Deaths. Mamie the three-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Porrin, died on last Saturday from croup. The funeral Rervices were conducted in the the Presbyterian church on Sunday, and she was laid to rost \n the cemetery at Long Cane. She was one of the brightest, {irettiept and most attractive children we lave ever seen, and had a raire art of drawing all to her. She will indeed prove a bright Jewel in the crown of Him who has said, "Suffer little children to come unto me." Mr. and Mrs. I>. K. lieachem lost their oldest child ong Thanksgivin Day. It must be consoling to them to knowthat it is now free from all pain and sorrow. The Abbeville Rifles: The shooting-match of the Abbeville Rifles took place on last Thursday. Two prizes were offered, viz: two silver cups for best and second best shots. The shooting took place at the Blue Hill, in the presence of a goodly number of our citizens. The following was the result: First prize, Sergt. J. A. Harris, who made a score of 10 out ol a possible 12. Second prize, Corporal A. M. DuPre .score, 9. The officers' prize, consisting of a shaving set, was won by Lieut. A. M. u Smith.score, 5. The tin cup, for the poorest shot, by Private S. J. Link.score, 0. On Thursday night, the prize drill took place. The company was divided into two squads.veterans and recruits. and a beautiful gold medal was offered to the besc drilled man in each. Capt. J. M. Patrick, of the Greenville Guards, and Lieut. J. K. Allscon, of the Rich- land Volunteers, were the judges. The recruits were drilled first, and excitement ran high as the ranks thinned out. Finally, Private W. A. Calvert was | awarded the prize. Then came the veterans, and so well had the recruits drilled, that an unexperienced observer would have found it ' difficult to tell which was which. Five rounds were necessary, and at the end J of the fifth round Sergeant Harris found ^ that honors, like misfortunes, never come 1 singly, for he was also awarded the prize * for the best drilled man. The medals were then presented in a t neat speech by Gen. M. L. Bon ham, Jr. Mr. Benet presented the officers' prize, j and Col. H. T. Wardlaw, in a speech of j considerable humor, presented the silver j 4 Cups. Capt. McGowan then called Private { Link to the front, and in a few appropriate words, gave hiin his well-earned prize.the tin cup. c The company were then marched to their armory mid dismissed. h A goodly number were present at the t drill, and the evening wns enjoyed by all. t R. It. Election The election in behalf of the Chester, c Greenwood and Abbeville Railroad b catue off at this place on-Saturday. The a result was overwhelmingly in favor of the railroad. Of the unchalenge.d votes, there were for Subscription 149 No Subscription, \53. A number of colored votes were challenged on the ground that the parties could not produce their ^ registration certificates. 'These were all t( put in a separate box, and the legality n of the challenge roferred to- the County u Commissioners. In this box there were § in favor Of Subscription, 23; No Sub- ^ scription, 28. Even if these challenged p votes are counted/' as we suppose * they will be, the result will be un- II,, changed, as it leaves a clear majority of 91 in favor of the road. ^ tj ~ ' ei IbaolWRiTlug Service. fr « As previously announced, Dr. J. Low- 1 rie Wilson conducted Thanksgiving aer- B' ice in the Methodist church. The serinon was from the text, "And forget not all his benefits," and was an appropriate n' and interesting one. Notwithstanding the gloomy day. a good congregation . was present, consisting principally of p young men. The Abbeville Rifles were present in a body, and added considerably to the size of the congregation. A Healthy Beverage. h Cherry Bouitce. a healthy drink, II highly recommended, for sale at a rea- m sonable price at the-l?almotto Saloon. sc Come and try it. sc n vi Judge Cothran is at home now. Gen. Bonham returned to Columbia on C< Friday. Io Mr. L. C. Haskell of Magnolia, return- Pl ed thanks with his friends in Abbeville. t'< Pf, L. W. Sheppard, of Troy, was in >ille on yesterday. jjj The Abbeville Medical Society will 0j . meet in Greenwood on next Friday. Cheap reading of excellent works viz. Seaside Library at Speed & NeufFer's. The latest numbers of the Seaside ta Library at Speed & NeufFer's. fei Mr. McD. Cater has been quite sick for the last week. He is at the Misses. Cater. Pneumonia aeems to be very prevalent ne now. Everything has a tendency to ^ turn into it, ' The election on Saturday last passed or off quietly resulting in a complete victo- up ry for the railroad. The Eighth Circuit is called in the Supremo Court on the 13th of next month. P r Christmas will soon bo here. Have you paid for the paper you have been reading during the year? All tftA atAVflfl anil KflvoSnAMM ' - w. u%vf VO Oim vuouirnn piaiiUO in town were closed on Thanksgiving Day. _j Mr. G. E. Bruce, one of the best 8ei shoemakers, and one of our most sub- Bit stantial citizens has an attractive adver- Tel tisement in this Week's paper. IJ,® Messrs. Speed & Neuffer, in addition ed to their usual elegant display of Christ- cat mas goods have added to their stock the fJl* latest numbers of the Seaside Library. Call and see them. Sol < '** ';> '* * '/ V\"'' V' jfaliflfliiilMiiiiiiM' "' i There will be a kind of second-class show in town on next Thursday. Thi small boy, we presume, is happy. Lieut. Allston and Captain Patrick impressed our people here with the idet that they were good and impartial judge; in things military. Some of our communications ari> lof out this week, on account of the erowder condition of our advertisi'ijr columns They will appear next week. There will ho a ball at Troy on Pe com her 8lh. Those who hive attendee the dances there know what u nice tiim is insured to aii. Miss Kate Marshall left Abbeville or Saturday last for Greenville. She spend: the winter there with the family of (Jol onel Orr, and her many friends and ad rnirers here wish she may have a mosi pleasant visit. Our young friend Mr. James M. Baker of Lowndcsvillee, was in Abbeville last Saturday *nnd