WITH DTHER8 ftT TgTIT. DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 1893. NO. 36 n B%jur FHIPAVUS i«o ruin-Hi ET'JWS. qfiuf. on Mid ixll Strtel lira) (lam lo lie National Chum Bant a*BUB ABLT IK ADVANOI .... INlll a 001.UMS sou IQKJ ftin*uita«i> adilwltoruitraa- HE 3 COOPBU, ATTOBSKY AT LAW AtB MASTBII A»II muunmtt OBANCEIOT * « BuiMlng, M, I)OVRR,N J / 1 EO XI gUJIUINH, U D UKSEIIAI ANI1 HfaCiaLISTW TUB TBKMJHaMTpr RHiUl- HEATH & DRAKE. WORD TOOUMW.TOWN 5H0PP6RB. tfSBSM BUSIItBSS pBTHQDi Thorough Organization, Froiupt- mw and Aoouraoy have all con. Hnec| to build up our Mail Order Department _ a its prwont luge proportion!; This department, by giving at all Hants tbe very beat »tt«ntlon.to*out of town ahoppen, bu popnlmnzed Uie buying of gooda by-mail,'and now reaches its pabnoa with tlie vary best awotltneat of DBS! floods tbat the markets of 1)19 mrld atotd. Ho dmtinotioo is made in quality, or prloa between poods bopght at the counters aid Jioae purchased through theni»'l» OIUM5K8 will be promptly filled and forwarded to dMtittanos at the earliest possible moment, 84ifi.Ee of what «jer atrad «vl ba wilt to &uy nil npoD applieatlon We are now offering ATTBATTIVE VALUES IN EVERT DEPARTMENT. SILK DRESS GOODS, WASH FABUIC8. WHITE GOODS, LACES, EMBBOIDBBT, 1108- blN DNDEBWJCAK, BHIBT iVAJHTfl WJULPS PARASOLS H0U8EKEEPING'LINBNa,0r- HOLSTERY, OiBPBTS, MAT- TINGS, Jite.. Etc. - HEATH & DBASE, 777,1 * 779 BroadSt., .NEWARK, N. I ESTABLISHED I83O' Woe on norta aid* of Blaekwall atraat and •luui « MMH Warm atnal, '* * ARflHlTKOT, "l' noRAttmnrHis/j k-MOII fARK FMP*. CO". aUWWTHT HARDWARE IRON MERCHANT. lltbl XAtlOUHE * IIOBKINO'S BAKEHY 1 lor Iteah 6mA, Cain aaa Flea daW.- & ^ rtwli abuk of Uoufectknery aiwtya ml iiaad. SUfWBX BTRBBT, . ; tN«A» fi«»»l BaipOaJ AfiftJCUlTUftU'lMPU MEHTS and fartUlwn, DUN *nd *»!••, BJej. Owai Bnii J U l t H DflUMIlBRTl , OHAVIKOAMiBAiaOUTrlKOIIAUOOJI, . HUMBfBtlKIf,, '(tlSTKKKWUAttmOIf HOUU AMD Df KTT ) 'DOVER, N I. Tb» »U«e l u U eitlreb refund Is >ne>t lnv!l«i,U.l«nihn»¥hiul'U« raj.tyloc.il Ui,l«iumo«(li«o*ai»iprte«, H«Ve.|. UM Uwt modiftttiHlomMt nwrhat prbM. All ortDi"by u»« *UI W»(ll>piwm»»««»- ; VASON * «I»T'0«»1I, ». J, .1",' lWil» ««>»<'«»»»•.'>«*"' «»lr J ^ •"'—; J OHNSON « OPOMill," vi'i >M|i HamALriiaiinai»Dliiau>na. MMtaaold y^' llBNT 0? PUJLIC SOHQOia, \ AT BBflnmHOB OKtAWJIESCK ST., P*, "'^J)iiv«a,» J. '~- Omc« Iloniw,-» 4 ¥ to IS » menr S«t- >• unUj JA£ ° COOPKH, Ca Htijn. VjLIVBB a yiBEBlCAII, ' ^ I f V CAOTBSTERAMDOTJUDBR, **• I IJBAROB * JIOHBZ, " traos, JOHHBOS, J »-MOMOaESTS, iBADSTOKK8, HAKTBDS or tkefawtonlor «wl prirea i BLACIKWKU. BTBWT, . 1XIVK»,1I 1. H BP^NDLER, in, •FLOKIST, t, V \* SOLD erfRKKT, DOVKB, N J.-> "*_. f tat m.»« Uoa, lor >U 0011% ni n vW ' KC8S| 1 , * AITOBMEY AT LAW, - BOU0n»BH»H«jnBBIl!CHAllaERr 1 AMI HOT/illY WJB1.I0, OLD RELIABLE HOUSE g aui PunflWte Work, :BBJK8VJ.E.I J. J. , CARPENTER Hoqiiette, pur .Turd only , . Velvet Carpet, pur yard only ., Body Brussels Carpet, per jard only ., Tapestry Brussels Carpet, per jnnl only All Wool togrnm Crtrpot, per yard only Three Fly O»rp«t, per yard only Parlor Salts in Plasli, C pieoefl, maliogany Anished frnmeH, only 127 00 Parlor Salts, tfaliORany fininlied franqen, ID rug covering, nnly 187 00 Antique Oak Pwlroiini Suits,,ralucod from $20 down m low «a $18 00 itHklft TII,K. WlKE FENOENQ, "Hotels, Summer Resorts find 8ummer Boarding Houses will always find a large line of goods at my establishment, and at low prices.anrt easv terms. Fancy Matting.largestook andlowpiiees Best makes of Refrigerators at the lowest prices. * Telephbn«680. Terra?to suit turchasers lar t Fare Paid Goods Delivered Free ot Charge to all Parts ol the State. N. B—Note the name AMOS, before en- tering the store Passenger Elevator to every Floor- lIMtTED) Shoeing. hsa opeatd ii •oiftw4HnM«s -s«-.r£Ha.iM lt *«.? l Sl! lg oKS I b hulaaaa u ID olianr* If ajnastleal ao " - ^a* I ^BMallall' ^ ,Qeo. ntoCrftokeii. WELL? SSw <* >•>! Tka wtfU to tlMIcitonwtwtuil IbllUtttlutt •••! R. T, BM1TU. SMITH Masons and Buiidera. oovm, «. i." ; gaitaMB foe all Ictate of me* uk«« aad JOBB1BO FBDMPTIT ATTCHDBD TO MorrlB County Savings Batik, Huh BKKI-ASNU4I, DIT1DESD. , r . . BantoM far utnm on all I aak of «S.I» aad ap w d to mno, axd a nta of two awl oae-kajf f" DR. EDWARDS'S Blackberry Brandy WARKAKTED t b . I M I K t a M M l o TO lor aftMrttan. oTthc Htnm.d] *ad Bo««)B, u DIAco.. f.ln In tin 8tom«4 orBonb, Okl ChoUn M l . Ur-« 16M BOOKUIAI'S —AHIj- ttroeery St»re, " , SUSSEX STREET, M , AT HALF PRICES la fl|«WWj I '' .i ' (Liilied) Half Prises. 70 ols 75 eta 75 COcts 60 fi5 ota COMPETITION MN ^HOES is healthy and [.like it. The advantage of having 1 tko largest stock made by the best manufacturers in the country, keep- ing everything front A to E, the leading trade in tha, cities of Dover, Boon ton and I'ftssaic, justifying 1 large purchases at headquarter*; are substantial reasons for inviting customers to share advantages that competitors cannot give. My Spring styles are ifperior to anything ever shown in Morris (jounty and are not excelled any- whem- -taates, call'and examine my su- perb assortment of Ties and Slipper* in all colors, widths and prices, ranging from 80c to $3 00 Oentlemon's styles in if us get and Chocolate colored Bluchers and Bals. in addition to the largest line of reg- ular goods ever shown in the county. 1,000 pair of Children* Shoes from 33c. to 89c;, being one-third of their value. P. O. HEAGAN. New Fresh Goods! New Prices! THE PRICES HERE HfllTlED Preach wliole sormdas on the economj Miorem'm Imping tot * 4 OA9H. Exaoiine onr pricup. OIDBOIJ We tmk yp«r tTivile on the bagis on your iutercats These Prices Keep Our Clerks Busy. / , i, i -i>>- 73 Market Street, BHrt Buf*r Cured Halm M t l MearPlane ' NEWARK. N J. ECONOMY COMFORT! . SAFETY! v MfeiL > BASOLWE, > t hate a fall line ol them at lowest pricm OIL STOVES AND. OIL GAS 8TOVE3, "' \ ' BEFBIOSBAT0HB, CREAM FBEEZBB8 •• ' I BD»11 «<-ll tlie NEW PEERING MOWER, rbleb liaa given Hie beat satisfaction One of tbMe in niu HIS years, ~ l ooniing only 75 cents lor repatrp 'lumblng, Tinning, Steam Betting and Hot Water Heating dove in the beat manner. . Al. 8. ALLEN, Dover, N. J. „..,„,>„ Ttia CntehratBd CORHISH PIANOS and ORGANS, i\\ \ii\ mPfnVmi m n'i i n I'iTt Jm Car.- Elaokwell ^aiid MoTris 5ts., Do J. R. DALRyUPLE, Manager, Alao dealer in Small Hoiieai Initra'menU of all kinds ' mind and Suppliei, Sheet Mnslo and Music B< oks. F c m tanl«iiilii»il»loorder OnliM«Ji«o'or On>ron«ndOil P.rtal DOVBE LBMBBS 00., ' , , JUCKWELL STREET. -:- LUMBER OF ALL KINDS -: Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings, &c. OONE TO OHDES. GUAL WOOD *ND BUILDISG MATERIAL p <m Hants rtreet, ««Atoformer lnar> BlUbun,!Inc,Umrer,H,J lug andhacking, andla aoorrepttoa of AKISO —Iron *J3 Uod,toeiroanl orfl*)d»,aad thqlocattrajKO Tba&atnviuedby ReadlofC - "mtlbttUnft wrferAamoun M<mBABOBXaXH.VI..W30AX. HAKES. m Tim.. P. WoLn, A. M.r K I). Under til* beading ui*nj oauiu of tlil< tlclwgt btv» been dtacuiaed and ' " " a tbflH oolum&a:—vide the Ktu of DM. 27UI. (St ot nnr. flth, 1-iftl, and of June ITrh, 1B02 Prom #ome toortt ot napiM. which have b«en relwred to tbe writer •attar date, the following fa* lave .wen >lsct#<l for cunaldarallon b«r«, the ninnfudei vlnf of plaCM boo dlitaot to baproperly <ll8- uawl ina looal newtpaper. ROIIOXt'B. Tbla fa Urn name nf m creek au<l railway *Uon In Bergen oounty, nnrth of'fatsraoii, and moaoa -" tbe redoedar tren," Probably rod oedtr* or aUiar ireM wUlch, to th« In' dfauf, nwamltled them, almunded IDthe lo- cality ta whteb tliU Utle W U Tbe Mln.l-Letupe name for U » Pawic falli •( PtiteraoD. Tbt« hu been Hndarmi t o tlnk w t f t l a lanwd under w*t«r hy elKlir," (vide HUt On!, of N, J.) l>ut (t bu no iuch meaning in ttie X*n*po, As an od- jwtlve It OIMOJ w.vy, but at A noun It IP<H- b GENUINE FACTS WORTH WHILE READING, BY L. Lehman & Co. Oiw Found. of,: Eltrn Fine and W•(» Oranvlatod Kligm ki Bait Foik '•/., Knot M Kilnol .' tmrf Po* BmnltMl Mwrinc UKUN ieUtUMI« BabHtfi Iba« Soap, 0 C*fc«i far Jta.B«.tU!of , -. 1 4a flt«tch ,,, t,. i ,U do - do M ( . do SodiCnu3ii*n . do OlnicTBtttpt da NloN«« . .' ifo O-Lil«; , .7.."' ' Tapioca . J hKNTH ia ia 14 *IS5 a^ 17 t ir la ID do Buf.r Can, . . do ToawtOM. .. do Salman*,. , I ,t do Huifud tUullat. , do rOHPanHiiM.; ) , d^' Calltonift Apricots, do T.bl.P«ohM . do Cbnrln .. do IUrU.ltH«u>.. . o BotUe p ^e Roctlfl AiDtnonlt. L%rf e BolUB Bluing. . Knj.l Baling l"o»(!.r, Ib. Bl' C l ( BakertComo. , ea'. Corn Bui roll ^ O&U. H.0 J , lib FallJdlr , Sib Bo, Unmlnj OMoatad Omnanut Oald ]>ii«t WMblog Powdor. Babltllf.mil . . ., Pearllna , , Octagon BiMp, 0 Cahea. . Okuuobuap 1 CnlcM . , , lOlli. 1'allL.rtl. 2 Ib. fl.nliraut RCTI. •1 ib.'Cm CockoiCornBnl. 3 lit: Can Braok.Tronc It IWCan Soused Maoketvl. Acmd Onuid Sinokad 8M[ . Blalng Run BIOVB Pollsb. DtxOQ^iBlO^«rollib. Spu** Cocoa. Bat K. 0. Hi.lau™, par Dallon. Rait llalilm UoUaam Q e i i Drip Sjrrup. Cup and fiauoar Jrull Moitaird. 26 ftlOO IS IT WE HAVE 500 ITEMS IN OUB TINWABE DEPABTMENT AND 1000 IN OUB DKY AND FANCY GOODS DEPABTMENT AT WONDEBFDLLY BEDUCED PBIGES. ,, can urn Be mm. Free. J. Hairhouse, WATCHMAKEB AND JEWELER. DXALKBIN Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry.,' Silver and Silver-Plated Ware, Sold Pens Silver-Plated Knives, Forks sadSpoons, '•• , AT tfHB L0WB3T UAnKBT rlUCB. WEDDING ASD HIRTBDAY PBEBEDTB, SOU- YKN1B SPOONS, 1h» larsrat aoffirunpnc avpr ehown la norer Af ill linear BiwetaclBa and ICje GlaMea, la fniaiea o( Gold, tita«l *\A Aabb«r properly ntted Co tlia Bje 1amonn.t«utljr replevl.hltic mf stock ta AU Ita depart- RuuiU Vnn will altvaya flnd tba latest pattern* and atylea. 0- All kind! or WATCHES CLUCKS and JEWKI.RY HEPAIRED cr oUiuviliB renovated ai required. HUB WATCiUES ADJUSTED TOTasIPKHATDHK AND POBITIOH Watches Sold on Instalments. JOHN'J. ECKHART, to RRIIUI «c Kckb&rtj AN!) BUILJIIEK. OantraaWtafcatt aud DUtarlila tunjshwrfar Hlill.DIISd-. KUIDGKM, MANf OF THE LOTS TllAT MoDAVIT offered at REDUCED RATES have been taken. When the rest bave been sold the price will bo tain." Or, If an Ia fir»linHi>, there were jiluu- j tattntu of tlio iiialu- alxiiit tlio HHrtgr., w-j name would Dignify " a.L (urtlie ])IAM "I'MB utidfir the moiintaln " Tlili name, KeUcted from BAvcral sutr«fHt«l hy tha writer, hu rsMtitly bfl«n ftlvKn bj tthorlflM of tlio Central K. It of H J. to a railroad nt*tlon near lake Hopatoimg. It mraiia prluiarlly " tbo place ot thn n oiii is approiirial* t<ec*un« the «li»r!(lnal In- of that regiiiD derived tbrlr iinme frotD Uint aii.i.ial, TUft n a m e of ll^coooi Island, lu tbe lake, fa a aurvlval ot tie <x«U' paocy ol Ibo Karoomi t'.lan nl Imiiain Ths namo Enpannng, from KHPAN, may Hr»e nlwi to prffiorre a frogmeot (if hjilinn Wk lure. KB or AIH wat a great {HmonaKp In al> y .—resting mtra Iwulda n atreatu be iHeilnton hliell. btnn* IM or AIM U the word for (hell In n^-rni dlale-'tfl. After lnt«r«BlluKexperloiiuti he wan ngalii mag- ically trannfornied, ihlnllino luto a raooonn, i^HYinDil tra H8 Formal Ion U oi'inimenioratetl tbe naniM KHI-AN, AIHIION, Bt^., wlilcb tlie n lu dfrTartiot dUlotrt*—tba name mcnnliig "be waa a ibpll." ' watar In motion. ; FJHL-ATAWAY, ao epelled aa t*tly u iO?l). PiKattotray in tan, PlwataiiuAylB If173, flKiittniue In 1UT4 Pltcatafiu* In lOSd, ftc. There h an un- founded iraHIUrw tttnt tli? Dame mrans "It I* enmtaa; dark," It (a a pnrru^Uon it ITAWACK and la translated " tlm region ot the peritetulleuUr op*GlBg." HAL*1I*K spelltd altoKalauwque. Tkte la aald Ui bo Ibe Imll« appellation of a aprlng poor Mad' (•nn, whinh a writer In t i e B t u bellflvea to i " pereuulal." Perenalnl would ho HAHKOOHsauiR In tbo Iitnape. KAL.AU- PUdHiN nwni quiet vr*ter, but !• noc a propfrnoun. Probablytbr Lenape tltlacon- iiatetl of two words, of wb!ch tbe wbltsa understood aod retained on\j the dr*t, whieb would be ALAU&K ["floirlns lu tbe dlreottou of ".-the word for Uie place or olj-ot tielug omitted and loit. HHINOTOW. The (MHttlhU derlvattan of tb(* MOW from lie r>riupe ALAUATOHQ baa beon brfore oon- eidered In th«ae arttolti, Tbo writer lli^d» it tome of Uie aarlj' aettlera of tiio neigh- borhood ot Lamtngton ware Scotch from ~ irkablre, and It Menu probable ttaat thaj mmed tbe ohurob tn»j tat up In the new worldtitartbatnieUiej' tad known In their former borne inthe nUe of tbo Clyde. It wat of Una "Old Kirk of Laralngton " that Ourm wrote' : . .'.•'•'-- " Aa oauld m. olnd a* e»r1ilfi«r, A oaulder kirk, and I n't but fe>r j Aa cauM a mlnliter'a «'tr epstc, Ye'ae a 1 bebot « n 1come back." WATBlfiaiNO, called In otdir ncorda Wumtdog, whiub h«a erronwuiif tranalatert "tbe crooked place," referring (a abarp bind Ia tbe Tblrd River In tbla locality. Tbo name Ia & cor- ruptlwi of AWA*HtNiNo~omitract«cl from 9BK and ACHflismHD—and niMtuUie region beyond tba atone t literally, "at tbe atoiw bcvotld » It doublieM refer* to tome Indlau landmark of stone, ' . HAOEfARKUNaA. Tbta his btonient toroeas beiog the Lmape name for tbe lodtto Brook at Mt Freedom *»d for Uie tipper porUon o[ theNorth Branch Of tba tUrlUr..' I llnil lta.ao tp'l\td Mika- haonta and tn aar.yaa.l7lS, Hert»heoD£o. To tha aeveral antlijuariani who ban written maeoooaralna;-tbia name I oan onlyaug|eat fttrUMT. reaeanib may aho-r- th'a.4 the name wasapplled alao^anil perhapa primarily —to tbe lower portion of tbaJHortti Branch, wbknt ila ba'nka'in eroded In tWfea'aadd- atone and red «bal*«. I auipect tba natue d In acme way aaaociatlon with HAnHACiiTA- nuKaA,"tliflndbau.ko(a atream. 1 In anoleat document* apelled alwEtttaplng aodKltUoj. It It onen| tbo Indian^ tltlea for tbeBlue atountaiot of New Jeraey. Th e K 3 Hist. Gullectlona'* would reodei 'AlutMMy, i' UMmain oil// 1 from tbe Mitral Wwna on tbalotflandl alooi Us IMInware, north oT tbe mountain, whence the name ex- tendad ta «s4 Included tba mouotaltu But tte true translation It mucb more di- rect thao fitfa.'v KITTA (orKUiTAlBWinagnai —«aln HirrAHiKuv, gtvat tit, trrrxKntHK itUh lluicoultcorijt and Hutanneoung in documenU at H40, JdUKkoncUtuwg 1n l?l r >, and HutkftiiatcouK etill earlier, Tha name ilgntHw "a itmiij! and rapid current or utreaui" It In tterivtd from IIUS-KOKAK, (anciently MABKAKR) whlnli when a))|illt><l to rrent, ni*an« itroiiR or rapid and the tu fill ATON wbleh rtten ta a rflpld utrwim. Probably tbe Leuape crtlled the river HimKO Applied primarily to ttmriver, it arennd- arlly gate titles to other ubJ-Mit* nearly saw 1 wftli it. 1st, totlie valley In wliiou It flown ; MA, tothe ratlier Urge nlan of I<«tapa who InbatiiUd ita banks aod vicinage; III, to the lakelet (nowa p^rt of UnintaooR) whlok iy betwiwa Wwdlport and Noldu'i I'olntan^l wan a *nurw and trtlmtary of tbe " rapid stre&tu;" e.inHtli, to tba m^unttttn—^ctiaol- -which nverkiolaitherlperandfnr a long nca borders U» valley. _ TbU mountain is ramly meiitionaj lu tbe "Her reoorda at &Ur>lcjng. Sometime*, .it fan called usl'shUr'ntid It h«« beenburmlsed that Uie name nf the early aettlar for wbi>m tbe utaln wna called nanScbugl liiBtead < f Rclooiey.' Tbe latter oaine la tbat of n well known Quaker family. I find tbat name among tbe signature* to the '• Concratlom of Wwt Jemy," Ia 107(1, and apptmdad to an ad- dre»» of tlie Quaker porUoa nf tho i Grand Jury nf HewJersey to King George It, In 172S. TheHchooley whogave a uatne to tbe inUIn MM, In 174(1. one ut tK« Quaksi oolowy at Ulllbrook, near Dover. Scbugl i oonuyitionof Bobocley. Tbat section of tbe mountain ctsllnl Mt. Dlive waa named (or B«BJ»UI... Ollie, anearly Mtllur, and not ir tbe Muuot of Ollvea, aatiaa Iteen mppoied. A corretpocdetit ol tha EitA has mentioned aud detcribedaeveral lino Indian relics found by me In tbo vicinity nf my auQimer c*ai|> at Htgbland Lake, In tlie mouutaln reglun ol nortli western Connecticut. * To some of your reader* the followlca; will iuterttting, Scorea of UIMO relici, wenpana *nd fmi»la> raents nf it<iii«™m«ny of ttiam of excellent wbrbmannhtp and liolth—were' found upon the aurface of a billnok -rttlohraanlfeatlybad been the *lte of tlin JrxJga of tlie lUTon-tnaker r>f the village, Croat tbe appettnMHw ot.tltlft hillock mmie nf tlie local Rolaiia nunnlsod that It ffimat B.Ttlllni&t «r!Ktn saA klntllnr toth* 'orka of tbe " niuund builders" In tbe wear. Had thtt aurmlBB proven to bo corrrat It dtiafe been of tbe greaWtt solentlllu tertat hoA value, alnoa no tuch moundn are known to.ralat within huadreda of mile* of UlUiodallw.; A portlo'n of the hillock has a[nce ,beejrle»e.a| and no ntone Implements for tba umeof a mountain, Tba naew than appropriately tneant > great mountain." . : •; , :>' '• ; \-: ' .';. \ U la noteworthy ttaat HieLesiap* calledthe portion of (be Blue Mountain ne»r tbe Water Gap POHOQUAiiir or poeoQuAwso, etgnlfylii Uie t«rmia«UoQ of (wo inouulalnn witb •traun between." •';"''•;:••'-'•."-. •• •. : POBATOOMO/•>.' Tba name of. a confluent of tbe Delaware In Warren county. .Tberelinowarrantfor the ajaumption that ihe naoi« la derived from thatof the Chief Pokahake. He lived la a dittant part of tba 8Ute—Cape May oounty •baln« deeortbed In a. intent dattd InIUUa> a lawful owner "cf (he east itdo of Qoddyn'B pe de M»jo/'. Fobatcong Ii oorrupUd: from' FOEIAQUAN,' ".pounding apUnU 1 andtoAloauw tbat tbe. black oab or ot*er material ua*d for baarstipllnta gnw PMwUftilly in the looallty to wfafoh tbe nane Mappllri. " l t U mUorable that tbe termlaaJ Rvllable UNO, which Ua'auoh a favorite, with In van tar* and Improvers of tonjallrf Indian name* Ii HorlWi Haw Janay, iwver to emplcijed by UwlbdluuUtemM.rei n'nd Itaou now > alwaye Itapropar and.utoaUj abturd.:' : ; . : , iCBBYlOHBI. ,:/-•" .'•',. /. Tba Indlwa naine for'tba territory, now called 2faw Jersey, la from (be OVAHI t, and Ii flrrtT-aoqrdsrt by HeeluiweMcr. tfaa Mo- ravian who, attatopta no ezplanatlna of It. Tie ljrlntoo preaervea tba nama Bba'akbetj— from IUIBT, long and narrow, AKI, land, and HI, water—"long land water," according to tbe I*nape oiutom of speech whlcb places tUe noun need lo the. genitive «en»o before tii noun which toy ami It, the terra would be monappllMb1.ttoa.body of water, like the Delaware Baj,' than to tbe land; uat it would be quite, aj appropriate tu thenami thlt land sow bears—Hew Jeraey—nwanlng New Ceaaer'i bland." The Indian name b ratdftred BIUHiYAKi. ob^tber fatnoui "Painted BtlduT of the Lenape and may be fraely trannlated »•*« an ore land"—being oonatrncUdfrom BCnAVADiNO (Ma-thoiv) and AKI (land), ' '•.- " . tTtAPACK, - ;.. i vpelted tnold (lonumanta Pepook, 1710, Pitpeelt, 1718 There la an old local tradition that the Bits of the'prwent villa** waa an Indianpea- patch and bencw tfari name. SASAKAKI would *rnh«*obwa tbe Lenape appellation.. PJCA »ACK meani pond, or water fn tlie raldit of a manh (PiAPACnatwic, pond root, H tbe Lenape lor tba calantu), Hut ID tbla cam the name was applied to a stream and t?itb niNrtA understood, It conrev* ttuIdea of " a creek with niaraby margin*." Tbt nunidy Ltura of tha district along Uui lUwm at tbe time of toe Indiana' occupancy made thonai appropriate. Within UMmemory of pretent rmldenut, much ol tba village ilte w u low rad w*t A «laa tAl^etiapa, vbcM lodges were altnattd Above tbe preaent village, took their name from that of the atream. 1 have fuund no oonOrroaUon of the aawrtlon that either tte erect, the dan or the village waa ever called "Kaaok"er "Kaag," , Thla apelllng la from the pnati o(U<* lint, tbe puhlioatfoM of taaHaw Jertey Gojlogli Batvey the ua.m« I* *?M*d Alanracbe. In n ntum of Hnrrey. dated 1710, It U written Aluunocb*. It Uderived from tbe ml j retire xuutMVwaai, meaulng under (at tlwfoot of) tbehtUor tnouptaltt AppiladbytbeMlD: a enwk, It afgntlied." tbe creek at tbe foot ot UW mountain." A fewlodRsa of Indian* wbo dwelt near It derived their name from that ol tt» oredt. The wfattea her* tfnee ap- plied the Hunt name ta tb* rooantoln. JO'JI Reading u y a in hh DOtM [17I5f tbat he enrae from an Indian village called Afimmnoha- hoklng (or poHnjt) by an Indian path to "» pleaaant aheot of water " (Budd'a Lake) whore ba laid out a tract of land. The ftimx: he JJAflB HALL. WB^B «. gri«l many cranki at R4x-k- tunUy who e»p«t:t«d to n*e Uie Uwt 'kt)U,»nu wiiie on the fluid with tfareeof rbentplayeniiiliitotit, Tbeircrack pitaber uiu had auoUmr tiiigujjamant, Cadmua voa tlct, aud Sl«k played Uiew a dirty trick by demiting an hour before they atartsd far lloclsway. \'oluutint> went lu the hot, ami van OH wild anJ erratic an only Valentine cau be. Hu aetit wven men tu boaea on Italls, unfl tboin when all the Lag* ware oocuplwl \m forcing In a run and worked Raub no lurd that Titiu luut ta «u Uhlad the bat lu Iftb inning. UocLettMtowu played a good fteldtug game, but bad & right tu feel iltf murogodliy the rnggeil work of Valentino, lilt, was the (trot game Uil* seotmn wlicre leroluui been any "chewing" between the [ilayura. Witli Uie liackettatowii club fitrungtheued with tlie tlirwe men who w«re abwiiit tlioy would lie a fair match for tlio ftockaway dull, and we would like to neo iGtu meet, Cdfore a aatlsfuctory irania ran )]>Myoil botweenUieaetH-u^dlutw tbs mail- •Wd win have to oomV'lo a' better' under- unlliig with each otlior. tiackettatoirii Line t«> H.wkaway wlUi tbo ld«a tltat tlioy ixilii uut bo allowed to win, aud UMmoi-e ie wuakuoiA of Utolr team become opj»rent . e more firmly Utut uutuluu uecamaiixed, id UIB> waul liom« uxgiresaliiK ttielr boiler llidt Uwy wan "roosted." On the other Hand Itocltnwny has the same opfuiou of it play agorae wltliBwayzeAS judge, Un- iw tliwe clrounmtancM far tlie credit of botii L'IUIJS we tb!nk tliey bad bettor keep ajiart. u ltogflnt umpired this gtuiie, and we made It a )*>lut to liuiuln of men who iw opiHwod to the Itookaway club, and tbey ,11 a g r e e that with but DUOexception, Mit clHlons wore uniformly fair, aud, that de- dou could only liave uuda a dllTarence of .no runs. We saw the game through ami vere In a [Kwitlou to nee aa well u auy one ind tvo do not twlleve a fairer umpire ever W>otl uu a ball (laid than Kr. Hogur*. ftnek- ,«ay played a lieautlful game, in fact we It wtu tho bwt all-round game they have put up tills goaton. Following IK tlm score: BOCKAWAY aer, t, u............ irter, o , •avmmJgli. HLb..:;. 'all, r.f irviB,Sd°b. ,*,'","*!"., urloy,]. f Total HAOKlTTSTXnVM. Hu., £0b. 4.: "ii, n utl> v .'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. KUII, c . i «. i, itflhell.o f DhaitrW.adb. * 8 d b . oeB,ltil b .... utter. t.f Illy, r f Total: ..... u. 1 ii •i a I I 0 0 0 u" It. 1 0 0 a II (i 0 0 0 l In 2 3 4 I) 11 a 4 a i 24 In 3 a u !( 1 1 0 1 1 "ia PO. 1 10 II r> 4 1 I It 2 S7 It). fl II A .1 1 a « n u •ai. A. 2 (I 1 II It 0 u •J 3 11 A. I 1 0 3 0 II 1 1 0 0 B. 1 u u <l (1 a u i u ia i. 0 u u 1 1 II a u it lordfuary tiirrownf a pbw,' atid tlie nat- ural, utrata fuund Iti Hltu nUnwoil that the mound wan tbo product of untilr*I alone, Hlfchland Uke, - . Weitwinttoa P.O.; Conn... ClIESIEE. Pourtmi fimiple from PotternvlUn trmiRb Uiwnnn Bsturday ont.iefr way tu Butid'a I/ike, wherfl.theyet.twtwl to bold a picnic. TtiftiWy IOOUKI un(a,yarable, but udglDgfrotn tnei appearannn <J[ the pnrt] upan tUeit return, tbey matt luws hart a iwj pleuant time. . . ;'•. ' eHtorebulldlusoocupuKlbyJ.'M Detnlc water and the dwelling occupied uy W. K. Voung bare Juilreceived a uew ooatof paint. Tbe work wan dons by Q,' B, Oatiorer wbo la <np|d>re(l a g&od workman In thli line. When are our patriot! of to-day I Are any nf them h aid Ing ofilw under the -prennt ad- ralnlitraOoulIfBOWa wt-uld glad to aw or bear from tUmn. Prow nppsArauom, party and aelf come llrat.aud oiuutry and people can taken hoik root.. If foreiffners and poll- ttduna are to run.our KoTernnwnt, tn ra opinion, It will not ba long batons patriot ta *M be t\ thing ot tbe put. F.N, JenlclnaridoBRUBw wheel"MuJMtls make, I bclttxTO. . * MlMKvBlyn Crowall, of NBWHTL-, N. J. who lias been vifctting far Home time. wltu. "h auut, Hra. Qsborn, of thin ploca, retiirnofi her hatneoh Saturday. ' W, H. Axford, of Nuigbrfght. made ihorttlsltonbts wheel totbu>:town on Jdon- Mr* a C. Praka' and daughter left foi Aabury Park on Hooday, ^whero Uwy cxpecl toapendaiborCUme'enJavinR the Oellgbtfu ties broeu*. We hope, tbey -will be mucl nenellted thereby. . ;, . Bourn portlonfrof tte hoard walk batw CbBaterabd Cheater p r t « Koadi are In an unsafecoaiiUiu«raud,Wo [iniper•'•«... •houW take tba m-itier In liaud audtbut avoid Oomniunlou Bsrvtues will be tibwrred A: young preacher anlvtd at il« honw He*-: Mr. and Ura. Kerr on Friday last. Coil gratulatloiaB... , The CeotnU B. It. bw rocontly pUotd wblntle boards along tha Cue car Branclj, P. N. JenkhiB Ee laying in a aback :pf t for the coming season. . <Fred Itf alvraya time. ', ' theCh««torl«ll.t*«m w«,-s aa good playnraa* thrne of their nnmber, tba Dawr team wouMAOtliavshfidiucb n picnic Jast Tburaday. . - - :•• It the present dmet are the good old Bern- ocmtlo timea promisml by tlint party lust fall I think wa all would be very thankful when tfaty anovvr. . - • " . . • '"Delay Hot "was Inerror but week mli i to SUvUon Agent NiugUrlRhl't bnu court. Court was made by Mr. Dun Beam id lauiran the old Oale j>r«iwty. Mrs. Oflborn boa more a,ipiic»nf» fur boai froni'City iieaule than tihn IK'able to accom modate at present. Tbe peach crop In this vlcf ulty In a large one andpeaohes will [iroliatjljr lie cheap. " * Rev. Charles Wood, of Mount Freedom, occupied tbo pulpit in tbo Congregational Church lut Babbath morning and Mrs. Wood, hla wife, gave a very Intersil ting talk in tha UethodiHt Church in the evening Quito a number of our eltiwno atteodtvl KhearlnRKlven Mr. E. Pitney at Bueca ltina on Fri-lsy or last week. I umfsmtand thecaie will lie brought liefore the Qrand Jory at tfali coming term. The wheelman of thlsplnm held a mating in Music Hall Monday .evening, and derided toorRanftw*,club. I think tbU will tool mucb bnnr/lttoall Interested In cycling ami all wlHjelmou. should bocmn* tmmbert, DoNItOMIK. '' Arreited for Incest. William Bodme, BRW! about 40jean, Uv< alone witb. his Mother, over sixty yean of age,.In the old IUUIM nmrly ntipoiIte.Uii *prinR faniiM, on Beliboley'a Hminta.ni The mottr#voltlnf «tnrli«h*ve boon told ol tbe iiatiooa of mother and iwn. . Dodlno <raa amulet) on a comi>l"*nt ttwon to by a woman who waa an unwilling wltneM to their uaAlal crime, and lie la now la Jill at Mor riatown. .Tbe penalty In ten ywra In State prlMD, flitxxi fine, or both. Their Tfeket* Were Oood, A party of five nunenipinoa the! way to ;he WorM'a Fair wore ptttoJT DicbawannA train at Seranton Saturday afternoon became tbftoondtucttar thought their Uckutii were not goad. lawyer! bavefetnn retain^ to lot tute roit* for damages' The IiickAwani officials MOD reallnd Uielr ralrtalie, ai by advice from Haw Tork, offered aetUement wbioh wat accepted ty one man Tha othen an for war, oharghic awault, andclaim hwvj damnemfgr dBtent.no ' ...... I O J) 0 U 1 a 0 3-D own., (I O 0 0 0 0 0 1 0—1 Two-Use hlta, Freoman, RHUII. Double. Barker and T.tuit, Hurley and K « f tallf, by Valentine 7. Hit _.., jy Valentine 1. Htruek mit, , _ ,,- by VaIeaUna7, Time of game ;wo hours. and tirentj minutes, .Uniplre, On Batnrday JUt tbe lodepeodanta, of i :'. Lonkawsy* went*- to^mtwi^ila'-' to ptay 'ball. - ' lutiiatdartuted'for'UflflntUtMUilsHuon, '" ' tiy very, noor playing attar UM aevaoth* ilng. At th« end of tha snth the •core stood f> to U In faror or tbe Independent!. - hutjort afwr all. Tlie n«x. game will be ". played at llockawiy tmtw»wn tfaeae twoaluba. following ii the eoor* by Innlnga M fnl- nibernla,,, .... 8 Q t 0 0 0 (1 » tt-tfl Independ.nw.. 8 II a .8 0 1 0 U 2-13 .The Agitators play the »«coniJ tame at UM> .' Itate Hoapltal at Morris IPIalat to-morrow. ,\v ' Poiirpran fill measure artengtb an.) -Mil . ; with'the Waahlngton Itvervea ontbeHome groundi titnorrow, .. .- . ; .;•' tAai'ay plays a*aln»t Denvllle to-rnor-' . TOW. DevvilU will BtrenBttwD thslr taam at iveral points. '• ' , ' .": ' ; TbeCulun GlantaplayatRoonton tumor- . ; AnoJndUottbaPittetiuf-iftnd Lake, Brlft Railroad nrenUy nturwA fram Europ*; and •, refoniOK to railway praettoe It) Germany, •atil tome, "Tbaroadbeda are about perfect, white tlie itatfons amalmply magnlficMit, oven in th» moat ItulgnlQoant pltoea twine : veryHno. The roadbed* are unite rigid, hit tbla Is mainly due to tfae Iron and tteef eroaa- - tiea that are so exteudvely used. Tfa* loco- ^ motlvea are line pleoaa of mecfcaolm, bat their rapacity Ii acaroely equal to thornon this ild» of tbe Atlantic. Their entire paaa- . engerequlimi'intlaavay.baUncI that In UM here. Their train*, however, run like olnok- worMndthB(»(UuctioM are. perfect, "Tb* method of Martins tmlni U altoButlwrunlqiw asd peculUr, and will oauaa local tjjtnta and tralnmsn to unite. . Tbe agent ta an Impoang, *&mA aulftuu* looklmt otHdal, atUrerl )laborwte uniform, literally lilt-edged. , and be octa as n»rt*>r ot ceremonta on tbe Im- posing occadon. TVben tbe train arrirea at a station he is itannlag bolt nprlfbt In an ; almost mllliary position, andtie ti on dreat parade. One minute before tbe train atarta lureacbetupand Upa a gong Uree Umw. Tbn a Ptrtnge scene takei plaoa, and It would ^oui^Mt b» had pnased a button, for at the lajttao thecondnctor. wbo hat been In the rear oar, comes galloping along tbe entire length of tbe platform, ahoutlng. Ia German, tbe owAft of vrttT %t * tim ^^^ n ^ locks U8 car doon, darU back* te *iV™ *? his perch on the rwr car, wblatlM . ^ * tinormeUl whlitle. which la InaUnU . peatedbythebrakemanatthe-froat end of the (Irat car and the ti»ln atarta," j, v. n. -- avellnr. Tim climax of comfortabla and laxuriotu tnWBllBg In apparently reacted by tba Chlea-. go, Milwaukee and St. Paul Btllway, Eaaa* and comfort go with the traveler making a trip from Chicago to fit. Paul, M(nn«poll«, Omiba or Blour City over thla road. Their niperb electric llKbtod veetibuled train* te*T- ing Chicago for tbeMpoinluMU-lyareryeTen- Ing are groat favorite*, nothing being tattua- - done by the offlclaU or employe** to mtan m most enjoyable trip. Ewwltaat 4,ala| wnitt h maintained andbuffet library can are at- Ucbed totbe tmlo, where cun*ntperlodle»la may be penned whllft amoking t. CIRBT with. ' all Uujcomtotsot on«'a own "dm"at bnme ' Hlectrfc lights placed in every berth enable the travBler toipen'. bUwaltBtnl bour* after ratirfng over bis favorite novel or other roarf. : ' .nK natter, rrlvate Gorapartmant can are run betwean Chleago, 8L Paul and Mirnw- anolti. In fact, everything that goes to an- aura ootnfort and •Kurity Is provided. Tba trip from Chicago to any of the above named dtlea requires tut a night's run, hringjna; one . at tbe destination ready for breakfast and - business In tbe morning. All coupon ticket agents have tickets on aale via, Chicago, Ull- wanlteeandSt Paul Railway, ot call on or addreaa Jtx>. R Pott, district nanenfter agent, VT. FBEBDOX. ' Rev. Mr. EngUujd, of Ctmter, waa wltb : * 11s Banday morning. Tba aervlcea were very r - itereaUog andInstrucUvs. -v.i 1 Mr. Blasure and danghtar, of Newark, art" vbntlnRrrlendaandrelaUresof thlipUea. :1 , UT. ChtA. Trowbrldg* It •nlTering eereraly . ( from InjuriM no«d*ed from tbe fall'nf a scaffold while worfeisg »tHr. ConceV Mablon Roberta; fomurly of thla place, wbo ramoTftl to Newark In the eprlna &\tA ' lutweskathUUtamitlenoa. Hilton AJberaoo, of Vluna, Ii thehomaaf J B, Blsckw.ll Raymond Tottngi La TkitlniatfcUfnuid Vfireate, J£r, H. D Totmn, Dirar

