SECRETARIAT - 150 route de Ferney, P.O. Box 2100, 1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland - TEL: +41 22 791 6033 - FAX: +41 22 791 6506 www.actalliance.org Preliminary Appeal UGANDA Flash Floods in Kasese - UGA131 Preliminary Appeal Target: US$ 220,497 Balance Requested: US$ 220,497 Geneva, 13 May 2013 Dear Colleagues, On 1 st and 5th May 2013, heavy rains fell in Kasese District of Uganda causing flash floods that led to loss of life and destruction of property. 3,965 households in 57 villages were affected (Red Cross) with 25,445 people forced out of their homes and thus far, 6 people confirmed dead 1 (Uganda Red Cross). Rivers Nyamwamba, Mubuku, Bulemba and Kitakena burst their banks and destroyed the surrounding homes, hospitals, gardens, roads and bridges in the District Kilembe Mines Health Centre and Bulemba Primary School. The school is located at the epicentre of the floods, and is in the path of heavy rocks and boulders that crashed into everything in their way. By Monday 6th May 2013, ACT member, Church of Uganda in Kasese was hosting over 1,000 IDPs. Another 2,000 were sheltering at the local Catholic Church compound. 300 households remain completely cut off in Katindo, Kakindo and Izinga localities. The affected population, some of whom are sheltering in the local churches are in need of safe water, shelter and basic supplies for survival. The assistance already provided is inadequate but the need for has increased with the second flooding on 5th May. Government, the Uganda Red Cross and NGOs are coordinating to evacuate people, create awareness on safety, control the flood waters, and provide life saving supplies, but these efforts are still inadequate to meet the needs of all affected. The ACT forum is meeting regularly to discuss the level of the ACT response. They are preparing an appeal request to the Alliance. ACT Uganda forum members are: Church of Uganda (COU-PDR), DanChurchAid (DCA), ICCO/ Kerk-in-Aktie, Lutheran World Federation (LWF), Lutheran World Relief (LWR), Uganda Joint Christian Council (UJCC), Diakonia Sweden, Rural Action Community Based Organization (RACOBAO new), CRWRC, Christian Aid (CA), Icelandic Church Aid (ICA), ECLOF. 1 DRR Platform meeting report 07 May 2013

Text begins here · 2013-05-13 · SECRETARIAT - 150 route de Ferney, P.O. Box 2100, 1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland - TEL: +41 22 791 6033 - FAX: +41 22 791 6506 Preliminary Appeal UGANDA

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Page 1: Text begins here · 2013-05-13 · SECRETARIAT - 150 route de Ferney, P.O. Box 2100, 1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland - TEL: +41 22 791 6033 - FAX: +41 22 791 6506 Preliminary Appeal UGANDA

SECRETARIAT - 150 route de Ferney, P.O. Box 2100, 1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland - TEL: +41 22 791 6033 - FAX: +41 22 791 6506


Preliminary Appeal


Flash Floods in Kasese - UGA131

Preliminary Appeal Target: US$ 220,497

Balance Requested: US$ 220,497

Geneva, 13 May 2013

Dear Colleagues, On 1st and 5th May 2013, heavy rains fell in Kasese District of Uganda causing flash floods that led to loss of life and destruction of property. 3,965 households in 57 villages were affected (Red Cross) with 25,445 people forced out of their homes and thus far, 6 people confirmed dead1 (Uganda Red Cross). Rivers Nyamwamba, Mubuku, Bulemba and Kitakena burst their banks and destroyed the surrounding homes, hospitals, gardens, roads and bridges in the District Kilembe Mines Health Centre and Bulemba Primary School. The school is located at the epicentre of the floods, and is in the path of heavy rocks and boulders that crashed into everything in their way. By Monday 6th May 2013, ACT member, Church of Uganda in Kasese was hosting over 1,000 IDPs. Another 2,000 were sheltering at the local Catholic Church compound. 300 households remain completely cut off in Katindo, Kakindo and Izinga localities.

