Grades English Teacher: Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf The aim of the lesson: Lesson 1.A. Welcome to Uzbekistan! Unit 1. My Country - my pride Educational: -to improve pupils’ awareness of geographical terms, teach the Uzbek tradition Developing: -to develop pupils’ listening and speaking skills, develop to report own ideas, communicative skills. Socio-cultural: -to raise awareness of Uzbek culture, teaching to respect other cultures Competence: SC1, FLCC and PC in talking about Uzbekistan Learning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to speak about Uzbekistan, population, area and neighboring countries. Type of the lesson: non-standard, mixed, modern Method of the lesson: individual, group work, pair work Equipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, map of Uzbekistan TECHNOLOGICAL MAP OF THE LESSON Part of the lesson Task s Time 1 Organizational Moment -to greet pupils. - to motivate pupils to learn 3 min 2 Repeating last lesson - to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min 3 Explaining new theme - to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book. 25mi n 4 Consolidatin g new theme. - to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min 5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min 6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min Procedure of the lesson: I.Organizing moment: - Greeting. -checking register - to ask pupils how their holiday was, what they have done, creating warm atmosphere II. Pre Activity

The aim of the lesson: · Web view2021/02/10  · The aim of the lesson: Lesson 1.A. Welcome to Uzbekistan! Unit 1. My Country - my pride Educational: -to improve pupils’ awareness

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Page 1: The aim of the lesson: · Web view2021/02/10  · The aim of the lesson: Lesson 1.A. Welcome to Uzbekistan! Unit 1. My Country - my pride Educational: -to improve pupils’ awareness

Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

The aim of the lesson:Lesson 1.A. Welcome to Uzbekistan!

Unit 1. My Country - my pride

Educational: -to improve pupils’ awareness of geographical terms, teach the Uzbek tradition Developing: -to develop pupils’ listening and speaking skills, develop to report own ideas, communicative skills.Socio-cultural: -to raise awareness of Uzbek culture, teaching to respect other culturesCompetence: SC1, FLCC and PC in talking about UzbekistanLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to speak about Uzbekistan, population, area and neighboring countries.Type of the lesson: non-standard, mixed, modernMethod of the lesson: individual, group work, pair workEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, map of Uzbekistan


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:

I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.-checking register- to ask pupils how their holiday was, what they have done, creating warm atmosphere

II. Pre ActivityActivity 1 Test your knowledge of Uzbekistan with this quiz.Objective: to test pupils’ knowledge about Uzbekistan Ask pupils to do exercise 1 and choose suitable answer Answer key: 1c, 2c, 3,c 4d, 5c, 6c, 7d, 8c, 9a, 10b Activity 2 Match the words with their definitions.Objective: to develop vocabularyAsk your pupils to match the words given below with their definitions.Answer key: 1. Ancient - f 2. Devastate – a 3. Handmade – e 4. Massive – d

Page 2: The aim of the lesson: · Web view2021/02/10  · The aim of the lesson: Lesson 1.A. Welcome to Uzbekistan! Unit 1. My Country - my pride Educational: -to improve pupils’ awareness

5. Beauty – h 6. Attraction – c 7. Earthquake – b 8. Spiritual gIII. Main part of the lesson:

Activity 3 Play the T 1.3. Ask pupils to listen to the tape and complete the sentences. Explain them that they should write no more than two words .Answer key: 1. Dancer 2. Massive earthquake 3. Independence square 4. Amir Temur5. Must do 6. Islamic work 7. Spiritual leader 8. bread

Activity 4 This activity helps to improve pupils’ geographical knowledge about Uzbekistan. Pupils have to find the names of the places marked with the numbers.Answer key: 1. Karakalpakstan (Nukus) 2. Navoi 3.Khorezm 4. Bukhara 5. Kashkadarya (Karshi) 6.Smarakard 7. Surkhandarya (Termiz) 8. Jizzakh 9.Syrdarya (Gulistan) 10. Tashkent 11. Namangan 12.Andijan 13. FerganaActivity 5 In this activity there’s given top 8 interesting facts about Uzbekistan. Pupils Ask your pupils to read the text and find out if the sentences are true or false.Answer key: 1-F, 2-T, 3-T, 4-F, 5-T, 6-F, 7-T, 8-TActivity 6 In this activity pupils fill in each blank with the best word from the box. They have to use each word only once.Answer key:1. In order to have a good luck always do your best.2. Samarkand bread is older than any other one.3. There are two entrances - one at the front and one around the back4. The oldest member of the family is usually the head of the family5. Amir Timur’s tomb was covered with black marble6. He welcomed me with a wide smile and a warm handshake7. Family gathering is a wonderful tradition in each Uzbek family.8. My grandfather used to work in the coal mine.9. The two doubly- landlocked countries are Uzbekistan (surrounded by Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and, Turkmenistan) and Liechtenstein (surrounded by Austriaand Switzerland).

IV. Post ActivityActivity 7 Ask pupils to look at the quetions from 1 to 6 and discuss them with their partner.Possible answers:1. Uzbekistan’s neighbouring countries are Kazakhstan from North, Kyrgyzistan from East, Tadjikistan, from South, Afghanistan from South, Turkmenistan from southern west.2. Uzbekistan declared independence on 31 August, 1991 from the Soviet Union.3. In 1991, The frist president of Uzbekistan was Islam Karimov 4. It’s 449.8 thousand kilometers square 5. It’s Syrdarya 6. Tashkent was destroyed by an earthquake in 1966.

V. Giving Homework Explain your pupils homework1. Make a list of vocabulary which you have learned today. 2. Make a report on interesting facts of Uzbekistan. (Word limit is 80-100). 3. Share your report with your peers.VI. Evaluation. Giving marks

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Page 3: The aim of the lesson: · Web view2021/02/10  · The aim of the lesson: Lesson 1.A. Welcome to Uzbekistan! Unit 1. My Country - my pride Educational: -to improve pupils’ awareness

Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Lesson 1.B. Welcome to Uzbekistan!

The aim of the lesson:Educational: -to improve pupils’ awareness of geographical terms, sightseeings of UzbekistanDeveloping: -to develop grammar skills, writing skills; writing descriptive essaySocio-cultural: -to raise awareness of Uzbek culture, teaching to respect other culturesCompetence: SC1, FLCC and PC in talking about UzbekistanLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to speak about Uzbekistan, population, area and neighboring countries, sightseeings and poetryType of the lesson: non-standard, mixed, modernMethod of the lesson: individual, group work, pair workEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, map of Uzbekistan


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson.II. Pre-ActivityActivity 1 This activity is for checking pupils’ grammar : Passive voiceThey have to decide whether the sentences are written in Active or Passive.

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Answer key:1. These cars are produced in Uzbekistan. Passive2. You should open your textbook. Active3. Mickela Malozzi is travelling around the world. Active4. Tashkent was devastated by the earthquake. Passive5. Independent Square is the heart of Uzbekistan. Active6. Samarkand was ruled by Amir Timur in the 14th century. Passive7. Tamerlane’s two sons and two grandsons were also buried in the mausoleum. Passive8. Samarkand is known for different types of bread. Passive

III. Main part

Activity 2 This activity is for practicing pupils’ grammar knowledge. Pupils’ will put the correct form of the verbs in the gaps paying attention to the active and passive forms rules.Answer key: 1. Came 2. Prohibited 3. Lost 4. Understand 5. was taken 6. was called7. was asked 8. was announced 9. was pronounced 10. was written 11. eat

Activity 3 Pupil’s read the words and phrases related to the word motherland. And they make up sentences using the vocabulary.

IV. Post Activity

Activity 4 Read the poem and Ask your pupils to match the underlined words with the following definitions.1. Admire (someone or something) deeply respect2. Notice the loss or absence of miss3. A district of Jizzakh Region in Uzbekistan Bakhmal4. The place where a person was born birthplace5. A young sheep lamb6. People or animals that are easy to love adorable7. Person who doesn’t want to change attitude or postion stubborn8. A variety of ovens in Uzbekistan tandoor9. A feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen hope

V. Giving Homework. Learn new words. Make sentences using them.

VI. Evaluation. Giving marks

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Page 5: The aim of the lesson: · Web view2021/02/10  · The aim of the lesson: Lesson 1.A. Welcome to Uzbekistan! Unit 1. My Country - my pride Educational: -to improve pupils’ awareness

Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Lesson 1.B. Welcome to Uzbekistan! Consolidation.The aim of the lesson:Educational: -to improve pupils’ awareness of geographical terms, sightseeings of UzbekistanDeveloping: -to develop grammar skills, writing skills; writing descriptive essaySocio-cultural: -to raise awareness of Uzbek culture, teaching to respect other culturesCompetence: SC1, FLCC and PC in talking about UzbekistanLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to speak about Uzbekistan, population, area and neighboring countries, sightseeings and poetryType of the lesson: non-standard, mixed, modernMethod of the lesson: individual, group work, pair workEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, map of Uzbekistan


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 minProcedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson.II. Pre-Activity

Activity 5 Pupils’ will Ask your pupils to discuss the following questions. in the group.1. Why do people admire Muhammad Yusuf’s poetry?2. How many poems by Muhammad Yusuf did you learn by heart?3. How can you express your feelings about your motherland?4. How can you contribute to the development of Uzbekistan?5. How can you describe your birthplace?

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Activity 6 Make a required list.A. List of words related to the topic “My motherland My pride” (10 words)B. List of descriptive adjectives (10 adjectives)

Activity 7 Ask pupils to choose one of the picture and describe.

IV. Post-cativityActivity 8 Read the descriptive adjectives about the cities. Find the descriptive adjectives.1. beautiful, unique, magical, fascinating, breathtaking2. grand, beautifully-preserved, magnificient, standing, stunning, beautiful3. gorgeous, classical, quaint, overcrowded, delightful, exquisite

V. Homework Explain your pupils homeworkDescribe your hometown using the adjectives in the table below.

VI. Evaluation. Giving marks

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Page 7: The aim of the lesson: · Web view2021/02/10  · The aim of the lesson: Lesson 1.A. Welcome to Uzbekistan! Unit 1. My Country - my pride Educational: -to improve pupils’ awareness

Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Lesson 2.A. Famous people

The aim of the lesson:Educational: -to improve pupils’ awareness of famous people in Uzbekistan’s history and their lifeDeveloping: -to develop grammar skills, listening skills; reading skills and using math terms Socio-cultural: -to raise awareness of Uzbek culture, teaching to respect other cultures Competence: SC5, LC and PC in talking about famous peopleLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to speak about famous people who was born in Uzbekistan and their contribution to the motherlandType of the lesson: non-standard, mixed, traditionalMethod of the lesson: group work, pair workEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, pictures of famous people


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson.

II. Pre-Activity:Activity 1 Ask pupils to look at and answer questions and test their knowledge of famous people in Uzbekistan with the quiz.Answer key: 1-C, 2-A, 3-D, 4-B, 5-A, 6-A, 7-C, 8-D

III. Main PartActivity 2 Explain pupils that most words in English have their noun, adjective, adverb and verb form Ask them to sort out the word s into the following parts of speech. Some words might belong to two columns.

Activity 3 Play T 2 . 3. Ask pupils to listen to the tape and complete the sentence. Explain them that they shouldn’t write no more than one word.Answer key:

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1. known 2. 1037 3. philosopher and thinker 4. Samanid 5. Subjects6. medicine 7. Libraries 8. philosophy

Activity 4. Name the pictures. Who are they?

Answer key:A – Abu Nasr Forobiy B – Al Khorazmiy C – At Termiziy D – Abu Ali ibn Sino E – Alisher Navoiy

Activity 5. Read the passage and do the true / false task.Answer key:

1. False2. False3. True4. True

5. False6. True7. True

Activity 6. Match mathematical terminology in the box A with the mathematical symbols in the box.Answer key: 1-c, 2-j, 3-b, 4-a, 5-e, 6-f, 7-d, 8-g, 9-h, 10-i

IV. Post-activity

Activity 7. Pupils read the interesting questions and answer them.1. How can you add eight 8’s to get the number 1,000? (only use addition)2. Two fathers and two sons sat down to eat eggs for breakfast. They ate exactly three eggs, each person had an egg. The riddle is for you to explain how.3. What 3 positive numbers give the same result when multiplied and added together?4. There are several books on a bookshelf. If one book is the 4th from the left and 6th from the right, how many books are on the shelf?V. Homeworka) Make a list of vocabulary which you have learned today?b) Make a report on interesting facts about Al-Khwarizmi and Avicenna. Word limit is 80 -100 .c) Share your report with your peers.VI. Giving marks

Deputy director on educational affairs: Signature

Page 9: The aim of the lesson: · Web view2021/02/10  · The aim of the lesson: Lesson 1.A. Welcome to Uzbekistan! Unit 1. My Country - my pride Educational: -to improve pupils’ awareness

Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Lesson 2.B. Famous people

The aim of the lesson:Educational: -to improve pupils’ awareness of famous people in Uzbekistan’s history and their life Developing: -to develop grammar skills, listening skills; reading skills and using adjective words Socio-cultural: -to raise awareness of Uzbek culture, teaching to respect other cultures Competence: SC5, LC and PC in talking about famous peopleLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to speak about famous people who was born in Uzbekistan and their contribution to the motherlandType of the lesson: non-standard, mixed, traditionalMethod of the lesson: group work, pair workEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, pictures of famous people


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson.

II. Pre-Activity

Activity 1 Check pupils’ grammar : Past simple and past perfect. Ask pupils to look at the exercise and choose the correct answer. Reading sentences they revise information about Avicenna.Answer key:

1. was born2. was ruled3. had already memorized

4. was regarded5. was allowed/had cured

III. Main Part

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Activity 2 Explain pupils that they should rearrange the word s to make meaningful sentences. They have to use the correct form of the verbs.

Answer key:1. People didn’t know about algebra in ancient times2. Before Al-Khwarizmi Ptolomey did research the Earth to develop the map3. The Scientist contributed to the science learning about measuring the volume4. He had written many works before he died at the age 705. Al-Khwarizmi mentioned that he wrote his works to serve humanity

IV. Post-activity

Activity 3 Pupils Ask your pupils to match the word s in the box with their definitions. If your class is passive, allow them to use dictionary but do not tell the answers.

Answer key:1. descendant2. family tree3. ancestor4. generation

5. age6. pride7. ancient8. founder

V. Giving Homework. Learn new words. Make sentences using them.

VI. Evaluation. Giving marks

Deputy director on educational affairs: Signature

Page 11: The aim of the lesson: · Web view2021/02/10  · The aim of the lesson: Lesson 1.A. Welcome to Uzbekistan! Unit 1. My Country - my pride Educational: -to improve pupils’ awareness

Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Lesson 2.B. Famous people. Consolidation

The aim of the lesson:Educational: -to improve pupils’ awareness of famous people in Uzbekistan’s history and their life Developing: -to develop grammar skills, listening skills; reading skills and using adjective words Socio-cultural: -to raise awareness of Uzbek culture, teaching to respect other cultures Competence: SC5, LC and PC in talking about famous peopleLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to speak about famous people who was born in Uzbekistan and their contribution to the motherlandType of the lesson: non-standard, mixed, traditionalMethod of the lesson: group work, pair workEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, pictures of famous people


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson.

II. Pre-Activity

Activity 4. Make up sentences using new words from exercise 3. Pupils should make up sentences using new words. Explain them that they should try to use more new words in their sentences.Possible answers:1.The founder of Temurid’s kingdom was Tamerlane.2. Ancient Samarkand is attracting many tourists all around the world.

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3. Every Uzbek feels pride when they hear the name of Al-Khwarizmi

III. Main Part

Activity 5. Ask your learners to Ask your pupils to discuss the following questions. in the group.• What is Uzbekistan most famous for?• What has Uzbekistan given to the world?• What things about Uzbekistan do you think Uzbeks are proud of?• Were people in the past smarter than now? Why/why not?

Activity 6. Divide the following adjectives into positive and negative.Answer key:Positive: generous / smart decisive / reliable / optimistic / hard-working / wise / helpfulNegative: mean /low-working / talkative / selfish / serious/ materialistic / pessimistic

IV. Post-activityActivity 7. Explain pupils that they have to read the questions and take a note about one of the Internationally recognized person of Uzbekistan. All questions should not be included.

V. HomeworkExplain pupils homework. They do self-study and research. Using the notes above write about one internationally famous person in your country. They should write:• Who the person is?• Why he or she is famous?• What should we do in order to become famous?They make a presentation on the topic and share their presentation with their peers.

VI. Evaluation. Giving marks

Deputy director on educational affairs: Signature

Page 13: The aim of the lesson: · Web view2021/02/10  · The aim of the lesson: Lesson 1.A. Welcome to Uzbekistan! Unit 1. My Country - my pride Educational: -to improve pupils’ awareness

Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Control work 1

1. These cars.............in Uzbekistan.A) produces B) be produced C) are produced D)are producing2. Samarkand . . . . . . by Amir Timur in the 14th century.A) was ruled B) is ruled C) ruled D) were ruled3. Who is the founder of Algebra?A) Al-Hakim at Termiziy B) Abu Ali Ibn SinoC) Khoja Ahmad Yassawiy D) Muhammad ibn Muso al-Khwarizmi4. How is it called “ = ” in English?A) parallel B) equal C) fraction D) percent5. Which of them is division?A) + B) - C) ÷ D) X6. Find multiplication.A) + B) - C) ÷ D) X7. A distinct period of history equal to 100 years.A) age B) generation C) month D) ancient8. A person who first starts some activities.A) descendantB) generation C) ancestor D) founder9. A genealogical diagram of the people who live together.A) ancestor B) family tree C) descendant D) founder10. Peter............at seven o‘clock.A) goes up B) gets C) gets up D) woke up11..............you like this DVD?A) Are B) Have C) Do D) Does12. We live in a flat.A) don’t B) hasn’t C) doesn’t D) are not13. a person who answers the questions during the interviewA) employer B) interviewer C) manager D) interviewee14. He welcomed me with a wide smile and a warmA) tradition B) handshake C) appearanceD) tea15. Family gathering is a wonderful.............in each Uzbek familyA) tradition B) superstition C) dinner D) greeting

Write the words in the correct order to make sentences or questions16. is for? most Uzbekistan What famous What is Uzbekistan most famous for?

17. many / before / he / He/ wrotten / had /died / at the age 70 / works. He had written many works before he died at the age of 70 18. is the Algebra ? founder Who of Who is the founder of Algebra?

19. of parts? work bigWhich five consists Which work consist of five parts?

20. of these Which 783? was in scientists born Which of these scientists was born in 783?

Q 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15A C A D B C D A D B C C A D B A

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Let’s talk aboutCOUNTRIES

Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf


The aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose is to improve pupils’ knowledge; to revise and consolidate all learnt materilas from previous lessonsDeveloping: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose is to develop grammar skills, listening skills; reading skillsSocio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC3, FLCC and PC in asking and answering questionsLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about all topics learnt in previous lessons; use vocabulary properlyType of the lesson: non-standard, mixed, traditionalMethod of the lesson: group work, pair workEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson.

II. Pre-Activity

Page 15: The aim of the lesson: · Web view2021/02/10  · The aim of the lesson: Lesson 1.A. Welcome to Uzbekistan! Unit 1. My Country - my pride Educational: -to improve pupils’ awareness

What is the biggest country in the world?What do you know about it?

What is the country with the most people?What do you know about it?

How many continents are there? Can you name them?

Do many people visit your country?

What can tourists see and do there?

Name some landmarks in the city or country where you live.(= important sight or feature in the city

Name three countries in three different continents where it is always hot and never snows or

How many countries are there in the world?Guess.

How many currencies do you know? Make a list.Name three countries in three different continents where it always snows and freezes in winter.

What are the most popular tourist countries?Guess.

What countries would you visit if you were on a world trip?Get a map and plan your world trip.

How many countries can you name starting with the letter J?On which continent(s) are they

Which countries have you visited?

Which countries would you like to visit?

What countries would you not want to visit and why?How many countries can you name starting with the letter K?On which continent(s) are they

Would you like to live, study or work in another country?If so, which country?

5. USA4. Mexico

7. China 8. Russia

Conversation cards

Draw and colour the flags.

Plan a 3-week tour around your country. Make a list of places to visit, to stay and how to get there.

How many countries can you name starting with the letter B?

