Tetrahedron Volume 48 Issue 48 1992 [Doi 10.1016%2Fs0040-4020%2801%2988348-4] Vicenzo Balzani -- Supramolecular Photochemistry

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  • Tetrahedron Vol. 48. No. 48. pp. 10443-10514.1992 00404020192 $5.00+.00

    Printed in Great Britain ,%8aXW hS.S Led



    Vincenzo Balzani

    Dipartimento di Chimica Cl. Ciamician

    Universid di Bologna, Bologna, Italy

    (Received 3 June 1992)

    1. Introduction Contents

    2. Supramolecular Species

    3. Photochemical and Photophysical Processes

    4. Cage-type Systems 4.1 Cage-type metal complexes

    4.1 .l Cobalt complexes 4.1.2 Ruthenium complexes 4.1.3 Lanthanide complexes

    4.2 Photo-cleavable and photo-flexible cages 4.3 Photochemistry of incarcerated molecules

    5. Host-Guest Systems 5.1 Polyammonium macrocyclic receptors with Co(CN)b3- 5.2 Aromatic crown ethers with Pt(bpy)(NH,)z*+ 5.3 Lasalocid A anion with Cr(bpy)s3+

    6. Rotaxanes, Catenanes, and Related Species 6.1 Catenands and metal catenates 6.2 Rotaxanes and catenanes featuring charge-transfer interaction

    7. Covalently-linked Molecular Components 7.1 Photoinduced electron and energy transfer in two-component model

    systems 7.1.1 Electron transfer 7.1.2 Energy transfer

    7.2 Multicomponent systems for photoinduced charge separation 7.3 Polynuclear metal complexes for light harvesting

    7.3.1 Trinuclear metal complexes of tripod-type bipyridine ligands 7.3.2 Polynuclear complexes of the bis(2-pyridyl)pyrazine bridging



    10489 10490 10492 10493 10496 10496


    8. Conclusion 10502




    10454 10454 10455 10458 10461 10464 10466

    10467 10468 10471 10477

    10479 10480 10483


  • 10444 V. BALZANI

    1. Introduction

    Photochemistry is a natural phenomenon as old as the world and a

    modern branch of science, at the interface between light and matter

    and at the crossroads of chemistry, physics, and biology.

    Photochemistry is of paramount importance to life (photosynthesis,

    vision, phototaxis, etc.) as well as to technology (image

    reproduction, photocatalysis, photodegradation, etc.). In the last two

    decades photochemistry has reached a remarkable level of

    experimental and theoretical efficacy. The photochemical and

    photophysical processes of thousands of organic molecules,

    coordination compounds, and organometallic complexes have been

    elucidated, and suitable theoretical treatments are now available to

    rationalize the structural, energetic, and dynamic properties of the

    most important excited states of several families of molecules. Up

    until now most of the fundamental photochemical investigations

    have dealt with molecular species (molecular photochemistry).

    In the same way as combination of atoms leads to molecules,

    combination of molecular components leads to supramolecular

    species. Current literature clearly shows that chemical research is

    rapidly moving from molecular to supramolecular species. There

    are at least four reasons for this trend: 1) the high degree of

    knowledge reached on molecular species; 2) the extraordinary

    progress made by synthetic methods: 3) the continuous search for

    new materials ( e.g., for a small-upward approach to

    nanostructures); 4) the need to fill the gap which separates

    chemistry from biology.

    One of the most interesting aspects of the chemistry of

    supramolecular species is their interaction with light and the great

    variety of processes that may ensue. This is the realm of .

    supramolecular photochemistry. In the last few years

  • Supramolecular photochemistry 10445

    supramolecular photochemistry has grown very rapidly along

    several directions. Photochemistry and supramolecular chemistry

    are, by their own nature, interdisciplinary areas, and this is even

    more true for supramolecular photochemistry.

    In this review emphasis will be given to supramolecular systems

    made of a small number of discrete molecular components held

    together by some type of chemical bond. Specifically, we will deal

    with the four types of supramolecular species schematized in Fig. 1.

    Systems like polymers, semiconductors, micelles. films, liquid

    crystals, and derivatized electrodes, which can in some way be

    considered supramolecular systems, will not be discussed. Most of

    the examples illustrated have been studied in the author

    laboratory, but relevant examples from other laboratories will also

    be considered.

    2. Supramolecular species

    Any definition of supramolecular species is necessarily arbitrary

    and the word may have different meanings depending on the area

    to which it is applied.l-6 Conceptually, the feature that distinguishes

    a supramolecular species from a large molecule is the possibility

    to split the system into individual molecular subunits (components)

    that are capable, as such or with minor modifications, of separate

    existence. 1 According to this concept, systems where the

    components are individual molecules interlocked (e.g., catenanes,

    Fig. 1) or held together by intermolecular forces (e.g., host-guest

    systems, Fig. 1) can straightforwardly be defined supramolecular

    species. The situation is less clear, however, for systems where the

    components are kept together by coordinative or covalent bonds.

    Macrocyclic complexes (Fig. 1) where metal ions and ligands

    maintain most of their intrinsic properties, and systems made of

    covalently-linked but clearly identifiable subunits (Fig. 1) can also

  • 10446 V. BALZANI

    cI.l L M L 0 (i)

    I 1


    r-l l-l


    A B c

    Fig. 1.


    Schematic representation of four types of supramolecular

    species: (i) cage-type systems; (ii) host-guest systems; (iii)

    catenanes; (iv) covalently-linked molecular components.

    be considered supramolecular species. By contrast, species like

    fullerenes are better defined as large molecules.

    In practice, the distinction between large molecules and

    supramolecular species can be based on the degree of interaction

    between the electronic subsystems of the component units. When

    the interaction energy between subunits is small compared to other

    relevant energy parameters, the system can be defined a

    supramolecular species. As shown in Scheme 1, light excitation of a

    supramolecular species A-B (where - indicates any type of bond

    that keeps together the A and B subunits) leads to excited states

    that are substantially localized on A or B, or causes an electron

    transfer from A to B (or viceversa). When the excited states are

    substantially delocalized on both A and B, the species is better

    considered as a large molecule. Similary, oxidation and reduction of

    a supramolecular species can substantially be described as

    oxidation and reduction of specific components, whereas oxidation

  • Suprarnolecular photochemistry lo447

    Scheme 1





    A+-B- A--B+

    compound large


    hv hv c------- A-B - *(A-B)



    +e- +e- t--- A-B - (A-B)-



    -e- -e- c------- A-B - (A-B)+

    and reduction of a large molecule leads to species where the hole or

    the electron are substantially delocalized on the entire system

    (Scheme 1).

    In principle, the properties of the molecular components of a

    supramolecular structure can be obtained from the study of the

    isolated components or of suitable model molecules. In several

    cases, however, the identification of real molecules that constitute

    suitable models for molecular components of a supramolecular spe-

    cies is not a trivial problem. Strictly speaking, in a covalent A-L-B

    species in which A and B are active components and L is a

    connector, A and B would be radicals or coordinatively unsaturated

    species that can never exist as such. In some cases, e.g. when the

    connector is bound to the components via carbon-carbon bonds,

    this is not a problem since molecular species such as AH and BH or

  • 10448 V. BALZANI

    AR and BR (R=alkyl group) will be indeed almost identical in

    properties to A and B in the supramolecular species. In other cases,

    however, the connector may interact more deeply with the

    electronic subsystem of the active components. In such a case,

    compounds that include the connector, such as A-L and B-L, should

    be used to approach the properties of A and B in the

    supramolecular species.

    3. Photochemical and photophysical processes

    The first act of any photochemical and photophysical process is

    the absorption of a photon by a molecule (eq. 1). The excited state

    that is formed in this way is a high energy, unstable species which

    must undergo some type of deactivation.7 As shown in Fig. 2,

    A + hv ----> *A (I)

    excited state deactivation can occur via (i) disappearance of the

    original molecule and formation of products (photochemical

    reaction), (ii) emission of light (radiative deactivation, also called

    luminescence), (iii) degradation of excess energy into heat


    other species

    Fig. 2.

    deactivation), and (iv) some type of interaction with

    present in the solution (quenching processes).


    t A+hJ - *A


    A + h$


    \ +B A + heat

    A and/or products

    Light excitation of a molecule and deactivation of the

    electronically excited state.

  • Supramolecular photochemistry 10449

    As is well known from electronic spectroscopy,7 the probability

    of light absorption (and thus the intensity of the corresponding

    absorption band) is related to the characteristics of the states

    involved and particularly to their spin quantum number.

    Transitions from the ground state to excited states having the same

    spin value are allowed and give rise to intense bands, whereas

    transitions to excited states of different spin value are forbidden

    and can hardly be observed in the absorption spectra. In most

    molecules the ground state is a singlet and the lowest excited state

    is a triplet that cannot be directly populated by light absorption but

    can be obtained from the deactivation of upper excited states. For

    this reason, at least three states (e.g., ground state singlet and

    excited singlet and triplet) are involved in a photochemical process,

    as is shown in the Jablonski diagram of Fig. 3, where deactivation

    by chemical reaction is not represented for the sake of simplicity.

    Emission of light (luminescence) is called fluorescence or

    Fig. 3.

    A@,) -


    AK+,)- j



    \ kisc

    A(T, 1

    Schematic energy level diagram for a typical molecular

    species. SO, S,, and Tt are the ground state singlet, excited

    state singlet, and excited state triplet, respectively; kr, kt,.

    kiscf k,, and ki,, are the unimolecular rate constants for

    fluorescence, internal conversion, S,PT, intersystem

    crossing, phosphorescence, and T,--+Su intersystem

    crossing, respectively.

