Texas Bass Fishing Mag Summer 2010

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  • 8/9/2019 Texas Bass Fishing Mag Summer 2010


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    Summer 2010


    SummertimeBUZZThe OL BALL & CHAINabout




  • 8/9/2019 Texas Bass Fishing Mag Summer 2010


  • 8/9/2019 Texas Bass Fishing Mag Summer 2010


    Publisher/EditorEddie R. Thomas

    Executive EditorDoris Thomas

    Graphic Designer/IllustratorJason Yates

    ContributorsMatt WilliamsRuss Clarke

    Cody GreaneyCheryl Bowden

    Advertising(936) 588-4500

    [email protected]

    Director of Sales: Eddie ThomasSales Manager: Jason Yates

    Sales: Tanner Morgan

    Subscription Information936-588-4500


    Texas Bass Fishing Magazineis published by

    Lonestar Publications21574 Eva Street,

    Montgomery, Texas 77356

    All rights reserved.

    Reproduction or use of editorial

    or graphic content without the

    permission of Texas Bass Fishing

    Magazine is prohibited.

    Texas Bass Fishing

    Magazine assumes

    no responsibility for any kind of

    unsolicited materials.

    Printed in the U.S.A



    T B Fng Mgzn | Summer 2010 3



    Matt Williams




    BYRuss Clarke 10

    Editor Notes....................................04by Eddie Tomas

    Accessorize Your Accessories...............06by Cody Greaney

    Lady Bass Anglers Association.........08

    by Cheryl Bowden

    Tournament Trail............................17

  • 8/9/2019 Texas Bass Fishing Mag Summer 2010


    4 Texas Bass Fishing Magazine | Summer 2010

    Send your ideas,photos & comments, to:[email protected]

    Visit our Website at:


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    Eddie Thomas


    As the hot summer months approach, some

    o you might opt to stay indoors to avoid

    the heat. While you are sitting around, trying

    to stay cool, why not check out Texas Bass

    Fishing Magazine on the internet. We have

    redesigned our website, at www.txbassmag.

    com to include our current and back issues or

    easy access. So i you have missed an issue or

    want to reread an article it is a great place to

    nd them. You can also nd links to all the

    Texas Bass Fishing Magazine advertisers and

    tournament trails on our website. Plus you canalways sign up or a ree subscription to the

    magazine or nd our contact inormation.

    Texas Bass Fishing Magazine has also launched

    a Facebook and Twitter page. I you are a big

    Facebook or Twitter user you can become a

    an o the Texas Bass Fishing Magazine page

    on Facebook and ollow us @txbassmag onTwitter. Our page is a great place to post

    tournament inormation, tournament results,

    lake reports and o course bass shing pictures.

    Along the way, we plan to spotlight diferent

    bass organizations, tournament trails and our

    advertisers products. We hope to create a

    community were bass anglers can get together

    to discuss issues that are important to them

    and to share inormation. In the coming

    months we will be working hard to keep the

    pages updated with the latest news. It is a great way to communicate with our readers and

    ellow bass anglers, and we look orward to

    your input and suggestions.

    Get online and check us out! Also, be sure to

    tell your ellow anglers about us. Enjoy this

    issue and have a great summer.

    Texas BassFishing Magazine

    Goes Social

  • 8/9/2019 Texas Bass Fishing Mag Summer 2010



    Learn to identify and report harmful invasive species.www.texasinvasives.org

    Once giant salvinia invades, it chokes lakes and ruins shing, boating and water recreation.

    When introduced, it can double in size every seven days and completely cover the lake.

    Giant salvinia travels to dierent Texas lakes attached to boats and trailers. It can survive for

    days out of water, so clean even the smallest pieces off your boat, trailer and gear.

    Because if giant salvinia is allowed to take over Texas lakes, it wont be our Texas anymore.

  • 8/9/2019 Texas Bass Fishing Mag Summer 2010


    6 T B Fng Mgzn | Summer 2010

    Walking he isles o a shing reailsore, bass shermen are noorious orwaning and needing a leas one iem

    on every peg. Is a wonder why some

    anglers boas can gain he maximum

    speed adverised in he brochure. Have

    he manuacurers accouned or he exra

    nine hundred and welve pounds o wha

    i s? Disclaimer: I can only make hese

    accusaions due o

    my realizaion ha I

    am jus he same. My

    name is Cody, and

    I have a problem

    Charreuse, curly

    ails, weighed hooks,

    line condiioner and

    Colorado blades

    have kep me away

    rom he obligaions I

    oherwise ough o beocusing on.

