1 Issue No 15/ 2015-2016 Thetford Grammar School The small, friendly school that gets results for individuals. 22 nd January 2016 Dear Parents and Pupils, Once again another very busy, active and positive week has flown by here at Thetford Grammar School. There were many talented youngsters here at TGS for their Entrance Examinations on Saturday 16 th January and on Wednesday 20 th we held our Music Scholarships for current and prospective pupils. Overall, I have been very pleased by the results from the recent Mock Examinations and subsequent Parents’ Evenings that have already taken place for our Year 9 pupils and Year 12/13 students. The TGS teachers have now started on final teaching points for GCSEs, AS and A2 levels and will then be moving into revision strategies for the benefit of all. It is important that young members of the school bear in mind that there is very little time to go until the examinations start in May, but improvements and ultimate success can still be realised. The teachers are there to help, advise and assist. Please do not leave things until too late! I was delighted to attend two important school events this week and struck by how similarly our pupils responded to the external presenters. The first was the Benjamin and Bethany Bear Road Safety presentation for the very youngest members of our school – 3–6 year olds; the second was the National Citizen Service (NCS) presentation to our Year 10 and Year 11 pupils. The TGS pupils were positive and welcoming with lots of questions and ideas provided. The organisations represented were certainly impressed by the courteous curiosity and confidence of our young people. At this morning’s assembly, I was delighted to welcome Finn Humphris, Louise Wigglesworth and George Rupp from Year 13 to the podium. The theme of human rights and responsibilities was presented very ably with some very relevant information for all members of the school. For those of you that are artistically inclined, please be reminded that five pupils, Kudzi Garikayi, Jude Blakemore, Isobel Tod, Chloe Garrett and Alexandra Ackerman are currently exhibiting work for the Magnificent Obsessions Collection at the Sainsbury Art Centre, Norwich, supported by Miss Sherring and the Art Department. There will be a short presentation ceremony for these five talented youngsters on Saturday 23 rd January at 1.00pm. My congratulations are extended to all the pupils (and their teachers) for their excellent work and effort. I shall wish you all a very healthy and happy weekend break. Mr Mark S. Bedford Headmaster

TGS Newsletter Issue 16 Friday, 22nd January 2016

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Page 1: TGS Newsletter Issue 16 Friday, 22nd January 2016

1 Issue No 15/ 2015-2016

Thetford Grammar School

The small, friendly school that gets results for individuals.

22nd January 2016

Dear Parents and Pupils,

Once again another very busy, active and positive week has flown by here at Thetford Grammar School. There were many talented youngsters here at TGS for their Entrance Examinations on Saturday 16th January and on Wednesday 20th we held our Music Scholarships for current and prospective pupils.

Overall, I have been very pleased by the results from the recent Mock Examinations and subsequent Parents’ Evenings that have already taken place for our Year 9 pupils and Year 12/13 students. The TGS teachers have now started on final teaching points for GCSEs, AS and A2 levels and will then be moving into revision strategies for the benefit of all. It is important that young members of the school bear in mind that there is very little time to go until the examinations start in May, but improvements and ultimate success can still be realised. The teachers are there to help, advise and assist. Please do not leave things until too late!

I was delighted to attend two important school events this week and struck by how similarly our pupils responded to the external presenters. The first was the Benjamin and Bethany Bear Road Safety presentation for the very youngest members of our school – 3–6 year olds; the second was the National Citizen Service (NCS) presentation to our Year 10 and Year 11 pupils. The TGS pupils were positive and welcoming with lots of questions and ideas provided. The organisations represented were certainly impressed by the courteous curiosity and confidence of our young people.

At this morning’s assembly, I was delighted to welcome Finn Humphris, Louise Wigglesworth and George Rupp from Year 13 to the podium. The theme of human rights and responsibilities was presented very ably with some very relevant information for all members of the school.

For those of you that are artistically inclined, please be reminded that five pupils, Kudzi Garikayi, Jude Blakemore, Isobel Tod, Chloe Garrett and Alexandra Ackerman are currently exhibiting work for the Magnificent Obsessions Collection at the Sainsbury Art Centre, Norwich, supported by Miss Sherring and the Art Department. There will be a short presentation ceremony for these five talented youngsters on Saturday 23rd January at 1.00pm. My congratulations are extended to all the pupils (and their teachers) for their excellent work and effort.

I shall wish you all a very healthy and happy weekend break.

Mr Mark S. Bedford


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2 Issue No 15/ 2015-2016


Local Artist Terry Beard ran a workshop with GCSE and A Level Art pupils to help them develop ideas for their exam preparation. Terry introduced new ways of working, showed examples of her own painting and challenged pupils to experiment with paint in a new way. The pupils responded in a very positive way and everyone had numerous interesting pieces of work and more fully developed ideas by the end of the day.

