r t- f l J I H I 4 t M THE ADAIR GO UNIT NEWS 3 1 II j Program > l The following is the program of the Musical Association to be- Held at Wellfare church in Rus- sell ¬ county three miles from ty Russell Springs the 2nd Sun ¬ day in December 1910 900 a m House called to order 1 Song led yFJ Hughes 3 Welcome address Loren Phelps 3 Response Rev I M 4Grimsley 4 Solo My Mothers Prayer Miss Eva Bryant 5 Reading minutes of pre ¬ ceeding meeting 6 What is music and its in ¬ fluence James Kerns andA- G Coffey 7 How teach music notation Ben H Berton and StewartRex roat 8 What are measures and how represented John Burton Taylor Sullivan and Edgar Cof ¬ fey 9 Songs by Taylor Sullivan 10 What is the > purpose of changing the measure in a piece of music Denny Grimsley and Joe Kerns 11 Explain intrivals Cortez McKinley and Rucker P Grims ley 12 Solo James Kerns 13 Explain the different forms of the minor scale Ruel Cabbell and John Johnson 14 Rule to find key note in II any key Ambros Smith and Cortez Bryant 15 Repeat signs F JHughes Every teacher will please fur- nish ¬ a solo or quartet If your names do not appear on the program do not be of- fended ¬ but come and take part in the discussions v Emma McGaha Assistant Seey Kentucky News I I The Abner murder case from Breathitt county was continued in the Bourbon Circuit Court at Paris until December 7 Merrit Collins aged seventy seven years a Confederate vet- eran r died suddenly at Versailles of PneumouiaI Henderson Camp of Modern Woodmen of America adcpted a class of over 200 candidates- N E Calmes of Marion has acquired the Lyon County Herald at Eddyville andidatef at Murray Monday A requisition was issued by Gov Willson for the return to this State of Watson Cheaney who is now under arrest in Terre Haute He is wanted in Hen rl derson on a charge of breaking l iuto a store j The Department of Education j has begun mailing put to every teacher in the Statecopies of the L Library Bulletin This bulletin jgiven a list of the 1000 best fj Ii0oks adopted to use in school I jliiraries i < arrEden a student at Tran rtyariia University narrowly scaped being killed by the x- plion la gasoline pressing mb room at the universit- y4toitory Lexington j tV i ijfljoriipc W Wilson lftof Jjexing c TWnj tiikx Breeders Asso ion1S- t a dismidring > c i < dt L I 1 1 k valued at SOOin the lavatory of a Pullman car while returning on a train from New York W E Roberts of West Point found a valuable pearl in a dish of fried oysters Green A Parker aged sixty six years a Federal vet rndied at Lexington I J Saved Prom Awful How an appalling calamity is his fam ¬ fly was prevented is told by A D Mc ¬ Donald of Fayetteville N G RF D No8 My sister had consumption he writes she was very thin and pale had no appetite and seemed to grow weaker every day as all remedies failed till Dr Kings New Discovery was triw edand so completely cured her that she has not been troubled with a cough since Its the best medicine I ever saw or heard of For coughs colds la grippe asthma croup hemorrhagaall bronchial troubles it has no equals 50c 100j Trial 1ttle free Guaranteed by Paull Drug Co- Uigt1Iand t Philosophy By James Harrison Eads A mans thoughts may reach to the stars while he remains in a mudhole Because a woman has captivat- ed ¬ the populace is no proof that she is an angel Some men will swear to the highest friendship even to the end then stab you in the dark Many people are your best friends for further considera- tion ¬ t In the business world today friendship is measured according to its cash value Many love affairs are concen- trated on bank accounts It may be a contract of honor but either party will break the honor to make a dollar on the contractSome marriages may be affairs of the heart but many of them have pocketbooks hanging to them Much is said of a mothers love because she hangs on and little of the fathers love because he furnishes the means Patriotism should begin in the home then it will reach out and cover the land but patriotism that begins in the army never re ¬ turns home Selflove takes hold on a manSf whole being and if indulged will destroy all good will toward others The p verbal snake in the grass has turned to a serpentin- everydaylife If men would turn from the effect to the cause they would more clearly see how to correct