ELDERS William Berry Dave Domingue Tom Loftis Steve Stout Email Address: [email protected] Office Number: (478) 922-3056 MINISTER Tim Childs Sunday Morning Bible Study 9:00 am Sunday Morning Worship 10:00 am Sunday Night Worship 5:00 pm Wednesday Bible Study 7:00 pm Ladies Tuesday Morning Class 10:00 am (September—May) 1947 Watson Blvd. Warner Robins, GA 31093 Website: www.wrcoc.com The Reflector August 27, 2017 Are you planet friendly”? We hear folks around the country trying to create greater awareness to the dangers of various types of pollution. There are concerns about the air, water, and soil as there are great health risks to present and future generations. There are extremes, but a Christian will not negligently trash Gods earth. Are you neighbor friendly”? Some people trudge through life as if they are the only one in the world that matters. God has not created us to be isolationists. As Christians we are to reach out in our world to make a positive impact on others, just like Jesus did. We are to behave with kindness and courtesy. God made us social creatures. John Donne (1572-1631) wrote, No man is an island entire of itself…” The Bible says, A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother(Proverbs 18:24). Friendliness has remarkable drawing power. Are you heaven friendly”? Are you a friend to God, to Jesus, to the Holy Spirit, to the kingdom of heaven (1 John 2:15-17)? The Apostle Paul uses striking language to de- scribe the grievous actions undertaken by some brethren who possessed an offensive spirit against the will of heaven. As it was committed during the first century, today it is still entirely possible for you and me to be equally guilty of the same sin against heaven through trodding under foot the Son of God, holding the blood of Christ in contempt, and by insulting the Spirit of grace (Hebrews 10:29). Some are enemies of the cross (Philippians 3:18-19). What about us? You and I cannot be heaven friendlywhile holding on to any elements that corrupt and defile our souls which God has cleansed, purified and sanctified by the atoning blood of His Son which was shed on our behalf. Lets show ourselves friendly to God and His interests rather than the evil one. God loves YOU, and so do I. - Tim Are You Friendly?

The Reflector · 2017-08-25 · resume on September 12th. Love Bears Ministry: If you have any unused supplies or templates, please bring them back and put them on the counter in

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Page 1: The Reflector · 2017-08-25 · resume on September 12th. Love Bears Ministry: If you have any unused supplies or templates, please bring them back and put them on the counter in

ELDERS William Berry Dave Domingue

Tom Loftis Steve Stout

Email Address: [email protected]

Office Number: (478) 922-3056


Sunday Morning Bible Study 9:00 am

Sunday Morning Worship 10:00 am

Sunday Night Worship 5:00 pm

Wednesday Bible Study 7:00 pm

Ladies Tuesday Morning Class 10:00 am (September—May)

1947 Watson Blvd. Warner Robins, GA 31093

Website: www.wrcoc.com

The Reflector August 27, 2017

Are you “planet friendly”? We hear folks around the country trying to create greater awareness to the dangers of various types of pollution. There are concerns about the air, water, and soil as there are great health risks to present and future generations. There are extremes, but a Christian will not negligently trash God’s earth. Are you “neighbor friendly”? Some people trudge through life as if they are the only one in the world that matters. God has not created us to be isolationists. As Christians we are to reach out in our world to make a positive impact on others, just like Jesus did. We are to behave with kindness and courtesy. God made us social creatures. John Donne (1572-1631) wrote, “No man is an island entire of itself…” The Bible says, “A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother” (Proverbs 18:24). Friendliness has remarkable drawing power. Are you “heaven friendly”? Are you a friend to God, to Jesus, to the Holy Spirit, to the kingdom of heaven (1 John 2:15-17)? The Apostle Paul uses striking language to de-scribe the grievous actions undertaken by some brethren who possessed an offensive spirit against the will of heaven. As it was committed during the first century, today it is still entirely possible for you and me to be equally guilty of the same sin against heaven through trodding under foot the Son of God, holding the blood of Christ in contempt, and by insulting the Spirit of grace (Hebrews 10:29). Some are enemies of the cross (Philippians 3:18-19). What about us? You and I cannot be “heaven friendly” while holding on to any elements that corrupt and defile our souls which God has cleansed, purified and sanctified by the atoning blood of His Son which was shed on our behalf. Let’s show ourselves friendly to God and His interests rather than the evil one. God loves YOU, and so do I. - Tim

Are You Friendly?

