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The most important ingredient in your ar-senal should be a quality protein powder. Protein is the building block for muscle and without adequate amount of protein, muscles are unable to repair themselves, preventing them from growing stron-ger. Your second ingredient for success should be Glutamine, which is the most abundant amino acid in the body. Glu-tamine is one of the key ingredients to muscle recovery. It facilitates the repair to the damaged muscle tissue caused by strenuous training. A third ingredient to one’s arsenal is Creatine, which increases strength, endurance and stamina during weight training. The final ingredient for success is Glucosamine. It’s function is to improve joint mobility by rebuilding the breakdown of cartilage around our joints.

So the Absolute Secret to a healthy and beautiful looking body is to begin a DIS-CIPLINED training program, while con-suming of high-quality products. That appearance you have always wanted can be yours.

We invite you send in your questions, comments and/or suggestions. We look forward to publishing your thoughts and responding to them.

Teddy Teixeira

he first sentence could also read, “Throughout the many years I’ve been working in the health and fitness industry,

one question remained constant, “What is the Absolute Secret to staying in good shape, feeling young and maintaining a beautiful look?”It seems as if people are searching for that magic potion or elixir formula to take that will change their bodies without the necessary work. Well, the secret is.... that there is actually no secret at all. The winning formula is comprised of two things: proper nutrition and a healthy exercise regimen. By simply adding these two ingredients to your daily lifestyle, a healthy, stronger and overall better body can be achieved. All this without any ma-gic pill or potion. First and foremost, before starting any type of exercise program, regardless of age, consult with your doctor and advi-se him or her of your intentions of be-ginning an exercise program. Once the green light has been given, start working towards a healthier lifestyle.

A common point overlooked during sports practice, is supplementation with the proper nutrients. The fastest distan-ce between two points is a straight line. Using the proper arsenal of supplements will be that straight line and help you reach your goals that much faster.



The true secret

good shapeto being in


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ABS Get amazing results!







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By Jeff Schwartzer

Q. I’ve got a training question as it per-tains to rest times between sets. I’ve heard recommendations anywhere from 30 seconds up to 5 minutes between sets. I want to make sure I’m getting the most out of my workouts, so I don’t want my rest periods to be too long. What do you recommend? A. That is a great question and one factor of training that can help or hinder your pro-gress. Timing of rest periods between sets is determined by each person’s goal in the weight room. For example, a power lifter & a bodybuilder each have different time frames when it comes to resting. The power lifter will rest the longest, waiting around 5 minutes or sometimes even longer before beginning another set. In power lifting, the trainee is interested in lifting maximum poundage for a single repetition. The longer rest periods allow for this. Shorter rest periods would not allow the muscles to perform at maximum effort due to muscle fatigue.

Bodybuilders on the other hand, generally keep rest periods between 30 seconds to 2

minutes. The higher number usually being on leg and back day. This is due in fact that many of these exercises cause extra stress on the cardiovascular system, along with the fact that the back and legs are large muscles. Examples are squats, hack squats, leg press, lunges, deadlifts and bent-over rows. Here a time frame of 2 minutes is usually required. On the other hand, smaller muscle groups like biceps, triceps and shoulders may only requi-re 30 seconds to one minute between sets. A good rule of thumb is begin your next set when your breathing has returned to a nor-mal level.

Rest periods are also short while circuit trai-ning. Here a trainee moves in a sequence of exercises or machines with just enough time to get to that next exercise or machine. Here the rest periods usually are no longer than 15 seconds. The benefits are elevated heart rate while weight training which aids in the loss of body fat and decreasing total training time. . The only change is the word “necessary” in the last sentence. It should be changed to “necessarily”.

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Send us your questions to [email protected]. 9

Q. I’m trying to lean up and get into the best shape of my life. If things go well, I may even enter a bodybuilding show. My question concerns dieting and the ti-ming of cheat meals. Do you recommend cheat meals during a dieting phase and if so, how often?

A. The famous cheat meal or what most people believe, cheat day. When weight loss in the form of body fat is the main goal, I believe cheat meals, not cheat days can as-

sist in the progression of weight loss. In the past, people used to stick to their diets six days a week and on the seventh day would eat whatever they wanted. This usually winds up being some of the worst choices possible. Pizza, ice cream, cookies, pasta with cream sauces, beer and countless other bad choi-ces. I have long disagreed with this method as I’ve seen dieters blow six days of hard work on that single day. Whatever they lost in the previous week, they managed to gain it all back in that single day and at times, gain back a little more.

I believe in scheduling the cheat meals to two times a week in the initial stages of die-ting and tapering that down to one time a week after about six to eight weeks of die-ting. By having only one meal at a time on two separate days of the week the body is able to maintain a fast metabolism. With restricted calories, the body’s metabolism slows down to adjust to the lower calories. By adding a higher calorie meal two times a week, the body does not adjust to the lower calories and will continue to burn the fat at a consistent basis.

