1 Textile Engineering, Chemistry and Science Annual Report for 2012-2013 Topic Page Executive Summary 2 TECS Mission, Vision and Core Values 3 Department Achievements 3 Changes in the TECS Service Environment: Staff Changes 4 Department Needs 4 Retiring Faculty Salary 5 Key TECS Strategic Priorities and Short-Term and Long-Term Goals (from 2012-2013) 5 TECS Strategic Planning 6 Diversity: Initiatives and Progress 8 Research Productivity and Scholarship 9 Faculty and Staff: Honors, Awards and Recognition 10 Students: Honors, Measures of Quality and Student Activities 10 Recommendations and Concerns 11 Appendix A: Publications and Presentations 12 Appendix B: Active Research Projects 44

Textile Engineering, Chemistry and Science€¦ · Textile Engineering, Chemistry and Science . Annual Report for 2012-2013 . Topic Page . Executive Summary 2 TECS Mission, Vision

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Page 1: Textile Engineering, Chemistry and Science€¦ · Textile Engineering, Chemistry and Science . Annual Report for 2012-2013 . Topic Page . Executive Summary 2 TECS Mission, Vision


Textile Engineering, Chemistry and Science

Annual Report for 2012-2013

Topic Page

Executive Summary 2

TECS Mission, Vision and Core Values 3

Department Achievements 3

Changes in the TECS Service Environment: Staff Changes 4

Department Needs 4

Retiring Faculty Salary 5

Key TECS Strategic Priorities and Short-Term and Long-Term Goals (from 2012-2013) 5

TECS Strategic Planning 6

Diversity: Initiatives and Progress 8

Research Productivity and Scholarship 9

Faculty and Staff: Honors, Awards and Recognition 10

Students: Honors, Measures of Quality and Student Activities 10

Recommendations and Concerns 11

Appendix A: Publications and Presentations 12

Appendix B: Active Research Projects 44

Page 2: Textile Engineering, Chemistry and Science€¦ · Textile Engineering, Chemistry and Science . Annual Report for 2012-2013 . Topic Page . Executive Summary 2 TECS Mission, Vision


Executive Summary The Department of Textile Engineering, Chemistry and Science (TECS) has a history of excellence in research, teaching and learning, service to the profession and outreach and extension. On August 16, 2013, the 37 faculty members will include: four Associate Deans in the College of Textiles (COT) and the College of Engineering, two center Directors, two institute Directors, the NC State Director of Global Health Initiatives, six chaired Professors, three Alumni Distinguished Undergraduate Professors, 15 Professors in total, ten Associate Professors, five Assistant Professors, five women, three faculty from under-represented minority groups, one Teaching Professor, one Research Professor and five Research Assistant Professors. This faculty group has produced very impressive results in both quality and increasing output in our realms of responsibility: teaching, scholarship, technological innovation, extension and engagement, and service to the community, university and profession. For the 2012-2013 academic year; new research funding is up, scholarly publications remained strong, undergraduate enrollment has doubled since 2007, MS enrollment has increased significantly in the same time frame and our faculty have received university and external honors and awards. TECS faculty generated 96% of the COT F&A (this includes the NCRC led by TECS faculty, 86% without the NCRC), teach more than 60% of the graduate SCHs, teach more than 40% of the overall SCHs and fund and/or direct the graduate programs of approximately 80% of the PhD students. Despite this, we have had our budget cut repeatedly, our faculty are grossly underpaid relative to their peers in the College of Engineering and the College of Sciences and TECS faculty and staff positions have been taken away repeatedly and more significantly than some other college units. We are an aging faculty, especially in the case of the chemists, with potential retirements looming in the near term and we seek to maintain the level of excellence we have demonstrated in the past. In order to do that, we need to retain the position and the salary when a faculty member retires if we are to continue on the growth trajectory we have demonstrated. This growth pattern is deliberately and unquestionably aligned with the university goals and strategic plan. TECS key strategic priorities and goals from the annual report of last year have been mostly completed as we continue to meet our commitments. TECS faculty have grown in diversity, they have grown undergraduate and graduate enrollment, they have grown research funding, they publish in outstanding journals with ever higher impact factors while also maintaining a commitment to the textile-based journals and organizations that have been traditionally affiliated and they have, in the last four years, earned university awards such as: Alumni Association Outstanding Extension and Outreach Award (2) Alumni Distinguished Undergraduate Professor (2) Alumni Outstanding Research Award Gertrude M. Cox Award for Excellence in Teaching and Learning with Technology (3) Outstanding Teacher Award (3) While the college invests heavily ($500,000/year) in undergraduate scholarships which bring outstanding students to NC State, it invests a fraction of that amount in our graduate programs. We consistently show that university investment in our department yields very rapid and multiplying financial returns that advance the university nationally and ensure continued and expanding global dominance in textile education, research and outreach. We need university investment in graduate student recruitment that is consistent with the quality and growth in research output and extramural funding TECS faculty are winning. Moreover, these investments improve the educational experience of both our undergraduate and graduate students, who are future leaders locally and globally. In summary, the TECS faculty, as a group, have been over-achievers but have not been rewarded for their efforts. This report should make clear that premise and demonstrate the wisdom of investing in TECS faculty and students. The last six faculty hired (most are currently Assistant Professors) by TECS have, over the 2010-2013 period, received research contracts of more than $5,000,000. The wisdom of investing in that kind of productivity is apparent and compelling. Bleeding TECS of faculty positions and faculty salary is counter-productive and will result in lost productivity, diminished capability and a reduction in extramural funding.

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Textile Engineering, Chemistry and Science (TECS) Mission, Vision and Core Values

Department Achievements

1. Most recent faculty (last 6 hired) are demonstrated leaders and outstanding achievers (Drs. Bradford, El-Shafei, Jur, Pasquinelli, Willoughby and Zhang)

- $5,000,000 +, PI or co-PI, 2010 – 2013, from RADAR, does not include the ASSIST co-thrust leader (all)- Inaugural NC State Faculty Scholar (Zhang)- Caldwell Faculty Fellow (Pasquinelli)- Alumni Outstanding Research Award (Zhang)- Co-thrust leader on ASSIST (Jur)- Bill and Melinda Gates Award (Willoughby)- Outstanding Teacher Awards and Academy of Outstanding Teachers (El-Shafei, Pasquinelli, Zhang)- Chair of the NC section of the ACS (Pasquinelli)- Editor/editorial board for Scientific Journals (El-Shafei, Jur, Willoughby and Zhang)

2. Outstanding TECS faculty productivity through ongoing undergraduate student recruitment; ongoingpartnerships with Donghua University in Shanghai, the Colleges of Engineering and PAMS, the First Year Collegeand many others; the contributions of our two outstanding centers in the College of Textiles; and with theoutstanding effort of our faculty to secure research funding:

- New research awards for TECS faculty were up in 2012-2013: $3,308,922 in new research dollars.- TECS faculty taught 60% + of graduate student credit hours for the College of Textiles (Fall 2012)- TECS faculty taught 40% + of all student credit hours taught by the College of Textiles (Fall 2012)- TECS faculty (not including the centers) generated 86% of the COT F&A. If the TECS faculty-led NCRC

is included, F&A generated was 96% of the COT total. (2011-2012)- Full-time and part-time UG enrollment in TECS (Spring 2013) is near record high: approximately 341 (+

21 part-time). More than 100% increase since 2009 (4 years).

Polymer and Color Chemistry: 128

Textile Engineering: 113

Textile technology: 121

More than 24% of UG students self-identify as non-white

More than 50% BS TECS students are female: record high

- Graduate enrollment is high (Spring 2013), 115 + students. More than 40% increase in MS since 2009

MS programs have been revitalized, we’ve added accelerated BS/MS programs

Revitalized the TC online MS program

MS TE: 27

MS TC: 15

~75 PhD’s funded and/or directed by TECS faculty: approx. 80% of all COT PhD students

More than 50% of MS TECS students are female: record high

3. Chancellors Faculty Excellence Program has led to two new faculty hires: July 1, 2013- Dr. Emiel Den Hartog, Associate Professor, Co-Director of the Center for Research in Textile Protection

and Comfort (TPACC)- Dr. Nelson Vinueza Benitez, Assistant Professor, Forensic Textile Analytical Chemist in the Forensic

Sciences Institute (FSI)- These two faculty members are to contribute to development of new programs, jointly with the respective

units of TPACC and the FSI and are NOT to replace retiring TECS faculty members

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Changes in the TECS Service Environment:

Dr. Jerome Lavelle, Associate Dean in the College of Engineering: Joined TECS as tenured Associate Professor effective December 1, 2012 Dr. Emile Den Hartog (TPACC): Joins TECS as Associate Professor effective July 1, 2013 Dr. Nelson Vinueza-Benitez (FSI): Joins TECS as Assistant Professor effective July 1, 2013 Dr. Hechmi Hamouda: Accepted a new position as Teaching Professor, effective July 1, 2012 Dr. R. Bryan Ormond (TPACC): Joined TECS as Research Assistant Professor effective May 16, 2013 Dr. Alexander Hummel (TPACC): Joined TECS as Research Assistant Professor effective May 16, 2013 Dr. Marian McCord: Promoted to Professor of Textile Engineering and Biomedical Engineering Dr. Renzo Shamey: Promoted to Professor of Textile Chemistry Ms. Victoria Stocksdale: Promoted to Administrative Support Specialist Dr. Keith Beck: Retired effective July 1, 2013

The retirement of Dr. Beck will be a significant loss for the College of Textiles and the Department of Textile Engineering, Chemistry and Science (TECS) as he was the college resource for analytical chemistry expertise and an outstanding teacher and researcher. TECS needs the position and accompanying faculty salary in order to meet our commitments and continue to demonstrate excellence in research, education and service. We need to hire an entry-level analytical chemist to partially fill the void and provide some continuity in various research programs. The search has been postponed pending the outcome of budget decisions for the 2013-2014 academic year. The TECS budget has been hit very hard in recent budget cuts including 1.8 faculty FTEs and 1.0 staff FTE.

Department Needs Background 2009: TECS budget hardest hit in College of Textiles: $ 275,000 2011: TECS budget hit again, including a staff person: $ 131,354 Total $ 406,354 TECS faculty and staff salaries have been given away disproportionately: Office staff: 1 FTE $ Faculty #1: .3 FTE $ Faculty #2: .5 FTE $ Faculty #3: 1 FTE $ Total: $ 254,355

The TECS budget is currently $3,340,906. The permanent giveback in 2009 and 2011 was $ 406,354, more than 10% of the TECS budget.

$ 406,354 in lost budget less $ 254,355 in returned faculty salaries means $152,000 in prior graduate student support has been lost. Still, we have grown graduate enrollment during this time by implementing an effective and efficient plan:

Partner with Donghua University (and more coming) for 3+x students, Increase diversity of funding sources, Increase proposals written, Increase visibility of the department through website.

This has grown enrollment, but we are losing high quality applicants because we don’t have funds to offer when they are deciding on a graduate program. Much of the giveback was money for TA support which allowed us to attract top students. During the 10 year external review of COT graduate programs the #1 recommendation was to fund graduate students. Quoted from the report: “The college and University need to have a fund to recruit new graduate students.”

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Retiring Faculty Salary TECS needs funds for a junior faculty member to replace, in part, the departure of Dr. Beck; graduate student support to replace a portion of the graduate student support lost; 30% of the salary for a recent Chancellors Faculty Excellence Program hire; all funded by retiring faculty salary. Below is an explanation for the need.

- One junior faculty member in the field of analytical chemistry

Education: We will have no one to teach PCC 412/414, the PCC capstone course in analytical


Research: The college will lose an interdisciplinary resource that many need for successful research


Outreach: The college will lose a person that has solved problems for constituencies including many

companies, the SBI and contributed to professional service.

TECS has been disproportionately hit in budget givebacks.

- Graduate student support

Enable recruitment of the highest quality graduate students, in keeping with our global ranking of #1

Textile college.

These funds will allow us to recruit an outstanding student early in the application process to be

funded later by a faculty member with grant money.

Relieve the teaching burden of our research active faculty members, so they can be more productive.

Dr. Benitez’s start-up includes two PhD students funded for three years each, at least $20,000 each.

TECS has been disproportionately hit in past budget givebacks, especially graduate student funding.

Help reverse declining faculty morale: better students means work life and productivity improve.

- 30% of the salary of a recent Chancellors Faculty Excellence Program (FEP) hire

The Provost has supplied 70% of the FEP hire, the other 30% must come from operating and

graduate student funding.

TECS should not be burdened again with cutting graduate student support to fund 30% of the position

simply because we have been proactive in contributing to the Chancellors FEP.

We need this position and the associated funding to be returned to TECS so we can continue to

build on our growth in graduate student enrollment, credit hours taught and research productivity.

Additional Needs:

TECS faculty are among the most productive researchers at NC State and have high teaching loads relative to their peers. Investing in our faculty includes giving them more time to write proposals and carry out research by reducing their teaching load. It also includes keeping our best faculty at NC State through proactive retention efforts.

- 8 TECS TAs: TECS has never used TAs. Despite low salaries relative to our peer departments at NC State, we have very little funding for TAs.

- Nine graduate students volunteered in 2012-2013 to join the CoATs Program to earn a teaching certificate knowing it was an unpaid commitment. This is a travesty we cannot remedy with our budget.

Key TECS Strategic Priorities and Short-Term and Long-Term Goals (from 2011-2012)

1. Grow diversity among the faculty TECS is adding one faculty member from an under-represented group on July 1, 2013.

2. Expand faculty participation in our interdisciplinary centers and institutes: T-PACC and NCRC (and

the NWI) and the FSI. Goals include: - Hire a Co-Director for T-PACC for Fall 2013: complete, Dr. Emile Den Hartog will begin on July 1, 2013

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- Facilitate the FSI faculty searches as needed: complete, Dr. Nelson Benitez will be joining TECS and the FSI on July 1, 2013.

- Hire an Assistant Professor in the area of advanced systems and manufacturing analytics to integrate advanced analytics into supply chain and manufacturing processes: complete, Dr. Jerome Lavelle, Associate Professor, joined TECS on December 1, 2012. Dr. Lavelle is Associate Dean in the COE.

- Increase TECS faculty collaboration with these centers and institutes: ongoing, participation in the NWI has increased since last year.

- Hire an analytical chemist to lead analytical activities in T-PACC and TECS: unfinished business

3. Grow our Medical Textiles reputation and become the leading global academic partner in the application of innovative polymer and fiber-based solutions for healthcare. - Finalize our Medical Textiles Scientific Advisory Board in summer 2012: ongoing, we are combining

this in the TECS SAB to be complete in the summer 2013. - Hire a new faculty member in Regenerative Medicine: Chancellors Faculty Excellence: lost opportunity,

faculty position was assigned to Biomedical Engineering - Become partners on a major NIH grant in the next five years: ongoing

4. Expand our composite materials success including nano-composites.

- Collaborate with ISE, MSE, MAE and industry in the Kinston Global Transpark: ongoing, we are now collaborating with Duke and UNC–Chapel Hill on a NASA composites initiative.

- Double our research funding in composites: unfinished due especially to sequestration. - Continue investment in infrastructure and faculty: ongoing. This year we added new polymer

infrastructure including software for material selection useful in the classroom and the research laboratory. We added a Nordson coating facility with direct significance to the ASSIST center. We replaced the Differential Scanning Calorimetry heater head and many other infrastructure needs. In the coming year, we will need a new FTIR bench.

5. Revise the Textile Technology program. - Align with industry in medical textiles, technical textiles and nonwovens: ongoing. New courses and

curricula action forms have been developed, should be implemented in the coming year. - Revise the curriculum to include topics focused on the design of Technical Textile products. Complete. - Partner with TechTextil to provide students with access to the International show. Outcome: for the

Spring 2014 show, we have committed to take a large group of students to TechTextil in Atlanta.

6. Optimize admissions decisions to ensure consistent-sized high-quality undergraduate cohorts that match our classroom and laboratory facilities. Goals include: - Three UG programs, each with a cohort of 30 - 35 students will optimize our resource capacity

(laboratories and classrooms). Two sections of laboratory per class section will maintain a safe laboratory environment with no more than 18 students per laboratory section. Continuous, ongoing and successful.

- Growing the Textile Technology program, responding to needs of industry and students. Align with industry in technical textiles and nonwovens. Continuous, ongoing and successful. Enrollment has grown significantly, transformation ongoing.

- Increase quality of incoming students with targeted recruitment; especially internal and external transfers and from Summer Textile Exploration Program, Polymer Day Camp and high school student internships. Continuous, ongoing and successful.

TECS Strategic Planning 1. TECS SWOT analysis: January 2010

- Strengths

People: Faculty, staff, students, collegiality

Research: Facilities, projects, people, reputation

Academic Programs: Scholarships, college support, intern reputation, facilities, strong programs

Outreach: Academic, K-12, industry - Weaknesses

Marketing: Recruiting US grad & UG students, web site

Resources: State funding, facilities for faculty gathering

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Faculty disengagement: Too much teaching admin, lack of participation with service, lack of mentoring

- Opportunities

Academics: Free research productive faculty, increase DE, eliminate duplication, start an REU

Marketing: Web site, teachers workshop, TECS promotion

Research: Diversify - Threats

Programs: Trying to do too much

Resources: State funding

Perceptions: Science and engineering focus

Loss of fiber uniqueness: Don’t forget who we are

2. Initial background work by TECS faculty: Fall 2012 - Identify key outcomes developing the alignment of TECS with the Pathway to the Future

3. Identifying Strategic Priorities & Strategies: December 3, 2012

- Developing a shared vision - Identifying opportunities - Identify barriers to implementation - Identify common themes - Next steps

Identify resources to achieve

Develop/Refine mission and vision

Develop strategies to achieve goals (common theme)

Environment outside TECS – 10 years in future

Identify several core competencies/ priorities to focus resources

External scan – outside own organization to resources/opportunities

Be open to listen to others’ thoughts/suggestions without a facilitator

Identify champions for strategic objectives

4. TECS Environmental Scan Planning Notes: January 18, 2013

- Identify focus areas for scan


External - Creating the framework for the scan

What questions to ask

Who? Stakeholders

How? By what means 5. Current activities

- Building the Scientific Advisory Board (SAB)

Planning our first Board meeting to be Friday, September 13, 2013

Board members from o Industry, alumni and non-alumni o Academia, NC State and Cornell o Mostly Directors of R&D or Director of Business Development

- Interviewing internal stakeholders

TECS faculty

TECS students

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Diversity: Initiatives and Progress The TECS department is committed to nurturing a climate of appreciation of diversity in faculty, students and staff. We are working actively to recruit top graduate students from underrepresented groups and have worked with some success to create a more diverse faculty. Table 1 shows the composition of TECS faculty based upon gender and ethnicity. Although the TECS faculty is not as diverse in underrepresented groups as we would like to be, three of the five female faculty members and one Hispanic male were among our last ten faculty hires: 2003, 2006, 2010 and 2013. Table 2 shows that more than 50% of both our undergraduate and graduate students are female. This is a first for TECS. Our undergraduate students, not including TEU students, who identify as non-white or two or more ethnicities represent more than 24% of our student body. Women and non-white students in TECS are at record highs in terms of total enrollment and percentage of the student body. 72% of our graduate students are international students. Clearly, the student body in the Department of Textile Engineering, Chemistry and Science is continuing to change and become more diverse. TECS has a responsibility to improve the diversity of the faculty in terms of ethnicity and gender and this is our commitment. Table 1. TECS T/TT faculty totals, Fall 2013 by gender and ethnicity.

Faculty (T/TT) Total Female Male

African-American 2 1 1

Asian 4 0 4

Hispanic 1 0 1

White 23 4 19

We are making Total 30 5 25

Table 2. TECS student totals (BS and MS), Fall 2012 by gender: UPA data not including TEU or PhD students.

Department / Level Total Female Male

BS 365 192 173

MS 46 24 22

Total 411 216 195

Table 3. TECS student totals (BS and MS), Fall 2012 by ethnicity: UPA data not including TEU or PhD students.