Page 2: The Reflector · 2017-08-25 · resume on September 12th. Love Bears Ministry: If you have any unused supplies or templates, please bring them back and put them on the counter in

The church library is availa-ble Mon-Fri, 9AM-3PM. Our librarian is Peggy Maddox. Link to use for searching: http://wrcc.mysurpass.net. Ladies’ Bible Class will resume on September 12th. Love Bears Ministry: If you have any unused supplies or templates, please bring them back and put them on the counter in the inner foyer. Nursery Attendants Needed to staff infants or toddler nursery on Sunday morning or evening. Please contact Meshaun Walicek or the church office. Love Bears Ministry Meet-ing Aug. 27th @ 3:30 PM in the fellowship room. Youth Group Parent Meet-ing Aug. 27th @ 4 PM in Room 300. WR Rehabilitation & Nurs-ing Center Singing Aug. 27th after evening service. Join us & bring your children.

Ladies’ Night Out Aug. 28th @ 6 PM in the fellowship room, catered by J’s Smokin’ BBQ. Cost is $8 per plate. Sign-up on the sheet on the bulletin board or call Sherry Lazzaro if you plan to attend. Annual Labor Day Fish Fry Sept. 4th @ 11 AM. A sign-up sheet is posted on the bulle-tin board. Please contact Eddie Hicks or Howard Moore for more information. Sunday Night for the Savior Sept. 10th in the fel-lowship room following even-ing service. Bring finger-foods, desserts and drinks. Raintree Village Children’s Home Food Truck will be here Sept. 11th. Needed items are on the bulletin board. They also take good used household items /furniture / clothing for their Bargain Barn. Men’s Fellowship Lunch-eon Sept. 14th @ 11:30 AM at Ole Times Country Buffet.

TOPICS FOR SUNDAY: Sunday Bible Class: Auditorium: Dave Domingue-John 20:19-31 Fellowship Room: William Berry-Acts 13 AM Scripture Reading: Titus 2:11-14 AM Lesson: “Living Right in Today’s World” AM Scripture Reading: Matthew 16:24-26 PM Lesson: “A Bad Trade” The Elders request one of the following versions be used for scripture readings: King James, New King James, English Standard Version, or New American Standard Version

Attendance-week of Aug. 20 Sunday Bible Class: 140 Sunday AM Worship 225 Sunday PM Worship 97 Wednesday PM: 114 Finance Contribution: $ 7,143.45 Weekly Budget: $ 6,971.48


Infant AM Terry Walker Toddler AM Darcy Emerson Fran Brennan PM Meshaun Walicek


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David Whitehead has been put under Hospice care.

Frances Sullivan is in Houston Medical Ctr, Room 6203 due to kidney stones.

Martha Daniel was in the hos-pital having blood pressure problems and is recuperating at home.

Jenelle Story is having breath-ing and AFib difficulties.

Trina Cohenour had eye sur-gery Aug. 22nd in Atlanta to remove scar tissue. Her vision was not completely corrected.

Michael Taylor has hypoglyce-mia and vertigo difficulties.

Tommy Moore, the nephew of Lois Thompson in OK, is recu-perating from a heart attack.

Kati Pelham, Bill & Betty Lew-is’ granddaughter, is recuperat-ing from complications with her blood during childbirth.

Gene Bowen, Cheryl Trice’s father is undergoing tests for possible heart problems.

Joyce Swafford, the mother of Sherry Lazzaro, has had her kidney cancer return.

Mark Allen, Annie Pearl Allen’s son, is recuperating at home from surgery for an infection in his foot. He is still on antibiotic treatment.

Charles Knight, Rosemary Knight’s brother, has been diag-nosed with terminal cancer.

Sympathy to the family of:

G’Ann Mitchell, Bob Sisk’s sister, passed away Aug. 23rd in Arizona.

Donell Truesdale, the son of Gene Friday’s sister, Jeraline Jones-Truesdale, passed away Aug. 20th.

Please see the Extended Prayer List for others in need of prayer. (Please let the church office know of any needed changes/updates.)


