8/9/2019 Text Effect 3 http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/text-effect-3 1/63 Toxic Waste Effects This week we are going to look at creating a text effect using the new scatter brush option. This effect is simple to create and its not limited to text , you could create some great background effects with this technique. Start with some text on a new layer. Render the type so we can modify it freely. Select quickmask mode. Under brushes, choose one of the presets that use the scattering option.

Text Effect 3

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Toxic Waste Effects

This week we are going to look at creating a text effect using the new scatter brush

option. This effect is simple to create and its not limited to text , you could create somegreat background effects with this technique.

Start with some text on a new layer.

Render the type so we can modify it freely.

Select quickmask mode.

Under brushes, choose one of the presets that use the scattering option.

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Pain through the text using the brush.

Press the “Q” key to switch off the quickmask. You will now see a selection.

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You will need to inverse the selection. Ctrl/Cmd+Shfit+I

Press the delete/backspace key to cut into the text.

If you want a stronger effect press the del key again. Here I pressed it 3 times.

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Add a standard drop shadow in the layer styles and choose a bevel similar to shown.

Be sure to change the gloss contour.

Change the color overlay to a bright green color.

And here is our effect!

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If you want to go a step further add a 1 pixel stroke using layer styles.

This creates a very interesting effect.

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Distorting Lettering in Photoshop

For this tutorial I'll use the same starting image as thetransparent text version. Firstly

create a new layer in photoshop and type in the text you require. Then when you are

happy with the font and lettering size, create a new layer above the lettering layer.

Now select the Airbrush tool from the tools menu and choose a colour from the

swatches panel. For this tutorial I'm just going to choose the colour white.

I have chosen a selection of brushes from thePhotoshop Brushes page, and on the new

layer I have sprayed white over the original text, using a brush pressure of 50. You can

alter the opacity of the sprayed layer to make the white spray lighter, or another trick is

use the eraser tool (and a grunge brush) to remove sections of the white on the

sprayed layer.

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The image on the left shows the S from the first layer on an opacity of 50, you can see

how it has faded down. I have also quickly added another new layer and continued to

spray building up the white over the letter P.

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RadiationGive your text an unhealthy glow.


Start a new image and add your text, assuming white text on black background.

Center the text and make sure you have a decent margine around it for the rays to go.


With the lower, white text layer selected,apply a Polar Coordinate conversion. Go to

Filter>Distort>Polar Coordinates... Accept

that the layer will be rasterized. Set it to

convert from Polar to Rectangular.


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Since we want rays of light, we can achieve this effect with Wind. Butbecause Wind only goes side to side, we need to rotate our canvas. Go to

Image>Rotate Canvas>90 CW.


Apply Filter>Stylize>Wind..., Method Wind, Direction From the Right. Apply it again, in the

other direction. Rotate back like in step 3 and apply the Wind filter again in eachdirection.




r Coordinates...and convert from

Rectangular to



Add a color balance adjustment layer (Layer>New Adjustment Layer>Color Balance...)

and adjust to emphasize green.

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And there you have it, the final version is easily cropped out. You may want to try

blurring the layer a little, though I l ike the sharp rays in this case.

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This tutorial is a step by step method of developing characters that appear authentic to

graffiti street art.

Open a new file having 1024×768 px and 72 dpi. You may use a brick wall as a

background for the picture.

Press on Shift button and make use of the next instrument to represent a lot of circles

colored in 5D5D5D.

Set Overlay on the layers.

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Insert the same way a lot of other circles, colored this time in 505050.

Set Overlay on the layers too.

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represent one more layer of circles colored in 634F4F.

Fill 70% on the layers and set Overlay option for them.

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Write now the site’s name, having inserted in the next table the necessary demands for

the inscription.

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Set this time Hard Light on the layers.

Blending Options-Drop Shadow 

Blending Options-Stroke

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Select a brush with blurred edges on a new layer and try to draw several patches on

the picture. They should have different colors – 5C0003 and 160F2B.