TgTIT. AT HALF PRICEStest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1893/... · 2015. 1. 6. · 4 OA9H. Exaoiine onr pricup. OIDBOIJ We tmk yp«r tTivile on the bagis on your

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Page 1: TgTIT. AT HALF PRICEStest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1893/... · 2015. 1. 6. · 4 OA9H. Exaoiine onr pricup. OIDBOIJ We tmk yp«r tTivile on the bagis on your




i«o ruin-Hi ET'JWS.

qfiuf. on Mid ixll Strtel lira) (lamlo lie National Chum Bant


. . . . u»

INll l

a 001.UMSsou


ftin*uita«i> adilwl tor uitraa-




* « BuiMlng,





tfSBSM BUSIItBSS pBTHQDiThorough Organization, Froiupt-

mw and Aoouraoy have all con.Hnec| to build up our

Mail Order Department _a its prwont luge proportion!;This department, by giving at allHants tbe very beat »tt«ntlon.to*outof town ahoppen, b u popnlmnzedUie buying of gooda by-mail,'andnow reaches its pabnoa with tlievary best awotltneat of DBS!floods tbat the markets of 1)19mrld atotd. Ho dmtinotioo ismade in quality, or prloa betweenpoods bopght at the counters a idJioae purchased through the ni»'l»

OIUM5K8 will be promptly filledand forwarded to dMtittanos at theearliest possible moment,

84ifi.Ee of what «jeratrad «vl ba wilt to &uy nilnpoD applieatlon

We are now offeringATTBATTIVE VALUES IN





777,1 * 779 Broad St.,.NEWARK, N. I


Woe on norta aid* of Blaekwall atraat and•luui « M M H Warm atnal,

'* * ARflHlTKOT, "l'





XAtlOUHE * IIOBKINO'S BAKEHY1 lor Iteah 6mA, Cain aaa Flea daW.- &^ rtwli abuk of Uoufectknery aiwtya ml iiaad.


tN«A» fi«»»l BaipOaJ

AfiftJCUlTUftU'lMPU MEHTSand fartUlwn, DUN *nd *»!••, BJej.

Owai Bnii

J U l t H DflUMIlBRTl



Tb» »U«e l u U eitlreb refund Is > ne>t

lnv!l«i,U.l«nihn»¥hiul'U« raj.tyloc.ilUi,l«iumo«(li«o*ai»iprte«, H«Ve.|.UM Uwt modi ftt tiH lomMt nwrhat prbM.All ortDi" by u»« *UI W»(ll>piwm»»««»-

; VASON* «I»T'0«»1I, » . J,

. 1 " , ' lWil» ««>»<'«»»»•.'>«*"' «»lrJ ^ • " ' — ;

JOHNSON « OPOMill," v i ' i

• >M | iHamALriiai inai»Dli iau>na.


y^' llBNT 0 ? PUJLIC SOHQOia,


P * , "'^J)iiv«a,» J. ' ~ -Omc« Iloniw,-» 4 ¥ to IS » menr S«t-

>• u n U j J A £ ° COOPKH, C a Htijn.

VjLIVBB a yiBEBlCAII, ' ^ I f



" traos, JOHHBOS,


or tke fawt onlor «wl prireai BLACIKWKU. BTBWT, . 1XIVK»,1I 1.

H BP^NDLER, i n ,

•FLOKIST, t, V \ *

S O L D erfRKKT, DOVKB, N J.-> "*_.

f tat m.»«Uoa, lor >U0011% n i n

v W ' K C 8 S |


1 AMI HOT/illY WJB1.I0,


g aui PunflWte Work,

: B B J K 8 V J . E . I


Hoqiiette, pur .Turd only , .

Velvet Carpet, pur yard only . ,

Body Brussels Carpet, per jard only . ,

Tapestry Brussels Carpet, per jnnl only

All Wool togrnm Crtrpot, per yard only

Three Fly O»rp«t, per yard only

Parlor Salts in Plasli, C pieoefl, maliogany Anished frnmeH, only 127 00

Parlor Salts, tfaliORany fininlied franqen, ID rug covering, nnly 187 00

Antique Oak Pwlroiini Suits,,ralucod from $20 down m low «a $18 00


"Hotels, Summer Resorts find 8ummerBoarding Houses will always find a large lineof goods at my establishment, and at lowprices.anrt easv terms.

Fancy Matting.largestook andlowpiieesBest makes of Refrigerators at the lowestprices. *

Telephbn«680. Terra? to suit turchaserslar t Fare Paid Goods Delivered Free ot

Charge to all Parts ol the State.N. B —Note the name AMOS, before en-

tering the store Passenger Elevator to everyFloor-


Shoeing.hsa opeatd ii •oiftw4HnM«s

-s«-.r£Ha.iMlt*«.?lSl!lgoKSI b hulaaaa u ID olianr* If ajnastleal ao

" - ^a* I ^BMallall'

• ,Qeo. ntoCrftokeii.

WELL?S S w <* >•>! TkawtfU to tlM IcitonwtwtuilIbllUtttlutt • • • !

R. T, BM1TU.


Masons and Buiidera.oovm, «. i." ;

gaitaMB foe all Ictate of m e * uk«« aad


MorrlB County Savings Batik,Huh BKKI-ASNU4I, DIT1DESD. ,

r . . BantoM far u tnm on all Iaak of «S.I» aad ap w d to m n o , axda nta of two awl oae-kajf f"


Blackberry Brandy

WARKAKTED tb.IMIKta M M l o TOlor aftMrttan. oTthc Htnm.d] *ad Bo««)B, uDIAco . . f.ln In tin 8tom«4 orBonb,

Okl ChoUn M l . Ur-«



ttroeery St»re," , SUSSEX STREET, M ,


' ' .i '


Half Prises.70 ols

75 eta




fi5 ota


is healthy and [.like it. The advantageof having1 tko largest stock made by thebest manufacturers in the country, keep-ing everything front A to E, the leadingtrade in tha, cities of Dover, Boon ton andI'ftssaic, justifying1 large purchases atheadquarter*; are substantial reasons forinviting customers to share advantagesthat competitors cannot give. My Springstyles are ifperior to anything ever shownin Morris (jounty and are not excelled any-whem- -taates, call'and examine my su-perb assortment of Ties and Slipper* in allcolors, widths and prices, ranging from80c to $3 00 Oentlemon's styles in if usget and Chocolate colored Bluchers andBals. in addition to the largest line of reg-ular goods ever shown in the county.

1,000 pair of Children* Shoes from 33c.to 89c;, being one-third of their value.


New Fresh Goods! New Prices!

THE PRICES HERE HfllTlEDPreach wliole sormdas on the economj Miorem'm Imping tot *

4 OA9H. Exaoiine onr pricup. OIDBOIJ We tmk yp«r tTivile onthe bagis on your iutercats

These Prices Keep Our Clerks Busy./ , i , i -i>>-

73 Market Street, BHrt Buf*r Cured HalmM t l

MearPlane ' NEWARK. N J.


v MfeiL > BASOLWE, >t hate a fall line ol them at lowest pricm


•• ' I BD»11 «<-ll tlie

NEW PEERING MOWER,rbleb liaa given Hie beat satisfaction One of tbMe in niu HIS years,

~l ooniing only 75 cents lor repatrp

'lumblng, Tinning, Steam Betting and Hot Water Heatingdove in the beat manner.

. Al. 8. ALLEN, Dover, N. J.

„..,„,>„Ttia CntehratBd CORHISH PIANOS and ORGANS,

i\\ \ii\ m PfnVmi m n'i i n I'iTt Jm

Car.- Elaokwell ^aiid MoTris • 5 ts . , DoJ. R. DALRyUPLE, Manager,

Alao dealer in Small Hoiieai Initra'menU of all kinds' mind and Suppliei, Sheet Mnslo and Music B< oks.

F c m tanl«iiilii»il»loorder OnliM«Ji«o'or On>ron«ndOil P.rtal



Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings, &c.OONE TO OHDES.

GUAL WOOD *ND BUILDISG MATERIALp <m Hants rtreet, « « A to former lnar>

BlUbun,!Inc,Umrer,H,Jlug and hacking, and la a oorrepttoa of AKISO—Iron *J3 Uod, toe iroanl or fl*)d», aadthqlocattrajKO Tba&atnviuedby ReadlofC

- "mtlbttUnft wrferAamoun


m Tim.. P. WoLn, A. M.r K I).

Under til* beading ui*nj oauiu of tlil<tlclwgt btv» been dtacuiaed and ' " "a tbflH oolum&a:—vide the Ktu of DM. 27UI.(St ot nnr. flth, 1-iftl, and of June ITrh,

1B02 Prom #ome toortt ot napiM. whichhave b«en relwred to tbe writer•attar date, the following fa* lave .wen

>lsct#<l for cunaldarallon b«r«, the ninnfudeivlnf of plaCM boo dlitaot to ba properly <ll8-uawl in a looal newtpaper.

ROIIOXt'B.Tbla fa Urn name nf m creek au<l railway

*Uon In Bergen oounty, nnrth of'fatsraoii,and moaoa -" tbe red oedar tren," Probablyrod oedtr* or aUiar ireM wUlch, to th« In'dfauf, nwamltled them, almunded ID the lo-cality ta whteb tliU Utle W U

Tbe Mln.l-Letupe name for U» Pawicfalli • ( PtiteraoD. Tbt« h u been Hndarmi

to tlnk w t f t l a lanwd under w*t«r h yelKlir," (vide HUt On!, of N, J.) l>ut (t b u

no iuch meaning in ttie X*n*po, As an od-jwtlve It OIMOJ w.vy, but at A noun It IP<H-



L. Lehman & Co.

Oiw Found. of,: Eltrn Fineand W •(» Oranvlatod Kligm


Bait Foik '•/.,Knot M Kilnol .'tmrf Po* BmnltMl MwrincU K U N ieUtUMI«BabHtfi Iba« Soap, 0 C*fc«i far

Jta.B«.tU!of , - . 14a flt«tch , , , t,. i ,Udo -doM(

. do SodiCnu3ii*n .do OlnicTBtttptda NloN«« . .'

ifo O-Lil«; , . 7 . ." ' 'Tapioca . J




t irlaID

do Buf.r Can, . .do ToawtOM. . .

do Salman*,. , I , tdo Huifud tUullat. ,do rOHPanHiiM.; ) ,d^' Calltonift Apricots,do T.bl.P«ohM .do Cbnrln . .do IUrU.ltH«u>.. .

o BotUe p^e Roctlfl AiDtnonlt.

L%rf e BolUB Bluing. .Knj.l Baling l"o»(!.r, Ib.B l ' C l (BakertComo. ,

ea'. Corn Bui roll^ O&U.H . 0

J ,l i b FallJdlr ,Sib Bo, UnmlnjOMoatad Omnanut

Oald ]>ii«t WMblog Powdor.Babltllf.mil . . . ,Pearllna , ,Octagon BiMp, 0 Cahea. .Okuuobuap 1 CnlcM . , ,lOlli. 1'allL.rtl.2 Ib. fl.n liraut RCTI.•1 ib.'Cm CockoiCornBnl.3 lit: Can Braok.TroncIt IWCan Soused Maoketvl.Acmd Onuid Sinokad 8 M [ .Blalng Run BIOVB Pollsb.DtxOQ^iBlO^«rollib.Spu** Cocoa.B a t K. 0 . Hi.lau™, par Dallon.Rait llalilm UoUaamQ e i i Drip Sjrrup.Cup and fiauoar Jrull Moitaird.






Diamonds, Watches, Clocks,Jewelry.,' Silver and Silver-Plated Ware, Sold

Pens Silver-Plated Knives, Forks sad Spoons,'•• , AT tfHB L0WB3T UAnKBT rlUCB.


1h» larsrat aoffirunpnc avpr ehown la norer A f ill linear BiwetaclBa andICje GlaMea, la fniaiea o( Gold, tita«l *\A Aabb«r properly ntted Co

tlia Bje 1 am onn.t«utljr replevl.hltic mf stock ta AU Ita depart-RuuiU Vnn will altvaya flnd tba latest pattern* and atylea.

0 - All kind! or WATCHES CLUCKS and JEWKI.RY HEPAIREDcr oUiuviliB renovated ai required.


Watches Sold on Instalments.



OantraaWtafcatt aud DUtarlila tunjshwrfar

H l i l l . D I I S d - . KUIDGKM,


MoDAVIToffered at

REDUCED RATEShave been taken. When the

rest bave been sold theprice will bo

ta in ." Or, If an Ia fir»linHi>, there were jiluu- jtattntu of tlio iiialu- alxiiit tlio HHrtgr., w - jname would Dignify " a.L (ur tlie ])IAM

"I'MB utidfir the moiintaln "

Tlil i name, KeUcted from BAvcral sutr«fHt«lh y tha writer, h u rsMtitly bfl«n ftlvKn b j

tthorlflM of tlio Central K. It of H J .t o a railroad nt*tlon near lake Hopatoimg.I t mraiia prluiarlly " tbo place ot thn no i i i i s approiirial* t<ec*un« the «li»r!(lnal In-

of that regiiiD derived tbrlr iinmefrotD Uint aii.i.ial, TUft name of l l^coooiIsland, lu tbe lake, fa a aurvlval ot t i e <x«U'paocy ol Ibo Karoomi t'.lan nl I m i i a i n Thsnamo Enpannng, from KHPAN, may H r » e nlwit o prffiorre a frogmeot (if hjilinn W k lure.K B or AIH wat a great {HmonaKp In al>

y .—resting mtra Iwulda n atreatu beiHeilnton hliell. btnn* IM or AIM U

the word for (hell In n ^ - r n i dlale-'tfl. Afterlnt«r«BlluKexperloiiuti he wan ngalii mag-

ically trannfornied, ih ln l l ino luto a raooonn,i^HYinDil tra H8 Formal Ion U oi'inimenioratetltbe naniM KHI-AN, AIHIION, Bt^., wlilcb tlie

n lu dfrTartiot dUlotrt*—tba namemcnnliig " b e waa a ibpll ." '

watar In mot ion . ;

FJHL-ATAWAY,ao epelled aa t*tly u iO?l). PiKattotray int a n , PlwataiiuAylB If173, f lKi i t tn iue In 1UT4Pltcatafiu* In lOSd, ftc. There h an un-founded iraHIUrw tttnt tli? Dame mrans "I tI* enmtaa; dark," It (a a pnrru^Uon it

ITAWACK and la translated " tlm regionot the peritetulleuUr op*GlBg."


spelltd a l t o K a l a u w q u e . Tkte la aald Ui boIbe I m l l « appellation of a aprlng poor M a d '(•nn, whinh a writer In t i e B t u bellflvea to

i " pereuulal." Perenalnl would hoHAHKOOHsauiR In tbo Iitnape. K A L . A U -

PUdHiN n w n i quiet vr*ter, but !• noc apropfrnoun. Probablytbr Lenape t l t lacon-iiatetl of two words, of wb!ch tbe wbltsaunderstood aod retained on\j the dr*t, whiebwould be A L A U & K ["floirlns lu tbe dlreottouof " . - t h e word for Uie place or o l j - o t tielugomitted and loit .

HHINOTOW.The (MHttlhU derlvattan of tb(* M O W from

lie r>riupe ALAUATOHQ baa beon brfore oon-eidered In th«ae arttolti, Tbo writer lli^d»

it tome of Uie aarlj' aettlera of tiio neigh-borhood ot Lamtngton ware Scotch from~ irkablre, and It Menu probable ttaat thajm m e d tbe ohurob t n » j tat u p In the newwor ldt i tar tbatn ieUie j ' t a d known In theirformer borne in the nUe of tbo Clyde. It watof Una "Old Kirk of Laralngton " that Ourmwrote ' : • . . ' . • ' • ' - -

" Aa oauld m. o lnd a* e»r1i l f i«r,A oaulder kirk, and I n't but fe>r jAa cauM a mlnliter'a «'tr epstc,Ye'ae a1 be bot « n 1 come back."

WATBlfiaiNO,called In otdir ncorda Wumtdog, whiub h«a

erronwuiif tranalatert "tbe crookedplace," referring (a • abarp bind Ia tbe TblrdRiver In tbla locality. Tbo name Ia & cor-ruptlwi of AWA*HtNiNo~omitract«cl from

9BK and ACHflismHD—and niMtu Uieregion beyond tba atone t literally, "at tbeatoiw bcvotld » It doublieM refer* to tomeIndlau landmark of stone, ' .

HAOEfARKUNaA.Tbta his btonient toroeas beiog the Lmape

name for tbe lodtto Brook at M t Freedom*»d for Uie tipper porUon o[ theNorth BranchOf tba tUrlUr..' I llnil lta.ao tp'l\td Mika-haonta and tn aar.yaa.l7lS, Hert»heoD£o.To tha aeveral antlijuariani who b a n writtenmaeoooaralna;-tbia name I oan onlyaug|eat

fttrUMT. reaeanib may aho-r- th'a.4 thename wasapplled alao^anil perhapa primarily—to tbe lower portion of tbaJHortti Branch,wbknt ila ba'nka'in eroded In tWfea'aadd-atone and red «bal*«. I auipect tba natue dIn acme way aaaociatlon with HAnHACiiTA-nuKaA,"tliflndbau.ko(a atream.1

In anoleat document* apelled alw EtttaplngaodKltUoj . It It o n e n | tbo Indian^ tltleafor tbe Blue atountaiot of New Jeraey. Th e

K 3 Hist. Gullectlona'* would reodei'AlutMMy, i' UM main oi l / /1 from tbe Mitral

Wwna on tba lotflandl alooi U s IMInware,north oT tbe mountain, whence the name ex-tendad ta «s4 Included tba mouotaltu

But tte true translation It mucb more di-rect thao fitfa.'v KITTA (orKUiTAlBWinagnai—«aln HirrAHiKuv, gtvat tit, trrrxKntHK

itUh lluicoultcorijt and Hutanneoung indocumenU at H40, JdUKkoncUtuwg 1n l?lr>,and HutkftiiatcouK etill earlier, Tha nameilgntHw " a itmiij! and rapid current or

utreaui" It In tterivtd from IIUS-KOKAK,(anciently MABKAKR) whlnli when a))|illt><l to

rrent, ni*an« itroiiR or rapid and thetu fill ATON wbleh rtten ta a rflpld utrwim.Probably tbe Leuape crtlled the river Him KO

Applied primarily to ttm river, it arennd-arlly gate titles to other ubJ-Mit* nearly s a w

1 wftli it. 1st, to tlie valley In wliiou Itflown ; MA, to the ratlier Urge nlan of I<«tapawho InbatiiUd ita banks aod vicinage; III, tothe lakelet (now a p^rt of UnintaooR) whlok

iy betwiwa Wwdlport and Noldu'i I'olntan^lwan a *nurw and trtlmtary of tbe " rapidstre&tu;" e.inHtli, to tba m^unttttn—^ctiaol-

-which nverkiolaitherlperandfnr a longnca borders U» valley. _ TbU mountain is

ramly meiitionaj lu tbe "Her reoorda at&Ur>lcjng. Sometime*, .it fan calledusl'shUr'ntid It h«« beenburmlsed that

Uie name nf the early aettlar for wbi>m tbeutaln wna called nan Scbugl liiBtead < f

Rclooiey.' Tbe latter oaine la tbat of n wellknown Quaker family. I find tbat nameamong tbe signature* to the '• Concratlom ofWwt Jemy," Ia 107(1, and apptmdad to an ad-dre»» of tlie Quaker porUoa nf tho i GrandJury nf Hew Jersey to King George It, In172S. The Hchooley who gave a uatne to tbe

inUIn MM, In 174(1. one ut tK« Quaksioolowy at Ulllbrook, near Dover. Scbugl

i oonuyitionof Bobocley. Tbat sectionof tbe mountain ctsllnl Mt. Dlive waa named(or B«BJ»UI... Ollie, an early Mtllur, and not

ir tbe Muuot of Ollvea, aa tiaa Iteen mppoied.A corretpocdetit ol tha EitA has mentioned

aud detcribedaeveral lino Indian relics foundby me In tbo vicinity nf my auQimer c*ai|> atHtgbland Lake, In tlie mouutaln reglun olnortli western Connecticut. * To some of yourreader* the followlca; will l« iuterttting,Scorea of UIMO relici, wenpana *nd fmi»la>raents nf it<iii«™m«ny of ttiam of excellentwbrbmannhtp and liolth—were' found uponthe aurface of a billnok -rttloh raanlfeatly badbeen the *lte of tlin JrxJga of tlie lUTon-tnakerr>f the village, Croat tbe appettnMHw ot.tltlfthillock mmie nf tlie local Rolaiia nunnlsod thatIt ffimat B.Ttlllni&t «r!Ktn saA klntllnr toth*

'orka of tbe " niuund builders" In tbe wear.Had thtt aurmlBB proven to bo corrrat It

dtiafe been of tbe greaWtt solentlllutertat hoA value, alnoa no tuch moundn areknown to.ralat within huadreda of mile* ofUlUiodallw.; A portlo'n of the hillock hasa[nce ,beejrle»e.a| and no ntone Implements

for tba u m e o f a mountain,Tba naew than appropriately tneant >great mountain." .: •; ,:>' '• ; \-: ' .';. \

U la noteworthy ttaat Hie Lesiap* called theportion of (be Blue Mountain ne»r tbe WaterGap POHOQUAiiir or poeoQuAwso, etgnlfylii

Uie t«rmia«UoQ of (wo inouulalnn witb•traun between." •';"''•;:••'-'•."-. •• •.