As far as what days to eat those cheat meals, I have always left it up to the individuals, but

the two meals should not be on consecuti-ve days. There has to be two to three days between each meal. On the particular day of cheating, follow your regular diet as plan-ned. Replace one of your midday meals with a cheat meal and after continue back on your regular diet. Here, only one meal is exchan-ged for the cheat meal.

Now as far as what to eat on your cheat meal. Don’t go crazy. Remember the goal at hand is to lose body fat, so I recommend a good steak or hamburger from a quality restaurant. Cheese is allowed, along with ketchup and mustard, but eliminate the mayonnaise. French fries or a baked potato would go along with the meal. Do not drink any alcohol. Stick to sugar-free drinks, water or diet sodas. Also allow yourself a piece of cake (my favorite is carrot cake) or some sor-bet. Keep away from milk based desserts like ice cream or cheesecake. By controlling your cheat meal, your body doesn’t overload itself trying to digest a huge amount of calories.

As you get closer to your deadline of your show, taper down to one cheat meal a week and eventually none for the final four to six weeks leading up to the show. All the best and bring home the trophy.

Q. I’m trying to lose weight so I’ve added some cardio after my weight lifting wor-kouts. How long do you recommend per session and how many days per week? I’m currently doing 30 minutes a day three days a week.

A. A simple way of looking at this is your diet will prevent you from adding more body fat and your cardio will burn off that unwanted body fat. If one pound of fat equals 3,500 ca-lories, than you will need to burn that amount to lose one pound of fat. If you are burning 500 calories per session, it is going to take you seven sessions to lose one pound of fat. If you are performing three cardio sessions per week, it will take over two weeks just to lose one pound of fat. And that’s assuming you’re bur-ning 500 calories per session. If you are only doing 30 minutes of cardio, you are going to fall short of that number.

A great investment is a heart rate monitor. These measure your heart rate along with cal-

culating your calories burned. You should set the heart rate parameters to 65% to 85% of your maximum heart rate. The way to calcu-late these numbers is take 220 and subtract your age. From that number, multiply it first by .65 to find out your low end of where you want your heart rate to be and then multiply that same number by. 85 to find out your high end of your target heart range. Most heart rate monitor watches have a signal to let you know if you’ve fallen above or below your set limits. It’s key to stay within these limits throughout the entire cardio session to op-timize fat burning. These watches take all the guess work out of training. Now you’ll be able to log your numbers and push yourself in order to obtain your goal.

I would recommend 45 to 60 minutes per session of cardio. Keep it to five or six days per week and if you have the energy, perform two session per day. If you can

manage to burn up to 1,000 or more calories per day, you can burn up to two pounds per

week. That translates to eight pounds per month. So increase you current time frame, along with the total number of ses-sions per week and you should

see the weight melt off you.

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alf training became an obsession in my early stages of training. I began weight training 19 years ago after I had just finished high

school. I had played around with weights in high school, but nothing ever serious or with any significant amount of time. Once I began my adventures into the bodybuilding world, training became a priority in my lifestyle. About two years into serious training, a good friend of mine looked at me and scanned my body. He said “you are looking pretty good, but you have no calves.” I was devastated, but in all honesty, he was right. And I should pro-bably account him for planting that seed in

my head to find the ways necessary to grow big calves. In my initial training, I trained calves heavy (like most people do). I would do repetitions in the range of 10-15 and would perform about 5 sets of one particular exercise. After over a year of this type of training and mi-nimal changes, I decided I needed to reeva-luate my calf training. I read an article about training calves with higher repetitions, in the 20-30 range. Well, I decided to take it even further and pushed the max number to 50. When performing repetitions in that range, the weight would have to be dropped to a much lighter version. Now with the old way

of thinking that only heavy weight can grow muscle, I was going against everything that I had originally believed in. But I figured I had nothing to lose, because the current program I was using wasn’t producing any results. My original program that I discovered about 15 years ago, I still use today most of the time. And I’ve used this program with many of my clients, all of which have seen significant re-sults. I’m glad to be passing it along to you and hope you also see the success you are loo-king for. One disclaimer before you continue reading is that this program is not easy and will cause intense burning and pain. I recom-mend you start slowly and work your way up to recommended sets and repetitions. First and foremost, form and range of mo-tion (ROM) MUST be of an utmost importance when training calves. I see day in and day out people train their calves poorly and without proper form or range of motion. These two aspects of training are what will develop your calves into the form you desire. Bouncing at the bottom of the repetition or only using the



This program is not easy and will cause intense burning and pain. It’s painful, but well worth it in the end.

Poor genetics is generally the reason why trainees can’t develop decent calf development. At least that’s what most will say.

Non-sense. In my opinion, people simply train them incorrectly and not long enough. Three quick sets at the end of a leg

work out once a week simply won’t cut it. Give my plan a try for three months and see if you can begin to see a difference.