many evils If you would ever have listen ¬ ing ears and closed lips this world would be much better All open mouths must touch re ¬ sponsive chords cr they will close < I iWomanly Wisdom 0 d Sbme people grumble because the rose has thorns they ought to be thankful that thorns have roses I Bring the soul into command and mike the body obey orders > Cook prunes by pouring boil ¬ ling water over them and letting them stand on the back of the stove a few hours Dont make ginger cookies arid then hide > the jar < Nobody ever hid a cooky jar where a Boy could riot find it I find turkey fat after it has been tried put a splendid zub stitujf for1butter lri making cook M orieu1tE < fJ > 11fi i i v 1 4l1f kh ptiak i Good Road Items J Last New Jersey spent mre than 000000 in repairing her roads J i Escambia county FlaM js in ¬ vestigating the cost and advan ¬ tages 9fshellroads Spain is planning a cJ r c uit highway 1674 miles long to host 1440000 I I There is a movement i on foot in Iowa to spend the hunters license fund frroad improve- ment ¬ Of the 2100000 miles of pub ¬ lie road in the United States 44 000 miles rank as first class Williamson county Texas will spend 200000 in the construction of sixty miles of gravel road The Boys Booster Club of Iron county Mo has the honor of being the firs company of good roads soldiers in Missouri Citizens of Franklinton La have asked for a per capita in their parish of 1 on each male between sixteen and fifty for good roads The Automobile Club of Indi ¬ ana is offering 300 in cash prizes t 0 the roadsupervisors who make the best showing in keeping up their roads White sulphite waste a by ¬ product in the manufacture of wood pulp is being used in parts of New York to make a road surface The experiment is be ¬ ing watched with interest w Euds Winters Troubles To many winter is a season of trouble The frost bitten toes and fingers chap pM handa and lips chilblains cold sores red and rough skins prove this But such troubles fly before Bucklens Arnica Salve A trial convinces Great ¬ est healer of Burns Boils Piles Cuts Sores Eczema and Sprains Only 25c at Paull Drug Co Kentucky News Adam Rhell was held tp an ¬ swer at Cynthia a on the charge of attempting to poison his par- ents ¬ by placing poison in a cis ¬ tern Mrs Katherine Smith and Mrs Alice Caldwell prominent women of Paducah are dead Northwestern Kentucky is suf ¬ fering considerably from the con ¬ tinued drought Jesse Bonar aged 17 years was accidently shot by a corn ¬ panion while preparing to start on hunting trip Mrs Rosa Street was giving a 5500 verdict against the Land N Railroad at Elizabethtown for the killing of her husband at Upton Capt JV Foster a Civil war veteran died in Bullitt county J T Alexander aged 50 years died of heart trouble at Cadiz Horace nasf ag ed JxO years d ie4 of paralysis at Princeton The necessary amout to com- plete ¬ the 45000 fund for the model school at Lexington was raised by public subscription v Gruels are more tempting to the sick if whipped to a froth with an eggbeater and served in a pretty dainty cup When your stocking feet are past mending cut off the legs tor bags tQ I1It over the broom when wiping walls or floorsv lithe neck of a sweater be- cOmes i stretched too loose from W ea 1 n shrink it by dippinig it in c1 yTfiniijJto dry liz i- rj < 11 Ii n lit Qf 1 5 5 l 11 l 1 Out of the Ginger Jar t A fat fee makes a lean client i A sitting hen is in no fear of the roasting pat A leaning gate is an indication lazy owner IOfa end of an argument is bet- ter I than either sidof it Some women marry for love while not > a few marry for ali ¬ mony When it comes to the pinch there is something to be said for the lobsterj The rolling stoi1ehasnt time to gather moss on roads frequent- ed ¬ by automobiles A sens of humor is useful to man but a sence of honor will get him much farther saysIthings dare say to his cook It takes nine tailors to make a man but one woman can easily make a goose of a man 1 The gasoline engine serves a very useful purpose but do not expect it to run the whole farm The days are shortest in De cember andsoare a good many men say along about the twen ¬ tyfifth Bogus counts sometimes win American girls and bogus counts quite frequently win elections Three barleycorns make an inch so the table says and three drinks