  • 10450 V. BAUANI

    phosphorescence depending on whether the excited state has the

    same or different spin compared to the ground state. In the same

    way, radiationless deactivation is called internal conversion when it

    occurs between states of the same spin and intersystem crossing

    when it occurs between states of different spin. Fluorescence and

    internal conversion are spin-allowed steps, whereas

    phosphorescence and intersystem crossing are spin-forbidden


    Each intramolecular decay step is characterized by its own rate

    constant (Fig. 3) and each excited state is characterized by its

    lifetime, given by

    z =l/Ziki (2)

    where ki is the first order rate constant for a generic unimolecular

    process that causes the disappearance of the excited state.7 For

    each process one can define the quantum yield, @, which is the ratio

    between the number of moles of species (photons or molecules)

    produced and the number of moles of photons that have been

    absorbed. For example, making reference to Fig. 3, the quantum

    yield of emission from the lowest spin-forbidden excited state

    (phosphorescence quantum yield Qp) can be expressed by the

    following equation

    Op=q. kz ISC p Tl (3)

    where nisC is the efficiency of population of the emitting excited

    state from the state populated by light absorption

    rl isc = kiscl(kisc + k, + kit)

    and z Tl

    is the lifetime of the emitting excited state


    % = l/(k, + k& (5)

  • Supratnolecular photochemistry 10451

    When the intramolecular deactivation steps are not too fast, i.e.

    when the lifetime of the excited state (eq. 2) is sufficiently long, the

    excited molecule may have a chance to encounter a molecule of

    another solute, B (Fig. 2). In such a case, some specific interaction

    may occur (Fig. 4) and the process taking place is called a

    bimolecular process.7-10 Simple kinetic arguments show that only

    those excited states that live longer than -10 -9 s may have a good

    chance to be involved in encounters with other solute molecules.

    The excited states that satisfy this condition are the lowest spin-

    allowed and spin-forbidden excited states for organic molecules,

    and the lowest spin-forbidden excited state for coordination

    compounds. 10


    encounter complex r

    A +*B energy transfer

    l T,+ B +$ pA!B]+& + D chemical reaction A or products

    I k, A + B catal. deact.

    Fig. 4. Schematic representation of bimolecular processes that may

    take place following an encounter between an excited state

    and another chemical species.8

    The most important bimolecular processes are

    transfer7-l 1 and electron transfer;7-1 *12-1 4 the latter

    may involve either the oxidation or the reduction of the

    state: k en

    *A+B- >A + *B energy transfer

    k OX

    *A+B- >A+ + B- oxidative electron transfer

    k red

    *A+B- >A- + B+ reductive electron transfer







  • 10452 V. BALZANI

    The thermodynamic ability of an excited state to intervene in

    energy transfer processes is related to its zero-zero spectroscopy

    energy, Eoeo. For the electron transfer processes, the relevant

    thermodynamic parameters are the oxidation (eq. 7) and reduction

    (eq. 8) potentials of the *A/A+ and *A/A- couples. It should be

    emphasized that, because of its higher energy content, an excited

    state is both a stronger reductant and a stronger oxidant than the

    corresponding ground state. To a first approximation, the redox

    potentials for the excited state couples may be calculated from the

    potentials of the ground state couples and the one-electron

    potential corresponding to the zero-zero excitation energy:

    E(A+/*A) = E(A+/A) - E- (9)

    E(*A/A-) = E(A/A-) + E- (10)

    Kinetic parameters (i.e., intrinsic barrier and electronic transmission

    coefficient) can also play an important role in energy and electron

    transfer processes.lv12 Figure 5 shows schematically some

    molecular quantities that characterize an excited state from the

    point of view of energy and electron transfer processes.

    Photoinduced energy transfer and electron transfer processes can

    take place, of course, also between molecular components of

    supramolecular species,l e.g:

    A-B + hv--> *A-B photoexcitation

    *A.-B --> AL-*B energy transfer

    *A-B-> A+-B- electron transfer




  • Supramolecular photochemistry 10453

    Fig. 5. Schematic

    SAA A- E (A+/A) E (A/K)

    diagram indicating the molecular quantities

    relevant to the discussion of photoinduced energy and

    electron transfer processes.

    In supramolecular species constituted by several molecular

    components, successive energy or electron transfer steps may lead

    to energy migration or charge separation over long distances

    (Section 7-2).

    Another interesting event that can take place upon light

    excitation of a supramolecular species is the so called optical

    electron transfer process, which leads to the direct formation of an

    intercomponent charge-transfer state (Fig. 6):

    A-B + hv-> A+-B- (14)

    Both photoinduced electron transfer (eq. 11 plus eq. 13) and optical

    electron transfer (eq. 14) may be followed by a thermal back

    electron transfer process:

    A+-B- -> A-B (15)

  • 10454 V. BALZANI

    nuclear configuration

    Fig. 6. Optical (l), photoinduced (2+3), and thermal back (4)

    electron transfer processes in supramolecular species.

    The relationships between optical, photoinduced, and back electron

    transfer processes in a supramolecular species are schematized in

    Fig. 6. Several examples of energy and electron transfer processes

    in supramolecular species have been discussed in a number of

    books and review articles. v5 g6* 1 5-20

    4. Cage-type systems

    4.1 Cage-type metal complexes

    Systems made of a metal ion enclosed into a macrocyclic ligand or

    encapsulated by a cage-type ligand may often be considered as

    supramolecular species.1*2v4 In this review we will only recall

  • Supramolecular photochemistry 10455

    three paradigmatic examples of metal complexes where the

    presence of cage-type ligands modifies the photochemical and

    photophysical properties.

    4-1-I Cobalt complexes. It is well-known that the Co(II1)

    complexes are kinetically inert while the Co(I1) complexes are very

    labile because of the presence of electrons in the o*M (e,)

    antibonding orbitals.21 As a consequence, reduction of the central

    metal ion of Co(NH3)6 3+ in aqueous solution causes the

    decomposition of the complex. Such a reduction

    by the following methods: (i) pulse radiolysis,22

    Co111(NH3)6 3+ +e 2+ aq

    - -> Co1(NH3)6

    may be carried out



    Co11(NH3)6 2+ -> Coaq2+ + 6NH4+ k> 1 x lo3 s-l (17)

    (ii) ion pair charge-transfer (IPCT) photoexcitation (0 = 0.2),23


    Co111(NH3)6 3+ - . I Coaq2+ + 6NH4+ + l/2X2 (19)

    or (iii) intramolecular ligand-to-metal charge-transfer (LMCT)

    photoexcitation (Q = 0.16)23


    c0111(NH3)6 + 3+

    3+ + CoH(NH3)$NH3 ) (20)

    H30+ + 3+ Co(NH3),(NH3 ) --> Coaq2+ + 5NH4+ + products (2 1)

  • 10456 V. Bm

    Simple chelation does not substantially change the situation

    because Co(en)33+ (en = ethylenediamine) after pulse radiolysis

    reduction loses its ligands with k > 25 s-1,22 and upon LMCT

    excitation undergoes redox decomposition with Q=O. 13 .23

    In 1977 Sargeson and coworkers24 performed a capping reaction

    of Co(en)3 3+ along its C3 axis with NH3 and CH20 (Fig. 7). The

    encapsulated metal ion so obtained, (1,3.6,8,10,13,16,19-

    octaazabicyclo-[6,6,6]-icosane)-cobalt(II1) ion, was called cobalt(II1)

    sepulchrate, Co(sep)3+. Since then, a great number of similar cage-

    type complexes of a variety of metal ions have been synthesized

    and studied by Sargesons group.25-28

    NH,,CH,O w

    Fig. 7. Synthesis of the Co(II1) sepulchrate

    Co(sep)3+ and the analogous cage-type complexes exhibit several

    quite interesting properties. From the photochemical point of view,

    the most important consequence of encapsulation is the kinetic

    inertness of the reduced species. Upon one-electron reduction of

    Co(sep)3+ in pulse radiolysis experiments, in fact, formation of

    coaq2+ cannot be observed (except in strong acid solution):29

    Co(se~)~+ + eaq- -> Co(sep)2+ (22)

    Co(sep)2+ -/I-> Co,q+ + products k < 1O-6s-1 (23)

  • Supramolecular photochemistry

    Such a kinetic inertness prevents photodecomposition (@ < 10W6) on

    intramolecular LMCT excitation and also on IPCT excitation:30


    CoIr1(sep)3+ e Co11(sep+)3 +

    Co11(sep+)3+ -//-> Coaq2+ + products




    Co111(sep)3+. I- e Co11(sep)2+ .I

    Co11(sep)2+ . I -//-> Co 2+ aq

    + products

    In spite of their completely different



    photochemical behavior,

    Co(NH&j 3+ (or Co(en)3 3 ) and Co(sep)3 + have quite similar

    absorption spectra. These differences and similarities between

    caged und uncaged hexamine complexes can be explained on the

    basis of the potential energy curves shown in Fig. 8.3

    E LMCT \


    MC( 3T, ,


    nuclear coordinates


    Fig. 8. Schematic potential energy curves for Co(NH,),s+ and


  • 10458 V. BALZANI

    Encapsulation does not substantially modify the composition and

    symmetry of the first coordination sphere which is constituted by

    the ligand atoms surrounding the metal ion. Thus, the potential

    energy curves for the caged and uncaged complexes in the

    spectroscopic region are nearly the same, which accounts for the

    strong similarity in the absorption spectra. The photodecomposition

    reaction of CO(NH~)~ 3+ on LMCT (or IPCT) excitation is due to

    dissociation along the LMCT (or IPCT) potential energy curve in

    competition with radiationless decay to the ground state (Fig. 8).

