Protecting residents from flooding Strategic Sewer Part 2 Further Longlist (stage 2a) and Shortlist (stage 3) Site Assessment Report Document Number C680-AH-00537-RP November 2015 Counters Creek Strategic Flood Alleviation Scheme

Thames Water · Counters Creek Strategic Storm Relief Sewer/ Part 2 Further Longlist and Shortlist Site Assessment Report: November 2015 Document Number: C680-TW-00537-RP COUNTERS

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Page 1: Thames Water · Counters Creek Strategic Storm Relief Sewer/ Part 2 Further Longlist and Shortlist Site Assessment Report: November 2015 Document Number: C680-TW-00537-RP COUNTERS

Protecting residents from flooding

Strategic Sewer Part 2 Further Longlist (stage 2a) and Shortlist (stage 3) Site Assessment Report

Document Number C680-AH-00537-RP

November 2015

Counters Creek Strategic Flood Alleviation Scheme

Page 2: Thames Water · Counters Creek Strategic Storm Relief Sewer/ Part 2 Further Longlist and Shortlist Site Assessment Report: November 2015 Document Number: C680-TW-00537-RP COUNTERS

Counters Creek Strategic Storm Relief Sewer/ Part 2 Further Longlist and Shortlist Site Assessment Report: November 2015 Document Number: C680-TW-00537-RP





Document Ref C680-AH-00537-RP Status For issue Document Type Report Title/Subject Site Selection Process – Part 2 - Further longlist (Stages 2a) and

shortlist (stage 3) Project Counters Creek Strategic Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme Authors TWUL / Aecom / Adams Hendry / Bruton Knowles / London Bridge

Associates / Mott MacDonald Keywords Part 2 - Further Longlist (stage 2a) and Shortlist (stage 3) Site

Assessment Report


Co-ordinator Reviewer Approver

Chris Colloff Associate, Savills

Mark Mathews

Town Planning Manager, TWUL

Martin Bennett

Project Lead, TWUL

Date 17/11/2015 Date 17/11/2015 Date 17/11/2015

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Counters Creek Strategic Storm Relief Sewer / Further Longlist (stage 2a) and Shortlist (stage 3) Site Assessment Report May 2015 Document Number C680-AH-00520









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Counters Creek Strategic Sewer Part 2 Further Longlist and Shortlist Site Assessment Report

Counters Creek Strategic Sewer / Part 2 Further Longlist (stage 2a) and Shortlist (stage 3) Site Assessment Report November 2015 Document Number C680-AH-00537-RP



0.1.1 The Counters Creek Flood Alleviation Scheme is required to protect properties

from basement flooding within the Counters Creek catchment in the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham and the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea. The present Counters Creek Flooding Register1 shows that over 1,700 properties are subject to flooding.

0.1.2 A number of strategic solutions are being pursued, each of which plays a role in providing the relief necessary to guard against basement flooding. The strategic solutions comprise the provision of flooding local improvement projects (FLIPS), the introduction of pilot Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) schemes, the implementation of sewer upgrade works and the construction of a strategic sewer (the ‘strategic sewer’ or ‘the scheme’).

0.1.3 This report documents the outcomes of the further longlist and shortlist site

assessment work undertaken between July – October 2015 as part of the Counters Creek strategic sewer site selection process. It identifies the further longlist of sites and summarises the outcomes of the longlist and shortlist assessment process, reporting on the sites that have been rejected and those that have been retained for more detailed assessment through the Site Suitability Reporting process.

0.1.4 A total of 16 further longlist sites were identified, 11 of which were subjected to a

shortlist assessment. Of these 11 sites, 2 will be taken forward for assessment through the Site Suitability Reporting process: SS259 Land to the north of Talgarth Road and SS261 Holland Villas Road.

0.1.5 In addition, Thames Water has updated SSRs for two sites considered as part of

the phase 1 consultation and / or interim engagement processes (SS222 Tesco Hammersmith Superstore Car Park and SS241 Maclise Road Car Park and Woodland adjacent to Kensington Olympia Station) to reflect potential changes to the proposed use of the sites.

0.1.6 Further updating work is also being carried out in respect of proposals for the use

of site SS219 Cremorne Wharf Depot, and whilst those updates are not expected to be complete until late 2015, that updated use is largely consistent with the option A proposals published in November 2014 version of the SSR for that site. For the purpose of initial ongoing engagement work that version of the SSR will therefore be relied on.

1 The Counters Creek flood register is a register of all the properties in the Counters Creek Catchment that have been recorded as being flooded at some point in the past. This register is taken from the Thames Water Sewer Flooding History Database (SFHD). Properties are added to the register based on reported flooding incidents. Incidents are assessed to confirm whether or not the flood event was caused by an operational problem (i.e. a blockage), an extreme rainfall occurrence (greater than the current design criteria), or by a lack of capacity in the sewer.

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Counters Creek Strategic Sewer Part 2 Further Longlist and Shortlist Site Assessment Report

Counters Creek Strategic Sewer / Part 2 Further Longlist (stage 2a) and Shortlist (stage 3) Site Assessment Report November 2015 Document Number C680-AH-00537-RP


1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Summary of the background to the project 1.1.1 The Counters Creek Flood Alleviation Scheme is required to reduce the risk of

flooding to basement properties within the Counters Creek catchment in the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham (LBHF) and the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea (RBKC). The present Counters Creek Flooding Register shows that over 1,700 properties are subject to flooding.

1.1.2 Consideration of this problem has identified that a key measure to tackle the

flooding will be to provide a strategic sewer in the Counters Creek catchment. Further information on the background to this project can be found in Appendix 1 of this report.

1.2 Purpose of this report 1.2.1 This report documents the outcomes of the further longlist and shortlist site

assessment work undertaken between July – October 2015 as part of the Counters Creek Strategic Sewer site selection process.

1.2.2 It follows the interim engagement process carried out for a list of nine new and

alternative sites between 11th May and 22nd June 2015. Feedback from that process, particularly from the London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham (LBHF), identified concerns regarding a number of the sites which Thames Water had consulted on, including sites in LBHF’s ownership or control. That process also identified a number of alternative sites which should be considered further by Thames Water before progressing any further with the project, which has been carried out alongside ongoing scheme development and modelling work.

1.2.3 This process of ongoing scheme development, testing and back checking of

previous assessment work is an important component of the strategic sewer Site Selection Methodology (Document reference: C680-AH-00504-RP). It enables the assessment work to retain validity over time within which external factors may change and project parameters may be adjusted.

1.2.4 The site selection methodology explains that where necessary, previous stages, or

parts of stages of the assessment process may be repeated in order to take account of new information or changes in circumstances. Consistent with the methodology and in recognition of the need for a further review of sites, part of the site selection process has therefore been repeated.

1.2.5 This report describes the key feedback from the interim engagement process and

explains how a further longlist of sites was derived and the outcomes of undertaking an assessment of that longlist. From this stage of reassessment a further shortlist of sites was identified and assessed in accordance with the project shortlist assessment methodology, the outcomes of which are also documented in this report.

1.2.6 This report is structured as follows:

• Section 2 – The site selection process and the need for review • Section 3 – The longlist and shortlist site assessment criteria and process

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Counters Creek Strategic Sewer / Part 2 Further Longlist (stage 2a) and Shortlist (stage 3) Site Assessment Report November 2015 Document Number C680-AH-00537-RP


• Section 4 – Identification of a further longlist of sites • Section 5 – Longlist site assessment results and outcomes • Section 6 – Shortlist site assessment results and outcomes • Section 7 – Retained shortlist sites • Section 8 – Rejected shortlisted sites • Section 9 – Conclusions and next steps

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Counters Creek Strategic Sewer Part 2 Further Longlist and Shortlist Site Assessment Report

Counters Creek Strategic Sewer / Part 2 Further Longlist (stage 2a) and Shortlist (stage 3) Site Assessment Report November 2015 Document Number C680-AH-00537-RP


2 THE SITE SELECITON PROCESS AND THE NEED FOR REVIEW 2.1 Summary of the site selection process 2.1.1 A site selection process has been developed to assess and identify the most

suitable locations for the range of construction sites required to deliver the SRS, namely drive shaft site(s), reception shaft site(s), interception shaft site(s), sewer outfall connections or new sewer outfalls, a pumping station and construction compounds. The site selection process is reported in Site Selection Methodology Report (Document reference C680-AH-00504-RP, March 2014).

2.1.2 The methodology follows a sequential multi-stage process, with some stages

undertaken in parallel. The methodology is shown diagrammatically in Figure 1 below.

Figure 1 Counters Creek Site Selection Process

2.1.3 With regard to Stage 4a – Public Consultation of the site selection methodology,

additional stages of consultation have been and will be undertaken as necessary. 2.2 Stages 1- 4a of the site selection process 2.2.1 Stages 1 to 4a of the site selection process have been undertaken and are

reported in the following documents:

• Strategic Sewer Site Assessment Stage 1: Strategic Options Report (Document Number C680-AH-00503-RP) March 2014.

• Site Assessment Stage 2a - Strategic Sewer Site Assessment Stage 2a: Longlist Assessment Report (Document Number C680-TW-0505-RP) October 2014.

• Stage 2b: Emerging Route Options Report (Document Number C680-MMT-20074-RP)

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Counters Creek Strategic Sewer / Part 2 Further Longlist (stage 2a) and Shortlist (stage 3) Site Assessment Report November 2015 Document Number C680-AH-00537-RP


• Site Assessment Stage 3: Shortlist Site Assessment Report (Document Number C680-TW-00506-RP) October 2014; the 12 individual Site Suitability Reports (listed in Appendix 2), and the Strategic Sewer Site Assessment Stage 3: Preferred Option and Sites Report (Document Number C680-AH-00519-RP) November 2014.

• Site Assessment Stage 2a and 3: Further Longlist and Shortlist Site Assessment Report (Document Number C680-TW-00520-RP May 2015 and the 10 individual Site Suitability Reports (listed in Appendix 2).

• Stage 4a will be reported in the Counters Creek Strategic Storm Relief Sewer – Consultation Feedback Report prior to undertaking the Phase 2 consultation process.

2.2.2 In summary, stages 1 to 3 of the phase 1 site selection process involved:

• The assessment of 200 longlist sites which resulted in 82 shortlist sites; • Engineering refinements which reduced the number of shortlist sites from

82 to 20, each of which was then assessed through the shortlist methodology;

• The further testing of 12 shortlisted sites through Site Suitability Reports to identify an initial list of preferred sites for consultation, and

• The identification of five preferred sites (see Table 1 below) for the Phase 1 consultation process.

Table 1 The five preferred construction sites consulted on during the

Phase 1 consultation

Preferred site Proposed use of site

Car Park Adjacent to Kensington Olympia Station

Proposed for two drive shafts to launch the tunnel boring machines to drive to the south (Cremorne Wharf), and to the north (Five Star Car Wash & Upper Addison Gardens), and an interception shaft to intercept the Hammersmith storm relief sewer.

Five Star Car Wash Shepherds Bush

Proposed site to intercept the Hammersmith storm relief sewer (Brook Green Branch) and to receive the tunnel boring machine driving from the Car Park Adjacent to Kensington Olympia Station.

Upper Addison Gardens

Proposed for an interception shaft to intercept the North Kensington and Counters Creek sewers and to receive the tunnel boring machine driving from the Car Park Adjacent to Kensington Olympia Station.

Mund Street Proposed for an interception shaft to intercept the North End sewer.

Cremorne Wharf Depot, Lots Road

Proposed for an interception shaft to intercept the Walham Green sewer and the Low Level 1 sewer, a reception shaft to receive the tunnel boring machine driving from the Car Park Adjacent to Kensington Olympia Station, and the construction of a pumping station and storm outfall.

2.2.3 Please see Longlist Site Assessment Report (October 2014) Document Number

C680-TW-0505-RP and Shortlist Site Assessment Report (October 2014) Document Number C680-TW-00506-RP for further information.

2.2.4 Between 20th November 2014 – 8th February 2015 Thames Water consulted on the

phase 1 variant of the proposed SRS and its five associated preferred construction sites. A key outcome of this consultation was that the proposed preferred project sewer drive site would not be available for use. Feedback from land owners and

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Counters Creek Strategic Sewer Part 2 Further Longlist and Shortlist Site Assessment Report

Counters Creek Strategic Sewer / Part 2 Further Longlist (stage 2a) and Shortlist (stage 3) Site Assessment Report November 2015 Document Number C680-AH-00537-RP


the community also led to the need for a further review of sewer alignment options and sites.

2.2.5 Consistent with the methodology and in recognition of the need for a further review

of sites, part of the site selection process was duly repeated. In summary, stages 1 to 3 of the interim engagement site selection process, conducted between February-June 2015 involved:

• The assessment of 24 longlist sites which resulted in 16 shortlist sites; • The further testing of 10 of the shortlisted sites through Site Suitability

Reports. The process confirmed each of these sites was suitable for use. One of these sites, an interception point to the north of car park at Kensington Olympia had already been consulted on in Phase 1.

• Nine new and alternative construction sites were consulted on as part of the interim engagement process.

2.2.6 Please see Further Longlist and Shortlist Site Assessment Report May 2015

Document Number C680-AH-00520 for further information. 2.3 The need for the review of the interim engagement preferred sites 2.3.1 Between 11th May – 20th June 2015 Thames Water consulted on nine new and

alternative construction sites. The nine sites are shown on a plan included at Appendix 3, whilst Table 2 below summarises the role of each of the sites.

Table 2 The nine new and alternative sites consulted on during the

interim engagement

Potential site Proposed use of site

Land to the South of Gwendwr Road

Possible alternative to Mund Street for interception of North End Sewer. The Brook Green Sewer could also be intercepted from this site (Land to the South of Gwendwr Road).

Junction at Barons Court Road

Possible alternative to Mund Street for interception of North End Sewer. Would also require interception of Brook Green Sewer.

Rifle Close and Edward Woods Town Park

Possible alternative to Upper Addison Gardens for interception of Counters Creek Mainline Sewer. Possible alternative to the Car Park Adjacent to Kensington Olympia (Maclise Road) for the interception of the Hammersmith Storm relief Sewer Duplication Branch.

Land at Swanscombe Road and Norland House

Possible alternative to Upper Addison Gardens for interception of Counters Creek Mainline Sewer. Possible alternative to the Car Park Adjacent to Kensington Olympia (Maclise Road) for the interception of the Hammersmith Storm Relief Sewer Duplication Branch.

Holland Gardens Possible alternative to Upper Addison Gardens for interception of Counters Creek Mainline Sewer.

Addison Crescent Possible alternative to Upper Addison Gardens for interception of Counters Creek Mainline Sewer.

Sulgrave Road Possible alternative to Five Star Car Wash for the interception of the

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Counters Creek Strategic Sewer / Part 2 Further Longlist (stage 2a) and Shortlist (stage 3) Site Assessment Report November 2015 Document Number C680-AH-00537-RP


Potential site Proposed use of site Hammersmith Storm Relief Sewer and the Goldhawk Road sewer. This site was also proposed as a reception shaft to remove the tunnel boring machine and a drive site for a smaller sewer connection to the west.

Hammersmith Grove

New interception through engineering modelling for the interception of the Brook Green Sewer Grove Road Branch – one of two alternatives consulted on.

Astrop Terrace New interception through engineering modelling for the interception of the Brook Green Sewer Grove Road Branch – one of two alternatives consulted on.

2.3.2 Feedback from the interim engagement process identified concerns about a

number of the sites which Thames Water had consulted on, particularly those under LBHF’s ownership or control:

• Land to the South of Gwendwr Road • Rifle Close and Edward Woods Town Park • Land at Swanscombe Road and Norland House • Sulgrave Road • Hammersmith Grove • Astrop Terrace • Barons Court Road

2.3.3 A number of additional alternative sites were suggested as part of these concerns

and Thames Water has taken the opportunity to consider these through a further round of site assessment work, as detailed in Section 4 of this report.

. 2.3.4 In addition, ongoing project development and modelling work identified that interim

engagement sites suggested at Holland Gardens and at Addison Crescent were unlikely to be achievable due to considerable highways constraints associated with the location of the Counters Creek Mainline Sewer beneath Holland Road. A further alternative site was therefore considered in this vicinity at the junction between Holland Villas Road and Lower Addison Gardens. The outcome of this process is reported in Section 4 of this report.

2.4 Back-checking

2.4.1 The site selection methodology recognises that the process of identifying,

assessing and consulting on potential sites for development will need to be accompanied by a process of back-checking. This ensures that information gathered at subsequent stages of the process that might affect previous work and outcomes is fully considered and the implications of that information reflected as the assessment moves towards a firm project proposal. The site selection methodology also explains that, where necessary, previous stages or parts of stages of assessment may be repeated in order to take account of new information or changes in circumstances.

2.4.2 In response to the feedback received and as a result of ongoing project

development stages 2a, 2b and 3 of the site selection methodology have been repeated as appropriate to ensure a robust firm project proposal is identified for the phase 2 consultation process and ultimately for stage 5, the submission of a planning application.

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Counters Creek Strategic Sewer / Part 2 Further Longlist (stage 2a) and Shortlist (stage 3) Site Assessment Report November 2015 Document Number C680-AH-00537-RP



3.1 Introduction

3.1.1 The further longlist and shortlist assessment process applied the same

methodology and assessment process that was undertaken during the site selection process carried out in 2014 and 2015 to inform the phase 1 and interim engagement sites and is documented as follows: • Strategic Sewer Site Selection Methodology Report (Document Ref C680-

AH-00504-RP) March 2014 • Strategic Sewer Site Assessment Stage 2a: Longlist Assessment Report

(Document Number C680-TW-0505-RP) October 2014 • Site Assessment Stage 3: Shortlist Site Assessment Report (Document

Number C680-TW-00506-RP) October 2014 • Site Assessment Stage 2a and 3: Further Longlist and Shortlist Site

Assessment Report (Document Number C680-TW-00520-RP May 2015 3.2 Longlist assessment criteria 3.2.1 The criteria against which each longlist site was assessed are set out in Table 3

and are derived from the existing project longlist assessment process (Document Ref C680-TW-00505-RP). It includes a defined range of engineering, planning and environmental and property criteria that enables a sufficiently broad base of information on the potential sites to be collected and assessed to enable a shortlist of sites to be robustly formed. Key issues that could constrain the use of the site for any of the identified works are recorded to determine its overall suitability for ongoing inclusion and assessment. At this stage of the process, no design work was undertaken on potential sites.

3.2.2 A red, amber, green classification was used to highlight the sites performance against each of the different assessment criteria. It is important to note that none of these classifications automatically exclude a site, indicating instead the potential presence or absence of substantial constraints and / or project risks if a site is retained. Table 3 Stage 2a Longlist criteria to inform the assessments of sites


Red Amber Green Engineering – To be completed by the Engineering and Design Teams

Site Size (to include consideration of using adjacent roads for construction)

Size or shape below the minimum technically feasible for site type

Size or shape below preferred sites dimensions for site type, but above technically feasible minimum / has potential as a linked site

At or above preferred site size for site type.

Site Features Site features have potential to prohibit development of site.

Will require compromise/mitigation in order to be workable

No or limited constraints.

Location Site is adjoined by other land uses or features

Site is adjoined by other land uses or features but

Site is not adjoined by other land uses or features

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Counters Creek Strategic Sewer / Part 2 Further Longlist (stage 2a) and Shortlist (stage 3) Site Assessment Report November 2015 Document Number C680-AH-00537-RP


CRITERION INDICATIVE VALUES Red Amber Green making engineering / construction difficult to achieve

engineering / construction can be achieved with mitigation

that would impede making engineering / construction

Means of access Significant difficulties achieving road, rail or river access

Road, rail or river access can be achieved but compromise/mitigation required

Good road, rail or river access

Planning and Environment – To be completed by the Planning and Environment Teams

Heritage designation National Regional/Local None or positive. Landscape/Townscape National Regional/Local None or positive Open Space National Regional/Local None or positive Ecological designation National Regional/Local None or positive Neighbouring land uses Nature of surrounding

land use likely to preclude development

Nature of surrounding land use not ideal, but mitigation measures would ensure acceptability

Neighbouring land uses do not conflict with use of site

Existing or designated use of site

Existing/designated use of site likely to preclude development

Existing/designated use of site not ideal but mitigation measures would ensure acceptability

Existing/designated use of site does not conflict with use of site

Property – to be completed by the Property Team Special Land and Crown Land

Land comprises special land for the purposes of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 or Crown Land

Land includes some special land for the purposes of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 or Crown Land

Land does not include any special land for the purposes of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 or Crown Land

Acquisition Costs Acquisition costs likely to be relatively high

Acquisition costs likely to be moderate

Acquisition costs likely to be relatively low

3.2.3 Appendix 4 includes the 16 completed longlist proformas. 3.3 Shortlist site assessment process 3.3.1 The shortlist assessment process is derived from the existing methodology and

process reported in document reference C680-TW-00506-RP. The shortlist site assessment issues and criteria are set out in Table 4 below. Table 4 Shortlist Site Assessment Issues and Criteria

Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria


Clean Water / Waste Water Assets

• Are important clean water or other water resources and assets affected?

Connection Feasibility • Distance from sewer interception • Infrastructure / structures between sewer and shaft

Means of Access • Availability of rail connection / practicability of accessing rail connection • Suitability of road links to site and river • Ability for site to handle Abnormally Indivisible Loads • Jetty / wharfage facilities available

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Counters Creek Strategic Sewer / Part 2 Further Longlist (stage 2a) and Shortlist (stage 3) Site Assessment Report November 2015 Document Number C680-AH-00537-RP


Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria • Jetty / wharfage facilities can be created • Availability of any other means of access • Worker transport considerations

Odour Control • Assessment of potential operational odour generation and costs of mitigation

Site Efficiency • Ability to accommodate all requirements on one site and if not describe how facilities can be achieved via a combination of sites.

• Assessment of potential for effects from development upon existing site or adjacent services e.g. power supply/communications/other

Site Features • Above and below ground conditions (including 3rd party services, assets and infrastructure)

• Geology • Site levels • Other considerations

Site Geometry • Does the site geometry lend itself for use intended?

Site Size • What is the site suitable for – drive shaft, intermediate or reception shaft, pump station, outfall or other e.g. welfare office

Tunnelling, Construction and System Engineering Requirements

• Ability to be compatible with likely system and tunnelling requirements in the vicinity of the site


Community & Amenity • Sensitivity to dust, odour and other construction effects • Visual impact during construction upon amenity • Visual impact during operation upon amenity

Ecology • Nature conservation / reserve designations

Flood Risk • Assessment of fluvial / tidal / surface water flood risk

Heritage • Archaeology priority areas • Scheduled Ancient Monuments • Historic Parks and Gardens • Conservation Areas • Listed Buildings

Landscape • Assessment of potential for Landscape, townscape, visual designations. • Assessment of potential for impacts on other landscape/open space

designations • Assessment of potential for impacts on informal/undesignated open



Distance from centre of site to receptor

• Type of receptor

Height of Receptor • Type of receptor


Common Land • Nature of common land site • Size of common land site • Area required during construction • Area required during operation

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Counters Creek Strategic Sewer / Part 2 Further Longlist (stage 2a) and Shortlist (stage 3) Site Assessment Report November 2015 Document Number C680-AH-00537-RP


Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria • Potential for use

Community & Amenity • Impact upon formal or informal community facilities • Neighbouring land uses and amenity considerations • Allotment land • Residential gardens / restricted open space

Employment • Are there potential impacts on local employment opportunities?

London Plan / Borough Policy Allocation or Special Policy Area

• Assessment of compliance or conflict with specific land use allocations or planning objectives

Metropolitan Open Land / Green Belt

• Assessment against Green Belt and Metropolitan Open Land

Open Space • Assessment against Open Space policy

Planning Applications / Permissions

• Application expected • Awaiting determination • Unimplemented • Implemented

Public Access & Recreation • Impacts on informal / undesignated open space • Impacts on navigation and recreational water use • Impacts on recreational sites and assets • Impact upon leisure or sports facilities • Impact upon tourism • Permissive rights of access • Public Rights of Way


Access and Material Transfer Rights


Common Land • Ownership status • Potential for acquisition or rights to develop • Operational access / status

Crown Land and Special Land -

Estimated Acquisition Cost -

Ownership of Site • Is the site owned by TWUL / in single 3rd Party ownership / multiple 3rd Party ownerships?


Connection to Rail Network During Construction

• Connection to railway siding and suitability of interconnecting access route

Water Freight Practicability During Construction

• Location of wharf and suitability of interconnecting access route to wharf

Suitability of Road / Interconnecting Road Access During Construction

• Road layout, width and junction geometry suitability for Heavy Goods Vehicles

Sensitivity of Access Route During Construction

• Residential streets, shopping streets, tourist areas, schools, play areas, hospitals, bus routes

Operational Transport and Access Requirements


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Counters Creek Strategic Sewer / Part 2 Further Longlist (stage 2a) and Shortlist (stage 3) Site Assessment Report November 2015 Document Number C680-AH-00537-RP


3.3.2 Matrices based upon the criteria in Table 4 were prepared for the purpose of

recording those outcomes and the associated classifications given by each professional team and the relationship between each shortlisted site and the criteria applied to them. The classifications were colour coded using a ‘red, amber, green’ system which allows the assessor and the project team to highlight the degree of importance of each of the different assessment criteria for each site.

3.3.3 It is important to note that none of these classifications were exclusionary – i.e. red

does not indicate that a site should be excluded from further consideration, but indicates that although issues may be overcome it will be very challenging to do so. Unlike the grading process for the longlist assessment, the grades associated with the shortlisted sites required a greater use of interpretation of data and use of expert judgement to establish the opportunities and limitations of each site. The classifications therefore reflect this and seek to establish the following:

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues

can be overcome, but will be very challenging.

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome.

Criterion has no implications for site.

3.3.4 At this stage of the process numbers of other surrounding receptors and their

distances to the site, the existing noise climate, the height of receptor relative to noise source(s) and the noise level likely to be produced by each site were not available. Conclusions in terms of whether mitigation can be achieved or if there are noise implications at the site will be established following a more detailed assessment of these factors specific to each location.

3.3.5 The assessment matrices for each shortlisted site, which record the results from

the individual team and workshop assessments, are included in Appendix 5.

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Counters Creek Strategic Sewer / Part 2 Further Longlist (stage 2a) and Shortlist (stage 3) Site Assessment Report November 2015 Document Number C680-AH-00537-RP


4 IDENTIFICATION OF A FURTHER LONGLIST OF SITES 4.1 Introduction 4.1.1 Following the interim engagement process a further longlist of sites was identified

for assessment derived from alternative sites suggested by respondents to the interim engagement process and through ongoing project development.

4.2 Identifying the longlist of sites 4.2.1 A total of 20 sites were proposed by respondents, 5 of which were not taken

forwards as they had already been considered as part of the site assessment work previously undertaken during 2014 and 2015 (Table 5) and had either been rejected or remainded part of the portfolio of sites under consideration by the project. A further site at Holland Villas Road (SS261) was also identified through the ongoing scheme development process and in response to difficulties faced at other potential sites that had been assessed for the interception of the Counters Creek Mainline sewer.

Table 5 Sites suggested through interim engagement and not taken


Site Outcomes

95 Goldhawk Road (SS227)

This site was considered as part of the further longlist and shortlist of sites undertaken between February – April 2015. The site was rejected at shortlist stage as there was a more preferable site in the same location. A defining factor is the need for acquisition of 3rd party land where a clear alternative site (SS226 or SS239) existed. Planning permission (2013/02090/FUL) was granted in June 2015 for the erection of a 5 storey block for office and residential use following demolition of the existing use. Feedback from the freeholder of 95 Goldhawk Road in response to the interim consultation also confirmed this site would not be released to facilitate the construction of the strategic sewer. Consequently, the risk to securing permission and suitable operational access arrangements for the use of this site in a timescale that will facilitate the programmed delivery of the strategic sewer is judged to be very high and therefore the site has not been added to the longlist of sites in Table 6.

Maclise Road Car Park and Woodland adjacent to Kensington Olympia Station (SS241)

Preferred phase 1 double drive site and interception site. Feedback from the landowner in response to the phase 1 consultation identified that this site is not available for use as a drive site. As part of the further assessment of sites, undertaken between February-April 2015, the Site Suitability Report (SSR) was updated to reflect the use of this site as a proposed interception site. The site remains part of the portfolio of sites under review. The SSR will be updated as part of this part 2 further site assessment work. Further information is available in Section 9 of this report.

Tesco Hammersmith Superstore Car Park

Considered as part of the site selection process undertaken in 2014 for the phase 1 variant of the scheme to be used as an

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Site Outcomes (SS222) interception site, but was not a preferred site.

The site remains part of the portfolio of sites under review. The SSR will be updated as part of this part 2 further site assessment work. Further information is available in Section 9 of this report.

Open land to the south of Holland Park roundabout (SS234)

Considered as part of the further site assessment work undertaken between February-April 2015. The site was rejected at the shortlist stage due to engineering constraints.

Little Brook Green (SS217)

Considered as part of the site selection process undertaken in 2014 for the phase 1 variant of the scheme. The site was rejected at the longlist assessment stage as a drive or interception site due to engineering constraints and retained for compound use only.

4.2.2 The remaining 16 sites taken forwards for longlist assessment are listed below in

Table 6 below. Table 6 Further Longlist of sites

Site Name

1 SS246 Jewson's Timber Yard, Trussley Road

2 SS247 TfL Signal Control Centre, Trussley Road

3 SS248 Land between Freston Road and Nicholas Road

4 SS249 Smith News Distribution Depot, Olaf Street

5 SS250 Travis Perkins Yard, Freston Road

6 SS251 Dulux, Richford Street

7 SS252 Land to the rear of 63 – 75 Goldhawk Road

8 SS253 Eastern end of Brook Green

9 SS254 Tarmac area to the south of K-West hotel

10 SS255 Land to the north of Beaumont Avenue

11 SS256 Rootstein Mannequin Factory, 9 Beaumont Avenue

12 SS257 Ealing, Hammersmith and West London College, Gliddon Road

13 SS258 Ada Lewis House, 2 Palliser Road

14 SS259 Land adjacent to Talgarth Road & Trevanion Road

15 SS260 Telecoms site North End Road

16 SS261 Holland Villas Road

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5 LONGLIST SITE ASSESSMENT RESULTS AND OUTCOMES 5.1 Introduction 5.1.1 The assessment of the 16 longlist sites was undertaken on the basis of the

information known at the time of the assessment between July – October 2015. Each longlist site has been subjected to the same assessment that is set out in Table 3 of this report. Individual site assessment proformas recording the performance of each site against the engineering, planning and environmental, and property criteria are provided in Appendix 4 of this report.

5.2 Outcomes 5.2.1 Following the assessment 11 sites were recommended to be retained on a

shortlist; the remainder were rejected, as summarised in Table 7 below. The 11 sites were then placed on the shortlist for further assessment in accordance with Stage 3 of the site assessment methodology.

Table 7 Retained longlist sites

Site ID Site Location Drive Reception / Interception

Pumping station

Outfall Compound

Key to Summary Table

No / limited constraints

Will require compromise/mitigation in order to be a workable site

Site characteristics have potential to prohibit development of site

Use not applicable to site

SS246 Jewson's Timber Yard, Trussley Road

SS247 TfL Signal Control Centre, Trussley Road

SS248 Land between Freston Road and Nicholas Road

SS249 Smith News Distribution Depot, Olaf Street

SS250 Travis Perkins Yard, Freston Road

SS251 Dulux, Richford Street

SS255 Land to the north of Beaumont Avenue

SS257 Ealing, Hammersmith and West London College, Gliddon Road

SS258 Ada Lewis House, 2 Palliser Road

SS259 Land adjacent to Talgarth Road & Trevanion Road

SS261 Holland Villas Road

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6 SHORTLIST SITE ASSESSMENT RESULTS AND OUTCOMES 6.1 Outcomes 6.1.1 The shortlist site assessment process resulted in two sites being retained and nine

sites being excluded, as identified in Table 8 below. The detailed assessment matrices for each of the shortlist sites listed in Table 8 are included in Appendix 5. Section 7 of this report provides a summary of outcomes of the assessment for each of the retained shortlisted sites and Section 8 provides a summary for each of the rejected sites.

Table 8 Shortlist assessment outcomes

Site ID


SS246 Jewson's Timber Yard, Trussley Road

Site rejected. Ongoing scheme development has identified that interception of the local sewer by the Counters Creek strategic sewer is no longer necessary. Site not to be progressed further.

SS247 TfL Signal Control Centre, Trussley Road

Site rejected due to property constraints - The land has been confirmed as part of LUL’s operational portfolio and will not be available for construction works / use for welfare/compound.

SS248 Land between Freston Road and Nicholas Road

Site(s) part of a portfolio of land being developed, about to be developed or planned for development in the next 24 months. Landowner confirmed that project proposals not consistent with landowners planned development intentions.

SS249 Smith News Distribution Depot, Olaf Street

Site rejected. Site subject to a 57 year lease, with 17 years remaining between the landowner and WH Smiths. Acquisition would require a negotiated purchase or use of compulsory purchase powers, resulting in compensation and relocation costs plus the possible extinguishment of the tenant’s interest. The freehold owner has also expressed a view on future redevelopment of the site. Subsequently, potential cost implications make this option unviable. Use of land adjacent to site concluded as unfeasible due to lack of space and positioning of shaft and sewer connection works which would prevent spoil export.

SS250 Travis Perkins Yard, Freston Road

Site rejected. Engineering constraints - Site located too far from required sewer interceptions. Additional sites required to intercept sewers and connect to site. Interception locations are not feasible due to space restrictions.

SS251 Dulux, Richford Street Site rejected. Ongoing scheme development has identified that interception of the local sewer by the Counters Creek strategic sewer is no longer necessary. Site not to be progressed further.

SS255 Land to the north of Beaumont Avenue

Site rejected as is in ownership of and use by TfL for compound and depot purposes. Use would displace depot.

SS257 Ealing, Hammersmith and West London College, Gliddon Road

Site rejected for interception purposes. Significant open cut and/ or pipe jack shafts are required to make the connections. The tunnel alignment would also be restricted due to piled foundations. The college is currently progressing the redevelopment of the site for a new college campus. Use of the site would sterilise part of an area where residential development aspirations have been suggested. Subsequently, potential cost implications make this site unviable. Retain for consideration as compound.

SS258 Ada Lewis House, 2 Palliser Road

Site rejected as too distant from sewers proposed to be intercepted and would require complete demolition of property currently in use as (sheltered)

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Site ID



SS259 Land adjacent to Talgarth Road & Trevanion Road

Retained for site suitability testing as an access shaft. Ongoing scheme development has identified that interception of the local sewer by the Counters Creek strategic sewer is no longer necessary. Site not to be progressed as an interception site, but to be retained for use as an access shaft to provide safe access to the proposed Counters Creek strategic sewer during inspection and maintenance operations.

SS261 Holland Villas Road Retained for site suitability testing for the construction of an interception point to pick up flows from the Counters Creek Mainline Sewer.

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7.1 Introduction 7.1.1 This section provides a summary by site and then by discipline of the assessment

of each of the shortlisted sites that have been retained, as identified in Table 8. The detailed matrices to which these summaries relate are provided in Appendix 5.

7.2 SS259 Land adjacent to Talgarth Road & Trevanion Road

Engineering summary

7.2.1 Site is too small for a drive site. Site has sufficient, but restricted and narrow area for an interception / reception site. Site is located to the North of Talgarth Road with restricted road access for logistics and HGV vehicles due to a narrow entrance to site and narrow site area.

7.2.2 There are no known water assets within the shaft site. However, interception

points are >100m from the site and will require some diversion works and road closures.

7.2.3 Ongoing scheme development has identified that interception of the local sewer by

the Counters Creek strategic sewer is no longer necessary. Site not to be progressed as an interception site, but to be retained for use as an access shaft to provide safe access to the proposed Counters Creek strategic sewer during inspection and maintenance operations. The above assessment for engineering remains consistent with the use of this site as an access shaft.

Environment summary

7.2.4 The site is located adjacent to residential dwellings and within EA Flood Risk

Zones 1, 2 and 3. The site is identified as being located in a Conservation Area, although no ecology or landscape designations have been identified on site.

7.2.5 Further consideration must be given to any potential impacts on the Conservation

Area and the amenity of the surrounding residential areas to determine appropriate mitigation.

7.2.6 Site not to be progressed as an interception site, but to be retained for use as an

access shaft to provide safe access to the proposed Counters Creek strategic sewer during inspection and maintenance operations. The above assessment for environment remains consistent with the use of this site as an access shaft. Noise summary

7.2.7 The site is in the furthest third of shortlisted sites in terms of distance to the nearest noise sensitive receptor. The proximity of the site to residential receptors (the nearest being 2 storeys in height) means that noise attenuation measures are likely to be needed to be incorporated into the proposals to reduce the impact on the surrounding land uses.

7.2.8 Site not to be progressed as an interception site, but to be retained for use as an

access shaft to provide safe access to the proposed Counters Creek strategic

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sewer during inspection and maintenance operations. The above assessment for noise remains consistent with the use of this site as an access shaft. Planning summary

7.2.9 The site is immediately adjacent to residential properties and it is anticipated that the impact on amenity can be mitigated but this will be very challenging.

7.2.10 The site is also immediately adjacent to a strategic route. Planning policies in both

the London Plan and the Borough Local Development Framework aim to restrict development that could prejudice the effectiveness of the strategic road network. It is anticipated that the impact on the strategic route (A4) can be mitigated.

7.2.11 Site not to be progressed as an interception site, but to be retained for use as an

access shaft to provide safe access to the proposed Counters Creek strategic sewer during inspection and maintenance operations. The above assessment for planning remains consistent with the use of this site as an access shaft.

Property summary

7.2.12 Access to the area is likely to be required through the residential area off Gwendwr Road/Trevanion Road. The site is in close proximity to residential properties. If significant excavation works are required, then monitoring of the adjoining structures would be necessary during construction, with mitigation measures introduced where necessary.

7.2.13 The area incorporates part of the highway that is likely to require a

partial/sequential road closure. Part of the area is vested with TFL (A4 Red Route) and subject to s13 protection (W.I.A.). Some permanent rights will be required for any retained above ground infrastructure and future operational access on private land, though these could be located on the extremity of the open space to minimise the future impact.

7.2.14 Site not to be progressed as an interception site, but to be retained for use as an

access shaft to provide safe access to the proposed Counters Creek strategic sewer during inspection and maintenance operations. The above assessment for property remains consistent with the use of this site as an access shaft.

Transport summary 7.2.15 With some management the road layout in the surrounding area is suitable for

HGVs. The site is close to the A4 for transportation further afield, although access to the A4 at this site is left turn only towards central London.

7.2.16 The construction access route would be through a residential area with safety also

likely to be an issue due to the use of the surrounding area. Appropriate mitigation may need to be incorporated into the design to address any impact on the surrounding uses. The site encompasses a section of Gwendwr Road and therefore appropriate measures will need to be employed to manage the impact during periods when this road is required to be closed.

7.2.17 Site not to be progressed as an interception site, but to be retained for use as an

access shaft to provide safe access to the proposed Counters Creek strategic

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sewer during inspection and maintenance operations. The above assessment for transport remains consistent with the use of this site as an access shaft. Outcome

7.2.18 Retain for further assessment as an access shaft through the Site Suitability Reporting process.

7.3 SS261 Holland Villas Road

Engineering summary

7.3.1 Site is too small for a drive site or logistics site. Site is highly constrained for an interception / reception site but site boundaries could be extended down the roads if required. This site is narrow resulting in inefficiencies and difficulties with site logistics during construction. Access is suitable to this site by road, but not suitable by rail or river. Interception point is within the site with less than 15m for the connection to the shaft. Significant services diversion may be required.

Environment summary 7.3.2 The site is located adjacent to residential dwellings. The site is identified as being

located within a Conservation Area, but no ecology or landscape designations have been identified on site and it is also located within EA Flood Risk Zone 1.

7.3.3 Further consideration must be given to any potential impacts on the Conservation

Area and the amenity of the surrounding residential areas to determine appropriate mitigation.

Noise summary 7.3.4 The site is in the closest third of shortlisted sites in terms of distance to the nearest

noise sensitive receptor. The proximity of the site to residential receptors (the nearest being 3 storeys in height) means that noise attenuation measures are likely to be needed to be incorporated into the proposals to reduce the impact on the surrounding land uses.

Planning summary 7.3.5 The site includes sections of the public highway and is located in a residential

area. Due to the proximity of the residential properties and the Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School, the use of this site as a construction site and or site compound would cause residential amenity impact concerns. The location of the site within the highway will cause disruption to the local road network. Mitigation measures will need to be implemented, but may be very challenging to achieve.

Property summary 7.3.6 The site is in close proximity to residential properties and a local school. If

significant excavation works are required, then monitoring of the adjoining structures would be necessary during construction, with mitigation measures introduced where necessary. The area forms part of the highway that is likely to require a full road closure at times during construction. Proximity to some

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properties will impede pedestrian and vehicular access, with potential compensation events arising. Some permanent rights will be required for any retained above ground infrastructure and future operational access, which could be maintained within the highway to minimise the future impact.

Transport summary 7.3.7 The road layout in the surrounding area is suitable for HGVs with good access

onto the A3220 (a TfL TLRN) which provides opportunity for transportation further afield.

7.3.8 However, the construction access would be through a residential area with a school in close proximity to the site, with safety likely to be an issue due to the residential nature of the surrounding area. The site encompasses a section of Lower Addison Gardens and Holland Villas Road, as well as the junction between the two, and therefore appropriate mitigation may need to be incorporated into the design to address any impact of road closures on the surrounding uses.


