, method

    of Your law, the one enraptured by Your unity, a prayer enduring as long as You and

    remaining as long as You limited only by Your knowledge, a prayer pleasing You and

    pleasing him and by which You are pleased with us, O Lord of the Universe!

    O God send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family, a prayer

    rescuing us from all terrors and pests, fulfilling for us all needs, purifying us from from all

    evils, raising us to You the highest degrees, making us reach the utmost limits of all good in

    this life and after death! – 3 times

  • العلوية الحسينية النينوية الزاوية


    َحمَّدِ َعلَى َسيِِّدنَا بَارِْك َو َوَسلِّْم َصلِّ اَللَّه مَّ َوالنَّاِِصِ لَِما َسَبَق ، َِواْلَخاتِم أ غْلَِق لَِما اْلَفاتِِح ۣ م

    ِلَى ، َواْلَهادِْی بِاْلَحقِّ اْلَحقَّ اطَِك إ ى اْلم ْسَتقِْيِم ِِصََّ ِ َحقَّ َعلَى آلِهِ َو َعَلْيهِ الل َصل َقْدرِه

    ِ ثَلثا -اْلَعِظْيِم َوِمْقَدارِه

    دِ َسيِِّدنَا َعلَى َصلِّ اَللَّه مَّ َحمَّ ِّیِّ ۣ م ِ النَِّبۡیِّ اْْل م ِ اْلَطاهِر ر ِّی اْلزَّ اْلم َطهَّ ٠ َوَسلِّْم آلِهِ َعلَى َو ك

    ٍد َسيِِّدنَا َعلَى بَارِْك َو َوَسلِّْم َصلِّ َۙللَّه مَّ ا َحمَّ ٠ اْلَباهَِرةِ اْلم ْعجِزَاِت ذِی آلِهِ َعلَى َو م

    ٍد َسيِِّدنَا َعلَى بَارِْك َو َوَسلِّْم َصلِّ َو َحمَّ ِ اْلَمَناقِِب ذِی آلِهِ َعلَى َو م ة ٠ الَفاِِخَ

    ٍد َو َسيِِّدنَا َعلَى بَارِْك َو َوَسلِّْم َوَصلِّ َحمَّ نَْيا فِی َعلَى آلِهِ م ِ الدُّ ة ٠ َواْلِِخَ

    ٍد َسيِِّدنَا َعلَى بَارِْك َو َوَسلِّْم َوَصلِّ َحمَّ ِ بِأَْخَلَقِهِ َوَخلِّْقَنا آلِهِ َعلَى َو م اهَِرة ٠ الطَّ

    ٍد َسيِِّدنَا َعلَى بَارِْك َو َوَسلِّْم َصلِّ اَللَّه مَّ َحمَّ ٠ ةَ َواْلَفِضْيلَ اْلَوِسْيَلَة َوأَْعِطهِ آلِهِ َعلَى َو م

    ٍد َسيِِّدنَا َعلَى بَارِْك َو َوَسلِّْم َوَصلِّ َحمَّ ٠ اْلَجلِْيَلةِ ذِی اْلَمَقاَماِت آلِهِ َعلَى َو م

    ٍد َسيِِّدنَا َعلَى بَارِْك َو َوَسلِّْم َوَصلِّ َحمَّ ٠ اْلَجمِْيَلةِ بِأَْخَلَقِهِ َوَخلِّْقَنا آلِهِ َعلَىَو م

    ٍد َسيِِّدنَا َعلَى بَارِْك َو َوَسلِّْم َصلِّ اَللَّه مَّ َحمَّ ٠ َشك ْوًرا َقْلًبا َلَنا َوَهْب آلِهِ َعلَى َو م

    ٍد َسيِِّدنَا َعلَى بَارِْك َو َوَسلِّْم َوَصلِّ َحمَّ ٠ َمْشك ْوًرا َسْعَيَنا َواْجَعْل آلِهِ َعلَى َو م

    ٍد َسيِِّدنَا َعلَى بَارِْك َو َوَسلِّْم َوَصلِّ َحمَّ َنا آلِهِ َعلَى َو م ًة َوَلقِّ ْوًرا وَّ َنْْضَ ٠ ِس

    ٍد َسيِِّدنَا َعلَى بَارِْك َو َوَسلِّْم َوَصلِّ َحمَّ ٠ ن ْوًراوَّ َمَحبًَّة ِمْنَك َعَلْيَنا َوأَْلِق آلِهِ َعلَى َو م

  • العلوية الحسينية النينوية الزاوية


    O God send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad, the opener of what

    was closed, seal of what preceded, the assistant of Truth with truth, the guide to the

    straight path, God's prayer upon him and his Family, to his true estimation and his

    astounding status! – 3 times

    O God send prayers upon and salute our Master Muhammad, the unlettered, pure,

    purifying and sinless and his Family!

    O God send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family,

    possessor of brilliant miracles!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family, possessor

    of magnificent values!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family, in this life

    and the hereafter!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family, and embue

    us with his pure character!

    O God send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family, and

    grant him the means (of intercession) and virtuous distinction!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family, possessor

    of momentous processions!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family and embue

    us with his beautiful character!

    O God send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family and

    bestow upon us grateful hearts!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family and make

    our striving appreciated!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family and give us

    splendor and happiness!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family and confer

    upon us from love and light from You!