    Encapsulation, however, introduces nuclear constraints to large

    amplitude nuclear motions and particulary to the dissociation of the

    coordinated units, which are kept in almost fixed positions by the

    pattern of covalent bonds. Therefore, for the sepulchrate complex

    the dissociative branch of the MLCT (or IPCT) potential energy

    curve is replaced by an upward steep curve (Fig. 8). so that ligand

    detachment can no longer compete with radiationless decay to the

    ground state.3 *

    Because of the inertness of their one-electron reduction products,

    Co(sep)3+ and other Co(III) cage complexes can be used as relays

    for photogeneration of hydrogen from water32-37 and as electron

    transfer photosensitizers for photooxidation of anions and

    simultaneous evolution of hydrogen. 30,38,39

    4.1.2 Ruthenium complexes. In the last ten years Ru(II)-

    polypyridine complexes have attracted the attention of several

    research groups because of a unique combination of ground and

    excited state properties.g~10*14~40 The prototype of these

    complexes, the well known Ru(bpy),z+ species, is extensively used

    as (i) a photoluminescent compound, (ii) an excited state reactant in

    energy and electron transfer processes, (iii) an excited state product

    in chemiluminescent and electrochemiluminescent reactions, and

    (iv) a mediator in the interconversion of light and chemical energy.

  • Supramolecular photochemistry




    Ru(bpy); === -1.28V

    Ru(bpy)r = Ru(bpy$

    Fig. 9. Ground and excited state properties of Ru(bpy)32+.41

    Some relevant data concerning this complex are summarized in the

    scheme of Fig. 9. Comparison with the requirements needed for

    ideal photosensitizers p42 and luminophores43 shows that the

    main drawbacks of Ru(bpy)32+ are (a) the relatively fast

    radiationless decay of the 3CT excited state to the ground state

    (with, as a consequence, a relatively short excited state lifetime and

    a small luminescence efficiency), and (b) the occurrence of a ligand

    photosubstitution reaction whose efficiency is strongly dependent

    on the experimental conditions (from _ 10-S in water at room

    temperature to -10-I in CH,Cl, solutions containing Cl- ions). It is

    generally agreed p4 that the ligand photosubstitution reaction

    proceeds via a thermally activated radiationless transition from the

    luminescen; 3CT level to a distorted 3MC level, with subsequent

    competition between radiationless decay to the ground state and

    cleavage of a Ru-N bond with formation of an intermediate

    containing a monodentate bpy ligand.44v45 Such an intermediate

    can undergo either loss of bpy, or chelate ring closure with

    reformation of Ru(bpy)32+.

  • 10460 V. BALZANI

    Ligand photodissociation can be prevented if the bpy ligands are

    linked together to make a cage around the ruthenium ion. A

    suitable cage-type ligand can also confer more rigidity to the

    molecular structure, thereby slowing down the radiationless decay

    processes with consequent increase of both emission intensity and

    lifetime. It may also happen, however, that the cage-type ligand

    does not allow the metal to attain an appropriate coordination

    geometry and/or suitable Ru-N bond distances. In such a case, the

    3MC level would drop below the 3CT level and most of the valuable

    properties of the complex would disappear. Molecular models show

    that this must be the case for the bpy.bpy.bpy cryptand 1. As we

    will see later, such a ligand is appropriate for the larger, not

    symmetry-demanding Eu3+ ion, but it is clearly too rigid to create

    the octahedral coordination required by Ru2+. This is apparently

    confirmed by the lack of luminescence at room temperature from a

    complex claimed to be the [Ru c 1]2+ cryptate. The cage-type

    ligand47 shown in Fig. 10a is clearly more suitable for Ru2 +

    (a) (b) (cl

    Fig.10. (a) Cage-type ligand suitable for RuZ+ coordination;47 (b)

    synthesis and (c) representation of the cage complex.48

  • Supramolecular photochemistry 10461

    coordination because its larger spacers make the cage flexible and

    allow the bpy ligands to create an almost ideal octahedral

    coordination environment. The Ru(I1) complex of this ligand has

    been prepared48 via a template reaction starting from a derivative

    of Ru(bpy)J2+ (Fig. lob). Such a Ru(I1) cage-type complex (Fig. 10~)

    exhibits absorption and emission spectra very similar to those of

    the parent Ru(bpy)j2+ complex, a longer excited state lifetime at

    room temperature (1.7 vs 0.8 us) and, as expected, an extremely

    greater (about 104 times) stability towards ligand

    photosubstitution. 49 This assures a quite high turnover number

    when the Ru-cage bpy complex is used as a photosensitizer.

    4.1.3 Lanthanide complexes. Molecular and supramolecular

    species capable of exhibiting a strong luminescence are quite

    interesting not only from a fundamental point of view, but also

    because of their potential use for a variety of applications. Some

    lanthanide ions, particulary Eu3+ and Tb3+, possess strongly

    luminescent and long-lived excited states. For example (Fig. ll), the

    lowest excited state of Euaq3+, 5D0, lives 3.2 ms and emits with an

    efficiency of 0.8 in D,O solution.50 Unfortunately, these ions are

    very poor light absorbers. The strongest absorption band of Euaq3+

    / EJA17Fo)+heat

    EG(Fo)& . - Euaq * 3+rqJ \


    E~;(7Fo)+ hd

    T ~0.02111 H,O

    0.8h-i b0

    t =O.llms in Hz0 3.2ms in D#

    Fig.11. Excitation and deactivation of Euaq3+.50

  • 10462 V. B~UZAN~

    in the near UV and visible region occurs at 393 nm with molar

    absorption coefficient lower than 3 M-lcm- 1. To make use of the

    excellent emitting properties of these ions one has thus to find

    ways to populate their excited states, i.e. to overcome the lack of

    absorption bands.

    Complexation of the lanthanide ion with suitable ligands is, of

    course, a possibility, but lanthanide ions do not exhibit strong

    coordinating ability. By using cage-type ligands, three important

    goals can be reached: (i) the complexes can be fairly stable because

    of the cage effect; (ii) light absorption can be assured by the

    chromophoric groups on the ligands, and electronic energy can then

    be transferred to the luminescent metal ion (antenna effect); (iii)

    the cage-type ligand can shield the lanthanide ion from interaction

    with water (solvent) molecules, thereby decreasing the rate of

    radiationless decay of the luminescent excited state, which mainly

    takes place via coupling with the high energy O-H vibrations.5 1

    Following these guidelines, Lehn and co-workers52 have

    synthesized the Eu3+ complex of the bpy.bpy.bpy ligand 1, which

    indeed displays excellent luminescent properties. The energy level

    diagram for this complex is shown in Fig. 12.53 Excitation in the

    spin-allowed ILC bands is followed by intersystem-crossing to the

    lowest spin-forbidden 3LC level that lies at higher energy than the luminescent 5D,,f-f level of Eu 3+. The efficiency of energy transfer

    from the 3LC level of the bpy ligand to the 5D u metal level is

    sufficiently high (n = 0.1). so that such a complex is an efficient

    molecular device for the conversion of UV light absorbed by the

    ligands into visible luminescence emitted by the metal ion. Even in

    very dilute aqueous solution (-10m5M) this complex is able to

    convert about 1% of the incident UV photons into emitted visible

    photonss4, a quite interesting result for several applications, in

    particular for labelling biological materials.

  • Supramolecular photochemistry 10463

    Ligand Metal


    '3 e

    p 20-

    5 l&l-


    Fig.12. Energy level diagram for [Eu~l]~+.ss

    Considerable effort is currently devoted to further improve the

    luminescence properties of Eu3+ and Tb3+ complexes by using other

    caging ligands.55 In doing that, two additional requirements have to

    be taken into consideration: (a) the presence of the ligand should

    not imply the occurrence of ligand-centered or charge-transfer

    levels at lower, or slightly higher, energy than that of the

    luminescence metal-centered level; otherwise, new channels for

    fast radiationless decay of the luminescence level would be

    available and the luminescence efficiency would be compromised;

    (b) energy transfer from the ligand-centered excited states

    populated by light absorption to the metal centered levels should

    be efficient; this implies some degree of interaction (and, therefore,

    a close contact) between the metal and the coordinated atoms of the


    Excellent luminescent properties are exhibited by the Eu3 +

    complexes of 2,56 and by the Tb3+ complexes of 256 and 3.5 7

    Promising results have also been obtained by using cryptate ligands

    like 4,58 5, 5g and 660 which incorporate N-oxide groups.

  • 10464 V. BU


    4-2 Photo-cleavable and photo-flexible cages

    For several types of applications, it would be necessary to have

    3 2

    cp Ph

    5 6

    cages that can be opened and/or closed by light excitation. Two

    different approaches to this problem have recently been reported.

