THE ABBEVILLE PRESS AND BANNER. 1 BY Jf. A. LEE AND.HUGH WILSON. . i . li 7 ABBEVILLE. S. C., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3. 1869. votttiwc wtt , i..i i EMPORIUM OP FASHION. Fall and Winter, 1869.Specialties. Dry Goods and Millinory. Messes. Fowlt.r & McDonald aro now hotter prepared to show the Ladies of Abbeville District a handsome stock of Dry Goods than ever boforo. The Ladies aro especially invitod to examine their stock boforo buying. They will always strivoto keep goods suited to tho taste of the Ladies of our District. In the Drees Goods Department they lmvo beautiful plain, striped and plaid Poplins, DcLanes, Empress Cloths, lteps, Flannels, Silks, etc., Black Alpacas, Opera Flannel, DeBages and Silks. They have a full stock of House Furnishing Goods in Blankets, Counterpanes, Sheetings, Towelingp, Curtain Materials, Shades, Table Damasks, Diapers, Long Cloths, Napkins, Doylas, Linens, Carpetings, and "Wall Papering. Also, Hosiery, Gloves, Braids, Tapes, llankerchiefs and everything in "White Goods. In tho Gentlemen's Furnishing Department they have a splendid line m i,i<nnn, tjassimercs, Uorduroj'S, Jeans, Kerseys, Shawls, Collars,, Cull's, Cravats, Ilose, Suspendors, Shirt Fronts, Gloves, Shirts, and Drawers. Abbeville can boast of as fine a Millinery House as any in in tho State of South Carolina.in fact, as fine as any in any city, North or South. Tho Btock will compare with any Iletail House in Charleston, Baltimore or New York. Tho Ladies can have no plea for sending off for their millinery any longer, for Messrs. Fowler & McDonald can show as pretty goods, as fine goods, as stylish goods as can bo found in Baltimore or New York. And, besides, they can prove their prices to bo from 25 to 50 percent, lower than city prices. Thwv hsrp nvpvw nfvU nf II.it on/I Bonnet that is out. Should any new and novol style make its appearance in New York, they have arrangements by which to get it immediateh*, hence there is no necessity for the Ladies of Abbeville to pay city prices when they can do better at home. Mrs. Sassard has had experience, both in Europe and America, and, wo think, has the confidence of every Lady of taste in Abbeville, She. is assisted by Mrs. Jno. A. Wicr whose good taste and sk^ in this Department is well known to tho Ladies of A bbeville, and will always bo pleased to see her friends at the Emporium of of Fashion. Mrs. Sassard and ftlrs. Wier will lake pleasure to show the Ladies, Flowers, Feathers, Bridal Wreaths, Plumes, Birds, Ornaments, Kibbons, Sashes, Curls, Switches, Chignous, Embroidered and Braided Y«kos and Bands, Skirts, Corsets, Pads, Breast Protectors, Buttons, Trimmings, Laces,. Edgings, Cloaks, Shawls. Nubias. Hoods. Fin* HnncH I and Muffs, Breakfast Shawls, Collars, Cuft's. Chemisette, Necklaces, Shell and Gold Beads, eut and uncut Velvets, Satins, Silks, trimmed and untrimmed Patterns for all kinds of Ladies' and Misses' Garments from E. Butterick & Co.. and Madame D em orest, of New York, Itouchcs, Netts, Illusione, etc., etc. They pay particular attention to the getting up of Bridal Bonnets, Veils, etc.. and promptly attend to all orders from a distance. Salesmen in Dry Goods Department .J as. W. Fowler, W. T. McDonald, | MarshaU P. DeBruhl. Millinery Department.Mrs. Sussard and Airs. Wier. liy adhering strict^- to the cash system they are enabled to sell fine goods at reasonable prices. VALUABLE LANDS~ jFor sale in Abbeville. Importat to Lund Buyers. yfl ACRE lot in Greenwood, with fine improvemente; 80 acres in original forest.large youiijr orchard. This place cau be bought low, as the owner has no use for it. Two 16 acre lots on main street, in same village, well improved. *Three vacant lots near depot, desirably located, greater portion of each in forest', containing from 30 to 200 acres. One tract of 800 acres, known as White Hall; 800 acres in fore«t, 60 acres prima bottoms; well improved, and contains an exce'lent store house, hnd is a good mercantile Mand. Ona farm on Saluda river, of 850 acres, 120 ] forest; 20 acres in new bottoms, 100 acres f uplands fins for cotton, all under good fence, comfortably improved for tenants.. Excelleot Mis oa tbe river and well adapted to machinery. . ... One form adjoining the above on Turkey - creek, of 450 acres, 100 acres upland cleared, CO acres food bottoms, balance in original fo; at aud pines, fencing good, and good tenant houses. Oue farm of '22 acres, in Edgefield, five miles from Ninety 8ix depot, 65 acres in cultivation, orchard from 3 to 4 acres, trees in good cond^ton.' This place ia well -improved. One farm of 800 acres, in Edgefield.exceleat timber. One farm of 900 acrees, ia Abbeville, on Cromer's creek. 100 acres in bottoms, well imoroved for teuanta. One farm of 300 aoree, on same creelc, superior cotton land 125 acres of aaperior bottoms.-io fiue condition. On* farm of 600 acres, on same creek, superior improvements for family residence; land f the first quality. The above lands can be boagbt low, Fer terms apply to the Land Company, at Greenwood. J. T. PARES, W. K. Blaki, President. Secretary. 25 tf CLOTHING EMPROIUM. W. T. HOKE Offers for sale alarge and well selected etook of GLOTRIHG, Gentleman's Furnishing Goods. Hats, Trunks, Umbrella*, Ac., which wars bought at low price* and will baaold cheap North Carolina Bank Bill® bought. , Store on liaao Street* *few doora below tba Colombia Haul. : Oct g, lOTt, A fall assortment of BBran,» - -^ilwajra on btad and for tale br j " IH; -.i j J* KNOX Ir CV; .5 7, ">r > wmr m PURSAANT to nn order of llieCircuit Court, for tlie Vlh Judicial Circuit, llie Executors of SAMUEL MARSHALL, 'DEC'D, will sell on the 1 .j l/n * ^ " Asi in via jjj\ r o/ JLtec., next, AT ABBEVILLE C. II, Within the legal hours of sale, a tract of land belonging to estute of said deceased, containing Six Hundred and Seventy-two Acres, Moro or less, situated on Curltail Creek, about seven miles I'roa* Greenwood. Belonging to this traet is a Fine Flour ail Grist Mill. Known as The Marshall Mills;" the Muchinery having been renewed in 18G7. TERMS: "The purchaser to pay in cash <:osls of sale, for stamp and papers. Balance on a credit o( twelve months, with interest from dale, Rnd secure purchase money by approval bonds and mortgage of lhe premises. S. S. MARSHALL, ) j- Executors. J. W. W. MARSHALL, ) ALSO, at the same time an J place the Executors of Samuel Marshall doo'J, will sell that valuable plantation known as "THE HOMESTEAD," On which Mrs. E C. Marshall now resides. This tract contaius about Fourteen Hundred Acres, Situated within six miles of Greenwood, in a healthy and good neighborhood, well adapted to the cultivation of cotton, corn, anu Einan g'am, wuu goou improvements, consisting of a Large and Comfortable Dwelling, with all necessary out-buildings, suitable for a well regulated plantation. this place will be divided aud Sold in Three or Four Tracts, tbe plots of which will be exhibited on day of Hale. These are valuable tracts of land.a large proportion of which consists of fine wood lands. TERMS: These tracts will be 6old on a credit of one and two veara. with intaraqt. fmm and to Ira paid annnally, the purchase money to be secured by bond, and approved security, and a mortgage of the premises. The purchaser to pay in cue.1i, for costs of sale, for stamps and papers. ALSO, at the same time and place, the Executors will sell that Desireable House and Lot, in the Village of Greenwood, Known as the Donelly lot, belonging to the estate of Samuel Mai shall dei:M, and now occupied by the IIl-v. A. A. Morse. The improvements consist of AN EX- l ntu-siutll JJ\V£.LL1.MJ, uud all oecessary out-buildin »b. TERMS: This lot will.be sold on a credit of twelve months, with interest from date, the purchaser to give bond .vilb approved iecuriiy and a mortgage of the premises, and pay in cash, for costs of sale, for stamps and papers. S. S. MARSHALL, f > Executors. J. W. W. MARSHALL, ) November 5, I860, 28.5t FALL OPENING FOR 1869! AT J. H. & M. L. KINABD'S COLUMBIA, S. C. Wo have jnsfc received, and have ready for examination, the largest and most attractive stock that it has ever bten ccr plensure to exhibit, consisting of everything pertaining to a first clas« Dry Goods Establishment. / Iso a fall line of CARPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW filTADEPt: CORN ICRS AO. Our stock is so extensive and varied, that it is impossible to enumerate. Wo therefore invito our friends, and all in want of good and cheap Dry Goods, to call and see for tlieraeelvea, we guarantee satisfaciion as to style, quality and price. J. H. A M. L. KINAKD. Oct 22, 1869, 26.8m nb 300 bu. Cotton Seed m BMXXt BOYD'S PURE PROLIFIC RAISED by Mr. Edward Calhonn, of Abbeville District, 8. Cn warranted purf. Read the following certificate of w«ll known geoUtmoa and planter* of the Dietvi ct: . "After earefoJ examination of Mr. E. Calhoun's Bojd Coltoti, we do certify that it it the purest and beat,, boiled cotton we bave aeen, and that it 'is far superior to what is aold in tbiaMgfOD ,aa Dixon's ImprovedCotton. "* ' * - fCHARLES HASKELL. Oetobf lMi IWr. JUt Edr eale i* "louto anft pqiotatf and aamplaa exhibited by. ^ . vl, / t :. :1a.-) A< ] ,vJ £ /, J ? .'JO*!* " V v * Clerk's Sales. J. I. LidJIo y* Samuel Hunter, Executor, et. al. Bill lo in.11.shall assets, sell laud, &c. 1 1 ' ' I » i it PURSUANT to order, I will Bell on sale day in DECEMBER next, at public outcry, at A1UJEV1LLK <J. H., the tract of. I laud, of the Real Estate of A, Iluuter, ueurd, now in the possession of SAMUEL HUNTER, containing FOUR HUNDRED ACRES, more or less, bounded by lands of A. J. (Jlinksoalos and others. TERMS. ONE DALE CASH, as lo balance, credit of twelve monilip, interest from '' - *' * _,v v. run-, iiuiviupvi IIJ glVv! witli good security and inorlgHge, to se- cure the purchase money, and pay fur papers and starring. M. McDONALD, Abbeville C. II., ) November 10, 13G9. J 29.3t AI.SO, PURSUANT to order of Court in case J of ,J. 