  • العلوية الحسينية النينوية الزاوية


    ٍد َسيِِّدنَا َعلَى بَارِْك َو َوَسلِّْم َوَصلِّ َحمَّ ا َلَنا َوَهْب آلِهِ َعلَى َو م ارِ ِِسًّ ْوًرا باِْْلَِْسَ ٠ َمْس

    ٍد َو َعلَى آلِهِ َو بَارِْك َعلَى َسيِِّدنَا َصلِّ َوَسلِّْم اَللَّه مَّ َحمَّ ادِِق م ٠ اْْلَِمیِْن اْلصَّ

    ٍد َسيِِّدنَا َعلَى بَارِْك َو َوَسلِّْم َوَصلِّ َحمَّ ٍَ الَِّذْی آلِهِ َعلَى َو م ٠ اْلم بِیِْن باِْلَحقِّ َجا

    ٍد َسيِِّدنَا َعلَى بَارِْك َو َوَسلِّْم َوَصلِّ َحمَّ ٠ لِْلَعاَلمِیَْن َرْحَمًة أَْرَسْلَته الَِّذْی آلِهِ َعلَى َو م

    دٍ َعلَى َسيِِّدنَا َوبَارِْك َوَسلِّْم َصلِّ اَللَّه مَّ َحمَّ ِ َسا َعلَى َو آلِهِ َعلَى َو م ِ ئ ۢۡ ر ٠ ئَِك بَِياأَن

    ٍد َسيِِّدنَا َعلَى بَارِْك َو َوَسلِّْم َوَصلِّ َحمَّ ئِكَ َعلَى َو آلِهِ َعلَى َو م ِ َوأَْولَِيا تَِك َمل ِل أَهْ ِمْن َك ئ

    ِ أَبََد اللِ عِْلِم فِیْ كَائِن ه وَ َما َعَدَد َو َيك ْون َما َعَدَد َو كَاَن َما َعَدَد ئَِك َوَسَما أَْرِضَك ِديَْن اْْلب

    اهِرِيَْن َدهْرَ َو ََلةِ َواْجَعْلَنا الدَّ ْیقِیَْن ِمَن َعَلْيهِْم بِالصَّ دِّ ٠ یَْن اْلَعاَلمِ َربَّ َيا اْْلِمنِیَْن الصِّ

    Here the Seeker reads the following prayers of Shaykh Sidi ‘Ad-Dirdir

    ٍد َعلَى َسيِِّدنَا َوبَارِْك َوَسلِّْم َصلِّ اَللَّه مَّ َحمَّ ِِ فِی َما َعلَى آلِهِ َعَدَد َو م ٍِ اْْلَْر َما ٠ َوالسَّ

    ٍد َسيِِّدنَا َعلَى َوبَارِْك َوَسلِّْم َوَصلِّ َحمَّ ئِكَ ا َجمِْيِع َعلَى َو آلِهِ َعلَى َو م ۢۡبَِيا َو ةِ ْلَمل ٠ ٍِ اْْلَن

    ٍد َسيِِّدنَا َعلَى َوبَارِْك َوَسلِّْم َوَصلِّ َحمَّ ِ َسا َعلَى َو آلِهِ َعلَى َو م ٍِ ئِر َلَما ٍِ اْلع ٠ َواْْلَْولَِيا

    ٍد َسيِِّدنَا َعلَى َوبَارِْك َوَسلِّْم َوَصلِّ َحمَّ ٍِ َواْْلَْرجَ اْْلَْقَطارِ ئِرَ َسا َتْمَل َصََلةً آلِهِ َعلَى َو م ٠ ا

    ٍد َسيِِّدنَا َعلَى َوبَارِْك َوَسلِّْم َوَصلِّ َحمَّ ْقَنا آلِهِ َعلَى َو م َفاِت بَِحَقائِِق َوَحقِّ ٍِ َواْْلَْس الصِّ ٠ َما

  • العلوية الحسينية النينوية الزاوية


    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family and bestow

    upon us a secret from the secrets of happiness!

    O God send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family the

    truthful and trustworthy!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family the one

    who came with manifest truth!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family the one

    You sent as a mercy to the Universe!

    O God send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family and all

    Your Prophets!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family, and Your

    Angels and Saints from inhabitants of Your earth and sky, to the number of what was, is and

    will be in God's knowledge forever and ever for all eternity and make us, by sending prayers

    upon them, of the truthful and trustworthy, O Lord of the Universe!

    Here the Seeker reads the following prayers of Shaykh Sidi ‘Ad-Dirdir

    O God send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family the

    number of everything on the earth and in the sky!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family and all the

    Angels and Prophets!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family and all the

    Scholars and Saints!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family a prayer

    that fills all regions and zones!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family and

    substantiate in us the reality of (Your) names and attributes!