Department / Level

Total International Unknown

Hispanic Native Amer

Asian Amer

Black Afr Am White Two or More

BS 365 4 8 19 1 19 35 265 13

MS 46 33 0 0 0 0 2 11 0

Total 411 37 8 19 1 19 37 276 13

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Research Productivity and Scholarship

The data in Table 4 describe research activity in TECS during the 2012-2013 fiscal year. These data do not include contributions made by NCRC; a center that is extremely successful and run by TECS faculty. Research productivity was high while new research funding rebounded significantly from last year. Last year, the number of manuscripts published in peer-reviewed journals was the highest level of productivity ever experienced from TECS faculty. This year the number dropped off slightly but the quality of journals in which TECS faculty published has grown significantly in terms of Impact Factor. The research funding and proposal data is from the COT business office imported from RADAR. Publications, presentations, patent activity, proposal writing and new research dollars are all strong based upon historical comparisons.

Table 4. TECS Research Performance for 2012-13 cp. previous years

2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13

Refereed Publications 78 82 131 93

Non-Refereed Publications 4 18 17 15

Publications In Press or Accepted 37 29 24 26

Publications Submitted 43 44 35 37

Book Chapters 9 8 13 7

Books Written 1 5 8 3

Patents Issued 2 6 15 7

Patent Disclosures 20 17 31 6

Total Presentations 150 199 105 142

Presentations at National Meetings 59 74 53 47

Presentations at International Meetings 43 77 32 38

New Research Dollars (K. Morgan) $4,103,291 $4,102,535 $2,475,695 $3,711,065

TECS Res. Expenditures (K. Morgan) $1,767,383 $2,375,471 $2,192,435 $3,043,199

$ in Proposals Submitted (K. Morgan) $35,588,952 $60,307,888 $23,221,761 $38,721,415

Proposals Submitted (K. Morgan) 54 79 72 123

# Res. Proposal Awards (K. Morgan) 33 33 29 32

Figure 1 includes 2009-2010 data presented at the Chancellor’s ALM meeting on September 13, 2011. It shows that the College of Textiles was rated second among NC State colleges in terms of external research for that period. As stated earlier, TECS faculty are responsible for more than 90% of the college F&A receipts when including TPACC and NCRC, centers led by TECS faculty and approximately 85% when not including Dr. Pourdeyhimi who is actually paid by the college and not TECS, though he is a TECS faculty member. When one prorates the College of Textiles research expenditures against only TECS Department faculty, who generate more than 90% of these expenditures, the results are very impressive as shown by the red star in the figure.

Table 5 illustrates the broad range of public and private organizations, domestic and international, that have recently funded research directed by TECS faculty. Table 6 illustrates the broad range of outstanding journals where TECS faculty have published recently. While some of the journals have a lower impact factor, they are nevertheless important to the overall goals of the department: supporting industry and the textile profession. Clearly, TECS faculty research is aligned well with the mission and goals of NC State University, as demonstrated by the journals in which their work is featured.

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Figure 1. University research expenditure data from Chancellor’s ALM presentation (9/13/11) with (star symbol) superimposed approximate research expenditures per faculty for TECS faculty (including TPACC and NWI, led by TECS faculty)

Approximate TECS research expenditures per faculty, including the centers (TPACC and NCRC) directed by TECS faculty

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Table 5. A partial list of companies and agencies recently funding research of TECS faculty

Non-governmental agencies American Chemical Society Applied Thermoplastic Resources Applied Research Associates, Inc. (ARA) ATEX Technologies, Inc. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation BSN Medical Celgard Cook Medical Group Cotton Inc. Daugherty Endowment Fund DESSO Dow Chemical Company Eagle Ottawa Eastman Chemical Company Everlight Chemical Industrial Corporation Forschung. fuer Textiltechnik Albstadt mbH GAF GC Supercapacitors Golden Leaf Foundation Hanesbrands, Inc. Hi-Z Technology Inc Kimberly Clark Corporation KOAG Medical, Inc. Luna Innovations Inc. Millenium Challenge Corporation NCRC NC Soybean Producers Association, Inc. NIKE Inc. Performance Polymer Solutions Inc. PBO Inc. Perfect Lithium Physical Sciences Inc (PSI) Procter & Gamble Co. Sandia National Labs Schlumberger-Doll Research (SDR) Smith, Bucklin & Associates SwissTex Filament Yarn Technologies Vestergaard Frandsen Wallace H. Coulter Foundation

Government agencies (International) ASSIST Center Army Soldier Systems Center (NATICK) Chancellors Innovation Fund Combating Terrorism Tech Support Office Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) Department of Agriculture Department of Defense Department of Education Department of Energy Department of Homeland Security Department of Justice FREEDM Center Health Canada Institute of International Education, Inc. (IIE) Natick Soldier Equipment Division Center National Science Foundation National Institute of Justice NC Biotechnology Center NC State Professional Science Masters Oak Ridge National Laboratories TNO Innovation for Life UNC - NC A & T State University UNC NC-TRACS Univ Standing Comm on Intern’l Prog’s (CIP) Univ of Kentucky Ctr for Applied Energy Res Univ of Tennessee US Air Force Research Lab USAFRL US Air Force - Office of Sci Res (AFOSR) Zhejiang University

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Table 6. A partial list of journals in which TECS faculty have recently published.

Polymer science Impact Factor Progress in Polymer Science 28.98 Polymer Reviews 7.732 Biomacromolecules 5.325 Macromolecules 4.837 Macromolecular 4.371 Langmuir 4.268 Carbohydrate Polymers 3.628 Polymer 3.438 J of Poly Sci: Part A Polymer Chemistry 3.894 Polymer Degradation & Stability 3.069 Biopolymers 2.87 Cellulose 2.817 Macromolecular Chemistry & Physics 2.361 Carbohydrate Research 2.330 Macromolecular Mats & Engineering 1.986 Macromolecular Theory & Simulation 1.709 Macromolecular Research 1.639 J of Poly Sci: Part B Polymer Physics 1.300 Wiley IR: Poly Engineering and Science 1.243 J of Applied Polymer Science 1.240 Macromolecular Symposia 0.91

Nanotechnology/science Impact Factor ACS Nano 11.421 Wiley IR: Nanomed and Nanobiotech 5.681 Nanotechnology 3.652 International J of Nanomedicine 3.463

Medicine, Biomed and Impact Factor Biomaterials (overlap w/others) Wiley IR: Nanomed and Nanobiotech 5.681 Acta Biomaterialia 5.223 International J of Nanomedicine 3.463 Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry 2.921 J of Food Engineering 2.616 J Biomed Mat Res Part B: Biomed Mat 2.174 Biomedical Materials 2.158 J of Biomaterials Sci, Polymer Edition 2.16 J of Food Science 1.775 Virtual J. of Biomedical Optics 1.748 Archive der Pharmazie 1.708

Materials (other Journals) Impact Factor Advanced Materials 13.877 Advanced Functional Materials 10.179 J of Materials Chemistry 5.443 Soft Matter 4.869 Crystal Growth & Design 4.720 ACS Applied Mat’ls and Interfaces 4.425 J of Membrane Science 4.046 Composites: Part A 2.695 Mechanics of Materials 2.232 J Biomed Mat Res Part B: Biomed Mat 2.174 Biomedical Materials 2.158 J of Materials Science 2.163 Journal of Material Science 2.02 J of Composite Materials 1.068

Energy and Environment Impact Factor Energy and Environmental Science 11.65 Prog in Photovoltaics: Res and Appl’s 5.789 Carbon 5.724 J of Power Sources 4.283 Science of the Total Environment 3.286

Chemistry/Physics Impact Factor J of the American Chemical Society 9.907 J of Materials Chemistry 5.968 J of Physical Chemistry 4.520 Applied Physics Letters 4.280 J of Royal Society Interface 4.259 J of Poly Sci: Part A Polymer Chemistry 3.894 Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 3.570 Chemical Engineering J 3.171 Tetrahedron 3.060 J of Rheology 2.978 Photochemistry and Photobiology 2.679 Plasma Processes and Polymers 2.468 Macromolecular Chemistry & Physics 2.361 Industrial & Chemistry Engineering Res 2.237 Inclusion Phen & Macrocyclic Chem 1.886 Surface and Coatings Technology 1.868 Virtual J of Biomedical Optics 1.748 Plasma Chem and Plasma Processing 1.602 J Optical Soc. of America 1.562 J of Poly Sci: Part B Polymer Physics 1.530

Textiles & Economy Impact Factor Dyes and Pigments 3.126

Textile Research J 1.102 Coloration Technology 0.960

Color Research & Application 0.943

J of the Textile Institute 0.725

AUTEX Research Journal 0.405 The Engineering Economist 0.382

Production Planning & Control 0.180 Research Journal of Textile & Apparel J of Fashion Marketing and Mng’t

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Faculty and Staff: Honors, Awards and Recognition

Dr. Keith Beck: Named Alumni Distinguished Undergraduate Professor.

Drs. Keith Beck and David Hinks: Awarded J.W. Weaver Award: Best Paper Published in AATCC Review in 2012 - Beck, K. R., Hinks, D., Fraser, A. and Weisner, N (2011). “Liquid Chromatographic and Mass Spectrometric Analysis of Dyes for Forensic Purposes.” AATCCReview, 11 (6), 67-72.

Dr. Philip Bradford: Sigma Xi Faculty Research Award.

Dr. Ahmed El-Shafei: Editor of E-Journal of Chemistry, a special issue on Functional Dyes (The lead Editor), Open Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, Open Journal of Synthesis, Theory and Applications.

Dr. Marian McCord: Named one of 125 Transformational Women of NC State.

Dr. Melissa Pasquinelli: Selected as Caldwell Faculty Fellow, 2012 Odebrecht Award for Sustainable Development, 3rd place, TE 589 students: Nicole Santos, Monica Golike, Richard Figueroa, “Recyclability of Oil Contaminated Cardboard”.

Dr. Renzo Shamey: Honorary Professor of Coloration and Color Science certificate from Tianjin Polytechnic University.

Dr. Alan Tonelli: Recipient of Marcus E. Hobbs Service Award.

Dr. Xiangwu Zhang: Named to Inaugural Class of University Faculty Scholars, Outstanding Teacher Award for the College of Textiles, Academy of Outstanding Teachers, Alumni Outstanding Research Award, President- Elect of NC State Chapter of Sigma Xi , Chair, Program Committee, NC State Chapter of Xi.

Students: Honors, Measures of Quality and Student Activities

Jing Liang (King) awarded 1st place in the 2013 AATCC Materials Research Poster Competition in the Medical /

Biomedical / Protective Materials and Devices category, “A Double Layer Braided Nerve Conduit for Peripheral Nerve Regeneration,” $1000.

Jing Liang (King) awarded 2nd place, Biological Sciences Section, 8th Annual NC State Graduate Student Research Symposium, "Micro-braided Double Layer Nerve Conduits for Peripheral Nerve Regeneration", March 19, 2013.

Brian Iezzi (TE) and Eric Rizzo (PCC) named NCSU Stewards through the Sustainability Office.

Caroline Ellington awarded Collier Scholarship (for entering graduate students who are varsity undergraduate athletes), Fall 2013.

Meghan Wilt (Willoughby) awarded national Astronaut Scholarship Foundation Award.

Richard Schaefer (Beck, Hinks, Szymczyk) awarded Best Poster Award at NC State 22nd Annual Undergraduate Research Spring Symposium, "A Forensic Analysis of Fiber-Reactive Dyed Cellulose by Enzymatic Digestion, Liquid Chromatography, and Mass Spectrometry."

Abhay S. Joijode (Tonelli) awarded one of only two ACS POLY Graduate Travel $500 Award for Indianapolis Fall 2013 ACS National Meeting by the Industrial Advisory Board of the American Chemical Society's (ACS) Division of Polymer Chemistry.

Isaac P. Kichak (with Abhay S. Joijode, Alan E Tonelli, Jan Genzer) awarded 1st place, Undergraduate Student Category, SERMACS 2012, "Formation and characterization of an inclusion complex (IC)between Poly (2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) (PHEMA) and GammaCyclodextrin (γCD)".

Nasim Farahbakhsh (Jur) awarded 3rd place, Graduate Student Category, SERMACS 2012, "Incorporation of graphene nanoplatelets to PDMS".

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Miles Ndukwe (Tonelli) for "Probing the Bases of Polymer Glass Transitions:" awarded 3rd place, High School Student Category, SERMACS 2012, Project SEED Student; awarded 3rd place, 2013 North Carolina Science and Engineering Fair Regional (Region 3) Competition, High School Chemistry Division; awarded 1st place, 2013 North Carolina Student Academy of Science District 3A Competition

Catherine Ambrose (Noelle Ocon, Richard Padbury, Nasim Farahbakhsh, Jesse S Jur) awarded 1st place, High School Student Category, SERMACS 2012, Enloe High School, "Handheld Raman Spectroscopy Analysis of Art Pigments".

Meghan Wilt (with Maryam Mazloumpour, Orlando Rojas, Julie Willoughby) awarded 3rd place, Undergraduate Student Category, SERMACS 2012, "Lignin as a material platform for bio-derived macromolecules and fibers", also awarded 1st place SERMACS Undergraduate Research Presentations.

Nicole Santos, Richard Figueroa, Monica Golike (Pasquinelli) (TE 589 students) awarded 3rd place in the 2012 Odebrecht Award for Sustainable Development on October 16, 2012 for "Recyclability of Oil Contaminated Cardboard." Read more.

Cameron Carter, Grace Ridge, Justin Myers & Brittany Knox (King and Suh) awarded 1st place at AATCC 7th Materials Research Poster Competition in the Medical / Biomedical / Protective Materials and Devices category, Anterior Cruciate Ligament Regenerative Device, June 2012.

Courtney Milliner, Joshua Cole, Elizabeth Brannon & Hannah Mangum (Banks-Lee and Suh) awarded 1st place at AATCC 7th Materials Research Poster Competition in the Industrial / Technical / Sports Materials category, Noise / Sound Reduction Boards for Student Housing, June 2012.

Recommendations and Concerns

TECS faculty are among the most productive researchers at NC State and have higher teaching loads than their peers. We need to invest in our faculty, by giving them more time to write proposals and carry out research. This includes providing MS TAs to relieve the most productive faculty of a portion of their teaching commitment, providing one year of funding at nationally competitive stipends for recruitment of the highest quality US and international PhD candidates.

The TECS faculty comprise a large group in the age range where retirement is approaching. We have a few key areas that must not face a gap in leadership and therefore we need to invest in highly productive faculty in specific high-growth areas. Additionally, TECS faculty salaries are very low relative to our peer groups across the NC State campus (Colleges of Engineering and Sciences). Investing in our faculty includes keeping our best through proactive retention efforts.

TECS continues to modernize its curricula that has grown undergraduate enrollment while maintaining very high placement rates and starting salaries for the graduates. TECS has grown graduate enrollment despite a large budget giveback that severely reduced our ability to recruit by offering graduate stipends. TECS has grown research funding with assistance from the university in renovating aging facilities and with the contributions of an outstanding faculty. With sufficient college and university support, the TECS faculty can continue to grow research funding while maintaining the excellent environment for teaching and learning.

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Appendix A Publications and Presentations

Refereed Publications: 93 (111 less 18 with TECS co-authors)

N.D. Yilmaz, N. B. Powell, P. Banks-Lee, S. Michielsen, Multi-fiber needle-punched composites: Effects of heat

treatment on sound absorption performance, Journal of Industrial Textiles, 5 July 2012

Hummel, A., Barker, R.L., and Lyons, K., “Skin Burn Translation Model for Evaluating Hand Protection in Flash

Fire Exposures,” Fire Technology, DOI: 10.1007/s10694-013-0036-7, 2013

Ross, K., Barker, R., and Deaton, A.S., “Translation between Heat Loss Measured Using Guarded Sweating Hot

Plate, Sweating Manikin, and Physiologically Assessed Heat Stress of Firefighter Turnout Ensembles,”

Performance of Protective Clothing and Equipment: Emerging Issues and Technologies, pp. 27-47, DOI:

10.1520/STP 104501, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, 2012.

Hummel, A., Barker, R., Lyons, K., Deaton, S., and Morton-Aslanis, J., “Developing a Thermal Sensor for Use in

the Fingers of the PyroHands Fire Test System,” Performance of Protective Clothing and Equipment: Emerging

Issues and Technologies, pp. 176-187, DOI: 10.1520/STP 104207, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA,


Deuser, L., Barker, R., Deaton, A.S., and Shepherd, A., “Interlaboratory Study of ASTM F2731, Standard Test

Method for Measuring the Transmitted and Stored Energy of Firefighter Protective Clothing Systems,”

Performance of Protective Clothing and Equipment: Emerging Issues and Technologies, pp. 188-201, DOI:

10.1520/STP 104211, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, 2012.

Ross, K., Barker, R., Watkins, J., and Deaton, A.S., “Methods for Measuring the Grip Performance of Structural

Firefighting Gloves,” Performance of Protective Clothing and Equipment: Emerging Issues and Technologies, pp.

371-391, DOI: 10.1520/STP 104482, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, 2012.

Zhou, C., Li, M., Garcia, R., Crawford, A., Beck, K.R., Hinks, D., and Griffis, D. P., Time-of-Flight-Secondary Ion

Mass Spectrometry Method Development for High-Sensitivity Analysis of Acid Dyes in Nylon Fibers, Analytical

Chemistry, (2012), 84(22), 1008, 10085-10090.

V. Carvelli, J. Pazmino, S. V. Lomov, A. E. Bogdanovich, D. D. Mungalov and I. Verpoest, “Quasi-static and Fatigue

Tensile Behavior of a 3D Rotary Braided Carbon/Epoxy Composite,” Journal of Composite Materials, 2012, DOI:

10.1177/0021998312463407, pp. 1-15.

A. E. Bogdanovich, M. Karahan, S. V. Lomov, I. Verpoest, “Quasi-Static Tensile Behavior and Damage of

Carbon/Epoxy Composite Reinforced with 3D Non-Crimp Orthogonal Woven Fabric,” Mechanics of Materials,

2013, Vol. 62, pp. 14-31.

K. Sharp, A. Bogdanovich, R. Boyle, J. Brown, D. Mungalov, “Wind Blade Joints Based on Non-crimp 3D

orthogonal Woven Pi Shaped Preforms,” Composites: Part A, 2013, Vol. 49, pp. 9-17.

Wang, X., Yong, Z., Li, Q., Bradford, P., Liu, W., Tucker, D., Cai, W., Wang, H., Yuan, F. and Zhu Y., Ultrastrong,

Stiff and Multifunctional Carbon Nanotube Composites (2013). Materials Research Letters, 1(1):19-25.

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Ahmed El-Shafei, Maqbool Hussain, Ashraful Islam and Liyuan Han (2013). Structure-property Relationship of

Hetero-aromatic-electron-donor Antennas of Polypyridyl Ru (II) Complexes for High Efficiency Dye-sensitized

Solar Cells (DSSCs). Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications, DOI: 10.1002/pip.2349.

Amsarani Ramamoorthy, Ahmed El-Shafei and Peter Hauser (2013). Plasma Induced Graft Polymerization of C6

Fluorocarbons on Cotton Fabrics for Sustainable Finishing Applications. Plasma processes and Polymers,


Maryam Mazloumpour, Priya Malshe, Ahmed El-Shafei and Peter Hauser (2013). Conferring Durable

Antimicrobial Properties on Nonwoven Polypropylene via Plasma-assisted Graft Polymerization of DADMAC.

Surface and Coatings Technology, 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2013.02.022.

Md. Akhtaruzzaman, Menggenbateerc, Ashraful Islam , Ahmed El-Shafei , Naoki Asao, Tienan Jin, Liyuan Han,

Khalid A. Alamry, Samia A. Kosa, Abdullah Mohamed Asiri and Yoshinori Yamamoto (2013). Structure-property

relationship of different electron donors: novel organic sensitizers based on fused dithienothiophene π -

conjugated linker for high efficiency dye-sensitized solar cells. Tetrahedron,


Maqbool Hussain, Ahmed El-Shafei, Ashraful Islam, Liyuan Han (2013). Structure-property relationship of

extended p-conjugation of ancillary ligands with and without electron donor of heteroleptic Ru (II) bipyridyl

complexes for high efficiency dye-sensitized solar cells. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,


Priya Malshe, Maryam Mazloumpour, Ahmed El-Shafei, Peter Hauser (2013). Multi-Functional Military Textile:

Plasma-Induced Graft Polymerization of a C6 fluorocarbon for Repellent Treatment on Nylon-Cotton Blend

Fabric. Surface and Coatings Technology, 2013, 217, 112.