The affected population, some of whom are sheltering in the local churches are in need of safe water, shelter and basic supplies for survival. The assistance already provided is inadequate but the need for has increased with the second flooding on 5th May. Government, the Uganda Red Cross and NGOs are coordinating to evacuate people, create awareness on safety, control the flood waters, and provide life saving supplies, but these efforts are still inadequate to meet the needs of all affected. The ACT forum is meeting regularly to discuss the level of the ACT response. They are preparing an appeal request to the Alliance. ACT Uganda forum members are: Church of Uganda (COU-PDR), DanChurchAid (DCA), ICCO/ Kerk-in-Aktie, Lutheran World Federation (LWF), Lutheran World Relief (LWR), Uganda Joint Christian Council (UJCC), Diakonia Sweden, Rural Action Community Based Organization (RACOBAO – new), CRWRC, Christian Aid (CA), Icelandic Church Aid (ICA), ECLOF.

1 DRR Platform meeting report 07 May 2013

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Prel. Appeal UGA131: Flash floods in Kasese 2

The amount of USD 220,497 will be used to provide relief to 1’000 vulnerable households including: food and non-food items, support for early recovery and awareness for resilience.




Project Start/Completion Dates

1st May 2013)30th April 2014 1st May 2013/30th April 2014

Geographic areas of response

Kasese Uganda Kasese Uganda

Sectors of response & projected target population per sector

Non food items, shelter, food security, water sanitation and Hygiene, early recovery, and livelihood restoration.

Non food items, shelter, food security, water sanitation and Hygiene, early recovery, and livelihood restoration.


Preliminary Appeal Requirements UJCC as lead agency and COU

Total Requirements

Total requirements US$ 220,497 220,497

Less: pledges/contributions US$ 0 0

Balance of requirements US$ 220,497 220,497


Type of Report UJCC

Situation reports Monthly

Interim narrative and financial report 30th November 2013

Final narrative and financial report 30th June 2014

Audit report and management letter 31st July 2014

Please kindly send your contributions to either of the following ACT bank accounts: US dollar Euro Account Number - 240-432629.60A Euro Bank Account Number - 240-432629.50Z IBAN No: CH46 0024 0240 4326 2960A IBAN No: CH84 0024 0240 4326 2950Z

Account Name: ACT Alliance UBS AG

8, rue du Rhône P.O. Box 2600

1211 Geneva 4, SWITZERLAND Swift address: UBSWCHZH80A

Please also inform the Director of Finance Jean-Daniel Birmele ([email protected]) and the Senior Programme Officer, Katherine Ireri of all pledges/contributions and transfers, including funds sent direct to the implementers.

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Prel. Appeal UGA131: Flash floods in Kasese 3

We would appreciate being informed of any intent to submit applications for EU, USAID and/or other back donor funding and the subsequent results. We thank you in advance for your kind cooperation. For further information please contact:

ACT Senior Programme Officer, Katherine Ireri (phone +41 22 791 6040 or mobile phone +41 79 433 0592) or ACT Deputy General Secretary, Rebecca Larson (phone +41 22 791 6069 or mobile phone +41 79 376 1711)

ACT Web Site address: http://www.actalliance.org

John Nduna General Secretary ACT Alliance Secretariat

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Prel. Appeal UGA131: Flash floods in Kasese 4