  • العلوية الحسينية النينوية الزاوية


    ٍد َعلَى َسيِِّدنَا َوبَارِْك َوَسلِّْم َوَصلِّ َحمَّ ِمَن َعَلْيهِْم أَْنَعْمَت الَِّذيَْن َواْجَعْلَنا َمَع آلِهِ َعلَى َو م

    ْیقِیَْن النَّبِیَّٖن دِّ ٍِ َوالصِّ َهَدا ٠ َوالشُّ

    ٍد َعلَى َسيِِّدنَا َوبَارِْك َوَسلِّْم َوَصلِّ َحمَّ ِ ََشَّ بَِها َتقِْيَنا َصََلًة آلِهِ َعلَى َو م اد ٍِ َواْْلَ اْلح سَّ ٠ ْعَدا

    ٍد َعلَى َسيِِّدنَا َوبَارِْك َوَسلِّْم َصلِّ اَللَّه مَّ َحمَّ ْدِق النَّاطِِق آلِهِ َعلَى َو م َواِب بِالصِّ ٠ َوالصَّ

    ٍد َعلَى َسيِِّدنَا َوبَارِْك َوَسلِّْم َوَصلِّ َحمَّ ٠ خَِطاِب َفْصَل الْ َو اْلِحكَْمةَ أ ْوتَِی أَْفَضَل َمْن آلِهِ َوَعلَى م

    ٍد َوَعلَى آلِهِ َوَصلِّ َوَسلِّْم َوبَارِْك َعلَى َسيِِّدنَا َحمَّ َباِب َول َباِب اْْلَبَْواِب بَاِب م ٠ اللُّ

    ٍد َوَعلَى آلِهِ َوَصلِّ َوَسلِّْم َوبَارِْك َعلَى َسيِِّدنَا َحمَّ ِ ق ل ْوبَِنا َعْن َوأَزِْل م ْلَمَة بِن ْورِه ٠ َجاِب اْلحِ ظ

    ٍد َوَعلَى آلِهِ َوَصلِّ َوَسلِّْم َوبَارِْك َعلَى َسيِِّدنَا َحمَّ َواَب اْلِحكَْمةَ َوأَْلهِْمَنا م ٠ َوالصَّ

    ٍد َوَعلَى آلِهِ َوَصلِّ َوَسلِّْم َوبَارِْك َعلَى َسيِِّدنَا َحمَّ نَْك ِمْن ْسقَِنا َوا م اِب َصافَِی َلد َ٠ الُشَّ

    ٍد َوَعلَى آلِهِ َوَصلِّ َوَسلِّْم َوبَارِْك َعلَى َسيِِّدنَا َحمَّ ْمَنا م اَر َوَفهِّ ٠ اْلِكَتاِب أَِْسَ

    ٍد َوَعلَى آلِهِ َوَصلِّ َوَسلِّْم َوبَارِْك َعلَى َسيِِّدنَا َحمَّ ِ َواْجَعْلَنا م ََلة ٠ اِب اْْلَنْجَ ِمَن َعَلْيهِ بِالصَّ

    ٍد َوَعلَى آلِهِ َوَصلِّ َوَسلِّْم َوبَارِْك َعلَى َسيِِّدنَا َحمَّ ْدِس َحِظیَْرَة َوأَْدخِْلَنام ْْلَْحَباِب ا ج ْمَلةِ فِیْ اْلق

    ٍد َوَعلَى آلِهِ َوَصلِّ َوَسلِّْم َوبَارِْك َعلَى َسيِِّدنَا َحمَّ ِ َسام ۢۡبَِيا ئِر ٍِ ٍِ اْْلَن ٠َواْْلَْصَحاِب َواْْللِ َواْْلَْصِفَيا

    ٍد َسيِِّدنَا َعلَى َوبَارِْك َوَسلِّْم َصلِّ اَللَّه مَّ َحمَّ ٍَ الَِّذْی آلِهِ َوَعلَى م نَ َياِت ْْل بِا َجا ٠ اِت اْلبَيِّ

    ٍد َوَعلَى آلِهِ َوَصلِّ َوَسلِّْم َوبَارِْك َعلَى َسيِِّدنَا َحمَّ ٠ اْلم ْعجِزَاِت ئِِل بَِجََل اْلم َؤيَّدِ م

    ٍد َوَعلَى آلِهِ َوَصلِّ َوَسلِّْم َوبَارِْك َعلَى َسيِِّدنَا َحمَّ ََّما ئِِل اْلَقام ٠ بِالنِّيَّاِت اْْلَْعَمال إِن

  • العلوية الحسينية النينوية الزاوية


    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family and put us

    with those You favor among the Prophets, truthful and martyrs!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family a prayer

    protecting us from the evil of the envious and worst enemies!

    O God send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family the

    truthful and accurate communicator!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family the best of

    those given wisdom and decisive speech!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family the door of domains and prime of intellects!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family and

    eliminate by his light the veil's darkness from our hearts!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family and inspire

    us with wisdom and accuracy!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family and slake

    us from Your Self with the purest drink!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family and let us

    understand the secrets of the book!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family and make

    us, by sending prayers upon him, of the elect!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family and enter

    us in the Sanctuary among the most beloved group!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and all the Prophets,

    Purified, Folk and Companions!

    O God send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family the one who came with indisputable verses!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family the supported by immense miracles! And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family the coiner of "Deeds are but by intention"!