Set Overlay on the layers.

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Draw on a new layer several yellow patches and select the option Filter Liquify to make

everything look like in the picture (the colors should be blurred out with SmudgeTools(R))

and unnecessary elements may be erased with the usual instrument.

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Fill 80% on the layers and set Linear Burn on the layers.

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Make a copy of the new made layer and make use of the Free Transform selection to

turn around on 180 degrees the layer. Select the eraser to make the necessary

corrections also.

Set Color Burn on the layers.

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The picture is finished!

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Graffiti with PhotoshopStep 1

Find yourself a nice photo of a wall to put your logo on (i found this image on the

internet with Google Images). Every image is suitable if there is a suitable structure (nosmooth walls!).

Step 2

Place the logo you want to use in a new layer. The logo has to be a pixel-based image

(no fonts, paths and shapes) because in the next step we will apply a "perspective

transfer" wich requires the layer to be pixel-based.

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Step 3

Select "perspective transform" in the edit-menu en change the aspects of the logo that

it fits the perspective of the wall. When you mak a "perspective transform" the selection

you're transforming gets a bounbing box. You can use the lines of this bounding box to

align the logo with the wall.

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Step 4

The logo was just a bit to wide, but thats no problem. You can adjust this with the

normal transform tool (CTRL+T). Make it a bit smaller so it will fit nicely in the wall. If the

perspective of the logo doesn't look realistic, redo the previous steps, because the

realism of this is the most important.

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Step 5

After this, put the blending mode of the logo layer to "overlay":

The result:

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Step 6

The logo still has sharp edges and looks more like a sticker than a graffiti drawing. To

make this a bit more realistic we are going to blur the edges a bit. To blur only the

edges, but not the logo, you'll have to make a copy of the layer and place it under te

original logo.

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Step 7

The, blur the copied layer with a "Gaussian Blur" with a value of 5,0 pixels. The gaussianblur is found in the filter-menu.

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Step 8

At last, to improve the realism, use the eraser tool to erase the logo where the wall is

worn down.

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If you like the vague version of step 5 more, but with the blurred edges, you can select

the blurred layer and click (while holding CTRL) on the thumbnail of the original logo

layer. This way you'll select the outlines of the original layer. If you've done this, press

DELETE to delete the selected part from the blurred layer.

To make it all even more realistic, you can place another graffiti (a more worn downone) on the wall of erase more from the logo to make it look more worn down.

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GRUNGE RUBBER STAMP Lets face it - rubber stamps are an amazingly quick and easy way of marking something

in real life, but recreating them in Photoshop is a little more difficult. Unlike real media,

the electronic canvas does not have creases, folds, and underlying texture to distort

the ink. Neither does an electronic stamp have problems with ink adherence, creating

a unique effect every time it is used. That is not to say, of course, that Photoshop

cannot reproduce these little nuances of real media. The aim of this tutorial is to

describe a simple method to create grunge brushes, and to detail how these brushes

can be used to reproduce realism in our rubber-stamped logos. Interested? Read on...

Step 1: Open up a stock image in

Photoshop of any size and/or format.

The best results for this tutorial usually

involve large photographic imageswith effective color separation. Since

the overall grunge effect will come

out of this source image, it is best to

select a photo with lots of vertical

lines and straight edges going off at

different angles. Rounded objects

(especially 'natural' objects) do not

work very well. From personal

experience I can say that

construction-yard pictures are ideal...

although you may still need toexperiment a little to obtain the optimal results.

Step 2: Ensure your background layer

is selected in the layers palette, and

prepare to vastly overexpose the

contrast by selecting Image >

Adjustments > Threshold from the

main menu. A dialog box should

pop up. Drag the slider nearly all the

way to the left, leaving only the most

prominent lines and details present.

When you are finished, press the OKbutton to finalize your changes.