    Aer spending a leas

    a hundred dollars on

    a rod and anoher

    hundred on a reel,

    is no near enough

    o leave i as is. Is ime o accessorize

    your accessories. You can jus reel your

    bais o he end o he shing rod. You

    mus have a place o hook your bai closer

    o he reel in order o uck i in your rodlocker. Brillian, a hook keeper near he

    reel, exacly wha is need! Aer a day o

    reeling in monser sh, a aigued nger

    and humb can only be relieved wih

    reel grips o soen he blow. I ha is

    no enough, here is a ull rod cover ha

    will proec your rods rom UV rays and

    scraching. While you are a i , you can

    Cody Greaney

    Accessorize Your


    make he covers color specic or easy


    Nex is wha o do wih all o hose bags

    o bais? Some anglers have plasic boxes

    ha nicely separae colors, shapes and

    sizes. Ohers use a worm book much

    like a binder wih pockes. Ten here are

    clips mouned inside a panel o your boa

    o hang he bags rom. For hose who are

    sickly engrossed wih he addicive rais

    o bais, is a combinaion o hem all.

    I am no sure ha here is enough room

    or he conversaion o boa accessories

    comparmen lighs, clips, rollingmoors, plugs, ackle sysems, ne sorage,

    elecronics , rod sorage and I am jus

    beginning. Many o hese iems are now

    being buil ino he original consrucion

    by boa companies in order o appeal o

    appeal o specic clienele which hey are

    working o gain, Te Bass-Aholics.

    Wha abou he imes your ruck is no

    atached o your bass boa? ruck hiches

    mus have a bass covering he railer

    ball! I no, a leas a bass sicker on he

    window will sufce. Im no even going

    o ry and explain he complexiy o my

    rucks back window. I you are siting

    a a sop ligh behind me and can ell

    Im a sherman, hen here has go o

    be somehing wrong wih you!

    From your everyday

    atire, o somehing o

    mow he yard in, i has

    go o be covered in a

    shing logo o some sor.

    Te unny hing is ha

    mos o he ime we pay

    o adverise or hese

    companies! Brillian idea

    and we all buy ino i.

    Hmm, should I wear he

    lure manuacurers shir,he sunglass company

    shir, or he boa brand


    Do we have a problem?

    For mos (non-shing

    ypes) a boa, shing

    rod, or ruck accessory is jus ha, an

    accessory. For bass sherman, is a way

    o lie. We are so oen lead o believe ha

    he accessories we have will help win us

    ha nex ournamen or assis in landingha sh o a lie ime. Looking back on

    my early years o shing, i was a much

    simpler way o lie; one box o ackle, a

    couple rods and a good nigh o res was

    all i ook o ge me going. As ime has

    gone on, I am sill looking or he one las

    accessory ha will land he big un.

    Fish ON!

  • 8/9/2019 Texas Bass Fishing Mag Summer 2010


    T B Fng Mgzn | Summer 2010 7T B Fng Mgzn | Summer 2010 7

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  • 8/9/2019 Texas Bass Fishing Mag Summer 2010


    Cheryl Bowden

    8 Texas Bass Fishing Magazine | Summer 2010

    Lady Bass Anglers Associaion is a groupo women who have joined ogeher oreach he shared dream o having a proessional

    ournamen rail ha; mees our need o bond

    wih oher likeminded women; provides he

    opporuniy or us o earn a reasonable reurn

    on our nancial invesmens; undersands

    where our nancial obligaions lie; and allows

    us o provide our sponsors wih a posiive

    reurn on heir invesmen.

    Our mission is o providewomen wih an opporuniy

    o sh proessionally, o grow

    he spor o bass shing and o

    build a program ha will allow

    uure generaions o young

    ladies wih he opporuniy o

    sh compeiively agains oher

    women i hey so choose.

    In May o 2010, a new chaper in

    he hisory o proessional bass

    shing unolded in Kenucky

    as women anglers rom all corners o he USconverged on Moors Resor and Marina in

    Paducah, Kenucky o discuss he uure o

    womens bass shing and o compee in a

    ournamen pairing boaers and non-boaers.

    Proessional anglers Secre York and Cheryl

    Bowden organized his momenous even.

    We are impressed wih he enhusiasm and

    willingness o everyone who played a par

    in he ormaion o he Lady Bass Anglers

    Associaion said Bowden. Even i someone did

    no atend his even, he/she can sil l voluneer

    o help. Cheryl also announced he daesor he rs Lady Bass Anglers A ssociaions

    ournamen on Sepember 16-18, 2010 which

    will kick o he 2011 evens. Tis ournamen

    will ake place in Russellville, Arkansas on

    Lake Dardanelle. Tere will be wo divisions:

    Proessional and Co-Angler. More inormaion

    on he enry ees, payous and rules will be

    released afer he Board o Direcors meeing

    akes place in early July.