  • العلوية الحسينية النينوية الزاوية


    ٍد َوَعلَى آلِهِ َوَصلِّ َوَسلِّْم َوبَارِْك َعلَى َسيِِّدنَا َحمَّ ارِْی م ِ َسا فِیْ ه ِِسُّ السَّ ٠ ِت ئَِنا اْلكَا ئِر

    ٍد َوَعلَى آلِهِ َوَصلِّ َوَسلِّْم َوبَارِْك َعلَى َسيِِّدنَا َحمَّ ْ م يَِّئاِت َعنَّا بَِها َوَكِفِّ ٠ السَّ

    ٍد َوَعلَى آلِهِ َوَصلِّ َوَسلِّْم َوبَارِْك َعلَى َسيِِّدنَا َحمَّ اَماِت أَيِّْدنَا َو م ٠ بِاْلَْكَ

    ٍد َوَعلَى آلِهِ َوَصلِّ َوَسلِّْم َوبَارِْك َعلَى َسيِِّدنَا َحمَّ ْلَنام َفاِت بَِجمِْيِل َوَجمِّ ٠ الصِّ

    ٍد َوَعلَى آلِهِ َوَصلِّ َوَسلِّْم َوبَارِْك َعلَى َسيِِّدنَا َحمَّ َع َوَجمِيْ َسةِ ئَاح بَّ الرِّ ق ل ْوبَِنا َعْن َوأَزِْل م

    َهَواِت ٠ الشَّ

    ٍد َوَعلَى آلِهِ َوَصلِّ َوَسلِّْم َوبَارِْك َعلَى َسيِِّدنَا َحمَّ ِّی َعَلْيَنا َوأَْنِعْم م ٍِ بَِتَجل َفاِت َوال اْْلَْسَما ٠ صِّ

    ٍد َوَعلَى آلِهِ َوَصلِّ َوَسلِّْم َوبَارِْك َعلَى َسيِِّدنَا َحمَّ ْقَنام فِْی ارَِيةِ السَّ اْلَوْحَدةِ بَْحِ َعیِْن فِْی َوأَْْغِ

    ٠ اْلَمْوج ْوَداِت َجمِْيِع

    ٍد َوَعلَى آلِهِ َوَصلِّ َوَسلِّْم َوبَارِْك َعلَى َسيِِّدنَا َحمَّ ٠ َحَظاِت اللَّ َجمِْيِع فِْی بَِنا َل َوأَبْقَِنا بَِك م

    ٍد َوَعلَى آلِهِ َوَصلِّ َوَسلِّْم َوبَارِْك َعلَى َسيِِّدنَا َحمَّ ْ م ْوَص نِْعَمَتَك َعَلْيَنا َواْنُش بِأَهِْل ةَ اْلَمْخص

    ٠ اْلِعَناَياِت

    ٍد َوَعلَى آلِهِ َوَصلِّ َوَسلِّْم َوبَارِْك َعلَى َسيِِّدنَا َحمَّ َق ك لِّ َمْن َعلَى َو َوَصَحابَتِهِ م ِ َصدَّ َساَلتِهِ بِر

    ْف ِ َوبَِسا ، َوبَِوالِِديَْنا بَِنا َواْلط ِ فِی ، َواْلم ْسلَِماِت اْلم ْسلِمِیَْن ئِر ٠ َماِت اْلمَ َد َوَبْع اْلَحَياة

    دٍ َسيِِّدنَا َعلَى َوبَارِْك َوَسلِّْم َصلِّ اَللَّه مَّ َحمَّ ِ ك لِّ َعَدَد آلِهِ َعلَى َو م ٠ ٍث َحاد

    ٍد َوَعلَى آلِهِ َوَصلِّ َوَسلِّْم َوبَارِْك َعلَى َسيِِّدنَا َحمَّ مُّ َصََلةً م َها َیع ٠ اْلَحَوادِِث َجمِْيَع ن ْور

  • العلوية الحسينية النينوية الزاوية


    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family whose

    secret penetrates the depths of existence!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family and

    thereby hide our faults!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family and assist

    us with miracles!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family and

    beautify us with beautiful traits!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family and remove

    from our hearts the love of Mastership and all base desires!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family and favor us with revealed names and attributes!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family and drown

    us in the essential sea of penetrating Unity in all that exists!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family and let us

    remain with You not with us in every instant!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family and spread

    Your special favors upon us by those who care!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family,

    Companions and everyone who affirms his Messengership and be gentle with us and our

    parents and the remaining Muslim men and women in this life and after death!

    O God send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family the

    number of every occurrence!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family a prayer

    whose light pervades all occurrences! -

  • العلوية الحسينية النينوية الزاوية


    ٍد َوَعلَى آلِهِ َوَصلِّ َوَسلِّْم َوبَارِْك َعلَى َسيِِّدنَا َحمَّ ٠ نَاكِث َونََكَث َصادِق َصَدَق َمام

    ٍد َوَعلَى آلِهِ َوَصلِّ َوَسلِّْم َوبَارِْك َعلَى َسيِِّدنَا َحمَّ ٠ اْلَحَوادِِث ََشَّ َواْكِفَنام

    ٍد َعلَى َسيِِّدنَا َوبَارِْك َوَسلِّْم َصلِّ اَللَّه مَّ َحمَّ ْوِص آلِهِ َعلَى َو م ٍِ بِاْلِِْسَ اْلَمْخص ٠ َراجِ َواْلمِْع ا

    ٍد َوَعلَى آلِهِ َوَصلِّ َوَسلِّْم َوبَارِْك َعلَى َسيِِّدنَا َحمَّ َتاٍج ، أَبَْهَج اْلَقب ْولِ ِمَن َوَتوِّْجَنام

    َّى ٠ اْلِْعوَِجاجِ ِمَن اْلَمْحف ْوظِیَْن آلِهِ َعلَى َو َعَلْيهِ الل َصل

    ٍد َعلَى َسيِِّدنَا َوبَارِْك َوَسلِّْم َصلِّ اَللَّه مَّ َحمَّ ٠ اْلمََِلحِ َزيِْن آلِهِ َعلَى َو م