7.3.9 Retain for further assessment through the Site Suitability Reporting process.

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8 REJECTED SHORLISTED SITES 8.1 Introduction 8.1.1 This section provides a summary by site and then by discipline of the assessment

of each of the shortlisted sites that have been rejected, as identified in Table 8. The detailed matrices to which these summaries relate are provided in Appendix 5.

8.2 SS246 Jewson's Timber Yard, Trussley Road Engineering summary 8.2.1 Site area is sufficient for interception and reception site uses, with site efficiency

reducing if existing business retained, although potential to co-located with business and implement interception and tunneling / pipejack works. Site efficiency is also reduced by distance to interception and restrictions to main tunnel alignments accessing sites.

8.2.2 Good road access to site and train links for workforce transport. Site suitable

potentially as a pipejack drive site, but not as a main tunnel bore drive site. 8.2.3 Ongoing scheme development has identified that interception of the local sewer by

the Counters Creek strategic Sewer is no longer necessary. Site not to be progressed further.

Environment summary

8.2.4 The site is located in close proximity to residential dwellings. It is within EA Flood Risk Zone 3 but no ecology, heritage or landscape designations have been identified on site.

8.2.5 Further consideration must be given to any potential impacts on the amenity of the

surrounding residential areas to determine appropriate mitigation. Noise summary 8.2.6 The site is in the middle third of shortlisted sites in terms of distance to the nearest

noise sensitive receptor. The proximity of the site to residential receptors (the nearest being 2 storeys in height) means that noise attenuation measures are likely to be needed to be incorporated into the proposals to reduce the impact on the surrounding land uses.

Planning summary 8.2.7 The site is occupied by an active industrial use (builder’s merchant). The site is

located in close proximity to residential dwellings. Whilst the existing use of the site is likely to present a current amenity impact to these properties there is potential that the amenity impacts from a construction site would be greater than those from the existing use of the site.

8.2.8 Subject to appropriate mitigation measures to address construction impacts on the

existing use of the site and surrounding amenity and business interests, the site or

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part of the site, is considered appropriate in planning terms for use as a construction site or compound.

Property summary 8.2.9 Access to the area will be required along Trussley Road. The site is in close

proximity to residential properties and a number of commercial premises. If significant excavation works were required, then monitoring of the adjoining structures would be necessary during construction, with mitigation measures introduced where necessary.

8.2.10 Limited works within the commercial premises would be advised and use of other

areas will be required to mitigate the business losses anticipated, which could be substantial (highway and LuL Signaling Depot). Partial use of the highway will require traffic management, which may impact on traffic flows from North End Road. Some permanent rights will be required for any retained above ground infrastructure and future operational access, if located on private land.

8.2.11 Joint venture development aspirations currently met with objections from

leaseholder and landowner (the latter in respect of use of some of the LUL depot as compound).

Transport Summary

8.2.12 The site is not located with a clear access to the river or to a rail line. The road

layout in the surrounding area is suitable for HGVs (with some management) and is close to the A402 to the north. It is assumed that the sites current use generates some HGV traffic and therefore there is a precedent for this type of traffic in the area.

8.2.13 However, the construction access route is through a residential / shopping area

with safety also likely to be an issue due to the use of the surrounding area. Appropriate mitigation and management will need to be incorporated in order to address any impact on the surrounding uses.

Outcome 8.2.14 Site rejected. Ongoing scheme development has identified that interception of the

local sewer by the Counters Creek strategic Sewer is no longer necessary. Site not to be progressed further.

8.3 SS247 TfL Signal Control Centre, Trussley Road Engineering summary 8.3.1 Site area is sufficient for interception and reception site uses. Site efficiency is

reduced by distance to interception, varied ground levels on site, existing site use and buildings and restrictions to main tunnel alignments accessing sites.

8.3.2 Good road access to site and train links for worker transport. Site suitable

potentially as a pipejack drive site, but not as a main tunnel bore drive site.

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Environment summary 8.3.3 The site is located in close proximity to residential dwellings. It is within EA Flood

Risk Zone 3 but no ecology, heritage or landscape designations have been identified on site.

8.3.4 Further consideration must be given to any potential impacts on the amenity of the

surrounding residential areas to determine appropriate mitigation. Noise summary 8.3.5 The site is in the furthest third of shortlisted sites in terms of distance to the

nearest noise sensitive receptor. The proximity of the site to residential receptors (the nearest being 3 storeys in height) means that noise attenuation measures are likely to be needed to be incorporated into the proposals to reduce the impact on the surrounding land uses. Planning summary

8.3.6 Subject to the ability to mitigate impacts on the current use of the site and surrounding amenity and business interests the site or part of the site is considered appropriate in planning terms.

Property summary

8.3.7 The land has been confirmed as part of LuL’s operational portfolio, which is

subject to statutory protection under schedule 13 of the Water Industry Act. Therefore the site will not be available for construction works or of use for welfare/compound. Transport summary

8.3.8 The site is not located with clear access to the river or to a rail line. The road layout

in the surrounding area is suitable for HGVs (with some management) and is close to the A402 to the north. It is assumed that the sites current use will generate some HGV traffic and therefore there is a precedent for this type of traffic in the area.

8.3.9 However, the construction access route is through a residential / shopping area

with safety also likely to be an issue due to the use of the surrounding area. Appropriate mitigation and management will need to be incorporated in order to address any impact on the surrounding uses.

Outcome 8.3.10 Site rejected due to property constraints. 8.4 SS248 Land between Freston Road and Nicholas Road Engineering summary 8.4.1 Site is of sufficient size for an interception site and compound and could be used

for a smaller tunnel drive to connect to the main sewer. Site efficiency is reduced

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by the need to demolish buildings before works can commence. Distance of connection works required to intercept the Counters Creek Main Line Sewer reduces efficiency of site, however, a direct connection between site and sewer along the pedestrianised area reduces public impact.

Environment summary 8.4.2 The site is located in close proximity to residential properties. However, there are

no heritage, ecology or landscape designations identified on site and the site is located within EA Flood Risk Zone 1.

8.4.3 Further consideration must be given to any potential impacts on the amenity of the

surrounding residential areas to determine appropriate mitigation. Noise summary 8.4.4 The site is in the middle third of shortlisted sites in terms of distance to the nearest

noise sensitive receptor. The proximity of the site to offices (the nearest being 3 storeys in height) and residential receptors means that noise attenuation measures are likely to be needed to be incorporated into the proposals to reduce the impact on the surrounding land uses. Planning summary

8.4.5 The site consists of a car park and existing buildings comprising of business units. The use of the site is likely to be very challenging due to the planning permission granted in 2015 for the redevelopment of the site for a part 4 and part 5 storey commercial office use development. Discussions with the landowner have identified that the area is subject of phased redevelopment proposals that are underway and will span the remainder of this decade and the early 2020’s. Use of identified parcels of land will not fit with the phased development of those parcels for which consent exists and for which amendments are being sought and works are scheduled to take place.

Property summary

8.4.6 Access to the area will be required along Freston Road. The site includes and is in

close proximity to a number of commercial/industrial premises. The plans for redevelopment limit the potential use for this site. Spur tunnel requirements would also necessitate use of additional land.

8.4.7 Some permanent rights will be required for any retained above ground

infrastructure and future operational access, if located on private land. 8.4.8 The site(s) is part of a portfolio of land being developed, about to be developed or

planned for development in the next 24 months. Landowner discussions have indicated that the phased redevelopment of these sites will not align with the proposed SRS project and that shared use cannot be accommodated.

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Transport summary 8.4.9 The site is not located with clear access to the river or to a rail line. The road layout

in the surrounding area is suitable for HGVs (with some management) and is close to the A402 to the south.

8.4.10 However, the construction access route is through a residential / commercial area

with safety also likely to be an issue due to the use of the surrounding area. Appropriate mitigation and management will need to be incorporated in order to address any impact on the surrounding uses.

Outcome 8.4.11 Reject due to land not being available. 8.5 SS249 Smith News Distribution Depot, Olaf Street

Engineering summary 8.5.1 Interception of Counters Creek Main Line Sewer >100m from site requiring

additional works and compound. Site is large enough for all uses once existing structures are demolished. Works in the highway would not be possible due to insufficient space and poor site layout once drive / interception shaft established and connection to sewers put in place. Spoil export in particular would be hampered or prevented due to lack of stockpile space and poor access. Environment summary

8.5.2 The site is located in close proximity to residential properties. However, there are no heritage, ecology or landscape designations identified on site and the site is within EA Flood Risk Zone 1.

8.5.3 Further consideration must be given to any potential impacts on the amenity of the

surrounding residential areas to determine appropriate mitigation.

Noise summary 8.5.4 The site is in the furthest third of shortlisted sites in terms of distance to the

nearest noise sensitive receptor. The proximity of the site to offices (the nearest being 6/7 storeys in height) and to residential receptors means that noise attenuation measures are likely to be needed to be incorporated into the proposals to reduce the impact on the surrounding land uses.

Planning summary 8.5.5 The use of this site as a construction site would conflict with the existing use /

allocation as employment land. Construction associated with the strategic sewer would require demolition of the existing building, temporarily or permanently displacing the existing business.

8.5.6 There is potential that parts of the site and adjacent highway could be used to

offset that loss, although this would be disruptive to the existing business. Possible

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further option may be to be to combine less disruptive aspects of this site with other parcels of land in close proximity.

Property summary 8.5.7 Access to the area will be required along Olaf Street. The site is in close proximity

to residential properties (adjoining the southern boundary) and a number of industrial premises. If significant excavation works were required, then monitoring of the adjoining structures would be necessary during construction, with mitigation measures introduced where necessary. Some suggestion that there is potential development aspiration for the site.

8.5.8 Building would need to be demolished to facilitate drive site use, whilst interception

may be possible within the open space to the north. Any works within the highway will require traffic management, which may impact on traffic flows back to Freston Road. Some permanent rights will be required for any retained above ground infrastructure and future operational access, if located on private land.

8.5.9 Site subject to a 57 year lease, with 17 years remaining between the landowner

and WH Smiths. Acquisition would require a negotiated purchase or use of compulsory purchase powers, resulting in compensation and relocation costs plus the possible extinguishment of the tenant’s interest. The freehold owner has also expressed a view on future redevelopment of the site. Subsequently, potential cost implications make this option unviable. Transport summary

8.5.10 The site is not located with clear access to the river or to a rail line. The road layout in the surrounding area is suitable for HGVs (with some management) and is close to the A402 to the south.

8.5.11 However, the construction access route is through a residential / commercial area

with safety also likely to be an issue due to the use of the surrounding area. Appropriate mitigation and management will need to be incorporated in order to address any impact on the surrounding uses.

Outcome 8.5.12 Site rejected due to engineering constraints and the likely associated commercial

costs of acquisition. 8.6 SS250 Travis Perkins Yard, Freston Road Engineering summary 8.6.1 The site is too small for a drive site. Site efficiency is reduced by requirement to

demolish buildings on site before works can commence and interceptions of both sewers are >50m from site significantly increasing required works and number of compounds required. Interception locations not feasible for construction works required.

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Environment summary

8.6.2 The site is located within an area which is surrounded by commercial land uses, the railway track and the A3220. It is also located within EA Flood Risk Zone 1 and no ecology, heritage or landscape designations have been identified on site. Noise summary

8.6.3 The site is in the furthest third of shortlisted sites in terms of distance to the nearest noise sensitive receptor. The proximity of the site to residential receptors (the nearest being 4 storeys in height) means that noise attenuation measures are likely to be needed to be incorporated into the proposals to reduce the impact on the surrounding land uses. Planning summary

8.6.4 The site is generally suitable in planning terms except for the conflict between the

proposed use and its existing use /allocation as employment land. Construction associated with the strategic sewer would require demolition of the existing building if the site area is used, temporarily or permanently displacing the existing business.

8.6.5 There is potential that parts of the site and adjacent highway could be used to

offset that loss, although this would be expected to disrupt the existing business. A possible further option may be to combine less disruptive aspects of this site with other parcels of land in close proximity. Property summary

8.6.6 Access to the site is fair off Freston Road. Several titles noted with reference to LUL’s interest (as Freeholder on an unregistered title and prescribed covenants to protect access). The site would require the building to be demolished to facilitate the works required, whereby the business would need to be relocated.

8.6.7 Further land would be required in the area should a spur connection be needed.

Some permanent rights will be required for any retained above ground infrastructure and future operational access, if located on private land.

Transport summary 8.6.8 The site is not located with clear access to the river or to a rail line. The road layout

in the surrounding area is suitable for HGVs (with some management) and is close to the A402 to the south.

8.6.9 However, the construction access route is through a residential and commercial

area with safety also likely to be an issue due to the use of the surrounding area. Appropriate mitigation and management will need to be incorporated in order to address any impact on the surrounding uses. Outcome

8.6.10 Site rejected due to significant distance of interception locations from site requiring attritional sites. Interception sites not feasible to intercept sewers.

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8.7 SS251 Dulux, Richford Street Engineering summary 8.7.1 Site area is sufficient for interception and reception site uses, with site efficiency

reducing if existing business retained, although potential to co-located with business and implement interception and tunneling / pipejack works. Site efficiency is also reduced by distance to interception and restrictions to main tunnel alignments accessing sites. Good road access to site and train links for workforce transport. Site suitable potentially as a pipejack drive site, but not as a main tunnel bore drive site.

8.7.2 Existing Low Level 2 circular brick sewer passes through site at same level as

intercepted sewer requiring intercepted sewer to be significantly dropped between weir chamber and interception shaft. Alignment to the site is restricted by existing assets within Shepherds Bush Road.

8.7.3 Ongoing scheme development has identified that interception of the local sewer by

the Counters Creek strategic Sewer is no longer necessary. Site not to be progressed further.

Environment summary 8.7.4 The site is located in close proximity to residential dwellings. It is within EA Flood

Risk Zone 3 but no ecology, heritage or landscape designations have been identified on site.

8.7.5 Further consideration must be given to any potential impacts on the amenity of the

surrounding residential areas to determine appropriate mitigation. Noise summary 8.7.6 The site is in the middle third of shortlisted sites in terms of distance to the nearest

noise sensitive receptor. The proximity of the site to residential receptors (the nearest being 4 storeys in height) means that noise attenuation measures are likely to be needed to be incorporated into the proposals to reduce the impact on the surrounding land uses.

Planning summary 8.7.7 Subject to the ability to mitigate impacts on the current use of the site and

surrounding amenity and business interests the site or part of the site is considered appropriate in planning terms.

Property summary 8.7.8 Access to the area will be required along Richford Street and Grove Mews. The

site is in close proximity to residential properties and a number of commercial premises. If significant excavation works were required, then monitoring of the adjoining structures would be necessary during construction, with mitigation measures introduced where necessary. Joint venture development aspirations need to be confirmed.

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8.7.9 Some permanent rights will be required for any retained above ground infrastructure and future operational access, if located on private land. Transport summary

8.7.10 The site is not located with clear access to the river or to a rail line. The road layout

in the surrounding area is suitable for HGVs (with some management) and is close to the A402 to the north. However, the construction access route is through a residential / shopping area with safety also likely to be an issue due to the use of the surrounding area. Appropriate mitigation and management will need to be incorporated in order to address any impact on the surrounding uses. Outcome

8.7.11 Site rejected. Ongoing scheme development has identified that interception of the local sewer by the Counters Creek strategic Sewer is no longer necessary. Site not to be progressed further.

8.8 SS255 Land to the North of Beaumont Avenue Engineering summary 8.8.1 Tunnel alignment to site is restricted by existing and proposed piled foundations

within the Earls Court development area. Site is sufficient in size for an interception/reception or compound but too small for a main tunnel drive site.

Environment summary 8.8.2 The site is located in close proximity to residential dwellings and is within EA Flood

Risk Zone 3. However, no ecology, heritage or landscape designations have been identified on the site. Further consideration must be given to any potential impacts on the amenity of the surrounding residential areas to determine appropriate mitigation.

Noise summary 8.8.3 The site is in the middle third of shortlisted sites in terms of distance to the nearest

noise sensitive receptor. The proximity of the site to residential receptors (the nearest being 5 storeys in height) means that noise attenuation measures are likely to be needed to be incorporated into the proposals to reduce the impact on the surrounding land uses.

Planning summary 8.8.4 Site is allocated for employment uses and forms part of the Earls Court

Regeneration Area. Use of the site would conflict with these uses but could be overcome.

Property summary 8.8.5 The land has been confirmed as part of LuL’s operational portfolio and its use for

the scheme would not be supported.

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Transport summary

8.8.6 The site is not located with clear access to the river or to a rail line. The road layout in the surrounding area is suitable for HGVs (with some management) and is close to the A4 to the north. The sites proximity to residential and shopping areas would mean that appropriate mitigation and management will need to be incorporated in order to address any impact on the surrounding uses. However, only a small part of the construction access route would be through a residential area.


8.8.7 Site rejected as it has been confirmed by TfL as not being available for use. 8.9 SS257 Ealing, Hammersmith and West London College, Gliddon Road

Engineering summary 8.9.1 Site shown is much larger than area required. Therefore it is recommended site is

located within green area to east of the site. If current area shown is used this would require demolition of existing buildings before works could commence. Site is >400m from interception point for North End Road Sewer, interception would therefore require additional work (significant open cut and/ or intermediate pipe jack shafts are required to make the connections) and site areas (minimum of 4 sites) between the drop shaft for the main tunnel and the interception point causing significant local impact. The tunnel alignment would also be restricted due to piled foundations. Environment summary

8.9.2 The site is located in very close proximity to residential dwellings and is within EA Flood Risk Zone 2. However, no ecology, heritage or landscape designations have been identified on the site. Further consideration must be given to any potential impacts on the amenity of the surrounding residential areas to determine appropriate mitigation.

Noise summary 8.9.3 The site is in the furthest third of shortlisted sites in terms of distance to the

nearest noise sensitive receptor. The proximity of the site to an education receptor (the nearest being 5 storeys in height) and residential receptors means that noise attenuation measures are likely to be needed to be incorporated into the proposals to reduce the impact on the surrounding land uses. Planning summary

8.9.4 Site generally suitable subject to mitigation for impacts on community, and amenity

interests and the employment use of the site / surrounding campus. Property summary

8.9.5 Access to the area will be required of Gliddon Road. The site is in close proximity

to College buildings some of which may need to be removed for works outside of the open areas. If significant excavation works were required, then monitoring of

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the adjoining structures would be necessary during construction, with mitigation measures introduced where necessary.

8.9.6 Building would need to be demolished to facilitate drive site, reception and interception works. Connection works at North End Road will need additional sites with any works within the highway requiring traffic management. Some permanent rights will be required for any retained above ground infrastructure and future operational access, if located on private land.

8.9.7 The college is currently progressing the redevelopment of the site for a new

college campus. Discussions with the landowner have indicated a willingness to work in partnership. However, use of the site would sterilise part of an area where residential development aspirations have been suggested. Subsequently, potential cost implications make this site unviable. Transport summary

8.9.8 The site is not located with clear access to the river or to a rail line. The road layout

in the surrounding area is suitable for HGVs (with some management) and is close to the A4.

8.9.9 However, the construction access route is through a residential / retail area and

the A4 is in close proximity to the site entrance. Therefore, appropriate mitigation and management will need to be incorporated in order to address any impact on the surrounding uses. Outcome

8.9.10 Site rejected due to engineering and property constraints. 8.10 SS258 Ada Lewis House, 2 Palliser Road

Engineering summary 8.10.1 Site is >400m from interception point for North End Sewer and > 200m from Brook

Green Sewer. Site is too small for a drive site. Site has building on top of it, requiring demolition for site to be viable for construction work, which may be further hampered by current consent for residential development. Environment summary

8.10.2 The site is located in close proximity to residential properties. It is within EA Flood Risk Zone 3 and Barons Court Conservation Area. No ecology or landscape designations have been identified on site.

8.10.3 Further consideration must be given to any potential impacts on the Conservation

Area and the amenity of the surrounding residential areas to determine appropriate mitigation. Noise summary

8.10.4 The site is in the middle third of shortlisted sites in terms of distance to the nearest

noise sensitive receptor. The proximity of the site to residential receptors (the

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nearest being 3 storeys in height) means that noise attenuation measures are likely to be needed to be incorporated into the proposals to reduce the impact on the surrounding land uses. Planning summary

8.10.5 The site is comprised of the Ada Lewis House and its associated small area of

informal amenity space. The use of the site would require the demolition of a four storey residential building which has clear potential for ongoing residential or similar use in a densely populated and developed residential area.

8.10.6 The site potentially benefits from permission for demolition and residential rebuild,

which would be prejudiced by use of site for interception shaft. Property summary

8.10.7 Access to the area will be required along Comeragh Road. The site is in close

proximity to residential properties (on al 4 boundaries) road frontage on three sides. If significant excavation works were required, then monitoring of the adjoining structures would be necessary during construction, with mitigation measures introduced where necessary. Some suggestion there is potential development aspiration for the site.

8.10.8 The site is too small for a drive site, though building would still need to be

demolished to facilitate use as a reception or interception site. Interception with North End Road is some 300m away, requiring other works offsite. Any works within the highway will require traffic management, which may impact on traffic flows. Some permanent rights will be required for any retained above ground infrastructure and future operational access, if located on private land. Transport summary

8.10.9 The site is not located with clear access to the river or to a rail line. The road layout

in the surrounding area is very residential with one way streets and parking on both sides of the road in many areas. Therefore, access to the site will need to be carefully managed.

8.10.10 The construction access route is through a residential area with safety also likely to

be an issue due to the use of the surrounding area. Appropriate mitigation and management will need to be incorporated in order to address any impact on the surrounding uses. Outcome

8.10.11 Site rejected due to engineering, planning and property constraints.

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9 CONCLUSIONS AND NEXT STEPS 9.1 Conclusions of the shortlist assessment process 9.1.1 The shortlist assessment process has identified the following two sites as being

potentially capable of facilitating construction works associated with the strategic sewer: • SS259 Land adjacent to Talgarth Road & Trevanion Road • SS261 Holland Villas Road

9.1.2 In addition, two sites considered in previous site assessment work undertaken in

2014 and 2015 (SS220 Tesco Hammersmith Superstore Car Park and SS241 Maclise Road Car Park and Woodland adjacent to Kensington Olympia Station) will be re-assessed through the Site Suitability Reporting stage (stage 3) of the site assessment process: • SS220 Tesco Hammersmith Superstore Car Park. The SSR will revisit and

reconsider the use of this site as an interception site and reception site. • SS241 Maclise Road Car Park and Woodland adjacent to Kensington Olympia

Station. The SSR will revisit and reconsider the use of the site as an interception site and also explore its suitability for a short connection tunnel to the Counters Creek Mainline Sewer and for the construction of a permanent air management building.

2.4.3 Further updating work is also being carried out in respect of proposals for the use

of site SS219 Cremorne Wharf Depot, and whilst those updates are not expected to be complete until late 2015, that updated use is largely consistent with the option A proposals published in November 2014 version of the SSR for that site. For the purpose of initial ongoing engagement work that version of the SSR will therefore be relied on.

9.2 Next steps 9.2.1 Each site identified above will be subjected to a detailed engineering, environment,

noise, property, planning, socio-economic and community and transport assessment of its suitability, which will be documented in the SSRs.

9.2.2 The engineering team will produce layout plans to show how the sites could accommodate the proposed uses for each site and constraint plans will be produced using GIS to identify the key land use and environmental designations and constraints relevant to each site.

9.2.3 The SSRs will cover the following:

• Site information and an explanation of the proposed use of the site during the construction and operational phase.

• Engineering assessment - engineering, geotechnical, groundwater, technical matters that impact on a site’s ability to host the required on-site activities, the ‘buildability’ of the development at the site and the ‘operability’ of the site once construction is complete.

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• Planning assessment - review of any planning applications and permissions that relate to the site and a review of relevant national, London-wide and local planning policies that affect the use of the site.

• Environmental appraisal - transport; noise; hydrogeology; water resources - surface water and flood risk; air quality; archaeology; built heritage; ecology; land quality, and townscape and views. Consideration will also be given to other proposed projects in the locality and the potential for cumulative effects.

• Socio-economic and community assessment – an assessment of any socio-economic or community issues and impacts associated with the use of the site (and required mitigation measures) during construction and operation and potential restoration and after uses for the site.

• Property assessment – assessment of crown land and special land; land to be acquired; property valuation; disturbance compensation; off site statutory compensation; discretionary purchase costs; site acquisition cost assessment; and the impacts of the sewer route.

• Site conclusions - conclusions from each discipline on the general level of suitability of the site based on relevant considerations and use of professional judgment.

9.2.4 The following four SSRs will be produced:

• SS259 Land adjacent to Talgarth Road & Trevanion Road • SS261 Holland Villas Road • SS220 Tesco Hammersmith Superstore Car Park • SS241 Maclise Road Car Park and Woodland adjacent to Kensington

Olympia Station

9.2.5 Once the SSRs are complete the outcomes will be analysed to assess which sites will be taken forward as part of the project proposal that will be consulted on during the phase 2 consultation, planned for early 2016, and subsequently taken forward for submission as part of the project for planning permission.

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1.1 Background to the project

The Counters Creek Catchment

1.1.1 Counters Creek is one of the ‘lost rivers’ of London. It was culverted over in the mid 19th Century and connected into the interceptor sewerage network then being developed for London by Sir Joseph Bazelgette. The Counters Creek sewer catchment encompasses parts of Hammersmith and Fulham and Kensington and Chelsea and extends as far north as Westminster, Camden, Brent and Ealing.

1.1.2 This former river, its catchment and the sewer system form part of Thames Water’s sewerage network, drains all surface water from buildings and roads, as well as wastewater.

1.1.3 The sewerage system was constructed to take flows to Beckton Sewage Treatment Works. In early 20th Century, as London grew and the amount of land lying under impermeable surfaces increased, the volumes of flows in times of storms increased significantly.

1.1.4 Since then an extensive and complex sewer system comprising a series of storm

relief sewers (as shown on Figure 1) has been constructed to transfer excess storm flows to the River Thames when the sewers become full. This system has evolved to protect the low-lying land from an increasing risk of flooding caused by urban development.

1.1.5 As Hammersmith and Fulham and part of Kensington and Chelsea are low lying areas in relation to the tidal river levels, it was not possible for the storm relief sewers to discharge into the river by gravity (without pumping). Hammersmith, Lots Road and the Western pumping stations were subsequently constructed to serve the storm relief sewers within the two boroughs (as shown on Figure 1).

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Figure 1 The development of the interceptor and storm relief sewerage systems in the Counters Creek Catchment.

Key and timeline for Figure 1

1850 Counters Creek

1930s Walham Green Hammersmith Brook Green

1860s Low Level Nos. 1& 2 Interceptors (dashed green line) – Kings Scholars Pond.

1940s Hammersmith Brook Green

1880s – Ranelagh

1950s Walham Parsons Green

1900s Mid Level 1 & 2 Interceptors (dashed purple line)

1960s Hammersmith, Counters Creek Duplicate

1920s Hammersmith Main Line – North Western

1980s North Western

1.1.6 The continuing growth of outer London resulted in the extension of the sewer

system northward and hence additional flows from the upper catchment entering the sewer system serving the low lying Counters Creek areas.

1.1.7 The additional flows have led to overloading and water levels within the existing sewers and manholes to rise. The increase in the water levels has in turn led to flows backing up the connection pipework into basements that were built at almost the same level as the sewer. The ever-increasing redevelopment of basements from storage areas into habitable properties in recent years has now brought this problem to the fore. The basement flooding problem

1.1.8 Thames Water began investigating the flooding problem following the storms of

2004 and 2007, when the majority of the basement flooding complaints were received. Information was recorded in the Counters Creek flood register, a register


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of all the properties in the Counters Creek Catchment that have been recorded as being flooded at some point in the past.

1.1.9 This register is in turn taken from the Thames Water Sewer Flooding History Database (SFHD). Properties are added to the register based on reported flooding incidents. Incidents are assessed to confirm whether or not the flood event was caused by an operational problem (i.e. a blockage), an extreme rainfall occurrence (greater than the current design criteria), or by a lack of capacity in the sewer.

1.1.10 The Counters Creek Flooding Register currently shows that over 1,700 properties

are subject to flooding within the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham and the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea.

1.1.11 Sophisticated hydraulic models were used to simulate and verify the extent of basement flooding in the area and the results confirmed the existence of a widespread problem. Thames Water has examined the cause of flooding and determined that whilst there was no single cause, the flooding is generally caused by two main factors:

i. When sewers become inundated by storm water runoff, local sewer water

levels rise and back up the connection pipework into basements properties. ii. For many other properties, the hydraulic analysis indicated that flooding

was not solely caused by local surface water inundating the local sewerage network. Under certain storm conditions, storm relief sewers in the area run at full capacity (generally from the flows entering the system from the upper parts of the catchments), leaving inadequate capacity to provide relief for storm flows in the lower parts of the catchment. Therefore, flows build and back up into the connection pipework and then into basement properties.

1.2 Developing a strategic solution to the problem 1.2.1 Figure 2 below shows the locations of properties that have reported basement

flooding (the coloured dots), illustrating that the locations at which flooding occurs are widespread throughout the two boroughs.

1.2.2 The different coloured dots shown in Figure 2 indicate the type of solution proposed for a specific location. The Strategic Options Report (C680-TW-00503-RP) describes how each solution works, how they have been identified, the role they can play, and which solutions have been progressed.

1.2.3 The solutions comprise a strategic storm relief sewer (the strategic sewer) and

associated sewer upgrade works (properties protected by these are represented by purple dots), local package pumping systems known as ‘flooding local improvement projects’ (FLIPs – blue and red dots), local sewer upgrade works (green dots) and Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS – yellow dots).

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Figure 2 Proposed solutions to reported basement flooding

1.2.4 The widespread nature of the basement flooding problem coupled with the fact

that there is no single cause of flooding, means that there can be no single solution. For this reason a “bottom up” approach to addressing the problem has been adopted whereby each local flooding area (cluster) has been analysed to identify a viable solution and to establish the role that might be played in each area by flow storage, sewer upsizing, FLIPs, and SuDS.

1.2.5 Consideration was then given to the opportunities for combining and rationalising

these solutions as part of the process of establishing a strategy for managing flooding in the two boroughs and flows within the catchment.

1.2.6 Whilst this approach would provide protection for some properties through the use

flow storage, sewer upsizing, FLIPs, and SuDS, it cannot do so for all properties affected by the basement flooding problem. This is because the incoming flows into an area via sewers from the adjoining areas are so significant that those incoming flows need to be intercepted, cut off, or otherwise substantially reduced.

1.2.7 It was therefore concluded that, to robustly provide for the fullest possible coverage of the flooding problem a strategic sewer is required to intercept and store the major flows that are causing sewer overloading. This strategic sewer will, when provided alongside FLIPS, SuDS and the sewer upgrade works lower the top water levels in the sewer over the whole catchment to levels that are below the level of most of the basements thereby providing flooding protection.

1.3 Summary of the site selection process 1.3.1 A site selection process has been developed to assess and identify the most

suitable locations for the range of construction sites required to deliver the

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strategic sewer, namely drive shaft site(s), reception shaft site(s), interception shaft site(s), sewer outfall connections or new sewer outfalls, a pumping station and construction compounds.

1.3.2 The process takes account of engineering, environment (including noise and

transport), planning, property, socio-economic and community issues relevant to the selection of the most suitable combination of sites.

1.3.3 It draws upon other methodologies utilised for the Deephams Sewage Works Upgrade and for the Thames Tideway Tunnel to ensure that the approach and issues covered reflect best practice. Regard has also been had to the National Planning Policy Framework and the Development Plan for the area, along with key considerations affecting engineering decision-making and property assessment, when the assessment criteria in the methodology were identified. The methodology is shown diagrammatically in Figure 3 below.

Figure 3 Site Selection Methodology

 1.3.4 The methodology follows a sequential multi-stage process, with some stages

undertaken in parallel. There is an iterative relationship between site selection, route alignment and engineering design whereby as the engineering team refines the route options for the storm relief sewer associated restrictions on or requirements for sites are fed into the concurrent site selection process.

1.3.5 An essential part of the methodology is the use of an ongoing review process to revisit and check the validity of previous assessments. This is undertaken as each key stage of the assessment process is completed through document review and stage workshops and enables the assessment of sites (and concurrent assessment of options reported separately) to remain valid as information changes and new information is obtained.

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1.3.6 Where, for example, route alignment parameters change or available sites become restricted over time, stages in the process may be repeated (or back-checked) in order to take account of new information or other changes in circumstance.

1.4 Approach to consultation and stakeholder engagement 1.4.1 Community engagement is a key part of the strategic sewer scheme and the public

will be fully engaged with once the assessment work in Stage 3 is completed and sufficient information is available to begin public consultation under Stage 4a.

1.5 Project Programme 1.5.1 The current provisional project programme for the strategic sewer is:

• Evidence gathering / scheme development and testing: Jan – Oct 2014 • Phase 1 consultation on options: Nov 2014 – Jan 2015 • Environmental and planning assessments: July 2014 – May 2015 • Confirmation of the preferred option: May / June 2015 • Phase 2 pre-application consultation: May / June – July / Aug 2015 • Final design, planning and environmental work: July – Oct 2015 • Submission of application(s) for Planning Permission: Nov 2015 • Target for planning permission: July 2016 • Planning Conditions / Obligations discharged / procurement complete: Dec

2016 • Anticipated start on site: Jan 2017

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APPENDIX 2: SITE SUITABILITY REPORTS UNDERTAKEN IN 2014 Strategic Sewer Site Assessment Stage 3: Site Suitability Report: SS003 Mund Street, November 2014 (Document reference C680-AH-00507-RP) Strategic Sewer Site Assessment Stage 3: Site Suitability Report: SS035 Cremorne Wharf and SS219 Cremorne Gardens, November 2014 (Document reference C680-AH-00514-RP) Strategic Sewer Site Assessment Stage 3: Site Suitability Report: SS036 and SS037 Gwendwr Gardens, November 2014 (Document reference C680-AH-00508-RP) Strategic Sewer Site Assessment Stage 3: Site Suitability Report: SS044 St Paul’s Gardens, November 2014 (Document reference C680-AH-00509-RP) Strategic Sewer Site Assessment Stage 3: Site Suitability Report: SS045, 143, 144 Brook Green, November 2014 (Document reference C680-AH-00512-RP) Strategic Sewer Site Assessment Stage 3: Site Suitability Report: SS056 Car Park Adjacent to Kensington Olympia Station, November 2014 (Document reference C680-AH-00510-RP) Strategic Sewer Site Assessment Stage 3: Site Suitability Report: SS136 Shepherds Bush Green, November 2014 (Document reference C680-AH-00511-RP) Strategic Sewer Site Assessment Stage 3: Site Suitability Report: SS152 Westfield Park, November 2014 (Document reference C680-AH-00513-RP) Strategic Sewer Site Assessment Stage 3: Site Suitability Report: SS219 Cremorne Wharf, November 2014 (Document reference C680-AH-00515-RP) Strategic Sewer Site Assessment Stage 3: Site Suitability Report: SS220 Five Star Car Wash, November 2014 (Document reference C680-AH-00516-RP) Strategic Sewer Site Assessment Stage 3: Site Suitability Report: SS222 Tesco Car Park, November 2014 (Document reference C680-AH-00517-RP) Strategic Sewer Site Assessment Stage 3: Site Suitability Report: SS225 Upper Addison Gardens, November 2014 (Document reference C680-AH-00518-RP) SITE SUITABILITY REPORTS UNDERTAKEN IN SPRING 2015 Strategic Sewer Site Assessment Stage 3: Site Suitability Report: SS208 Holland Gardens, May 2015 (Document reference C680-AH-00521-RP) Strategic Sewer Site Assessment Stage 3: Site Suitability Report: SS226 Hammersmith Grove, May 2015 (Document reference C680-AH-00522-RP) Strategic Sewer Site Assessment Stage 3: Site Suitability Report: SS228 Land South of Gwendwr Road, May 2015 (Document reference C680-AH-00523-RP)

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Strategic Sewer Site Assessment Stage 3: Site Suitability Report: SS229 Junction at Barons Court Road, May 2015 (Document reference C680-AH-00524-RP) Strategic Sewer Site Assessment Stage 3: Site Suitability Report: SS230 Land at Swanscombe Road and Norland House, May 2015 (Document reference C680-AH-00525-RP) Strategic Sewer Site Assessment Stage 3: Site Suitability Report: SS233 Rifle Place & Edward Woods Town Park, May 2015 (Document reference C680-AH-00526-RP) Strategic Sewer Site Assessment Stage 3: Site Suitability Report: SS237 Sulgrave Road, May 2015 (Document reference C680-AH-00527-RP) Strategic Sewer Site Assessment Stage 3: Site Suitability Report: SS238 Adddison Crescent, May 2015 (Document reference C680-AH-00528-RP) Strategic Sewer Site Assessment Stage 3: Site Suitability Report: SS239 Astrop Terrace, May 2015 (Document reference C680-AH-00529-RP) Strategic Sewer Site Assessment Stage 3: Site Suitability Report: SS241 Maclise Road Car Park North, May 2015 (Document reference C680-AH-00530-RP)

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5 8

10 11







West Kensington South Kensington



Shepherds Bush

Earls CourtExhibiton Centre

Westfield Shopping Centre

Stamford Bridge

Baron’s Court


High StreetKensington




Fulham Broadway




Olympia London














The proposed Counters Creek storm relief sewer

Proposed storm relief sewer

Phase 1 consultation route of the proposed Counters Creek storm relief sewer

New and alternative construction sites

6 The new and alternative

sites we are seeking your feedback on - see pages 12, 17-24.

Existing sewers Counters Creek sewer

Walham Green storm relief sewer

Hammersmith storm relief – Duplication

North End sewer

North Kensington storm relief sewer

Hammersmith storm relief – Brook Green

Low Level No 1 sewer

Brook Green sewer

Brook Green sewer – Grove Road branch

8 Counter Creek storm relief sewer - Interim engagement

Our phase 1 proposed construction sites

1 Kensington Olympia car park

2 5* Car Wash Shepherds Bush

3 Mund Street

4 Upper Addison Gardens

5 Cremorne Wharf on Lots Road

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Site ID

Site Name

SS246 Jewson’s Timber Yard, Trussley Road

SS247 TfL Signal Control Centre, Trussley Road

SS248 Land between Freston Road and Nicholas Road

SS249 Smith News Distribution Depot, Olaf Street

SS250 Travis Perkins Yard, Freston Road

SS251 Dulux, Richford Street

SS252 Land to the rear of 63 – 75 Goldhawk Road

SS253 Eastern end of Brook Green

SS254 Tarmac area to the south of K-West hotel

SS255 Land to the North of Beaumont Avenue

SS256 Rootstein mannequin factory, 9 Beaumont Avenue

SS257 Ealing, Hammersmith and West London College, Gliddon Road

SS258 Ada Lewis House, 2 Palliser Road

SS259 Land adjacent to Talgarth Road & Trevanion Road

SS260 Telecoms Site North End Road

SS261 Holland Villas Road

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Counters Creek Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Longlist Assessment (Stage 2a)

Appendix 4


    November 2015


SS246 Jewson’s Timber Yard, Trussley Road

Site Size (m2) 4, 873

Engineering Assessment

Site Size Site is sufficient as a reception and interception site and a tunnel drive site

Site Features Customer car park and product handling / marshalling yard for Jewsons store / store and product warehouse building. Existing buildings on site may require demolition, subject to selected use.

Location Site is in an existing industrial area, adjacent to residential properties (located 10 metres to the west) and has the over ground railway line on a viaduct to the East. Sewer interception is located >15m from the site, but connection could be made down Trussley road.

Means of Access Good road access

Property Assessment

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Counters Creek Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Longlist Assessment (Stage 2a)

Appendix 4


    November 2015


Special Land and Crown Land

S13 protected - LUL Freeholder Interest Additional Comments: Some connection works required under NRSWA. Impact on Leaseholder business interest.

Acquisition costs Permanent Rights: High Temporary Rights: High

Planning / Environment

Heritage No designation on site. (Hammersmith Grove Conservation Area is immediately adjacent to the west of the site and Melrose Conservation Area is located nearby to the east of the site, with Brook Green Conservation Area further to the south east).

Landscape/Townscape No designation on site.

Open Space No designation on site.

Ecological designations No designation on site.

Neighbouring Land uses The site is located between residential properties on Grove Mews 10m to the west and a raised railway line (Circle / Hammersmith & City) to the east with commercial and retail uses occupying its railway arches. To the north the site is bound by a wholesale retail warehouse occupied by a Dulux Decorator Centre and a Martial Arts Dojo (which has temporary permission until June 2016) and to the south by a TfL Signal Control Centre site located across Trussley Road.

Existing use of site The site is occupied by a Jewson’s Timber Yard, which consists of large warehouses surrounded by areas of hard-standing used for parking and open-storage. The site entrance is to the south onto Trussley Road.

Overall Summary Retain for shortlist assessment. Property acquisition likely to be key determinant.

Potential use of the site

Drive shaft site Reception or intermediate shaft site

Pumping station

Outfall Compound only


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Counters Creek Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Longlist Assessment (Stage 2a)

Appendix 4


    November 2015


SS247 TfL Signal Control Centre, Trussley Road

Site Size (m2) 4, 747

Engineering Assessment

Site Size Site is sufficient as a reception and interception site and a tunnel drive site

Site Features Site is open area, may have underground structures indicated by manholes at surface. Existing structures on site will require demolition

Location Site is located within secure TFL facility. Sewer interception is located >15m from the site, but connection could be made down Trussley road.