    When ESPN/BASS announced he

    erminaion o he Womens Bassmaser our

    in early January, women anglers were lef in

    limbo. While many o he ladies scrambled

    o ener oher predominaely male shing

    evens beore he elds were ull, hey were sill

    saddened by he ac ha hey c ould no longer

    compee wih he lie-long riends hey had

    made over he years shing wi h jus he girls.

    wo respeced ouring pros decided i was ime

    he women ook charge o heir own uure.

    Cheryl Bowden o exas and Secre York oKenucky wen o work immediaely wih a

    plan o organize a new womens rail Our goal

    is o esablish a rail run by women anglers

    or women anglers, Bowden said. Bowden

    and York see his as a win win siuaion

    or everyone. No only does his creae he

    opporuniy o coninue shing proessionally

    wih oher women, bu as women anglers we

    have a voice in he direcion o a uure our

    and he means o creaing qualiy sponsorship

    opporuniies. York said.

    Te even in May was a grea success. In he pro

    division, Robbie Harline o Forisell, Missouri,

    ook rs place wih ve sh weighing 13.85

    pounds. Second place wen o Pati Campbell

    o Waxachie, exas, and hird o Secre York o

    Benon, Kenucky. In he co-angler division,

    Donna Newberry o Van Buren, Arkansas

    ook rs wih ve sh weighing 12.4 pounds.

    Second wen o Jennier Helgrin o Park Ciy,

    Illinois, and hird wen o Leslie Lively o

    Grapeland, exas.

    All in all, ever yhing urned ou , said York.

    We wan o hank our sponsors who made

    our even possible: SHE Oudoor Apparel,

    Moors Resor and Marina, Casaway Graphie

    Rods, Ray Barga and Associaes, Inc.,

    Sporsmens Edge rion Boa dealership, Wes

    Kenucky LED, odali Lures,

    Necessiy Jigs, Nie Owl Media

    Producions, rion Boas,

    Dave Sewars Big Bass GuideService, Norh exas Marine

    rion dealership, Legend

    Boas, BassCa Boas , Phoenix

    Boas, and Skeeer Boas.

    Lady Bass Anglers Associaion

    is currenly developing a

    Websie so people can learn

    abou he organizaion and

    say up o dae on our evens.

    Look or us a www.ladybassanglers.com. In

    he mean ime, people can cach up and learn

    more abou he Lady Bass Anglers A ssociaiona www.cherylbowden.ne or on our Facebook

    Page. Also anyone wih quesions may conac:

    Lady Bass Anglers


    Cheryl Bowden


    [email protected]

    Secre York


    [email protected]


    Cheryl Bowden

  • 8/9/2019 Texas Bass Fishing Mag Summer 2010

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    10 T B Fng Mgzn | Summer 2010

    Oor cover they can stage on that

    provides some orm o shade and size

    to ambush rom at deeper depths.

    When working these main lake point patterns, try working the old ball and chain

    (Carolina Rig) across, down the middle, and o the breaks o the point. Te key

    to successully working a Carolina Rig, is to keep it moving and stopping slightly

    only on contact regardless o how subtle. Te typical Carolina Rig bite can be as

    aint as a slight tick, spongy eel, or just a heavy eeling.

    As it gets later in the day, keeping track o water temps during mid day hours will

    be key in helping you determine your next move. Te third and most productive

    summertime structure pattern is the brush pile. When the sun is high and water

    temps are approaching the 90s, brush piles are your best bet at putting together

    a great day on the water. When locating productive brush piles, the one thing to



    Story byRuss ClarkeIllustrations by Jason Yates

    ne things or sure, the transition between spring and summer in exas happens

    aster than tying on your avorite spinnerbait. Every year throughout exas,

    temperatures begin to irt with the nineties in May and could easily hit the century

    mark by early July. As water temperatures began to rise, and largemouth begin

    their move rom post spawn to their summer patterns, bass will become more

    and more aggressive early while turning airly predictable as the day heats up. Te

    decision to get out and sweat a little on those muggy mornings and super hot days

    can really pay o i youre willing to stick it out. With that being said, summertime

    bass shing is no dierent than any other time o year in terms o understanding

    how they move, eed and relate to cover during the summer migrations. Tere are

    typically three productive patterns that work well during the dog days o summer;

    however the key is to understand when to move and when to stay.

    Te ever popular early morning bite is a avorite or those o us who love great

    top water action. When targeting early morning largemouth, try tying on a white

    or chartreuse buzz bait and work down banks adjacent to the main lake or large

    secondary creek points. Te banks that produce best are those holding old beanie

    stems, standing timber, and isolated lay downs in water about 2 or more in depth.