    ٍد َوَعلَى آلِهِ َوَصلِّ َوَسلِّْم َوبَارِْك َعلَى َسيِِّدنَا َحمَّ ِ َمْعِدِن م َماحِ اْلج ْود ٠ َوالسَّ

    ٍد َوَعلَى آلِهِ َوَصلِّ َوَسلِّْم َوبَارِْك َعلَى َسيِِّدنَا َحمَّ وُّ َتَعاَقَب َما م ٠ َوالرََّواحِ اْلغ د

    ٍد َوَعلَى آلِهِ َوَصلِّ َوَسلِّْم َوبَارِْك َعلَى َسيِِّدنَا َحمَّ يِْم ةِ َحْْضَ أَهِْل إَِمامِ م احِ اْلَْكِ٠ اْلَفتَّ

    ٍد َوَعلَى آلِهِ َوَصلِّ َوَسلِّْم َوبَارِْك َعلَى َسيِِّدنَا َحمَّ ِ َواْجَعْلَنا م ََلة ْوزِ اْلفَ أَهِْل ِمْن َعَلْيهِ بِالصَّ

    ٠ َواْلَفََلحِ

    ٍد َوَعلَى آلِهِ َوَصلِّ َوَسلِّْم َوبَارِْك َعلَى َسيِِّدنَا َحمَّ ٠ َوالرَّبَاحِ اْلَفْضِل أ ْو لِی م

    ٍد َسيِِّدنَا َعلَى َوبَارِْك َوَسلِّْم َصلِّ اَللَّه مَّ َحمَّ ِ الَِّذْی آلِهِ َعلَى َو م ه َ اْسَتَقاَمِت بِِسِّ ُ اْلب ٠ َرازِ

    ٍد َوَعلَى آلِهِ َوَصلِّ َوَسلِّْم َوبَارِْك َعلَى َسيِِّدنَا َحمَّ ٍُ ك لِّ َعَدَد م ْو ٠ نَاِسٍخ وَّ َمْنس

    ٍد َوَعلَى آلِهِ َوَصلِّ َوَسلِّْم َوبَارِْك َعلَى َسيِِّدنَا َحمَّ رْ م ٠ الرَّاِسِخ بِالنُّْورِ ق ل ْوبََنا َوَعمِّ

  • العلوية الحسينية النينوية الزاوية


    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family all that the

    truthful confirm and the disloyal violate!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family and protect

    us from unfortunate occurrences!

    O God send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family the one

    selected for the Night Journey and Ascent!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family and crown

    us with acceptance with the most joyous crown,

    God's prayers upon him and his Family, who are safeguarded from deviations!

    O God send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family,

    adornment of the handsome!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family, fountain of

    generosity and magnanimity!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family whenever

    coming and going meet!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family the imam of those of Generous Opener's Presence!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family and make

    us by sending prayers upon him from those of triumph and success!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family, those of

    erudition and profit!

    O God send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family the one

    by whose secret interim states are kept in order!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family the number

    of everything abrogated and abrogating!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family and

    refurbish our hearts with firmly established light!

  • العلوية الحسينية النينوية الزاوية


    َّى ٠ الرََّواِسِخ كَاْلجَِباِل َمَحبَّتِهِ فِْی ه ْم الَِّذيَْن آلِهِ َعلَى َو َعَلْيهِ الل َصل

    ٍد َسيِِّدنَا َعلَى َوبَارِْك َوَسلِّْم َصلِّ اَللَّه مَّ َحمَّ َف آلِهِ َعلَى َو م ِلَى َداٍع أََْشَ ٍ اللِ إ ٠ َوَهاد

    ٍد َوَعلَى آلِهِ َوَصلِّ َوَسلِّْم َوبَارِْك َعلَى َسيِِّدنَا َحمَّ ِ َسبِْيَل بَِنا َواْسل ْك م ٠ الرََّشاد

    ٍد َوَعلَى آلِهِ َوَصلِّ َوَسلِّْم َوبَارِْك َعلَى َسيِِّدنَا َحمَّ ِ َواْلوَِدا الرِّْضَواِن خَِلَع َعَلْيَنا َواْخَلْع م ٠ د

    ٍد َوَعلَى آلِهِ َوَصلِّ َوَسلِّْم َوبَارِْك َعلَى َسيِِّدنَا َحمَّ ِ اْلِعبَ بَیَْن ب ْولِ اْلَق بَِتاِج َوَتوِّْجَنام ٠ اد

    ٍد َوَعلَى آلِهِ َوَصلِّ َوَسلِّْم َوبَارِْك َعلَى َسيِِّدنَا َحمَّ َيْوَم بَِحبِْيبِهِ اْلَحبِْيِب َرأَْفَة بَِنا َواْرأَْف م

    ِ ٠ التََّناد

    ٍد َوَعلَى آلِهِ َوَصلِّ َوَسلِّْم َوبَارِْك َعلَى َسيِِّدنَا َحمَّ ْ م ْیَقتََنا َواْنُش ِ َسا فِْی َِطِ ِ اْلبََِل ئِر ٠ د

    ٍد َوَعلَى آلِهِ َوَصلِّ َوَسلِّْم َوبَارِْك َعلَى َسيِِّدنَا َحمَّ رْ َو م َغَل اْشتَ َمِن ك لَّ َها أَنَْوارِ بَِسَواطِِع َعمِّ