On which continent(s) are they

1.Germany 2. Spain 3. UK12

6. Japan3

9. Thailand4

Deputy director on educational affairs: _


India 11

Italy 8 12








Australia 5 9

Brazil 6 10


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Page 17: The aim of the lesson: · Web view2021/02/10  · The aim of the lesson: Lesson 1.A. Welcome to Uzbekistan! Unit 1. My Country - my pride Educational: -to improve pupils’ awareness

Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Unit 2 What is your speciality?Lesson 1.A. Introduction to the speciality

The aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose is to improve pupils’ knowledge on English grammar, professions, types of jobsDeveloping: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose is to develop grammar and vocabulary; reading for general idea; skimmingSocio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC1, SC and LC in talking about professionLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about types of jobs and speaciality; to say about their future speciality and explain the reason for choosingType of the lesson: non-standard, mixed, traditionalMethod of the lesson: group work, pair work, individualEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson.

II. Pre-ActivityActivity 1 Ask pupils to match pictures a-e with 1 - 5 What do they have in common?Objective: to enlarge outlooking and speking skills

Answer key: 1-D, 2-B, 3-A, 4-C, 5-B

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III. Main PartActivity 2 Sort out the words into the following parts of speech.Objective: to learn new words and word buildingAnswer key:bring up verbeager adjectivenoble adjectiveproper adjectivescience nounmust verbtake care phrasal verb

recover verbpatient adjectivecatch a cold phrasal verbhave a fever phrasal verbimportant adjectivemake a choice collocationlegal adjective

Activity 3 Ask pupils to complete the sentences using the word s and phrases in the box.Objective: to develop listening for spesific informationAnswer key:1 a teacher2. bring up3. education4. doctor5. surgeon6. takes carePlay T 3 . Ask pupils to listen and check their answers.

7. an interpreter8. language9. educated10. a lawyer11. make a right choice12. legal

IV. Post-activityActivity 4 Ask pupils that they should work in pairs and discuss with their partner following question.Objective: to develop speaking skills and being able to make plans

What do you want to be? Why?

V. Giving Homework. Learn new words. Make sentences using them.

VI. Evaluation. Giving marks

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Lesson 1.A. Introduction to the speciality. Consolidation

The aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose is to improve pupils’ knowledge on English grammar, professions, types of jobsDeveloping: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose is to develop grammar and vocabulary; reading for general idea; skimmingSocio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC2, FLCC and PC in talking about jobsLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about types of jobs and speaciality; to say about their future speciality and explain the reason for choosingType of the lesson: non-standard, mixed, traditionalMethod of the lesson: group work, pair work, individualEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson.

II. Pre-ActivityActivity 5 Look at the photos. Answer the questions.a) What are these people doing?b) Are they enjoying their work? How do you know?

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HomeworkMake a list of vocabulary, which you have learned today.Make a report on your favourite job. Word limit is 80 -100 .Share your report with your peers

Then pupils Ask your pupils to read the text about jobs for teenagers.III. Main PartActivity 6 Match the underlined words and phrases in the text with the meanings below.Objective: to develop reading skills and learn new wordsExplain your pupils that they should match the underlined words and phrases in the text with the meaningsAnswer key:1. babysitting 2. earn3. part-time 4. minimum wage

Activity 7 Read the text and they decide if the sentences are true or false. Objective: to develop reading for general informationAsk your pupils to read the text and decide whether statement true or falseAnswer key:1. true 2. true3. false 4. false

Activity 8 Pupils test their vocabulary of “Jobs ” with the activity “word jumbles ”. 20 types of occupation are given below.Objective: to increase vocabulary and logical thinkingAnswer key:1. FARMER2. FIREMAN3. ELECTRICIAN4. DRESSMAKER5. CARPENTER6. PAINTER7. HAIRDRESSER8. BARBER9. POSTMAN10. VETIV. Post-activity


Activity 9 Ask pupils to Ask your pupils to match the function with the jobsAnswer key:1. Babysitter a, f, k 2. Paper boy h, e,3. Cleaner a, i, l 4. Shop assistant c, g,5. Cashier b 6. Waiter/waitress d, j

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Page 21: The aim of the lesson: · Web view2021/02/10  · The aim of the lesson: Lesson 1.A. Welcome to Uzbekistan! Unit 1. My Country - my pride Educational: -to improve pupils’ awareness

Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Lesson 1.B. Introduction to the speciality

The aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose is to improve pupils’ knowledge on English grammar, using to be going to, reading and understanding job advertsDeveloping: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose is to develop grammar and vocabulary; listening and reading for general meaning; skimmingSocio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC2, FLCC and PC in talking about jobsLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about types of jobs and speaciality; to say about their future speciality and explain the reason for choosingType of the lesson: non-standard, mixedMethod of the lesson: group work, pair work, individualEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: Greeting.- Check for homework given on past lesson.Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.

II. Pre-ActivityActivity 1 Ask pupils to look at the questions and check their grammar : To be going to. They complete the sentences using exercise 3 on page 27.Answer key: 1. a teacher 2. Surgeon

3. is going to be 4. is going to beb) 5. Kamila is going to get a proper education. 6. Dilnoza is going to take care of patients.7. Temur is going to give advice. 8. Sevara is going to help people.

III. Main PartActivity 2 Look at Temur ’s diary. Write what he is going to do this week.

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e.g. Temur is going to visit a museum on Monday.

Answer key:1. Temur is going to do math on Tuesday2. He is going to go swimming on Wednesday3. He is going to do English on Thursday4. He is going to the gym on Friday5. He is going to play football on Saturday6. He is going to go to the cinema on Sunday

Activity 3 Make your own diary for a week .Ask pupils to write their own diaries with their own activities for week.

IV. Post-activityActivity 4 Ask your partner to tell about his/her plans for the week .After completing their weekly activities they tell their plans to partner. And discuss favourite activities

V. Giving Homework. Learn new words. Make sentences using them.VI. Evaluation. Giving marks

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Lesson 1.B. Introduction to the speciality. Consolidation

The aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose is to improve pupils’ knowledge on English grammar, using to be going to, reading and understanding job advertsDeveloping: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose is to develop grammar and vocabulary; listening and reading for general meaning; skimmingSocio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC2, FLCC and PC in talking about jobsLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about types of jobs and speaciality; to say about their future speciality and explain the reason for choosingType of the lesson: non-standard, mixedMethod of the lesson: group work, pair work, individualEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: Greeting.- Check for homework given on past lesson.Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.

II. Pre-ActivityActivity 5 Explain pupils that they should read the definition and find the professions. They use / to be going to / make their sentences full.Answer key:1. He is going to be a photographer2. He is going to be a dressmaker3. He is going to be an architecht4. He is going to be a teacher5. He is going to be a dentist6. He is going to be an astronaut

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What kind of jobs are the most popular with youngsters in your country? Support your ides with the examples.What kind of jobs are the least popular? Give reasons.

7. He is going to be a surgeon8. He is going to be a postman

III. Main PartActivity 6 Learn the new vocabulary and their defi nitions. Use them appropriately in the given sentences below.Ask pupis to look at the sentences and compelete them. They learn the new vocabulary and their definitions and use them appropriately in the given sentences below.Answer key:1. apply2. survey3. jobseeker4. CV5. employer6. employee

Activity 7 Ask your pupils to discuss the following questions. in the group and give their ideas.

IV. Post-activityActivity 8 There are giveb adverts offering different jobs, ask your pupils to read the job adverts and circle True or False for the given sentences.Answer key:1. false2. true3. true4. true

5. false6. false7. false8. false

V. Giving Homework. Write an essay “My dream job”. (Word limit is 80-100 ). You should include:• What is my dream job?• What kinds of tasks do I want (and not want) to do on my job?• What obstacles do I need to overcome to achieve my career goals?

Use these phrases in you essay.The occupation I choose is because . This occupation requires For this occupation, I need to know . For this occupation, I need to be able to This occupation has a salary range of to .

VI. Evaluation. Giving marks

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Page 25: The aim of the lesson: · Web view2021/02/10  · The aim of the lesson: Lesson 1.A. Welcome to Uzbekistan! Unit 1. My Country - my pride Educational: -to improve pupils’ awareness

Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Lesson 2.A. Job Interview

The aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose is to improve pupils’ knowledge on job interviews; - teaach how to behave during job interviews, raise awareness of related vocabulary Developing: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose is to develop grammar skills, listening skills; reading for general informationSocio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC2, FLCC and PC in talking about job interviewLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about job interviews; - use related vocabulary; - answer questions and ask appropriate questions from interviewerType of the lesson: non-standard, mixedMethod of the lesson: group work, pair work, individualEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.II. Pre-activityActivity 1 a) Ask pupil’s to look at the picture on their book. Ask questions about who they are, what they are doing, what they are talking about. Accept any answer. They have to look at the picture and guess the situation:

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b) There are given 8 sentences with pictures. Tell your class to match these pictures with sentences Match sentences a-h with pictures 1-8 to describe each step of the interview process.Answer key: 1-f, 2-b, 3-d, 4-g 5-h 6-e 7-a 8-c

Activity 2 Ask your pupils to match the words relating to job with their definitions.

Answer key: 1-c, 2-g, 3-e, 4-h, 5-d, 6-b, 7-a, 8-k, 9-f, 10-j, 11-i

Activity 3 Before playing audio explain pupils that two friends have a conversation. One of them applied to job and had an interview. Ask pupils to listen to the dialogue between them. There are given wrong sentences. They should rewrite them correctly.

Answer key: 1. Zafar went for a job interview 2. Mansur did not go for the job interview3. Zafar had been told by his friend about job 4. Zafar wants to be a shop assistant5. Zafar did not have work experience 6. Zafar asked for afternoon work hours7. Zafar did not wear his suit 8. Zafar thinks the employer wants to hire him as a shop assistant

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Page 27: The aim of the lesson: · Web view2021/02/10  · The aim of the lesson: Lesson 1.A. Welcome to Uzbekistan! Unit 1. My Country - my pride Educational: -to improve pupils’ awareness

Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Lesson 2.A. Job Interview. Consolidation

The aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose is to improve pupils’ knowledge on job interviews; - teaach how to behave during job interviews, raise awareness of related vocabulary Developing: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose is to develop grammar skills, listening skills; reading for general informationSocio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC2, FLCC and PC in talking about job interviewLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about job interviews; - use related vocabulary; - answer questions and ask appropriate questions from interviewerType of the lesson: non-standard, mixedMethod of the lesson: group work, pair work, individualEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.

II. Pre-activity

Activity 4 Listen again and choose the correct answer .Answer key: 1-c, 2-c , 3-d, 4-a, 5-c

III. Main partActivity 5 Have pupils looking at the pictures and they choose the most important things for a job interview. They give their own opinions. Accept any ideas.

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Activity 6 Ask your pupils to read the text and choose the best heading for the text.Answer key: Job interview tips for teens

V. Homework1. Make a list of vocabulary, which you have learned today.2. Write down 10 interview questions.3. Share your questions with your partner.VI. Evaluation. Giving marks

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Page 29: The aim of the lesson: · Web view2021/02/10  · The aim of the lesson: Lesson 1.A. Welcome to Uzbekistan! Unit 1. My Country - my pride Educational: -to improve pupils’ awareness

Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Lesson 2.B. Job Interview

The aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose is to improve pupils’ knowledge on job interviews; - teaach how to behave during job interviews, raise awareness of related vocabulary Developing: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose is to develop grammar skills, listening skills; reading for general informationSocio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC2, FLCC and PC in talking about job interviewLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about job interviews; - use related vocabulary; - answer questions and ask appropriate questions from interviewerType of the lesson: non-standard, mixedMethod of the lesson: group work, pair work, individualEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.II. Pre-activityActivity 1 Ask pupils to look at questions and check their grammar : Using should. Giving advice. Your class should give advice using should or shouldn’t and the following mixed up words.Answer key:1. You shouldn’t call the interviewer earlier.2. You should be responsible and hardworking.3. You should fully answer the questions during the interview.4. You shouldn’t be late the interview5. You should wear casual clothes.

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III. Main partActivity 2 Tell the class that tomorrow their friend is going to a job interview. They should read their friend’s statements and give him or her, their advice.

Activity 3 Tell your pupils to read the helpful tips for job interview. Ask them to add other tips to this list.

• The first 30 seconds can make or break an interview.• Make a good impression by dressing professionally and giving a firm handshake.• Look at the interviewer straight in the eyes, and smile!

IV. Post-activity. Activity 4 Pupils Ask your pupils to read the text and complete the table below with words and phrases from the text

Answer key:1-Afterwards, 2-well-prepared 3-smart suite 4-nervious 5-we’ll be in touch 6-previous work experience 7-filled out 8-advert 9-CV

V. Homework Make a list of vocabulary, which you have learned today.VI. Evaluation. Giving marks

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Lesson 2.B. Job Interview. Consolidation

The aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose improve pupils’ knowledge on job interviews; - teaach how to behave during job interviews, raise awareness of related vocabulary Developing: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose develop grammar skills, listening skills; reading for general informationSocio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC2, FLCC and PC in talking about job interviewLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about job interviews; - use related vocabulary; - answer questions and ask appropriate questions from interviewerType of the lesson: non-standard, mixedMethod of the lesson: group work, pair work, individualEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.II. Pre-activityActivity 5 Ask your pupils to write the words in the correct order to make sentences or questions someone could ask in a job interview.Answer key:a) Good afternoon, Nice to meet you!b) Thank you for coming today. We’ll be in touch!c) Have you got any questions?d) Can you tell us about your previous work experience, please?e) Do you work well in a team?f) When could you start?

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g) Why do you want this job?h) We would like to ask a few questions.i) What skills have you got that would help you in this job?j) You’ll get £10.50 per hour and work Wednesdays to Sundays.

III. Main PartActivity 6 Pupils Ask your pupils to fill in the gaps with sentences from exercise 5.Answer key:1) Good afternoon, Nice to meet you!2) We would like to ask a few questions.3) Can you tell us about your previous work experience, please?4) What skills have you got that would help you in this job?5) Why do you want this job?6) Do you work well in a team?7) When could you start?8) Have you got any questions?9) You’ll get £10.50 per hour and work Wednesdays to Sundays.10) Thank you for coming today. We’ll be in touch!

Activity 7 Have your pupils reading the basic questions about themselves. They should explain their answers in detail. Ask these questions as an interviewer.

Activity 8 Find your friend’s job by asking following questions.

Ask your pupils to work in pairs. One of them think about one job. The other one gives him different questions to find out where he works. They may use questions from the box.

IV. Post-activity

Activity 9 Interview each other in pairs.

In this activity pupils work in pairs and interview each other. They give questions learnt from the lesson.

V. HomeworkWrite about your interviewee.For example: I interviewed Laziza. She is 16 years old and lives in Tashkent. She is responsible and hard-working.

VI. Evaluation. Giving marks

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Control work 2

1. to get (money) for working.A) babysitting B) wage C) earn D) salary2. jobs that you do for a few hours a week.A) part-time job B) salary C) earn D) wage3. the smallest amount of money you can get for working by law.A) babysitting B) wage C) earn D) salary4.read stories and play with childrenA) paperboy B) librarian C) baby-sitter D) cleaner5.assist the people to choose the items to buyA) paperboy B) cashier C) shop assistant D) cleaner6. I’ve never met an actor . . . . .A) before B) already C) after D) today7. is very good exercise.A) Swim B) To swim C)Swimming D) To swimming8. Have you been on a winter sports holiday?A) always B) ever C) soon D) before9. They pay for the tickets.A) haven’t to B) don’t have C) don’t have to D) mustn’t10. a summary of education and employment experienceA) employer B) knowledge C) CV D) interviewee11. a person who works for a company or another personA) employer B) trainee C) manager D) employee12. knowledge and skill that is gained through time spent doing a job or activityA) experience B) application C) knowledge D) salary

13. a person who answers the questions during the interviewA) employer B) interviewer C) manager D) interviewee14. Stephen to visit his parents.A) will B) going C) is going D) are going15. I don’t getting up early.A) not like B) want C) enjoy D) -Write the words in the correct order to make sentences or questions16. nice / Good afternoon, / to/ you./ meet/ Good afternoon, nice to meet you!

17. in a team?/ you/ Do / work well Do you work well in a team?

18. a few questions./ would/ to ask/ We/ you/ like We would like to ask a few questions.

19. got / any questions?/ Have you Have you got any questions?

20. start?/ could/ When / you When could you start?

Q 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15A C A B C C A C B C C D A D C C

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf


The aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose is to improve pupils’ knowledge; to revise and consolidate all learnt materilas from previous lessonsDeveloping: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose is to develop grammar skills, listening skills; reading skillsSocio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC3, FLCC and PC in asking and answering questionsLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about all topics learnt in previous lessons; use vocabulary properlyType of the lesson: non-standard, mixed, traditionalMethod of the lesson: group work, pair workEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.II. Pre-activity

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III. Main part

Activity 1 Complete the following sentences with have to/has to or don’t/doesn’t have to

Activity 2 Complete the table using these activities.

Answer key: I have to: know the timetable; switch off the mobile-phone during the lesson; be active.I don’t have to: get up at 6 o’clock at week-ends; wear a tie; visit Net Club after lessons;

IV. Post-activity

Activity 3 Write 5 things you have to do and you don’t have to do at your work.

V. Homework Make a list of vocabulary, which you have learned today.VI. Evaluation. Giving marks

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Unit 3 My future plansLesson 1 .A. Looking back... moving on...

The aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose improve pupils’ knowledge; talk about apst and future; talk about plansDeveloping: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose develop grammar skills, listening for speacific indormation; reading for deatiled informationSocio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC2, FLCC and PC in talking about past and presentLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about their past and present; to set goals for future; to imagine future events use logical thinkingType of the lesson: non-standard, mixed, traditionalMethod of the lesson: pair work, individualEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.

II. Pre-activityActivity 1 Make a list of your gained and planned skills.Pupils make a list of their gained and planned skills. They write their sentences to last year and next year sections. At the end they compare their answers with their partners.

III. Main partActivity 2 Underline the “odd word”.Ask your pupils to underline the “odd word ”. There are given four words. Three of them have similar meaning and one of them is odd word. They have to find odd word.

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Answer key:1. Akhmedov3. second year student5. Uzbekistan7. Kazakhstan9. after class

2. Freshman4. homework6. American University8. the professor

T5. CD ScriptA: “Hi. Has the lecture started yet?”B: “Hello. No it hasn’t... I’m Jasur Akhmedov. What’s your name?” A: “My name is Jessica. It’s nice to meet you.”B: “Yes. It’s nice to meet you too. Are you a freshman too?”A: “No. I’m a second year student. I thought you are a new student?” B: “Yeah. It’s pretty exciting to be here.”A: “Have fun while it lasts. The excitement wears off real quick. Especially after you see how much homework you get. Where are you from?”B: “I’m from Uzbekistan. My parents wanted me to go to an American university, so I came here.” A: “I have never been to Uzbekistan. I’ve been to Kazakhstan before, but never Uzbekistan.”B: “Why were you in Kazakhstan?” A: “My father thought it would be a good experience to take a vacation to a different country. He’s so into learning about different cultures.”B: “That’s pretty cool.”A: “I thought it would have been more fun if I went without my parents.”B: “Well, if you ever want to visit Uzbekistan, I would be happy to show you around.”A: “Thanks for the offer. I’ll keep that in mind. Oh, the professor is coming. We’ll talk more after class.”B: “OK.”

Answer key:A. pupilB. houseworkC. passiveD. ignoreE. common

F. inabilityG. spoiledH. keepI. confuseJ. ignorance

Activity 3 Listen to the dialogue and Ask your pupils to fill in the gaps with the appropriate words .

IV. Post-activityActivity 4 Listen to the conversation again and best answer for each question.

V. Homework Make a list of vocabulary, which you have learned today.VI. Evaluation. Giving marks

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What university are you going to study at?Why?

Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Lesson 1 .A. Looking back... moving on... Consolidation

The aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose improve pupils’ knowledge; talk about apst and future; talk about plansDeveloping: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose develop grammar skills, listening for speacific indormation; reading for deatiled informationSocio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC2, FLCC and PC in talking about past and presentLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about their past and present; to set goals for future; to imagine future events use logical thinkingType of the lesson: non-standard, mixed, traditionalMethod of the lesson: pair work, individualEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.II. Pre-activityActivity 5 Answer the following questions. Discuss your answers within the group.

III. Main partActivity 6 What do you understand from this quote by the 1st President of Uzbekistan.Remind pupils about the quotes of famous people. Say them the following quote and ask what do they understand from this quote by the 1st President of Uzbekistan.

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Do you think life will be more difficult or easier for our grandchildren? In what ways?What are the main factors of the bright future?Could you describe yourself after 20 years?

