THE SAINT GEORGE’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH February 2019 The Episcopal Parish of Belleville 2019 Election Results Mission Leadership Team: Class of 2022 Jim Gillispie Vicki Hall Dawn Jung Delegates to Diocesan Synod Bradley Harmon Cindy Lynk Brian Maves Synod Alternate Joan Barnes Deanery Representatives Cindy Lynk Brian Maves Meet the Wardens! Brian Maves, Senior Warden Chuck Evans, Junior Warden Report of the Rector The following is Father Coleman’s annual report for 2018. It appeared in the annual report booklet. This is now my twelfth report to you, members in Christ’s Body, the Church, at St. George’s Episcopal Church. As priest among you, I am to follow what is said in the Catechism in our Book of Common Prayer in this office: Q. What is the ministry of a priest or presbyter? A. The ministry of a priest is to repre- sent Christ and his Church, particularly as pastor to the people; to share with the bishop the overseeing of the Church; to proclaim the Gospel; to ad- minister the sacraments; and to bless and declare pardon in the name of God. If you wish to know my “job description”, there it is. Actually it is not a “job description” because a priest (and bishop) carry out their vocations, having been called by God to these special offices in the Church. These are descriptions of what this priestly office en- tails. One who is an ordained priest is called to endeav- or to build up the Body of Christ by doing this minis- try as spelled out above. It is crucial to the well running of St. George’s that all of us, the laos or people of God pray for the priest to carry out this priestly ministry, for such is the Kingdom of God, as given to us by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ himself, for his Church. This moves us to the question, Q. What is the mission of the Church? A. The mission of the Church is to re- store all people to unity with God and each other in Christ. Q. How does the Church pursue its mission? A. The Church pursues its mission as it prays and worships, proclaims the Gos- pel, and promotes justice, peace, and love. REPORT, p. 2 A Visit from the Bishop The Rt. Rev. Daniel and Mrs. Brenda Martins will visit Saint George’s on Sunday, February 24. Bishop Martins will lead the Adult Forum, and preach and celebrate at both Eucharists. A reception follows in the parish hall.

THE · 2019. 2. 2. · on Don Gillen St. George’s Parishioner, Don Gillen, was awarded the prestigious Congressional Gold Medal in October of 2017. This award was bestowed upon

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Page 1: THE · 2019. 2. 2. · on Don Gillen St. George’s Parishioner, Don Gillen, was awarded the prestigious Congressional Gold Medal in October of 2017. This award was bestowed upon


SAINT GEORGE’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH February 2019 The Episcopal Parish of Belleville

2019 Election Results

Mission Leadership Team: Class of 2022 Jim Gillispie Vicki Hall Dawn Jung

Delegates to Diocesan Synod Bradley Harmon

Cindy Lynk Brian Maves

Synod Alternate Joan Barnes

Deanery Representatives Cindy Lynk Brian Maves

Meet the Wardens! Brian Maves, Senior Warden Chuck Evans, Junior Warden

Report of the Rector

The following is Father Coleman’s annual report for 2018. It appeared in the annual report booklet.

This is now my twelfth report to you, members in Christ’s Body, the Church, at St. George’s Episcopal Church. As priest among you, I am to follow what is said in the Catechism in our Book of Common Prayer in this office:

Q. What is the ministry of a priest or presbyter? A. The ministry of a priest is to repre-sent Christ and his Church, particularly as pastor to the people; to share with the bishop the overseeing of the Church; to proclaim the Gospel; to ad-minister the sacraments; and to bless and declare pardon in the name of God.

If you wish to know my “job description”, there it is. Actually it is not a “job description” because a priest (and bishop) carry out their vocations, having been called by God to these special offices in the Church. These are descriptions of what this priestly office en-tails. One who is an ordained priest is called to endeav-or to build up the Body of Christ by doing this minis-try as spelled out above. It is crucial to the well running of St. George’s that all of us, the laos or people of God pray for the priest to carry out this priestly ministry, for such is the Kingdom of God, as given to us by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ himself, for his Church. This moves us to the question,

Q. What is the mission of the Church? A. The mission of the Church is to re-store all people to unity with God and each other in Christ. Q. How does the Church pursue its mission? A. The Church pursues its mission as it prays and worships, proclaims the Gos-pel, and promotes justice, peace, and love. REPORT, p. 2

A Visit from the Bishop The Rt. Rev. Daniel and Mrs. Brenda Martins will visit Saint George’s on Sunday, February 24. Bishop Martins will lead the Adult Forum, and preach and celebrate at both Eucharists. A reception follows in the parish hall.