we got to shake his hand Lately he bus been coming down aftei dark and leaving before breakfast. Bui wo wont tell what he comes for. The ladies of the Presbyterian church anticipate giving an entertainment on next Tuesday night. The programme will consist of numerous articles made by dainty tingers, and a good supper foi all. The proceeds will be devoted tc some charitable purpose. Due West Dots. Thanksgiving was observed here. Rev. W. L. Pressly preached an able Thanksgiving sermon Thursday. Our Baptist friends have a new bell of 470 lbs. weight. It has a good sound and will be an acquisition to their church. Bringly Speer, of Anderson C. H. paid his aunt, Mrs. Martha Galloway, a visit last week. The young tnen of Erskine serenaded the town last week with instruments of various note. Rev. James MofFatt, of Charlotte, and Miss Jennie M. Grier, of Due West, were married last Tuesday morning at LI o'clock a. m. Rev. W. L. Pressly, D. D., assisted by Rev. James Boy ce, rv rv l». u., penorinea tne ceremony. The ijride and groom left at 2 o'clock for Charlotte. The last issue of the Messenger was i good one. We read it with interest. Mr. John Wren is having the lumber lauled to build a lumber house, in which 10 will keep for sale all descriptions of umber. What has become of the Augusta Chronicle t We fall to get it. The carpenters are busy erecting a Iwelling to rent for Rev. J. N. Young. Mr. Richey Shaw is shortly to move lis family to Due West. We welcome hem. Don't forgot to promptly go and pay he printer for the paper you have been eading this year past. Who will be the next in Due West to ross the line between "single and doule blessedness?" is the question now sked. R. 8. G. A l>fcNervc<l Tribute. Cokesbuuy, S. C., Nov. 25, 1886. Messrs; Kditous: Some weeks ago, hen I announced my determination not a be a candidate again for Congress, tho ewt»paper press of the Third District, nd I .may indeed suy of the whole tate, announced with a wonderful unaimitya regret that I should retire from ublic life.. No one can tell how I aprcciated this very great kindness, far uch expressions came to me not only om those within the State, but from re agricultural and Grange press, farmrs' clubs and Grange organizations, and om private individuals in more than nlf the States in this Union. Under ich circumstances I trust that the Mks;n(5KH. nn ..it.- ~c J w..> tub UIIICI Ol le Third Congressional District, will ot hesitate to do me the kindness to ablish the enclosed resolution of the itional Grange, adopted by them at teir recent session in Philadelphia, enn. Very truly yours, j. D. Wyatt Aiken. Philadelphia, Penn., ) Nov. 18, 1886.$ Ion. D. Wyatt Aiken, Cokesbury, 6'. C. Daab Siq and Brother: It affords e very great pleasure, official and per>nal, to communicate the following re lutions, adopted unanimously by a sing vote of voting, non-voting, and siting memnera. worthy Master : The Executive Dmmittee beg leave to submit the folwing preamble, and resolutions as excessive of the sentiments of this NaDnal Grange, and recommend that the jcretary have the same engrossed, with e signatures of the Master, also mem»rs of the Executive Committe and his d associates in this body, and be inructed to forward the same to our orthy brother: Whereas, The national Grange enterining the highest regard and most rvent esteem for Brother Aiken and ting desirous of expressing the same, erefore, liesolved, That this ^National Grange Anhual Session tender its most earst and sincere sympathy to Brother Wyatt Aiken in his great sufferings, d sore affliction, and most devoutly ay that God's gracious blessing rest on him. J. M. Blanton,Virginia, Chairman. J. H. Brtgham, Ohio. J. J. Woodman, Michigan. it Darden, Master N. J. Grange, Miss. e«Z.] John Trimble, Secretary N. G., Washington, D. C. j ur.-J ». « « 1 ifvuuenui tnrei » tV. D. Hoyt A Co., Wholcsalo and Retail ' uggists of Rome, Ga., gay: We have been A ling I)r. King's New Discovery, Electric ; iters and Bucklen's Arnica Salve for two irs. Have never handled remedies that ssll well, or give such universal satisfaction* ere have been some wonderful cures effect- r these medicines in this city. Several <1 tes cf pronouncen Consumption have bean 1 irely cured by use of a few bottles of Dr. j ng'a New Discovery, taken in connection e ictric Bitters. We guarantee them always. Id by T. C. Gerrin. f : A* - < < .tmaamm. j Most Excellent. J. J. Atkins Chief of Police, Knoxvill . Tenn., writes: "My family and I are benett ' ciaries of your most excellent medicine, Dr 1 Kinjr's New Pisco\cry for cmiMimption; hav i in?; lonnd it to be all that you claim tor desire to testify to its virtue. My fiicm s < whom I have recommended it praise it at cvei * opportunity." J*r. Kinjr's New Discover) I for Consumption is guaranteed to cure Coughs . Colds, Bronchitis Asthma Croup and ever) affection of Throat, Chest and Luiics. Trial Unities Free at T. C l'errin Drug Store - Large Siie $1.00. 1 __ MARKET REPORT. i Corrected weekly by Messrs. Parker L & Hill. j COTTON.Market firm. Good demand. ^ Receipts to date, 6,000 bales. Stained 8 Low Middling 8% 8J/f i* Middling 8V£ 8>*' t Good Middling 8% 8% rROVISION8. Corn, per bnshel 75 cents. 1 Oats, " 70 " i Wheat, " 1 50 i Meat 8 Lard 9 Coffee 10 15 Sugar, Yellow 7 7J4 White Granulated 7\4 8 Salt, tine, per sack 75 85 Liverpool, 200 lb. sacks 1 25 Nails 4 Rice 78 Tobacco 40 50 Molasses .. 30 40 Syrup 25 50 Meai G5 75 DRY GOODS. Prints 57 Bleached Cotton 0yx J0% Shirtings 5^ % Shirtinirs' * fi n 4-4 Shirtings 1X/X 8 Plaids 8 10, Nov. 30, '86-ly ^ ^ ^ Job Printing OF ALL KINDS NEATLY and PROMPTLY EXECUTED .AT THE. * Me ssenger Office. Master's Sale. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. County ok Abbeville. Court of Common Pleas. Z. McOnrd k. R,.