I. NARRATIVE SUMMARY DETAILS OF THE EMERGENCY Kasese district is located along the Equator in the Western region of Uganda. It borders the districts of Kabarole and Bundibugyo in the North, Lake George and Kamwenge in the East, Bushenyi and Lake Edward in the South and the Democratic Republic of Congo in the West. The district has an approximate total area of 31,205 sq km that is covered by wetlands, water and a savannah type of vegetation. The district has a mountainous terrain in the north with flat plains in the south. It receives an average rainfall ranging between 900-1600mm annually and two rain seasons that come between March to May and August to November. Temperatures normally range between 23.9ºc and 30.0ºc. The district has an approximate total population of 646,677. Of this 51% (329,805) are females and 49% (316,872) are males. This population is projected from the population census of 2002 with a growth rate of 3.6%, where Kasese had 523,033 people, which was 2.1% of the Ugandan total population. With this population; there is an estimated 133,992 households with an average of 4.9 people per household. Kasese is a multi-ethnic district with many people of different ethnic backgrounds. The main languages and ethnic groups that dominate the area are the Lukonjo and Rutooro of the Bakonjo and Batooro people respectively. Following unusually heavy rains in the District in the months of April - May 2013, there has flooding in Nyamwamba valley areas in Bulembia division in Kasese municipality and district, a place which has hitherto only experienced flash floods and therefore heavy rains have not been of great concern before. However, the prolonged heavy down pours in the district have resulted into overflowing of the District’s biggest rivers of Nyamwamba, Mubuku and Kithakena leading to their banks bursting and wreaking havoc and destruction on the surrounding homes, schools, hospitals, farms/gardens, roads and bridges in the District. According to the media, the area’s most affected include: Kilembe and Nyakasanga in Kasese Municipality where homes, a hospital and schools have been submerged. All the three hydro power stations have blacked out (Kilembe Mines Mubuku I, Troner Power Limited Mubuku II and Kasese Cobalt Company Mubuku III). The flooding has left 8 people dead and more than 19,161 others displaced from their homes. The displaced have sought shelter in Kasese town and Kasese Catholic Diocese headquarters. There are fears that the death toll may increase as some people are still unaccounted for and as the rains continue. Initially, the area affected by floods was Kilembe Mines, Bulembia and Nyamwamba sub-counties. 7 new sub counties of Byarumba, Kyondo, Karusandara, Maliba, Bugoye, Kyarumba and Bwesumbu have also been affected. The situation in the area is really bad and information from the meteorological department indicates that the abnormal rains are likely to continue up to early June. A camp has been set up at Kasese Primary School where the displaced people have been resettled and are being provided with basic needs like food, security and safe drinking water to ward of water-borne diseases like cholera and dysentery. The displaced people will remain in the camp as the government looks for another place for permanent relocation. 50 buildings in Kilembe valley and 20 buildings in Nyamwamba zone of Kasese Town have been destroyed, 5 bridges have been washed away. The villages of Kakindo, Katindo and Izinga with about 300 households were marooned after two rivers (Mubuku and Kithakena) burst their banks owing to the raging flood waters. These villages can only be reached by air because the area has been completely cut off. The whole of Kilembe Hospital staff quarters was wiped out. The entire hospital was silted to the

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Prel. Appeal UGA131: Flash floods in Kasese 5

ceiling. The Uganda People’s Defence Forces and other personnel are making effort to de-silt the hospital. Some of the medical equipment was damaged beyond repair. ACTIONS TO DATE, AND EMERGENCY NEEDS Currently the government and other implementing agencies like the Uganda Red Cross, Save the children, World Vision, UNICEF and World Food Programme among others have responded with various items including: food and safe drinking water but there is still shortage of medicine. The District technical team carried out a rapid assessment, which they shared with the Office of Prime Minister. The government of Uganda through the Ministry of Disaster Preparedness and Response and rescue teams comprising of the Uganda People’s Defence Forces (UPDF), Police and the Uganda Red Cross have been deployed in the area. Officials from the Uganda Red Cross, Office of the Prime Minister and Kasese District are working hard to ensure that the flood victims are resettled at Kasese Primary School. Local rescue teams comprising of the Army, Rwenzori Peace Bridge, Bishop Masereka Foundation and the local community have been trying to minimize fatalities and evacuate people to safer places. The District Chief Administrative Officer has deployed trucks to evacuate people to Kasese Town, but there is shortage of medicine, utensils, beddings, mobile toilets, food supplies, tents/tarpaulins and sanitary ware. The Disaster Response team is working to channel R.Nyamwamba back to its original course. There is a great need for supplies and equipment to help redirect the water. The district needs assorted medicines (intra-venous, antibiotics, oral antibiotics, intravenous fluids, disinfectants, pain killers, oral rehydration salts) and supplies, to hire machinery and plants to clear the roads and drainage systems. They need to restore the water system and electricity supply. There is also a need to restore and reconstruct destroyed hospital infrastructure, construct destroyed bridges and roads. So far, the rains are still unpredictable; therefore there is every reason to fear that more damage might continue. PROPOSED EMERGENCY RESPONSE OVERALL GOAL: Support the survivors of the Kasese floods to cope with the impact of the flash floods. OBJECTIVE(S) OF THE EMERGENCY RESPONSE: 1. Improved access to safe living conditions for 1,000 households in the Emergency camps in Kasese