Our children must be stronger, wiser, more educated and certainly happier than us. (I. Karimov)

Activity 7 Choose the appropriate options according to the reading passage.Your class is going to read the text about Albert Einstein and choose the appropriate options according to the reading passage. At the end they should decide if the statements are true or false

Answer key:1-D, 2-C, 3-C 4-False 5-False6-True 7-False

Activity 8 Fill in the blanks with the best word from the box. Use each word only one.Your pupils is going to fill gaps using words from box. If your class is passive. Allow them to use dictionaryAnswer key:1. smart 2. experience 3. calculus4. passive 5. research 6. exchange program7. freshman 8. science book 9. spoiled10. confuse

IV. Post-activityActivity 9 Discuss the following questions with your friends.Tell your pupils to discuss the following questions in pairs.

V. Homework1. Make a list of vocabulary which you have learned today.2. Make a report on your achievements. (Word limit is 80 -100 words).3. Share your report with your peers.VI. Evaluation. Giving marks

Deputy director on educational affairs: Signature

Page 40: The aim of the lesson: · Web view2021/02/10  · The aim of the lesson: Lesson 1.A. Welcome to Uzbekistan! Unit 1. My Country - my pride Educational: -to improve pupils’ awareness

Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Lesson 1 .B. Looking back... moving on...

The aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose improve pupils’ knowledge; talk about apst and future; give them motivation; make plan for future with deadline; use modal verbs Developing: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose develop grammar skills, reading for deatiled information; speaking skillsSocio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC6, FLCC and SC in talking about futureLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about their future; to differenciate postive and negative feelings; state an idea how to become successfulType of the lesson: non-standard, mixed, traditionalMethod of the lesson: pair work, individual, group workEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 minProcedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.

II. Pre-activityActivity 1 Check your grammar: To be going to. Read the advice below and rewr ite them usingshould, ought to, had better and could.Ask your pupils to do exercises below and check their knowledge on modal verbs

III. Main partActivity 2 Read the sentences below. Do you agree with these statements. Why/Why not? 10 reasons why you should study abroad.1. Making Friends2. Gaining Confidence

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3. Becoming Independent4. Food5. Make People Jealous6. Invite Your Friends To Visit7. Improve Your C.V.8. Experience New Cultures9. Record Your Experience10. Learn Languages

Activity 3 Make the sentences using new words from exercise 2. Include modal verbs of advice in your sentences. Discuss the ideas in the group by using your notes for exercise

IV. Post-activityActivity 4. Look at the picture and discuss the following question.

• Dedication• Hard work• Good habits• Disappointment

• Sacrifice• Failure• Persistence

V. Homework Make a list of vocabulary which you have learned today.VI. Evaluation. Giving marks

Deputy director on educational affairs: Signature

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Lesson 1 .B. Looking back... moving on... Consolidation

The aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose improve pupils’ knowledge; talk about apst and future; give them motivation; make plan for future with deadline; use modal verbs Developing: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose develop grammar skills, reading for deatiled information; speaking skillsSocio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC6, FLCC and SC in talking about futureLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about their future; to differenciate postive and negative feelings; state an idea how to become successfulType of the lesson: non-standard, mixed, traditionalMethod of the lesson: pair work, individual, group workEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.II. Pre-activity

Activity 5 Ask your class to read and say what a successful person is and share their ideas with the class.

III. Main partActivity 6 Your pupils should Ask your pupils to read the text and Ask your pupils to discuss the following questions..Answer key:1. When was Mother Teresa born? In 19102. What was her real name? Agnes

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3. What was the first lesson in life? kindness4. What was the second lesson in life? Not giving up5. Where did she work? In 19286. What did she set up? In 19487. What did she get in 1979? Nobel Peace Prize8. Is Mother Teresa considered to achieve success? No

Activity 7 Ask your pupils to discuss these questions about themselves with their peers. They should try to share their experience with the friends.

1. Are you a successful person? Why do you think so?2. What must you do to become a successful person?3. What is your motto in life?4. What can you advise to other people?

IV. Post-activityActivity 8 Your pupils should fill in the table due to their plans. Ask them about their daily, weekly, yearly plans. By the end of the some period what they should have done and what is their task to achieve this.

V. HomeworkWrite down your long term plans for the future using your notes.

VI. Evaluation. Giving marks

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Lesson 2 . A. Where to go?

The aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose improve pupils’ knowledge; talk about apst and future; give them motivation; make plan for future with deadline;Developing: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose develop grammar skills: synonyms; listening skills; reading for deatiled information; speaking and writing skillsSocio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC2, SC and LC in dialogueLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about their future; to differenciate postive and negative feelings; state an idea how to become successfulType of the lesson: non-standard, mixed, traditionalMethod of the lesson: pair work, individual, group workEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.

II. Pre-activityActivity 1 Tell your pupils that their future depends on their present. They read the quote about future. And describe theirselves after ten years now.

If you want to know your past, look into your present conditions. If you want to know your future look into your present actions.

III. Main partActivity 2 Match the word s with their synonyms.

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Answer key:1-b, 2-a, 1-b, 2-a 1-a, 2-b 1-b, 2-a 1-a, 2-b 1-b, 2-a 1-a, 2-b

Activity 3 Play the audio. Tell your pupils to listen the song named “Win” by Brian McKnight and Ask your pupils to fill in the gaps with the suitable words and phrases from the box below.

Answer key:1. night2. give up3. lay4. give up5. fall

6. fail7. get up8. hope9. upon10. quit

11. remember12. from now13. stand

Activity 4 Ask your pupils to look at and discuss interesting facts with their partner. Ask them what kind of interesting facts they know.

Activity 5 Tell your pupils which one describes them after ten years now. They have to support their ideas with the examples.

Activity 6 Ask your class to read the passage and give a title.

Activity 7 After reading a passage. As them to tick the right statement.

Activity 8 Fill in the blanks with the best word from the box. Use each word only one.Answer key:1. action 2. well-planed 3. goal 4. achieve 5. believe6. Belief 7. quit 8. multiple 9. responsible 10. realizeIV. Post-activityActivity 9 Tell your class to discuss the following questions. in pairs.• Which of your goals have you already achieved?• What do you hope to have achieved by the time you’re sixty?• Do you have a five - year - plan for your life?• What success have you had in this English class?• What can you do to be more successful?

V.Homework1. Make a list of vocabulary which you have learned today.2. Make a report on your future plans. (Word limit is 80-100 words).3. Share your report with your peers.VI. Evaluation. Giving marks

Deputy director on educational affairs: Signature

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Lesson 2 .B. Where to go?

The aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose improve pupils’ knowledge; talk about apst and future; give them motivation; make plan for future with deadline;Developing: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose develop grammar skills: synonyms; listening skills; reading for deatiled information; speaking and writing skillsSocio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC2, SC and LC in dialogueLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about their future; to differenciate postive and negative feelings; state an idea how to become successfulType of the lesson: non-standard, mixed, traditionalMethod of the lesson: pair work, individual, group workEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.II. Pre-activityActivity 1 Check your pupils grammar: Phrasal verbs. Ask your pupils to Ask your pupils to fill in the gaps with phrasal verbs using grammar spot and the definitions from the bracket.

III. Main partActivity 2 Ask your pupils to Ask your pupils to match the pictures with phrasal verbs from the box.Answer key:

1. write down2. work out3. look up

4. apply for5. come in6. hand in

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Activity 3 Your pupil’s should choose the best answer. They may use the dictionary if they need

Answer key:1-c, 2-c, 3-b, 4-a, 5-b, 6-c, 7-a, 8-b, 9-a, 10-b

IV. Post-activityActivity 4 Ask pupils to Ask your pupils to Ask your pupils to match the words with quotes. Which one did you like best?

Answer key:A-Future plans, B-happiness, C-KnowledgeV.Homework. Make a list of vocabulary which you have learned today.VI. Evaluation. Giving marksDeputy director on educational affairs: Signature

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Lesson 2 .B. Where to go? Consolidation

The aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose improve pupils’ knowledge; talk about apst and future; give them motivation; make plan for future with deadline;Developing: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose develop grammar skills: synonyms; listening skills; reading for deatiled information; speaking and writing skillsSocio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC2, SC and LC in dialogueLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about their future; to differenciate postive and negative feelings; state an idea how to become successfulType of the lesson: non-standard, mixed, traditionalMethod of the lesson: pair work, individual, group workEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.

II. Pre-activityActivity 5 Pupils should rearrange the words in order to make the quotes about future plans.Answer key:1. A goal is a dream with a plan and a deadline.2. “The intelligent have plans; the wise have principles.3. The optimist is a pessimist with a plan

III. Main partActivity 6 Have pupils reading the passage about IQ, effort and success And answer questions

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Answer key:

1-C, 2-C, 3-A

Activity 7 Put the suitable verbs and fill the gaps.

1. Quick! Get on the bus. It's ready to leave.2. It's dark inside. Can you switch on the light, please?3. I need some new clothes. Why don't you try on these jeans?4. Does your little brother believe in ghosts?5. The firemen were able to put out the fire in Church Street.6. It's so loud here. Can you turn down the radio a little.7. It's warm inside. Take off your coat.8. I don't know where my book is. I have to look for it.

Answer key:

1. get on 2. switch on3. try on 4. believe in5. put out 6. turn down7. take off 8. Look for

Activity 8 Photo captionAsk your pupils to look at the phto and write a caption for it

V. HomeworkAnswer 10 questions and discover your future.

VI. Evaluation. Giving marks

Deputy director on educational affairs: Signature

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf


The aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose is to improve pupils’ knowledge; to revise and consolidate all learnt materilas from previous lessonsDeveloping: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose is to develop grammar skills, listening skills; reading skillsSocio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC3, FLCC and PC in answering questionsLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about all topics learnt in previous lessons; use vocabulary properlyType of the lesson: non-standard, mixed, traditionalMethod of the lesson: group work, pair workEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.

II. Pre-activityAks words from previous lessons. Divide group into 3 groups. Play “sink or swim”. Ask questions from previous unit.

III. Main partRead what these three people want to do in the future and answer the questions in full sentences. Remember how we form the future tense! (Level 5c – a type grammar)

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My name is Lance and I am 15 years old. I am not sure what job I want when I am older, but I do know that I want to go to university. I am going to study English, Italian and Maths in Year 12& 13 and then go to a good university to study modern languages. Maybe I will become a famous writer or artist.

Hi, my name is Rosie. I am 17 years old. I am going to be a doctor when I am older. I love to study and will go to medical school when I am 20. Before this I am going to travel abroad, to Africa and India and work in hospitals to get some experience. I know it will be difficult, but I will be strong and won’t get frightened or scared even if things get hard. I want to be the best!

When I am older I am going to travel more. I came to the UK from Italy when I was five and I will return there one day soon. As I am going to travel I will learn as many new languages as I can while I am at school. I really want to learn Chinese andRussian, but the school doesn’t teach it at the minute, although the teachers say this will change soon! Sorry I forgot to say, my name is Laurent and I hope I will meet you on my travels in the future!

1. Who is going to be a doctor?2. Which 2 students will learn new languages in the future/3. Will Laurent be able to learn Russian at school?4. Does Lance think he will become a dancer when he is older?5. How many students want to travel in the future?


IV. Post-activity

Using the examples above to help you, write about your own plans. If you are not sure what you want to do use your imagination.

V.Homework. Make a list of vocabulary which you have learned today.VI. Evaluation. Giving marks

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Deputy director on educational affairs: Signature

Page 53: The aim of the lesson: · Web view2021/02/10  · The aim of the lesson: Lesson 1.A. Welcome to Uzbekistan! Unit 1. My Country - my pride Educational: -to improve pupils’ awareness

Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Final test 11. Admire (someone or something) deeplyA) respect B) excite C) amuse D) fight

2. The place where a person was bornA) country B) birtplace C) hospital D) nation3. Person who doesn’t want to change attitude or postionA) handsome B) hardworking C) stubborn D) negative4. A feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happenA) choice B) hope C) struggle D) agony5. Find “quadratic equation”A) X B) = C) ¼ D) ax2 + bx + c = 06. Find “Fraction”A) X B) = C) ¼ D) ax2 + bx + c =7. Find “Square root”A) ÷ B) + C) % D) √8. I’m not enough to understand computers.A) experience B) smart C) selfish D) handsome9. Do you have any of working with kids?A) confuse B) program C) experience D) research10. Do not me. I am revising for my exam.A) confuse B) laugh C) look at D) follow11. A child is allowed to do or have anything that it wants to.A) smart B) experienced C) spoiled D) responsible12. It is not easy task to success without hardworking.A) achieve B) learn C) become D) believe13. You are for your future. Don’t blame others.A) successful B) responsible C) hardworking D) suitable14. These books belong to the college library, so you can .A) keep them forever B) own them for a while C) borrow them for a while

15. Paul has worked out a way to .A) solve the problem B) create the problem C) increase the problemFill the gaps with the correct tenses (active or passive voice).

In the year 122 AD, the Roman Emperor Hadrian (visit) 16. visited his rovinces in Britain. On his visit, the Roman soldiers (tell) 17. told him thatPictish tribes from Britain’s north(attack) 18. attacked them. So Hadrian (give)19. gave the order to build a protective wall across one of the narrowest parts of the country. After 6 years of hard work, the Wall (finish) 20. was finished in 128. It (be) was 117 kilometres long and about 4 metres high.

Q 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15A A B C B D C D B C A C A B B A

Deputy director on educational affairs: Signature

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Unit 4 Time managementLesson 1.A. When? Where? How?

The aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose is to improve pupils’ knowledge; to teach self-confidence; time-management; positive mannersDeveloping: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose is to develop grammar skills and vocabulary, listening for main idea; reading skillsSocio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC1, PC and SC in in talking about time managementLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about time-management, efficiency at work, positive and negative manners at workType of the lesson: non-standard, mixed, modernMethod of the lesson: group work, pair workEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.II. Pre-activityActivity 1 Pupils read the statements. Can you add you r own statements about time? You can’t save time.You can’t borrow time.You can only do two things with time:Use it or waste it.

III. Main partActivity 2 You should explain that learners Ask your pupils to Ask your pupils tomatch the words with the definitions according to their colour to find the right meaning.

Answer key:

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1. to do things very well and quickly without wasting time - efficient2. time or date that you have to complete something - deadline3. planned lists of something that is to be done – to do list4. Something written or noticed to be done – task5. Timing of activities – schedule6. something good to receive – benefit7. additional time – extra time8. different tasks at the same time – multitask9. make more modern – to update

Activity 3 Play the DVD. Your pupils listen and answer the following questions:Answer key:1. Who is organised and efficient? Surayyo2. Who has problems with time management? Kamilla3. How did Surayyo learn about time management? from book4. Does Surayyo think the recommendations will help Kamila? Yes5. Why does Surayyo keep a to-do list? to do tasks before deadline6. Did Kamila like Surayyo's suggestions? Yes7. What does Kamila need to do with time management? some extra time

Activity 4 Your pupils should Ask your pupils to fill in the gaps.Answer key:1. efficient2. time management

3. to do list4. deadline

Activity 5 Ask your pupils to read the statements below. Ask if they agree or not? Why /Why not?There will never be enough time to get everything done.But there will always be enough time to get the most important things done.

Activity 6 Divide your pupils into small groups. And they should discuss and make a list of benefits of time management .

Activity 7 Your pupils learn the new words and their definitions. They have to fill the story with new vocabulary appropriately.Answer key:1. earn 2. enemy 3. treasure 4. gift 5. rest 6. take a nap7. sunset 8. gate 9. Chance 10. value 11. Wealth 12. wasteIV. Post-activityActivity 8 Ask your pupils that they Ask your pupils to match the n ew word s with their antonyms. They should rewrite the sentences with their antonyms of the underlined words .Answer key:1. e) 2. h) 3. a) 4.b) 5. f) 6.c) 7. d) 8. i) 9. j) 10. g)

Activity 9 Rewrite the sentences using their antonyms.

V. Homework1. Make a list of vocabulary which you have learned today.2. Make a report on your time management. (Word limit is 80-100).3. Share your report with your peers.

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Lesson 1.B. When? Where? How?

The aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose is to improve pupils’ knowledge; to teach self-confidence; time-management; positive mannersDeveloping: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose is to develop grammar skills and vocabulary, listening for main idea; reading skillsSocio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC1, PC and SC in in talking about time managementLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about time-management, efficiency at work, positive and negative manners at workType of the lesson: non-standard, mixed, modernMethod of the lesson: group work, pair workEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.

II. Pre-activityActivity 1 Your pupils check their knowledge on grammar. Check your grammar: Prepositions1. Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions.Answer key:1. on, at, at2. in/on/at3. at4. on5. at6. in

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My DayIt was one of my usual days. I got up at 7 o‘clock in the morning, washed, dressed and had breakfast at 7.30. Then I went to my office. There I worked with the documents till 1 o‘clock in the afternoon. Then I had lunch at 1.30. After that I looked through my diary and saw that I had an important meeting with my companions at 3 p.m. in the café on Monday afternoon. I was short of time. I was in a hurry and forgot to take some important documents with me. I was forced to return to my office. As you could guess I was late. It was awful! I came to the café in 20 minutes. Luckily my companions were still there. I apologized for my being late. Then we discussed some questions. It was a hard day.

7. at8. in9. at/on

III. Main partActivity 2 Ask your pupils to fill in the gaps with the prepositions of time.Answer key:

Activity 3 Here are positive sides of time management and negative effects of failing in time management in the box. With your partner, decide whether they are positive or negative.Answer key:

Positive NegativeWork effectively; less stress; a better professional position; having opportunities for advancement; being able to find out time for both working and relaxing.

missed deadlines; poor work quality; work ineffectively; a poor professional position; higher stress levels;

Activity 4 Divide your pupils in several groups. Read the following pupils’ problems with time management and find out the best solution for them. Try to use vocabulary from exercise 3.

V.Homework1. Make a list of vocabulary which you have learned today.

VI. Evaluation. Giving marks

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Lesson 1.B. When? Where? How? Consolidation

The aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose is to improve pupils’ knowledge; to teach self-confidence; time-management; positive mannersDeveloping: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose is to develop grammar skills and vocabulary, listening for main idea; reading skillsSocio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC1, PC and SC in in talking about time managementLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about time-management, efficiency at work, positive and negative manners at workType of the lesson: non-standard, mixed, modernMethod of the lesson: group work, pair workEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.

II. Pre-activityActivity 5 Ask your pupils to discuss the following questions..1. Are you good at organizing time?2. How do you usually organize time?3. Do you think planning is important for time management?4. Why do you think some people pay to learn time management?5. Name one thing you feel you never have time to do. What is the reason to feel that?6. Name one thing you always postpone to do.

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IV. Post-activityActivity 7 Photo captionAsk your pupils to look at the phto and write a caption for it

V. Homework

III. Main partActivity 6 Your pupils should create the following chart for theirselves. I have to ... .I want to ... .I usually do ... .

Create your own “Time budget” chart. Example is given belowYour “time budget”Two rules:1. Your budget has to include your “have-to‘s” and your “want-to‘s”2. Your budget has to add up to exactly 24 hours (one day)! Your job is to “balance” your time budget!Total time spent: 24 hours create a chart. Write out the activities you want to do/need to do and how long they will take. Things “have to” or “want to” do: How much time it will take in one day:

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Control work 3

1. to use too much of something; use something badly when there is a limited amount of itA) earn B) rest C) waste D) unset2. I got up at 7 o‘clock the morningA) at B) on C) from D) in3. I looked through my diary and saw that I had an important meeting with my companions 3 p.m. in the cafe Monday afternoonA) at/on B) in/at C) at/at D) in/on4. Find only negative meaning wordsA) work effectively; missed deadlines; poor work quality; less stress;B) a better professional position; work ineffectively; missed deadlinesC) a poor professional position; higher stress levels; poor work qualityD) being able to find out time for both working and relaxing, work ineffectively5. There are a few shops the end the street.A) at/on B) in/at C) at/of D) in/on6. The picture is......the wall.A) at B) on C) from D) in7. There's somebody waiting......the bus stop.A) at B) on C) from D) in8. Find antonym of deadlineA) disadvantage B) limitless C) advancement D) chance9. Find antonym of earnA) chance B) spend money C) failure D) bad luck

10. Find synonym of chanceA) distraction B) value C) opportunity D) peace11. Find antonym of take a napA) energize B) chance C) to sleep D) peace12. I can’t another language.A) speaking B) speak C) to speak D) spoke13. They pay for the tickets.A) haven’t to B) don’t have C) don’t have to D) don’t14. old is their car?A) What B) When C) How D) Why Put suitable words and complete the sentences.Use waste, earn, chance, effective, deadline, opportunity15. This report is nonsense and nothing but a of paper.16. If you delay now, the might be lost.17. The final for submissions is February 21st.18. He a bit of extra pocket money by babysitting.19. We'd be glad of the to meet her.20. Yoga is a very technique for combating stress.Q 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14


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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Lesson 2.A. Priority organizer

The aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose is to improve pupils’ knowledge; to organize time effeciently; to talk about daily plansDeveloping: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose is to develop grammar skills using prepositions, listening and reading skills; working with groupSocio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC1, FLCC and SC in organizingLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about time budget; create own timme budget, postive sides of time managemetType of the lesson: non-standard, mixed, traditionalMethod of the lesson: group work, pair work, individualEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.II. Pre-activityActivity 1 Ask your pupils following questions: How often do you use a daily organiser? What are the advantages?

