THE FAITH OF ISLAM IS, THE 6 ARTICLES OF FAITH OF You can find the 6 articles of faith in your Moorish Lit 1. Belief in Allah Who made you? Allah Who is Allah? Allah is the Father of the Universe Can we see him? No Where is the nearest place we can meet him? In the heart/mind/3rd eye/heaven. 2. Belief in his Angels Did the Angel give to the Child that was called Jesus a Holy name? Yes, but it cannot be used by those who are slaves to sin. What is an Angel? An Angel is a thought of Allah manifested in human flesh. What are Angels used for? To carry messages to the four corners of the world, to all nations. What is our Prophet to us? He is an Angel of Allah, who is sent to bring us the everlasting Gospel of Allah... 3. Belief in the Scriptures of Allah We believe in the teachings/lessons of India, Egypt, and Palestine Etc. 4. Belief in the Messengers and Warner’s of Allah We honor all the Divine Prophets: Isa, Mohammad, Buddha, and Confucius Etc. thru Prophet Noble Drew Ali. 5.Belief in the Day of Judgment The End of times and the Fulfilling of the Prophesies The last Prophet in these days is Noble Drew Ali, who was prepared divinely in due time by Allah to redeem men from their sinful ways; and to warn them of the great wrath which is sure to come upon the earth. John the Baptist was the forerunner of Jesus in those days,


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The six articles of faith

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You can find the 6 articles of faith in your Moorish Lit

1. Belief in AllahWho made you? Allah Who is Allah? Allah is the Father of the UniverseCan we see him? NoWhere is the nearest place we can meet him? In the heart/mind/3rd eye/heaven.

2. Belief in his AngelsDid the Angel give to the Child that was called Jesus a Holy name? Yes, but it cannot be used by those who are slaves to sin.What is an Angel? An Angel is a thought of Allah manifested in human flesh.What are Angels used for? To carry messages to the four corners of the world, to all nations.What is our Prophet to us? He is an Angel of Allah, who is sent to bring us the everlasting Gospel of Allah...

3. Belief in the Scriptures of AllahWe believe in the teachings/lessons of India, Egypt, and Palestine Etc.

4. Belief in the Messengers and Warner’s of Allah We honor all the Divine Prophets: Isa, Mohammad, Buddha, and Confucius Etc. thru Prophet Noble Drew Ali.

5.Belief in the Day of Judgment

The End of times and the Fulfilling of the ProphesiesThe last Prophet in these days is Noble Drew Ali, who was prepared divinely in due time by Allah to redeem men from their sinful ways; and to warn them of the great wrath which is sure to come upon the earth.John the Baptist was the forerunner of Jesus in those days, to warn and stir up the nation and prepare them to receive the divine creed which was to be taught by Jesus.In these modern days there came a forerunner of Jesus, who was divinely prepared by the great God-Allah and his name is Marcus Garvey, who did teach and warn the nations of the earth to prepare to meet the coming Prophet; who was to bring the true and divine Creed of Islam, and his name is Noble Drew Ali who was prepared and sent to this earth by Allah, to teach the old time religion and the everlasting gospel to the sons of men. That every nation shall and must worship under their own vine and fig tree, and return to their own and be one with their Father God-Allah.

6. Belief in the Divine Laws (Fate/ Destiny and the Divine Decree)Yes we believe in all the Divine Laws that Allah gave to All the Holy and Divine Prophet’s of Allah.


Peace Love

By C. Finley Bey through his Holy PNDA from Allah

Prayer and Salat


All Praises due to Allah; and high Honors to all his Holy and Divine Prophets and Saints! Honors to the Wind, Spirits of Earth, Air, Water, and Fire, Angels. Allah send us down blessings!


Inconstancy – Ch. 46- v. 9 Establish unto thyself principles of action and see that thou ever act according to them.

H. K. of Mecca.

(Surah – 20: 14) - “And establish prayer for my remeberamance”

(Surah – 11: 152) – God say: Remember Me and I will remember You:

(Surah – 2: 238) – Guard strictly your (habit) of prayers, Especially the Middle Prayer; and stand before Allah, In a devout (frame of mind). 3 rd Eye

(Sarah – 2; 239) – If fear (an enemy), Pray on foot, or riding, (As may be most convenient), But when you are in security, celebrate Allah’s praises in the manner


He has taught you, which ye knew not (before). Salat in private of your home, or around your nation of Moors.

Lets us now look at the Virtues of Prayer

Moorish H.K. – Ch. 42- v. 19 the virtues allotted to various stations, Seek not after impossibilities, nor grieve that thou canst not possess them all.

Moorish H.K. – Ch. 10- v. 12. And Jesus said: "The Allah I speak about is everywhere; He cannot be compassed with walls, nor hedged about with bounds of any kind.

Moorish H.K. – Ch. 10- v. 13 all people worship Allah, the One; but all the people see Him not alike.

Moorish H.K. – Ch. 10- v.14. This Universal Allah is Wisdom, Will and Love.

Prayer (Salat) is a state of contemplation of God according to the Gnostics; it is a communication between the worshipper and God. It is also a form of the recollection of God. (Zikr), according to the saying! The PNDA did bring Salat Praying on The Seven and doing Salat in the private of your home……. Peace love

By Brother C. Airbender Bey

Hear Now yea Moorish Sheiks/Adepts/Students


Have faith in Allah and his P N D A!

'Faith is the confident assurance that something we want is going to happen. It is the certainty that what we hope for is waiting for us, even though we cannot see it up ahead.' MHK Ch 5 v 20

Ch 7 v 29

With faith ALL things are possible. There is nothing impossible for Allah to perform. If you make your request made known to Him, without doubting, He'll do whatever you ask!