« ««r.S«of T w rw-n:- .u .6..iual> & ii # i/uiiis .r oreclosure. By virtue of an order of sale made in the above stated case, I will offer for sale at public outcry at Abbeville Courthouse, S. C., on sale- day in December, 1880, within the legal hours of sale, the following described property, situ- j ate partly in the county of Abbeville ana partly i in the county of Edgefield, in said State, con- taining * ' ^ SIX HUNDRED ACRES, . t more or less, bounded bv lands of Albert Har- i mon, other lands of T. N. Dullis' estate, lands < of John Martin.the same being a part of the t "Hnrmnn Tronf " 1* . - .j nuivii iMi^iiiuuy coniamea / seven hundred acres, of which one hundred acres hare been sold to Albert Harmon. Terms of Sale.One-half cash, balance in i twelve months, secured by bond and mort- ( page, with the option to pay all cash. Pur- a chaser to pay the Master for paners and re- r cording. J. C. KLUGH, a Master. SHERIFH SALE. i C. Aultman k Co., asrainst T. 0 Stuart and F. " Pope..Execution BY virtne of an Execution to me directed, 8 in the above stated case, I will sell to the * lighcst bidder, at Public Auction, within the ^ egal hours of sale, at Abbevill Court House, ? >n Monday, the sixth day of December, 1886* 11 ill tho right, title and interest of F. M. Pope 8 n (Vip Mllnwinor .- L. '** h «v»v>i>/vu piu|ivivv) to wu: lj fc.ll that tract or parcel of land, situate, lying ' ind being in the Town of Ninetj-Six. in the c bounty of Abbeville, South Carolina, and Q lontaining. , TWO ACRES, . nore or less, with the two and a half story w I well ins? thereon.being the residence of said a defendant. Levied on and to be sold as the p iropertyofF. M. Popo to satisfy the afore- n aid Execution and costs. TERMS.Cash. C J. P, C. DirPRE. bhejriff Abbeville Countv. t i :* V-"jitwK. I '!«£'* SHERIFF'S SALES. f John Bradley, as Ward and others, against Wilson Wal king.-.Sundry Executions r I >Y virtue ofsundrv executions to ine di< JL> reeled, in the above stated case, I will sell to the highest, h'dder, at public auction within the legal hours of sale, at Abbeville ('. . H , on Monday, the sixth day of Dec , ISSii tract or parcel of land, containing FOUR IIUNI")HKD ACUKS. more or less, and bounded by land of Dr. »J. \V. WitTen.ati, llesekiul* H timet, W. If. l\*nI nel and others, which will be divided into small tracts and jilats exhibited on dny of Kale. Levied on ami to be sold as the ;iro:«er tv of Wilson Watkins, tosatistv theaforesaid ' Executions and costs. TKSMS.Cnsli. .1. V. C. DuPUE, Sheriff Abbeville County. J. Win. Power 11s Trustee and others agains U. W Williams and U L. Williams.Sundry Executions. BY virtue of an Execution to me directed, in the above staled cane,! will sell to the highest bidder, at Public Auction, within the logal hours of sale, at Abbeville Cnurt House, on Monday, the sixth dav of December, 1880, all the right, titlw and interest, subject to levy and sale, of B. W Williams, in the following described propelty, to wit: All that trnctor Earcel of hand, Situate, lying and being in the ounty of Abbeville, South Carolina, and known as the Home Place and containing. SIX HUNDRED ACRES, more less, and bounded by land of J. E. Brownlee, Jno. O. Clinkacales and others Levied on and to hn «r»M vi.v |Mvjicrv/ *»i Benj. W. Williams to satisfy the aforesaid Execution qnd cost. TERMS.Cash. J. F. C. DuPRE, Sheriff A. C, Perkins Manufacturing Co., and others against Richard Duncan..Sundry Execution. BY virtue^of Sundry Executions to me disected,*in the above stated case, I will sell to the highest bidder, at Public Auction, within the legal house of sale, at Abbeville Court Hounc, on Moanay, the 6th day of December 1880, all the right, title and interest of Richcrd Duncan in the following described Iiroperty. to wit: All that tract or parcel of and situate, lying and being in the County of Ahberill, South Carolina, and known as the Mantz Place, and containing. THREE HUNDRED AND THIRTYEIGHT ACRES, more or less, and bounded by lands of J. M. Pruit, A. J Clinkscales, and others. Levied on and to be sold as the property of Richard Duncan, to satisfy the si foresaid Executions and costs. TERMS.Cash. J, P. C. DuPRE, Sheriff A. C. John T. Lyon, et al, against Jno. D.Adams,. Sundry Executions. BY virtue of Sundry Executions to me directed, in the above stated case, I will sell to the highest bidder, at Public Auction, within the legal hours of sale, at Abbeville Court House, on Monday, the sixth day of December, 1880, all therighf, title and interestsubject to levy and sale of Jno. 1>. Adams in the following described property, to wit: All that truct Or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the County of Abbeville, South Carolina, and knownjas the Homestead Place, and containing ' ONEHUNDHWD Avn btytv act, utAX JL /VUlll'jO, morew less, and boundfeodbv lands of J. M. Graham, the Greenville and Smith Ferry. Road; and others. Levied on and to bo sold as the property of Jno. I). Adams, to satisfy the aforesaid-Executions and costs. TERMS. Cash. J. F. C. DuPRE, Sheriff. James M. Sullivan and others against Jno. R. Tolbert et al..Sundry Executions. BY virtue of Sundry executions to inc directed, in the above stated case, I will sell to the highest bidder, at public auction, within the legal hours of sale, at Abbeville Court House, on Monday, the Sixth day of December 1880, all the right, title and interest of Jno. R. Tolbert in the following described property, to wit: Tract No. 1, containing THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTYTHREE ACRES, more or less, bounded by lands of J. A. Partlow, 1'. R. Brooks, the Laurens lands and others. Tract No. 2, containing ELEVEN HUNDRED AND FORTY- SIX ACRES, more or less, and bounded by J. Milling, S. P. Brooks and others, formerly known as the Butler lands. Tract No. 3, containing FOUR HUNDRED ACRES, more or less, and bounded by P. B. Brooks, LeRoy Lee, A. McNeill and others and known as the Horn tract. Tract No. 4, containing two hundred and twentyfive acres, more or less, and bounded by T. A. Watson, D. J. Tolbert, Mrs. Whitlock and others, and known as the McNeill place. Levied on and to be sold as the property of Jno. R. Tolbart, to satisfy tho aforesaid executions and costs. TE$MS.Cash. J. F. C. DuPRE, Sheriff Abbeville County. W. Joel Sittith k Son against J. 0. Scott.. Execution BY virtue of an Execution to me directed in the above stated case, i will sell to the highest bidder, at Public Auction within the legal hours of