'IV HARXES, et. al. Executor, vs L.J. JOHNSON,! will sell at ABUEI VILLE (J. II., at. public out-cry on sale ;lay in DECEMBER next, ilio R«al Estate, de8:rihf<l in (lie Hill, situated and hcing on ! CALHOUN'S CREEK, containing, TWO HUNDRED AND SIXTY-FOUR ACRES, more or I,as, ano bounded by lands of *<aid L. J. Johnson, li. M. Pultner, D. PI Pursi-ly, anrf other*. TERAIS CASH. Purchaser to pay for papers and stamps. M. McDONALD, c. c. P. November 10, 1809. [29.3t * = 9=t a t.t! OF XjA.N3D, By order of ide Court of Prolate. By Order of the Court of Probate FOR ABBEVILLE COUNTY. I WILL sell hv public auction on SALE DAY in DECEMBER uext the fol- I lowing lands.viz : THE HOME TRACT of the estate of HENRY B. NiCKLES, dee'd, containing TWO HUNDRED and FORTY NINE acies more or le?p, boun! Jim! by lands of R A. Anderson, James Collirun and others. THE DICKSON TRACT. belonging to 6aid estate, containing TWO HUNDRED and THIRTY-TWO ncr« more or le>8, bounded by lands of T. G. Ellis, estate lands of Samuel Anderson and others. THE CALVERT TRACT. belonging to paid estate, containing THREE HUNDRED and THIRTEEN acres more or less, bounded by lands of George Niukles, Robeil Dunn, uud others. There arc plMs to represent the above three tract*. These lands are situated in Abbeville County, about 10 n.iles North East of Abbeville C. IT. Terms of sale one third cash, )he balance on n credit of or.e and two years, purchaser to give bond find approved' security, and n mortgage of the premises to secure the purchase money. ' i II. S.'CASON, Sheriff Abbeville Cou:ily. Xov. 10. 1800, 29~3t " I- L_J Bj Orfter of tie Conrt of Prolate FOB ABBEViLLE COUNTY. H vv i L.Lj sell, on Sale Day in DECEMj[ 1JER next, the real estate of ARCHIBALD B. IiOYD, deo'd, containing NINETY-SIX acres, more or lea?, situated in Abbeville County, on Simmon's branch, waters of Ilardlabor creek, adjoining land* of Mrs. Tray lor, William Brackuell and others. > Terms, a credit of one and two years, in~ terest from date, purchaser to give bond and approved security, and a mortgage to secure the purchase mon*y. The costs to be paid in cash. H. S. CASON, S. A. C. Nov. 10* T8G9, 20.3t. I WILL ALSO SELL O. A-J . xv- rt 1 t* r* i x>y kjiuwr oi me uourc 01 f rooate FOR ABBEVILLE COUNTY. ON Siile Day in December next, tlie real estate of ALEXANDER MAR TIN, dec'd, situate in the neighborhood of Abbeville Court House, comprising two tracts of land, Viz: TWO HUNDRED and FOUR acres, more or less, buuudod by lands of William Hill, Joseph T. Moore, Edward Noble and others. Also, ONE HUNDRED and NINETEEN acres, more or les\ bounded by lauds of the Estate of Wilson's, Robert Jones and others. Terms, 12 months credit, interest from date. Bond and hpprovud security and a1 mortgage to secure the purchase money. The costs to be paid in cash. H.S. CASON, S. A. C. Nov. 10, I860, 29.3t. i \ ' 1 . n To those having Cotton to Gin. Oij-J f A »j > TTTTn-TT' "WTf .SAN, o JLJL X/ U If* JPU'V/XI . >011 4 !' «(J Has at his Mill, ene 6T th^ finest CotN ton Gins now in triie, and is ginning nnd penny made. The difference in a few miles distance is "a friflo 'when tho ? cotton fs dn.Hbe 'w4goib cfElI*: lint frqtofbis G-iti U e? it snperion «uatft&r - and dpmmati^s the fcigh^H fnkfrfcbt , prioe. '* [^:5,'1W59; ..( .A.u!/vD.vi/. 30H030 ' - ;C :r';M ; . # THE GOVERNOR'S MESSAGE [Wo gave last week n portion of Governor Scott's Mossngo to tho l.egislalurc. Tlio remainder \vc could not get. It is as follows:] Tin: -M i i.i'j'iA 0 The records of enrollment not IiavIHlP lltfCMl toK Wilrtnlolnil mwl till. -T0 J -~ vv...|'»VVVVI? IVUV4 HIV * | UWlii of arms and aceouti'cincnts appropri- tiled lo llie Stale not having been ro- eeived from tlio Federal Uovernmeni until recently, the organization of the Militia has been somewhat impeded It will bo hastened, however, as rapid ly an practicable, and I hope soon t< he able to report that the requirements of the law have been fully complied with. J17IMK8 A change is demanded in tho sys tcm of selecting juries. As at pros| ent nuingcd, it is liable, and pcrvcrteu to great abuse, an account of the character of the persons placed upon them. Men have been appointed on Grand and Petit juries who wore ai tho lime, and are now, under heav\ bail on charges of complicity will, murder; and in one case, when one of these accused individuals was foreman of the Grand Jury, bills for murder submitted to them by the Solicitor of the Circuit wcro ignored and thrown out. notwithstanding the oaths of witnessos who identified Unaccused as ruirtiein:ints in tlm mnnlfi- X i " ** Cases are decided, not by the guilt or innocence of parties, but in accordance with the political bias of the juries ; and, from the intensity of pre judicc existing, it is vain to expect a better condition of things while the present system of drawing juries continues. This corruption of justice at the fountain head demands a prompt and efficient rcmedj', which will place the jury box above the influence of pontics, and till it with our best and most intelligent citizens, "whose reputation places them above reproach and above suspicion. MAGISTRATES* COTJRT8. I have heretofore directed your attention to the subject of Magistrates' Courts, and would urgently renew my recommendations on tho subject. The wide latitude heretofore given to the discretion of Magistrates and Courts has had the effect to crowd our jailswith petty offenders, at a heavy expense to tho State, much of which could be avoided by giving final jurisdiction to Magistrates' Courts' ]) 1'i r«*l» t r*f «ni\nn1 * ** 11 ^ Vi ti^wvai, VI an UJiilUl Ulfcuccs, Suoh &s potit Inrcony, simple assault and litittcfy," and other misdemeanors of. aitnilargrado, with power to determine the question of guilt, and ils extent, and to inflict penalties by fine. This would ohriate the necessity of a good deal af Session? business, and the coot of witnesses* fees and expenses. A lair and reasonable fee bill should be established, as there is much complaint that Magistrates] and Constables arc guilty of making! extortionate exactions from the poor J and ignorant. Many cases have been so manipulated as to involve the largest amount of costs, and others again have been instituted for malicious pur poses, frequently from political motives or political objects. When such cases havo been substantiated, I have promptly removed tlio offenders, and man}* of them, in my opinion, deserv- ed a more rigorous punishment. 11 have been apprised of cases where Magistrates have attempted to inter- fere with the Stato Constables whilo in the discharge of their duty, and re-1 commcnd tlmt adequate punishments be provided for such offencca. Severe penalties should also bo provided for carrying concealod doadly weapons, a cowardly practice, which has become entirely too prevalent. THE CENSUS I tranmitthe report of the commissioner of the Agricultural Bureau, containing a tabular statement of the results of tho enumeration of the inhabitants of this Stato so far as they have beon ascertained from tho returns made to his oftice. Tho statement embraces tho returns of twentyCounties, and there arc stil eleven to be accounted for. As it is expected thdt tho missing returns will bo received in a few days, any further remarks are deferred until tho completion of tho report. TIIE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, The duties of the Board of County Commissioners* of.ail arduous and comprehensive ^Ijiirafctafr,* and in the honost and faithful discharge of them avA »ntTAlf»A*l wAit/iU 41*a. i! ittv lur wir ou muuu vi niw lUpUlUUUU And efficiency of the State .Government. Thoir; attention should be especially directed to the condition of th6 ilbiyifi and bridged in their respective/Counties'. AJl persona liable to road service should be ma^o toper* form lit tri:the- folL'cx ten t jof -keeping Cheat in good repair, or Ao contribute toquWaliMltn ibr their :ex'nrea sfconld ( **«! iiet. by, eontract, of which dneonbt&d.ahoolgi; gitenj The County Auditorshonld always boi .aaXflAH. H .tnW Jaebnotnl I-lo -C<«r ' *; '! present at tlie meetings of the Board, ami net as {Secretary, keeping the journal of their proceedings, and all ordors on tho County Treasurer, authorized t>y the Board, should be signed hy hi in, and made a matter of record. TIIK STATE fONSTAlUTAHV. 'J he report of I lie Chief Constable j^'rvos a full and satisfactory exhibit ol .lie operations of lii.s ollice. The 1 mount of labor performed has been onsidcrable, and, in many instances, ins been of a delicate and ha/.ardous haracter. There have been koiiiu uses where complaints have been made of their conduct, but upon investigation. i( has been found that the lissatisfaetion was villi the law itself rather than with the manner in which it has been executed. They have had much to contend with in the oppo>ii 'ion of portions of the community to the. arrest of criminal", and aiding them in their efforts at concealment and cscape. The press has greatly assisted in thrusting impediments in their way while engaged in their dui ties, by their porversioit of facts and abuse of the ol'iccrs. J t is to be sincerely hoped that the foil) and ii j'istice of this course will be nppaieui. and t hose interested in the peace and prosperity of the State, in the protec- uon 01 mo asi't property, ami in tlio supremacy of tiio law, will feel ii tlicir luly to aid and encourage ilie Siate ollieers in (ho enforcement <»l" il. J n a recent instance, where an organized band ol* incendiaries liad commenced their work of' destruction, I»v (lie limbing ol' several stores, and threatening further proceedings of the sum character, I felt it my duly to issuing* proclamation, warning (he incendiaries of thy atrocious character ol their crime, and the conserjnonce to which it might, lend, and this was perversely and mischievously tortured into an invitation to commit the crime denounced, and its just ideation. I am glad to state that this falsehood was so base and malignant as to be repeated but b}* few, and the effect of the'proclamation has been most salutary, in having accomplished the arrest of ten of the alleged incendiaries and the dispersion of the remainder. While there have been some attroeious crimes committed rceentlw the au- thors of which are still