Testing, testing…Papers 1, 2, & 3… Paper 1: Communism in Crisis: 1976-1989 Collapse of the USSR Brezhnev (Doctrine) Gerontocracy: Andropov & Chernenko Gorbachev: Glasnost, Perestroika, Democratization Independence Movements in Eastern Europe • Polish Solidarity • Czechoslovakia: Velvet Revolution • Berlin/German re-unification Restructuring of the PRC • Struggle for power after Mao • Deng = economic (Four Modernizations) • Deng = political (5 th Modernization? & Tiananmen) Paper 2: 2/6 Topics, 1 essay per topic, 5 choices per topic Topic 3: SPS • Origins, Establishment, Impact • Single leader OR C/C • Successes/Failures Topic 5: Cold War • Origins • Nature • Development • Conflicting aims & policies • End Paper 3: 3/24 Essays Independence Movements Civil War Great Depression Civil Rights

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Testing, testing…Papers 1, 2, & 3…. Paper 1: Communism in Crisis: 1976-1989 Collapse of the USSR Brezhnev (Doctrine) Gerontocracy: Andropov & Chernenko Gorbachev: Glasnost, Perestroika, Democratization Independence Movements in Eastern Europe Polish Solidarity - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Testing, testing…Papers 1, 2, & 3…• Paper 1: Communism in Crisis:

1976-1989– Collapse of the USSR

• Brezhnev (Doctrine)• Gerontocracy: Andropov & Chernenko• Gorbachev: Glasnost, Perestroika,


– Independence Movements in Eastern Europe• Polish Solidarity• Czechoslovakia: Velvet Revolution• Berlin/German re-unification

– Restructuring of the PRC• Struggle for power after Mao• Deng = economic (Four Modernizations)• Deng = political (5th Modernization? &


• Paper 2: • 2/6 Topics, 1 essay per topic, 5

choices per topic– Topic 3: SPS

• Origins, Establishment, Impact • Single leader OR C/C• Successes/Failures

– Topic 5: Cold War• Origins• Nature• Development• Conflicting aims & policies• End

• Paper 3: 3/24 Essays– Independence Movements– Civil War– Great Depression– Civil Rights

Single Party State Themes:Theme 1: Origins and nature of authoritarian and single-

party states

Theme 2: Establishment of authoritarian and single

party states

Theme 3: Domestic policies and impact

Conditions that produced authoritarian and single-party statesTotalitarianism: the aim and the extent to which it was achievedEmergence of leaders: aims, ideology, support

Methods: force, legalForm of government, (left-and right-wing) ideologyNature, extent and treatment of opposition

Structure and organization of government and administrationPolitical, economic, social and religious policiesRole of education, the arts, the media, propagandaStatues of women, treatment of religious groups and minorities

Topic 3: SPS: Theme 1: Origins and nature of authoritarian and single-party states

Conditions that produced authoritarian and single-party states Totalitarianism: the aim and the extent to which it was achieved Emergence of leaders: aims, ideology, support

Topic 3: SPS: Theme 1: Origins and nature of authoritarian and single-party states

Conditions that produced authoritarian and single-party states Totalitarianism: the aim and the extent to which it was achieved Emergence of leaders: aims, ideology, support

Topic 3: SPS: Theme 2: Establishment of authoritarian and single party states

Methods: force, legal Form of government, (left-and right-wing) ideology Nature, extent and treatment of opposition

Topic 3: SPS: Theme 2: Establishment of authoritarian and single party states

Methods: force, legal Form of government, (left-and right-wing) ideology Nature, extent and treatment of opposition

Topic 3: SPS: Theme 3: Domestic policies and impact

Structure and organization of government and administration Political, economic, social and religious policies Role of education, the arts, the media, propaganda Statues of women, treatment of religious groups and minorities

Rise to Power

Maintenance of Power & Domestic Policies

Global Impact & Foreign Policies

2013• To what extent did two single-party rulers, each chosen from a different

region, fulfill the promises made during their rise to power?

• By what methods, and with what success, did one single-party leader try to eliminate domestic opposition?

• Compare and contrast the social and economic policies of Perón and Castro.

• Assess the importance of each of the following in the rise to power of Stalin: errors made by rivals; the use of propaganda; popular support.

• With reference to either Hitler or Mao, examine the reasons for, and results of, educational policies in the single-party state.

• Analyse the impact of single-party rule upon minorities in two single-party states, each chosen from a different region.