sale, at Abbeville C. H., on Hondav, the sixth day of Decemhnr, 1886, all ;he right, title and intrest, subject to levy »nd sale, of J. 0. Scott in the following de; icribed property, to wit: All that tract or marcel of land, situate, lying and being in the bounty of Abbeville, south Carolina, andconaining. dne hundred and forty acres, 1 nore or less, and bounded bv lands of Win. }uthrie, Jeanette Morrow, the Wells estate ind others. Levied on and to be sold as the troperty cf J. O. Scott, to satisfy the afureiaia execution and costs. TERMS.Cash. J.F. C. DuPRE, Sheriff A.C. ). II. Chamberlain and others against Mary E. Brown. Sundry Executions. BY virtue of Sundry Executions to mo directed, in the above stated case. I will ell to the highest bidder, at public auction, rithin the legal hours of sale, at Abbeville Jourf- House, on Monday, the sixth day of I )ecember A. D. 1886, all the right, title and nterest of M. E. Brown in the, following d«cribed property, to wit^ All that tract or arcel of land, situate, lying and being in the iounly of Abboville, South Carolina, and Cj ontoining ' >NE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-TWO ACRES. .... . ... ,u.., uimuucu uy ibiiuh OI <1. Ed- i* ard Calhoun, M. J. McCelvy, C. A. White ^ nd othors. Levied on and to be sold an the ropertv of Mary E. Brovrn, to satisfy the foresaid execution and costs. TERMS. ash. _ J. P. C. DcPRE, \ Sheriff Abbeville County. * PhristhaCi wmsr Qg>TmrgremraiiiiggafTi^TaKMc Is Coning! SANTA GULFS WILL SOON BE HERE, AND EW.Lawson&Co ARE HIS AUTHORIZED AGENTS. ( 1 They have everything 1 that "Old Santa" could ' want- to put in the < % . Children's stockings, and all kinds of Pres- 1 E eirts for the grown t folks. ' 6 WE HAVE MORE 1 A Pretty Goods0 i AND $ A Lower Prices * ai tc bi This Year, to Ever Before. T E P] Kg-REMEMBER THAT s LAWSON'S, ? Jc tic *©~AT THE POST OFFICE, °r foi pn s the place, and you hould not fail .to see . A the heir Goods before *»< *> . T rou buy. ; .. V *. « ' State of South Carolina, County of Ahukviu.k, In the Probate Court. M. K. JoIiimoii, u s Administratrix, Ac., l'iaint511', against Kebccca Johnson, Ida 1'. Wil- uatus, ot nl., Defendants..Compla'ct tor Sale of Lands to I'ay Debts, Dower, Ac. I will Bell at public outcry, at Abbeville C. II , ou Salesday in Dccerubor next, for the payment of debts, the following described real estate belonging to the estate of f<. J. Johnson, deceased, to wit: 1. The Dale Tract, containing ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY ACRES, . more or less, hounded by lands of Allen MrCantey, Win. McKenzie, and others. 2. The HarneR Tract, containing ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTEEN ACRES, more or less, bounded by lands of John A. Brooks, Johnson Tract, and others. 3. One small tract, containing TWENTY-TWO ACRES, more or less, bounded by lands of J. Hrooks, Rarnes Tract, and others. Terms nf Snlo.'-,f -c " uuv-iibii 01 uie purchase money to bo paid in cash, the balance on a credit of twelve months, with interest from day of sale, secured by bond of purchaser and a mortgage of the property. Purchaser to pay for papers. J. FULLER LYON, Judge Probate CourtState of South Carolina, CounTY ok Abbeville, Conrt of Probate. Martha E. Norwood, as Administratrix. Ac.r Plaintiff, against Ludie N. Speer, Jennie P. Glympb, et al., Defendants.. Complaint to Sell Land to Pay Debts, &c. I will sell at public outcry, at Abberillo C. H., at Saleday in December next, for the payment of debts, the following described real estate, belonging to the estate of Dr. W. C. Norwood, deceased, to wit: 1. The Home Tract, containing SEVENTY-TWO ACRES, more or less, bounded by lands of Win. McNairy, C. A G. R. R., and other lands of the estate. 2. Th^Parks Tract, containing THIRTY-SIX ACRES, tnoro or less, bounded by lands of J. F. Keller, Estate lands, and others. 3. The Brown Tract, containing TEN ACRES, nore or less, bounded by lands of Dr. B. C. Bart, Win.' Butler, and others. 4. The WatsOn Tract, containing SEVENTY ACRES, nore or less, bounded by lands of Heffernoa (State, Win. Butler, and others. 5. The Cochran Tract, containing FIVE ACRES, .5 nore or leas, hounded by Watson Tract and tber lands of the estate. 6. One House and Lot in the town of lodges, containing THREE AND ONE-HALF ACRES, nore or less, bounded by lots of D. B. Glymph, '. D. Cochran, C.& G. R. R., and others. 7. The McGliee Store House and lot in tho own of Hodges, sixty ( 60 ) feet front width, hirty-seven (37) feet back width by one undred and seventeen ( 117) feet in length, ounded by D. B. Glymph, Houbc and Lot No. , and others. 8. The Smith Place, containing HREE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-NINE ... iCRES, more or less, hounded by lands of Irs. D. Ellis, J. A. Ellis, J. A. Smith, and thers. 0. The Beacham place, containing WO HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-EIGHT. * .CRES, more or less, bounded by lands of 1. A. Moor<», Doc Arnold, Estate of Mrs. M. .. Gary, and others. . _ Terms of Sale,.One-half cash, balao£fcon credit of twelve months, with interest ifrom ay of sale, secured by' bond of purchaser ad a mortgage of tbf. property.' Purchaser > pay for papers. ouvurm 01 me above described tracts will ; divided and sold in smaller parcels. J. FHLLER LYON,. Judge Probate Court. HE STATE of SOUTH CAROLINA. County of Abbevilde. x Parte Thomas S. Williams, Administrator and Petitioner. stition fob Settlement and Dis- CHARfiR- . HE above-named Petitioner as Ad- . inistratnr of the Estato of Amanda ihnson, deceased, having filed his peti>n for settlement and discharge, it is dered that THURSDAY, the SECOND \Y OF DECEMBER NEXT, be fixed r the Rettlemont and discharge as ayed for. J. FULLER LYON, Judge Probate Cottrt.. NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS'. / . LL PARTIES are herebr forbtddentoo L hunt, fiah, cr in. any wise" trespass upon lands of the underpinned. The full peny of the law will br» enforced against all. ih. J. n. hATIMER. t J. W. W. MARSHALL. HE onlyjjenuine "Geo. H. Zeiffler" 8hr>#»» ever offered in this market. ~ ----R. M. HADDON & CO. lep 14 tf ,

