I PAGE i tHE PADUCAH EVENING SUNFRIDAY OCTOBER 28 1001 a I MR JUSTICE i- iFINNEMORE f Judge of the Natal Supreme Court Sends the Following Remarkable Testimonial TO CUTICURA the World Is Cuticuras Field Used Wherever Civilization Has Penetrated II I desire to Jive ray voluntary testi ¬ many to the beneficial effects of your Cntlcnra Remedies I have suffered for some time from an excess of trio add In the blood and since the middle of last year from a severe attack of Eczema chiefly on the scalp face ears End neck and on one limb I was for c several months under professional rvatments but the remedies prescribed were of no avail 1 and I was gradually becoming worse was dread mrtace fUlly disfigured nearly all my uponi1 i gave them a thorough f j I jmost satisfactory results The disease 11 soon began to disappear and my hair commenced to grow again A fresh i growth of hair is covering my head I and my limb although not yet quite cured Is gradually Improving My wife thinks so highly of your remedies that she has been purchasing them In order to make presents to other persons suf ¬ feting from similar complaint and as President of the Bible Womens Society bas told the Ruble women to report If any case should come under their notice when a poor person U BO afflicted to that your remedies may be resorted to- ROBERT ISAAC JTNNEMORE Judge of the Natal Supreme Court Plctcrmarltzbnrg Natal Oct 29 1901 SoW Cuoortort If worts C e aLnt J- v1 > rhirlili Caad Wlq Mt1N dtea- etmnL ado b I 1sda >7 0- 1t7a iid h Ale sun Ira Cit Car ad r1p Ma4AlIAl kJp i I ITheatrical Notts f fj fTbeRo j ell Brothers will end their i York rnn inThe Rogers j in Paris at the Liberty I Theater Saturday evening November i Gtb The following Monday they will prlnolI 1 ¬ Stress Opera House in Philadelphia I where they will remain three weeks Ir r Elaw Erlanger hue arranged with E 8 Wlllard the widely known English actor to preient Lucky Dar i hamat the Knickerbocker Theater New York the latter pert of January Elaw Erlangera production o r I the latest JDrnry Lane spectacle I lHnmpty Dntrpty will be given Ita I premiere at tbe New Amsterdam I Theater in New York Monday even ing November 1 4 The stages o reIhearsali j I Tbero will be 000 performance < peo plo in the performance and 100 men employed in operating tbe scenery and mechanical and trbk effect This ii planned to be the greatest prejented No attraction before the public con ¬ tame more pretty and stylish girls than does the ever popular McFaddens Row of flats which will be at The Ken- tucky tonight In making an especial effort this sea- son to secure beauties for the chorus the management has had In mind the In creasing desire of the public to tee pret At The Kentucky Tonight ty and stylish women in the chorus women who can wear SIne costumes AI they should be worn and women who can dance and sing with an understanding of what those arts mean In the com ¬ pang are Liute Conway luule Nelson the celebrated speck Brothers the orig ¬ lush Yellow Kids Dilly Barry Jr Joe P Willard Harry Frntell and the Otto Brother Shubert company of clever artist presenting Harry D Smith latest sue CPM A Girl From Dixie rome to The Kentucky Wednesday Nov 2 for one night The Howard Stock Co will open a five nights engagement at The Kentucky next Monday night with the fouract T I t and I yoq to call try on A full line of > and 25c up r- 1q l drama Down on th < Farm The eateries six eleve plr It include many urn playa never before ii thi Ladies will be free Vi day night under usual d it i 10 20 and 30 cents the sect i nt box cal Reel was to a large and well houc at the J loUt night There li a wholo lot of Iliducnti like and they wen I there last t and got what they went alter At Creek is not lien but It I U The play I U well put by the eoni nny and the I is cast every part king < The scenery H new and well 1 to the story and I U all carried 1 by the In brief At Reek U a flrat class of It < well worth Fine work wax done by Clinton K Lylod as Joe May field W J tarter as Martin Ma win K K Seaton ai Wau keta the Indian Collin as the Mexican bad l maul Ted Leduc as negrp Laura an Annj Bess H the Pride of the Creek lIXU811I1I1n A night at the plant of the 1 No I last night at 1245 The hat it