    It is well know that the 2.1.1, 2.2.1, and 2.2.2 polyoxadiaza-

    macrobicyclic criptands, prepared long ago by Lehn and

    coworkers,61 exhibit a high selectivity towards alkali metal ion

    complexation due to the different cavity size. Photocleavage of one

    of the cryptand strand would cause a substantial affinity decrease,

    with a consequent release of the metal cation into the solution. To

    obtain this result, Lehn, et al. 62 have recently introduced the

    photocleavable 2-nitrobenzyl ether bond into one of the bridges of

    the cryptand (Fig. 13). In principle, these compounds could be used

    to create light-controlled jumps or pulses of cation concentrations,

  • Supramolecular photochemistry

    that would be quite useful for physiological


    investigations. Photo-

    cleavable chelating ligands for alkaline-earth cations have also been

    described.6 3

    R=H:m-n=O R-&O: m-n-1 m-1. n-0 m-n-l

    Fig.13. Photocleavable cryptands.62

    Control of the cavity size without disruption of the cage can be

    obtained by taking advantage of the structural changes caused by a

    reversible photoisomerization reaction. For example, the trans-

    azobenzene capped crown ether 7 binds preferentially small metal

    cations such as Li+ and Na+. On excitation with UV light, the well

    known tram->cis photoisomerization of the azobenzene unit

    takes place, yielding 8, whose larger cavity preferably binds large

    metal cations like K+ and Rb+.64 When the azobenzene bridge is

    replaced by the 2,2-azopyridine bridge, in the tram conformation

    the pyridine nitrogens are directed towards the crown plane and

    can coordinate metal ions enclosed in the crown ether ring, whereas

    this is not possible in this cis conformation of the bridge. As a

    consequence, the ability to extract heavy metal ions (Cu2+, Ni2+,

    co2+, and Hg2+ ) from aqueous solution to an organic phase can be

    photocontrolled. A photoresponsive cylindrical crown ether

    containing two isomerizable azo-benzene units has also been

    described.66 In azobenzene-capped cyclodextrin, the bridging

    ability towards various substrates and the catalytic activity

    towards the rate of hydrolysis of p-nitrophenylacetate can be




    Vogtle and co-workerse8 have synthesized the very interesting

    macrocyclic species 9 which contains three azobenzene units. Upon


    light excitation, each unit can undergo a trans->cis isomerization

    with a consequent change in the size of the cage cavity. All possible

    configurational isomers (E,E,E,; E,E,Z; E,Z,Z,; Z,Z,Z) have been isolated.

    For a review on structural changes in photoflexible systems, see

    chapter 7 of ref. 1.



    4.3. Photochemistry of incarcerated molecules

    Two main families of spherical-type molecules

    are currently attracting much attention:


    with internal voids

    carcerandseo and

  • Supramolecular photochemistry 10467

    In carcerands the internal cavity is large enough to host other

    molecules, providing them inner phases which exhibit peculiar

    characteristics and which are maintained regardless of the bulk

    phase. The possibility then arises to perform photochemical

    reactions within these new phases of matter where the guest

    molecule is prevented to interact with other species. Many highly

    reactive species like radicals or unstable isomers can likely be

    prepared and studied in appropriate inner phases.

    The first, very exciting example of this new branch of

    photochemistry is the taming of cyclobutadiene performed by

    Cram and co-workers.@e They studied the photoisomerization/

    photofragmentation of a-pyrone within a carcerand-type species

    and found that of the two photoproducts cyclobutadiene remains

    imprisoned into the cage while CO, escapes. The cyclobutadiene is

    thermally stable in the inner phase at room temperature, and exists

    as a singlet. On further irradiation, cyclobutadiene breaks down to

    acetylene, as it does when is prepared in argon matrix at 8 K.

    Interesting questions arises as to how the exciting light (200-250

    nm) required for the formation of cyclobutadiene and its reaction to

    give acetylene is effective. Absorption by the dimethoxybenzene-

    type units and photosensitization is a possibility.

    The luminescent properties of a large-cavity compound which

    contains three Cu+ ions have been recently studied.71

    5. Host-Guest Systems

    Life is based on molecular recognition, transformation, and

    translocation processes carried out by extremely complicated

    chemical systems (enzymes, genes, antibodies, etc.). The

    fundamental discovery of crown ethers by Pedersen72 in 1967

    opened the way to the study of molecular recognition,

  • lo468 V. BALZWI

    transformation, and translocation processes with simple,

    synthetically accessible molecular species. In the last 25 years a

    concave-oriented chemistry73 has thus begun to complement the

    almost exclusively convex-oriented chemistry previously

    developed, and a great variety of concave molecular species (hosts)

    have been prepared for selective complexation of convex molecular

    species (guests). This section illustrates examples of light-induced

    processes that occur in host-guest systems, defined as

    supramolecular species made of synthetic components where

    structure-specific interactions (particularly, complementarity

    between concave and convex shapes) play a key role in determing

    the photochemical and photophysical properties. Supramolecular

    systems based on intermolecular forces but not characterized by

    structure-specific interactions will not be discussed. Reviews on the

    photochemical and photophysical properties of ion-pairs,74-77

    electron donor-acceptor complexes,78.79 chromoionophores and

    fluoroionophores,su-84 cyclodextrin inclusion compounds,84-87 and

    adducts of DNA,*4188 can be found elsewhere. Cage-type compounds

    are discussed in Section 4.

    The approach taken in the investigations described in this section

    is the following: (i) molecular species capable to give host-guest

    adducts are chosen; (ii) the photochemical and photophysical

    properties of the two separated species are studied; (iii) the

    photochemical and photophysical properties of the adduct are

    investigated and then compared to those exhibited by the

    separated components.

    5.1 Polyammonium macrocyclic receptors with CO(CN),~-

    Because of their high electric charge and their capacity to form

    hydrogen bonds, cyanide complexes are very suitable species for

    adduct formation. Co(CN),3- gives rise to very stable I:1 adducts

  • Supramolecular photochemistry 10469

    with the protonated forms of the polyazamacrocyclic receptors

    shown in Fig. 14.8g The resulting absorption spectrum is essentially

    the same as that of free CO(CN)~~-,~~ as expected for adducts

    between partners that cannot give rise to low-energy charge-

    transfer transitions. The relatively high values of the association

    constants (103- 106 M-1) reflect an ionic-type interaction, probably

    with a large contribution from hydrogen bonds between the

    peripheral nitrogen atoms of the complex anion and hydrogen

    atoms of the polyammonium cation.


    ZJ -(CH& 4 HN NH


    [32]ane-N6-Cg [24]ane-Ng


    Fig.14. Structures of some polyazamacrocyclics.

    CO(CN),~- undergoes a very clean photoaquation reaction (eq.

    28) that can be easily followed from spectral changes in the

    COAX- + H,O -> Co(CN)&H,O)*- + CN- @ = 0.30 (28)

    near UV region, where two isosbestic .points are maintained

    throughout the photoreaction. The quantum yield of the

    photoreaction is high (@,=0.30) and independent of excitation


    wavelength, acidy of the solution (pH 1.2-5.0), and solvent. The

    primary photochemical process is thought to be a CN-

    photodissociation. A simple dissociative initial step without

    significant concerted rearrangement of the five coordinate fragment

    is predicted theoretically.g 1

    When aqueous solutions containing the adducts are

    photoexcited, the same photoaquation reaction exhibited by

    COAX- alone, i.e. CN- release, is observed. However, the quantum

    yield of the photoreaction is noticeably lower than that found for

    free COAX- (Table 1). g2 Since adduct formation does not

    introduce new energy levels at low energy, it seems fair to assume

    that the reactive excited state of the adducts is the same as that of

    free Co(CN),j-, One striking observation (Table 1) is that adduct

    formation reduces the quantum yield @ to values essentially equal

    to a multiple of (1/6)@u, which suggests that in the adducts only a

    discrete number of CN- groups are permitted to undergo


    Table 1. Quantum yields for the photoaquation of COAX- alone

    (@O) and its adducts with polyazamacrocycles (Q>)a.

    Co (CN) 63- 1.0 0.33

    1.2-5.0 0.30

    ([24]ane-N6H6) 6+ .CO(CN)~~- 2.5 0.15 2

    ([24]ane-N8H,)7+.Co(CN)63- 2.5 0.15 2

    ([24]ane-N8H8) 8+ .CO(CN)~~- 1.0 0.16 2

    ([301ane-N10H10) 10+ .CO(CN)~ 3- 2.3 0.14 2

    ((32Iane-N6H6-C9) 6+ .CO(CN)~~- 1.2 0.11 3

    ([32Jane-N8H8) 8+.Co(CN)63- 2.5 0.10 3

    aAqueous solution, room temperature; from ref. 92.

  • Supramolecular photochemistry 10471

    In agreement with the indications of space-filling models, the

    results obtained can be rationalized in the following way. In

    adducts with the large 32-atom ring receptors, the octahedral

    cobalt complex can be enclosed within the macrocycle so that four

    CN- ligands are involved in hydrogen bonding (Fig. 15a). leaving

    only 2 of the 6 CN- ligands free to escape. For the smaller

    macrocycles, encirclement of CO(CN),~- by the ring is not possible,

    and the most likely structure is that shown in Fig. 15b, with 3 labile

    CN- ligands.g2

    (gbi p+Ny -N++NH+ NH+ -NH+-


    Fig.15. Proposed supramolecular structures of the adducts formed

    in solution between COAX- and polyammonium

    macrocyclic receptors of different size.92

    Besides offering a generic protection against photodissociation,

    adduct formation might also find interesting applications in the case

    of mixed-ligand complexes by orienting photosubstitution reactions

    toward specific products. In favorable cases, photochemistry

    appears also to be a valuable probe for the structure of the adducts.

    5-2 Aromatic crown ethers with Pt(bpy)(NH,)22 +

    Wwy)WH3)22+ is a square-planar complex which exhibits most of the properties needed to give stable adducts, namely electric

    charge, residual interaction ability on the metal ion, and residual

  • 10472 V. BALZANI

    -electric charge

    y hydrogen bonds

    ~-unfilled coordination sphere

    IC - fl stacking interactions

    Fig.16. Pt(bpy)(NH&*+, an excellent potential guest.93

    interaction ability on both bpy and NH, ligands (Fig. 16).