of barley juce sometimes make a riot The riddle of the sphinx may be unfathomable but anybody can understand the coal riddle at a glanceMr is hereby inform ¬ ed in response to his lnquirythat wrinkles on a cows horn are not caused by trouble or worry I Wyandotte I am feelingvery uncomfortable MiorcaWhat ¬ I ever is the matter Wyandotte MMy pinferthers are sticking me Many aman who almost has a fit when his wife pays 5 for a bonnett will think nothing of spending as much for a box of i cigars with which to pollute the atmosphere From December Farm Journal j Pavement Philosophy- Go early and youll get in the rushLow cut gowns are not that way in price Some captains of industry are merely pirates v how women who = cant wear high heels detest them < Misfortune 0 ve r ta k e s the speeders rather than the plod ¬ ders I I Skeletons inmost v closets are I too well kept and aired i t A Watched pot never boils Wtatchrdpes The average farmers boy isnrt looking f o r l any I hayday ofyouth 2 There are other fish besides the biggest ones that get away but you never hear of them Souvenier rl1ntersaJ1ds40p lifting are more closely related than first cousins Streetcars are always too fist or toO slow for some di the pas serjigers lift have two trintto i yoiI bow but have an extra one in your pockt < i ilt2i t9 te p c r li I IM HHIIi i Stocks 9 Tip the Acme of E f lIencJ 1 New Fall CarpetsI I i 1 v Rugs and Wall Paper I 1 i > v resKqwn in many representative styles Low prices ares linked > VS i to good qualities making trading here absolutely safe and saving i V Special inducements in Tulaid Lmo earns 150 grades per square Xv yardI 1 0 6 patterns Plenty of eachand every yard Jos fjfc ildCosfirst grade r il Hubbuch Bros Wellendorffi t I 522 524 W Market M S Louisville Kntucky 1 L 1 J FRANK CORCORAN J y WI HighGrade r Marble 9 Granite I Cemetery work IT of all kind v W i Represented by C G JEFFRIES in this and l l adjoining counties > + W Main Lebanon KW < i > t i I I Columbia Ditrictlst Round Campbellsville Sta Dec 34 Mannsville Merrlmac Dec 5 Casey Creek Christian church Dec 6 Cane Valley Dec 7 Gradyville Picketts Church Dec 1011 Columbia and Tabor Dec 1112 Temple Hill Dec 1718 Tompkinsville Dec 2021 I i West Tompkinsville Fountain I Run Dec 2425 < TL H lsePE 1 V t Columbia Ky J his credit He isnt a wolf in sheeps clothing It onlytakes two to make a quarrel but they are bou dlto get athird party into It if its possible You have reasonsfor disliking f some people but for the life of you you cant see why they dis ¬ like you Free Liver Remedy I It is e ito stop a physical ail ¬ ment at the first signs of its approach and that is especially true of liver trouble which can give rise to so many serious complications Many have liver trouble and imagine it is indigestion and hence take the wrong remedyI J sufficient andbowels in harmony Then comes the sallow complexion the pimply face the dull pain in the forehead the thinning 00 sensibleay CttldwcllsSyrup activity Among many thousands who have written the doctor about the results achieved with his remedy and who are glad to make the facts public so that others can help themselves are Mr Jaa ALa others I startedthe f If you will send your name and address Youecan alec obtain a free trial bottle bieIs triedIt YOt your druggist at fifty cents and IssutflclentCor ntolrcaUtartlctabttrts only do good for the time being yrup I ispaa1t i peclfllly go< 3d for all those who can net stand a violent purgative pleasedto d6eire for yourself or family pertainiac t QM stomach liver or bowels absOlutely nyourcUeJnla1ett yourflo thdoog44ssss w budog OIItIIIoJJI C e i 2 19I I Set US before t 5 I you buy > Street 7 TilE LOUISVILLE r TIMES I Iy 1910f BRIGHTER BETTER BIGGER THAN EVER C THEIREGULAR PRICE OF TilE LOUISVILLE TIMES IS 500 A YEAR If YOU WILL SEND YOUR ORDER TO US YOU CAN GET TilE ADAIR COUNTY NEWS I AND THE LOUISVILEE I TIMES > I BOTH ONE YEAR I I M ONLY 45Q fTHE LOUSVXqErM is the best afternoon paper printed anywhere Has the lest corps of corres > pondents > Covers the Kentiickwfield plerX1 i completely fectly Coversthe eeitJlj e ih I Ha the best and f llest mar f kets reports > 5 1 1 < DEMOCRATLClnpoliti sptitjt < k iairtoeverib1y > f c + 1 j > 1JtmNT 1 > > i fi TO ThIS 1 Pm hot tofJ r 0 < LoukrUl l < < N A < I I ri t 4 tt1 3