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Step 3: Open up a new blank

document (via File > New) of any size

with a single white-filled background

layer. Click on the foreground color

swatch at the bottom of the tools

palette and set it to red. Select thehorizontal Type Tool and create your

type. In my example to the left I used

the 'Gill Sans MT Ext Condensed Bold '

font with a size of 250pt.

Step 4: Select your text layer in the

layers palette and rasterize the text

via Layer > Rasterize > Text. This will

allow you to modify the text like a

brushed object. At this point you can

further enhance your text as you seefit before going any further. I chose to

add a simple border using

the Rectangular Marquee Tool and

PaintBucket Tool.

Step 5: This stage is entirely optional,

but I find that it often helps to give

the logo a little skew via Edit >Transform > Rotate. Logos at perfect

right-angles to the canvas look fakeand ruin the illusion of real media that

are are trying to create.

Step 6: Go back to your original

photo document that you created

in steps 1 & 2 . Switch to the MagicWand Tool and click directly inside a

black-color area of your photo.Expand your selection to all black

areas via Select > Similar. Now that

you have all the black areas

selected, its time to Edit >

Copy andEdit > Paste them over to

your logo document that you made

in step 3. The 'grunge' layer should

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automatically go to the top of the layers palette.

Step 7: Hold down CTRL on the

keyboard (OPT if you are using a

mac) and click on the grunge layer's

thumbnail in the layers palette with

your mouse to reselect the grungeobject. Then, without losing your

selection, make the logo layer active

and press DELETE on your keyboard.

Now all you have to do is lose your

selection, hide/delete

your grunge layer... and its done! All

quite simple really!

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Stone Text

In this tutorial, we'll be creating a text effect that is formed by small stones. .

Press D to reset your colors to default

Use the "Type tool" and create your text color white on black background. Use a fairly

large font for best results.

Then go to Filter » Texturizer » Stained Glass: (when asked to rasterize, select "YES")

(The following setting may vary depending on the size of your text).

Cell Size:12. Border Thickness: 8 Light Intensity: 1

Now go to "Select » Color Range" and click on the white of the stained glass to select it.

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Now switch over to the channels pallete, create a new channel, and fill the selection

with WHITE.

Press CTRL+D to deselect. 

Now go to Filter » Blur » Gaussian Blur Set Radius: 4.0

Now go to Image » Adjustment » Levels. 

Then move the sliders so your image is sharp again.

Now switch back to the layers pallete, you can hide the original text layer because we

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wont be working with it anymore.

Now to go Select » Load Selection. In the channel field, select Alpha 1, this will load the

select from the channels pallete.

Now create a new layer and fill this selection with grey then DESELECT

Now apply the following:

- Drop Shadow 

- Inner Shadow

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- Bevel and Emboss 

- Color Overlay - You can set this to grey or any color to your liking.

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This looks better on other background other than black, the reason we use black above

is because of the way the selections work.

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This Photoshop tutorial

will show you how to

create text with a

flower theme.

Step 1. Start of by making a new photoshop document, with dimensions of 200x200 and

a white background. Create some large, thick, light green (DBF5AD) text,

preferably with rounded corners. I used Arial Black 200 pt for this, so I had to

round off the the corners (image b).

a)  b) 

Step 2. Make a selection using the text and then fil l it with a darker green (2F8B48) on a

new layer. Now feather (select > feather) and contract (select > modify >

contract) the selection by 7 pixels, and then delete the area that's selected

(image b).

a)  b) 

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Step 3. Create a layer below the first 2 and then make a selection using the text again.

Expand the selection by 3 pixels and then fill it with a lighter green 3. (A8CFAF).