: POBATOOMO/•>.'Tba name of. a confluent of tbe Delaware In

Warren county. .Tberelinowarrantfor theajaumption that ihe naoi« la derived fromthatof the Chief Pokahake. He lived la adittant part of tba 8Ute—Cape May oounty

•baln« deeortbed In a. intent dattd In IUU a>a lawful owner " cf (he east itdo of Qoddyn'B

pe de M»jo/'. FobatcongIi oorrupUd: from' FOEIAQUAN,' ".poundingapUnU1 and toAloauw tbat tbe. black oab orot*er material ua*d for baarstipllnta g n wPMwUftilly in the looallty to wfafoh tbe nane

Mappllri. "l t U mUorable that tbe termlaaJ RvllableUNO, which Ua'auoh a favorite, with In van tar*

and Improvers of tonjallrf Indian name* IiH o r l W i Haw Janay, w « iwver to emplcijedby Uw lbdluuUtemM.rei n'nd Ita o u now >alwaye Itapropar and.utoaUj abturd.:'

: ; . : , iCBBYlOHBI. ,:/-•" .'•',. / .

Tba Indlwa naine for'tba territory, nowcalled 2faw Jersey, la from (be OVAHI t , andIi flrrtT-aoqrdsrt by HeeluiweMcr. tfaa Mo-ravian who, attatopta no ezplanatlna of It.Tie ljrlntoo preaervea tba nama Bba'akbetj—from IUIBT, long and narrow, AKI, land, andHI, water—"long land water," according totbe I*nape oiutom of speech whlcb places tUenoun need lo the. genitive «en»o before tiinoun which toy ami It, the terra would bemonappllMb1.ttoa.body of water, like theDelaware Ba j , ' than to tbe land; uat itwould be quite, aj appropriate tu the namithlt land sow bears—Hew Jeraey—nwanlng

New Ceaaer'i bland." The Indian nameb ratdftred BIUHiYAKi. ob^tber fatnoui"Painted BtlduT of the Lenape and may befraely trannlated »•*« an ore land"—beingoonatrncUdfrom BCnAVADiNO (Ma-thoiv) andAKI (land), • '• '•.• • - "

. • t T t A P A C K , - ;.. ivpelted tn old (lonumanta Pepook, 1710, Pitpeelt,1718 There la an old local tradition that theBits of the'prwent villa** waa an Indian pea-patch and bencw tfari name. SASAKAKI would*rnh«*obwa tbe Lenape appellation.. PJCA»ACK meani pond, or water fn tlie raldit of a

manh (PiAPACnatwic, pond root, H tbeLenape lor tba calantu), Hut ID tbla camthe name was applied to a stream and t?itbniNrtA understood, It conrev* ttu Idea of " acreek with niaraby margin*." Tbt nunidy

Ltura of tha district along Uui lUwm at tbetime of toe Indiana' occupancy made thonaiappropriate. Within UM memory of pretentrmldenut, much ol tba village ilte w u lowrad w*t A «laa tA l^etiapa, vbcM lodges

were altnattd Above tbe preaent village, tooktheir name from that of the atream. 1 havefuund no oonOrroaUon of the aawrtlon thateither tte erect, the dan or the village waaever called "Kaaok"er "Kaag," ,

Thla apelllng la from the pnati o(U<* lint,tbe puhlioatfoM of taaHaw Jertey GojlogliBatvey the ua.m« I* *?M*d Alanracbe. In nn t u m of Hnrrey. dated 1710, It U writtenAluunocb*. It U derived from tbe ml j retirexuutMVwaai, meaulng under (at tlw foot of)tbehtUor tnouptaltt AppiladbytbeMlD:

a enwk, It afgntlied." tbe creek at tbe footot UW mountain." A few lodRsa of Indian*wbo dwelt near It derived their name fromthat ol tt» oredt. The wfattea her* tfnee ap-plied the Hunt name ta tb* rooantoln. JO'JIReading uya in hh DOtM [17I5f tbat he enraefrom an Indian village called Afimmnoha-hoklng (or poHnjt) by an Indian path to "»pleaaant aheot of water " (Budd'a Lake) whoreba laid out a tract of land. The ftimx: he

JJAflB H A L L .

WB^B «. g r i « l many cranki a t R4x-k-t u n U y who e»p«t:t«d to n*e Uie Uwt

'kt )U,»nu wi i i e on the fluid with tfareeofrbentplayeniiiliitotit, Tbeircrack pitaberu i u had auoUmr tiiigujjamant, Cadmua

voa t l c t , aud Sl«k played Uiew a dirty trickby demit ing an hour before they atartsd farl l o c l s w a y . \'oluutint> went lu the hot, amiv a n OH wild an J erratic an only Valentine caube. H u aetit w v e n men tu boaea on Italls, unfl

tboin when all the Lag* ware oocuplwl\m forcing In a run and worked Raub no

lurd that Tit iu luut ta «u U h l a d the bat luIftb inning. UocLettMtowu played a good

fteldtug game, but bad & right tu feel i l t fmurogodl iy the rnggeil work of Valentino,

lilt, w a s t h e (trot game Uil* seotmn wlicreleroluui been a n y "chewing" between the

[ilayura. Witl i Uie liackettatowii clubfitrungtheued with tlie tlirwe men who w«reabwiiit tlioy would lie a fair match for tlioftockaway dul l , and we would like to neo

iGtu meet, Cdfore a aatlsfuctory irania ran)]>Myoil botweenUieaetH-u^dlutw t b s mail-•Wd w i n have to oomV'lo a' better' under-unll i ig with each otlior. tiackettatoiriiLine t«> H.wkaway wlUi tbo ld«a tltat tlioyixilii uut bo allowed to win, aud U M moi-eie wuakuoiA of Utolr team become opj»rent .e more firmly Utut uutuluu uecamai ixed,id UIB> waul liom« uxgiresaliiK ttielr boiler

llidt Uwy wan "roosted ." On the otherHand Itocltnwny has the same opfuiou of

it play agorae wlt l iBwayzeAS judge , Un-iw t l iwe clrounmtancM far tlie credit of botiiL'IUIJS we tb!nk tliey bad bettor keep ajiart.

u ltogflnt umpired this gtuiie, and wemade It a )*>lut to liuiuln of men w h o

iw opiHwod t o the Itookaway club, and tbey,11 agree that with but DUO exception, Mit

clHlons wore uniformly fair , aud, that de-dou could only liave u u d a a dllTarence o f

.no runs. W e saw the game through amivere In a [Kwitlou to nee aa well u a u y o n eind tvo do not twlleve a fairer umpire everW>otl uu a ball (laid than Kr. Hogur*. ftnek-,«ay played a lieautlful game, in fact we

It w t u tho b w t all-round game t h e yhave put up tills goaton. Fol lowing IK tlmscore :


aer, t, u............irter, o ,

•avmmJgli. HLb. . : ; .

'all, r . firviB,Sd°b. ,*,'","*!".,urloy,]. f


HAOKlTTSTXnVM.Hu., £0b. 4.:

"ii,nutl> v.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.KUII, c . i «. i,itflhell.o fDhaitrW.adb. * 8 d b .oeB,ltil b . . . .utter. t .fIlly, r fTotal: . . . . .

















• a i .









i .0


lordfuary tiirrownf a pbw,' atid tlie nat-ural, utrata fuund Iti Hltu nUnwoil that themound wan tbo product of untilr*Ialone,

Hlfchland Uke, • - .Weitwinttoa P.O.; Conn...

C l IESIEE.Pourtmi fimiple from PotternvlUn

trmiRb Uiwnnn Bsturday on t.iefr way tuButid'a I/ike, wherfl.theyet.twtwl to bold apicnic. TtiftiWy IOOUKI un(a,yarable, butudglDgfrotn tnei appearannn <J[ the pnrt]

upan tUeit return, tbey matt luws hart a i w jpleuant time. . . ;'•. '

eHtorebulldlusoocupuKlbyJ.'M Detnlcwater and the dwelling occupied uy W. K.Voung bare Juilreceived a uew ooatof paint.Tbe work wan dons by Q,' B, Oatiorer wbo la

<np|d>re(l a g&od workman In thli line.When are our patriot! of to-day I Are any

nf them h aid Ing ofilw under the -prennt ad-ralnlitraOoulIfBOWa wt-uld 1» glad to awor bear from tUmn. Prow nppsArauom, partyand aelf come llrat.aud oiuutry and peoplecan taken hoik root.. If foreiffners and poll-ttduna are to run.our KoTernnwnt, tn raopinion, It will not ba long batons patriot ta*M be t\ thing ot tbe put .

F.N, JenlclnaridoBRUBw wheel"MuJMtlsmake, I bclttxTO. . *

MlMKvBlyn Crowall, of NBWHTL-, N. J.who lias been vifctting far Home time. wltu. "hauut, Hra. Qsborn, of thin ploca, retiirnofiher hatneoh Saturday. '

W, H. Axford, of Nuigbrfght. madeihorttlsltonbts wheel to tbu>:town on Jdon-

Mr* a C. Praka' and daughter left foiAabury Park on Hooday, ^whero Uwy cxpecltoapendaiborCUme'enJavinR the Oellgbtfuties broeu*. We hope, tbey -will be muclnenellted thereby. . ; ,. Bourn portlonfrof t t e hoard walk batw

CbBaterabd Cheater p r t « Koadi are In anunsafecoaiiUiu«raud,Wo [iniper•'•«...•hou W take tba m-itier In liaud aud tbut avoid

Oomniunlou Bsrvtues will be tibwrred

A: young preacher anlvtd at i l « honwHe*-: Mr. and Ura. Kerr on Friday last. CoilgratulatloiaB... ,

The CeotnU B. It. b w rocontly pUotdwblntle boards along tha Cue car Branclj,

P. N. JenkhiB Ee laying in a aback :pf tfor the coming season. .< Fred Itf alvrayatime. ', '

theCh««torl«ll.t*«m w«,-s aa goodplaynraa* thrne of their nnmber, tba Dawrteam wouMAOtliavshfidiucb n picnic JastTburaday. .- - :••

It the present dmet are the good old Bern-ocmtlo timea promisml b y tlint party lust fallI think wa all would be very thankful whentfaty anovvr. . - • • " . . •

'"Delay Hot "was In error but week mlii to SUvUon Agent NiugUrlRhl't bnu

court. Court was made by Mr. Dun Beamid la uiran the old Oale j>r«iwty.Mrs. Oflborn boa more a,ipiic»nf» fur boai

froni'City iieaule than tihn IK 'able to accommodate at present.

Tbe peach crop In this vlcf ulty In alarge one and peaohes will [iroliatjljr liecheap. " *

Rev. Charles Wood, of Mount Freedom,occupied tbo pulpit in tbo CongregationalChurch l u t Babbath morning and Mrs.Wood, hla wife, gave a very Intersil ting talkin tha UethodiHt Church in the evening

Quito a number of our eltiwno atteodtvlKhearlnRKlven Mr. E. Pitney at Buecaltina on Fri-lsy or last week. I umfsmtand

thecaie will lie brought liefore the QrandJory at tfali coming term.

• The wheelman of thlsplnm held a matingin Music Hall Monday .evening, and deridedtoorRanftw*,club. I think tbU will toolmucb bnnr/lttoall Interested In cycling amiall wlHjelmou. should bocmn* tmmbert,


'' Arreited for Incest.William Bodme, BRW! about 40 jean , Uv<

alone witb. his Mother, over sixty yean ofage,.In the old IUUIM nmrly ntipoiIte.Uii*prinR faniiM, on Beliboley'a Hminta.ni Themottr#voltlnf «tnrli«h*ve boon told ol tbe

iiatiooa of mother and iwn. . Dodlno <raaamulet) on a comi>l"*nt ttwon to by awoman who waa an unwilling wltneM to theiruaAlal crime, and lie la now la Jill at Morriatown. .Tbe penalty In ten ywra In StateprlMD, flitxxi fine, or both.

Their Tfeket* Were Oood,A party of five nunenipinoa the! way to

;he WorM'a Fair wore ptttoJT • DicbawannAtrain at Seranton Saturday afternoon becametbftoondtucttar thought their Uckutii were notgoad. lawyer! bavefetnn r e t a i n ^ to lottute roit* for damages' The IiickAwaniofficials MOD reallnd Uielr ralrtalie, ai byadvice from Haw Tork, offered aetUementwbioh wat accepted t y one man Tha othena n for war, oharghic awault, and claimhwvj damnem fgr dBtent.no

'. . . . . . I O J) 0 U 1 a 0 3-Down., (I O 0 0 0 0 0 1 0—1

Two-Use hlta, Freoman, RHUII. Double.Barker and T.tuit, Hurley and K « f

tallf, by Valentine 7. Hit_.., jy Valentine 1. Htruek mit,

, _ ,,- by VaIeaUna7, Time of game;wo hours. and tirentj minutes, .Uniplre,

On Batnrday J U t tbe lodepeodanta, of i :'.Lonkawsy* went*- to mtwi^ila'-' to ptay 'ball. - 'lutiiatdartuted'for'UflflntUtMUilsHuon, '" 'tiy very, noor playing attar UM aevaoth *

ilng. At th« end of tha H « snth the •corestood f> to U In faror or tbe Independent!. -hutjort afwr all. Tlie n«x. game will be ".played at llockawiy tmtw»wn tfaeae twoaluba.

following ii the eoor* by Innlnga M fnl-

nibernla,, , . . . . 8 Q t 0 0 0 (1 » tt-tflIndepend.nw.. 8 II a .8 0 1 0 U 2-13

.The Agitators play the »«coniJ tame at UM> .'Itate Hoapltal a t Morris IPIalat to-morrow. ,\v

' Poiirpran fi l l measure artengtb an.) -Mil . ;with'the Waahlngton Itvervea on tbe Home •groundi titnorrow, . . .- . ; . ; • '

tAai'ay plays a*aln»t Denvllle to-rnor-' .TOW. DevvilU will BtrenBttwD thslr taam at

iveral points. '• ' , ' ." :' ;

TbeCulun GlantaplayatRoonton tumor- . ;

AnoJndUottbaPittetiuf-iftnd Lake, BrlftRailroad nrenUy nturwA fram Europ*; and •,refoniOK to railway praettoe It) Germany,•atil to me, "Tba roadbeda are about perfect,white tlie itatfons am almply magnlficMit,oven in th» moat ItulgnlQoant pltoea twine :

veryHno. The roadbed* are unite rigid, h i ttbla Is mainly due to tfae Iron and tteef eroaa- -tiea that are so exteudvely used. Tfa* loco- ^motlvea are line pleoaa of mecfcaolm, battheir rapacity Ii acaroely equal to thorn onthis ild» of tbe Atlantic. Their entire paaa- .engerequlimi'intlaavay.baUncI that In UMhere. Their train*, however, run like olnok-worMndthB(»(UuctioM are. perfect, "Tb*method of Martins tmlni U altoButlwrunlqiwasd peculUr, and will oauaa local tjjtnta andtralnmsn to unite. . Tbe agent ta an Impoang,

*& mA aulftuu* looklmt otHdal, atUrerl)laborwte uniform, literally lilt-edged. ,

and be octa as n»rt*>r ot ceremonta on tbe Im-posing occadon. TVben tbe train arrirea ata station he is itannlag bolt nprlfbt In an ;almost mllliary position, and tie ti on dreatparade. One minute before tbe train atartalureacbetupand Upa a gong Uree Umw.T b n a Ptrtnge scene takei plaoa, and It would^oui^Mt b» had pnased a button, for at thelajttao thecondnctor. wbo hat been In therear oar, comes galloping along tbe entirelength of tbe platform, ahoutlng. Ia German,tbe owAft of vrttT %t*tim^^^n ^

locks U8 car doon, darU back* te * i V ™ *?his perch on the rwr car, wblatlM . ^ *tinormeUl whlitle. which la InaUnU .peatedbythebrakemanatthe-froat end ofthe (Irat car and the ti»ln atarta," j , v . n.

-- avellnr.Tim climax of comfortabla and laxuriotu

tnWBllBg In apparently reacted by tba Chlea-.go, Milwaukee and St. Paul Btllway, Eaaa *and comfort go with the traveler making atrip from Chicago to fit. Paul, M(nn«poll«,Omiba or Blour City over thla road. Theirniperb electric llKbtod veetibuled train* te*T-ing Chicago for tbeMpoinluMU-lyareryeTen-Ing are groat favorite*, nothing being tattua- -done by the offlclaU or employe** to mtan mmost enjoyable trip. Ewwltaat 4 ,ala | wnitth maintained and buffet library can are at-Ucbed to tbe tmlo, where cun*ntperlodle»lamay be penned whllft amoking t. CIRBT with. 'all Uujcomtotsot on«'a own "dm"at bnme 'Hlectrfc lights placed in every berth enablethe travBler toipen'. bU waltBtnl bour* after •ratirfng over bis favorite novel or other roarf. : '.nK natter, rrlvate Gorapartmant c a n arerun betwean Chleago, 8L Paul and Mirnw-anolti. In fact, everything that goes to an-aura ootnfort and •Kurity Is provided. Tbatrip from Chicago to any of the above nameddtlea requires tut a night's run, hringjna; one .at tbe destination ready for breakfast and -business In tbe morning. All coupon ticketagents have tickets on aale via, Chicago, Ull-wanlteeandSt Paul Railway, o t call on oraddreaa Jtx>. R Pott, district nanenfter agent,

VT. FBEBDOX. 'Rev. Mr. EngUujd, of Ctmter, waa wltb :*

11s Banday morning. Tba aervlcea were very r -itereaUog and InstrucUvs. -v.i1

Mr. Blasure and danghtar, of Newark, art"vbntlnRrrlendaandrelaUresof thlipUea. :1 ,

UT. ChtA. Trowbrldg* It •nlTering eereraly . (from InjuriM no«d*ed from tbe fall'nf ascaffold while worfeisg »tHr. ConceV

Mablon Roberta; fomurly of thla place,wbo ramoTftl to Newark In the eprlna &\tA 'lutweskathUUtamitlenoa.

Hilton AJberaoo, of Vluna, Iithehomaaf J B, Blsckw.ll

Raymond Tottngi La TkitlniatfcUfnuidVfireate, J£r, H. D Totmn, Dirar

Page 2: TgTIT. AT HALF PRICEStest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1893/... · 2015. 1. 6. · 4 OA9H. Exaoiine onr pricup. OIDBOIJ We tmk yp«r tTivile on the bagis on your

THE EHA.The Dover Printlng Company

I'YKlay, Aii|j. 4 , 1803 .

Ho tar as *o base U#u able to lwim Sum-tin Drake h&t not bruugblallbel Miit ogaluatttru. llniwii fur bis opea ctiarge Unit t ieNttinttir rtK^lvud all tliOUMLiitl dflllnrn fur lii»idle mi llw rara-trot* MH«.

Tlie Auchor Line HU^mt-bip KarauimiiuWOK ilftaiunl at Ijuarainluu yntttirday l-y UrJxuliiw, H«ttUh OlUuer u[ llw ywrt. There*twtB I l int OealliB among lb" 471 sUt-rmit*jMMiMigen oil the Kay overt urn] no H't[MiBsen ent all embarked ul Nobles nUufei-liulera Id prevalent. It wss deemed Wat todetuinUinsUjito uiftW a tlnirttiiRli Pianiili-ullou m,«l tmve lier JUinfwUil.

Tiiu New Yurk Trillium iwrtiiWbtly rtnmrUthat t ie RepuUtauw must vote right wo enl.'uiijtma lutwiiiWe*, but they tvllJrfn wi'll ti'1<-1 tlii-Pnunwrota atujuttie tLo full rcdpoiii-ililltif (or ItgiHlatluii ami ilii tliu lurucr \iavi u(lli« talking. The tiiajwtij jwtnj i» tlic oi'**to tala Ito inltiittiv-H in curryliiR nut- Tiiel're«>i)uiitV 1-eLtuiiiiitiitIatfonn ami In limbingtliBin t'luai'ti witli (lit CMcagn |ilatf.»nit. Tinrmititry line iutniBltJ the Damn-rosy withftliMjlut«i>tiww at a Frilinil iwrlml. It willhiilit Hit majority jmrtj', ml her that] tlieiiiJrinrlty, rt'upniMllili! for what linpiwiH tlur-iiift tlie uext ton wmtkH

It t»ntit t* ft nourco uf murli hiilit(ai'Uou tntVio versatile iiud eruptive juii-fli-bl of llie)'<irt Oraiii [IUMJC ic-lioul h) recciru Hie eu-ilorM'inciit of autratattout Uctivuf ratio JMJWTr<,r tlie o«lce of Comity K.-liml Su)ioriiiten-

• .i.-iit. Ur. 1'utter has Hie nblllty to fill tin*omm, hut It isn't Ills r|<iiilll[L-aliuii mi NIUL-JI tutliii lujIiUi'nl u«.-fullii'as tli«t luut mi attractionfur the lllnck Itlvtr BtatMflian. The I>IVM1II«fraLurouf llw umlttr U Imw tlio hide* LWII ndurt* 1'ulUir, whose iK.lilical iMiH[<lexf(H> fi-oa mottled Hi J f i l l ' s owl, utid still kwp UJIlu warfare U(KKI Uwtiwriwr fm- having nji

.y *itbnutiiuttiiie on I or er«w*InK » t inliangio* a letter HI ihe MiieliluK :

idruBw-d U. Mr. J D. Mnlt-wllU-jiorter (ot iron lim fortmun'S* S J.W*> niucb forlliu outHide. Tbe lui-iiii'rcail

Mr. J. D. l>.«rslr:rna limiting Mic Lie tbat you |-1|WI»L JiI'JII Km of Ilie S tu itmt A 1 notify joi

tii iviiif iV Bt-tlU- nitti tue fur It ur it nil! <wtmuie liiijimj' tlian it «i j | now £• l«ve <. dual of tiudMe, Vuu lU(«r U» «*:» aa a il.'U you have UaukumU^ antkTttl my house amt also iH^ractd mjsel

and family &na it uiu«t bv matie it rig lit forit In a doiiinm* tu IHP fi: furthermore 1 Heap UH

t t t a t l eA. Hotel as any jwruMi In lliir-risCo. /v there litw noi-nr lih» u»y llgtit in my

s altice I tiave run it .V tbe |*uplf- t U tj tosee me arc Itespectable 1'oopla

are tse U Free bohlen tbat sign my I'eUlon( L'K-|) my Bar Hoc in doi**f HuiuJaj'K. *

ii.» In hciir rmm you A: nave ttubWe.

Wjl. iC.BKAHVtl,I'rwp. Kay Blune liouw

B Is to tie word tor rvlo

Tim Uodid of Ki'tdiol^rw of I'utxa^Cuimtlinv*- sllumi thuuiwlvr* t» t,c oliSfvii-ui tlniliHvrnohUin^m nnd Rn KI ninrnlslij lioi-niitiillio <li»n>jJiilulil(» Ctirtuii r>ii't) ti'Hrk. Tli|MH>|I1K of New Jt-rwy nil] tinve ii'i i>n«y timIn (.TuohuiK tb.' gai-B of 1,UI'IIWH »>"' Kii,i1Wr« who caw evidently Ri-t a Ik-cii-o n-licn-lf'fl lor. Tbo.Milj' w«y L<nl')»ii ilium [ «

n[Hf,wii ttiii to Uil* virftmn ami ili.innrMll^iiRL.lfn Mil in tlie Wly jruliik-. I'ltil^fn don'truii.it. Muko 1l.a iMnliut.-f itiKh nlmvu r«-(ironi'li, ami wlia wunia not (tut? to l« n)>-Iircnclml willi u tiviU1.

Wn ft or ttiat rnvi^i , ,B thu Nlntc iniilttsAh tin1 n»Ti»ntBiril(jr-Hi>o}iipr lina hintta Gov^rnor W'prtn ro»hly I irate. I t U fftdl ht-ingcIn* hsirk U) Morrirtuwi) to live Tlie HvontiiRKxymn U jiiiVtllBlitil tlierp and tlie filfUjrofDint imperljan plncwl t i e (invpmor niniti thepill«ry of (uibllc obloquy Htid SWHI ni«i ii«»iwK^taproimudBtitMtVo thftt Uenrge Wcrhnmft l«iktwiieii. It may i^idt* nlnjIraUoiifor tii? Uovcnmr to U'ord the 1 on in (I|N (kn,Imt di*s the cliff f fxwutke <>( title Mivcretgiiciiiiiiifiim^altli fully rwllia the U-rriVjie AIK)|i|iHHl^ur<Uli)g flrrcenciw of llitH porHc-uIarlinn. 'Hit: (JDVerour In, no toi-pok, tlio falhrror us nil, ami tin lias no rlplit to take the rlth<if innbkiK un all uruhfum I»J pmoring intonnvsiirh tllnnMroutl} unwjunl ronU'st

In too August outnlHT uf the fk-clnl Kcmint tlii' •Juniiiinut i|iiBiitiims tit tde Uour(((wtiii^l, as always, fa authorttatfve ciii-r, Tlio OI^HIUR article by iho edlt«r,»ffhnt COURHU Hhould Bo," in tirarlialnnil U> the point; " Prnptlcul SugncBtfont lottlie I3*tr» Henluu," liy WMI nli<iee ivorilicurry welghl, follow* ; BIII) " The Kirut Daako( tlie llnLttd Btatw,11 by rim Uaren DemlowIN lulu time when tbo monetary jtrotitaii Inllrnt In nil dlwjiienlotu, (H most timely. Otliei<irtklP8«( (titert-st nre " IVmagn In M*slco,!

t.y Walter W. Uigan, and "A Hliorter Worklull Year," tyMstlhaw JliiWIetou. There I*hut one note (ti ttia Editorial CTHI*SI,1C, inwrlili-U Piustlo rwimifnt and breu uliservetl-jrtor o»w> lire morfcei] into apix-nl and ftr^u-mi'Dl for rlRlit action in ttiumniiifliit/ms extrn

'MI nnti• thn r

a jmlilittied slate

o tbe l(-j*al uf tb«

al bank drcutntlui

n tw. fur a« his v«t6 mid influe,,,* goes, rmwtir(i>K. Mr. Hiilmon *aji that tlie St»u> linnfcpiirtnury rcrohilfon got Into l ie CWfaglilHtfnrm Hlibotit the kno«letlf(» ol tb1-t.HtnuMi of the Cwituluee on KeicltitlnimAl»imrenilytti(jlp1y.r|»nratilm of that p tukIn tl-D platform wa« (Iw r*«ult «f H •*|j|rnfy " like tlio ilcmrtivtlzAlIost of « H , .IWM; tli»t(«, thnw >tlnWB IOII.IIB and blurttwcvavnlhtnlbintlirr dlrrrtlwii. patfliiilou UJ i t «pe Uone tbat Mr.ronfldeiico [bat tliu «Uil cat ciiTrencCmiKteu ara ( B * « K | -»PBW )I wellA return to that dlf credltea and (uccurrency woald be a rnlaitiity onlytli* silojitlon cf free dlvar coinage.

The flomenct U f H n ^Pempcrnticrnrly In respons1«*t<k l««Mattire rf font wlniLn AwrroblpjnieB awl fei

1 lilt

tmitisln acreat mnil twrtyn. WP||

y for

The Mli trim, hut u jmlitl-

m»t. tnJi,.n of ii _,.

wid the DMitroratlD party mtwt shoulder tinrtiatw ol Ibe vile mt»urm (u tlie fnterct ofrrlnia f » * « | by thn fat J^gUUlun. whldwin HO oVBr«rh lmlnKIy Democratic. Th,jirtva ami the ( W n t elenit-ut ot tho pnrtjlinvotjtiiounculbflih th» .measures ami th<men who made them, nnd tbeir tiawrily wi)

MilMtat Lfg((l»t(.r* i,est full. Jf tlieta latrjh«t l«on meTttorloUH t>ie McfuinKer K«U1<liafB be*?n prompt to Lmlt (be Ittnefkleiv»nr«-ui o( Democratic rute. U Vmili. l>o inow rule in politic* t» Judge a ]»rty only lytlio KO«I It d m . Our bright Democratic

weabent pofatoof tlie flettibllw. party aitht. tnals of it* crtUctm).