Ahmed A. Fadda, Rasha E. El-Mekawy, Ahmed El-Shafei, Harold S. Freeman, David Hinks, and Manal El-Fedawy,

“Design, Synthesis, and Pharmacological Screening of Novel Porphyrin Derivatives,” Journal of Chemistry, vol.

2013, Article ID 340230, 11 pages, 2013. Doi:10.1155/2013/340230

Ahmed A. Fadda, Rasha E. El-Mekawy, Ahmed I. El-Shafei, and Harold Freeman (2012). Synthesis and

Pharmacological Screening of Novel meso-Substituted Porphyrin Analogs. Archiv der Pharmazie, Accepted, DOI:


Fan Yang , Akhtar Uzzaman , Ashraful Islam , Tienan Jin , Ahmed Mohamed El-Shafei , Liyuan Han and Yoshinori

Yamamoto (2012). Structure-Property Relationship of Naphthalene Based Donor-π -Acceptor Organic Dyes for

Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells: Remarkable Improvement of Open-Circuit Photovoltage. Journal of Materials

Chemistry (22), 22550-22557.

Ahmed El-Shafei, Maqbool Hussain, Aasim Atiq, Ashraful Islam and Liyuan Han (2012). A novel carbazole-based

dye outperformed the benchmark dye N719 for high efficiency dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs). Journal of

Materials Chemistry (22), 24048-24056.

Hammad Cheema, Ahmed El-Shafei, Peter Hauser (2012). Conferring flame retardancy on cotton using novel

halogen-free flame retardant bifunctional monomers: synthesis, characterizations and applications.

Carbohydrate Polymers, 92 (1), 885-893.

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Mohamad Widodo, Ahmed El-Shafei and Peter J. Hauser (2012). Surface Nanostructuring of Kevlar Fibers by

Atmospheric Pressure Plasma-Induced Graft Polymerization for Multifunctional Protective Clothing. Journal of

Polymer Science: Polymer Physics, 50 (16), 1165-1172.

Brian Edwards, Ahmed El-Shafei, Peter Hauser (2012). Towards flame retardant cotton fabrics by atmospheric

pressure plasma-induced graft polymerization: synthesis and application of novel phosphoramidate monomers.

Surface and Coatings Technology (209), 73-79.

Ahmed A. Fadda, Rasha E. El-Mekawy, Ahmed I. El-Shafei, and Harold Freeman (2012). Synthesis and

Pharmacological Screening of Novel meso-Substituted Porphyrin Analogs. Archiv der Pharmazie, Accepted, DOI:


Harold S. Freeman, “Aromatic amines: use in azo dye chemistry,” in Arylamine Induced Carcinogenesis, Frontiers

in Bioscience, 18, 145-164, 2013.

Bo Hyung Kim and Harold S. Freeman, “Structure-Photovoltaic Performance Relationships for DSSC Sensitizers

Having Heterocyclic and Benzene Spacers,” J. Mater. Chem, 22(38) 20403-20409 (2012).

Bo Hyung Kim and Harold S. Freeman, “New N-Methyl pyrrole and thiophene based D-π-A Systems for Dye-

Sensitized Solar Cells,” Dyes and Pigments, 96, 313-318 (2013).

Alexandra B. Ormond and Harold S. Freeman, “Effects of Substituents on the Photophysical Properties of

Symmetrical Porphyrins,” Dyes and Pigments, 96(2), 440-448 (2013).

Bo Hyung Kim and Harold S. Freeman, Effects of Bis-carbazole based D-p-A Sensitizers on Solar Energy Capture

in DSSCs, Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 2013, 12 (3), 421-431.

Francine I. Vacchi, Anjaina F. Albuquerque, Josiane A. Vendemiatti, Daniel A. Morales, Alexandra B. Ormond,

Harold S. Freeman, Guilherme J. Zocolo, Maria V.B. Zanoni, Gisela Umbuzeiro, “Chlorine disinfection of dye

wastewater: Implications for a commercial azo dye mixture,” Science of the Total Environment, 442, 302–309


Ahmed A. Fadda, Rasha E. El-Mekawy, Ahmed El-Shafei, Harold S. Freeman, David Hinks, and Manal El-Fedawy,

“Design, Synthesis, and Pharmacological Screening of Novel Porphyrin Derivatives,” Journal of Chemistry, vol.

2013, Article ID 340230, 11 pages, 2013. Doi:10.1155/2013/340230

Alexandra B. Ormond and Harold S. Freeman, “Dye Sensitizers for Photodynamic Therapy,” Materials, 6, 817-

840 (2013).

Chakraborti, P., Toprakci, H.A.K. , Yang, P., Di Spigna, N., Franzon, P., Ghosh, T., “A Compact Dielectric

Elastomer Tubular Actuator for Refreshable Braille Displays,” Sensors and Actuators: A Physical (2012),


Vargantwar, P. H., Ozcam, A. E., Ghosh, T. K. and Spontak, R. J., “Prestrain-Free Dielectric Elastomers Based on

Acrylic Thermoplastic Elastomer Gels: A Morphological and (Electro)Mechanical Property Study,” Adv. Funct.

Mater., 2012, DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201101985

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N. Thoppey Muthuraman, R. E. Gorga, J. R. Bochinski, and L. I. Clarke, “Effect of solution parameters on

spontaneous jet formation and throughput in edge electrospinning from a fluid-filled bowl,” Macromolecules, 45

(16), 6527–6537 (2012)

Mohamad Widodo, Ahmed El-Shafei and Peter J. Hauser (2012). Surface Nanostructuring of Kevlar Fibers by

Atmospheric Pressure Plasma-Induced Graft Polymerization for Multifunctional Protective Clothing. Journal of

Polymer Science: Polymer Physics, 50 (16), 1165-1172.

Amsarani Ramamoorthy, Ahmed El-Shafei and Peter Hauser (2013). Plasma Induced Graft Polymerization of C6

Fluorocarbons on Cotton Fabrics for Sustainable Finishing Applications. Plasma processes and Polymers,


Maryam Mazloumpour, Priya Malshe, Ahmed El-Shafei and Peter Hauser (2013). Conferring Durable

Antimicrobial Properties on Nonwoven Polypropylene via Plasma-assisted Graft Polymerization of DADMAC.

Surface and Coatings Technology, 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2013.02.022.

Mashaly, H.M. and P.J. Hauser, “Cold Pad Batch Cationization and Dyeing of Linen Fabric with Some Reactive

Dyes,” Research Journal of Textile and Apparel, 16(3), 111-118 (2012).

Cheema, H., A. El-Shafei, and P. Hauser, “Conferring Flame Retardancy on Cotton Using Novel Halogen-free

Flame Retardant Bifunctional Monomers,” Carbohydrate Polymers, 92, 885-893 (2013).

Edwards, B., A. El-Shafei, and P.J. Hauser, “Towards flame retardant cotton fabrics by atmospheric pressure

plasma-induced graft polymerization: synthesis and application of novel phosphoramidate monomers,” Surface

and Coatings Technology, DOI: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2012.08.031.

Malshe, P., M. Mazloumpour, A. El-Shafei, and P.J. Hauser, “Multi-Functional Military Textile: Plasma-Induced

Graft Polymerization of a C6 fluorocarbon for Repellent Treatment on Nylon-Cotton Blend Fabric,” Surface and

Coatings Technology, 217 (20), 112-118, 2013.

Kristin H. Cochran; Jeremy A. Barry; David C. Muddiman; David Hinks, “Direct analysis of textile fabrics and dyes

using infrared matrix-assisted laser desorption electrospray ionization mass spectrometry,”

Analytical Chemistry. 2013; 85 (2):831-836.

Ahmed A. Fadda, Rasha E. El-Mekawy, Ahmed El-Shafei, Harold S. Freeman, David Hinks, and Manal El-Fedawy,

“Design, Synthesis, and Pharmacological Screening of Novel Porphyrin Derivatives,” Journal of Chemistry, vol.

2013, Article ID 340230, 11 pages, 2013. Doi:10.1155/2013/340230

Clonts Haslup J R, Shamey R*, Hinks D, (2012) The Effect of Hue on the Perception of Blackness Using Munsell

Samples, Color Research Application, DOI: 10.1002/col.21744.

Min Li and David Hinks, One Bath Desizing, Scouring and Activated Bleaching: An Environmentally Benign

Approach to Cotton Preparation, AATCC Review, 12(5), 2012, 46-51.

Juan Lin, Renzo Shamey, David Hinks, Factors Affecting the Whiteness of Optically Brightened Material, J.

Optical Society of America, 29 (11), pp. 2289-2299, Nov. 2012.

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Chuanzhen Zhou, Min Li, Roberto Garcia, Anne Crawford, Keith Beck, David Hinks, and Dieter P. Griffis, Time-of-

Flight-Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry Method Development for High-Sensitivity Analysis of Acid Dyes in

Nylon Fibers, Analytical Chemistry, 84 (22) pp 10085–10090, Oct. 31, 2012.

Nawalakhe RG, Hudson SM, Seyam AFM, Waly AI, Abou-zeid NY and Ibrahim HM. Development of Electrospun

Iminochitosan for Improved Wound Healing Application. JOURNAL OF ENGINEERED FIBERS AND FABRICS,

Volume: 7, Issue: 2, Pages: 47-55, Published: 2012.

Abdelgawad AM, Hudson SM and Rojas OJ. Antimicrobial wound dressing nanofiber mats from multicomponent

(chitosan/silver-NPs/polyvinyl alcohol) systems. Carbohydrate Polymers: Online publication complete: 15-FEB-

2013, DOI information: 10.1016/j.carbpol.2012.12.043

Shankar A, Seyam AF and Hudson SM. Electrospinning of soy protein fibers and their compatibility with

synthethetic polymers. JTATM, Vol. 8, Number 1, pp1-14, Spring 2013.

S. Gangadharn, A.V. Kuznetsov, H. Zhu, J. Hinestroza, W. J. Jasper, "Modeling of Cross Flow Across an

Electrostatically Charged Monolith Filter," Particulate Science and Technology, Vol 30, Issue 5, pp 561-473. June


M. Wu, W. J. Jasper, A.V. Kuznetsov, N. Johnson, S.C. Rasipuram, "Submicron particle filtration in monolith

filters- A modeling and experimental study," Journal of Aerosol Science, Vol 57, 2013, pp 96-113.

Halil I. Akyildiz, Richard P. Padbury, Gregory N. Parsons, and Jesse S. Jur, “Temperature and Exposure

Dependence of Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Layer Formation by Sequential Vapor Infiltration into Polymer Fibers,”

Langmuir, 28 (44), 15697-704 (2012).

Do Han Kim, Hyung-Jun Koo, Jesse S. Jur, Mariah Woodroof, Berç Kalanyan, Kyoungmi Lee, Christina K. Devine,

and Gregory N. Parsons, “Stable Anatase TiO2 Coating on Quartz Fibers by Atomic Layer Deposition for

Photoactive Light-scattering in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells,” Nanoscale, 4, 4731-4738 (2012).

Jesse S. Jur and Gregory N. Parsons, "Nanoscale ceramic surface modification of textiles by atomic layer

deposition," American Ceramic Society Bulletin, 91(6), 24-28 (2012).

Moataz Bellah M. Mousa, Christopher J. Oldham, Jesse S. Jur and Gregory N. Parsons, “Effect of Temperature

and Gas Velocity on Growth per Cycle during Al2O3 and ZnO ALD at Atmospheric Pressure,” Journal of Vacuum

Science and Technology, A 30 (1) 01A155 (2012).

H. Avci, R. Kotek and J. Yoon, Developing an Ecologically Friendly Isothermal Bath to Obtain a New Class High-

Tenacity and High-Modulus Polypropylene Fibers, Journal of Material Science, XXXX, 2013, DOI 10.1007/s10853-


Nawalakhe, R., Vitchuli, N., Shi, Q., Noar, J., Caldwell, J.M., Breidt, F., Bourham, M.A., Zhang, X., and McCord,

M.G.*, “Novel Atmospheric Plasma Enhanced Chitosan Nanofiber Composite Wound Dressings,” J. Appl. Polym.

Sci., 129: 916–923, 2013 (doi: 10.1002/app.38804).

Nawalakhe, R., Vitchuli, N., Shi, Q., Bourham, M.A., Zhang, X., and McCord, M.G.*, “Novel Atmospheric Plasma

Enhanced Silk Fibroin Nanofiber/Gauze Composite Wound Dressings,” Journal of Fiber Bioengineering and

Informatics, 5(3):227-242, 2012.

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Shi, Q., Vitchuli, N., Nowak, J.M., Jiang, Shan, Caldwell, J.M., Breidt, F., Bourham, M.A., Zhang, X., and McCord,

M.G.*, “Multi-functional and durable nanofiber-fabric layered composite for protective application,” J. Appl.

Polym. Sci., 128: 1219–1226, 2013. (doi: 10.1002/app.38465)

Vitchuli, N., Shi, Q., Nowak, J.M., Nawalakhe, R., Sieber, M.D., Bourham, M.A., Zhang, X., and McCord, M.G.*,

“Atmospheric Plasma Application to Improve Adhesion of Electrospun Nanofibers onto Protective Fabric,” in

press, Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 27(8), 924-938, 2013.

Turner, W.S., Wang, X., Johnson, S., Medberry, C., Mendez, J., Badylak, S.F., McCord, M.G., and McCloskey, K.E.,

“Cardiac Tissue Development for Delivery of Embryonic Stem Cell-Derived Endothelial and Cardiac Cells in

Natural Matrices,” J Biomed Mater Res Part B, 100B:2060–2072, 2012

Yilmaz, N.D., Powell, N.B., Banks-Lee, P., Michielsen, S., Hemp-fiber Based Nonwoven Composites: Effects of

Alkalization on Sound Absorption Performance, Fibers and Polymers, (2012) 13: 915-922.

Akyildiz, H. I., Michielsen, S., Improving Water Solubility of Poly(acrylic Acid-co-Styrene) Copolymers by Adding

Styrene Sulfonic Acid as a Termonomer, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, (2013) DOI: 10:1002/APP.38933.

Allen, R., Parish E., Cassill N.L., Oxenham W., “Assessing the validity of a niche strategy model in predicting the

potential and success of niche markets and products,” Journal of The Textile Institute, 103 (8), 2012, pp 900-

911, http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00405000.2011.627156

Erdumlu N., Ozipek B., Oxenham W., “Vortex Spinning Technology,” Textile Progress, Vol. 44, No. 3-4, pp. 141-

174, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00405167.2012.739345

Suh M., Carroll K.E., Grant E., Oxenham W., “Effect of fabric substrate and coating material on the quality of

conductive printing,” Journal of The Textile Institute, 104 (2), 2013, pp 213-222


Lu L., Seyam A.M., Oxenham W., “Frictional Electrification on Polymeric Flat Surfaces,” Journal of Engineered

Fibers and Fabrics, Volume 8, Issue 1, 2013, pp 126 – 136 http://www.jeffjournal.org/papers/Volume8/JEFF8-01-


Sara Honarbakhsh, Richard H. Guenther, Julie A. Willoughby, Steven A. Lommel, and Behnam Pourdeyhimi,

Polymeric Systems Incorporating Plant Viral Nanoparticles for Tailored Release of Therapeutics, Adv. Healthcare

Mater., 2012, 10.1002/adhm.201200434

M. Dasdamir, B. Maze, and B. Pourdeyhimi, “Influence of Polymer Type, Composition and Interface on the

Structural and Mechanical Properties of Core/Sheath Type Bicomponent Nonwoven Fibers,” Journal of Materials

Science, In Press.

M. Mohiti Asli, B. Pourdeyhimi, and E. G. Loboa, “Release Profiles of Tricalcium Phosphate Nanoparticles from

Poly(L-lactic acid) Electrospun Scaffolds with Single Component, Core-Sheath, or Porous Fiber Morphologies:

Effects on hASC Viability and Osteogenic Differentiation,” Macromol. Biosci. 12, 893-900, (2012).

M. A. Hassan a, B. Y. Yeom, A. Wilkie, B. Pourdeyhimi, and S. A. Khan, “Fabrication of nanofiber meltblown

membranes and their filtration properties,” Journal of Membrane Science, 427, 336-344, (2013)

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A. Kilic, E. Shim, B. Yeom, and B. Pourdeyhimi, Improving electret properties of PP filaments with barium

titanate, Journal of Electrostatics, 71 (2013) 41-47

L. B. Suragani Venu, E. Shim, N. Anantharamaiah, and B. Pourdeyhimi, Three-Dimensional Structural

Characterization of Nonwoven Fabrics, Microsc. Microanal. Page 1 of 12 doi:10.1017/S143192761201375X

S. Sinha-Ray, S. Khansari, A. L. Yarin, and B. Pourdeyhimi, “Effect of Chemical and Physical Cross-Linking on

Tensile Characteristics of Solution-Blown Soy Protein Nanofiber Mats,” dx.doi.org/10.1021/ie302359x | Ind. Eng.

Chem. Res. 2012, 51, 15109_15121

F. Farukh, E. Demirci, M. Acar, B. Pourdeyhimi, and V. V. Silberschmidt, “Meso-scale deformation and damage in

thermally bonded nonwovens,” J. Mater Science, 48:2334-2345, (2013).

Clonts Haslup J R, Shamey R*, Hinks D, (2012) The Effect of Hue on the Perception of Blackness Using Munsell

Samples, Color Research Application, DOI: 10.1002/col.21744.

Lin J, Shamey R*, Hinks D, Factors Affecting the Whiteness of Optically Brightened Material, J. Optical Society of

America A (2012), Vol. 29, No. 11 / November 2012 / J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 2289-2299.

Shah M RB, Christie R M, Shamey R, (2012) Direct coloration of textiles with photochromic dyes. Part 3: Dyeing

of wool with photochromic acid dyes, Color. Technol, In Production, DOI: 1478-4408.2012.00406.x

L. A. W. Abdou, M. M. El-Molla, O. A. Hakeim, M. S. El-Gammal, and Renzo Shamey, Synthesis of Nanoscale

Binders through Mini Emulsion Polymerization for Textile Pigment Applications, Industrial and Chemistry

Engineering Research, 2013, 52, 2195-2200.

Shamey R*, Lin J, Sawatwarakul W, Fang G, Evaluation of Performance of Several Color-Difference Formulae

Using a New NCSU Black Experimental Dataset, Color Imaging Conference CIC20, (2012) 185-190.

Shamey R*, Cao R, Zaidy SSH, Lin J, Lee SG., How do Major Color-Difference Formulae Perform in the High

Chroma Blue Region?, Color Imaging Conference CIC20 Proceedings, (2012) 242-247.

Shamey R, Coloration: Textiles, The Encyclopaedia of Color Science and Technology, (2013), Springer

Restructuring polymers via nanoconfinement and subsequent release, A. E. Tonelli, BEILSTEIN JOURNAL OF

ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 8, 1318-32, 2012.

Polymers coalesced from their cyclodextrin inclusion complexes: What can they tell us about the morphology of

melt-crystallized polymers?, A. Gurarslan, A. S. Joijode, A. E. Tonelli, J. Polym. Sci., PART B-Polym. Phys., 50, 813-

23, 2012.

Behavior of Poly(epsilon-caprolactone)s (PCLs) Coalesced from Their Stoichio-metric Urea Inclusion Compounds

and Their Use as Nucleants for Crystallizing PCL Melts: Dependence on PCL Molecular Weights, A. Gurarslan, J.

Shen, A. E. Tonelli, Macromolecules, 45, 2835-40, 2012.

Characterizing Polymer Macrostructures by Identifying and Locating Micro-structures Along Their Chains with

the Kerr Effect, S. N. Hardrict, R. Gurarslan, C. J. Galvin, H. Gracz, D. Roy, B. S. Sumerlin, J. Genzer, A. E. Tonelli, J.