    ِ َحاِضٍ ك لِّ ِمْن بَِها ٠ َوبَاد

    ٍد َوَعلَى آلِهِ َوَصلِّ َوَسلِّْم َوبَارِْك َعلَى َسيِِّدنَا َحمَّ ِ ََشَّ َوقَِنا م اد ِ َواْلعِ اْلَبغِْی َوأَْهَل اْلح سَّ ٠ َناد

    ٍد َوَعلَى آلِهِ َوَصلِّ َوَسلِّْم َوبَارِْك َعلَى َسيِِّدنَا َحمَّ َلةَ َوأَْصلِْح م ْورِنَا و َد بِاْلَعْدلِ أ م ِ َوالسَّ ٠ اد

    ٍد َوَعلَى آلِهِ َوَصلِّ َوَسلِّْم َوبَارِْك َعلَى َسيِِّدنَا َحمَّ ِ اْلَفْضِل َذوِی م ٠ َواْلِْمَداد

    ٍد َسيِِّدنَا َعلَى َوبَارِْك َسلِّْم َو َصلِّ اَللَّه مَّ َحمَّ ِ آلِهِ َعلَى َو م ٠ أ ْسَتاذٍ ك لِّ أ ْسَتاذ

    ٍد َوَعلَى آلِهِ َوَصلِّ َوَسلِّْم َوبَارِْك َعلَى َسيِِّدنَا َحمَّ ِ م ٠ َمََلذٍ ك لِّ َمََلذ

    ٍد َوَعلَى آلِهِ َوَصلِّ َوَسلِّْم َوبَارِْك َعلَى َسيِِّدنَا َحمَّ ٠ اْسَتَعاذَ ِمْنه َما ك لِّ ِمْن َوأَعِْذنَا م

  • العلوية الحسينية النينوية الزاوية


    God's prayers upon him and his Family, those whose love of him were like firmly established mountains!

    O God send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family, noblest caller to God and guide!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family and take us along the upright path!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family and confer upon us the honorable robe of pleasure and affection!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family and crown us with a crown of acceptance among the servants!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family and be kind to us like lover is to his beloved, on the Day of Calling! And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family and spread our order (Tariqah) in all the lands!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family and supply

    by its radiant lights whoever attends to it from everyone present and in the past!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family and save us from the evil of the jealous and those of outrage and obstinacy!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family and rectify the executors of our affairs with justice and appropriateness!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family those of merit and provision! O God send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family teacher of every teacher!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family the protection of every protector! And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family and protect us from everything from which he sought protection!

  • العلوية الحسينية النينوية الزاوية


    ٍد َسيِِّدنَا َعلَى َوبَارِْك َوَسلِّْم َصلِّ َۙللَّه مَّ ا َحمَّ ارِ َمْعِدِن آلِهِ َعلَى َو م ٠ اْْلَِْسَ

    ٍد َوَعلَى آلِهِ َوَصلِّ َوَسلِّْم َوبَارِْك َعلَى َسيِِّدنَا َحمَّ ِ م ٠ اْْلَنَْوارِ َمْظَهر

    ٍد َو َوَصلِّ َوَسلِّْم َوبَارِْك َعلَى َسيِِّدنَا َحمَّ ٍَ اللَّْيل َعَلْيهِ أَْظَلَم َعدَّ َما َعلَى آلِهِ م هِ َعَليْ َوأََضا

    ٠ النََّهار

    ٍد َوَعلَى آلِهِ َوَصلِّ َوَسلِّْم َوبَارِْك َعلَى َسيِِّدنَا َحمَّ ٠ النَّارِ َعَذاَب َوقَِنا م

    ٍد َوَعلَى آلِهِ َوَصلِّ َوَسلِّْم َوبَارِْك َعلَى َسيِِّدنَا َحمَّ اَدةِ م ٠ اْْلَْخَيارِ السَّ

    ٍد َسيِِّدنَا َعلَى َوبَارِْك َوَسلِّْم َصلِّ اَللَّه مَّ َحمَّ َفْت الَِّذْی آلِهِ َعلَى َو م ِ بِهِ َتَُشَّ ٠ ِحَجازِ الْ أَْر

    ٍد َوَعلَى آلِهِ َوَصلِّ َوَسلِّْم َوبَارِْك َعلَى َسيِِّدنَا َحمَّ ٠ َفاَز َفَقْد اتََّبَعه َمِن الَِّذْی م

    ٍد َوَعلَى آلِهِ َوَصلِّ َوَسلِّْم َوبَارِْك َعلَى َسيِِّدنَا َحمَّ ارِ َعْن َلَنا َواْكِشْف م ٠ ازِ َواْلَجوَ اْلَمْنِع أَِْسَ

    ٍد َوَعلَى آلِهِ َوَصلِّ َوَسلِّْم َوبَارِْك َعلَى َسيِِّدنَا َحمَّ یَْن م ٠ اْلَمَفازِ بِح ْسِن اْلم ْخَتصِّ

    ٍد َسيِِّدنَا َعلَى َوبَارِْك َوَسلِّْم َصلِّ َۙللَّه مَّ ا َحمَّ ٠ اْْلَْنَفاِس طَيِِّب آلِهِ َعلَى َو م

    ٍد َوَعلَى آلِهِ َوَصلِّ َوَسلِّْم َوبَارِْك َعلَى َسيِِّدنَا َحمَّ ْط م ٠ ِس النَّا َعِن َوأَغْنَِنا الرِّْزَق َلَنا َوابْس