Activity 2 Explain your pupils that they Make a list of the most important people, events or things in your life according to priority.

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Activity 3 Explain your pupils that make a list of the most important people, events or things in your life according to priority.Answer key:a) love b) gold c) season d) laugh e) stone f) time Activity 4 Ask your pupils to fill in the gaps with the suitable words from exercise 1. Answer key:"Turn! Turn! Turn!"

To everything - turn, turn, turn There is a season - turn, turn, turnAnd a time to every purpose under heaven

A time to be born, a time to die A time to plant, a time to reap A time to kill, a time to healA time to laugh, a time to weep

To everything - turn, turn, turn There is a season - turn, turn, turnAnd a time to every purpose under heaven

A time to build up, a time to break down A time to dance, a time to mournA time to cast away stonesA time to gather stones together

To everything - turn, turn, turn There is a season - turn, turn, turnAnd a time to every purpose under heaven

A time of love, a time of hate A time of war, a time of peace A time you may embraceA time to refrain from embracing

To everything - turn, turn, turn There is a season - turn, turn, turnAnd a time to every purpose under heaven

A time to gain, a time to lose A time to rend, a time to sewA time for love, a time for hateA time for peace, I swear it's not too late!

Play again. Your pupils listen to the song and check. Use pair checking if possible4. Explain your pupils that they should discuss following questions in small groups.– What is the meaning of the song?– Did you like the song? Why/why not?V.Homework1. Make a list of vocabulary which you have learned today.VI. Evaluation. Giving marks

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Lesson 2.A. Priority organizer. Consolidation

The aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose is to improve pupils’ knowledge; to organize time effeciently; to talk about daily plansDeveloping: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose is to develop grammar skills using prepositions, listening and reading skills; working with groupSocio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC1, FLCC and SC in organizingLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about time budget; create own timme budget, postive sides of time managemetType of the lesson: non-standard, mixed, traditionalMethod of the lesson: group work, pair work, individualEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.II. Pre-activityActivity 5 Explain your pupils that they read the story and give a suitable title.

III. Main partActivity 6 Ask your pupils to answer the following questions.1. What are the meanings of the words – jar, rock, pebble and sand in the text?2. How do you feel about the story?3. What are the differences between a classmate and a colleague?Activity 7 Write about what will be important in your future profession.

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e.g. I think the relationship between people is very important in my future profession. I’ll be in contact with a lot of people every day. I’m going to be a fl ight attendant. A dress code is also very important in my future profession. I have to make a good impression on passengers by wearing neat and tidy uniforms.

IV. Post-activityActivity 8 Explain your pupils that they have to circle the numbers that best describe you. Now add up the numbers that you have circled.The higher the total, the more you need to work on time management skills.

V. Homework1. Make a list of vocabulary, which you have learned today.2. Make a list of your time management weaknesses.3. Compare your list with your partner.

VI. Evaluation

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Lesson 2.B. Priority organizerThe aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose improve pupils’ personal qualities like behavior, education etc. to improve pupils’ organizing and managing skillsDeveloping: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose develop pupils’ personal skills, English learning, motivational skills, develop to report own ideas, communicative skills.Socio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC5, LC and PC in priorityLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about importance of time management, future profession; strength and weakness on organizingType of the lesson: non-standard, mixedMethod of the lesson: group work, pair work, individualEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.

II. Pre-activityActivity 1 Your pupils check their knowledge on grammar.Check your grammar: Modal verbs 1. Complete the sentences with modal verbs.

should/must1. must2. must3. should4. must5. should

must/have to6. must7. have to8. must9. must10. have to

mustn’t/don’t have to11. mustn’t12. mustn’13. don’t have to14. mustn’t15. don’t have to

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Activity 2 Learn common collocations with the word time. Try to guess the meanings.

Activity 3 Write numbers next to the pictures and put them in order.

Answer key: 1.c 2.f 3.h 4.d 5.b 6.e 7.g 8.a

Activity 4 Check your predictions by reading the following text

V. Homework1. Make a list of vocabulary, which you have learned today.2. Make a list of your time management weaknesses.3. Compare your list with your partner.

VI. Evaluation

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Lesson 2.B. Priority organizer. Consolidation

The aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose improve pupils’ personal qualities like behavior, education etc. to improve pupils’ organizing and managing skillsDeveloping: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose develop pupils’ personal skills, English learning, motivational skills, develop to report own ideas, communicative skills.Socio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC5, LC and PC in priorityLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about importance of time management, future profession; strength and weakness on organizingType of the lesson: non-standard, mixedMethod of the lesson: group work, pair work, individualEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.II. Pre-activityActivity 5 Ask your pupils to discuss the following questions with partner.– Have you ever tried to save time? Why/Why not?– How important will it be to save time in your future profession?

III. Main partActivity 6 Make your own calendar.1. Fill in work hours.2. Fill in family responsibility times.3. Fill in class meeting times.4. Designate remaining spaces as “free time”.

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5. Fill in “free time” slots with specifi c tasks.

IV. Post-activityActivity 7 Choose two of the four photos beneath and discuss what they have in common and how they are different. Then reflect on the following questions for 7 minutes:

1) How much time do you usually spend on a daily/weekly basis on the activities beneath?2) Prioritize the activities beneath according to necessity/urgency and mention other duties requiring your time.3) Prioritize the activities beneath according to interest and add other activities you love to spend your time on.4) How do you manage your time? Do you have any problems managing your time?

V. HomeworkMake a list of vocabulary, which you have learned today.

VI. Evaluation

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Control work 4

1. Students behave well when they’re in class.A) must B) shouldn’t C) need D) have to

2. We organise our portfolio. At the end of the term it will be marked.A) must B) need C) have got D) may3. There are plenty of tomatoes in the fridge. You buy any.A) mustn’t B) needn’t C) shouldn’t D) may not4. If you want to learn to speak English fluently, you . . . to work hard. .A) must B) need C) should D) may5. Drivers . . . stop when the traffic lights are red.A) must B) need C) mustn’t D) have to6. Carla to the radio all morning.A) listening B) heard C) listened D) is listening7. They come to the cinema with us.A) doesn’t B) not C) didn’t D) do8. I like this song. do I.A) Either B) So C) Neither D) Nor9. We them at eight o‘clock.A) meet B) ’re meet C) ’re meeting D) is meeting10. He know how to spell it.A) doesn’t B) hasn’t C) don’t D) does

3. Listen and decide whether these sentences are true or false.e.g. Kamila is a teacher at the university.11) Kinesthetic is just reading the notes for learning. 12) Visual learning style helps you to understand and connect the learning material.

13) Audio learning style is listening through this way. 14) Kamila is a teacher trainer.15) Sometimes she has classes in a laboratory. 16) She is a freshman.17) She is in the lab now.

In an interview yesterday Mr. Wilson was questioned about the harmful effects of horror movies on teenagers. He argued that such effects were often exaggerated and claimed that other types of films were far more dangerous for young people. When asked to prove this, he pointed out that horror films were often set in unreal situations and were clearly not to be taken seriously. In contrast, he claimed that films showing violent crime were often set in everyday life, and were therefore more damaging.

18. In Mr. Wilson’s opinion, horror films .A) cost more than other kinds of films.B) are more popular among the elderly than among the young.C) should be banned altogether.

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D) are less damaging to young people that films of violent crime.E) have recently ceased to appeal to the young.

19. For Mr. Wilson the main difference between a horror film and one showing violent crime is that the former .A) is mainly concerned with everyday situations.B) is liked by the young, and the latter by the old.C) is unrelated to real life, whereas the latter is.D) is less expensive to produce than the latter.E) rarely receives any attention from the young.

20. The interviewer wanted to find out whether .A) young people were being harmed by horror films.B) Mr. Wilson preferred horror films to films of violence.C) people were seriously objecting to horror films.D) the effects of crime fi lms were being exaggerated.


Q 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 18 19 20


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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

RevisionThe aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose is to improve pupils’ knowledge; to revise and consolidate all learnt materilas from previous lessonsDeveloping: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose is to develop grammar skills, listening skills; reading skillsSocio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC3, FLCC and PC in talking about countriesLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about all topics learnt in previous lessons; use vocabulary properlyType of the lesson: non-standard, mixed, traditionalMethod of the lesson: group work, pair workEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.II. Pre-activityRead the quotations below. Discuss in groups

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III. Main part

Fill in the gaps with the following words:

IV. Post-activity

V. HomeworkMake a list of vocabulary, which you have learned today.

VI. Evaluation

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Unit 5 Team buildingLesson 1.A. Teenage problems

The aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose improve pupils’ personal qualities like behavior, education etc. to get along with others, importance of team-buldingDeveloping: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose develop pupils’ personal skills, English learning, motivational skills, develop to report own ideas, communicative skills.Socio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC3, LC and PC in talking about problemsLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about bullying and negative manners; types of bullying; postive manners and gettiong along with othersType of the lesson: non-standard, mixedMethod of the lesson: group work, pair work, individualEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.

II. Pre-activityActivity 1 Divide your pupils in several groups. Answer the following questions.1. What is your biggest issue when it comes to getting along with others?2. What of the behaviours do you think the most problematic for you?3. How do you plan to improve your behaviours?

III. Main part.Activity 2 Listen to some advice how to make friends at a new school. Ask your pupils to fill in the gaps with the words and phrases from the box B before listening. Compare your answers with your pair.

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T.9Being the new kid in school is not easy task. With some determination and the right attitude, you can quickly turn some of those strangers into friends.Step 1:Whether you like it or not, kids form initial opinions based on clothes, hair, and fashion sense. Make an extra effort to look your best those first few days. Looking good will boost your confi dence, too! Tip. You’re not going to be rolling in friends on Day 1. Devote the first couple of weeks to laying solid groundwork.Step 2:Come out of your shell. If you’re naturally shy, you don’t have to fake a new personality. But try to avoid looking at the ground, and flash a smile once in a while. The easier you are to approach and start a conversation with, the more other kids will want to talk to you.Step 3:Find excuses to talk to people. Once you get a conversation going, be a good listener and offer up a compliment or two, no matter how small.Tip. Build up a little courage and sit in the middle of the classroom to surround yourself with as many potential new friends as possible.Step 4:Get involved in the extra-curricular activities you enjoyed at your old school. Join a sports team, help with the yearbook, try out for a play – anything that interests you. Joining a club or team is a great way to start because you have at least one thing in common with everyone in the room.Tip. Cast a wide net – don’t just focus on the popular people. Making friends in different circles will open you up to more options.Step 5:Use the web. Sign up for a socialnetworking site and join your school’s group page. Post some videos and pictures and write a few blog entries to showcase who you are. Kids at school will discover your personality through the web and all that smalltalk torture will start to disappear.Step 6:Get a part-time job where you know fellow classmates work. Meeting kids outside of school and bonding over menial work is often a recipe for friendship.Did You Know?Between kindergarten and 12th grade, children in active-duty military families often change schools more than 12 times.

Activity 3 Divide your pupils in several groups. Make a list of benefits of getting along with others with your sub group. Compare your list with the other sub groups.

V. HomeworkMake a list of vocabulary, which you have learned today.

VI. Evaluation

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Lesson 1.A. Teenage problems. ConsolidationThe aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose improve pupils’ personal qualities like behavior, education etc. to raise awareness of teenage problemsDeveloping: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose develop pupils’ personal skills, English learning, motivational skills, develop to report own ideas, communicative skills.Socio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC3, LC and PC in talking about problemsLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about teenage problems and negative manners; types of bullying; postive manners and gettiong along with othersType of the lesson: non-standard, mixedMethod of the lesson: group work, pair work, individualEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson - to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book. 25min

4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 minProcedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.II. Pre-activityActivity 4 Match each sentence with the correct type of bullying according to the passage above. Write the correct letter (A, B, C)III. Main partActivity 5 Ask your pupils to discuss the following questions with partner.1. How many types of bullying are there? What are they? Give example on each type of bullying?2. Why would someone need to hurt someone else in order to feel good about themselves or get attention?3. What is your opinion about this?4. Is there any other ways to draw others attention?IV. HomeworkMake a list of vocabulary you have learned today.2. Describe a friend who you really admire. Give reasons and examples.

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Lesson 1.B. Teenage problems

The aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose improve pupils’ personal qualities like behavior, education etc. to get along with others, teenage problemsDeveloping: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose develop pupils’ personal skills, English learning, motivational skills, develop to report own ideas, communicative skills.Socio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC1, SC and LC in talking about teenagersLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about teenage problems and negative manners; types of bullying; postive manners and gettiong along with othersType of the lesson: non-standard, mixedMethod of the lesson: group work, pair work, individualEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.

II. Pre-activityActivity 1 Check your grammar: So, such, too, enough, too Ask your pupils to fill in the gaps with so / such / too / enough Answer key:1. enough 2. too3. enough 4. such5. too 6. too7. so 8. such

Activity 2 Rewrite these sentences as one sentence, using the word in brackets.

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1. The film was very sadm so everyone cried.2. I can’t understand him. He speaks too fast.3. How much money have we got? Can we pay enough for the tickets?4. It was such a good meal. We ate far too much.5. The shoes were such cheap. I bought six pairs.6. Are there enough books to supply everyone?7. He’s too old to walk.8. My friend was kind enough to pay meal.

Activity 3 Look at these 3 basic types of BULLYING and try to label the types of bullying into 3 categories:

emotional verbal physicalCyber bullying Taking younger boys’ money PokingText bullying Schoolbullying SlappingSpreading rumors/gossiping Scaring BeatingTeasing Punching

ChokingIV. Post-activityActivity 4 Rearrange the words in order to make the quotes about friendship.Answer key:1. Friendship is one mind in two bodies2. A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you3. A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.

V. HomeworkMake a list of vocabulary you have learned today.VI. Evaluation

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Lesson 1.B. Teenage problems. Consolidation

The aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose improve pupils’ personal qualities like behavior, education etc. to get along with others, teenage problemsDeveloping: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose develop pupils’ personal skills, English learning, motivational skills, develop to report own ideas, communicative skills.Socio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC1, SC and LC in talking about teenagersLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about teenage problems and negative manners; types of bullying; postive manners and gettiong along with othersType of the lesson: non-standard, mixedMethod of the lesson: group work, pair work, individualEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.II. Pre-activityActivity 5 Ask your pupils to read the text and decide whether the statements below are TRUE or FALSE.Answer key:1. The makers of the computer game decided not to release it. FALSE2. In the game, the player takes on the role of a bully. TRUE3. The game is set in a university. FALSE4. Everyone agrees that the game encourages violence. TRUE5. A British politician has spoken in favour of the game. FALSE6. The politician used to be a minister. TRUE7. The politician thinks it might make young people look at violence differently. TRUE

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8. The anti-bullying charity thinks the game is good because it might make pupils stand up to bullies. FALSE9. The anti-bullying charity thinks that people might get hurt because of this game. TRUE10. The makers of the game have changed the contents before releasing it in the UK. FALSE

III. Main partActivity 6 Ask your pupils to discuss the following questions..

IV. Post activityActivity 7 Ask your pupils to complete the gaps with a word from the box.

Answer key:1. Unfortunately2. Basically3. Obviously4. Surprisingly5. Personally

V. Homework1. What is bullying?2. What are the effects when someone consistently causes someone injury?3. How can a parent recognize if their child is being victimized?4. What should you do if you see someone getting picked on?5. What are some ways that students are being harassed in school?6. Are there less bullies in schools that require a school uniform?7. What forms of harassment are the worst?8. What can be done to prevent bullying?Write you own ideas on the topic “Bullying at schools” by answering the following questions.

VI. Evaluation

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Lesson 2.A. Study with others

The aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose improve pupils’ personal qualities like behavior, education etc. to learn cooperate; to study together and its benefitsDeveloping: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose develop pupils’ personal skills, English learning, motivational skills, develop to report own ideas, communicative skills.Socio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC6, FLCC and SC in studyingLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about importance of cooperation, about team-work, to socialize and be an effective team memberType of the lesson: non-standard, mixedMethod of the lesson: group work, pair work, individualEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting. - Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.II. Pre-activityActivity 1 Work with your partner. Look at these photos and answer the questions.1) Why do people study together?2) What do people have in common when they study together?3) Do the results of the project depend on each member?

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III. Main partActivity 2 Match words 1– 9 with definitions a – h.

Answer key:1-c, 2-a, 3-g, 4-d, 5-h, 6-b, 7-e, 8-f

Activity 3 Listen to the song and Ask your pupils to fill in the gaps.Answer key:1. figured out2. limitation3. different4. together

5. together6. voice7. champions8. inside

9. chance10. sing along11. sing along

IV. Post-activity

Activity 4 Ask your pupils to discuss in small groups. What is the song about?

a) This song is about students’ problems.b) This song is about students’ friendship.c) This song is about students’ exams.– Can you give a title to this song?– Why do you think your title is the best?

V. HomeworkMake a list of vocabulary you have learned today.

VI. Evaluation

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Lesson 2.A. Study with others. Consolidation

The aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose improve pupils’ personal qualities like behavior, education etc. to learn cooperate; to study together and its benefitsDeveloping: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose develop pupils’ personal skills, English learning, motivational skills, develop to report own ideas, communicative skills.Socio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC6, FLCC and SC in talking about studyingLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about importance of cooperation, about team-work, to socialize and be an effective team memberType of the lesson: non-standard, mixedMethod of the lesson: group work, pair work, individualEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.II. Pre-activityActivity 5 Ask your pupils to read the text about hedgehogs and being together

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III. Main partActivity 6 Continue the sentences below.1. The leader is ...2. An effective team member ...3. A wonderful team is ...

Activity 7 Make a list of advantages and disadvantages of working in a group.Advantages Disadvantagesinteresting too much noise

efficient different workloadsdifferent ideas depends on others

IV. Post-activityActivity 8 Ask your pupils to Ask your pupils to match the words below to the pictures.

Answer key:1. resolve 2. zero in on chalenge3. compete 4. enhance5. conflict 6. accomplish7. team-building interfere 8. effective

V. HomeworkMake a list of vocabulary you have learned today.

VI. Evaluation

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Lesson 2.B. Study with others

The aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose improve pupils’ personal qualities like behavior, education etc. to learn cooperate; to study together and its benefitsDeveloping: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose develop pupils’ personal skills, English learning, motivational skills, develop to report own ideas, communicative skills.Socio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC6, FLCC and SC in talking about studyingLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about importance of cooperation, about team-work, to socialize and be an effective team memberType of the lesson: non-standard, mixedMethod of the lesson: group work, pair work, individualEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.II. Pre-activityYour pupils check their knowledge on grammar. Check your grammar: Every, all.

III. Main partActivity 1. Underline the correct word.Answer key: 1. I have written to all my friends.2. I have written to every friend I have.3. All my family members work in education.4. Not all birds can sing.

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5. Every person made his or her own travel arrangements.6. There is a meeting every week.7. I have cleaned all the rooms except the bathroom.8. You don’t see tigers every day.Activity 2 Ask your pupils to fill in the gaps with / all / every /.

Answer key:1. all 7. all 13. all2. all 8. all 14. every3. every 9. all 15. all4. every5. every6. all

10. every11. every12. all

Activity 3 Look at the “Leadership and Teamwork Vocabulary” in the box and fi ll in the gaps in the sentences with appropriate one/ones.

Answer key:1. participated, share2. supportive, effective3. responsible4. sharing, supportive5. support,

6. respect7. peer support8. collaborate9. contest

IV. Post-activityActivity 4 Discuss this quotation.If You Want To Walk Fast, Walk Alone.If You Want To Walk Far, Walk Together.• Do you agree? Why/why not?• Give examples and reasons for your answer.

V. HomeworkMake a list of vocabulary you have learned today.

VI. Evaluation

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Lesson 2.B. Study with others. Consolidation

The aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose improve pupils’ personal qualities like behavior, education etc. to learn cooperate; to study together and its benefitsDeveloping: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose develop pupils’ personal skills, English learning, motivational skills, develop to report own ideas, communicative skills.Socio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC6, FLCC and SC in talking about studyingLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about importance of cooperation, about team-work, to socialize and be an effective team memberType of the lesson: non-standard, mixedMethod of the lesson: group work, pair work, individualEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.II. Pre-activityActivity 5 Discuss with your peers.Do you feel more energized when you are working alone or when you are working as part of a team? Support you answers with the examples.