    Furthermore, this complex undergoes a clean photochemical

    reaction and exhibits luminescence at low and high temperature in

    a variety of solvents.g3 Because of these properties, Pt(bpy)(NH3)22+

    is suitable for the design of adducts of photochemical and

    photophysical interest.g4

    [Pt(bpy)(NH3)2](PF6)2 is insoluble in CH2C12, but it can be

    dissolved by addition of 18C6 (Fig. 17) to give a 1:l adduct. The

    absorption and emission spectra of the adduct in CH2C12 (Fig. 18)

    are practically identical to those of free Pt(bpy)(NH3)22+ in

    acetonitrile, showing that there is a negligible electronic interaction

    between Pttbpy)(NH3)22+ and 18C6, which are kept together by

    hydrogen bonds. The intense absorption with maxima at 319 and

    307 nm are due to spin-allowed nn* transitions on the bpy ligand.

    The structured luminescence band shows its maximum at 486 nm

    (Z = 25 PS) at 77 K and at 488 nm (Z = 100 ns) at room temperature

    (Fig. 19). These data indicate that the luminescent excited state is a

    metal-perturbed triplet ligand-centered level. When aromatic

  • onon 3 w


    DB24C8 DB30ClO

    Aono?i-v- (xJwuJ 0 43 0


    070 0 0 [ 8)

    0-0 0 e/o BPP28C8

    fPo~@-onoAo ( I wJ@eL/o



    Supramolecular photochemistry lo473





    Fig.17. Crown ethers used as hosts for Pt(bpy)(NH3)22+.

  • 10474 V. BAUANI

    ! i ! i

    !J ;_ )&_ 0 290 340 390- 4r \

    A , nm

    Fig.18. Absorption spectra of DB30ClO (-.-.), and of the adducts of

    Pt(bpy)(NH3)z2+ with 18C6 (---) and DB30ClO (-).g3

    \ . ----Pm 1 Y.- .- 1 I

    300 400 500 600 700

    A ,nm Fig.19. Luminescence spectra of DB30ClO (---.), and of the adducts

    of Pt(bpy)(NH3),z+ with 18C6 (---) and DB30ClO (-).g3

  • Supramolecular photochemistry 10475

    macrocyclic polyethers (Fig. 17) are used in the place of 18C6, I:1

    adducts are again formed. For the adduct with DB30C10, single

    crystal X-ray diffraction studies showed that the receptor assumes

    a U-shaped configuration around the metal complex.95*96 This

    suggests that, besides hydrogen bonding, a nn * interaction

    betweeen the aromatic units of the macrocyclic polyether (donor)

    and the bpy ligand of the metal complex (acceptor) can take place.

    The spectroscopic, photophysical, and photochemical behavior

    of Pt(bpy)(NH,), 2+ adducts with the aromatic crown ethers shown

    in Fig. 17 have been investigated in detai1.g3*g4*g7*g8 As shown in

    Figs. 18 and 19 for the case of DB30C10, adducts formation causes

    strong changes in the absorption spectra and the quenching of the

    luminescence of the two components. In several cases a new, broad,

    and short-lived luminescence band appears in the red region of the

    spectrum (see, e.g., Fig. 19). Furthermore, the Pt(bpy)(NH3)22 +

    guest is protected against photoreactivity. Particularly interesting is

    the case of the adduct with DA42ClO (Fig. 17).g7 When the free

    anthracenophane host is photoexcited in CH2C12 solution, a

    photocyclization reaction takes place (Fig. 20). In its adduct with

    Pt(bpy)(NH,), 2+, however, no photoreaction is observed. This

    photo hJ ck 0 12+ decomp0sition 7


    CJ ON ;Pt



    + ADDUCT h3_ NO photoreact ion

    Fig.20. Photochemical behaviour of Pt(bpy)(NH3)22+, DA42Cl0, and

    their adduct.

  • 10476 V. BALUNI



    1 h3 Host a Solvent

    Fig.21. Schematic explanation of the different photochemical

    behavior of Pt(bpy)(NHg)22+, DA42Cl0, and their adduct

    (see text).

    suggests that, as schematized in Fig. 21, the Pt complex is inserted

    between the two aromatic moieties of the anthracenophane host in

    a structure which protects the guest from photoreaction with the

    solvent and prevents the photocyclization of the host. In terms of

    an energy level diagram, the quenching of the luminescence and/or

    reactivity of the host and guest on adduct formation can be

    accounted for by the presence of a charge-transfer state below the

    luminescent and/or reactive excited states of the two components.

    In conclusion, the assembly of two components into an

    appropriate supramolecular structure can protect the components

    towards photoreactions and can profoundly change their

    spectroscopic and photophysical properties.

  • Supmmolecular photochemistry lo477

    5.3 Lasalocid A anion with Cr(bpy)33 +

    The absorption, luminescence, and photochemical properties of

    Cr(bpyI3 3+ (bpy=2,2-bipyridine, Fig. 22) have been extensively

    investigated.gg This complex is only slightly soluble in CH,Cl, as a

    perchlorate or hexafltiorophosphate salt. Its absorption spectrum is

    dominated by an intense ligand centered (LC) band ( &a,=307 nm,

    &=25000 M-cm- in CH,CI, solution). The Cr(bpy)33+ luminescence

    (h max =728 nm, c=70 JJS for the PF6- salt)loO originates from the *E

    metal centered (MC) excited state. Detailed studies have shown that

    the energy of the luminescence band is nearly independent of the

    nature of the solvent and ionic strength, while the luminescence

    lifetime is strongly affected by the medium.g g No

    photodecomposition can be observed in CH2C12 solution.

    Me Me Et Me

    Fig.22. Cr(bpy)33+ and the lasalocid A anion LAS-.

  • 10478 V. BALZANI

    The lasalocid A anion (LAS, Fig. 22) exists as a monomer in

    nonpolar solvents. This molecule contains an aromatic ring which

    displays a XX* absorption band at 307 nm (&=4550 M-lcmW1) and a

    strong fluorescence band (h,,, =418 nm; r=6 ns) in CH,Cl, solution.

    The fluorescence intensity is much weaker for the protonated LASH


    Since Cr(bpy)33+ and LAS- absorb in the same spectral region,

    in the absence of electronic interaction addition of LAS to a

    Cr(bpy)33+ solution should cause an increase in absorbance. By

    contrast, at the beginning the absorbance decreases and only for

    [LAS-l/[Wbpy)3 3+] ratios higher than one it increases as expected

    for the contribution of the added LAS-.1oo This behavior clearly

    indicates that Cr(bpy)33+ and LAS give rise to a 1: 1 adduct where

    electronic interaction causes a strong perturbation in the LC band of

    the metal complex. Confirmation of 1:l adduct formation comes

    from luminescence measurements. The fluorescence intensity of

    LAS - at 418 nm is strongly quenched until the amount of LAS-

    added is close to the amount of Cr(bpy)33+ present in the solution.

    Since the excited state lifetime of LAS is very short (6 ns) and the

    Cr(bpy)33+ concentration is very low (2x10-5 M), quenching of the

    LAS - luminescence can only take place by a static mechanism.

    Further addition of LAS- causes a strong increase in the LAS

    fluorescence intensity up to values close to those expected for LAS

    in the absence of the Cr complex. An association constant of -106

    M -l was obtained from both absorption and emission

    measurements. The addition of LAS- also causes a noticeable

    increase in the intensity of the Cr(bpy)33+ luminescence at 728 nm;

    for [LAS-]/[Cr(bpy)33+] values higher than unity, a plateau is

    reached with an intensity about 6 times higher than that observed

    in the absence of LAS-. A parallel increase was also observed in the

    luminescence lifetime.

  • Supramolecular photochemistry lo479

    Looking at CPK molecular models one can see that the

    carboxylate group of LAS- can approach the Cr3+ ion in an

    intraligand pocket of the metal complex (presumably by replacing a

    PF6- anion). This leads the phenyl ring of LAS- close and parallel to

    a bpy ligand, with the tail of LAS- wrapped around the complex.

    The expected results of this association are (i) an electronic

    interaction between the phenyl moiety of LAS- and a bpy ligand,

    (ii) some screening of the Cr3+ ion from interaction with solvent or

    other anions (e.g., PFg-), and (iii) increasing rigidity of the

    coordination sphere of the metal ion. The electronic interaction can

    account for the observed variation in the absorption intensity and

    the static quenching of the LAS- fluorescence, while the effects

    described under points (ii) and (iii) can account for the increase in

    the lifetime (and, as a consequence, in the luminescence intensity)

    of the 2E metal centered level of Cr(bpy)33+.100

    6. Rotaxanes, catenanes, and related species

    Rotaxanes (Fig. 23a) are formed by a ring which is threaded

    by a linear fragment with bulky groups on either end. Catenanes

    (Fig. 23b) are species composed of interlocked rings. Catenanes,

    a b C

    Fig.23. Schematic representation of rotaxanes, catenanes . and knots.

  • 10480 V. BALZANI

    rotaxanes and related species (like knots, Fig. 23~) are

    supramolecular architectureslo very attractive from an aesthetical

    viewpoint. The design of such sophisticated systems has since long

    received much attention, but only recent achievements in synthetic

    and analytical methods have made possible their synthesis with

    fairly high yields. Nowadays several catenanes, rotaxanes, knots,

    helicates, etc. have been prepared, but a few photochemical and

    photophysical investigations have been performed so far on such


    6.1 Catenands and metal catenates

    A clever route to obtain interlocked species is the template

    synthesis around a metal complex. Taking advantage of the

    tetrahedral-type coordination geometry imposed by the Cu+ metal

    ion and its affinity for the 2,9-dianysil-l,lO-phenanthroline (dap)

    unit 10, Sauvage and coworkers102 have prepared the metal

    catenates Cu(2-cat)+ 12 and Cu2(3-cat)2+ 14. Demetalation of these

    catenates leads to the corresponding free ligands (catenands) 11

    and 13, where the coordinating subunits are disentangled. In the

    cases of Cu2(3-cat)2+ 14, partial demetalation yields the Cu(3-cat)+

    species 16, which contains a catenate and a catenand moieties.