Means of Access Good road access to edge of TFL land, access into site controlled by security gates

Property Assessment

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Counters Creek Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Longlist Assessment (Stage 2a)

Appendix 4


    November 2015


Special Land and Crown Land

aS13 protected - LUL Freeholder Interest: agreement to site use currently confirmed as unlikely following discussions with LuL / TfL, with the potential exception of use of some land in this site for compound use only. Additional Comments: Some connection works required under NRSWA.

Acquisition costs N/A – Site not available/subject to statutory protection.

Planning / Environment

Heritage No designation on site. (Hammersmith Grove Conservation Area is immediately adjacent to the west of the site. Melrose Conservation Area is located nearby to the north east of the site and Brook Green Conservation Area to the east of the site).

Landscape/Townscape No designation on site.

Open Space No designation on site.

Ecological designations No designation on site.

Neighbouring Land uses The site is bound to the west by the residential gardens of properties fronting onto Hammersmith Grove, to the north by Trussley Road across which lies a Jewson’s Timber Yard, to the east by a railway line (Circle / Hammersmith & City) and to the south by the TfL Signal Control Centre building, which is part of the same use as the site.

Existing use of site The site is part of a recently developed TfL Signal Control Centre. It consists of an access road into the site from Trussley Road to the north, a security station building, small substation, operational plant, a cycle shed and open grassed areas. The site was formerly a railway embankment and is raised above the surrounding land.

Overall Summary Retain for shortlist assessment to establish land availability from landowner.

Potential use of the site

Drive shaft site Reception or intermediate shaft site

Pumping station

Outfall Compound only


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Counters Creek Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Longlist Assessment (Stage 2a)

Appendix 4


    November 2015


SS248 Land between Freston Road and Nicholas Road

Site Size (m2) 2, 217

Engineering Assessment

Site Size Site is sufficient as a reception and interception site, site is too small for a main tunnel drive site. However, if the site replaces previous sites in this area which included a requirement for the construction of a spur tunnel to the main CC SRS, there would be a need for additional adjacent land to be used in combination with this site.

Site Features Site is currently industrial land carpark with some industrial buildings which would require demolition

Location Site is within industrial area connection to Counters Creek sewer interception point is greater than 50m from site. Interception of the Hammersmith SRS Duplication Counters Creek can be carried out within this site.

Means of Access Good road access

Property Assessment

Special Land and Crown N/A

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Counters Creek Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Longlist Assessment (Stage 2a)

Appendix 4


    November 2015


Land Additional Comments: Part of site is subject to a planning application for redevelopment (commercial building). Area is in multiple Freehold ownership with additional leasehold interests.

Acquisition costs Permanent Rights: High Temporary Rights: High

Planning / Environment

Heritage No designation on site.

Landscape/Townscape No designation on site.

Open Space No designation on site.

Ecological designations No designation on site.

Neighbouring Land uses The site lies within an area comprised of residential and commercial uses. The People’s Hall building is located immediately to the south of the site on the junction of Olaf Street and Freston Road and comprises a series of studio units. Fashion photographer Mario Testino’s Studio is located immediately to the north on the junction of Freston Road and Evesham Street. To the south is a site which has been granted planning consent for the development of a 4 storey building comprising 9 residential units (reference: PP/07/00609). Nicholas Road is adjacent to the west of the site.

Existing use of site The site consists of a car park area and existing buildings comprising a series of business units. Planning permission was granted in October 2015 (PP/15/03512) (subject to S.106) for a part 4 and part 5-storey commercial office use development on the entirety of the site. The site lies within a RBKC designated Employment Zone.

Overall Summary To be retained for shortlist assessment. However, if this site replaces previous sites in this area which included a requirement for the construction of a spur tunnel to the main CC SRS, there would be a need for additional adjacent land to be used in combination with this site.

Potential use of the site

Drive shaft site Reception or intermediate shaft site

Pumping station

Outfall Compound only


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Counters Creek Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Longlist Assessment (Stage 2a)

Appendix 4


    November 2015


SS249 Smith News Distribution Depot, Olaf Street

Site Size (m2) 3, 787

Engineering Assessment

Site Size Site is sufficient as a drive, reception and interception site, although demolition of existing warehouse required. If demolition of the warehouse building is not possible then site likely to be suitable for interception site use if northern open area used. However, if the site is to replace previous sites in this area which included a requirement for the construction of a spur tunnel to the main CC SRS, there would be a need for additional adjacent land to be used in combination to facilitate that spur tunnel drive.

Site Features Industrial land with existing structure would require demolition

Location Site is located within industrial area, adjacent to residential properties on south side. Site is adjacent to viaduct and slip roads for A220.

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Counters Creek Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Longlist Assessment (Stage 2a)

Appendix 4


    November 2015


Connection to Counters Creek Main Line sewer interception points is complex and requires connections >50m. Hammersmith Storm Relief Sewer Counters Creek Duplication branch can be intercepted adjacent to the site within 15m

Means of Access Good road access

Property Assessment

Special Land and Crown Land

N/A Additional Comments: Area is subject Freehold/Leasehold interests.

Acquisition costs Permanent Rights: Medium/High Temporary Rights: Medium/High

Planning / Environment

Heritage No designation on site.

Landscape/Townscape No designation on site.

Open Space No designation on site.

Ecological designations No designation on site.

Neighbouring Land uses To the south of the site is a strip of land used as a car parking area and beyond lies a residential building which affronts the adjacent Hunt Close residential properties. To the east of the site is Olaf Street. To the north of the site lies the Yellow Building, a large office/commercial use building. The site is bound to the west by the West Cross Route (A3220).

Existing use of site The site is currently used as the Smith News distribution depot. The distribution depot is comprised of areas of hard standing and a part single storey and two-storey building. The site lies within a RBK&C designated Employment Zone.

Overall Summary Retain for shortlist assessment.

Potential use of the site

Drive shaft site Reception or intermediate shaft site

Pumping station

Outfall Compound only

[If building is demolished / or site combined with other adjacent sites]


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Counters Creek Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Longlist Assessment (Stage 2a)

Appendix 4


    November 2015


SS250 Travis Perkins Yard, Freston Road

Site Size (m2) 2, 673

Engineering Assessment

Site Size Site is sufficient as a reception and interception site. Site is too small to be a main tunnel drive site. However, if this site is to replace previous sites in this area which included a requirement for the construction of a spur tunnel to the main CC SRS, there would be a need for additional adjacent land to be used in combination to facilitate that spur tunnel drive.

Site Features Industrial land with existing structure would require demolition

Location Site is located within industrial area, site is bounded by Hammersmith and City railway line viaduct to the north. Connection to sewer interception points is complex and requires connections >50m

Means of Access Good road access

Property Assessment

Special Land and Crown Land

N/A Additional Comments: Area is subject multiple ownership with Freehold/Leasehold interests.

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Counters Creek Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Longlist Assessment (Stage 2a)

Appendix 4


    November 2015


Close proximity to the Railway – works may be subject to approval.

Acquisition costs Permanent Rights: Medium/High Temporary Rights: Medium/High

Planning / Environment

Heritage No designation on site.

Landscape/Townscape No designation on site.

Open Space No designation on site.

Ecological designations No designation on site.

Neighbouring Land uses The site is bordered by an elevated tube line (Circle / Hammersmith & City) to the north, Freston Road to the east and Bard Road to the south and west. The site lies within a mixed use area consisting of light industrial, commercial and residential buildings.

Existing use of site The site is currently comprised of three uses; the southwest area of the site is a warehouse and storage yard occupied by Travis Perkins. The northern area of the site is comprised of a vehicle depot operated by Sixt Car rental. A four storey building at 141 – 163 Freston Road lies within the south east area of the site. The building is comprised of studio units, which include business uses and leisure uses. The ground floor units are occupied by the Roger Gracie academy for the use of jujitsu and martial arts training. The site lies within a RBK&C designated Employment Zone.

Overall Summary The existing use of this site is occupied by a building (141-163 Freston Road) and the Travis Perkins warehouse which restricts the future use of the site as a construction site. The reduction of the site boundary to exclude the building at 141 – 163 Freston Road would still provide a sufficient site area for use as a reception / interception site. The site lies within a RBKC designated Employment Zone. However, if this site is to replace previous sites in this area which included a requirement for the construction of a spur tunnel to the main CC SRS, there would be a need for additional adjacent land to be used in combination to facilitate that spur tunnel drive. Retain for shortlist assessment.

Potential use of the site

Drive shaft site Reception or intermediate shaft site

Pumping station

Outfall Compound only


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Counters Creek Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Longlist Assessment (Stage 2a)

Appendix 4


    November 2015


SS251 North of Jewson’s Timber yard, Trussley Road

Site Size (m2) 2, 006

Engineering Assessment

Site Size Site is sufficient as a reception and interception site, site is too small for a tunnel drive site

Site Features Industrial car park which includes some existing buildings which would require demolition

Location Site is in an existing industrial area, adjacent to residential properties (in the west) and has the over ground railway line on a viaduct to the East. Sewer interception is located >15m from the site, but connection could be made down Trussley road.

Means of Access Good road access

Property Assessment

Special Land and Crown S13 protected - LUL Freeholder Interest

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Counters Creek Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Longlist Assessment (Stage 2a)

Appendix 4


    November 2015


Land Additional Comments: Some connection works required under NRSWA. Impact on 3 x Leaseholder business interests.

Acquisition costs Permanent Rights: High Temporary Rights: High

Planning / Environment

Heritage No designation on site. (Hammersmith Grove Conservation Area is immediately adjacent to the west of the site and Melrose Conservation Area is located nearby to the east of the site, with Brook Green Conservation Area further to the south east).

Landscape/Townscape No designation on site.

Open Space No designation on site.

Ecological designations No designation on site.

Neighbouring Land uses The site is located between residential properties on Grove Mews to the west and a raised railway line to the east. To the north the site is an office/light industrial building that is occupied by product design/engineering firms and to the south by a Jewson’s Timber Yard.

Existing use of site The site is occupied by a Dulux Decorator Centre, which consists of a large warehouse surrounded by areas of hard-standing used for parking. In 2011 temporary permission was granted to change the use of part of the warehouse building from B8 (storage and distribution) to D2 (Martial Arts Dojo) for a temporary period up until June 2016 (Ref. 2011/03609/FUL). The site entrance is to the west onto Grove Mews. The site area as drawn by LBHF also seems to cut through the southern part of an adjoining office/light industrial building to the north, which is occupied by product design/engineering firms.

Overall Summary Retain for shortlist assessment.

Potential use of the site

Drive shaft site Reception or intermediate shaft site

Pumping station

Outfall Compound only


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Counters Creek Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Longlist Assessment (Stage 2a)

Appendix 4


    November 2015


SS252 Land to the rear of 63 – 75 Goldhawk Road

Site Size (m2) 486

Engineering Assessment

Site Size Site is too small for an interception, drive or reception site. Site could act as a compound.

Site Features Hard standing car park area.

Location Site would require additional site and additional connection work within Hammersmith Grove to intercept Brook Green Sewer Grove Road Branch. Piled foundations to West of site restrict pipe jack to Hammersmith Grove, meaning connection down Richford Street and Astrop Terrace is most feasible option to intercept sewer.

Means of Access Good road access.

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Counters Creek Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Longlist Assessment (Stage 2a)

Appendix 4


    November 2015


Property Assessment

Special Land and Crown Land

N/A Additional Comments: Site area made up of multiple Freehold/Leasehold titles. Would require use of service area/car parking area serving a number of commercial properties on Goldhawk Road. Very small site area.

Acquisition costs Permanent rights – Moderate Temporary rights – Moderate/High

Planning / Environment

Heritage The majority of the site is located within Hammersmith Grove Conservation Area. Coningham and Lime Grove Conservation Area is further to the north of the site.

Landscape/Townscape No designation on site.

Open Space No designation on site.

Ecological designations No designation on site.

Neighbouring Land uses The site is bounded to the north by the rear elevation of a row of terraced properties with largely A1, A2 and A5 uses on the ground floor and residential uses above. This row fronts onto Goldhawk Road and is designated as a ‘satellite parade frontage’ by LBHF’s Core Strategy within which A1 uses are protected from change by Policy DM C4. There are also several residential units within this row that have doors, which open, directly onto the site. To the east of the site lies Goldhawk Road tube station and railway line. To the south of the site are car parking spaces and a money transfer shop (A2 use) on the ground floor and residential use above. To the west of the site adjoins Richford Street, where there are residential properties.

Existing use of site The site consists of a private gated car park for adjoining retail and residential uses with approximately 12 bays and a further 6 spaces not included in the site area. The site entrance is off Richford Street, with a ramp due to a difference in levels between the site and the road. The site boundary also appears to include land to the northeast of the car park.

Overall Summary Site rejected due to engineering constraints and the restricted site size.

Potential use of the site

Drive shaft site Reception or intermediate shaft site

Pumping station

Outfall Compound only


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Counters Creek Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Longlist Assessment (Stage 2a)

Appendix 4


    November 2015


SS253 Eastern end of Brook Green

Site Size (m2) 666

Engineering Assessment

Site Size Site is too small for a drive, interception or reception site. Site could be a compound

Site Features Tree within site would require removal. Site is hard area as island in within Brook Green.

Location Site is on island within centre of road. Interception zone for Hammersmith SRS Brook Green Branch is >100m west of this site and would require additional sites.

Means of Access Restricted road access through residential area.

Property Assessment

Special Land and Crown Land

N/A Additional Comments: Works within the maintainable highway – NRSWA Small site requiring highways consent.

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Counters Creek Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Longlist Assessment (Stage 2a)

Appendix 4


    November 2015


Acquisition costs Permanent rights – Low/Moderate Temporary rights – Low/Moderate

Planning / Environment

Heritage There are two Grade II listed telephone kiosks located just within the north western boundary of the site. The site is also located within the Brook Green Conservation Area. (The Grade II* listed Church of Holy Trinity is located nearby to the south of the site).

Landscape/Townscape No designation on site.

Open Space No designation on site.

Ecological designations No designation on site.

Neighbouring Land uses There sites in a residential area. To the site is bordered to the south and southwest by the Holy Trinity Roman Catholic Church and residential uses. To the west of the church is a pedestrian passageway through to the Larmenier and Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School, which is set-back from the road. To the northwest of the sites is the rest of Brook Green. To the north, northeast and west of the site are residential properties. Brook Green, a one-way system around the Brook Green, includes permit/meter parking.

Existing use of site The site includes the eastern end of Brook Green, public footpath, the public highway (Brook Green) and the central traffic island between the northern eastbound and southern westbound carriageways of Brook Green. There are trees within the site boundary (eastern end of Brook Green and a tree within the traffic island). The site is within a 20 mph speed limit zone and has traffic calming measures in the form of speed bumps and narrowing the carriageway. Parking is restricted within the site by double yellow lines, with the exception of a small area to the northeast with permit/meter parking. Brook Green is designated as a local access road.

Overall Summary Site rejected due to engineering constraints and the restricted site size. Could potentially be used as a compound.

Potential use of the site

Drive shaft site Reception or intermediate shaft site

Pumping station

Outfall Compound only


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Counters Creek Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Longlist Assessment (Stage 2a)

Appendix 4


    November 2015


SS254 Tarmac area to the south of K-West hotel

Site Size (m2) 613

Engineering Assessment

Site Size Site is too small for an interception, drive or reception site. Site could be used as a compound to support works to intercept the sewer in the woodland copse, or other works within car park site, if additional space required.

Site Features Hard standing area with some properties requiring demolition.

Location Site is located > 15m from interception point and would require additional site within wooded area to south to intercept sewer. Site is adjacent to over ground railway line.

Means of Access Restricted access to site through narrow access round back of hotel and beneath bridge. Restrictions on turning vehicles round to exit this site.

Property Assessment

Special Land and Crown Land

N/A Additional Comments:

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Appendix 4


    November 2015


Area has residential properties that will need to be removed. Access would impact on the hotel business to the north.

Acquisition costs Permanent Rights: Medium/High Temporary Rights: Medium/High

Planning / Environment

Heritage No designation on site. (The site is immediately adjacent to Lakeside/Sinclair/Blythe Road Conservation Area).

Landscape/Townscape No designation on site.

Open Space No designation on site.

Ecological designations No designation on site. (The LBH&F Green Corridor runs to the east of the site. The West London & District Lines SBI (Grade I) is also located nearby to the east and south of the site.)

Neighbouring Land uses A railway line runs to the east of the site. To the west of the site are residential properties along Sinclair Road. To the south of the site is the Olympia car park. The owners of this car park have plans to redevelop it for residential uses but these plans are at an early stage. A screening opinion was issued from the Council in May 2013 but no planning applications have been submitted to date. An elevated section of Addison Gardens runs immediately to the north of the site. Woodstock studios and the K West Hotel are located to the northwest of the site.

Existing use of site The site consists of an area of hardstanding, containing two buildings and car parking. There are a number of trees along the eastern and southern borders separating the site from the surrounding uses. There are no current planning applications relating to the site.

Overall Summary Site rejected due to engineering constraints and the restricted site size. Site could be used as a compound to support works to intercept the sewer in the woodland copse, or other works within car park site, if additional space is required.

Potential use of the site

Drive shaft site Reception or intermediate shaft site

Pumping station

Outfall Compound only


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Counters Creek Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Longlist Assessment (Stage 2a)

Appendix 4


    November 2015


SS255 Land to the North of Beaumont Avenue

Site Size (m2) 2, 335

Engineering Assessment

Site Size Site is large enough to be an interception or reception site. However site is too small to be a drive site.

Site Features Land requires property demolition before works could commence. TfL advice is that use of this land would be very problematic from TfL operations viewpoint.

Location Interception of sewer would be >15m from site within North End Road. Site is adjacent to railway cutting to the north. Restricted access for tunnelling from south through new Earls Court Development.

Means of Access Good road access, however, the access has been specifically configured by TfL to move north side on road parking into the adjoining pavement. This has been done to facilitate access to the depot by HGVs up 71’ in length on an ad-hoc basis. The road space that is available for a connection pipe to the NERd sewer would need to be balanced with acess to the depot. TfL advice is that use of this land would be very problematic from TfL operations viewpoint.

Property Assessment

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Special Land and Crown Land

S13 protected - LUL Freeholder Interest: agreement to site use unlikely Additional Comments: Some connection works required under NRSWA.

Acquisition costs N/A – Site not available/subject to statutory protection.

Planning / Environment

Heritage No designation on site. (Barons Court Conservation Area is located immediately adjacent to the north, south and west of the site).

Landscape/Townscape No designation on site.

Open Space No designation on site.

Ecological designations No designation on site.

Neighbouring Land uses To the east of the site is the Lillie Bridge Depot and Ashfield House – Learning & Development Recruitment Centre for London Underground. Beaumont Avenue borders the site to the south. To the south are residential uses along Beaumont Avenue at Kensington Hall Gardens. To the west of the site is North Ed Road (B317) which is designated as a London Distributor Road. To the north of the site is the West Kensington Underground Station and the railway line which serves the station (Circle, District and Hammersmith & City lines). To the south east of the site is a warehouse / factory and associated hard standing areas occupied by Rootstein Display Mannequins.

Existing use of site The site consists of land owned and operated by London Underground Limited. The site is of strategic importance in this regard. TfL advice is that use of this land would be very problematic from TfL operations viewpoint. The site lies within the Fulham Regeneration Area (including the Earls Court and West Kensington Opportunity Area) and is a housing regeneration area - LBHF Core Strategy Policy FRA and FRA1. Outline planning permission was granted in November 2013 for the redevelopment of the Earls Court and West Kensington Opportunity Area. (Reference: 2011/02001/OUT). Subsequently the approval of reserved matters was granted planning permission in April 2014 (Reference: 2013/05200/RES).

Overall Summary Site is too small to be a drive site. Interception of sewer would be >15m from site within North End Road. Site is adjacent to railway cutting to the north. Restricted access for tunnelling from south through new Earls Court Development. Retain for shortlist assessment to establish land availability from landowner (TfL).

Potential use of the site

Drive shaft site Reception or intermediate shaft site

Pumping station

Outfall Compound only


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SS256 Rootstein mannequin factory, 9 Beaumont Avenue

Site Size (m2) 2, 663

Engineering Assessment

Site Size Site is large enough to be an interception or reception site. However site is too small to be a drive site. Furthermore, Capco have confirmed that buildings are to be retained reducing workable area to two small parcels of land in front of main factory entrance and to the west of factory warehouse adjacent to housing.

Site Features Land requires property demolition before works could commence. However, Capco have confirmed that they now own the site and do not want to lose the buildings which they plan to put back into use as part of the regeneration proposals.

Location Interception of sewer would be >100m from site within North End Road. Site is adjacent to substation. Restricted access for tunnelling from south through new Earls Court Development.

Means of Access Good road access, however, the access has been specifically configured by TfL to move north side on road parking into the adjoining pavement. This has been done to facilitate access to the depot by HGVs up 71’ in length on an ad-hoc basis. The road space that is available for a connection pipe to the North End Road sewer would need to be balanced with acess to the depot. TfL advice is that use of this land would be very problematic from TfL operations viewpoint.

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Appendix 4


    November 2015


Property Assessment

Special Land and Crown Land

N/A Additional Comments: Area has commercial premises which will need to be removed (current use unknown) and is located within the EC development boundary. LuL operational access along Beumont Avenue may impose access/works restrictions.

Acquisition costs Permanent Rights: Medium/High Temporary Rights: Medium/High

Planning / Environment

Heritage No designation on site. (Barons Court Conservation Area is located nearby to the west of the site).

Landscape/Townscape No designation on site.

Open Space No designation on site.

Ecological designations No designation on site.

Neighbouring Land uses To the north and east of the site is the Lillie Bridge Depot and Ashfield House – Learning & Development Recruitment Centre for London Underground. To the south and southeast are residential uses along Dieppe Close. Residential properties are also located adjacent to the west of the site at Kensington Hall Gardens. Beaumont Avenue borders the site to the northeast.

Existing use of site The site is comprised of a warehouse / factory and associated hard standing areas occupied by Rootstein Display Mannequins. Buildings to be retained by Capco. The site lies within the Fulham Regeneration Area (including the Earls Court and West Kensington Opportunity Area) and is a housing regeneration area - LBHF Core Strategy Policy FRA and FRA1. Outline planning permission was granted in November 2013 for the redevelopment of the Earls Court and West Kensington Opportunity Area. (Reference: 2011/02001/OUT). Subsequently the approval of reserved matters was granted planning permission in April 2014 (Reference: 2013/05200/RES).

Overall Summary Subject to confirmation from Capco that there are no opportunities within the factory area. Site to be rejected due to constraints over available land, resulting in unusable land and access constraints.

Potential use of the site

Drive shaft site Reception or intermediate shaft site

Pumping station

Outfall Compound only


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    November 2015


SS257 Ealing, Hammersmith and West London College, Gliddon Road

Site Size (m2) 25, 617

Engineering Assessment

Site Size Site is sufficient size for all uses.

Site Features Some open areas of green land. Existing buildings. Site would require demolition of properties before works commenced.

Location Site is > 100m from interception in North End Road. Site would require additional sites. Restricted tunnel alignment due to piled foundations.

Means of Access Good road access.

Property Assessment

Special Land and Crown Land

TFL interest (in Part) along the A4 (Red Route). S13 protected party. Additional comments: Part of Ealing, Hammersmith & West London College. Large area identified, buildings included. Replicating lost amenity would be difficult. LBHF to contact owner to establish if land is being released

Acquisition costs Permanent rights –High/Very High

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Temporary rights – High/Very High

Planning / Environment

Heritage No designation on site. (Gunter Estate Conservation Area is located nearby to the east of the site. Barons Court Conservation Area is located nearby to the south of the site. There are also two Grade II listed buildings located to the south of the site on the opposite side of Talgarth Road: 135-149 Talgarth Road and Barons Court Underground Station).

Landscape/Townscape No designation on site.

Open Space No designation on site.

Ecological designations No designation on site.

Neighbouring Land uses The site is located within a predominantly residential area. It is bordered to the east by Gliddon Road and to the west by Colet Gardens. Terraced properties line the opposite sides of these roads and blocks of low -rise flats adjoin the site to the north. A nursery school is located immediately to the north east of the site on the corner of Lily Close. The A4 Talgarth Road is located immediately to the south of the site. Planning application 2004/0244/FUL relates to Barons Keep, which is located to the east of the site, and consists of the construction of 11 additional flats on the roof of the existing building. It is not clear whether construction has begun on this project.

Existing use of site The site is currently used as Hammersmith and West London College. It contains a number of buildings, car parks and areas of open space. There are no current planning applications that relate to the site.

Overall Summary Retain for shortlist assessment.

Potential use of the site

Drive shaft site Reception or intermediate shaft site

Pumping station

Outfall Compound only


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Appendix 4

November 2015

SS258 Ada Lewis House, 2 Palliser Road

Site Size (m2) 1, 307

Engineering Assessment

Site Size Site is sufficient size for interception and reception site, if entire site is demolished and cleared. Site is too small for drive site.

Site Features Site has property on it currently and would require demolition works before commencement.

Location Site is >300m from interception site within North End Road and would require additional site set up. Site is located within residential area.

Means of Access Site has restricted road access through residential area.

Property Assessment

Special Land and Crown Land

N/A Additional Comments: Area includes residential flats. Some connection works required under NRSWA.

Acquisition costs Permanent Rights: High Temporary Rights: High

Planning / Environment

Heritage The site is located within Barons Court Conservation Area. (The Queens Club Gardens Conservation Area is located nearby to the south of the site).

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Appendix 4

November 2015

Landscape/Townscape No designation on site.

Open Space No designation on site.

Ecological designations No designation on site. (The Hammersmith Cemetery Nature Conservation Area (of Grade II Borough-wide importance) is located nearby to the west of the site.)

Neighbouring Land uses The site is located within a largely residential area. The site lies immediately adjacent to three public highways; with Barton Road to the north, Comeragh Road to the south and Palliser Road to the west. Residential properties are located along these roads. To the south of the site is the Queen’s Club with the entrance to the club located to the south east of the site from Palliser Road.

Existing use of site The site is comprised of the Ada Lewis House and its associated informal amenity space. The Ada Lewis House was formerly in use as a hostel and it was reported that the building was to be vacated in 2012. A site visit indicated that the building is currently in some form of residential use. The site is owned by Southern Housing Group Limited, who are understood to be reviewing options for the future use of the site however no redevelopment details have been registered on the LBHF planning application database. Notwithstanding this uncertainty, loss of this building would represent significant loss of potential housing stock, or institutional use (hostel / offices / etc.) or similar.

Overall Summary The use of the site would require the demolition of a four + storey residential building with clear potential for ongoing residential or similar use in a densely populated and developed residential area. The site is >300m from the interception site within North End Road and would require additional site set up. Retain for shortlist assessment.

Potential use of the site

Drive shaft site Reception or intermediate shaft site

Pumping station

Outfall Compound only

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Counters Creek Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Longlist Assessment (Stage 2a)

Appendix 4

November 2015

SS259 Land adjacent to Talgarth Road & Trevanion Road

Site Size (m2) 1, 020

Engineering Assessment

Site Size Site compound is sufficient as a reception and an interception site. Site is too small as a drive site.

Site Features Site is located in open green space with a number of trees which will require removal.

Location Interception points are >100m from the shaft location. Site is located to the north and adjacent to the A4 (Talgarth Road) requiring additional traffic barriers.

Means of Access Good road access via A4, North End Road and Gwendwr Road.

Property Assessment

Special Land and Crown Land

Part of the area owned by TFL and subject to Schedule 13 Protection - Part of the A4 (Red Route). Part of the area is maintainable highway works under NRSWA. Additional comments: Semi mature trees & shrubs located within the area. Some mature trees adjoining the site (third party land) may need to be cut back to

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Appendix 4

November 2015

facilitate works. Part of the site forms the access and parking for housing association properties. Refuse area will need to be relocated during the works.

Acquisition costs Permanent rights – Moderate Temporary rights – Moderate

Planning / Environment

Heritage The site is within the Gunter Estate Conservation Area.

Landscape/Townscape No designation on site.

Open Space No designation on site.

Ecological designations No designation on site.

Neighbouring Land uses The site lies within a residential area with residential properties located immediately to the north and west along Trevanion Road and with the gardens of residential properties located to the north along Gwendwr Road. Also to the north of the site is Gwendwr children’s play area and dog exercise area, which is designated as an area of open space. The A4 (Talgarth Road) adjoins the site immediately to the south. The public footpath and area of green space to the north of the A4 extends to the east of the site. To the west of the site is a Bicycle Storage Area associated with the flats at Trevanion Road.

Existing use of site The site is comprised of a public footpath and an area of green space siding Talgarth Road. There are several trees and a public bench within the site.

Overall Summary Retain for shortlist assessment. If the site were used as in interception site open trench works in the road would be required to link the sewers to be intercepted.

Potential use of the site

Drive shaft site Reception or intermediate shaft site

Pumping station

Outfall Compound only

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Appendix 4


    November 2015


SS260 Telecoms Site North End Road

Site Size (m2) 2, 040

Engineering Assessment

Site Size Site area is sufficient for an interception/ reception site. Site is too small for a main tunnel drive site.

Site Features Existing building on site would require demolition before works could proceed. Site is bordered by residential and commercial properties. Narrow site entrance affords rear access to a number of properties (inc retail). Access likely to need to be maintained, reducing the available site area and constraining construction of connecting sewer. Substation adjacent to site access suggesting services in the road.

Location Shaft location in site is >15m from North End Road Sewer and may require works in site access to intercept sewer. Site is South of hydraulically defined interception point and would require further hydraulic analysis to determine extent of flooding benefit gained from interception in this location. Interception required within North End Road.

Means of Access Road access via North End Road is narrow. No rail or river access to site.

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Appendix 4


    November 2015


Property Assessment

Special Land and Crown Land

British Telecommunication PLC (land owner) Regulated business subject to Schedule 13 Protection. Additional comments: Close proximity to residential properties & doctors surgery. Removal of building necessary. Property parking and access affected.

Acquisition costs Permanent rights: High Temporary rights: High

Planning / Environment

Heritage No designation on site.

Landscape/Townscape No designation on site.

Open Space No designation on site.

Ecological designations No designation on site.

Neighbouring Land uses The site is bound to the south, west and east by residential properties or residential properties over commercial ground floor premises. Immediately to the north is a Holiday Inn Express Hotel and a new development of flats. North of these land uses is Thaxton Road beyond which lies further residential development within the Earls Court Regeneration Area. North End Road is located immediately adjacent to the west, with further commercial and residential properties located along it. Lillie Road is adjacent to the south with similar land uses located on it. Adjacent to the east is a doctors surgery.

Existing use of site The site is owned and used by British Telecommunications and comprises a 4 storey brick utilities building which is surrounded by access circulation and vehicle parking. This appears to also include some access and vehicle parking for residents along a dead end access road known as Telephone Place which is located immediately south of the building. Telephone Place may also provide access and / or parking for the shops along Lillie Road to the south of the site. Site not available due to the existing building on site and the absence of any knowledge of proposals /intentions to demolish the building.

Overall Summary Reject site due to the presence of an existing building on site and the absence of any knowledge of proposals /intentions to demolish existing telephone exchange.

Potential use of the site

Drive shaft site Reception or intermediate shaft site

Pumping station

Outfall Compound only


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Appendix 4


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SS261 Holland Villas Road

Site Size (m2) 800m2 with an additional 150m2 as a compound for cabins.

Engineering Assessment

Site Size Site area is insufficient for a drive site. Site area is sufficient but highly restricted for a reception, interception, or compound site. Potential to extend site down roads if required.

Site Features Site is located within the highway. A listed tree is located on the northern boundary, which may require trimming.

Location Site is located in the highway with residential properties on both sides and a school adjacent to the site. Sewer runs beneath the site allowing interception within the site less than 15m from the shaft location.

Means of Access Access is via wide residential roads. Road closure will be required, pedestrian access maintained to all properties.

Property Assessment

Special Land and Crown Land

N/A Additional Comments: Works under NRSWA. Access restrictions to residential properties.

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Close proximity to school.

Acquisition costs Permanent Rights: Low Temporary Rights: Low/Moderate

Planning / Environment

Heritage The majority of the site is within the Holland Park Conservation Area. (The Grade II* listed Church of St John the Baptist is located nearby to the west of the site)

Landscape/Townscape No designation on site.

Open Space No designation on site.

Ecological designations No designation on site.

Neighbouring Land uses The site is within a road junction where two public highways meet (Lower Addison Gardens and Holland Villas Road) and is located in a residential area, with residential properties adjacent to the north, south, east and west. The Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School is located to the east of the site on Holland Villas Road.

Existing use of site The site is located in the highway and consists of two areas; the northern section of the site is comprised of an area of the public highway and pedestrian footpath within Holland Villas Road; and the southern section of the site is comprised of a road junction where two public highways meet (Lower Addison Gardens and Holland Villas Road) and also contains areas within the pedestrian footpaths. Use of this site would require road closures.

Overall Summary Site area is sufficient but highly restricted for a reception, interception or compound site. Retain for shortlist assessment to further assess the site for these uses.

Potential use of the site

Drive shaft site Reception or intermediate shaft site

Pumping station

Outfall Compound only


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Site ID

Site Name

SS246 Jewson’s Timber Yard, Trussley Road

SS247 TfL Signal Control Centre, Trussley Road

SS248 Land between Freston Road and Nicholas Road

SS249 Smith News Distribution Depot, Olaf Street

SS250 Travis Perkins Yard, Freston Road

SS251 Dulux, Richford Street

SS255 Land to the North of Beaumont Avenue

SS257 Ealing, Hammersmith and West London College, Gliddon Road

SS258 Ada Lewis House, 2 Palliser Road

SS259 Land adjacent to Talgarth Road & Trevanion Road

SS261 Holland Villas Road

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Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Shortlist Site Assessment (Stage 3) Thames Water Utilities Ltd

November 2015 1

Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment Stage 3 Shortlist Assessment

Site: SS246 Jewson’s Timber Yard, Trussley Road

Size m2: 4,873

Key to Assessment Grades: Grade / Possible Use

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome, but will be very challenging.

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome.

Criterion has no implications for site.

Use not applicable to site 1. Drive Shaft (minimum site area 3,000 - 3,500m2 )

2. Interception / Reception Shaft (minimum site area 1,500m2 )

3. Pumping Station 4. Overflow Site 5. Site Compound

Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria Description of Site Characteristics Assessment Against Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 ENGINEERING

Clean Water / Waste Water Assets

Are important clean water or other water resources and assets affected?

No assets on the site, however connection to the sewer interception would require interface with existing clean and waste water network.

No construction issues for drive shaft. Interception site will require some mitigation and potential diversions at interception point.

Connection Feasibility • Distance from sewer interception • Infrastructure / structures between sewer and shaft

Interception is 60m from the edge of the site. Interception will require significant works within Trussley Road and Hammersmith Grove, the latter being the location for the weir chamber over the existing sewer being intercepted. Tunnelling of the main sewer alignment to reach the shaft from south restricted by existing tunnels within Shepherds Bush Road, requiring an alignment from the north.

Long distance to interception point which requires works within roads causing traffic disruption. Ongoing scheme development has identified that interception of the local sewer by the Counters Creek strategic sewer is no longer necessary.

Means of Access • Availability of rail connection/practicability of accessing rail connection

• Suitability of road links to site and river • Ability for site to handle AILs • Jetty / wharfage facilities available • Jetty / wharfage facilities can be created • Availability of any other means of access • Worker transport considerations

Good Road access via Goldhawk Road and Hammersmith Grove. No river access, no rail access. Nearest train stations for workers are Goldhawk Road, and Hammersmith Stations.

Good access.

Odour Control Assessment of potential operational odour generation and costs of mitigation

Odour control is likely but site specific requirements require further investigation.

It is expected that odour control can be carried out adequately on this site. Therefore it is deemed "Acceptable".

Site Efficiency • Ability to accommodate all requirements on one site and if not describe how facilities can be achieved via a combination of sites.

• Assessment of potential for effects from development upon existing site or adjacent services e.g. power supply/communications/other

Good site area, with demolished buildings. With buildings as they currently stand site would be more restricted for vehicle turning and movement, especially if businesses still under operation. Interception of sewers is outside of site boundary and would require works within Hammersmith Grove and Trussley Road.

Good area, demolition required reducing site efficiency. Efficiency further reduced if businesses still in operation.

Site Features • Above and below ground conditions (including 3rd party services, assets and infrastructure)

• Geology • Site levels • Other considerations

Currently hard standing open site with some existing structures which could require demolition prior to works. No known geology issues, railway viaduct to east of site. Site is adjacent to residential properties (10m distance) on west side.

Demolition required on site, or site area would be reduced limiting efficiency of working space.

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Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Shortlist Site Assessment (Stage 3) Thames Water Utilities Ltd

November 2015 2

Site: SS246 Jewson’s Timber Yard, Trussley Road

Size m2: 4,873

Key to Assessment Grades: Grade / Possible Use

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome, but will be very challenging.

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome.

Criterion has no implications for site.

Use not applicable to site 1. Drive Shaft (minimum site area 3,000 - 3,500m2 )

2. Interception / Reception Shaft (minimum site area 1,500m2 )

3. Pumping Station 4. Overflow Site 5. Site Compound

Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria Description of Site Characteristics Assessment Against Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 Site Geometry Does the site geometry lend itself for use intended? Good site area, wide site, although co-location with

retained businesses would reduce efficiency of site. Co-location with retained businesses would reduce efficiency of site.

Site Size What is the site suitable for – drive shaft, intermediate or reception shaft, pump station, outfall or other e.g. welfare office

Site area is sufficient for interception and reception site uses although co-location with retained businesses would reduce efficiency of site. Site suitable potentially as a pipejack drive site, but not as a main tunnel bore drive site.

Co-location with retained businesses would reduce efficiency of site.

Tunnelling, Construction and System Engineering Requirements

Ability to be compatible with likely system and tunnelling requirements in the vicinity of the site

Alignment can be connected into main strategic sewer, however this must come from the north due to restrictions from existing UKPN and Thames Water. North Western Storm Relief sewer assets in Shepherds Bush Road.

Restricted alignment from South of catchment - can only access site from the north.

Engineering summary & recommendations

Site area is sufficient for interception and reception site uses, with site efficiency reducing if existing business retained, although potential to co-located with business and implement interception and tunneling / pipejack works. Site efficiency is also reduced by distance to interception and restrictions to main tunnel alignments accessing sites. Good road access to site and train links for workforce transport. Site suitable potentially as a pipejack drive site, but not as a main tunnel bore drive site. Ongoing scheme development has identified that interception of the local sewer by the Counters Creek strategic sewer is no longer necessary. Site not to be progressed further.


Community & Amenity • Sensitivity to dust, odour and other construction effects • Visual impact during construction upon amenity • Visual impact during operation upon amenity

The site is currently occupied by a Jewson’s Timber Yard, which consists of large warehouses surrounded by areas of hard-standing used for parking and open-storage. The site is located between residential properties on Grove Mews to the west and a raised railway line to the east with commercial and retail uses occupying its railway arches. To the north the site is bound by wholesale retail warehouses and to the south by a TfL Signal Control Centre site located across Trussley Road.

The close proximity to residential dwellings means there is the potential for adverse amenity impacts from construction dust and noise, construction related traffic and odour relating to the operational phase. There is the potential for adverse visual impacts on the surrounding residential properties given their proximity, particularly during construction. Relevant planning policies to consider include: Hammersmith and Fulham Development Management Local Plan Policy DM H8 Air Quality and Policy DMH9 Noise.

Ecology Nature conservation / reserve designations No designation on site. No designations on site. At this stage, no ecology implications have been identified.

Flood Risk Assessment of fluvial / tidal / surface water flood risk The entire site is within EA Flood Risk Zone 3 (high risk of flooding). However, these flood zones do not take account of flood defences and, therefore, represent a theoretical maximum extent of tidal flooding. The River Thames flood defences protect the tidal Thames up to the 1000 year flood event.

The site is defended and only considered to be at a residual risk of flooding as a result of a potential breach or overtopping of the flood defences. The works would be unlikely to require mitigation from residual flood risk in the event of a breach or overtopping of the defences, but this would need to be considered as a project risk. Relevant planning polices to consider include:

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Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Shortlist Site Assessment (Stage 3) Thames Water Utilities Ltd

November 2015 3

Site: SS246 Jewson’s Timber Yard, Trussley Road

Size m2: 4,873

Key to Assessment Grades: Grade / Possible Use

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome, but will be very challenging.

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome.

Criterion has no implications for site.

Use not applicable to site 1. Drive Shaft (minimum site area 3,000 - 3,500m2 )

2. Interception / Reception Shaft (minimum site area 1,500m2 )

3. Pumping Station 4. Overflow Site 5. Site Compound

Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria Description of Site Characteristics Assessment Against Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 London Plan (2015) Policy 5.12 Flood Risk Management and Hammersmith and Fulham Core Strategy DPD (2011) Borough Wide Strategic Policy CC2 Water Flooding.

Heritage • Archaeology priority areas • Scheduled Ancient Monuments • Historic Parks and Gardens • Conservation Areas • Listed Buildings

No designation on site. Hammersmith Grove Conservation Area is immediately adjacent to the west of the site and Melrose Conservation Area is located nearby to the east of the site, with Brook Green Conservation Area further to the south east.

No designations on site. At this stage, no heritage implications have been identified, although there are Conservation Areas located adjacent and nearby to the site.

Landscape • Assessment of potential for Landscape, townscape, visual designations.

• Assessment of potential for impacts on other landscape/open space designations

• Assessment of potential for impacts on informal/undesignated open space

No landscape designation on site. No open space designation on site.

No landscape designation on site. At this stage, no landscape implications have been identified.