The Abbeville messenger (Abbeville, S.C.).(Abbeville, …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067668/1886-11-30/ed-1/seq-5.pdfmadeascore of 10 out ol a possible 12. Second prize, Corporal

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Deaths.Mamie the three-year-old daughter of

Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Porrin, died on lastSaturday from croup. The funeralRervices were conducted in the thePresbyterian church on Sunday, and shewas laid to rost \n the cemetery at LongCane. She was one of the brightest,{irettiept and most attractive children welave ever seen, and had a raire art ofdrawing all to her. She will indeed provea bright Jewel in the crown of Himwho has said, "Suffer little children tocome unto me."

Mr. and Mrs. I>. K. lieachem losttheir oldest child ong Thanksgivin Day.It must be consoling to them to knowthatit is now free from all pain andsorrow.

The Abbeville Rifles:The shooting-match of the Abbeville

Rifles took place on last Thursday. Twoprizes were offered, viz: two silver cupsfor best and second best shots. Theshooting took place at the Blue Hill, inthe presence of a goodly number of ourcitizens. The following was the result:

First prize, Sergt. J. A. Harris, whomade a score of 10 out ol a possible 12.Second prize, Corporal A. M. DuPre

.score, 9.The officers' prize, consisting of a

shaving set, was won by Lieut. A. M.u Smith.score, 5.

The tin cup, for the poorest shot, byPrivate S. J. Link.score, 0.On Thursday night, the prize drill

took place. The company was dividedinto two squads.veterans and recruits.and a beautiful gold medal was offeredto the besc drilled man in each. Capt.J. M. Patrick, of the Greenville Guards,and Lieut. J. K. Allscon, of the Rich-land Volunteers, were the judges. Therecruits were drilled first, and excitementran high as the ranks thinned out.Finally, Private W. A. Calvert was |awarded the prize.Then came the veterans, and so well

had the recruits drilled, that an unexperiencedobserver would have found it '

difficult to tell which was which. Fiverounds were necessary, and at the end Jof the fifth round Sergeant Harris found ^that honors, like misfortunes, never come 1singly, for he was also awarded the prize *for the best drilled man.The medals were then presented in a t

neat speech by Gen. M. L. Bonham, Jr.Mr. Benet presented the officers' prize, jand Col. H. T. Wardlaw, in a speech of jconsiderable humor, presented the silver j

4 Cups.Capt. McGowan then called Private {Link to the front, and in a few appropriatewords, gave hiin his well-earned

prize.the tin cup. c

The company were then marched totheir armory mid dismissed. hA goodly number were present at the t

drill, and the evening wns enjoyed byall. t

R. It. ElectionThe election in behalf of the Chester, c

Greenwood and Abbeville Railroad bcatue off at this place on-Saturday. The aresult was overwhelmingly in favor ofthe railroad. Of the unchalenge.d votes,there were for Subscription 149 No Subscription,\53. A number of coloredvotes were challenged on the groundthat the parties could not produce their ^registration certificates. 'These were all t(put in a separate box, and the legality nof the challenge roferred to- the County uCommissioners. In this box there were §in favor Of Subscription, 23; No Sub- ^scription, 28. Even if these challenged pvotes are counted/' as we suppose


they will be, the result will be un- II,,changed, as it leaves a clear majority of91 in favor of the road. ^ tj

~ ' ei

IbaolWRiTlug Service. fr«

As previously announced, Dr. J. Low- 1

rie Wilson conducted Thanksgiving aer-B'

ice in the Methodist church. The serinonwas from the text, "And forget notall his benefits," and was an appropriate n'

and interesting one. Notwithstandingthe gloomy day. a good congregation .

was present, consisting principally of pyoung men. The Abbeville Rifles werepresent in a body, and added considerablyto the size of the congregation.

A Healthy Beverage. hCherry Bouitce. a healthy drink, II

highly recommended, for sale at a rea- msonable price at the-l?almotto Saloon. scCome and try it. sc

nviJudge Cothran is at home now.

Gen. Bonham returned to Columbia on C<Friday. IoMr. L. C. Haskell of Magnolia, return- Pl

ed thanks with his friends in Abbeville. t'<

Pf, L. W. Sheppard, of Troy, was in>ille on yesterday. jjjThe Abbeville Medical Society will 0j

. meet in Greenwood on next Friday.Cheap reading of excellent works viz.

Seaside Library at Speed & NeufFer's.The latest numbers of the Seaside ta

Library at Speed & NeufFer's. feiMr. McD. Cater has been quite sick

for the last week. He is at the Misses.Cater.Pneumonia aeems to be very prevalent nenow. Everything has a tendency to ^turn into it, '

The election on Saturday last passed oroff quietly resulting in a complete victo- upry for the railroad.The Eighth Circuit is called in the

Supremo Court on the 13th of nextmonth.

P rChristmas will soon bo here. Haveyou paid for the paper you have beenreading during the year?

All tftA atAVflfl anil KflvoSnAMM '- w. u%vf VO Oim vuouirnn piaiiUOin town were closed on ThanksgivingDay. _jMr. G. E. Bruce, one of the best 8eishoemakers, and one of our most sub- Bit

stantial citizens has an attractive adver- Teltisement in this Week's paper. IJ,®Messrs. Speed & Neuffer, in addition edto their usual elegant display of Christ- catmas goods have added to their stock the fJl*latest numbers of the Seaside Library.Call and see them. Sol

<'** ';> '*

* '/ V\"'' V'

jfaliflfliiilMiiiiiiM' "'


There will be a kind of second-classshow in town on next Thursday. Thismall boy, we presume, is happy.

Lieut. Allston and Captain Patrickimpressed our people here with the idetthat they were good and impartial judge;in things military.Some of our communications ari> lof

out this week, on account of the erowdercondition of our advertisi'ijr columnsThey will appear next week.There will ho a ball at Troy on Pe

comher 8lh. Those who hive attendeethe dances there know what u nice tiimis insured to aii.Miss Kate Marshall left Abbeville or

Saturday last for Greenville. She spend:the winter there with the family of (Jolonel Orr, and her many friends and adrnirers here wish she may have a mosipleasant visit.Our young friend Mr. James M. Baker

of Lowndcsvillee, was in Abbeville lastSaturday *nnd we got to shake his handLately he bus been coming down afteidark and leaving before breakfast. Buiwo wont tell what he comes for.The ladies of the Presbyterian church

anticipate giving an entertainment onnext Tuesday night. The programmewill consist of numerous articles madeby dainty tingers, and a good supper foiall. The proceeds will be devoted tcsome charitable purpose.