In vlvv "Oouihi Uou11 Folnoin'a tnthitAMUBiloriflntloii of ife time poon romfc,wtwalbi* rutlwy mater* of ShtflbM, £»«

, will not be hampered by thn iuiijuiwui and Ainioi-Ali^uK UtiRluhqi taiitT, w.miatt not InlltUug iwUiuoniiil Ui He |Mtr(<itfc Mrvl,>* olibUjtMiiggMibtwii tor the men wbot«*n tliiuwn out of irorlt l.y rtn«in ottUttnta a* fis ba« Oinde ngaiotit A in PIin.lu.UlM W go do-n to the .en nfien Ills»Wp eouiw in and give Llm UIB ovatioo tbalhlfloanifHcuoni effort* in tlwlr hfhalf entitleWin W I 'i'lion atu eiioush ut them to make

• n mlgiuy haA, »nrf thBy poujj n w h o B d ( , m .wWcatlot! that woul,j make IJeuinmln (W1tunny. 0/ ooiime iimuy Of them, iiaj niosiOT IUHII, will Uveui oB!t, but their dUcom-Turt trill bo forgutkointbeligbtof tbe jiladrt«mileo! i*lf.«iHlclen(ry wltli which they willU DT«i v d t and j n tilw el0queoc« cf the glow-% AIM! graphic tilcture«<jt lUeUtw.iug nueekand *uii*l<iUit Btacki ul t h e sjiclllolcl f« -torf«B. U won't mrte any porilcular differ-wiee that tbo aiitm uud IUUIH and factontbre are ftllent, and thochiUreanf tbeupertorn crying for lnea,a. Tbegrtos prliirjpfefree trade nil! hove tieea WMbliatlithftt is tnouglifur Uuuia lien.

Soutburn Sav&tcety.

dftj, and tier* are lotue ot tbo bun iliic•Iter Uio mob broke mtu tM» Jail;

a»..y u « vafb yole.

d, aod

abepri»nerwBiiharound bJ« neck. A wiua

to a ufeg

negroiflthoaeck.tbo wda nu'4 ib«leg. witbkalrte. HUdothoa R ( n stripped olt and a«the naied body iwung up jie rnu airnearly dead, tbe Hood itreamiug irumwounda A bfg nUIroad antteLiuaa pfciaJegsUUhli nock cracked. The Uxiy wand*ih«d agBiDat U» Xelfgrapb i»l#, Wuewe* cut uoiroltWM k i k d a «iiurn«l.we* cut uoiroltWM kiccrjartao, "Buranlm."

Wood v u brought from a nt-lRwoodyartandnfl«IU


naked LwljWM throira on it and Duraad,wUila UM crortd febd and UuKt«l. Kurfoarboun tbe mob Wide fearful aj-oit >*itLtba careai*. Rello bunu™ broke otr the

" feetb, tben*llj,blt*t)t Ue aktUl,' and (ic( burnt fletbrgrpoctetplwaa, A w p i . . _tied wound the remnants ot tba bodj andU B J were tlrscged tbrough tha s tnet i to tbtwmrthOB»fc There the mas WM luut td

- a atreet « r oeutm pol«, i t (oif, and nMalntashedttttiepolt,


Ho f that fur a fix yoYj(i.t bi(u»e)f into ( You may *'o tlio orig-

inal ot that Inter uuy uveiling «t ujy hoiwe.Ut me rue : U'lint lit did I publish ououlilr Hfaccli lu the KIIA of iho Mih i My tyjiy>! tii© E J U rfodn: " J bear uf • young»bo was buuiittg UJI Edlwr Ktwrli uf tike^tanU(J(* ti«(;[e, over ou (Uu Kree bliilhmllM•amv urtiutul the utlver night with bis coal'IF and Ills i,mi*i'iler» tfghlcneil around ' 'MIM, tiro in bin eje* tux-attilii^ thrmtetil ..md t-laiiglitor. You we the Port Morris cor-•eHpotiik-tit nt tha Eagle (irintwi tie imitiwt of.lie Mliiwn, or SUIIIH of (liwn, wllo were It'rbtit dritfkkt1!! M rAp lrig mnt<kh at H**Jirrh'iBHtMuturduy and Btuulay at lbs IAIIQAIKJinoif of ilioin want to Uct (Uu editor ftiitl It lin order fur some lilUHtETtin rnlU'i to mil tberorteHiwiKietit j«et )i&mcftr but thai doo£

; mutch orltiut 1 IUWI-IIO of ttit' lioya wti

,ly enough to MH B Lot all tlm ruclmt nannt mid em lie Ittnd c<n for Ilia ;MHIII.'pre in the hlaihinall In tliiit Sir. HeartU

Him tin vim nifllfu (if*uruc(j (« ytwrwlf tnyuiir THinfly out (if il Mr, Hciuvh f Where li

' l(o t I (t-rtahtly <ild liwr that & man witbcoat <!ir BVH! bin sun* mi era llKhU'Ded

utwi MH vtoiatmiH limkltig foffHllUir Kewli.ynu want mo to prove It, ( Hair nn itiH yim RIVO to know liU namy f Ordinal

liy 1 urn u tdora1.lv j^uorfill dtf!!i'nl)Ut "hegal my (l«litinK Wolfat'ti mi I un A(il to tinsroLiiiiI «« lioU a« J,>tm 1,. Hulliviui wtion tb<>

Iteton puprrx t.ny lie Is drunk. PI•li'l ytu ia) . Him much will ?uu take nowmd (.'all llm .iwiinKe H|unce ! liuiiej 1 Dou'l-ou W[HU JOU may get it I "Aitd If ynu duiTt,«jtH Jiint. wall till yim da." U'hjch letter

Iwks mittl like Macluuoll mliici in lust week'*EUA or ynunt to me from l^ndjug f Uld J

or ai>b you for money ror uny thing / Do Iie you anj'ttifnR? If you eun ab mucliouey out of me It fa ninro tlian anybody elseii. Just waft until I change my cluthe*id then lirfug on your " trulible," but toedtn me iti amall tiu?es to begin witb. 1

iiiUt ir ! would know yon lrnm n Me at wi)antlsw aivil I ill) not It now where your Key-

stone bouse b JiJonled, For the sake of t iemtlb ul tiiHtory ana not t«oau»o you want me

l>ny jou motiey, 1 will say (bat tho rackettbe Saturday ulgtit In i(iieatlou vm» not atir Imuw Mr. ti«ardi. 1 Uvu eluce twu

:old trbero It was nml If I licur of any mon>turJsy ulfttil <JI Houdav ritrkm nt thatic« Uin ktM)[*r o( it ma> want me to mme

diiJ wltle also. Huw let me wu)ij«r iwnie-tlilug i» your ear. A gentleman of ray aoI]UB1HUIIIIB bad a city frloiid of Ibe maleliorsuasluu come to vl«ft Liui some time ago.

Buuday be took Lim erouud Ui see theit*. In tfmJr travel«thoy ran (titoa lint*!,loon wore optti, tliere were two tnble*

viBlbls,«(!at«i a t tlwm wew gamliiBrs ganlinu, wkU gloRMft uf hew at tUolr elbuwgain, BtjiHU time ago there waa a ttoclil atirtulu IIDUM uut over a thousand lullctt fruiere towlikb ayoutig lady uf tny acijuainlira WBB lariled anil did nut go, Neit in onig common rumor bad 1c tlint them nun a

liJgfi old drunken time tliere and two of(corneii of particularly uuiavuty reputationSot to drunk tliat Umy fell on tha strwt be-

tbelt- eseoila wuW Ret them In tbeli„ mi to takft tbem bone and 1 cougratu

InUtl tlie joUBg lady next dey tbat she wasnot tliere. Once more tha Mine tiro lad (eg,

vary reputation, end two men mto a certain lute! sober nod came away•mriouflly drunk. 1'erliapsliieycatrledtlIrlubahlGn with tbt-iu. Aro tbcw ttiiufta W)# (iroii'l off Who «(ll tttntui up cudllifse tbiugn occurred &t i»y tiouee t "Yut tlie}icturvoi nnd suu»t 1 1>« ilunih about It be•ouso I don't know It DI my U,ITII hiiowlt^ljttiu) TVUS nut thore to eve It nrltb my own uyniYou kw|i a mjwcntOe house, nu doubt, JIiSporcii, ber-nuiw you yourself bnve wirt ItVoumay HUccoNt In uending me to titat*I'rihun, on I have been t<ilil you thredteu, nnilIrL-mliiK me In a suit of striucs, In wlttutt noiUira slilue, but I will have the satlsfantlt'ii ofknowing for one Buiiday nt b u t mma botelawen «hut uu tight. Hut, I makelH»t hew, Mr. tionrcb. You must not have amooojuilj ot Ibis letter It Jou nre ])roprfetoruf tbe Krjutone Holme.

A colored Itootiiinn immed Aarou Hyi(rotn Senark, 1 thluk, who wnn said to t*ruonIiiR a bout for a man lu UounUui, i)(edthe Tout of Walertutiptaneon Monday, vud-lonly, t'nderUker O W. Aim* toot chargeof the body.

I tu« KQV. Kaoeb Meacbam, ouce pastor.the M. K. Cbutcta al Htanbom, at Hopatcotfttatton the other cTenlng. Tne dotulnia w,ttwfalne real veil.

1 Bin aurry to hwir that Ttrniuu HesiaUnnf Hm-kotUtonra, Is aertouily Ul.

Aneut V«\i!i^tne, of Btaiibope-slitlon,liii(itOTIng eluwly.

Conductor Win, Jnckwn, of this town, wbigot burned HO badly Hotne monllis ago,

i wnrlt Iftst Momlay.Night Dus)>al£her Wool I* ttotns tn Ufee

i>ne of ttia tlirouKh tretsbt*, I bear. In p)aiif Conductor Ttinlsnn, tflio WON luirlt-d nn["unset ny.

Tha Junbr.Epworth Leeguobad n feriUralot their own here on Tuesday night, witb

milt I have not teamed at tMa writing.„ w r i r m , HIll|ia(d,iu«vlritth»olbti


Our linunerAtiD Meh&n used lo tetlcould not make Un In America. Well, beretbfy are rootlnn that new underwMr factoryBtHtanhnne tvlth tin made In EllinlN. J., snri ttrxmith Petermn tell titwUfed s corner ot one ft tba ubeeU with bi»thumb nail (]»[(«• Mi« It WR» t»tUr tin tbtu>'lint manufactured in(%rim&ll How la tbntfor mi object le savin I flont for Jeraey.

D. J.

FLANDERS.Thn annual mmtlnic at the GIrli' Ml-ilon

Hard. Of the Pwnbyterisn Chnroh, with tbflenllon of (ilHoers, w»s fenlrl last Battirda.•ftartioon at the j«ntoiii(i<i. Tbet« WMvery p]«s«anl DIMUPJ; and tba Bnntl wonloely enterUlrift) with rrfi pah inept* hy Urnint Mra. Smith.

Mr. Wuoli Rtnut, of Ndwark, ID spflncHtJeoniodaiB with hfa tMreuta, Re P. atvl Uia.Wm. «(*ut, at the M. R, paraoti«RV.

Mrg. Jr>bu t)atw>nt nf KsugbrlBbt,nhnrt Tfilt ot tbe bntne nf her father, WwieylVran, the nn>tot the week.

Min AURA KwHckbeimr, nf lIl'Mle Valley,rpent PuaJny'wtlh Mlm I/rti S. Pharp.

Tbo Of M»< Utulun Baud aunuuuee a ' "Clip-ping hue" to ba hold Ia the chnpnl nf thePreibyteriaii Chureli, Anttut ISM. Tfiallb-

ral pntronajte of tuulr niDiiy Metidais e&msally bnped for. The details nf tho enterUlu

ifnt may be ^i^ffclnct lar^rMfw Gurtrurt* T. Sofertlgo T«turwt) on

Hondriy from Phlll'|t«hurfi *Wf- *he bar

A in

Jamt tL Mnrvlu l» OROIII nt Force boine-

Dne thing to Iw I)munilt'lwfore the "town•ouncH" or othrr i-n^i- r I'ody U tbo iitwwttyif farrafog nu fm|irovpment awncl&t(on tor

the FUrinfee uf lajlun nut. cronf ttr*ot» fur tbimmKlafl'iti dC ttinM rtrWenti) dwi'illiitber tif tli« t<iiiti'fi>nl ilT^eiw. At yre*sf & ihdTiiUxbfnTn Unmrtenf the yard'

ona nf thn prWiH" ri*t,1«n(W. Possiblytoll" •*!•( (itMfintit.ttiM sriftvauoe, anil

lougrr walk tx of l^iffit rn tfao«o whn c" pcrots lou«."

Mra. Harry IUIKI.JI.1I ». Niehnten, Uttl*aiifihtfr, MIM JO*I« Ji^an, ntul maid, tn

relurned to BroOtl}U, utlft a. wpvks' ataythe bomeof Ur. P, A. XclioUs, Jir, H « T ;

(Uya here, *]gn returning whli nl« wife anil

Cfcwlts G. U>vrx lost a good borne Jiwwk.

Mra. HniTj Caitner, formerly <>f tbfn (tlace,

day a i a Kiint at Urn booia ol Mr. J&cub W* soa.

I » ifahel Hopler aud Ilttlo bmVher,Thornton, of Newittlc, are uliiUng wltii rela-ifM here.

Ur, Jamw Thnrne in ? lilt log at tlte aiit bla titter, U n . Thus, Sovereign.

Ur. Harrid D. Farce, of Ifeirarlr, pav«ithrough tbe village on hit way to ibekatt**town, fxtophtiog a trip begun on Saturdaylatt, tran>r mtn fatormble skirs.

ntfnd. We liafn our Roai lnatltutluus*n J our t ann les amuwnieuU. We hare ourbud ln«tl(utluu« «ud our QIUMIUM, hut weliad boped to B=C*;» tbe nwrrj-go-rouuri, butt (truck town lft*t week k«d >•• bnow itiLcre for duri»K tlie dny It1* " Ma, gtv« me T,«at«," aud I1*, Riveu* 10 cents,* and afUrvs rvturu aud would deep *re can bear Uieoot-tout or the BWBUI wblittlp and tho yow-•<jw af tbe riteani organ, (,'uerj ; whlcb la

prrferahle the sUatiug rink or the nierrj"go-round f

lUickAWav wilt fooa t« adorned rjy aontborlue factory Mld(i>g. Ueur». B. K. & a . W.ftickte are putting to comi>l«ioii u ntpldlyit imwitile the new factory to I* occupi*d bytlin W. K. Broim Co. Contractor BefaalMilhas tbe (omidsUoo completed and Ilia brickwork well under way. Tti« wood work li

m done b ; UatkK, A Kou. Toe W. Fiwu Coinpsiiy, roHnufaeturtu of ladle

clothluK. ia an eoUblbbed firm with a factor)Now York city aud «a overflow factoryre under tbe Rittiiagentent ot Ur. A. U

Taylor. Ur. Taylor lufun»B u> tbat it U tbiUomrf thu firm to remove tbelr eutlre(cutuiliifi i>lant to llockoway asaoon asIBW factory ia aim pit) ted, probably In: twi uiontbi and tbat they will employ

about 7ft hands, mostly girl*, witb a pay rollof about tttf.WK) per year. TbU Ia un tbe lineproiwMd lu tlie able article In last neek't ERA.on foatcrlng small iadtutrfes, but ua(ottu-natcly we ba*e no Iwatxt o( trade and bat {or

'ho Uks da Interest In fostering ' 'lltiw lame or small. Tnare are, bow-t fuw IIOIIIB excepUoiu who (bould re-.bo cunmiendatiou iDtUwd ot aa it DO*

,h» cave the cuudetnuatliia by inniHOf ail!narnm-tninded people who lutfit that tbeynly do it to make money aud to own thi

wwn. Winnie ou tucb narrow uilndud at[)re(fiou», nurelf If a man lovettnmoney In ft

liieeH uutcrprtu) be oxpcctotfl

why nob! Hut wbiU be JB uiikiugley is ho not tsWbJinB a helping band toira ami enablingtbetualrw to wakenioney,

or nt least n meaiia lo »upi»rt tbeniK-IvtHand

We lirar It wild that there will be a newlercniitllullrui In town about 8f>pt lit, txA•at they will locate In tha Tbompcou build-

ing and .hat (Iielr ahfngk will read Tut tie &Ulai'k, general m«rchaitt«.

Mr. A- UcKiunon baa the mntraot forHinting ttfo new hoar* ot Ur. Noah Frt*inn on Uuimi street


Koi-inanyiujiilusttiefriendaut the K. A<J. have bom auiiaug to iee them meat tha•troug annregaUou of t»U plsjeta mho bale(toiti UnekeUawttn, w"l at t u t tbeir wishdas tieeu gratified, «nd AJtfaougb badly beaten

onecftu Jenyihatthetoy* from \Vnrren>laycd bull for all tliere Is la It, not even for-[ettlng lo bring nlong their many tricks for*hlch they are (*nn.us. But they nent dm

A«k lor the Bicycle Stocking, wlilcliauanUje lu colnr aud wear, from 1 Ir. to

aocordinj tothcHfcw; wortlidouble Infuat'aOtttfltaaapecialty. K Helmut, Sunexetrtet,OQT. Cua l , Duier, Ii. J.

Xtmon (k HamUa Q m w and 7fUao$,r . K. Jtokitu, Agent, QbMtgr, If, J ,

EO0KAWAY,t. ThiH. IUeve^ of tbe Prwhjrt»rl«u

t'lilllcti left; falat " t*t for • two week'* vaun-tlou, wblt'ti will IM vpeut amoi>K fiiemU in ,"ew Yurk Ntat* on tha Hudioii. {The Koeka.«fl.j Comet Puivl is going, and i

wli&t do yiia IBT if we all go to L*Ue HopM-'cungou Aug. 1Kb. It's the eleventh aunuaIMcursion of the ^resliytsrian Churcfa andSunday Behool It cj«t* but« trltla to (pesdnearly a whole day at tbe Switzerland of



Outing Shirts, #Outing Caps,

Outing Belts,Straw Hats,

$ Hammocks,nil other goods in gent's fumiflhiag Hue tending to make one

comfortable in Hot Weather, can be had of TAYLOR EBO.H.olienpnr thai any other place in tie State See our dandy line ofShirts for Summer wear and you'll say M unal, TAYLOB'UMOS.are UIB LEADEBB fur STYLE ami QVAUTY of gannontn. Ha


Sussex Street, D«?er, N. J.

•tore ii boja the wn liave dont

iny othtn thli

sitstedThe frlcuilly rivalry nblch haa lougitweeuthe U«oTlIle«ad llocbawaj'tMtMball

eaaisaLIK vxlsUond tbe Dcuvllle boya willrlsit tha AIUIBUO KrvuniJs on Saturday loadet]lor bear entl a good game may be eipected.l O well, bojH, grape abut wnn't lie too

vy.e tiaf-e just learned that Ur. Neorge

f r, our g r » t pitcher In to lea re Rocltaway,itiK accepted a mnraIticratlT«pOGlUon atMorrla 1'talus An?!uta, ntiere be will benMttetl with tlitlr bantl and et&o dliplay

)la r a n talent as n vlollnim. Whether weto loss bin valuable bur vices In our b*wI U'am KB Irnve n»t bran], hut bope not.ille no are worry to bave Mr. HUer from

mong us we moat heartily congratulate blinnn IIIB more rerauaemttve poetUon and cheer-

illy rccQinmenil bim to tils new uv>clatM u;ia wnrthy ot their esteem KUi conndeuce.

Jr. Ultf r li an accompliebed musician andin nit round ball player rauko high, and u aillchor. lie lias tew superior* ID tbe State,ills reminds me that tbe Boontou boys boait

that Day of their team bat struck out Si menthin MBBOU. A good record, hut not to com-pare with HJhr'a who In U ffiwwt. thUmmitaa etruefc out 1ST* men.As an umpire, Kogetft la a n m u .

din that funulloc&ry I* more wverely trieda be worked than ID 1M* Salunlay'a game,lit «1ien the OIDUUUIUB re ecbo bla wordsyour'e out," sbere'a no me to hold on tbe

uamHomo members of our nine bave learned

that the diamond Is easier made DJ polishingtravel Btoop than by tcrnylng ttftiaantl trtbermembers would do well to liuitaU tbeir ei-

vle- Tha mily time to eboot iky mckelaa ball ground Is on tba Foiirlb nt Jujy

ilr first gaitblaecnjonou Batnrday at Jlfuernla.

lilee i>n tbe ladles fioM graduallyvanfriicd an Davey fell behind, on the Uet lap

id Mr, UelllngB wore a wrt of JOM canyou, enille.

At nil «TBDU & W. Beach with one wecttiperlenw BI a rider deserve* credit for h«T

icg tbe pluck to tackle Mr. rloffmnn, the ohtinier. We aoderttand Mr, Beach to tbrlit-

for nimgt.lestn. B K. and 0. B. Freeman enjoyed a

run to Newark and ruluru last ««ek,Our B H M.. Ur. A B 0 ,ei ] ywl K run

tCtitie; KlandoaSundnv. Uewai acuom-tunled nt tnr a Ornnce by W M . CrawfordBy tb» «ny * certain ti)a<'k <1OR In town In Inimminent Banger rf niintlillattoii if he dofim.t iN-nw to lomlle with Mr. Cnwfurd'nnetlifr tMtmuitlt-u v^blle he rlilm tbrouSh

Mr. A. J Il>-Illii|tf, amiuivaoltd by u.I«wuArthur, in oIT ou his vauatltm. Tbey left furI'hlladeltiUla on Ui*ir Ltiujny* at flfinen mln-titei «f Ui »n M'>inl*y naming nod a \

*celsvA i&owtiKbnlibr> were IaBomervllli

Ur. H. J. UwreDce and wifn Uvu ret-om a twn irmki' visit muong frlfnda ii

Connecticut sad Uaesac buss tinU r John Lurte, tcrv-n-rly a Curt man

[cycle works, ipentSutiUy with M(tada Inmn. Mr. LutWt many friends will beiHbMl to hum thut be Is now we)) ntab-

lo New York city.

B0OKI0N.A number of jnnng men of tbt« JIIBCS nrerending tbe week camping out at Badd'i

Uke. . A. Temple, L. Decker, 1. Salmon, J.Culvert, H. Baiiuou, Q Looker, a. 8*1and B. timlta are among ih<t com^rt.

The Sag sidewalk.in front of ChaiCoudlt'ti property un Cburcti street, U quitean lni[irorement.

Mra. Carter o u returned After « montUt'outing la Ut* VIWA Monotainj.

Mlu Mwnie AHt, ol Brooklyn, is vliltlaglu towo. •

BertHickcocltipentafew d&yi k i t wucits hla relatives m New York Htate.Rer. TnomM Carter la eipeoted to retui

thin week and recuine his duties u putarthe Presbyterian Church.

Mr. Walter Tucker, formally of Boeatot),spent Himd»y witb u».

Curing ttta i tura tMt Bttturday moniliUnDAgerVsnDuyne sent word to tha pbll-llpeburga not to come on amount of rain, butwbm afternoon came the weAltisr w«j (Implygrand, too bad, ao wonder tbero wasn't siIn)) game, Bam « H Da tlio tick IuL 1 oethe Booatons ptay the Y. U. 0. A., ot Fktcrsou, to-morrow. The boji will a » e to pity

NIJ^-BO s-^ood gtta« fS'QxpMAed^'By ttae

Jttt'af this montki.J . Wmiej Uutchlerbiptiiidlnc bli

tion in Hew York 8wU.Tbe property known ' u tbe Boootoo

Wrought Iron Paint Works, waa atUchedand lelwd lajt Saturday by Sheriff OacarLlnililey. The property !• owned by BnatiWlman nnd will IM aold s t publla VUUIUH tAugust 4,18SKJ,-

The tenperanoa feriuon taxi Buadfty nightby Iter, Gbu. MoComlcIt n«a ht»Wj appre-ciated liy tboeb prearat,. . •

Trot. Wood ealertalped the - EpwortiLeague, ot tbe Methodist Churdi, on Tueadayevening last. - Music and games were eujojed


PORT ORA.K.The boys and girls, member* of the Junto!

League ol thn tit John* Cnurcb, draerredmuch credit for tba able 'manner in whicL(bey conducted tb«lr Columbian SochiSaturday aiMrnoon and flFaalnj.' Ths vfolks were tliere and enjoyed tberaselm,Tbe muiio by out town arctMstra « u txotl-lent, Ttw*n.tn«twork ot t t* phlldrtn, uu-d « the leajenbipot ourputoraud wil» areworthyo( ibesuoc«M achiB'sd. Tba. totalrewlptt was over *1W), and tbey cleared aboufOO. Tbfly Dumber oow oter IH>. VTidone, boys and girls.

Tbe Ladles'AId Society are kept buay worIng, roaklogand plaanlns for the great taliTheru will be nuinftnxu attnuiUotu H»inotaj je t beard who the. «i>t«k«ra will be.

The «keunion ef our tiuuday School ULaka Bopfttcang will, bo made on FridajAug.K, - '

Uur bue ball club did not play tteturda;taat owbig to tbrMUolng weather. Ou fcfcturday they- play Uio WaaWngWa clob at PurOrarn.

ir silk mill baa cloatd on« man dayweek. Tney are now working only Sdaj ine«k mid wta« of. our boj* nua girto alooting blue. -

' itnr ui« Eiiterpriw Band will beglreaiin^ out lUida good tinw, i t u m L«ka <

Baturo«j evening nextKit. Vim. Cfcamploa, Jr., bw r»torn*ij

bom* tram a vuft among Irlaod* ai dawvk .X » atuta h vltitiai Irieadi to New Yorktf WTCH


ROCKCRUSHERl - f Iry, SO to 100 U.BM I*«- day.|80O to *8,OOO

in operation and tor u l e by

Eonas a, BYRAK,UntnHAM. N. J

Black and White Batine Waists


A Tuerk Water Muter. Ha. 12, rated at fourorse power.comulvtvwltli governor, oil cupsDdBaievNlVe*. It la In flnt doMoondlUoD

•ud will be -old at a bargain. Apply at tbeIRA office,

ummer Boarders Wanted.

A farm bouse fa Siusex wutity. Hsalth-lotality, gooi tahla. Tnu Iftken witli

atlng and Inua flslifug nu fatm. For par-

" ' " " " ' " " " ' " W U B O W E U . .Unver, N. J.


At Palisades Tunnel, FatrTlew. Bergen Co, j(. J., Drill Runners, nsgaa t'-iM twr day ;H&ekwnithB who can sbarpeit timcbine oiiila

trap rook, * • # » ^1 per day. Laborers

lplM!Ill)(TI)(FJipiiT1IIFlEEiverr owner of one or roorehqraeaarmule*,

Will •end'hlt rams and address and sUU>•alueof hlianlmali, to ,

O. 11. M0ORR, JR., 'SS-S w- 100 8a. lflih fit,. PhHa., Vm

Property fov Bale or to B e n t

Aneiccll«nt opportunity (or an ecergrtlagrocwyraan. Btom room 24ift2.

CHARLES G. WRt-iE,. . . Uorrli Flalnh, N, J .


ivea second-band it markisUblf. wme wkere.[( sou with fai REIiLnr BUY m&cblDery," pile*, mauufaQtuT«l producU, *peolal loll.

U. H. UA»enKij>,IM Liberty Bt., N. Y.


DHUGSTOHE.Come nad aee us and try our



If jou do, you: should bare THE LADDEROP JOURNAtlBM, * Test Back for Gonn-pondents, ft^portore; Edltcri" and General

e* will b*can vouch

goodh you

capM-tfuliyL. S. CONNER,

tbat all our medQMd with atmuraoy andb* wiptrior quality of our good*.

t u d we will rtay with you,i

PUBLIC SALE• - O F — • . ,' •• '

REAL ESTATE.NOTICE labtwhygtvtntUtW^iHUL ..1 a warrant bfued by Iba'Uaynr BIM}fUnoll of tha Borough, of .Mount Ar Unit on,i tbe County of Morrtf. toaak«tfa« uspaL

„. Uxeifor'taeaBldBomuKb, tn wham tbawarrant fa dlrtoted, will on lf(md4T> t'fourth day of September neit a t Uw hour _two o'clock Ia tne afttrnooa at tha MnqntArtlDgtrin Hotel in tbe Mid BorouRti. tell Mat—*•- -IIHI real mtate herf under rtHoiibwl mb

r rerJdue. lor tbe atjortwt terra not e*.cMdiug tblrt ; jaara, for which aoy perwin orpersonx will agree to take the Mme maa payweb twev, wlib InUTMt tanrma at tbe ' rate'of tw»1?» per oeutuin frnm tbe twentiath day

n>t>*ml>iir, A.M., ifalB. together wllh '' few. cbantPK and other «tnenaM.

" blMB 15, Mt.

He. Arling-

o p

ark. Taxdua»7M>.d l t 1 b l k USh. Alunhmid. lot 1. block \0, Hi

ton Park, Tux flue *} K).0 W.C Bate*, part of thftCampbell tract,n due $161.03Rlttiftrd Gt»plln, nn Arlington »ienu«,

block IS. T*sdUB«initlMrs;M"«J_0. Ota*. MJT, Mr W 7, Mt.

Mrs, Ant* Cook, tfebafcr tnot . Tax Sue

Harry etUle, U t Arlfngtna RouUvurd,Tax rlue J1H Id .

V. UcOncor Litfell, McOr^or t r tc t U:

Emma L. Holler, Silver8(irini(tmet. T»sdue tOO. 76.

U.T.Trundy, lot a, block u . Tax dm*1S1B.

D. T. Tnindy, lot B, block 8. T»» di

D. T, Tnindy, lots land 2, Mock H. Ta.due n.aa

S Vaoderveer, MoOngor tract. Tax dii

rTBif pnt unst pa mans .ovrore tn^ OOUPI« ttBiaraa, UUMTWIM (he property will

' tbii twHity-ilrrt riar ofFHANK U 8HAFKR,

- Cn)t«cu)r ol T M M


£XGURSICMFirst M. E. Sunday Schoo


:OCEflN SBDVE:w(Ub6toad»on , - '

Friday, Aug. 11th,with iprdal armngemeiits for itappfnc at

UONG BRANCH,la. ft; T & W, and AwuyKaaU ft. R

Making a plclwvfqas trip througb an inter-Mtiuc patt nt the State -tthout change of

Dflgl»(n([s«t tb* Beach for the enjojmmt of Uw

EiGELiorr s i iF imiNS•nd otfaarattncUon>. TtwrcpoUUDiu'whlcbthem tzcnnloct ha.ro made (a Un peitwill•ufflclent to aitJify tha pabllo t in t they h*alwayi been wall conducted awl eujojtbla at-fain and no pains will ba xpared tbU j t a r ta

' ita Ibis reputation, . . .