    Starting from the free catenands a number of catenates of other

    metal ions have also been prepared.lo2

    The luminescence properties of several catenands and

    catenates have been investigated (Table 2).103*104 The catenand

    moieties, as expected, behave essentially as the dup chromophoric

    unit 10. Upon addition of trifluoroacetic acid to the CH2C12 solution,

    however, the properties of the catenands differ from those of

    dup.lo5 showing that catenand protonation does not concern

    independent dap units, but involves coordination of two dup units

    around a proton in a catenate-type structure.lo4 The Li(2-cat)+ and

    Zn(2-cat)2+ species exhibit ligand-centered (LC) fluorescence and

  • 10481

    =-CH,+CEC j*CH2- 16 b=-CH2Cti2fOCH2CH2j,

    15 M -CuU) M'-Com)

    phosphorescence, considerably more perturbed in the case of the

    divalent ion. The Co(2-cat)2+ and Ni(2-cat)2+ complexes are not

    luminescent, as expected because of a fast radiationless decay

    which occurs via low energy metal-centered levels. The Cu(2-cat)+ and Cu2(3-cat)2+ complexes exhibit an emission band in the red

    spectral region, that can be assigned to the lowest-energy triplet

    metal-to-ligand charge transfer excited state. The Cu(3-cat)+ species

    16, as expected, displays two luminescence bands, which originate

    from the catenand and catenate moieties, respectively. The

    luminescence of the catenand moiety, however, is strongly

  • 10482 V. BALZANI

    quenched by the adjacent G-catenate unit.lo3 For Ag(2-cat)+ no

    emission can be observed at room temperature, whereas in rigid

    matrix at 77 K a very intense band is observed at 498 nm (7=0.012

    s) that can be assigned to the lowest 3LC level.lo4 The mixed metal

    CuCo(3-cat)3+ species 15 does not exhibit luminescence. This

    indicates that the Co-containing moiety quenches the luminescence

    of the Cu-containing one. In conclusion, 11, 13, and their

    derivatives display a varied and interesting photophysical

    behavior. In particular, their luminescence can be tuned over the

    whole visible region (Table 2).

    Table 2. Luminescence properties of 2-cat. 3-cat, and their metal complexesa

    h m a x (nmlb T (ns)e . @d

    dap 2-cat









    Cu(3-cat)+ Cu2(3-cat)2+


    396 2.2 0.29

    400 2.0 0.42

    555 11.0 0.022

    400 2.5 0.35

    730 175 0.0011

    e c

    463 2.0 0.082

    400 2.4 0.33

    400;725 2.4;181 0.054;0.0011 730 177 0.0007

    aCH,Cl, solution, room temperature; from refs. 103 and 104

    bMaximum of the luminescence band

    CLifetime of the luminescent excited state

    dLuminescence quantum yield eNo luminescence at room temperature; at 77 K: hmax = 498 nm, E = 0.012 s.

  • Supramolecular photochemistry 10483

    6.2 Rotaxanes and catenanes featuring charge-transfer


    Electron donor-acceptor interaction provides the basis for the

    highly efficient template-directed synthesis of rotaxane 17 and

    catenate 18 performed by Stoddart and coworkers.106-108 The

    groups involved in the electron donor-acceptor interaction are the

    electron-rich hydroquinol units and the electron-deficient

    bipyridinium (paraquat, PQ2+) units. In the rotaxane 17 the

    tetracatianic macrocycle 19 is threaded by a hydroquinol unit that

    is then stopped with bulky Si-derivatives (21). In the catenane 18

    the tetracationic macrocycle 19 is interlocked with the macrocycle

    20 which contains two hydroxiquinol units.

    17 18

    0- r 1

    PO- Pr!#0 Ol

    0 -

    0 -

    0 - P 21 0

    cep, OSIPI$


    The electrochemical and spectroscopic properties of 17 and 18

    have been investigated. lo8 Figs. 24 and 25 compare the results

    obtained on oxidation and reduction of 17, 18, and their

    components. Oxidation of 17 takes place at a more positive

    potential compared to the oxidation of 1,4_dimethoxybenzene

    (DMB) as expected because in 17 the hydroquinol unit is involved

    in electron donation to the paraquat units of the tetracationic

    macrocycle 19. For the macrocycle 20 two distinct oxidation waves

    are observed, which indicates that there is some electronic

    interaction between the two hydroquinol units. Both such waves

    are displaced towards more positive potentials in 18, and their

    splitting is much larger than in 20. This is indeed an expected

    behavior because (i) the interaction with the electron-acceptor

    paraquat units makes the hydroquinol units more difficult to

    oxidize, and (ii) the two hydroquinol units are not equivalent. The

    alongside hydroquinol unit, which interacts with only one

    paraquat unit, is the first to be oxidized, and the inside

    hydroquinol unit, which interacts with two paraquat unit, is

    oxidized only at a much higher potential.

    Similar correlations can be observed in the electrochemical

    reduction of 17, 18, and their components (Fig. 25). The

    electrochemistry of paraquat is characterized by two consecutive

    monoelectron reduction processes. For the bis-paraquat cyclophane

    19, the two paraquat units are reduced simultaneously at less

    negative potential than paraquat since reduction decreases the

    electrostatic repulsion between the two charged units. Second

    simultaneous reduction of both units follows at more negative

    potential. Reduction of the bis-paraquat macrocyclic ring of

    rotaxane 17 is similar to that of the bis-paraquat cyclophane 19,

  • Supramolecular photochemistry 10485

    +2.0 v + 1.0 I 1 I

    Fig.24. Oxidation of rotaxane 17, catenane 18, and their


    except that the reduction occurs at more negative potentials

    because of the interaction of the paraquat units with the

    hydroquinol unit. Interestingly, in a rotaxane model species, which

    does not have the bulky triisopropylsilyloxy stoppers, the bead

    unthreads spontaneously after first reduction. In the catenane 18

    the alongside paraquat unit is less involved in donor-acceptor

    interaction with the hydroquinol compared to the inside paraquat

    unit. Such a positional difference between the two otherwise

    identical units creates an electrochemica1 gradient (Fig. 25). The

    second reduction, however, occurs at the same potential for both

    paraquat units indicating that the charge-transfer interaction is

    very weak after the first reduction of the paraquat units.

    Clear evidence for electron donor-acceptor interaction in 17

    and 18 is also obtained from absorption and emission

    spectroscopy. 108 The absorption spectra of 17 and 18 are


    0 v -1.0 I I I

    19 21




    17 \


    Fig.25 Reduction of rotaxane 17, catenane 18, and their


    noticeably different from the sum of the spectra of the respective

    components. In particular a broad, weak band is present in the

    visible region for both 17 and 18 that can be assigned to a charge

    transfer transition from the z-electron-rich hydroquinol units to

    the n:-electron-deficient paraquat residues. The maxima of these

    bands coincide (A=478 nm), as expected because of the identical

    nature of the interacting units in the two cases. Furthermore the

    molar absorption coefficient (at A=478 nm) of 18 is practically

    twice that of 17, suggesting that in 18 both the hydroquinol-type

    units of 20 interact with a paraquat residue. This conclusion is

    consistent with the luminescence results which show that the

    fluorescence of the hydroquinol units is almost completely

    quenched in both 17 and 18.

    Investigations are presently extended to more complex

    rotaxane and catenane structures. The supramolecular system

  • 10487

    4 PF;

    E Pr3Si

    o-o,0 -o- 0

    4+ - = = 0 = = - = -

    +N*+ 0 0 xx +N O& N+

    Fig.26. A molecular shuttle.l@J

    shown in Fig. 26 consists of a polyether chain containing two

    hydroquinol units and a bis(paraquat) bead.109 Dynamic NMR

    experiments have demonstrated that the bead shuttles back and

    forth between the two hydroquinol stations of the supramolecular

    species at a rate which can be controlled by varying the

    temperature. The two most favorable positions of the bead along

    the thread are those in which the bead surrounds one of the two

    hydroquinol groups due to the favorable charge transfer

    interactions between the x-electron acceptor paraquat residues in

    the bead and the n-electron donor hydroquinol stations in the

    thread. The free energy barrier to the shuttling process is 13.2 kcal

    mol-I, which means that at room temperature the shuttle frequency

    is much smaller than the rate of decay of the photoexcited

    hydroquinol units (z = 1 ns). As a consequence, only 50% of the

    luminescence of the hydroquinol residues is quenched.1 to

    The shuttle shown in Fig. 26 is a first step towards the

    construction of molecular machines.to8.*09 If the position of the

    bead could be controlled by an external signal, such a shuttle might


    be used as a molecular memory in a molecular computer. In order

    to reach such a result, one should first make a shuttle where the

    bead prefers to stay in one of the two stations. This can be done by

    using two different electron donors: the bead will preferentially

    reside on the better electron donor, X. Then, the more stable station

    (X) should be destabilized in order to displace the bead to station Y.

    In principle, this can be done by electrochemical or (more difficult)

    photochemical oxidation of X. Electric or light signals could then be

    used to play with this molecular abacus.

    7. Covalently-linked molecular components

    Photosynthesis, the natural process where sunlight is

    converted into chemical energy (food, firewood, fossil fuels) that

    maintains life on the earth, is based on photoinduced energy and

    electron transfer processes. In green plants, light is absorbed by

    ordered arrays of pigments, and the resulting excitation energy is

    channeled to specific sites (reaction centers) where a charge

    separation reaction takes place. The reducing and oxidizing species

    so obtained give rise to secondary chemical reactions which lead to

    the final products. An important aim of current chemical research is

    the design of supramolecular species to be used for building up

    artificial photosynthetic systems.