Due West Dots.Thanksgiving was observed here.Rev. W. L. Pressly preached an able

Thanksgiving sermon Thursday.Our Baptist friends have a new bell of

470 lbs. weight. It has a good soundand will be an acquisition to their church.Bringly Speer, of Anderson C. H. paidhis aunt, Mrs. Martha Galloway, a visit

last week.The young tnen of Erskine serenaded

the town last week with instruments ofvarious note.Rev. James MofFatt, of Charlotte, and

Miss Jennie M. Grier, of Due West,were married last Tuesday morning atLI o'clock a. m. Rev. W. L. Pressly,D. D., assisted by Rev. James Boy ce,rv rvl». u., penorinea tne ceremony. Theijride and groom left at 2 o'clock forCharlotte.The last issue of the Messenger was

i good one. We read it with interest.Mr. John Wren is having the lumber

lauled to build a lumber house, in which10 will keep for sale all descriptions ofumber.What has become of the AugustaChronicle t We fall to get it.The carpenters are busy erecting a

Iwelling to rent for Rev. J. N. Young.Mr. Richey Shaw is shortly to move

lis family to Due West. We welcomehem.Don't forgot to promptly go and payhe printer for the paper you have been

eading this year past.Who will be the next in Due West to

ross the line between "single and douleblessedness?" is the question nowsked. R. 8. G.

A l>fcNervc<l Tribute.

Cokesbuuy, S. C., Nov. 25, 1886.Messrs; Kditous: Some weeks ago,hen I announced my determination not

a be a candidate again for Congress, thoewt»paper press of the Third District,nd I .may indeed suy of the wholetate, announced with a wonderful unaimityaregret that I should retire fromublic life.. No one can tell how I aprcciatedthis very great kindness, faruch expressions came to me not onlyom those within the State, but fromre agricultural and Grange press, farmrs'clubs and Grange organizations, andom private individuals in more thannlf the States in this Union. Underich circumstances I trust that the Mks;n(5KH.nn o« ..it.- ~c

J w..> tub UIIICI Olle Third Congressional District, willot hesitate to do me the kindness toablish the enclosed resolution of theitional Grange, adopted by them atteir recent session in Philadelphia,enn. Very truly yours,

j. D. Wyatt Aiken.

Philadelphia, Penn., )Nov. 18, 1886.$

Ion. D. Wyatt Aiken, Cokesbury, 6'. C.Daab Siq and Brother: It affordse very great pleasure, official and per>nal,to communicate the following re

lutions,adopted unanimously by asing vote of voting, non-voting, andsiting memnera.worthy Master : The ExecutiveDmmittee beg leave to submit the folwingpreamble, and resolutions as excessiveof the sentiments of this NaDnalGrange, and recommend that thejcretary have the same engrossed, withe signatures of the Master, also mem»rsof the Executive Committe and hisd associates in this body, and be inructedto forward the same to ourorthy brother:Whereas, The national Grange enteriningthe highest regard and mostrvent esteem for Brother Aiken andting desirous of expressing the same,erefore,liesolved, That this ^National GrangeAnhual Session tender its most earstand sincere sympathy to BrotherWyatt Aiken in his great sufferings,d sore affliction, and most devoutlyay that God's gracious blessing reston him.

J. M. Blanton,Virginia,Chairman.

J. H. Brtgham, Ohio.J. J. Woodman, Michigan.

it Darden, Master N. J. Grange, Miss.e«Z.] John Trimble, Secretary N. G.,Washington, D. C. j

ur.-J ». « « 1ifvuuenui tnrei »

tV. D. Hoyt A Co., Wholcsalo and Retail '

uggists of Rome, Ga., gay: We have been A

ling I)r. King's New Discovery, Electric ;iters and Bucklen's Arnica Salve for twoirs. Have never handled remedies that ssllwell, or give such universal satisfaction*ere have been some wonderful cures effect- rthese medicines in this city. Several <1tes cf pronouncen Consumption have bean 1irely cured by use of a few bottles of Dr. jng'a New Discovery, taken in connection eictric Bitters. We guarantee them always.Id by T. C. Gerrin.


: A* - < <


j Most Excellent.

J. J. Atkins Chief of Police, Knoxvill. Tenn., writes: "My family and I are benett' ciaries of your most excellent medicine, Dr1 Kinjr's New Pisco\cry for cmiMimption; havi in?; lonnd it to be all that you claim tor

desire to testify to its virtue. My fiicm s <

whom I have recommended it praise it at cvei* opportunity." J*r. Kinjr's New Discover)I for Consumption is guaranteed to cure Coughs. Colds, Bronchitis Asthma Croup and ever)affection of Throat, Chest and Luiics.

Trial Unities Free at T. C l'errin Drug Store- Large Siie $1.00.1__


Corrected weekly by Messrs. ParkerL & Hill.

j COTTON.Market firm. Good demand.^ Receipts to date, 6,000 bales.

Stained 8Low Middling 8% 8J/fi* Middling 8V£ 8>*'t Good Middling 8% 8%rROVISION8.

Corn, per bnshel 75 cents.1 Oats, " 70"i Wheat, " 150i Meat 8Lard 9Coffee 10 15Sugar, Yellow 7 7J4White Granulated 7\48Salt, tine, per sack 7585Liverpool, 200 lb. sacks 1 25Nails 4Rice 7 8Tobacco 40 50Molasses .. 3040Syrup 25 50Meai G5 75

DRY GOODS.Prints 5 7Bleached Cotton 0yx J0%Shirtings 5^% Shirtinirs' * fin4-4 Shirtings 1X/X8Plaids 8 10,

Nov. 30, '86-ly ^^ ^

Job PrintingOF ALL KINDS


.AT THE. *

Me ssenger Office.Master's Sale.

STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA.County ok Abbeville.Court of Common Pleas.