at, largo, I am glad to Hay there has been an improvement in the general tone of the community, and a disinclination manifested by eresponsibilty persons to lend themselves to the schemes of the factious and designing, and of being compromised by countenancing the turbulence and lawlessness of their ignorant and misguided partisans. im;blic property. There is a eousideral le amount of public property in this city. Charleston. and other portions of the State which has been for u long time exempt from taxution, and productive of no revenue. I recommend that investigation be made of the location, extent, and probable value of this properly with a view to the sale oi such portions of it as may be deemed advisable, so that it'may be placed on the lax list, and contribute its share tu the public revenue. AliRICliljTURAL. The agriculture of the State in the fundamental basis of its prosperity, and yet not one-fourth of its soil has been brought under cultivation, and so little of labor a^ul skill have been devoted to it, that were it not, among the most favored regions of the earth, the needless and ciii'cImh m tillage to which it has been subjected, would long since liuve exhausted it. /tnd yet in no department of human industry can skilled labor bo made more available, or a larger or more varied circle of scientific acquirements be more thoroughly and profitably utilized, than in agriculture; a'nd iu no locality is there a more extensive or a more inviting field for their oxer! cise than in South Carolina. The loss rosulting annually to the State from the practice of an unskilled and careloss system of husbandry, instead ot one that is intelligent and energetic, is hardly to bo estimated. Of the nineteen or twenty millions of acres comprised within our limits, about one-fourth are devoted to cultivation, the rest is in woods of valuable timj ber, and in unredaimod swamp, easi[ ly drained, and of inexhaustible fertility. In 18G7 there were devoted to farm products 710,041 acres to corn, 215. 054 acres to wheat, 70,900, acres'to oats, 77,000 acres to hay, 0,8115 to rye, 1,100 to barley, 1,890 to Irish potatoes, and 200 to tobacco. Of the balance, the greater portion was devoted to the great commercial staples of cot* ton and rice. Tho average yield per acre' was officially reported as nine and sixtenths bushels of corn wheat six bushels and four-tent hs nnts nlnv. cn bushel and one-tenth ; rye, fivo bushels and seven-tenths ; barlej', cloven bushels and one-tenth ; Irish potatoes, eighty bushels and four-tenths; tobacco, five hundred pounds; and ot hay, one ton. When it is recollected that it has been demonstrated by actual* experiment and measurement, in tho vicinity of tho city of Columbia, that with high culture, and undcc favoi^ablc circumstances, it is practicable to produco two hundred bushels and twelve quarts of corn from a single aero ol land ; and that with ordinary intelligence and indus'tr^,' "twenty bushele of wheat ryo' br'&ats; thirttf^ftve oi bat-ley, and one hundred bushels oi Twioti k-- .Jij-Jj *iiou jiuiutucB, mo xcuunj' pruuuueu to the acre, the contrast between what is, and what ought to be, the agricul prod acts of th5s State, is ali ke shrpnsirig flnd^mOrtif^Hng,. and detn onstrates ernjpfcaticnilythe necessity of 'a radical - change; trad to this w< arorstilf ftirth&r ' 'impelled by the -'? ? od> ,Viuo'3 .'i.t! 'l-.r v! fy.j. : oj :.T' * '* ] r-.i Inexorable logic of events,'.in the changed condition of circumstances by \v Inch wo arc surrounded; in the * thorough and sweeping revolution in our system of labor, cuforcing the l>ivine edict, as beneficent a.1) it is just. that man .shall eat bread by the sweat ol' his own faco, and not by that of his fellow -man, and by tho resistless tide of intellectual activity and effort j every where surrounding us, to take jourp'acc in the march of material progress, and by calling science to the aid of labor, blending brain and muscle in harmonious co-operation, build up tho*falleii fortunes of our beloved State, make her waste places to bloom and blossom as the rose, and facilitate and hasten her attainment of a prosperity and happiness, more [exalted, more general, and more peri mancnt, than has ever been witnessed wilhin lioi1 lioi-rloi-a il./. 1 ....... «^v» m% i .1. nuv invy jl i r>* la tare will cheerfully co-operate in 'all le«rilimoto efforts to bring about j " 0 thi*» desirable result.the improvei meut of our agriculture.I cannot j>o 1*111 iL myself to doubt. Tlio formaI tiun of societies of practical farmers, meeting together periodically to comj municatc and contrast the results of their experience and experiments, adds the additional stimulus of emu1 » . lation tu (-Hurts ol nnprovenu nt and excellence. 1 would suggest that an , _ _ Ofi .appropriation be made, to be appori tioned ninong the diltVrent Counties which may raise an equivalent sum, to be distributed as premiums to those who may excel in the.different branches of their profession, but particularj ly in the deep and thorough breaking up and pulverization of the soil, which is of primary importance, and to the neglect of which must of our waste of labor and of land may bo attribu- toil. The substitution of thorough Ullage for the superficial scraping ami scratching of the soil now so generally practiced, is the first step to iin-1 provement and success, and this truth cannot be loo forcibly impressj ed upon the minds of the farmers, J and especially of those who have but recently become proprietors or occupants of land on their own account. This will malce many an acre not thrown out as "old fields" productive and valuable, aud enable the thrifty and industrious farmer to procure homes at a comparatively small expense, the pro' ducts of which will contribute mate- jrially to tho support of thoir families. Some legislation seems to be noeeasa. ry for tho prevention of tho burning of Iho woods, a practice not only dangeroua in itself, aud injurious to titoi: ber, fencing and the .soil, but largely | r '.spon.fible lor uoiieeable changes in our climate, lor (he iucrcased lateness and severity ol' our seasons, and for the long and exhausting droughts, which arc yearly becoming nio^e disastrous. UisLory, both ancient and modern, contains man}' examples of the pernicious results of denuding a cortntry of Its timber; and by men of intelligence it has been deemed that |1.» --- 1 ' '* mu lww £vuvrill lOUlllg 1)1 WIC WOOUS "| is the most destructive among tlic many causes of tlio physical deterio| ration of the earth. It mischievous effects in our own section arc already observable, not only in our protracJ ted droughts and late spring frosts, j and in the washing out of the soluble portion of our soil, but in'the drying up of springs and rivulets, and the destruction of our upland pastures, ruanj- of which during the summer , months afford neither water nor herbngo for cattle. In tho Stato of Iowa the planting of trees is encouraged by a law of which the farmer is released from taxation for ten years on one hundred dollars valuation for every acre of forest-trees planted, from a tnxatiou of fifty dol'ars valuation for five years; and a similar provis-l ion for tho fruit trees and hedges along the highways. Sheep.husbandry is an important source of wealth to tho farmer, for which we have many facilities and advantages. Tho principal obstacle to its successful pursuit is the multitude of dogs by which many neighborhoods are infested. It may be well to inquire whether the numbers of these pestilent, curs may not be advantageously diminished by holding their owners to astrict accountability for tho offences and depredations committed by them ; and, as thcro is seldom necessity for moro than one about a dwelling, a salutary influence may bo exercised by imposing a discriminating tax on all above1 that number, increasing the ratio of taxation with each additional animal; thus, for a second dog in a family, two dollars; for a third, thrco dollars ; nrwl SO T>rnnni'tinnnt.rl\r TKia mnnM have n tencTcucy to reducc the num, bor of dogs, and to' economize the t ajnonnt of food now wasted on them, whilo it would enable the breeders of ' sboep to increase the numbers of that valnablo animal, and thus to'substi* tute producers of food and olothing p for consumers and destroyers of both. THK BIVBB. FI8HERTE8. As a valuable adjnuotto agriculture in the production.of food, t deem it ' my duty to call VQur.attention. to the i importance, of paoptlng measures for the restoration of our river 'fisheries. r It is \vithiu th6 recollection of tfiiny when, the Savannah, the. S&nte^, and * the Peo Dee, and th(51 r;nil nierdu^ trlb> utaries, yielded annnally a'JgfentrrtniB :.r .I.v* stxV.ca or."- - .y .e-tX'Zrl\ ( ¥ v/ XJ vy J tribute of savory and nutritious food from tho swarming fisheries along their shores, and when shad were sold in Columbia market at twenty for a dollar. Now they are soldom scon unless brought from a distance, and are sold sit ten times the former prices, placing them beyond the means of the J por, to whom they were an every day article of cheap nnd wholesome | food,'and limiting them, as a luxury, ! to thj rich. From the greater num; bet of our rivers they are completely banished. Of the truth of this state,,,..1,1 .,,.,1 r,r ii.« ......,.< i «- n>v.ia». tl>IM VI IIIV> VCIUOU */l ll/j A IjllUlU tho following testimony of n highly intelligent ami influential gentleman, who has creditably nerved tho coun: try both in our .State and National ! Council*. In reply to a circular I had caused to ho issued, he remarks: r cannot say when the shad were stopped from coining up tho Saluda, hut J think it may be dated when the factory dam was built across the river near its mouth. Previous to that time, and as far back as my memory goes, shad were caught in great lium! hers in that river. 