District, by May 2014 2. Increased access to safe and clean drinking water, hygiene and sanitation in the emergency camps

in Kasese District, by May 2014 3. Improved Food security among displaced persons by May 2014 4. Increased community resilience of the flood prone community in the district. PROPOSED ASSISTANCE: Proposed activities by sector Objective 1: Promotion of Emergency Shelter Indicator: % of households with improved shelter

# of tarpaulins distributed # of blankets distributed # of Long Lasting Insecticide Nets distributed (LLINs) 1.1 Support 1,000 households with 1,000 Tarpaulins 1.2 Procure and distribute 1,000 Blankets for Women and children below 5 years

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Prel. Appeal UGA131: Flash floods in Kasese 6

1.3 Procure and distribute 1,000 pieces of LLINs

Objective 2: Access to Safe Drinking Water, Improved Hygiene and Sanitation Indicator: % decrease in water-related diseases

# of households that have received and are using Jerricans # of households that have received and are using soap # of households supported with and using water purification tablets # of mobile toilets installed

2.1 Procure and distribute 2,000 Jerricans for 1,000 households 2.2 Procure and distribute 420 Cartons of soap for 1,000 households for 2 months (gram 250 gram per person per month sphere) 2.3 Procure and distribute 10 cartons of Water Purification tablets. (Each household 38 tablets for 2 months per households (person takes 2.5 to 3 for drinking and food Sphere standards) 2.4 Procure and install 10 Mobile toilets

Objective 3: Improved Food security among displaced persons by April 2014 Indicators: Number of households meeting their dietary needs per day

# of households supported with planting seed # of visits conducted by District Extension workers

3.1 Procure and distribute planting seed (Maize, Beans, cassava cutting) for 1000 households 3.2 Support District Agricultural extension workers offer advisory services 3.3 Train 1000 households on Post Harvest Handling (PHH) Objective 4: Increased community resilience of the flood prone community in the district. Indicator: Disaster Prone communities come up with and implement Community Managed DRR Plans

# of people trained on Community Resilience and DRR # of Advocacy meetings on DRR conducted # of communities supported in Risk assessment # of communities trained on Early warning systems

4.1 Train 50 Diocesan and Caritas staff on Community Resilience and DRR 4.2 Advocacy on DRR towards local government officials in order to set up the DRR 4.3 Conduct a risk Assessment to identify the communities to be capacities in the resilience building. 4.4 Train communities on Early warning systems and development of DRR plans Objective 5: General Activities (Improved management and coordination) 5.1 Conduct 04 Joint planning and coordination at national level 5.2 Conduct a Midterm performance review TARGET POPULATIONS: Though there is no breakdown of the actual disaggregation of the population at the moment, at least 3,108 people from Bulembia and Kilembe are registered at Kasese Primary School and approximately 19,161 people have been affected by the floods in the areas of: The project shall support approximately 5000 people from 1000 households. The actual figures of the population affected according to Relief web is as shown below

S/No Sub-county Numbers

1 Kilembe and Bulembia 4,996

2 Kitswamba 1,139

3 Kabarugira 561

4 Bugoye 76

5 Maliba 1,341

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Prel. Appeal UGA131: Flash floods in Kasese 7

6 Kyalumba 142

7 Karusandara 10,906

TOTAL 19,161 Data Source: Relief Web 07th/May/2013

IMPLEMENTATION ARRANGEMENTS: The UJCC and CoU shall carry out the direct implementation with support from the local organisation of CARITAS and South Rwenzori Diocese. All the organisations have already functional offices and community structures on the ground which shall contribute to effective and timely implementation of the project within the agreed time and budgets. Though no MoU has been developed the office of the district has already invited Development partners Ministries and Agencies to extend both financial and technical support. COORDINATION: The coordination of this emergency intervention shall take the following structure;