Polym. Sci.,PART B-Polym. Phys., 51, 735-41, 2013.

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Improving Poly(ethylene terephthalate) Through Self-nucleation, A. S. Joijode, K.-D. Hawkins, A. E. Tonelli,

Macromol. Mater. Eng., DOI: 10.1002/mame.201200398, 2013.

Glass-Transition Temperatures of Nano-Structured Amorphous Bulk Polymers and their Blends, A. S. Joijode, G.

J. Antony, A. E. Tonelli, Macromolecules, 46, xxxx, 2013.

Sara Honarbakhsh, Richard H. Guenther, Julie A. Willoughby, Steven A. Lommel, and Behnam Pourdeyhimi,

Polymeric Systems Incorporating Plant Viral Nanoparticles for Tailored Release of Therapeutics, Adv. Healthcare

Mater., 2012, 10.1002/adhm.201200434

Nawalakhe, R., Vitchuli, N., Shi, Q., Noar, J., Caldwell, J.M., Breidt, F., Bourham, M.A., Zhang, X., and McCord,

M.G.*, “Novel Atmospheric Plasma Enhanced Chitosan Nanofiber Composite Wound Dressings,” J. Appl. Polym.

Sci., 129: 916–923, 2013 (doi: 10.1002/app.38804).

Yinzheng Liang, Sichen Cheng, Jianmeng Zhao, Changhuan Zhang, Shiyuan Sun, Nanting Zhou, Yiping Qiu, and

Xiangwu Zhang, “Heat Treatment of Electrospun Polyvinylidene Fluoride Fibrous Membrane Separators for

Rechargeable Lithium-Ion Batteries,” Journal of Power Sources, 240, 204-211, 2013.

Ying Li, Guanjie Xu, Yingfang Yao, Leigang Xue, Shu Zhang, Yao Lu, Ozan Toprakci, and Xiangwu Zhang,

“Improvement of Cyclability of Silicon-Containing Carbon Nanofiber Anodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries by

Employing Succinic Anhydride as an Electrolyte Additive,” Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 17, 1393-1399,


Leigang Xue, Guanjie Xu, Ying Li, Shuli Li, Kun Fu, Quan Shi, and Xiangwu Zhang, “Carbon-Coated Si Nanoparticles

Dispersed in Carbon Nanotube Networks as Anode Material for Lithium-Ion Batteries,” ACS Applied Materials &

Interfaces, 5, 21-25, 2013.

Hun Lee, Mataz Alcoutlabi, Jill V. Watson, and Xiangwu Zhang, “Polyvinylidene Fluoride-co-

Chlorotrifluoroethylene and Polyvinylidene Fluoride-co-Hexafluoropropylene Nanofiber-Coated Polypropylene

Microporous Battery Separator Membranes,” Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics, 51, 349-357,


Quan Shi, Narendiran Vitchuli, Joshua Nowak, Shan Jiang, Jane M. Caldwell, Frederick Breidt, Mohamed

Bourham, Xiangwu Zhang, and Marian McCord, “Multiffunctional and Durable Nanofiber-Fabric-Layered

Composite for Protective Application,” Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 128, 1219-1226, 2013.

Ying Li, Guanjie Xu, Leigang Xue, Shu Zhang, Yingfang Yao, Yao Lu, Ozan Topracki, and Xiangwu Zhang,

“Enhanced Rate Capability by Employing Carbon Nanotube-Loaded Electrospun Si/C Composite Nanofibers as

Binder-Free Anodes,” Journal of Electrochemical Society, 160, A528-A534, 2013.

Mataz Alcoutlabi, Hun Lee, Jill V. Watson, and Xiangwu Zhang, “Preparation and Properties of Nanofiber-Coated

Composite Membranes as Battery Separators via Electrospinning,” Journal of Materials Science, 48, 2690-2700,


Ying Li, Bingkun Guo, Liwen Ji, Zhan Lin, Guanjie Xu, Yinzheng Liang, Shu Zhang, Ozan Toprakci, Yi Hu, Mataz

Alcoutlabi, and Xiangwu Zhang, “Structure Control and Performance Improvement of Carbon Nanofibers

Containing a Dispersion of Silicon Nanoparticles for Energy Storage,” Carbon, 51, 185-194, 2013.

Page 23: Textile Engineering, Chemistry and Science€¦ · Textile Engineering, Chemistry and Science . Annual Report for 2012-2013 . Topic Page . Executive Summary 2 TECS Mission, Vision


Rupesh Nawalakhe, Quan Shi, Narendiran Vitchuli, Mohamed A. Bourham, Xiangwu Zhang, and Marian G.

McCord, “Novel Atmospheric Plasma Enhanced Silk Fibroin Nanofiber/Gauze Composite Wound Dressings,”

Journal of Fiber Bioengineering and Informatics, 5, 227-242, 2012.

Meng Gu, Ying Li, Xiaolin Li, Shenyang Hu, Xiangwu Zhang, Wu Xu, Suntharampillai Thevuthasan, Donald R. Baer,

Ji-Guang Zhang, Jun Liu, and Chongmin Wang, "In-situ TEM Study of Lithiation Behavior of Silicon Nanoparticles

Attached to and Embedded in a Carbon Matrix," ACS Nano, 6, 8439-8447, 2012.

Narendiran Vitchuli, Quan Shi, Joshua Nowak, Rupesh Nawalakhe, Michael Sieber, Mohamed Bourham, Xiangwu

Zhang, and Marian McCord, “Atmospheric Plasma Application to Improve Adhesion of Electrospun Nanofibers

onto Protective Fabric,” Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 27, 924-938, 2013.

Shu Zhang, Yao Lu, Guanjie Xu, Ying Li, and Xiangwu Zhang, “LiF/Fe/C Nanofibers as High-Capacity Cathode

Material for Li-Ion Batteries,” Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 45, 395301 (2012).

Ying Li, Zhan Lin, Guanjie Xu, Yingfang Yao, Shu Zhang, Ozan Toprakci, Mataz Alcoutlabi, and Xiangwu Zhang,

“Electrochemical Performance of Carbon Nanofibers Containing an Enhanced Dispersion of Silicon Nanoparticles

for Lithium-Ion Batteries by Employing Surfactants,” ECS Electrochemistry Letters, 1, A31-A33 (2012).

Shu Zhang, Ying Li, Guanjie Xu, Shuli Li, Yao Lu, Ozan Topracki, and Xiangwu Zhang, “Li2MnSiO4/Carbon

Composite Nanofibers as High-Capacity Cathode Materials for Li-Ion Batteries,” Soft Nanoscience Letters, 2, 54-

57 (2012).

Shu Zhang, Zhan Lin, Liwen Ji, Ying Li, Guanjie Xu, Leigang Xue, Shuli Li, Yao Lu, Ozan Topracki, and Xiangwu

Zhang, “Cr-Doped Li2MnSiO4/Carbon Composite Nanofibers as High-Energy Cathodes for Li-Ion Batteries,”

Journal of Materials Chemistry, 22, 14661-14666 (2012).

Liwen Ji, Ozan Toprakci, Mataz Alcoutlabi, Yingfang Yao, Ying Li, Shu Zhang, Bingkun Guo, Zhan Lin, and Xiangwu

Zhang, “α-Fe2O3 Nanoparticle-Loaded Carbon Nanofibers as Stable and High-Capacity Anodes for Rechargeable

Li-Ion Batteries,” ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 4, 2672-2679 (2012).

Ozan Toprakci, Hatice A.K. Toprakci, Liwen Ji, Zhan Lin, Renpeng Gu, and Xiangwu Zhang, “LiFePO4 Nanoparticles

Encapsulated in Graphene-Containing Carbon Nanofibers for Use as Energy Storage Materials,” Journal of

Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 4, 013121 (2012).

Shu Zhang, Ying Li, Guanjie Xu, Shuli Li, Yao Lu, Ozan Topracki, and Xiangwu Zhang, “High-Capacity

Li2Mn0.8Fe0.2SiO4/Carbon Composite Nanofiber Cathodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries,” Journal of Power Sources,

213, 10-15 (2012).

Page 24: Textile Engineering, Chemistry and Science€¦ · Textile Engineering, Chemistry and Science . Annual Report for 2012-2013 . Topic Page . Executive Summary 2 TECS Mission, Vision


Non Refereed Publications: 15

Barker, R.L., “Overview of Modern Methods for Evaluating Tactile Response to Textile Materials,” Proceedings of

Society of Plastics Engineers Conference, Houston, Texas, February 24-27, 2013

Barker, R.L., and Deaton, A.S., “Balancing Heat Stress and Thermal Protection in Wildland Firefighting PPE,” 5th

European Conference on Protective Clothing and NOKOBETEF, Valencia, Spain, May, 2012

Hauser, P.J., “Sustainable Cotton Dyeing,” Advanced Materials Research, 441, 1-4 (2012).

Hauser, P.J., “Dyes and Chemicals at ITMA 2011,” Textile World, May/June, 26-27 (2012).

Hauser, P.J., “Colorantes y Productos Químicos en ITMA 2011,” Textiles Panamericanos, 72(3), 16-17 (2012).

Hauser, P.J. and J.B. Rodie, “Quality Counts”, Textile World Asia, April/May/June, 18-20 (2012).

I.A. Kuznetsov, A.V. Saveliev, S. Rasipuram, A.V. Kuznetsov, A. Brown, W. Jasper, "Development of Active Porous

Medium Filters Based on Plasma Textiles," Porous Media and Its Applications in Science, Engineering and

Industry, Fourth International Conference, June 17-22, 2012, Postsdam, Germany, pp 265-270

I.A. Kuznetsov, W. Jasper, S.C. Rasipuram, A.V. Kuznetsov, A. Brown, A.V. Saveliev, "Development of Plasma

Textile for Nanoparticle Filtration and Bacterial Deactivation," ASME 2010 10th Internaltion Conference on

Nanochannels, Microchannels and Minichannels, July 8-12, 2012, Puerto Rico.

Bicking A.M., Oxenham W., “Variables and Methods for Aesthetic Braid Design,” JTATM, Vol 7, No. 4, (2012), pp

1 – 17, http://ojs.cnr.ncsu.edu/index.php/JTATM/article/view/1826/1803

Hamilton B.J, Oxenham W., Thoney K.A., “Textile Manufacturing: Global Cost Trends From A U.S. Perspective:

Trends In Fiber And Yarn Price,” Textile World (on-line Edition), Feb 19, 2013,



Hamilton B.J, Oxenham W., Thoney K.A., “Textile Manufacturing: Global Cost Trends From A U.S. Perspective:

Staple Spinning,” Textile World (on-line Edition), April 17, 2013,


Q Jiang, S Tallury, and M Pasquinelli,* “Carbon Nanotube and Polyimide Interactions: A Molecular Dynamics

Study,” Polymer Preprints, 53(2), 71 (2012).

S Tallury, R Spontak, and M Pasquinelli,* “Characteristics of Interfaces in ABA Triblock Copolymer/Homopolymer

Systems from Simulations and Theory,” Polymer Preprints, 53(2), 47 (2012).

Shamey R, Moving Ahead, J Textile Sci Eng, 2012, 2:6, http://dx.doi.org/10.4172/2165-8064.1000e110

"Surface Modifications on Kraft Lignin as a Material Platform for Bio-derived Macromolecules and Fibers,”

Maryam Mazloumpour, Meghan E. Wilt, Orlando Rojas and Julie A. Willoughby, Sungrant Conference

Proceedings, October 2012

Page 25: Textile Engineering, Chemistry and Science€¦ · Textile Engineering, Chemistry and Science . Annual Report for 2012-2013 . Topic Page . Executive Summary 2 TECS Mission, Vision


In-Press or Accepted Publications: 26 (32 less 6 with TECS co-authors)

Bradham, A., Thompson, D., Barker, R., Morton-Aslanis, J., and Deaton, A., ”A Method for Determining Off-

Gassing of Protective Fabrics Exposed to Simulated Flash Fire Conditions,” A.A.T.C.C. Journal (in press)

Fu, K., Xue, L., Yildiz, O., Li, S., Lee, H., Li, Y., Xu, G., Zhou, L., Bradford, P., Zhang, X., Effect of CVD Carbon

Coatings on Si@CNF Composite as Anode for Lithium-ion Batteries, (2013). Nano Energy,


Ramamoorthy,A., A. El-Shafei and P.J. Hauser, “Plasma Induced Graft Polymerization of C6 Fluorocarbons on

Cotton Fabrics for Sustainable Finishing Applications,” accepted for publication February 2013 in Plasma

Processes and Polymers.

Mazloumpour, M., P. Malshe, A. El-Shafei and P.J. Hauser, “Conferring Durable Antimicrobial Properties on

Nonwoven Polypropylene via Plasma-assisted Graft Polymerization of DADMAC,” accepted for publication

February 2013 in Surface and Coatings Technology.

Toprakci, H. A. K., Kalanadhabhatla,S. K., Spontak, R. J., Ghosh, T. K., "Polymer Nanocomposites Containing

Carbon Nanofibers as Soft Printable Sensors Exhibiting Strain-Reversible Piezoresistivity," In press, Adv. Func.

Mat., Article number adfm 201300034

Farrell, M.J. and P.J. Hauser, “Cationic Cotton, Reservations to Reality,” accepted December 2012 for publication

in AATCC Review.

Ramamoorthy,A., A. El-Shafei and P.J. Hauser, “Plasma Induced Graft Polymerization of C6 Fluorocarbons on

Cotton Fabrics for Sustainable Finishing Applications,” accepted for publication February 2013 in Plasma

Processes and Polymers.

Mazloumpour, M., P. Malshe, A. El-Shafei and P.J. Hauser, “Conferring Durable Antimicrobial Properties on

Nonwoven Polypropylene via Plasma-assisted Graft Polymerization of DADMAC,” accepted for publication

February 2013 in Surface and Coatings Technology.

Varan, N.Y, N.C. Gursoy, M.W. King, and P.J. Hauser, “Novel Elastomeric Fabrics for Burn Pressure Garments

Using Silver Antimicrobial Agents,” accepted for publication March 2013 in Tekstil ve Konfeksiyon.

Varan, N.Y, N.C. Gursoy, M.W. King, P.J. Hauser, G. Durer, and J. P. Rust, “The Effects of QAC Antimicrobials on

the Rehabilitation Performances of Burn Pressure Garments,” accepted March 2013 in Tekstil ve Muhendis.

Vargantwar, P., and P.J. Hauser, “Novel Treatment for Preparation and Characterization of Carboxymethyl

Cellulose,” accepted for publication April 2013 in AATCC Review.

S. Gangadharn, A.V. Kuznetsov, H. Ahu, J. Hinestroza, W. J. Jasper, "Modeling of Cross Flow Across an

Electrostatically Charged Monolith Filter," Particulate Science and Technology, Vol 30, Issue 5 pp 561-473. June


M. Wu, W. J. Jasper, A.V. Kuznetsov, N. Johnson, S.C. Rasipuram, "Submicron particle filtration in monolith

filters- A modeling and experimental study," Journal of Aerosol Science, Vol 57, 2013, pp 96-113.

Page 26: Textile Engineering, Chemistry and Science€¦ · Textile Engineering, Chemistry and Science . Annual Report for 2012-2013 . Topic Page . Executive Summary 2 TECS Mission, Vision


S.M. Jasper and W. J. Jasper, "Methods and Impact of Reducing Salt in Dyeing Cellulose: A Case Study with Direct

Blue 90," Coloration Techlonogy

Jonathan C. Halbur, Richard P. Padbury, and Jesse S. Jur, “Induced Wetting of Polytetrafluoroethylene by

Atomic-Layer Deposition for Application of Aqueous-based Nanoparticle Inks,” Materials Letters, in press


Yujie Sun, Richard P. Padbury, Halil I. Akyildiz, Matthew P. Goertz, Jeremy A. Palmer and Jesse S. Jur, “Influence

of Subsurface Hybrid Material Growth on the Mechanical Properties of Atomic Layer Deposited Thin Films on

Polymers,” Chemical Vapor Deposition, in press (2013).

William J. Sweet III, Jesse S. Jur, and Gregory N. Parsons, "Bi-layer Al2O3/ZnO atomic layer deposition for

controllable conductive coatings on polypropylene nonwoven fiber mats," Journal of Applied Physics, in press


Varan, N.Y, N.C. Gursoy, M.W. King, and P.J. Hauser, “Novel Elastomeric Fabrics for Burn Pressure Garments

Using Silver Antimicrobial Agents,” accepted for publication March 2013 in Tekstil ve Konfeksiyon.

Varan, N.Y, N.C. Gursoy, M.W. King, P.J. Hauser, G. Durer, and J. P. Rust, “The Effects of QAC Antimicrobials on

the Rehabilitation Performances of Burn Pressure Garments,” accepted March 2013 in Tekstil ve Muhendis.

H. Avci, R. Monticello and R. Kotek, Preparation of Antibacterial PVA and PEO Nanofibers Containing Lawsonia

Inermis (Henna) Leaf Extracts, Journal of Biomaterial Science, Polymer Edition. XXXX, 2013.

Yidan Zhu, Eugene Douglass, Tom Theyson, Robina Hogan and Richard Kotek, Cellulose and Soy Proteins Based

Membrane Networks, Macromolecular Symposia, XXXX, 2013

Brandi Keene, Mohamed Bourham, Vidya Viswanath and Richard Kotek, "Characterization of Degradation of

Polypropylene Nonwovens Irradiated by γ-Ray," Journal of Applied Polymer Science, XXXX, 2013

Hamilton B.J, Oxenham W., Thoney K.A., “Textile Manufacturing: Global Cost Trends From A U.S. Perspective:

Knitting,” Textile World (on-line Edition)

Hamilton B.J, Oxenham W., Thoney K.A., “Textile Manufacturing: Global Cost Trends From A U.S. Perspective:

Weaving,” Textile World (on-line Edition)

Varan, N.Y, N.C. Gursoy, M.W. King, P.J. Hauser, G. Durer, and J. P. Rust, “The Effects of QAC Antimicrobials on

the Rehabilitation Performances of Burn Pressure Garments,” accepted March 2013 in Tekstil ve Muhendis.

Biodegradable Single-Component Poly(ε-caprolactone) Composites, A. Gurarslan, J. Shen, A. E. Tonelli,

Macromolecules, 46, xxxx, 2013.

Surface Design, Fabrication, and Properties of Silicone Materials for use in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative

Medicine in Concise Encyclopedia of High Performance Silicones, Nisarg Tambe, Jing Cao, Kewei Xu and Julie A.

Willoughby, Wiley Publishers 2013

Kun Fu, Leigang Xue, Ozkan Yildiz, Shuli Li, Ying Li, Guanjie Xu, Lan Zhou, Philip D. Bradford, and Xiangwu Zhang,

“Effect of CVD Carbon Coatings on Si@CNF Composite as Anode for Lithium-ion Batteries,” Accepted by Nano


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Xin Xia, Shuli Li, Xin Wang, Junxiong Liu, Qufu Wei, and Xiangwu Zhang, “Structures and Properties of SnO2

Nanofibers Derived from Two Different Polymer Intermediates,” Accepted by Journal of Materials Science.

Ozan Toprakci, Hatice A.K. Toprakci, Liwen Ji, Leigang Xue, Hun Lee, Ying Li, Shu Zhang, and Xiangwu Zhang,

“Synthesis and Characterization of xLi2MnO3•(1-x)LiMn1/3Ni1/3Co1/3O2 Composite Cathode Materials for

Rechargeable Lithium-Ion Batteries,” accepted by Journal of Power Sources.

Shuli Li, Leigang Xue, Kun Fu, Xin Xia, Chengxin Zhao, and Xiangwu Zhang, High-performance Sn/Carbon

Composite Anodes Derived from Sn(II) Acetate/Polyacrylonitrile Precursors by Electrospinning Technology,

accepted by Current Organic Chemistry.

Hun Lee, Mataz Alcoutlabi, Jill V. Watson, and Xiangwu Zhang, Electrospun Nanofiber-Coated Separator

Membranes for Lithium-Ion Rechargeable Batteries, accepted by Journal of Applied Polymer Science.