Step 4. This is the 2nd part of the Photoshop tutorial to create text with flowers. Next, zoom in to 200%

and create a new layer and a path layer. Use the pen tool to create a curve (image a) and

then drag the top segment of the directional line to the center (image b). Create a second

curve, complete the path, make a selection using it, and then fill the layer with dark green


a)  b)  c)  d) 

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Step 5. Feather the selection by 2, contract it by 1 and then fill it with a lighter green (B4FF92). So that's

the first stalk create that we'll duplicate later, but first we're going to create some flowers. So,

zoom in to 300%, create a new layer and then select the gradient tool. Set it to linear gradient,

the foreground to orange (F0A400) and the background to yellow (FFEB42). Drag the gradient

tool from the top of the selection to about 3/4 of the way down of it (image b). Duplicate thegradient layer, flip it vertically (edit > transorm > flip vertical) and then place them like in image

c). Merge the 2 layers together and then duplicate them (image d).

a)  b)  c)  d) 

Step 6. Rotate the duplicate by 90 degrees (image a), merge them together and then duplicate it

once more (image b). Rotate the duplicate by 45 degrees and then merge them together

(image c). On a new layer, create a peach (FFC8D4) circle in the center, and then contract

the selection by 2 pixels.

a)  b)  c)  d) 

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Step 7. Set the foreground to dark orange (EA682F) and the the background to a lighter orange

(FF965B). Fill the selection and then add noise (filter > noise > add noise), setting it to

uniform and 17%. Then go to Flower Text Photoshop Tutorial Part 3 

Step 8. 

This is the 3rd part of the Photoshop tutorial to create text with flowers. Next, make a new layer

and then create a bright yellow cirlce underneath the peach circle. Nudge the selection to

the right a bit and then delete the area selected. Duplicate the resulting shape and then

rotate it by 180 degrees.

a)  b)  c)  d) 

Step 9. 

Merge the 2 shapes together, duplicate it and then rotate it by 90 degrees (image a). Mergethem together, and then duplicate it once more. Rotate it by 45 degrees, giving you

something like in image b). Make a selection of the main flower part, create a new layer

underneath it, and then fill it with a dark orange (E68D00). Zooming out, you should have

something like in image c). Merge all the flower layers together, duplicate it and then resize it

to 70% using the transform tool.

a)  b)  c)  d) 

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Step 10. Make a few more duplicates of the original one, and reduce them to 50% and 20%. To

create the orange version, just adjust the hue (image > adjustments > hue/saturation)

by -16. And that brings us to the end of this Photoshop tutorial!

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Watercolor Text Painted on a Wet

PaperThis is a nice and easy effect with great looking results. We are going to learn how to

create a watercolor text effect painted over a wet paper. The results are very nice and

you can try this effect with different color schemes or underlying papers. Perhaps

scrapbooking fans will consider this effect for their hybrid scrapbooking projects.The

image below shows the final effect:

Watercolor Text Effect

Open a new 450px by 250px document with white background. Create a new layer

and paint it with white. Choose the Horizontal Type Mask Tool and before starting to

type, choose the font you want to use. In this case we will be using Brush Script font with

a font size of 200px. Click on the blank document and type the word Blue.

Visit MyFonts.com for some other cool brush style fonts.

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Go to SELECT >> FEATHER and set it to 5px. The feather shouldn’t be too large, the fontmust remain readable, but don’t set it too small because the effect won’t be


Now set Foreground color: # 0000CA and Background color: # E300B6. You can use any

color you like, but for some reasons, the effect can be quite different according to the

colors you choose. When you finish this tutorial, try another colors to see what you get.

Go to FILTER >> RENDER >> CLOUDS. After that, go to SELECT >> DESELECT to remove the


After removing the selection (very important!), go to FILTER >> ARTISTIC >>WATERCOLOR and enter the following values: Brush detail: 1 - Shadow intensity: 0 -

 Texture: 1. Click OK to apply the filter.

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Wet Paper Background

So far the watercolor text effect looks great, but why not make it even better? Copy

the paper background image below and paste it into the watercolor text effect

document. This texture is part of my High Resolution Paper Backgrounds Collection.

Move the layer below the TYPE layer and name it PAPER. After that, select

the TYPE layer and set the Blending mode to Multiply. 

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So far the image should look like this:

Select the PAPER layer and click on the Add new layer icon on the Layers palette.