UJCC and CoU




Diakonia, DCA,

LWR, CoS, Rural

Action Community

Based Organization

(RACOBAO – new








Co- Implementers

(Non ACT alliance)



and South

Rwenzori Diocese


Office of the Prime

Minister (OPM),


Red Cross, Save the


District Officials,

Police, WV

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Prel. Appeal UGA131: Flash floods in Kasese 8

COMMUNICATIONS: Communication activities shall include reports, Television stories, Stakeholders physical engagements, Web site stories and radio announcements when necessary. Communication shall also follow the principles and guidelines stipulated in Chapter 3.9 of ACT Alliance’s communications in emergency layout, which will be used in conjunction with the CoU and UJCC communication plans. With guidance from the Executive Secretary and Provincial Secretary shall take the lead in the preparation of press releases, stories, and other needed information. As such, there will be strong effort to link communication to public advocacy, participation in emergency assessments. The communication team will work to ensure that; Integrity and effectiveness of the ACT alliance. Use the intervention to the best advantage of the ACT Alliance. Visibility, on the other hand, shall be ensured by always mentioning the ACT Alliance family, and by co-branding facilities, working environments, web sites, reports, staff clothing’s with the logo and brand name ACT Alliance. A sufficient budget line for this has been incorporated (see budget attachment.) PRINCIPLES AND STANDARDS: In order to maximize result, the project shall employ a number of methods that include:

Participatory methods: All stakeholders (donors, local leaders and development partners) shall be consulted and their opinions on strategies, success and challenges will be solicited in a timely fashion. In a similar way, implementation decisions shall focus on gender mainstreaming so that opinions and issues affecting women are put into consideration with their fully participation. This is expected to ensure project success and ownership.

Accountability: Efforts shall be made to ensure both up ward and down ward feedback on plans of how to use and actual resource utilization. UJCC and CoU will continue putting into practise the principles of Humanitarian Accountability Partnership (HAP).

Non-discrimination: The project shall ensure IDPs are not discriminated against basing on their gender, physical appearance, social and religious belief. This is expected to contribute to equal fulfilment of rights.

Disaster Risk Management: UJCC AND CoU fully understand and conform to the principles of disaster risk management. UJCC AND CoU shall make effort to build early warning systems strengthened and emergency preparedness strategies so as to safe guard against future catastrophes.


S/No Proposed Activities MONTHS

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

1.1 Support 1,000 households with 1,000 Tarpaulins

1.2 Procure and distribute 1,000 Blankets

1.3 Procure and distribute 1,000 pieces of LLINs

2.0 Access to Safe Drinking Water, Improved Hygiene and Sanitation

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Prel. Appeal UGA131: Flash floods in Kasese 9

Indicator: % decrease in water-related diseases

2.1 Raise awareness on hygiene and sanitation

2.2 Train 100 Village Health Teams and health promoters

2.3 Conduct 03 advocacy meetings on hygiene at District level(With Govt, NGOS, Religious leaders)

3.0 Objective: Improved Food security recovery for IDP

3.1 Procure and distribute planting seed(Maize, Beans, cutting) for 1000 households

3.2 Support District Agricultural extension workers

4.0 Increased resilience of the flood prone community in the district.

4.1 Train 50 Diocesan and Caritas staff on Community Resilience and DRR

4.2 Advocacy on DRR towards local government officials in order to set up the DRR

4.3 Conduct a risk Assessment to identify the communities to be capacities in the resilience building.

4.4 Train communities on Early warning systems and development of DRR plans

5.0 General Activities

5.1 Conduct 04 Joint planning and coordination at national level

5.2 Conduct a Midterm performance review

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Prel. Appeal UGA131: Flash floods in Kasese 10

HUMAN RESOURCES AND ADMINISTRATION OF FUNDS: The project shall be co- managed between UJCC and CoU with UJCC playing the lead role. Reporting, procurement, communication, human resource management, Risk Assessment and management shall be an integral part of each of the agencies indicated in the structure below:

MONITORING AND EVALUATION: Monitoring shall be an integral part of the project, as every staff member assigned to work on this project is required to conduct continuous data collection and measurement of project’s progress. The Program officers shall oversee this process to ensure that the project realizes results through well formulated indicators. Implementing staff at district and diocesan level will conduct project reviews, assessments and evaluations, while external technical support of consultants will be used whenever the need arises. Report deadlines shall be respected with situational, interim and final reports always prepared and submitted along with the financial report. These reports shall help inform ACT alliance and stakeholders about the progress made, challenges, best practices and lessons learned. As much as possible, stories from the beneficiaries and photos showing the progress of work on the ground shall be included. A Midterm internal performance review will be conducted in the eighth month o f the project.