1 remember well when [ was a lad, my father who lived in Laurens .District, some ten miles distant from Island Ford, yearly in the habit of sending a wagon to that plaeo for shad, and always reI turned with a full supply to last the family until oven tho children no longer considered them a rarity. Many oilier families did tho same from both sides of the river, and this was only oho <>r many such shad fisheries on that river. Now, &>r thirty-one j-ears hack, which I can particularly rej iiK'in! or, not a single shad has been caughi from the Saluda: they havo been totally shut out by that selfish dam." Many similar communicnlians have been received from other sources, demonstrating, conclusively that the banishment of tho shad and other migratory fishes from tho upper waters of the State, and tho cousoqiient deprivation of tho people of a large amount of nutritious and palatable food, is altogether attributable to the numerous dams that have been constructed in the rivers and streams, by which thcj* aro completely barricaded against the passage of fish, and this in violation of law, which requires that all dams, shall be furnished with fish ways at least sixty feet wide to enable lish to pass up to their spawning ground. Below the dam an unceasing warfare is waged against them by the owners.of weira, traps, nets atul seines, during breeding season, as if their extirpation had been a matter of solicitude, and was determined on. The cause suggests tho remedy, which can bo secured by the appointment of Commissioners, with amplo powers to enforco existing laws in relation to tho dams in rivers and streams, and other illegal obstructions to the passage of fish; and the regulation of seins, nets and fish traps, by which their destrctive operations will be restrained and limited; and to recommend such other measures as they may deem necessary for the V l: I. . > i ui-cuiupiisumuut oi 1110 ODJCCt ot tiieir appointment. From the well established fact that shad and other migratory fishes alwuya return to their bleeding places, and that they have been excluded for so man}' years from tho upper portions of our rivers, it may be "necessary to restock them by artificial means, this can bo effected with gre&t facility' and nt a comparatively trifling expense. The process of restocking the rivers of New England, New York and Pennsylvania is now in lull title successful operation, aud inilllioHS of eggs of the salmon, whitetish, trout and shad aro hatched and set looso every season, gradually to find their way to the ocean, whence, after many days, with unerring instinct. they will return tg their qrccding places for purposes of reproduction. Between thirty and fortymillions of shad have been hatched and sot looso in Connecticut River; ana chirrng Uie past breeding season, they were hatched at tlio rato of one million per da}* in the upper waters of the Hudson .River. The roe of a full grown shad contains one hundred thousand eggs, and these bciog readily fccundated by the milt of the malo fish, arc placed in properly prepared boxes, and deposited in ranning water, to he hatched in from three to four days; and so successful havo experts become in tho process, that fninety-eight thousand live fish have boon producod from ono hundred thousand eggs. Tho yonng fish are then set loose, and immediately seek the middle of tho stream, to avoid their numerous enemies who infest its margin, and gradually float with the current to the ocean. The boxes jire men rcauy lor another batch. The cost of the boxes is above two dollars eacb. Two hundred boxes will hatch seven million of shad daily, or in twenty-five days about fifteen millions, and would require the attention of about twenty-five men for loss than one month. Thus it will be seen that in a comparatively short period our rivers may be restocked not only with shad, but with other valuable species that may be deemed desirable, and our people in a few years will gather full harvests of rich subsis tence from our rivers, and "suck an abundance from the waters of the sea." By those who have attentively studioa the subject, it is estimated < that an acre of water will prodooe, with more certainty and leas fabor, as much food as an acre of land* and when diligently attended to, in well j .conducted fish ponds, it h#8 been asp i iL.i A «^ltl aoH«n usi utuitiu iu»l< tb Will muw / as much. If this be the,absur4Hy of our past policy in permitting,the fish to he excluded from oarWyfetir a may be illbstrated by supposing that j oar land® ho* raising eorn;-*Bd %jttony should be allowed to j be neglected t wflfr to fai) in. giving:y^tw]y supply of food and eotpfart, $ut t,bis is more absurd thai, fn- ftaVihg' permitted for so many .years '6dr -rly«rs and smaller' etreanfo, that qnee teem* 1 ed with »n anntt*b®upptyof£r&teAiI «; ov- . v-d *: 'itfn sit: f\ :*'& it 11 -Uv|>J«.V; -.(fi e-J : >; .... «- » * - -! 4 jxxi -/v V JLJL"""~-OiVJ« and generous sustenance to tho community, to bocome barron and unproductive ? coast fisheries. In conncction with this subject y-rt!r attention may bo appropriately directed to tho importance of utilizing our coast fisheries. Tuo entiro sea-front of our State, from Cane Fear to i Savannah Ifiver, with its numerous marshes, estuaries and indentations, for a width of ten miles on au average, may asserted to bo almost literal-* ly paved with oysters. These beds are most favorably located, being genrally just above or below tho water lino, and can bo gathered as readily as potatoes. The heats of summer no not destroy them, and only t\\ jco within a half century have they be-; affected by frost, and they can bo increased so as to supply ovcry possible demand, either for home consumption, or exportation. It is estimated that oysters each produce annually from one to two millions of young, but bo ininuto in sizo that tho spawn floats about in tho water like a cloud, until it is destroyed by the numerous animals that prey upon it, or smothered in tho mud. Tho remedy for this immenso waste is to place solid bodies in the way of these wandering animaculac, to which they readily attach themselves ; and are rapidly developed ; and on being transferred to suitable beds, in about three vnnro " j -m* >j ui v vui" bio, and ready for tbo market. Any arrangement that will intercept the floating spawn of the oyster, sueh an the placing of hurdles or pine faggoU near their beds, and their subsequent removal to convenient and Buitablo localities until they avo matured and ready for market, will furnish all tlio requirements of succcssful oyster culture. But, in addition to the permanent inhabitants, the oyster beds of our coast are frequented by immenso numbers of scale and ehell fish throughout the Beason, that greatly increase their valuo. The sea crab and shrimp not excelled iu flavor and delicacy by any of their species, visit them in untold numbers, and can bo taken in any quantity with the net or seine. The drum a fino fish for the table, weighing upon an average 35 pounds, the roe of which is celobrated for its delicacy, is abundant in the month of April; the bass, weighing about 30 pounds, visits us in large numbers in September and October ; while at all seasons, the sbeephead, the whiting, A 1 I.I 1- 1 * liie uiuck. uasa, ana numerous other varieties, are found in great profusion. The lauds occupied by oyster beds and fisheries belong to the State, and by judicious allottment of portions of them to industrious and respossiDlc persons, tbey may bo made the seat of an extensive and profitable industry to individuals, and revenue to the State. From the Chesapeake Bay millions of dollars' worth of oysters are annually contributed throughout the Union, and there is no reason why our Southern coast, with its superior advantages of climate, may not soon equal, and even excel it in quantity and value of its, exports. Establishments may be located in eligible positions for the preservation and canning of oysters, crabs, and shrimps, where the catch of the fisherman will find a readv marlrAf. ^ whence they can be distributed throughout the Union, and from their superior flavor and cheapness to foreign countrios; while the numerous fish would form an important contribution to thopx-ofits of the enterprise and the sustenance of the community. The number of persons to which this now business would give employment, not only to those engaged in the catching and preservation of its products, but in the manufacture of cans and boxes for their transportation, would make many localities, which are now waste and profitless, scenes of animated and profitable industry, and add greatly to the enjoyments and resources of our people. conclusion. It is related of the Emperor Severua, (once a colored frcedman in the .Romon army, but whoso energy, talents and valor, had placed him at lis head,) that during an invasion of Britain, he was arrested in his march by an attack of'illness, which it w*s soon known would terminate fatally. In his dying moments, surrounded By his Generals, who were passionately attached to him,- he was approached by a Centurion of his army, who appeared to him for the password of the . * *' . Jiug «juig muuarcn, in tnat supreme moment, on the vdrge of:eternity, gave utterance to a . sentiment, which had probably been the inspiration of life, and cynosure of his flftrte. Rallying his dying energies, in response to the application of the Centurion for the password, he exclaimed: "Laboremcs r.let us work.and falling backwards, expired. Gentlemen of the General Assembly, in vifl\f -pf our duties, and responsibilities to those who have entrusted thefr IhMrests to our charge, and in thfe nfctfte and by the holp of the AlnJightyiBulor of the Universe, htpds are the destinies of Nations, ."tAr' ts work 1" ^ BOBBBT Ki SOOTY, <lovfermny Colombia, S. Q., Nov, 24, 1S$9. . r; r ' WA8^noton,^ovember ' The NoW TorKSefatd days ^Cholera, yellow fererand small po* ttro raging ftesrftilly at Ssmtiago de Cubs, three hundred deaths iumug occurred from oholer** alone- within tttirty 0*yn> i Jfrwaa found -impossible.togiv dead bodies proffer Bdpaleker, the bodiesboingcovered only "with a few itucbefjQfi eftftb^ Aa aoonaoquenco tlie flteneh frbm . the comet«ryjhft»]slKi()8t^bMww«r a pestilence- The Cuban*in. fchbninterior ptolW to ..b^, <een&46fft of sbc6esfl; Add giye SftimetyqttgMi xonch trouble. or" «*ro<fis nje£i Ota*#!*' Ct , ; ^ ; . -.i(| "»j crr-il.*.y:i5t ' . » *