    Tese sh are typically on the eed and will look or cover they can easily ambush

    rom. Te trick here is keeping up with

    the water temp. Water temperatures will

    usually be in the mid to high 70s early in

    the morning and will move up quickly as

    the sun rises.

    As the sun begins to break the horizon, and

    the water temp reaches the mid 80s start

    working back out to the main lake points

    that hold larger standing timber and/or

    large grass mats that extend out into 10

    or more in depth. Main lake points that

    have a well dened underwater point with

    a depth o 15 or more at the end o the

    point will produce the best. As the water

    quickly heats up, bass will begin to look

  • 8/9/2019 Texas Bass Fishing Mag Summer 2010


    T B Fng Mgzn | Summer 2010 11

    consider are their specic locations. Not all summertime brush

    piles are productive; those that are located at the junction or

    adjacent to deep ditches, main creek channels and distinctivebreaks on main lake humps provide the best chance or catching

    a ton o sh.

    Once you locate a ew brush piles to sh, try a ew dierent

    presentations to nd out how active and what the sh are in

    the mood or. Deep diving crankbaits that can reach brush piles

    at 17 deep can be really productive when shed on all sides.

    Carolina rigs are probably the most consistent in producing

    good sh time and time again, and i the weather permits

    jigs and big exas Rigged worms or lizards can produce the

    sh o a lietime. We all know exas summers are brutal,

    and to better enjoy ourselves and make sure we remain sae

    on the water.

    Always stock your coolers with ice and water


    Keep enough sunscreen or everyone

    As always, be sae on the water, think conservation and

    introduce someone to shing!!!


    On-line store coming soon!

  • 8/9/2019 Texas Bass Fishing Mag Summer 2010




    MENPhotos & StoryMatt Williams

    Chris Fontenotis admittedly more o a loverthan he is a fghter, but the personable bass pro/

    fshing guide rom Nacogdoches, Tx., still likes getting into

    a good, old ashioned brawl every now and then. He always

    likes it best when a burly largemouth delivers the frst punch,especially when the violent blow comes rom the blind side

    and there is an unsuspecting rog lure on the receiving end.

    Frog fshing is one my avorite things to do -- I love it, said

    Fontenot. Its not something that will work every day, but

    when the bass are on it the bite can be almost like magic.

  • 8/9/2019 Texas Bass Fishing Mag Summer 2010


    Lonnie Stanley can relate to Fontenots rog shin phobia. A veteran lure maker and ve-time Bassmaster Classic qualier romHuntington, x., Stanley has witnessed the brutal assault hundreds o times on

    lakes across exas and beyond. Not surprisingly, he says the game never gets old

    no matter how many times he plays it. I anything, it becomes more entertaining

    with time.

    O all the ways there are to catch a bass, none can compare with the excitement

    that Kermit can dish out, Stanley said. At times, the strikes can be so violent that

    it almost seems like you are playing sel deense out there.

    Lonnie Stanley can relate to Fontenot'srog shin' phobia. A veteran lure maker and ve-time Bassmaster Classic qualier rom Huntington, x.,

    Stanley has witnessed the brutal assault hundreds o times

    on lakes across exas and beyond. Not surprisingly, he saysthe game never gets old no matter how many times he plays

    it. I anything, it becomes more entertaining with time.

    "O all the ways there are to catch a bass, none can compare

    with the excitement that Kermit can dish out," Stanley said.

    "At times, the strikes can be so violent that it almost seems

    like you are playing sel deense outthere."

  • 8/9/2019 Texas Bass Fishing Mag Summer 2010


    he vexing afnity bass have towards rogs comes natural. oads rank prettylow on the aquatic ood chain. Bass rank close to the top. When Kermit goesskimming across a grassy at or gurgling across a stand o lily pads, the temptationis oten more than Micropterus salmoides can stand.

    Bass are natural born head hunters and they rarely hold anything back when theywage war on a rog. Oten times, the strike is so vicious that it can be heard rom100 yards away on windless summer day. Terein lies a big part o the attractionbass anglers have or these baits. Simply put, we are wolves or excitement andgluttons or punishment. Frog baits eed both obsessions. Tey also can help addsome serious weight to a tournament sack i the timing is right.