CoU (Direct Implementer reports


Reporting Procurement



Technical staff

and finally




Uganda and

South Rwenzori

Diocese. Report








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II. FINANCIAL SUMMARY- Indicative budget (more details in the full Appeal)

Flash Floods in Kasese Preliminary APPEAL BUDGET 1st MAY 2013 TO 30th April 2014. UJCC and CoU


Activities Unit

no units unit cost (UgX)

Total cost (UgX) cost in USD

Objective 1: Promotion of Emergency Shelter


Support 1000 households with 1000 Tarpaulins Pieces 1000




Procure and distribute 2000 Jerrycans for 1000 households Jerrycan 1000




Procure and distribute 420 cartons of soap for 1000 households for 2 months Cartons 420




Procure and install 10 mobile toilets Mobile toilets 10




Procure and distribute 1000 blankets for women and children below 5 years Blankets 1000




Procure and distribute 1000 pieces of LLINs Pieces 1000




Procure and distribute 10 cartons of water purification tablets Cartons 10




Objective2 : Raise awareness on hygiene and sanitation -

Activity Train 100 Village Health Teams and health promoters.


Refreshments Persons 600




Stationary(Books and pens Flip charts) Pieces 200




Transport refund People 600




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Prel. Appeal UGA131: Flash floods in Kasese 12

Trainers fee Days 6




Activity Conduct 03 advocacy meetings on hygiene at District level(With Govt, NGOS, Religious leaders)



SDA for 50 participants Days 50




Media coverage(TV/Radio) Sessions 3




Transport for participants People 50




Objective3: Improved Food security recovery for IDP

Activity Procure and distribute planting seed(Maize, Beans, cutting) for 1000 households


Procure and distribute planting seed Maize for 1000 households Bags 50 300000



Procure and distribute planting seed Beans for 1000 households Bean bags 50 300000



Procure and distribute planting seed cutting for 1000 households Cuttings 1000




Activity Support 10 District Agricultural extension workers


Transport refund for District Agricultural extension workers 25ltrs per months for each 10 3000




SDA FOR District Agricultural extension workers 10 12




Objective 4: Increased resilience of the flood prone community in the district. - -

Activity Train 50 Diocesan and Caritas staff on Community Resilience and DRR

SDA Persons 50




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Prel. Appeal UGA131: Flash floods in Kasese 13

Trainers fee Days 3




Stationary(Books and pens Flip charts) Persons 50




Activity Advocacy on DRR towards local government officials in order to set up committees


SDA for participants Persons 50




Transport refund for participants Transport 50




Radio talk show Sessions 2




Activity Conduct a risk Assessment to identify the communities to be capacities in the resilience building.


Transport for assessors.(5 Persons from the district for 1 week) Fuel 250




Per diem for assessors Per diem 250




Stationary(Books and pens Flip charts) Lump sum 1




Activity Train communities on Early warning systems and development of DRR plans



Facilitation for Facilitator Persons 125




Refreshment during training events Sessions 125




Transport for Facilitators Fuel 125




General Activities Activity Conduct 04 Joint planning and coordination at

national level Stationary(Books and pens Flip charts) Persons 30

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Prel. Appeal UGA131: Flash floods in Kasese 14

60,000 1,800,000 679.25

Fuel(Project ) Months 12




Communication(Entire project) Months 12




Per diems project management Persons 100




Activity M&E

Mid term Review People 250




Baseline assessment Sessions 1




Laptops Pieces 2




Camera Pieces 2 456,000



INDIRECT COSTS(to be elaborated in the full appeal)

Estimated administration cost (to be elaborated in the full appeal)



Total estimated Expenditure 567,298,000 214,075

International coordination fees(3%)


Total for Preliminary appeal


Exchange rate: 1USD to 2650 UGSh

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Appendix 1: Map