    As mentioned in Section 2, supramolecular species can also be

    obtained by linking molecular components via covalent bonds (Fig.

    1). In this way it is possible to synthesize linear or bi- and tri-

    dimensional arrays of molecular components where photoinduced

    electron and energy transfer processes can take place in a

    controlled manner.

  • Supramolecular photochemistry 10489

    7.1 Photoinduced electron and energy transfer in two-

    component model systems.

    In the last few years many experimental and theoretical

    investigations have explored the mechanism of photoinduced

    electron and energy transfer processes, with particular emphasis on

    the problem of electronic interaction between two components

    linked by rigid connectors. A detailed discussion of the theoretical

    aspects of electron and energy transfer processes can be found in

    several books and reviews (Section 3).

    Photoinduced electron and energy transfer processes in

    supramolecular species made of two covalently-linked molecular

    01 a 0 b *A-L-B ,electron

    back electron transfer

    A-L-B I A-L-B

    Fig.27. Schematic representation of photoinduced electron (a) and

    energy (h) transfer processes in a supramolecular system

    made of two components (A and B) linked by a connector (L).

    components can be schematized as in Fig. 27. In general,.

    photoinduced electron transfer is followed by a fast back electron

    transfer process, and energy transfer is followed by the radiative

  • 104!lO V. BUAM

    and radiationless deactivation of the excited state of the acceptor.

    From an experimental viewpoint, both electron and energy transfer

    cause the quenching of the luminescence of the absorbing species

    (A). Formation of the transient A+-L- B- species can be

    demonstrated by recording its absorption spectrum in flash

    spectroscopy experiments. The presence of the A-L-*B species can

    be demonstrated by flash spectroscopy as well as by luminescence

    experiments. Kinetic information (i.e., the lifetime of the *A-L-B,

    A+-L-B-, and A-L-*B species) can also be obtained by the above

    mentioned experimental techniques.

    In this section we will illustrate only a few examples of photo-

    induced electron and energy transfer processes in supramolecular

    systems based on covalently-linked molecular species. A few other

    examples will be discussed in the next section. For detailed reviews

    of these processes, see chapters 5 and 6 of ref. 1.

    7.1.1 Electron transfer. Verhoeven, Paddon-Row. Hush and

    coworkers11 l-l l4 have carried out systematic investigations on the

    photoinduced electron transfer processes that take place in systems

    like those shown in Fig. 28. The components of these systems are an

    electron donor dimethoxynaphthalene chromophoric unit (A in the

    schematic representation of Fig. 27a), an electron acceptor

    dicyanovinyl group (B), and norbornylogous spacers of various

    length as connectors (L). The spacers are saturated and rigid, and

    the attachments are such that no orientational freedom of the A

    and B components is possible. The systems investigated span a

    range of centre-to-centre A-B distances of -7-15 A and of 4 to 12 interposed C-C bonds. The kinetics of the electron transfer step (Fig.

    27a) has been studied in various organic solvents by comparing the

    fluorescence of the A-L-B species with that of a suitable

    methoxynaphthalene-spacer A-L model. For a linear arrangement

    of the connector L the rate constants decrease exponentially with

  • Supramolecular photochemistry 10491

    CN CN

    Fig.28. Dimethoxynaphthalene-dicyanovinyl two-component

    systems with rigid bridges.tts*t 14

    increasing length of the connector, being, for example, 3.3x10*,

    1.2~10*~, and 1.3~10~ s-l for 6-, lo-, and 12-bond separation. A

    detailed analysis of these constants is complicated by the fact that,

    for a charge separation reaction, two of the parameters that

    determine the activation free energy, namely the free energy

    change and the outer sphere reorganizational energy, depend on

    both solvent and distance. On the same series of compounds the

    dipole moment of the A+-L-B- charge-separated states have been

    measured by using time-resolved microwave conductivity.* l2 The

    very high values obtained for the dipole moments (26-77 D) are in

    substantial agreement with the expected values. The decay of the

    conductivity signal has been used to monitor the disappearance of

    the charge-separated state and to obtain rate constants for the

    charge-recombination (back electron transfer, Fig. 27a) reaction.

    Such charge-recombination rates lie in the Marcus inverted

    region12 and therefore are much slower than the activationless

    charge-separation reactions. Comparison between the rate constants

    of systems differing in the stereochemistry of the connectors (Fig.

    28) shows that electron transfer through bent bridges is slower

  • lo492 V. BAUANI

    with respect to the stretched ones. These results show that electron

    transfer takes place via a through-bond coupling and are consistent

    with theoretical predictions that an all-trans arrangement of (T

    bonds is the optimum one for through bond interactions.1*5*1 l6

    In several cases, charge transfer absorption (optical electron

    transfer, Section 3, Fig. 6) and emission have also been

    observed.117g118 Such processes, that have not been represented in

    Fig. 27a for the sake of simplicity, are important because the molar

    absorption coefficient of the charge transfer absorption band and

    the radiative rate constant of the emission (obtained by quantum

    yield and lifetimes data) can be used to calculate the donor-

    acceptor electronic coupling.

    7.1.2 Energy transfer. It has been recognized for some time that

    electron transfei and (exchange) energy transfer have certain

    features in common.1 19 This is even more apparent in

    supramolecular species where both processes may be viewed as

    radiationless transitions between two electronic states.1 Recent

    work on two-component supramolecular species has further

    developed this concept.

    Closs, Miller, and coworkers17*120-122 have synthesized a series

    of A-L-B species where A is benzophenone, B is naphthalene, and L

    are steroid-type connectors. Following pulsed laser excitation of the

    benzophenone chromophore, the lowest triplet state of

    benzophenone is populated and energy transfer to naphthalene,

    with formation of its lowest triplet, takes place, according to the

    scheme of Fig. 27b. As usual for triplet-triplet processes, this energy transfer occurs by an exchange mechanism. The rate of the

    energy transfer processes fall-off is exponential, with a coefficient

    which is about twice that obtained for electron transfer in

    analogous systems. 7.123 Such a relationship can be explained on

    the basis of the fact that exchange energy transfer can be viewed as

    a double electron transfer.

  • Supramolecular photochemistry lo493

    Singlet-singlet energy transfer has been studied by Verhoeven

    and co-workers124,125 on A-L-B systems identical to those

    previously discussed for electron transfer (Fig. 28), except for a

    carbonyl group replacing the dicyanovinyl fragment. In these

    systems the fluorescence of the dimethoxynaphthalene component

    is quenched to a different extent depending on the number of C-C

    bonds in the bridge. The coefficient of the exponential fall-off is

    again about twice the value obtained for electron transfer across

    the same connectors.126-128 As far as the mechanism is concerned,

    the exponential dependence of the rate constant on distance

    indicates again an exchange mechanism. 24

    7.2. Multicomponent systems for photoinduced charge


    In an A-L-B system, i.e. in a system made of two active

    components (dyad), the photoinduced charge separation is usually

    too short-lived to be useful for energy conversion purposes. A

    strategy to obtain an efficient and long-lived charge separation is to

    increase the number of molecular components. Several

    triads15.16.18.20,129-131 and a few tetrads18.20,129-131 and

    pentads131,132 have thus been synthesized and their photochemical

    behavior has been investigated. This species mimic the function of

    the photosynthetic reaction centre and their development is of

    paramount importance on the way towards the design of artificial

    photosynthetic systems.

    For illustration purposes, we will briefly discuss the triad

    developed by Wasielewski, et aLI which is made of a porphyrin

    (electron transfer photosensitizers, Pel) a quinone (electron

    acceptor, Rel) and an aromatic amine (electron donor, Rel) linked

    together by rigid connectors. As illustrated in Fig. 29, the

    photoinduced charge separation process involves the following

    sequence of events (rate constants for butyronitrile solutions): (1)

  • lo494 V. BALZANI


    Ret' c Pel

    eW :


    I -A 0 ... . ..j."'

    1 .. fj....." 1 //i


    T- 1 /.....""""/, . . ...' , 14 / bE

    &,,hJ I/' _ _

    Fig.29. Block diagram, molecular srructure, and one-electron

    energy level diagram for a triad.133 The porphyrin plays the

    role of photosensitizer (Pel); the quinone and the aromatic

    amine play the role of electron acceptor and electron donor,


    light absorption; (2) electron transfer from the excited porphyrin to

    the quinone (l.lxlO*~ s-l); (3) electron transfer from the amine to

    the oxidized porphyrin (1.4~1010 s-1). It should be pointed out that

    the design of a multicomponent system capable of performing an

    efficient charge separation is not at all simple since several

    thermodynamic and kinetic requirements have to be satisfied. In

    the illustrated example (Fig. 29), the electron transfer reaction 2

    must prevail over the excited state decay 4, the electron trzinsfer

    reaction 3 must prevail over the back electron transfer 5, the

    charge recombination reaction 6 must be as slow as possible, and

  • Supramolecular photochemistry 10495

    the converted energy must be as large as possible. In the triad of

    Fig. 29, the charge separation reaction occurs with 71% efficiency

    and stores 1.39 eV for 2.5 us (which is the reciprocal of the rate

    constant of the charge recombination reaction 6). This result can be

    compared with the performance of the reaction center of

    photosyntetic bacteria where -0.6 eV are produced with 100%

    efficiency and stored for -0.1 s.

