TESTO SCENEGGIATURA Struttura generale : Description Activity o Step 1 Why How and what Summary o Step 2 Introduction Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5 o Step 3 Resources o Bibliography o Websites Sintesi in italiano Sezione Description

TESTO SCENEGGIATURA - Indire · This pathway will encourage better listening and speaking in B1 students.We look at a brief description of why students

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Page 1: TESTO SCENEGGIATURA - Indire · This pathway will encourage better listening and speaking in B1 students.We look at a brief description of why students


Struttura generale :

• Description • Activity

o Step 1 Why How and what Summary

o Step 2 Introduction Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5

o Step 3 • Resources

o Bibliography o Websites

• Sintesi in italiano

Sezione Description

Page 2: TESTO SCENEGGIATURA - Indire · This pathway will encourage better listening and speaking in B1 students.We look at a brief description of why students

<1>This pathway will encourage <2>better listening and speaking in B1 students. We look at a brief description of <3>why students have problems with these skills in the English language and we discuss <4>how the teacher can help them to overcome these problems through strategies and well-planned teaching practices. <5>Specific reference will be made to - <6>pronunciation features of the English language - <7>strategies needed to deal with both listening and speaking tasks - <8>adequate preparation provision to empower students - <9>motivating students to participate fully - <10>relevant student and teacher evaluation. This pathway will assist teachers by making them think more about the <11>importance of <12>pre-task language and <13>skills development mainly in the form of <14>vocabulary introduction, the <15>context and preparation time and by showing them how these elements can be <16>incorporated successfully in a series of lessons.

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<2>better listening and speaking in B1 students (abbinare img di studenti con cuffie e studenti che parlano Accanto all’img mettere una cattura del quadro europeo con uno zoom sul livello B1 ascolto e parlato La cattura sarà attiva o comparirà al lato del video la possibilità di scaricare il documento del quadro europeo completo. Griglia di autovalutazione del quadro. Da questa cattura parte una freccia verso il basso a sinistra che va dal punto <2> verso il punto <3> e <4>.)

<3>why students have problems with these skills?

(con immagine coppia studenti: lei con nuvoletta con su scritto “like sea food”, lui con nuvoletta con un cannocchiale che vede da lontano cibo e punti interrogativi, poi nuvoletta dialogo con geroglifici)

<4>how the teacher can help them (IMG arriva docente: fumetto chiarisce equivoco: compare nuvoletta con su scritto SEAFOOD, NOT TO SEE)

freccia che parte dai punti <3> e <4> verso il basso a sinistra e va verso il <5> in basso (COMPARE BILANCIA, PIATTO A SINISTRA SI RIEMPIE CON ELEMENTI DA 5 A 10, a sinistra bilancia si inclina) <5>Specific reference to:

• <6>pronunciation • <7>strategies • <8>adequate preparation provision • <9>motivating students • <10>student and teacher evaluation

Page 3: TESTO SCENEGGIATURA - Indire · This pathway will encourage better listening and speaking in B1 students.We look at a brief description of why students

Nella bilancia, PIATTO A destra SI RIEMPIE CON ELEMENTI DA <11> A <15>, bilancia si allinea) <11>importance of:

• <12>pre-task language • <13>skills development

<15>context and preparation time Tutte le parole entrano dentro <11> <12> <13> <14> <15> <16> compare una borsa 24 ore con la scritta series of lessons


Students will practise speaking skills and learn new vocabulary associated with sightseeing.

will be encouraged to apply strategies and <18>complete a listening task based on a podcast about sightseeing in London and <19>will create and record an audio-guide to their own city.


Teachers <23>will learn about how to reflect on and analyse classroom activities in order to improve as a teacher and offer students an improved experience.

will learn about <21>the essential aspects of a listening and speaking lesson and how to incorporate these in their lesson planning. They <22>will also be introduced to the importance of providing relevant and useful skills practice, employing appropriate strategies.