Page 2: THE · 2019. 2. 2. · on Don Gillen St. George’s Parishioner, Don Gillen, was awarded the prestigious Congressional Gold Medal in October of 2017. This award was bestowed upon


Financial Report REPORT — Cont.

Q. Through whom does the Church carry out its mission? A. The Church carries out its mis-sion through the ministry of all its members.

It is of the utmost importance that we keep this mind. If we pursue other ways of thinking about the Church, or the priestly mission of the Rector, we do damage to the Church and harm the actions of the Holy Spirit among us. In today’s Epistle, St. Paul alerts us to this, and states that we know we have the Holy Spirit if we say Jesus is Lord. That is the simplest Creed there is in the New Testament. We all affirm this by our presence in Church, as St. John the Divine notes, on the first day of the week, in Revelation 1:10. We gather to become who we are: The Body of the Lord Jesus. And by virtue of the gifts of ministry the Holy Spirit graces us with, we witness to the Community and the world around us. This happens when we treat each other as People of God, as members of the Body of Christ, as vessels of the Holy Spirit. This is the only way for us to build up the kingdom of God. This is seen among us by reconciliation between ourselves and God, and then with one another.

We have been offered reconciliation by God in His Son Jesus, by his atoning for our sins on the cross. We know this to be true first by the Resur-rection of Jesus from the dead, and then by His sending of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. Without God’s own Spirit, we would be nothing. There would be no church, no community of faith in God, no reason to come together on Sundays, no reading of Scripture, no witness to the work God is doing within us and through us, no prayer, no being made whole or being healed, no friendship, no worship. And we know that all these matters can be known by the Spirit’s enabling us to say Jesus is Lord. And we witness reconciliation taking place.

All year long this particular parish church has been engaged in reconciliation. Your rector and vestry asked the bishop to meet with us, pray for us and bless us, so that we might have unity in Christ’s love. Without unity, we have nothing to offer the world in witness. If we as Christ’s people do not have the Peace which passes all understanding, put into ordinary language by our Lord Himself: “If

REPORT, p. 5

Page 3: THE · 2019. 2. 2. · on Don Gillen St. George’s Parishioner, Don Gillen, was awarded the prestigious Congressional Gold Medal in October of 2017. This award was bestowed upon


Saint George’s Parish Family

We pray for:

Parishioners: Lumley Bevineau, Tom Boschert, Audrey Fouts, Mary Ann Gates, Don Gillen, Marilyn Gillen, Cynthia Guyon, Jack Hafford, Jeff Harvey, Ron Hoercher, Eva Jarvis, Steve King, Sharon Lavely, Beverly Lee, Douglas Lee, Carol Ludwick, John Lynch, Lizzie Mannix, Charles McConnell, Mary Mohrman, Margaret Schilling, Jim Stelling, Jean Vaughn, Duffy Walters, Charles Wilson;

Family & Friends: Pat Bennett, Sarah Bloomberg, Sue Buckley, Mary Cafferata, Shirley Cafferata, Grace Fox, Pat Guning, Chad Holden, Kenneth Hoffmann, Paula Holmes, Maeve Kincaid, Sandy Langenbach, Kim Levick, Ismael Lopez, Jon Ludwick, Donna Lynk, Amina Manguera, Brenda Martins, Eileen Mashek, Charlene McCormick, Katie McCrary, Brock Meyer, Kristi Meyer, Karin Moore, J.W. Oglesby, Thomas Partridge, Lynne Phillips, Maggie Phillips, Bo Pritchard, Betty Radzik, Holly Rasmussen, Zach Rea, Darnell Rideout, Susan Sleaford, Andrew Smith, Linda Smith, Bob Spellman, Thomas Stallone, Barry Streeter, Margie Thomas, Stacey Toenjes, Paul Travous (Ken Gottschall’s brother-in-law), Robert Weikert, Stormy White, Kelly Whitney, Grace Ziegler, Jamie Ziegler, Jason and Rachel;