Leigang Xue, Kun Fu, Ying Li, Guanjie Xu, Yao Lu, Shu Zhang, Ozan Toprakci, and Xiangwu Zhang, “Si/C Composite

Nanofibers with Stable Electric Conductive Network for Use as Durable Lithium-Ion Battery Anode,” accepted by

Nano Energy.

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Submitted for Publication: 37 (42 less 5 with TECS co-authors)

Barker, R., Bernard. A., Hinks,D., Liston,G., Jones, C., and Singleton, S., “ Factors Affecting Human Tactile

Response to Wash Treated Garments: Analysis of fabric and Garment Effects in Dynamic Wear,” submitted for

publication in AATCC Review.

Yildiz, O. and Bradford, P., Aligned Carbon Nanotube Sheet High Efficiency Particulate Air Filters, Submitted to

Carbon on 3/12/2013

Fu, K., Yildiz, O., Bhanushali, H., Wang, Y., Stano, K., Xue, L., Zhang, X and Bradford, P., Aligned Carbon

Nanotube-Silicon Sheets: A Novel Nano-architecture for Flexible Lithium Ion Battery Electrodes, Submitted to

Advanced Materials on 4/29/13.

Subramani, K. B., Cakmak, E., Spontak, R. J., and Ghosh, T. K., Extraordinary Electroactive Response of

Unidirectional Elastomeric Composites with High-Dielectric-Constant Fibers, Submitted for publication (March

20, 2013) in Adv. Mat.

Barker, R., Bernard. A., Hinks,D., Liston,G., Jones, C., and Singleton, S., “ Factors Affecting Human Tactile

Response to Wash Treated Garments: Analysis of fabric and Garment Effects in Dynamic Wear,” submitted for

publication in AATCC Review.

Lina Cardenas, Renzo Shamey, David Hinks and Rolf Keuhni, Comparing a perceptually linear and a conventional

geometric gray scale in supra-threshold small color difference evaluation, Submitted March 7, 2013.

Allen, R., Parrish, E., Oxenham, W., Hodge, G., (2013) How Can We Do Better? Improving Performance in Global

Textile and Apparel Supply Chains. Submitted to International Textile and Apparel Association conference

proceeding New Orleans.

Ina M, Hudson SM and Krause W. Review of the gelation of chitosan and its derivatives. Progress in Polymer

Science. April, 2013.

S.M. Jasper and W. J. Jasper, "Methods and Impact of Reducing Salt in Dyeing Cellulose: A Case Study with Direct

Blue 90," Coloration Techlonogy

Logistics of Carpet Recycling in the US: Designing the Collection Network, Iurii Sas, Jeff Joines, Kristin Thoney,

Russell King, Europena Journal of Operations Research, 5/1/2013

Logistics of Carpet Recycling in the US: Designing the Recycling Network, Iurii Sas, Jeff Joines, Kristin Thoney,

Russell King, Europena Journal of Operations Research, 5/1/2013

Richard P. Padbury and Jesse S. Jur, "Analysis of Trimethylaluminum Diffusion and Reaction in Polyamide-6 by

Quartz Crystal Microgravimetry: A Case Study for Atomic Layer Deposition on Polymers," Applied Physics Letters,

submitted (2013)

Jonathan C. Halbur, Peter J. Krommenhoek, Barry Hiney, Antaryami Mohanta, Gregory N. Parsons, Henry O.

Everitt, Joseph B. Tracy and Jesse S. Jur, "Inorganic-Embedded Nanoparticle Modification on Fabrics by Atomic

Layer Deposition: Absorbance Broadening and Photoluminescence Behavior," Nanoscale, submitted (2013)

Page 29: Textile Engineering, Chemistry and Science€¦ · Textile Engineering, Chemistry and Science . Annual Report for 2012-2013 . Topic Page . Executive Summary 2 TECS Mission, Vision


Gregory N. Parsons, Sarah Atanasov, Erinn Dandley, Christina K. Devine, Bo Gong, Jesse S. Jur, Kyoungmi Lee,

Christopher J. Oldham, Qing Peng, Joseph C. Spagnola, Philip S. Williams, "Mechanisms and Reactions during

Atomic Layer Deposition on Polymers" Coordination Chemistry Reviews, submitted (2013)

H. Avci, R. Monticello and R. Kotek, Characterization and Development of A New Method for Determination

Charge Density of 3-(trimethoxysilyl)-propyldimethyloctadecyl Ammonium Chloride Coatings on Polyester

Surfaces, AATCC, 1/12/2013

Eugene F Douglass, Richard Kotek, Cellulose and cellulose blend membranes – A review, 1/10/2013

Maria Ina, Wendy Krause and Samuel M. Hudson, “A Review of the Gelation of Chitosan and its Derivatives,"

Progress in Polymer Science (submitted 4/18/2013, ID # 13032-682).

Ashley L. Black Ramirez, Zachary S. Kean, Joshua A. Orlicki, Mangesh Champhekar, Sarah M. Elsakr, Wendy E.

Krause, Stephen L. Craig, “Mechanochemical Strengthening of a Synthetic Polymer in Response to Typically

Destructive Shear Forces,” Nature Chemistry (submitted 4/30/2013).

Junlong Song, Wendy E. Krause, and Orlando J. Rojas, “Adsorption of Polyalkyl Glycol Ethers and Triblock

Nonionic Polymers on Polyester,” Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research (submitted 4/19/2013, ID: ie-


Yongxin Wang, Stephen Michielsen, Hoon Joo Lee, "Asymmetric Capillary Bridges between a Rough Surface and

a Parallel Surface," Langmuir, submitted April, 2013.

Allen, R., Parrish, E., Oxenham, W., Hodge, G., (2013) How Can We Do Better? Improving Performance in Global

Textile and Apparel Supply Chains. Submitted to International Textile and Apparel Association conference

proceeding New Orleans.

Q Jiang, SS Tallury, Y Qiu, MA Pasquinelli, Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the Interfacial Interactions

between a Polyimide and Carbon Nanotubes in a Nanocomposite, Carbon, submitted on 9 April 2013

Q Jiang, SS Tallury, Y Qiu, MA Pasquinelli, Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the Effect of the Volume Fraction

on Unidirectional Polyimide-Carbon Nanotube Nanocomposites, Carbon, submitted on 21 April 2013

S Tallury, K Mineart, S Woloszczuk, R Thompson, M Pasquinelli, M Banaszak, R Spontak, Phase and

Conformational Evolution of Molecularly Asymmetric Triblock Copolymers, Physical Review Letters, submitted

on 27 April 2013

Shamey Renzo, Muhammad Zubair, Hammad Cheema, Effect of field view size on Unique-hue stimulus

selection using Natural Color System object color samples under different lighting conditions, JOSA A (2013)

Shamey Renzo, Review of Variability in Assessment of Unique Hues, JOSA A (2013)

Juan Lin, Renzo Shamey, The Role of Parametric Factors in Visual Assessment of Camouflage Substrates, CIC21


Yuzheng Lu, Juan Lin, Renzo Shamey, Influence of Texture on Perceived Whiteness of Objects, CIC21 (2013)

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Renzo Shamey, Weethima Sawatwarakul, Rolf Kuehni, Cognitive Comparison of Unique and Intermediate Hues,

Attention Perception and Psychophysics (2013)

Renbo Cao, H J Trussell, Renzo Shamey, Comparison of the Performance of Inverse Transformation Methods

from OSA-UCS to CIEXYZ, JOSA A (2013)

Renzo Shamey, Juan Lin, Weethima Sawatwarakul, Renbo Cao, Evaluation of Performance of Various Color-

Difference Formulae Using a New Experimental Black Dataset, Color Research and Application (2012)

Renzo Shamey*, Lina M. Cárdenas, David Hinks and Rolf G. Kuehni, Comparing a perceptually linear and a

conventional geometric gray scale in supra-threshold small color difference evaluation, JOSA A (2013)

Jamie L. Mankiewicz, John Godwin, Brittany L. Holler, Poem M. Turner, Ryan Murashige, Renzo Shamey, Harry V.

Daniels, and Russell J. Borski, Masculinizing effect of tank color and cortisol in a flatfish with environmental sex

determination, Integrative and Comparative Biology (2013)

Ahmed S.I, Mather R.R, Christie R.M, Morgan K.M. and Shamey R*, A Novel Approach to Dyeing Unmodified

Polypropylene Fibres, Coloration Technology, (2012).

Kun Fu, Ozkan Yildiz, Hardik Bhanushali, Yongxin Wang, Leigang Xue, Xiangwu Zhang, Philip D. Bradford,

“Aligned Carbon Nanotube-Silicon Sheets: A Novel Nano-Architecture for Flexible Lithium Ion Battery

Electrodes,” submitted to Advanced Materials.

Yao Lu, Ying Li, Kun Fu, Hun Lee, Guanjie Xu, and Xiangwu Zhang, “Production and Characterization of

Polyacrylonitrile Nanofibers through a Simple Centrifugal Spinning Method,” Submitted to Polymers for

Advanced Technologies.

Meltem Yanilmaz, Chen Chen, and Xiangwu Zhang, “Fabrication and characterization of SiO2/PVDF composite

nanofiber-coated PP nonwoven separators for lithium-ion batteries,” submitted to Electrochimica Acta.

Leigang Xue, Xin Xia, Telpriore Tucker, Shuli Li, Meltem Yanilmaz, Chen Chen, Xiangwu Zhang, “Accommodating

Volume Changes of SnSb Nanoparticles by Using Porous Carbon Nanofibers,” Submitted to Energy and

Environmental Science.

Shuli Li, Kun Fu, Leigang Xue, Chengxin Zhao, Xin Xia, Xiangwu Zhang, “Comparison of Si/C, Ge/C and Sn/C

Composite Nanofiber Anodes Used in Advanced Lithium-ion Batteries,” Submitted to Nanotechnology.

Leigang Xue, Shu Zhang, Yao Lu, Ozan Toprakci, Mataz Alcoutlabi, Hun Lee, Quan Shi, Xiangwu Zhang, “Synthesis

and properties of Li2MnO3-based cathode materials for lithium-ion batteries,” Submitted to Journal of Alloys

and Compounds.

Hun Lee, Mataz Alcoutlabi, Ozan Toprakci, Guanjie Xu, Jill V. Watson, and Xiangwu Zhang, “Preparation and

Characterization of Electrospun Nanofiber-coated Membrane Separators for Lithium-Ion Batteries,” submitted

to Journal of Membrane Science.

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Book Chapters Written: 7 (8 less 1 with TECS co-authors)

Freeman H. (In Press): Colorant, Environmental Aspects. In: Luo R. (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Color Science and

Technology: SpringerReference (www.springerreference.com). Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. DOI:

10.1007/SpringerReference_335015 2013-04-12 11:57:29 UTC.

Measurement and Control of the Dyeing Process, Warren Jasper and Melih Gunay, Society of Dyers

Rashi Grewal, Whitney Sweesy, Jesse S. Jur, Julie Willoughby, “Moisture Vapor Barrier Properties of Biopolymers

for Packaging Materials,” Functional Materials from Renewable Sources: ACS Symposium Series, F. Liebner, Ed.

1107, 271-296 (2012).

(Invited) MA Pasquinelli and YG Yingling, “Molecular dynamics simulations of bio-nano interactions” in

Molecular Modeling and Its Role in Advancing Nanotechnology, Encyclopedia of Nanotechnology, (Springer),

pp.1454-1463 (2012).

MA Quddus, OJ Rojas, and MA Pasquinelli, "Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the Thermal Stability of

Crystalline Cellulose Surfaces Coated With Oleic Acid," in Functional Materials from Renewable Sources, ACS

Books; F Liebner and T Rosenau, Eds.; ACS Symposium Series 1107; American Chemical Society, Washington, DC;

Chapter 10, pp 191–208 (2012). DOI: 10.1021/bk-2012-1107.ch010

D Chang, M Goldsmith, R Tornero-Velez, Y Tan, C Grulke, E Ulrich, A Lindstrom, M Pasquinelli, J Rabinowitz, and

C Dary, "In Silico Strategies for Modeling Stereoselective Metabolism of Pyrethroids," in Parameters for Pesticide

QSAR and PBPK/PD Models for Human Risk Assessment, ACS Books, 1099 (16): 245–269 (2012). DOI:


Shuli Li, Kun Fu, Leigang Xue, Ozan Toprakci, Ying Li, Shu Zhang, Guanjie Xu, Yao Lu, and Xiangwu Zhang*,

“Co3O4/Carbon Composite Nanofibers for Use as Anode Material in Advanced Lithium-Ion Batteries," In

Nanotechnology for Sustainable Energy, Yun Hang Hu, Ed., ACS Symposium Series volume, ACS Books, accepted.

Books Edited: 0

Books Written: 3

Simulationsmodellierung mit SIMIO: Ein Arbeitsbuch (Simulation Modeling with SIMIO: A Workbook 2nd Ed.

(German Edition), J.A. Joines, S.D. Roberts and Heinz Wiegl, ISBN: 978-0-9829782-5-1

Engineering Economic Analysis (12th), Oxford University Press, 2014, Don Newnan, Jerome Lavelle and Ted


Fundamentals of Fiber Science, under review by DEStech Publications, Inc, Xiangwu Zhang

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Patents Issued: 7

Ahmed El-Shafei, Antenna ligands for dye-sensitized solar cells, April, 2013, WO 2013049019 A1.

B. Pourdeyhimi and Walter J. Chappas, High Surface Area Fiber And Textiles Made From the Same, US Patent

8,129,019, March 6, 2012.

N. Anantharamaiah, and B. Pourdeyhimi, Staple fiber durable nonwoven fabrics, US Patent 8,148,279, April 3,


B. Pourdeyhimi and Walter J. Chappas, An Improved Composite Filter Media With High Surface Area Fibers,

Chinese Patent No. ZL200780044663.1, March 2, 2012

B. Pourdeyhimi, N. Fedorova and S. Sharp, High strength, durable micro and nano-fiber fabrics produced by

fibrillating bicomponent islands in the sea fibers, US Patent 8,420,556, April 16, 2013.

B. Pourdeyhimi and Walter J. Chappas, Composite filter media with high surface area fibers, US Patent

8,410,006, April 2, 2013.

M. A. Deaett, W. H. Weedon and B. Pourdeyhimi, Nonwoven Textile Microwave Antennas and Components, UP

Patent 8,174,449, May 8, 2012.

Patents Filed: 5 (7 less 2 with TECS co-authors)

Gregory N. Parsons, Christopher J. Oldham, Jesse S. Jur, March 20th 2012, "METHODS AND APPARATUS FOR



P. Chen, M. Afshari, J. Cuculo, R. Kotek, F. Lundberg, "Highly Oriented and Crystalline Thermoplastic Filaments

and Method of Making Same," US patent 2013/0040521, A1

SS Tallury, MA Pasquinelli, B Pourdeyhimi, and R Spontak, "Bicomponent Fibers Capable of Thermally Induced

Shape Recovery After Low-Temperature Strain Fixing." Application #61/709,787, Filed 10/4/2012

SS Tallury, MA Pasquinelli, B Pourdeyhimi, and R Spontak, "Bicomponent Fibers Capable of Thermally Induced

Shape Recovery After Low-Temperature Strain Fixing." Application #61/709,787, Filed 10/4/2012

Xiangwu Zhang, Behnam Pourdeyhimi, and Kyung-Hye Jung, “Porous Membrane Based on A Polymer Filled

Fiberous Structure,” US Patent filed (Application Serial No. 13/489,153), June 5, 2012.


A. Willoughby, and Richard Guenther, filed April 16, 2013

Xiangwu Zhang, Behnam Pourdeyhimi, and Kyung-Hye Jung, “Porous Membrane Based on A Polymer Filled

Fiberous Structure,” US Patent filed (Application Serial No. 13/489,153), June 5, 2012.

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Patents Disclosed: 6 (7 less 1 with TECS co-authors)

NCSU Ref # 13-118 "Quick Release Closure" Godfrey B, Lamar T and Hudson S. Feb 2013

Jesse S. Jur, Mark Losego, Patrick Hopkins, "Flexible Platforms for Low Temp. Waste Heat Recovery," NCSU Ref

No 13-005, July 13th 2012.

Jesse S. Jur and Jonathan Halbur, "Photoreduction Methods and Processes for Water Treatment and Inorganic

Patterning" May 9th 2013.

SS Tallury, MA Pasquinelli, B Pourdeyhimi, and R Spontak, "Radiation-Stimulated Shape-Memory Polymers by

Physical Design." 24 January 2013, NCSU file 13083

SS Tallury, MA Pasquinelli, B Pourdeyhimi, and R Spontak, "Radiation-Stimulated Shape-Memory Polymers by

Physical Design." 24 January 2013, NCSU file 13083

Silicon-Polyamide Bicomponent Fibers for Use in Hydrophobic and Breathable Textiles, Murphy Carroll, Philip B.

Bame, Courtney J Musciano, Julie A Willoughby, Submitted 3/11/2013

Xiangwu Zhang, and Yao Lu, “New Nanofiber Spinning Heads and Collectors,” NCSU Invention Disclosure No.

13112, November 2012.

Commercial License Agreements: 1

Commercial License Agreement purchased in March 2013 by Atex with royalty benefiting NC State University,

Richard Kotek

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International Presentations and/or Conferences: 38 (46 less 8 with TECS co-authors)

“Sustainability in Textiles: Where are we now?,” 1st International Conference on Marketplace Advantage

through Innovative Processes, Testing, and Quality Control, Shanghai, China, June 7, 2012, Peter Hauser

(keynote presentation).

“Dual Sided Fabric Finishing via Plasma,” 1st International Conference on Marketplace Advantage through

Innovative Processes, Testing, and Quality Control, Shanghai, China, June 8, 2012, Peter Hauser (invited


“Sustainability in Textiles: Where are we now?,” 2012 International Cooperation of Science and Technology,

Zhejiang, China, Hangzhou, China, October, 25, 2012, Peter Hauser (keynote presentation).

Huseyin Avci, Richard Kotek and Samuel Hudson, 'Green’ Engineering for Obtaining a New Class of High-

performance Polyolefin, Nylon & Polyester Nonwovens, April 3 - 5, 2013, Bursa, Turkey.

Huseyin Avci, Richard Kotek and Samuel Hudson, ‘Green’ Engineering for Obtaining a New Class of High-

performance Nylon & Polyester Yarns, April 3 - 5, 2013, Bursa, Turkey.

Huseyin Avci, Richard Kotek and Samuel Hudson, ‘Green’ Engineering for Obtaining a New Class of High-

performance Polyolefin Yarns, April 3 - 5, 2013, Bursa, Turkey

Michael Dickey and Jesse S. Jur, "Nonwoven substrates for Wearable Electronics for Healthcare," UTIB

International R&D Project Brokerage Event: Textile and Confection Sector, April 2013.

J. S. Jur, M. Yokus, B. Boudaoud, J. Muth, and V. Misra, “Advanced Self-Powered Systems of Integrated Sensors

and Technologies,” 2013 International Consumer Electronics Show, Las Vegas, NV, January 2013.

J. S. Jur, P. J. Krommenhoek, B. Hiney, J. C. Halbur, H. O. Everitt, J. B. Tracy and G. N. Parsons, “Characteristics of

Nanomaterials Embedded in Atomic Layer Deposition Thin Films,” AVS 59th International Symposium, Tampa,

FL, October 2012.

H. Akyildiz, M. Yokus, R. P. Padbury, and J. S. Jur “Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Structure Formation via Sequential

Vapor Infiltration,” AVS 59th International Symposium, Tampa, FL, October 2012.

Y. Sun, M. P. Goertz, J. A. Palmer, R. P. Padbury, and J. S. Jur, “Nanoindentation and Flexure Related Effects Due

to Reactive Subsurface Growth of Atomic Layer Deposition Aluminum Oxide on Polyamide-6,” AVS 59th

International Symposium, Tampa, FL, October 2012.

R. P. Padbury and J. S. Jur, “Investigation of Precursor Infiltration and ALD Growth on Polymers and Effect on

Fiber Mechanical Properties,” AVS 59th International Symposium, Tampa, FL, October 2012.