Dal primo schema (da <1> a <16>) parte una freccia verso destra <17>Students: (abbinare img di studenti con cuffie e lettore mp3)

• <18>listening task about sightseeing in London + podcast.png (cliccando su questa immagine si va al link https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/whats-on-in-london/id303524481?mt=2

• <19> record an audio-guide (da <17> alla immagine sopra si aggiunge vignetta con img rappresentativa di Londra)


<20>Teachers: (abbinare img di insegnante, subito dopo compare immagine studente vicino a lui, davanti una finestra aperta. Lo studente è troppo basso e non arriva a vedere fuori)

• <21> the essential aspects of a listening and speaking lesson (sotto piedi del ragazzo compaiono i vari mattoni: un mattone con la scritta LISTENING, poi sotto SPEAKING, infine sotto ancora <22>SKILL PRACTICE, ogni volta che si aggiunge un mattone sotto al ragazzo, finalmente si affaccia alla finestra, fuori collage monumenti : bigben, statua libertà e Sydney esempio

<14> vocabulary introduction

Page 4: TESTO SCENEGGIATURA - Indire · This pathway will encourage better listening and speaking in B1 students.We look at a brief description of why students

The teacher is encouraged to analyse the reasons why students find speaking and listening so difficult and then the <24>elements of successful lesson planning by observing the structure of a series of <25>5 lessons which lead up to, exploit and follow up <26>2 main tasks. The <27>first main task is listening based and the teacher will be encouraged to think about <a> how to breakdown the lesson into a structured series of parts in order to provide students with as much preparation as possible before dealing with an authentic listening task – in this case a podcast. A <28>podcast provides the perfect <29>opportunity to practice real language skills and is easily accessible on the internet. <30>Contextualisation, relevant vocabulary practice and listening strategies will be integrated to allow students to approach the authentic listening task confidently. The <31>second main task on speaking follows on from the

Dal secondo schema (da <17> a <23>) parte una freccia verso destra <24>successful lesson planning +immagine foglio con intestazione LESSON PLAN, compare mano docente che scrive:

<25>5 lessons <26>2 main tasks

<27> listening based (sul foglio di cui sopra compare numero 1, il numero viene cerchiato e diventa una faccina con le cuffie)

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first as students are asked to provide an <32>audio guide to their own city. This personalised task is <33>recorded using software which provides the teacher and student with a piece of <34>material which is easy to evaluate and it also creates a <35>realistic task – both of these aspects contribute to motivating teenage students to use English. <36>Students are invited to use self-assessment grids to evaluate their performance in each task.

<28>podcast (da img precedente si allunga filo cuffie, compare icona di podcast) = <29>opportunity to practice real language skills

(su tutto sfondo compare strada londra stereotipizzata in movimento, passa taxi,vedo cabina telefono ecc)

<30>Contextualisation Relevant vocabulary practice Listening strategies <31> speaking based (accanto all’immagine precedente compare scritta “2”, si trasforma in microfono davanti alla faccia)

<32>audio guide (abbinare immagine di londra) <33>recorded

using software

(immagine di londra viene come risucchiata dal microfono del ragazzo)

• <34>material easy to evaluate • <35>realistic task

Page 6: TESTO SCENEGGIATURA - Indire · This pathway will encourage better listening and speaking in B1 students.We look at a brief description of why students

Se possibile (se rientra nel spazio disponibile a video) fare un cerchio che racchiude i 2 task e una freccia che mi porta a <36>, altrimenti solo freccia?

<36>Students use self-assessment grids (abbinare img griglie

di valutazione – vedi step 3, se è possibile fare il link)

The <37>technology used <38>permits students to easily access <39>authentic listening material in the safe environment of the classroom. When using authentic material students are challenged so the task needs to be right for the students’ level. Students also need to be adequately prepared to deal with the material through <40>contextualisation and <41>vocabulary support. The added <42>video element allows the teacher to create a <44>more realistic situation which reflects our usual listening contexts where we have visual and contextual information to help us with our comprehension. A podcast can be retrieved time and time again so students can repeat the exercise at a later date to monitor improvement.

<45>Recording software such as Audacity is an excellent

resource for teachers. Recording students speaking provides the opportunity for both students and teachers <46>to monitor their progress which is, in itself, a <47>motivational factor in any learning experience. It also creates a realistic reason for completing the task and, with guidance and support beforehand, students can approach such a task more confidently.

