TEXTS - Shodhgangashodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/bitstream/10603/85220/12/13_bibilography.pdf · Bharatiya Vidya Prakasana, Delhi, 1964. Reprint 1976. ... ratnakara'. Translated by Ganganath

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Page 1: TEXTS - Shodhgangashodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/bitstream/10603/85220/12/13_bibilography.pdf · Bharatiya Vidya Prakasana, Delhi, 1964. Reprint 1976. ... ratnakara'. Translated by Ganganath
Page 2: TEXTS - Shodhgangashodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/bitstream/10603/85220/12/13_bibilography.pdf · Bharatiya Vidya Prakasana, Delhi, 1964. Reprint 1976. ... ratnakara'. Translated by Ganganath


Sanskrit Series No.35, edited by Mahamahopadhyaya

Gangadhar S a s t r i Tailanqa. P r i n t e d and Published by

O.J. Lazarus and Co., Banaras.

2. 'Nytyavzxtike ' , Published by Royal Asiatic Socie ty ,

Ca lcu t t a . Edited by Vindhyeswari Prasad Sarma.

3. ' ~ y ~ y a b h ~ ~ ~ a ~ wi th t h e conmientary of (jangadhaxa S a a t r l .

Varanasi . I

4. '~y:yadarsana* w i t h t h e c o m e n t a r y of ~ g t e y 5 a n a .


5. ' ~ ~ ~ ~ r r d a r l a n a ' with ~ y s s a Bhssya, Udyotakarat s ~ z r t i k a *

and v;caspati ~ibra's ~Zttpar~a t i k a . C a l c u t t a . I 6. ' ~ y ~ y e d s r s e n a ~ wi th ~ Z t s y a y b n a ~ h s ? ~ a . Calcut ta .

7 . 'Nyzyav&tika ' of Udyotakara . Calcu t t a . I

8. ' ~ ~ g ~ a d a r s a n a ' with t h e commentary of Goswami Bhattacharya.


9. 'Tat tvabindu ' w i t h Tattvavibhavana. Edited by V.A. Harna-

swami Sas t r i , Annamalai S a n s k r i t Series No.3, I

10. ' ~ 1 o k a v L t i k e ' ui t h t h e commentary o f ~ y g ~ a r a t d k a r a .


11. 'd1okrv2rtikag w i t h t h e commentary of d g s t r e d g l k a .

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12. ' ~lolokavzrtikal with the commentary of Snehaprapurani.

Varanasi. I

l 3 'M2name~tda~a' O f Narayanabhatta . Madras. - m 14. '~imams'anygyaprakas'a' of &dew. Varana s i .

15. '~;nkhyak;rika' wi th s;nkhya Tattva Kaurnudi. Mot i la l

Uanarasidas, Delhi-Varanasi-Patna.

' 1 6 's:nkhyak=rika1 w i t h the commentary of Gaudapada.

Varanasi .

17. ' ~ i n k h ~ a k g r i k a ' w i t h the commentary of Gaudapada.

C a l c u t t a .

18. ' ~ z n k h y a k z r i k a ' w i t h ~ u k t i d i p i k a . Calcut ta .

19. ' ~ g n k h ~ a k f i i k e ' w i t h Sa'nkhya Tattva Kaumudi . Calcutta.

20. ' ~ z n k h ~ ~ k z r i k a ' w i t h t h e comnentary of Bhara t i t i r t h a .

Varanasi .

21. ' ~ z n k h ~ a k c r i k a ' w i t h the cornrnsntary o f Vamshidhara.

Varanasi .

22, ~rnkhyadarbsna wi th the commentary of ~i jn?nabhikaum

C a l c u t t a . I

23. ' ~ h k h y a d a r b n a ' with t h e commentary of Bhgsatika.


24. '~rnkhyatat tvakaumudi ,with the commentary of Sr ibharath i ,


25. ' ~ Z n k h y a t a ttvakaumudi ' with the commentary o f Vidvat

Par i toq in i . Vaxanasi.