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, i..ii


Fall and Winter, 1869.Specialties.Dry Goods and Millinory.

Messes. Fowlt.r & McDonald aronow hotter prepared to show the Ladiesof Abbeville District a handsomestock of Dry Goods than ever boforo.The Ladies aro especially invitod toexamine their stock boforo buying.They will always strivoto keep goodssuited to tho taste of the Ladies ofour District. In the Drees Goods Departmentthey lmvo beautiful plain,striped and plaid Poplins, DcLanes,Empress Cloths, lteps, Flannels,Silks, etc., Black Alpacas, OperaFlannel, DeBages and Silks. Theyhave a full stock of House FurnishingGoods in Blankets, Counterpanes,Sheetings, Towelingp, Curtain Materials,Shades, Table Damasks, Diapers,Long Cloths, Napkins, Doylas, Linens,Carpetings, and "Wall Papering.Also, Hosiery, Gloves, Braids, Tapes,llankerchiefs and everything in"White Goods.

In tho Gentlemen's Furnishing Departmentthey have a splendid linem i,i<nnn, tjassimercs, Uorduroj'S,Jeans, Kerseys, Shawls, Collars,,Cull's, Cravats, Ilose, Suspendors,Shirt Fronts, Gloves, Shirts, andDrawers.

Abbeville can boast of as fine aMillinery House as any in in thoState of South Carolina.in fact, asfine as any in any city, North orSouth. Tho Btock will compare withany Iletail House in Charleston, Baltimoreor New York. Tho Ladiescan have no plea for sending off fortheir millinery any longer, for Messrs.Fowler & McDonald can show as prettygoods, as fine goods, as stylishgoods as can bo found in Baltimoreor New York. And, besides, theycan prove their prices to bo from 25to 50 percent, lower than city prices.Thwv hsrp nvpvw nfvU nf II.it on/I

Bonnet that is out. Should any newand novol style make its appearancein New York, they have arrangementsby which to get it immediateh*,hence there is no necessity for the Ladiesof Abbeville to pay city priceswhen they can do better at home.Mrs. Sassard has had experience,both in Europe and America, and, wo

think, has the confidence of everyLady of taste in Abbeville, She. isassisted by Mrs. Jno. A. Wicr whosegood taste and sk^ in this Departmentis well known to tho Ladies ofA bbeville, and will always bo pleasedto see her friends at the Emporium ofof Fashion. Mrs. Sassard and ftlrs.Wier will lake pleasure to show theLadies, Flowers, Feathers, BridalWreaths, Plumes, Birds, Ornaments,Kibbons, Sashes, Curls, Switches,Chignous, Embroidered and BraidedY«kos and Bands, Skirts, Corsets,Pads, Breast Protectors, Buttons,Trimmings, Laces,. Edgings, Cloaks,Shawls. Nubias. Hoods. Fin* HnncH Iand Muffs, Breakfast Shawls, Collars,Cuft's. Chemisette, Necklaces,Shell and Gold Beads, eut and uncutVelvets, Satins, Silks, trimmed anduntrimmed Patterns for all kinds ofLadies' and Misses' Garments fromE. Butterick & Co.. and MadameDemorest, of New York, Itouchcs,Netts, Illusione, etc., etc.They pay particular attention to

the getting up of Bridal Bonnets,Veils, etc.. and promptly attend to allorders from a distance.

Salesmen in Dry Goods Department.J as. W. Fowler, W. T. McDonald, |MarshaU P. DeBruhl.

Millinery Department.Mrs. Sussardand Airs. Wier.liy adhering strict^- to the cash systemthey are enabled to sell fine goods

at reasonable prices.VALUABLE LANDS~

jFor sale in Abbeville. Importat toLund Buyers.

yfl ACRE lot in Greenwood, with fineimprovemente; 80 acres in original

forest.large youiijr orchard. This place caube bought low, as the owner has no use for it.Two 16 acre lots on main street, in same village,well improved.

*Three vacant lots near depot, desirably located,greater portion of each in forest', containingfrom 30 to 200 acres. One tract of 800acres, known as White Hall; 800 acres in fore«t,60 acres prima bottoms; well improved,and contains an exce'lent store house, hnd is a

good mercantile Mand.Ona farm on Saluda river, of 850 acres, 120

] forest; 20 acres in new bottoms, 100 acresf uplands fins for cotton, all under good fence,

comfortably improved for tenants.. ExcelleotMis oa tbe river and well adapted to machinery..

...One form adjoining the above on Turkey- creek, of 450 acres, 100 acres upland cleared,

CO acres food bottoms, balance in original fo;at aud pines, fencing good, and good tenant

houses.Oue farm of '22 acres, in Edgefield, five

miles from Ninety 8ix depot, 65 acres in cultivation,orchard from 3 to 4 acres, trees in goodcond^ton.' This place ia well -improved.

One farm of 800 acres, in Edgefield.exceleattimber.One farm of 900 acrees, ia Abbeville, on

Cromer's creek. 100 acres in bottoms, well imorovedfor teuanta.One farm of 300 aoree, on same creelc, superiorcotton land 125 acres of aaperior bottoms.-iofiue condition.On* farm of 600 acres, on same creek, superiorimprovements for family residence; landf the first quality.The above lands can be boagbt low,Fer terms apply to the Land Company, at

Greenwood. J. T. PARES,W. K. Blaki, President.

Secretary. 25 tf


Offers for sale alarge and well selected etook of

GLOTRIHG,Gentleman's Furnishing Goods.

Hats, Trunks, Umbrella*, Ac., which wars

bought at low price* and will baaold cheapNorth Carolina Bank Bill® bought. ,

Store on liaao Street* *few doora belowtba Colombia Haul. :

Oct g, lOTt,

A fall assortment of

BBran,»- -^ilwajra on btad and for tale br

j " IH; -.i j J* KNOX Ir CV;.5 7, ">r >

wmrmPURSAANT to nn order of llieCircuit

Court, for tlie Vlh Judicial Circuit,llie Executors of SAMUEL MARSHALL,'DEC'D, will sell on the1 .j l/n r» * ^"Asi in via jjj\ r o/ JLtec., next,

AT ABBEVILLE C. II,Within the legal hours of sale, a tract ofland belonging to estute of said deceased,containingSix Hundred and Seventy-two

Acres,Moro or less, situated on Curltail Creek,about seven miles I'roa* Greenwood. Belongingto this traet is a

Fine Flour ail Grist Mill.Known as The Marshall Mills;" theMuchinery having been renewed in 18G7.

TERMS:"The purchaser to pay in cash <:osls of

sale, for stamp and papers. Balance on acredit o( twelve months, with interest fromdale, Rnd secure purchase money by approvalbonds and mortgage of lhe premises.

S. S. MARSHALL, )j- Executors.


ALSO, at the same time anJ place theExecutors of Samuel Marshall doo'J,

will sell that valuable plantation known as

"THE HOMESTEAD,"On which Mrs. E C. Marshall now resides.This tract contaius about

Fourteen Hundred Acres,Situated within six miles of Greenwood, ina healthy and good neighborhood, welladapted to the cultivation of cotton, corn,anu Einan g'am, wuu goou improvements,consisting of a

Large and Comfortable Dwelling,with all necessary out-buildings, suitablefor a well regulated plantation. thisplace will be divided aud

Sold in Three or Four Tracts,tbe plots of which will be exhibited on

day of Hale. These are valuable tracts ofland.a large proportion of which consistsof fine wood lands.

TERMS:These tracts will be 6old on a credit of

one and two veara. with intaraqt. fmmand to Ira paid annnally, the purchasemoney to be secured by bond, and approvedsecurity, and a mortgage of thepremises. The purchaser to pay in cue.1i,for costs of sale, for stamps and papers.

ALSO, at the same time and place, theExecutors will sell that

Desireable House and Lot,in the Village of Greenwood,Known as the Donelly lot, belonging tothe estate of Samuel Mai shall dei:M, andnow occupied by the IIl-v. A. A. Morse.The improvements consist of AN EX-

l ntu-siutll JJ\V£.LL1.MJ,uud all oecessary out-buildin »b.

TERMS:This lot will.be sold on a credit of

twelve months, with interest from date, thepurchaser to give bond .vilb approved iecuriiyand a mortgage of the premises, andpay in cash, for costs of sale, for stampsand papers.

S. S. MARSHALL, f> Executors.

J. W. W. MARSHALL, )November 5, I860, 28.5t



Wo have jnsfc received, and have ready forexamination, the largest and most attractivestock that it has ever bten ccr plensure to exhibit,consisting of everything pertaining to afirst clas«

Dry Goods Establishment./ Iso a fall line of

CARPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS,WINDOW filTADEPt: CORNICRS AO.Our stock is so extensive and varied, that it

is impossible to enumerate. Wo therefore invitoour friends, and all in want of good andcheap Dry Goods, to call and see for tlieraeelvea,we guarantee satisfaciion as to style,quality and price. J. H. A M. L. KINAKD.Oct 22, 1869, 26.8m nb

300 bu. Cotton Seed


RAISED by Mr. Edward Calhonn, ofAbbeville District, 8. Cn warranted

purf. Read the following certificate ofw«ll known geoUtmoa and planter* of theDietvi ct: .

"After earefoJ examination of Mr. E.Calhoun's Bojd Coltoti, we do certify thatit it the purest and beat,, boiled cotton webave aeen, and that it 'is far superior towhat is aold in tbiaMgfOD ,aa Dixon'sImprovedCotton. "* '

* - fCHARLES HASKELL.Oetobf lMiIWr.JUt Edr eale i* "louto anft pqiotatf

and aamplaa exhibited by. ^ . vl,

/ t :. :1a.-) A< ],vJ £ /, J? .'JO*!* "

V v


Clerk's Sales.

J. I. LidJIo y* Samuel Hunter,Executor, et. al.

Bill lo in.11.shall assets,sell laud, &c.

1 1 ' ' I » i itPURSUANT to order, I will Bell onsale day in DECEMBER next, at publicoutcry, at A1UJEV1LLK <J. H., the tract of.I laud, of the Real Estate of A, Iluuter,ueurd, now in the possession of

SAMUEL HUNTER,containing FOUR HUNDRED ACRES,more or less, bounded by lands of A. J.(Jlinksoalos and others.TERMS.ONE DALE CASH, as lobalance, credit of twelve monilip, interestfrom ' ' - *' *

_,v v. run-, iiuiviupvi IIJ glVv!witli good security and inorlgHge, to se-cure the purchase money, and pay fur papersand starring.