Comments from the pupils about the day were all positive and ranged from: ‘I found the day really valuable and inspirational in developing my ideas for the exam.’ to ‘I had a great time and it has helped me to understand my ideas for the final exam a lot more. I thoroughly enjoyed the day; also it taught me new skills.’

We would like to thank Terry for taking time out from her busy schedule. Her work can be seen at her studio in Ely every July during ‘Cambridge Open Studios’.

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3 Issue No 15/ 2015-2016


As part of their dinosaur topic this term, Pre-Prep discovered some frozen dinosaurs outside whilst it was snowing last Thursday. The children then used various tools such as pipettes of warm water, a hammer and a chisel (toy!) and paint brushes to try and melt or crack their frozen dinosaurs.

Miss Julie Blakemore Pre-Prep Class Teacher


For three dedicated Sixth Formers the first day of the Christmas holidays was spent at Norwich Castle Museum engaged in an Art Masterclass with artist and Norwich University of the Arts lecturer Karl Foster. This engaging, fast paced and challenging workshop asked students to consider the working methods of an artist and aimed to develop their creative thinking skills. Students considered the artistic process as Thinking - Making - Reflecting and developed new skills in these areas which will help them to respond more creatively in their future studies. For students considering a future at Art school insights were gained into Universities’ expectations and working methods, as well as experiencing the kind of exercise they might participate in during a creative course. A thought provoking and inspiring day.

Charles Mead :

“During the course of this fast paced day in this very experimental environment we did several activities, the first of which was dismantling a child’s toy which was the first step to changing the way we see objects. Dismantling these very bright colourful facades and revealing the inner workings was quite an intimate experience and broke down the boundaries between what the

object was and what it could do.

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4 Issue No 15/ 2015-2016

“The afternoon ushered in new and exciting activities starting off with an ice breaker that challenged our definitions of what art can be and what art can achieve. Moving on to clay work and more realism for only a moment, we had to make the clay resemble a partner for this task. Then in a more fitting change we had to incorporate our pieces of child’s toy. These ended the workshop and left all those that participated to take away their own idea.

“The workshop gave me a bigger appreciation of the more abstract concepts of Art and the materials that constitute it.”


In Maths this week Year 2 have been learning about Measuring, starting by comparing how much different things weighed. Each child chose an object from the classroom and worked together to decide which was the heaviest and which was the lightest. They then ordered

these in a line. Later on we looked at using balance scales to make our estimations a little more accurate.

Mrs Julie Foreman Year 2/3 Class Teacher

TGS v BRANDON FERNHOPPERS FIRST BIATHLON EVENT While eager young hopefuls were slaving over a hot pen in the TGS Entrance Examinations on Saturday 16th January, their seniors were battling it out nearby! The inaugural Biathlon, started with a 5k run (courtesy of Thetford Parkrun) and concluded with a shooting competition on the TGS automated range.

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5 Issue No 15/ 2015-2016

The TGS team was led by Head Boy, Charles Lamport-Beale, who was on top form on the range (156/200), ably supported by a feisty Gabby Hunter-Short and the very fleet-of-foot Jacob Wright who recorded a Parkrun time of 20.22. Substitute for an injured Mr Spencer was Livewell Suffolk’s health guru, Mr T. Dowding. Lewis Haynes was an effective Range Assistant and Coach. His services were much appreciated. The Brandon Fernhoppers put up a spirited performance but were unable to beat our more experienced team. Also running on Saturday were Mr Hill, on his 50th Parkrun and Miss Dunsmore who recorded a Personal Best of 27.33. ROAD SAFETY WITH BETHANY AND BENJAMIN BEAR

Bethany and Benjamin Bear from Norfolk County Council came to visit Pre-Prep and Year 2 for a group talk on how to keep safe. The bears taught the children the importance of using seatbelts whilst travelling in a car. Further discussion was made on wearing high visibility jackets and holding an adult’s hand whilst crossing the road.

Thank you to Mike Banham for visiting us with the bears.

Miss Julie Blakemore Pre-Prep Class Teacher YEAR 6 ROAD SAFETY - RED LIGHT / GREEN LIGHT At the beginning Mr Banham refreshed our knowledge on the road safety that we had learnt during cycling proficiency. We then got ourselves into small groups to participate in a road safety quiz. We were given three cones, red, yellow and green which we held up after discussing the question with team mates. After that we watched a video about different types of road accidents and discussed who was at fault and how these accidents could have been prevented. We all found it very interesting. Sam Bercovici Year 6

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6 Issue No 15/ 2015-2016

NATIONAL CITIZEN SERVICE On Wednesday morning the National Citizen Service came in to hold an assembly for Years 10 and 11. The group of volunteers came in to introduce the

pupils to NCS, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity open to 15-17 year olds. It is a fun and unforgettable programme that helps build skills for life whilst taking on new challenges and meeting new people. NCS is backed by the government which means it costs no more than £50 to take part.