Environment summary & recommendations

The site is located in close proximity to residential dwellings. It is within EA Flood Risk Zone 3 but no ecology, heritage or landscape designations have been identified on site. Further consideration must be given to any potential impacts on the amenity of the surrounding residential areas to determine appropriate mitigation.


Distance from centre of site to receptor

Type of receptor Nearest noise sensitive receptor is “Residential” located approximately 30m from the centre of the site. For consistency, the closest receptor has been noted at this stage of site selection. Numbers of other surrounding receptors and their distances to the site will be considered in more detail at the next stage of site selection.

Assessed as “Amber” because it is in the middle third of sites in terms of distance to the nearest noise sensitive receptor. Conclusions in terms of whether mitigation can be achieved or if there are noise implications at the site can only be established following more detailed assessment of a number of factors specific to each location. This includes the type and number of sensitive receptors, distance, existing noise climate, height of receptor relative to noise source(s) and noise level likely to be produced by each site. Relevant planning policies to consider include: London Plan (2015) Policy 7.15; and Hammersmith and Fulham Development Management Local Plan Policy DMH9 Noise.

Height of Receptor Type of receptor The “Residential” receptor is 2 storeys in height. Recorded for information at this stage. The higher the receptor (relative to source), the less beneficial standard site perimeter hoarding will be in terms of breaking the line of sight between source(s) and receiver(s).


Noise summary & recommendations The site is in the middle third of shortlisted sites in terms of distance to the nearest noise sensitive receptor. The

Page 90: Thames Water · Counters Creek Strategic Storm Relief Sewer/ Part 2 Further Longlist and Shortlist Site Assessment Report: November 2015 Document Number: C680-TW-00537-RP COUNTERS

Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Shortlist Site Assessment (Stage 3) Thames Water Utilities Ltd

November 2015 4

Site: SS246 Jewson’s Timber Yard, Trussley Road

Size m2: 4,873

Key to Assessment Grades: Grade / Possible Use

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome, but will be very challenging.

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome.

Criterion has no implications for site.

Use not applicable to site 1. Drive Shaft (minimum site area 3,000 - 3,500m2 )

2. Interception / Reception Shaft (minimum site area 1,500m2 )

3. Pumping Station 4. Overflow Site 5. Site Compound

Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria Description of Site Characteristics Assessment Against Criteria 1 2 3 4 5

proximity of the site to residential receptors (the nearest being 2 storeys in height) means that noise attenuation measures are likely to be needed to be incorporated into the proposals to reduce the impact on the surrounding land uses.


Common Land • Nature of common land site • Size of common land site • Area required during construction • Area required during operation • Potential for use

The site is not designated as common land. -

Community & Amenity • Impact upon formal or informal community facilities • Neighbouring land uses and amenity considerations • Allotment land • Residential gardens / restricted open space

Trussley Road is located to the south and east of the site and Grove Mews is to the west. A TfL Signal Control Centre site is located to the south on the adjacent side of Truslley Road. Residential properties - Grove Mews, a narrow street with terraced residential properties along its western side, lies immediately to the west of the site. The properties on this street front directly onto the pavement and are approximately 10m from the site boundary. The site has an existing vehicle entrance that is used by HGVs. Hammersmith Grove is designated as a Local Access Road in the LBHF’s Core Strategy (2011).

Due to the proximity of the residential properties to the west of the site along Grove Mews, the use of the site as a construction site or compound could cause residential amenity impact concerns. Whilst the existing use of the site is likely to present a current amenity impact to these properties there is potential that the amenity impacts from a construction site would be greater than those from the existing use of the site.

Employment Are there potential impacts on local employment opportunities? A Jewson’s builder’s merchants selling building materials and timber and offering tool hire facilities currently occupies the site.

The use of the site as a construction site or site compound would temporarily conflict with the current use, or part of that use, of the site as a builders merchants and could result in the loss of employment opportunities, unless the Jewson’s branch can remain operational throughout the construction period. During the operational phase, some land would be required for the permanent infrastructure if the site is used as an interception site, however this could be integrated into the existing site or surrounding highway to minimise impacts. General – a construction workforce will be required which could result in job opportunities for the local workforce. Relevant planning policies to consider include: London Plan (2015) Policy 4.1 Developing London’s Economy

London Plan / Borough Policy Allocation or Special Policy Area

Assessment of compliance or conflict with specific land use allocations or planning objectives

The site is located in the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham (LBHF). Relevant planning policies to consider include:

The use of this site or part of the site as a construction site or compound would temporarily conflict with its current use as an employment site.

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Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Shortlist Site Assessment (Stage 3) Thames Water Utilities Ltd

November 2015 5

Site: SS246 Jewson’s Timber Yard, Trussley Road

Size m2: 4,873

Key to Assessment Grades: Grade / Possible Use

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome, but will be very challenging.

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome.

Criterion has no implications for site.

Use not applicable to site 1. Drive Shaft (minimum site area 3,000 - 3,500m2 )

2. Interception / Reception Shaft (minimum site area 1,500m2 )

3. Pumping Station 4. Overflow Site 5. Site Compound

Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria Description of Site Characteristics Assessment Against Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 London Plan (2015): Policy 4.4 adopts a rigorous approach to industrial land management to ensure a sufficient stock of land. Policy 4.12 requires strategic development proposals to support local employment, skills development and training opportunities. Hammersmith and Fulham LDF Core Strategy DPD (2011) Policy LE1 supports the change of use of premises providing local services or significant employment if their new use supports essential public services. Hammersmith and Fulham Development Management Local Plan (2013) Policy DM B1 outlines LBHF’s approach to the loss or replacement of employment sites. Policy - DM J6 – Development will not be permitted if it would prejudice the effectiveness of Local Access Roads to provide safe and convenient access to individual properties.

In the long-term some land would be required for the permanent infrastructure if the site is used as an interception site, however this could be integrated into the existing site and surrounding highway to minimise impacts. Any loss of industrial land would conflict with planning policies to protect employment sites. The implications of any additional traffic on Hammersmith Grove Local Access Road must be considered. The implications of any additional noise generated by the development would also need to be assessed.

Metropolitan Open Land / Green Belt

Assessment against Green Belt and Metropolitan Open Land The site is not designated as Green Belt or Metropolitan Open Land.


Open Space Assessment against Open Space policy The site is not designated as open space. -

Planning Applications / Permissions

• Application expected • Awaiting determination • Unimplemented

No relevant planning applications identified on the site. In 2011 temporary permission was granted to change the use of part of the warehouse building to the north of the site from B8 (storage and distribution) to D2 (Martial Arts Dojo) for a temporary period up until June 2016 (Ref. 2011/03609/FUL). In 2014 an unsuccessful application (Ref 2014/06118/FUL) was made to install a 17.5 metre high telecoms monopole 10m to the south of the site.


Public Access & Recreation

• Impacts on informal / undesignated open space • Impacts on navigation and recreational water use • Impacts on recreational sites and assets • Impact upon leisure or sports facilities • Impact upon tourism • Permissive rights of access • Public Rights of Way

Site is fenced on all sides and there do not appear to be any designated or permissive public footpaths across the site.


Planning summary & recommendations

The site is occupied by an active industrial use (builder’s merchant). The site is located in close proximity to residential dwellings. Whilst the existing use of the site is likely to present a current amenity impact to these properties there is potential that the amenity impacts from a construction site would be greater than those from the existing use of the site. Subject to appropriate mitigation measures to address construction impacts on the existing use of the site and

Page 92: Thames Water · Counters Creek Strategic Storm Relief Sewer/ Part 2 Further Longlist and Shortlist Site Assessment Report: November 2015 Document Number: C680-TW-00537-RP COUNTERS

Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Shortlist Site Assessment (Stage 3) Thames Water Utilities Ltd

November 2015 6

Site: SS246 Jewson’s Timber Yard, Trussley Road

Size m2: 4,873

Key to Assessment Grades: Grade / Possible Use

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome, but will be very challenging.

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome.

Criterion has no implications for site.

Use not applicable to site 1. Drive Shaft (minimum site area 3,000 - 3,500m2 )

2. Interception / Reception Shaft (minimum site area 1,500m2 )

3. Pumping Station 4. Overflow Site 5. Site Compound

Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria Description of Site Characteristics Assessment Against Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 surrounding amenity and business interests, the site or part of the site, is considered appropriate in planning terms for use as a construction site or compound.


Access and Material Transfer Rights

- Industrial premises (buildings, car parking and surface laid stores area) operating as a builders merchants

Access – Fair, accommodates large vehicle entry for the existing use of the site. Access off Trussley Road. Permit parking would be affected with street works required along Trussley Road. Adjoins a LuL Signaling Depot and several other businesses. Residential properties are also in close proximity. Site would require use of other land to limit the impact on the business (highway/Signaling Depot). LuL notified of possible joint venture development application with the Leaseholder. Responses received to date indicate objections to proposal.

Common Land • Ownership status • Potential for acquisition or rights to develop • Operational access / status


Crown Land and Special Land

- LuL own the Freehold. Awaiting confirmation that land is not part of the operational portfolio, subject to s13 protection.


Estimated Acquisition Cost

- Permanent rights –Moderate/High. Temporary rights – Moderate/High.

Criteria will need to be determined based on anticipated site use. Small sized site with suggested redevelopment aspirations.

Ownership of Site Is the site owned by TWUL / in single 3rd Party ownership / multiple 3rd Party ownerships?

Freehold – LuL, plus 2 Leasehold Interests.

Property summary & recommendations

Access to the area will be required along Trussley Road. The site is in close proximity to residential properties and a number of commercial premises. If significant excavation works were required, then monitoring of the adjoining structures would be necessary during construction, with mitigation measures introduced where necessary. Limited works within the commercial premises would be advised and use of other areas will be required to mitigate the business losses anticipated, which could be substantial (highway and LuL Signaling Depot). Partial use of the highway will require traffic management, which may impact on traffic flows from North End Road. Some permanent rights will be required for any retained above ground infrastructure and future operational access, if located on private land. Joint venture development aspirations currently met with objections from leaseholder and landowner (the latter in respect of use of some of the LUL depot as compound).


Page 93: Thames Water · Counters Creek Strategic Storm Relief Sewer/ Part 2 Further Longlist and Shortlist Site Assessment Report: November 2015 Document Number: C680-TW-00537-RP COUNTERS

Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Shortlist Site Assessment (Stage 3) Thames Water Utilities Ltd

November 2015 7

Site: SS246 Jewson’s Timber Yard, Trussley Road

Size m2: 4,873

Key to Assessment Grades: Grade / Possible Use

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome, but will be very challenging.

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome.

Criterion has no implications for site.

Use not applicable to site 1. Drive Shaft (minimum site area 3,000 - 3,500m2 )

2. Interception / Reception Shaft (minimum site area 1,500m2 )

3. Pumping Station 4. Overflow Site 5. Site Compound

Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria Description of Site Characteristics Assessment Against Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 Connection to Rail Network During Construction

Connection to railway siding and suitability of interconnecting access route

The site is adjacent to the rail line and close to a large railway sidings complex and Hammersmith Station. There is however no current clear direct access as the site is below the rail line.

No current access route to rail.

Water Freight Practicability During Construction

Location of wharf and suitability of interconnecting access route to wharf

The site is not located in close proximity to the river. No clear access to the river.

Suitability of Road / Interconnecting Road Access During Construction

• Road layout, width and junction geometry suitability for Heavy Goods Vehicles

The site is located in a largely residential area. There are also a number of light industrial uses in the close vicinity, including the site itself. Large vehicles may have a problem accessing the site from the main road (A219) to the east due to a width and height restriction on the railway bridge. Hammersmith Grove which is the main route from Trussley Road to the A402 is a busy shopping / residential street with traffic calming.

The road network in most places has parking on both sides, which may make it difficult for the largest vehicles to negate. The railway bridge also impedes access from the east. However, with some management the road layout in the surrounding area is suitable for HGVs and is close to the A402 to the north.

Sensitivity of Access Route During Construction

Residential streets, shopping streets, tourist areas, schools, play areas, hospitals, bus routes

Access to the site is through a residential and shopping area.

The construction access route is sensitive as it would be through a residential area.

Operational Transport and Access Requirements

- - Safety likely to be an issue due to the use of the surrounding area.


Transport summary & recommendations

The site is not located with a clear access to the river or to a rail line. The road layout in the surrounding area is suitable for HGVs (with some management) and is close to the A402 to the north. It is assumed that the sites current use generates some HGV traffic and therefore there is a precedent for this type of traffic in the area. However, the construction access route is through a residential / shopping area with safety also likely to be an issue due to the use of the surrounding area. Appropriate mitigation and management will need to be incorporated in order to address any impact on the surrounding uses.

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Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Shortlist Site Assessment (Stage 3) Thames Water Utilities Ltd

November 2015 1

Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment Stage 3 Shortlist Assessment

Site: SS247 TfL Signal Control Centre, Trussley Road

Size m2: 4,747

Key to Assessment Grades: Grade / Possible Use

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome, but will be very challenging.

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome.

Criterion has no implications for site.

Use not applicable to site 1. Drive Shaft (minimum site area 3,000 - 3,500m2 )

2. Interception / Reception Shaft (minimum site area 1,500m2 )

3. Pumping Station 4. Overflow Site 5. Site Compound

Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria Description of Site Characteristics Assessment Against Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 ENGINEERING

Clean Water / Waste Water Assets

Are important clean water or other water resources and assets affected?

No assets on the site, however connection to the sewer interception would require interface with existing clean and waste water network.

No construction issues for drive shaft. Interception site will require some mitigation and potential diversions at interception point.

Connection Feasibility • Distance from sewer interception • Infrastructure / structures between sewer and shaft

Interception is 60m from the edge of the site. Interception will require significant works within Trussley Road and Hammersmith Grove, the latter being the location for the weir chamber over the existing sewer being intercepted. Tunnelling of the main sewer alignment to reach the shaft from south restricted by existing tunnels within Shepherds Bush Road, requiring an alignment from the north.

Long distance to interception point which requires works within roads causing traffic disruption.

Means of Access • Availability of rail connection/practicability of accessing rail connection

• Suitability of road links to site and river • Ability for site to handle AILs • Jetty / wharfage facilities available • Jetty / wharfage facilities can be created • Availability of any other means of access • Worker transport considerations

Good road access via Goldhawk Road and Hammersmith Grove. Entrance to site has security gates. No river access, no rail access. Nearest train stations for workers are Goldhawk Road, and Hammersmith Stations.

Good access.

Odour Control Assessment of potential operational odour generation and costs of mitigation

Odour control is likely but site specific requirements require further investigation.

It is expected that odour control can be carried out adequately on this site. Therefore it is deemed "Acceptable".

Site Efficiency • Ability to accommodate all requirements on one site and if not describe how facilities can be achieved via a combination of sites.

• Assessment of potential for effects from development upon existing site or adjacent services e.g. power supply/communications/other

Open site area, varied ground levels may require groundwork to even out ground before works can start. Some existing small structures may require access during works or demolition to enable works, reducing efficiency. Interception of sewers is outside of site boundary and would require works within Hammersmith Grove and Trussley Road. Reduced efficiency and size of site should TFL access be required through site during works.

Efficiency of site reduced by distance to interception point and varied ground levels. Demolition of existing structures across proposed site area will reduce efficiency. Efficiency reduced if TFL access is required during works.

Site Features • Above and below ground conditions (including 3rd party services, assets and infrastructure)

• Geology • Site levels

Should underground structures be found on site, this would make the site non-viable for works. Manholes across site suggest underground assets located on this site. Variable ground levels across site would require works

No foreseen geological issues.

Page 95: Thames Water · Counters Creek Strategic Storm Relief Sewer/ Part 2 Further Longlist and Shortlist Site Assessment Report: November 2015 Document Number: C680-TW-00537-RP COUNTERS

Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Shortlist Site Assessment (Stage 3) Thames Water Utilities Ltd

November 2015 2

Site: SS247 TfL Signal Control Centre, Trussley Road

Size m2: 4,747

Key to Assessment Grades: Grade / Possible Use

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome, but will be very challenging.

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome.

Criterion has no implications for site.

Use not applicable to site 1. Drive Shaft (minimum site area 3,000 - 3,500m2 )

2. Interception / Reception Shaft (minimum site area 1,500m2 )

3. Pumping Station 4. Overflow Site 5. Site Compound

Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria Description of Site Characteristics Assessment Against Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 • Other considerations before construction can start.

Site Geometry Does the site geometry lend itself for use intended? Good site area, wide site. No issues.

Site Size What is the site suitable for – drive shaft, intermediate or reception shaft, pump station, outfall or other e.g. welfare office

Site area is sufficient for interception and reception site uses although co-location with retained businesses would reduce efficiency of site. Site suitable potentially as a pipejack drive site, but not as a main tunnel bore drive site.

No issues.

Tunnelling, Construction and System Engineering Requirements

Ability to be compatible with likely system and tunnelling requirements in the vicinity of the site

Alignment can be connected into main strategic sewer, however this must come from the north due to restrictions from existing UKPN and Thames Water North Western Storm Relief sewer assets in Shepherds Bush Road

Restricted alignment from South of catchment can only access site from the north

Engineering summary & recommendations

Site area is sufficient for interception and reception site uses. Site efficiency is reduced by distance to interception, varied ground levels on site, existing site use and buildings and restrictions to main tunnel alignments accessing sites. Good road access to site and train links for worker transport. Site suitable potentially as a pipejack drive site, but not as a main tunnel bore drive site.


Community & Amenity • Sensitivity to dust, odour and other construction effects • Visual impact during construction upon amenity • Visual impact during operation upon amenity

The site is located within TfL Signal Control Centre and is bounded by gardens belonging to residential receptors to the west with Trussley Road located to the north. To the east is a railway line and to the south is the TfL Signal Control Centre building which is part of the same site.

The close proximity to residential dwellings means there is the potential for adverse amenity impacts from construction dust and noise, construction related traffic and odour relating to the operational phase. There is the potential for adverse visual impacts on the surrounding residential properties given their proximity, particularly during construction. Relevant planning policies to consider include: Hammersmith and Fulham Development Management Local Plan Policy DM H8 Air Quality and Policy DMH9 Noise.

Ecology Nature conservation / reserve designations No designation on site. No designations on site. At this stage, no ecology implications have been identified.

Flood Risk Assessment of fluvial / tidal / surface water flood risk The entire site is within EA Flood Risk Zone 3 (high risk of flooding). However, these flood zones do not take account of flood defences and, therefore, represent a theoretical maximum extent of tidal flooding. The River Thames flood defences protect the tidal Thames up to the 1000 year flood event.

The site is defended and only considered to be at a residual risk of flooding as a result of a potential breach or overtopping of the flood defences. The works would be unlikely to require mitigation from residual flood risk in the event of a breach or overtopping of the defences, but this would need to be considered as a project risk. Relevant planning polices to consider include: London Plan (2011) Policy 5.12 Flood Risk Management and Hammersmith and Fulham Core Strategy DPD (2011)

Page 96: Thames Water · Counters Creek Strategic Storm Relief Sewer/ Part 2 Further Longlist and Shortlist Site Assessment Report: November 2015 Document Number: C680-TW-00537-RP COUNTERS

Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Shortlist Site Assessment (Stage 3) Thames Water Utilities Ltd

November 2015 3

Site: SS247 TfL Signal Control Centre, Trussley Road

Size m2: 4,747

Key to Assessment Grades: Grade / Possible Use

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome, but will be very challenging.

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome.

Criterion has no implications for site.

Use not applicable to site 1. Drive Shaft (minimum site area 3,000 - 3,500m2 )

2. Interception / Reception Shaft (minimum site area 1,500m2 )

3. Pumping Station 4. Overflow Site 5. Site Compound

Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria Description of Site Characteristics Assessment Against Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 Borough Wide Strategic Policy CC2 Water Flooding.

Heritage • Archaeology priority areas • Scheduled Ancient Monuments • Historic Parks and Gardens • Conservation Areas • Listed Buildings

No designation on site. Hammersmith Grove Conservation Area is immediately adjacent to the west of the site. Melrose Conservation Area is located nearby to the north east of the site and Brook Green Conservation Area to the east of the site.

No designations on site. At this stage, no heritage implications have been identified, although there are Conservation Areas located adjacent and nearby to the site.

Landscape • Assessment of potential for Landscape, townscape, visual designations.

• Assessment of potential for impacts on other landscape/open space designations

• Assessment of potential for impacts on informal/undesignated open space

No landscape designation on site. No open space designation on site.

No landscape designation on site. At this stage, no landscape implications have been identified.

Environment summary & recommendations

The site is located in close proximity to residential dwellings. It is within EA Flood Risk Zone 3 but no ecology, heritage or landscape designations have been identified on site. Further consideration must be given to any potential impacts on the amenity of the surrounding residential areas to determine appropriate mitigation.


Distance from centre of site to receptor

Type of receptor Nearest noise sensitive receptor is “Residential” located approximately 45m from the centre of the site. For consistency, the closest receptor has been noted at this stage of site selection. Numbers of other surrounding receptors and their distances to the site will be considered in more detail at the next stage of site selection.

Assessed as “Green” because it is in the furthest third of sites in terms of distance to the nearest noise sensitive receptor. Conclusions in terms of whether mitigation can be achieved or if there are noise implications at the site can only be established following more detailed assessment of a number of factors specific to each location. This includes the type and number of sensitive receptors, distance, existing noise climate, height of receptor relative to noise source(s) and noise level likely to be produced by each site. Relevant planning policies to consider include: London Plan (2011) Policy 7.15 Reducing Noise and Enhancing Soundscapes; and Hammersmith and Fulham Development Management Local Plan Policy DMH9 Noise.

Height of Receptor Type of receptor The “Residential” receptor is 3 storeys in height. Recorded for information at this stage. The higher the receptor (relative to source), the less beneficial standard site perimeter hoarding will be in terms of breaking the line of sight between source(s) and receiver(s).


Noise summary & recommendations

The site is in the furthest third of shortlisted sites in terms of distance to the nearest noise sensitive receptor. The proximity of the site to residential receptors (the nearest being 3 storeys in height) means that noise attenuation measures are likely to be needed to be incorporated into the proposals to reduce the impact on the

Page 97: Thames Water · Counters Creek Strategic Storm Relief Sewer/ Part 2 Further Longlist and Shortlist Site Assessment Report: November 2015 Document Number: C680-TW-00537-RP COUNTERS

Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Shortlist Site Assessment (Stage 3) Thames Water Utilities Ltd

November 2015 4

Site: SS247 TfL Signal Control Centre, Trussley Road

Size m2: 4,747

Key to Assessment Grades: Grade / Possible Use

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome, but will be very challenging.

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome.

Criterion has no implications for site.

Use not applicable to site 1. Drive Shaft (minimum site area 3,000 - 3,500m2 )

2. Interception / Reception Shaft (minimum site area 1,500m2 )

3. Pumping Station 4. Overflow Site 5. Site Compound

Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria Description of Site Characteristics Assessment Against Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 surrounding land uses.


Common Land • Nature of common land site • Size of common land site • Area required during construction • Area required during operation • Potential for use

The site is not designated as common land. -

Community & Amenity • Impact upon formal or informal community facilities • Neighbouring land uses and amenity considerations • Allotment land • Residential gardens / restricted open space

Neighbouring land uses - The site is located within land owned by TfL (Signal Control Centre) and the TfL Signal Control Centre building is located to the south of the site. The site is bound to the west by the residential gardens of properties fronting onto Hammersmith Grove, to the north by Trussley Road and Jewson’s Timber Yard and to the east by a railway line (Circle / Hammersmith & City). Residential properties – To the west of the site the properties fronting onto Hammersmith Grove consist of terraced properties, part 3 storeys, to the northwest and part 4/5 storeys to the southwest. The distance of the properties to the site boundary is between approximately 22m and 27m. The majority of the gardens of these properties have mature trees in them that screen the site.

Due to the proximity of residential properties to the site there is potential for the site’s use as a construction site or compound to cause residential amenity impact concerns. The site is well-screened by existing mature trees in adjoining residential gardens.

Employment Are there potential impacts on local employment opportunities? The site is part of a recently developed TfL Signal Control Centre. It consists of an access road into the site from Trussley Road to the north, a security station building, small substation, operational plant, a cycle shed and open grassed areas. The site consists of land owned and operated by London Underground Limited.

The use of the site as a construction site or site compound would temporarily conflict with the current use of the site as operational London Underground land and could impact on existing employment at the site. During the operational phase, some land would be required for permanent infrastructure if the site is used as an interception site, however this could be integrated into the existing site to minimise the loss of operational land. General – a construction workforce will be required which could result in job opportunities for the local workforce.

London Plan / Borough Policy Allocation or Special Policy Area

Assessment of compliance or conflict with specific land use allocations or planning objectives

The site is located in the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham (LBHF). Relevant planning policies to consider include: London Plan (2015): Policy 4.4 adopts a rigorous approach to industrial land management to ensure a sufficient stock of land. Policy 4.12 requires strategic development proposals to support local employment, skills development and

The use of this site as a construction site or site compound would temporarily conflict with the current use of the site as part of an employment site. In the long-term some land would be required for the permanent infrastructure if the site is used as an interception site, however this could be integrated into the existing site to minimise the loss of operational land and job opportunities. Any loss of operational

Page 98: Thames Water · Counters Creek Strategic Storm Relief Sewer/ Part 2 Further Longlist and Shortlist Site Assessment Report: November 2015 Document Number: C680-TW-00537-RP COUNTERS

Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Shortlist Site Assessment (Stage 3) Thames Water Utilities Ltd

November 2015 5

Site: SS247 TfL Signal Control Centre, Trussley Road

Size m2: 4,747

Key to Assessment Grades: Grade / Possible Use

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome, but will be very challenging.

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome.

Criterion has no implications for site.

Use not applicable to site 1. Drive Shaft (minimum site area 3,000 - 3,500m2 )

2. Interception / Reception Shaft (minimum site area 1,500m2 )

3. Pumping Station 4. Overflow Site 5. Site Compound

Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria Description of Site Characteristics Assessment Against Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 training opportunities. Hammersmith and Fulham LDF Core Strategy DPD (2011) Policy LE1 supports the change of use of premises providing local services or significant employment if their new use supports essential public services. Hammersmith and Fulham Development Management Local Plan (2013) Policy DM B1 outlines LBHF’s approach to the loss or replacement of employment sites. Policy - DM J6 – Development will not be permitted if it would prejudice the effectiveness of Local Access Roads to provide safe and convenient access to individual properties.

industrial land would conflict with planning policies to protect employment sites. The implications of any additional traffic on Hammersmith Grove Local Access Road must be considered. The implications of any additional noise generated by the development would also need to be assessed.

Metropolitan Open Land / Green Belt

Assessment against Green Belt and Metropolitan Open Land The site is not designated as Green Belt or Metropolitan Open Land.


Open Space Assessment against Open Space policy The site is not designated as open space. -

Planning Applications / Permissions

• Application expected • Awaiting determination • Unimplemented

No relevant planning applications identified on the site. In 2014 an unsuccessful application (Ref 2014/06118/FUL) was made to install a 17.5 metre high telecoms monopole 10m to the south of the site.


Public Access & Recreation

• Impacts on informal / undesignated open space • Impacts on navigation and recreational water use • Impacts on recreational sites and assets • Impact upon leisure or sports facilities • Impact upon tourism • Permissive rights of access • Public Rights of Way

Site is fenced on all sides and there do not appear to be any designated or permissive public footpaths across the site.


Planning summary & recommendations

Subject to the ability to mitigate impacts on the current use of the site and surrounding amenity and business interests the site or part of the site is considered appropriate in planning terms.


Access and Material Transfer Rights

- LuL Signaling Depot off Trussley Road Access – Fair, accommodates large vehicle entry for the premises and adjoining businesses. Access off Trussley Road. Permit parking would be affected with street works required along Trussley Road. Adjoins a several business premises. Residential properties are also in close proximity. The site forms part of LuL’s operational portfolio. LUL have confirmed that they would resist any use of this

Page 99: Thames Water · Counters Creek Strategic Storm Relief Sewer/ Part 2 Further Longlist and Shortlist Site Assessment Report: November 2015 Document Number: C680-TW-00537-RP COUNTERS

Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Shortlist Site Assessment (Stage 3) Thames Water Utilities Ltd

November 2015 6

Site: SS247 TfL Signal Control Centre, Trussley Road

Size m2: 4,747

Key to Assessment Grades: Grade / Possible Use

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome, but will be very challenging.

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome.

Criterion has no implications for site.

Use not applicable to site 1. Drive Shaft (minimum site area 3,000 - 3,500m2 )

2. Interception / Reception Shaft (minimum site area 1,500m2 )

3. Pumping Station 4. Overflow Site 5. Site Compound

Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria Description of Site Characteristics Assessment Against Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 land by the project.

Common Land • Ownership status • Potential for acquisition or rights to develop • Operational access / status


Crown Land and Special Land

- Land owned by LUL and subject to s13 protection.

Estimated Acquisition Cost

- N/A N/A

Ownership of Site Is the site owned by TWUL / in single 3rd Party ownership / multiple 3rd Party ownerships?

Land owned by LuL

Property summary & recommendations

The land has been confirmed as part of LuL’s operational portfolio, which is subject to statutory protection under schedule 13 of the Water Industry Act. Therefore the site will not be available for construction works or of use for welfare/compound.


Connection to Rail Network During Construction

Connection to railway siding and suitability of interconnecting access route

The site is adjacent to the rail line, and close to a large railway sidings complex and Hammersmith Station. There is however no current clear direct access as the site is below the rail line.

No clear access route to rail.

Water Freight Practicability During Construction

Location of wharf and suitability of interconnecting access route to wharf

The site is not in close proximity to the river. No clear access to the river.

Suitability of Road / Interconnecting Road Access During Construction

• Road layout, width and junction geometry suitability for Heavy Goods Vehicles

The site is located in a largely residential area. There are also a number of light industrial uses in the close vicinity, including the site itself. Large vehicles may have a problem accessing the site from the main road (A219) to the east due to a width and height restriction on the railway bridge. Hammersmith Grove which is the main route from Trussley Road to the A402 is a busy shopping / residential street with traffic calming.

The road network in most places has parking on both sides, which may make it difficult for the largest vehicles to negate. The railway bridge also impedes access from the east. However, with some management the road layout in the surrounding area is suitable for HGVs and is close to the A402 to the north.

Sensitivity of Access Route During Construction

Residential streets, shopping streets, tourist areas, schools, play areas, hospitals, bus routes

Access to the site is through a residential and shopping area.

The construction access route is sensitive as it would be through a residential area.

Operational Transport and Access Requirements

- - Safety likely to be an issue due to the use of the surrounding area.


Transport summary & recommendations

The site is not located with clear access to the river or to a rail line. The road layout in the surrounding area is suitable for HGVs (with some management) and is close to the A402 to the north. It is assumed that the sites current use will generate some HGV traffic and therefore there is a precedent for this type of traffic in the area. However, the construction access route is through a residential / shopping area with safety also likely to be an issue due to the use of the surrounding area. Appropriate mitigation and management will need to be

Page 100: Thames Water · Counters Creek Strategic Storm Relief Sewer/ Part 2 Further Longlist and Shortlist Site Assessment Report: November 2015 Document Number: C680-TW-00537-RP COUNTERS

Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Shortlist Site Assessment (Stage 3) Thames Water Utilities Ltd

November 2015 7

Site: SS247 TfL Signal Control Centre, Trussley Road

Size m2: 4,747

Key to Assessment Grades: Grade / Possible Use

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome, but will be very challenging.

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome.

Criterion has no implications for site.

Use not applicable to site 1. Drive Shaft (minimum site area 3,000 - 3,500m2 )

2. Interception / Reception Shaft (minimum site area 1,500m2 )

3. Pumping Station 4. Overflow Site 5. Site Compound

Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria Description of Site Characteristics Assessment Against Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 incorporated in order to address any impact on the surrounding uses.

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Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Shortlist Site Assessment (Stage 3) Thames Water Utilities Ltd

November 2015 1

Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment Stage 3 Shortlist Assessment

Site: SS248 Land between Freston Road and Nicholas Road

Size m2: 2, 217

Key to Assessment Grades: Grade / Possible Use

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome, but will be very challenging.

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome.

Criterion has no implications for site.

Use not applicable to site 1. Drive Shaft (minimum site area 3,000 - 3,500m2 )

2. Interception / Reception Shaft (minimum site area 1,500m2 )

3. Pumping Station 4. Overflow Site 5. Site Compound

Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria Description of Site Characteristics Assessment Against Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 ENGINEERING

Clean Water / Waste Water Assets

Are important clean water or other water resources and assets affected?

Hammersmith SRS Duplication Counters Creek Branch lies across this site. This sewer is to be intercepted and this site and therefore no issues seen.

No issues.

Connection Feasibility • Distance from sewer interception • Infrastructure / structures between sewer and shaft

Hammersmith SRS Duplication Counters Creek Branch lies across this site for interception. Counters Creek Main Line lies approximately 80m from the site, and therefore requires an additional length of sewer to connect to the Counters Creek Main Line either as open cut or pipe jack depending on the route selected. Direct connection between the site and Counters Creek Main Line sewer down pedestrianised area reduces public impact. Main tunnel alignment restricted by piled foundations to the south.

Restricted tunnel alignment to connect to main tunnel.

Means of Access • Availability of rail connection/practicability of accessing rail connection

• Suitability of road links to site and river • Ability for site to handle AILs • Jetty / wharfage facilities available • Jetty / wharfage facilities can be created • Availability of any other means of access • Worker transport considerations

Road access from the south only via St Anns Road. No rail or river access. Nearest train station for workers Latimer Road.

Good road access.

Odour Control Assessment of potential operational odour generation and costs of mitigation

Odour control is likely but site-specific requirements require further investigation.

It is expected that odour control can be carried out adequately on this site. Therefore it is deemed "Acceptable".

Site Efficiency • Ability to accommodate all requirements on one site and if not describe how facilities can be achieved via a combination of sites.

• Assessment of potential for effects from development upon existing site or adjacent services e.g. power supply/communications/other

Site requires demolition of existing structures to provide sufficient site area. Direct connection between site and Counters Creek Main Line sewer down pedestrianised area reduces public impact.

Reduced efficiency due to requirement for demolition of existing structures.

Site Features • Above and below ground conditions (including 3rd party services, assets and infrastructure)

• Geology • Site levels • Other considerations

Existing structures which would require demolition. Site is within industrial area with some existing hard standing areas. Flat site, no geology issues identified at this stage. No known below ground assets other than those intercepted for the sewer.

Some works required to demolish existing structures and prepare site for works.

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Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Shortlist Site Assessment (Stage 3) Thames Water Utilities Ltd

November 2015 2

Site: SS248 Land between Freston Road and Nicholas Road

Size m2: 2, 217

Key to Assessment Grades: Grade / Possible Use

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome, but will be very challenging.

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome.

Criterion has no implications for site.

Use not applicable to site 1. Drive Shaft (minimum site area 3,000 - 3,500m2 )

2. Interception / Reception Shaft (minimum site area 1,500m2 )

3. Pumping Station 4. Overflow Site 5. Site Compound

Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria Description of Site Characteristics Assessment Against Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 Site Geometry Does the site geometry lend itself for use intended? No issues should existing structures be demolished. No issues should existing structures be demolished.

Site Size What is the site suitable for – drive shaft, intermediate or reception shaft, pump station, outfall or other e.g. welfare office

No restrictions as an interception or reception site. Site is too small for a main tunnel drive site; site could be used to drive a smaller diameter connection to the main tunnel.

Size sufficient for interception or compound should buildings be demolished. Site is too small for a main tunnel drive site.

Tunnelling, Construction and System Engineering Requirements

Ability to be compatible with likely system and tunnelling requirements in the vicinity of the site

Alignment can reach this site with a smaller diameter sewer, although restricted from the south and west due to piled foundations of existing buildings and flyover.

Restricted alignment access.

Engineering summary & recommendations

Site is of sufficient size for an interception site and compound and could be used for a smaller tunnel drive to connect to the main sewer. Site efficiency is reduced by the need to demolish buildings before works can commence. Distance of connection works required to intercept the Counters Creek Main Line Sewer reduces efficiency of site, however, a direct connection between site and sewer along the pedestrianised area reduces public impact.


Community & Amenity • Sensitivity to dust, odour and other construction effects • Visual impact during construction upon amenity • Visual impact during operation upon amenity

Residential receptors are located to the east of the site on the opposite side of Freston Road, and south of the site on Olaf Street. To the north and west are commercial office buildings.

The close proximity to residential dwellings means there is the potential for adverse amenity impacts from construction dust and noise, construction related traffic and odour relating to the operational phase. There is the potential for adverse visual impacts on the surrounding residential properties given their proximity, particularly during construction. Relevant planning policies to consider include: Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea’s adopted Local Plan (2015) Policy CL5 Amenity and Policy CE5 Air Quality. Given the proximity to London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham (LBHF), Hammersmith and Fulham Development Management Local Plan Policy (2013) Policy DM H8 Air Quality may also be a consideration.

Ecology Nature conservation / reserve designations No designation on site. No designations on site. At this stage, no ecology implications have been identified.

Flood Risk Assessment of fluvial / tidal / surface water flood risk The site is entirely within EA Flood Zone Risk 1 (low risk of flooding).

The site is entirely within EA Flood Zone Risk 1 (low risk of flooding).

Heritage • Archaeology priority areas • Scheduled Ancient Monuments • Historic Parks and Gardens • Conservation Areas • Listed Buildings

No designation on site. No designations on site. At this stage, no heritage implications have been identified.

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Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Shortlist Site Assessment (Stage 3) Thames Water Utilities Ltd

November 2015 3

Site: SS248 Land between Freston Road and Nicholas Road

Size m2: 2, 217

Key to Assessment Grades: Grade / Possible Use

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome, but will be very challenging.

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome.

Criterion has no implications for site.

Use not applicable to site 1. Drive Shaft (minimum site area 3,000 - 3,500m2 )

2. Interception / Reception Shaft (minimum site area 1,500m2 )

3. Pumping Station 4. Overflow Site 5. Site Compound

Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria Description of Site Characteristics Assessment Against Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 Landscape • Assessment of potential for Landscape, townscape, visual

designations. • Assessment of potential for impacts on other landscape/open

space designations • Assessment of potential for impacts on

informal/undesignated open space

No landscape designation on site. No open space designation on site.

No landscape designation on site. At this stage, no landscape implications have been identified.

Environment summary & recommendations

The site is located in close proximity to residential properties. However, there are no heritage, ecology or landscape designations identified on site and the site is located within EA Flood Risk Zone 1. Further consideration must be given to any potential impacts on the amenity of the surrounding residential areas to determine appropriate mitigation.


Distance from centre of site to receptor

Type of receptor Nearest noise sensitive receptor is “Offices” located approximately 29m from the centre of the site. For consistency, the closest receptor has been noted at this stage of site selection. Numbers of other surrounding receptors and their distances to the site will be considered in more detail at the next stage of site selection.

Assessed as “Amber” because it is in the middle third of sites in terms of distance to the nearest noise sensitive receptor. Conclusions in terms of whether mitigation can be achieved or if there are noise implications at the site can only be established following more detailed assessment of a number of factors specific to each location. This includes the type and number of sensitive receptors, distance, existing noise climate, height of receptor relative to noise source(s) and noise level likely to be produced by each site. Relevant planning policies to consider include: London Plan (2015) Policy 7.15; and Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea’s adopted Local Plan (2015) Policy CE6 Noise and Vibration; and Given the proximity to London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham (LBHF), Hammersmith and Fulham Development Management Local Plan Policy DMH9 Noise.

Height of Receptor Type of receptor The “Offices” receptor is 3 storeys in height. Recorded for information at this stage. The higher the receptor (relative to source), the less beneficial standard site perimeter hoarding will be in terms of breaking the line of sight between source(s) and receiver(s).


Noise summary & recommendations

The site is in the middle third of shortlisted sites in terms of distance to the nearest noise sensitive receptor. The proximity of the site to offices (the nearest being 3 storeys in height) and residential receptors means that noise attenuation measures are likely to be needed to be incorporated into the proposals to reduce the impact on the surrounding land uses.


Common Land • Nature of common land site • Size of common land site

This site is not designated as Common Land. N/A

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Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Shortlist Site Assessment (Stage 3) Thames Water Utilities Ltd

November 2015 4

Site: SS248 Land between Freston Road and Nicholas Road

Size m2: 2, 217

Key to Assessment Grades: Grade / Possible Use

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome, but will be very challenging.

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome.

Criterion has no implications for site.

Use not applicable to site 1. Drive Shaft (minimum site area 3,000 - 3,500m2 )

2. Interception / Reception Shaft (minimum site area 1,500m2 )

3. Pumping Station 4. Overflow Site 5. Site Compound

Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria Description of Site Characteristics Assessment Against Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 • Area required during construction • Area required during operation • Potential for use

Community & Amenity • Impact upon formal or informal community facilities • Neighbouring land uses and amenity considerations • Allotment land • Residential gardens / restricted open space

The site lies within an area comprised of residential and commercial uses. Neighbouring land uses – The People’s Hall building is located immediately to the south of the site on the junction of Olaf Street and Freston Road and comprises a series of studio units. Fashion photographer Mario Testino’s Studio is located immediately to the north on the junction of Freston Road and Evesham Street. Nicholas Road is adjacent to the west of the site. Residential properties/gardens - On the opposite side of Freston Road to the east of the site are residential dwellings.

Due to the proximity of the residential properties within 10m of site boundary on the opposite side of Freston Road, the use of this site as an interception / reception site could cause residential amenity impact concerns. There are also possible impacts on the local businesses, which are in close proximity to the site. This includes the fashion photographer studio to the north and the occupants of the business units within the People’s Hall building.