Faith is simply believing that something is true even though your other senses say something different.

You can liken faith to a light switch on a wall. You know that when you flick the switch, the light is going to come on. You can't see the electricity in the wall but you know it's there. You

know it by faith. You simply believe something even though your senses cannot verify it as true. This is similar to how faith works.

You ask Allah for something in faith. Your prayer pierces into the supernatural realm, forms into whatever you've asked for and then after a delay, manifests in the physical realm.

According to the Circle 7 of the MST of A I am Lord of the plane of soul, and of the plane of things made manifest. Well actually the Bible says exactly the same thing about everyone

anyway in both the New Testament and that refers back to the Old Testament where it says in Psalm 82:6 "And I say 'Ye are all gods'" which I believe it is saying we are mostly reaching

toward lord hood in this life time. I am being taught by the Holy Prophet Drew Ali plus my inner spirit on using spiritual abilities, Moorish H.K.Ch 1,7, and 35


Just to clarify the difference between what I do and what a spell caster may do is that I use my mind alone, thought must be developed by the exercise of strength, with no oils, candles,

incenses or other paraphernalia and can be done at any time by day and night at anytime during the current month without having to use special days or times per month. This is pure mind

power only and therefore has no need of props like some others use. I do not make use of other teachings but Moorish Science. I find my mind to be superior as I can decide to make the request

simple or even detailed and it will still come to pass!

Using a combination of experience and unique manifestation techniques combined with natural manifestation abilities I am equipped to bring things into reality, I am a Moorish Master Adept!

Manifestation Requests: This is what a Moorish Adept is ch 1 of HK of the MST of A

I will keep repeatedly praying for requests to come to pass.

Repetition of prayers will be done on a daily basis for seven days.

This creates an energetic magnetic field.

'Repetition creates period.

How do I know this is true?

It works...


I've demonstrated it in my life over and over and you can see it operating in everyone's life when you're aware of the process.

How does repetition create?

Repetition is the key to creation on all levels.

These concepts are the foundation for intelligent conscious evolution.

The daily repetition of the prayers continue to build manifestation energies in the etheric realm which eventually bring forth it's manifestation in the physical realm.

Each day of prayer entails me casting the intent/s 3 times a day using my Moorish Science techniques and my natural manifestation abilities. Allah also comes to aid if the need be. The longer time of prayers you take the more energy builds up and forces the prayers requested to

take form in reality as we know it.

Remember that when things start to happen in your life it is the universe arranging things that will be for your highest good. Always remain positive in mind. Never let negativity come near you (hint- do a manifestation request to banish all your negativity before you start with your

requests). The Moorish American Prayer

By: C. Airbender Bey The Moorish Master Sheik

This is what a Divine Minster should be and Sum


The Adept initiation is a physical initiation. Even Bro. Jesus had to be physically initiated as he emerged into the waters of baptism with John the Baptist. Even the Master of Light had to do this, so do we!

 Three general stages of spirituality are Initiate, Adept, Divine Minster and / or Angel and


 Prior to the Initiate stage, a person experiences a discontent with common religious or

philosophical systems. They do not speak to the person’s own Inner experiences, and so the Seeker begins self-knowledge by exploring foreign and exotic methods of hunting Mystery.

The Initiate pursues self-knowledge while sampling these methods. Sometimes there’s a match between his/her needs and a particular pre-existing means, and sometimes the Initiate has to

invent a new way of understanding.• Sometimes a person hunts alone, sometimes he/she finds kindred souls for sharing discoveries.

It’s possible to learn from books, and it’s possible to learn from more experienced kindred spirits. Danger to one’s progress can be found in a teacher-student /guru-chela relationships if

caution isn’t maintained.• With companionship comes the possibility of distractions in the form of control attempts,

falling in love or hate, secrecy for its own sake, the formation of doctrines, etc. It’s difficult but necessary to ward against any of these.

• A balance of solitude and companionship helps to avoid the excesses of either. Practice is essential in both modes. Just reading about something, or discussing it can provide intellectual

knowledge, but only in practice can one achieve grounding.• It’s important to keep a Dream Book or Spiritual Diary. It helps consolidate new knowledge about oneself and about discoveries and events that expand one’s boundaries. It’s the Seeker’s

best friend through all the stages of Inner growth.When a particular method is chosen and regular practice of it begins, the Adept stage begins. This means physical action as well as continuing study. A practice can be as simple as a daily

Meditation, to begin with, or a devotion to ALLAH with  silent conversations….The Initiate, persevering, comes to live in a state of awe and reverence for the essential holiness

of the universe. This holiness includes the Initiate; one’s ethics derive from the truth of one’s perceptions. One never blasphemes or degrades what one sees to be sacred!

The Adept operates from this awe as a wise Master. Increasingly, the Adept perceives his/her Will and Work as aligning with, and therefore becoming, the flow of things, the Magickal

Current, of a Master. Action becomes easier as one approximates the natural course of events….When the Initiate-Adept realizes that one’s function consists of removing obstacles to

Intelligence’s reunion with Itself, when one perceives that opening the ways to Islamism is necessary, sufficient and inevitable then the Initiate-Adept arrives at the point of Divine Minster

or Angel.A Prophet or Divine Minster is one who undertakes the responsibility of working in all possible ways for universal awakening, not ceasing until the reunion of Intelligence be completed. This

same concept is phrased in the Nazareth Vow: ch 5 of the MHK  “I shall not cease from


existence until every sentient being in the Universe is enlightened.”Peace Love, Bro. C. FinleyBey

The Moorish Master Adept