Dal terzo schema (da <24> a <36>) parte una freccia verso destra

<37>TECHNOLOGY <38>permits to easily access

<39>authentic listening material (affiancare a questa scritta l'img stilizzata studente con cuffie compare

un tablet aperto su testate giornalistiche anglofone, poi bandierina inglese o monumenti in sequenza, rapida successione)

• <40> dentro tablet compare mappa tipo google con il birillo

che indica localizzazione e la didascalia: contextualisation • <41>vocabulary support (dentro il tablet compare l'img

stilizzata di vocabolario con i vocabolari più famosi, si vede in zoom che ragazzo scrive una parola in inglese che viene

tradotta (wordreference…)

<42> (dentro tablet compare scritta video element incastonata dentro una

pellicola cinematografica) <44>more realistic situation (dentro il tablet immagine di londra in movimento, ragazzo con suo tablet in mano cade dall’alto al centro

della città)

Dal quarto schema (da <37> a <44>) parte una freccia verso destra

<45>Recording software (affiancare cattura del software)

Page 7: TESTO SCENEGGIATURA - Indire · This pathway will encourage better listening and speaking in B1 students.We look at a brief description of why students

<46>to monitor progress (compare su sfondo griglia del calendario dell’anno scolastico,sopra si disegna un diagramma di crescita, che raggiunge l’apice a giugno, vertice in basso a sinistra ragazzino con nuvoletta e dentro puntini – non sa parlare- in cima alla linea ragazzino felice nuvoletta piena di BLA BLA BLA che batte il cinque su mano docente)

<47>motivational factor

Sezione Activity STEP 1 - Sottosezione WHY There are many reasons why students have difficulty with listening and speaking skills and it is the teacher’s role to structure the lessons in order to provide students with the best possible opportunity to practise these skills productively. In this pathway, these problems are analysed and advice is given to provide better listening and speaking practice through careful lesson planning.

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Page 8: TESTO SCENEGGIATURA - Indire · This pathway will encourage better listening and speaking in B1 students.We look at a brief description of why students

<1>Why do students find listening so difficult? <2>Have I taught my students the features of pronunciation? <3>English is a stress-timed language. This means that our <4>communicative words are stressed and the <5>grammatical words are not – not all syllables or words have the same importance. The result is that when we speak, we have <6>weak forms of words which are ‘reduced’ versions and which leads to the common impression we ‘eat our words’. For example, in the simple question <8> “how are you?” we stress the content words <9> ‘how’ and <10>‘you’ because they communicate the meaning of what we want to say. The consequence is that we <11>reduce ‘are’ to its weak form ‘ə’ and the resulting pronunciation is /haʊəju<12>An audio guide to the phonetic symbols can be found here:


http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/activities/phonemic-chart The symbols, although important, can be daunting for students so it’s possible to <13>focus on word and sentence stress in order to draw their attention to listening for ‘communicative’, or key words. Any word with two syllables or more has <14>one main stress. For example, ‘<15>hotel’ (second syllable), <16>‘visit’ (first syllable) and <17>‘breath

Think about this example - ‘<20> I’d like to book a ticket’. Ask students to identify the <21>content words while you say the phrase –<22> I’d

taking’ (first syllable). All good dictionaries mark the stress of a word so you can teach your students to take responsibility for their own learning by finding out the pronunciation of a new word. On a sentence level, the same idea applies – <18>some words (communicative) are stressed, while others are not.

like to book a ticket*

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– so these are the stressed elements and the other, grammatical or structural words are reduced to weak sounds with /ə/ -

Compare la seguente scritta, centrata e di colore rosso.

<1>Why do students find listening so difficult? (+ img altoparlante grande davanti a faccina studente con nuvoletta

pensiero con ???) Si forma in cerchio su <1> e poi a forma di raggio partendo in alto a sinistra di <1> ci sono <2> e seguenti. <2>Have I taught my students the features of pronunciation? Sotto si compone la seguente mappa concettuale <3>English = stress-timed language

<4>communicative words = stressed <5>grammatical words = not stressed

<6>weak forms of words Si crea una cornice con sopra scitto example e dentro compare


<9>si ingrandisce how <10> si ingrandisce you <11> si rimpiccolisce are

<12>Inserire cattura e link di


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Page 9: TESTO SCENEGGIATURA - Indire · This pathway will encourage better listening and speaking in B1 students.We look at a brief description of why students

/ədlaɪktəbʊkətɪkɪt/ <22bis> *ticket has two syllables so one of them will be stressed and

one will not.