machine In the mill near the alann box which sends In an alarm to tilt western union tatlon and then to the tire depart mends and every hour or so bas to pull a leaver and the time he nukes bit round no hie that he has been IbI a long and itwVs run A NICE Mr David F the sent down by the at to the meats at the on tbe ay i This work la now in every in wtrict ac with the of the and It a first class job In and and a credit to the and con The was done by- E D and ha I ii much with such a report You Can Upon Anything in our Everything we do or we guaran ¬ tee Our clothes as as our com ¬ petitors Prices lower Suits and Overcoats 1 hat c to sell for they do at VootScotch and 0Our RAIN PROOF TOP COATS i Perfect properly finished newest styles cloths Prices range from J 1000 TO 2000 We cordially invite inspect and them Sweaters Gloves mens Mens Gloves from and IM SCHWAB pastoral company I rsprerialty pNrep repertoire prewnteil fcity admitted romllthin I r Saturday morning fAt Cripple presented pleased Kentucky theatre noue talking piopTe melodrama Cripple I thrlllimj 1011 company cleverly adapted company Cripple production kindand seeing Frederick Vurrey I Hurlburt Dynamite 1aintyas n USELESS RUN WATCHMAN Watchman onIIatn 1I watchman located punch employer maysee thelrltOrd l COMPLIMENT Atkina Inipeotor anptrruKng architect VTaihlngton inipeot ImproTC pcatoffloo plumbing complete detail cordauce requirements specUcatlona material workmanship Unisn building tractor plumbing Hannan pleated complimentary Depend purchased store sell good eon light 12560 and other stores Cheviots single fitting and boys Sweaters boys night Inhlitspoit THE CLOTHIER 216 BROADWAY r J Get a Good Start kr 4ku- t K Diseaseof I t 81oad For nee s tier ebra 1 tli sirens Mit m Ko rrtreublrnnnhi at II fir fr m dl rtrms t hal Outonlj MI lmparlll n In tb bl tort TLtr r n nnt II In rvr lilucnL JwtbbL- mdd u FOERGS REMEDY namrcnIsalrlr thrntdnaa h toln w It anfnn1tbpfIe i L- M + IIflistpethnhni tnrnl ljru- cUawbofvuu llworMl rfuil a MfuL lnI 1nrnndltl +n s MTry aMufrrttm TuNUhnth bni ln eIn ft rfn roodlti this M 11sverve Isbstw rotidltlofi ftttrv IftsUair thrv Itotttv 1 MM a- IIsttlI7It ir lthall vnvtir WMJarIt lLLaasW endWaMtelaanat uijr uor Illooj PaluentI te a1 I1 Nrlliwalne uhsmstIPail rWaecoon byruns lwb11 IW dLssU 1 DUBOIS KOLB CO SAME TERRITORY MR JOHN L SMITUW1CK RE- TURNS WITH A FINE PLACEI Mr John L Bmlthwick 1far grocery drummer is here repre tenting the ManewalLenge Biscuit Company practically the rime ai tbe old Dozier Oracser Company Mr Smithwlok resigned with lilt old corn ¬ pany several weeks ago and with the new company which lias practically been in business 00 year I li baring a good trade In Pailncnb and vicinity Mr Bmlthwlokf new home I U In St Lout Ilia company lometlmo ago took over the old Dozier plant and could not have found a better man that Mr Smlthwlck q TOBACCO SALES i THIS WEEK TUEV HAVE BEEN1 SMALLER THAN FOR SOME MONTHS The weekly report of Tobacco In I ipoctor Ediller shows a falling off I in the local towacco market JIll re- port la I ai follows for the week ending today I Receipt for week 38 hogshead re ceipts for year 8495 bogsheads offer ¬ lags for week 110 rejections for Week 13 private salts for week 0 sales for week 103 sales for year 9458 1500 ROUND TRIP TO TEXAS AND THE SOUTHWEST Tile Missouri Paciflo and Iron Mountain Route will sell Homeioekora excursion ticket to certain points in Terri Kaniai Louisiana Arkansas and all point in Indian Territory and Oklahoma at 11500 for tbe round trip from St Louis except where rate of one fare ploa 1200 makes loei Dates of tale September 20th soil 37tbj October 4th and 18tb Ticket good for return 21 days Stop over allowed alter reaching lint pointi write any ropreaenatlve of the Mlisonri Paciflo and Iron Mountain Route or address H O Townsend O P T A St Louis Mo or R T O Matthew T P A Louisville Ky- THRODUIIlTORIST SLEEPING OARS TO CALIFORNIA Commencing Saturday September 17th and every Tuesday and Saturday thereafter the Iron Mountain will run Through Tourist Sleeping Cass from St Louis to Los Angeles Cali- fornia ¬ via Texarkana and El Paso The True Southern Route U These excursions will be personally conducted eta the service will be up todate