Name the new layer as BUMP.Select the Paint Brush tool and create a brush tipof Master diameter 90px and Hardness 0.

Paint some thick strokes on the BUMPS layer. In the next step, these strokes will become

the bumps in the paper. The checker box pattern is just the layer transparency.

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With the BUMPS layer still selected, set the LAYER FILL to 0% and choose Bevel and 

emboss from the Layer Styles pop up menu. Use the settings shown in the image below.

At this stage, the image should look like the one below:

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But the effect is not quite ready. To have a complete illusion of paper relief we will have

to add some shadows to "raise" the paper a bit. Set the Background color to white. Go

to IMAGE >> CANVAS SIZE and set the width to 500px and the height to 300px. This will

add a thick white border all around the image.

The next step is adding a very subtle drop shadow to the paper. Select the PAPER layer

and select Drop shadow from the Layer styles popup menu. Use the settings shown in

the following image.

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Take a look at the image below and you will see that although the light comes from the

top left, the shadow can be seen on all four sides, being the right and bottom sides the

most noticeable.This is done by setting a shadow size (8 pixels in this case) larger than

the shadow displacement or distance (2 pixels in this case). I often use this technique tomake the shading more soft.

Believe it or not, we are not still there! There is a last touch of magic. Select the Paint 

brush tool and create a 90px brush tip like the one mentioned earlier in this tutorial. Set

the Foreground color to black. Select theBackground layer and make a single click with

the brush near the the edge of the paper. Try different positions of the brush tip tocreate deeper or lighter shadows. Check the image below to see how it works:

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Now make some other clicks in different spots until you believe the paper looks the wayyou want. The image below shows the final result of this tutorial:

Paper folds and creases

This tutorial you have just finished reading, and hopefully managed to get the sameresults, can be combined with another tutorial I wrote last year: Creating Paper Foldsand Creases. Combining both tutorials you can create something like this image:

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In this case, I used Color Burn instead of Multiply as the text and drops layer blending.

There are so many settings in these two tutorials that you should play with them. Start

with following the instructions as strictly as you can. Once you get the same results, you

can start playing with the settings to achieve different results.

Use the comments section to leave a link to your work created with these two tutorials.Don’t be shy!

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Writing message for

your beloved in sand 

Start by opening an image of a beach sand.

Type "I love U" using horizontal type mask tool.

Press Ctrl+J to copy paste the selection in a new layer.

From filter menu select noise>>add noise. Apply settings

as shown.

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From filter menu select Texture>>Mosaic Tiles. Apply

settings as shown.

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We'll call this layer "ilu_layer". Double click this layer to

open layer style window. Apply layer style with the

settings shown.

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Ctrl+Click the layer thumbnail to get the selection. Fromselect menu apply modify>>contract. Contract the

selection by 3 pixels. Select the background layer. Press

Ctrl+J to copy paste the selection in a new layer.

Move this layer above all the layers in layer order inlayer palette. Double click the layer to open layer style

window. Apply settings as shown.

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Ctrl+Click the layer thumbnail to get the selection.

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Press Q to enable quick mask.

From filter menu select Noise>>Add Noise. Apply

settings as shown.

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From filter menu select Texture>>Sandstone. Apply

settings as shown.

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Press Q to disable quick mask. Press Ctrl+J to copy

paste the selection in a new layer.

Double click the layer to open layer style window.

Apply settings as shown.

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Ctrl+Click the "ilu_layer" thumbnail to get the selection.

From select menu apply modify>>expand. Expand the

selection by 10 pixels. Select the background layer.

Press Ctrl+J to copy paste the selection in a new layer.

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http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/text-effect-3 62/63


Apply "Add Noise" and 'Mosaic Tiles" filters with the

previous settings to this layer.

Double click the layer to open layer style window.

Apply settings as shown.

Page 63: Text Effect 3

8/9/2019 Text Effect 3

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/text-effect-3 63/63