<13>focus on word and sentence


<in 15> si ingrandisce “tel” in sincrono con lo speakeraggio <in 16> si ingrandisce “vi” in sincrono con lo speakeraggio <in 17> si ingrandisce “breath” in sincrono con lo speakeraggio <21> content words <22> A sincro con l’audio le parole like, book e ticket si evidenziano nella frase <20> Inoltre compare <*> weak sounds /ə/ Si crea una cornice con sopra scritto example e dentro compare

<22bis> nella frase si ingrandiscono I’d like to book a ticket

<23>What can I do to help my students? Teach them about how the English language sounds and always <24>offer pronunciation practice of new language. It is a good idea to make sure students <25>hear a word before they see its written form in order to avoid some pronunciation problems. Offer students the chance to <26>listen to authentic English as much as possible.

Accanto allo schema che va da <2> a <22>, si forma lo schema che va da <23> a <26>. Lo sfondo (stile filigrana) che accomuna i due schemi è costituito dalla figura del docente con una freccia verso lo studente a rappresentare la mediazione didattica. <23>What can I do to help my students?

<18>some words (communicative)

are stressed <20> I’d like to book a ticket =/ədlaɪktəbʊkətɪkɪt/

<14>one main stress <15>hotel, <16>visit,


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Page 10: TESTO SCENEGGIATURA - Indire · This pathway will encourage better listening and speaking in B1 students.We look at a brief description of why students

Compaiono poi le seguenti scritte <24>pronunciation practice + img studente che parla, escono simboli fonetici <25>hear words + img studente che ascolta in cuffia <26>listen to authentic English + immagine stereotipata di un uomo inglese con bombetta e ombrello insieme alla bandiera inglese.


<27>Have I prepared my students adequately? Teachers need to remember that <28>real life listening almost always takes place in a <29>contextualised environment. If I go to speak to a receptionist in a hotel, I don’t expect him or her to ask me a question about my salary. The <30>context helps us predict what we will hear and therefore makes the listening experience easier.

A forma di raggio partendo da <1> e accanto allo schema composto da <2> fino a <26> compare a forma di raggio un altro schema composto da <27> e seguenti <27>Have I prepared my students adequately? Compaiono poi le seguenti scritte <28>real life listening + immagine di londra in movimento con

lo studente che cammina e si guarda attorno.

<29>contextualised environment + immagine con lo studente entra in un albergo.

<30>helps us predict what we will hear + immagine della

sterlina visto che siamo a londra.

Page 11: TESTO SCENEGGIATURA - Indire · This pathway will encourage better listening and speaking in B1 students.We look at a brief description of why students

<31>What can I do to help them? Prepare students with a <32>well-planned lesson, listening strategies and advice. A widely-accepted* approach to a listening activity follows a simple procedure to incorporate into your lesson plan: <33>Pre-listening (predict information): setting the context, providing students with language and encouraging students to predict the content of the listening material. This is also important for <34>motivating students to listen. <35>While-listening (focus on content): This is <36>giving students a reason to listen. A clear, accessible task allows students to listen for specific information. As teachers, this often includes a gist listening task (a simple, general comprehension task for first listening) and a more detailed task (where students listen to answer a series of questions during the second listening). <37>Post-listening (develop content): This is where we can <38>give students the opportunity to react to the text and the task

(*adapted from

by asking them for their opinion on what they heard and how they felt about the task.

http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/articles/a-framework-planning-a-listening-skills-lesson )

Accanto allo schema che va da <27> a <30>, si forma lo schema che va da <31> a <37>. Lo sfondo (stile filigrana) che accomuna i due schemi è costituito dalla figura del docente con una freccia verso lo studente a rappresentare la mediazione didattica. <31> What can I do to help them? <32>Well-planned lesson, listening strategies and advice + img.registro aperto con mano che scrive (come immagine <24> dell’introduzione) <33>Pre-listening (predict information) <34>motivating to listening <35>While-listening (focus on content) <36> giving a reason to listen <37>Post-listening (develop content) <38> giving the opportunity to react

<39>Have I chosen the right materials? It used to be incredibly difficult to find authentic material, but with the technological world we live in today, there’s no excuse! It’s important to <40>choose the material with the age and interests of your students in mind. You might be interested in the history of knitting, but they probably won’t be! <41> Find out what interests them and <42>apply that to your lessons.