For information and berth reservations write any representative of the Iron Monntaln Route or ad dress H O Towniend O P T A Math I IA METROPOLIS at tbe residence WEDDING of Mr Roby In this eftoilay Mr Miller Edwards and Miss May Bcwor Rev Samuel Atwell officiating Tim bride and groom are an exemplary young couple residing near Samoth ibis county Mr and Mrs Jamei A Morgan chaperoned the bridal party Ion their drive to this cltyWednea r days Metropolis Herald TO CURl A COLD IN ONE DAY T ko LzlIfe Brotro Quinine Tablet 1 IIi drurrlttaetnd the money I It tall to tare- S W Crovta signs use I on each bozo sic Provision 1 II the foundation of boa i pushy and thrift tbe fuel of magnlB oenceSir P Sidney A u 1 FOR GOODNESS SAKE Buy Your Childrens School Shoes at Rocks We have made extra preparations this ssason for boys and girls strong stylish School Shoes and we have them at prices to suit all Ask to see Rocks Little Red School House Shoe If your boy hard on his shoes Then buy him at pair of RocksHoosier Boys S School Shoes NONE BETTER I I Office and Yard and I 515I BOTH = Walk ROCK The Shoeist 321 BROADWAY I Fourteenth Tennessee 203 PHONES P S DHNKKR JohllstonDellkerCoaCo Good Clean Coal and Prompt Delivery We want you to get acquainted us and find out that we treat you honorably In every respect You will find no better or cleaner cool I + araaTSOrosebr K irS OF THE RIY8R8 The gouge Ia til 3 and Standing with no hop fa > + e Cnptaln 8 A r a I r has retnrntd from his business hip to Memphis The Henry Hurley has been delayed by fog and is due today Sbe will re turn op Tennessee river at Op m to morrowThe City of Charleston li one from Eilzabetbtown and the Royal from Smhbland A Madison Ind dlipiotn says William T Ilardsall woo his suit for 12 000 for personal Injuries sustained by a fall caused by defective timbers on the towboat DO B WllllamnowneJ by the MonongabMa Ooniolldated Coil and Coke Company Captain henry Wilbur mot with an accident to ono of his l lrge In the United State steamer Oblica sad Is bere in the marine hospital He was brought np on tbe Stacker Lee The Injury I ii not serious but be vrlll be laid up for tome time Captain Wil ¬ bur hti been one of the pilots of tbe Oblica for tome time Cairo Bulletin The City of Cliaile sion baa been aground above here several days but got off today and came down from Uolconda DRAINING Tilt TRACKS Laborers are raising the main track at the Illinois Central depot to run off the rain water Tht tracks are low and rain water stands In thorn after every rain When the work Is fin iibed tbe water will be drained offal both end of the depot tbe grade be ¬ ing 10 elevated r What common platform if any unite these two or three or half a dozen parties which compote the De mocracy i Just about tnls II We want to got In Our feet are coldNew York Sun HAMBURGERS TAMALES HOT Prom II am to r a m at Shorties Place tjs So Third next to Mark and Morris Saloon Give him a call Hot Soup from 1003 Old Phone 006 Warren Warren JEWELERS = 217 Broadway I LAXFosLiTSrtI tt t1ney S otn chk 1 i Our fall line of 1 = 0vers Are Beauties JOHNSTON CIIAS with will The Master Brews the Beer for You = = = == C Run Down Do you feel run down debilitatedout of sorts Think you need a tonic or bracer of some kind Then youre just the manto t- ryBelvfedere l Its the finest most nutrattvc tonic you H find It steadies the nerve 1 1 builds up flesh and muscle I gives you a glorious appetite and makes you sleep well nightsProminent physicians recommend Belvedere as a tonicTry Belvederewatch results youll be sur ¬ prised and delighted PADUCAH BREWERY COMPANY PADUCAH KY x 1 Oi00000000000000000000000000000000x j Incorporated Light and Heavy Hauling Phones l II I P D Fitzpatrick Supt 8 8i i 84 >O O < 1 FOR EXPOSED PLUMBING GAS FIXTURES I RADIATORS REGISTERS ETC USE I SapolineAluminum AluminumEnamel No 64Red tThe I Gives a frostedsilver finish Easy to ap ¬ I ply needs no rub ¬ bing will not wash Sold by I I E P Gilson Co l Phones 177- i t IJ COAL COAL II Telephone 1 Ioff Parley Coal Company baa just established a lame streetMechanicsburg 1804 MEYERS STREET r Where orders may be Iclt for any kind of tbe best Kentucky Coal and prompt dehveiy will be made Clippings for sale at same place r t