Employment Are there potential impacts on local employment opportunities? The site is currently occupied by a series of office / industrial units at 99 – 111 Freston Road and a car park. The current occupants of the units include the T Brown Group (Property Maintenance). The units at 105 & 109 Freston Road are currently vacant. The site also lies within a RBKC designated Employment Zone.

The use of this site as a construction site or site compound would temporarily conflict with the current use of the site as a series of office / industrial units and may result in the loss of employment opportunities. During the operational phase, some land would be required for the permanent infrastructure if the site is used as an interception site, however this could be integrated into the existing site to minimise the loss of operational land and job opportunities. General – a construction workforce will be required which could result in job opportunities for the local workforce. Relevant planning policies to consider include: London Plan (2015) Policy 4.1 Developing London’s Economy RBKC Local Plan Policy CF5 Location of Business Uses

London Plan / Borough Policy Allocation or Special Policy Area

Assessment of compliance or conflict with specific land use allocations or planning objectives

London Plan Policies (March 2015) London Plan (2015) Policy 4.1 Developing London’s Economy aims to promote and enable the continued development of a strong, sustainable and increasingly diverse economy across all parts of London ensuring the availability of sufficient and suitable workspaces in terms of type, size and cost, supporting infrastructure and suitable environments for larger employers and small and medium sized enterprises, including the voluntary and community sectors.

The use of this site as a construction site or site compound would conflict, if only temporarily, with the current use of the site as an employment site and the planning policies in place to protect the employment zone.

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Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Shortlist Site Assessment (Stage 3) Thames Water Utilities Ltd

November 2015 5

Site: SS248 Land between Freston Road and Nicholas Road

Size m2: 2, 217

Key to Assessment Grades: Grade / Possible Use

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome, but will be very challenging.

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome.

Criterion has no implications for site.

Use not applicable to site 1. Drive Shaft (minimum site area 3,000 - 3,500m2 )

2. Interception / Reception Shaft (minimum site area 1,500m2 )

3. Pumping Station 4. Overflow Site 5. Site Compound

Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria Description of Site Characteristics Assessment Against Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 RBKC Local Plan The CS advises that the Freston Road / Latimer Road Employment Zone is one of the principal concentrations for the Borough’s remaining light industrial uses which is valuable for local employment. (paragraph 31.3.39 of the RBKC Core Strategy). Policy CF5 Location of Business Uses seeks to protect and promote employment zones for a range of small and medium business activities, including offices and light industrial uses that support the function and character of the zone.

Metropolitan Open Land / Green Belt

Assessment against Green Belt and Metropolitan Open Land The site is not designated as Green Belt or Metropolitan Open Land.


Open Space Assessment against Open Space policy The site is not designated as open space. -

Planning Applications / Permissions

• Application expected • Awaiting determination • Unimplemented

Planning applications within the site (SS248) boundary 99 – 111 Freston Road and land to rear A planning application (PP/15/03512) was registered in June 2015 for a part 4 and part 5 storey commercial office use development. Permission granted, on 01 October 2015, subject to signing of S.106. Planning application to the south of the site (SS248) boundary Redevelopment site rear of 91-121 Freston Road Planning application (Reference: PP/07/00609) was granted permission in June 2007 for the development of a 4 storey building comprising 9 residential units. Development commenced in August 2009 (built trench for residential building). In July 2015, details were submitted to discharge condition 2 (phased works in accordance with the masterplan). Planning application (Reference: PP/15/03541) was registered in June 2015 for the construction of a single storey basement to serve implemented residential building at site to rear of 91-97 Freston Road bounded by Olaf Street and Nicolas Road.

The site consists of a car park and existing buildings comprising a series of business units. Planning permission was granted in October 2015 for the redevelopment of the site for a part 4 and part 5 storey commercial office use development. Development has to commence with before the expiration of 3 year from the date of the permission. There may be an opportunity for construction of the Counters Creek scheme to align with these proposals. Discussions with the landowner are required. The grading could be changed to amber if discussions with the landowner can take place and are positive. Development has already commenced on the redevelopment site to the rear of 91 – 121 Freston Road. The additional residential properties would need to be considered in terms of the potential for residential amenity impacts if the site is used as a construction site for the Counters Creek project.

Public Access & Recreation

• Impacts on informal / undesignated open space • Impacts on navigation and recreational water use • Impacts on recreational sites and assets • Impact upon leisure or sports facilities • Impact upon tourism

There do not appear to be any designated public footpaths across the site.

There is no conflict between the potential use of the site as a construction site and any public access or recreational issues.

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Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Shortlist Site Assessment (Stage 3) Thames Water Utilities Ltd

November 2015 6

Site: SS248 Land between Freston Road and Nicholas Road

Size m2: 2, 217

Key to Assessment Grades: Grade / Possible Use

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome, but will be very challenging.

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome.

Criterion has no implications for site.

Use not applicable to site 1. Drive Shaft (minimum site area 3,000 - 3,500m2 )

2. Interception / Reception Shaft (minimum site area 1,500m2 )

3. Pumping Station 4. Overflow Site 5. Site Compound

Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria Description of Site Characteristics Assessment Against Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 • Permissive rights of access • Public Rights of Way

Planning summary & recommendations

The site consists of a car park and existing buildings comprising of business units. The use of the site is likely to be very challenging due to the planning permission granted in 2015 for the redevelopment of the site for a part 4 and part 5 storey commercial office use development. Discussions with the landowner have identified that the area is subject of phased redevelopment proposals that are underway and will span the remainder of this decade and the early 2020’s. Use of identified parcels of land will not fit with the phased development of those parcels for which consent exists and for which amendments are being sought and works are scheduled to take place.


Access and Material Transfer Rights

- Commercial/industrial premises (buildings plus car parking area)

Access – Good, off Freston Road. Site use would require buildings to be demolished. Land is subject to a planning application for redevelopment. Use of additional adjoining land may be required to facilitate required works in the area.

Common Land • Ownership status • Potential for acquisition or rights to develop • Operational access / status


Crown Land and Special Land

- N/A N/A

Estimated Acquisition Cost

- Permanent rights –High/Very High. Temporary rights –High/Very High.

Criteria will need to be determined based on anticipated site use. Medium sized site with redevelopment plans.

Ownership of Site Is the site owned by TWUL / in single 3rd Party ownership / multiple 3rd Party ownerships?

Land in multiple Freehold ownership with additional leasehold interests.

Property summary & recommendations

Access to the area will be required along Freston Road. The site includes and is in close proximity to a number of commercial/industrial premises. The plans for redevelopment limit the potential use for this site. Spur tunnel requirements would also necessitate use of additional land. Some permanent rights will be required for any retained above ground infrastructure and future operational access, if located on private land. The site(s) is part of a portfolio of land being developed, about to be developed or planned for development in the next 24 months. Landowner discussions have indicated that the phased redevelopment of these sites will not align with the proposed SRS project and that shared use cannot be accommodated.


Connection to Rail Network During Construction

Connection to railway siding and suitability of interconnecting access route

The site is close to the rail line. There is however no clear direct access and road transfer would be required.

No current access route to rail.

Water Freight Practicability During Construction

Location of wharf and suitability of interconnecting access route to wharf

The site is not in close proximity to the river. No clear access to the river.

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Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Shortlist Site Assessment (Stage 3) Thames Water Utilities Ltd

November 2015 7

Site: SS248 Land between Freston Road and Nicholas Road

Size m2: 2, 217

Key to Assessment Grades: Grade / Possible Use

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome, but will be very challenging.

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome.

Criterion has no implications for site.

Use not applicable to site 1. Drive Shaft (minimum site area 3,000 - 3,500m2 )

2. Interception / Reception Shaft (minimum site area 1,500m2 )

3. Pumping Station 4. Overflow Site 5. Site Compound

Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria Description of Site Characteristics Assessment Against Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 Suitability of Road / Interconnecting Road Access During Construction

• Road layout, width and junction geometry suitability for Heavy Goods Vehicles

The site is located in a largely residential area and there are also a number of commercial uses in the close vicinity. There is a railway bridge with a height restriction to the north of Freston Road, which is unlikely to have an impact as the road ends in a dead end to the north. There is on street parking on both sides of the road along most of the length of Freston Road. The closest main road is the A402 Holland Road which is accessed to the south of the site through a dense residential area. St Anns Road is a bus route and a mixed use / residential street. The A402 provides access to the A3220 and A40. There are no direct links to the A40 to the north of the site.

The road network in most places has parking on both sides, which may make it difficult for the largest vehicles to navigate the highway. The site is located in a largely residential area. Appropriate management will be required to address any impact from road closures on the surrounding residential uses. However, with some management the road layout in the surrounding area is suitable for HGVs and is close to the A402 to the south.

Sensitivity of Access Route During Construction

Residential streets, shopping streets, tourist areas, schools, play areas, hospitals, bus routes

The site is located in a residential area. St Anns Road and the A3220 is a bus route. There are educational facilities located on Freston Road.

The construction access route is sensitive as it will be through a largely residential area.

Operational Transport and Access Requirements

- - Safety is likely to be an issue due to the use of the surrounding area.


Transport summary & recommendations

The site is not located with clear access to the river or to a rail line. The road layout in the surrounding area is suitable for HGVs (with some management) and is close to the A402 to the south. However, the construction access route is through a residential / commercial area with safety also likely to be an issue due to the use of the surrounding area. Appropriate mitigation and management will need to be incorporated in order to address any impact on the surrounding uses.

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Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Shortlist Site Assessment (Stage 3) Thames Water Utilities Ltd

November 2015 1

Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment Stage 3 Shortlist Assessment

Site: SS249 Smith News Distribution Depot, Olaf Street

Size m2: 3,787

Key to Assessment Grades: Grade / Possible Use

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome, but will be very challenging.

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome.

Criterion has no implications for site.

Use not applicable to site 1. Drive Shaft (minimum site area 3,000 - 3,500m2 )

2. Interception / Reception Shaft (minimum site area 1,500m2 )

3. Pumping Station 4. Overflow Site 5. Site Compound

Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria Description of Site Characteristics Assessment Against Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 ENGINEERING

Clean Water / Waste Water Assets

Are important clean water or other water resources and assets affected?

No known clean or water assets within the site boundary.

No issues.

Connection Feasibility • Distance from sewer interception • Infrastructure / structures between sewer and shaft

Interception of Hammersmith SRS Duplication within 15m of the site. Interception of Counters Creek Main Line Sewer is greater than 100m from this site, requiring additional compound and public disruption. Main tunnel alignment restricted by piled foundations to the south.

Connection to intercept both sewers is outside of site boundary. Connection to Counters Creek Main Line is greater than 100m from the site requiring additional site compound area.

Means of Access • Availability of rail connection/practicability of accessing rail connection

• Suitability of road links to site and river • Ability for site to handle AILs • Jetty / wharfage facilities available • Jetty / wharfage facilities can be created • Availability of any other means of access • Worker transport considerations

Road access from the South only via St Anns Road No rail or river access. Nearest train station for workers Latimer Road.

Good road access.

Odour Control Assessment of potential operational odour generation and costs of mitigation

Odour control is likely but site specific requirements require further investigation.

It is expected that odour control can be carried out adequately on this site. Therefore it is deemed "Acceptable".

Site Efficiency • Ability to accommodate all requirements on one site and if not describe how facilities can be achieved via a combination of sites.

• Assessment of potential for effects from development upon existing site or adjacent services e.g. power supply/communications/other

Reduced efficiency of site as both interception points sit outside of site boundary and Counters Creek Main Line sits >100m from site. Demolition of existing structure required before works can commence reducing site efficiency.

Reduced efficiency due to existing structures and distance from interception points.

Site Features • Above and below ground conditions (including 3rd party services, assets and infrastructure)

• Geology • Site levels • Other considerations

Existing structure requires demolition. No foreseen geological or ground level issues. Site is located within industrial area.

Demolition required on site, otherwise good hard standing in industrial area.

Site Geometry Does the site geometry lend itself for use intended? No issues. No issues.

Site Size What is the site suitable for – drive shaft, intermediate or reception shaft, pump station, outfall or other e.g. welfare office

If existing structures are demolished site is of sufficient size for all uses.

No issues.

Tunnelling, Construction and System Engineering

Ability to be compatible with likely system and tunnelling Alignment can reach this site with a smaller diameter sewer, although restricted from the south and west due

Restricted alignment access

Page 109: Thames Water · Counters Creek Strategic Storm Relief Sewer/ Part 2 Further Longlist and Shortlist Site Assessment Report: November 2015 Document Number: C680-TW-00537-RP COUNTERS

Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Shortlist Site Assessment (Stage 3) Thames Water Utilities Ltd

November 2015 2

Site: SS249 Smith News Distribution Depot, Olaf Street

Size m2: 3,787

Key to Assessment Grades: Grade / Possible Use

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome, but will be very challenging.

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome.

Criterion has no implications for site.

Use not applicable to site 1. Drive Shaft (minimum site area 3,000 - 3,500m2 )

2. Interception / Reception Shaft (minimum site area 1,500m2 )

3. Pumping Station 4. Overflow Site 5. Site Compound

Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria Description of Site Characteristics Assessment Against Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 Requirements

requirements in the vicinity of the site to piled foundations of existing buildings and flyover

Engineering summary & recommendations

Interception of Counters Creek Main Line Sewer >100m from site requiring additional works and compound. Site is large enough for all uses once existing structures are demolished. Works in the highway would not be possible due to insufficient space and poor site layout once drive / interception shaft established and connection to sewers put in place. Spoil export in particular would be hampered or prevented due to lack of stockpile space and poor access.


Community & Amenity • Sensitivity to dust, odour and other construction effects • Visual impact during construction upon amenity • Visual impact during operation upon amenity

The site is currently occupied by the WH Smith office / depot. Residential receptors are located to the south of the site on Hunt Close. To the north is a commercial office building and to the east is a commercial office building, beyond which are further residential buildings. To the west of the site is the A3220.

The close proximity to residential dwellings means there is the potential for adverse amenity impacts from construction dust and noise, construction related traffic and odour relating to the operational phase. There is the potential for adverse visual impacts on the surrounding residential properties given their proximity, particularly during construction. Relevant planning policies to consider include: Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea’s adopted Local Plan (2015) Policy CL5 Amenity and Policy CE5 Air Quality. Given the proximity to London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham, Hammersmith and Fulham Development Management Local Plan (2013) Policy DM H8 Air Quality may also be a consideration.

Ecology Nature conservation / reserve designations No designation on site. No designations on site. At this stage, no ecology implications have been identified.

Flood Risk Assessment of fluvial / tidal / surface water flood risk The site is entirely within EA Flood Zone Risk 1 (low risk of flooding).

The site is entirely within EA Flood Zone Risk 1 (low risk of flooding).

Heritage • Archaeology priority areas • Scheduled Ancient Monuments • Historic Parks and Gardens • Conservation Areas • Listed Buildings

No designation on site. No designations on site. At this stage, no heritage implications have been identified.

Landscape • Assessment of potential for Landscape, townscape, visual designations.

• Assessment of potential for impacts on other landscape/open space designations

• Assessment of potential for impacts on informal/undesignated open space

No landscape designation on site. No open space designation on site.

No landscape designation on site. At this stage, no landscape implications have been identified.

Environment summary & recommendations The site is located in close proximity to residential properties. However, there are no heritage, ecology or landscape designations identified on site and the site is within EA Flood Risk Zone 1.

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Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Shortlist Site Assessment (Stage 3) Thames Water Utilities Ltd

November 2015 3

Site: SS249 Smith News Distribution Depot, Olaf Street

Size m2: 3,787

Key to Assessment Grades: Grade / Possible Use

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome, but will be very challenging.

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome.

Criterion has no implications for site.

Use not applicable to site 1. Drive Shaft (minimum site area 3,000 - 3,500m2 )

2. Interception / Reception Shaft (minimum site area 1,500m2 )

3. Pumping Station 4. Overflow Site 5. Site Compound

Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria Description of Site Characteristics Assessment Against Criteria 1 2 3 4 5

Further consideration must be given to any potential impacts on the amenity of the surrounding residential areas to determine appropriate mitigation.


Distance from centre of site to receptor

Type of receptor Nearest noise sensitive receptor is “Offices” located approximately 37m from the centre of the site. For consistency, the closest receptor has been noted at this stage of site selection. Numbers of other surrounding receptors and their distances to the site will be considered in more detail at the next stage of site selection.

Assessed as “Green” because it is in the furthest third of sites in terms of distance to the nearest noise sensitive receptor. Conclusions in terms of whether mitigation can be achieved or if there are noise implications at the site can only be established following more detailed assessment of a number of factors specific to each location. This includes the type and number of sensitive receptors, distance, existing noise climate, height of receptor relative to noise source(s) and noise level likely to be produced by each site. Relevant planning policies to consider include: London Plan (2015) Policy 7.15; and Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea’s adopted Local Plan (2015) Policy CE6 Noise and Vibration; and Given the proximity to London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham, Hammersmith and Fulham Development Management Local Plan (2013) Policy DMH9 Noise.

Height of Receptor Type of receptor The “Offices” receptor is 6/7 storeys in height. Recorded for information at this stage. The higher the receptor (relative to source), the less beneficial standard site perimeter hoarding will be in terms of breaking the line of sight between source(s) and receiver(s).


Noise summary & recommendations

The site is in the furthest third of shortlisted sites in terms of distance to the nearest noise sensitive receptor. The proximity of the site to offices (the nearest being 6/7 storeys in height) and to residential receptors means that noise attenuation measures are likely to be needed to be incorporated into the proposals to reduce the impact on the surrounding land uses.


Common Land • Nature of common land site • Size of common land site • Area required during construction • Area required during operation • Potential for use

This site is not designated as Common Land. N/A

Community & Amenity • Impact upon formal or informal community facilities • Neighbouring land uses and amenity considerations

Summary of Neighboring land uses - The site is bound to the west by the West Cross Route (A3220). To the south is a strip of land used as a car parking area and

Due to the proximity of the residential building at Hunt Close being located within 10m of site boundary, the use of this site as a construction site could cause

Page 111: Thames Water · Counters Creek Strategic Storm Relief Sewer/ Part 2 Further Longlist and Shortlist Site Assessment Report: November 2015 Document Number: C680-TW-00537-RP COUNTERS

Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Shortlist Site Assessment (Stage 3) Thames Water Utilities Ltd

November 2015 4

Site: SS249 Smith News Distribution Depot, Olaf Street

Size m2: 3,787

Key to Assessment Grades: Grade / Possible Use

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome, but will be very challenging.

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome.

Criterion has no implications for site.

Use not applicable to site 1. Drive Shaft (minimum site area 3,000 - 3,500m2 )

2. Interception / Reception Shaft (minimum site area 1,500m2 )

3. Pumping Station 4. Overflow Site 5. Site Compound

Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria Description of Site Characteristics Assessment Against Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 • Allotment land • Residential gardens / restricted open space

beyond lies the residential properties along Hunt Close. The Louise Blouin Foundation exhibition / event space at 3 Olaf Street and is also occupied by Stella McCartney Ltd, is located to the east of the site on the opposite side of Olaf Street. To the north of the site lies the Yellow Building at 1 Nicholas Road, a large office/commercial use building which is the headquarters of clothes retailers, Monsoon Accessorize. Residential properties/gardens – The site is located in close proximity (within 10m) to the residential properties along Hunt Close.

residential amenity impact concerns. There are also possible impacts on the local businesses, which are in close proximity to the site. This includes the Louise Blouin Foundation at 3 Olaf Street to the east and the Monsoon Accessorize headquarters at 1 Nicholas Road to the north.

Employment Are there potential impacts on local employment opportunities? The site is currently used as the Smith News distribution depot. The distribution depot is comprised of areas of hard standing and a part single storey and two-storey building. The site also lies within a RBKC designated Employment Zone.

The use of this site as a construction site or site compound would temporarily conflict with the current use of the site as a distribution depot for Smith News and may result in the loss of employment opportunities. During the operational phase, some land would be required for the permanent infrastructure if the site is used as an interception site / spur tunnel drive site, however this could be integrated into the existing site to minimise the loss of operational land and job opportunities. General – a construction workforce will be required which could result in job opportunities for the local workforce. Relevant planning policies to consider include: London Plan (2015) Policy 4.1 Developing London’s Economy. RBKC Local Plan Policy CF5 Location of Business Uses.

London Plan / Borough Policy Allocation or Special Policy Area

Assessment of compliance or conflict with specific land use allocations or planning objectives

London Plan Policies (March 2015) London Plan (2015) Policy 4.1 Developing London’s Economy aims to promote and enable the continued development of a strong, sustainable and increasingly diverse economy across all parts of London ensuring the availability of sufficient and suitable workspaces in terms of type, size and cost, supporting infrastructure and suitable environments for larger employers and small and medium sized enterprises, including the voluntary and community sectors. RBKC Local Plan (LP) 2015 The LP advises that the Freston Road / Latimer Road Employment Zone is one of the principal

The use of this site as a construction site or site compound would conflict, if only temporarily, with the current use of the site as an employment site and the planning policies in place to protect the employment zone.

Page 112: Thames Water · Counters Creek Strategic Storm Relief Sewer/ Part 2 Further Longlist and Shortlist Site Assessment Report: November 2015 Document Number: C680-TW-00537-RP COUNTERS

Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Shortlist Site Assessment (Stage 3) Thames Water Utilities Ltd

November 2015 5

Site: SS249 Smith News Distribution Depot, Olaf Street

Size m2: 3,787

Key to Assessment Grades: Grade / Possible Use

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome, but will be very challenging.

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome.

Criterion has no implications for site.

Use not applicable to site 1. Drive Shaft (minimum site area 3,000 - 3,500m2 )

2. Interception / Reception Shaft (minimum site area 1,500m2 )

3. Pumping Station 4. Overflow Site 5. Site Compound

Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria Description of Site Characteristics Assessment Against Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 concentrations for the Borough’s remaining light industrial uses which is valuable for local employment. (paragraph 31.3.39 of the RBKC LP). Policy CF5 Location of Business Uses seeks to protect and promote employment zones for a range of small and medium business activities, including offices and light industrial uses that support the function and character of the zone.

Metropolitan Open Land / Green Belt

Assessment against Green Belt and Metropolitan Open Land The site is not designated as Green Belt or Metropolitan Open land


Open Space Assessment against Open Space policy The site is not designated as open space. -

Planning Applications / Permissions

• Application expected • Awaiting determination • Unimplemented

No relevant planning applications identified on the RBKC online planning application database.


Public Access & Recreation

• Impacts on informal / undesignated open space • Impacts on navigation and recreational water use • Impacts on recreational sites and assets • Impact upon leisure or sports facilities • Impact upon tourism • Permissive rights of access • Public Rights of Way

There do not appear to be any designated public footpaths across the site.

There is no conflict between the potential use of the site as a construction site and any public access or recreational issues.

Planning summary & recommendations

The use of this site as a construction site would conflict with the existing use / allocation as employment land. Construction associated with the strategic sewer would require demolition of the existing building, temporarily or permanently displacing the existing business. There is potential that parts of the site and adjacent highway could be used to offset that loss, although this would be disruptive to the existing business. Possible further option may be to be to combine less disruptive aspects of this site with other parcels of land in close proximity.


Access and Material Transfer Rights

- Industrial premises (buildings, yard and car park), W H Smiths News Group Depot

Access – Fair, accommodates large vehicle entry for the business. Access off Olaf Street. Some permit parking may be affected with if street works required along Olaf Street. Building would need to be demolished for use as a drive site. Car park area to the north could facilitate interception at this site. Southern boundary of the site adjoins residential properties. Connection to the Counters Creek Main Line sewer will require a a connection of 50m+. Site would require use of other land to limit the impact

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Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Shortlist Site Assessment (Stage 3) Thames Water Utilities Ltd

November 2015 6

Site: SS249 Smith News Distribution Depot, Olaf Street

Size m2: 3,787

Key to Assessment Grades: Grade / Possible Use

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome, but will be very challenging.

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome.

Criterion has no implications for site.

Use not applicable to site 1. Drive Shaft (minimum site area 3,000 - 3,500m2 )

2. Interception / Reception Shaft (minimum site area 1,500m2 )

3. Pumping Station 4. Overflow Site 5. Site Compound

Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria Description of Site Characteristics Assessment Against Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 on the business (highway/Signaling Depot)

Common Land • Ownership status • Potential for acquisition or rights to develop • Operational access / status


Crown Land and Special Land

- N/A N/A

Estimated Acquisition Cost

- Permanent rights –Moderate/High. Temporary rights – Moderate/High.

Criteria will need to be determined based on anticipated site use. Medium sized site with suggested redevelopment aspirations.

Ownership of Site Is the site owned by TWUL / in single 3rd Party ownership / multiple 3rd Party ownerships?

Land in private ownership (Dalemouth Limited) with additional leasehold interest (WH Smith and Sons Limited).

Property summary & recommendations

Access to the area will be required along Olaf Street. The site is in close proximity to residential properties (adjoining the southern boundary) and a number of industrial premises. If significant excavation works were required, then monitoring of the adjoining structures would be necessary during construction, with mitigation measures introduced where necessary. Some suggestion that there is potential development aspiration for the site. Building would need to be demolished to facilitate drive site use, whilst interception may be possible within the open space to the north. Any works within the highway will require traffic management, which may impact on traffic flows back to Freston Road. Some permanent rights will be required for any retained above ground infrastructure and future operational access, if located on private land. Site subject to a 57 year lease, with 17 years remaining between the landowner and WH Smiths. Acquisition would require a negotiated purchase or use of compulsory purchase powers, resulting in compensation and relocation costs plus the possible extinguishment of the tenants interest. The freehold owner has also expressed a view on future redevelopment of the site. Subsequently, potential cost implications make this option unviable.


Connection to Rail Network During Construction

Connection to railway siding and suitability of interconnecting access route

The site is close to the rail line. There is however no current clear direct access and road transfer would be required.

No current access route to rail.

Water Freight Practicability During Construction

Location of wharf and suitability of interconnecting access route to wharf

The site is not in close proximity to the river. No clear access to the river.

Suitability of Road / Interconnecting Road Access During Construction

• Road layout, width and junction geometry suitability for Heavy Goods Vehicles

The site is located away from Freston Road off Olaf Street; this road is narrow at the access point. The site is located in a largely residential area and there are also a number of commercial uses in the close vicinity.

The road network in most places has parking on both sides, which may make it difficult for the largest vehicles to navigate the highway. The site is located in a largely residential area. Appropriate management will be required to address any impact from road closures on the surrounding residential uses.

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Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Shortlist Site Assessment (Stage 3) Thames Water Utilities Ltd

November 2015 7

Site: SS249 Smith News Distribution Depot, Olaf Street

Size m2: 3,787

Key to Assessment Grades: Grade / Possible Use

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome, but will be very challenging.

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome.

Criterion has no implications for site.

Use not applicable to site 1. Drive Shaft (minimum site area 3,000 - 3,500m2 )

2. Interception / Reception Shaft (minimum site area 1,500m2 )

3. Pumping Station 4. Overflow Site 5. Site Compound

Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria Description of Site Characteristics Assessment Against Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 There is a railway bridge with a height restriction to the north of Freston Road although this is unlikely to have an impact as the road ends in a dead end to the north. There is on street parking on both sides of the road along most of the length of Freston Road. The closest main road is the A402 Holland Road which is accessed to the south of the site through a dense residential area. St Anns Road is a bus route and a mixed use / residential street. The A402 provides access to the A3220 and A40. There are no direct links to the A40 to the north of the site.

However, with some management the road layout in the surrounding area is suitable for HGVs and is close to the A402 to the south.

Sensitivity of Access Route During Construction

Residential streets, shopping streets, tourist areas, schools, play areas, hospitals, bus routes

The site is located in a residential area. St Anns Road and the A3220 is a bus route. There are educational facilities located on Freston Road.

The construction access route is sensitive as it will be through a largely residential area.

Operational Transport and Access Requirements

- - Safety likely to be an issue due to the use of the surrounding area.


Transport summary & recommendations

The site is not located with clear access to the river or to a rail line. The road layout in the surrounding area is suitable for HGVs (with some management) and is close to the A402 to the south. However, the construction access route is through a residential / commercial area with safety also likely to be an issue due to the use of the surrounding area. Appropriate mitigation and management will need to be incorporated in order to address any impact on the surrounding uses.

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Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Shortlist Site Assessment (Stage 3) Thames Water Utilities Ltd

November 2015 1

Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment Stage 3 Shortlist Assessment

Site: SS250 Travis Perkins Yard, Freston Road

Size m2: 2,674

Key to Assessment Grades: Grade / Possible Use

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome, but will be very challenging.

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome.

Criterion has no implications for site.

Use not applicable to site 1. Drive Shaft (minimum site area 3,000 - 3,500m2 )

2. Interception / Reception Shaft (minimum site area 1,500m2 )

3. Pumping Station 4. Overflow Site 5. Site Compound

Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria Description of Site Characteristics Assessment Against Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 ENGINEERING

Clean Water / Waste Water Assets

Are important clean water or other water resources and assets affected?

No water assets within site boundary. No issues.

Connection Feasibility • Distance from sewer interception • Infrastructure / structures between sewer and shaft

Distance to sewers for both interceptions of Hammersmith SRS Duplication Counters Creek Branch and Counters Creek Main Line Sewers 80-100m. Main tunnel alignment restricted by piled foundations to the south and raised railway and road to north and west.

Distance to existing sewers for interception>50m.

Means of Access • Availability of rail connection/practicability of accessing rail connection

• Suitability of road links to site and river • Ability for site to handle AILs • Jetty / wharfage facilities available • Jetty / wharfage facilities can be created • Availability of any other means of access • Worker transport considerations

Road access from the South only via St Anns Road. No rail or river access. Nearest train station for workers Latimer Road

Good road access.

Odour Control Assessment of potential operational odour generation and costs of mitigation

Odour control is likely but site specific requirements require further investigation.

It is expected that odour control can be carried out adequately on this site. Therefore it is deemed "Acceptable".

Site Efficiency • Ability to accommodate all requirements on one site and if not describe how facilities can be achieved via a combination of sites.

• Assessment of potential for effects from development upon existing site or adjacent services e.g. power supply/communications/other

Site requires demolition of existing structures to provide sufficient site area. Connection to Hammersmith SRS within the main road used to access the site, reducing efficiency. Connection to Counters Creek Main Line within St Anns Road.

Reduced efficiency due to requirement for demolition of existing structures.

Site Features • Above and below ground conditions (including 3rd party services, assets and infrastructure)

• Geology • Site levels • Other considerations

Existing structures require demolition. No known geology or ground level issues.

Buildings require demolition.

Site Geometry Does the site geometry lend itself for use intended? No issues No issues

Site Size What is the site suitable for – drive shaft, intermediate or reception shaft, pump station, outfall or other e.g. welfare office

Site is too small for a drive site; site is sufficient for all other uses.

Site is too small for a drive site, site is sufficient for all other uses.

Tunnelling, Construction and System Engineering

Ability to be compatible with likely system and tunnelling Alignment can reach this site with a smaller diameter sewer, although restricted from the south, north and

Restricted alignment access.

Page 116: Thames Water · Counters Creek Strategic Storm Relief Sewer/ Part 2 Further Longlist and Shortlist Site Assessment Report: November 2015 Document Number: C680-TW-00537-RP COUNTERS

Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Shortlist Site Assessment (Stage 3) Thames Water Utilities Ltd

November 2015 2

Site: SS250 Travis Perkins Yard, Freston Road

Size m2: 2,674

Key to Assessment Grades: Grade / Possible Use

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome, but will be very challenging.

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome.

Criterion has no implications for site.

Use not applicable to site 1. Drive Shaft (minimum site area 3,000 - 3,500m2 )

2. Interception / Reception Shaft (minimum site area 1,500m2 )

3. Pumping Station 4. Overflow Site 5. Site Compound

Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria Description of Site Characteristics Assessment Against Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 Requirements

requirements in the vicinity of the site west due to piled foundations of existing buildings and flyover.

Engineering summary & recommendations

The site is too small for a drive site. Site efficiency is reduced by requirement to demolish buildings on site before works can commence and interceptions of both sewers are >50m from site significantly increasing required works and number of compounds required. Interception locations not feasible for construction works required.


Community & Amenity • Sensitivity to dust, odour and other construction effects • Visual impact during construction upon amenity • Visual impact during operation upon amenity

There are commercial office buildings to the east and south of the site. A railway track is located to the north and the A3220 is to the west of the site.

There are no residential dwellings in the immediate vicinity of the site, although there are flats located nearby on Freston Road. However, there is the possibility that there could be adverse amenity impacts on residential properties on surrounding roads should they be used by construction related traffic. This would be considered further at the next stage of site selection. Relevant planning policies to consider include: Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea’s adopted Local Plan (2015) Policy CL5 Amenity and Policy CE5 Air Quality.

Ecology Nature conservation / reserve designations No designation on site.

No designations on site. At this stage, no ecology implications have been identified.

Flood Risk Assessment of fluvial / tidal / surface water flood risk The site is entirely within EA Flood Risk Zone 1 (low risk of flooding).

The site is entirely within EA Flood Risk Zone 1 (low risk of flooding).

Heritage • Archaeology priority areas • Scheduled Ancient Monuments • Historic Parks and Gardens • Conservation Areas • Listed Buildings

No designation on site.

No designations on site. At this stage, no heritage implications have been identified.

Landscape • Assessment of potential for Landscape, townscape, visual designations.

• Assessment of potential for impacts on other landscape/open space designations

• Assessment of potential for impacts on informal/undesignated open space

No landscape designation on site. No open space designation on site.

No designations on site. At this stage, no landscape implications have been identified.

Environment summary & recommendations

The site is located within an area which is surrounded by commercial land uses, the railway track and the A3220. It is also located within EA Flood Risk Zone 1 and no ecology, heritage or landscape designations have been identified on site.

Page 117: Thames Water · Counters Creek Strategic Storm Relief Sewer/ Part 2 Further Longlist and Shortlist Site Assessment Report: November 2015 Document Number: C680-TW-00537-RP COUNTERS

Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Shortlist Site Assessment (Stage 3) Thames Water Utilities Ltd

November 2015 3

Site: SS250 Travis Perkins Yard, Freston Road

Size m2: 2,674

Key to Assessment Grades: Grade / Possible Use

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome, but will be very challenging.

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome.

Criterion has no implications for site.

Use not applicable to site 1. Drive Shaft (minimum site area 3,000 - 3,500m2 )

2. Interception / Reception Shaft (minimum site area 1,500m2 )

3. Pumping Station 4. Overflow Site 5. Site Compound

Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria Description of Site Characteristics Assessment Against Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 NOISE

Distance from centre of site to receptor

Type of receptor Nearest noise sensitive receptor is “Residential” located approximately 46m from the centre of the site. For consistency, the closest receptor has been noted at this stage of site selection. Numbers of other surrounding receptors and their distances to the site will be considered in more detail at the next stage of site selection.

Assessed as “Green” because it is in the furthest third of sites in terms of distance to the nearest noise sensitive receptor. Conclusions in terms of whether mitigation can be achieved or if there are noise implications at the site can only be established following more detailed assessment of a number of factors specific to each location. This includes the type and number of sensitive receptors, distance, existing noise climate, height of receptor relative to noise source(s) and noise level likely to be produced by each site. Relevant planning policies to consider include: London Plan (2015) Policy 7.15; and Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea’s adopted Local Plan (2015) Policy CE6 Noise and Vibration.

Height of Receptor Type of receptor The “Residential” receptor is 4 storeys in height. Recorded for information at this stage. The higher the receptor (relative to source), the less beneficial standard site perimeter hoarding will be in terms of breaking the line of sight between source(s) and receiver(s).


Noise summary & recommendations

The site is in the furthest third of shortlisted sites in terms of distance to the nearest noise sensitive receptor. The proximity of the site to residential receptors (the nearest being 4 storeys in height) means that noise attenuation measures are likely to be needed to be incorporated into the proposals to reduce the impact on the surrounding land uses.


Common Land • Nature of common land site • Size of common land site • Area required during construction • Area required during operation • Potential for use

This site is not designated as Common Land. N/A

Community & Amenity • Impact upon formal or informal community facilities • Neighbouring land uses and amenity considerations • Allotment land • Residential gardens / restricted open space

Summary of neighbouring uses - The site lies within a mixed-use area consisting of light industrial, commercial and residential buildings. The site is bordered by an elevated tube line (Circle / Hammersmith & City) to the north, Freston Road to the east and Bard Road to the south and west. Residential properties/gardens - There are residential properties located to the east of the site on the opposing side of Freston Road. A new residential development

Due to the proximity of the residential and commercial properties to the site, the use of this site as an interception / reception site could cause amenity impact concerns. There are also possible impacts on the local businesses, which are in close proximity to the site.

Page 118: Thames Water · Counters Creek Strategic Storm Relief Sewer/ Part 2 Further Longlist and Shortlist Site Assessment Report: November 2015 Document Number: C680-TW-00537-RP COUNTERS

Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Shortlist Site Assessment (Stage 3) Thames Water Utilities Ltd

November 2015 4

Site: SS250 Travis Perkins Yard, Freston Road

Size m2: 2,674

Key to Assessment Grades: Grade / Possible Use

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome, but will be very challenging.

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome.

Criterion has no implications for site.

Use not applicable to site 1. Drive Shaft (minimum site area 3,000 - 3,500m2 )

2. Interception / Reception Shaft (minimum site area 1,500m2 )

3. Pumping Station 4. Overflow Site 5. Site Compound

Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria Description of Site Characteristics Assessment Against Criteria 1 2 3 4 5

Employment Are there potential impacts on local employment opportunities? The site is currently comprised of three uses; the southwest area of the site is a warehouse and storage yard recently occupied by Travis Perkins. The northern area of the site is comprised of a vehicle depot operated by Sixt Car rental. A four storey building 141-163 Freston Road lies within the south east area of the site. The building is comprised of studio units, which include business uses and leisure uses. The ground floor units are occupied by the Roger Gracie academy for the use of jujitsu and martial arts training. The site lies within a RBKC designated Employment Zone.

The use of this site as a construction site or site compound would temporarily conflict with the current use of the site as a series of studio units / industrial uses and may result in the loss of employment opportunities. During the operational phase, some land would be required for the permanent infrastructure if the site is used as an interception site, however this could be integrated into the existing site to minimise the loss of operational land and job opportunities. General – a construction workforce will be required which could result in job opportunities for the local workforce. Relevant planning policies to consider include: London Plan (2015) Policy 4.1 Developing London’s Economy. RBKC Local Plan (2015) - Policy CF5 Location of Business Uses.

London Plan / Borough Policy Allocation or Special Policy Area

Assessment of compliance or conflict with specific land use allocations or planning objectives

London Plan Policies (March 2015) London Plan (2015) Policy 4.1 Developing London’s Economy aims to promote and enable the continued development of a strong, sustainable and increasingly diverse economy across all parts of London ensuring the availability of sufficient and suitable workspaces in terms of type, size and cost, supporting infrastructure and suitable environments for larger employers and small and medium sized enterprises, including the voluntary and community sectors. RBKC Local Plan (LP) 2015 The LP advises that the Freston Road / Latimer Road Employment Zone is one of the principal concentrations for the Borough’s remaining light industrial uses which is valuable for local employment (paragraph 31.3.39 of the RBKC Local Plan). Policy CF5 - Location of Business Uses seeks to protect and promote employment zones for a range of small and medium business activities, including offices and light industrial uses that support the function and character of the zone.

The use of this site as a construction site or site compound would conflict, if only temporarily, with the current use of the site as an employment site and the planning policies in place to protect the employment zone.

Metropolitan Open Land / Green Belt

Assessment against Green Belt and Metropolitan Open Land The site is not designated as Green Belt or Metropolitan Open Land


Open Space Assessment against Open Space policy The site is not designated as open space. -

Page 119: Thames Water · Counters Creek Strategic Storm Relief Sewer/ Part 2 Further Longlist and Shortlist Site Assessment Report: November 2015 Document Number: C680-TW-00537-RP COUNTERS

Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Shortlist Site Assessment (Stage 3) Thames Water Utilities Ltd

November 2015 5

Site: SS250 Travis Perkins Yard, Freston Road

Size m2: 2,674

Key to Assessment Grades: Grade / Possible Use

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome, but will be very challenging.

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome.

Criterion has no implications for site.

Use not applicable to site 1. Drive Shaft (minimum site area 3,000 - 3,500m2 )

2. Interception / Reception Shaft (minimum site area 1,500m2 )

3. Pumping Station 4. Overflow Site 5. Site Compound

Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria Description of Site Characteristics Assessment Against Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 Planning Applications / Permissions

• Application expected • Awaiting determination • Unimplemented

137, 139, 139A Freston Road A planning application (Reference: PP/08/02132) was granted planning permission in March 2009 for the redevelopment to provide a 5 storey commercial building with a part 4 storey residential building. The development includes the creation of a new vehicle access point form Bard Road. Subsequent applications have been submitted to discharge planning conditions. Hoarding up around the site and buildings have been demolished, but redevelopment has not commenced.

The 137, 139, 139A Freston Road site is located on the opposite side of Bard Road from the potential construction site (SS250). The permission is thought to be extant as the buildings have been demolished. If construction of this site is not complete by 2017 and site SS250 is used as a construction site, then the timings and logistics of construction works would have to be carefully considered.

Public Access & Recreation

• Impacts on informal / undesignated open space • Impacts on navigation and recreational water use • Impacts on recreational sites and assets • Impact upon leisure or sports facilities • Impact upon tourism • Permissive rights of access • Public Rights of Way

There do not appear to be any designated public footpaths across the site.

There is no conflict between the potential use of the site as a construction site and any public access or recreational issues.