M. McDONALD,Abbeville C. II., )

November 10, 13G9. J 29.3t

AI.SO,PURSUANT to order of Court in caseJ of ,J. 'IV HARXES, et. al. Executor, vsL.J. JOHNSON,! will sell at ABUEIVILLE (J. II., at. public out-cry on sale

;lay in DECEMBER next, ilio R«al Estate,de8:rihf<l in (lie Hill, situated and hcing on !CALHOUN'S CREEK, containing,TWO HUNDRED AND SIXTY-FOURACRES, more or I,as, ano bounded bylands of *<aid L. J. Johnson, li. M. Pultner,D. PI Pursi-ly, anrf other*.TERAIS CASH. Purchaser to payfor papers and stamps.

M. McDONALD,c. c. P.

November 10, 1809. [29.3t* =

9=ta t.t! OF XjA.N3D,By order of ide Court of Prolate.

By Order of the Court of ProbateFOR ABBEVILLE COUNTY.

I WILL sell hv public auction on SALEDAY in DECEMBER uext the fol- I

lowing lands.viz :

THE HOME TRACTof the estate of HENRY B. NiCKLES,dee'd, containing TWO HUNDRED andFORTY NINE acies more or le?p, boun!Jim! by lands of R A. Anderson, JamesCollirun and others.THE DICKSON TRACT.

belonging to 6aid estate, containing TWOHUNDRED and THIRTY-TWO ncr«more or le>8, bounded by lands of T. G.Ellis, estate lands of Samuel Andersonand others.THE CALVERT TRACT.

belonging to paid estate, containingTHREE HUNDRED and THIRTEENacres more or less, bounded by lands ofGeorge Niukles, Robeil Dunn, uud others.

There arc plMs to represent the abovethree tract*. These lands are situated inAbbeville County, about 10 n.iles NorthEast of Abbeville C. IT.Terms of sale one third cash, )he balanceon n credit of or.e and two years,purchaser to give bond find approved'

security, and n mortgage of the premisesto secure the purchase money.


i II. S.'CASON,Sheriff Abbeville Cou:ily.

Xov. 10. 1800, 29~3t "

I- L_JBj Orfter of tie Conrt of Prolate

FOB ABBEViLLE COUNTY.H vv i L.Lj sell, on Sale Day in DECEMj[1JER next, the real estate of ARCHIBALDB. IiOYD, deo'd, containingNINETY-SIX acres, more or lea?, situatedin Abbeville County, on Simmon's branch,waters of Ilardlabor creek, adjoining land*of Mrs. Tray lor, William Brackuell andothers. >

Terms, a credit of one and two years, in~terest from date, purchaser to give bondand approved security, and a mortgage tosecure the purchase mon*y. The costs tobe paid in cash.

H. S. CASON,S. A. C.

Nov. 10* T8G9, 20.3t.

I WILL ALSO SELLO. A-J. xv- rt 1 t* r* i

x>y kjiuwr oi me uourc 01 frooate

FOR ABBEVILLE COUNTY.ON Siile Day in December next, tlie

real estate of ALEXANDER MARTIN, dec'd, situate in the neighborhood ofAbbeville Court House, comprising twotracts of land,

Viz: TWO HUNDRED and FOURacres, more or less, buuudod by lands ofWilliam Hill, Joseph T. Moore, EdwardNoble and others.

Also, ONE HUNDRED and NINETEENacres, more or les\ bounded bylauds of the Estate of Wilson's, RobertJones and others.

Terms, 12 months credit, interest fromdate. Bond and hpprovud security and a1mortgage to secure the purchase money.The costs to be paid in cash.


Nov. 10, I860, 29.3t.i \ ' 1

. n

To those having Cotton to Gin.Oij-J f A » j >


. >011 4 !' «(JHas at his Mill, ene 6T th^ finest CotNton Gins now in triie, and is ginning nnd

penny made. The difference in a fewmiles distance is "a friflo 'when tho

? cotton fs dn.Hbe 'w4goib cfElI*: lintfrqtofbis G-iti U e? it snperion «uatft&r

- and dpmmati^s the fcigh^H fnkfrfcbt, prioe.

'* [^:5,'1W59;..( .A.u!/vD.vi/. 30H030

'- ;C :r';M ;

. #

THE GOVERNOR'S MESSAGE[Wo gave last week n portion of

Governor Scott's Mossngo to tho l.egislalurc.Tlio remainder \vc could notget. It is as follows:]

Tin: -M i i.i'j'iA

0 The records of enrollment not IiavIHlPlltfCMl toK Wilrtnlolnil mwl till.-T0 J - ~ vv...|'»VVVVI? IVUV4 HIV * | UWliiof arms and aceouti'cincnts appropri-tiled lo llie Stale not having been ro-

eeived from tlio Federal Uovernmeniuntil recently, the organization of theMilitia has been somewhat impededIt will bo hastened, however, as rapidly an practicable, and I hope soon t<he able to report that the requirementsof the law have been fully compliedwith.


A change is demanded in tho systcm of selecting juries. As at pros|ent nuingcd, it is liable, and pcrvcrteuto great abuse, an account of thecharacter of the persons placed uponthem. Men have been appointed onGrand and Petit juries who wore aitho lime, and are now, under heav\bail on charges of complicity will,murder; and in one case, when oneof these accused individuals was foremanof the Grand Jury, bills for murdersubmitted to them by the Solicitorof the Circuit wcro ignored andthrown out. notwithstanding theoaths of witnessos who identified Unaccusedas ruirtiein:ints in tlm mnnlfi-

X i " **

Cases are decided, not by the guilt orinnocence of parties, but in accordancewith the political bias of the juries; and, from the intensity of prejudicc existing, it is vain to expect a

better condition of things while thepresent system of drawing juries continues.This corruption of justice atthe fountain head demands a promptand efficient rcmedj', which will placethe jury box above the influence ofpontics, and till it with our best andmost intelligent citizens, "whose reputationplaces them above reproachand above suspicion.


I have heretofore directed your attentionto the subject of Magistrates'Courts, and would urgently renew myrecommendations on tho subject.The wide latitude heretofore given tothe discretion of Magistrates andCourts has had the effect to crowdour jailswith petty offenders, at a heavyexpense to tho State, much ofwhich could be avoided by giving finaljurisdiction to Magistrates' Courts'

]) 1'i r«*l» t r*f «ni\nn1 *** 11̂

Vi ti^wvai, VI an UJiilUl Ulfcuccs,Suoh &s potit Inrcony, simpleassault and litittcfy," and other misdemeanorsof. aitnilargrado, with powerto determine the question of guilt,and ils extent, and to inflict penaltiesby fine. This would ohriate the necessityof a good deal af Session? business,and the coot of witnesses* feesand expenses. A lair and reasonablefee bill should be established, as thereis much complaint that Magistrates]and Constables arc guilty of making!extortionate exactions from the poor Jand ignorant. Many cases have beenso manipulated as to involve the largestamount of costs, and others againhave been instituted for malicious purposes, frequently from political motivesor political objects. When suchcases havo been substantiated, I havepromptly removed tlio offenders, andman}* of them, in my opinion, deserv-ed a more rigorous punishment. 11have been apprised of cases whereMagistrates have attempted to inter-fere with the Stato Constables whiloin the discharge of their duty, and re-1commcnd tlmt adequate punishmentsbe provided for such offencca. Severepenalties should also bo provided forcarrying concealod doadly weapons, a

cowardly practice, which has becomeentirely too prevalent.

THE CENSUSI tranmitthe report of the commissionerof the Agricultural Bureau,

containing a tabular statement of theresults of tho enumeration of the inhabitantsof this Stato so far as theyhave beon ascertained from tho returnsmade to his oftice. Tho statementembraces tho returns of twentyCounties,and there arc stil eleven tobe accounted for. As it is expectedthdt tho missing returns will bo receivedin a few days, any further remarksare deferred until tho completion oftho report.

TIIE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS,The duties of the Board of County

Commissioners* of.ail arduous andcomprehensive ^Ijiirafctafr,* and in thehonost and faithful discharge of themavA »ntTAlf»A*l wAit/iU 41*a.i!ittv lur wir ou muuu vi niw lUpUlUUUUAnd efficiency of the State .Government.Thoir; attention should be especiallydirected to the condition ofth6 ilbiyifi and bridged in their respective/Counties'.AJl persona liable toroad service should be ma^o toper*form lit tri:the- folL'cxten t jof -keepingCheatin good repair, or Ao contributetoquWaliMltn ibr their :ex'nrea

sfconld ( **«! iiet. by, eontract, ofwhich dneonbt&d.ahoolgi; gitenjThe County Auditorshonld always boi.aaXflAH. H .tnWJaebnotnl

I-lo -C<«r ' *; '!

present at tlie meetings of the Board,ami net as {Secretary, keeping thejournal of their proceedings, and allordors on tho County Treasurer, authorizedt>y the Board, should be signedhy hi in, and made a matter of record.