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While performing the re-petitions, you should focus on getting the full range of motion with each repetition.


top half of the motion will bring minimal if not any results. When beginning your calf routine, place you feet on the platform of which every calf machine you use. The balls of your feet should be in contact with the platform of the machi-ne, with the arch and heel of the feet hanging off the platform. To begin each repetition, drop the heel towards the floor to get the ini-tial stretch of the calf muscles. Next rise up on the balls of your feet and contract the calves in the top position. Be sure not to come up on your toes as this is too high and will only take stress off the calves and place it at the bottom of your feet. Repeat the motion until you have reached your desired repetition goal. While performing the repetitions, you should

focus on getting the full range of motion with each repetition. DO NOT go only halfway up and skip the stretching part of the repetition. You MUST get the full range of motion. You should look like a piston in an engine the way you perform the set. A fluid up and down mo-tion should exist with a slight squeeze of the calves at the top of each repetition. After each set, perform a 10-second stretch. Place the balls of your feet on the ledge of a machine. Make sure your feet are high enough on the ledge that you stretch the calf and not the bottom of the foot and toes. Lean your body back so you can get the balls of your feet on the ledge. Slowly pull your

My original pro-gram that I dis-

covered about 15 years ago, I still use today most

of the time. And I’ve used this pro-gram with many of my clients, all of which have seen

significant results.

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body into the machine in order to feel the stretch. As you feel the tension begin a count to 10 before releasing. Breathe deeply as you stretch. Now that you have the function of the calf raise, let’s get into the re-commended number of sets and re-petition ranges. I recommend using two machines. If you are interested

in growing monster calves perform a total of eight sets, done on two di-

fferent machines. If you are interested shaping your calves, but not desiring the freakish look, perform a total of six sets, done on two different machines. The

repetitions range is where things get a little scary...and painful. I recom-

mend two different workouts. On workout #1, perform 50 repetition on your first exer-

cise and 25 repetitions on your second exercise. On workout

#2, perform 35 repetitions on your first exercise and

20 repetitions on your se-cond exercise. Perform each

workout once a week totaling two workouts for your calves.

You are probably scratching your head on how you are ever

going to manage one, let alo-ne multiple sets of 50 for calf raises.

Well, you won’t get them all is one shot and that is what makes this workout so intense and result producing. Begin your calf rai-ses like explained above. When the pain becomes too intense to continue to perform the repetitions properly, simply slide your feet forward on the platform for 5-10 seconds to temporarily relieve the pain. After which slide your feet back and continue cranking out the repetitions. If another break is required, then take one. You don’t stop the set until all the repetitions are reached. If the goal is 50, then don’t stop until you hit 50. Initially I recommend you start with 35 repetitions and work your way up to 50 by adding 5 repetitions every couple of weeks until you are able to hit 50. Obviously a much lighter weight is required to manage 50 repetitions. That’s the point of the exercise. You want to train your calves like you’re a piston, methodically hitting each rep until your obtain your goal. Once you’ve completed the 3-5 sets of 50 repetitions on one machine, move on to your next machine where you’ll now use a little more weight. Here the repetitions are reduced to 20-25 per set. By now though, your calves should be engorged with blood and fatigued. The purpose of the last exercise with the added weight is to really tear down the calves and push them beyond their threshold. As with the first exercise, make sure form and full range of motion is utilized throughout each repetition. Give this work out a try for three months and you’ll see significant changes in your calf development. It’s painful, but well worth it in the end. All the best and continue to train healthy and hard.

If you are interested in growing monster calves perform a total of eight sets, done on two different




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The abdominal wall is the most important part of the human body. When training, they come into play in just about every exercise or movement that you put your body through. The force generated by an exercise of the lower or upper body originates, stabilizes, or is transferred through the abdominal wall. In conjunction with the lower back, the abs are many times referred to as the “center of

power” or simply as “the core.” Being that they are the body’s link for the entire musculoskeletal chain, they should be trained with great importance, yet when trainees are asked if they take the time to do specific work for them, the usual response is “no.”

The abdominal wall is the most important part of the human body. When training, they come into play in just about every exercise or movement that you put your body through. The force generated by an exercise of the lower or upper body originates, stabilizes, or is transferred through the abdominal wall. In conjunction with the lower back, the abs are many times referred to as the “center of

power” or simply as “the core.” Being that they are the body’s link for the entire musculoskeletal chain, they should be trained with great importance, yet when trainees are asked if they take the time to do specific work for them, the usual response is “no.”

by: Jeff Schwartzer

Abdominal Training



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The abdominals play many roles in the body. They assist in efficient and proper movement, help pro-tect vital organs, provide internal

pressure that helps to support the spine, which in turn provides the bodies ability to stand erect, thus decreasing low back strain, and they assist in breathing during exercise.”