J. C. Halbur and J. S. Jur, “Uniform Adsorption of Ligand Free Ag Nanoparticles onto TiO2 Thin Films Deposited by

Atomic Layer Deposition,” AVS 59th International Symposium, Tampa, FL, October 2012.

W. J. Sweet III, C. K. Devine, C. J. Oldham, G. N. Parsons, and J. S. Jur, "Patterning of ALD Coatings on Textiles,"

AVS 12th International Conference on Atomic Layer Deposition, Dresden, Germany, June 18, 2012

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H. I. Akyildiz, Y. Sun, R. P. Padbury, and J. S. Jur, "Infiltration Dynamics of Reactive ALD Precursor Exposure to

Polymers," AVS 12th International Conference on Atomic Layer Deposition, Dresden, Germany, June 18, 2012

Huseyin Avci, Richard Kotek and Samuel Hudson, 'Green’ Engineering for Obtaining a New Class of High-

performance Polyolefin, Nylon & Polyester Nonwovens, April 3 - 5, 2013, Bursa, Turkey.

Huseyin Avci, Richard Kotek and Samuel Hudson, ‘Green’ Engineering for Obtaining a New Class of High-

performance Nylon & Polyester Yarns, April 3 - 5, 2013, Bursa, Turkey.

Huseyin Avci, Richard Kotek and Samuel Hudson, ‘Green’ Engineering for Obtaining a New Class of High-

performance Polyolefin Yarns, April 3 - 5, 2013, Bursa, Turkey

Krause, W.E., "Nanofibers via Electrospinning," Kazan State University, Kazan, Russia, May 28, 2012 (Invited).

Krause, W.E., "Nanoindenter-based Research Methods for Soft Materials," Kazan State University, Kazan, Russia,

May 29, 2012 (Invited).

McCord, M.G., “Textiles for Global Health and Well-being,” University of the Philippines Diliman, Manila,

Philippines, March 4, 2013.

McCord, M.G., “Textiles for Global Health and Well-being,” Ateneo de Manila, Manila, Philippines, March 7,


McCord, M.G., “Textiles for Global Health and Well-being,” University of the Philippines Los Banos, Los Banos,

Philippines, March 8, 2013.

McCord, M.G., “Global Partnership in Undergraduate Sustainable Engineering,” Keynote Address, IEEE

Healthcare Innovation Conference: Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine, Houston TX, Nov. 7 – 9,


Vitchuli, N., Shi, Q., Nowak, J.M., Nawalakhe, R., Sieber, M., Bourham, M.A., Zhang, X., and McCord, M.G.,

“Plasma and Nanofiber-Enhanced Biomedical Textiles for Health and Protection,” Innovations in Biomedical

Materials 2012, Raleigh, NC, September 10 -13, 2012.

Shi,Q., Vitchuli, N., Nowak, J.M., Nawalakhe, R., Sieber, M., Bourham, M.A., Zhang, X., and McCord, M.G.,

“Nanofiber-Enhanced Textiles for Health and Protection,” University of Maribor, June 2012.

Shi,Q., Vitchuli, N., Nowak, J.M., Nawalakhe, R., Sieber, M., Bourham, M.A., Zhang, X., and McCord, M.G.,

“Nanofiber-enhanced Textiles for Health and Protection,” Keynote Address, AUTEX 2012, June 13-15, 2012.

Zhang, X., McCord, M.G., Bourham, M.A., Shi, Q., Nowak, J., Gangandhar, N.V., Nawalakhe, R., “Atmospheric

Pressure Plasma Electrospinning Hybrid Process,” 2012 International Textile Graduate Summer School, Shanghai,

China, June 2012.

(Invited) MA Pasquinelli, “Modern Methods of Research: Multiscale modeling from the nanoscale,” Lecture

series, Kazan Research Technical University, Kazan, Russia, 29 May 2012

Xiangwu Zhang and Behnam Pourdeyhimi, “Nonwovens Containing Novel Polymer Fillers,” The 5th International

R&D Brokerage Event in Textiles and Clothing, Bursa, Turkey, April 2013. (Invited)

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Shamey R, “Evaluation of Performance of Major Color Difference Formulae Using NCSU Datasets," Tianjin

Polytechnic University, Tianjin, China, Oct 17, 2012

Shamey R, “Assessment and Measurement of Color Differences and Perception of Blackness, A Review,"

Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China, Oct 19, 2012

Shamey, R, Color Control and Assessment Practices, Creditex, Peru, Jan 20, 2013

Shamey R, Factors affecting the control of color in the Coloration Industry, Creditex, Peru, Jan 24, 2013

Xiangwu Zhang, “A Nanofiber Approach to Advanced Energy Storage,” The 5th International R&D Brokerage

Event in Textiles and Clothing, Bursa, Turkey, April 2013. (Invited)

Xiangwu Zhang, “Centrifugal Spinning: An Alternative Method for Producing Nanofibers at High Speed and Low

Cost,” The 5th International R&D Brokerage Event in Textiles and Clothing, Bursa, Turkey, April 2013. (Invited)

Xiangwu Zhang and Behnam Pourdeyhimi, “Nonwovens Containing Novel Polymer Fillers,” The 5th International

R&D Brokerage Event in Textiles and Clothing, Bursa, Turkey, April 2013. (Invited)

Xiangwu Zhang, Liwen Ji, and Ying Li, “A Nanofiber Approach to Advanced Energy-Storage Materials,” 8th IUPAC

International Conference on Novel Materials and their Synthesis (NMS-VIII) & 22nd International Symposium on

Fine Chemistry and Functional Polymers (FCFP-XXII), Xi’An, China, October 2012. (Invited Keynote)

Vitchuli, N., Shi, Q., Nowak, J.M., Nawalakhe, R., Sieber, M., Bourham, M.A., Zhang, X., and McCord, M.G.,

“Plasma and Nanofiber-Enhanced Biomedical Textiles for Health and Protection,” Innovations in Biomedical

Materials 2012, Raleigh, NC, September 10 -13, 2012.

Quan Shi, Naren Vitchuli, Joshua Nowak, Rupesh Nawalakhe, Michael Sieber, Mohamed Bourham, Xiangwu

Zhang, and Marian McCord, “Nanofiber-Enhanced Textiles for Health and Protection,” University of Maribor,

Maribor, Slovenia, June 2012. (Invited)

Quan Shi, Naren Vitchuli, Joshua Nowak, Rupesh Nawalakhe, Michael Sieber, Mohamed Bourham, Xiangwu

Zhang, and Marian McCord, “Nanofiber-enhanced Textiles for Health and Protection,” AUTEX 2012, Croatia,

Zadar, June 2012. (Invited Keynote)

Xiangwu Zhang, Marian G. McCord, Mohamed A. Bourham, Quan Shi, Joshua Nowak, Narendiran Vitchuli

Gangadhar, Rupesh Nawalakhe, “Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Electrospinning Hybrid Process,” 2012

International Textile Graduate Summer School, Shanghai, China, June 2012. (Invited)

Xiangwu Zhang, “Design of Advanced Materials for Energy-Related Applications,” 2012 International Textile

Graduate Summer School, Shanghai, China, June 2012. (Invited)

Xiangwu Zhang, “Recent Progress in Advanced Lithium-Ion Battery Materials,” HiPower New Energy Group,

Qingdao, China, June 2012. (Invited)

Xiangwu Zhang, “Novel Nanofibers for Energy and Protection Applications,” Department of Chemical and

Biochemical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, June 2012. (Invited)

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Xiangwu Zhang, “Novel Nanofibers for Energy and Protection Applications,” Department of Materials Science

and Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, June 2012. (Invited)

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Regional/National Presentations and/or Conferences: 47 (53 less 6 with TECS co-authors)

Chuanzhen Zhou, Min Li, Roberto Garcia, Anne Fraser, Keith Beck, David Hinks, Dieter P. Griffis, TOF SIMS

Method Development for Identification of Acid Dyes in Nylon Fibers, 24th Annual Workshop on SIMS,

Philadelphia, PA, May 14-18, 2012.

Chuanzhen Zhou, Anne Fraser, Keith Beck, Roberto Garcia, Dieter Griffis, David Hinks, Development of a

Database for the Forensic Analysis of Dyes and Dyed Fibers Using Liquid Chromatography Time-of-Flight Mass

Spectrometry, Southeastern Research Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Nov 17, 2013, Raleigh, NC.

Can Tang, Ying Li, Xiangwu Zhang, Philip D. Bradford, “Fabrication of Current-Collector-Free and Binder-Free

Lithium Ion Battery Anodes Based on CNT-Silicon Composites,” 2012 SAMPE (Society for the Advancement of

Material and Process Engineering) Tech Conference, Charleston, South Carolina, October 2012.

YT Su, RE Gorga, and MA Pasquinelli, "A Systematic Investigation of the Factors that Trigger Thermal

Decomposition During the Processing of Industrially-Relevant Polymers," IDEA’13 poster, Miami Beach, FL, 23-25

April 2013.

N.M. Thoppey, J. R. Bochinski, L. I. Clarke, and R. E. Gorga, “A Mechanistic Understanding of the Process-

Property Relationships in an Alternative Electrospinning Process,” NSF, CMMI Grantee conference, Boston, MA,

July 9-11, 2012

V. Viswanath, S. Maity, J. R. Bochinski, L. I. Clarke, and R. E. Gorga, "Annealing polymer nanocomposite films

with photothermal heating: effects on morphology and overall crystallinity," American Physical Society, March

Meeting, Baltimore, MD, March 18, 2013

“Dual Sided Fabric Finishing via Plasma,” AATCC/STRC Sustainability, Innovation, and Opportunity in the Textile

Industry, Pawleys Island, South Carolina, May 20-22, 2012, Peter Hauser and Priyadarshini Malshe.

“Dual Sided Fabric Finishing via Plasma,” Performance Textiles: Technologies and Testing, IFAI Expo America

2012, Boston, Massachusetts, November 8, 2012, Peter Hauser (invited presentation).

“Sustainable Cotton Dyeing,” 64th Southeastern Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Raleigh,

North Carolina, November 17, 2012, Peter Hauser (invited presentation).

“Sustainability in Textiles: Where are we now?” 2013 AATCC International Conference, Greenville, SC, April 11,

2013, Peter Hauser (invited presentation).

Chuanzhen Zhou, Min Li, Roberto Garcia, Anne Fraser, Keith Beck, David Hinks, Dieter P. Griffis, TOF SIMS

Method Development for Identification of Acid Dyes in Nylon Fibers, 24th Annual Workshop on SIMS,

Philadelphia, PA, May 14-18, 2012.

Chuanzhen Zhou, Anne Fraser, Keith Beck, Roberto Garcia, Dieter Griffis, David Hinks, Development of a

Database for the Forensic Analysis of Dyes and Dyed Fibers Using Liquid Chromatography Time-of-Flight Mass

Spectrometry, Southeastern Research Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Nov 17, 2013, Raleigh, NC.

Jeff Joines, Using Simulation as Six Sigma Tool, Six Sigma Forum, Raleigh, NC, August 2012.

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Murat Yokus, Nathan Weiner, Kristi Barnes, and Jesse Jur, "Flexible Textile Dry Electrodes for Long Term ECG

Monitoring," 29th Southern Biomedical Engineering Conference 2013, April 4, 2013.

J. S. Jur and J. C. Halbur, “Nano-enabled Textiles for Photoreduction Catalysis and Metal Ion Filtration,”

Techtextil North America 2013, March 19, 2013.

J. S. Jur, “Inorganic Nanotechnology in Textiles,” AATCC/STRC Conference on Sustainability, Innovation &

Opportunity in the Textile Industry, Myrtle Beach SC, May 22, 2012.

J. S. Jur, “Towards Self Powered Nano-systems for Human Physiological and Environmental Monitoring,” Energy

Harvesting & Storage and Wireless Sensor Networks 2012, Washington D.C., November 2012.

H. Akyildiz and J. S. Jur, “Investigation of Hybrid Film Formation Mechanism via Sequential Vapor Infiltration,”

Southeastern Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Raleigh, NC, November 2012.

J. Halbur, M. B. Jenkins, J. Jones, R. Padbury, J. S. Jur, “Novel Multi-Use Sensors Produced By Atomic Layer

Deposition on Fibrous Media,” Southeastern Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Raleigh, NC,

November 2012.

N. Farahbakhsh and J. S. Jur, “Incorporation of Graphene Nanoplatelets to Polydimethylsiloxane,” Southeastern

Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Raleigh, NC, November 2012.

R. Padbury, H. A. Akyildiz, and J. S. Jur, “Quartz Crystal Microgravimetry Analysis of Organometallic Precursor

Exposure to Polymers,” Southeastern Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Raleigh, NC,

November 2012.

C. Ambrose, N. Ocon, R. Padbury, N. Farahbakhsh, and J. S. Jur, “Handheld Raman Spectroscopy Analysis of Art

Pigments,” Southeastern Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Raleigh, NC, November 2012.

Yidan Zhu, Eugene Douglass and Richard Kotek, Cellulose Based Networks, Aug 12 - 16, 2012, Polymer Network

Conference, Jackson Hole, Wyoming, USA

Huseyin Avci, Richard Kotek, Developing an Unusual Formation of a Precursor for Crystallization of High

Performance PET Fibers Using a Low Molecular Weight Polymer, ACS National Meeting, April 9, 2013

Huseyin Avci, Richard Kotek, Developing an Environmentally Friendly Isothermal Bath to Obtain a New Class of

High-Performance Fibers, Fiber Society Conference, Nov 7, 2012, Boston, MA.

A. Nandgaonkar and W. Krause, “Electrospinning of Chitosan and its Correlation with Degree of Deacetylation

and Rheological Property,” Society for Biomaterials 2013 Annual Meeting, Boston, MA , April 10, 2013

L. Lucia, W. E. Krause, A. Nandgaonkar, “Development of novel cellulosic-based scaffolds for articular cartilage

tissue engineering by critical directional freeze drying,” American Chemical Society 245th National Meeting, New

Orleans, LA, April 8, 2013.

Shi, Q., Jolly, M.W., Joy, M.J., McCord, M.G., “In Vitro Results for a Novel Device Designed for Selective Removal

of Blood Phosphates in Hemodialysis,” American Society of Nephrology (ASN) Kidney Week 2012 Annual

Meeting, San Diego, California, November 1-4, 2012. (poster)

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MA Pasquinelli, "Investigation of the Properties of Polymeric Materials via Multiscale Modeling Simulations

from the Nanoscale," Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Wright, OH, 2 May 2012

SS Tallury, R Spontak, and MA Pasquinelli, "Melt-Spun Bi/tricomponent Fibers Exhibiting Shape Memory: A

Mesoscale to Macroscale Experimental and Theoretical Study," NCRC Industrial Advisory Board Meeting,

Raleigh, NC, May 2012

S Tallury, MA Pasquinelli, RJ Spontak, “Characteristics of interfaces in ABA triblock copolymer/homopolymer

systems from simulations and theory,” Symposium on Computational Polymer Modeling, Division of Polymer

Chemistry, National Meeting of the American Chemical Society in Philadelphia, PA, 23 August 2012

Q Jiang, SS Tallury, MA Pasquinelli, “Carbon nanotube and polyimide interactions: A molecular dynamics study,”

Symposium on Computational Polymer Modeling, Division of Polymer Chemistry, National Meeting of the

American Chemical Society in Philadelphia, PA, 22 August 2012

(Invited) MA Pasquinelli, F He, H Liu, OJ Rojas, “Multiscale simulations of the adsorption of aqueous

PEOnPPOmPEOn triblock copolymers onto hydrophobic and hydrophilic polymer surfaces,” Symposium on

Computational Polymer Modeling, Division of Polymer Chemistry, National Meeting of the American Chemical

Society in Philadelphia, PA, 23 August 2012

S Sadagopan and MA Pasquinelli, "Molecular Dynamics Simulations of a Nanobiosensor Made From Bee

Venom," Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students, November 9, 2012

JA Moo-Young and MA Pasquinelli, “Molecular dynamics simulations of the interactions between a series of

polythiophenes with single-walled carbon nanotubes,” Southeastern Regional Meeting of the American

Chemical Society in Raleigh, NC, November 16, 2012

AC Sumner and MA Pasquinelli, “Sustainability of cleaning Cellulose surfaces through computer simulations,”

Southeastern Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society in Raleigh, NC. November 17, 2012

S Sadagopan and MA Pasquinelli, "Molecular Dynamics Simulations of a Nanobiosensor Made From Bee

Venom," Southeastern Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society in Raleigh, NC, November 16, 2012

CE Davy, SS Tallury, and MA Pasquinelli, “Impact of solvent on the interactions between poly(methyl

methacrylate) and a single walled carbon nanotube,” Southeastern Regional Meeting of the American Chemical

Society in Raleigh, NC, November 15, 2012

L Liu, SM Jasper, MA Pasquinelli,* and Julie A. Willoughby,* "Smart Filtration Media for Targeting Pathogen

Capture", Southeastern Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society in Raleigh, NC (November 15, 2012)

SS Tallury, R Spontak, MA Pasquinelli, “Characteristics of interfaces in ABA triblock copolymer/homopolymer

systems from DPD simulations,” Southeastern Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society in Raleigh,

NC, November 15, 2012

(Invited) SS Tallury, R Spontak, and MA Pasquinelli, "Enhanced Shape Memory in Multicomponent Filaments,"

ExxonMobil Global Polyolefin Group, Baytown TX, December 2012

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A Gurarslan, M Pasquinelli, A Tonelli, “Combined experimental and simulation approach to tailor the

microstructures of polymer materials through inclusion complex formation and subsequent release,” POLY,

Excellence in Graduate Polymer Research, ACS National Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA, April 9, 2013

YT Su, RE Gorga, and MA Pasquinelli, "A Systematic Investigation of the Factors that Trigger Thermal

Decomposition During the Processing of Industrially-Relevant Polymers," IDEA’13 poster, Miami Beach, FL, 23-25

April 2013.

SS Tallury, R Spontak, and MA Pasquinelli, "Melt-Spun Bi/tricomponent Fibers Exhibiting Shape Memory: A

Mesoscale to Macroscale Experimental and Theoretical Study," IDEA'13 poster, Miami, FL, 23-25 April 2013

A Gurarslan, M Pasquinelli, A Tonelli, “Combined experimental and simulation approach to tailor the

microstructures of polymer materials through inclusion complex formation and subsequent release,” POLY,

Excellence in Graduate Polymer Research, ACS National Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA, April 9, 2013

L Liu, SM Jasper, MA Pasquinelli,* and Julie A. Willoughby,* "Smart Filtration Media for Targeting Pathogen

Capture", Southeastern Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society in Raleigh, NC (November 15, 2012)

"Lignin as a Material Platform for Bio-Derived Macromolecules and Fibers,” Meghan Wilt, Maryam

Mazloumpour, Orlando Rojas and Julie Willoughby, SunGrant Initiative 2012 National Conference: Science for

Biomass Feedstock Production and Utilization, Oct 4, 2012, New Orleans, LA

Yingfang Yao, Xiangwu Zhang, Jianguo Liu, and Zhigang Zou, “Hybrid PEMs Incorporated with Solid Superacidic

Nanofibers,” 2013 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit, San Francisco, California, April 2013.

Xiangwu Zhang, “A Nanofiber Approach to Advanced Energy Storage,” Department of Fiber Science and Apparel

Design at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, March 2013.

Xiangwu Zhang, “High-Efficiency Nanofiber Electrodes for Fuel Cells,” Microbial Fuel Cell Technologies, Mount

Pleasant, South Carolina, March 2013.

Xiangwu Zhang, “Nanofiber-Coated Microporous Membrane Separators,” Celgard, Charlotte, North Carolina,

March 2013.

Can Tang, Ying Li, Xiangwu Zhang, Philip D. Bradford, “Fabrication of Current-Collector-Free and Binder-Free

Lithium Ion Battery Anodes Based on CNT-Silicon Composites,” 2012 SAMPE (Society for the Advancement of

Material and Process Engineering) Tech Conference, Charleston, South Carolina, October 2012.