    ٍد َوَعلَى آلِهِ َوَصلِّ َوَسلِّْم َوبَارِْك َعلَى َسيِِّدنَا َحمَّ رْنَا م ٠ اْْلَْدنَاِس ِمَن َوطَهِّ

    ٍد َوَعلَى آلِهِ َوَصلِّ َوَسلِّْم َوبَارِْك َعلَى َسيِِّدنَا َحمَّ ٠ اْْلَْرَجاِس َعْنه م أََزْلَت الَِّذيَْن م

    َحمَّدٍ َسيِِّدنَا َعلَى َوبَارِْك َوَسلِّْم َصلِّ اَللَّه مَّ َِ َلْم الَِّذْی آلِهِ َعلَى َو م ٠ اِش اْلِِفَ بِلِیِْن يَرْ

  • العلوية الحسينية النينوية الزاوية


    O God send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family the

    fountain of secrets!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family the

    manifestation of lights!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family the count

    of all enveloped by night's darkness and illuminated by day's light!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family and save us

    from the punishment of the fire!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family the

    sovereign and select!

    O God send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family through

    whom the land of Hijaz was honored!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family the one

    whom whoever follows has got success!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family and unveil

    to us the secrets of prevention and permission!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family those

    chosen for the best of success!

    O God send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family of

    perfumed breaths!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family and expand

    our provision and suffice us from people!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family and purify

    us from filth!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family those who

    on whom impurities vanish!

    O God send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family who

    preferred not the softness of a bed!

  • العلوية الحسينية النينوية الزاوية


    ٍد َوَعلَى آلِهِ َوَصلِّ َوَسلِّْم َوبَارِْك َعلَى َسيِِّدنَا َحمَّ ل قِهِ ِمْن كَاَن الَِّذْی م ٠ اْلَبَشاش خ

    ٍد َوَعلَى آلِهِ َسيِِّدنَا َوَصلِّ َوَسلِّْم َوبَارِْك َعلَى َحمَّ ٠ اْلَغاشِّ ِمَن َتبَرَّأَ الَِّذْی م

    ٍد َوَعلَى آلِهِ َسيِِّدنَا َوَصلِّ َوَسلِّْم َوبَارِْك َعلَى َحمَّ ْقَنا م ٠ اْلَمَعاِش طَيَِّب بِبََر َكتِهِ َواْرز

    ٍد َسيِِّدنَا َعلَى َوبَارِْك َسلِّْم َو َصلِّ اَللَّه مَّ َحمَّ ِ آلِهِ َعلَى َو م ْقَوى اْْلِمر ٠ َواْلِْخََلِص بِالتَّ

    ٍد َوَعلَى آلِهِ َسيِِّدنَا بَارِْك َعلَى َو َوَصلِّ َوَسلِّْم َحمَّ ََلةِ َواْجَعْلَنام ِ ِمْن َعَلْيهِ بِالصَّ َك عَِباد

    ٠ اْلَخَواصِّ

    ٍد َوَعلَى آلِهِ َسيِِّدنَا بَارِْك َعلَى َوَصلِّ َوَسلِّْم َو َحمَّ ِب أ ْولِیم ْ َ ٠ َواْلِْختَِصاِص اْل

    َحمَّدٍ َسيِِّدنَا َعلَى َوبَارِْك َسلِّْم َو َصلِّ اَللَّه مَّ ِ يَ الرِّ بِبََرَكتِهِ أَْزَهَرْت الَِّذْی آلِهِ َعلَى َو م ٠ ا

    ٍد َوَعلَى آلِهِ َسيِِّدنَا بَارِْك َعلَى َوَصلِّ َوَسلِّْم َو َحمَّ ِ َصاحِِب م ِِ اْلَمَدد ا ٠ اْلَفيَّ

    ٍد َوَعلَى آلِهِ بَارِْك َعلَى َسيِِّدنَا َوَصلِّ َوَسلِّْم َو َحمَّ َِ الَِّذْی م ا أََْعَ لَّ اللِ ِسَوى َعمَِِّ اْلَِْعَ ك ٠ ا

    ٍد َوَعلَى آلِهِ َسيِِّدنَابَارِْك َعلَى َوَصلِّ َوَسلِّْم َو َحمَّ ل ْوبَِنا ِمْن َوانْزَْع م َهَواِت ح بَّ ق الشَّ

    ِِ ا ٠ َواْْلَْْغَ

    ٍد َوَعلَى آلِهِ بَارِْك َعلَى َسيِِّدنَا َوَصلِّ َوَسلِّْم َو َحمَّ َرةِ م ْم اْلم َطهَّ ِِ ِمَن ق ل ْوب ه ٠ اْْلَْمَرا

    ٍد َعلَى َسيِِّدنَا َوبَارِْك َسلِّْم َو َصلِّ اَللَّه مَّ َحمَّ ٍد اْلَهادِْی َسيِِّدنَا آلِ َعلَى َو م َحمَّ ٍِ م ِلَى َسَوا إ

    اطِ َ ٠ الِّصِّ

  • العلوية الحسينية النينوية الزاوية


    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family who was of

    cheerful disposition!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family who was

    free of deception!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family and provide

    by his blessing a pleasant life!

    O God send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family

    instructor of God-consciousness and sincerity!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family and make

    us, by sending prayers upon him, of Your privileged servants!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family those of

    nearness and speciality!

    O God send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family by whose

    blessing gardens bloom!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family the one of

    overflowing resource!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family who turned

    away from all but God!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family and remove

    from our hearts love of base desires and prejudice!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family whose

    hearts are purified of all sickness!