    To wit:

    Fontenot and his team partner, Jaret Latta, have put together a banner season in

    2010 that at last count included eight op 10s and one win on various regionalcircuits. According to Fontenot, Kermit has played a major role in their success allyear long. We have used the rog in every tournament and caught a lot o key shon it, he said. Plus, it helped us locate some big sh that we ultimately caughtusing other baits. In the segments that ollow, the two anglers discuss the ins andouts o shing a rog while sharing some valuable tips to to help you score nexttime you take Kermit or stroll:

    Anatomy of a Frog

    Tere are two styles o rogs -- the oating hollow body and buzz rog. Te anglerimparts the action on a hollow body rog by using a combination o rod tip and

    wrist action to make it dance side-to-side or walk the dog. A stop-and-go retrievecan be productive, as well. Especially when throwing a popper-style rog with acupped nose. Te hollow body usually comes pre-rigged with a double hook,

    which rides snug against the hindquarters to resist ouling on weeds or brush.Te rogs body compresses when the bass eats it, thus exposing the hooks. Whilethere are easily more than dozen companies that make hollow bodies, Fontenotsavorite is the Spro Bronzeye, mainly because it has a serious hook with plenty obite. Te hook sticks up a good hal inch when the body compresses, he said.Tats critical in my opinion. Te wide bite naturally increases the chances o ash getting hooked and staying buttoned.

    Sot plastic buzz rogs have two legs and eet that sputter and churn as the baitis retrieved across the surace, thus the title buzz rog. Te amount o thump

    14 T B Fng Mgzn | Summer 2010


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    T B Fng Mgzn | Summer 2010 15

    displaced by the legs and eet can vary immenselyrom one rog to the next. As a rule, buzz rogs withboot-shaped eet create more surace commotionthan those with at eet. Based on his experience,Stanley says there should be slots reserved or bothstyles o toads in every bass anglers arsenal.

    Hollow body rogs and buzz rogs are like exasrig worms and spinnerbaits, he said. Tey aretwo dierent animals, each with a purposed. Ahollow body might work better in some situationsthan a buzz rog and vice versa. It could havesomething to do with type o cover you areshing, or the mood o the sh. Its always a goodidea to have both.

    Good Places, When andWays to Fish Em

    Frogs will produce in wide open spaces, but tendto work best when shed in shallow, clear water,usually in relation to aquatic vegetation, brush, bushes, stumps, docks and othercover bass use to ambush unsuspecting prey. Spring, summer and all are optimumseasons to take roggy or a stroll.

    Fontenot likes to throw the Bronzeye when targeting bass that are hanging tight towillows bushes or beneath overhanging tree limbs and boat docks, mainly becausethe baits physical design lends itsel to skipping. It takes some practice, but onceyou get it down that bait will skip like a at rock, he said. You can skip it wayup into tight spots you cant reach with other baits, and it really seems to aggravatethe sh.

    Stanley says buzz rogs can be eective around docks and brush, but as a rule thesebaits are more at home traversing lily pads, pepper grass, eel grass and hydrillabeds. He likes to target water 1-4 eet deep in close proximity to a creek channel ordrop o. He pointed out that edges, points, holes or pockets in weed beds, or areasthan oer a mix o vegetation, generally hold the most potential or attracting bass.Bream beds can be another big key during the summer months, he said. Bigbass will hang around the edges o the bedding areas, just watching and waitingor somebody to make a mistake. Teyll blast a buzz rog i one comes by.

    Stanleys likes to retrieve his buzz rog slow and steady, just ast enough to keep


    Catch The Buzz!3 Extra wings & battery included

    WARNING!!This Lure is as deadly asElectronic Engineering

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    ALIVE LUREBuzzing wings create ripple

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    the legs and eet churning. Occasionally, he will stop the bait and let it all intoisolated holes and pockets to antagonize bass that may not be aggressive enoughto snatch it o the surace.

    Buzz FactorsNot all buzz rogs are created equal. Zooms Horny oad has a thick body, thinlegs and at eet that curl inward. Te eet and legs utter as the bait comes acrossthe surace, resulting in a subtle patting noise.

    SPRO Bronzeye Frog

    Te SPRO Bronzeye is the perect rog lure to be shed in heavy cover or in open water.Designed to cast long distances. Specially weighted to land on its belly cast ater cast.

    Te SPRO Bronzeye Popper Frog is designed weedless and attracts bass out o the thickestcover with a loud popping sound made by itsspecially curved mouth.

    SPRO Bronzeye Popper Frog

  • 8/9/2019 Texas Bass Fishing Mag Summer 2010


    16 T B Fng Mgzn | Summer 2010

    Te Ribbits tune is more radical. It has thin legs and boot-shaped eet turnedat an inward angle. Te oot design kicks up water and creates a thumping,gurgling noise and leaves a distinctive bubble trail on a steady retrieve. Itsalmost like a buzz bait, Fontenot said. Bass hate it. As much as Stanley likes tothrow the Ribbit, he says there times when quiet can be better. Tats oten thecase in dead calm conditions, he said. As a rule, the Ribbit tends to work best

    when there is some ripple or light chop on the surace. Tats why it is always agood idea to keep both styles handy. I one isnt working, try the other. Te bass

    will let you know which one they want.