TIMETABLB. . ./a te Fart Orttn at 0:4$A. U ; Oar«i»w*O;DH; LVorlL 7:13; ML TaUfUPfiin»,7i»j aniTlni aeHuria[ Briujcb.BJK); Asburj FIT*, B ; M i n[ » l*»i» Aibory Par t «t *St> J hongJCS; &rtl, HTtTb at BarriMD 8fl7 P." '

HOtTND TBIP » A R aLTS - - - - - -

xnxK, oitr fl and nodw-iajnrs,',1, l,|l

ud of thtfoljoinr* caaamltt«i UO. Bltr-

LI. nuiuuni, J, W, Kott, John'•mp anrnbiir«*r, "

and of t f l

D. ndriok, WmDiitorwaf

DR. w; E. D'ERRY,


Clinfrni A«s't. N. V., Opth, and Aural In*t.<Dr. Knappu). . ;

TtirMi, and

HVKS KXAM1NEO FOR. 0LASH1M,HITB t Tutft. v/td. Thura. nt)d Snl. i tn <-jam) fr-30 ti> fi r . M. Sun dny 1 to »-y> ONI.V.



:.* Mai!oo.r^afpto( price, by



N«« Jim) Still Normal aid Hadel School],

; : :TaBHTO^f,;H;J.

F.ll 1CTD »lllall terra will oumnwnce Ttmdari Heptom-letfa. atfl;40-A x. Dulldlopopitu 10 re-

otlnstudent*on Monday, Brplember I t i 'Tb* Normal Bcboolglr*. a Iborotmh pu

mlOMU iraitrtng for tMcbinc: -tbe Mod*]

(if. OT roll*.., ibttM nornul aiS4 to

I l l l n w ; *ttt»)bidf]lt00|»rja«r.BJB5|M» lUhud by I U mtnmM b>

ctena, DoniutDriM oonlflrUbly.furplibM

eut year, tbafonoervyrooadQin *-' *"

«o. Tb.t«aUH»,bo«iMl Inrtlof Ulli,"dt«1i

W4w. - ' , . . • Tc*otjn. Kw» J w

PROCLAMATION.I. Q u r n IfcCrackso, Utyor ol the Tnwn

_' Ddver, Mine of tbe opinion that tba puhllcgood n n u l m t w Htnt, do IMUII thb procla

Destruction of all Dogsatlftigflln tiMenrporAti, Ilnifta

DorBronaodknar •

Monday, July 17th

to Ha tkftt tba Bbavi Ii ourtxi Intn Affnrt.Olitn KDilor m j kandaud rorponta n i l[ UM Town if Uovar ttila 1.1U, <ty af Jut/


H joiip»j.'FIFrir CENTS

for a Corsot.wby not get the

BEST for tlut price. Tlie

is ilis LATEST nmltho


DOVER,^. i


LADIES1 BHIRT WAISTS.rheviot and Percale WHMS

Were 50 cents, now50 cents,'• 85 " '

!» 1)5 "

••> 1 .25 "

40 cents.6 5 • • ; • • • • •

'•. : - 7 2 • • • • ' . " ' •

751.00 ''

Ladies' Swiss.Floimcii|gp

Formerly $180 Suit, now $ 36

" 8.26 " " 150

; WHITE WAISTS.Werii 60 cent.'*, now 40. cents.

11 . gs « " 65 "« I 1 . 0 Q . •••«• - • ' ' . . 7 5 "


I 25 $1 00


• 1 $

MEN'Sre(lu««<l i»,i price.

lVpnv now1.251501 651.752.003.252 50

$1.001 ) 51 3 51,40

1 75

YOUTHS'OUTING SHIFTS;Piv«» 75 «"nts,, now

- n

50 ccnis.' • • • • 8 0 : ' • • • • >



GLEARING150 pair, Women's Shoes

broken lots; sold Regularly; ;a $S J50to $3 00 per pair, all at $2.00 pair.

76 pair Ladies Tipped p• • ' • - ) " ' - j .'•'•'•':" j - ' ' ' • „ ' " ' , ' ' i - - • ' •' ' ' ' " ' " - • " • " -


120 pairs Child'sgola, Tipped, Spring Heel Shoes,sizes 9 to 101-2, at 88c. pair, / | | u

120 pairs Misses Genuine pbn-goia Tipped Spring Heel Shoes,sizes 11 to 2, $135 per.pairi^f i§i|-lv.

Men's >Veal ':$1.00 per pair


'. . ' • CUJUl »TTEimON TO THE rOLLOmHP ! •..;', i,J ; - • . - ) . •

' I t gives • me pleiuani: bo Mqtiunt- . iD^ frittDdn* ^; r : : : ^witli Die (a«t that t l io j can have iootU e i tracUd 'S-=•'.•

/ w i t h o u t p a i n b v the use of Dr. Jessop's L»c«l ;vAurefitltetio a t the office ol-0.it.1 Ereem*n. Dover . - v. '

1 ." •• MOT. W r a n i r a ) P A U I E I I , '••v;;'-'"'u^.'."-v.v" 'A . :••. •• • • • , ' . • - ,V, Kook»*ay N . J . iApri l 8 * , - W 9 8 ; ' ;;;*: ;;

Try- the " L p c i l A n i e t h e t i o i i t Dr. . . ' F r a n n V r ~,olfioe Mi l hoconvinooa tbat i t i l all thai ieolaimedf o r i t ; . •'.': liliia. H.~EBrwioK. ' ; •• ••'•>:c.:.•:•'".':. , • . Ne toonf tN , J., A p r i l a t e t , 1893. -

^ l o a n olieerfttl lyrwommend the " l joca l Anmsr - . • .•,' tliotib'1 (or Oltnujting U e t h . -• J ••':';':• >' • ' . ; ' ; . . . ; • " ' • :I ' ' 1 ' ; ' ' ' MB TlioKAi KEKWA ; ' i :



N E 8 8 ) F O H : : T H E : , '




B8. T l i o K A i K E K W A , . ; : : ;


Dna. FHEEKMHHD V M E U N D : . • '.":'. ,'i-,•PKABSIRS:—I ua so veil pleiamd with the one.

. of tlio LoW Aat«tth«t{o la having ieeth 6xtrMt«dthat yon have my peimisaioii to nneuif name anywityyfln pltaM «B reference; , >••••:.'

" ' • • • ' • : - : . M B . L B W I * W m i i , ' - ' • • • • • . • ' - ; " • • . •

.-.••'•; ; • ; . - • 8 U o h o p e , . N . J , May , 1 s t , 1 8 9 3 . .

COLD CROWNS A SPECIfWY :.^v DR.- ;R.;:O'':VWEELA;ND^''-• after ten j e a n experience, iaving swell known

reputation ^ for extracting teeth, Eaa oeoepted aposition with Dr. Freeman. : , . . • • : - . . ' : ,

- ; . DB. FEEKMAN has the exclnni vnijlillo use»::rDr. Jeuop'itoo*! AmBslhotio. . : '

And btlien who laugh" at Keady-

liia^e'' Clothiiig; wlio' thiuk it im-

possibk to 6nd ««lly a!yli»l) and

iMobmiiig garments except in cus-

tom work, ;are;e8pecially invited to

oalli and gee our mperb line ot

tatter grade Men's Snl t«: ' - : '

We' aw serring and .pleasing

Bolliimoo this seaatpn who never

before thought of wearing a reai);-

made «iiit;;';''.'.i'.'."v*-:. f-;-."'1^ V."The entire line:61 Fine Dress

S n i t f i f r o m ; / ': '•'••' ':J. :•--, ,WY

either in tTio • cobby single Votiloolilo:'bmUBtod SacVa:"dr'.-'di".atjlisl]Cot»ways,nreoli]e<ill6«aoiiay y j

of Btyle nnd beauty no Wa'than


And all others, who hare to work

jhard for fheirdojlaraW nMarMi* THE:. FIRST HJmONAL:: BANK

d e n i n t o n i a k Q ' t l i e m g o a s f a r a a ' ' '-"•••- ' : '~ - -

Buy diroct from the ioam>(aotiiriir« :


<j; bom yum dealera ; Allvjsobdf: el

.'trniad'il""" " '

Men's Dongoltt.Shoes,-wero"»L75,

denin toniakQ'tliem go as faraa

possible - am givep an

dial invitation to'examine bar lia

of bnaiaessSuHabetweehv; ^.:

There isn't a store ill tho ooantry

where yod ban Bpond yonr money

to equ ol advantage/ As makers of

every garment we sail yon g«'

Hem of us Drat hand at first cost,

'•y.Tfm'H duooviravfit ond style

abpnt'qnr^olorhing^fiven in gar-

moiits of tbe most moderate price,

-that fon and yoarjiiend* will not:



, fall to appreciate :-;


Eots Tfbi* Sal«i

ST7MMKB'AVENUEV.ry d~lr.H« bnlWta, loU m Br.mmn-

ATHHIS HM na«r lu ths atrfcrt. ~ ButmnarAvmua !• on. hlock Kuth ot Utuaon AId Dover, N.J.-.TIina Into OMd noand Uifl tenni a n •aofa .u . toia l t aCJMMT. ; For iflrdnnfttloo .tnjuln OE .


Furniture ITpliolsterer

Bedding. Shades, Curtains.

iB A B T CABMA0E8, Sw.

BO iwmiide HiBE i m : muo

, *l?0,000I,:.105,000

Tmm. Urru t , , . , . , . - .

iinibutl,Cluirla, SekMflr,:O W l t o ;

.SiHD, H.-HAI|ta,.Qoft W. Jaalrtiw, •

.H.SWilt»iBohen F. Onun,

Twflpef watlnUrwt allowed on nion'ti'lr



iliiiiELKEB E.


» » . . :." •;-.v.vH6tA6.i;;DlilhilM;j*-'.-,-;' - - - " •-•^••--:-^.<--?^'^jy:;:---; ;.

MILLINERY GOODSi amij • * • * r


^ <,5^g

Page 3: TgTIT. AT HALF PRICEStest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1893/... · 2015. 1. 6. · 4 OA9H. Exaoiine onr pricup. OIDBOIJ We tmk yp«r tTivile on the bagis on your


SUUni sttfa* Fprt OfOot * t Dorar, N , /

BlackUnha Una W rat j« U»

1 V.'-lto P. P- * B. nllradUa'ataUBlomdaU

._.W, H.Ba>Ha>w toaen»polnWiM>o«tniaa.

on our fourth p ^ « . ,F. A. BAIUOUIM Imtd (b« p o H ^

UM BMmrdiriUe port o « « puvliaaion.Tiu P i n t llatballat 8und«j**oot bad &llffbUat t J m M tfadr u n t u l pSo-nlc »t

BUckPood W«UM*d«r

T1» Randolph. dofaiWd MiM HUI B.lur-v S3 to 8. Muura J M I U I ScttK fmd Bd-


;';••' Apvt/ .of Boonton pounff

' A b r t l i f t p l * iwtoo UuW

Work 00 ttw u t HathoUftchttrab «dlfi»,at Hvdtum, li piramtof, *ad Uu atnutui*

d 1 l U l d( |n

«nf »A(i«rUi» Ball,

TU »(4Jt«r bojf cum HUTCUDS bpw uSatuntaj «M tto/ npwcafbia'tlnu., Cora-J*D j 0 U *»•? up toward* UH top is '

. Vlttj-On oenttibuatal/cr wtmt la noU ' p o w ' l » m M tnwttoalaotv ;;••" • '

n ioaot th iounB| (w>0«, of Honutowu. qettw) H|»,

. Tte'0o«rd of Freehold.™ will me* ID ng-;a.armmtUj WMloo 00 WadMad*/ next, '•

Wi'niMU W«l*, Mi'wiAWunnMo! «««. Yurt, dW At MotTbtoWn on Jtondaj pJgbt.?.""',. Camp rosrtlof at Ml. T*hdr b«g)M-Au«art,; laifa, not Cih aa feu bewa arrooacmaly itatad:

, rlp»


, gp f aramlo ywtenlAj wJUj rafeltUl

tatont, btittlM will raoovor, PAJHIIJ troutl*r u « h * « a ( W . • • •, "• :• ' " , : • " . _ ' • , : '

Ttuit gang or Uda wbo «ue out drumtalu|and distorting tto lilwtt « t o t w or tbs nlgbtTuMd«/ « v h t to got ttotp wuf (or niiuioh d b i ' * ' ;

; Hatter floyt will fire.ii

hop toH

111. i»U U»>mijlom«i(o( t»«ii.« patmaltar.K CaMoo "ill u noanw) I17 totpiMgtoo tiuir papttr.M baatamd (faw«qallidtiu ! ; _ K a t « t p r t » . n )


ry"Budiwbnd, fit*U» ion&gjnt

•. • Una BrjAut b«« atcurtd.a 'pernuumiti and: JuvmihflynfltluDHboohiMtpw for a large. Bmtdrnj biwlbMfcou- In Naw York...' .: Tao Bund** •fttrnooa UinperuM umtJng

will IMHUIWMI by tfco HBT. Mr*. Wo-id, ofU P t e U w t i n t M B O l ^ :

« v t b^rt t Gonm»,00011011 atwutd be plac«d mith tb« ckrk priw

ttwul|nVof;iQ«»Utig. U hI^I^MUan toit»p» tw/lb ^

TbfffifnlK.J, V.Will W b o l d ita ttlrdiw-unlon at Marrlatowii on i*bor Dtj, (fep-umbw^ifa. .ThU **»&»*«; ib* two r*«i'mwi«frtimKe> J«TM/ ttat mad* the At-

*t Morris-

ut J. I>. Biidd, o( Budd'.will protably'

Th« Morrii CflontJ e**lD«« Bank rtMB Tuatday latt to »T»il Itatll ol Um privilege)rnjulreaiK«ioeof rixtj d«ya on Urn with-

drawal of any nut gmt*r tban ou* tmirfreddoUan trocn uty oos acoouut, ' . -.<

Ad 0 T l i ; «w'ol. tbo beai kuptra

,. >. ttrot. Car 4(10. ' M * "Uf **•' . ' . • • ) O M J

f. • ^ • ' • " • • • ' V i - '

1- : . ' - ' ^ ' ' X

; •

> t •'"•- • ' ' ••• •;":-•

•{;.: Tbe>rai Mithudlnt « t u p mating «t N»t-; 6ftn|(daitd uiiTuo*d«y, uidIVmiiaiwor;tb«

' i f l l t t t ftttwidftiK*ul w y:

r Onuxt AIn :«Ji m

do . f a l»lun,d1«i at(M boow oC nla motiiar, io tlackatutoiru, tartFnoa; a ^ t , aRKl« y»an. lie Iu«i sot b*«)In goal Malib for Mwat jun. ,

A Baa on Spacdirtl) irwiW, Mr* tli* Ban*nor,had;agrattquarrel with hla.wlfa, andb rihbd'

atU Xnuu-ri*d tw,", t -waataa uIoaattUDg la Uw worlds

i Board of Tradi faeia ttaitr

• tww o d h»« lamiM lart *«A i\i\*mltttd tlMirpropodUotuaiiil,Hn ouwinftteaou manufMtarei ban tbatu ID obarf*,; 0|ieof thaot «IU In all I l k l t w ^ t o W r f S

1 - baan trMM to impiir. 'milk from coin -that-:w«nJul>tl««lto<lrli>k '

6iptain BahHtt, tit CODIMDJ O. • w « oBl-r o T U M l t y W b Q r r a o r W t l i t o d

' * hl:; Tlw will of HM Jatv Amlrew A. m r ,

^Inilltad to piotaWf | M T M all hi- m i nod>.i*T«ual propertj to bta wile, -AiitolDetto,v tadappolidt tiarMnxeinitrix,;,'.:.-:.; V--;'.' *'•:*',;, Tba.alorrMom Commoa bouwrtl «V thrit• m « u D ( i < M ] | € h ( w l ) l b « « k « l t o Uk* K U O

i U i b W

(U.ld«nl mu Unk/baa laid iloct lu Dual:li ltfa. rTbe bauk uo* bu .« aurplua-ofIIO.OUI ami 4odlyldiuld«idalt. ol about IIKI*Wt'.'.f^.'V^-'.i-".-''.7.-'; ;••:.•/•:••• :•;:'••! i-B'.'i1 W * THurt adry.itn tbat Barouta •YenaGortoi.i'» H « d n l itwnand i n niuic actta oaV

I If not a. T«ry 1H»FJ man, nil] .ooltaiuliapgaaawT.alr/Vanaonloafladi Mm-

• H t * t c t i r o , a v | | jmwhhli/DoVbBthe dacllnatto aayhaw.lt

^ ^ ^ » o i « a > h a t e t t j r i U S ^ . Y ? ; :' •;, -fh- Iforrlfl (Xmntj Board of Fr*ebol(kr«

, \ ' \ J I M |MUtloM(t-tbe Bopranw Court to order a'\i\, w<iwBi'Uilc».to.llx tfialto* M m o Uetutbam;, ;'W«rrtthJpaiiilBeru*rdittoWaihtp. _ ••, *.. •• l't»rU*i*T*o.mlm bjtto OM-.I'WJ fromv , - OaHfornta'.and'>• i n ; prwnJKd 8,000,Wo' ^ ^ d l

'$'& • Tu.aa»a»d »aiiia«c», ofSumall lot. J«a-K ^ i i » i , i M » ; r - — - • - • "•• - •

. .Mrf.n

Tfco funWal atrrloai of, Wai N*l»e U w j(lUUbaldlD EH. JobD^ EplMMpal Ofaurob,o aaturdaj, - Aogurt «lh'«t tbreo oVbck,

Anjparaoo iriibiog to ttflw Dw remain* maycall at. tlM iwtlteuw' of ler mother, •; bearBtirg«attra*<ataar Unw afUr B o'ulock i ,

.,H.tnnJaj.f-.;;. .v-v!.-..;- ,; ,i"i-;;V -.;^ •Tfca Board of Fmbolderanr PaWfoCounty

havegranUdalioenw to tlw ClirtOBraa>,tnwk«pk. tfottoltlMiitarcabw onder bonds

avbapproptiatittg fuu4* bi tbe coaiitjaod j-pmuoHi.ltoj'Mai ttwilf ttnj go tc J.llnui inKktn "ill l u w tha rtringtrt pall

,,'.'; 1U Iwiolj »Kk uii^

ka ha a. ,lor. UK'•bmlHUoa•.«!.

fiiV*''I»«-i1aioii*k»ii!<'J.lh.:;pii«a:Mc; V ;<*iiit=»;:to%»i»W:-%». aadTOoairi OtfoVa•; • •U>^pl»»».>tFrt4.r,- aid It . I n a good^vi^onantV tt.*Ht.'tfca-a<a>lK»V.at-«ian

^V ti>» n e w luk Tbiindajr*iil|bl u d «t*- ' 'ir«oi«aldiink Mr* bMr.; JtMotoliMti .. .flirw«nl. 1b. wWl» U» huiilioCulad

: iioc«.«.j a fl. o, on tb. o««r»i H.

. ^r.'ltaliM irtll.lig^aaSlplipi.illPi aa a ,fln* claia

':'; >.>n»|i>lartin.Cturdi.'alonMon,*ancwl III

,: :-5,H«^n»JuM!^ooo( Vljilaot Baa».r

to)«aloilllliioi«lIalNi»U»ta«,**'"• 11 mi 1' ''"•-**•'-'— * *T *"""n* ?>»•»

: : cmlU(«ii.y Hbwir. bMiooiloB.ji.IU." '

SwJaari tatt Irtoa iMtW.tta" loooM. placa,"r»fiV»iiaaj if laat waavaou'ma « anatil;In.

MI00 «•>»••. T»o jail.afc»»p««a.anj.tlil«.7«ar

30 .eddoooli.ta."!" ' * * ! " » > > '

: - fbreocb Do»eri oa Battnkri wl* a'•'• '•^^oaitj ofr»Uaileli*la>oi*i,oo faaW,' -? aSirio 6T«- Itarfaj at Uto Hopakx«i,:aiKlS J f i i i a t 1 on » rt»a*ll«ax»Br

; l

'-1' Jollowtof oa» lor » a * t " »

.DOXDM u»nn»u> <* Aoaiut wllb lila l»of ? T r r f - «ilrt l.»o»i..J)a«Tlll*:I»;.;jlr.

Il4;; Staafcliai' ban «*«*> » »»1.*» i«»»loi

life^JlS'Slcka-aT ithtatioAiaodltiop'lui».

i. A. JJJ(» aArvniRMt "•' grwtt clewloglalnUiltlmia ' ' : '11M luItUton cdtMiMi up tbVAUtirtlc JUQ-

T d b y SltolT. - . '

Hi-Ullla M«kfil,

HJW17 ThwoM, whil« palatine'(titC M d f t i7

otto DCBp e ( p

car <w Maud*)1, frsetimd

idti "

Ma fthml, J. J, Vnaland, 3* .HUl Dabr IrtWill, ot N . iark , h u Jil

tfc. iramnMr colony at M*. Tabor,,' ,i«. Dr. Buoktojand wU* baVe.

Iron a tffo'uoDtai trip to Alaiaa. -t i l l . c . Bmltb,oTBriokCtumli,i>rl^t-

ln« bar mother, Mra. FrtMiar. Wood. ,-,•:. ..'HtoHenrlrtta Vmmtiaoo, 'or H.w York,UiWtlogl«rJ.l«rSlta.Kio«.ll™,!itv. -

M n Fru,« E.' Blaihus, ol Bnnlon; It.,»Ddl»j a month at Port Jarrll, !< Y .• Mr/and Hra JatnM Millar, of N.wartc, *ara

asvuDS Danitlla Mwda* for t o . lurnn.r,:.MlHc&arrylaomaa; or luiaptaoi, (» vtel

log bartiatar, htn..BuUoeI of Kaarnef^;Hrt . m i l l . m Dultord and danebtar. Ada;

ot tatanob,araatBohool^'a Uouataln..,*.:•• MWIaVB.||Oa»pairtar, oi Maw T o r V , ! .•bltlnlllr.'aud ""• IV™- J- iW»«u»u.

R.T. Dr.'IV. w. H«Uo«.J will ip.'nd toorenainfer of AuiMt >t Saniofa Bprluji

. H Brown, of Navarlt. I. apandlng apart of I t - b.«toi t»n» "lUi lrl.no! at Du>-liUt. ,. .••' . '.•

Him Era Wist, of Jini) Oltj, U ib«rtrandp.r»nt., llr. add Mm. J. J. Vrw

Hla* Ptoxoroft, flf N.w Turk, la i t j l n .'cw»\ tm Proqwot itrMt, for tb. month or

Hlaiealll«An«ll>lbFMI ooiniua to Ib.hoUM with a Mvan Ilium but !• gnatlf' loi

M » « * - .•" y - " •. • '.: •• \ . ' ' : .

Hn. Pranh B. Bvarntt bai.UMO'.pnidlajrthe w*k with Irteadi at Ewtonand l

Uto»a; • •.. V ..•• ' :: . „ : . , ' • „ifla Ada'BtUaln, ol Eut Orania, li aprnd-

In, • loir » ~ t . with Ml* B. K. Wllalnoii ati r a k i i i l i l a . . • " ; , ; ' / . • • - ' • . . • ' i • ' . -

Uri^Chai;H. Bwtmtt.uul ber daughterRulli M* .palKllui) ttvo wiwha wltb frlmMl. In

of,» u«r oeat. lor* the«JU T l L l

Ira Tuomai HnmifioiMi or Doon^o, bava ntnroad boau (rou a lAflntht' vltit;Kor'»Wi l«.:Y. .. • ' .; '^.y.;~ Z/:flAr tnar^ lk j 'aud Wallaca ,Vaar, 'of toe

U«o. Hlctianla Bo* Iton, •larlad on Ibglrf a m U o n a f o p d a f . . '•,••.:•".•':'.•''•,;•, '

Ifr. and Kra. J; S.VnMUodaraiiaJaurulocatO«t«a,Naw'Yorai at tb«>onM ol Ura.*

; ; ; , . \ . ,V, Tartar, ol lit. Hope

, U ipeadlDg a foir weuki ainung frlandjIBHawH«TMI, Conn. : > .,; ;..:-"• •'•":

HIM Ummi* Oajn atnl M(M Aggie MpK«m,Ot .S»»wa»*,t.''i»W Ul U l l>]

Meawi. William and Warren'.Tpjnr,'a>boare pammerlng In Boontoo, have gone on a|rittyffM>W: y"Vv ''

The ftjeciar aoaloB of.Con«r*ei will oob-4 If I id thatEtt

Uon i ;«6 aewpt a Mil'roahing :UMratio batman gold aod ril ••!- M » t o 1/ Ta«t,W M U naka a aUVar dollar In • f

Vwould Oil an f ^ ^ ^ i ^ K

i Cc^hlari, U»e 'propriator of tbdUaDdaamBtat».ixulwd UM oork In * botU*of ailffeiufa add on TiuraiaT Uat and to*aWcUte ataff ipouM op all Avar hla Caoa. V Bek d Wi . j « In ttro* to •»»• tWn, aw)

d kta raca'.io ouW mtar; aail fa*l« ,HltI«^ f t ^ l i t i d ^ B r ' i ; ''

obtwltatBatuj•boutlTp, .Tb«Dor«r Corm* Band fornJUlwlMM aiiiaK and tbe pw-ph tW# frtl *MJ>

rflt ti«noot otjy taoaaa* of U»

MAookt ci i™il! .»uuW«~iio o. an aojaoctto'•• • - * • • ' " ' a . . . . a - a a « ' _ . ' _ ] ^ ~—L?l~t— * • - • ' ' - .<w M ( b . Siiaiix eauniji"conUxnporarjr,;f thi

'Afewdajiaio Btojainid Biaa flnUiwd aI'-yaira"- tarn lor w*uU aad t»uary Uruna owotr. , Wbcn al. Obobuite papwi

rnr* htWlid U n • • MkMl it W wifti. b»" " to *ay, M tba I****, wai: mac*

t a c * * .bla rtqtw* ae (alt bud about it,

Aicbard Ctemploa. :«aiMMM^ U b l l l M d

In Kammav g >

HanaaiBiraw, a«l placed, In «»lvnip BaUi^HMndagbawaa,taken btICOPoilwitiatt3.Oaf.airi wa. flnad IOD0an! o o * u d «yuml«ad to Jafl Cor rtt daji,anJtotaBdootnoil.tad ucU. toa. Raea and

a 'an paid; - CbKiiptoo w«; Wot to I t .> I J > ^ 0 U g 0

bat baoouiof dtamUOfd lUrM out ou

Tw Dar» BW Ompaor o*> July Utb •

i«nj f . lUoawr Bamiw, of;; tt* Besf Com;f-nj, aoM Uw m#at to par tbr Mprw

WiUtWowtafor it: ;Tha Baa*MMd fc> ratWTH- UM ainount -of;U»p

bill barorW;Ald«raian B r o ,wae MadYw. Wedmdsj;' Pord ft, Bmllb«W^Bred(ortlMooatiliinantand Jainai H;Hrigbbbor for, tbt 'iMam, •/A; jurjf, of alx

i d trueTlMened toUwnkkw.verdict In fimr-of Mr

MnrrK Wodahn-ir ba natlf« <rf Uke H<

r i a , « w » > bo»lliiwlld«ri.aa«. S»Ma«tenor (nm iwj back and amueei WtMell.,hsiln'iliira:-"•'"•' •nxMt tboae wbo •»;;not Inaround•rtWd-IU. bla;crode Mat ofr,_-__._-,Ywtvrdv J«*a Br»«J Kada a tank 'U Uta-•atfutd boimpad up •««"* Blockbowar;; TU«wat Jut ttie opporwnltx tastbhutarlug bulljiraai blninc tor. aa Krwy « H too amp* to beabUWdriawltaimeariodHiwAlMwacbitHlcDm tha baad Witt • atout walklc* •tiak.r--tJO1.fri«hiJu]fa*hiD bit waJp.:

aJdennair Browb till* tno»lneT «ad a\ ^ W t for wxtTbortday at;!!) o'clock.rkan'-Wtui'a'gnat w w d a». tbi «tatioii $Mm

^ U rf U l

iw notaUJtmO»banXromb d • bladwrilUi abep on

StUHX t t m C o u . . tCbmtA.~Naitak.iMi to tbe tittit* Huepllal atMania P la lw jartardar by Oowtabl* Wood

i i a b Da a d S t e p .Onnimlt*-.lJ«r. R M WM Uisked In th* baad

i " i t d i i i i 1 i b|bf,a iiorae • viaft»tdfwimirii»1»ai b|i'•prtma*: condition b tba raialt of Hurt Injnr/.Ee w M » k w iJok T o ~ U y i and beoima, to

ab)* tbaiV li,jrae ;tboogbt bWttoIn tht b o a p t e l £ j ^ ; $•:-,'•. T

^Bnain" 0« i« i« t

bridto Baai te R»raoni: JWdaj •ftamotrn,Jodpin bida'for bulldlDg'thaiieir ttrartiuAl*.P*a»io Bolllog WU1 WM u* loir-rt, and


Vtaa.Kn.nb, of Newark, *• »l»i•ToUo fl, Martltt. : -

3flaaI'laHeddeii,of Newsrir.tf aU H Btllla A]lan. , ,- ' . ; ;aibert Park, of Kcwark,

aokUon at Chestar. < .Mra. Charlet Brook, of Boonhm, b u gona

to.tba WorJd'a Fair.

Tbe UlwM 8adl« sud EtntljQoooton, ar«»t Bortoo.. .

-ittavKatate B a t o r * to mjoyiDg l i e -wUb Pk

Ml* I i u l a Darls, of CatKoo, U flutingrid W f a l t '

Mr. and atn. B. R. pr)p}>en ntarncd from

Mr. and U n . WlllUm Bltoo and family a n

, otN«w«1c,

Mra. U p . Tli.jrer.vrt mn with Mm, IV. B.*rty i n tt«Uug (rlwuj* at Hi*»rU, oror In

; . . v ; . : ; . ; , \and Haiel Ollwiti,,or Navllltore amai« tfaelr'cid

Mli«M Milrk, ar«l d lIdr.andMrB.j: BTelhC, of jarwy CltrVl l l J t t t U af honor *t OWef • Vree-

WtnJ j : Timer, of Mfc; flopB AVeT, b*t bwnVltdtiiw friandi la'Nvw Havea, Conn , andeajoieda ^.piiajtjit'ttaia!;^ ,•; ^ V ?-, j Vjv /

'Hi?.'("JWioBiai Cartiur, bt-Booutoo,'t4ti-Motod to ratiiro from bU raoaUoo tuu wwkand' will oocapj bb pulpit on Sunder.',.; • ;;-!

C^ttdlm-n atrtirt- HO-BI), of Boontpn,U i f W d i b t b r i A O

the putweelCf bnt la sowMlii o » » Ham'iuocdi'o*' flooetoE,* BM rt-

d b lTOtr ia l l f ewwerr t - j In - ib*turwd baoelTOtriallfewwerrt-jInib*vldtil^ of Botton tod aloDg tha -M«i»fl oaut;C i l i e jtriitiui Hqakliig and MUnK Bkil'hn.

