The Advantage of Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures The Advantage of Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures A Comprehensive eBook of Cosmetic Dental Procedures

The Advantage of Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures · The Advantage of Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures Crowns normally require two different dental visits. Depending on the damage to your

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The Advantage ofCosmetic Dentistry Procedures

The Advantage ofCosmetic Dentistry Procedures

A Comprehensive eBook of Cosmetic Dental Procedures

The Advantage of Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures

Cosmetic Dental Procedures

With teeth whitening being the most sought after cosmetic dental procedure today it’s no surprise that a whiter and brighter smile is what people want most out of their smile according to the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry.

Teeth Whitening

There are those who opt out of social functions, hide behind the camera, have a tight-lipped smile, or simply avoid smiling because they’re too ashamed to let others see their crooked, stained, or missing teeth. But, did you know that smiling can affect your lifespan, marital happiness, and personal well-being? In fact, smiling can automatically lift your mood and the mood of others around you. Studies have shown that smiling can even reduce stress!

Now imagine what happens when you avoid smiling because of your imperfect teeth. Improving your teeth with cosmetic dentistry can perfect your smile, improve your emotional well-being, and even improve your oral health.

In this eBook, we’ll explore the various types of cosmetic dentistry, how these procedures improve the aesthetics of your smile, and how some procedures can take your oral health to the next level.

Not having an attractive smile can take a toll on your self esteem. Penn Dental Family Practice wants to give you a smile you feel confident about. Below are cosmetic dental procedures that can give you the smile of your dreams and make your confidence soar.

The Advantage of Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures

An in-office teeth whitening session requires the application of professional grade whiteners that are either a thick paste or a gel. The process can take anywhere from 60 - 90 minutes in length depending on the type of bleaching agent used. Within that time frame, your teeth can brighten up to 10 shades!

The aesthetic benefits of an in-office teeth whitening session are immediate with your whiter and brighter smile, but are there health benefits to whitening your smile? In fact, there are! Your smile is now brighter than ever before, and you aren’t likely to want to ruin a good thing. Those who’ve had their teeth whitened tend to up their oral hygiene game by brushing and flossing more, seeing their dentist regularly, and by avoiding food or drink that could possibly stain their pearly whites.

Veneers are thin shells of medical grade ceramic that are meant to recreate the natural look of your smile by attaching to the front surface of your teeth. Veneers are designed differently for each person depending on the smile improvement he or she is looking for. Ideally, veneers help with improving the tooth shape, size, color, or by closing spaces between teeth.

Porcelain Veneers

In order to improve your smile, a small portion of your original tooth requires modification to ensure the restoration of your natural tooth function and the right fit. If you’re using veneers to cover tooth discoloration you’ll be happy to hear that veneers are stain resistant! If you want to maintain that new and improved smile porcelain veneers require the same oral hygiene routine your natural teeth require. Brush, floss, and visit your dentist regularly and your veneers could last up to 25 years.

The Advantage of Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures

Bonding is the cosmetic dental treatment that uses tooth-colored composite resin (plastic) to restore teeth that have been chipped, discolored, decayed, fractured, to fill in gaps, or lengthen teeth. Dental bonding can be completed in one visit, as the process is relatively straightforward.

Composite Bonding

Once the shade of the bonding has been selected, your dentist will roughen the surface of your tooth making it easier for the material to bond to your teeth. A conditioning substance will be applied, and then your dentist will apply the tooth colored resin where they’ll begin to mold it into the correct shape. Then with the use of an ultraviolet light, the resin substance will harden, and you’ll see your new and improved smile. All of your teeth with be the same length, color, shape, and size, making it easier for you to show off your smile with confidence.

Those that choose composite bonding receive more than a smile that’s been repaired; it is also a smile that has restored chewing function. If your teeth are chipped, broken, or even fractured it can make chewing food a bit difficult. Bonding can restore the teeth’s natural function allowing you to chew comfortably. Maintain good oral hygiene by brushing and flossing daily and you can keep the bonding looking good for up to a decade.

Porcelain crowns are meant to replace the exterior portion of a tooth that has succumbed to advanced tooth decay, a crack, or a fracture, causing it to be painful or non-functional by restoring the natural shape of the tooth. Crowns also benefit those who have lost the structure of their teeth due to teeth grinding (Bruxism) or clenching.

Porcelain Crowns

The Advantage of Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures

Crowns normally require two different dental visits. Depending on the damage to your natural tooth, your cosmetic dentist will begin to file down your tooth to fit the crown. However, if your tooth is badly damaged, your dentist may need to fill in your tooth in order to fit the crown. Once your tooth is re-sized your dentist will take an impression of the damaged tooth and the surrounding teeth to get a crown made. You’ll be fitted for a temporary crown, and return for your second visit to receive your permanent crown. A proper oral hygiene routine is required to maintain the integrity of your new crown.

Restoration with a crown comes in more ways than one. You’ll improve the beauty of your smile while also restoring the function. Crowns protect your natural tooth by ending any continued pain, decay, and lowering the risk of infection.

Dental implants are largely used on those that are missing one or more teeth. If you’re one of the millions of Americans, 178 million to be exact, who are missing one or more teeth, dental implants might be the cosmetic dental procedure you desire.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are titanium posts that are permanently affixed to your jawbone as an artificial tooth root. The health benefits from implants begin as soon as the titanium post takes “root”. With tooth loss comes bone loss and with bone loss comes the deterioration of your jawbone and facial structure. Not only do dental implants restore the aesthetics of your smile, but implants also prevent any further bone loss or atrophy to your jawbone, providing a strong foundation for your remaining natural teeth.

Tooth loss causes more than bone deterioration, it can cause the remaining teeth to shift creating issues such as bite problems, increased risk for gum disease, and cavities. Dental implants put a stop to these oral health nightmares by preventing shifting from beginning.

The Advantage of Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures

Implants aren’t a quick fix and require a lengthy procedure time, but dental implants are the most natural-looking and long-lasting cosmetic dental restoration.

Come Visit Us

Penn Dental Family Practice has cosmetic dentists that are eager to give you the smile, confidence, and oral health that you desire. For more information on these cosmetic dental procedures, or other cosmetic dentistry, services we provide, contact us at one of our convenient locations.

(215) 898-PDFP(7337)