Paper 2: Topic 5: The Cold War• Origins of Cold War

– Ideological differences; Mutual suspicion and fear; From wartime allies to post-war enemies

• Nature of the Cold War– Ideological opposition; Superpowers and spheres of influence; Alliances and diplomacy in the Cold War

• Development and Impact of the Cold War– Global spread of the Cold War from its European origins; Cold War policies of containment,

brinkmanship, peaceful coexistence, détente; Role of the United Nations and the Non-Aligned Movement; Role and significance of leaders; Arms race, proliferation and limitation; Social, cultural and economic impact

• Examine the conflicting aims and policies of rival powers– The Struggle for Europe – USSR, Germany/Berlin, Eastern Europe; Globalization of the Cold War – Asia,

Latin America, Middle East; Competition and Co-Existence

• End of the Cold War– Break-up of Soviet Union: internal problems and external pressures; Breakdown of Soviet control over

Central and Eastern Europe

1940s 1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s-WWII Conferences/Big 3-Truman Doctrine-Marshall Plan-George Keenan/Long Telegram-Berlin Blockade/Airlift-NATO-Mao & PRC-Tito & Yugoslavia

-NSC-68-Korean war-Fall of Dien Bien Phu-SEATO-Warsaw Pact-Secret Speech-Nasser, Egypt, Aswan, Suez-Hungarian uprising-Eisenhower Doctrine

-Berlin Wall -Non-Aligned Movement-U2 Crisis-Cuban Revolution (Castro)-Bay of Pigs Invasion-Cuban Missile Crisis-Kennedy Doctrine-Six Day War-Brezhnev Doctrine-Prague Spring-Nixon Doctrine / Vietnamization

-Detente-Yom Kippur War-Camp David Accords-Fall of Saigon-Deng Xiaoping, Four Modernizations-Iranian Revolution-Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan

-Solidarity in Poland-Carter Doctrine-Gorbachev: Perestroika, Glasnost, Democratization, Sinatra Doctrine-Independence Movements in Eastern Europe-Fall of the Berlin Wall-Tiananmen Square-Yeltsin & Fall of USSR

Examples of what to knowKey dates: US Presidents: SPS Leaders:

1939-1945: WWII--Wartime conferences = 1945

1945-1949: Origins of the Cold War

1950-1953: Korean War

1956: Suez Canal Crisis

1959: Cuban Rev, 1961: Bay of Pigs, 1963: Cuban Missile Crisis

1979: Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan

1980s: Solidarity

1989: Independence movements in E. Europe

1991: Collapse of USSR

Roosevelt: 1933-1945

Truman: 1945 – 1953

Eisenhower: 1953 – 1961

Kennedy: 1961-1963

Nixon: 1969-1974

Carter: 1977 -1981

Reagan: 1981 - 1989

*Know FOREIGN & DOMESTIC policies for Paper 3

Stalin: 1924 – 1953 ---Khrushchev: 1953 – 1964---Brezhnev: 1964 – 1982---Andropov/Chernenko---Gorbachev: 1985 - 1989

Mao: 1949 – 1976--Deng Xiaoping: 1980s

Nasser: 1956 – 1970

Castro: 1959 – 2008


• “The Potsdam Conference marked the end of the wartime alliance and laid the foundations for post-war hostility.” With reference to the period up to 1949, to what extent do you agree with this statement?

• With reference to two countries, each chosen from a different region (excluding the US or the USSR), assess the social and economic impact of the Cold War.

• In what ways, and with what success, did the US and the USSR attempt to reduce Cold War tensions between 1956 and 1979?

• For what reasons, and with what results, did the Cold War affect the Middle East between 1956 and 1979?

• Compare and contrast the impact of two of the following leaders on the Cold War: Mao; Castro; Kennedy.

• To what extent did (a) ideological and (b) economic factors contribute to the ending of the Cold War?


• Assess the role of Truman and Stalin in the origins and development of the Cold War.

• “The sovietization of Eastern and Central Europe after the Second World War was undertaken as a defensive measure by the Soviet Union.” To what extent do you agree with this statement?

• Analyse the reasons for, and consequences of, the breakdown of Sino–Soviet relations in the 1950s and 1960s.

• Assess the economic and social impact of superpower involvement in one of the following: Cuba (after 1959); Congo (after 1960); Afghanistan (after 1979).

• In what ways, and with what significance, did either Kennedy or Reagan influence the development of the Cold War?

• For what reasons, and in what ways, did Cold War tensions hinder the work of the United Nations?

2013• “Post-war enmity was the product of longer term ideological differences.” To what

extent do you agree with this statement on the origins of the Cold War up to 1949?

• For what reasons, and with what success, did the United States adopt a policy of containment between 1947 and 1962?

• Account for the change in Sino–Soviet relations after the death of Stalin in 1953.

• Assess the contribution of one of the following to the development of Cold War tensions: Truman; Mao; Castro.

• Analyse the reasons for, and results of, Soviet involvement in the war in Afghanistan (1979–1988).

• With reference to two states, each chosen from a different region, examine the cultural impact of the Cold War.