Planning summary & recommendations

The site is generally suitable in planning terms except for the conflict between the proposed use and its existing use /allocation as employment land. Construction associated with the strategic sewer would require demolition of the existing building if the site area is used, temporarily or permanently displacing the existing business. There is potential that parts of the site and adjacent highway could be used to offset that loss, although this would be expected to disrupt the existing business. A possible further option may be to combine less disruptive aspects of this site with other parcels of land in close proximity.


Access and Material Transfer Rights

- Travis Perkins Builders Depot off Freston Road Access – Fair, accommodates large vehicle entry for the premises with access off Freston Road. Buildings would need to be demolished to facilitate site as a standalone option, impacting the existing business interests on site. Other land may be required in the area should a spur connection be required. Covenant protected access provisions retained by LuL.

Common Land • Ownership status • Potential for acquisition or rights to develop • Operational access / status


Crown Land and Special Land

- Some of the land affected is owned by LUL and subject to s13 protection.

Estimated Acquisition - Permanent rights – High Criteria will need to be determined based on

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Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Shortlist Site Assessment (Stage 3) Thames Water Utilities Ltd

November 2015 6

Site: SS250 Travis Perkins Yard, Freston Road

Size m2: 2,674

Key to Assessment Grades: Grade / Possible Use

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome, but will be very challenging.

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome.

Criterion has no implications for site.

Use not applicable to site 1. Drive Shaft (minimum site area 3,000 - 3,500m2 )

2. Interception / Reception Shaft (minimum site area 1,500m2 )

3. Pumping Station 4. Overflow Site 5. Site Compound

Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria Description of Site Characteristics Assessment Against Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 Cost Temporary rights – High anticipated site use. Medium sized site with covenant

restriction protecting future access.

Ownership of Site Is the site owned by TWUL / in single 3rd Party ownership / multiple 3rd Party ownerships?

Land in multiple ownership (private and LuL) with multiple leasehold interests.

Property summary & recommendations

Access to the site is fair off Freston Road. Several titles noted with reference to LUL’s interest (as Freeholder on an unregistered title and prescribed covenants to protect access). The site would require the building to be demolished to facilitate the works required, whereby the business would need to be relocated. Further land would be required in the area should a spur connection be needed. Some permanent rights will be required for any retained above ground infrastructure and future operational access, if located on private land.


Connection to Rail Network During Construction

Connection to railway siding and suitability of interconnecting access route

The site is close to the rail line. There is however no current clear direct access due to a level difference. Road transfer would therefore be required.

No current access route to rail.

Water Freight Practicability During Construction

Location of wharf and suitability of interconnecting access route to wharf

The site is not in close proximity to the river. No clear access to the river.

Suitability of Road / Interconnecting Road Access During Construction

• Road layout, width and junction geometry suitability for Heavy Goods Vehicles

The site is located in a largely commercial area, with residential properties also located nearby. There is a railway bridge with a height restriction to the north of Freston Road, which is next to the site, although this is unlikely to have an impact as the road ends in a dead end to the north. There is on street parking on both side of the road along most of the length of Freston Road. The closest main road is the A402 Holland Road which is accessed to the south of the site through a dense residential area. St Anns Road is a bus route and a mixed use / residential street. The A402 provides access to the A3220 and A40. There are no direct links to the A40 to the north of the site.

The road network in most places has parking on both sides, which may make it difficult for the largest vehicles to navigate the highway. The site is located in a commercial and residential area and appropriate management will be required to address any impact from road closures on the surrounding residential uses. However, with some management the road layout in the surrounding area is suitable for HGVs and is close to the A402 to the south.

Sensitivity of Access Route During Construction

Residential streets, shopping streets, tourist areas, schools, play areas, hospitals, bus routes

The site is located in a residential area. St Anns Road and the A3220 is a bus route. There are educational facilities located on Freston Road.

The construction access route is sensitive as it will be through a largely residential area.

Operational Transport and Access Requirements

- - Safety likely to be an issue due to the use of the surrounding area.


Transport summary & recommendations

The site is not located with clear access to the river or to a rail line. The road layout in the surrounding area is suitable for HGVs (with some management) and is close to the A402 to the south. However, the construction access route is through a residential and commercial area with safety also likely to be an issue due to the use of the surrounding area. Appropriate mitigation and management will need to be incorporated in order to address any impact on the surrounding uses.

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Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Shortlist Site Assessment (Stage 3) Thames Water Utilities Ltd

November 2015 1

Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment Stage 3 Shortlist Assessment

Site: SS251 Dulux, Richford Street

Size m2: 2, 007

Key to Assessment Grades: Grade / Possible Use

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome, but will be very challenging.

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome.

Criterion has no implications for site.

Use not applicable to site 1. Drive Shaft (minimum site area 3,000 - 3,500m2 )

2. Interception / Reception Shaft (minimum site area 1,500m2 )

3. Pumping Station 4. Overflow Site 5. Site Compound

Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria Description of Site Characteristics Assessment Against Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 ENGINEERING

Clean Water / Waste Water Assets

Are important clean water or other water resources and assets affected?

Low Level 2 sewer is a circular brick sewer. The Low Level 2 sits at a similar level to the Brook Green Sewer Grove Road Branch which is intercepted from this site. The Low Level 2 sewer runs through this site, and may require diversion or construction should avoid this sewer.

Existing Low Level 2 sewer runs through site at level of intercepted sewer restricting route for access from sewer interception point and construction on site.

Connection Feasibility • Distance from sewer interception • Infrastructure / structures between sewer and shaft

Interception is >60m from the edge of the site Interception will require significant works within Trussley Road and Hammersmith Grove, the latter being the location for the weir chamber over the existing sewer being intercepted. Tunnelling of the main sewer alignment to reach the shaft from south restricted by existing tunnels within Shepherds Bush Road, requiring an alignment from the north.

Long distance to interception point which requires works within roads causing traffic disruption.

Means of Access • Availability of rail connection/practicability of accessing rail connection

• Suitability of road links to site and river • Ability for site to handle AILs • Jetty / wharfage facilities available • Jetty / wharfage facilities can be created • Availability of any other means of access • Worker transport considerations

Good Road access via Goldhawk Road and Hammersmith Grove. No river access, no rail access. Nearest train stations for workers are Goldhawk Road, and Hammersmith Stations.

Good access.

Odour Control Assessment of potential operational odour generation and costs of mitigation

Odour control is likely but site specific requirements require further investigation.

It is expected that odour control can be carried out adequately on this site. Therefore it is deemed "Acceptable".

Site Efficiency • Ability to accommodate all requirements on one site and if not describe how facilities can be achieved via a combination of sites.

• Assessment of potential for effects from development upon existing site or adjacent services e.g. power supply/communications/other

Good site area, with demolished buildings. With buildings as they currently stand site would be more restricted for vehicle turning and movement, especially if businesses still under operation. Interception of sewers is outside of site boundary and would require works within Hammersmith Grove.

Good area, demolition required reducing site efficiency. Efficiency further reduced if businesses still in operation.

Site Features • Above and below ground conditions (including 3rd party services, assets and infrastructure)

• Geology • Site levels • Other considerations

Industrial area with properties within 10m of western boundary of site. Site is hard standing with an existing structure which could require demolition for works to commence. No known geological or ground level issues.

Demolition required on site, or site area would be reduced limiting efficiency of working space.

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Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Shortlist Site Assessment (Stage 3) Thames Water Utilities Ltd

November 2015 2

Site: SS251 Dulux, Richford Street

Size m2: 2, 007

Key to Assessment Grades: Grade / Possible Use

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome, but will be very challenging.

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome.

Criterion has no implications for site.

Use not applicable to site 1. Drive Shaft (minimum site area 3,000 - 3,500m2 )

2. Interception / Reception Shaft (minimum site area 1,500m2 )

3. Pumping Station 4. Overflow Site 5. Site Compound

Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria Description of Site Characteristics Assessment Against Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 Site Geometry Does the site geometry lend itself for use intended? Good site area, wide site, although co-location with

retained businesses would reduce efficiency of site. Co-location with retained businesses would reduce efficiency of site.

Site Size What is the site suitable for – drive shaft, intermediate or reception shaft, pump station, outfall or other e.g. welfare office

Site area is sufficient for interception and reception site uses although co-location with retained businesses would reduce efficiency of site. Site suitable potentially as a pipejack drive site, but not as a main tunnel bore drive site.

Co-location with retained businesses would reduce efficiency of site.

Tunnelling, Construction and System Engineering Requirements

Ability to be compatible with likely system and tunnelling requirements in the vicinity of the site

Alignment can be connected, however this must come from the north due to restrictions from existing UKPN and Thames Water North Western Storm Relief sewer assets in Shepherds Bush Road.

Restricted alignment from south of catchment, can only access site from the north.

Engineering summary & recommendations

Site area is sufficient for interception and reception site uses, with site efficiency reducing if existing business retained, although potential to co-located with business and implement interception and tunneling / pipejack works. Site efficiency is also reduced by distance to interception and restrictions to main tunnel alignments accessing sites. Good road access to site and train links for workforce transport. Site suitable potentially as a pipejack drive site, but not as a main tunnel bore drive site. Existing Low Level 2 circular brick sewer passes through site at same level as intercepted sewer requiring intercepted sewer to be significantly dropped between weir chamber and interception shaft. Alignment to the site is restricted by existing assets within Shepherds Bush Road. Ongoing scheme development has identified that interception of the local sewer by the Counters Creek strategic Sewer is no longer necessary. Site not to be progressed further.


Community & Amenity • Sensitivity to dust, odour and other construction effects • Visual impact during construction upon amenity • Visual impact during operation upon amenity

The site is currently occupied by warehouses and associated offices and car parking. It is located to the north of Jewson’s Timber Yard. The site is located between residential properties on Grove Mews to the west and a railway line to the east. To the north of the site are further residential properties on Richford Street.

The close proximity to residential dwellings means there is the potential for adverse amenity impacts from construction dust and noise, construction related traffic and odour relating to the operational phase. There is the potential for adverse visual impacts on the surrounding residential properties given their proximity, particularly during construction. Relevant planning policies to consider include: Hammersmith and Fulham Development Management Local Plan Policy DM H8 Air Quality and Policy DM H9 Noise.

Ecology Nature conservation / reserve designations No designation on site. No designations on site. At this stage, no ecology implications have been identified.

Flood Risk Assessment of fluvial / tidal / surface water flood risk The entire site is within EA Flood Risk Zone 3 (high risk of flooding). However, these flood zones do not take account of flood defences and, therefore, represent a theoretical maximum extent of tidal flooding. The River Thames flood defences protect the tidal Thames up to the 1000 year flood event.

The site is defended and only considered to be at a residual risk of flooding as a result of a potential breach or overtopping of the flood defences. The works would be unlikely to require mitigation from residual flood risk in the event of a breach or overtopping of the defences, but this would need to be

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Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Shortlist Site Assessment (Stage 3) Thames Water Utilities Ltd

November 2015 3

Site: SS251 Dulux, Richford Street

Size m2: 2, 007

Key to Assessment Grades: Grade / Possible Use

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome, but will be very challenging.

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome.

Criterion has no implications for site.

Use not applicable to site 1. Drive Shaft (minimum site area 3,000 - 3,500m2 )

2. Interception / Reception Shaft (minimum site area 1,500m2 )

3. Pumping Station 4. Overflow Site 5. Site Compound

Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria Description of Site Characteristics Assessment Against Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 considered as a project risk. Relevant planning polices to consider include: London Plan (2015) Policy 5.12 Flood Risk Management and Hammersmith and Fulham LDF Core Strategy DPD (2011) Borough Wide Strategic Policy CC2 Water Flooding.

Heritage • Archaeology priority areas • Scheduled Ancient Monuments • Historic Parks and Gardens • Conservation Areas • Listed Buildings

No designation on site. Hammersmith Grove Conservation Area is immediately adjacent to the west of the site and Melrose Conservation Area is located nearby to the east of the site, with Brook Green Conservation Area further to the south east.

No designations on site. At this stage, no heritage implications have been identified, although there are Conservation Areas located adjacent and nearby to the site.

Landscape • Assessment of potential for Landscape, townscape, visual designations.

• Assessment of potential for impacts on other landscape/open space designations

• Assessment of potential for impacts on informal/undesignated open space

No landscape designation on site. No open space designation on site.

No designations on site. At this stage, no landscape implications have been identified.

Environment summary & recommendations

The site is located in close proximity to residential dwellings. It is within EA Flood Risk Zone 3 but no ecology, heritage or landscape designations have been identified on site. Further consideration must be given to any potential impacts on the amenity of the surrounding residential areas to determine appropriate mitigation.


Distance from centre of site to receptor

Type of receptor Nearest noise sensitive receptor is “Residential” located approximately 29m from the centre of the site. For consistency, the closest receptor has been noted at this stage of site selection. Numbers of other surrounding receptors and their distances to the site will be considered in more detail at the next stage of site selection.

Assessed as “Amber” because it is in the middle third of sites in terms of distance to the nearest noise sensitive receptor. Conclusions in terms of whether mitigation can be achieved or if there are noise implications at the site can only be established following more detailed assessment of a number of factors specific to each location. This includes the type and number of sensitive receptors, distance, existing noise climate, height of receptor relative to noise source(s) and noise level likely to be produced by each site. Relevant planning policies to consider include: London Plan (2015) Policy 7.15; and Hammersmith and Fulham Development Management Local Plan Policy DMH9 Noise.

Height of Receptor Type of receptor The “Residential” receptor is 4 storeys in height. Recorded for information at this stage. The higher the receptor (relative to source), the less beneficial standard site perimeter hoarding will be in terms of


Page 124: Thames Water · Counters Creek Strategic Storm Relief Sewer/ Part 2 Further Longlist and Shortlist Site Assessment Report: November 2015 Document Number: C680-TW-00537-RP COUNTERS

Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Shortlist Site Assessment (Stage 3) Thames Water Utilities Ltd

November 2015 4

Site: SS251 Dulux, Richford Street

Size m2: 2, 007

Key to Assessment Grades: Grade / Possible Use

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome, but will be very challenging.

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome.

Criterion has no implications for site.

Use not applicable to site 1. Drive Shaft (minimum site area 3,000 - 3,500m2 )

2. Interception / Reception Shaft (minimum site area 1,500m2 )

3. Pumping Station 4. Overflow Site 5. Site Compound

Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria Description of Site Characteristics Assessment Against Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 breaking the line of sight between source(s) and receiver(s).

Noise summary & recommendations

The site is in the middle third of shortlisted sites in terms of distance to the nearest noise sensitive receptor. The proximity of the site to residential receptors (the nearest being 4 storeys in height) means that noise attenuation measures are likely to be needed to be incorporated into the proposals to reduce the impact on the surrounding land uses.


Common Land • Nature of common land site • Size of common land site • Area required during construction • Area required during operation • Potential for use

The site is not designated as common land. -

Community & Amenity • Impact upon formal or informal community facilities • Neighbouring land uses and amenity considerations • Allotment land • Residential gardens / restricted open space

The site is located between residential properties on Grove Mews to the west and a raised railway line to the east. The north of the site is bound by an office/light industrial building that is occupied by product design/engineering firms and to the south by a Jewson’s Timber Yard. Residential properties - Grove Mews, a narrow street with residential properties along its western side, lies immediately to the west of the site. The properties on this street front directly onto the pavement and are approximately 10m from the site boundary. The site entrance is to the west onto Grove Mews directly opposite a residential property. Impact on formal community facilities - In 2011 temporary permission was granted to change the use of part of the warehouse building from B8 (storage and distribution) to D2 (Martial Arts Dojo) for a temporary period up until June 2016 (Ref. 2011/03609/FUL).

Due to the proximity of the residential properties to the west of the site, use as a construction site or compound could cause residential amenity impact concerns. However, the existing use of the site is likely to present some current amenity impact to these properties. The amenity impacts from a construction site would likely be greater than those from the existing use of the site.

Employment Are there potential impacts on local employment opportunities? The site is occupied by a Dulux Decorator Centre, which consists of a large warehouse surrounded by areas of hard-standing used for parking. In 2011 temporary permission was granted to change the use of part of the warehouse building from B8 (storage and distribution) to D2 (Martial Arts Dojo) for a temporary period up until June 2016 (Ref. 2011/03609/FUL). The site area as drawn by LBHF also seems to cut through the southern part of an adjoining office/light industrial building to the north, which is occupied by product design/engineering firms.

The use of the site as a construction site or site compound would temporarily conflict with the current use of the site for employment uses and could result in the loss of employment opportunities, unless an alternative site can be found to house these uses. If the Dulux Decorator Centre can remain operational within the vicinity of the site then the existing employees should not be adversely affected. During the operational phase, some land would be required for permanent infrastructure if the site is used as an interception site, however this could be integrated into the existing site to minimise the loss of operational land and job opportunities. General – a construction workforce will be required which could result in job opportunities for the local

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Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Shortlist Site Assessment (Stage 3) Thames Water Utilities Ltd

November 2015 5

Site: SS251 Dulux, Richford Street

Size m2: 2, 007

Key to Assessment Grades: Grade / Possible Use

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome, but will be very challenging.

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome.

Criterion has no implications for site.

Use not applicable to site 1. Drive Shaft (minimum site area 3,000 - 3,500m2 )

2. Interception / Reception Shaft (minimum site area 1,500m2 )

3. Pumping Station 4. Overflow Site 5. Site Compound

Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria Description of Site Characteristics Assessment Against Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 workforce.

London Plan / Borough Policy Allocation or Special Policy Area

Assessment of compliance or conflict with specific land use allocations or planning objectives

The site is located in the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham (LBHF). Relevant planning policies to consider include: London Plan (2015): Policy 4.4 adopts a rigorous approach to industrial land management to ensure a sufficient stock of land. Policy 4.12 requires strategic development proposals to support local employment, skills development and training opportunities. Hammersmith and Fulham LDF Core Strategy DPD (2011) Policy LE1 supports the change of use of premises providing local services or significant employment if their new use supports essential public services. Hammersmith and Fulham Development Management Local Plan (2013) Policy DM B1 outlines LBHF’s approach to the loss or replacement of employment sites.

The use of this site as a construction site or site compound would temporarily conflict with the current use of the site as an employment site. In the long-term some land would be required for the permanent infrastructure if the site is used as an interception site, however this could be integrated into the existing site to minimise the loss of operational land and job opportunities. Any loss of operational industrial land would conflict with planning policies to protect employment sites.

Metropolitan Open Land / Green Belt

Assessment against Green Belt and Metropolitan Open Land The site is not designated as Green Belt or Metropolitan Open Land.


Open Space Assessment against Open Space policy The site is not designated as open space. -

Planning Applications / Permissions

• Application expected • Awaiting determination • Unimplemented

In 2011 temporary permission was granted to change the use of part of the warehouse building on site from B8 (storage and distribution) to D2 (Martial Arts Dojo) for a temporary period up until June 2016 (Ref. 2011/03609/FUL).

If this site is used as a construction site, works would commence after June 2016 when this temporary permission ends. It is possible that an application for a continuation of this use could be submitted, but this would be unlikely if the site is brought forward as a compound or construction site.

Public Access & Recreation

• Impacts on informal / undesignated open space • Impacts on navigation and recreational water use • Impacts on recreational sites and assets • Impact upon leisure or sports facilities • Impact upon tourism • Permissive rights of access • Public Rights of Way

There do not appear to be any designated public footpaths across the site. It is not clear whether access from the site can be gained to the commercial/industrial units in the railway arches of the railway line to the east of the site.

There is no conflict between the potential use as a site compound or construction site and any public access or recreational issues.

Planning summary & recommendations

Subject to the ability to mitigate impacts on the current use of the site and surrounding amenity and business interests the site or part of the site is considered appropriate in planning terms.


Access and Material Transfer Rights

- Industrial premises & offices (buildings, yard and car parking area) including paint depot (ICI/Dulux

Access – Fair, accommodates large vehicle entry for the business.

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Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Shortlist Site Assessment (Stage 3) Thames Water Utilities Ltd

November 2015 6

Site: SS251 Dulux, Richford Street

Size m2: 2, 007

Key to Assessment Grades: Grade / Possible Use

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome, but will be very challenging.

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome.

Criterion has no implications for site.

Use not applicable to site 1. Drive Shaft (minimum site area 3,000 - 3,500m2 )

2. Interception / Reception Shaft (minimum site area 1,500m2 )

3. Pumping Station 4. Overflow Site 5. Site Compound

Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria Description of Site Characteristics Assessment Against Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 decorators center) Access off Richford Street & Grove Mews.

Suitable for reception and interception works, but too small for a drive site. Residential properties in close proximity. Demolition of some buildings would be required if used as a standalone site option, which would impact businesses on site. LuL notified of possible joint venture development application with the Leaseholder.

Common Land • Ownership status • Potential for acquisition or rights to develop • Operational access / status


Crown Land and Special Land

- LuL own the Freehold. Awaiting confirmation that land is not part of the operational portfolio, subject to s13 protection.


Estimated Acquisition Cost

- Permanent rights –Moderate/High. Temporary rights – Moderate/High.

Criteria will need to be determined based on anticipated site use. Small/medium sized site with suggested redevelopment aspirations.

Ownership of Site Is the site owned by TWUL / in single 3rd Party ownership / multiple 3rd Party ownerships?

Freehold – LuL, plus 2 Leasehold interests.

Property summary & recommendations

Access to the area will be required along Richford Street and Grove Mews. The site is in close proximity to residential properties and a number of commercial premises. If significant excavation works were required, then monitoring of the adjoining structures would be necessary during construction, with mitigation measures introduced where necessary. Joint venture development aspirations need to be confirmed. Some permanent rights will be required for any retained above ground infrastructure and future operational access, if located on private land.


Connection to Rail Network During Construction

Connection to railway siding and suitability of interconnecting access route

The site is adjacent to the rail line, and close to a large railway sidings complex and Hammersmith Station. There is however no current clear direct access as the site is below the rail line.

No clear access route to rail.

Water Freight Practicability During Construction

Location of wharf and suitability of interconnecting access route to wharf

The site is not in close proximity to the river. No clear access to the river.

Suitability of Road / Interconnecting Road Access During Construction

• Road layout, width and junction geometry suitability for Heavy Goods Vehicles

The site is located in a largely residential area. There are also a number of light industrial uses in the close vicinity, including the site itself. Large vehicles may have a problem accessing the site unless they use a route through the Jewson site as Grove Mews is a one way (S Bound) narrow road with

The road network in most places has parking on both sites, which may make it difficult for the largest vehicles to navigate. Grove Mews is also a one way (S Bound) road which may not be able to accommodate the largest HGVs. However, with some management the road layout in

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Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Shortlist Site Assessment (Stage 3) Thames Water Utilities Ltd

November 2015 7

Site: SS251 Dulux, Richford Street

Size m2: 2, 007

Key to Assessment Grades: Grade / Possible Use

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome, but will be very challenging.

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome.

Criterion has no implications for site.

Use not applicable to site 1. Drive Shaft (minimum site area 3,000 - 3,500m2 )

2. Interception / Reception Shaft (minimum site area 1,500m2 )

3. Pumping Station 4. Overflow Site 5. Site Compound

Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria Description of Site Characteristics Assessment Against Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 parking at one side and houses fronting onto a footway. If accessing from the A219 there is a width and height restriction on the railway bridge. Hammersmith Grove which is the main route from Trussley Road to the A402 is a busy shopping / residential street with traffic calming. Access from here using Richmond Street is through a traffic calmed residential road, with parking on both sides of the road.

the surrounding area is suitable for HGVs (and is close to the A402 to the north).

Sensitivity of Access Route During Construction

Residential streets, shopping streets, tourist areas, schools, play areas, hospitals, bus routes

Access to the site is through a residential and shopping area.

The construction access route is sensitive as it would be through a residential area.

Operational Transport and Access Requirements

- - Safety likely to be an issue due to the use of the surrounding area.


Transport summary & recommendations

The site is not located with clear access to the river or to a rail line. The road layout in the surrounding area is suitable for HGVs (with some management) and is close to the A402 to the north. However, the construction access route is through a residential / shopping area with safety also likely to be an issue due to the use of the surrounding area. Appropriate mitigation and management will need to be incorporated in order to address any impact on the surrounding uses.

Page 128: Thames Water · Counters Creek Strategic Storm Relief Sewer/ Part 2 Further Longlist and Shortlist Site Assessment Report: November 2015 Document Number: C680-TW-00537-RP COUNTERS

Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Shortlist Site Assessment (Stage 3) Thames Water Utilities Ltd

November 2015 1

Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment Stage 3 Shortlist Assessment

Site: SS255 Land to the North of Beaumont Avenue

Size m2: 2,335

Key to Assessment Grades: Grade / Possible Use

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome, but will be very challenging.

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome.

Criterion has no implications for site.

Use not applicable to site 1. Drive Shaft (minimum site area 3,000 - 3,500m2 )

2. Interception / Reception Shaft (minimum site area 1,500m2 )

3. Pumping Station 4. Overflow Site 5. Site Compound

Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria Description of Site Characteristics Assessment Against Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 ENGINEERING

Clean Water / Waste Water Assets

Are important clean water or other water resources and assets affected?

No known water assets run through site. No issues.

Connection Feasibility • Distance from sewer interception • Infrastructure / structures between sewer and shaft

Site is located> 15m from sewer interception in North End Road. Connection here is also over foundations for bridge over railway line. This may cause issues forming the connection requiring the weir chamber to be constructed further South along North End Road. Brook Green Sewer is also >250m from site, with the connection crossing North End Road and requires additional sites in the Barons Court Road Area. Alignment is restricted from accessing site by proposed and existing buildings with piled foundations to the South and within the Earls Court Development.

Site requires works in North End Road to form connection> 15m from site.

Means of Access • Availability of rail connection/practicability of accessing rail connection

• Suitability of road links to site and river • Ability for site to handle AILs • Jetty / wharfage facilities available • Jetty / wharfage facilities can be created • Availability of any other means of access • Worker transport considerations

Good road access via A4 Talgarth Road and North End Road. Access locally may be restricted as, the access has been specifically configured by TfL to move north side on road parking into the adjoining pavement. This has been done to facilitate access to the depot by HGVs up 70’+ in length on an ad-hoc basis and HGVs in excess of 90’ on a booking basis with Capco. The road space that is available is therefore thought to be required to facilitate strategic depot use and any works in the highway would be resisted. No rail access with sidings therefore assumed no opportunity for rail transportation for site supplies. Nearest station is West Kensington for workers which is <50m from site.

Road access restricted by recent TFL works and would require careful planning and management.

Odour Control Assessment of potential operational odour generation and costs of mitigation

Odour control is likely but site specific requirements require further investigation.

It is expected that odour control can be carried out adequately on this site. Therefore it is deemed "Acceptable".

Site Efficiency • Ability to accommodate all requirements on one site and if not describe how facilities can be achieved via a combination of sites.

• Assessment of potential for effects from development upon existing site or adjacent services e.g. power supply/communications/other

Site requires coordination with developers as site is currently part of CAPCO proposed development; this has the potential to constrain programme reducing efficiency. No issues with site area. Site is located >15m from interception of North End Road sewer which reduces efficiency of forming a connection.


Site Features • Above and below ground conditions (including 3rd party Existing structures within industrial land to south of Existing structures require demolition before

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Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Shortlist Site Assessment (Stage 3) Thames Water Utilities Ltd

November 2015 2

Site: SS255 Land to the North of Beaumont Avenue

Size m2: 2,335

Key to Assessment Grades: Grade / Possible Use

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome, but will be very challenging.

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome.

Criterion has no implications for site.

Use not applicable to site 1. Drive Shaft (minimum site area 3,000 - 3,500m2 )

2. Interception / Reception Shaft (minimum site area 1,500m2 )

3. Pumping Station 4. Overflow Site 5. Site Compound

Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria Description of Site Characteristics Assessment Against Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 services, assets and infrastructure)

• Geology • Site levels • Other considerations

railway cutting. Existing structures will require demolition before works can proceed. No geological or ground level issues known at this time.

construction works can proceed.

Site Geometry Does the site geometry lend itself for use intended? Wide long site. No issues.

Site Size What is the site suitable for – drive shaft, intermediate or reception shaft, pump station, outfall or other e.g. welfare office

Site is too small for a main tunnel drive site but is sufficient for an interception, reception and compound site especially should buildings be demolished.

Sufficient for interception reception or compound site.

Tunnelling, Construction and System Engineering Requirements

Ability to be compatible with likely system and tunnelling requirements in the vicinity of the site

Alignment is restricted from accessing site by proposed and existing buildings with piled foundations to the South and within the Earls Court Development. This means connection is most likely to be by adit to the main tunnel to the west, requiring additional works on site and an offline connection to the main tunnel.

Offline connection to the main tunnel via adit required due to alignment restrictions.

Engineering summary & recommendations

Tunnel alignment to site is restricted by existing and proposed piled foundations within the Earls Court development area. Site is sufficient in size for an interception/reception or compound but too small for a main tunnel drive site.


Community & Amenity • Sensitivity to dust, odour and other construction effects • Visual impact during construction upon amenity • Visual impact during operation upon amenity

The site is currently occupied by low rise portacabin buildings, hardstanding and a line of trees along the southern boundary of the site. There are residential properties to the south of the site on the opposite side of Beaumont Avenue and a further warehouse and associated offices to the south east. Immediately to the north is a railway track and West Kensington Underground Station. Immediately west of the site boundary are shops fronting North End Road. To the east of the site is the TfL Lillie Bridge Depot.

The close proximity to residential dwellings means there is the potential for adverse amenity impacts from construction dust and noise, construction related traffic and odour relating to the operational phase. There is the potential for adverse visual impacts on the surrounding residential properties given their proximity, particularly during construction. Relevant planning policies to consider include: Hammersmith and Fulham Development Management Local Plan (2013) Policy DM H8 Air Quality and Policy DM H9 Noise.

Ecology Nature conservation / reserve designations No designation on site. No designations on site. At this stage, no ecology implications have been identified.

Flood Risk Assessment of fluvial / tidal / surface water flood risk The entire site is within EA Flood Risk Zone 3 (high risk of flooding). However, these flood zones do not take account of flood defences and, therefore, represent a theoretical maximum extent of tidal flooding. The River Thames flood defences protect the tidal Thames up to the 1000 year flood event.

The site is defended and only considered to be at a residual risk of flooding as a result of a potential breach or overtopping of the flood defences. The works would be unlikely to require mitigation from residual flood risk in the event of a breach or overtopping of the defences, but this would need to be considered as a project risk. Relevant planning polices to consider include:

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Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Shortlist Site Assessment (Stage 3) Thames Water Utilities Ltd

November 2015 3

Site: SS255 Land to the North of Beaumont Avenue

Size m2: 2,335

Key to Assessment Grades: Grade / Possible Use

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome, but will be very challenging.

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome.

Criterion has no implications for site.

Use not applicable to site 1. Drive Shaft (minimum site area 3,000 - 3,500m2 )

2. Interception / Reception Shaft (minimum site area 1,500m2 )

3. Pumping Station 4. Overflow Site 5. Site Compound

Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria Description of Site Characteristics Assessment Against Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 London Plan (2015) Policy 5.12 Flood Risk Management and Hammersmith and Fulham LDF Core Strategy DPD (2011) Borough Wide Strategic Policy CC2 Water Flooding.

Heritage • Archaeology priority areas • Scheduled Ancient Monuments • Historic Parks and Gardens • Conservation Areas • Listed Buildings

No designation on site. Barons Court Conservation Area is immediately adjacent to the north, south and west of the site.

No designations on site. At this stage, no heritage implications have been identified, although there is a Conservation Area located adjacent to the site.

Landscape • Assessment of potential for Landscape, townscape, visual designations.

• Assessment of potential for impacts on other landscape/open space designations

• Assessment of potential for impacts on informal/undesignated open space

No landscape designation on site. No open space designation on site.

No designations on site. At this stage, no landscape implications have been identified.

Environment summary & recommendations

The site is located in close proximity to residential dwellings and is within EA Flood Risk Zone 3. However, no ecology, heritage or landscape designations have been identified on the site. Further consideration must be given to any potential impacts on the amenity of the surrounding residential areas to determine appropriate mitigation.


Distance from centre of site to receptor

Type of receptor Nearest noise sensitive receptor is “Residential” located approximately 27m from the centre of the site. For consistency, the closest receptor has been noted at this stage of site selection. Numbers of other surrounding receptors and their distances to the site will be considered in more detail at the next stage of site selection.

Assessed as “Amber” because it is in the middle third of sites in terms of distance to the nearest noise sensitive receptor. Conclusions in terms of whether mitigation can be achieved or if there are noise implications at the site can only be established following more detailed assessment of a number of factors specific to each location. This includes the type and number of sensitive receptors, distance, existing noise climate, height of receptor relative to noise source(s) and noise level likely to be produced by each site. Relevant planning policies to consider include: London Plan (2015) Policy 7.15; and Hammersmith and Fulham Development Management Local Plan Policy DMH9 Noise.

Height of Receptor Type of receptor The “Residential” receptor is 5 storeys in height. Recorded for information at this stage. The higher the receptor (relative to source), the less beneficial standard site perimeter hoarding will be in terms of breaking the line of sight between source(s) and receiver(s).


Noise summary & recommendations The site is in the middle third of shortlisted sites in terms of distance to the nearest noise sensitive receptor. The

Page 131: Thames Water · Counters Creek Strategic Storm Relief Sewer/ Part 2 Further Longlist and Shortlist Site Assessment Report: November 2015 Document Number: C680-TW-00537-RP COUNTERS

Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Shortlist Site Assessment (Stage 3) Thames Water Utilities Ltd

November 2015 4

Site: SS255 Land to the North of Beaumont Avenue

Size m2: 2,335

Key to Assessment Grades: Grade / Possible Use

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome, but will be very challenging.

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome.

Criterion has no implications for site.

Use not applicable to site 1. Drive Shaft (minimum site area 3,000 - 3,500m2 )

2. Interception / Reception Shaft (minimum site area 1,500m2 )

3. Pumping Station 4. Overflow Site 5. Site Compound

Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria Description of Site Characteristics Assessment Against Criteria 1 2 3 4 5

proximity of the site to residential receptors (the nearest being 5 storeys in height) means that noise attenuation measures are likely to be needed to be incorporated into the proposals to reduce the impact on the surrounding land uses.


Common Land • Nature of common land site • Size of common land site • Area required during construction • Area required during operation • Potential for use

Site is not designated as Common Land. -

Community & Amenity • Impact upon formal or informal community facilities • Neighbouring land uses and amenity considerations • Allotment land • Residential gardens / restricted open space

Summary of neighbouring land uses - To the east of the site is the Lillie Bridge Depot and Ashfield House – Learning & Development Recruitment Centre for London Underground. To the south east of the site is a warehouse / factory and associated hard standing areas occupied by Rootstein Display Mannequins. To the south are residential uses along Beaumont Avenue at Kensington Hall Gardens. To the west of the site is a row retail units with residential uses above which front onto both North End Road (B317), which is classed as a Borough Distributor Road, and Beaumont Avenue. To the north of the site is the West Kensington Underground Station and the railway line which serves the station (Circle, District and Hammersmith & City). Beyond the railway line to the north is West Cromwell Road, which is designated as a Strategic Route. Residential properties/gardens – The residential uses to the south are approximately 13-16m away and those above the retail units to the west are between approximately 0-7m away. The closest of these properties, which directly adjoins the south-west corner of the site, shares a side elevation with the site and has no windows overlooking the site. To the north of this property the other 1st floor residences are set-back from the site at approximately 3-7m. It is unclear whether they have windows overlooking the site or not.

Due to the proximity of the residential properties, particularly along the western boundary to the site, the use of this site as a construction site would likely cause residential amenity impact concerns. These concerns are mitigated slightly by the fact that the property immediately adjoining the site to the west does not have any windows overlooking the site. The use of the site as a compound could cause temporary amenity issues, but would cause less of an impact compared to using the site to construct an interception / reception shaft. Any impact from the site’s use needs to be considered in the context of the site’s current use as operational London Underground land.

Employment Are there potential impacts on local employment opportunities? The site consists of land owned and operated by London Underground Limited. The site is of strategic importance in this regard and any loss would be viewed by TfL as very problematic and would therefore not be supported.

The use of the site as a construction site or site compound would temporarily conflict with the current use of the site as operational London Underground land. During the operational phase, some land would be required for permanent infrastructure if the site is used as an interception site, however this could be integrated into the existing site to minimise the loss of

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Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Shortlist Site Assessment (Stage 3) Thames Water Utilities Ltd

November 2015 5

Site: SS255 Land to the North of Beaumont Avenue

Size m2: 2,335

Key to Assessment Grades: Grade / Possible Use

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome, but will be very challenging.

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome.

Criterion has no implications for site.

Use not applicable to site 1. Drive Shaft (minimum site area 3,000 - 3,500m2 )

2. Interception / Reception Shaft (minimum site area 1,500m2 )

3. Pumping Station 4. Overflow Site 5. Site Compound

Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria Description of Site Characteristics Assessment Against Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 operational land. General – a construction workforce will be required which could result in job opportunities for the local workforce.

London Plan / Borough Policy Allocation or Special Policy Area

Assessment of compliance or conflict with specific land use allocations or planning objectives

London Plan (2015): The site is within the Earls Court & West Kensington Opportunity Area, which is identified as having an Indicative Employment Capacity of 9,500 jobs and a target of a minimum 7,500 new homes. Policy 2.13 outlines that development proposals within opportunity areas and intensification areas should seek to optimise residential and non-residential output and densities, provide necessary social and other infrastructure to sustain growth, and, where appropriate, contain a mix of uses. The site is also subject to Policy 2.14 Areas for Regeneration. Policy 4.4 adopts a rigorous approach to industrial land management to ensure a sufficient stock of land. Policy 4.12 requires strategic development proposals to support local employment, skills development and training opportunities. Hammersmith and Fulham LDF Core Strategy DPD (2011). The site lies within the Fulham Regeneration Area (including the Earls Court and West Kensington Opportunity Area) and is a housing regeneration area - LBHF Core Strategy Policy FRA and FRA1, which designates the area for mixed-use residential led regeneration project phased over 20 years. Policy LE1 supports the change of use of premises providing local services or significant employment if their new use supports essential public services. Hammersmith and Fulham Development Management Local Plan (2013) Policy DM B1 outlines LBHF’s approach to the loss or replacement of employment sites. Policy DM G7 requires development to preserve the setting of heritage assets. Policy - DM H9 states that noise-generating development will not be permitted, if it would be liable to materially increase the noise experienced by occupants of sensitive uses in the vicinity. Policy DM J6 protects Strategic Routes and Borough Distributor Roads from developments that would prejudice the effectiveness of these roads. The site is subject to the LBHF Earl’s Court and West Kensington Joint Supplementary Planning Document

The use of this site as a construction site or site compound would temporarily conflict with the current use of the site as an employment site. In the long-term some land would be required for the permanent infrastructure if the site is used as an interception site, however this could be integrated into the existing site to minimise the loss of operational land and job opportunities. Any loss of operational industrial land would conflict with planning policies to protect employment sites, but this would be justified by Policy LE1, which supports changes of use that support essential public services. Use of this site as a construction site would conflict with the land uses (residential and commercial) identified in the regeneration policy. However, the site is subject to redevelopment proposals and therefore it is possible that the permanent above ground infrastructure could be integrated into any future development. If this could be achieved, there would be limited conflict with the regeneration policy for the site. The implications of any additional traffic from construction on Strategic Routes and Borough Distributor Roads must be considered. The implications of any additional noise generated by the development would also need to be assessed.

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Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Shortlist Site Assessment (Stage 3) Thames Water Utilities Ltd

November 2015 6

Site: SS255 Land to the North of Beaumont Avenue

Size m2: 2,335

Key to Assessment Grades: Grade / Possible Use

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome, but will be very challenging.

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome.

Criterion has no implications for site.

Use not applicable to site 1. Drive Shaft (minimum site area 3,000 - 3,500m2 )

2. Interception / Reception Shaft (minimum site area 1,500m2 )

3. Pumping Station 4. Overflow Site 5. Site Compound

Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria Description of Site Characteristics Assessment Against Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 (adopted in March 2012).

Metropolitan Open Land / Green Belt

Assessment against Green Belt and Metropolitan Open Land The site is not designated as Green Belt or Metropolitan Open Land.


Open Space Assessment against Open Space policy The site is not designated as Open Space -

Planning Applications / Permissions

• Application expected • Awaiting determination • Unimplemented

Outline permission (Reference 2011/02001/OUT) granted in Nov 2013 for the comprehensive redevelopment of the site and wider area (including Earls Court 2 Exhibition Centre, Lillie Bridge Depot, West Kensington and Gibbs Green housing estate). The proposals are for mixed-use development comprising residential, hotel, leisure facilities, retail, school, community and cultural facilities, open space, new vehicular and pedestrian access. Subsequently the approval of reserved matters was granted planning permission in April 2014 (Reference: 2013/05200/RES). According to the outline planning permission it appears that the site is located in Plot WK01, proposed for mixed use development with a principal residential land use and retail use at ground level and commercial and/or hotel uses at ground and upper levels (to be delivered in year 9-15).

The existing planning consents for this site could restrict the site being used as an interception / reception shaft or as a site compound. Timing would be the key restriction, i.e fitting in with the development phasing plan for the site. From the outline planning permission phasing plan it appears that the site is proposed for residential development in Phase 5 (to be delivered in year 9-15). Discussions with the landowner / developer have indicated that there is little or no opportunity to integrate the use of the site as a construction site with the regeneration proposals.