Xiangwu Zhang, Peter Fedkiw, Saad Khan, and Alex Huang, “New High-Energy Nanofiber Anode Materials,” US

DRIVE Electrical Energy Storage Tech Team's Meeting, Southfield, Michigan, June 2012.

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Local (Triangle) Presentations: 57 (69 less with 12 TECS co-authors)

Ya-Ting Su, M. Pasquinelli, R. E. Gorga, "A Systematic Investigation of the Factors that Trigger Thermal

Decomposition During the Processing of Industrially-Relevant Polymers," NCRC Fall IAB meeting, November 14,


R. Padbury, P. Hauser, G. N. Parsons, B. Pourdeyhimi, and J. S. Jur, “11-134 Multifunctional Sustainable

Nonwovens,” NCRC Industrial Advisory Board Meeting, Raleigh, NC, November 2012.

R. Padbury, P. Hauser, G. N. Parsons, B. Pourdeyhimi, and J. S. Jur, “11-134 Multifunctional Sustainable

Nonwovens,” NCRC Industrial Advisory Board Meeting, Raleigh, NC, May 15, 2012.

David Hinks and Billy Oliver, NC State University's Forensic Sciences Institute, North Carolina Conference of

District Attorneys, October 23, 2012

Billy Oliver and David Hinks, NC State University's Forensic Sciences Institute, Governor's Crime Commission,

Raleigh, NC, Dec. 6, 2013.

David Hinks, Color in Science, Business and Government : Broad Impacts on Society from Retail to Solving

Crimes, Fashion Week, North Carolina State University, April 24, 2013.

Chuanzhen Zhou, Keith Beck and David Hinks, Advancing Dye Analysis Through Forensic Science, AATCC

Committee Meetings, Applications Interest Group, Research Triangle Park, NC, May 9, 2013.

Jeff Joines, What do Student Evaluations Mean and How to Improve them, CHASS Teaching Round Table,

Raleigh, NC, April 2013

Iuri Sas, Jeff Joines, and Kristin Thoney, Reverse Logistics of Carpet Supply Chains, Research Symposium, Raleigh,

NC, March 2013

Moataz Bellah M. Mousa, Christopher J. Oldham, Jesse S. Jur, and Gregory N. Parsons, "Effect of temperature

and gas velocity on growth during atomic layer deposition at atmospheric pressure," 8th Annual NC State

Graduate Research Symposium, March 19, 2013.

Halil I. Akyildiz, Gregory N. Parsons, and Jesse S. Jur, "Organic–Inorganic Hybrid Growth Mechanisms on

Polymers by Sequential Vapor Infiltration," 8th Annual NC State Graduate Research Symposium, March 19, 2013.

Jonathan C. Halbur, Ankesh Madan, and Jesse Jur, "Photoremediation of Heavy Metal Ions by Nonwoven Fabrics

Coated with Thin Films Deposited by Atomic Layer Deposition," 8th Annual NC State Graduate Research

Symposium, March 19, 2013.

J. S. Jur, “Polymer Dielectrics Enabled by Atomic Layer Deposited Inorganic Surface Modifications,” Center for

Dielectrics and Piezoelectrics I/UCRC Planning Workshop, Raleigh, NC, November 2012.

J. C. Halbur and J. S. Jur, “11-133NC Hybrid Organic/Inorganic Processes for Nonwovens,” NCRC Industrial

Advisory Board Meeting, Raleigh, NC, November 2012.

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R. Padbury, P. Hauser, G. N. Parsons, B. Pourdeyhimi, and J. S. Jur, “11-134 Multifunctional Sustainable

Nonwovens,” NCRC Industrial Advisory Board Meeting, Raleigh, NC, November 2012.

W. J. Sweet III, J. S. Jur, B. Maze, B. Pourdeyhimi, and G. N. Parsons, “09–118 Fabrication and Modeling of

Conductive Nonwovens,” NCRC Industrial Advisory Board Meeting, Raleigh, NC, November 2012.

H. Akyildiz and J. S. Jur, “Investigation of Hybrid Film Formation Mechanism via Sequential Vapor Infiltration,”

NC American Chemical Society (ACS) 126th Sectional Conference, Raleigh, NC, November 2012.

J. Halbur, M. B. Jenkins, J. Jones, R. Padbury, J. S. Jur, “Novel Multi-Use Sensors Produced By Atomic Layer

Deposition on Fibrous Media,” NC American Chemical Society (ACS) 126th Sectional Conference, Raleigh, NC,

November 2012.

N. Farahbakhsh and J. S. Jur, “Incorporation of Graphene Nanoplatelets to Polydimethylsiloxane,” NC American

Chemical Society (ACS) 126th Sectional Conference, Raleigh, NC, November 2012.

R. Padbury, H. A. Akyildiz, and J. S. Jur, “Quartz Crystal Microgravimetry Analysis of Organometallic Precursor

Exposure to Polymers,” NC American Chemical Society (ACS) 126th Sectional Conference, Raleigh, NC, November


C. Ambrose, N. Ocon, R. Padbury, N. Farahbakhsh, and J. S. Jur, “Handheld Raman Spectroscopy Analysis of Art

Pigments,” NC American Chemical Society (ACS) 126th Sectional Conference, Raleigh, NC, November 2012.

M. Jenkins, J. C. Halbur and J. S. Jur, "A Novel pH Sensor Produced Via Atomic Layer Deposition on Textiles," 11th

Annual NC State Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium, August 1, 2012

J. C. Jones, J. C. Halbur, and J.S. Jur, "Optimizing the Conductivity of Textiles via Atomic Layer Deposition for

Pressure Sensitivity," 11th Annual NC State Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium, August 1, 2012

M. A. Yokus, H. I. Akyildiz, and J.S. Jur, "Modifying Dielectric Properties of Polymeric Materials via Sequential

Vapor Infiltration," Center for Dielectric Studies Spring Meeting, Raleigh N,C, May 15, 2012.

J. C. Halbur and J. S. Jur, “11-133NC Hybrid Organic/Inorganic Processes for Nonwovens,” NCRC Industrial

Advisory Board Meeting, Raleigh, NC, May 15, 2012.

R. Padbury, P. Hauser, G. N. Parsons, B. Pourdeyhimi, and J. S. Jur, “11-134 Multifunctional Sustainable

Nonwovens,” NCRC Industrial Advisory Board Meeting, Raleigh, NC, May 15, 2012.

W. J. Sweet III, J. S. Jur, B. Maze, B. Pourdeyhimi, and G. N. Parsons, “09–118 Fabrication and Modeling of

Conductive Nonwovens,” NCRC Industrial Advisory Board Meeting, Raleigh, NC, May 15, 2012.

Ramiz Boy, Yidan Zhu, Justin Myers and Richard Kotek, Development of New Engineering Materials Based on Soy

Proteins with Polysaccharides, The Southeastern Regional Meeting of the ACS, Nov 14-17, 2012

Huseyin Avci, Richard Kotek, ‘Green’ Engineering for Obtaining a New Class of High-Performance Fibers, NC

State University Graduate Student Research Symposium. March 19, 2013, Raleigh, NC

Krause, W.E., panelist on Experiences of Women in Science & Engineering, WISE Spend-a-Day, Raleigh, NC,

February 15, 2013 (Invited).

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Quan Shi, Narendiran Vitchuli, Joshua M. Nowak, Rupesh Nawalakhe, Michael Sieber, Xiangwu Zhang, Mohamed

A. Bourham, Marian G. McCord, “Novel Nanofibers for Biomedical Textiles,” Joint US EPA-NCSU Interactive

Collaboration Forum and Poster Session, Research Triangle Park, NC, March 2013.

Bentley, M., Woods, C., Kramer, R., McCord, M.G., “What’s in a Word? Understanding One Health and Global

Health,” Panel Discussion, One Health Intellectual Exchange Group, NC Biotechnology Center, January 8, 2013.

McCord, M.G., “Textiles for GH Applications,” Water Resources and Environmental Engineering Graduate

Seminar, Oct. 12, 2012.

AC Sumner and MA Pasquinelli, “Sustainability of cleaning Cellulose surfaces through computer simulations,”

Local Section Meeting of the North Carolina Section of the American Chemical Society (14 November 2012).

SM Jasper, L Liu, and JA Willoughby, and MA Pasquinelli, "Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Surface-Modified

Polypropylene Nonwovens for Clean Water Technologies," Local Section Meeting of the North Carolina Section

of the American Chemical Society (14 November 2012).

L Liu, SM Jasper, MA Pasquinelli,* and Julie A. Willoughby*, “Smart Filtration Media for Targeting Pathogen

Capture,” Local Section Meeting of the North Carolina Section of the American Chemical Society (14 November


CE Davy, SS Tallury, and MA Pasquinelli, “Impact of solvent on the interactions between poly(methyl

methacrylate) and a single walled carbon nanotube,” Local Section Meeting of the North Carolina Section of the

American Chemical Society (14 November 2012).

SS Tallury, R Spontak, and MA Pasquinelli, "Melt-Spun Bi/tricomponent Fibers Exhibiting Shape Memory: A

Mesoscale to Macroscale Experimental and Theoretical Study," NCRC Industrial Advisory Board Meeting, 14 Nov


S Sadagopan and MA Pasquinelli, "Molecular Dynamics Simulations of a Nanobiosensor Made From Bee

Venom,” Local Section Meeting of the North Carolina Section of the American Chemical Society (14 November


(Invited) MA Pasquinelli, "Characterization of Soft Materials at Interfaces Through Multiscale Simulations from

the Nanoscale," Graduate Seminar, Forest Biomaterials, North Carolina State University (31 January 2013)

S Gandra, CE Davy, S Tallury, M Pasquinelli, “The Effect of Solvents On Polyethylene Oxide (PEO) Arrangement

Around Carbon Nanotube.” North Carolina University Undergraduate Research Symposium in Raleigh, NC (April

10, 2013)

SS Tallury, R Spontak, and MA Pasquinelli, "Melt-Spun Bi/tricomponent Fibers Exhibiting Shape Memory: A

Mesoscale to Macroscale Experimental and Theoretical Study," AATCC poster, Greenville, SC (April 2013)

R. Padbury, P. Hauser, G. N. Parsons, B. Pourdeyhimi, and J. S. Jur, “11-134 Multifunctional Sustainable

Nonwovens,” NCRC Industrial Advisory Board Meeting, Raleigh, NC, May 15, 2012.

W. J. Sweet III, J. S. Jur, B. Maze, B. Pourdeyhimi, and G. N. Parsons, “09–118 Fabrication and Modeling of

Conductive Nonwovens,” NCRC Industrial Advisory Board Meeting, Raleigh, NC, May 15, 2012.

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R. Padbury, P. Hauser, G. N. Parsons, B. Pourdeyhimi, and J. S. Jur, “11-134 Multifunctional Sustainable

Nonwovens,” NCRC Industrial Advisory Board Meeting, Raleigh, NC, November 2012.

W. J. Sweet III, J. S. Jur, B. Maze, B. Pourdeyhimi, and G. N. Parsons, “09–118 Fabrication and Modeling of

Conductive Nonwovens,” NCRC Industrial Advisory Board Meeting, Raleigh, NC, November 2012.

Shamey, R, Industrial Color Science and Management, COT, Raleigh, NC, Robert Allen Furnishing, Sep 2012

Shamey, R, Fundamentals of Color Theory and Management, AATCC Color Management Workshop, Sep 2012,


"Moisture Vapor Transport through Functional Films," Rashi Grewal and Julie A. Willoughby, NCRC IAB

November 2012 Meeting

"Understanding Molecular Motion of Chemically Tailored Silicone Elastomers,” Kewei Xu, Michael Roman, Jason

R. Bochinski, Laura Clarke and Julie A. Willoughby, SERMACS 2012, Raleigh, NC

"Tailored Release of Active Ingredients from Plant Viral Nanoparticles in Cellulose Matrices based on Red clover

necrotic mosaic virus (RCNMV) for Crop Protection,” Jing Cao, Richard H. Guenther, Charles H. Opperman,

Steven A. Lommel, Julie Willoughby, SERMACS 2012, Raleigh, NC

"Surface Modifications on Kraft Lignin as a Material Platform for Bio-derived Macromolecules and Fibers,”

Maryam Mazloumpour, Meghan E. Wilt, Orlando Rojas and Julie A. Willoughby, SERMACS 2012, Raleigh, NC

"Lignin as a Material Platform for Bio-Derived Macromolecules and Fibers,” Meghan Wilt, Maryam

Mazloumpour, Orlando Rojas and Julie Willoughby, SERMACS 2012, Raleigh, NC

"Smart Filtration Media for Targeting Pathogen Capture: experiments and simulation view,” Lu Liu, Samuel M.

Jasper, Melissa A. Pasquinelli and Julie A. Willoughby, SERMACS 2012, Raleigh, NC

"Molecular Dynamics Simulations of APTES-Modified Polypropylene Surfaces for Applications in Water

Filtration,” Samuel M. Jasper, Lu Liu, Julie A. Willoughby and Melissa A. Pasquinelli, SERMACS 2012, Raleigh, NC

Quan Shi, Narendiran Vitchuli, Joshua M. Nowak, Rupesh Nawalakhe, Michael Sieber, Xiangwu Zhang, Mohamed

A. Bourham, Marian G. McCord, “Novel Nanofibers for Biomedical Textiles,” Joint US EPA-NCSU Interactive

Collaboration Forum and Poster Session, Research Triangle Park, NC, March 2013.

Xiangwu Zhang and Jim Zheng, “High-Energy and High-Power Lithium-Ion Prototype Batteries,” FREEDM Faculty

Meeting, Raleigh, NC, March 2013.

Kun Fu and Xiangwu Zhang, “Flexible and Binder-Free Design: Nonwoven Structure Based Si Materials as Anodes

for Lithium-Ion Batteries,” The 8th Annual NC State University Graduate Student Research Symposium, Raleigh,

NC, March 2013.

Xiangwu Zhang and Jim Zheng, “Development of High-Energy and High-Power Lithium-Ion Prototype Batteries,”

FREEDM Review/Annual Conference, Raleigh, NC, February 2013.

Kun Fu and Xiangwu Zhang, “Advanced Si-Carbon Nanofiber Composites as Anodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries,”

FREEDM Review/Annual Conference, Raleigh, NC, February 2013.

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Xiangwu Zhang, “International Initiative on Energy-Storage Research and Education between North Carolina

State University and Zhejiang University,” Global Issues Seminar, Raleigh, NC, November 2012. (Invited)

Xiangwu Zhang, “New Composite Nanofiber-Based Electrodes and Supercapacitors,” Center for Dielectrics and

Piezoelectrics I/UCRC Planning Workshop, Raleigh, NC, November 2012. (Invited)

Naren Vitchuli, Quan Shi, Joush Nowak, Rupesh Nawalakhe, Micheal Sieber, Mohamed Bourham, Xiangwu

Zhang, and Marian McCord, “Plasma and Nanofiber-Enhanced Biomedical Textiles for Health and Protection,”

Innovations in Biomedical Materials 2012, Raleigh, NC, September 2012. (Invited)

Stephen Vicchio, Kun Fu, Xiangwu Zhang, “Lithium-Ion Batteries: Amorphous Carbon Coating of Silicon-Carbon

Nanofibers as Anode Materials,” 11th Annual NC State Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium, Raleigh,

NC, July 2012.

Xiangwu Zhang, “Advanced Nanofiber Materials for Lithium-Ion Batteries,” to Samsung Advanced Institute of

Technology (SAIT), Raleigh, NC, Raleigh, NC, July 2012.

Xiangwu Zhang, “Novel Nanofibrous Materials for Super Energy Storage,” Spring 2012 Center for Dielectric

Studies Meeting, Raleigh, NC, May 2012. (Invited)

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Appendix B

Active Research Projects Research Projects: 99 (125 less 26 with TECS co-authors) Balancing Heat Stress and Thermal Protective Performance in Wildland Firefighter Protective Clothing through New Testing Technologies Roger L. Barker US Dept. of Homeland Security (DHS) $999,993.00 2011-06-12 to 2013-06-11

New Real-Time Man-In-Simulant Test Sensor and Method Roger L. Barker Combating Terrorism Technology Support Office (CTTSO) $557,015.00 2012-02-24 to 2013-08-23

New Real-Time Man-In-Simulant Test Sensor and Method Roger L. Barker Combating Terrorism Technology Support Office (CTTSO) $433,439.00 2012-02-24 to 2013-11-24

Effect of Clothing Layers on Mass Transfer of Methyl Salicylate Vapor Through CBRN Materials Roger L. Barker, Robert Ormond TNO Innovation for Life $25,000.00 2012-07-01 to 2012-11-30

Thermal Strain Companion Tool (previous title: Thermal Strain Companion) Roger L. Barker TNO Innovation for Life $268,704.00 2012-09-28 to 2014-09-28

IC-CRIME: Interdisciplinary Cyber-Enabled Crime Reconstruction through Innovative Methodology and Engagement Keith R. Beck, Timothy W Buie, David Hinks, Mitzi M. Montoya-Weiss, R. M. Young National Science Foundation $1,400,000.00 2009-09-01 to 2012-08-31

Method Development and Validation of Comparative Finished Fiber Analysis Using Nano-Sampling Cryomicrotomy and Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry Keith R. Beck, Dieter P. Griffis, David Hinks National Institute of Justice $619,141.00 2010-01-01 to 2012-12-31

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Measurement of Residual Warp Size on Medical Textiles Keith R. Beck, Peter J. Hauser Atex Technologies, Inc. $14,838.00 2012-12-01 to 2013-01-31

Multifunctional Shear Pressed CNT Sheets For Strain Sensing and Composite Joint Toughening Alexander E. Bogdanovich, Philip David Bradford US Air Force - Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) $124,996.00 2012-04-01 to 2013-03-31

Nanofiber Surface Treatment on Microfibers to Increase Nonwoven Filtration Efficiency Philip David Bradford NCSU Faculty Research & Professional Development Fund $6,000.00 2011-07-01 to 2012-06-30

Investigation of a Novel Silicon/Carbon Nanotube 3-D Nanoarchitecture for Binder-Free, Stable Capacity, Lithium-Ion Battery Anodes Philip David Bradford American Chemical Society $100,000.00 2011-09-01 to 2013-08-13

Unitized Composite Airframe Structures with Three Dimensional (3-D) Preforms for Elevated Temperature Applications Alexander E. Bogdanovich, Philip David Bradford Performance Polymer Solutions Inc. $226,304.00 2012-01-16 to 2014-01-16

Bonding Unidirectional Carbon Nanotube with Carbon for High Performance, Low Density Composites Philip David Bradford, Yuntian Zhu US Air Force - Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) $188,911.00 2012-03-15 to 2013-03-14

Bonding Unidirectional Carbon Nanotube with Carbon for High Performance, Low Density Composites Philip David Bradford, Yuntian Zhu US Air Force - Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) $184,283.00 2012-03-15 to 2014-03-14

Multifunctional Shear Pressed CNT Sheets For Strain Sensing and Composite Joint Toughening Alexander E. Bogdanovich, Philip David Bradford US Air Force - Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) $124,996.00 2012-04-01 to 2013-03-31

Novel Composite Thermal Interface Materials For Heat Transfer in Aerospace Structures

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Philip David Bradford NCSU NC Space Grant Consortium $15,000.00 2012-07-01 to 2013-06-30

RFP21: Confidential Philip David Bradford Private industry funding $158,962.00 2012-11-01 to 2014-12-31

Plasma Treatment of Cotton Fabrics for Sustainable Finishing Applications Ahmed M El-Shafei, Peter J. Hauser Cotton, Inc. $52,163.00 2012-01-01 to 2012-12-31

Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Graft Polymerization of Quats onto Cotton for Enhancing Color Yield and Furnishing Wrinkle-Free Fabric Ahmed M El-Shafei, Peter J. Hauser Cotton, Inc. $6,000.00 2012-10-01 to 2012-12-31

RFP23: Confidential Ahmed M El-Shafei, Harold S. Freeman, Melissa Pasquinelli, Renzo Shamey Private industry funding $778,535.00 2012-11-01 to 2015-12-31