III. Main partActivity 6 Read the sentences below and identify if they are true or false.

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Answer key:1. The man was walking to the country. false2. His car was broken down. true3. There was nobody except a farmer to ask for a help. true4. Warwick managed to help the man. true5. Warwick had additional names like Fred, Jack, Ted. true6. The story is about how to make animals work. falseIV. Post-activityActivity 7 Discussion

1. Look at the picture. Discuss with your friends the quality of an effective team member.2. Who is the most effective member in your class?3. Which one is better, to a leader or to an effective member?

V. Homework Make a list of your classmates and put the tick in suitable boxes.

VI. Evaluation

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf


The aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose is to improve pupils’ knowledge; to revise and consolidate all learnt materilas from previous lessonsDeveloping: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose is to develop grammar skills, listening skills; reading skillsSocio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC3, FLCC and PC in answering questionsLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about all topics learnt in previous lessons; use vocabulary properlyType of the lesson: non-standard, mixed, traditionalMethod of the lesson: group work, pair workEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.

II. Pre-activityWork in a group of four. Look at these pictures and discuss the following questions:

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III. Main part

Sort out the words into the following parts of speech. Some words might be both.

Complete the sentences using words from the box.

IV. Post-activity. Discuss this quotation.• Do you agree? Why/Why not?• Give examples and reasons for your answer.

V. HomeworkMake a list of vocabulary you have learned today.

VI. Evaluation

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Final Test 2

1. It is hot and I don’t like it.A) such B) too C) so D) enough

2. You walk fast. I can’t catch youA) enough B) too C) so D) such

3. It’s hot! I love the summer!A) so B) suchC) too D) enough

4. Do we have sugar?A) such B) too C) so D) enough

5. They are nice children.A) enough B) too C) so D) such

6. Find the definition of togetherA) to do something with someone or a group of peopleB) something you wish for; what you see when you are asleepC) the natural and distinctive tone of the speech soundsD) think about and then understand something

Find the word.7 - something that stops someone/something getting better or biggerA) dream B) Figure out C) limitation D) prohibit8. - not the sameA) similar B) different C) identical D) familiar9. - a source of enjoyment, amusementA) enjoy B) fun C) boredom D) dull10. - to finish something successfully or to achieve somethingA) accomplish B) success C) intend D) regret

11. Are you going to stay in the bath..........day?A) all B) every C) each12. My brother and my sister have...........got one child.A) all B) every C) each13 parent wants the best for his or her childrenA) all B) every C) each14 truth is not good to be told.A) all B) every C) each15 hotel in the town was full.A) all B) every C) each16. I haven't had any sleep at all. The baby hasn't stopped crying..........night.A) all B) every C) each

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17. there are three types of bullying: physical, verbal and social.A) Certainly B) Obviously C) Basically D) Unfortunately18 , bullying is quite common in many schools.A) Personally B) Obviously C) Basically D) Unfortunately19 , I think teachers could do more to stop bullying.A) SurprisinglyB) Personally C) Certainly D) Basically20 , people who are being bullied often feel really upset by it.A) Logically B) Obviously C) Basically D) Unfortunately

Put suitable words wrom below

21. She never in any of our discussions, does she?22. She's very possessive about her toys and finds it hard to .23. It's an extremely cure for a headache.24. I have great for his ideas, although I don't agree with them.25. The British and Italian police in catch ing the terrorists

Q 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15


Q 16 17 18 19 20


Deputy director on educational affairs: Signature

participate (v), contribute, effective, collaborate, respect,

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Unit 6 International relationshipLesson 1.A. International organizations

The aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose improve pupils’ personal qualities like behavior, education etc. to raise awareness of international organizationsDeveloping: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose develop pupils’ personal skills, English learning, motivational skills, develop to report own ideas, communicative skills.Socio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC2, FLCC and PC in talking about international organizationsLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about international organizations, their importance in today’s policy and their main purpose; international organizations in UzbekistanType of the lesson: non-standard, mixedMethod of the lesson: group work, pair work, individualEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.II. Pre-activityActivity 1 Ask your pupils to read and test their knowledge.

Answer key:1. D2. A3. B4. DIII. Main part

5. C6. A7. D8. B9. B

Activity 2 Ask your pupils to Ask your pupils to match the words in column A with the appropriate ones in column B

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Answer key:1. to fund2. formal3. international4. to solve5. to develop6. raise7. keep8. civil9. national10. medical

a) a projectc) agreementse) organizationsg) an issuef) solutionsj) the peaceb) moneyh) wari) expertsd) care

IV. Post-activity. Activity 3 Fill in the blanks with the suitable phrases from exercise 2.

Answer key:1. solve an issue. 2. International organizations 3. formal agreements 4. national experts5. develop solutions 6. International organizations 7. fund project 8. develop solutions9. civil war 10. raise peaceActivity 4 Play the audio your pupils listen and check their answers.

V. Homework Make a list of your vocabulary you have learned today.VI. Evaluation

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Lesson 1.A. International organizations. Consolidation

The aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose improve pupils’ personal qualities like behavior, education etc. to raise awareness of international organizationsDeveloping: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose develop pupils’ personal skills, English learning, motivational skills, develop to report own ideas, communicative skills.Socio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC2, FLCC and PC in talking about international organizationsLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about international organizations, their importance in today’s policy and their main purpose; international organizations in UzbekistanType of the lesson: non-standard, mixedMethod of the lesson: group work, pair work, individualEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.

II. Pre-activityActivity 5 Ask your pupils to do the following statements reflect the claims in the text below.

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Answer key:1. yes2. no3. No4. Not given5. yesIII. Main partActivity 6 Your pupils should fill in each blank with the best word from the box. They use each world only once.

Answer key:1. organization2. economic3. original4. United5. former

6. part7. dependent8. members9. countries10. members

IV. Post-activityActivity 7 Ask your pupils to discuss the following questions. with your partner.1. What is an international organization?2. What kind of organization do you know?3. Which organization is considered notable?4. Which organization attracts you?5. How many organization do you know? You can count.

V. Homework

• Make a list of vocabulary which you have learned today• Try to fi nd international organization of UZBEKISTAN.

VI. Evaluation

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Lesson 1.B. International organizations

The aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose improve pupils’ personal qualities like behavior, education etc. to raise awareness of international organizations; talk about UNICEF Developing: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose develop pupils’ personal skills, English learning, motivational skills, develop to report own ideas, communicative skills.Socio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC2, FLCC and PC in talking about international organizationsLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about international organizations, their importance in today’s policy and their main purpose; international organizations in UzbekistanType of the lesson: non-standard, mixedMethod of the lesson: group work, pair work, individualEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.II. Pre-activity

Activity 1 Your pupils check their knowledge on grammar. Check your grammar: Special questions.1. Ask your pupils to fill in the gaps in the sentences with the question words from the box.

Answer key:1. How2. When3. Why4. What

5. How6. Which7. Where8. Who9. Whose

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Activity 2 Ask your pupils to read the text and explain what acronym WHO means?Answer key: the World Health Organization

Activity 3 What do the following acronyms stand for? Use the dictionary if you need.

Answer key:UNO – United Nations OrganizationUNICEF the United Nations Children's Fund. GMT Greenwich Mean TimeUNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization AIO African Insurance OrganizationWHO World Health OrganizationDWF Department of Wildlife & Fisheries NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization

V. HomeworkMake a list of vocabulary which you have learned today

VI. Evaluation

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Lesson 1.B. International organizations. Consolidation

The aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose improve pupils’ personal qualities like behavior, education etc. to raise awareness of international organizations; talk about UNICEF Developing: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose develop pupils’ personal skills, English learning, motivational skills, develop to report own ideas, communicative skills.Socio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC2, FLCC and PC in talking about international organizationsLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about international organizations, their importance in today’s policy and their main purpose; international organizations in UzbekistanType of the lesson: non-standard, mixedMethod of the lesson: group work, pair work, individualEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.II. Pre-activityActivity 4 Ask your pupils to match the logos with International Organizations. Some writing sare hidden.Answer key: UNO - f UNICEF- d UNESCO - eAIO - aWHO - c NATO – b

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III. Main partActivity 5 Ask your pupils to read the text and indentify if the statements are TRUE or FALSE.Answer key:1. false2. true3. false4. trueActivity 6 Read the quotation below. How can you relate the quote to the topic? How often do you do good? Give example.

Activity 7 Read the quotes below. Do you remember any other quotes which were written by our ancestors? Give example.“Only a life lived in the service to others is worth living” (Albert Einstein) “No one has ever become poor by giving” (Abraham Lincoln)IV. Post-activityActivity 8 Ask your pupils to Ask your pupils to match the words and phrases that have the same meaning and write them below.Answer key:1. Today, .. Nowadays2. Firstly, ... First of all3. Also, ... In addition4. I think that … I believe that5. I don’t think that ... I disagree that6. Actually, ... In fact7. To sum up, ... In conclusion

V. Homework. Your pupils will write an essay on the following topic. “Charity begins at home”Try to answer the following questions in your essay. Use words and phrases which you have learned in this Unit. 1. What is charity?2. Do you give money to homeless people? Do you think people should give money to homeless people?3. Who do you think needs charity the most?4. How often do you do charity? When? How?VI. Evaluation

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Lesson 2.A. Youth organization in Uzbekistan

The aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose improve pupils’ personal qualities like behavior, education etc. to raise awareness of youth organizations and their main objective Developing: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose develop pupils’ personal skills, English learning, motivational skills, develop to report own ideas, communicative skills.Socio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC2, FLCC and PC in talking about youth organizationsLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about youth organizations, their importance in today’s society and their main objectiveType of the lesson: non-standard, mixedMethod of the lesson: group work, pair work, individualEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.II. Pre-activityActivity 1 Ask your pupils to match the organizations with their duties.Answer key:1. C2. A3. B

III. Main partActivity 2 Sort out the words into the following parts of speech.

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Answer key:Noun Verb Adjective

Goal InspireSupport MotivateThought SupportWillpower AcquirePrinciples ObtainExperience ExchangeBenefit Realize


Activity 3 Listen to the youth who are giving information about YLDP. Ask your pupils to fill in the gaps with the appropriate words.Answer key:1. goal2. inspire3. motivate 4.5. thought6. willpower7. acquire8. principles9. obtain10 experience11. exchange12. realize13. rush14. benefit

IV. Post-activityActivity 4 Ask your pupils to read the text and answer the following questions.Answer key:1. When this program was established?this project has started its activity from February 20142. Which ministries and educational institutions collaborated with this program?ministries of education and different educational institutions in Tashkent3. What makes it different from other youth project?It has international partners

V. Homework. Make a list of vocabulary you have learnt today

VI. Evaluation

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Lesson 2.A. Youth organization in Uzbekistan. Consolidation

The aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose improve pupils’ personal qualities like behavior, education etc. to raise awareness of youth organizations and their main objective Developing: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose develop pupils’ personal skills, English learning, motivational skills, develop to report own ideas, communicative skills.Socio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC2, FLCC and PC in talking about youth organizationsLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about youth organizations, their importance in today’s society and their main objectiveType of the lesson: non-standard, mixedMethod of the lesson: group work, pair work, individualEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.

II. Pre-activityActivity 5 Ask your pupils to read the text and choose the best answer.Answer key:1. A2. B3. C4. B5. A

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III. Main partActivity 6 Answer the question and compare with your partner’s answer.What are the advantages and disadvantages of making a plan for your future in advance?

Activity 7 Look at the picture and say what your plan for the future is.– Who is responsible for your future?– How do people around affect on your future?

IV. Post-activityActivity 8 Play “Taboo words”Give one student a card written any English word on it. He/She should describe avoiding saying this word. He/She should use other words instead. Other should find the word

V. HomeworkMake a list of vocabulary which you have learned today.VI. Evaluation

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Lesson 2.B. Youth organization in Uzbekistan

The aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose improve pupils’ personal qualities like behavior, education etc. to raise awareness of youth organizations and their main objective Developing: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose develop pupils’ personal skills, English learning, motivational skills, develop to report own ideas, communicative skills.Socio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC2, FLCC and PC in talking about youth organizationsLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about youth organizations, their importance in today’s society and their main objectiveType of the lesson: non-standard, mixedMethod of the lesson: group work, pair work, individualEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.II. Pre-activityActivity 1 Your pupils check their knowledge on grammar. Check your grammar: Reported speechPut the sentences into reported speech summarizing what was said and using the verbs in the box.

Answer key:1. decide

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2. complain3. remind4. accuse5. advise

III. Main-partActivity 2 Find the opposite meanings of the following words and phrases.Answer key:

positive negativeinteresting boringuseful uselessimproving decreasingshowing not showingfriendly unfriendlyconfidence unconfidentwinner loserhealth illness

Activity 3 In pairs, discuss these questions.

IV. Post-activityActivity 4 Write three things:– that people often play.– that people often collect.– three outdoor hobbies which include some physical exercises

V. HomeworkMake a list of vocabulary which you have learned today.VI. Evaluation

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Lesson 2.B. Youth organization in Uzbekistan. Consolidation

The aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose improve pupils’ personal qualities like behavior, education etc. to raise awareness of youth organizations and their main objective Developing: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose develop pupils’ personal skills, English learning, motivational skills, develop to report own ideas, communicative skills.Socio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC2, FLCC and PC in talking about youth organizationsLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about youth organizations, their importance in today’s society and their main objectiveType of the lesson: non-standard, mixedMethod of the lesson: group work, pair work, individualEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.II. Pre-activityActivity 5 Ask your pupils to read Anna’s story.

III. Main partActivity 6 What differences are there between Anna’s and her sister’s interests? Read the girls’ mottos. Whose motto did you like most? Why?Anna’s motto: “Never stop learning because life never stops teaching.” Anna’s sister’s motto: “Don’t mistake activity for achievement.”

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Activity 7 Make a list of activities that you do after your classes.Eg. I go to English club to improve my English

Activity 8 Fill the gaps with the correct word from the box.

Answer key:1. information 2. aim 3. subheading 4. recomend

IV. Post-activityActivity 9 Complete the second sentence to make recommendations in a more formal wayAnswer key:1. Perhaps we could consider organizing an interview2. I would recommend make a book3. It would be advisable to prepare questions for the interview4. I would recommend to invite all students5. Perhaps we could consider using a microphone for the interview6. It would be advisable choosing representatives from each class.7. Perhaps we could consider printing the book professionally.8. I would recommend to give students adequate time to prepare their contributions.

V. Homework Make a report on the youth organization at your school or region. (Word limit is 100 – 120 words)VI. Evaluation

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Control work 5

1. When did Uzbekistan join UNO?a) 1989 b) 1992 c) 1997 d) 2000

2. The offi ce of the UN General Assembly is in .a) Zurich b) Vienna c) Paris d) New York

3. Nowadays, there are more than........international organizationsA) 50 000 B) 2500 C) 1000 D) 130

4. The headquarters of the UNESCO is at .A) New York B) Rome C) Paris D) Geneva

5. WHO is …A) Cultural organization B) military organizationC) Health organization D) children’s organization

6. What does NATO stand for?A) North Atlantic Treaty OrganizationB) National Army Training OrganizationC) North American Treaty OrganizationD) Netherlands Anti-Terror Organization

Find the word7. - to understand a situation, sometimes suddenlyA) suddenly B) motivate C) benefit D) realize

8. - the ability to control your own thoughts and the way in which you behave; determinationA) experience B) willpower C) rush D) principles

9. - when you give something to someone and they give you something elseA) inspire B) obtain C) experience D) exchange

10. - o get something, especially by asking for it, buying it, working for it or producing it from something elseA) obtain B) benefit C) acquire D) supportRead the text below. For questions 11 to 15, choose the best answer (a, b, c or d).‘Heavier than air flying machines are impossible,’ said the well-known scientist Lord Kelvin in 1895. Thomas Watson, the chairman of IBM in 1943, was wrong too when he said that he thought there would be a world market for only five or so computers.Predictions can, of course, be wrong, and it is very difficult to predict what the world will be like in 100, 50, or even 20 years from now. But this is something that scientists and politicians often do. They do so because they invent things and make decisions that shape the future of the world that we live in.In the past they didn’t have to think too much about the impact that their decisions had on the natural world. But that is now changing. An increasing number of people believe that we should live within the rules set by nature. In other words, they think that in a world of fixed and limited

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resources, what is used today will not be there for our children. We must therefore look at each human activity and try to change it or create alternatives if it is not sustainable. The rules for this are set by nature, not by man.

11. What was Lord Kelvin suggesting?A) It is difficult to make accurate predictions.B) It would be possible for people to fly.C) It would be impossible for people to fly.D) There would only be a few computers.

12. According to the text, which of the following statements is TRUE?A) Lord Kelvin and Thomas Watson were good friends.B) The world does not have unlimited natural resources.C) Our children will not make predictions about the future.D) It is easy to predict what the world will be like 20 years from now.

13. shape (line 6) is closest in meaning to:A) do B) create C) look at D) move

14. The article suggests we should live in a way.A) selfish B) sustainable C) predictable D) scientific

15. Choose the best title for the article.A) Predictions and more predictions!B) Politicians and scientistsC) A sustainable future for our childrenD) New inventions16. are/organization /more /international /than /There /2,500

17. because /stops /Never /teaching./ life /stop/ never /learning

18. questions/ We /interview /prepare/ the /should /for

19. hobby?/ much/ How/ you /time /on /spend/ your /do

20. world /UNICEF /the /end /was /war /II. /before /of /established

Q 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15


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A The United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for RefugeesB World Health OrganizationC The United NationsD World Trade OrganizationE The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural OrganizationF Amnesty InternationalG The United Nations International Children’s Emergency FundH Organization of the Petroleum Exporting CountriesI Doctors Without Borders (Médecins Sans Frontières)J The International Committee of the Red Cross / Crescent / CrystalK Transparency InternationalL Food and Agriculture Organization


Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

RevisionThe aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose is to improve pupils’ knowledge; to revise and consolidate all learnt materilas from previous lessonsDeveloping: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose is to develop grammar skills, listening skills; reading skillsSocio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC3, FLCC and PC in answering questionsLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about all topics learnt in previous lessons; use vocabulary properlyType of the lesson: non-standard, mixed, traditionalMethod of the lesson: group work, pair workEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 minProcedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting. - Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.II. Pre-activity1- Match each acronym with what it stands for:

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III. Main part

Write the acronym of the organization each logo represents:

Write the right acronyms of the organizations which have the following missions:

a.Caring for refugees.b.Fighting epidemics around the world.c.Safeguarding human rights.d.Regulating business exchange in the world.

IV. Post-activityClassify the following words according to the category they belong to:

CharterGeneral assembly Resolution Spokesman Report Spokesperson

Deputy Declaration Diplomat Headquarters Congress Court

Vice president Constitution Council Commissioner Ambassador Secretary general

Officials Documents Establishments

V. Homework Make a list of vocabulary you have learned today

VI. Evaluation

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Lesson 1.A. Formal and informal WritingThe aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose improve pupils’ personal qualities like behavior, education etc. to raise awareness of types of writing and use them properly Developing: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose develop pupils’ personal skills, English learning, motivational skills, to develop writing skillsSocio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC1, PC and SC in writingLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to write informally and formally, use speacial vocabulary; use linking wordsType of the lesson: non-standard, mixedMethod of the lesson: group work, pair work, individualEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.

II. Pre-activityActivity 1 Look at these parts of letters below. Which ones are from formal and which are from informal letters?Formal letters are for people like head teachers or bank managersInformal letters are to your family or friendsAnswer key:

Formal InformalDear MadamDear SirI’m writing about your bank account...

Dear FatimaDear AhmedAunt Sara sent me 3 birthday cards last week

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I would like to remind you that your car is It is Auntie Jasmine’s birthday tomorrowdue for service The weather is wetYours sincerely We are having a lovely time at the seasideI look forward to hearing from you See you soonYours faithfully

III. Main partActivity 2 Ask your pupils to match the words with their pairsAnswer key:

1. different2. good3. informal4. good5. texting6. get in7. face-to-face8. complete9. well-writtena) mannersi) idea

f) meetingc) formationd) lettere) peopleb) communicationg) abbreviationsg) sentences

Activity 3 Ask your pupils to fill in the gaps with the phrases from exercise 2.Answer key:1. get in people 2. good formation3. Informal meeting 4. texting letter5. well writen sentences 6. complete abbrevations7. texting letter 8. face to face communication9. good idea

IV. Post-activityActivity 4 Discuss with your partner. Tick (v) the right box in the table below.

V. Homework Make a list of vocabulary you have learned today

VI. Evaluation

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Lesson 1.A. Formal and informal Writing. Consolidation

The aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose improve pupils’ personal qualities like behavior, education etc. to raise awareness of types of writing and use them properly Developing: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose develop pupils’ personal skills, English learning, motivational skills, to develop writing skillsSocio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC1, PC and SC in writingLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to write informally and formally, use speacial vocabulary; use linking wordsType of the lesson: non-standard, mixedMethod of the lesson: group work, pair work, individualEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.