The abdominals play many roles in the body. They assist in efficient and proper move-ment, help protect vital organs, provide internal pressure that helps to support the spine, which in turn provides the bodies abi-lity to stand erect, thus decreasing low back strain, and they assist in breathing during exercise.

The abdominal wall can be broken down into their anatomical terms. The rectus abdomi-nis, know by many as simply the abs. These are the muscles that give a lean body that six pack look. They allow the body to flex the

“ spine. The muscle that run on the outside of the abs that help move the body side to side are called the external oblique. Understan-ding the function of these muscles will aid in the proper training of them.

Proper training of these muscle is essential to prevent any injuries. NEVER sacrifice pro-per technique for the sake of adding extra resistance or repetitions. Allowing for these improper habits to begin may cause them to become a pattern which in turn may deve-lop muscle imbalances and ultimately cause injury. When beginning an ab training pro-gram, always start slowly with little resistan-ce and low repetitions and gradually build them up over time.

Some guidelines to follow:• Keeping training frequency to at least two to three times a week.

• Perform exercise in the zero to 45-degree

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range. Anything greater than 45-degrees in-crease the flexion of the spine and causes increased pressure between the lumbar (low back) discs.

• The position of your hands affects the amount of resistance placed on the wor-king muscles. Considering the waistline is the point of axis, keeping your hands close to that point will place the least amount of resistance on the abs. Crossing your hands over your chest will increase the amount of stress on the abs, while keeping your hands

near your head will affect the abs the grea-test. Start with the easiest form and change form to increase tension as your programs progresses.

When beginning an abdominal training pro-gram, maintain a balanced workout! Train opposing muscles equally to prevent any muscle imbalances. Maintain a tight con-traction throughout the entire set. Pay close attention to form, not allowing it to get sloppy when fatigue sets in. Train the obliques first, followed by the lower abs and finishing with the upper abs. This is because

the upper abs assist in the movement of the obliques and lower

abs, thus it would be counterproduc-

tive to fatique the upper abs first. As with any body part,

always warm-up thoroughly be-

fore beginning your training program.

The ExercisesFirst in the order of training is the

obliques. The side crunch either

with straight legs or bent legs targets the obliques. Lie on one side keeping legs ei-ther bent or straight. Place the arm of the same working side behind your head while placing the opposite hand on the working oblique. Slowly contract that side oblique by lifting your shoulder nearest the floor off of the floor anywhere 2-6 inches. Contract and squeeze the obliques before returning to the starting position and then beginning again. After completing your target number of repetition, roll over to the other side and repeat the process.

• ObliquesThe next exercise for the obliques is called the squirm. Here you lay on your back and keep knees bent with feet flat on the floor approximately 12 inches from the buttocks. While keeping arms by your side, tuck chin to chest and raise shoulders slightly off the ground. Begin by reaching your left hand down toward your left foot while squeezing the oblique. Return to starting position and alternate to the right side before returning to the starting position. Repeat sequence until desired repetition goal.

The last exercise for the obliques will be the broomstick twist. This is a simple exercise that I’m sure you have seen countless ti-

mes. Sit on the floor with a straight back, legs spread and holding a bro-

omstick behind your head across your shoulders. Begin by rota-

ting your torso to the right contracting the obliques

The position of your hands affects the amount of resistance placed on the working muscles.

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before rotating to the left contracting the left oblique. Continue rotating to each side until desired repetition goal.

• Lower AbdominalsThe lower abdominals are next in the or-der of training. The first exercise is the roll back. Begin by laying on your back with knees flexed at 90 degrees and feet flat on the ground. Tuck your chin to your chest and keep your hands behind your head. While contrac-ting the lower abs, roll your legs toward your chest while simulta-neously lifting your hips off the floor and pushing them toward the ceiling. Con-tract the abs at the top of the motion before lowering your legs in a controlled manner to the starting position. Repeat the sequence until you reach your desired repetition goal.

The next exercise is the seated bent-knee tuck. This exercise can be performed either on a bench or on the floor. Sit on the floor or side of a bench. Lean back while flexing the knees to 90 degrees. Hands are kept on the side of the bench or floor behind your hips to assist in stabilizing the upper body. Begin by contracting the lower abs by brin-ging your knees to your chest. Squeeze in this position briefly before returning to the starting position, Repeat immediately wi-thout resting until desired repetition total is reached.

The last exercise is called cycling. Begin by laying on your back with knees flexed to 90 degrees and hands behind your head. Bring the left knee in toward your chest while si-multaneously extending the right leg out straight. At the same time the left knee is in near the chest, bring the right elbow as close as possible to it. Return to starting position and immediately repeat sequence now to the opposite side. This time bringing right knee toward chest touching it with the left elbow and simultaneously extending your left leg. Repeat motion until goal is obtained.

Make sure to keep the abs flexed throughout the entire range of motion.