TIIK STATE fONSTAlUTAHV.'J he report of I lie Chief Constable

j^'rvos a full and satisfactory exhibit ol.lie operations of lii.s ollice. The1 mount of labor performed has beenonsidcrable, and, in many instances,ins been of a delicate and ha/.ardousharacter. There have been koiiiuuses where complaints have beenmade of their conduct, but upon investigation.i( has been found that thelissatisfaetion was villi the law itselfrather than with the manner in whichit has been executed. They have hadmuch to contend with in the oppo>ii'ion of portions of the community tothe. arrest of criminal", and aidingthem in their efforts at concealmentand cscape. The press has greatlyassisted in thrusting impediments intheir way while engaged in their duities, by their porversioit of facts andabuse of the ol'iccrs. J t is to be sincerelyhoped that the foil) and ii j'isticeof this course will be nppaieui.and t hose interested in the peace andprosperity of the State, in the protec-uon 01 mo asi't property, ami in tliosupremacy of tiio law, will feel ii tlicirluly to aid and encourage ilie Siateollieers in (ho enforcement <»l" il. J na recent instance, where an organizedband ol* incendiaries liad commencedtheir work of' destruction, I»v (lie limbingol' several stores, and threateningfurther proceedings of the sumcharacter, I felt it my duly to issuing*proclamation, warning (he incendiariesof thy atrocious character oltheir crime, and the conserjnonce towhich it might, lend, and this was perverselyand mischievously torturedinto an invitation to commit thecrime denounced, and its justideation.I am glad to state that this falsehoodwas so base and malignant as to berepeated but b}* few, and the effect ofthe'proclamation has been most salutary,in having accomplished the arrestof ten of the alleged incendiariesand the dispersion of the remainder.While there have been some attroeiouscrimes committed rceentlw the au-thors of which are still at, largo, I amglad to Hay there has been an improvementin the general tone of thecommunity, and a disinclination manifestedby eresponsibilty persons tolend themselves to the schemes of thefactious and designing, and of beingcompromised by countenancing theturbulence and lawlessness of theirignorant and misguided partisans.

im;blic property.There is a eousideral le amount of

public property in this city. Charleston.and other portions of the Statewhich has been for u long time exemptfrom taxution, and productiveof no revenue. I recommend thatinvestigation be made of the location,extent, and probable value of thisproperly with a view to the sale oisuch portions of it as may be deemedadvisable, so that it'may be placed onthe lax list, and contribute its sharetu the public revenue.

AliRICliljTURAL.The agriculture of the State in the

fundamental basis of its prosperity,and yet not one-fourth of its soil hasbeen brought under cultivation, andso little of labor a^ul skill have beendevoted to it, that were it not, amongthe most favored regions of the earth,the needless and ciii'cImh m

tillage to which it has been subjected,would long since liuve exhausted it./tnd yet in no department of humanindustry can skilled labor bo mademore available, or a larger or morevaried circle of scientific acquirementsbe more thoroughly and profitablyutilized, than in agriculture; a'nd iuno locality is there a more extensiveor a more inviting field for their oxer!cise than in South Carolina. The lossrosulting annually to the State fromthe practice of an unskilled and carelosssystem of husbandry, instead otone that is intelligent and energetic,is hardly to bo estimated. Of thenineteen or twenty millions of acrescomprised within our limits, aboutone-fourth are devoted to cultivation,the rest is in woods of valuable timjber, and in unredaimod swamp, easi[ly drained, and of inexhaustible fertility.

In 18G7 there were devoted to farmproducts 710,041 acres to corn, 215.054 acres to wheat, 70,900, acres'tooats, 77,000 acres to hay, 0,8115 to rye,1,100 to barley, 1,890 to Irish potatoes,and 200 to tobacco. Of the balance,the greater portion was devoted tothe great commercial staples of cot*ton and rice. Tho average yield peracre' was officially reported as nineand sixtenths bushels of corn wheatsix bushels and four-tent hs nnts nlnv.cn bushel and one-tenth ; rye, fivobushels and seven-tenths ; barlej', clovenbushels and one-tenth ; Irish potatoes,eighty bushels and four-tenths;tobacco, five hundred pounds; and othay, one ton.When it is recollected that it has

been demonstrated by actual* experimentand measurement, in tho vicinityof tho city of Columbia, that withhigh culture, and undcc favoi^ablccircumstances, it is practicable to producotwo hundred bushels and twelvequarts of corn from a single aero olland ; and that with ordinary intelligenceand indus'tr^,' "twenty busheleof wheat ryo' br'&ats; thirttf^ftve oibat-ley, and one hundred bushels oiTwioti k-- .Jij-Jj*iiou jiuiutucB, mo xcuunj' pruuuueuto the acre, the contrast between whatis, and what ought to be, the agricul

prodacts of th5s State, is alikeshrpnsirig flnd^mOrtif^Hng,. and detnonstrates ernjpfcaticnilythe necessityof 'a radical - change; trad to this w<arorstilf ftirth&r ' 'impelled by the-'? ? od> ,Viuo'3 .'i.t! 'l-.r v!

fy.j. : oj :.T' * '* ] r-.i

Inexorable logic of events,'.in thechanged condition of circumstancesby \v Inch wo arc surrounded; in the

* thorough and sweeping revolution inour system of labor, cuforcing thel>ivine edict, as beneficent a.1) it is just.that man .shall eat bread by the sweatol' his own faco, and not by that ofhis fellow-man, and by tho resistlesstide of intellectual activity and effort

j every where surrounding us, to takejourp'acc in the march of materialprogress, and by calling science tothe aid of labor, blending brain andmuscle in harmonious co-operation,build up tho*falleii fortunes of our belovedState, make her waste places tobloom and blossom as the rose, andfacilitate and hasten her attainmentof a prosperity and happiness, more

[exalted, more general, and more perimancnt, than has ever been witnessedwilhin lioi1 lioi-rloi-a il./. 1....... «^v» m% i .1. nuv invy jl i r>*

latare will cheerfully co-operate in'all le«rilimoto efforts to bring aboutj " 0

thi*» desirable result.the improveimeut of our agriculture.I cannotj>o 1*111 iL myself to doubt. Tlio formaItiun of societies of practical farmers,meeting together periodically to comjmunicatc and contrast the results oftheir experience and experiments,adds the additional stimulus of emu1

» .lation tu (-Hurts ol nnprovenu nt andexcellence. 1 would suggest that an,

_ _Ofi

.appropriation be made, to be apporitioned ninong the diltVrent Countieswhich may raise an equivalent sum,to be distributed as premiums to thosewho may excel in the.different branchesof their profession, but particularjly in the deep and thorough breakingup and pulverization of the soil, whichis of primary importance, and to theneglect of which must of our wasteof labor and of land may bo attribu-toil. The substitution of thoroughUllage for the superficial scraping amiscratching of the soil now so generallypracticed, is the first step to iin-1provement and success, and thistruth cannot be loo forcibly impressjed upon the minds of the farmers,J and especially of those who have butrecently become proprietors or occupantsofland on their own account. Thiswill malce many an acre not thrown outas "old fields" productive and valuable,aud enable the thrifty and industriousfarmer to procure homes at a

comparatively small expense, the pro'ducts of which will contribute mate-jrially to tho support of thoir families.Some legislation seems to be noeeasa.ry for tho prevention of tho burningof Iho woods, a practice not only dangerouain itself, aud injurious to titoi:ber, fencing and the .soil, but largely| r '.spon.fible lor uoiieeable changes inour climate, lor (he iucrcased latenessand severity ol' our seasons, and forthe long and exhausting droughts,which arc yearly becoming nio^e disastrous.UisLory, both ancient andmodern, contains man}' examples ofthe pernicious results of denuding a

cortntry of Its timber; and by men ofintelligence it has been deemed that|1.» --- 1 ' '*mu lww £vuvrill lOUlllg 1)1 WIC WOOUS

"| is the most destructive among tlicmany causes of tlio physical deterio|ration of the earth. It mischievouseffects in our own section arc alreadyobservable, not only in our protracJted droughts and late spring frosts,

j and in the washing out of the solubleportion of our soil, but in'the dryingup of springs and rivulets, and thedestruction of our upland pastures,ruanj- of which during the summer

, months afford neither water nor herbngofor cattle. In tho Stato of Iowathe planting of trees is encouragedby a law of which the farmer is releasedfrom taxation for ten years onone hundred dollars valuation forevery acre of forest-trees planted, froma tnxatiou of fifty dol'ars valuationfor five years; and a similar provis-lion for tho fruit trees and hedgesalong the highways.Sheep.husbandry is an important

source of wealth to tho farmer, forwhich we have many facilities andadvantages. Tho principal obstacleto its successful pursuit is the multitudeof dogs by which many neighborhoodsare infested. It may bewell to inquire whether the numbersof these pestilent, curs may not beadvantageously diminished by holdingtheir owners to astrict accountabilityfor tho offences and depredationscommitted by them ; and, asthcro is seldom necessity for morothan one about a dwelling, a salutaryinfluence may bo exercised by imposinga discriminating tax on all above1that number, increasing the ratio oftaxation with each additional animal;thus, for a second dog in a family,two dollars; for a third, thrco dollars ;nrwl SO T>rnnni'tinnnt.rl\r TKia mnnMhave n tencTcucy to reducc the num,bor of dogs, and to' economize the

t ajnonnt of food now wasted on them,whilo it would enable the breeders of' sboep to increase the numbers of thatvalnablo animal, and thus to'substi*tute producers of food and olothing

p for consumers and destroyers of both.THK BIVBB. FI8HERTE8.