II. Pre-activityActivity 5 Ask your pupils to match the vocabulary with the correct definition and write a–f next to the numbers 1–6.Answer key:1-e 2-c3-f 4-a5-b 6-d

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III. Main-partActivity 6 Read the letter and find if the statements are true or false.Answer key:1-true 2-false 3-false 4-false 5-false 6-false

IV. Post-activityActivity 7 Write the informal word or phrase from the box next to the word or phrase with the same meaning.

Answer key:1. Dear ... Hi/hey2. How are you? How is it going?3. lots of loads of4. quite a bit5. slightly pretty6. pleasant nice7. spend time with friends hang out8. all right OK

V. Homework. Write informal letter to your friend about an exciting event in your life.VI. Evaluation

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Lesson 1.B. Formal and Informal Writing

The aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose improve pupils’ personal qualities like behavior, education etc. to raise awareness of types of writing and use them properly Developing: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose develop pupils’ personal skills, English learning, motivational skills, to develop writing skillsSocio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC2, FLCC and PC in writingLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to write informally and formally, use speacial vocabulary; use linking wordsType of the lesson: non-standard, mixedMethod of the lesson: group work, pair work, individualEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.II. Pre-activity

Activity 1 Your pupils check their knowledge on grammar. Check your grammar: Linking words1. Link the following sentences with appropriate linking words. Usually joking around is not a good sign. Comic relief is always good when situations get too serious when it doesn’t need to be.

3. Keep the conversation clear if you need to. Usually there are no limitations.

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4. Formal speech is more accurate. Informal speech is the opposite.5. My business partner kept formal speech. He was one of my best friend.Activity 2 Try to make the same structured sentences using linking words:

Activity 3 Look at the phrases 1-11 and Ask your pupils to match them with a purpose a – k.Answer key:1. That reminds me, ...2. Why don’t we...3. I’d better get going...4. Thanks for your letter...5. Please let me know...6. I’m really sorry...7. Love,8. Could you do something for me?9. Write soon...10. Did you know that...11. I’m happy to hear that...

h) to suggest or invitee) to change the subjecta) to finish the letterc) to thank the person for writingi) to ask for a replyb) to apologizeg) before signing the letterf) to ask a favorj) to ask for a responsek) to share some informationd) to begin the letter

Activity 4 Write the phrases in the correct group.Answer key:

To begin letter To end a letterHow’s everything going. Hope to hear from you soon.Thanks for your letter and telling me all yournews.

Take care.

Sorry I haven’t been written sooner. I have beenaway on holiday.

Say hello to your family and friends.

It was great to hear from you the other day. Please write back soon.

V. Homework Make a list of vocabulary you have learned today

VI. Evaluation

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Lesson 1.B. Formal and Informal Writing. Concolidation

The aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose improve pupils’ personal qualities like behavior, education etc. to raise awareness of types of writing and use them properly Developing: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose develop pupils’ personal skills, English learning, motivational skills, to develop writing skillsSocio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC2, FLCC and PC in writingLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to write informally and formally, use speacial vocabulary; use linking wordsType of the lesson: non-standard, mixedMethod of the lesson: group work, pair work, individualEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.II. Pre-activityActivity 5 Ask your pupils to discuss the following questions..• How often do you use your mobile phone?• What do you use your mobile for?• How often do you send text messages?• How long is the average text message that you send?• How much do you spend on your mobile phone?• How often do you change your mobile phone?• What would your life be like without a mobile phone?

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III. Main partActivity 6 “Translate” the abbreviations and acronyms for informal texting.

Answer key:1. CUL8R See You Later2. BF Best Friend3. LOL laugh(ing) out loud4. 4ever Forever5. HAGD Have a good day6. RU there? Are you there?7. gr8 Great8. TYVM Thank you very much9. OUK? ------

Activity 7 Ask your pupils to read the text and answer the question. Who started the debate about the possible danger of texting?Answer key:Teachers started the debate.

Activity 8 Ask your pupils to read the text again and circle the correct option.Answer key:1. Some people think that young people who send a lot of text messages, write badly.2. A recent study compared the literacy of children who text and children who don’t text.3. The results of the text showed that there was hardly any difference between the two groups.4. Texters try to write their message using very few words.5. A Scottish teacher sent some text to the newspaper.

IV. Post-activityActivity 9 This is part of an essay written by a Scottish 13-year-old secondary school pupil.

V. Homework Make a list of abbreviations and acronyms which you have learned Today Write short text messages for your shoulder partner. Exchange you messages and “translate’’

them.VI. Evaluation

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Lesson 2.A. Application forms

The aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose improve pupils’ personal qualities like behavior, education etc. to raise awareness of filling application formsDeveloping: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose develop pupils’ personal skills, English learning, motivational skills, to develop writing skillsSocio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC5, LC and PC in filling formsLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to fill aplication forms; to become a member of social networks; apply jobs onlineType of the lesson: non-standard, mixed, traditionalMethod of the lesson: group work, pair work, individualEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.II. Pre-activityActivity 1 Discuss in a group.Have you ever filled in forms? If yes, share your experience. Ask your pupils to match the columns.Answer key:A B CHow old are you? 17 ageWhere are you from? Tashkent homeWhat’s your surname? Abdullaeva surnameWhat’s your e-mail address? [email protected] e-mail address

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What’s your name? Madina nameWhat languages do you speak? English, Russian languagesWhat college/lyceum do you goto?

Tashkent MedicalCollege


What’s your favourite subject? Biology and Chemistry subject

Activity 2 Ask your pupils to match the following words and phrases with their definitions.

Answer key:1-f2-c3-d4-e


Activity 3 Complete the conversation between Nodira and the interviewer using the words in the box:Nodira = N; Interviewer = I.Complete the conversation between Nodira and the interviewer using the words in the box: Nodira = N; Interviewer = I.

Activity 4 Decide whether the sentences about Nodira are true or false.

Answer key: 1. true 2. false 3. false 4. true 5. true 6. False

V. Homework Make a list of vocabulary you have learned todayVI. Evaluation

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Lesson 2.A. Application forms. Consolidation

The aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose improve pupils’ personal qualities like behavior, education etc. to raise awareness of filling application formsDeveloping: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose develop pupils’ personal skills, English learning, motivational skills, to develop writing skillsSocio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC5, LC and PC in filling formsLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to fill aplication forms; to become a member of social networks; apply jobs onlineType of the lesson: non-standard, mixed, traditionalMethod of the lesson: group work, pair work, individualEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.

II. Pre-activityActivity 5 Your pupils discuss in a group.a) What forms give detailed information about a person?b) Have you ever fi lled in CV forms? If yes, when?

III. Main partActivity 6 Ask your pupils to read the text about Madina.

Activity 7 Complete Madina’s CV using the text.

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Answer key:1. Surname Abdullayeva2. Given name(s) Madina3. Address 47 Navoi Street in Tashkent4. Phone +998 90 174 15 42.5. Mobile +998 90 174 15 42.6. E-mail [email protected]. Date of birth 10 January 19938. Education Tashkent Vocational College of Tourism and Business9. Qualification Certificate in Management10. Work experience receptionist at the Grand Mir Hotel in Tashkent11. Personal qualities hardworking and sociable12. Reference general manager, Mr Azim Kadirov13. Interests going for walk and reading books

Activity 8 Discuss the questions.1. What is your name?2. What is your address?3. What experience do you have?4. What are your personal qualities?5. What do you do in your free time?6. Where do you study?7. Who can give you a reference?8. What are your future plans?9. What are your interests?

IV. Post-activityActivity 9 According to the sample, complete the information about yourself. According to the sample, complete the information about yourself.

V. HomeworkMake a list of vocabulary which you have learned today. Write full information about yourself.

VI. Evaluation

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Lesson 2.B. Application formsThe aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose improve pupils’ personal qualities like behavior, education etc. to raise awareness of filling application formsDeveloping: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose develop pupils’ personal skills, English learning, motivational skills, to develop writing skillsSocio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC6, SC and PC in filling formsLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to fill aplication forms; to become a member of social networks; apply jobs onlineType of the lesson: non-standard, mixed, traditionalMethod of the lesson: group work, pair work, individualEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.II. Pre-activityActivity 1 Check your grammar: PrepositionsAnswer key:1. Fill in the sentences with prepositions of time (on, in, at):Khilola is going to an interview on Monday.1. My father’s birthday is on 24th of May.2. Mother’s birthday is in January.3. I don’t like walking alone in the streets at night.4. It’s diffi cult to listen if everyone is speaking at the same time.5. I have to finish this essay about personal qualities on time.6. The price of electricity is going up in October.

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7. The course begins ... the 7th January at 1 o‘clock and ends sometime ... April.

Activity 2 Put in preposition of place (on, in, at):Answer key:There was a long queue of people at the bus stop.1. He spends most of the day sitting in and looking outside.2. The leaves on that tree are beautiful colour. З. Оnе of the strings at my rubab is broken.4. The man the police are looking for has a scar on his right cheek.5. I like that CV filled in accurately on the manager’s table.6. I wouldn’t like an office job. I couldn’t spend the whole day sitting at a desk.7. If you come here by bus, get off at the stop after the traffic lights.

Activity 3 Tick (v) all the things that you write on a CV. Then look at the CV below and see if you were right.

Activity 4 Circle the best answer or answers.Answer key:1-A, 2-C, 3-B, 4-B, 5-D, 6-D

V. HomeworkMake a list of vocabulary which you have learned today.

VI. Evaluation

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Lesson 2.B. Application forms. Consolidation

The aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose improve pupils’ personal qualities like behavior, education etc. to raise awareness of filling application formsDeveloping: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose develop pupils’ personal skills, English learning, motivational skills, to develop writing skillsSocio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC6, SC and PC in filling formsLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to fill aplication forms; to become a member of social networks; apply jobs onlineType of the lesson: non-standard, mixed, traditionalMethod of the lesson: group work, pair work, individualEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.

II. Pre-activityActivity 5 Use the headings in the box to complete the CV.Answer key:1. Date of birth2. Address3. Email4. Mobile5. Education6. Work experience

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7. Languages8. Skills and interests9. References

III. Main partActivity 6 Complete the CV with your own details.

IV. Post activityActivity 7 Show your CV to your parterV. HomeworkMake a list of vocabulary which you have learned today.

VI. Evaluation

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Control work 6

Type of control work. Dictation

Formal and informal writing

We use formal language in situations that are serious or that involve people we don’t know well. Informal language is more commonly used in situations that are more relaxed and involve people we know well.

Formal language is more common when we write; informal language is more common when we speak. However, there are times where writing can be very informal, for example, when writing postcards or letters to friends, emails or text messages. There are also examples where spoken English can be very formal, for example, in a speech or a lecture. Most uses of English are neutral; that is, they are neither formal nor informal.

Formal language and informal language are associated with particular choices of grammar and vocabulary.

Contractions, relative clauses without a relative pronoun and ellipsis are more common in informal language.

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

RevisionThe aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose is to improve pupils’ knowledge; to revise and consolidate all learnt materilas from previous lessonsDeveloping: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose is to develop grammar skills, listening skills; reading skillsSocio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC3, FLCC and PC in answering questionsLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about all topics learnt in previous lessons; use vocabulary properlyType of the lesson: non-standard, mixed, traditionalMethod of the lesson: group work, pair workEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.

II. Pre-activity

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III. Main part

IV. Post-activity

"Who is a succesful candidate?"

Match adjectives with the pictures and complete the sentences.

V. HomeworkMake a list of vocabulary which you have learned today.VI. EvaluationDeputy director on educational affairs: Signature

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Unit 8. Identifying your skillsLesson 1.A. Success as a learner

The aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose improve pupils’ personal qualities like behavior, education etc. to raise awareness of personal character and skillsDeveloping: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose develop pupils’ personal skills, English learning, motivational skills, to report own ideas, communicative skillsSocio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC4, FLCC, LC in learningLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about postive and negative skills for learning and creating a learning atmosphere; to create personal profilesType of the lesson: non-standard, mixedMethod of the lesson: group work, pair work, individualEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.

II. Pre-activityActivity 1 Ask your pupils to discuss the following questions with partner. How do you link these two pictures?

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III. Main part

Activity 2 Divide the words in the box into the following skills.Answer key:Academic skills personal management skills Teamwork skillsreading confidence communicationwriting punctuality leadershipspeaking friendshiplistening hardworking reliabilitythinking responsibility


Activity 3 Listen to the conversation and list Sevara and Laylo‘s qualities

Answer key:Laylo: irresponsible, not punctual, unreliableSevara: hard-working, enthusiastic, responsible, adaptable and bright person with active concern.

Activity 4 Ask your pupils to discuss the following questions with partner.1. Why did Sevara call Laylo irresponsible?2. Did Laylo have a reason? Did she tell Sevara about it?3. Why did they praise Sevara?

Activity 5 Divide the following qualities into positive and negative.Answer key:Positive Negativepunctual, responsible, funny, enthusiastic, bright,reliable, honest

impatient, mean, serious, unreliable,irresponsible, unfriendly, unable, dishonest

Ask your pupils to discuss the following questions with partner.– Which of these qualities do you have?– Have you ever tried to improve your negative qualities?

V. HomeworkMake a list of vocabulary which you have learned today.VI. Evaluation

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Lesson 1.A. Success as a learner. Consolidation

The aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose improve pupils’ personal qualities like behavior, education etc. to raise awareness of personal character and skillsDeveloping: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose develop pupils’ personal skills, English learning, motivational skills, to report own ideas, communicative skillsSocio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC4, FLCC, LC in learningLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about postive and negative skills for learning and creating a learning atmosphere; to create personal profilesType of the lesson: non-standard, mixedMethod of the lesson: group work, pair work, individualEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.II. Pre-activityActivity 6 Answer the questions below.– Have you had the kind of situation that Sevara had?– Did you have to replace anybody?

III. Main partActivity 7 Read about Sardor. He is talking about himself and his new college.

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Activity 8 Find out whether the statements are true or false?Answer key:a) false b) true c) false d) false e) true

Activity 9 Answer the questions.1. What kind of person is Sardor?2. What was diffi cult for him?3. Have you ever been in a situation like Sardor’s? If yes, what did you do?Activity 10 Ask your pupils to Ask your pupils to match the words with definitions.Answer key:1-d 2-g 3-a 4-I 5-b 6-h 7-c 8-f 9-eIV. Post-activityActivity 11 Ask your pupils to discuss the following questions. with your partner.

V. Homework1. Make a list of vocabulary of Unit 8 and form sentences for each.2. Make a report on the personal and professional skills of your idle person (Actor, politician, family member). Word limit 80 – 1003. Share your report with your peers.

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Lesson 1.B. Success as a learner

The aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose improve pupils’ personal qualities like behavior, education etc. to raise awareness of personal character and skillsDeveloping: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose develop pupils’ personal skills, English learning, motivational skills, to report own ideas, communicative skillsSocio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC6, FLCC and SCLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about postive and negative skills for learning and creating a learning atmosphere; to create personal profilesType of the lesson: non-standard, mixedMethod of the lesson: group work, pair work, individualEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.II. Pre-activityActivity 1 Your pupils check their knowledge on grammar. Check your grammar: Adjectives1. Circle the correct option.Answer key:1-B, 2-A, 3-A, 4-B, 5-B, 6-B, 7-A, 8-A, 9-A, 10-A

Activity 2 Use on of the adjectives in the box with a negative prefix to complete the sentences.Answer key:1- irregular 2- unfriendly

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3- unsensitive4- impatient5- inexpensive6- disloyal

7- impolite 8-informal9-uncomfortable 10- insincere

Activity 3 Write down suitable synonym and antonym for each given word.Answer key:Word Synonym AntonymStart begin endSociable talkative unsociableDifficult hard easyCheerful happy unhappyEducated knowledgeble uneducatedTeam group individualBelieve trust disbelieveHard difficult easyClever wise stupidDifferent variety similar

Activity 4 Read the following personal profiles. Have the writers included all information? Answer the questions.

Answer key:1. How old are they? 17-years old2. Where do they study? At school3. Which sports do they like? swimming and football / tennisWhat other hobbies and interests do they have?Photography/ traditional fashion and classical music.4. What personality adjectives do they use to describe themselves?Ambitious/ hardworking and friendly.V. HomeworkMake a list of vocabulary which you have learned today.VI. Evaluation

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Lesson 1.B. Success as a learner

The aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose improve pupils’ personal qualities like behavior, education etc. to raise awareness of personal character and skillsDeveloping: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose develop pupils’ personal skills, English learning, motivational skills, to report own ideas, communicative skillsSocio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC6, FLCC and SC in speakingLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about postive and negative skills for learning and creating a learning atmosphere; to create personal profilesType of the lesson: non-standard, mixedMethod of the lesson: group work, pair work, individualEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.II. Pre-activityActivity 5 Tick the statements that are suitable for your future plans.

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III. Main partActivity 6 Give brief information about yourself using the following words and phrases.

IV. Post-activity Activity 7 Study tips In class:

- Take clear notes in class or highlight important words/ phrases in photocopies- Ask questions when you don’t understand

At home:- Review what you have learnt every day- Study in a quiet place where you won’t be distracted- Do your homework- Revise the most important information first- Don’t cram (do all your studying the night before your text/ exam)- If you are studying another language, keep a list of new vocabulary and its translation into your native


Memorising your work:

- Put your information into mind maps, diagrams, or charts:

- Use poems or rhymes to help you remember lists (mnemonics)

V. Homework Make notes about yourself. Organise your ideas into three sections.Write a personal profile of 80 – 100 words for an Internet chat room. Call your profile “My personal profile”.VI. Evaluation

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Lesson 2.A. How smart are you?

The aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose improve pupils’ personal qualities like behavior, education etc. to raise awareness of ways of effective learningDeveloping: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose develop pupils’ personal skills, English learning, motivational skills, to report own ideas, communicative skillsSocio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC2, FLCC and SCLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about learning ways, how to increase efficiency of learning; types of learnersType of the lesson: non-standard, mixedMethod of the lesson: group work, pair work, individualEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.II. Pre-activityActivity 1 Answer the questions of the quiz: “What kind of student are you?”

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III. Main partActivity 2 Look at the following words and Ask your pupils to match their synonyms.Answer key:

Actually I thinkKind of Many, muchIn my opinion TrulyPlenty of Similar toSpare I’d love toWith pleasure Free

Activity 3 Listen to the dialogue and complete the sentences.

Answer key:1. studies2. great3. problems4. opinion5. semester6. same time7. German8. saved

Activity 4 List eight effective ways of learning EnglishPossible answers:1. Listen podcasts2. Read English newspapers and magazines3. Learn by hear new words4. Watch English music

V. HomeworkMake a list of vocabulary which you have learned today.VI. Evaluation

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Lesson 2.A. How smart are you? Consolidation

The aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose improve pupils’ personal qualities like behavior, education etc. to raise awareness of ways of effective learningDeveloping: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose develop pupils’ personal skills, English learning, motivational skills, to report own ideas, communicative skillsSocio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC2, FLCC and SCLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about learning ways, how to increase efficiency of learning; types of learnersType of the lesson: non-standard, mixedMethod of the lesson: group work, pair work, individualEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.II. Pre-activity

Activity 5 Ask your pupils to read the text and mark the statements with True or False.

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Answer key:1. false 2. false3. false 4. true5. true 6. true7. false

Activity 6 Ask your pupils to match the words with the suitable definitions. Find out their antonyms.Answer key:New words Definitions AntonymNative connected with the place

where you were bornforeigner

Contact relationship dissociateinspire desire discourageAppear start to be seen dissapearMotivation motivate discourageVersion copy originaldecide to be sure for doing


discover find something new lose

IV. Post-activityActivity 7 Ask your pupils to discuss the following questions with their partner.

V. Homework1. Make a list of vocabulary which you have learned today.2. Make a report on the importance of learning English. Word limit is 80 – 100.3. Share your report with your peers.

VI. Evaluation

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Lesson 2.B. How smart are you?

The aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose improve pupils’ personal qualities like behavior, education etc. to raise awareness of ways of effective learningDeveloping: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose develop pupils’ personal skills, English learning, motivational skills, to report own ideas, communicative skillsSocio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC1, FLCC and SC in effective learningLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about learning ways, how to increase efficiency of learning; types of learnersType of the lesson: non-standard, mixedMethod of the lesson: group work, pair work, individualEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.