Tobacco Based Dyes: Isolation, Characterization, and Application to Textiles (Phase I) Keith R. Beck, Harold S. Freeman, Peter J. Hauser PBO, Inc. formerly Ploughboy Organics, LLC $135,448.00 2011-06-05 to 2012-06-04

Method for Decolorization for Nylon Yarn Fluff Harold S. Freeman, David Hinks Applied ThermoPlastic Resources $25,000.00 2012-02-01 to 2012-05-31

Utilizing the Photothermal Effect of Metal Nanoparticles for Processing of Polymers Jason Russell Bochinski, Laura I. Clarke, Russell E. Gorga National Science Foundation $481,596.00 2011-05-01 to 2014-04-30

Utilizing the Photothermal Effect of Metal Nanoparticles for Processing of Polymers Jason Russell Bochinski, Laura I. Clarke, Russell E. Gorga National Science Foundation

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$6,000.00 2011-05-01 to 2014-04-30

A Systematic Investigation of the Factors that Trigger Thermal Decomposition During the Processing of Industrially-Relevant Polymers Melissa Pasquinelli, Russell E. Gorga NCRC $168,885.00 2012-08-15 to 2015-07-31

Tobacco Based Dyes: Isolation, Characterization, and Application to Textiles (Phase I) Keith R. Beck, Harold S. Freeman, Peter J. Hauser PBO, Inc. formerly Ploughboy Organics, LLC $135,448.00 2011-06-05 to 2012-06-04

Plasma Treatment of Cotton Fabrics for Sustainable Finishing Applications Ahmed M El-Shafei, Peter J. Hauser Cotton, Inc. $52,163.00 2012-01-01 to 2012-12-31

Colorant Database for Cationized Cotton Peter J. Hauser, David Hinks Cotton, Inc. $48,216.00 2012-01-01 to 2012-12-31

High Efficiency Ultra Deep Dyeings Via Mercerized Cationized Cotton Peter J. Hauser, David Hinks Cotton, Inc. $6,000.00 2012-01-01 to 2012-12-31

Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Graft Polymerization of Quats onto Cotton for Enhancing Color Yield and Furnishing Wrinkle-Free Fabric Ahmed M El-Shafei, Peter J. Hauser Cotton, Inc. $6,000.00 2012-10-01 to 2012-12-31

Measurement of Residual Warp Size on Medical Textiles Keith R. Beck, Peter J. Hauser Atex Technologies, Inc. $14,838.00 2012-12-01 to 2013-01-31

Colorant Database for Cationized Cotton Peter J. Hauser, David Hinks Cotton, Inc. $20,659.00

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2013-01-01 to 2013-12-31

Combined Preparation-Cationization of Cotton Fabric Peter J. Hauser Cotton, Inc. $38,040.00 2013-01-01 to 2013-12-31

Vapor Surface Modification of Nonwovens Jesse Jur, Peter Hauser NCRC 11-134 $71,873.00 2012-07-01 to 2013-08-30

RFP21: Confidential Peter Hauser, Julie Crowe Willoughby Private industry funding $132,911.00 2013-05-15 to 2015-05-14

IC-CRIME: Interdisciplinary Cyber-Enabled Crime Reconstruction through Innovative Methodology and Engagement Keith R. Beck, Timothy W Buie, David Hinks, Mitzi M. Montoya-Weiss, R. M. Young National Science Foundation $1,400,000.00 2009-09-01 to 2012-08-31

Method Development and Validation of Comparative Finished Fiber Analysis Using Nano-Sampling Cryomicrotomy and Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry Keith R. Beck, Dieter P. Griffis, David Hinks National Institute of Justice $619,141.00 2010-01-01 to 2012-12-31

Development of Imaging Methodology for the Assessment of Camouflage Substrates (IMACS) via Instrumental and Visual Color Assessment of Universal Camouflage Pattern Renzo Shamey, David Hinks Natick Soldier Equipment Division Center $281,437.00 2010-07-01 to 2013-03-30

Microfluidic System for Automated Dye Molecule Extraction and Detection for Forensic Fiber Identification Thomas A. Dow, David Hinks National Institute of Justice $537,098.00 2011-10-01 to 2013-09-30

Colorant Database for Cationized Cotton Peter J. Hauser, David Hinks Cotton, Inc. $48,216.00

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2012-01-01 to 2012-12-31

High Efficiency Ultra Deep Dyeings Via Mercerized Cationized Cotton Peter J. Hauser, David Hinks Cotton, Inc. $6,000.00 2012-01-01 to 2012-12-31

Method for Decolorization for Nylon Yarn Fluff Harold S. Freeman, David Hinks Applied ThermoPlastic Resources $25,000.00 2012-02-01 to 2012-05-31

A PSM in Forensic Science and Engineering David Hinks, Ann H. Ross NCSU Professional Science Master $7,000.00 2012-04-01 to 2013-11-30

Bloodstain Patterns on Textile Surfaces: A Fundamental Analysis David Hinks, Stephen Michielsen National Institute of Justice $432,648.00 2012-10-01 to 2014-09-30

Colorant Database for Cationized Cotton Peter J. Hauser, David Hinks Cotton, Inc. $20,659.00 2013-01-01 to 2013-12-31

A Resorbable Hemostat For Laparoscopic Partial Nephrectomy (lpn) Samuel M. Hudson KOAG Medical, Inc. $25,000.00 2012-08-01 to 2013-07-31

Preservation Matrix for Improved Biological Specimen Storage and Recovery Samuel M. Hudson Luna Innovations, Inc. $30,000.00 2013-03-28 to 2013-07-26

Analysis of air composition using a textile embedded corona discharge Warren J. Jasper, John Mattingly, Steven Christopher Shannon Applied Research Associates, Inc. (ARA) $9,999.00 2012-05-18 to 2012-09-18

Developing an Excel Interface for Team Based Sewing Line Optimization

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Jeffrey A. Joines Hanes Partnership $14,500.00 2011-08-30 to 2012-12-30

NCSU Hanesbrands, Inc. Partnership Jeffrey A. Joines Hanesbrands $250,000.00 2012-07-01 to 2016-06-30

Continuous Atmospheric Pressure Atomic Layer Deposition Process for Controlled Nanaoscale Thin Film Coatings Jesse Jur, Gregory N. Parsons National Science Foundation $372,001.00 2010-06-01 to 2013-05-31

Thin Films for Barrier Layer Protection of Printed Circuit Board Substrates Jesse Jur Sandia National Laboratories $10,000.00 2011-03-28 to 2012-09-30

Photovoltaic Designs on Textile Platforms Jesse Jur NCSU Faculty Research & Professional Development Fund $6,000.00 2011-07-01 to 2012-06-30

Chancellor's Innovation Fund - Nanoscale Finishes for UV Protection of Textiles Jesse Jur, Gregory N. Parsons Chancellor's Innovation Fund (CIF) $75,000.00 2011-07-01 to 2012-06-30

Inorganic/Organic Hybrid Processes for Nonwovens Jesse Jur NCSU Nonwovens Cooperative Research Center $7,500.00 2012-01-01 to 2012-12-31

Multi-Function, Conformal, Textile Antenna For Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Jesse Jur, Behnam Pourdeyhimi Physical Sciences Inc (PSI) $40,000.00 2012-03-12 to 2012-10-31

Vapor Surface Modification of Nonwovens Jesse Jur, Peter Hauser NCRC 11-134

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$71,873.00 2012-07-01 to 2013-08-30

Planning Grant: I/UCRC for Dielectrics and Piezoelectrics (CDP) Elizabeth C. Dickey, Xiaoning Jiang, Jesse Jur, Jon-Paul Maria National Science Foundation $15,280.00 2012-09-01 to 2013-08-31

Flexible Materials for Integration and Packaging Jesse Jur NCSU Advanced Self Powered Systems of Sensors and Technologies (ASSIST) Center $60,036.00 2012-09-01 to 2013-08-31

Prospectus on Pulverized Cotton Loading into Synthetic Polymers by Melt Processing: Films and Fibers Jesse Jur, Behnam Pourdeyhimi Cotton, Inc. $4,500.00 2012-11-01 to 2012-12-31

Development of Abrasion Test between Endovascular Graft and Stent Materials Martin W. King Cook Medical Technologies $69,315.00 2011-06-17 to 2012-06-16

New Dynamics Controlled Melt Spun/Melt Ordered Process Yielding Ultra-High Tenacity/Modulus Fibers Richard Kotek SwissTex Filament Yarn Technologies $168,198.00 2010-01-01 to 2012-12-31

Novel Melt Spun/Melt Ordered Process for Producing High Performance Polyester Fibers Richard Kotek Atex Technologies, Inc. $147,796.00 2010-07-01 to 2012-08-31

The North Carolina Louis Stokes Alliance For Minority Participation Phase V Jerome P. Lavelle UNC - NC A & T State University (Prime--National Science Foundation) $90,545.00 2012-09-15 to 2013-08-31

The North Carolina Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation Phase IV: North Carolina State University Jerome P. Lavelle, Tony Mitchell UNC - NC A & T State University (Prime--National Science Foundation) $592,855.00 2007-11-01 to 2013-10-31

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Building Engineering Pathways, Through an Engineering Statics Courses Jerome P. Lavelle Golden Leaf Foundation $66,495.00 2010-03-01 to 2013-06-30

Hemofiltration Device for Hyperphosphatemia Treatment Marian G. McCord Wallace H. Coulter Foundation $247,910.00 2011-09-01 to 2013-08-31

Non-toxic Insect-resistant Textiles for Military Clothing and Equipment (previous title: Non-toxic Insecticidal and Insect-resistant Textiles for Military Clothing and Equipment) Charles S. Apperson, Marian G. McCord, Richard M. Roe US Army - Soldier Systems Center (Natick) $217,905.00 2012-04-19 to 2013-04-18

Fulbright Global Food Security Seminar 2012 Michael Bustle, Marian G. McCord, John Andrew Sabella Institute of International Education, Inc. (IIE) $75,517.00 2012-08-15 to 2012-11-19

US-Georgia Higher Education Alliance Nicholas Meskhidze, Marian McCord Millenium Challenge Corporation $300,000.00 2013-07-01 to 2013-11-30

Antistain Carpet Stephen Michielsen DESSO $3,489.00 2012-04-01 to 2013-03-31

Antistain Carpet Stephen Michielsen DESSO $2,011.00 2012-04-01 to 2013-03-31

Development of Robust CWA Repellent Fabric via Enhanced Superoleophobic Technology Hoon Joo Lee, Stephen Michielsen, Melissa Pasquinelli, Nancy B. Powell Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) $240,000.00 2012-05-14 to 2013-05-13

Development of Robust CWA Repellent Fabric via Enhanced Superoleophobic Technology Hoon Joo Lee, Stephen Michielsen, Melissa Pasquinelli, Nancy B. Powell

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Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) $104,668.00 2012-05-14 to 2013-05-13

Modeling of Superhydrophobic Superoleophobic Textile Aerosol Barriers Hoon Joo Lee, Stephen Michielsen US Army - Soldier Systems Center (Natick) $259,803.00 2012-08-08 to 2013-08-07

Bloodstain Patterns on Textile Surfaces: A Fundamental Analysis David Hinks, Stephen Michielsen National Institute of Justice $432,648.00 2012-10-01 to 2014-09-30

Development of Robust CWA Repellent Fabric via Enhanced Superoleophobic Technology Hoon Joo Lee, Stephen Michielsen, Melissa Pasquinelli, Nancy B. Powell Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) $240,000.00 2012-05-14 to 2013-05-13

Melt-Spun Bi/tricomponent Fibers Exhibiting Shape Memory: A Mesoscale to Macroscale Experimental and Theoretical Study Melissa Pasquinelli, Rich Spontak, Behnam Pourdeyhimi Nonwovens Cooperative Research Center $100,000.00 2010-01-01 to 2013-06-30

Development of Robust CWA Repellent Fabric via Enhanced Superoleophobic Technology Hoon Joo Lee, Stephen Michielsen, Melissa Pasquinelli, Nancy B. Powell Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) $104,668.00 2012-05-14 to 2013-05-13

A Systematic Investigation of the Factors that Trigger Thermal Decomposition during the Processing of Industrially-Relevant Polymers Melissa Pasquinelli, Russell Gorga Nonwovens Cooperative Research Center $40,000.00 2013-08-16 to 2016-07-31

Melt-Spun Bi/tricomponent Fibers Exhibiting Shape Memory: A Mesoscale to Macroscale Experimental and Theoretical Study Melissa Pasquinelli, Rich Spontak, Behnam Pourdeyhimi Nonwovens Cooperative Research Center $100,000.00 2010-01-01 to 2013-06-30

Direct Formation of Soy Rich Nonwovens from Solution Behnam Pourdeyhimi

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Smith, Bucklin & Associates, LLC $170,000.00 2010-07-01 to 2012-06-30

Direct Formation of Soy Rich Nonwovens from Solution Behnam Pourdeyhimi Smith, Bucklin & Associates, LLC $170,000.00 2010-07-01 to 2013-06-30

Virtual Fibrous Structure Benoit Maze, Behnam Pourdeyhimi Procter & Gamble Co. $660,577.00 2011-01-01 to 2013-12-31

Facilitating Fiber Degradations Behnam Pourdeyhimi Schlumberger-Doll Research (SDR) (division of Schlumberger Ltd.) $34,330.00 2011-02-01 to 2012-07-31

Chancellor's Innovation Fund - Comercial Development of Hallow, Pourous, Nonwoven Fibers as Controlled Release Systems for Wound Healing, Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Applications Elizabeth G. Loboa, Behnam Pourdeyhimi Chancellor's Innovation Fund (CIF) $75,000.00 2011-07-01 to 2012-06-30

High Melt Point Soy Stabilization for Fibers Behnam Pourdeyhimi Smith, Bucklin & Associates, LLC $107,400.00 2011-10-01 to 2012-09-30

High Melt Point Soy Stabilization for Fibers Behnam Pourdeyhimi Smith, Bucklin & Associates, LLC $148,500.00 2011-10-01 to 2013-09-30

Nonwovens as a Tent Substrate Behnam Pourdeyhimi Hi-Z Technology Inc $15,496.00 2011-11-01 to 2012-09-30

Prospectus on Pulverized Cotton Loading into Synthetic Polymers by Melt Processing: Films and Fibers Jesse Jur, Behnam Pourdeyhimi Cotton, Inc. $4,500.00

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2012-11-01 to 2012-12-31

Disposable, High-Throughput, High-Capacity Antibody Capture Membranes with an In-Line Sensor Ruben G. Carbonell, Behnam Pourdeyhimi, Orlando Jose Rojas NC Biotechnology Center $250,000.00 2011-12-01 to 2013-11-30

Development of an Engineered Sustainable Substrate with Recycled Leather Behnam Pourdeyhimi Eagle Ottawa $24,668.00 2011-12-05 to 2012-05-05

Multi-Function, Conformal, Textile Antenna For Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Jesse Jur, Behnam Pourdeyhimi Physical Sciences Inc (PSI) $40,000.00 2012-03-12 to 2012-10-31

Enhanced Mechanical Strength Monocomponent PE Spunbond Non-wovens via Polymer Blends/Composites Behnam Pourdeyhimi Dow Chemical Co. $125,000.00 2012-04-01 to 2012-10-31

Nonwoven Materials Engineered For POP Behnam Pourdeyhimi BSN Medical $42,614.00 2012-07-05 to 2013-07-04

Sponsorship For PHD Thesis For Mr. Dennis Luzius Behnam Pourdeyhimi Forschungsgesellschaft fuer Textiltechnik Albstadt mbH (FTA) $132,000.00 2012-08-15 to 2015-08-14

Polyolefin-Based Nonwovens Containing Insecticides Behnam Pourdeyhimi Vestergaard Frandsen $263,337.00 2012-09-01 to 2013-02-28

Development of Imaging Methodology for the Assessment of Camouflage Substrates (IMACS) via Instrumental and Visual Color Assessment of Universal Camouflage Pattern Renzo Shamey, David Hinks Natick Soldier Equipment Division Center $281,437.00 2010-07-01 to 2013-03-30

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Characterization of Polymers with the Kerr-Effect Alan E. Tonelli National Science Foundation $400,000.00 2010-05-01 to 2014-04-30

Intelligent Design of 3D Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering Julie Crowe Willoughby NCSU Faculty Research & Professional Development Fund $6,000.00 2011-07-01 to 2012-06-30

Biorefinery Lignins As Stabilzers Of Emulsions For Power Generation Orlando Jose Rojas, Julie Crowe Willoughby University of Tennessee $149,021.00 2011-10-15 to 2013-10-14

Transport of Small Molecules through Functional Films Julie Crowe Willoughby NCSU Nonwovens Cooperative Research Center $7,500.00 2012-01-01 to 2012-12-31

Field Deployable Nutrient-Rich Biodegradable Matrix for Crop Protection Steven A. Lommel, Julie Crowe Willoughby Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation $100,000.00 2012-05-01 to 2013-10-31

Accelerated Skin Regeneration with Engineered Transport Properties for Fibrous Matrices Julie Crowe Willoughby NCSU Faculty Research & Professional Development Fund $6,000.00 2012-07-01 to 2013-06-30

Binder Deposition Behavior on Glass Fiber Surfaces Julie Crowe Willoughby GAF $24,989.00 2012-07-15 to 2013-01-15

Nike, Inc Sponsorship of Textile Engineering and Technology Senior Design Course Julie Crowe Willoughby Nike, Inc. $5,750.00 2012-09-01 to 2013-08-31

Lignin as a Material Platform for High Value-Added Macromolecules Julie Crowe Willoughby, O. Rojas, University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy research

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University of Tennessee $66,500.00 2013-06-01 to 2013-05-31

New High-Energy Nanofiber Anode Materials Peter S. Fedkiw, Alex Q. Huang, Saad A. Khan, Xiangwu Zhang US Dept. of Energy (DOE) $1,349,752.00 2009-09-16 to 2013-08-15

Developing Integrated Systems in Commercial Buildings Soolyeon Cho, Jianxin Hu, J. Wayne Place, Rudolf Seracino, Xiangwu Zhang NCSU Research and Innovation Seed Funding Program $32,297.00 2012-07-01 to 2013-06-30

Fast and Scalable Fabrication of Nanofibers of Polymers, Carbons, Ceramics, and Composites By Centrifugal Spinning Xiangwu Zhang National Science Foundation $423,016.00 2012-08-15 to 2015-07-31

Development of High-Energy and High-Power Lithium-Ion Prototype Batteries Xiangwu Zhang, Jim Zheng FREEDM Center $58,086.00 2012-09-01 to 2013-08-31

High-Power and Long-Cycle Life Rechargeable Batteries Xiangwu Zhang FREEDM Center $203,677.00 2008-09-01 to 2012-08-31

Evaluation of Pouch-Type Supercapacitors Xiangwu Zhang GC Supercapacitors $1,000.00 2013-01-01 to 2013-03-01

Fabrication of Porous Carbon Nanofibers and Their Application as Anode Materials for High-Performance rechargeable Lithium-Ion Batteries Xiangw Zhang, Yi Hu Zhejiang Top Academic Discipline of Applied Chemistry and Eco-Dyeing & Finishing Engineering $8,000.00 2012-09-01 to 2013-11-10

Porous Carbon Nanofiber Air Cathodes with Different Morphologies and Catalysts for Li-Air Batteries Xiangwu Zhang Oak Ridge National Laboratory

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480 hours of instrumental time at Oak Ridge National Lab 2012-08-15 to 2013-08-14

SEM Analysis of Lithium-Ion Battery Electrodes Xiangwu Zhang Perfect Lithium $2,488.00 2012-05-01 to 2013-04-30

Internationalization Seed Grant: International Initiative on Energy-Storage Research and Education between NCSU and Zhejiang University Xiangwu Zhang University Standing Committee on International Programs (CIP) $40,909.00 2012-01-01 to 2012-06-30

Undergraduate Research: Lithium-Ion Battery Xiangwu Zhang, Stephen Vicchio FREEDM Center $4,000.00 2012-04-15 to 2012-08-03

Undergraduate Research: Lithium-Air Battery Xiangwu Zhang, Mai-Hsuan Sabrina Huang FREEDM Center $8,000.00 2011-06-15 to 2012-12-15