For those in service of our country: Joshua Arbogast, Sean Arbogast, Neal Ballas, Dan Durbin, Steven Gates, Daniel Gearhart, Kenneth Gearhart, Beth Graboritz, Gene Hart, Kalen Jones, Dustin Kelley, Dan Kitchell, Eric Lunan, Nathan Scott, Ryan Smith, Philip Surrey, George Wallace, Creighton Worley;

Those celebrating birthdays

5 Betsy Lynk 6 Duffy Walters Kelsey Maves 7 Brian Maves 12 Jaxson Surrey 14 Pat Duncan Elliott Hoffmann 16 Kylie Walters 17 Ariana Irby 18 Claudia Zimmermann Michael Harres 19 Charles Laedlein III 23 Nolan Haefner 24 Diane Earhart 25 Everett Irby 27 Sarah Surrey

The Collect for The Presentation Of Our Lord in the Temple

A lmighty and everliving God, we humbly pray that, as your only-begotten Son was this day

presented in the temple, so we may be presented to you with pure and clean hearts by Jesus Christ our Lord; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

Those celebrating anniversaries 5 Ed & Cindy Lynk 27 Charles & Diane Laedlein

The Faithful Departed: Maribeth Kranyak (Joe Bono’s sister), James Campbell (Kim Christ’s brother).

A February Holy Day

O n Saturday, February 2, the Church observed a feast with double significance,

The Presentation of our Lord in the Temple and “The Purification of St. Mary the Virgin.”

In Jesus’ time, Jewish custom required that mothers go to the temple, forty days after the birth of a son, to participate in the rites of purification. The mother also presented her son to God.

In St. Luke’s account of the presentation, Simeon offers a song of praise that is called the Nunc Dimittis. This canticle is sung at Evensong.

The Presentation is also known as Candlemas. In some Christian cultures, people bring their candles to church, the candles are then blessed for use throughout the year.

The liturgical color for this day is white and symbolizes joy.

Page 4: THE · 2019. 2. 2. · on Don Gillen St. George’s Parishioner, Don Gillen, was awarded the prestigious Congressional Gold Medal in October of 2017. This award was bestowed upon


Start Sunday Mornings On a High Note! On February 3, 10 and 17, our organist and choirmaster, Nancy Ypma, will lead a discussion on Hymns. Her study includes historical background and usage.

On February 24, Bishop Daniel H. Martins will lead the class as part of his annual visit. The Adult Forum meets on Sunday mornings from 9:15 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. in the parish hall.

Five Hushpuppies and Two Lobsters The WEDG (Women's Ecumenical Dining Group) will be going to Red Lobster on Monday, March 4th, at 11:30 am, for Lunch. It is located at 110 Ludwig Drive, Fairview Heights, phone 397-9251, just west of the 10 Ciné. We can get ready for Lent starting by having a good seafood meal. So call the church office, 233-6320, for reservations (head count). Please come for Good Fun, Good Food, and Good Conversation.

Who Doesn’t Love a Good Book? is now reading Small Fry by Lisa Brennan-Jobs. This fascinating memoir highlights growing up in the family of Lisa’s father and Apple co-founder Steve Jobs. Book Club will meet on Thursday, February 28 at The Abbey Restaurant for dinner and discussion. The Abbey is located at 5801 W Main St., Belleville, IL 62226. Dis-cussion will be lead by Bonnie Flach. Newcomers are always welcome!

Florence Martin Scholarship Offers Tuition Assistance Applications continue to be accepted for Florence Martin scholarships. These scholarships help parishioners further their education through tuition assistance. Guidelines and the application are available on Saint George’s website: http://stgeorges.wordpress.com. The deadline is March 1.

Vital Statistics Beginning on February 10 and contin-uing through March 3, a hardcopy (draft) of the new parish directory will be located in the Canterbury Room. Please review that directory to verify/update your information.

Give Glory to God Adorn the sanctuary with flowers and/or the sanctuary candle. These gifts are given to the Glory of God, and can be donated in honor of a loved one or in recognition of a special event. Dedi-cations are printed in the Sunday announcements. Sign-up charts can be found in the Canterbury Room.