    Specia li ty Tactic =Specialty Tools

    Like other specialty tactics, rog shingdemands speciality gear in order to bemost eective. * Brooms and Braid: Bothanglers said the ideal buzz rog rod should

    be a broom stick and a rocket launcherwrapped into the same package. A heavy-action stick around seven eet in length

    with a ast tip action will usually ll thebill. I like a rod with enough back bone todrive the hook into the bass jaw and horsea large sh out o thick cover, Stanleysaid. I also want some tip action so Ican make long casts. Fontenot preers arod with slightly lighter action or hollowbodies, especially when skipping baits

    around bushes and docks. His choice is aseven oot All-Star designed or Carolinarigging. Te pros said braided line with a

    breaking strength o at least 50-pound test is essential or rog shing. Fontenotis a Sux guy. Stanley preers Power Pro. Fish a rog without braid and you areasking or trouble, Fontenot said. Its super strong. Plus, it has zero stretch toimprove hooksets and it cuts through grass like a knie.

    * Reels and Hooks: Stanley and Fontenot preer a high-speed baitcaster with a gearratio o at least 6.7:1 to get their rogs up and running and to recover line quickly.Even more important is a high quality hook. As earlier mentioned, hollow bodiesare sold with hooks pre-rigged. Buzz rogs are not.

    Tere are a several good buzz rog hooks on the market, but Fontenot contends that

    none compare to the Stanley Double ake, a long shank double hook introducedearlier this year. Tough it was designed around the Stanley Ribbit and ZoomHorny oad, the hook matches nicely with some other brands, as well.

    Te Double ake holds the toad secure at the rear by hooking through the base oeach leg and at the nose using a spring keeper. Te hooks ride at on top o therogs rump without restricting the enticing action o the legs and boot-shapedeet. Stanley said the design naturally turns more rog strikes into solid hook-ups.A lot o the strikes you get on Ribbit are directed at the legs and eet, because

    that is where the action is at, he said. Te Double ake catches a lot o shthat might miss a traditional single hook. Plus, it keeps them buttoned up muchbetter. I they eat a rog with the Double ake, its usually game over i you getthem stuck.

    Te SANLEY Double ake holds thetoad secure at the rear by hooking throughthe base o each leg and at the nose usinga spring keeper. Te hooks ride at on topo the rogs rump without restricting theenticing action o the legs and boot-shapedeet.

    ZOOM Horny Toad

    STANLEY Ribbit

    STANLEYDouble Take Hook

    Te ZOOM Horny oad can be utilized at alldepths, and it can be ipped and pitched. Butultimately, its at its best shed weightless andbuzzed or hopped near the surace.

    Te SANLEY Ribbit can be worked weedless over logs, grassbeds, and lily pads. With its unique oot design that kicks up andgurgles water, sh wont be able to resist. Rigged properly you can

    work this lure almost anywhere.

  • 8/9/2019 Texas Bass Fishing Mag Summer 2010



    w w w . B a s s c h a m p s . c o m

    1st series tourNameNt results, Toledo bend - M ay 15, 2010

    aNGlers Fish BiG Bass weiGht poiNts wiNNiNGs

    1 DERRICK MONG & DAVE MONG 5 9.85 25.53 275.53 $15,000 + $2,500

    2 RYAN PINKSTON & DEUCE WULF 5 5.99 24.47 273.47 $2,000

    3 RUSS CARTER & LAMONTE LOYD 5 22.25 270.25 $1,000

    4 SHANE HILTON & CHAD DYESS 5 21.31 268.31 $1,000

    5 DAVID HARVEY & KRIS WILSON 5 11.06 21.04 267.04 $2,000

    2Nd series tourNameNt results, saM rayburn - june 5Th, 2010

    aNGlers Fish BiG Bass weiGht poiNts wiNNiNGs

    1 TOMMY HOWARD & JIM FURR 5 9.44 28.66 278.66 $6,500 + $1,000

    2 KEITH WORTHY & CHUCK SHEFFIELD 5 8.21 21.75 270.75 $3,000

    3 JAKE GOODRUM & JODY GOODRUM 5 21.11 269.11 $2,000

    4 RICHARD DRAPER & PHIL MARKS 5 20.97 267.97 $1,500

    5 BUTCH CARMACK & DAVID CURTIS 5 20.14 266.14 $1,000

    2010 south resulTschoke canyonMay 22, 2010place aNGler 1 aNGler 2 Fish BiG Bass weiGht prize