Interested pupils had the chance to fill in their registration forms and they were handed to the NCS volunteers for processing ready for the next sessions (waves) of 2016. Wave 1 is July 18th – August 5th Wave 2 July 25th – August 12th Wave 3 August 1st – August 19th Wave 4 August 8th – August 26th Miss A Sherring Head of KS4 Y12 AND Y13 PARENTS’ EVENING Thank you to all the parents who attended the evening on Wednesday 20th January. It is always a pleasure to see so many families coming in to discuss their child’s progress and it is much appreciated by the staff. BLAZERS Could we please remind pupils that blazers must be worn into school every day under their outdoor coats. Thank you. SKI TRIP 2ND HAND CLOTHING Following the Ski Information evening we have had some items of ski wear sent into school for sale – if you would like to view any of it please contact Cathie in the office to arrange a time to come in.

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7 Issue No 15/ 2015-2016

CAR SHARE We have a family in the Scarning area who are looking for another family to car share with on a daily basis. If anyone can help, please contact the office for further information. GRIMM’S FAIRY TALES Rehearsals have already resumed as we begin the final preparations for this year’s extravaganza! Mrs Boyce has been working furiously with her co-directors, Finn Humphris and Emily Bell and the performers are slowly bringing the stories to life. The programme and tickets are nearly completed which means that we are on target to begin selling them during the 2 weeks prior to the show. A letter will be going home shortly regarding the possibility of Sunday rehearsals. Just to confirm that the dates are: Tuesday 9th Feb Wednesday 10th Feb Ticket prices are £5 per adult and £2:50 for children and OAPs. SCHOOLBLAZER SALE

We have been advised by Schoolblazer that their January sale will finish at midnight on the 31st January 2016. As usual 20% will be taken off all in stock items. If you have already shopped with them they will email you directly.

LOST PROPERTY Sam White Black games sock

White PE sock Named Named

Rory White Coat Blue, Next Andrew Forbes Analogue watch Light blue strap John Jenkins Leicester Tigers scarf Green/Red – brand new Joseph Ramsbottom TGS Hoodie named Ben Mason Black PE joggers named Ethan Harris TGS black coat Named in the coat seam Joshua Kriehn-Morris School jumper unnamed Arlo Greenwood Wallet Red with black outline Hamish Russell PE top named Ben Jacob-Haigh Cake box Plastic with a green lid Freddie Bayne Blazer named

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Franzi Elders Pe sock Black, named Tomás Morgan PE shorts Named Owen Wortley Shoes Black School Shoes Joe Lawson Shoes Black School Shoes

LOST SHOE A Y8 pupil has lost one of her black Dr Marten shoes size 7 during a PE lesson this week. Could all Y7/8 girls please check in their PE bags to see if they have picked it up by mistake. Thank you.


Congratulations to the following students that received certificates from Mrs Peace in Monday morning’s assembly. Max Hanspal

Emily Bradfield

Cassidy Goodwin

Joshua Kriehn-Morris

Gabriel Galveias

Albert Ballard

Gracie White

Sam Bercovici

Sophie Peace

Maia Foreman


Tuesday 19th January U15 Football v Finborough Won 7 - 1 Wednesday 20th January U13 Football v Finborough Lost 3 - 2 NEXT WEEK’S FIXTURES Tuesday 26th January 2.30pm – 4.00pm

4.00pm – 5.00pm U15 Football v Eccles (H) U15 Netball v Thetford Academy (A)

Wednesday 27th January 2.00pm – 5.00pm 3.45pm – 5.30pm

U13 Football v Kings Ely (A) U12 & U13 Netball v Sacred Heart (A)

Thursday 28th January 3.15pm – 5.00pm U16 Football v Finborough (A) U16 Netball v Finborough (A)


Monday, 25th January Y7 Norwich Castle Trip

Tuesday 26th January Breckland Schools Swimming Gala

Thursday, 28th January Y12 – 13 French Cinema trip – London

Y11 Parents’ Evening WH 6.00pm – 8.30pm

Sunday 31st January Grimm’s Tales Drama Rehearsals 10.00am – 4.00pm

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Monday 1st February Breckland SSP Winter Games Cross Country Greshams School,


Wednesday 3rd February Tea & Talk 3.30pm – 4.30pm Old School

German Exchange Info Eve 7.00pm – 8.00pm F1

Thursday 4th February Y12/13 Ethics Conference, Guildhall, Cambridge

Intermediate UKMT Maths Challenge 11.35pm WH

Friday 5th February Prep School House Swimming Gala at 2.00pm at Breckland

Leisure Centre

Sunday 7th February Grimm’s Tales Drama Rehearsals 10.00am – 4.00pm



EYFS – Y6 Homework Sharing Project Y4 – Y6 Breckland Schools Swimming Gala Y4 –Y6 Breckland Schools Cross Country Event Y6 Under 11’s Football Tournament Y7-13 Sunday Drama Rehearsals letter

If you would like a printed copy of this newsletter please contact the office.