Summer Series 2017 The Family of God

Wednesday Nights in the Auditorium @ 7:00 PM

Date: Topic: Speaker:

August 30 The Sustainer of Christian Families - Fellowship David Smith

Tying the Hands of God Throughout the Gospels people have marveled at the words and works of Jesus – the mute spoke, the crippled were healed, the lame walked, and the blind saw (Matthew 15:31). But only in two cases did Jesus marvel. In Mark 6:1-6, many in Jesus' hometown rejected His teachings and works. In fact, they were offended by Him. Jesus is said to marvel at their unbelief (KJV, ESV). There are many surrounding us today who are offended by Jesus - who do not believe. We are commanded to plant seeds among these people (Matthew 28:19). But, there are some whose belief is too weak to do God's work. When the disciples were unable to drive out a demon from a

Page 4: The Reflector · 2017-08-25 · resume on September 12th. Love Bears Ministry: If you have any unused supplies or templates, please bring them back and put them on the counter in

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Your elders meet every Sunday at

3:00 pm in this building.

If you wish to meet with them ,

please let them know.

God’s Plan of Salvation - * Hearing of the gospel: Rom. 10:14-17, Acts 10:33 * Believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God (faith): John 8:24, Rom. 10:8-17 * Repenting of my sins: Luke 13:3, Acts 2:38 * Confess Christ: Rom. 10:10, Matt. 10:32-33 * Baptism for the remission of sins: Acts 2:38, Rom. 6:3-5 * Live faithfully unto the Lord daily: Matt. 10:22, Rev. 2:10

Where Bible Studies/Lessons can be seen on Cable TV & the Internet Gospel Broadcasting Network www.gbntv.org Tue. 5:30 am & Fri. 11:30 am GBN app (on smartphone) or www.gbntv.org/live-feed.aspx at 7:30 am daily & Thursday 7 pm

In Search of the Lord’s Way-Cable TV Internet: www.searchtv.org Cox: Sunday 7:30 am channel 3, & 7:00 am on 9 Watson Cable: Sunday, 7:30 am, channel 6 GBN: Sunday 8:30 am & 8:00 pm; Mon-Fri 11 am/pm Direct TV, Sunday, 7:30 am, channel 367

Getting to Know Your Bible Cox Cable—Macon, GA: Tue. 1:00 pm—Channel 18 Thur. 8:30 am—Channel 18 Sat. 6:30 am—Channel 18 Analog TV: Channel 88.6

The Elders’ Edification

boy, Jesus said it was because of the littleness of their faith. Note just how little their faith was - less than a mustard seed (Matthew 17:14-21). If only they had the faith the size of a mustard seed, they could have moved mountains, saved a boy from Satan, or built a place for worship to be filled with their family, friends and neighbors. What is the size of your faith? What doubts do you have? Do you doubt it can be done? Do you doubt we can afford it? Do you doubt your neighbor, friend or loved one will obey the Gospel? We know that nothing is impossible with God (Matthew 19:26). But when we doubt or have littleness of faith, we are tying the hands of God. Jesus said "Truly I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, 'Be taken up and cast into the sea,' and does not doubt in his heart, it will be granted to you. Therefore I say to you, all things for which you pray and ask, believe that you have received them, and they will be granted to you" (Mark 11:23-24). God can do more than we can possibly imagine. But God uses our hands to accomplish his work. We must trust in Him. In Judges 7, Gideon chose 32,000 men to battle with the Midianites. But God chose only 300 to do battle, saying "I will deliver you with the 300 men who lapped and I will give the Midianites into your hands..." (Judges 7:7). When the people were rebuilding the temple wall, they were afraid. But Nehemiah reminded them who our God is - great and awe-some (Nehemiah 4:14). God does not need the largest or greatest army to do His work. He just wants you to be fearless in His work. The only other time Jesus marveled was at the faith of the Roman centurion. This Gentile command-er knew he was unworthy to receive Jesus in his home. But, he knew Jesus had the power to heal his servant simply by His word. And Jesus marveled at him, saying "...not even in Israel have I found such faith" (Luke 7:9). Will Jesus find such faith in our house? Let's pray together that he does. Elders