tHE a I MR JUSTICE i pNrep I GOODNESS 1 iFINNEMORE at Rocks Vinyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7vq814pg8j/data/0823.pdf · Plctcrmarltzbnrg Natal Oct 29 1901 SoW Cuoortort If worts C eaLnt J-v1

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Page 1: tHE a I MR JUSTICE i pNrep I GOODNESS 1 iFINNEMORE at Rocks Vinyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7vq814pg8j/data/0823.pdf · Plctcrmarltzbnrg Natal Oct 29 1901 SoW Cuoortort If worts C eaLnt J-v1




i-iFINNEMOREf Judge of the Natal Supreme

Court Sends the Following

Remarkable Testimonial


the World Is Cuticuras Field

Used Wherever Civilization

Has Penetrated

II I desire to Jive ray voluntary testi ¬

many to the beneficial effects of yourCntlcnra Remedies I have suffered

for some time from an excess of trioadd In the blood and since the middle

of last year from a severe attack ofEczema chiefly on the scalp face ears

End neck and on one limb I was forc several months under professional

rvatments but the remedies prescribed

were of no avail1 and I was graduallybecoming worse was dreadmrtacefUlly disfigured nearly all myuponi1i

gave them a thoroughf jIjmost satisfactory results The disease

11 soon began to disappear and my haircommenced to grow again A fresh

i growth of hair is covering my headI and my limb although not yet quite

cured Is gradually Improving My wifethinks so highly of your remedies thatshe has been purchasing them In orderto make presents to other persons suf¬

feting from similar complaint andas President of the Bible WomensSociety bas told the Ruble women toreport If any case should come undertheir notice when a poor person U BO

afflicted to that your remedies may beresorted to-

ROBERT ISAAC JTNNEMOREJudge of the Natal Supreme Court

Plctcrmarltzbnrg Natal Oct 29 1901

SoW Cuoortort If worts C e aLnt J-


rhirlili Caad Wlq Mt1N dtea-etmnL ado b I 1sda >7 0-

1t7a iid h Ale sun Ira CitCar ad r1pMa4AlIAl kJp

iIITheatrical Notts

ffjfTbeRojell Brothers will end their

i York rnn inThe Rogersj in Paris at the Liberty

ITheater Saturday evening November

i Gtb The following Monday they willprlnolI1


Stress Opera House in Philadelphia

I where they will remain three weeks

Irr Elaw Erlanger hue arranged

with E 8 Wlllard the widely knownEnglish actor to preient Lucky Dar

i hamat the Knickerbocker TheaterNew York the latter pert of January

Elaw Erlangera production o rIthe latest JDrnry Lane spectacle

IlHnmpty Dntrpty will be given ItaI

premiere at tbe New AmsterdamI Theater in New York Monday evening November 1 4 The stages o



Tbero will be 000performance < peoplo in the performance and 100 menemployed in operating tbe sceneryand mechanical and trbk effectThis ii planned to be the greatest

prejentedNo attraction before the public con ¬

tame more pretty and stylish girls thandoes the ever popular McFaddens Rowof flats which will be at The Ken-

tucky tonightIn making an especial effort this sea-

son to secure beauties for the chorusthe management has had In mind the Increasing desire of the public to tee pret

At The Kentucky Tonight

ty and stylish women in the choruswomen who can wear SIne costumes AI

they should be worn and women who candance and sing with an understandingof what those arts mean In the com ¬

pang are Liute Conway luule Nelson

the celebrated speck Brothers the orig ¬

lush Yellow Kids Dilly Barry Jr JoeP Willard Harry Frntell and the OttoBrother

Shubert company of clever artistpresenting Harry D Smith latest sueCPM A Girl From Dixie rome toThe Kentucky Wednesday Nov 2 forone night

The Howard Stock Co will open afive nights engagement at The Kentuckynext Monday night with the fouract





