Turn the page to discover just how powerful a Girl Guide cookie can be . . . What do all these smiles have in common? . . . The sweet power of Girl Guide cookies! #ThanksTo Cookies

#ThanksToCookies - Girl Guides of Canada sales enable Girl Guides of Canada to provide an all-access pass to awesome adventures, ... make new friends and have countless adventures

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Turn the page to discover just how powerful a Girl Guide cookie can be . . .

What do all these smiles have in common? . . . The sweet power of Girl Guide cookies!

#ThanksTo Cookies

Cookie sales enable Girl Guides of Canada to provide an all-access pass to awesome adventures, fantastic friendships and tons of fun! And, while these revenues help fund the activities units enjoy, they also support all of Guiding.

#ThanksTo Cookies

135,000 unit meetings#ThanksToCookies… Girls from ages 5 to 17 make new friends and have countless adventures.

2,000,000 hours mentoring Canadian girls#ThanksToCookies… GGC supports our adult members by developing resources on topics such as bullying, healthy relationships and transgender inclusion.

230,000 marshmallows roasted#ThanksToCookies… Outdoor activities have an extraordinary impact on a girl’s life.

770 passports stamped#ThanksToCookies… Our unit, provincial and national travel experiences challenge members to discover more about the world.

951,000 badges earned#ThanksToCookies… We can develop the programming girls want to do.

6,100 communities enhanced#ThanksToCookies… Girls dive into the issues that matter to them through our Challenges, National Service Projects and Make a Difference Days.

#ThanksToCookies, Guiding can…• keep registration fees reasonable for

families• maintain our camp facilities• rent meeting spaces• launch new programming in 2018,

through Girls First• subsidize membership fees for girls

in need

As GGC’s official fundraiser, cookie sales are a sweet deal for every member.

There are no limits to what girls and women can achieve in Guiding. When you add it all up, Girl Guide cookies make a HUGE impact on Guiding.

Here’s How the Girl Guide Cookie Crumbles. . . For Each Case: $60 Revenue

This is the cost paid to our cookies



Provinces use this for camps, girl events, Guider workshops, group travel, and to subsidize membership fees.


$4.75This amount is

used for national initiatives.

$11.00Units can use this guaranteed share to buy craft supplies, visit a science centre or go camping.

THE BOTTOM LINE: Girl Guide Cookie sale proceeds benefit all members – girls and women alike.




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94,000+ girls and women are empowered to make a difference.

Tips for Successful Cookie CampaignsFollow these tips to increase your unit’s cookie sales:

Ask the Experts – The Girls!Hold a unit “idea jam” to brainstorm ways to sell more cookies. You’ll be surprised what the girls can come up with.

Location, Location, Location!Be sure to check in with other units in your neighbourhood, so you don’t plan door-to-door sales on the same streets, or approach the same stores for sales events. And don’t forget locations such as your local hockey or curling rinks, farmers’ markets, community events and parades. Get your cookies out to anywhere people may gather in groups within your community.

Put your Sales on the MapUse the GGC online Cookie Finder Map, so your customers can track you down. Really… they will, and your sales will get a terrific boost!

Bling your Booth!Bling it on! See what ideas your girls have for bringing your booth to the next level of eye-catching amazingness. Don’t forget to ensure the GGC Trefoil logo is proudly on display!

Perfect your Sales Pitch!Have your girls practise what they’ll say to potential customers. This is a great way to handle any pre-sale jitters. For older girls, this is a chance to boost their marketing savvy by coming up with their own creative sales pitch. Check the Cookies Rising program for ideas.

Reap the RewardsGirls can’t participate in the Cookie All Stars (CAS) rewards program if they don’t know about it! Get them excited about the rewards they can earn. And when they sell more cookies through CAS, your unit and GGC benefit, as well!

Boost Your Sales!

Always say “Thanks”!Above and beyond obvious good etiquette, it’s amazing what a simple “Thanks” can do! When you take the time to sincerely thank customers, parents, businesses and store managers, you demonstrate the Guiding spirit.

Smile!This may seem obvious, but nothing grabs customers’ attention better than a bright smile on a girl’s face – the ultimate showcase of Girl Greatness!