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• Upper AbdominalsThe final part of the abdominal training program is the upper abs. The first exercise is the wrist-ups which is the basic sit-up seen over and over again. Here you lie on your back, keep knees flexed to 90 degrees and feet are keep flat on the floor. Place your hands on your thighs (as you strengthen, place them behind your head) and tuck your chin towards your chest. Begin the movement by lifting the upper body off the floor in a count of two sliding your hands across your thighs until your wrists touch your knees. At this top position, your chin comes away from your chest and you hold this position for a count of one. Return to the star-ting position before beginning again. Make sure to keep the abs flexed throughout the entire range of motion.

The next exercise is the 90-degree wall reach. Begin by placing your-self near a wall. Your legs should be straight and placed on the wall above you. Try to get as close to 90 degrees as possible with your legs perpendicular to the floor. Reach up with your arms and come as close to touching your feet as you can. Feet and hands are kept together throughout the entire range of motion. As your reach toward your feet, contract the abs before returning to the starting position. Repeat im-mediately.

The last exercise for the upper abs is the Russian twist. This is an advan-ced exercise and should only be completed after you feel you are ready. Begin by laying on your back and bend knees to 90 to 120 degrees. Feet are keep on the floor while arms are crossed across your chest. Raise your upper body to roughly 30 degrees above floor and hold in this

position. While in this position, twist your upper body to the left for a count of one be-fore twisting the upper body to the right for a count of one. Repeat sequence twisting right to left until fatigue sets in.

* Pick at least two exercise for each area of the abdominal wall, obliques, lower abs and upper abs. Keep repetitions in the 10-20 range.

* Rests between sets should be limited to 30 seconds or less. Allow yourself to gain condi-tioning before progressing to more exercises.

Best of luck and train hard and smart.

“Best of luck with your new training program and any questions can be directed though this web site to me and I will do my best to assist you in any way possible.”

Sincerely, Jeff Schwartzer

Pick at least two exercise for each area of the abdominal wall, obliques, lower abs and upper abs. Keep repetitions in the 10-20 range.

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hat nutrients su-pport my immune system cells?Research over the past ten

years has shown that nutrition plays a major role in supporting the production and action of both the cells and the soluble factors of the immune system. Protein, antioxidants, essen-tial fatty acids, and certain vitamins, and mi-nerals are all key to a healthy immune system. Building a stronger immune system requires a diet rich in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, beans and seeds. Raw foods have the



of our immune system


maximum nutritional benefit, as vitamins and minerals have not been destroyed in the cooking or pasteurization process. Eating refined fats, sugars and other highly refi-ned and processed foods can actually have a negative impact on your immune function. Limit the amount of sugars and fatty meats you consume. Signs that you have a weake-ned immune system include catching colds frequently, recurrent or frequent infections, including yeast infections and some rashes, reappearance of cold sores, and swollen lym-ph glands.


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cots, mangoes, squash, sweet potatoes, spinach, kale, collard greens, tomatoes, guava, and pink grapefruit.

BioflavenoidsLike carotenoids, bioflavenoids are pigments in fruits and ve-getables that have super an-tioxidant powers. Bioflavenoids also support the performance in vitamin C. Bioflavenoid rich foods include: the white pith just beneath citrus peel of an orange or grapefruit, peppers, grapes, onions, garlic, berries, green and white herbal tea and buckwheat.

YogurtEverybody should include yogurt into their diet. The live cultures found in good quali-ty “active” yoghurts not only improve and strengthen the intestinal flora, but have shown in studies, to decrease colds by 25%.

Shrimp - PrawnsEating shrimp also has benefits. Shrimp is very low in fat and very high in iron and zinc, which can help bolster the immune system. This is why getting adequate protein is important for vegetarians. Protein, in general contains not only zinc and iron, but also contains vitamin B, known for its immunity enhancing effects.

Wheat Germ and GarlicFor non-vegetarians, vitamin B can be supple-mented through the ingestion of wheat germ. This can be used in cereals, salads, meat loaves and yogurt to name a few.

Protein and your immune systemMuch research has shown that protein malnu-trition can have a variety of untoward effects on the immune system. Research studies have shown that deficiency of high-quality protein

Vitamin CVitamin C strengthens your immune system by stimulating antibodies and cells in the im-mune system. Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables and berries rich in Vitamin C to strengthen immunity. Food sources of Vitamin C include red & green sweet peppers, kiwi, oranges, gra-pefruits, strawberries, papaya, mango, guava, and black currant.

Vitamin EVitamin E strengthens the immune system because of its antioxidant properties. Vita-min E rich foods include sunflower seeds, almonds, hazelnuts, sunflower oil, safflower oil, corn oil, wheat germ oil, turnip greens, and pine nuts.

CarotenoidsCarotenoids, the pigments that give carrots, apricots and sweet potatoes their orangish hue, are also powerful antioxidants, which can boost the performance of the immune system. Foods rich in carotenoids include carrots, apri-

Building a stronger immune system requires a diet rich in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts,

beans and seeds.