The Dragon’s Trivia What is the only US state that is mentioned by name in the bible? See next month’s Dragon for the answer.

What’s Happening at Saint G’s? 2019 Super Bowl Chili Sales The sale was very successful! Due to the increased number of walk-in customers, the fundraiser was sold out by 1 p.m. Production: 94 quarts of Mild 40 quarts of Hot The event raised $1000.00 for Beacon Ministry.

Saint George’s

Spotlight Shines

on Don Gillen

St. George’s Parishioner, Don Gillen, was awarded the prestigious Congressional Gold Medal in October of 2017. This award was bestowed upon all living mem-bers of the 12th Philippine Scout Division that served during World War II. Don received the award in Washington D.C. He accepted it in the name of Filipinos who died in the conflict. An article about Don’s military service, education, career, and the award will appear in the spring edition of the Nebraska Quarterly (official publication of the University of Nebraska Alumni Association).

The Dragon

Official Publication of Saint George’s

Episcopal Church

Please e-mail copy and calendar items to

[email protected].

The deadline is the 20th of each month.

Send changes of address to the same e-mail

or phone 618-233-6320

Page 5: THE · 2019. 2. 2. · on Don Gillen St. George’s Parishioner, Don Gillen, was awarded the prestigious Congressional Gold Medal in October of 2017. This award was bestowed upon


Saint George’s Episcopal Church Clergy & Staff

Bishop of the Diocese of Springfield The Rt. Rev. Daniel H. Martins, D.D

Rector The Rev. Canon Dale Coleman, Rector

Rector Emeritus The Rev. Canon Elliot Blackburn

Music Director Nancy S. Ypma, D.Mus.

Parish Administrator Henry Evans

Treasurer Ruth Ann Weber

Sunday School Director Kelly Skaff

Sexton Mike Cardoza

Mission Leadership Team Brian Maves, Senior Warden Chuck Evans, Junior Warden

Class of 2020 Maryann Fernandez Beth Graboritz Brian Maves

Class of 2021 Margaret Brown Chuck Evans Sue Vaughn

Class of 2022 Jim Gillispie Vicki Hall Dawn Jung

Schedule of Weekly Services

Sunday 8:00 a.m. - Holy Eucharist (said) 10:30 a.m. - Holy Eucharist (sung)

Wednesday 9:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist in the chapel (said)

Office Hours Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 3:00 pm [email protected] 618-233-6320

Pastoral Emergencies Contact Father Coleman at [email protected] or 618-789-3723.

REPORT — Cont.

you are bringing your gift to the altar, and there remem-ber that your sister or brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar and go; first be rec-onciled to your sister or brother, and then come and of-fer your gift,” St. Matthew 5:23, 24, which means after Baptism, offering ourselves to God, as He nourishes us in His Son’s Body and Blood. Reconciliation with one another is the first sign we are reconciled with God. Otherwise we are hypocrites, play-actors, as Jesus says. May we love one another, pray for one another, recon-cile with one another, and in so doing experience God’s peace, and God’s Kingdom.

In a fourteenth century prayer of the Church: the Anima Christi: Soul of Christ, sanctify us, Body of Christ, save us, Blood of Christ, refresh us, Water from the side of Christ, wash us, Passion of Christ, strengthen us, O Good Jesus, hear us, Within your wounds hide us. Suffer us never to be separated from you, From the mali-cious enemy, defend us, In the hour of our death, call us, and bid us come to you, That with your saints we may praise you forever and ever. Amen.

Let us pray:

O God, our loving Father, we pray to keep us close to yourself, that we may find in your love our strength and our peace, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. O God, you manifest in your servants the signs of your presence; Send forth upon us the Spirit of love, that in our companionship with one another, your abounding grace may increase among us; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The Rev. Canon Dale Coleman Rector

Page 6: THE · 2019. 2. 2. · on Don Gillen St. George’s Parishioner, Don Gillen, was awarded the prestigious Congressional Gold Medal in October of 2017. This award was bestowed upon


The Dragon Newsletter Saint George’s Episcopal Church 105 East D Street Belleville, IL 62220