Iyoq to call try


A full line of >and 25c up



l drama Down on th < Farm

The eateries six eleve

plr It include many urnplaya never before ii thi

Ladies will be free Viday night under usual d it i

10 20 and 30 cents the sect i

nt box cal

Reel was to

a large and well houc at theJ loUt night There li

a wholo lot of Iliducntilike and they wen

I there lastt and got what they went

alter At Creek is not lienbut It IU The play IU well put

by the eoni nny and the Iiscast every part king

< The scenery H new and well1 to the story and IU all carried1

by the In brief AtReek U a flrat class of It <

well worth Fine work

wax done by Clinton K Lylod as JoeMay field W J tarter as Martin Ma

win K K Seaton ai Wauketa the Indian Collin as

the Mexican badl maul Ted Leduc asnegrp Laura an

Annj Bess H the Prideof the Creek


A night at the plant of the1

No I last night at 1245The hat it machine In the

mill near the alann box which

sends In an alarm to tilt western union

tatlon and then to the tire departmends and every hour or so bas to pull

a leaver and the time he nukesbit round no hie

that he has been IbIa long and itwVs run

A NICEMr David F the

sent down by theat to themeats at the ontbe ay i This work la now

in every in wtrict acwith the of the

and It a first class jobIn andand a credit to the and con

The was done by-

E D and ha Iii muchwith such a report

You Can UponAnything in ourEverything we do or we guaran ¬

tee Our clothes as as our com ¬

petitors Prices lower

Suitsand Overcoats1 hat c to sell for they do at



Perfect properly finished newest styles

cloths Prices range from

J 1000 TO 2000We cordially invite inspect and


Sweaters Glovesmens Mens

Gloves from and


pastoralcompany I rsprerialtypNreprepertoire

prewnteilfcity admitted

romllthinI r

Saturday morning

fAt Cripple presentedpleased

Kentucky theatrenoue talkingpiopTe melodrama

Cripple I




adaptedcompany Cripple

productionkindand seeing



Hurlburt Dynamite1aintyas






punchemployer maysee


COMPLIMENTAtkina Inipeotor

anptrruKng architectVTaihlngton inipeot ImproTC


complete detailcordauce requirementsspecUcatlona

material workmanship Unisnbuilding

tractor plumbingHannan pleated


Dependpurchased store




light 12560 andother stores Cheviots single


and boys Sweatersboys






Get a Good Startkr 4ku-

ttK DiseaseofI t 81oad

For nee s tier ebra1 tli sirens Mit m Ko

rrtreublrnnnhiat II fir fr m dl

rtrms t hal Outonlj MI lmparlll nIn tb bl tort TLtr r n nntII In rvr lilucnL JwtbbL-mdd uFOERGS REMEDY

namrcnIsalrlrthrntdnaa h toln w Itanfnn1tbpfIei L-M+IIflistpethnhni tnrnl ljru-cUawbofvuu llworMl rfuil a MfuLlnI1nrnndltl+n s MTry aMufrrttm TuNUhnthbni ln eIn ft rfn roodlti this M11sverveIsbstwrotidltlofi ftttrv IftsUair thrv Itotttv 1 MM a-IIsttlI7It ir lthall vnvtirWMJarItlLLaasWendWaMtelaanatuijr uor Illooj PaluentIte a1 I1NrlliwalneuhsmstIPailrWaecoonbyrunslwb11IW dLssU 1





Mr John L Bmlthwick1far grocery drummer is here repretenting the ManewalLenge BiscuitCompany practically the rime ai tbeold Dozier Oracser Company MrSmithwlok resigned with lilt old corn ¬

pany several weeks ago and with thenew company which lias practicallybeen in business 00 year Ili baring agood trade In Pailncnb and vicinity

Mr Bmlthwlokf new home IU InSt Lout Ilia company lometlmo agotook over the old Dozier plant andcould not have found a better man

that Mr Smlthwlckq




The weekly report of Tobacco InI ipoctor Ediller shows a falling offI in the local towacco market JIll re-

port laI ai follows for the week endingtoday

IReceipt for week 38 hogshead re

ceipts for year 8495 bogsheads offer ¬

lags for week 110 rejections forWeek 13 private salts for week 0

sales for week 103 sales for year9458


Tile Missouri Paciflo and IronMountain Route will sell Homeioekoraexcursion ticket to certain points inTerri Kaniai Louisiana Arkansasand all point in Indian Territory andOklahoma at 11500 for tbe roundtrip from St Louis except whererate of one fare ploa 1200 makesloei Dates of tale September 20thsoil 37tbj October 4th and 18tbTicket good for return 21 days Stopover allowed alter reaching lint

pointi write anyropreaenatlve of the Mlisonri Pacifloand Iron Mountain Route or addressH O Townsend O P T A StLouis Mo or R T O Matthew TP A Louisville Ky-