Public Access & Recreation

• Impacts on informal / undesignated open space • Impacts on navigation and recreational water use • Impacts on recreational sites and assets • Impact upon leisure or sports facilities • Impact upon tourism • Permissive rights of access • Public Rights of Way

Site is fenced on all sides and there do not appear to be any designated or permissive public footpaths across the site.


Planning summary & recommendations

Site is allocated for employment uses and forms part of the Earls Court Regeneration Area. Use of the site would conflict with these uses but could be overcome.


Access and Material Transfer Rights

- Part of the Earls Court Complex and Lille Bridge Depot (LuL)

Access – Good with large vehicle access for the premises off Beaumont Avenue. The site forms part of LuL’s operational portfolio. Site would be large enough for a reception and interception site, though would require building demolition, which would be unlikely due to sites operational status. Connection works required in North End Road would

Page 134: Thames Water · Counters Creek Strategic Storm Relief Sewer/ Part 2 Further Longlist and Shortlist Site Assessment Report: November 2015 Document Number: C680-TW-00537-RP COUNTERS

Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Shortlist Site Assessment (Stage 3) Thames Water Utilities Ltd

November 2015 7

Site: SS255 Land to the North of Beaumont Avenue

Size m2: 2,335

Key to Assessment Grades: Grade / Possible Use

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome, but will be very challenging.

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome.

Criterion has no implications for site.

Use not applicable to site 1. Drive Shaft (minimum site area 3,000 - 3,500m2 )

2. Interception / Reception Shaft (minimum site area 1,500m2 )

3. Pumping Station 4. Overflow Site 5. Site Compound

Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria Description of Site Characteristics Assessment Against Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 also be complicated.

Common Land • Ownership status • Potential for acquisition or rights to develop • Operational access / status


Crown Land and Special Land

- Land owned by LUL and subject to s13 protection.

Estimated Acquisition Cost

- N/A

Ownership of Site Is the site owned by TWUL / in single 3rd Party ownership / multiple 3rd Party ownerships?

Land is owned by LuL (a TFL group company)

Property summary & recommendations

The land has been confirmed as part of LuL’s operational portfolio and its use for the scheme would not be supported.


Connection to Rail Network During Construction

Connection to railway siding and suitability of interconnecting access route

Site is adjacent to the rail line, and close to Earls Court Rail Station. There is however no current clear direct access as the site is below the rail line.

No current access route to rail.

Water Freight Practicability During Construction

Location of wharf and suitability of interconnecting access route to wharf

The site is not in close proximity to the river. Not very close to the river.

Suitability of Road / Interconnecting Road Access During Construction

• Road layout, width and junction geometry suitability for Heavy Goods Vehicles

The site is located in a largely residential area. There are also a number of light industrial uses in the close vicinity, including the site itself. Beaumont Avenue has pay and display on both sides of the road along its length. It connects to North End Road (B317) which is a shopping street, with three traffic lanes and is wide enough to accommodate HGVs. This road connects with the A4 West Cromwell Road, which is a 6 lane distributer road, appropriate for HGVs.

The road network in most places is suitable for HGVs. Close to the site, Beaumont Avenue has parking on both sites, which may make it difficult for the largest vehicles to navigate.

Sensitivity of Access Route During Construction

Residential streets, shopping streets, tourist areas, schools, play areas, hospitals, bus routes

Access to the site is through residential and shopping area.

Whilst access through residential areas is sensitive, only a small part of the construction access route would be through a residential area.

Operational Transport and Access Requirements

- - Safety likely to be a minor issue due to the use of the surrounding area.


Transport summary & recommendations

The site is not located with clear access to the river or to a rail line. The road layout in the surrounding area is suitable for HGVs (with some management) and is close to the A4 to the north. The sites proximity to residential and shopping areas would mean that appropriate mitigation and management will need to be incorporated in order to address any impact on the surrounding uses. However, only a small

Page 135: Thames Water · Counters Creek Strategic Storm Relief Sewer/ Part 2 Further Longlist and Shortlist Site Assessment Report: November 2015 Document Number: C680-TW-00537-RP COUNTERS

Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Shortlist Site Assessment (Stage 3) Thames Water Utilities Ltd

November 2015 8

Site: SS255 Land to the North of Beaumont Avenue

Size m2: 2,335

Key to Assessment Grades: Grade / Possible Use

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome, but will be very challenging.

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome.

Criterion has no implications for site.

Use not applicable to site 1. Drive Shaft (minimum site area 3,000 - 3,500m2 )

2. Interception / Reception Shaft (minimum site area 1,500m2 )

3. Pumping Station 4. Overflow Site 5. Site Compound

Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria Description of Site Characteristics Assessment Against Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 part of the construction access route would be through a residential area.

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Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Shortlist Site Assessment (Stage 3) Thames Water Utilities Ltd

November 2015 1

Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment Stage 3 Shortlist Assessment

Site: SS257 Ealing, Hammersmith and West London College, Gliddon Road

Size m2: 25, 618

Key to Assessment Grades: Grade / Possible Use

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome, but will be very challenging.

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome.

Criterion has no implications for site.

Use not applicable to site 1. Drive Shaft (minimum site area 3,000 - 3,500m2 )

2. Interception / Reception Shaft (minimum site area 1,500m2 )

3. Pumping Station 4. Overflow Site 5. Site Compound

Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria Description of Site Characteristics Assessment Against Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 ENGINEERING

Clean Water / Waste Water Assets

Are important clean water or other water resources and assets affected?

No known water assets within site area shown. No issues.

Connection Feasibility • Distance from sewer interception • Infrastructure / structures between sewer and shaft

Site is >400m from interception of sewer in North End Road, and Site is >150m from Brook Green Sewer. Site would require significant open cut and/ or pipe jack shafts to provide connection between. Tunnel alignment restricted due to piled foundations.

Interception point> 400m from site requiring a number of additional compounds or a significant length of open cut.

Means of Access • Availability of rail connection/practicability of accessing rail connection

• Suitability of road links to site and river • Ability for site to handle AILs • Jetty / wharfage facilities available • Jetty / wharfage facilities can be created • Availability of any other means of access • Worker transport considerations

Good Road access via Talgarth Road/ A4. Restricted access back onto Talgarth Road, site traffic would have to exit to the North and Hammersmith Road (A315). No rail or river access. Nearest train station for worker access is Barons Court.

Good road access.

Odour Control Assessment of potential operational odour generation and costs of mitigation

Odour control is likely but site specific requirements require further investigation.

It is expected that odour control can be carried out adequately on this site. Therefore it is deemed "Acceptable".

Site Efficiency • Ability to accommodate all requirements on one site and if not describe how facilities can be achieved via a combination of sites.

• Assessment of potential for effects from development upon existing site or adjacent services e.g. power supply/communications/other

Site area depicted is much larger than required and would require demolition of existing structures. Site actually suggested required for engineering purposes is to east and approximately 1500m2 for interception/ reception shaft. No issues with efficiency.

No issues.

Site Features • Above and below ground conditions (including 3rd party services, assets and infrastructure)

• Geology • Site levels • Other considerations

Site is currently college, with existing buildings which would require demolition for construction of shaft to commence. Available area of green space to east of existing structures provides sufficient space and requires only removal of a fence, with no demolition.

Suggested use only green space to east of buildings.

Site Geometry Does the site geometry lend itself for use intended? No issues No issues

Site Size What is the site suitable for – drive shaft, intermediate or reception shaft, pump station, outfall or other e.g. welfare office

Site size is sufficient for all uses should buildings be demolished. Without demolition site is only suitable as compound.

Sufficient for all uses.

Tunnelling, Construction and System Engineering

Ability to be compatible with likely system and tunnelling requirements in the vicinity of the site

Restricted tunnel alignment to site due to piled foundations.

Restricted alignment.

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Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Shortlist Site Assessment (Stage 3) Thames Water Utilities Ltd

November 2015 2

Site: SS257 Ealing, Hammersmith and West London College, Gliddon Road

Size m2: 25, 618

Key to Assessment Grades: Grade / Possible Use

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome, but will be very challenging.

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome.

Criterion has no implications for site.

Use not applicable to site 1. Drive Shaft (minimum site area 3,000 - 3,500m2 )

2. Interception / Reception Shaft (minimum site area 1,500m2 )

3. Pumping Station 4. Overflow Site 5. Site Compound

Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria Description of Site Characteristics Assessment Against Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 Requirements

Engineering summary & recommendations

Site shown is much larger than area required. Therefore it is recommended site is located within green area to east of the site. If current area shown is used this would require demolition of existing buildings before works could commence. Site is >400m from interception point for North End Road Sewer, interception would therefore require additional work (significant open cut and/ or intermediate pipe jack shafts are required to make the connections) and site areas (minimum of 4 sites) between the drop shaft for the main tunnel and the interception point causing significant local impact. The tunnel alignment would also be restricted due to piled foundations.


Community & Amenity • Sensitivity to dust, odour and other construction effects • Visual impact during construction upon amenity • Visual impact during operation upon amenity

The site contains the majority of the Ealing, Hammersmith and West London College. There are residential receptors surrounding the majority of the site with the A4 Talgarth Road bordering the south of the site.

The close proximity to residential dwellings means there is the potential for adverse amenity impacts from construction dust and noise, construction related traffic and odour relating to the operational phase. There is the potential for adverse visual impacts on the surrounding residential properties given their proximity, particularly during construction. Relevant planning policies to consider include: Hammersmith and Fulham Development Management Local Plan (2013) Policy DM H8 Air Quality and Policy DMH9 Noise.

Ecology Nature conservation / reserve designations No designation on site. The Hammersmith Cemetery Nature Conservation Area (of Grade II Borough-wide importance) is located to the south of the site, but it is some distance from the site and on the opposite side of Talgarth Road.

No designations on site. At this stage, no ecology implications have been identified.

Flood Risk Assessment of fluvial / tidal / surface water flood risk The majority of the site is located within EA Flood Risk Zone 2 (medium risk of flooding). However, these flood zones do not take account of flood defences and, therefore, represent a theoretical maximum extent of tidal flooding. The River Thames flood defences protect the tidal Thames up to the 1000 year flood event.

The site is defended and only considered to be at a residual risk of flooding as a result of a potential breach or overtopping of the flood defences. The works would be unlikely to require mitigation from residual flood risk in the event of a breach or overtopping of the defences, but this would need to be considered as a project risk. Relevant planning polices to consider include: London Plan (2015) Policy 5.12 Flood Risk Management and Hammersmith and Fulham LDF Core Strategy DPD (2011) Borough Wide Strategic Policy CC2 Water Flooding.

Heritage • Archaeology priority areas • Scheduled Ancient Monuments • Historic Parks and Gardens • Conservation Areas

No designation on site. Gunter Estate Conservation Area is located nearby to the east of the site. Barons Court Conservation Area is located nearby to the south of the site. There are also two Grade II listed buildings located to the south of the

No designations on site. At this stage, no heritage implications have been identified, although there are Conservation Areas and listed buildings located nearby to the site.

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Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Shortlist Site Assessment (Stage 3) Thames Water Utilities Ltd

November 2015 3

Site: SS257 Ealing, Hammersmith and West London College, Gliddon Road

Size m2: 25, 618

Key to Assessment Grades: Grade / Possible Use

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome, but will be very challenging.

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome.

Criterion has no implications for site.

Use not applicable to site 1. Drive Shaft (minimum site area 3,000 - 3,500m2 )

2. Interception / Reception Shaft (minimum site area 1,500m2 )

3. Pumping Station 4. Overflow Site 5. Site Compound

Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria Description of Site Characteristics Assessment Against Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 • Listed Buildings site on the opposite side of Talgarth Road: 135-149

Talgarth Road and Barons Court Underground Station.

Landscape • Assessment of potential for Landscape, townscape, visual designations.

• Assessment of potential for impacts on other landscape/open space designations

• Assessment of potential for impacts on informal/undesignated open space

No landscape designation on site. No open space designation on site, although there are areas of undesignated open space present on site.

No designations on site. At this stage, no landscape implications have been identified. Potential impacts on any undesignated open space would be investigated at the next stage of site selection.

Environment summary & recommendations

The site is located in very close proximity to residential dwellings and is within EA Flood Risk Zone 2. However, no ecology, heritage or landscape designations have been identified on the site. Further consideration must be given to any potential impacts on the amenity of the surrounding residential areas to determine appropriate mitigation.


Distance from centre of site to receptor

Type of receptor Nearest noise sensitive receptor is “Education” located approximately 39m from the centre of the site. For consistency, the closest receptor has been noted at this stage of site selection. Numbers of other surrounding receptors and their distances to the site will be considered in more detail at the next stage of site selection.

Assessed as “Green” because it is in the furthest third of sites in terms of distance to the nearest noise sensitive receptor. Conclusions in terms of whether mitigation can be achieved or if there are noise implications at the site can only be established following more detailed assessment of a number of factors specific to each location. This includes the type and number of sensitive receptors, distance, existing noise climate, height of receptor relative to noise source(s) and noise level likely to be produced by each site. Relevant planning policies to consider include: London Plan (2015) Policy 7.15; and Hammersmith and Fulham Development Management Local Plan Policy DMH9 Noise.

Height of Receptor Type of receptor The “Education” receptor is 5 storeys in height. Recorded for information at this stage. The higher the receptor (relative to source), the less beneficial standard site perimeter hoarding will be in terms of breaking the line of sight between source(s) and receiver(s).


Noise summary & recommendations

The site is in the furthest third of shortlisted sites in terms of distance to the nearest noise sensitive receptor. The proximity of the site to an education receptor (the nearest being 5 storeys in height) and residential receptors means that noise attenuation measures are likely to be needed to be incorporated into the proposals to reduce the impact on the surrounding land uses.


Common Land • Nature of common land site • Size of common land site • Area required during construction

This site is not designated as Common Land. N/A

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Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Shortlist Site Assessment (Stage 3) Thames Water Utilities Ltd

November 2015 4

Site: SS257 Ealing, Hammersmith and West London College, Gliddon Road

Size m2: 25, 618

Key to Assessment Grades: Grade / Possible Use

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome, but will be very challenging.

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome.

Criterion has no implications for site.

Use not applicable to site 1. Drive Shaft (minimum site area 3,000 - 3,500m2 )

2. Interception / Reception Shaft (minimum site area 1,500m2 )

3. Pumping Station 4. Overflow Site 5. Site Compound

Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria Description of Site Characteristics Assessment Against Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 • Area required during operation • Potential for use

Community & Amenity • Impact upon formal or informal community facilities • Neighbouring land uses and amenity considerations • Allotment land • Residential gardens / restricted open space

Summary of neighbouring uses - The site is located within a predominantly residential area. It is bordered to the east by Gliddon Road and to the west by Colet Gardens. A nursery school is located immediately to the north east of the site on the corner of Lily Close. The A4 Talgarth Road is located immediately to the south of the site. Community – the site is an educational facility. Project site selection criteria reject such sites from further consideration. However, it is understood that there is the possibility that land may be earmarked for release; this issue is being investigated. Residential – Terraced properties line the opposite sides of Gliddon Road to the east and Colet Gardens to the west and blocks of low -rise flats adjoin the site to the north at Lily Close.

Due to the proximity of the residential properties within 10m of the site boundary on the opposing sides of Gliddon Road and Colet Gardens as well as the residential properties to the north along Lily Close, the use of this site as an interception / reception site or drive site could cause residential amenity impact concerns. The site would be in conflict with selection methodology criteria due to educational status. To be rejected if land is not being released from education status.

Employment Are there potential impacts on local employment opportunities? The site is comprised of the Hammersmith Campus of the Ealing, Hammersmith and West London College.

The use of this site as a construction site or site compound would temporarily conflict with the current use of the site as the Hammersmith Campus for the Ealing, Hammersmith and West London College and may result in the loss of employment opportunities. During the operational phase, some land would be required for the permanent infrastructure if the site is used as an interception site / tunnel drive site, however this could be integrated into the existing site to minimise the loss of operational land and job opportunities. General – a construction workforce will be required which could result in job opportunities for the local workforce. Relevant planning policies to consider include: London Plan (2015) Policy 4.1 Developing London’s Economy LBHF Policy Documents: Hammersmith and Fulham LDF Core Strategy DPD (2011) Borough Wide Strategic Policy LE1 Local Economy and Employment. Hammersmith and Fulham Development Management Local Plan (2013) Policy DM B3 Local employment, training and skills development initiatives.

London Plan / Borough Policy Allocation or

Assessment of compliance or conflict with specific land use London Plan Policies The use of this site, during both the construction and operational phases, would have to consider Policy

Page 140: Thames Water · Counters Creek Strategic Storm Relief Sewer/ Part 2 Further Longlist and Shortlist Site Assessment Report: November 2015 Document Number: C680-TW-00537-RP COUNTERS

Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Shortlist Site Assessment (Stage 3) Thames Water Utilities Ltd

November 2015 5

Site: SS257 Ealing, Hammersmith and West London College, Gliddon Road

Size m2: 25, 618

Key to Assessment Grades: Grade / Possible Use

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome, but will be very challenging.

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome.

Criterion has no implications for site.

Use not applicable to site 1. Drive Shaft (minimum site area 3,000 - 3,500m2 )

2. Interception / Reception Shaft (minimum site area 1,500m2 )

3. Pumping Station 4. Overflow Site 5. Site Compound

Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria Description of Site Characteristics Assessment Against Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 Special Policy Area allocations or planning objectives Policy 6.3 ensures the impacts of development on

traffic capacity and the transport network, at both corridor and local level, are fully assessed. LBHF Policy Documents The site lies immediately to the north of a Strategic Route and is therefore subject to Policy DMJ6, which aims to restrict development that could prejudice the effectiveness of the strategic road network.

DMJ6 in terms of impact on the local road network. The development of any of the uses would cause disruption to local traffic and would therefore conflict with development management Local Plan Policy DM J6. During the operational phase, some land would be required for the permanent infrastructure if the site is used as an interception / reception shaft or a drive shaft. Maintenance access will be required, which could cause intermittent traffic disruption.

Metropolitan Open Land / Green Belt

Assessment against Green Belt and Metropolitan Open Land N/A -

Open Space Assessment against Open Space policy The site is not designated as open space. -

Planning Applications / Permissions

• Application expected • Awaiting determination • Unimplemented

Ealing, Hammersmith and West London College, Gliddon Road No relevant planning applications that relate to the proposed site have been identified on the LBHF online planning application database. Baron’s Keep Building, Gliddon Road Planning application (Reference: 2012/03039/FUL) was registered in 2012 for the construction of an additional floor at roof level to the existing Baron’s Keep building to create 18 new flats with terraces. The proposals also provide 19 car parking spaces. The planning application has since been withdrawn. Planning application 2004/02444/FUL was granted planning permission in December 2005 and also relates to Barons Keep. The proposals consist of the construction of 11 additional flats on the roof of the existing building. Subsequent applications have been discharged conditions and for a minor-material amendment in 2014. July 2013 – ccommencement of material operations of planning permission ref. 2004/02444/FUL granted on 12 December 2005, before the expiry date of the planning permission (five years from the date of the permission).

Baron’s Keep Building, Gliddon Road is located opposite the Ealing, Hammersmith and West London College. Development of Baron’s Keep Building either under the extant permission or any new application that comes forward is unlikely to conflict with the use of the Ealing, Hammersmith and West London College as a construction site although the timings and logistics of construction works would have to be carefully considered if they coincided.

Public Access & Recreation

• Impacts on informal / undesignated open space • Impacts on navigation and recreational water use • Impacts on recreational sites and assets • Impact upon leisure or sports facilities • Impact upon tourism • Permissive rights of access

The site is currently used as the Hammersmith Campus of the Ealing, Hammersmith and West London College. It contains a number of buildings associated with the college including IT facilities and a sports and fitness centre. The site is also comprised of car parking spaces and areas of open space associated with the college campus.

Temporary loss of use for all or part of the site during the construction phase would conflict with the existing use of the site which includes the provision of sports facilities. Permanent loss of an area of the college grounds might be required to accommodate the above ground infrastructure. Alternative temporary provisions, i.e. alternative open space, would be difficult to provide, however mitigation and

Page 141: Thames Water · Counters Creek Strategic Storm Relief Sewer/ Part 2 Further Longlist and Shortlist Site Assessment Report: November 2015 Document Number: C680-TW-00537-RP COUNTERS

Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Shortlist Site Assessment (Stage 3) Thames Water Utilities Ltd

November 2015 6

Site: SS257 Ealing, Hammersmith and West London College, Gliddon Road

Size m2: 25, 618

Key to Assessment Grades: Grade / Possible Use

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome, but will be very challenging.

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome.

Criterion has no implications for site.

Use not applicable to site 1. Drive Shaft (minimum site area 3,000 - 3,500m2 )

2. Interception / Reception Shaft (minimum site area 1,500m2 )

3. Pumping Station 4. Overflow Site 5. Site Compound

Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria Description of Site Characteristics Assessment Against Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 • Public Rights of Way compensation during construction may be required.

Planning summary & recommendations

Site generally suitable subject to mitigation for impacts on community, and amenity interests and the employment use of the site / surrounding campus.


Access and Material Transfer Rights

- Land forming part of West London College, Gliddon Road, Hammersmith.

Access – good of Gliddon Road. Open space close to College buildings – proposed construction works likely to conflict with college activities. Area surrounding, predominantly residential. Use of wider site may require buildings to be demolished. A number of trees are located on site. Connection works in North End Road, would require use of another site.

Common Land • Ownership status • Potential for acquisition or rights to develop • Operational access / status


Crown Land and Special Land

- Strip on along the Southern Boundary is owned by TFL (A4 – Red Route) area could be avoided.


Estimated Acquisition Cost

- Permanent rights –High/Very High Temporary rights – High/Very High

Criteria will need to be determined based on anticipated site use. Large sized site with area of suggested works TBC.

Ownership of Site Is the site owned by TWUL / in single 3rd Party ownership / multiple 3rd Party ownerships?

Land is owned by Hammersmith & West London College. Strip on southern boundary has been identified owned by TFL (part of the A4)

Property summary & recommendations

Access to the area will be required of Gliddon Road. The site is in close proximity to College buildings some of which may need to be removed for works outside of the open areas. If significant excavation works were required, then monitoring of the adjoining structures would be necessary during construction, with mitigation measures introduced where necessary. Building would need to be demolished to facilitate drive site, reception and interception works. Connection works at north End Road will need additional sites with any works within the highway requiring traffic management. Some permanent rights will be required for any retained above ground infrastructure and future operational access, if located on private land. The college is currently progressing the redevelopment of the site for a new college campus. Discussions with the landowner have indicated a willingness to work in partnership. However, use of the site would sterilise part of an area where residential development aspirations have been suggested. Subsequently, potential cost implications make this site unviable.


Connection to Rail Network During Construction

Connection to railway siding and suitability of interconnecting access route

Site is physically close to a rail line, but access is across the A4 which is a busy dual carriageway.

No clear access route to rail.

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Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Shortlist Site Assessment (Stage 3) Thames Water Utilities Ltd

November 2015 7

Site: SS257 Ealing, Hammersmith and West London College, Gliddon Road

Size m2: 25, 618

Key to Assessment Grades: Grade / Possible Use

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome, but will be very challenging.

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome.

Criterion has no implications for site.

Use not applicable to site 1. Drive Shaft (minimum site area 3,000 - 3,500m2 )

2. Interception / Reception Shaft (minimum site area 1,500m2 )

3. Pumping Station 4. Overflow Site 5. Site Compound

Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria Description of Site Characteristics Assessment Against Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 Water Freight Practicability During Construction

Location of wharf and suitability of interconnecting access route to wharf

The site is not in close proximity to the river. No clear access to the river.

Suitability of Road / Interconnecting Road Access During Construction

• Road layout, width and junction geometry suitability for Heavy Goods Vehicles

The site is located away from Giddon Road, a wide two lane road with parking on either side. The site is located in a largely residential area, with a number of retail uses in the close vicinity. The closest main road is the A4 Talgarth Road accessed by way of a signalised junction. This 6 lane road is suitable for HGVs.

This site is accessible for HGVs, with the road layout in the surrounding area suitable for HGVs. However, access to the site will need to be carefully managed given the proximity of the A4 to the site entrance.

Sensitivity of Access Route During Construction

Residential streets, shopping streets, tourist areas, schools, play areas, hospitals, bus routes

The site is located in a residential area. The construction access route is sensitive as it is off a heavily trafficked junction and also through a residential area.

Operational Transport and Access Requirements

- - Safety likely to be an issue due to the character of the surrounding area and proximity of A4.


Transport summary & recommendations

The site is not located with clear access to the river or to a rail line. The road layout in the surrounding area is suitable for HGVs (with some management) and is close to the A4. However, the construction access route is through a residential / retail area and the A4 is in close proximity to the site entrance. Therefore, appropriate mitigation and management will need to be incorporated in order to address any impact on the surrounding uses.

Page 143: Thames Water · Counters Creek Strategic Storm Relief Sewer/ Part 2 Further Longlist and Shortlist Site Assessment Report: November 2015 Document Number: C680-TW-00537-RP COUNTERS

Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Shortlist Site Assessment (Stage 3) Thames Water Utilities Ltd

November 2015 1

Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment Stage 3 Shortlist Assessment

Site: SS258 Ada Lewis House, 2 Palliser Road

Size m2: 1, 308

Key to Assessment Grades: Grade / Possible Use

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome, but will be very challenging.

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome.

Criterion has no implications for site.

Use not applicable to site 1. Drive Shaft (minimum site area 3,000 - 3,500m2 )

2. Interception / Reception Shaft (minimum site area 1,500m2 )

3. Pumping Station 4. Overflow Site 5. Site Compound

Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria Description of Site Characteristics Assessment Against Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 ENGINEERING

Clean Water / Waste Water Assets

Are important clean water or other water resources and assets affected?

No known water assets run through site. No known issues.

Connection Feasibility • Distance from sewer interception • Infrastructure / structures between sewer and shaft

Site is > 400m from North End Road Sewer interception point and >200m from Brook Green Sewer.

Site would require significant additional works to intercept North End Road Sewer and Brook Green Sewer.

Means of Access • Availability of rail connection/practicability of accessing rail connection

• Suitability of road links to site and river • Ability for site to handle AILs • Jetty / wharfage facilities available • Jetty / wharfage facilities can be created • Availability of any other means of access • Worker transport considerations

Restricted road access locally via residential roads. No Rail or river access. Nearest train station for worker access is Barons Court station.

Restricted road access only.

Odour Control Assessment of potential operational odour generation and costs of mitigation

Odour control is likely but site specific requirements require further investigation.

It is expected that odour control can be carried out adequately on this site. Therefore it is deemed "Acceptable".

Site Efficiency • Ability to accommodate all requirements on one site and if not describe how facilities can be achieved via a combination of sites.

• Assessment of potential for effects from development upon existing site or adjacent services e.g. power supply/communications/other

Site would require significant demolition of existing structure on site before works for shaft construction are able to begin.

Demolition required on site.

Site Features • Above and below ground conditions (including 3rd party services, assets and infrastructure)

• Geology • Site levels • Other considerations

Existing building takes up whole site currently and would require demolition for this site to be deemed viable. However, permission for current redevelopment sees land being brought back into residential use with various units constructed on site, which would require some form of build over and risk limiting or preventing use of site. Site is located within residential area. Requirement for future operational access for cranes and plant will likely to preclude redevelopment with a property in keeping with the surrounding area.

Demolition required for site to be viable. However, current consent for rebuild could prevent use.

Site Geometry Does the site geometry lend itself for use intended? No issues should building be demolished. No issues.

Site Size What is the site suitable for – drive shaft, intermediate or reception shaft, pump station, outfall or other e.g. welfare office

Site is too small for main tunnel drive site, site is sufficient size for interception/ reception site.

Too small for drive site, sufficient for other uses if buildings on site are demolished.

Page 144: Thames Water · Counters Creek Strategic Storm Relief Sewer/ Part 2 Further Longlist and Shortlist Site Assessment Report: November 2015 Document Number: C680-TW-00537-RP COUNTERS

Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Shortlist Site Assessment (Stage 3) Thames Water Utilities Ltd

November 2015 2

Site: SS258 Ada Lewis House, 2 Palliser Road

Size m2: 1, 308

Key to Assessment Grades: Grade / Possible Use

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome, but will be very challenging.

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome.

Criterion has no implications for site.

Use not applicable to site 1. Drive Shaft (minimum site area 3,000 - 3,500m2 )

2. Interception / Reception Shaft (minimum site area 1,500m2 )

3. Pumping Station 4. Overflow Site 5. Site Compound

Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria Description of Site Characteristics Assessment Against Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 Tunnelling, Construction and System Engineering Requirements

Ability to be compatible with likely system and tunnelling requirements in the vicinity of the site

No known issues. No known issues.

Engineering summary & recommendations

Site is >400m from interception point for North End Sewer and > 200m from Brook Green Sewer. Site is too small for a drive site. Site has building on top of it, requiring demolition for site to be viable for construction work, which may be further hampered by current consent for residential development.


Community & Amenity • Sensitivity to dust, odour and other construction effects • Visual impact during construction upon amenity • Visual impact during operation upon amenity

Residential properties (houses or houses converted to flats) and roads surround the site. Hammersmith Cemetery is located nearby to the west of the site. The Queen’s Club (tennis courts) is located nearby to the south of the site.

The close proximity to residential dwellings means there is the potential for adverse amenity impacts from construction dust and noise, construction related traffic and odour relating to the operational phase. There is the potential for adverse visual impacts on the surrounding residential properties given their proximity, particularly during construction. Relevant planning policies to consider include: Hammersmith and Fulham Development Management Local Plan Policy DM H8 Air Quality and Policy DM H9 Noise.

Ecology Nature conservation / reserve designations No designation on site. Hammersmith Cemetery Nature Conservation Area (of Grade II Borough-wide importance) is located nearby to the west of the site.

No designations on site. At this stage, no ecology implications have been identified.

Flood Risk Assessment of fluvial / tidal / surface water flood risk The entire site is within EA Flood Risk Zone 3 (high risk of flooding). However, these flood zones do not take account of flood defences and, therefore, represent a theoretical maximum extent of tidal flooding. The River Thames flood defences protect the tidal Thames up to the 1000 year flood event.

The site is defended and only considered to be at a residual risk of flooding as a result of a potential breach or overtopping of the flood defences. The works would be unlikely to require mitigation from residual flood risk in the event of a breach or overtopping of the defences, but this would need to be considered as a project risk. Relevant planning polices to consider include: London Plan (2015) Policy 5.12 Flood Risk Management and Hammersmith and Fulham Core Strategy DPD (2011) Borough Wide Strategic Policy CC2 Water Flooding.

Heritage • Archaeology priority areas • Scheduled Ancient Monuments • Historic Parks and Gardens • Conservation Areas • Listed Buildings

The site is within Barons Court Conservation Area. Queen’s Club Gardens Conservation Area is to the south of the site. Gunter Estate Conservation Area is further to the north.

The site is located within a Conservation Area which is of borough importance. There is the potential for impacts on the quality, character, appearance and setting of the Conservation Area, which would need further consideration at the next stage of site selection.

Page 145: Thames Water · Counters Creek Strategic Storm Relief Sewer/ Part 2 Further Longlist and Shortlist Site Assessment Report: November 2015 Document Number: C680-TW-00537-RP COUNTERS

Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Shortlist Site Assessment (Stage 3) Thames Water Utilities Ltd

November 2015 3

Site: SS258 Ada Lewis House, 2 Palliser Road

Size m2: 1, 308

Key to Assessment Grades: Grade / Possible Use

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome, but will be very challenging.

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome.

Criterion has no implications for site.

Use not applicable to site 1. Drive Shaft (minimum site area 3,000 - 3,500m2 )

2. Interception / Reception Shaft (minimum site area 1,500m2 )

3. Pumping Station 4. Overflow Site 5. Site Compound

Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria Description of Site Characteristics Assessment Against Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 Landscape • Assessment of potential for Landscape, townscape, visual

designations. • Assessment of potential for impacts on other landscape/open

space designations • Assessment of potential for impacts on

informal/undesignated open space

No landscape designation on site. No open space designation on site.

No designations on site. At this stage, no landscape implications have been identified.

Environment summary & recommendations

The site is located in close proximity to residential properties. It is within EA Flood Risk Zone 3 and Barons Court Conservation Area. No ecology or landscape designations have been identified on site. Further consideration must be given to any potential impacts on the Conservation Area and the amenity of the surrounding residential areas to determine appropriate mitigation.


Distance from centre of site to receptor

Type of receptor Nearest noise sensitive receptor is “Residential” located approximately 17m from the centre of the site. For consistency, the closest receptor has been noted at this stage of site selection. Numbers of other surrounding receptors and their distances to the site will be considered in more detail at the next stage of site selection.

Assessed as “Amber” because it is in the middle third of sites in terms of distance to the nearest noise sensitive receptor. Conclusions in terms of whether mitigation can be achieved or if there are noise implications at the site can only be established following more detailed assessment of a number of factors specific to each location. This includes the type and number of sensitive receptors, distance, existing noise climate, height of receptor relative to noise source(s) and noise level likely to be produced by each site. Relevant planning policies to consider include: London Plan (2015) Policy 7.15; and Hammersmith and Fulham Development Management Local Plan Policy DMH9 Noise.

Height of Receptor Type of receptor The “Residential” receptor is 3 storeys in height. Recorded for information at this stage. The higher the receptor (relative to source), the less beneficial standard site perimeter hoarding will be in terms of breaking the line of sight between source(s) and receiver(s).


Noise summary & recommendations

The site is in the middle third of shortlisted sites in terms of distance to the nearest noise sensitive receptor. The proximity of the site to residential receptors (the nearest being 3 storeys in height) means that noise attenuation measures are likely to be needed to be incorporated into the proposals to reduce the impact on the surrounding land uses.


Common Land • Nature of common land site • Size of common land site • Area required during construction

This site is not designated as Common Land. N/A

Page 146: Thames Water · Counters Creek Strategic Storm Relief Sewer/ Part 2 Further Longlist and Shortlist Site Assessment Report: November 2015 Document Number: C680-TW-00537-RP COUNTERS

Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Shortlist Site Assessment (Stage 3) Thames Water Utilities Ltd

November 2015 4

Site: SS258 Ada Lewis House, 2 Palliser Road

Size m2: 1, 308

Key to Assessment Grades: Grade / Possible Use

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome, but will be very challenging.

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome.

Criterion has no implications for site.

Use not applicable to site 1. Drive Shaft (minimum site area 3,000 - 3,500m2 )

2. Interception / Reception Shaft (minimum site area 1,500m2 )

3. Pumping Station 4. Overflow Site 5. Site Compound

Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria Description of Site Characteristics Assessment Against Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 • Area required during operation • Potential for use

Community & Amenity • Impact upon formal or informal community facilities • Neighbouring land uses and amenity considerations • Allotment land • Residential gardens / restricted open space

Neighbouring land uses - The site is located within a largely residential area. The site lies immediately adjacent to three public highways; with Barton Road to the north, Comeragh Road to the south and Palliser Road to the west. Residential properties are located on the opposing sides of these highways. There are also residential properties immediately adjoining the site to the east along Comeragh Road and Barton Road. To the south of the site is the Queen’s Club with the entrance to the club located to the south east of the site from Palliser Road. The site is also a sheltered housing block, part way through possible decant of residents prior to residential re-build Residential properties / gardens – The site is located immediately adjacent to residential use, with residential properties adjacent to the north, south, east and west.

Due to the proximity of the residential properties adjacent to site boundaries, the use of this site as a construction site could cause residential amenity impact concerns. There are also possible impacts on the adjacent Queen’s Club which is in close proximity to the site.

Employment Are there potential impacts on local employment opportunities? No employment opportunities exist at the moment other than those associated with the maintenance of the open space.

A construction workforce will be required, which could result in job opportunities for the local workforce.

London Plan / Borough Policy Allocation or Special Policy Area

Assessment of compliance or conflict with specific land use allocations or planning objectives

No relevant planning policies have been identified on the LBHF Local Development Framework.


Metropolitan Open Land / Green Belt

Assessment against Green Belt and Metropolitan Open Land The site is not designated as Green Belt or Metropolitan Open Land


Open Space Assessment against Open Space policy The site is not designated as open space. -

Planning Applications / Permissions

• Application expected • Awaiting determination • Unimplemented

No relevant planning applications have been identified on the LBHF online planning application database, although it is known that Southern Housing have previously been granted permission for demolition and rebuild to residential.

Subject to extant status of Southern Housing permission potential direct conflict with current permission for demolition and residential rebuild. Any adjustment of plans would require sufficient build over to facilitate operational access thereby either reducing available upward height of development, or reducing the number of storeys / area within storeys brought into use

Public Access & Recreation

• Impacts on informal / undesignated open space • Impacts on navigation and recreational water use • Impacts on recreational sites and assets • Impact upon leisure or sports facilities

The site includes amenity open space (although not formally designated in the LBHF planning policy documents) offering recreational and visual amenity to local residents.

The temporary loss of these areas of open space associated with the residential building during the construction phase would conflict with its existing role of providing visual amenity space and / or recreational amenity space.

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Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Shortlist Site Assessment (Stage 3) Thames Water Utilities Ltd

November 2015 5

Site: SS258 Ada Lewis House, 2 Palliser Road

Size m2: 1, 308

Key to Assessment Grades: Grade / Possible Use

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome, but will be very challenging.

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome.

Criterion has no implications for site.

Use not applicable to site 1. Drive Shaft (minimum site area 3,000 - 3,500m2 )

2. Interception / Reception Shaft (minimum site area 1,500m2 )

3. Pumping Station 4. Overflow Site 5. Site Compound

Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria Description of Site Characteristics Assessment Against Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 • Impact upon tourism • Permissive rights of access • Public Rights of Way

Permanent loss of part of the site may be required to accommodate the above ground infrastructure if this site is used to construct a drive shaft and / or an interception shaft.

Planning summary & recommendations

The site is comprised of the Ada Lewis House and its associated small area of informal amenity space. The use of the site would require the demolition of a four storey residential building which has clear potential for ongoing residential or similar use in a densely populated and developed residential area. The site potentially benefits from permission for demolition and residential rebuild, which would be prejudiced by use of site for interception shaft.


Access and Material Transfer Rights

- Land at Ada House, 2 Palliser Road Access –Fair off Comeragh Road. Site could facilitate reception and interception works if entire site was demolished, removing current buildings. Site is in close proximity to residential properties on all 4 sides, and highways on 3 sides. Buildings believed to be in occupation and possible aspirations for development. Interception with North End Road would require additional site.

Common Land • Ownership status • Potential for acquisition or rights to develop • Operational access / status


Crown Land and Special Land

- N/A N/A

Estimated Acquisition Cost

- Permanent rights –High Temporary rights – High

Criteria will need to be determined based on anticipated site use. Small sized site with possible development aspirations.

Ownership of Site Is the site owned by TWUL / in single 3rd Party ownership / multiple 3rd Party ownerships?

Freeholder – Southern Housing Group Limited

Property summary & recommendations

Access to the area will be required along Comeragh Road. The site is in close proximity to residential properties (on al 4 boundaries) road frontage on three sides. If significant excavation works were required, then monitoring of the adjoining structures would be necessary during construction, with mitigation measures introduced where necessary. Some suggestion there is potential development aspiration for the site. The site is too small for a drive site, though building would still need to be demolished to facilitate use as a reception or interception site. Interception with North End Road is some 300m away, requiring other works offsite. Any works within the highway will require traffic management, which may impact on traffic flows. Some permanent rights will be required for any retained above ground infrastructure and future operational access, if located on private land.


Connection to Rail Network During

Connection to railway siding and suitability of interconnecting The site is located close to an underground rail line; however there is no direct access and road transfer

No current access route to rail.

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Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Shortlist Site Assessment (Stage 3) Thames Water Utilities Ltd

November 2015 6

Site: SS258 Ada Lewis House, 2 Palliser Road

Size m2: 1, 308

Key to Assessment Grades: Grade / Possible Use

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome, but will be very challenging.

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome.

Criterion has no implications for site.

Use not applicable to site 1. Drive Shaft (minimum site area 3,000 - 3,500m2 )

2. Interception / Reception Shaft (minimum site area 1,500m2 )

3. Pumping Station 4. Overflow Site 5. Site Compound

Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria Description of Site Characteristics Assessment Against Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 Construction access route would be required.

Water Freight Practicability During Construction

Location of wharf and suitability of interconnecting access route to wharf

The site is not in close proximity to the river. No clear access to the river.

Suitability of Road / Interconnecting Road Access During Construction

• Road layout, width and junction geometry suitability for Heavy Goods Vehicles

The site is located in a largely residential area. There are also a number of retail uses in the close vicinity. Palliser Road is a one way street with parking on both sides of the road. Access likely to need to be via Comeragh Road / Vereker Road and Baron Road which are all residential two way roads with parking on both sides.

The site currently consists of a block of flats within a residential area. Access to the site is impeded by the one way street at Palliser Road and therefore access to the site will need to be carefully managed.

Sensitivity of Access Route During Construction

Residential streets, shopping streets, tourist areas, schools, play areas, hospitals, bus routes

The site is located in a residential area. The construction access route is sensitive as it will be through a residential area.

Operational Transport and Access Requirements

- - Safety likely to be an issue due to the use of the surrounding area.


Transport summary & recommendations

The site is not located with clear access to the river or to a rail line. The road layout in the surrounding area is very residential with one way streets and parking on both sides of the road in many areas. Therefore, access to the site will need to be carefully managed. The construction access route is through a residential area with safety also likely to be an issue due to the use of the surrounding area. Appropriate mitigation and management will need to be incorporated in order to address any impact on the surrounding uses.