    O God send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and the Family of our

    Master Muhammad the guide to the proper path!

  • العلوية الحسينية النينوية الزاوية


    َحمَّدٍ َسيِِّدنَا َعلَى بَارِْك َو َوَسلِّْم َوَصلِّ ٍد َسيِِّدنَا آلِ َوَعلَى م َحمَّ ِ م َعِن ْی َوالنَّاهِ بِاْلَعْدلِ اْْلِمر

    يْط ِْفِ اطِ ِالتَّ ٠ َواْلَِْفَ

    ٍد َعلَى َسيِِّدنَا بَارِْك َو َوَسلِّْم َوَصلِّ َحمَّ ٍد َسيِِّدنَا آلِ َوَعلَى م َحمَّ ِمَن بِبََرَكتِهِ َسلِّْمَنا َو م

    ٠ اْلِنْحَِطاطِ

    ٍد َوَعلَى آلِهِ بَارِْك َعلَى َسيِِّدنَا َو َوَصلِّ َوَسلِّْم َحمَّ ْوا الَِّذيَْن م ْم َربَط لَّ ك بَِمَحبَّتِهِ ق ل ْوبَه

    ٠ اْلِْرتَِباطِ

    َحمَّدٍ َسيِِّدنَا َعلَى بَارِْك َو َوَسلِّْم َصلِّ اَللَّه مَّ ْوٍظ ك لِّ َعَدَد آلِهِ َعلَى َو م ٠ َحافٍِظ وَّ َمْحف

    ٍد َوَعلَى آلِهِ َسيِِّدنَا بَارِْك َعلَى َوَصلِّ َوَسلِّْم َو َحمَّ ٠ َواعٍِظ وَّ َمْو ع ْوٍظ ك لِّ َعَدَد م

    ٍد َوَعلَى آلِهِ َسيِِّدنَا بَارِْك َعلَى َوَصلِّ َوَسلِّْم َو َحمَّ ْوا الَِّذيَْن م َعظ ٠ ِظ اْلَمَواعِ بَِجمِْيِل ِمْنه اتَّ

    ٍد َسيِِّدنَا َعلَى َوبَارِْك َسلِّْم َو َصلِّ اَللَّه مَّ َحمَّ ا النُّْورِ آلِهِ َعلَى َو م ٠ طِِع السَّ

    ٍد َوَعلَى آلِهِ َوَصلِّ َوَسلِّْم َوبَارِْك َعلَى َسيِِّدنَا َحمَّ ٠ اْلَمَساِمع بَِحِديْثِهِ َتْلَتذُّ الَِّذْی م

    ٍد َوَعلَى آلِهِ َوَصلِّ َوَسلِّْم َوبَارِْك َعلَى َسيِِّدنَا َحمَّ ٍ ه وَ الَِّذْی م ٠ َجاِمع لِك لِّ َخیْر

    ٍد َوَعلَى آلِهِ َوَصلِّ َوَسلِّْم َوبَارِْك َعلَى َسيِِّدنَا َحمَّ ل ْوبَِنا َعْن أَزِْل َو م ٠ اْلبََراقَِع ق

    ٍد َوَعلَى آلِهِ َوَصلِّ َوَسلِّْم َوبَارِْك َعلَى َسيِِّدنَا َحمَّ ْم كَاَن الَِّذيَْن م ه ٠ اْلَمَجاِمِع َخیْرَ َمْجَمع

    ٍد َسيِِّدنَا َعلَى َوبَارِْك َسلِّْم َو َصلِّ َۙللَّه مَّ ا َحمَّ ٠ َواْلَبَلَغِ الرَِّساَلِة َصاحِِب آلِهِ َعلَى َو م

  • العلوية الحسينية النينوية الزاوية


    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and the Family of our

    Master Muhammad the instructor of justice and preventer of excess and immoderation!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and the Family of our

    Master Muhammad and safeguard us by his blessing from inferiority!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family whose

    hearts connected to his love at every connection!

    O God send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family the

    number of everything protected and every protector!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family the number

    of everyone admonished and every admonisher!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family who

    heeded him in his beautiful sermons!

    O God send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family the

    radiant light!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family whose

    narration pleases the listener!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family in whom

    every good is gathered!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family and remove

    the veils from our hearts!

    And send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family those

    whose congregation is the best of congregations!

    O God send prayers upon, salute and bless our Master Muhammad and his Family trustee

    of the message and conveyance!

  • العلوية الحسينية النينوية الزاوية


    ٍد َوَعلَى آلِهِ َوَصلِّ َوَسلِّْم َوبَارِْك َعلَى َسيِِّدنَا َحمَّ َمَواِت َتْمَل َصَلًَة م ا السَّ ٠ غِ َواْلَِفَ

    ٍد َسيِِّدنَا َعلَى َوبَارِْك َسلِّْم َو َصلِّ اَللَّه مَّ َحمَّ ِ آلِهِ َعلَى َو م ٠ اْلِْنَصاِف َو بِاْلَعْدِل اْْلِمر

    ٍد َوَعلَى آلِهِ َوَصلِّ َوَسلِّْم َوبَارِْك َعلَى َسيِِّدنَا َحمَّ ِ َعِن النَّاهِْی م ِ َو التَّْبِذيْر اِف اْل ٠ ِْسَ

    ٍد َوَعلَى آلِهِ َوَصلِّ َوَسلِّْم َو