    1 SPIKE STOKER STePhenVILLe, TX JUSTIN STONE haMLIn, TX 5 8.26 27.72 $20,200


    3 RICHARD KEYLICH JR PLeaSanTon, T X DAVID DOVE Von oRMy, TX 5 8.92 20.58 $2,000



    2010 east resultsSaM RaybuRnaPrIl 24 , 2010place aNGler 1 aNGler 2 Fish BiG Bass weiGht prize

    1 JOHN VILES cLeVeLanD, TX DONALD UNGER ShePheRD, T X 5 9.44 22.50 $20,0002 RICKY POTTS LonGVIeW, TX BILL HUDSPETH kILGoRe, TX 5 20.00 $5,000

    3 JASON BLACKMON benTon, La ALFRED PEMBERTON JR haRkeR heIGhTS, TX 5 19.62 $3,000


    5 JEFF REYNOLDS PLaTTeR, ok RANDALL BRUCE coLbeRT, ok 5 19.36 $1,200

    2010 ceNtral results Lake TRaVISMay 8, 2010place aNGler 1 aNGler 2 Fish BiG Bass weiGht prize

    1 CHARLES WHITEDSan MaRcoS, TX BILL POLKINGHORN hockLey, TX 5 7.04 17.12 $26,450

    2 RANDY FREDERICK kyLe, TX GENE WHITEauSTIn, TX 4 4.86 13.90 $3,000

    3 RONNY MAYNARD GeoRGeToWn, T X EDDY MAYNARD LeanDeR, TX 5 13.64 $1,400

    3 CODY MARTIN TayLoR, TX CHARLES SIMMONS Waco, TX 5 13.64 $1,400

    5 DANNY FISHER eLGIn, TX CHAD LORENZENauSTIn, TX 4 12.78 $1,000

    2010 North results Lake LeWISVILLeMay 15, 2010

    place aNGler 1 aNGler 2 Fish BiG Bass weiGht prize

    1 BILLY JOHNSON RockWaLL, T X BLAKE BALCH coRInTh, TX 5 16.72 $25,500

    2 ALAN PERRINJuSTIn, TX DARRELL CAMPBELL TRoPhy cLub, TX 5 16.70 $3,000

    3 JEFF REYNOLDS PLaTTeR, ok RANDALL BRUCE coLbeRT, ok 5 15.84 $2,000

    4 JEFF WACHSMANWhIchITa FaLLS, TX MARK BROADWAYWIchITa FaLLS, TX 5 4.42 15.82 $1,200


    John Viles and Donald Unger

    w w w . B a s s N B u c k s . c o m


    Spike Stoker and Justin Stone

    Charles Whited and Bill Polkinghorn

    Billy Johnson and Blake Balch

    2nd Series - July 10th Toledo Bend, August 7th Sam Rayburn

  • 8/9/2019 Texas Bass Fishing Mag Summer 2010




    LoDgEMaria & RV

    lAKE lIVInGSTon

    317 Nvo TrOn, TX 77360Ofc: 936.646.3525


    Lakeside rv resorT

    & Marina

    Lake Livingston

    15152 US Hwy 190 W

    Onalaska, TX 77360

    RV Reservations:936.646.3824Resturant: 936.646.4734www.lakesideresort.net

    Lake Palestine Resort

    Tyler, Texas

    8900 Ruby LaneFrankston, TX 75763Phone: 903.876.2253



    2010 MeMBership Fee - $50.00 per couple2010 reGioNal TourNaMeNT Fee - $100.00 per couple

    2010 c.a.s.T. classicdoor PrIze - 2010 skeeTer z X190 w/yaMaha 175 hPdI

    GauraNTeed $10,000 - 1sT place**Based oN 200 eNTries

    2010 c.a.s.T. reGioNal schedule

    w w w . F i s h c a s T . c o M

    NorTheasT reGioN

    FeB. 28

    Mar. 21

    apr. 11

    May 2

    May 23

    JuN. 13

    cypress spriNGs

    cedar creek

    lake lewisville

    BoB saNdliN



    NorTh reGioN

    FeB. 21

    Mar. 14

    apr. 18

    May 16

    JuN. 13

    Jul. 18

    lake lewisville


    possuM kiNGdoM

    cedar creek

    huBBard creek

    aMoN carTer

    MeTroplex reGioN

    FeB. 20

    Mar. 20

    apr. 17

    May 22

    JuN. 26

    Jul. 17





    cedar creek

    eaGle MouNTaiN

    ark-Tex reGioN

    FeB. 28

    Mar. 28

    apr. 18

    May 16

    JuN. 6

    JuN. 27


    lake Taylor

    BoB saNdliN

    lake opiNes

    wriGhT paTMaN


    souTh reGioN

    JaN. 17

    FeB. 21

    Mar. 14

    apr. 11

    May 2

    May 30

    choke caNyoN

    coleTo creek


    choke caNyoN


    choke caNyoN

    wesT reGioN