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can result in depletion of immune cells, inabi-lity of the body to make antibodies, and other immune-related problems. In addition, animal studies have shown that the immune system can be significantly compromised with even a 25% reduction in adequate protein intake. Therefore, a diet that supports a healthy im-mune system should contain foods providing high-quality, complete protein, such as that found in eggs, fish, shellfish, and venison. Many vegetables and grains are also excellent sources of many of the immune-stimulating amino acids and, together with other protein sources, are particularly beneficial.

Minerals that support your im-mune systemZinc is one of the minerals in food that has received the most attention for its ability to support immune function. Healthy levels of zinc can be provided by including the good sources of zinc, such as boiled Swiss chard, collard greens, and both summer squash and winter squash, or the very good or excellent sources of zinc like lamb, raw mushrooms and calf’s liver in your diet.

Many other minerals are important in suppor-ting immune function. Clinical research stu-dies have shown that iron deficiency results in impaired response to antibodies, and defective phagocytic cell functioning. Copper deficien-cy is associated with an increase in infections

and may impair development of immune cells such as T-cells and the phagocytic cells. Se-lenium and manganese are important for su-pporting healing from inflammation and may be immunostimulants. Selenium can be obtai-ned from fish and shellfish, as well as tofu and

whole grains. Excellent sources of copper are turnip greens, calf’s liver and raw crimini mus-hrooms, and very good sources include spina-ch, asparagus and summer squash and boiled Swiss chard. Iron can be provided by fresh parsley, spices such as thyme or cinnamon, tofu, beans and peas, and many other vege-tables such as spinach and Romaine lettuce.

Antioxidants and phytonu-trients that promote healthy immune functionReactive oxygen species, free radicals and other damaging molecules are generated at sites of infection and inflammation. Your body needs these molecules at the site of infection to help kill unhealthy cells; however, when your antioxidant systems are not functioning, or when not enough antioxidants are present in your diet, these molecules are not disarmed after they have done their jobs and can beco-me damaging to healthy tissue as well. Many fruits and vegetables provide antioxidants and phytonutrients that help maintain healthy tis-sue around the sites of infection and support healing. Fruits and vegetables, especially co-lored foods like strawberries, cherries, carrots, and tomatoes contain many beneficial phyto-nutrients with antioxidant potential.



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ell, whenever a change in body composition is the pri-mary goal, a bodybuilding regimen is the best appro-

ach. When it comes to the physique changing perspective, whom better to learn from than a bodybuilder. Even though you may not want to take it to the extreme that some bodybuilders do, the process to get there is still the same. Heck, we’ve researched and tried just about everything out there when it comes to manipu-lating our bodies. We always seem to be ahead of the learning curve when it comes to this. Whether it be training, dieting, supplementa-tion or recovery aids. Fortunately, in today’s world, we now have scientific research backing many of the products we take today. When adding muscle mass is the main goal, one product comes to mind - Muscle Cell X-Pander. Here’s the real kicker to this product too. How good does this sound? Not only will you add muscle to your frame, but your streng-th, endurance and energy while training will shoot up too. Let me begin to tell you about the wide array of powerful ingredients in Mus-cle Cell X-Pander. First and foremost is the five different kinds of creatine, that’s right I said





FIVE. At first, you may think that this is overkill, but quite the contrary. Since each type of crea-tine ges absorbed into the system at a different rate, your body is a continued state of creatine uptake. So, what is creatine’s function? Basica-lly your strength and endurance will shoot up to levels that you never felt possible with this one simple ingredient. I remember taking creatine when it first came on the scene around 1994 and could not believe the strength increases. Not only could I lift heavier, but my endurance to train was also prolonged. And that was with the only version available back then, creatine monohydrate. Muscle Cell X-Pander has a perfect blend of Creatine Ethly Ester HCL, Mi-cronized Creatine Monohydrate, Creatine An-ydrous, Di Creatine Malate and Creatine Alpha Keto-Glutarate. Everyone of them is a better and more efficient version than the standard creatine monohydrate. Uptake and absorption is greatly improved through these many types of creatine. Can you imagine what type of freaky results you are going to experience with these amazing ingredients? Now, if that is all Muscle Cell X-Pander had to offer, you would be more than happy to grab a bottle or two and start slamming it

Bodybuilding is a never ending quest to perfect the human body into a work of art. Now you might say to yourself that you’re not interested in becoming a bodybuilder, that you just want to change the way you look and just feel better about yourself.

Amazing taste, incredible results!!