Commencing Saturday September17th and every Tuesday and Saturdaythereafter the Iron Mountain willrun Through Tourist Sleeping Cassfrom St Louis to Los Angeles Cali-



via Texarkana and El PasoThe True Southern Route U

These excursions will be personallyconducted eta the service will be uptodate For information and berthreservations write any representativeof the Iron Monntaln Route or ad

dress H O Towniend O P T A


METROPOLISat tbe residence


Roby In this eftoilay MrMiller Edwards and Miss May BcworRev Samuel Atwell officiating Timbride and groom are an exemplaryyoung couple residing near Samothibis county Mr and Mrs Jamei AMorgan chaperoned the bridal party

Ion their drive to this cltyWednear days Metropolis Herald

TO CURl A COLD IN ONE DAYT ko LzlIfe Brotro Quinine Tablet 1 IIi

drurrlttaetnd the money I It tall to tare-S W Crovta signs use I on each bozo sic

Provision 1II the foundation of boai pushy and thrift tbe fuel of magnlBoenceSir P Sidney




Buy Your Childrens School Shoes at RocksWe have made extra preparations this ssason for boys and girls strong stylish School Shoesand we have them at prices to suit all Ask to see Rocks Little Red School House Shoe

If your boy hard on hisshoes Then buy him at

pair of

RocksHoosierBoys S




Office and Yard





ROCK The Shoeist 321 BROADWAY I




JohllstonDellkerCoaCoGood Clean Coal and Prompt DeliveryWe want you to get acquainted us and find out that we treat youhonorably In every respect You will find no better or cleaner coolI

+ araaTSOrosebr


The gouge I a til 3 and Standingwith no hop f a > + e

Cnptaln 8 A r a I r has retnrntdfrom his business hip to Memphis

The Henry Hurley has been delayedby fog and is due today Sbe will return op Tennessee river at Op m to

morrowTheCity of Charleston li one from

Eilzabetbtown and the Royal fromSmhbland

A Madison Ind dlipiotn saysWilliam T Ilardsall woo his suit for12 000 for personal Injuries sustainedby a fall caused by defective timberson the towboat DO B WllllamnowneJby the MonongabMa OoniolldatedCoil and Coke Company

Captain henry Wilbur mot with anaccident to ono of his llrge In theUnited State steamer Oblica sad Isbere in the marine hospital He wasbrought np on tbe Stacker Lee TheInjury Iii not serious but be vrlll belaid up for tome time Captain Wil ¬

bur hti been one of the pilots of tbeOblica for tome time Cairo Bulletin

The City of Cliaile sion baa beenaground above here several days butgot off today and came down fromUolconda

DRAINING Tilt TRACKSLaborers are raising the main track

at the Illinois Central depot to run off

the rain water Tht tracks are lowand rain water stands In thorn afterevery rain When the work Is fin

iibed tbe water will be drained offalboth end of the depot tbe grade be ¬

ing 10 elevatedr

What common platform if anyunite these two or three or half adozen parties which compote the De

mocracy i Just about tnlsII We want to got In

Our feet are coldNew YorkSun


Prom II a m to r a m at

Shorties Place tjs So Third

next to Mark and Morris SaloonGive him a call Hot Soup from

1003 Old Phone 006

Warren Warren


217 Broadway I

LAXFosLiTSrtI tt t1neyS otn chk


Our fall line of 1

= 0versAre Beauties


with will

The Master Brews the Beer for You= = = == CRun Down

Do you feel run down debilitatedout of sortsThink you need a tonic or bracer of some kindThen youre just the manto t-


Its the finest most nutrattvc tonic you H findIt steadies the nerve 1

1 builds up flesh and muscle Igives you a glorious appetite and makes you sleepwell nightsProminent

physicians recommend Belvedere asa

tonicTry Belvederewatch results youll be sur ¬

prised and delighted



j Incorporated

Light and Heavy HaulingPhones lIII P D Fitzpatrick Supt 88ii

84 >O O <






IGives a frostedsilverfinish Easy to ap ¬


ply needs no rub ¬

bing will not wash

Sold byI

IE P Gilson Col

Phones 177-ii






Parley Coal Company baa just established a lame

streetMechanicsburg1804 MEYERS STREET r

Where orders may be Iclt for any kind of tbe bestKentucky Coal and prompt dehveiy will be madeClippings for sale at same place r