As a valuable adjnuotto agriculturein the production.of food, t deem it' my duty to call VQur.attention. to thei importance, of paoptlng measures forthe restoration of our river 'fisheries.

r It is \vithiu th6 recollection of tfiinywhen, the Savannah, the. S&nte^, and

* the Peo Dee, and th(51r;nilnierdu^ trlb>utaries, yielded annnally a'JgfentrrtniB:.r .I.v* V« stxV.ca or."- - .y.e-tX'Zrl\ (

¥ v/ XJ vy J

tribute of savory and nutritious foodfrom tho swarming fisheries alongtheir shores, and when shad were soldin Columbia market at twenty for adollar. Now they are soldom sconunless brought from a distance, andare sold sit ten times the former prices,placing them beyond the means ofthe J por, to whom they were an everyday article of cheap nnd wholesome| food,'and limiting them, as a luxury,! to thj rich. From the greater num;bet of our rivers they are completelybanished. Of the truth of this state,,,..1,1.,,.,1 r,r ii.« ......,.< :» i «-n>v.ia». tl>IM VI IIIV> VCIUOU */l ll/j A IjllUlUtho following testimony of n highlyintelligent ami influential gentleman,who has creditably nerved tho coun:try both in our .State and National

! Council*. In reply to a circular Ihad caused to ho issued, he remarks:

r cannot say when the shad werestopped from coining up tho Saluda,hut J think it may be dated when thefactory dam was built across the rivernear its mouth. Previous to thattime, and as far back as my memorygoes, shad were caught in great lium!hers in that river. 1 remember wellwhen [ was a lad, my father wholived in Laurens .District, some tenmiles distant from Island Ford, yearlyin the habit of sending a wagon tothat plaeo for shad, and always reIturned with a full supply to last thefamily until oven tho children no longerconsidered them a rarity. Manyoilier families did tho same from bothsides of the river, and this was onlyoho <>r many such shad fisheries onthat river. Now, &>r thirty-one j-earshack, which I can particularly rejiiK'in! or, not a single shad has beencaughi from the Saluda: they havobeen totally shut out by that selfishdam."Many similar communicnlians have

been received from other sources,demonstrating, conclusively that thebanishment of tho shad and othermigratory fishes from tho upperwaters of the State, and tho cousoqiientdeprivation of tho people of alarge amount of nutritious and palatablefood, is altogether attributable tothe numerous dams that have beenconstructed in the rivers and streams,by which thcj* aro completely barricadedagainst the passage of fish, andthis in violation of law, which requiresthat all dams, shall be furnished withfish ways at least sixty feet wide toenable lish to pass up to their spawningground. Below the dam an unceasingwarfare is waged against themby the owners.of weira, traps, netsatul seines, during breeding season,as if their extirpation had been a matterof solicitude, and was determinedon. The cause suggests tho remedy,which can bo secured by the appointmentof Commissioners, with amplopowers to enforco existing laws inrelation to tho dams in rivers andstreams, and other illegal obstructionsto the passage of fish; and the regulationof seins, nets and fish traps, bywhich their destrctive operations willbe restrained and limited; and torecommend such other measures asthey may deem necessary for theV l: I. . /» > i

ui-cuiupiisumuut oi 1110 ODJCCt ot tiieirappointment.From the well established fact that

shad and other migratory fishes alwuyareturn to their bleeding places,and that they have been excluded forso man}' years from tho upper portionsof our rivers, it may be "necessaryto restock them by artificialmeans, this can bo effected withgre&t facility' and nt a comparativelytrifling expense. The process of restockingthe rivers of New England,New York and Pennsylvania is nowin lull title successful operation, audinilllioHS of eggs of the salmon, whitetish,trout and shad aro hatched andset looso every season, gradually tofind their way to the ocean, whence,after many days, with unerring instinct.they will return tg theirqrccding places for purposes of reproduction.Between thirty and fortymillionsof shad have been hatchedand sot looso in Connecticut River;ana chirrng Uie past breeding season,they were hatched at tlio rato of onemillion per da}* in the upper waters ofthe Hudson .River. The roe of a fullgrown shad contains one hundredthousand eggs, and these bciog readilyfccundated by the milt of the malofish, arc placed in properly preparedboxes, and deposited in ranning water,to he hatched in from three tofour days; and so successful havoexperts become in tho process, thatfninety-eight thousand live fish haveboon producod from ono hundredthousand eggs. Tho yonng fish arethen set loose, and immediately seekthe middle of tho stream, to avoidtheir numerous enemies who infest itsmargin, and gradually float with thecurrent to the ocean. The boxes jiremen rcauy lor another batch. Thecost of the boxes is above two dollarseacb. Two hundred boxes will hatchseven million of shad daily, or intwenty-five days about fifteen millions,and would require the attention ofabout twenty-five men for loss thanone month. Thus it will be seenthat in a comparatively short periodour rivers may be restocked not onlywith shad, but with other valuablespecies that may be deemed desirable,and our people in a few years willgather full harvests of rich subsistence from our rivers, and "suck anabundance from the waters of thesea." By those who have attentivelystudioa the subject, it is estimated <

that an acre of water will prodooe,with more certainty and leas fabor,as much food as an acre of land* andwhen diligently attended to, in well j.conducted fish ponds, it h#8 been asp i

iL.iA «^ltl aoH«nusi utuitiu iu»l< tb Will muw /as much. If this be the,absur4Hyof our past policy in permitting,thefish to he excluded from oarWyfetir a

may be illbstrated by supposing that joar land® ho* raising eorn;-*Bd %jttonyshould be allowed to j be neglected twflfr to fai) in. giving:y^tw]ysupply of food and eotpfart, $ut t,bisis more absurd thai, fn- ftaVihg' permittedfor so many .years '6dr -rly«rsand smaller' etreanfo, that qnee teem* 1

ed with »n anntt*b®upptyof£r&teAiI «;ov- . v-d *: 'itfn sit: f\ :*'& it 11 -Uv|>J«.V;-.(fi e-J : >; ....

«- » *- -! 4

jxxi -/v V JLJL"""~-OiVJ«

and generous sustenance to tho community,to bocome barron and unproductive?coast fisheries.

In conncction with this subject y-rt!rattention may bo appropriately directedto tho importance of utilizing ourcoast fisheries. Tuo entiro sea-frontof our State, from Cane Fear to iSavannah Ifiver, with its numerousmarshes, estuaries and indentations,for a width of ten miles on au average,may asserted to bo almost literal-*ly paved with oysters. These bedsare most favorably located, being genrallyjust above or below tho waterlino, and can bo gathered as readilyas potatoes. The heats of summer nonot destroy them, and only t\\ jcowithin a half century have they be-;affected by frost, and they can bo increasedso as to supply ovcry possibledemand, either for home consumption,or exportation. It is estimated thatoysters each produce annually fromone to two millions of young, but boininuto in sizo that tho spawn floatsabout in tho water like a cloud, untilit is destroyed by the numerous animalsthat prey upon it, or smotheredin tho mud. Tho remedy for thisimmenso waste is to place solid bodiesin the way of these wandering animaculac,to which they readily attachthemselves ; and are rapidly developed; and on being transferred to suitablebeds, in about three vnnro "

j -m* >j ui v vui"bio, and ready for tbo market. Anyarrangement that will intercept thefloating spawn of the oyster, sueh anthe placing of hurdles or pine faggoUnear their beds, and their subsequentremoval to convenient and Buitablolocalities until they avo matured andready for market, will furnish all tliorequirements of succcssful oyster culture.But, in addition to the permanentinhabitants, the oyster beds of our

coast are frequented by immenso numbersof scale and ehell fish throughoutthe Beason, that greatly increasetheir valuo. The sea crab and shrimpnot excelled iu flavor and delicacy byany of their species, visit them in untoldnumbers, and can bo taken inany quantity with the net or seine.The drum a fino fish for the table,weighing upon an average 35 pounds,the roe of which is celobrated for itsdelicacy, is abundant in the month ofApril; the bass, weighing about 30pounds, visits us in large numbers inSeptember and October ; while at allseasons, the sbeephead, the whiting,A 1 I.I 1- 1 *liie uiuck. uasa, ana numerous othervarieties, are found in great profusion.The lauds occupied by oyster bedsand fisheries belong to the State, andby judicious allottment of portionsof them to industrious and respossiDlcpersons, tbey may bo made theseat of an extensive and profitableindustry to individuals, and revenueto the State. From the ChesapeakeBay millions of dollars' worth of oystersare annually contributed throughoutthe Union, and there is no reasonwhy our Southern coast, with its superioradvantages of climate, maynot soon equal, and even excel it inquantity and value of its, exports.Establishments may be located in eligiblepositions for the preservationand canning of oysters, crabs, andshrimps, where the catch of the fishermanwill find a readv marlrAf.

^whence they can be distributedthroughout the Union, and from theirsuperior flavor and cheapness to foreigncountrios; while the numerousfish would form an important contributionto thopx-ofits of the enterpriseand the sustenance of the community.The number of persons to which thisnow business would give employment,not only to those engaged in thecatching and preservation of its products,but in the manufacture of cansand boxes for their transportation,would make many localities, whichare now waste and profitless, scenes ofanimated and profitable industry, andadd greatly to the enjoyments and resourcesof our people.

conclusion.Itis related of the Emperor Severua,(once a colored frcedman in the.Romon army, but whoso energy, talentsand valor, had placed him at lishead,) that during an invasion of Britain,he was arrested in his march byan attack of'illness, which it w*ssoon known would terminate fatally.In his dying moments, surrounded Byhis Generals, who were passionatelyattached to him,- he was approachedby a Centurion of his army, who appearedto him for the password of the

. * *'. Jiug «juig muuarcn, in tnat suprememoment, on the vdrge of:eternity,gave utterance to a . sentiment,which had probably been the inspirationof life, and cynosure of his flftrte.Rallying his dying energies, in responseto the application of the Centurionfor the password, he exclaimed:

"Laboremcs r.let uswork.and fallingbackwards, expired. Gentlemenof the General Assembly, in vifl\f -pfour duties, and responsibilities tothose who have entrusted thefr IhMreststo our charge, and in thfe nfctfteand by the holp of the AlnJightyiBulorof the Universe, htpdsare the destinies of Nations, ."tAr' tswork 1" ^BOBBBT Ki SOOTY, <lovfermnyColombia, S. Q., Nov, 24, 1S$9. . r; r


WA8^noton,^ovember '

The NoW TorKSefatd days ^Cholera,yellow fererand small po* ttroraging ftesrftilly at Ssmtiago de Cubs,three hundred deathsiumugoccurredfrom oholer** alone- withintttirty 0*yn> i Jfrwaa found -impossible.togivetbedead bodiesprofferBdpaleker, the bodiesboingcoveredonly "with a few itucbefjQfi eftftb^Aa aoonaoquenco tlie flteneh frbm .

the comet«ryjhft»]slKi()8t^bMww«r apestilence- The Cuban*in. fchbninteriorptolW to ..b^, <een&46fft ofsbc6esfl; Add giye SftimetyqttgMixonch trouble. or"

«*ro<fis nje£i Ota*#!*' Ct, ; ^ ; . -.i(| "»j crr-il.*.y:i5t