    Ru(I1) and Os(I1) polypyridine-type complexes are also good

    candidates to play the role of electron transfer photosensitizers in

    multicomponent systems.10~19 However, with the basic M(bpy)s

    (bpy=2,2-bipyridine) arrangement, the building up of

    supramolecular structures leads to systems where the components

    linked to the photosensitizer are relatively close to each other (cis-

    type configuration). The geometry of M(trpy), complexes

    (trpy=2,2:6,2-terpyridine). on the contrary, offers the possibility

    to design supramolecular species where the electron donor and

    electron acceptor components lie on opposite directions with

    respect to the photosensitizer (trans-type configuration, Fig. 30). In

    Fig.30. A triad based on the Ru(trpy)22+ photosensitizer. A and D

    are an electron acceptor ( MV2+) and an electron donor (di-

    p-anisylamine ).t35

  • 10496 V. BALVWI

    addition, M(trpy)2 complexes bearing substituents at the 4-position

    do not lead to isomeric mixtures contrary to their equivalent substituted M(bpy), systems.134 Detailed investigations on the

    dyads and triads illustrated in Fig. 30 have been recently


    7.3 Polynuclear metal complexes for light harvesting

    The possibility of governing the direction of electronic energy

    transfer in supramolecular arrays may open the way to the design

    of photochemical molecular devices that can perform a variety of

    useful functions.137 Therefore much activity is presently devoted to

    the synthesis of multicomponent systems that exhibit extensive

    light absorption and where the resulting electronic excitation can be

    channeled towards a specific site (antenna effect). Transition metal

    complexes appear to be particularly useful building blocks for

    systems of this type.

    In the last few years a synthetic strategy has been developed

    to obtain polynuclear metal complexes of desired nuclearity and

    chemical structure. Such a strategy is based on the use of complexes

    in the place of both the metal (M) and the ligands (L) in the

    synthetic reaction M+ nL --> M(L), (29)

    The place of M can be taken by mono- or oligonuclear complexes

    that contain easily replaceable ligands, and the place of L can be

    taken by mono- or oligonuclear complexes that contain free

    chelating sites (complexes as metals and complexes as ligands


    7.3.1 Trinuclear metal complexes of tripod-type bipyridine ligands.

    Using the tripod-type bipyridine ligands shown in Fig. 31, it is

    possible to obtain homo- and heteronuclear trimetallic complexes as

    shown in Fig. 32. In such complexes each metal-based unit exhibits

  • Supramolecular photochemistry lo497

    Fig.31. Tripod-type tris-bipyridine ligands.138

    Fig.32. Trimetallic complexes of the tripod-type ligands shown in

    Fig. 31; M,., M,,, and Mc may be Ru and/or OS. 138

    its own absorption spectrum and electrochemical properties,

    regardless of the number and type of metal-based units that are

    present in the supramolecular structure.138 Luminescence

    investigations, however, show that in the mixed-metal complexes

    electronic energy transfer takes place from Ru-based to OS-based

    components, as expected because of the relative position of their

    lowest excited energy levels. The efficiency of energy transfer

    decreases as the size of the spacer which links the three arms of the

  • 10498 V. BALZANI

    tripod ligand increases. Detailed investigations have shown that in

    the compounds with larger spacers there are conformers where

    energy transfer does not take place and conformers where energy

    transfer is very fast.

    7.3.2 Polynuclear complexes of the bis(2qyridyl)pyrazine bridging

    ligands. The complexes as metals and complexes as ligands

    synthetic strategy has revealed particularly successful for the

    synthesis of polynuclear complexes containing Ru(II) and/or Os(I1)

    as metal ions, 2,3- and/or 2,5-bis(2-pyridyl)pyrazine (abbreviated

    as 2,3- and 2,5-dpp) bridging ligands (BL). and 2,2-bipyridine

    (bpy) and/or 2,2-biquinoline (biq) as terminal ligands (L) (Fig. 33).

    Species with nuclearity between 2 and 13, containing different

    metals, bridging ligands, and terminal ligands have been

    obtained.*39-14s The syntheses of the decanuclear and

    tridecanuclear compounds are illustrated in Figs. 34143 and 35,145 A

    schematic view of the structural formulas of a decanuclear

    compound is given in Fig. 36.143

    @=@ 0 OS2

    L=Q-Q by biq

    Q+-o 23 - dpp

    Fig.33. Components of the polynuclear complexes.

  • Supramolecular photochemistry 10499

    Fig.34 Synthesis of a decanuclear compound.143

    L L

    T BL

    BL L L L A Y


    Y BL L


    L L

    b- L Y BL BL L

    1:3 L BL + 2 4






    P- L e; i ; L

    L A BL Y BL L Y

    L L

    Fig.35. Synthesis of a tridecanuclear compound.145

    polynuclear complexes exhibit several interesting

    properties including: (i) very intense absorption bands in the uv

    and visible region (E = 133000 M-1 cm-t at 544 nm for the trideca-

    nuclear Ru((~-2,3-dpp)Ru(bpy)(~-2,3-dpp)Ru[(~-2,3-dpp)Ru-

    0vY)2121 3UF6)26 compound); (ii) luminescence both in rigid matrix

    at 77 K and in fluid solution at room temperature; (iii) a very rich

    electrochemical behaviour (each metal center can be oxidized and

    each ligand can be reduced). As far as energy collection is

    concerned, the interest of these compounds lies on the fact that the

  • 10500 V. BALZANI

    Fig.36. Schematic view of a decanuclear compound.143

    site containing the lowest energy excited state can be synthetically

    controlled. Each building block, in fact, is characterized by its own

    energy levels (determined mainly by the nature of the metal and of

    the ligands, and slightly by the surrounding units), and the position

    of the various metal-based units in the supramolecular array can

    be predetermined by a suitable choice of the building blocks used

    in the synthetic reaction. Exoergonic energy transfer between

    metal-based units which share the same bridging ligand takes place

    with 100% efficiency.

    In the case of the tetranuclear compounds, for example, it has

    been possible to design species where the direction of energy

    transfer can be predetermined according to the four patterns

    shown in Fig. 37.140C In the case of the decanuclear compounds, six

  • Supramolecular photochemistry 10501

    A ( La Lav v r/> Ma (i) BLa

    A Lc,4c~Md BL$Lb y( A Lc Lti (i i i)

    Fig.37. : Made-to-order control of the direction of electronic

    transfer in tetranuclear compounds:

    (i) M=Ru2+; BL=2,3-dpp; L=bpy.

    (ii) Ma=Mb=Mc=Ru2+; Md=Os2+; BL=2,3-dpp; L=bpy.

    (iii) M=Ru2+; BLa=2,5-dpp: BLb=BLc=2,3-dpp; L=bpy.

    A energy

    (iv) M=Ru2+; BL=2,3-dpp; La=La,=biq; Lb=Lb=Lc=Lc,=bpys


    different complexes have been synthesized which exhibit the

    energy migration patterns shown in Fig. 38.143

    Because of the presence of an ordered array of chromophoric

    groups, redox centres, and potentially luminescent centres, these

    polynuclear complexes are of outstanding interest not only from the

    point of view of energy transfer and its applications, but also for

    investigations in the fields of photo-, chemi-, and

    electrochemiluminescence, electrochemistry, spectroelectro-

    chemistry, intervalence transfer, photosensitization, and

    multielectron transfer catalysis.

  • 10502 V. BAUANI


    4 6

    Fig.38. Schematic representation of the energy transfer processes

    in the decanuclear compounds. The arrows indicate the

    exoergonic energy transfer steps. Empty and full circles

    indicate Ruz+ and Os2+, respectively. In the peripheral

    positions, circles and squares indicate M(bpy), and M(biq),

    components, respectively. The bridging ligands are 2,3-dpp

    in all cases.l43b

    8. Conclusion

    A photon is at the same time a quantum of energy and a bit of

    information. The interaction of light with matter can therefore be

    used for energy or information purposes. The results that can be

    obtained depend on the degree of organization of the receiving


    The simplest form of organization is that of a small number of

    atoms in a molecule. The interaction of photons with molecules can

    cause simple acts, such as a change in the molecular structure

  • Supramolecular photochemistry 10503

    (isomerization), which can be exploited, in principle, for both

    energy and information purposes. For example, solar energy can be

    converted in (and stored as) chemical energy by transforming

    norbornadiene in its higher energy quadricyclene isomer,149 and

    laser beams can write (and also erase) bits of information on

    spiropyran photochromic molecules.150

    A higher level of organization is the assembly of a discrete

    number of molecular components to yield supramolecular species.

    Supramolecular organization can be attained by intermolecular

    forces of various types (coulombic interactions, hydrogen bonds,

    etc.) or by linking together molecular components by covalent

    bonds. By these routes it is possible to put together prefabricated

    molecular components that carry the desired light-related

    properties: absorption spectrum, excited state lifetime,

    luminescence spectrum, excited state redox properties, etc. That is,

    it is possible to design structurally organized and functionally

    integrated systems2 (photochemical molecular devices)l37a capable

    of elaborating the energy and information input of photons to

    perform complex functions (light harvesting,1401 143 conversion of

    light into electrical energy,151 collection of information in a

    molecular shift register,152 etc.).

    Interrogation of a supramolecular species by photon can yield

    important, and sometimes unique, pieces of information on its

    geometrical structure and on the degree of reciprocal perturbation

    of the various components. This, in turn, may help to extend and

    refine current theories of chemical reactivity and spectroscopy with

    a positive feedback on the design of more valuable supramolecular


    Research in the area of supramolecular photochemistry has

    been made possible by the high degree of knowledge reached in the

    field of molecular photochemistry and supramolecular chemistry.

    We are, however, at a very early stage of development of

  • V. Bm

    supramolecular photochemistry. In fact, the supramolecular

    structures that have been the object of photochemical

    investigations are very few compared with those already available

    (this is particularly true for host-guest systems). It should also be

    pointed out that high quality chemical syntheses and high quality

    photochemical investigations