    FeB. 28

    Mar. 14

    Mar. 28

    apr. 25

    JuN. 6

    JuN. 27


    huBBard creek



    o.h. ivie

    o.h. ivie

    ceNTral reGioN

    JaN. 30

    FeB. 27

    Mar. 27

    apr. 24

    May 19

    JuN. 19


    cedar creek

    richlaNd chaMBers

    lake waco




    FeB. 6

    Mar. 6

    apr. 3

    May 15

    JuN. 12

    Jul. 17



    lake liviNGsToN

    saM rayBurN

    lake liviNGsToN

    saM rayBurN

    2010 casT classic TourNaMeNT

    SaM RaybuRn - LuFkIn, TeXaS - ocT. 22, 23 & 24, 2010

    2010 casTsouThwesT FordTop six iNviTaTioNal TourNaMeNT

    SePTeMbeR 24 & 25, 2010

    ChoKE CAnyon

    Choke Canyon Lodge141 Jeff Street (Corner of Jeff Street & SH 72)

    Three Rivers, TX 78071

    Phone: 361.786.3999 Toll Free: 866.792.3999


    FOOd - FishiNg supplies - RV paRk

    [email protected]

    p.O. Box 846

    Jncton, TX 76849

    pon: 361.786.2685

    18 T B Fng Mgzn | Summer 2010

  • 8/9/2019 Texas Bass Fishing Mag Summer 2010


    bass anglers classified directory

    Stow-A-wAy MArinA

    LAke Conroe

    13988 CALvAry rd

    wiLLiS, 77318


    Marina - Live Bait & tackLe - FueL

    - Wet & Dry Boat Storage - rv

    Park; HoMe oF tHe SunDay

    Morning tournaMentS!

    ap Pz M, i.10 1/2 Miles West of Conroe

    on Hwy 105

    LAke Conroe

    17742 Hwy 105 W

    Montgomery, TX 77356

    Phone: 936.588.1144


    laKe conroe

    laKe forK

    The MinnowBuckeT Marina

    Lodge-Motel-RV Park-Resturant

    Lake Fork Reservoir3035 W. Hwy 154

    Quitman, TX 75783 www.minnowbucket marina.com

    Annual RV Sites Bait & TackleGroceries Refueling Dock Camping Boat Ramps

    Lake Fork

    Marina & Motel

    275 County Road 1558

    Alba, TX 75410

    Phone: 903.765.2764www.lakeorkmarina.com

    Fshmas C Maa rs2712 N. FM 17 Alba, TX 75410

    Phone: 903.765.2943 Lake Fork


    Lake Fork ResortLocated 1/2 Mile South of Hwy 515 on Hwy 17

    5004 North FM 17 Alba, Texas 75410

    Phone: 903.765.2987 Toll Free: 800.230.4367

    Oakridge Resort

    and Marina

    Eat, Sleep, Fish Lake Fork2919 W SH 154

    Quitman, TX 75783



    saM rayburn

    NeedmoreTackle STore


    4239 Hwy 255

    Sam Rayburn, TX 75951

    Phone: 409.698.9430

    The source or fshing tackle, supplies& info on Lake Sam Rayburn!

    Hwy. 255 Piney Point Plaza

    Lake Sam Rayburn 409.698.9495

    Sam RaybuRn maRina ReSoRtLk S Rr, tXPhone: 409.698.2696


    Cabins RV Sites Boat Sips Fishing Dock Motel

    Powell Park

    MarinaOn Lake Sam Rayburn

    971 cr 459

    Bdds, TX 75929

    M: 409.584.2624


    Shaded RV Sites - Cabins

    Boat Slips - CampingRestaurant - Store

    Jk H Pk M

    1705 FM 2851

    Broaddus, TX 75929

    Phone: (936) 872-9266

    www.jacksonhi l l .us

    Reel um N Guide Service

    Owner: Lynn Atkinson

    865 Norris St Zavalla, TX 75980

    c (979) 2200251

    hm (936) 8973400w w w . r e e l u m n . c o m

    falcon laKe

    Falcon Lake Tackle2195 South Highway 83 Box F-10

    Zapata, TX 78076 Phone: 956.765.4866www.falconlaketackle.com www.falconlake.com

    Tackle, Live Bait, Guide Service, Motor & Trailer Repair

    2425 S. Hwy 83 Zapata, TX 78076Phone: 956.756.1442 Falcon Lake

    Roberts Fish N Tackle

  • 8/9/2019 Texas Bass Fishing Mag Summer 2010