, 0* OhaOW Tare: tpMiding a fewvpeak*-lthtbet»«nlljo(P. P. Ap^ar, on Pniipeat****%''$}':':•.''•';''.a '•'''•-••'.k'^Vv't-'K

to.MUIEt*' Kent,'wbo bM beeo .HpKuKmi160 iMt two JTiooth. wltb btr lUWr, Mn.g«»ttt, bai rttan*l 10 ber bom* « Haok-etta*jwni^,-:i^Ci^>^rv;-Vw'-\-V1.v'-'V^J

of NortH'SanpUiatreet, - .•paaa.usU.bKMk wiii Hiax 'Btta . .«*««>

Mb« Jannl- B « r j , ol C « W ,Nlnnle lAMtwnov, of Keovil, left mi MdtxUyowroing fur Ofckwga to liwod ai. few weak* atto W W ^ S l a l r ^ ' ^ V ; ^ i

^ pg ^ p«taioaerin «bi- Dover PuWto Bofaooti aodJUaMaUleKani, ot Haokattrtown, b u beau

lectodtonitbaVaoaacj. ''••,.':• y^- -":;-W. B. BpiogW and, family went taVti-

moot Moodeyv pnriaf Mr, Spangler;i >t^bi b d ill b I b ( e ot hUt bit

f , p g ;will be. In «bar|(e ot hU

i * "Mlaa Anoa BlaJuato* aaa b*ra tlacM a

tmci»r Io tb* prlmirj departmant of tMF«rtb Ambor |»Ukiinluo),«barab«rfaUi(4-.

IlLa* An** :McCormie«Y' of" jamr!: City,in th« !»*«• poet offlM, )•

Oakotoi«a4 fab a-ere Ib. gaetblV,

U i ^ ^ w w i t e B V o n V T W . m T j fdctt, haiab jar neovered'tbat ibe returned'iiitip Tdiwtii'. *"ir *** * * by no mean* welt

Brother B*nl«i, ol tbeMaaiaoii'l^W/babuo (ttaoted* tBonth>.T«oaUon (rota hUdalle* In UMbuk,«KI Wlllapend toe time;j l i U t m K J b r o i d W e

T _ » Wood a B d ^ r f Boon-t o b > e n paaKnioni btt tta B. and 0, B. B.train that waiwroofcad laat weak war Akron,OUa -.lfaigr taxapwl. Injufj.. TDeywpr* ontheirwajtome.Wbridtftlr. ; ; ; • ; : ; : : . : ' ; ;

riir.-a*l'lCi*.«r:;W. /BaBiBBm'taii'llii.-1, oT.!Neirart,-iiowat:lloun£«.VTbltebead, o f i N e w a r k , o :

Taburt-paeHd Uutmjfb Duvnr Fr.d*yafte>-oooa on Woyrfea « i tbeW way to U k e HoprnV:oong WLeail.onifrimwjit tbe Wawulton.: ,

;r»iinra»d«*ed by H U Bnndamau. .WtUiain &!» , a eeveatecn-year-old youtb

rWJIa« Io DOT*T, w.ai oomnutUdyto-.theb o u n ^ JaO at Motrlatown.Wedoertay toamltiheacUcin61 theOraod Jor/. OueJab i W bl hoodlumtwbtebbroke Into

' iboaottW.fttgafreigbtcBr'tt Urt'Ceoiral station«nd aioletberefruni noniber of kejti of beer, mbktiUw ,(U>« Mrted aw»j into the woula anddrank^'I'ttiawM arraUad «od ia»» balL'

jdrank^ttia arraUad «od ia»»Wedneadar nia byodnnw, hearing tUt tb«

th ki ratin* to run awayyouth wd

r y , gwaking preparation* to run away.

the aatbbrltlei.

•;j,-,-' ['v•-••'"•• O a r d o r ;" H i » Cable] MolieraJri family wlili to ex

pnai^tbeta tf-aaki to t ta fxhnd* **«>» Mad-)y aided tirm'in tbetr. tata bflreaTement

^''• World1*;'>\,TBa Delaware, L*ek*wmanm:Itallroad will nu'apikctal.traliu ot flnwslaaiday ooaobM to Chtago »t doe fare for roundtrip on July ©til, A D * . JU, tfiA and HLb.Tfckitt goad/tir t« id»Ji . •: For tkkttt »Hfly

vr*'; ; :ffi Wt'jfua it.;;.;; \.;V.'rllie gimt BMnnniMr. cleariig atie. at

loM l*r below' obit ait tbe D o w Buar at

hw boibaud by iaylnM l d


; I1AH1II. MOMJCB.Oiwo/Hifol i lmtand t«e«t known K«M«iCn

of Doviv droi>|K*t dsMil In Uw> wirf at O.nity

Uolltt* va* <«c'of t lw insular att*uUn1«tba tuoual oxounlon ot Vigllaitt Bteamer

to Oooef IJawl, but h« did Dotio. luto tkt w a W . • B e v t u feeling

ipiuallr m i l on Monday and right afterdinner whec tba m t of tbe party wbo m'witto U a propoaed going In bathing Ur*Holier w u tba Bnt to aoquleaou, and wh*nUey bad donntd their bathlos miU Uwrawt» * root to tho wa*M and aomB otw n -nutrkad tb&i Mr, Uollev WM the awlltoit rftbe lot, though Mverol wara many yean bitjunior. - Ha bad oot been In the water but a

w mitattbia when fae.sudi.Bnl/ dropped, andne on«io«lW Mrs. Mollerfc attmtloa to

b« tnu floating, Bbe_ _ _ .UM wrong from

fall poalUon and ttartoi to tai aid, bat ~bid a l » nbttcad blm' drop anil remobed himfliac It wai apparent <u aoon ai they tookbold ot blm that llle Wai exUnot. H> waicarried to ibon aod averF deylot kuowa tottboaa ''around him wai uwd to rMiunltatoblm, butbebwl'goiiflpMtaUbuoianaiilp. ApermitWuawnind aad tna mnaiitt brought

Dorar im tbft 10:89 train. I t wti draad-f ollywdiien and an Iadnorlbab]«iliook to thewife and frlfod* wbo h»d i«uUd oS In tbftmarnJnf IM>. joyfully for * day* plMUura to

ne back a tuuwd eortoga. Hr. afollera born ntwrly (S ;ea>njHif) *o VnUrbnit*-JU, Ocnokny, anil «t tbongtof IT oana« »

tbii Country. Wnon be qauia to tbla vlclnft/ha waa aniployed by a niau Dtmed Freeman,

rho bail * tarm i m t below wb«» Ua* car•hops noir art, and .who conducted a largebutofaer bosinoai at Oraofe, JXo did not « •malawtU. Mr.' FnoEaao kog , but cam* toUovar *nd entantt toe. ejnploy of tbe IaU X.Q. JuJli»1,w.Ui whan ha rmnaimd for manyyaikW By' (mg*Hty be Mired aand InvMtad It In a vac*n( lot on Hutaastttfl, jart ttti aide tbe oanat. Ha tban builtthe bulldlDg wbore tbe bakery uoir Is, Intead-(ag to owupy it U I B M U , but cbaatcd Imind. A short time arter wards, bower or, Io1800, tw built tba adjoining building andopwed m laloon, ilWing up vh* ^vjirf aturrfor an opem hoiue. Her* be did »larc»biul'Maa'and aooumulated ootuldertbls inboay,la 1B70 he went to aurwauy to rl.it bUmotber, laavlntt bU litulaeM tn ct*r»«o( bUbrother-lD-taw, J: j ; . Backoff, and when harttanwd from tha fitbarUnd be sold an in-ttrMt In tbe bu*la«ca to Mr. UKCIUJT, nmt tbepartntrablp waa ooaUnued uuUI fdur year•go, wnenharaUi^fruniaoUvepartlotpatiaiIn UM butdness, dvrotlui bia wooJo tlnie totoe bbUUoc builuai, itartied by btouKlt andAla*. Kaoouae, in VjSS. atr. MoJIer « u tb'tpoJatjawr ofooa of tboas genial, hippy d l i wtlUooiUiatmakeitrleml* of every om withwhom It ooniM la ouataot, nod thaw are few

n who aad more nal friendi tbau •' Out |'HoUer, M he w u lamlilarly oaltad: Be wai

nwnoftbA h'lfthert lutegrlty,o»eet aud bl* nord wna la f«ot, u f nod M>la,baud. U « > u twltw married. H(B wifa

(our chlldtttU svu:vlv« tiim, • Two daugtvbybl*nn>tMirf,,Uni. Will Ksuouaoanrt

l*l«Hi.ti«*iMl t»o;«ti» by tha preamtMrt,HDIKT, Herman D , anil Cbarlei; He wakburied yeotardaf^ BaT. 0r.H*tla»ray 0(8 oi-•tiuk. aatfated by UaV.vnrui, Uaj.-'. Theronara. waa bald i t tfae homa aDd iraa one ot

lartsit aver eaeatu this town. H» waaaive*>Fo»tn*n c< titeamer Company No. 1and tbat organlutiou tunuld cut In a body,and all ttw otbvrpontpaitiaa hud tfae Wftfd«u(joined U;«iu In payliii fabelr laat Irioute o( m-epect to tbelr duinrade, as did. sloo Randolph

ol pad t^ellowi,. wfio bad onarga ofUMaervtoeaeAtbasraVe.- Tturftwwa inanjbandKHoe flutml tofetwi, and diiring tbe timeof the fuueral~.aH tbe buaJncai hoU»<M wendoted- A guardian will be aikad tor for tbeminor children and Uw biulneM o( Kanoua*&-Hi)ller will haoonUnoed'M heretofore.

-; _•-' . -. , ' M I . U I U U I Y , • • \\ ;••>"

Tbe antitttedt of Mr. .Hollar** dosti. wai(bat of MIwKellleLaoay.wbo auawered. tbe

to IM ibadow world on Wedneadayeteulni after «a jlloeM extttulins ov«i % jwnand for the, iwt'Uo tnonUis It.Iiu been butei patient walUo» for; tot boat to: toyobtlwtbo» to cariTf to1 otw .Into thatmyatarloui future through whoas veil no pra>

'.Ilwophy hat biseu" abia to, pene-•in antwarrf "tba oait

„ _ .^___ , , .__ d«ipiW';altU_ „fWendiooiihl io UwrMliMtloa tbat her beattfa_jld M«r:'ntarn:fi»Dtd'ltWt!ui(on bar,

Soe.wta K * j i t » t«uiot4.*»«n.'and •loviiy phtraoter.'-: 8l» rat.coa.lualoantot $1. Jo*W'£pJ*?opal,oounih,'atMJr» tbe Ant pereon twplliud In. the JHW adl

fl» . ForMiw.nyearaiba waimiattiiber oftbo'oholr'of ti* cburob, and tbt 'funeral. wi II

beM from lh«tw to-morrow aftarnoon at SJock, with IntmrButit (n >tourt. Hill'; o

A S OLD B B N ' S FAtJLT.William £ . UUUIH (• <MI« «( UM Milltt

Ohntor and % Hifthly iwpwted cJt).la Inquire Plttwy, and Ixwlde* • «ipiforwblr«V>ck tif th(» world1* ftooda be baa a 1*I«(JWUutt oaa't be justly deaorlbul u win 'Collli b u an old hm r|Ui a Hue brood ofchick*, and Ilk* kit ol her clan the hu amighty alight regard for tbe proprietaryIjtbtfl of a o j DUU If >he can'flnd a worm by'Igoroua KraUjblng.- Idut week phe wool

foragta** oa tha pnuulau ol '(Squire I'.tiu;tnda i a result two of ChmUtr'a'clUuns donot tpeak aa they pan by, and 'Squire PitnejI* under boodi to await t i e action ot tbt>Uorrla County Grand "Jury OD a charge otuaault moi batury.. It appean that Mr.CQJIU wrat oiw to 1Bqutra PItnej'a to getUa ben and her family aDd when be aakedpennlaaluu to take tier home tlia Squire'siraalbulty bwame rtroogw Unu bla judg-ment and ba itruokor uuebed or t tto ptuh Hr. Uollii off jbia p-jrab to tbe im ui -Bant danger of Injorr to tha person of thetfttrameoUooad owner of a HsoaloilraDt htn.Mr. Collft tfaareuponippMred bafora SquireJTaooher, at Suoouuaoa, and niada aplaint of anault and batUry and l ie ^ o i r e

" warrant (or the t r m t ot h.1* brotheradminiatrator (rfthe pMtoe of tbe H U M . Theconitableparforaitd faia part alfrigbthearing wai « t fs»r kwt FrLJaj at " A W

'• boWl at SuocuuLtta. Tbe prcun-luenosof tbe prUwIpnl* Jo the BOOB drew abig crowd txjwctlDg to BM A lively tlma, but

'. Ira Pitney waived a hMriog, a « e bondforblaappcAranoeat oourt, aud aUrted forbom*. Tb«n Mr, Ooili* BWure out aUotoerwarrant attitut Ifr. tfltoey tu * dltunlerlyporton, a ooutablt wai sent aft«r him, au d' wai brought back, to .plead nothe'ohwoharga. B«'aakad to>t»>» tbe «xainlaationfor to-day, which m granted and tiiua, wltbOre In bla eye and vrageance in bis heart the'AO.U1K Inststed tbat.Uit wir# ihoafd mAko

oa July SOtn.: l l ie' warnuit w u fsaned anaj.pUyeerredatid'dfiuIro Fauobar's docket

•UoiradaooUieroaw Cor Mdavy, 8u.ee turn'Squire Htney ha« bad Ifr, UiMllrt hired mtui

tonuauilt,aod tuatcus ja aUu *etdawn tor to-day, nod it glwu promUd of b 0-Inga oircua wurth xolng many mlliNti K C .

U, DeDanip, of Obeatar, appM» for Mr.Cal.bKnd%<|ulr«PittMi/will bd hltotru at-tunny. Ailut whtaMe4U»U»tai-*ra.wk tbM.

old heaoaninakiaualgtityHlgbtof truulilebf wmtobftjg In ttiB rlgbt |)1MM. ',"

;^:::( .^ ;; ^ ; a ^ o n d m , l l . ; ^ > . ; v . : rOne night )•** week juit tu JMtttant. Ma»

•hal Ptint Peton wu about to'get i Jirto •bedtiereoun* a'tarapwWoiii rulMdubrfttb«jn

g ir u t p W ulM.-dub-rfttb-«jnfrbo't doorbell, "poking bit- bwid "oat of

Ue window b*MW,a-julntetl» of bis nelgfa-ban of the igtoUer m%i one of tbetu Dlaibedool/Jo bw plgbt Jrw, aaMmtjIedw. hUporobuxlollot tbetslaabignetate of-ex-dUmeot, It v u et-ilatsed to him t!}ftt '«burglar wai In the boiud of tw lady-of tW•buty nbnent and bla protection waa Im*•plored. How, Vn&h 1* u Killaat and- brave

L d l l f fal h i l fcd ith, hair la atreaaad>Uhgray. and'artn>nn blntMlf with threa ravol*»ens two knl»e« a»d:j» club, »>• ••aded theItruoenfoa to Uw aoana o(. burglary . A * theyapproached tba ho'iiat tbey saw a ligb't run-plng •bout the upper story, aud icing quietlyup M tbe front door, wbiotitbalady bad leftoulocted In fan-faurry to gat awirtaooe, b eopeoad tbe portal aitf^oanM face to face withibe hmband nt tbe-wMnao 'who bad jrtrentoe alarm. ^BipluMUcna war* thMtn order.j t teems taehutbtni bad gooa out and wainotupeciadback that nlgttt. and hla-wlhnUred, loctdBt vrerjlbtugup tlcbt. : Upea-

'rtt<Uy ttwmraofjUia houm did get biunednttber.cba.it ti-V to awakan bla wife be

dwta^to'seVlntfafwit^tiW.M.W 'wiirfow,I D dblnti eo be inade a tmribie ncket uid•nuaed hto w m wba gave a •armni abd thengotoutof tiMboutff-M.qulckij- «• poealble,S«dl4iKAbc«r few go oiit vaA W buntingiUlot*rttiebouaefpr bvr.wbM-be met MMHar*hal ' •ho aime" to capture ft liunlar.rVtera'tblnkailtyjiillj tport to be a

' The Hobokatt P»»t Iltp«-.t Chttroh li ttgbt-lof for ttt leiaoy left by Hr. Sunual R Sinn,of Hobpkrn, $v iwniiiwr.>wi*ieo»->t Morrla-towji,' who""'owned nUt it known u FortMoMenaa.VIU'.iB.inB Irfta will' - - •projjeny -wortli - "about :.«iT5;«amount 1 ooniWerable l o m wai left to tbeFlntBaptlatCburclijOf Hbbokeo; v -

Tbe deceaMdii Ipdebtednm wai very beiiryand Parksr'Blnu, ai. eiaoutof of tbe,eft*te1,

t.iiwiidUpca.Dgb M b M i g g l g pgof the debts.' The executor made «pp]lfl*tionto Ibe Chancellor to bare a eertalo judgmenttor 18^HWUwo|i«V ,<Hrt'oI hli lUt ol debt*The motwyVltt Jdleied to rtpreaont a m«tnwhich .'Hubert: Sliiav another etm, receivedhich .Hubert: Sliiav another etm, ^

WW 3. Sims,ofHewTorkiand'irtifctibbi falhar t»U Intrust for hint'untli bit deatn'j: Ina' previotu•ult Robert obttined Judgmeat for fHB,OI,and tiled I i u & claim 'agalart.b> father1! ea-

a t o , ' • / •'•• '',.' ':•:>•::.'•:•' '^"sVi': ^••-••<

Tba F(r»tB*pUat church people Haim tlmtkbemooaybelnngedtoBamuelR. Blmi, 1tbey charge oollarioa between'tb« eona.,'.-..

:- - - '••;•'•'•'; G r e a t F l a b i i M r . ; . ; ; ; :

Here la an acoouut dt a fliblng trip, tbatwUI'inakeftngUra iround, bew'alib Inr wiciiO c gronadi/l.lii.W.Tfaurber/ furme/iyHuperlntetidMit of TuUla Bcbooli tot MlirrlaCounty, -witting to 'K.v L, -UickirMn,; framSjdenhant, Ontsiio,'eaya be waa'oat Mondayu d caosht tUt baaa,; svaragltig two poundaeach^tbe total'eattifa.'walgbliig WJ poandi,aod It w«a * poor, d*y, . Oa, ja dtacdplei otIiaal. Walton I Uilnk of lt Fifty-flve ban,

l r b i m i U o r a » y I YB

W e b » T e receirod a oetpy -at tha bookSosna (ran. Every lADd," and It U qne ot

the mortiumptnotuind elegtnt produoUoniol tbe prtntw and anKrarar *ra hare erer M

Mthlng of Its Utarary Value.; I t ciOOhalf-tone engiwltagaof inoat intar-

with tfae text tbat !• printedunJerft.ct.hU.U.okoftnreinvrelyeqi ' 'ItIapQblI>iu>d byBrjiui ,;TBtrtOib.etreet,naw.Yarfc

; . ; K i a r » » . f O T i w r i o e a . :?_ ^., AJlianyner gooda marked tway down n -gtrdlaaaof coit. Come early andi

Tha annual athletic, iiiiuic&landllLeruryeatertainnient bold at MLToljor during tw udays lu aaaldfaUaauaer are flxqA tUl( year furSaturday and Sunday, Oie BUi and titb'.'

It will opui at 0 o'ulook l^uwrrow morningiltbatonnlB tourney. ID (Jia aiteruuoit and

eranltLg Von' Band vrltl bp iiroeen^ nutl % lullprogramme ourled out. A^.tnru.p'dook tUefeAlrlUee will agnln' o]>eii wllti field gaiii'SHunder the aw(pli5e»Dl the Mt. Tabor AtlilotloAssoclatioii, with the foUawlug eventH t

1, Oae'huudnKtyanl.Uunlle; -',t)n« huu-Aredand twuoty yarddiuli; 3, siok race furheavy welghla, 176 puuuds; -i, thtee kgj?w.nue, junior*; li, throwing baab tiall { (1, lia[(n>l)0 run, juulora; 7, li.lf mlla lilpyuia riuw,

tutor'. 8, running tilgh Jiimmy, mnulngitwd jump; 10,' blgu kick.' ;' ..~ :

There will, of course,' be' exoellmit music,and tDls ot lun fur tb« swiller clilMrui. at

IB Carousal uml Ui.witnswlng a balloon as-tension.1 ';,' . ,; • '. ;.-,'. •. . .• •

In tbe evening the grounds and cottagesillaitURuftlbe beautifully. Ulumlnated audiu very attractive paradu of the varloaa or-

ganliadoiu will occur:,/ At H:«) tliero will beennoeri, with eight snlectlous

B a u d ; " - _ . . • . • • , ' ' • • . • , ' , • : , ' ; ' - • '.

Oo1 Buiiday,ther« will by n-young |MK>ple'Bo r n f o a e t a t the ttudltoriutnj IOIHO A. u.,

amaaa by llev. Prftd-ClarB Baldwin^ o! Bt.i'k Oburdi, Wiwarkj «;.•», r. H., vesper

service, Itev. Jwnos Motitgoioery"In cbhrgo;T::W, aaulveraary nrvioe with addnutuw hyV.U. Pitta, Hobokeh, IVni. H. ittitwli, JawiyCity,'Kvr. Fred..Clara Dil.lv.lu, Nuw'nrk,-Jorry Jl.OeorgB, Pover. •,• -''•'-.'•

High jPrlc«d Board,. ' ' .T^ojniingwomBnfmiitiiiJcbynfAi-uUterly

r ovt), Wlw read In a city jHtjwr on aulviu'llse-luentrwlUogtta ellgtWe location awl tran-aoemtent beeutjae ot tii« VonoverHouso, Iwtb

- to Mtyice uai. ouUfne, ilraldod to *\m\ile flfIff .(lollarB.UiBi i»nh bjul «ivt>0 fro,ii tin*

earnlngnoll a h*rd winter's tail, 011 ttiesburee"rlwautirullJiko Uoiwtounjr. Wlion tbtyrived at thaVandvar Houwa tlisy found it

aapottled with the Bdvertlauaiwt about the•antea* apaluted Run.wltli'olilSol iilmsol(.They 'were *w«.y Uok'la tbe wwxU 'atid-hadto VTKUC ftinilu through alonely roadoraimii;the railroad to get to the lakq uid <ttiier Uilupidid not milt Uiem,» they decided to chaogu,niejliiad eaten tuuriiiwUB aud BloiV'wo

ntghta at tue UQUM, and Wlusn tlie> ask,«d fortheir bUl It .wu JMCiTliey relwllatl, and(Jire»ten6daiiltforpo«ai*.onof Uiuir trubki.aud finally coinpromlwd by.payiug K.%,. butibair outfnjwaU Bpoll«*l .«ii4 thVy returned

Welle .driving on tbe Mendbun rge'd 00Haadw Mr. R.- A>Unp»n, fof Jorlwy City,wbo h u ratted Mr. Wnl. I), ^hiwou's faroton tbe Baiklngridge road, met^with » runeway aoolaeut; 'Theulci'.brokeand oao'irheulbrokrollttbnJwioKHr7l3icipson"oiit:wttli

{'.»»*»," U vUlUug *L Kill**!, I ami¥()Unf«>d t<>i'af|i»rtUj*lowi) ulkfoi-tbe

Mr, Jniiim. K«ucbnr and wife, of Pnrt Hor-rli, were lu tawa ttrar Kucd»j.

Mr. £. Due, 11! Union Orove, made a ibortcall on W. T. Fitatawbert last Bututay.

A ouinbar of our youugiporU •tUoded UwFree MwLhudUt Camp Meeting et V '

\mrafi Crater, of Dover, Bpeut Bundarwitb UIM Liizle Corwlg, la tbU JIUM.

Fred, Ewlean unllee tv bru«d " tmole,'came lie bo« A young carpenter over at 0(1

oiue.A. 0. Skellenger and M(« Ireue Suittk

called OD frieoda at Horrtttown and MorriiPlulta uo Buttdn/ IML

Conimualoii eervioe will be held In tbe Pree*•yterinn Cbutch cm tiunaay, AtiRtiat 6th,'mparaWry leiiture on Baturdkj att*ritooa

at thrM O'dock.Tba anni««ratirj receptian of itev. Dr.

tjtodtlard aa pwtor of UM PnabyterlcnCburob Lore, waa Ueld at the r«tdMoe of

i EMggs, in Lmlgewood, on Tbundayling of Ust weak, and a <rery \>h

time wai enjoyed by all. The abOT*Uoa lUould have b«ea given oa tbe 8th ofJuly, bnt w u postponed on aooount ot tbeDoctor1! Attoiidaucs at tlu C. B. OoDvaotloo

iMoutreal.Caoada-The Columbian Pair, held at Ledgewood

last week, was well wtUudod and tne receipt!amouutwl to about #160

J. X. Young h u been renovating bit bouaawith naw woad work wblcb glvei It A neatappearauoe.' .

Jams* Lov<t and wife, or Plalnaeld, ba>ebecu mooning old frlewUhlpe tn town,

U I M Laura Hqhaon, ut Newark, IB tha gae«tut U n . Coin tbta wwk,

0«car Lantennftu and alitor, of Ut, Free-liora, ipent but Buturday with frlendi In UiU

Um.Harry Hloholaa, of Uniollya, w u In tuwu

arafHiUKiar. . ' .Pnd. MtUfaM.orttobokoa.hM b«nvI«iU

Ing Ulf Anna Orater rmently.. Mr. I4*rr.tt;and dihsr, of Dakota, wtra the;um(« of George Oo'wlb In thli villaga.

GeorH flimoj aud bii •later Minnie tUrtetiir tUo WorWi F*lr on TiiBeiay. W« alt

wish tbem a" pleasant trip and a Mfe return,Mr.Ulupln and famll/.-of Brooklyn, are

-ttopplng a> the gue«M o( PurdbatuUorwln.Dr. Horrti, ofUaryland. li visiting at tbe

•uiaiuer rieldsnce 01 Bin. Dr. Heattie.Mlu Altle cratar, or Dover, tuu luut. *Uli>>

lugberold UmeacqualntaDoeiln tbi*place,t*wto Lariaoo, « » o r our geolal bakan,

-peut hut Baturdoy. wltb-bfi parenU atcbooloy's UvuntalU,MWB UIU K i n ( bM bean spending the pait

r«tk wiioog frieutlit Id ilendliauu.U n . Welling, 0 ( Urooklyn, I* vitittag Mi M

^-MoOilligthlaweek.''JUM Hooley and f•rally, of Nowark/woreLU«*UOt Witv Bkoibly over Sunday,lu Millie Voorbeea, of Newark, l> VlalUng

Ulta UUlie (not Nail If] Curwln.James Buddia h«* bo*a engagad a» ataUon

Kunt on tbe Chwwu- Brauch of tfae D., h. &.V. at Kent 11.

Miss Kmma f«rk, of Outlay, b u beta en*;nged to toiuli the Alpaugh anhool another'ear, i t It all rifbt, Un't It, OUarlay t

We.mias tbe stalling, face, of Wai AaoaCurl wbo busKoue toDover tolly".. Our town lauHiTtydevoidof Voltycouilnatt

tbb year.. It b probably owing to tbaWcrlri'i Fair and tbe >llver.iuetti»n.

B, Flittiertiert bas bee»-en|aged fur tba'ourtb onumiuutlva year aa principal of our

publlo Kjiool. Mlu Nellie Itlgbbefwltl teachthe nrlmary dB|)*rtcnent Truljoar"lw%nl"Know a good tblog when they at* It.

Mr. Vtotor Boell and lamHy wbobave beenfailing frlonds bero reoentiy have returned> their huuiein Horri'towc ".Tt» trltd bare last Friday betwe'D two

banter parUea proved to IN ratter a " dls-jafudlUOiia" tt.wlll ba tried ber« again> morrow, Felifcj, -• ' • •• • .Mr. and Mrs. Morri^ of' Elinbetb, are

latilug aaVtfr, Wiu. Cuurafla^ ihl* weuk.Ur. ttylvefltw Pluberbert, ol Mewu-k, Is

Ultlng among reUM vet In tliU vlolnlty.

orct in front of'the K|twrt place'; andt tbta rao toward town witb Hn

Blmceo&andUiiteoblldren .ln:ttae oarriage.Neat-the Lake tbo other,front wbad.rw off,batatlll the InmatM held their seati f«r ilaarUfa, whaa near MIIIB, atreet two ynu'ng men•topped the runaway :«o4 necu«d tho tattyaiid-bar HtUe'otwi.'Mr!1^lii.jWt. Wan

- • " — • - • • - - " - ' , — B a n n e r . ' ,: '-*••'• .• ;' • •

The BwburUh Underwrltori" AwobloUon,ibfob haa charge 'of eveay fl'« insuranoe

oompany in Hew J e n a j , : ba» uoUllea' i bagent* that, owloi to UM lomet wlilub liavubeen •uttalned by them durina; the past yearaod a half, ibBluiiranM^ will be rriLtad onn-menelrig on July l i t of thU T««r.'. Uwallatid furnltniv bare bew rw«eil about 00' per

nt, and mgrcbMd|iiaand bu*Io«« buildS>ottt-lU ptrOftat, Tbl» doca wjt»|.ply tot>«B pnvloiwly insund for Uiecurntntyear.

/ ;, - ;lntyIntiTeaa« Popnlatlon,;; , i ' ; '•The rapidity with .wkiafa puaunUaities hiirt)

grown where good road* prevail In at laat(•achingjta *""**• HutubaaoK la tfae mort

a^eiamniej of thU truth.. .Oood^riara not only a untwaaifj from a btuleeeB point

-' rlow^Whloh U tha chlrf. txmidtrmttitb«yanrequlndfaytfca%]arjp>eltiiiant wfaiobdr.vee for pl*uureeand;^»|ll »hua a (lUwe,however AttmUve otbarwjwi. f*** •?•« »and mud hlgHway*.' Keep Up H^'aglrt(or |ot(l road*Xh«y cau't be t w f c o o t 'iii't be too 1 oot , ' '

;.; A n Soonomical So&ra. tTt'e BecreUry -Treuunr ot bur. fioanl of

fiealthnoelfed the annual report,of; tbaBoard of Health of tbe d t y V Drldgeton, N.J.f; fur the year ending April'!•*. JttDa. wblcb•bowi paat work rtnna by th»t e&U«a boa.td.Witt « pnpuUUonof ll,0*« lha oitylinlTereda lonuf but lifl from all caiuex./and out ofaa tpptsjpiUUooot •eO.OOUVw",!6*' iquiut«rly by tbe city th'e,buard fonud tine furoqly t m « for adl Mltary^ pitrpowa. TtititiTct&arkabhi.:-'.-'-- ,- , . ' ,

• '-•', Bro.QarrlJonjIf your'Qnole b u ad aunt, wbo bas a

nephew' wtiota wife bftal. oouiiu,'U)»t m»rrl(dan old friend of your..wife>:^uiter, whaaegrandfather tiled to live In'^tlm. wunc townwith a friend jours,' weo*e' aou-ia-la* b nowUvioc'tn Chicago,'you afaould wd oai»e • renewD'Uaiqualntauioe with* vlswof eatingboUbilto wLllo atUudlng the dnat WorMV Fail

bu'llaun. ;"'... -''.