The Adair County news.. (Columbia, Kentucky) 1910-12-07 …nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7vmc8rcx9k/data/0392.pdf · any key Ambros Smith and Cortez Bryant 15 Repeat signs F JHughes Every teacher

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Page 1: The Adair County news.. (Columbia, Kentucky) 1910-12-07 …nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7vmc8rcx9k/data/0392.pdf · any key Ambros Smith and Cortez Bryant 15 Repeat signs F JHughes Every teacher

rt- f



HI 4 t



The following is the programof the Musical Association to be-

Held at Wellfare church in Rus-


county three miles fromty Russell Springs the 2nd Sun ¬

day in December 1910

900 a m House called toorder

1 Song led yFJ Hughes

3 Welcome address LorenPhelps

3 Response Rev I M

4Grimsley4 Solo My Mothers Prayer

Miss Eva Bryant5 Reading minutes of pre¬

ceeding meeting6 What is music and its in¬

fluence James Kerns andA-G Coffey

7 How teach music notationBen H Berton and StewartRexroat

8 What are measures andhow represented John BurtonTaylor Sullivan and Edgar Cof¬


9 Songs by Taylor Sullivan

10 What is the > purpose ofchanging the measure in a piece

of music Denny Grimsley andJoe Kerns

11 Explain intrivals CortezMcKinley and Rucker P Grimsley

12 Solo James Kerns13 Explain the different forms

of the minor scale Ruel Cabbelland John Johnson

14 Rule to find key note inII

any key Ambros Smith andCortez Bryant

15 Repeat signs F JHughesEvery teacher will please fur-


a solo or quartet

If your names do not appearon the program do not be of-


but come and take partin the discussions

v Emma McGahaAssistant Seey

Kentucky NewsII

The Abner murder case fromBreathitt county was continuedin the Bourbon Circuit Court atParis until December 7

Merrit Collins aged seventyseven years a Confederate vet-eranr died suddenly at Versaillesof PneumouiaI

Henderson Camp of ModernWoodmen of America adcpted aclass of over 200 candidates-

N E Calmes of Marion hasacquired the Lyon County Heraldat Eddyville

andidatefat Murray Monday

A requisition was issued byGov Willson for the return tothis State of Watson Cheaney

who is now under arrest in TerreHaute He is wanted in Hen

rl derson on a charge of breaking

l iuto a store

j The Department of Educationj has begun mailing put to every

teacher in the Statecopies of theL Library Bulletin This bulletin

jgiven a list of the 1000 bestfj Ii0oks adopted to use in school



i < arrEden a student at Tranrtyariia University narrowly

scaped being killed by the x-

plion la gasoline pressingmb room at the universit-

y4toitory Lexington jtV i

ijfljoriipc W Wilson lftof JjexingcTWnjtiikx Breeders Asso


a dismidring>

ci < dt L


11 k

valued at SOOin the lavatory ofa Pullman car while returning ona train from New York

W E Roberts of West Pointfound a valuable pearl in a dishof fried oysters

Green A Parker aged sixtysix years a Federal vet rndiedat Lexington


J Saved Prom AwfulHow an appalling calamity is his fam ¬

fly was prevented is told by A D Mc ¬

Donald of Fayetteville N G RF DNo8 My sister had consumptionhe writes she was very thin and palehad no appetite and seemed to growweaker every day as all remedies failedtill Dr Kings New Discovery was triw

edand so completely cured her that shehas not been troubled with a coughsince Its the best medicine I ever sawor heard of For coughs colds lagrippe asthma croup hemorrhagaallbronchial troubles it has no equals 50c

100j Trial 1ttle free Guaranteed byPaull Drug Co-



By James Harrison Eads

A mans thoughts may reachto the stars while he remains ina mudhole

Because a woman has captivat-ed


the populace is no proof thatshe is an angel

Some men will swear to thehighest friendship even to theend then stab you in the dark

Many people are your bestfriends for further considera-tion


t In the business world todayfriendship is measured accordingto its cash value

Many love affairs are concen-

trated on bank accounts

It may be a contract of honorbut either party will break thehonor to make a dollar on the

contractSomemarriages may be affairs

of the heart but many of themhave pocketbooks hanging tothem

Much is said of a mothers lovebecause she hangs on and littleof the fathers love because hefurnishes the means

Patriotism should begin in thehome then it will reach out andcover the land but patriotismthat begins in the army never re ¬

turns home

Selflove takes hold on a manSfwhole being and if indulged willdestroy all good will towardothers