II. Pre-activityActivity 1 Your pupils check their knowledge on grammar. Check your grammar: non fi nite forms of the verbs1. Put the verbs in the correct form.Answer key:1. prefer2. writing3. touching / moving4. reading

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5. reading6. watching

III. Main partActivity 2 Fill the questionnaire. Ask the question: Do you like...?

Activity 3 Look and Ask your pupils to match the pictures

Answer key:A) Visual 2B) Tactile/kinesthetic 1C) Auditory 3

IV. Post-activityActivity 4 Read the text. Read the statement and defi ne the learning style. Put V-for visual, A- auditory, K-kinesthetic

Answer key:1-A 2-V 3-V 4-K 5-K 6-A 7-K 8-K 9-BV. HomeworkMake a list of vocabulary which you have learned today.VI. Evaluation

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Lesson 2.B. How smart are you? Consolidation

The aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose is to improve pupils’ knowledge; to revise and consolidate all learnt materilas from previous lessonsDeveloping: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose is to develop grammar skills, listening skills; reading skillsSocio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC1, FLCC and SC in effective learningLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about all topics learnt in previous lessons; use vocabulary properlyType of the lesson: non-standard, mixed, traditionalMethod of the lesson: group work, pair work, individualEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.II. Pre-activityActivity 5 Make a survey in class. Find out who are visual, kinesthetic or auditory types of learners.

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III. Main partActivity 6 Make a required list.A. List of new words of the Unit 8.B. Form sentences using new words.

Activity 7 Ask your pupils to discuss in small groups.a) When did you begin learning English?b) What kind of ways did you use to remember new words?c) What techniques of learning English do you know?d) What challenges do you come across while learning?

IV. Post-activityActivity 8 Read the text. Did the writer compose a narrative paragraph correctly?

V. HomeworkWrite a narrative paragraph about how you learnt a new skill.

VI. Evaluation

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf


The aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose is to improve pupils’ knowledge; to revise and consolidate all learnt materilas from previous lessonsDeveloping: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose is to develop grammar skills, listening skills; reading skillsSocio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC3, FLCC and PC in answering questionsLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about all topics learnt in previous lessons; use vocabulary properlyType of the lesson: non-standard, mixed, traditionalMethod of the lesson: group work, pair workEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.

II. Pre-activityWork in pairs. Discuss this question:What are your ideas about what a "skill" is and how skills are developed?

Look at these photos and try to find what kind of skills they refer to.

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III. Main part

Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

IV. Post-activity

Discuss with your partner.

What kind of skills do you need to have for your future profession? Why?

V. HomeworkMake a list of vocabulary which you have learned today.VI. Evaluation

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Final test 3

1. I didn't have a shower this morning my hair was really dirty all day.A) so B) whereas C) because

2. I really love driving, on sunny days.A) whereas B) then C) especially

3. I love summer. , I hate getting on the underground in the heat.A) However B) So C) Because

4. I didn't eat any crisps I ate an icecream!A) generally B) but C) especially

5. I saw someone applying their make-up they were driving!A) so B) in conclusion C) while

6. Emma really enjoys knitting, Mary who hates it!A) while B) in conclusion C) unlike

7. I went to the park I went to the shops.A) because B) then C) so

8. I thought the documentary was interesting. , I would have liked to see more interviews.A) For example B) Because C) Nevertheless

9. Go these stairs until you reach the top floor.A) up B) through C) on D) in

10. He was stopped by the police for driving 120mph.A) to B) on C) at D) for

11. I'm going Madrid next week.A) of B) to C) at D) in

12. We always listen to music the way to work.A) by B) on C) for D) in

13. Take your purse of your pocket and give it to me.A) away B) out C) off D) to

14. Are you talking me?

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A) on B) to C) of D) in

15. She called me midnight.A) on B) in C) at D) of

16. do you wake up? I wake up at 7:30 am.A) When B) Who C) What D) How

17. many international organizations do you know?A) When B) Where C) Why D) How

18. are some international organizations called nongovernmental?A) How B) What C) When D) Why

19. is your brother? He is great, thanks for asking.A) Who B) What C) How D) When

20. is The International Court of Justice located at? – HagueA) Who B) What C) How D) Where

21. "You shouldn't go into the water" said the coast guard. (advise against)

22. "I'll go to France on holiday" said John. (decide, using infinitive)

23. "I think you should go to the dentist" Julie said to Tom. (advise, using infinitive)

24. "Watch out for the weak bridge" he said. (warn, using 'about')

25. "You should apply for the job" said Jack to Stella. (encourage)

Q 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15AQ 16 17 18 19 20A

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Unit 9 IT skillsLesson 1.A. Basics of e-learning

The aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose improve pupils’ personal qualities like behavior, education etc. to raise awareness of IT termsDeveloping: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose develop pupils’ personal skills, English learning, motivational skills, to increase vocabulary related to technologySocio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC2, FLCC and PC in talking about internetLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about Information technology, internet and pros and cos of using internet and technologiesType of the lesson: non-standard, mixedMethod of the lesson: group work, pair work, individualEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard, computer, internet


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.

II. Pre-activityActivity 1 Ask your pupils to match the words with pictures:

Answer key:1. Keyboard2. CD disk3. fax machine false

5. scanner6. USB cable7. Monitor8. turn off icon9. printer

10. printouts11. headphones12. computer13. laptop14. tablet

III. Main part

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Activity 2 Jamil and Sarvinoz are talking about important inventions. Listen to their conversation and answer the questions.1. television2. everyday3. just entertainment4. news events5. his computer6. his mobile phone7. he does his homework8. via email, chat rooms9. his mum and dad 10.

Activity 3 Discuss these questions with your partner.1. How often do you use the Internet?2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of working online?

Activity 4 Ask your pupils to read the text below and identify if they are True, False or Not Given.

Answer key:1. false2. true3. false4. true

5. false6. false7. false8. true9. false

V. HomeworkMake a list of vocabulary which you have learned today.VI. Evaluation

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Lesson 1.A. Basics of e-learning. Consolidation

The aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose improve pupils’ personal qualities like behavior, education etc. to raise awareness of IT termsDeveloping: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose develop pupils’ personal skills, English learning, motivational skills, to increase vocabulary related to technologySocio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC2, FLCC and PC in talking about internetLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about Information technology, internet and pros and cos of using internet and technologiesType of the lesson: non-standard, mixedMethod of the lesson: group work, pair work, individualEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard, computer, internet


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.

II. Pre-activityActivity 5 Ask your pupils to match the words to compound nouns.

Answer key:1. band2. down3. fire4. home5. key

6. on7. web8. wireh) widthe) load

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g) wallf) pagea) board

d) lineb) camc) less

Activity 6 Use the words in exercise 1 to complete the sentences one word is not used.

Answer key:1. wireless / keyboard2. firewall3. homepage4. download5. webcam6. bandwith

Activity 7 Write computer parts


Make a list of vocabulary you have learned today. Write short story about your first computer.

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Lesson 1.B. Basics of e-learning

The aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose improve pupils’ personal qualities like behavior, education etc. to raise awareness of IT termsDeveloping: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose develop pupils’ personal skills, English learning, motivational skills, to increase vocabulary related to technologySocio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC2, FLCC and PC in talking about internetLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about Information technology, internet and pros and cos of using internet and technologiesType of the lesson: non-standard, mixedMethod of the lesson: group work, pair work, individualEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.II. Pre-activityActivity 1 Your pupils check their knowledge on grammar. Check your grammar: Reported speech.1. Rewrite the following statements in the reported speech.Answer key:1. The student reported that hackers had attacked their school computers and had stolen important data2. Jamil complained that his computer wasn’t functioning well3. The technician asked if the speed of the Internet would be better the next day4. Nasim’s mother said that Nasim had been playing computer games since 10 in the morning

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5. His brother told him to stop downloading those films beacuse it was illegal6. The teacher said that Nodira was surfing the Net at that moment7. Sarvinoz said that her mother never watched reality shows8. Our teacher said that Cyber bullying was increasing all over the world

III. Main partActivity 2 Rewrite the following questions in reported speech..Answer key:1. Teacher asked us the reason why that computer didn’t work2. My mother asked me what I was coping and pasting from the Net3. My father wondered if I installed te antivirus I had bought the day before4. My mother wondered if I had already installed one before5. Farrukh asked what was the URL of the new site I told him about6. The boy asked if I have sent her an e-mail?7. The teacher asked if she has downloaded the necessary files previous week8. Rakhim asked if she had been sending mails when the headmaster had arrived

IV. Post-activityActivity 3 Do the crosswords.

Activity 4 Are these points about Video games or Sports? Circle the correct subject.Answer key:1. Video games 2. Sports 3. Sports 4. Video games 5. Video gamesV. HomeworkMake a list of vocabulary which you have learned today.VI. Evaluation

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Lesson 1.B. Basics of e-learning. Consolidation

The aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose improve pupils’ personal qualities like behavior, education etc. to raise awareness of IT termsDeveloping: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose develop pupils’ personal skills, English learning, motivational skills, to increase vocabulary related to technologySocio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC2, FLCC and PC in talking about internetLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about Information technology, internet and pros and cos of using internet and technologiesType of the lesson: non-standard, mixedMethod of the lesson: group work, pair work, individualEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.

II. Pre-activityActivity 5 Discuss the following statements with your friends1. There are a lot of different types of games.2. Video games are fun to play with your friends.3. Video games allow you to play many different sports.4. You can compete with people all over the world via the internet.5. Playing video games is the best way to stay physically fi t and healthy.6. It’s better to do exercise outside in the fresh air.7. You can play video games even when the weather is bad.

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8. Playing sport is more intense exercise than playing video games.III. Main partActivity 6 Read the people’s ideas about computers. Discuss in the group.

Answer key:1. Today, ... Nowadays,2. Firstly, ... First of all,3. Also, ... In addition,4. I think that ... I believe that ...5. I don’t think that ... I disagree that ...6. Actually, ... In fact,7. To sum up, ... In conclusion,IV. Post-activityActivity 7 Read the people’s ideas about computers. Discuss in the group.

V. Homework Take a note

Write an essay “Advantages and disadvantages of using computers”.VI. Evaluation

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Control Work 7

The type of the control work: Writing

Task1. Match the words in box A with the words in the box B.

A B1 to install A files2 to send B the antivirus3 to download C pictures and videos4 to surf D the website5 to play E a friend with strangers6 to post F an e-mail7 to make G the Net8 to leave H video games

Task 2.Write these linking words to the right place.

In addition, nowadays, but, in conclusion, today, I think that, furthermore, on the other hand, I don't think that, however, I believe that, moreover, to sum up, I disagree that, nevertheless.

To begin For adding ideas For contrasting ideas To conclude To intoduce opinion

Task 3. Write an essay ''Advantages and disadvantages of using the Internet'' (word limit is 80-100)


First of all,


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On the other hand,


In conclusion,

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

RevisionThe aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose is to improve pupils’ knowledge; to revise and consolidate all learnt materilas from previous lessonsDeveloping: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose is to develop grammar skills, listening skills; reading skillsSocio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC3, FLCC and PC in answering questionsLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about all topics learnt in previous lessons; use vocabulary properlyType of the lesson: non-standard, mixed, traditionalMethod of the lesson: group work, pair workEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 minProcedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.II. Pre-activityWork in groups. Answer the following questions:

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III. Main part

Match the photos a-h with words 1-8

Make up sentences. Use there is/there are.e.g. (days/February) There are 28 or 29 days in February.1. (thirty two teeth/ a mouth)2. (tasty roll/ the plate)3. (delivery service/ this supermarket)4. (some changes/ the schedule)5. (new e-mail address/ the top of the sheet)6. (many advantages/ online courses

If it is possible, use an on-line monolingual dictionary and find the definitions of the underlined words.

IV. Post-activity

Discuss in a group.

- What apps do you know?- Which of them do you use?- Why?

V. HomeworkMake a list of vocabulary which you have learned today.VI. Evaluation

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Lesson 2.A. Internet safety

The aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose improve pupils’ personal qualities like behavior, education etc. to raise awareness of dangers on internet, to stay safeDeveloping: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose develop pupils’ personal skills, English learning, motivational skills, to increase vocabulary related to technology and internet dangers Socio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC3, SC and PC in talking internet safetyLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about Information technology, internet and dangers of using internetType of the lesson: non-standard, mixed, modernMethod of the lesson: group work, pair work, individualEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard, internet, computer


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.II. Pre-activityActivity 1 Decide whether the statement are true or false.

Answer key:1. false2. false3. false4. false

5. true6. true7. false8. true9. true

III. Main partActivity 2 Ask your pupils to match the words with their pairs.

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Answer key:1. Meeting up d) with strangers2. Keep c) your information3. Stay g) online4. They k) say about5. Stay safe e) with people6. Strangers can b) be dangerous7. They can a) safe8. Make friends m) on the internet9. Crying all h) the time10. Keep your g) information11. You have i) never met12. You l) share13. Colour of n) your hair14. Make f) friends

Activity 3 Listen to the song and complete the sentences. Write no more than four words.

Answer key:1. to stay/Don’t make friends 2. keep your information 3. Meeting up /strangers4. Strangers can be dangerous 5. You share/ colour of you hair 6. Keep/ information7. Don’t make friends 8. Online 9. caring all the time 10. they can say aboutIV. Post-activityActivity 4 Ask your pupils to read the text and fi nd out if the following sentences are true or false..Answer key:1. true 2. false 3. False 4. True 5. false 6. true 7. false

V. HomeworkMake a list of vocabulary which you have learned today.VI. Evaluation

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Lesson 2.A. Internet safety. Consolidation

The aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose improve pupils’ personal qualities like behavior, education etc. to raise awareness of dangers on internet, to stay safeDeveloping: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose develop pupils’ personal skills, English learning, motivational skills, to increase vocabulary related to technology and internet dangers Socio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC3, SC and PC in talking internet safetyLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about Information technology, internet and dangers of using internetType of the lesson: non-standard, mixed, modernMethod of the lesson: group work, pair work, individualEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard, internet, computer


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.II. Pre-activityActivity 5 Fill in each blank with the best word from the box. Use each word only once.

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Answer key:1. damage 2. software 3. remove 4. receive 5. virus6. bar graphs 7. Spent 8. understand

Activity 6 Ask your pupils to discuss the following questions. with your partner. With the best word from the list. Use each word only once..1. Do you know how to use internet?2. What’s internet safety?3. What should we know before using internet such as facebook, you tube telegram and other?4. Can you tell negative and benefi t sides of internet?5. What does spam mean?6. What do you think how internet developping in Uzbekistan?Activity 7 Match the words with their meanings:

1. WWW

2. E-mail

3. Internet address

4. URL

5. Chat Room

6. Virus

7. Password


9. Blog

10. Screen Name

11. Internet

12. Web-site

13. Cyberspace

14. Username

15. Download

A. a place where you talk by typingB. a secret word that only you and your parents knowC. a letter you send through your computerD. a hidden program that can hurt your computerE. advertising that comes to your e-mail addressF. a name you choose for yourself that isn’t your real nameG. an Internet address (Uniform Resource Locator)H. a process of file transfer from the InternetI. a place on the Internet you can visitJ. an interconnection of computer information systems available via the Internet (World Wide Web)K. another way to say URLL. the world that only exists in the computer and your headM. a worldwide system of computersN. another way to say “username”O. a journal you keep on the Web: short for Web log

V. HomeworkMake a list of vocabulary which you have learned today. Write an essay about internet safety.Share you report with your peers.

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Lesson 2.B. Internet safety

The aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose improve pupils’ personal qualities like behavior, education etc. to raise awareness of dangers on internet, to stay safeDeveloping: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose develop pupils’ personal skills, English learning, motivational skills, to increase vocabulary related to technology and internet dangers Socio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC3, SC and PC in talking internet safetyLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about Information technology, internet and dangers of using internetType of the lesson: non-standard, mixed, modernMethod of the lesson: group work, pair work, individualEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard, internet, computer


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.II. Pre-activityActivity 1 Your pupils check their knowledge on grammar. Check your grammar: prepositions1. Correct the underlined prepositions.Answer key:

1. from2. out/for3. of4. to

5. to6. to7. for

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Activity 2 Put the suitable preposition in the gaps from the box

Answer key: 4. of 8. from1. of 5. from 9. to2. to 6. with 10. on3. to 7. in 11. with

Activity 3 Read the information about internet.

Activity 4 Ask your pupils to match the passages with the headings below.Answer key:1. Saves time effort2. Getting access to some of the best website3. Business support4. Informed purchasing decisions5. Control

V. HomeworkMake a list of vocabulary which you have learned today.VI. Evaluation

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Lesson 2.B. Internet safety. Consolidation

The aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose improve pupils’ personal qualities like behavior, education etc. to raise awareness of dangers on internet, to stay safeDeveloping: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose develop pupils’ personal skills, English learning, motivational skills, to increase vocabulary related to technology and internet dangers Socio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC3, SC and PC in talking internet safetyLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about Information technology, internet and dangers of using internetType of the lesson: non-standard, mixed, modernMethod of the lesson: group work, pair work, individualEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard, internet, computer


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.

II. Pre-activityActivity 5 Ask your pupils to discuss the following questions. in the group.1. What information have you got about “entertainment”?2. Have you ever read about “business support”?3. How often do you use the Internet?4. Which web-sites do you often use?5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using

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III. Main partActivity 6 Make a list:A) List words related to the topic “Internet safety”.B) List of advantages and disadvantages of Internet.

IV. Post-activityActivity 7 Complete the columns using the words and phrases from the box.Answer key:Advantages of computers Disadvantages of computersResearching Waste of timeSocial skills InsomniaOnline education CheatingOnline assignment help Lack of creativityInformation Physical inactivity

V. Homework Write an essay “Advantages and disadvantages of using social nets”.VI. Evaluation

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Control work 8

The type of the control work: Reading test and writing.Task 1. Read the text below and decide if the statements True or False.

Internet has a huge influence on society nowadays and today it is 8,354 days old. Sometimes there is being called simply ''the Net''. In fact the Internet was conceived by the Advanced Research Agency of U.S. government in 1996 and first known as the ARPANet.

There can be found information on almost any product and service. People can read reviews; see ratings, and read actual consumer feedback and the latest products. If you like reading it is full of up- to-date information, books, magazines, newspapers and others. It is becoming much more popular to spend leisure time effectively and joyfully as an entertainment among people day by day. There you can read funny e-mails from friends and make your all friends around the world laugh. Even if you are not good at cracking jokes, you can simply download them from the Internet and forward them to your friends. In addition to this using e-bank and e-government saves considerable time and effort which gives you and your family to pursue hobbies.

1. The Internet was invented by U.S government in 1996.2. ARPA stands for Advanced Reducing Products Association.3. ''the Net '' is the simple name of the Internet. _ 4. Using e-bank and e-government wastes your time. 5. There is no anything useful or interesting to read on the Net.

Task 2. Translate these sentences into English.1. O'zingizning rasm yoki videolaringizni jo'natishdan oldin yaxshilab o'ylang chunki uni boshqa

odamlar ham ko'chirib olishi mumkin.

2. Tanimagan odamlaringiz bilan do'stlashmang.

3. Parolingizni hech qachon boshqalarga bermang.

4. Agar tarmoqda siz xatarli biron narsani ko'rsangiz saytdan chiqib keting.

5. Kompyuteringizga zarar yetgazashi mumkin bo'lgan narsa virusdir.

Task 3. Put the words in order to make sentences.1. you\ know\Do\internet \ to\ how\ use ?

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2. web-sites\ you\ do\ use\ Which\ often?

3. She\ last\ files\downloaded\ week\ necessary.

4. yesterday\ didn't\ I\ install\antivirus\the.

5. My\ pasting\mother\asked\the\ from\ Net \me\ I\ coping\was\pasting\what\and.

6. had\ I\ e-mail\an\her\if\sent\ asked\boy\The.

7. downloading\ stop\films\ those\ to\ him\ his\ told\ brother.

8. well\computer\that\ said\ Jamil\functioning\wasn’t\his.

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II. Pre-activity

The digital landscape has put increased pressure on teenagers today, and we feel it. There are so many social media channels: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Tumblr, you name it. I made a conscious decision to avoid Snapchat and Instagram because of the social pressure I saw them putting on my 14-year-old little sister. If my mum turned off the WiFi at 11pm, my sister would beg me to turn my phone into a hotspot1. She always needed to load her Snapchat stories one more time, or to reply to a message that had come in two minutes ago because she didn’t want her friend

Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

RevisionThe aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose is to improve pupils’ knowledge; to revise and consolidate all learnt materilas from previous lessonsDeveloping: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose is to develop grammar skills, listening skills; reading skillsSocio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC2, SC3, FLCC and PC in answering questionsLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about all topics learnt in previous lessons; use vocabulary properlyType of the lesson: non-standard, mixed, traditionalMethod of the lesson: group work, pair workEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 minProcedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting. - Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.