.HimFanny Clark, of JCIizsOeibj-antl MlnBroob, orPewsrhr, are enjoying* ton Uonpl-tali ty of tin MJIBOK Willaue, BU4 CUra. Clok-

The tabor Boolal T3nlon are makldg everyeffort to bate childrenV dayezercfMa a todletter day., Voei'a band, or Newsvrk, will fui

Ubtbe moaie. . . . - - : " -Tbe M r snd fMtlval given by the, ladle* of

tbe Bfaurab netted *8ti, ' ThU ti grmed, and theladles fulhbtly paid for thdr labor; ^lt llother effort* meet with t ie •lieceaa.lbat pre-Vloua ifTorts h*c«,, Denvltle cab • have aibeautiful andoommodfuia churcto edlfloa aaany •Jllige In tie st&le all tbfnaa'oansidered.There aeenw to be unmcasnry deUy In getrting at the work. At for orer two monthatbe oommlttM barebee'a labjiingwitl) ibe

i - • ^ : ; ; :

- . • Doa*t Kiaa tlio BanrtJiu,: nntolaMomaba at KlUxors'i Corner DrugBtorettBtndJOoontjieMh. : ".

'Hands in CheiWrandowdar W or kit efwr a,three

rant Kflumad work on Wadneaday. . •1 D. A. Keefe, of Uopewell, while out

carriage rliUogbiieduuday afternoon reoeotlysf ilia Boutb 0(ftleu*bur«'flUOl(iu, aaw argo HiiBke oiDralnK ibe nwd. Ub» g it nut

_ U» wagon aud kitted tbe tempter ot Kvo,which uroywl to be a rattlomake in«a«ti ringfour f(wt In iwigtb ant) oontalumg elglitr a t t l e s , ' •."• " >•• • - ' = ' • • " : . "

While playing ball one evening last week,Ubw tlutain wtu «cwid(»tly atruek on' tbatuurali tiy « " fly " wbloh Injured Uia6 mambwquite badly. . ' • ."- About 10:1)0 oVlock one uigtat lait week,' J

mot three oompaniUTely joung nuo witb atag on tbilr back eolilog cblokeaa'. Ttwy[timarf tab*Jlr»n«eratlntown andotTtwWtowll tbn cblckeua ao olieap aa to five evidence

tat their fowls were endured by foal means.lerurlUoltM, f«ot!«ai»o, If you n»i« atiyioret(t«ll ( Dur'Vqntrw.wotald Ilka to hearr o i a y o u . - ' • , ' : , '•'•'•'•;~~. : ' : •'"• , ' - > •

Mr*. Poet itnd MIM W*U< ot Mow. Votk,arv-ruitlcitfiif In tile vlolnltj' of Mr/ tyman

Mr. David Craltir, clerk la Maeier** ttore,liUtifiig great precaution-In'the uae'of fairtrfth»n*. .H»h«a(ft lw-un It. .,-T|ieprwt'offl00 quettlrnii* sbmswhat a|l<

tating the putillo mind tore. .. J undentaodUtore ara threa laDtraata lor tta appjlnwowt,wid all expect to get It. ' v . • .. {•••': ; v

^haaunualezituralon ot t b e l l . B. Churchf tnifliiteoeiKfaeld »t Uke-GUHMtt»ag to-

day. Tbuhday. They went by antoial trainCran lAtU»wood by way ot Ib; Central H, R.

Bob Ingersoil. wbensuked what ba would0 had bo Uw power to MMUife tba U * of

nature reptlod," 1 would Etak* tualtb .wohjing lostead of dUease," > I would pouvert uiudry awiotpWeiutorain.".;•- '-'•-.••• -. -,••'-,: ,Oii 'Ibundaj ey«olug of lasV week a verypkaaant party^WM given at UM mldeiioa ofUai{v2£iUfito taUlQattrtclr In boiior of frof.

Brunkfc<,( Now .York,' Ttweowto bad Unopptvtablty to be preaaai. w e n bl|b)y •ottr-tt^neAby Uw esnUenc nuilo nndared by UMFrofewf-rva ttm vluliii,' aoowmiaaUdfcy MleaICtlpMtflck on tbe)ilaao. - IbecrMtaacd cakewstttMivttlMllo'olock ; but tbo Prof*MorWMaao'aeeinlDgly abaorbocl In bin vUlim of

'•'• W«tw"tbat.Wforiottheoraan.. waiutitlt he. waa tet\ue»twi to thaw i t out

,y au old time jig on tbe ViHdle'! whlob be* toperfavtion. ;. ' : CICKBOKI,

tor bU text Dtut. tS ch«p.-11 aivd 13bearing npeclaily DO tbe worda " As an eagleatlrretb up ber nt«t,» from wblct bed.llvorwlan oicalUot dtewune.

MIM t>ium Kioale enjoying a short rocr«a-tjon witb friends at Bamu-vllle aud Lelianon.

Mrt. John Bnayu b ooofiaad to th« kouuby sick w w .

ISlw Llllie H t g u left on Wediuxday for aItvo weeks' vitllstOoean Etroro.

U n . William Dufford and brother *>peiitWedaMday witb Kuv, Erec&Uag at N**Qermantawo.

Ber. CbamberaadtnlnhterelooinmunlrM atJUnnountPretbytarUnCburch lutBalittatu

Mrt. A. r. Uowtuatid Mlu Elfth Hehoen-belt, of our town, are enjoying tbe beautifu IttfbU at tbe World's Fair,

P. tl. Bryan and daughter, of Hacltetu-own, werw lu Umu on Xmulay fur n uuortItne. ' .UUi Smith U enjlying a two wnoks* fit.ll.

Him fettle Mills It visiting; Blaoobo O » ) .Dr. Parrow aad SOD, of Middle Valley, re.

Jiraed l u t Taurtday erealng from Ch loasa,and i-eporba very pleasant time. Tbey claimItdoMantUlceRfortnD* to eojoy theaightt

spandlogmoney freely. Every thiiij, I * . « Q .venlent aod ntsauable, gwd nmmi >mlboard ran IM secured i t low rates.

a t l . ABLtN^TON.Mta Maai-y Orawloy.of Wowwli, in viilUtig16 Mlasie lA«re this week.Mr. 8. C. Pullt.of New York, « u In town

this week. 'Mrs. H. P. Protblniham took a larga party

of frlendi on a merry ride la her iMnuUful aawour-ln-band I tally-ho Co Hutkcttntown on

TtmrwUy to wltntaa the races.Little Annie Htephina, th9 dauKbter of

3ounollman Btepbent, wbo wan very HI l u tveeklantiwlatumvluft under too caie of Dr.r.U. Ad«It, • ,Among Uie gueiU at KmUo Villa Uiln week

are Mr. Thomas Ffanigto, ot New York, Urs.O. J. Oeupaey and .Mn. T. K. Clifford, ofMorriatowo, • - •

Mrs. Oeo. Ooopirsurf Mrs. B. O.Bakorawlcblidnm are speadiar: • few .-weeks In NewYork state.

TbeuewbtllforUiegbBpelor "Oar Lvlyof the Lsk«" baaarrivnl fnim Baltimore, Md,-and will uebleaatvl and hwnaduTing iho pre-sent month.

Mr. AaronBtrptmie^rttils,

>lt-»lH>rlttTh> Roxbury Comet Banfl vlalteil our town

oa TlilirvUy eveuing end serenaded Hr- K. I,Ridufar, Uteganlat uiatugerof tbeMt. Arllng-fcin Hotel, whuw*lwm*rt then, in hh nin»,plrassnt way. . lttigT.nAn.

xiadlea* Bn»rared VteUln* Cards,UtMtrtyleeet the IRON BRA olniw. •

The Florida I t M n Heater.For Iliustrated circulars MW) to Tne Prnl.

•• Hieohens tVt,, Uwnae Valley, N, J.

•JpeolWl Potato Pboiphaterrtab from the (tfitary tbli apiing. TbeKm-«(1 Umber and Cost On,

W.H.Qrolf, .UraoeHauu, . '

L v. Mayhem,1 111 u i u J ' o i k e r ,

. •• ' • ' . - , . - . B T A H t t O P B . .•.• , :• •- .•The Free Methodist a t o p meeting in orar.ta# lieople of Stanhope stemtd to be tsry

mucli Intereatod ia the uwetfac*, as they wanwell attended, especially In tbe evenings andthe two:B«ubr.>iu. tbey were beld. Abont4,000 to o,0ft* people were prnwoton the flrstBabbatb, Cat not" su.nuiny on toe ssoond,Home prulesaed owvertioo, but not manySMbnope,people among them, Our looaloiergymfti atteodid tfaeut very little, e i » p *thapaauir lacbargeot ' ibe Netooog ttaptittCburcb. Tbe ooe^rroeii bugler, Ber. OavansugB, mada more raudc and did more talk'lug tbaM any of them: Tne oolleatloue' w e niufticiont bo doubt at1 they teemed to be ea»-l.flnd witb them. Rev. U M . Saktaa lacualr-

bf UjU-'oocforoow dlrtrtet. and Rev,Prciittaspastor In ofaarg* bere.

• The Uo raol (• being Uid on the t m fantoryb u l l d i o g . - ' - ' . ' : ' - ' : . ' •- \ - • . - - • '•••':• . "• ' ; • "

Bumpier vbltora are mure numerous thanimiuer buarilers'thla year. Mast e n r y 00*term t-i be short flnandelly, while no many

jsnkitaragoingDemooratlo.' ' ••-. . ~'i> Only * few bave been notided aronml here

that their pensions: a n atoppfcl and their•lleat h » » a t ia ut the gray-halnd ^dinbledv e t e r a u . . , - ; " * " •• • : ' • • • •.'"'

Alai'I mr youtb li gone.Aud alt my hopwanBed •

Aud 1 In'poverty must Journey on.; . rujiliiutyoldooturadee,dee«l

" U!i 1 jny country you lut Oa«*»«' "•:• . For a morwl of your bread, •'

• • • - • grave

Lut the >>*TflU" bare fair | iU / .flwilot Cot-aloe,- o n ut tbe oldwt men oftaiihoiie, bas beta teJttn from ajnoogtu by

. DAUI. . Ue wtu Mlwd at Nolan^ Point, l *ksJlopatooug. l i laege W H T V J M U I , Be hadUt od In Btaahbpo moat of the time for }!iywrs p u t »ud dtad u the Morris Plain* Uoa.

i i i a i . ' . - . ' • • • - • . , " • . - • • : • • • . - •

'U«ry Cloune,.formerly Mary Conrad, ofjfeubaiM, died at AU HouU' HuepltaJ, stor-

Mr. John Hancey. of Brancbvllle, i* visit*Ins bis sun, U n i t ) . Hanoey, ol tbla place.Hu one Is 711 yt*rs, but be 11 rwnatkably well

Unlan'wrvioes were held In StanhopeK, Cburcii l u i tiuodmy Bveutuf. Uev. I H.Cotidit yrwchetl *> V**l Benu.<(. Iron vhe teatfiitiud tn John U-IU. Her. M. 4. Uibbtpreached a good sermun In toe morning frotntin t e i t fauna Iti 1st H*ma«l iw a t .

A polurBd man died OD a boat wnlle comingit. VIM Waierloo plane, of tba H a r m oeual1 Monday morclhg lu t , . 'He-was takea to

Bwi ton iur inuu-ment* Bl* sitter WAS look-us svfbtf tUs resiaalns taere on vVftdneBday an*1

David Lt*e !• lees two dosen beer bottles

outuMdtty, Tfcey drank the beer and dee-Uiu buUlce and fox. Alticutt

Bicycle Bu&drlea.We' have jnat noelved • larse ' stock.

Ltmps, Locks, .Oils, Brushtev'Cors: Uandlea,nobes.&o. Our prices.are low. Call

•cd ezaiolne, , EL tl . Berry lUrdoiKre Co.,Ban* Brick Building, Dover.

' l a w n JTertilUersfor sale by Janklna, Book ft Co., Mini HIU.

AU Kind of Bn*e and laseota•itkOlei '

OBBMAIf V A L L E T .Hav. u d Mra tCrenhUug. of N«» (lt<r

item, K[i*ni lart Thursday wllh Kav. litMra. Nuon h u boan tpendinj a wet-li with

apect Fiidsy l u t at Callfnn wlUi Mn. Uw." t o W

Mrs. A. A. Boott b u been oauflMd to [beDUM fursonie time with neuraluMrs. Delp, mother of R*r, UIp , in *\*M\-ig a few weeks at tbe Irtitbiraii nuuiK).WlU HUITOIBJJ speut Bundsy at Uie gue»t of

Ed. Noigbbour.Rev. Voorbees, of O»l I fan, oocupiwd tli<

Presbyterian pulpit on BaubaUi muniluK.Mrs. Ksuglirtght autd daugbcer Uracw, tire

speodloi a furtnlgbt witb relatives In I"York State.

Mr. WIoey,of ButOraugc, w u the giof Mr* U. a Cool tbe tore part or the w

Her. B-n. BlUerpreaobadln the ~





Headquarters for all kinds of Out-ing Goods.


»..ire Remaining Unclaimed In tha PoitOffice at Dove', U.S.

Dovnt, N . 7 . , Aug.'!)<). 1«O.J

, , gJanob OrolT,

BsafsfiJonay Klytiu,A mitt IVuduii,GfoofRC ViMt,Jaiuew Wyntt, '

Ifaui Ytunhwhy.To obtain any of Uuabave letters tay. "ad-

" *" an>t KIVK <1ate of tnit list.

, . ' • n.a AU.KN. P.M.

30-W-DOIiAND—July I5cb; at Mia afnuatPranlom U. K. fmi*mw. Hj Km. J. Tyn-dall, JobD COM and U l « J«m! . V. »jlawl,botfa of MMbrooK. *• - ' «


Bo>ntun Furnace; Pipe, and Iloglalers.. All1 (toiHt K|M(r. Pdr.wiecii.«|i.' Ariilre

" •".•.••. 1'. J..K8IQOT,''''IM-lw •' [.J.

l linitiwvnrlt. ' . ; ' .

:'y '; ;Apply a t . . T

ANNUAL MEETlNa.Ttoe annaai mooting of- the stockholder* of

2S p s s 9<^w_;s--_!fcw_ *J&*.>

er, K ., July 28Ui, 18K).. ^ " S T w ,

Notice of Settlement.r n U a a h I n n t i j | l m Uiatttie anxmntio!

— fubMribar, admfnfatrator wiUi tba willa t u u w t . & c . o l WUUaaK.ltlUCT.dniu«l,will iw audited aod stated lu t b . Hurnwato,u d n p o n a i l f o r aAUanmt to the OnEaia'CourcoftiM Coanlrof Uorrla. on TOMdav,UwfUttidaTotBaptMnlnriwic. •

• Dated J a o . UdtbT 189S. '-9«. BIOOARDH.aTEPHRNH.


Property and Furniture: 1 ; - ; - i

1 , ; . / . - • • . ' I - . - U J I M 1 - . - . ; • • • _ • ; .


ASSET'S, - - - -U0,915,829G3,

DVRVHUI«»IER|inrormnoe and.llaai Katate Agent.

Mid-Summer ClosingvOutSale

J . A ^ L V G N ' S .

Great Reduction in Pricesbut not in the Quality

of Goods.Durlur tlia balance of Die twtitb at AiiHiiste -will offer at pul'llc sale a nUire IitlT nf

goods at a •. ••" •

Goods are plied up all tUratigU Uw nttireandpriCM marked In plain ligurm tlmt wilr«KH.k loud and twlnnUl. tha pul>Uu.. Wo ivtUnot attempt (o quute prloce hure hut (nvltoall tn ooma ami aumlne price nitit qtmllty ofspoils and they will Iw round unparalleled lulover or any otlt&r city. Hevtr t good on

opportUQlty offered to tbe people ol Doverand we propose to prore It by the GREATREDOCTIONSALEnow (roingoa end wtltoontioue through the monti of lugurt . Oneet tbe great attractions during the vale willleour

Bargain CounterimuSwl t)vory AAJ yl\k unimuni Imrgnlnn.


A haveaf«w t«tt Out will U unlit at aiflos, Uont watt long we Imve only a

ftsw wad they will soon run out *X the publlinlenowgotogoa

"SUMMEROuting Goods

- A T -



'Adriance Buckeye" MowerALWAYS ON HiKD-


' • • • ' . • • • • • • • • . • . . . AT • • • •




' .ST.


At 19At 39

At 50

At 75

At $1

At $3

pf(j a Calioo Waist that was soldvto'for 35c.

Lawn mid Cambric WaUts In White,Litflit JSavy and Mack (JIHMIN *U»twere sold at 05i:. .

White Lawn and Perrnle Waist,While umimney, thiit WAD wild for75e. iinrt $1 00liluck and Navy Satlncs, Light Binearid Pink Percalo Goods that weresold for $1.00 and $1.25.

ii lut oi' High Grade floods In White Lawns,Embroidery in White and Colored linegoods that wore sold at $1.35 to 81.50. ~

a lot of silk Waists thatwere sold at trom UG to$7, extra line goods.

65c. to 50cA'li'our l^ailies' Percale Sbirt Waists are

now offered a I. the. low |»rice of

5OC.former price (?5c. Sizes 30 to 44 iches.

A. few only of each size.

WM.H.BAKER STORE CO.ia»iwiitatejBtwei>"»m»g*d-to tti*»'oonpau '• - . ' ' ' { ' ^ J H H I W I * '


Page 4: TgTIT. AT HALF PRICEStest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1893/... · 2015. 1. 6. · 4 OA9H. Exaoiine onr pricup. OIDBOIJ We tmk yp«r tTivile on the bagis on your


Brifif Nntoa of the Hanpfininjra nf a W<-in New Jer.fly.

'ilin Nnwarfc wuiug- bunks arn iin>[nrv<l

«M, ciiimmUrt Miicidi! in a tit of mi-ioMcliu(llfli IJI IViRK«r tuw rtbUral ui t'other lUi

,li«. Ulinn, fourteen years<>M, w<u.ilro»i;*iiiI" Ixithlng in HtnU>u Wnuti KnUiiitKli/al.'t.tli Friday.

Triel"Hl}- rtf JutinH. HBIH, of llulibamliiM

lianeli'R In liis Iwru on Sunday awning.

Killing JOIUM HcyuohlK, "i yean uld, ut IMt. Holly Alnn-tiouw, "'an lieM d>r nnnrt

William CraivforJ, of I'Isiufiuitt, »« • 1Wmi Uio railroad tracks near lint 1'utter 1'nW'.irlit* Sunday witt) out i>r lii« Ipgs cut 0lip may nut live.

IVh-r Ma.Uee, of I'hilaitet^ltia, wan fini-,:*i\>T Mayor Wright, of Atlantic City,Manila)' fur balding a wi>rnau undi'r «at<until HUD KflKpetl fur brealb.

Harry Daly and Kichord Mart.ii, In j i i ! rAft. Holly, assaulted Turnkey lluovftc «UU

folJtHl liy tho turnkey 'a revolver,Tlie rc|Kiir bho[i of the Central lt«iIi\Knl •

lirlllfl, t«tww)ii KlizatKlti aud Newark, wiH|I\)1 ttown indfcHuitely Minoay pin) rixty PI

An unktiovrn IKJJ- fan drowned In tJie Atliur Kill Friday. U P and a nnmbernf othorswere datUtitg wlira bewaKwIzetivritti cramp*anil Mink l>eforo belj> coiild reai h him.

Dr. Htt|.tU<> < .<•[#»-, liitvly urreatiJ iu NeYurlt fi>r tlio billing oKfstfon-ji'ar-uliJ I J I ZHeld in Newark hy performing a rriminir.jH-mtlon, jileaiittl uot mitltj' MuJiiUf.

While Ix-ntinR In H a n g n a i l Ittvir, JuliSotler, nf Astmry l'orl(, was earrleil out 1•M'II. Hi' was vent'Uwl ami taken to NMV YurfcUIKTC liis [Mxrla-t wtM |i!rl«il of I'.'i r-Piitfl.

Tlio jinijiortj- of tun Cliunti vt tin,- Holy«ey Uity, of wlilcii Fat In

d A. JnUe. a Hievert (.-iil fur fnlc l>y Uie HJuwjili Ijyuiii, u JUUIIK inrjH'iilix, nRiturU'd on Tuciiliij finm Lafayette I'ltn

1 N » l W W '

mnnll wii l i e[tin until.

Hurllugton'n (.'niuniDti (.'niiM'il imitit t>h»wf»iiw> to llifl HII))T*H>I» t'mirt why thi-y riinuliimt IM< I'liargi-tl with o.int«'iin>t .if c-jiirt fulKraiiiliiK a ll<iu<ir lictnwnfu-r iHinjt niftmliinliy a writ Hi eerUnrnri.

I-Miltd Kvajiw, tlm UT]m, whu t'lmnt] willhiH-lstcr-lii-lai*, Mnry Lovoll, from ht.r fnttiur'ji <rani|i two mouth* sno, in Newark, THEN-•lay, piniucu noil vitll am) Kitx smu.'iiLeil tH'X Months' !in|irlHUiiiiiout.

NUIHIILHII. U*rditt*r, of Jersey City, winwhlta running uwtty frnni the jiolfcc bniH'kfiVimi M M . Cntlicrlin' I-anib, cauHlng n Htcullfrncturc from wlileli *ho cltal, Hututay tw.rfiiilrm) himmOf. !!•> IN hell for IIIHIIHIAIIK)!t«r.

lUirlrgtlJn Irnivy lhmidcr*l)(nvpr ofinwiiny ftlternonn, ttiu t'UurcU ntcejilu al J'ot-tf'i'AvUJf' wfin elrni'k Ity fifchtnfnf , hligtteriiTil |irrtly Iwidly. Tliv.liuililing was wt on fin

ltn,.liael Memitiii, lh>, WUH Willy out »n tLrfnlit h-ti in Nvwark tinudny dui'lng a fljlinvtT n gmiie ut CBTIU. HO nnd a nunitwr cuUii-ra HITO [Jlrtjiug at No. l.r> I H'k ulreutr-'alfotoro IlDrieu, nhu, It IK clalinwl, did tlie

A eultmn tiiBh IDBSR of iixjuii-ui in tii'or Hie Hev. ] ' , 11. Uorr, late renter tit Hi.llrl'lKft'B Itomaii C'utliolic Churdi of Jersc,City, .was c«laliraU>d In the churdi Tiinuiuy

nd twem ii

y jtri U«I tl

A (Iclcfiatlon from th» Hch™,) of llnivotnKxtemkw Monday vWte,l tlie Int.t I'U'nlt W'Wtman"* wittase nt Caimlrit. Tmade a jiilerfuingB to bin tomb ami w.-ro pitbrtalued liy Mnypr Tlionins 11. Hurtled,U'bittutvWsfrkbd.

Itiirllngtou Coduuim Comicll IIHVto l>efo the

why theyf«U^!doc. the clmrge- i>[ rontfinpt ntfor gmntlog a liquor lice Una aft* r tbaIrferi reatrnioeil by a writ of certlorarf.

fulouelT. A. Birneg,ex-Councilman of At-inutloOlLy ftud IiiiUmi Agmt uinlnr OenIniiil's former admin introtion, baa been re n\|M>iuttil to bl« ulil reaerTotlon and ."HI leavm Tuetdoy (nr Wn«btngtoiit and will then1 tinned laU-ly go West Ui Rwutiw cliarn?- wf ihNltttah Agency.

William Huiry, of Nu. U W u t BlxWentlMTtet, is (langBrounly IB a l tin aumnur hnnint Toms River. He 1st . luUttuiwIrs TOUTH.liantpr nvcr Mlypan old. Lai-t TltQr»<Iay bft'llilown Main, tUstuJblus Internal (tijuriruUmiH }««'» nit'1 » iliHiglner rtifrt from tiii>llV<!tH of a siniliar (nil.

Atu>lit!i:1(l lltmdiiy afrurnixm Jofati L ingHgn T, Henry Hondcrson njte S, Oscar Dnyrella t« l T, who live »n Central nvenuc,

' jilrtjlDKou tliBtrcKtloorthn New YorkH iMjiif linnim Itailrnnd nt County H-uid (YUM

of ail curt txiund jmssermer trsimnnl iitata.illvklllwi.

MIHIc, tbe elght-ycar-nii. il«n«hter of E,Rlnwr JnwiVi Vnndarslft, «r riiillltmliurg, hn.lier riRht leg Iwiitly broken below tlvetcnwla»Tiimla-y ninrning. film boil climbed nn Me

ii-, weighing warly aw imumllw woitou and ali-UL-t h*r (PR,nuifl haalure.


Dti l r lc tA' t^mej Cliarlen H. Wlt-tioJd.Jenwy City, Friday wut a letter ta-JmlnflM|il>!>icott. He fnltt' (bat James Hnrmof the preflfnt Grand Jury, keep* a 1,atur« at B*co«d and Henderson utrrou.<if lilasaloon las iwnn {mrtUiouedoff tr;,\n \iIu ffblcb a polft-y IUIMIIMH ha* txvn ecrrlcxtDH for tho i»a*t three yp«r*.

H»dto limllnn, ibe llulvlders girl tvlic-utly bwanio inMnp, w«a taken to th*. ......n* Plafni Aajlum l\ir«lay aflcrnonn. Tho

• Rirl1*murtier HlarbM. with her for PhillipImiK Monday, «bw. tL« girl I r a m g vlnleiand, taking loo Ifiiw. nearly drnve tlw lionm ilrarh. noil llicn juini^d out am) ran tol>lfiwsa«i rftxli, whf re ah* mis rsiiRht.4 Tlm now U«mocmt.(R Central C^inmllfe nfHud' m County nirt nt :Ull Gr.ivi> iitrwt, J t rw y t f t y , Friday, eveiiiujf, and (irganiml by

J«hu E<]el*ttfn, T r t u u i w , a»,t J0UwOHmn,Jr., Foererary. 8o far an tliB organ Imt Innba» any politk-al tilgnmcance It In unlit tti In-di™» tba lupreniwy of ex-Blwrltt Davli.

Tim du thwof C h m llaukin,of IlrMgctQii,KR«1 Ut, caught fire from a ntove wblle ahewaa caring for • tlcli iifi^hbor. Tlm girlthrew bmelf outUsliM vclwreUrp. Fit:rick And haby wem lylmt, PPtUnj? Hr» t.\tt\ Hnthinn. Mrs. Fitipairicli WWIHBV.bitm«tl, l»ut esttnzulpbM) the ilanint.

llkliop WfjEgor p^e^^d«l Hiindoy at the. de.1-IcatloQ of the now. icbo-1 hulldlng erected by8t. Sfekolw Cburrf. In l '«.«lc, a t a cort or.•SS.WU. Auiiiug tbi»B 'preM<nt atCIMM werp OuYernor Weita, Kfiiatiir JameirSmitb, Jr . , Htnt« SfUKtor Jofan III,Mayor Urftun of P»temonv Mayor K:PatMitc, Aawiiiblynmti Kmltb and ninny cityand county otHcUla.

ThnBar-Dr . UCUIJDH < W tlie »,theNaUonal « « l w . h e]J B t A.liUry 1'arkSunday ereniug fu Fnui:JBr UiaJlej'B tiltt•udlMrtum on Ibe beacn, A forgo aswm-li lagsuMprwent, it WVK suppo**, that bewould «peat oa hi* pmteut r«l«(Homiuj Catbolio C'burcb. riieJcct « n t i e "Va lu r uf KeliRloii.^andTernado no retenncet to

i Br« broke nut Kriuny atler-tiooa la a small frame twfJdicjt wcutilw) byDecnii GtlUgber M a n g nbop Iu tborear orTbomu KelUber'ft wStopa at Grand and Bar-

* fow strMti^ •Ittibj City, Tba UQUMH.' oecuplsd bySmmiUf, who were obliged

*t» tbdr 11»», lea»In« Uwii- tomeboldIflhlnd. Borenl OuUdingg « „ « dnt.I»To» tboflrewnt under ooatmJ.and th<

•Icplacea i t 150 ,0M.

' T h e new B t Kfctolal Parochial Mchuol atFouale K U dtdlcatcd Sunday by Blihop

' IVlfeer, of. tlie dloceaa of IWarfc, Bevtnl: l»n<Ia, many. CalboUe beooroleot mxleUtt

Bad nil Uw Mwdationj and school cliildrenoontiectol Tfith at. Nicbolw jmrlth were InttoproceaJoriwhldt n o t tba Bfibop at Uierailway station. ODtkaplmttarmiattoalot

•' tbe nbadl * « • Peon McHnlty,'of P a t w i t c ;FftUxtrfilitpberd and tita prlerti^of tbe Qtwktod folllh LUthoUo CfattrcbM In Fa«alaFfcltBrSulllTwi, of Riapwood, and Mrara]


omcmllyDeglar*d for Kren Trurto UnBiates ComuJ Benjmiiin Foliom, Coof the DcuiociivUc PrB»ldc»t, OrOlevelanrt, M a k e , the Aunountenie

K in n full anil t i i|ilfli1

uf Ibn (.)tt>fcli .if the Uuil«tHfntfaC(»n»|]! t*iHhvtlifM, Mr. iLnjmnin Voioni. u cniihin -.(tb« !>,•„..KTatlr J'reBi.tci.r, (Iroivi- (.'iuvcln.Kt,Oiilclivcrcl lii tlie Uutlcr'u Hall, tShvltlt'M,

Kourtl fit July, JM'-'l, «ni re-d in «iut l

tAay, July Mil, !Mr, U,-uj»uliid feShltld

»; lie the n nil u|irigbl

TlieThe Cluiiritmn, ngaiti rii>i»fc. H.M:

llrtjnr, Mr. Mu»icr Cutler mid frit l id*-It (gciiHtumury in my country nn this day to in-Illrtnii uruliou n|»»u He matv inuticeiitiniotri'uding iHMule HH tbe orator can gutwittiln tbt BOIILJ nf bi*. voice. (IjjuglitcrIt IM not my inU»nl|[in m t«,r« ynu with ainracinn today, but 1 wf-li to lollyim wli/ y»iare liari!. (Hear, h««r Mid lHiigttt«r> I t iiliwaumyou ere blg-bcartrij, loyal, tboroitgl:Englishmen. It In U-^anM you love ami ail.irirti courage ond valor nliotiavtr 4U'l wtivr-jvur thoy may be iiborrti. (Hear, boar.) OlIbu Funrtli day nl Jnlji 1771), lUere >va* ii(tiin«iby tlie Auipriroti rtjirpseutatiim gatlitOKBttief In CutiKrew one vt tlm mont rumlikt documents tU&L tan VVur Itmt Btiati•".,r wore than t**oycan> Uioso lo>ut, /aittiful

llrltub Biilijcctfl lind lm>ii b#wt>c;liiiig tlieirII? I') grant tiifiii Burli privileges ae totiold not have to l>o asked fur. (Hear, bear.)