The p verbal snake in thegrass has turned to a serpentin-everydaylife

If men would turn from theeffect to the cause they wouldmore clearly see how to correctmany evils

If you would ever have listen ¬

ing ears and closed lips thisworld would be much betterAll open mouths must touch re ¬

sponsive chords cr they will

close< I

iWomanly Wisdom0

d Sbme people grumble becausethe rose has thorns they oughtto be thankful that thorns haveroses I

Bring the soul into commandand mike the body obey orders


Cook prunes by pouring boil¬

ling water over them and lettingthem stand on the back of thestove a few hours

Dont make ginger cookiesarid then hide>the jar < Nobody

ever hid a cooky jar where a Boy

could riot find it

I find turkey fat after it hasbeen tried put a splendid zub

stitujf for1butter lri making cook

M orieu1tE< fJ > 11fi ii v1 4l1f kh


iGood Road Items


Last New Jersey spent mrethan 000000 in repairing herroads J i

Escambia county FlaM js in ¬

vestigating the cost and advan ¬

tages 9fshellroadsSpain is planning a cJ r c uit

highway 1674 miles long to host1440000 I

I There is a movementi

on footin Iowa to spend the hunterslicense fund frroad improve-


Of the 2100000 miles of pub¬

lie road in the United States 44

000 miles rank as first class

Williamson county Texas willspend 200000 in the constructionof sixty miles of gravel road

The Boys Booster Club ofIron county Mo has the honorof being the firs company ofgood roads soldiers in Missouri

Citizens of Franklinton Lahave asked for a per capita intheir parish of 1 on each male

between sixteen and fifty forgood roads

The Automobile Club of Indi ¬

ana is offering 300 in cashprizes t 0 the roadsupervisorswho make the best showing inkeeping up their roads

White sulphite waste a by ¬

product in the manufacture ofwood pulp is being used in partsof New York to make a roadsurface The experiment is be¬

ing watched with interestw

Euds Winters Troubles

To many winter is a season of troubleThe frost bitten toes and fingers chappM handa and lips chilblains coldsores red and rough skins prove thisBut such troubles fly before BucklensArnica Salve A trial convinces Great ¬

est healer of Burns Boils Piles CutsSores Eczema and Sprains Only 25c

at Paull Drug Co

Kentucky News

Adam Rhell was held tp an¬

swer at Cynthia a on the chargeof attempting to poison his par-



by placing poison in a cis¬

ternMrs Katherine Smith and Mrs

Alice Caldwell prominent women

of Paducah are dead

Northwestern Kentucky is suf¬

fering considerably from the con ¬

tinued drought

Jesse Bonar aged 17 yearswas accidently shot by a corn ¬

panion while preparing to starton hunting trip

Mrs Rosa Street was giving a

5500 verdict against the LandN Railroad at Elizabethtownfor the killing of her husband atUpton

Capt JV Foster a Civil warveteran died in Bullitt county

J T Alexander aged 50

years died of heart trouble atCadiz

Horace nasf a g e d JxO

years d ie4 of paralysis atPrinceton

The necessary amout to com-



the 45000 fund for themodel school at Lexington was

raised by public subscriptionv

Gruels are more tempting to

the sick if whipped to a frothwith an eggbeater and servedin a pretty dainty cup

When your stocking feet arepast mending cut off the legs

tor bags tQ I1It over the broom

when wiping walls or floorsv

lithe neck of a sweater be-



stretched too loose fromWea1n shrink it by dippinig itin c1 yTfiniijJto dry


rj< 11Ii nlit Qf1 5 5



Out of the Ginger Jart

A fat fee makes a lean clienti A sitting hen is in no fear ofthe roasting pat

A leaning gate is an indicationlazy owner

IOfa end of an argument is bet-

terI than either sidof itSome women marry for love

while not> a few marry for ali¬


When it comes to the pinchthere is something to be said forthe lobsterj

The rolling stoi1ehasnt timeto gather moss on roads frequent-ed


by automobiles

A sens of humor is useful toman but a sence of honor willget him much farther

saysIthingsdare say to his cook

It takes nine tailors to make aman but one woman can easilymake a goose of a man


The gasoline engine serves avery useful purpose but do notexpect it to run the whole farm

The days are shortest in December andsoare a good manymen say along about the twen ¬

tyfifthBogus counts sometimes win

American girls and bogus counts

quite frequently win elections

Three barleycorns make aninch so the table says and threedrinks of barley juce sometimesmake a riot