A forma di raggio partendo da <1> e accanto allo schema composto da <27> fino a <37> compare un altro schema composto da <39> e seguenti <39>Have I chosen the right materials? Compaiono poi le seguenti scritte <40> age and interests of your students in mind + img studente e intorno illustrazioni evocative: pc, tablet, cellulare,

Page 12: TESTO SCENEGGIATURA - Indire · This pathway will encourage better listening and speaking in B1 students.We look at a brief description of why students

cuffie, insieme a cose non interessanti: giochi infantili, giardinaggio, pentole ecc)

<41>find out material + zoom con lente di ingrandimento su pc, tablet, cellulare, cuffie, le non interessanti cadono nel cestino “spam” esempio:

<42>apply to your lessons (le interessanti entrano dentro valigetta del docente con su scritto resources)

<43>How can I help them? Provide your students with a varied range of resources – show them where these materials come from and encourage them to access them too. Students can find audio material everywhere - <45>you tube, <46>podcasts, <47> itunes, <48> music and <49>films are just some examples.

Accanto allo schema che va da <39> a <42>, si forma lo schema che va da <43> a <49>. Lo sfondo (stile filigrana) che accomuna i due schemi è costituito dalla figura del docente con una freccia verso lo studente a rappresentare la mediazione didattica. <43> How can I help them? + img Docente con valigetta con su scritto resources che entra a scuola con zoom sulla valicetta

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con richiami a : Compaiono poi le seguenti scritte

• <45> you tube • <46> podcasts • <47> itunes • <48> music

• <49> films

<50> Why do students find Speaking so difficult? <51> Have I taught the importance of features of pronunciation? The same reasons apply to speaking difficulties as they do to listening difficulties. The <52> stress-timed nature of English which we explained in detail before with regards to listening, has the <53> same consequences for students who are learning speaking skills.

Accanto a <1> col suo blocco di domande a raggera, se ne forma un altro con la stessa grafica da <50>

<50> Why do students find Speaking so difficult? + img dello studente che parla ma che escono geroglifici.

A forma di raggio partendo da <50> compare una freccia lo schema composto da <51> e seguenti <51> Have I taught the importance of features of pronunciation? Compaiono poi le seguenti scritte

<52> stress-timed nature of English

<53> same consequences for students who are learning


speaking listening

<54>What can I do to help them? Teach them about how the English language sounds and

Accanto allo schema che va da <51> a <53>, si forma lo schema che va da <54> a <60>. Lo sfondo (stile filigrana) che

Page 14: TESTO SCENEGGIATURA - Indire · This pathway will encourage better listening and speaking in B1 students.We look at a brief description of why students

provide<55> good models of pronunciation – use <56>audio resources if you are not comfortable with focusing on your own pronunciation, for example, using websites like <57>www.howjsay.com or most electronic dictionaries also provide an <58>audio file for the pronunciation. Teach <59>language in chunks because giving students the pieces of language necessary, not just the individual words, <60>helps fluency. If a student is piecing together a group of words, his/her pronunciation will be stilted and hesitant. Once students are aware of weak forms in connected speech, they can attempt to focus on this when speaking and aim for as natural a pronunciation as possible.

accomuna i due schemi è costituito dalla figura del docente con una freccia verso lo studente a rappresentare la mediazione didattica. <54>What can I do to help them? Compaiono poi le seguenti scritte

1. <55> good models of pronunciation + img inglese con bombetta e ombrello

<56>audio resources + img cattura bbc, cnn,…+

<57>inserire cattura attiva di www.howjsay.com, <58>inserire img di vocabolario con sopra o accanto cuffie