At IcnK.u jt Iwatue uuccgMry tliflt tne»-Kn«linh lui.jeot* fliaulil awume tbe votitmlawl ri'BpoiinHjillty of llinir onu aJTulrn. 1'unya[ u*-d tliu liucloratlou ut indepAiitlpnre njuinth» Fourth of July, mil , and It wan followedtty Mtrpti years of weary, wasting war. Tinwar would Hcarnelf be contidercd to Jay iinure titan a ekiru>i,b ur guirjila /lehtintr, fii t vliat time tbo lout population of tlio;olonlea aliniutitui to oidy a fuw iifor tbr<nl 111 on tnuU. The lighting furw that tri

ulliur ntryl l ld

t thelillied un tbn field or luttlu

iggle wiiluli tCKjIt |iM*!b fu the jeafH thatuntil. To day wo can nil look bnck u[KincDiilllet, and ne cnu all wo that It ter-latHl (or tlio bent inter^Ia ut tbe worldifdftUM) | Ttif Fjilrlt itf GiiterpriMi ubkbitftvt'ii to tlie r n i u 4 s tates hy tliln uewh nmiM not have IIMII t her it hud flt»yn »>|unito uml dcpHident a.lonlOH. 1 nwdliuit<-i' ujJiHi llwiBiilijwt. Ttinr»arsmany>t(« I abuultl like to Kay. Tlitire are two or•e practical tilings 1 ran My tu yon wuldi

nrenf inuro initiortaiiU) than nuiy n-i.m"c «fcur lii-t«ry. ZutfawVa |{rwtrrt tinmoiaer banIKVIUIID (Wilted ttlntuB ; anil, III rfilto of Tur-ilfn tbal Ituvu Iwcu rnlstil ngadtut forelgucinniirlei, there Iw, ami imifit ronUtiuo to lie,% K«ttt end ttfuuiitlu trailu ilovtlng from EIIKland to America. (Ileor, Uenr.) Von liave|IIUJ((H1 llie wunt jterltMl; you have <"i'o*;i«l[lie liIgbcHt liarrfir tutttcnu lie ta!s«S betweenIbo LJuited HUtex ami KitRlaud In tlio way oftrade olmtriKtiuu. (AMilauee ) I will tellyotmliy IIIIBW.' l-'or the llrxt tinu> ulitce tin-fBiir IHIMI tlio Dtmocmtii; imrty, which linn.HCII tl\e]i«rly of Krw 'AVatio, 1H fur tlitf firitline in turner, nut only In the excentire, butn IMIill flu Irtflidatli'e lirsnchea. (A)tfiluuise)During Uio furtiitr Urm nl Mr. Clevcli»nrt lieIVOB bluilioit by tboBonutt? atoudiiiK betnoenlilm nin. the HmiM. of lU-jntwiiUttivt-'H, wUlcU<nws DemocjaU^aua thereftiro no tilll co\ildIK) parsed wlik-li nail not In tlm >tiu]H.- uf ui-miiproiiiiNo, Wbeti ttiu Mtrugfle caiim on fortlio Presidential ela-tlou last jcar tlm Dtiuo

«tiu iwrty, for tlio flmt time iu Iu lilatory,mk (iilr ami tenure around, anil mode arain lit mit-ftiidout luuti lietweou J'roU-cUori

nnd TnrilT Tur re venue ontj*. (Hear, hwir.)If you will jvtiviiiiu \\w, I will rt-nd to yon tlie

•light jdnnku in tlie lltnioc rotiu j , la if urm

vlcvtrd, aiul ujvuu vvlilclv tbo UoikKrt^tvbk-1 i» iiuw In giufHT, and wlitcli IN tu bo

HI UJMJII tbe 7ih of next nmiitli, wn»; Hiitt you nttlsov tliatwt i*wn n» tbe

Iliiandnl iiueHtlon IH dl»j)osf(i of, wlilcb Ismerely & jirellnihiary, and nnint lie dlcpuwdof before tlie rewilar mfctiug vf Congress, Uu>

.Ion In tlie TarilF In which you,ml which tbe Prpsldunt nmi

In I 111 KntiKea of (jiiiiRrega ar« tdfdyed to re-ii.'o. (A|i])lnuf.e) Tni)DcnwcraLic platform>t fold, ujwn which Mr. Cleveland waae i M , noja : " Wo deiinnni.'o Ilejmljllcaii

Protection %» a frnud ; a robber of tlio grvntirlty of tlie Atnuilcdti twutilv fur a low-

Wo declare it to be a fundamental jirdicijdoof tbe Democratic jwrty that tbe Federal

•rimient tins nu ciinnltuttmial power tu

« s D1 revenue i>nly, mul we detnundthat Uio collection of stiuli Uses ahull be liiu-Itijd to the (ipcosaittesot the (4u«orunient when'lionestly and econotuipally Kdminlatored. Wedetiuunctj tlio McKfnloy TarllT law, enactedbytlte PIIty-nret*Congma, BS tltemilmftint-

a t r rd ty nf elnss Ifgblattun ; and we («•so tbe ffTorta mnde by tlie UnmoaniH of

tUo rotetit (Juuema to modify Itn incut op[)rcsslTt> features in tliu direction of free rawmaterial) and thecheajjcrmanufoctureii goodsthat enter itiUi g«\ernl consumption ; and we

ondw Its rojH-nl tu one uf tbe btiuellceul re-ill* that nllt fuiloiv the aotloo of tbe people

In iiitruhtlni; jwwer tn the DemocraUc i»r \Sines tlm McKinley Tariff weutJnto npet at l i . .tburehaiel ietu leu nductloiit (if lhew»gwuf lulwrlng men to CUB fnireaM VT« denyHint them ban been any increiue of prunparity«i thectvintrjsince tho torill neutlutu o[>er-itiuu.anit we pulut to the Uulluerts and dlt-ti'Cfii, tlie WHite rtiluctlons ami Htrlbes (u tlieiron trade, ft* Uio licnt |m»«lUle ev iden t that

muh pnwiMTlty lias roaulteil tr<nn UnMcKhdoy YarlfT" 1 um n,.t Baying rin* won

ji whetli^r I'mtfvtluunv l '«u I'vmls, or iill" for rcvfnno iinlj, li tb« In-fit thing foiUutttd Btiie* or not. 1 DIII riuiply gWiiij

jou tho focla. mid jou ran JudRe fof Jimrelveii. (ApplnuF«.j In I'lisluB mycori-er ii.lUelUsltl BB Coutul of the United SUtoa, ItiirunhmiotniUfacriou to think that bef'im

another twelve montbi bus rolled by tibefllelilwill not l« lUbjeeted to the uu«rou» ami nj»-prmlvo TarllTdutlwthnt Lave restricted hertrade. I AppVnm.) 1 further want to thankyou rncb one individually for com lug bnu U>day, fur *hot*l!ig your linwI-imndetlinJBif, forkhu-vlinj your Itbfcmllty, for fib owing yourfrlendthip, not only to i:ic hut to my ouun-try. (Auplnu.,..)

educed from i«i-.


MliN'KSKAHl.KK.SIIAl.r" 110K1!, Hum-ti- ivelnlit, 10a imr imir lwlucwd front 1,V>.

MBK'H LVihVi TtillKAl) UALV IKIMK,X'lnln awl l'°tmcy, o t -Lsp. pur i-iiir rwliiifdfrnin 47c.



MKS'tS NlllHT S l l l l tW, WhlUi Mtmllti,Niiitly Trinuiittd U\\ ((iinllty nt -It*:ijiinllty ut We. use, .jniillty itt 7!*r, 4

701, 703, 705 BROAD ST.

e tu^n at.thfl FtintiRvlvimlii* Itni^i•bops at Latubertvllle LiTo roctt-wl notlwthat they would bo put on eiRbt bours nextweek, wltUttomc.-konHMuru.ajs. t h e Lnnil*rtville fpokB Almiiifaetiiriiig Coni[»uy'itvrurkH will ahutdnmi S&'urday nlsht, OH willt\fta itie Bbw» factorr. The tw« fnrtnHfW wn-plnj over two hundred luituR

iSuper=[Abundant ^j ExcitingI Foods

.Produce a morbidbodily condition.

HOL Hornby's


Restarts vitality, brightensihe ej-cs, and sweetens the








i i i u r s ANIJ ii»A\ri-:itH AT COST.

SI CNN U'( IU1, HW H MiillM—ip! imalllyitf 1.711. f:l .jimlity nt f-J.CH. *•! .[iinllty at

MUS'H Ni:(ILI«KK MlitUTK, Ktnri'li'diJIniH and CuirH !fN-. ipmlily We. •1,-W

•jiinlitj ntf l I.I,

f)NK LOT OF M»PT KIUUTK, tnmlo of




$100 to $900!

P.nrk and Mountain Ave*. and Vicinity.Btackwell and Unto" Stt.,

Richardi and Myrtle Aves.,Lawrence St- and on Ford Ave,

Near St. Mary'i Church







bOVKB, H. J.


A dwolliug with about hvo ncrosof ground for 11,100. *

Another dwelling witli about tworos of ground andbnrn for $l,CO0,Froportj in Dover. Apply at the




FHANK F. APGAR.WEAK 1),, h. & W. DEl'OT, O0VBR, N , 4 .


und Minontl Wilier-.HKLTZRR, VIOHY, Krd .


Hinchliffe's Celebrated ExtraB Laser, Porter, Ac.


FOR SALE.Tho bouse, bam nnd lot on Prospect street

nt the head of Cliostnut ttreet Will be soldat low AguMH either a« a *t\to\t> or without

ipiwr iMirtinn of lottoBuft purcbawrg.L. C. BIEKWIHTH,

SHOES.Another '"racy" .

translation utteredwith upright headought to, inspivethe morning primeshoe buying o roleto bridge over anoccasional intrin-sic worth- Reoed- •inE- beating down

.the advocacy ofdarkness againstepping forwardpreserving '.withjealous oaie themodem hue ..wbipbhas semblance: ofthe dames andknights of antique .c t a y s . ' .- • - • •"•;.?-''J'M

J(p,KAM!NSK||: DOVER, N . ^ V ¥

0 ftnIronworker f f l io J K

y uatiiv KlainiPfly f rlrfayt vhert Tbe I1

man «i>re viuulcifed la HiU I tpga 1<«J (oi<iry. On Wednetxfa tn»-y quvreled Nmlcfatnalcnefi • rrd bit Irou **r uut of t i e flrc andbegan prodddtK WittLvbrrt «.(b I t BcvtraU B H Mmitb burnt b 1*» i h(> >u>dy with tiniron. In ipit* uf Wi t t eimrt • j luaa. WlWiwiwrVs (njuiiw ar** rrlt U*A

GeaTK«'D«v[a. a painter imr ly klllrd u binntbrriQ-]«>•• at bin rtoidfloo*1 >1 Buulb1'ark ctrwt, Ellttbetfa, R-turdaT flight M dterribly beat hit wife He ruiwbeii uu i t oflb« di-hM u d funi.taire in tbe b)iu« and

hn would ham trrakfd Lba pla^e. Ha waalocltMd up. and Sunday was loot to Jalt on

ofatroci u.Awaolt mads bytil» wife ami ber mother Tbe nelgbb rrboorlvan srouwd by the affray wlvtcb. created

tdMineUt.faerift bo* nppearrd nt 3J*l

Sunday nod Moodttj >fx flaaihi of cbildrcnrera reported t o tbo I lwrd of HeaUb Other

eblldrBnartBotf*,«cted to Jf*e Tbe dorUJrty caiM fn tbs town wltli

many milMrtmbelmrough limiU Tbe StateHoard nf Ueeltb ii trying to pnnont UwuprMd ol tbejUMWUw fhrmwllcul urofeasignof tint town has repeatedly called upon tlie

mimnn council U atou tba tcatt«rin^ \t |tnlted walorfrcm the fautoriea InW tlie sU^et*j t no faced fan been takenEx FredjoldN- Clnrk FaulkDor uf % u t u

vlllo, W e m u c o u u t y , wa< atrMtad tn >.««iirk Friday oo ooraplnlnt nf the He-*no Ore CompBHj Faulkier 1*,th (I«fraudltiy t in corajjajiy t o tbi

n $ID,OOa Io tbe iprJug of 1W13 Kaulkotrwild to thli oocjp*"? the leaae of aotnt property wbiob -win) allege., to oooUln valuable

beda. I t fa mid thraa bed* uava provedtrortbleM. Tba olllce of tbs curnpauy li paWall atreet, Hew "ioik Their ipiierlntendsnt at ttolr j ikut WKS a Barou do Foataw, *Dutch noblfiiiau. Re i- charged by tbe a mpauy with cmupirJug with utfaera to defraudibeiu, nnd 1» now uuder bVll foi trial

BUotTlo B i t t e nTIJIB Kuiody is Incoming so v^sU laiown andpopular as to neod no ipeclal mention AH

who bavu tuad Kloctric Bitters ulug tbe uaumi. A ]>UT«r medicine dooa not

eilst anil If In guaranteed to do all Uiat Uolnliu«l. Electric UlLteii will cure All dis-eiuws o! tbe Uver ai>a Kidueya, -nlll

l>let, Bolls, Butt lUieuin ami other nifeu-Uous caused by impure blood Uil l dr i .eMalaria from the ayrieiil and prevtuit H wella* cure fcU Malarial lever* Forcura ot Headache, Cooatljwtion aud ladlgeaUou try Elw-trlo Hittera. feiitlre eatuifactlou gunrantoud,or money relunded Price GO cte. «Ld tl perbottle Btlloooit KlUfcoret Drug Store, Dover,Qnm, Hanoi &VOB Drug Store, Fort Uram.and F. H. Jenkins' Drug HUtre CbMlar

It Bhoma bo in Every K O O M .. B.Wl)Bon,lrtl C|ay8t,Bnarp«burs,Pa.<i be wilt not b* without Dr. Klog^Kewcorery for ' Consumption, Cuutcbi aud

Colds, that It cu/ed bU wife wbo w u tbreat-l with pneutDcuI* alter va attack of " La

Grippe," when Tftriouj other rentedlta andnverai physfctaiur bad done bar no good.Kobtrt Barbor, ol Cooaaport, P*j, clairni Dr,Klng'a Mew Discovery b u dcmB him morogood tliao aoythlu* he erer'usei for IIUKtrouble. MotblngUkelt PVwtrial Untlw atRoU't Killgorrfi »rug Store, Dover, Oraul,Hanoe 4: Co'i Drug Blom, Part Opun and


. Th«Tet<UctIt plauti the lawyer ^nd hU client, tno•rvtkiB^ardlot at tb« jury unanlmomw

groat Jarj coiflpoied of %hm Anmriwn publicbii'teoilerH *n tiiuiitnioui T«n|(ot oa DrHale.flouwholdI Couib Cure « a madiolncnftTMing that Ita'promlaM of a ipcady cureforcoughi, ooldt «ad bronohUl troubleaknalways carffed oat to U» htttsr Toll pliw-•nt tttrdtet b u not btm obtained withoutCroat pfttai taktn to satke it ifaahMt coughcure on tbe market- Try a bottle * h m you

• eongb or otAi Mid, you will be] ing tntbe <lu*a«D)aioiu"*varafl«r Foe His



NEWARK?Furniture, Carpets, y^

ding, Stoves, Refrigerators*Baby Carriages, &c.




Musical Instruments.Peek A S«»*s Opera

Decker Bros. Piaaes?i

0. P. Rowlby's Organs.





tins med of the Butt* nnd aaKon. M'rlCn f»rn»*'1"™1- ami bu cnnvla"«d.

. a ' QTMUATi. PrinMiv

Fine Bologna Sausage.We am Kinking, the finert LkilofpuV^Bnuiagt

ulTortd u> tlie market, and our (rowing Kalesindicate thai thct people appivclat* It, li> iientirely Bomo-nWo, aud cUhUmioro, by vf»lt-

our * pla.ee, aa,y ar t - that . only tli« l>rstltd are tued. I t may b* alitainod ' rumw&£irn& In lViTer afid v ldnl t j ut* a t tbo

xrooemnmn nt Jo* H. Dlckenm, WarronSt. and B. Pritto, Monii &t, Dover. Alsoat tlio store uf Joba Doirnlntf, tort Onto.

HKHDEiV MHOS. I lu tc l i e r s .

IS YOU WAHIBacond-liaBd Furniture ,,r all kiodk, B u » n 'lad efarytfalag 6he ; or It Jou wantaBmTprioi far icrap lean of a I loud., go to

JA& E.

SUMMER WANTS!y/ / them." The latest arid Vest assovtmciit.-$hti ih

till grades and styles. A grand stock for ji?i<$.ing~ f-jiuttwliatyotiivant. Few c&n meet and none : ' ;: :

coit heat our prices. . - • ; - ,Men's and Boys* Clothing, Gents' JTurmshing Goods Hate

and Caps, large variety of Truiika and Valises. '• • Exaviinaiionutitl show that our t__r

in•:vaiiely and'thorough in:style. Wo tilts ihe'ackfiiuistrong inducement of low prices. Jiememltir ivettecU'fiiij'and save your dollars. • • - .•••' ' . - • - _ ? . . •....

Central RailroadOP SEW JERSEY,

Ajitbraujts ooal uMd auiloBlrel; ltuurlafclHLHllti«« and comfort.)



For New "Xork, Newark and Elie-ubbtU.at 610,1131 a H, B 20, 5 50P. « SBNDiVS, 61)0 P IC

For Philadelphia at 6 46,1184> M , 8-20, r. M

For Long Branob, Ooaaa Grove,Asbory Pork ami jmiula on Newfork and Long liranoh BmjnudatCM, 1 1 3 4 A. M., 3S0p M

For all atatious to High .Bridgeat 6 4 6 , 1 1 8 t A x. j 840, 550r .IL STOBA58, 6 00 P. 11

For liake Hopsloonjt »t 6,46,868, 1 1 3 4 A X ; 820, 650 r.8um>*T8,1018 A. M.

For all statiou to Edison, 6 46,8 5 8 A . n.; 8-20 P.M.

For Eookaway at 8 OO.VaO, U .46M; 2 56, 618, 7:27 p. « Svx-

SATS, 1 0 4 1 A M,(323 P. i t

For Hiberoia at 8 00, 9-20 A u.;2.55 p. M

. B o l d OlntmantIi tba flaait rernwlj' In ( U e world. It abao-

it«ly citni oatarrb- It enrta twunsJgla ao<Jrhaumatlaiu. Cur*» ptWllke magic Curt*•alt rh«um to th»"wort. »wrtttog maimur.

edattdfrtt&alatedeyelldi. Cumoouxbiand oolda.' Can U'takan lnt«ni*liy.A-podUvespcdflii tm-.. pwmmtAia. Onta,bruiwe, burnt, bbllblalns, ton* of long tuuvl-Ing, ooruM and bunion*i.ireourvd quicklydlffana^inia-aU e t a ; •uparior to.aJJ elae; Itbainosqual, S0o,«adBOo, boxes, L '

N JDnui

Tb* beat jalrt ta the world for Cnt», Horn.roiwa, C k w i , Ball (Utnun, *f«r Sorae

Tattar, Chippad Handa, OUIbblns Corn,d ll HHn.arupUm* and gx«ltf*ily m m

opayrequired I i t ^

:"V<l£;'0--i^ • • — • —:•,• H r a . B D Khta,

rtNV aajs siw luHflitd grratlyiou of dl*ea*a ot r«tuata

kidney tremble* Hera ,by iu1ng;I»K .Hale'i

U most pliaaattt ami moat(mown &V>. and BOn pwlIgorf'c Hnia; Ktora, Dovnr

rroni AotiRipUcf eakna*iand llhealth ^ i f l l /




. |. • -'(JT OUr-flMP SAifE r o t REfEBESCE. |


iVliiiinery •, •Department


q• Turbat •Hold

Jloamlng JltiU nnil HonneU,Chlldnn'a 15 r«an and Hcbool HaU

OHTRIBIslED » H A r « .:UUanRtr«ir HaU,Tque,aoflBfmnbta~ Froncl) Strtv'ilBts, ToqUMS&d BonnotaFrench Cnlp Half. T«fu«i and BonncinFunoyChlpilatB. Toque* and Qounait

. IJice einvr iltsia', ToquM und Bonnet*M&nltta n n l d H»t«, T^JOM «DdRoiine«

: .0 ' T R I I I H I N B FJIBH1CS.Crepe do CWne/^^r.Tjhael TTIonllosKtrawClotfa BlackXaeerf f

;.WWU incut ,; ^ p t l o W * ladca•Riiktacea-:..-7,v.'JTInw!LMM > hAmoreVeWel ",-; PC«B)cin Velvet•'V:"!Vv-;" OfiicoVBlwtandFancj- Rlfabona o f

Mourningr Mllilnery at

^HILL'SDouble Chloride of Gold Tablets

« H f l l f T O B O f X > l f t

the ptUoot, by the B M of our SPECIAL FORMULA Q0U> CURB TABLETSor of Hot

Testimonialsfrom persons

who have beencured by th& use 6*

Hills Tablets.

S « r o foe wala by *I1k

, onoiora at

and lddmaplalh)y.~«n<l atnlor Tobacco, Jiqrpbiou ;ur


w b t n cr inuiou ttreUtguDT ilalikt-

DO NOT UB Iij-ul UiuvartoiiB

uf uctnroU only by

froiil to»u» iuttyplanil atnoVett (ox twei ty

or ,»u, « « . «nd ».


buea cmw ,


CtiSMiOiLOo -OttHTLBM»r»~rourTabUhiltav«nerruiui nuruUlno hyp<KlemHoally; tor yevon yean, ma ha

oXyyurTablou and wJHiputBuywtTurt^muyl»art.A d d r e s s aU Ordora to

D.AeotoviiaiidHaaob6 4 6 , 1 1 3 4 A M ; 8 20,

50,p, M. SuHDAia, 6-00 f v.

Leave No-w Tork at 6-00, 815,1115, A. K.; 4.80 P M. Bosfcils,7 1 5 A v

Leave Eookaway at 6:37, 8.47,llMi. K, 310, {T40.P K, 8DAIS, HMK), A. X, 6 60 F. if.

Leave Port Oram at ,T JB, 916,.140, A If; 250, 613, 793 F MSUHDAIS, 10 36 A. K, 618 p H.

Leave Higli Pridgo at 816,10 87A.M.; 1:47,6aar.K. S W O A I B , 9 8 0A K.


" 1 8 t

(M0KRI8AND K83EXDapotfn New York, foot of. Barclay S t and

QOHMKNOIHO VoirnAT, J t m 10th,' 16WI


TtOV AR fOLIAWH fEiUlTB0("n>. ... A. M, WMT BOUHD; A M

I*7 838 «

MJSas' ill

t . Horrf* flylankeUafn

38 481 W

DoTwaooom 38 4Umlra expre-it* 1 W

t p i njSDtovar acooto, G-00laffalo e x p n » * 0 46

"-mraooin £ ^

SMUucxpreo, s-wBlmJrt expngn* 8 "*Dover aMxiat H

Bcraa.on ozp? S S8

Buffalo «xpreea* 6 10H'ketUtowowp 7il8Waahtngton apf 8-09Buffalo tupfBM* 8 MBulfalo eipreas* «.tUDover •cooto. IUJIOBuffalo expMt»» 1 0 ^TbMtrc tram 1 S3

•Via, Boonfam Branch.


Dorw Morriitown

• I B j j <•ii 10,10 "« 11 H •*

*.." li.'.?1

:.' iSS"

Mnrrlttown Doror


8.03 ••

S 3 "



n iheatar 7)SB MlW 4iJ5Hoiton 7 M l i W 4.5)

0Uai3« lroala . 7 87 12-lfl t i lL(MS 3 « fi H 8tt«oaninaac TitS 13 IB *.«» Ba 913 0.60 MoC»la»rtlle 7 4B UJtt 4.65» 4 0 i SB 8 4S Pork Dram f«S 13i90 5tl

Af Htokfttitowii ExpreN itopi^at fortnagronafcat at T,a*Ju«., irauiK ITwl i t3r u ' ~


SAYIHGS iii%• H0BBI8TOWH. • . J. ,_




raljllt, l « p « ,

Bogus! S I T 1otto & m&Vcra ft larrer profit thaoSinctly Pure While Lead.

f h- vviae man 48 uever petiaaded tobuy paint that is Bald to be "just *igood or " better' than

Strictly PureWhite Lead

Tne market Is Booded viith spu ioutwhite leads The following analyses,nude l>/ eminent chemist!, of two olthe e mWtad.DK brand* •how theexact proportion of gamine white le«dthey contain t

Stindird Liad Cs Itrlctly Pure WhlltLead 8* Lou 1 l

imicrhlf rraimrlioit* Antlpwl liynatjitf l»30 per cent. Begin elm m o

Ueaa than y per c tn t whi te lead. 'H Weblog Briod !

•• PiclEtc Wainnud Pura fA) WhUs LcajlU MI ri»1« Proportion a Aiiatyi'il li]

S 11 LatcofLoiJ 4 IS percentOil Icnf ?lnfl 4 Ot per tent,It -yir* 0O.OS pfrcqni!

No white lead in ft,you tab avoid barn* lead by par-

cba ing ftny of -the (ollawloc braadcTh'y are fflanubctured by the 'OldOaten" pio«t» ( and we tbe standards1 Atlantic" "Bradley""Brooklyn" "Jewett"

-"Ulster"Pot kala b y ttie most reliable deilrri tn

painti evBiywhireu jou »m |o lnr 10 aalnt. ii wrttt pay yog

ta «end ta u« Tor a txwfc coptatnlna fnforinattin th*t m*y •oveyou ManyadalUri It willtlV o«t j w i * pQiUlcardtadaao

NATIONAt LEAD CO.,t BroadWr. Vtw \ ark

"Wben l o t u k for itallaattMt K s p o r C uare you gtt l i ^ D o not atoeept aay OUMT

Jeac; oeoaun »om» J»a «aya It i i Jurt M good.A, amallflaMot tbe n t i d o e fii better than *n U t n o l rtoap iiuiUtfaw.'^Vw aala In allirHfrflkea nlactfa and dMImwl wivwban In

tfaflHortbern part otta* HUM b 7



- •, ran POBTJE,

80d» uid Wnenl W«ter»ot n n i tmpurtmf „•


EstaMsM 20 Years

Dover Boiler WorksP BIHI II. > . Proprietor.

. luwAOruui ofi BoOm," buWmmtoTon T»«taCfawnkal r»a% On BudDsti ktal til.; UadaSa«WIr<ai Vat.


OM Win. U*M In D t w I I U udWood,:Btfnhd lud LocwTUni, Hair, PlM-terTCanHht, Front tijd Oommoa Brick,«Kl£«, Btqa, Curtlcg, BUU, 8UU Hu*


H. E. Qreengrass,BARGiAW STORE,


India xiauia, 6o.jl3o., IVo;

WUi* DoUe4B«ri«, 10a1, U c

Croat Bala, 7c, 8c/Maf Ida


Diutomer wa rfttnra nune It opr good!an not whAim-Mnnaoiit thara to b« Ourmotto liatnall profltand qulckratunu and


BHDEH fe BUNNtiLLK < M ' K A « A Y . N. J.

" iSEinros-XK

Duplex Automaticl!Maa>>dIIi>iW>MrHatt«a » wl i i l wrotubt bolter iron kar* «•

t 8nM, n i elUM •DMriorttT In th» for.»lt ,W l i iUi O™.t«Sn.«rf»f.>ll BMplltli of u u t n o l k a l HI OHwalk

oall t« k«gp olewl XMT M U M M ]coal l o U I I i U I a a U p o r a l t M a l u

All UniU of Plomblai, Boplog and 01)Mlboa Work HitialMiton cweaM. ! • at«oa at•II l ln.i 8 lom u l afolAlrnnaaa o l t n n

L. H. IVES & CoBBMtVAlil

Fancy Goods.aansi&L rat WOJOt w o n ,

Stampsd Ooodo,' 'Sum, Laoai, Kid Olove»,


'(ring intt Summer Uaduweki

•AMn^AIID a u r u . ^ ]


Cirpenlert ind Builders,, ;• IMtVKK. * J *'

naaajKnoUHttoiuTot baii^liuia. ram|atn>asfa»l«|%l>raralaliM '•

BLATIu i pat ID

ATI lOOtSmtanli l ianUlui ipat ID aUto xnb k; «ou nobanlnkaWShxtUac Papwdmitaibuc p i

MM and ihoii on BlaokmU 8k, u i tDo»ar Lntnbar Oompaoj'! Bin.

n R. Vnoox. A. H B U M


H. L. Diinhq.Tn




Rait Jtaran n n B A U OR XZCWAMOB,


W)V««. • . J.


Wall PaperA T A O BUOiTS,




BOIBTIXff ENOINJBS, rfnjfatmd rnxrlil

rvurwo ENGINES,Qml avnonical

COBXISU PVMP8, doMe orsingle

GEARING mdJ-ULLEYjS, larqeand smell.


HOT WATER HEATERJft UOUl, MO *W4n, «« 4 mt, MMtaV

ww mt ' *

DOVEK. N, J. r f

Tinning, Plumbi^, ,

STEAM FITTINa? iIn all tlwlr ^rancliva.


Perfect Steam Heatflr (

Second-h»nd Ptrlor SlWii ,- '


Large stock of New /mciBecond ;J >hand Piano«.:*M up. . '

Bentod (SI up, , g

Wright Organ & Piano M'fg iV,

Car, SutSBK and 8laekws« Sts, '" v



Pill»bury'« Best Brand--*i%fi



bj l i r a to

uuitr or WoiTta, tw Mnia. nadar oath o

HotauW imt, betel ate mjcui tmf - 'dateo(aid•!« l i a a n M W M


PtIRSUA.HTtotttoofwia Qxioty of

ouadred and *Blvanto '