26. 'YogaButras' of P a t a n j a l i with t h e scholium of vya%a and

the comentsry of v ~ c s s p a t i ~ i h a . Edited by Rajaram

~ ~ d ~ ~ . Bombay, San8kri.t and Pralcrt Seritys NO. ? L V I m

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0 27, 'brahrnasutra ~ a n k ~ r a b h ~ s , ~ a I . Published by Tukaram JayaJ i.

Edited with Notes by Nuranl ~nanthakrishnasastri and

Vasudev Laxman S a s t r i Pansikar, Nixnayasagar Press s

28. 'Brahmasutrabhz?ya ' with Bhamati . Calcut ta .

29. 'Bhamati $atuso;tril. . Poona.

30. 'Bhamati Kalpataru' and Parirnala. Srirangam.

31. '8rahmasutrabh"asya with Bhamati. Varana.si.

32. ' b x a h r n a ~ u t r ~ b h ~ ~ ~ ~ ' with Bhamati and Kalpataru. Varanasi.

33. *8rahmasutrabh%sya1 with .Bhamati and Parimala. Varanasi. a

34. 'Brahmasutrabh'asyal with Ratnaprabha. Varanasi -

35. ' ~ a i i k a r m y a s i d d h i ' . Bombay. 36. 'Pan5adasi1 of Vidyara7ya. Bombay.

37. Bmahmasiddhil of Mandanm ~ i b a Madras

38. l ~ a n S ~ p ~ d i k a l of Padrnaplda. V a r a n a ~ i .

39 'psncaFadlkavivarala' of ~ r s k a g ~ t ~ y ~ a t i . Varanasi*

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4 I 'Sad Darsana Samupryat by Haribhadrasuri.

Edited w i t h translation by M. Sivakumara Swamy, Prasaranga, Bangalore Un ive r s i ty , bangalore , 1977.

'The Philosophy o f ~ ~ ~ ~ a - ~ a i ~ e ~ i k a and I t s C o n f l i c t with the

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Bha ra t iya Vidya Prakasana, De lh i , 1964. Repr in t 1976.

' S t u d i e s i n I n d i a n Logic and Metaphysics ' by ~ a s i k Viha r i

J o s h i , Bhaxatiya Vidya Prakasana, Delhi-Varanasi, 1979.

'The ~ y g ~ a s ? t r a s of Gotamat t r a n s l a t e d by Sat i schandra

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'Evo lu t ion of t h e ~ ~ f i a - v a i l e s i k a Categor io logyt by Harish

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' C l a s s i c a l Sa?khya ' by G. J. Larson. Mot i l a l Banarasidas,

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'Se?khya phj.loeophiel by Richard Garbe, L e i ~ z i g v 1894-

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~ h . Conception of Ma t t e r acco rd ing t o ~ Y ~ Y a - v a ~ $ ~ ~ i k a '

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Allahabad , 1936!

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11, ' Indian Logic and Atomism' by A.B. Keith. Greenwood Press,

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20. 'Theism of he-Classical &nkhyat by h.U. Ramakrishna Rao, . .

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T .M.P. Mahadevan, Universi ty of Madras, Madras, 1969.

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4 3 0 'Appearance and Realityt by F.H. Bradley. Edited bv

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55, 'Outlines of Indian Philosophyt by M. Hiriyanna. George

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56. 'Advaita Vedanta' by k K . V . Iyer, A s i a Publishing House,

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661 'Metaphysics of Advaita Vedant,at by (;.I(. Malkani. The Indian Institute of Philosophy, Amalner, ,1961.

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19, ' Indian Idealism and Modern Challenget by P,T, Ra ju,

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Page 15: TEXTS - Shodhgangashodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/bitstream/10603/85220/12/13_bibilography.pdf · Bharatiya Vidya Prakasana, Delhi, 1964. Reprint 1976. ... ratnakara'. Translated by Ganganath

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Page 16: TEXTS - Shodhgangashodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/bitstream/10603/85220/12/13_bibilography.pdf · Bharatiya Vidya Prakasana, Delhi, 1964. Reprint 1976. ... ratnakara'. Translated by Ganganath