By Jeff Schwartzer

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and anticipating the tremendous results it will bring. Here’s the thing, Genetics Tech was not happy with simply putting the perfect blend of creatine on the market, they wanted to make it the best creatine product on the market. So what did they add? Recovery aids such as L-Glutamine, Alpha Keto-Glutarate and L-Tauri-ne. What an ingenious thing to add. With the creatine helping you pump out more weight for a longer time, naturally your muscles are going to be taxed extra hard thereby requiring extra recovery. You see, we tear down muscle in the gym and we grow when we are away through nutrition and sleep. With L-Glutamine, Alpha Keto-Glutarate and L-Taurine already in Mus-cle Cell X-Pander you begin the healing process before any tearing down has actually begun. You are in a sense getting a jump start on recovery. Not bad huh? The last set of ingredients found in Mus-cle Cell X-Pander are Alpha Lipoic Acid and Chromium Picolinate which help the body pro-cess the carbohydrates found within Muscle Cell X-Pander. You may be asking, why are there carbohydrates found in Muscle Cell X-Pander. They are the driving machine for the five types of creatine. The carbohydrates along with Alpha Lipoic Acid and Chromium Picolina-te work hand in hand to slam the carbohydra-tes and creatine into the muscle cells. Without the carbohydrates, the creatine does not get

delivered to the muscle cells as efficiently or as effectively. Genetics Tech has created a product that will produce the most ultimate workouts you have ever felt, along with sleeve splitting muscle growth. You won’t believe your eyes. After you’ve completed your best workout yet while using Muscle Cell X-Pander, now it’s time to head to your shaker cup and slam one of their 100% Whey Gen protein drinks. Remember your body cannot build muscle wi-thout protein, so be sure to have two scoops af-ter you train and two more scoops immediately before bed to aid in the muscle building process while you sleep. If you are like me, then you will also need a joint repair product such as Nutra Flex 4 for repair and prevention of the joints. After training for almost 19 years, my joint cartilage has slowly been broken down due to the hard training I have put my body through. Nutra Flex 4 has allowed me to continue with my lifelong passion of training and competing. Best of all, train pain-free. My joints feel as good as the day I began. One more additional product I recommend to make this cycle com-plete is Ultimate Muscle Pack. This complete multi-vitamin and mineral pack has everything you could possibly ask for. With it, no other vitamin is necessary. Ultimate Muscle Pack will not only keep your body in optimal health (which is important when adding muscle mass is our goal), but it will keep you energized

throughout the entire day. So call Genetics Tech or visit them online and pick up a jug of Muscle Cell X-Pander today. You will be thrilled with the results and will keep coming back for more. One thing though, do not get upset with me when you need to go out and buy new shirts because you no longer fit into your old smaller ones. Happy growing and always stay healthy, train hard, train smart & eat properly.My name is Jeff Schwartzer and I have been training for nearly 20 years and competing sin-ce 1993. I’m in the process of training for the Nationals this November 20-21 in Hollywood, FL in a quest to win a professional card and fi-nally compete in the professional ranks. If you happen to attend the show, please show me some love and support, I could always use it. Thanks. You know I will be using Muscle Cell X-Pander throughout my muscle building process. I have tried it before and loved it and will get back on it immediately when I’m in that phase again. I cannot wait. Below is a brief history of my accomplishments.

• B.S. in Therapeutic Recreation (from the Uni-versity of Florida - GO GATORS!!!)• I.S.S.A. Personal Training Certification• CPR certified• Multiple CEU training• Les MIlls Body Pump instructor


-1993 Gainesville (1st Middleweight & Overall) -1994 N.E. Florida (1st Light-heavyweight & Overall) -1994 S.E. USA (7th Light-heavyweight) -1995 Jr. Florida (2nd Light-heavyweight) -1996 S.E. USA (2nd Light-heavyweight) -1998 Southern States (1st Light-heavyweight & Overall) -1999 Nationals (6th Light-heavyweight) -2000 Nationals (7th Heavyweight) -2001 Florida State (1st Heavyweight) -2001 Nationals (15th Heavyweight) -2003 Nationals (2nd Heavyweight) -2005 Nationals (12th Heavyweight) -2006 Nationals (7th Heavyweight) -2007 Sunshine Classic (1st Heavyweight) -2007 U.S.A.’s (5th Heavyweight) -2007 Nationals (10th Heavyweight) -2008 Nationals (7th Light-heavyweight) -2009 Nationals ???

Heading back to the Heavyweights to compete with the big boys again. Wish me luck.

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Sex and fruits


… absolutely delightful!! With men, all you have to do is push a few buttons and we’re hotter than a habanero. But with women, it’s an all-day process. You have to buy the ingredients, mix them together, and then put everything

in the pot and let it simmer . . . and simmer . . . and simmer.

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hat’s why we’re offering a mi-crowave mentality for the Crock-Pot reality: quick, easy things you can do to make her heating

speeds better match yours. Our suggestions take anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes. The payoff? They’ll quickly adjust her thermostat to high heat.

1. Kiss and Lick Her HingesYou’ve got the obvious kiss spots covered. Now concentrate your efforts elsewhere-on her elbows, knees, shoulders, ankles, neck, and hip joints. “They’re rarely attended to with long caresses,”. “It’s a super sensation.”