<59>language in chunks + compaiono alcuni chunks esemplificativi , tipo

<60>helps fluency

<61>Have I prepared my students adequately? A forma di raggio partendo da <50> compare una freccia lo

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Provide your students with the <62>language and context they need in order to speak successfully. There’s no point setting a speaking task if the students don’t have the language to do it. Use contextualisation with visuals to<63> elicit words and phrases students already know and to <64>introduce new language clearly.

schema composto da <61> e seguenti <61>Have I prepared my students adequately? + img studente scalatore davanti a montagna. In cima alla montagna bandiera con scritto SPEAKING Compaiono poi le seguenti scritte dalla base della montagna, una per volta. Ad ogni frase lo studente è più vicino alla cima

• <62> Provide students with the language and context they need

• <63> Elicit words and phrases they already know • <64>Introduce new language clearly

<65>What can I do to help them? <66>Plan your lesson appropriately: provide a <67>context, a <68>pre-speaking phase (where language is introduced and practised), the <69>speaking task (give them a reason for speaking) and <70>post-listening tasks (related writing task or peer assessment task). <71>Provide strategies to help when they can’t remember a word or lose track of what they are saying – these are <72>realistic and relevant tools to have. Some <72>examples of speaking tasks are: <73>Questionnaires and pair work for form filling, <74>mini-presentations, <75>guessing games (back to the board), <76>video blogs/diaries and role plays

Accanto allo schema che va da <61> a <64>, si forma lo schema che va da <65> a <76>. Lo sfondo (stile filigrana) che accomuna i due schemi è costituito dalla figura del docente con una freccia verso lo studente a rappresentare la mediazione didattica. <65>What can I do to help them? <66>Plan your lesson (compare img griglia, la mano del docente la riempie passo passo, prima si riempie colonna STEP, poi colonna “Teaching approach” compare trasversale scritta, infine ultima colonna TASK

Lesson plan Step Teaching

approach Task

• <67>Contex

t <68> • Pre-speaking

<71>Provide strategies to help

• <72>realisti

• <72 bis> Elicit words

• Introduce

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c and relevant tools

<71> e <72> compaiono in trasversale alla colonna “teaching approach”

new language clearly

• <69>speaking task

• <73>Questionnaires

• filling • <74>mini-


• <75>guessing games

<76>video blogs/diaries and role plays

• <70> post-listening tasks

• <76bis> writing

• peer


<77>Am I motivating my students? Students, especially teenagers, can feel uncomfortable using English with their classmates and feel it is unrealistic to do so. How can I help them? <78>Insist on English in the classroom – a lot of daily classroom interaction provides a <79>safe environment for students to practise. <80>Provide your students with a varied

A forma di raggio partendo da <50> compare una freccia lo schema composto da <77> e seguenti <77>Am I motivating my students? + img docente coach/motivatore e due studenti (es studenti corrono e l’insegnate li segue in bicicletta con un megafono incitandoli)

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range of tasks and <81>give them a reason for using English. With teenagers a <82>scoring system for using English in the classroom can also help, many examples of which can be found on teaching sites. Something which really motivates students is <83>recording them while they are speaking. You can do this with various tools, either using a video recorder or simply a microphone, or by using any of the software now available on the internet, <84>such as ‘Audacity’ or <85>the site www.vocaroo.com or even by creating a podcast or videoblog. Why use these tools? Audacity is software which is quite well-known in teaching circles and it is a useful tool which <86>allows teachers to record an audio text of varying length. When it is combined with a suitable task, depending on the students’ level of English, it is a motivating, interesting and even fun way to <87>encourage students to speak. You can find out more about Audacity in the following section.

<78>Insist on English <79>compare cartello “classroom safe environment, con docente e studente con caschetto e salvagente, esempio.