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Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Shortlist Site Assessment (Stage 3) Thames Water Utilities Ltd

November 2015 1

Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment Stage 3 Shortlist Assessment

Site: SS259 Land adjacent to Talgarth Road & Trevanion Road

Size m2: 1,020

Key to Assessment Grades: Grade / Possible Use

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome, but will be very challenging.

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome.

Criterion has no implications for site.

Use not applicable to site 1. Drive Shaft (minimum site area 3,000 - 3,500m2 )

2. Interception / Reception Shaft (minimum site area 1,500m2 )

3. Pumping Station 4. Overflow Site 5. Site Compound

Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria Description of Site Characteristics Assessment Against Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 ENGINEERING

Clean Water / Waste Water Assets

Are important clean water or other water resources and assets affected?

No known water assets within the main shaft site. Several assets lie within the roads between the site and interception points and may require diversions for the connection works

No known issues, some diversions may be required for interceptions

Connection Feasibility • Distance from sewer interception • Infrastructure / structures between sewer and shaft

Site is >100m from interception point No issues with connecting an alignment to the site

Site >100m from interception point

Means of Access • Availability of rail connection/practicability of accessing rail connection

• Suitability of road links to site and river • Ability for site to handle AILs • Jetty / wharfage facilities available • Jetty / wharfage facilities can be created • Availability of any other means of access • Worker transport considerations

Road access to site restricted by entrance road through dead end residential area. No rail or river access. Access to site is through separate privately owned land. Nearest station for worker access is West Kensington

Access to site is not suitable for large HGVs, and deliveries to site will need to go to a Logistics site for transfer to smaller vehicles.

Odour Control Assessment of potential operational odour generation and costs of mitigation

Odour control is likely but site specific requirements require further investigation.

It is expected that odour control can be carried out adequately on this site. Therefore it is deemed "Acceptable"

Site Efficiency • Ability to accommodate all requirements on one site and if not describe how facilities can be achieved via a combination of sites.

• Assessment of potential for effects from development upon existing site or adjacent services e.g. power supply/communications/other

Site is narrow reducing efficiency as access across site will be restricted by shaft, requiring decking across shaft to provide access to whole site. Interceptions are >100m from site reducing efficiency and requiring additional external compounds to construct weir chambers and connections

Reduced efficiency due to site shape and distance to interceptions

Site Features • Above and below ground conditions (including 3rd party services, assets and infrastructure)

• Geology • Site levels • Other considerations

Green open space adjacent to A4 (Talgarth Road). As site is Adjacent to A4 safety barriers will be required to provide impact protection. Site has several trees on it which will have to be removed for works to progress. Footpath along Talgarth Road will need to be closed and this will require negotiations/agreements with TfL

Open green space requires removal of trees

Site Geometry Does the site geometry lend itself for use intended? Narrow site means on site logistics are constrained as drop shaft takes up width of the site. Site is too narrow for a 15m diameter drive shaft at surface.

Highly restricted site, making it constrained for all uses. Narrow site makes site unsuitable for HGVs as there is no available turning space.

Site Size What is the site suitable for – drive shaft, intermediate or Site is restricted, but sufficient for an interception and/ Restricted site for interception/reception site

Page 150: Thames Water · Counters Creek Strategic Storm Relief Sewer/ Part 2 Further Longlist and Shortlist Site Assessment Report: November 2015 Document Number: C680-TW-00537-RP COUNTERS

Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Shortlist Site Assessment (Stage 3) Thames Water Utilities Ltd

November 2015 2

Site: SS259 Land adjacent to Talgarth Road & Trevanion Road

Size m2: 1,020

Key to Assessment Grades: Grade / Possible Use

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome, but will be very challenging.

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome.

Criterion has no implications for site.

Use not applicable to site 1. Drive Shaft (minimum site area 3,000 - 3,500m2 )

2. Interception / Reception Shaft (minimum site area 1,500m2 )

3. Pumping Station 4. Overflow Site 5. Site Compound

Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria Description of Site Characteristics Assessment Against Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 reception shaft, pump station, outfall or other e.g. welfare office or reception site, site is too small for a drive site

Tunnelling, Construction and System Engineering Requirements

Ability to be compatible with likely system and tunnelling requirements in the vicinity of the site

No issues connecting main alignment to the site from the south

Engineering summary & recommendations

Site is too small for a drive site. Site has sufficient, but restricted and narrow area for an interception/reception site. Site is located to the North of Talgarth Road with restricted road access for logistics and HGV vehicles due to a narrow entrance to site and narrow site area. There are no known water assets within the shaft site. However, interception points are>100m from the site and will require some diversion works and road closures. Ongoing scheme development has identified that interception of the local sewer by the Counters Creek strategic sewer is no longer necessary. Site not to be progressed as an interception site, but to be retained for use as an access shaft to provide safe access to the proposed Counters Creek strategic sewer during inspection and maintenance operations. The above assessment for engineering remains consistent with the use of this site as an access shaft.


Community & Amenity • Sensitivity to dust, odour and other construction effects • Visual impact during construction upon amenity • Visual impact during operation upon amenity

The site is located within the road (Gwendwr Road, North End Road, Glazbury Road and Trevanion Road) and an area of undesignated open space adjacent to the north of Talgarth Road. The site is located in a residential area with residential properties immediately to the east, north and west of the site. Gwendwr Gardens is also located directly to the north of the site. The A4 is immediately adjacent to the south of the site.

The close proximity to residential dwellings means that there is the potential for adverse amenity impacts from construction dust and noise, construction related traffic and odour relating to the operational phase. There is the potential for adverse visual impacts on the surrounding residential properties given their proximity and users of the park, particularly during construction. Relevant planning policies to consider include: Hammersmith and Fulham Development Management Local Plan (2013) Policy DM H8 Air Quality.

Ecology Nature conservation / reserve designations No designation on site. No designations on site. At this stage, no ecology implications have been identified.

Flood Risk Assessment of fluvial / tidal / surface water flood risk The site is mostly within EA Flood Zone Risk 1 (low risk of flooding). However, a large portion of the site is within EA Flood Zone Risk 2 (medium risk of flooding). A small portion of the south west of the site is also in Flood Zone Risk 3 (high risk of flooding). However, these flood zones do not take account of flood defences and, therefore, represent a theoretical maximum extent of tidal flooding. The River Thames flood defences protect the tidal Thames up to the 1000

The site is defended and only considered to be at a residual risk of flooding as a result of a potential breach or overtopping of the flood defences. The works would be unlikely to require mitigation from residual flood risk in the event of a breach or overtopping of the defences, but this would need to be considered as a project risk. Relevant planning polices to consider include:

Page 151: Thames Water · Counters Creek Strategic Storm Relief Sewer/ Part 2 Further Longlist and Shortlist Site Assessment Report: November 2015 Document Number: C680-TW-00537-RP COUNTERS

Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Shortlist Site Assessment (Stage 3) Thames Water Utilities Ltd

November 2015 3

Site: SS259 Land adjacent to Talgarth Road & Trevanion Road

Size m2: 1,020

Key to Assessment Grades: Grade / Possible Use

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome, but will be very challenging.

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome.

Criterion has no implications for site.

Use not applicable to site 1. Drive Shaft (minimum site area 3,000 - 3,500m2 )

2. Interception / Reception Shaft (minimum site area 1,500m2 )

3. Pumping Station 4. Overflow Site 5. Site Compound

Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria Description of Site Characteristics Assessment Against Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 year flood event. London Plan (2015) Policy 5.12 Flood Risk

Management. Hammersmith and Fulham Core Strategy DPD (2011) Borough Wide Strategic Policy CC2, Water Flooding.

Heritage • Archaeology priority areas • Scheduled Ancient Monuments • Historic Parks and Gardens • Conservation Areas • Listed Buildings

The site lies within the Gunter Estate Conservation Area.

The site is located within a Conservation Area which is of borough importance. There is the potential for impacts on the quality, character, appearance and setting of the Conservation Area, which would need further consideration at the next stage of site selection. Relevant planning polices to consider include: London Plan (2015) Policy 7.8 Heritage Assets and Archaeology. Hammersmith and Fulham Core Strategy DPD (2011) Borough Wide Strategic Policy BE1 Built Environment. Hammersmith and Fulham Development and Management Local Plan (2013) Policy DM G7 Heritage and Conservation.

Landscape • Assessment of potential for Landscape, townscape, visual designations.

• Assessment of potential for impacts on other landscape/open space designations

• Assessment of potential for impacts on informal/undesignated open space

No landscape designation on site. There is no open space designation on site, although there are areas of undesignated open space present on site. There is a designated area of open space immediately adjacent to the site.

No designations on site. At this stage, no landscape implications have been identified. Potential impacts on the undesignated open space would be investigated at the next stage of site selection.

Environment summary & recommendations

The site is located adjacent to residential dwellings and within EA Flood Risk Zones 1, 2 and 3. The site is identified as being located in a Conservation Area, although no ecology or landscape designations have been identified on site. Further consideration must be given to any potential impacts on the Conservation Area and the amenity of the surrounding residential areas to determine appropriate mitigation. Site not to be progressed as an interception site, but to be retained for use as an access shaft to provide safe access to the proposed Counters Creek strategic sewer during inspection and maintenance operations. The above assessment for environment remains consistent with the use of this site as an access shaft.


Distance from centre of site to receptor

Type of receptor Nearest noise sensitive receptor is “Residential” located approximately 35m from the centre of the site. For consistency, the closest receptor has been noted at this stage of site selection. Numbers of other surrounding receptors and their distances to the site will be considered in more detail at the next stage of site selection.

Assessed as “Green” because it is in the furthest third of sites in terms of distance to the nearest noise sensitive receptor. Conclusions in terms of whether mitigation can be achieved or if there are noise implications at the site can only be established following more detailed assessment of a number of factors specific to each location. This includes the type and number of sensitive receptors, distance, existing noise climate, height of receptor relative to noise source(s) and

Page 152: Thames Water · Counters Creek Strategic Storm Relief Sewer/ Part 2 Further Longlist and Shortlist Site Assessment Report: November 2015 Document Number: C680-TW-00537-RP COUNTERS

Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Shortlist Site Assessment (Stage 3) Thames Water Utilities Ltd

November 2015 4

Site: SS259 Land adjacent to Talgarth Road & Trevanion Road

Size m2: 1,020

Key to Assessment Grades: Grade / Possible Use

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome, but will be very challenging.

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome.

Criterion has no implications for site.

Use not applicable to site 1. Drive Shaft (minimum site area 3,000 - 3,500m2 )

2. Interception / Reception Shaft (minimum site area 1,500m2 )

3. Pumping Station 4. Overflow Site 5. Site Compound

Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria Description of Site Characteristics Assessment Against Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 noise level likely to be produced by each site. Relevant planning policies to consider include: London Plan (2015) Policy 7.15; and Hammersmith and Fulham Development Management Local Plan Policy DMH9 Noise.

Height of Receptor Type of receptor The “Residential” receptor is 2 storeys in height. Recorded for information at this stage. The higher the receptor (relative to source), the less beneficial standard site perimeter hoarding will be in terms of breaking the line of sight between source(s) and receiver(s).


Noise summary & recommendations

The site is in the furthest third of shortlisted sites in terms of distance to the nearest noise sensitive receptor. The proximity of the site to residential receptors (the nearest being 2 storeys in height) means that noise attenuation measures are likely to be needed to be incorporated into the proposals to reduce the impact on the surrounding land uses. Site not to be progressed as an interception site, but to be retained for use as an access shaft to provide safe access to the proposed Counters Creek strategic sewer during inspection and maintenance operations. The above assessment for noise remains consistent with the use of this site as an access shaft.


Common Land • Nature of common land site • Size of common land site • Area required during construction • Area required during operation • Potential for use

Site is not designated as Common Land. -

Community & Amenity • Impact upon formal or informal community facilities • Neighbouring land uses and amenity considerations • Allotment land • Residential gardens / restricted open space

Neighbouring land uses – The site lies within a residential area and with the A4 located immediately to the south of the site. To the north of the site is Gwendwr children’s play area and dog exercise area, a designated open space. Residential properties/gardens – Residential properties located along Trevanion Road adjoin the site to the north and west and there are also the gardens of residential properties immediately to the north along Gwendwr Road. To the west of the site is a bicycle storage area associated with the flats at Trevanion Road.

Due to the proximity of the residential properties, particularly along the western and northern boundaries of the site, the use of this site as an interception / reception site could cause residential amenity impact concerns. There are also possible impacts on Gwendwr Gardens due to the location of the open space, adjacent to the northern boundary of the site.

Employment Are there potential impacts on local employment opportunities? No employment opportunities exist at the moment other than those associated with the maintenance of the green space.

General – a construction workforce will be required which could result in job opportunities for the local workforce.

London Plan / Borough Policy Allocation or Special Policy Area

Assessment of compliance or conflict with specific land use allocations or planning objectives

Site is comprised of a public footpath and an area of green space siding Talgarth Road (A4). The area of land is also under the designation as a Strategic Route

The use of the site would temporarily conflict with the current use of the site as a strategic route identified in the London Plan and the LBHF policy documents.

Page 153: Thames Water · Counters Creek Strategic Storm Relief Sewer/ Part 2 Further Longlist and Shortlist Site Assessment Report: November 2015 Document Number: C680-TW-00537-RP COUNTERS

Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Shortlist Site Assessment (Stage 3) Thames Water Utilities Ltd

November 2015 5

Site: SS259 Land adjacent to Talgarth Road & Trevanion Road

Size m2: 1,020

Key to Assessment Grades: Grade / Possible Use

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome, but will be very challenging.

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome.

Criterion has no implications for site.

Use not applicable to site 1. Drive Shaft (minimum site area 3,000 - 3,500m2 )

2. Interception / Reception Shaft (minimum site area 1,500m2 )

3. Pumping Station 4. Overflow Site 5. Site Compound

Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria Description of Site Characteristics Assessment Against Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 (Policy DM 6J) in the London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham Development Management Local Plan. London Plan (March 2015) Policy 6.3 ensures the impacts of the development on traffic capacity and the transport network, at both corridor and local level, are fully assessed. LBHF Policy Documents The site lies immediately to the north of a Strategic Route (The A4 / Talgarth Road) and also lies within the area of land designated as a strategic route and is subject to Policy DMJ6. The policy aims to restrict development that could prejudice the effectiveness of the strategic road network.

During the operational phase, some land would be required for the permanent infrastructure if the site were to be used as an interception / reception shaft. The loss of space associated with the strategic route and would conflict with policies identified in the London Plan and the LBHF policy documents.

Metropolitan Open Land / Green Belt

Assessment against Green Belt and Metropolitan Open Land The site does not include land designated as Green Belt or Metropolitan Open Land.


Open Space Assessment against Open Space policy The site is not designated as open space. No formal designation. Use or loss of grass areas would need further investigation if site proceeds.

Planning Applications / Permissions

• Application expected • Awaiting determination • Unimplemented

Planning Permission (Reference 2008/03222/FUL) was granted in November 2009 for a residential development at Trevanion Road to the west of the site. The consented proposals comprised the erection of two three storey buildings to provide 14 residential dwellings together with the creation of car and cycle parking spaces and associated access and landscaping works. The development has been implemented.

The development to the west of the site at Trevanion Road for the development comprising a total of 16 residential dwellings has been implemented and and the impact on residential amenity is considered above.

Public Access & Recreation

• Impacts on informal / undesignated open space • Impacts on navigation and recreational water use • Impacts on recreational sites and assets • Impact upon leisure or sports facilities • Impact upon tourism • Permissive rights of access • Public Rights of Way

The site comprises an area of green space containing public benches and a section of public footpath offering visual amenity to local residents.

Temporary loss of use for all or part of the site during the construction phase would conflict with the existing role of providing visual amenity open space. Permanent loss of an area of the park might be required to accommodate the above ground infrastructure.

Planning summary & recommendations

The site is immediately adjacent to residential properties and it is anticipated that the impact on amenity can be mitigated but this will be very challenging. The site is also immediately adjacent to a strategic route. Planning policies in both the London Plan and the Borough Local Development Framework aim to restrict development that could prejudice the effectiveness of the strategic road network. It is anticipated that the impact on the strategic route (A4) can be mitigated. Site not to be progressed as an interception site, but to be retained for use as an access shaft to provide safe access to the proposed Counters Creek strategic sewer during inspection and maintenance operations. The above assessment for planning remains consistent with the use of this site as an access shaft.

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Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Shortlist Site Assessment (Stage 3) Thames Water Utilities Ltd

November 2015 6

Site: SS259 Land adjacent to Talgarth Road & Trevanion Road

Size m2: 1,020

Key to Assessment Grades: Grade / Possible Use

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome, but will be very challenging.

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome.

Criterion has no implications for site.

Use not applicable to site 1. Drive Shaft (minimum site area 3,000 - 3,500m2 )

2. Interception / Reception Shaft (minimum site area 1,500m2 )

3. Pumping Station 4. Overflow Site 5. Site Compound

Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria Description of Site Characteristics Assessment Against Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 PROPERTY

Access and Material Transfer Rights

- Housing association land and open space forming part of the A4, Talgarth Road

Access – Fair from Gwendwr & Travanion Road, though may have restrictions if access is necessary direct from the A4. Site adjoins residential properties. Area incorporates part of the highway, which will require a partial/sequential road closure to accommodate the works. A number of mature trees are likely to require cutting back which adjoin the sites northern boundary. Several semi mature trees and shrubs will also need to be removed. TFL interest in part of the site will be subject to Schedule 13 Protection. Refuse area to be relocated for the Housing Association land. Alternative parking for residents may be required temporarily.

Common Land • Ownership status • Potential for acquisition or rights to develop • Operational access / status


Crown Land and Special Land

- Part of the land is owned by TFL, subject to Schedule 13 Protection.


Estimated Acquisition Cost

- Permanent rights – Moderate Temporary rights – Moderate

Criteria will need to be determined based on anticipated site use. Medium/largesized site with some redevelopment potential.

Ownership of Site Is the site owned by TWUL / in single 3rd Party ownership / multiple 3rd Party ownerships?

TFL (part of the A4) Stadium Network Housing

No known TW interest in the land - Believed to be Privately owned housing association/maintainable highway & TFL owned.

Property summary & recommendations

Access to the area is likely to be required through the residential area off Gwendwr Road/Trevanion Road. The site is in close proximity to residential properties. If significant excavation works are required, then monitoring of the adjoining structures would be necessary during construction, with mitigation measures introduced where necessary. The area incorporates part of the highway that is likely to require a partial/sequential road closure. Part of the area is vested with TFL (A4 Red Route) and subject to s13 protection (W.I.A.). Some permanent rights will be required for any retained above ground infrastructure and future operational access on private land, though these could be located on the extremity of the open space to minimise the future impact. Site not to be progressed as an interception site, but to be retained for use as an access shaft to provide safe access to the proposed Counters Creek strategic sewer during inspection and maintenance operations. The above assessment for property remains consistent with the use of this site as an access shaft.


Connection to Rail Network During

Connection to railway siding and suitability of interconnecting The site is not in close proximity to a railway line. No clear access route to rail.

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Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Shortlist Site Assessment (Stage 3) Thames Water Utilities Ltd

November 2015 7

Site: SS259 Land adjacent to Talgarth Road & Trevanion Road

Size m2: 1,020

Key to Assessment Grades: Grade / Possible Use

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome, but will be very challenging.

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome.

Criterion has no implications for site.

Use not applicable to site 1. Drive Shaft (minimum site area 3,000 - 3,500m2 )

2. Interception / Reception Shaft (minimum site area 1,500m2 )

3. Pumping Station 4. Overflow Site 5. Site Compound

Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria Description of Site Characteristics Assessment Against Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 Construction access route

Water Freight Practicability During Construction

Location of wharf and suitability of interconnecting access route to wharf

The site is not in close proximity to the river. Not very close to the river.

Suitability of Road / Interconnecting Road Access During Construction

• Road layout, width and junction geometry suitability for Heavy Goods Vehicles

Access from North End Road via Gunterstone Road and Gwendwr Road, a residential road with parking on both sides. The surrounding roads form part of a one-way system. The site runs adjacent to the north of Talgarth Road, which is a TfL red route and includes a private car park.

The junction of Gunterstone Road and Gwendwr Road in addition to parking on both sides of the road may make it difficult for the largest vehicles to navigate the highway. However, with some management the road layout in the surrounding area is suitable for HGVs. Appropriate measures to manage the impact of the closure (when required) of part of Gwendwr Road will also need to be considered. The site is close to the A4 for transportation further afield, although access to the A4 at this site is left turn only towards central London.

Sensitivity of Access Route During Construction

Residential streets, shopping streets, tourist areas, schools, play areas, hospitals, bus routes

Residential / next to an area of open space. The construction access route is sensitive as it would be through a residential area and next to an area of open space.

Operational Transport and Access Requirements

- - Safety likely to be an issue due to the residential nature of the site.


Transport summary & recommendations

With some management the road layout in the surrounding area is suitable for HGVs. The site is close to the A4 for transportation further afield, although access to the A4 at this site is left turn only towards central London. The construction access route would be through a residential area with safety also likely to be an issue due to the use of the surrounding area. Appropriate mitigation may need to be incorporated into the design to address any impact on the surrounding uses. The site encompasses a section of Gwendwr Road and therefore appropriate measures will need to be employed to manage the impact during periods when this road is required to be closed. Site not to be progressed as an interception site, but to be retained for use as an access shaft to provide safe access to the proposed Counters Creek strategic sewer during inspection and maintenance operations. The above assessment for transport remains consistent with the use of this site as an access shaft.

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Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Shortlist Site Assessment (Stage 3) Thames Water Utilities Ltd

November 2015 1

Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment Stage 3 Shortlist Assessment

Site: SS261 Holland Villas Road

Size m2: 800m2 with an additional 150m2 as a compound for cabins.

Key to Assessment Grades: Grade / Possible Use

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome, but will be very challenging.

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome.

Criterion has no implications for site.

Use not applicable to site 1. Drive Shaft (minimum site area 3,000 - 3,500m2 )

2. Interception / Reception Shaft (minimum site area 1,500m2 )

3. Pumping Station 4. Overflow Site 5. Site Compound

Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria Description of Site Characteristics Assessment Against Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 ENGINEERING

Clean Water / Waste Water Assets

Are important clean water or other water resources and assets affected?

The site has the Counters Creek Mainline sewer running beneath it (to be intercepted). A foul water sewer and a clean water pipe also run through the site and may require diversion for interception works.

No known issues, some diversions may be required for interceptions.

Connection Feasibility • Distance from sewer interception • Infrastructure / structures between sewer and shaft

Interception point located within the site in the road – interception undertaken within the site.

Interception undertaken within the site.

Means of Access • Availability of rail connection/practicability of accessing rail connection

• Suitability of road links to site and river • Ability for site to handle AILs • Jetty / wharfage facilities available • Jetty / wharfage facilities can be created • Availability of any other means of access • Worker transport considerations

No rail or river access available. Road access is available via wide residential roads. Nearest station for worker access is Shepherds Bush Underground station.

Site access through residential streets, and via one way streets. This would not be acceptable for a drive or a logistics site, but acceptable for an interception or reception site if supported by a nearby logistics site.

Odour Control Assessment of potential operational odour generation and costs of mitigation

Odour control is likely but site specific requirements require further investigation.

It is expected that odour control can be carried out adequately on this site. Therefore it is deemed "Acceptable".

Site Efficiency • Ability to accommodate all requirements on one site and if not describe how facilities can be achieved via a combination of sites.

• Assessment of potential for effects from development upon existing site or adjacent services e.g. power supply/communications/other

Site area is small and narrow resulting in inefficiencies in construction and complex phasing. Interception of sewers is within the site boundary, allowing short connections for interception. Use of both Holland Villas Road and Lower Addison Gardens provides benefit over Lower Addison Gardens only, improving site efficiency.

Site small for an interception site and this would result in reduced efficiencies due to shape and size of site. Better than Lower Addison Gardens only. Site too small for a drive or logistics site.

Site Features • Above and below ground conditions (including 3rd party services, assets and infrastructure)

• Geology • Site levels • Other considerations

Site is located within the highway and the pavement. Significant services diversions are likely to be required to facilitate interception and connection works. A tree is located adjacent to the site, and may require trimming to facilitate the works. Lower Addison Gardens is a one way street. Pavement and road closures/diversions will be required. Adjacent residential properties are known to have basement extensions to the boundary of the property line. Pedestrian access maintained to all properties.

Traffic and pedestrian diversions required. Trimming of trees may be required. Significant services diversions are likely to be required.

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Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Shortlist Site Assessment (Stage 3) Thames Water Utilities Ltd

November 2015 2

Site: SS261 Holland Villas Road

Size m2: 800m2 with an additional 150m2 as a compound for cabins.

Key to Assessment Grades: Grade / Possible Use

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome, but will be very challenging.

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome.

Criterion has no implications for site.

Use not applicable to site 1. Drive Shaft (minimum site area 3,000 - 3,500m2 )

2. Interception / Reception Shaft (minimum site area 1,500m2 )

3. Pumping Station 4. Overflow Site 5. Site Compound

Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria Description of Site Characteristics Assessment Against Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 Site Geometry Does the site geometry lend itself for use intended? Site is narrow, resulting in restrictions during

construction and inefficiencies. On site logistics are constrained as drop shaft takes up much of the width of the site. Sufficient space available to place interception shaft whilst maintaining pedestrian access to all properties. Site is too narrow for a 15m drive site.

Highly restricted site, making it constrained for all uses.

Site Size What is the site suitable for – drive shaft, intermediate or reception shaft, pump station, outfall or other e.g. welfare office

Site is too small for a drive site. Current site boundary is sufficient for an interception/reception site, however the site can be extended north, south or west down the roads if required to increase area.

Restricted site for interception/reception site. Insufficient for drive site.

Tunnelling, Construction and System Engineering Requirements

Ability to be compatible with likely system and tunnelling requirements in the vicinity of the site

No issues connecting the site to the main tunnel from the south or west.

No issues connecting the site to the main tunnel from the south or west.

Engineering summary & recommendations

Site is too small for a drive site or logistics site. Site is highly constrained for an interception/reception site but site boundaries could be extended down the roads if required. This site is narrow resulting in inefficiencies and difficulties with site logistics during construction. Access is suitable to this site by road, but not suitable by rail or river. Interception point is within the site with less than 15m for the connection to the shaft. Significant services diversion may be required.


Community & Amenity • Sensitivity to dust, odour and other construction effects • Visual impact during construction upon amenity • Visual impact during operation upon amenity

The site is located within the road and pavements in Holland Villas Road and Lower Addison Gardens. It is within a predominantly residential area with residential properties surrounding the site and The Cardinal Vaughan Memorial RC School (Secondary) located adjacent to the north east.

The close proximity to residential dwellings means there is the potential for adverse amenity impacts from construction dust and noise, construction related traffic and odour relating to the operational phase. There is the potential for adverse visual impacts on the surrounding residential properties given their proximity, particularly during construction. Relevant planning policies to consider include: Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea’s adopted Local Plan (2015) Policy CL5 Amenity and Policy CE5 Air Quality.

Ecology Nature conservation / reserve designations No designation on site. No designation on site. At this stage, no ecology implications have been identified.

Flood Risk Assessment of fluvial / tidal / surface water flood risk The site is entirely within EA Flood Risk Zone 1 (low risk of flooding).

The site is entirely within EA Flood Risk Zone 1 (low risk of flooding).

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Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Shortlist Site Assessment (Stage 3) Thames Water Utilities Ltd

November 2015 3

Site: SS261 Holland Villas Road

Size m2: 800m2 with an additional 150m2 as a compound for cabins.

Key to Assessment Grades: Grade / Possible Use

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome, but will be very challenging.

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome.

Criterion has no implications for site.

Use not applicable to site 1. Drive Shaft (minimum site area 3,000 - 3,500m2 )

2. Interception / Reception Shaft (minimum site area 1,500m2 )

3. Pumping Station 4. Overflow Site 5. Site Compound

Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria Description of Site Characteristics Assessment Against Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 Heritage • Archaeology priority areas

• Scheduled Ancient Monuments • Historic Parks and Gardens • Conservation Areas • Listed Buildings

The majority of the site lies within the Holland Park Conservation Area.

The site is located within a Conservation Area which is of borough importance. There is the potential for impacts on the quality, character, appearance and setting of the Conservation Area, which would need further consideration at the next stage of site selection. Relevant planning polices to consider include: London Plan (2015) Policy 7.8 Heritage Assets and Archaeology. Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea’s adopted Local Plan (2015) Policy CL3 Heritage Assets – Conservation Areas and Historic Spaces.

Landscape • Assessment of potential for Landscape, townscape, visual designations.

• Assessment of potential for impacts on other landscape/open space designations

• Assessment of potential for impacts on informal/undesignated open space

No landscape designation on site. No open space designation on site.

No landscape designation on site. At this stage, no landscape implications have been identified.

Environment summary & recommendations

The site is located adjacent to residential dwellings. The site is identified as being located within a Conservation Area, but no ecology or landscape designations have been identified on site and it is also located within EA Flood Risk Zone 1. Further consideration must be given to any potential impacts on the Conservation Area and the amenity of the surrounding residential areas to determine appropriate mitigation.


Distance from centre of site to receptor

Type of receptor Nearest noise sensitive receptor is “Residential” located approximately 12m from the centre of the site. For consistency, the closest receptor has been noted at this stage of site selection. Numbers of other surrounding receptors and their distances to the site will be considered in more detail at the next stage of site selection.

Assessed as “Red” because it is in the closest third of sites in terms of distance to the nearest noise sensitive receptor. Conclusions in terms of whether mitigation can be achieved or if there are noise implications at the site can only be established following more detailed assessment of a number of factors specific to each location. This includes the type and number of sensitive receptors, distance, existing noise climate, height of receptor relative to noise source(s) and noise level likely to be produced by each site. Relevant planning policies to consider include: London Plan (2015) Policy 7.15; and Royal Borough of Kensington’s and Chelsea’s adopted Local Plan (2015) Policy CE6 Noise and

Page 159: Thames Water · Counters Creek Strategic Storm Relief Sewer/ Part 2 Further Longlist and Shortlist Site Assessment Report: November 2015 Document Number: C680-TW-00537-RP COUNTERS

Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Shortlist Site Assessment (Stage 3) Thames Water Utilities Ltd

November 2015 4

Site: SS261 Holland Villas Road

Size m2: 800m2 with an additional 150m2 as a compound for cabins.

Key to Assessment Grades: Grade / Possible Use

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome, but will be very challenging.

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome.

Criterion has no implications for site.

Use not applicable to site 1. Drive Shaft (minimum site area 3,000 - 3,500m2 )

2. Interception / Reception Shaft (minimum site area 1,500m2 )

3. Pumping Station 4. Overflow Site 5. Site Compound

Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria Description of Site Characteristics Assessment Against Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 Vibration.

Height of Receptor Type of receptor The “Residential” receptor is 3 storeys in height. Recorded for information at this stage. The higher the receptor (relative to source), the less beneficial standard site perimeter hoarding will be in terms of breaking the line of sight between source(s) and receiver(s).


Noise summary & recommendations

The site is in the closest third of shortlisted sites in terms of distance to the nearest noise sensitive receptor. The proximity of the site to residential receptors (the nearest being 3 storeys in height) means that noise attenuation measures are likely to be needed to be incorporated into the proposals to reduce the impact on the surrounding land uses.


Common Land • Nature of common land site • Size of common land site • Area required during construction • Area required during operation • Potential for use

The site is not common land.

Community & Amenity • Impact upon formal or informal community facilities • Neighbouring land uses and amenity considerations • Allotment land • Residential gardens / restricted open space

Neighbouring Land Uses – The site is within the highway in a residential area. Properties adjoin the site on all sides. The Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School and a private communal garden are adjacent to the site. Residential properties – The nearest residential property are located immediately adjacent to the site boundary along Holland Villas Road and Lower Addison Gardens.

Due to the proximity of the residential properties and school, the use of this site as a construction site would cause residential amenity impact concerns. The location of the site within the highway will cause significant disruption to the local road network. Due to the temporary nature of the site compound the associated impacts would be less significant.

Employment Are there potential impacts on local employment opportunities? There are no employment opportunities. General – a construction workforce will be required which could result in job opportunities for the local workforce.

London Plan / Borough Policy Allocation or Special Policy Area

Assessment of compliance or conflict with specific land use allocations or planning objectives

The site is located within the highway at Holland Villas Road and Lower Addison Gardens and a majority of the site lies within the Holland Park Conservation Area. London Plan Policy 6.3 ensures that the impacts of development on traffic capacity and the transport network, at both corridor and local level, are fully assessed. RBKC Local Plan Policy CR 4 Streetscape identifies that the Council will require improvements to the visual, functional and inclusive quality of our streets, ensuring they are

The use of the site, during both the construction and operational phases, would have to consider Policy CR4 to ensue the proposals in the public highway and permanent above ground infrastructure to ensure the streetscape is maintained to a high standard. Maintenance access will be required which could cause intermittent traffic disruption.

Page 160: Thames Water · Counters Creek Strategic Storm Relief Sewer/ Part 2 Further Longlist and Shortlist Site Assessment Report: November 2015 Document Number: C680-TW-00537-RP COUNTERS

Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Shortlist Site Assessment (Stage 3) Thames Water Utilities Ltd

November 2015 5

Site: SS261 Holland Villas Road

Size m2: 800m2 with an additional 150m2 as a compound for cabins.

Key to Assessment Grades: Grade / Possible Use

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome, but will be very challenging.

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome.

Criterion has no implications for site.

Use not applicable to site 1. Drive Shaft (minimum site area 3,000 - 3,500m2 )

2. Interception / Reception Shaft (minimum site area 1,500m2 )

3. Pumping Station 4. Overflow Site 5. Site Compound

Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria Description of Site Characteristics Assessment Against Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 designed and maintained to a very high standard. To deliver this the Council will require all work to, or affecting, the public highway, to be carried out in accordance with the Councils Streetscape Guidance.

Metropolitan Open Land / Green Belt

Assessment against Green Belt and Metropolitan Open Land The site does not include land designated as Green Belt or Metropolitan Open Land.

Open Space Assessment against Open Space policy The site is not designated as open space.

Planning Applications / Permissions

• Application expected • Awaiting determination • Unimplemented

Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School In June 2013, planning permission (PP/13/01428) was granted for the construction of an annex comprising of a ground floor entrance / open area with three floors (use class D1) and associated plant at main roof level at the Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School. In August 2013 permission was granted for a non-material amendment to this scheme. Details have been submitted to discharge the planning conditions attached to planning permission PP/13/01428. In October 2013 details were submitted to discharge condition 7 (Construction Traffic Management Plan). Construction traffic will enter and exit the Cardinal Vaughan School along Holland Villas Road. In February 2014, planning permission (PP/13/07752) was granted for the construction of a brick termination cabinet to provide modern metering facility and switch gear. In February 2015, planning permission was granted for external alterations to enlarge one window (1125mm x 2485mm) on east elevation at second floor level and install 4 no. soil and vent pipes at 100mm diameter in connection with internal alterations to science laboratories. 16 Holland Villas Road. Permission was granted in March 2015 for the raising of the house by one-storey, new basement floor under main house and part garden area, removal of swimming pool and relocation of basement, removal of garage, plus other development works. (PP/15/005640). 20 Holland Villas Road In November 2013, planning permission granted for the variation of a previously approved permission for the construction and excavation of a single storey basement and a swimming pool.

Development has already commenced on the new annex (PP/13/01428) and it also appears that works for the construction of a brick termination cabinet to provide modern metering facility and switch gear have started. Therefore, these developments are unlikely to conflict with construction works for the Counters Creek strategic sewer that are programmed to commence in January 2017. However, the planning permission for 16 Holland Villas Road will not expire until March 2018 so there is potential for conflict with the construction works for the Counters Creek strategic sewer that are programmed to commence in January 2017.

Page 161: Thames Water · Counters Creek Strategic Storm Relief Sewer/ Part 2 Further Longlist and Shortlist Site Assessment Report: November 2015 Document Number: C680-TW-00537-RP COUNTERS

Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Shortlist Site Assessment (Stage 3) Thames Water Utilities Ltd

November 2015 6

Site: SS261 Holland Villas Road

Size m2: 800m2 with an additional 150m2 as a compound for cabins.

Key to Assessment Grades: Grade / Possible Use

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome, but will be very challenging.

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome.

Criterion has no implications for site.

Use not applicable to site 1. Drive Shaft (minimum site area 3,000 - 3,500m2 )

2. Interception / Reception Shaft (minimum site area 1,500m2 )

3. Pumping Station 4. Overflow Site 5. Site Compound

Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria Description of Site Characteristics Assessment Against Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 Public Access & Recreation

• Impacts on informal / undesignated open space • Impacts on navigation and recreational water use • Impacts on recreational sites and assets • Impact upon leisure or sports facilities • Impact upon tourism • Permissive rights of access • Public Rights of Way

The site is within Upper Addison Gardens and Holland Villas Road, which are public highways and so accessed by the general public.

Access will be required to the properties, school and private gardens that adjoin the site.

Planning summary & recommendations

The site includes sections of the public highway and is located in a residential area. Due to the proximity of the residential properties and the Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School, the use of this site as a construction site and or site compound would cause residential amenity impact concerns. The location of the site within the highway will cause disruption to the local road network. Mitigation measures will need to be implemented, but may be very challenging to achieve.


Access and Material Transfer Rights

- Site forms part of the Highway at the junction of Lower Addison Gardens & Holland Villas Road.

Access is good with the site forming part of the highway. Site adjoins residential properties and is in close proximity to the Cardinal Vaughan Memorial RC School. Area includes permit parking spaces. Likely restrictions on access to residential properties/parking. Several trees lie within the proposed working area and will need to be removed. A number of street furniture items may need to be temporarily relocated (small kiosk/street lighting and signs).

Common Land • Ownership status • Potential for acquisition or rights to develop • Operational access / status


Crown Land and Special Land

- Land forms part of the maintainable highway Works to be carried out under NRSWA provisions.

Estimated Acquisition Cost

- Permanent rights – Low Temporary rights – Low/Moderate

Criteria will need to be determined based on anticipated site use and impact upon the surrounding area.

Ownership of Site Is the site owned by TWUL / in single 3rd Party ownership / multiple 3rd Party ownerships?

Highway No known TW interest in the land - Believed to be local authority, land forming part of the maintainable highway.

Property summary & recommendations

The site is in close proximity to residential properties and a local school. If significant excavation works are required, then monitoring of the adjoining structures would be necessary during construction, with mitigation

Page 162: Thames Water · Counters Creek Strategic Storm Relief Sewer/ Part 2 Further Longlist and Shortlist Site Assessment Report: November 2015 Document Number: C680-TW-00537-RP COUNTERS

Counters Creek Sewer Flood Alleviation Scheme: Strategic Sewer Site Assessment – Part 2 Further Shortlist Site Assessment (Stage 3) Thames Water Utilities Ltd

November 2015 7

Site: SS261 Holland Villas Road

Size m2: 800m2 with an additional 150m2 as a compound for cabins.

Key to Assessment Grades: Grade / Possible Use

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome, but will be very challenging.

Mitigation can be achieved / policy or other land use / environmental issues can be overcome.

Criterion has no implications for site.

Use not applicable to site 1. Drive Shaft (minimum site area 3,000 - 3,500m2 )

2. Interception / Reception Shaft (minimum site area 1,500m2 )

3. Pumping Station 4. Overflow Site 5. Site Compound

Assessment Issue Assessment Criteria Description of Site Characteristics Assessment Against Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 measures introduced where necessary. The area forms part of the highway that is likely to require a full road closure at times during construction. Proximity to some properties will impede pedestrian and vehicular access, with potential compensation events arising. Some permanent rights will be required for any retained above ground infrastructure and future operational access, which could be maintained within the highway to minimise the future impact.


Connection to Rail Network During Construction

Connection to railway siding and suitability of interconnecting access route

The site is not adjacent to a railway line and the use of a rail depot would require road transport from the site.

Not adjacent to the railway line.

Water Freight Practicability During Construction

Location of wharf and suitability of interconnecting access route to wharf

The site is not in close proximity to the river. No clear access to the river.

Suitability of Road / Interconnecting Road Access During Construction

• Road layout, width and junction geometry suitability for Heavy Goods Vehicles

The site is located within a section of the highway of both Lower Addison Gardens and Holland Villas Road, and encompasses the junction between the two. Lower Addison Gardens and Holland Villas Road are residential roads with parking on both sides. Lower Addison Gardens is a one-way street heading southwest from Holland Villas Road to the A3220. Vehicles could therefore exit onto the A3220 from Lower Addison Gardens, or via Holland Villas Road.

The site is close to the A3220 which is suitable for HGVs and provides opportunity for transportation further afield. The site is located within the highway of Lower Addison Gardens and Holland Villas Road. Appropriate management will be required to address any impact from road closures on the surrounding road network and uses.

Sensitivity of Access Route During Construction

Residential streets, shopping streets, tourist areas, schools, play areas, hospitals, bus routes

Both Lower Addison Gardens and Holland Villas Road are residential roads. The Cardinal Vaughan School is located immediately to the north east of the site on Holland Villas Road.

The construction access route is sensitive as it would be through a residential area with a school in close proximity to the site.

Operational Transport and Access Requirements

- - Safety likely to be an issue due to use of the surrounding area.


Transport summary & recommendations

The road layout in the surrounding area is suitable for HGVs with good access onto the A3220 (a TfL TLRN) which provides opportunity for transportation further afield. However, the construction access would be through a residential area with a school in close proximity to the site, with safety likely to be an issue due to the residential nature of the surrounding area. The site encompasses a section of Lower Addison Gardens and Holland Villas Road, as well as the junction between the two, and therefore appropriate mitigation may need to be incorporated into the design to address any impact of road closures on the surrounding uses.