2. Bear FruitChocolate syrup and whipped cream get all the kinky play in movies. Instead, turn her body into a juicer. “The best foods for sex are fruits that you can rub onto the body, such as soft mango or papaya,” says Dr Ava Cadell, a


For the menu, let your imagination be your guide — consider the ambiance and food presentation, tastes, and textures.

Foods in certain sizes and shapes can be used during sex play.


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sex therapist in California and author of 12 Steps to Everlasting Love. “Then devour both her and the fruit.” Get sticky, shower, repeat. If you’re Mickey Rourke, skip the shower.

3. And BerriesForget coffee and toast-bring hot chocolate (a sexual stimulant for her) and raspberries and strawberries to bed. The berries replenish the zinc you lose when you ejaculate-5 milligrams, or a third of your daily requirement.

4. Try the No-Move MoveWhen you start foreplay, tell her you’re not going to move on to another action until she tells you what to do next. This works physically and menta-lly: It’s a way to encourage her to open up and di-rect you to what she really wants. Now, your turn.

5. Give Her a MassageBut make it interesting:• In hot weather, roll a chilled can of soda along the backs of her thighs.• In cool weather, warm a towel in the microwave for 10 seconds and massage her with it.• Season her belly with a little salt, and then slowly lick it off. Add tequila to taste.• Turn winter gloves inside out, put them on, and massage her with the soft side.


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6. Give Her Chills“Cold is sensed by more nerve endings than mere touch can reach, so you’re expanding her range of response,” says Phillip Hodson, a British sex therapist. Do this: Chill a bunch of grapes for at least 20 minutes. Then trail a small sprig of them along her neck, nipples, and inner thighs. Nibble away. Now put a grape in your mouth and gently press it against her clitoris by holding it in your teeth or between your lips.

SHARE YOUR GOOD TASTE: Taste each other’s skin all over...and savor the different sensations. Notice the flavors of his individual body parts. Is his neck salty? Is his inner elbow slightly sweet?

Go ahead and experiment!

A good sex life doesn’t just happen – it requires a little help, which means a balanced and nutrient-rich diet combined with regular moderate exercise

and a positive attitude.

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Release Date: July 1, 2009

Genre: Action-Thriller

Cast: Johnny Depp, Christian Bale, Marion Cotillard, Jason Clarke, Rory Cochran, Billy Crudup, Stephen Dorff, Stephen Lang, John Ortiz, Giovanni Ribisi, David Wenham, John Michael Bolger, Bill Camp, Matt Craven, Emilie De Ravin, Don Frye, Spencer Garrett, Shawn Ha-tosy, Peter Gerety, Stephen Graham, John Hoogenakker, Branka Katic, Domenick Lombardozzi, David Warshofsky

Directed by: Michael Mann

Screenplay by: Ronan Bennett and Michael Mann & Ann Biderman

Based on the book by: Bryan Burrough

Produced by: Kevin Misher, Michael Mann

Executive Producer: Jane Rosenthal

In the action-thriller Public Enemies, acclaimed film-maker Michael Mann directs Johnny Depp, Christian Bale and Academy Award® winner Marion Cotillard in the story of legendary Depression-era outlaw John Dillinger (Depp) -- the charismatic bank robber whose lightning raids made him the number one target of J. Edgar Hoover’s fledgling FBI and its top agent, Melvin Purvis (Bale), and a folk hero to much of the downtro-dden public.

No one could stop Dillinger and his gang. No jail could hold him. His charm and audacious jailbreaks endea-red him to almost everyone -- from his girlfriend Billie Frechette (Cotillard) to an American public who had no sympathy for the banks that had plunged the country into the Depression.

But while the adventures of Dillinger’s gang -- later in-cluding the sociopathic Baby Face Nelson (Stephen Gra-ham) and Alvin Karpis (Giovanni Ribisi) -- thrilled many, Hoover (Billy Crudup) hit on the idea of exploiting the outlaw’s capture as a way to elevate his Bureau of In-vestigation into the national police force that became the FBI. He made Dillinger America’s first Public Enemy Number One and sent in Purvis, the dashing “Clark Ga-ble of the FBI.’’

However, Dillinger and his gang outwitted and out-gunned Purvis’ men in wild chases and shootouts. Only after importing a crew of Western ex-lawmen (newly baptized as agents) and orchestrating epic betrayals -- from the infamous “Lady in Red’’ to the Chicago crime boss Frank Nitti -- were Purvis, the FBI and their new crew of gunfighters able to close in on Dillinger.


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Ms. Bikini America, Model Universe, Musclemania

Universe, Figure Universe, Fitness Universe PageantALL IN ONE WEEKEND!!





Ava Cowan winner of short class figure

Kristztina Laszlo winner of tall class figure

What did you say

Amelia Powers winner of medium class figure



Bianca Bertotti Bueno winner

of classic figure

Photos: Ivonne Ramírez, Luis Orozco.

Short Class

Tall Class