Dentro il cartello compaiono scritte:

• <80> varied range of tasks • <81> reason for using English • <82> scoring system • <83>Record speaking

<83> viene cerchiato e da questo parte una freccia verso <86> <86>allows to record an audio text of varying length (compare ragazzo con microfono, nuvoletta con molto testo, il filo del microfono passa attraverso monitor e computer con scritta FREE SOFWARE e icone software) <87> encourages students to speak continua animazione, icona

Page 18: TESTO SCENEGGIATURA - Indire · This pathway will encourage better listening and speaking in B1 students.We look at a brief description of why students

audio con ali vola nella rete www EX:

) STEP 1 - Sottosezione How and what <1>PODCASTS are a fantastic <2>way to introduce authentic language to <3>students in short, manageable quantities. As in my example, they are sometimes <4>accompanied by video which <5>helps students to understand what is being said as they have visual clues to help them. Podcasts are basically an <6>audio file, this means you can <7>pause them, <8>rewind them and <9>listen to them as many times as you like. For these reasons they are very useful for learners of English and teachers too! <10>How can this particular podcast help students to become better listeners (and therefore speakers) of English? <11>It is authentic English. It has been created for speakers of

Inserire bottone per scaricare versione testuale del video How_what.doc <1>Compare l'img di qualche cuffia e sullo sfondo studenti; in sovrimpressione la scritta PODCASTS <2>Gli studenti sullo sfondo (un po’ sfocati) si avvicinano (e vengono a fuoco) e si posizionano allo stesso livello delle cuffie; tra le cuffie e gli studenti la scritta authentic language <3>Gli studenti si mettono le cuffie <4>Accanto agli studenti con le cuffie compare l'immagine di un video e la scritta <5>helps students to understand Scompare tutta l'animazione precedente, rimane solo la <1> e sotto compare scritta <6>audio file e accanto img simile a questa

Page 19: TESTO SCENEGGIATURA - Indire · This pathway will encourage better listening and speaking in B1 students.We look at a brief description of why students

English, not for a classroom so the <13>language is challenging, but with the <14>help of the teacher and by applying the <15>right strategies, <16>students can learn to deal with this level of language.

<7>nell'img si evidenzia il tasto pausa <8>nell'img si evidenzia il tasto rewind <9>nell'img lampeggia il tasto play <10>Sotto compare la domanda How can help to become better listeners and speakers? Sotto compare lo schema seguente <11>Authentic English

<13>Language is challenging <14>Compare l'img di un insegnante accanto al ragazzo, intorno si delinea la silouetthe della scuola, dentro lo studente con insegnante <15>Nella lavagna si compone la scritta right strategies

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This goes back to my point about <17>PREPARATION for listening tasks. In any listening task, the students should not be expected to listen and understand without having previously been taught <18>some of the language in the podcast. So for this podcast, which is centred around sightseeing in a city (London), the teacher needs to provide relevant vocabulary items. I have chosen to do this by showing students some of the <21>famous landmarks of London. I have also chosen to ask <22>students to provide me with as much vocabulary as possible before introducing anything new.

Dell'animazione precedente rimane img insegnante con lavagna e scritta right strategies right strategies (dalla scritta dentro lavagna, allargo il campo e

vedo intorno studenti che ascoltano)

<17>PREPARATION la scritta va in sovraimpressione, zoom su lavagna, dentro il docente scrive:

<18> language in the podcast

(sotto la scritta compaiono segni di scritte come se lui stesse fornendo elenco vocaboli)

<21>famous landmarks of London (docente continua a scrivere su lavagna, lui disegna la ruota di londra, big bang.., uno degli studenti intorno alza braccio come per intervenire)

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In this phase it is <23>imperative that the <24>students HEAR the language before they SEE it. Drilling expressions in the classroom as new vocabulary is introduced, <25>will help students to recognise the sounds when they hear them in the listening task.

The <26>listening lesson is planned to introduce the listening task only after preparation has taken place. This follows the

Sotto lo schema precedente o a sinistra compare il seguente schema che potrebbe svilupparsi verso il basso.

<24>students HEAR the language before they SEE it


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commonly accepted 3-step approach to listening: a <27>pre-listening task a <28>while-listening task and a <29>post-listening task. It is also widely accepted that students should listen once for general meaning (<30>gist listening) and then again to answer more specific questions (<31>detailed listening). In the attached lesson, students create their own <32>gist listening task (which personalises the task) as <33>the teacher asks them which landmarks they expect to hear about in a guide to sightseeing in London. <34>Students can then tick their ideas off as they hear them in the listening task. This also allows students to <35>hear the listening task once without the pressure of finding specific, detailed information and it is important to remind students of this as part of their <37>listening strategies – focus on the task you are given and do not worry if you do not understand everything you hear.