The riddle of the sphinx maybe unfathomable but anybodycan understand the coal riddle ata

glanceMris hereby inform¬

ed in response to his lnquirythatwrinkles on a cows horn are notcaused by trouble or worry

I Wyandotte I am feelingveryuncomfortable MiorcaWhat ¬

Iever is the matter WyandotteMMy pinferthers are stickingme

Many aman who almost has afit when his wife pays 5 for abonnett will think nothing ofspending as much for a box of

i cigars with which to pollute theatmosphere From December

Farm Journalj

Pavement Philosophy-

Go early and youll get in the

rushLowcut gowns are not that

way in price

Some captains of industry aremerely pirates v

how women who = cant wearhigh heels detest them <

Misfortune 0 ve r ta k e s thespeeders rather than the plod ¬


I Skeletons inmost v

closets areI too well kept and airedi

t A Watched pot never boils

WtatchrdpesThe average farmers boy

isnrt looking f o rl anyI hayday

ofyouth 2

There are other fish besides

the biggest ones that get away

but you never hear of them

Souvenierrl1ntersaJ1ds40plifting are more closely related

than first cousins

Streetcars are always too fistor toO slow for some di the pas


lift have two trinttoi

yoiI bow but have an extraone in your pockt <


ilt2i t9 te





i Stocks9

Tip the Acme of E f lIencJ 1

New Fall CarpetsI Ii 1 v Rugs and Wall Paper I

1 i> v

resKqwn in many representative styles Low prices ares linked>


i to good qualities making trading here absolutely safe and saving i V

Special inducements in Tulaid Lmo earns 150 grades per squareXv

yardI 1 0 6 patterns Plenty of eachand every yard Jos fjfc

ildCosfirst grade r

ilHubbuch Bros Wellendorffi t

I 522 524 W Market M


Louisville Kntucky 1


yWI HighGrade r

Marble 9 GraniteI

Cemetery workIT of all kindv Wi Represented by C G JEFFRIES in this and l ladjoining counties > +

W Main Lebanon KW<

i > t iI


Columbia Ditrictlst Round

Campbellsville Sta Dec 34Mannsville Merrlmac Dec 5

Casey Creek Christian church

Dec 6

Cane Valley Dec 7

Gradyville Picketts Church

Dec 1011Columbia and Tabor Dec 1112

Temple Hill Dec 1718

Tompkinsville Dec 2021 I


West Tompkinsville FountainI

Run Dec 2425<

TL H lsePE 1

V tColumbia Ky


his credit He isnt a wolf insheeps clothing

It onlytakes two to make aquarrel but they are bou dltoget athird party into It if itspossible

You have reasonsfor dislikingf

some people but for the life of

you you cant see why they dis ¬

like you

Free LiverRemedy


It is eito stop a physical ail¬

ment at the first signs of its approachand that is especially true of livertrouble which can giverise to so many serious complicationsMany have liver trouble and imagineit is indigestion and hence take thewrong remedyIJsufficientandbowelsin harmony Then comes the sallowcomplexion the pimply face the dullpain in the forehead the thinning 00sensibleayCttldwcllsSyrupactivityAmong many thousands who havewritten the doctor about the resultsachieved with his remedy and who areglad to make the facts public so thatothers can help themselves are Mr JaaALaothers I

startedthe f

If you will send your name and addressYouecan alec obtain a free trial bottlebieIstriedItYOt your druggist at fifty cents andIssutflclentCorntolrcaUtartlctabttrtsonly do good for the time being yrup

Iispaa1ti peclfllly go<3d for all those who cannet stand a violent purgativepleasedtod6eire for yourself or family pertainiac tQM stomach liver or bowels absOlutely

nyourcUeJnla1ettyourflothdoog44ssssw budog OIItIIIoJJI




219I I

Set US beforet

5 Iyou buy>


7 TilE


















the best afternoon paper printedanywhere

Has the lest corps of corres>


Covers the Kentiickwfield plerX1 i


fectlyCoverstheeeitJlj e ih


Ha the best and f llest marf

kets reports > 51 1 <

DEMOCRATLClnpoliti sptitjt< kiairtoeverib1y >f

c + 1

j >

1JtmNT1 > > i fi

TO ThIS1 Pm hot tofJ r

0 <LoukrUl l <




t 4

tt1 3