Z. McOnrd k. R,.« ««r.S«of T w rw-n:-.u .6..iual> & ii # i/uiiis .r oreclosure.

By virtue of an order of sale made in theabove stated case, I will offer for sale at publicoutcry at Abbeville Courthouse, S. C., on sale-day in December, 1880, within the legal hoursof sale, the following described property, situ- jate partly in the county of Abbeville ana partly iin the county of Edgefield, in said State, con-taining *'

^SIX HUNDRED ACRES, .tmore or less, bounded bv lands of Albert Har- i

mon, other lands of T. N. Dullis' estate, lands <of John Martin.the same being a part of the t"Hnrmnn Tronf " 1 *. -.j nuivii iMi^iiiuuy coniamea /seven hundred acres, of which one hundredacres hare been sold to Albert Harmon.Terms of Sale.One-half cash, balance in itwelve months, secured by bond and mort- (page, with the option to pay all cash. Pur- achaser to pay the Master for paners and re- rcording. J. C. KLUGH, a


SHERIFH SALE. iC. Aultman k Co., asrainst T. 0 Stuart and F. "

Pope..ExecutionBY virtne of an Execution to me directed, 8

in the above stated case, I will sell to the *lighcst bidder, at Public Auction, within the ^egal hours of sale, at Abbevill Court House, ?>n Monday, the sixth day of December, 1886* 11ill tho right, title and interest of F. M. Pope 8n (Vip Mllnwinor .- L.'**

h «v»v>i>/vu piu|ivivv) to wu: ljfc.ll that tract or parcel of land, situate, lying 'ind being in the Town of Ninetj-Six. in the cbounty of Abbeville, South Carolina, and Qlontaining.

, TWO ACRES, .nore or less, with the two and a half story wIwellins? thereon.being the residence of said adefendant. Levied on and to be sold as the piropertyofF. M. Popo to satisfy the afore- naid Execution and costs. TERMS.Cash. CJ. P, C. DirPRE.

bhejriff Abbeville Countv.


V« i :* V-"jitwK.I'!«£'*

SHERIFF'S SALES.f John Bradley, as Ward and others, againstWilson Wal king.-.Sundry Executionsr I >Y virtue ofsundrv executions to ine di<JL> reeled, in the above stated case, I willsell to the highest, h'dder, at public auctionwithin the legal hours of sale, at Abbeville ('.. H , on Monday, the sixth day of Dec , ISSiitract or parcel of land, containing

FOUR IIUNI")HKD ACUKS.more or less, and bounded by land of Dr. »J.\V. WitTen.ati, llesekiul* Htimet, W. If. l\*nInel and others, which will be divided intosmall tracts and jilats exhibited on dny ofKale. Levied on ami to be sold as the ;iro:«ertv of Wilson Watkins, tosatistv theaforesaid' Executions and costs. TKSMS.Cnsli.

.1. V. C. DuPUE,Sheriff Abbeville County.J. Win. Power 11s Trustee and others againsU. W Williams and U L.Williams.SundryExecutions.

BY virtue of an Execution to me directed,in the above staled cane,! will sell to thehighest bidder, at Public Auction, within thelogal hours of sale, at Abbeville Cnurt House,on Monday, the sixth dav of December, 1880,all the right, titlw and interest, subject to levyand sale, of B. W Williams, in the followingdescribed propelty, to wit: All that trnctorEarcel of hand, Situate, lying and being in theounty of Abbeville, South Carolina, andknown as the Home Place and containing.

SIX HUNDRED ACRES,more less, and bounded by land of J. E.Brownlee, Jno. O. Clinkacales and othersLevied on and to hn «r»M

vi.v |Mvjicrv/ *»iBenj. W. Williams to satisfy the aforesaidExecution qnd cost. TERMS.Cash.J. F. C. DuPRE,

Sheriff A. C,

Perkins Manufacturing Co., and othersagainst Richard Duncan..Sundry Execution.BY virtue^of Sundry Executions to me disected,*inthe above stated case, I willsell to the highest bidder, at Public Auction,within the legal house of sale, at AbbevilleCourt Hounc, on Moanay, the 6th day ofDecember 1880, all the right, title and interestof Richcrd Duncan in the following describedIiroperty. to wit: All that tract or parcel ofand situate, lying and being in the County ofAhberill, South Carolina, and known as theMantz Place, and containing.THREE HUNDRED AND THIRTYEIGHTACRES,more or less, and bounded by lands of J. M.Pruit, A. J Clinkscales, and others. Leviedon and to be sold as the property of RichardDuncan, to satisfy the si foresaid Executionsand costs. TERMS.Cash.

J, P. C. DuPRE,Sheriff A. C.

John T. Lyon, et al, against Jno. D.Adams,.Sundry Executions.BY virtue of Sundry Executions to me directed,in the above stated case, I willsell to the highest bidder, at Public Auction,within the legal hours of sale, at AbbevilleCourt House, on Monday, the sixth day ofDecember, 1880, all therighf, title and interestsubjectto levy and sale of Jno. 1>. Adams inthe following described property, to wit: Allthat truct Or parcel of land, situate, lying andbeing in the County of Abbeville, South Carolina,and knownjas the Homestead Place, andcontaining '

ONEHUNDHWD Avn btytv act,utAX JL /VUlll'jO,

morew less, and boundfeodbv lands of J. M.Graham, the Greenville and Smith Ferry.Road; and others. Levied on and to bo sold asthe property of Jno. I). Adams, to satisfy theaforesaid-Executions and costs. TERMS.Cash. J. F. C. DuPRE,Sheriff.

James M. Sullivan and others against Jno. R.Tolbert et al..Sundry Executions.

BY virtue of Sundry executions to inc directed,in the above stated case, I willsell to the highest bidder, at public auction,within the legal hours of sale, at AbbevilleCourt House, on Monday, the Sixth day ofDecember 1880, all the right, title and interestof Jno. R. Tolbert in the following describedproperty, to wit: Tract No. 1, containingTHREE HUNDRED AND FIFTYTHREEACRES,more or less, bounded by lands of J. A. Partlow,1'. R. Brooks, the Laurens lands and others.Tract No. 2, containingELEVEN HUNDRED AND FORTY-

SIX ACRES,more or less, and bounded by J. Milling, S. P.Brooks and others, formerly known as theButler lands. Tract No. 3, containing

FOUR HUNDRED ACRES,more or less, and bounded by P. B. Brooks,LeRoy Lee, A. McNeill and others and knownas the Horn tract. Tract No. 4, containingtwo hundred and twentyfiveacres,more or less, and bounded by T. A. Watson,D. J. Tolbert, Mrs. Whitlock and others, andknown as the McNeill place. Levied on andto be sold as the property of Jno. R. Tolbart,to satisfy tho aforesaid executions and costs.TE$MS.Cash. J. F. C. DuPRE,Sheriff Abbeville County.