• <27>pre-listening task • <28>while-listening task • <29>post-listening task

Accanto al punto elenco <27> <28> <29> si forma un altro punto elenco:

• <30>gist listening (compare accanto scritta, tutte lettere della stessa dimensione LONDON)

• <31>detailed listening ( animazione, le vocali

diventano molto più grandi LONDON)

<32> da<30> parte una freccia verso <33>

<33>stessa classe, compare img dell'insegnante con fumetto con domanda: Which landmarks do you expect to hear about in a guide to sightseeing in London? <34> Sopra gli studenti compaiono dei baloon con fumetti. Ognuno nel fumetto ha un'img diversa rappresentativa di Londra (es. Buckingham Palace, Big Bang, Piccadilly Circus, ecc.)

<35> listening without the pressure of finding specific information (la scritta compare e viene

cerchiata, poi sopra il cerchio compare altra scritta)

<37>listening strategies

Page 23: TESTO SCENEGGIATURA - Indire · This pathway will encourage better listening and speaking in B1 students.We look at a brief description of why students

For the <38>detailed task (the main listening task) other strategies are applied. <39>This time students are being required to <40>concentrate on specific pieces of information. <41>For this reason it is important to allow students time to read the questions BEFORE <42>they listen again. In this way, students can begin to associate the parts of the task with what they heard in the gist listening and so, prepare themselves for the second attempt. <43>Once students have completed the task as best they can, they check their answers and fill in a <44>self-assessment grid for listening.

<38> da<31> parte una freccia verso <39>

<39> stessa classe, compare immagine di studenti con cuffie. <40>Sulle loro teste compare un solo baloon con scritto specific pieces of information <41>gli studenti non hanno più le cuffie e leggono delle domande su un foglio <42>scompare il foglio e compaiono di nuovo le cuffie <43>compare nuovamente il foglio, su cui gli studenti scrivono, il foglio rappresenta stilizzato l’allegato dell’autrice (se è possibile si potrebbe scaricare)

For the <45>speaking part of the lessons, the same concepts apply. <46>Prepare your students with language. <47>Teach language in chunks. <48>Focus on pronunciation before students see the words and <49>provide students with ways of managing what they say and how they say it (strategies).


Compare img di lavagna, su cui si compongono scritte seguenti <46>Prepare your students with language.

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For example, I provide my students with <50>prompts to help them remember what they need to ask/talk about. These are simply <51>short expressions or words NOT full text or otherwise the students will read and their pronunciation will be compromised.

<47>Teach language in chunks. <48>Focus on pronunciation before students see the words. <49>Provide students with strategies.

<50>prompts = <51>short expressions or words

<51>It is invaluable to allow students <52>time to prepare for a longer speaking task such as making an audio guide in this lesson. <53>This does not mean permitting them to write down what they are going to say (for the reasons mention before), <54>but it means allowing them time to think about <55>what they can say, to prepare <56>prompts to help themselves with relevant <57>expressions and vocabulary items. This will give them <58>more confidence to approach the task and therefore motivate them to do it as well as they can. http://space.comune.re.it/davinci/LEOAudioguide/AudioGuide/Mauriziano/Mauriziano.htm http://space.comune.re.it/davinci/Sede%20Da%20Vinci/Progetti/2007_08/Audio_guide/AudioGuide_SchedaProgetto.htm

<51>Compaiono una dopo l'altra 5 stelle a indicare qualcosa di importante, di valore. Accanto si forma la scritta <52>Time to prepare <53>compare img di studente che scrive e <54>nella testa si vedono ingranaggi ad indicare che sta pensando. Dalla testa nascono fumetti con le scritte <55>what, <56>prompts , <57>expressions and vocabulary items <57>lo studente sorride <*> Resta immagine docente da solo, introno altri docenti, sulla lavagna compare. Good practices Dentro lavagna immagine home liceo, si sfoglia: LICEO http://www.liceoaristosseno.it/sito/

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Page 27: TESTO SCENEGGIATURA - Indire · This pathway will encourage better listening and speaking in B1 students.We look at a brief description of why students