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1. Read the text and in note form write down (12p)a) four things teens usually use social media for.b) the effects of night-time social media use on teens.2. Complete the sentences according to the text. (24p)a) June kept away from a couple of social networks since …b) June’s sister would ask June for her phone when …c) It is very important for her sister to reply to every message at night so that …d) She would accuse June of messing up her social life whenever …e) For teens not being able to reply instantly to a message …f)Some teens are so obsessed with social media that …

3. True or False? Quote from the text to justify your answers. (18p)a) June doesn’t understand her sister’s obsession with social media at times.b) Teenagers feel pressured to be constantly online.c) June simply hated it when she was unable to log on for a week.

4. Identify the phrasal verb in the first paragraph and explain its meaning. (6p)

5. What do the following mean? (10p)a) 24/7 b) FOMO6. Find the words in the text which mean the same as (15p)a) greater than before (paragraph 1)b) exaggerated enthusiasm (paragraph 1)c) harmful (paragraph 2)d) easily annoyed (paragraph 2)e) connected with (paragraph 3)

7. What do the underlined words in the text refer to? (15p)a) we b) them c) that d) this e) their

HomeworkUsing about 180 words, write an opinion text on the following. (50p)Do social networking sites play an important role in your life?

Deputy director on educational affairs: Signature

to feel ignored. If I refused, saying she could respond in the morning, I’d get the “You’re ruining my social life” speech. Even as a teenager as well, I sometimes find this craze a little baffling.A new study has found that teenagers who engage with social media during the night could be damaging their sleep and increasing their risk of anxiety and depression. Teenagers spoke about the pressure they felt to make themselves available 24/7 and the resulting anxiety if they did not respond immediately to texts or posts. Teens are so emotionally invested in social media that a fifth of secondary school pupils will wake up at night and log on just to make sure they don’t miss out. Perhaps the worst thing about this is that teenagers need more sleep than adults do, so night-time social media use could be detrimental to their health. A lack of sleep can make teenagers tired, irritable, and depressed.During the summer holidays, I lost my phone. And for the week that I was phoneless, it felt like a disaster. I love my phone. It gives me quick access to information and allows me to be constantly looped in with my friends, to know exactly what is going on in their lives. So when I didn’t have my phone for a week, I felt a slight sense of FOMO, or if you’re not up to speed with the lingo, fear of missing out. By the end of the week, I’d got used to not having a phone and I’d quite enjoyed the break from social media. But there was still a lingering sense of sadness at the back of my mind that there would be conversations I

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Unit 10 LiteratureLesson 1.A. Uzbek literature

The aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose improve pupils’ personal qualities like behavior; to increase knowledge on Uzbek literature, to learn famous works by famous writers Developing: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose develop pupils’ personal skills, English learning, motivational skills, to increase vocabulary related to literature and artSocio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC4, LC and SC in talking about Uzbek literatureLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about Uzbek literature, famous writers and their life and worksType of the lesson: non-standard, mixed, modernMethod of the lesson: group work, pair work, individualEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.II. Pre-activityActivity 1 Test your knowledge with this quiz:Answer key:1-A, 2-C, 3-B, 4-C, 5-C, 6-A, 7-B, 8-C, 9-D, 10-D

Activity 2 Ask your pupils to match the genres with the authors.Answer key:1. Said Ahmad d) comedy2. Tohir Malik a) detective3. Xudoyberdi Tukhtaboyev e) children’s literature

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4. Muhammad Yusuf b) country singer5. Hamid Olimjon c) happiness singer

Activity 3 Listen to the pieces of music. Identify what kind of music is it?

Activity 4 Find out the Asqad Mukhtor’s plays.Answer key:1. “The pick of the misterous” (“Mardlik cho‘qqisi”)2. “Samandar” (“Samandar”)3. “My comrades” (”Hamshaharlarim”)4. ”Dice value” (“Zar qadri”)5. “Googness for goodness” (“Yaxshilikka yaxshilik”)6. “Silver fi ber” (“Kumush tola”)

V. HomeworkMake a list of vocabulary which you have learned today.VI. Evaluation

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Lesson 1.A. Uzbek literature. Consolidation

The aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose improve pupils’ personal qualities like behavior; to increase knowledge on Uzbek literature, to learn famous works by famous writers Developing: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose develop pupils’ personal skills, English learning, motivational skills, to increase vocabulary related to literature and artSocio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC4, LC and SC in talking about Uzbek literatureLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about Uzbek literature, famous writers and their life and worksType of the lesson: non-standard, mixed, modernMethod of the lesson: group work, pair work, individualEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.II. Pre-activityActivity 5 Ask your pupils to read the text and decide if the following sentences true or false.Answer key:1. true2. true3. true4. false

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III. Main partActivity 6 Fill in each blank with the best word from the box. Use each word only once.

Answer key:1. government2. faced3. attending4. instead5. miltiary6. practised7. genre8. department9. unionIV. Post-activityActivity 7 Ask your pupils to discuss the following questions. with your partner.1. Who is the symbol of faithfulness in Uzbek literature?2. Who has written a famous crime novel called “Shaytanat”?3. Who has written “The heart must fl ush” (“Yurak yonmog‘i kerak) and “When the apple tree blossoms.” (“Olma gullaganda”)

V. Homework1. Make a list of vocabulary which you have learned today.2. Make a report about writers in Uzbekistan. (Word limit 80 – 100 words).

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Lesson 1.B. Uzbek literature

The aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose improve pupils’ personal qualities like behavior; to increase knowledge on Uzbek literature, to learn famous works by famous writers Developing: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose develop pupils’ personal skills, English learning, motivational skills, to increase vocabulary related to literature and artSocio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC1, FLCC and SC in talking about Uzbek literatureLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about Uzbek literature, famous writers and their life and worksType of the lesson: non-standard, mixed, traditionalMethod of the lesson: group work, pair work, individualEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.II. Pre-activityActivity 1 Your pupils check their knowledge on grammar. Check your grammar: Sentence structure1. Rearrange the words to compose the sentences.Answer key:1. Utkir Khoshimov studied at the Philology Faculty of the Tashkent State University finishing secondary.2. In Tashkent and Bukhara there are streets and school named after Fitrat

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3. Fitrat’s 110 the anniversary celebrated throughout the country in 19964. According to decree of Republic of Uzbekistan of the President Fitrat was awarded with bonus of Mustaqillik orden5. When / Fitrat’s / languages / translated /works/ highly/ were / he / various / was alive / praised / and / into.6. Philosopher / has been / heritage / creative / and lawyers / Fitrat’s / investigated / as / by / B. Ergashev / such / and D. Tashkuziev.7. People / was / “Cho‘l havosi” / by the /recognized /warmly.8. Novelist / as a Gafur Gulam / skilled / was / famous.9. By his collection / and methods / developed / with new conceptions / Gafur Gulom / Uzbek poetry / “Tirik qo‘shiqlar”, / “Dinamo”, / “Sharkdan kelayotirman”, / “Sarhisob” / of poems.10. Several creative schools / established / is outstanding / in Uzbek / fi gure / Erkin Vohidov / literature.

III. Main part.Activity 2 Look at the pictures. Ask your pupils to discuss the following questions with partner.• Have you ever read any of these books?• Have you ever watched the movies based on them?

Activity 3 Are the statements true or false?Answer key:1. false 2. true 3. true 4. false 5. true

IV. Post-activity.Activity 4 Read the passage below and fi ll in the gaps with the names of characters of the famous epoc “The Alpamysh”. The names are given in the box. You can use each name more than once.Answer key:1. the Alpamysh 2. Alpomish3. Barchin 4. Boysari5. Boyburi 6. Konirat7. Bayburi8. Boysari9. Boyburi10. Kalmyshah11. Barchin12. Taycha-han13. Kalmyc14. Barchin

V. HomeworkMake a list of vocabulary which you have learned today.VI. Evaluation

Deputy director on educational affairs: Signature

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Lesson 1.B. Uzbek literature. Consolidation

The aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose improve pupils’ personal qualities like behavior; to increase knowledge on Uzbek literature, to learn famous works by famous writers Developing: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose develop pupils’ personal skills, English learning, motivational skills, to increase vocabulary related to literature and artSocio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC1, FLCC and SC in talking about Uzbek literatureLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about Uzbek literature, famous writers and their life and worksType of the lesson: non-standard, mixed, traditionalMethod of the lesson: group work, pair work, individualEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.II. Pre-activityActivity 5 Complete the table. Use a dictionary if necessary.Answer key:

Word Synonym A sentence with itseldom (adv) not often He seldom watches TV.adaptation (n) change It takes some time for

adaptationdefinitely (adv) certainly You are definitely right!character (n) quality He has rather negative

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charactersuccessful (adj) lucky He started a successful projectget shocked (coll) be surprised I got shocked by exam resultsimagine (v) think Imagine you're eating an apple

III. Main partActivity 6 Take a note about your favorite book by answering the following questions.1. Who is the author of the book?2. What is the book about?3. Where do the events happen?4. Who are the main characters?6. Who would this book be best suitable for? Age/interests?5. The most exciting part of the story?

Activity 7 Grammar exercises

V. HomeworkMake a list of vocabulary which you have learned today.VI. Evaluation

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Grammar exercises

The aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose is to improve pupils’ knowledge; to revise and consolidate grammar knowledge from previous lessonsDeveloping: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose is to develop grammar skills, to consolidate present and past tenseSocio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC2, FLCC and PC in answering questionsLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to use tenses properly, to choose verbs and tences correctlyType of the lesson: non-standard, mixed, traditionalMethod of the lesson: individualEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.II. Pre-activity

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III. Main partMixed tenses revision testFill the gaps with the correct tenses

IV. Post-activity

V. HomeworkMake a list of vocabulary which you have learned today.VI. Evaluation

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Lesson 2.A. World literature

The aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose improve pupils’ personal qualities like behavior; to increase knowledge on world literature, to learn famous works by famous writers Developing: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose develop pupils’ personal skills, English learning, motivational skills, to increase vocabulary related to literature and artSocio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC6, SC and PC in talking about world literatureLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about world literature, famous writers and their life and worksType of the lesson: non-standard, mixed, traditionalMethod of the lesson: group work, pair work, individualEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.II. Pre-activityActivity 1 Find 7 words about world literature.

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Answer key:1. Novel2. inspiration3. publish4. celebrate5. writer

Activity 2 Ask your pupils to match these words with their defi nitions or synonyms.Answer key:1. Camp b) place with temporary accommodation of hunts, tents2. Forest d) a large area covered chiefly ith trees.3. Wild a) living or growing in the natural environment.4. Travel e) make a journey, typically of some length.5. Native f) person born in a specified place or associated with a place by birth.6. Freeze c) extremely cold.

Activity 3 Listen to the tape and write TRUE or FALSE.

Answer key:1. true 2. false 3. true 4. true 5.false 6. true 7. true

Activity 4 Try to find out the writers of these novels.Answer key:1. Jack London a) The death of the heart2. Arthur Konan Doyle d) Sherlock Holmes3. John Fowls c) Loving4. Elizabeth Bower b) Magus5. Henry Green e) White Fang

V. HomeworkMake a list of vocabulary which you have learned today.VI. Evaluation

Deputy director on educational affairs: Signature

Page 187: The aim of the lesson: · Web view2021/02/10  · The aim of the lesson: Lesson 1.A. Welcome to Uzbekistan! Unit 1. My Country - my pride Educational: -to improve pupils’ awareness

Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Lesson 2.A. World literature. Consolidation

The aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose improve pupils’ personal qualities like behavior; to increase knowledge on world literature, to learn famous works by famous writers Developing: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose develop pupils’ personal skills, English learning, motivational skills, to increase vocabulary related to literature and artSocio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC6, SC and PC in talking about world literatureLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about world literature, famous writers and their life and worksType of the lesson: non-standard, mixed, traditionalMethod of the lesson: group work, pair work, individualEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.

II. Pre-activityActivity 5 Ask your pupils to read the text and answer the questions.Answer key:1. 18 years old2. Anne Hathaway3. He wanted to be an actor and the best theatres were in London4. The Rose5. He wrote Romeo and Juliet, Julius Caesar, Richard II, Antony and CleopatraIII. Main part

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Activity 6 Fill in the table with the information that happened in Shakespeare’s life in these years.Answer key:1564 He was born 1582 He was married 1587 He went to London 1603 James become king and William worked for him 1610 He died

Activity 7 Ask your pupils to fill in the gaps with appropriate words from the box.

IV. Post-activityActivity 8 Ask your pupils to discuss the following questions. with your partner.1. What is the importance of Literature in education?2. Which great people of the World literature do you know?3. Which novel is the most famous one in the World Literature?4. Which books have you read of the World Literature?5. What is the similarity between Tahir Malik and Arthur Konan Doyle?

V. Homework1. What is the importance of Literature in education?2. Which great people of the World literature do you know?3. Which novel is the most famous one in the World Literature?4. Which books have you read in the World Literature?5. What is the similarity between Tahir Malik and Arthur Konan Doyle?

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Lesson 2B. World Literature

The aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose improve pupils’ personal qualities like behavior; to increase knowledge on world literature, to learn famous works by famous writers Developing: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose develop pupils’ personal skills, English learning, motivational skills, to increase vocabulary related to literature and artSocio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC6, SC and PC in talking about world literatureLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about world literature, famous writers and their life and worksType of the lesson: non-standard, mixed, traditionalMethod of the lesson: group work, pair work, individualEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.II. Pre-activityActivity 1 Your pupils check their knowledge on grammar. Check your grammar: Revision.1. Complete the following sentences using the appropriate form of the adjective.Answer key:1-A, 2-C, 3-C, 4-A, 5-B

III. Main partActivity 2 Ask your pupils to match the adjectives with their definitions.

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Answer key:1-e, 2-f, 3-g, 4-d,5-a, 6-b, 7-c

Activity 3 Write comparative and superlative forms of these adjectives and make sentences using these adjectives.adjective comparative superlativecheap cheaper The cheapestStrong stronger The strongestImportant More important The most importantModern More modern The most modernLong longer The longestBad worse The worst

IV. Post-activityActivity 4 Ask your pupils to read the poem and discuss the questions.

V. HomeworkMake a list of vocabulary which you have learned today.VI. Evaluation

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Lesson 2B. World Literature. Consolidation

The aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose improve pupils’ personal qualities like behavior; to increase knowledge on world literature, to learn famous works by famous writers Developing: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose develop pupils’ personal skills, English learning, motivational skills, to increase vocabulary related to literature and artSocio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC6, SC and PC in talking about world literatureLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about world literature, famous writers and their life and worksType of the lesson: non-standard, mixed, traditionalMethod of the lesson: group work, pair work, individualEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.II. Pre-activityActivity 5 Compete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs. Use Present Simple or Past Simple.Answer key:1. died2. visit3. did not live / moved4. loved / become5. are

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III. Main partActivity 6 Ask your pupils to complete the text with the correct form of the verbs. They use Past simple or Past continuous.Answer key:1. were performing2. were using3. started4. moved5. destroyed6. opened

Activity 7 Ask your pupils to complete the text with the correct form of the verbs. Use Present perfect.Answer key:1. Have you seen2. have become3. has worked/has not appeared4. have studied / has changed5. has he known

Activity 8 Ask your pupils to complete the sentenses with the relative pronouns: who/where/which.Answer key:1. where2. who3. who4. which5. where

IV. Post-activityActivity 9 Ask your pupils to take a note about your favorite book by answering the following questions.1. Who is the author of the book?2. What is the book about?3. Where do the events happen?4. Who are the main characters?5. What is the most exciting part of the story?6. Who would this book be best suitable for? Age/interests?

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Grammar exercises

The aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose is to improve pupils’ knowledge; to revise and consolidate grammar knowledge from previous lessons; use active and passive voice Developing: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose is to develop grammar skills, to consolidate active and passive voiceSocio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC2, FLCC and PC in answering questionsLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to use tenses properly, to choose verbs and tences correctly; use active and passive voiceType of the lesson: non-standard, mixed, traditionalMethod of the lesson: individualEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.II. Pre-activityFill in the gaps with the correct forms.

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III. Main part

Fill the gaps with the correct tenses (active or passive voice).

IV. Post-activity

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Final test 41. @ is called ‘little snail’ in …..A) Greece B) France C) Poland D) Sweden2. In Denmark @ is often called …….A) little dog B) ear C) pig’s tail D) little duck

3. Find the correct definitionA) a portable phone B) an immovable phoneC) a headphone D) speakers4. Ray Tomlinson is a man who ………A) invented the Net B) invented @C) invented @ and email D) invented email5. @ was invented in ….A) 1970 B) 1972 C) 1994 D)19716. What are the advantages of computers?A) social skills, waste of time,B) researching, information, online educationC) Insomnia, lack of creativity, online educationD) cheating, physical inactivity, online assignment help

7. Find the correct preposition. Today we talked …Ray Tomlinson.A) to B) with C) at D) –8. He hates cables that’s why he has a …… mouse and ………A) keyboard, web B) wireless, keyboardC) homepage, wireless D) download, webcam 9.”My computer isn’t functioning well”-Jamil said.A) Jamil said that my computer wasn’t functioning well.B) Jamil said that her computer wasn’t functioning wellC) Jamil said that his computer was functioning wellD) Jamil said that his computer wasn’t functioning well.10. Find the best word to fill the gap.It’s the best way to ….physically fit and healthy.A) go B) stay C) stand D) run 11.Which is not a connector for adding ideasA) in addition B) as well as C) but D) also 12.What does the ‘PC’ stand for?A) Personal computer B) Personal companyC) Personal charity D) Personal website13. Fitrat was born in … in 1886.A) Bukhara B) Samarkand C) Khiva D) Kokand

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14. In 1587 William ……A) went back to Stratford B) performed his playsC) worked for James I D) went to London15. Find the correct definition of the ‘freeze’A) make a journey B) extremely coldC) living in natural environment D) place with temporary accommodation16. ‘Sherlock Holmes’ was written by…..A) Jack London B) Hengry GreenC) Arthur Konan Doyle D) Elizabeth Bower17. Find the play which were written by William ShakespeareA) Antony and Cleopatra B) MagusC) White Fang D) Loving18. Find the correct genre to Xudoyberdi TukhtaboyevA) detective B) children’s literatureC) comedy D) happiness singer19. Where did Fitrat study during 1909-1913 ?A) Jadid’s school B) ‘Buhoro ta’limi maorifi’C) ‘Mir Arab’ D) Dorul Muallimin20. Whose uncle was uzbek writer and interpreter Mirzakalon Ismoiliy ?A) Oybek B) Utkir HoshimovC) Tohir Malik D) Abdulla Qodiriy21.Who has written a famous crime novel called “Shaytanat”?A) Utkir Hoshimov B) Tohir MalikC) Abdulla Qodiriy D) Oybek22. Who declares that she will marry anyone, who wins all four contests?A) Barchin B) Xolbeka C) Zulhumor D) Tillaqiz23. Who is the auther of ‘Richard II’ ?A) Hengry Green B) William ShakespeareC) Jack London D) Arthur Konan Doyle24. What was the name of the first theatre William Shakespeare worked in?A) Globe Theatre B) Stradford C) The Rose D) unknown

25. Which novel did Abdulla Qodiriy finish writing in 1918 February?A) “Navoi” B) “Ulug’ yo’l”C) “ Ikki eshik orasi” D)” O’tgan kunlar’Answers:Q 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15A B C A C D B A B D B C A A D BQ 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25A C A B D C B A B C D

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Grades English Teacher:Dates Abdulatipov Abdurauf


The aim of the lesson:Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose is to improve pupils’ knowledge; to revise and consolidate all learnt materilas from previous lessonsDeveloping: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose is to develop grammar skills, listening skills; reading skillsSocio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC3, FLCC and PC in answering questionsLearning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about all topics learnt in previous lessons; use vocabulary properlyType of the lesson: non-standard, mixed, traditionalMethod of the lesson: group work, pair workEquipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


№ Part of the lesson Tasks Time

1 Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.- to motivate pupils to learn 3 min

2 Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. 5 min

3 Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.


4 Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme. 8 min

5 Marking. - To mark pupils. 2 min

6 Homework. - Giving homework. 2 min

Procedure of the lesson:I. Organizing moment: - Greeting.- Checking register- Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.II. Pre-activity

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III. Main-part

IV. Post-activity

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