W. Joel Sittith k Son against J. 0. Scott..Execution

BY virtue of an Execution to me directedin the above stated case, i will sell to thehighest bidder, at Public Auction within thelegal hours of sale, at Abbeville C. H., onHondav, the sixth day of Decemhnr, 1886, all;he right, title and intrest, subject to levy»nd sale, of J. 0. Scott in the following de;icribed property, to wit: All that tract ormarcel of land, situate, lying and being in thebounty of Abbeville, south Carolina, andconaining.dne hundred and forty

acres,1nore or less, and bounded bv lands of Win.}uthrie, Jeanette Morrow, the Wells estateind others. Levied on and to be sold as thetroperty cf J. O. Scott, to satisfy the afureiaiaexecution and costs. TERMS.Cash.

J.F. C. DuPRE,Sheriff A.C.

). II. Chamberlain and others against MaryE. Brown. Sundry Executions.

BY virtue of Sundry Executions to modirected, in the above stated case. I willell to the highest bidder, at public auction,rithin the legal hours of sale, at AbbevilleJourf- House, on Monday, the sixth day of I)ecember A. D. 1886, all the right, title andnterest of M. E. Brown in the, following d«cribedproperty, to wit^ All that tract orarcel of land, situate, lying and being in theiounly of Abboville, South Carolina, and Cjontoining '


.... . ... ,u.., uimuucu uy ibiiuh OI <1. Ed- i*ard Calhoun, M. J. McCelvy, C. A. White ^nd othors. Levied on and to be sold an theropertv of Mary E. Brovrn, to satisfy theforesaid execution and costs. TERMS.ash.

_ J. P. C. DcPRE, \SheriffAbbeville County.


PhristhaCiwmsr Qg>TmrgremraiiiiggafTi^TaKMc

Is Coning!







They have everything1

that "Old Santa" could '

want- to put in the <%


Children's stockings,and all kinds of Pres- 1


eirts for the grownt

folks. '6



Pretty Goods0i


Lower Prices *




This Year, to Ever Before.T



LAWSON'S, ?Jctic



s the place, and you

hould not fail .to see .


heir Goods before *»<*>


rou buy.; ..

V *. «'

State of South Carolina,County of Ahukviu.k,In the Probate Court.

M. K. JoIiimoii, u s Administratrix, Ac., l'iaint511',against Kebccca Johnson, Ida 1'. Wil-uatus, ot nl., Defendants..Compla'ct torSale of Lands to I'ay Debts, Dower, Ac.I will Bell at public outcry, at Abbeville C.II , ou Salesday in Dccerubor next, for the

payment of debts, the following describedreal estate belonging to the estate of f<. J.Johnson, deceased, to wit:1. The Dale Tract, containingONE HUNDRED AND FORTY ACRES, .

more or less, hounded by lands of Allen MrCantey,Win. McKenzie, and others.2. The HarneR Tract, containing

ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTEEN ACRES,more or less, bounded by lands of John A.Brooks, Johnson Tract, and others.

3. One small tract, containingTWENTY-TWO ACRES,

more or less, bounded by lands of J. A»Hrooks, Rarnes Tract, and others.Terms nf Snlo.'-,f -c "

uuv-iibii 01 uie purchasemoney to bo paid in cash, the balance on acredit of twelve months, with interest fromday of sale, secured by bond of purchaser anda mortgage of the property. Purchaser topay for papers.

J. FULLER LYON,Judge Probate CourtState

ofSouth Carolina,CounTY ok Abbeville,

Conrt of Probate.Martha E. Norwood, as Administratrix. Ac.rPlaintiff, against Ludie N. Speer, Jennie P.Glympb, et al., Defendants.. Complaintto Sell Land to Pay Debts, &c.

I will sell at public outcry, at Abberillo C.H., at Saleday in December next, for the paymentof debts, the following described realestate, belonging to the estate of Dr. W. C.Norwood, deceased, to wit:

1. The Home Tract, containingSEVENTY-TWO ACRES,

more or less, bounded by lands of Win. McNairy,C. A G. R. R., and other lands of theestate.

2. Th^Parks Tract, containingTHIRTY-SIX ACRES,

tnoro or less, bounded by lands of J. F. Keller,Estate lands, and others.3. The Brown Tract, containing

TEN ACRES,nore or less, bounded by lands of Dr. B. C.Bart, Win.' Butler, and others.

4. The WatsOn Tract, containingSEVENTY ACRES,

nore or less, bounded by lands of Heffernoa(State, Win. Butler, and others.5. The Cochran Tract, containing

FIVE ACRES, .5nore or leas, hounded by Watson Tract andtber lands of the estate.6. One House and Lot in the town of

lodges, containingTHREE AND ONE-HALF ACRES,

nore or less, bounded by lots of D. B. Glymph,'. D. Cochran, C.& G. R. R., and others.7. The McGliee Store House and lot in thoown of Hodges, sixty ( 60 ) feet front width,hirty-seven (37) feet back width by oneundred and seventeen ( 117) feet in length,ounded by D. B. Glymph, Houbc and Lot No., and others.8. The Smith Place, containingHREE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-NINE ...

iCRES, more or less, hounded by lands ofIrs. D. Ellis, J. A. Ellis, J. A. Smith, andthers.0. The Beacham place, containingWO HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-EIGHT. *

.CRES, more or less, bounded by lands of1. A. Moor<», Doc Arnold, Estate of Mrs. M... Gary, and others.


Terms of Sale,.One-half cash, balao£fconcredit of twelve months, with interest ifromay of sale, secured by' bond of purchaserad a mortgage of tbf. property.' Purchaser> pay for papers.ouvurm 01 me above described tracts will

; divided and sold in smaller parcels.J. FHLLER LYON,.Judge Probate Court.

HE STATE of SOUTH CAROLINA.County of Abbevilde.

x Parte Thomas S. Williams, Administratorand Petitioner.

stition fob Settlement and Dis-CHARfiR-

. HE above-named Petitioner as Ad- .

inistratnr of the Estato of Amandaihnson, deceased, having filed his peti>nfor settlement and discharge, it isdered that THURSDAY, the SECOND\Y OF DECEMBER NEXT, be fixedr the Rettlemont and discharge asayed for.

J. FULLER LYON,Judge Probate Cottrt..


LLPARTIES are herebr forbtddentooL hunt, fiah, cr in.anywise" trespass uponlands of the underpinned. The full penyof the law will br» enforced against all.ih. J. n. hATIMER.t J. W. W. MARSHALL.HE onlyjjenuine "Geo. H. Zeiffler" 8hr>#»»ever offered in this market. ~

----R.M. HADDON & CO.lep 14 tf
