Testing SOA Architectures Ensuring Quality In Next-Generation Applications Lee Copeland, Software Quality Engineering Consultant John Michelsen, iTKO, Inc. Chief Scientist and Co-Founder Thank you for joining us. We’ll be starting shortly.

Testing SOA Architectures Ensuring Quality In Next-Generation

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Page 1: Testing SOA Architectures Ensuring Quality In Next-Generation

Testing SOA ArchitecturesEnsuring Quality In Next-Generation Applications

Lee Copeland, Software Quality EngineeringConsultant

John Michelsen, iTKO, Inc.Chief Scientist and Co-Founder

Thank you for joining us. We’ll be starting shortly.

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Today’s Presenters

Lee CopelandConsultantSoftware Quality Engineering

John MichelsenChief Scientist & Co-FounderiTKO, Inc.

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Service Oriented ArchitecturePromises and Testing Challenges

Lee [email protected]

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Service Oriented Architecture


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• Many of today’s applications are tightly coupled collections of data and function.

• Reuse, redesign, and replacement of component parts can be very difficult.

The World As It Is Today

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Database FunctionC






Application A

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• A key enabler of innovation in the IT industry is the myriad of available choices in hardware, software, and process technologies.

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Effects Of Emerging Technologies

• But, these new technologies emerge so rapidly that often only one application is built with a specific set of technologies.

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Application A

Application B Application C

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Incompatible Applications

• And so, over time, we build a set of successful applications that are incompatible with each other.

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Can’t reuse functionality Can’t share data

Can’t communicate

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The Concept Of SOA

• Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is a holistic approach to implement business systems across a loosely coupled set of technologies.

• Rather than continuing to build monolithic applications …

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The Concept Of SOA

• SOA is “a way of designing and implementing enterprise applications that deals with the intercommunication of loosely coupled, coarse grained (business level), reusable artifacts (services) that are accessed through well-defined, platform independent, interface contracts."

- Steve Wilkes

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SOA Application Design

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Function A Function C

Function D

Function B

Function E

User InterfaceApplication A

Business LevelFunction

Component (Service)

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The Concept Of SOA

• In fact, these services can from many sources and be distributed over heterogeneous environments.

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Developed Purchased


3rd PartyShared


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Service Oriented Architecture


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Testing Challenges

• Since SOA applications are composed of loosely coupled, business-level services, distributed over a network, we must test the application from end-to-end.

• But, before we begin end-to-end testing, we should test the individual services.

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Testing SOA Services

• SOA services should be tested in the areas of:

– Functionality

– API (Application Programming Interface)

Parameter selection



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Testing Functionality

• In a real sense, the overall functionality of SOA applications is easier to test.

• That’s because (but only if) we thoroughly test the application’s components (services) before we assemble them to create the application.

• Starting with lower-defect components means a smoother testing process BUT …

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Testing Functionality

• SOA applications generally have an increased number of:

– APIs (one for each service)

– Communication paths between those services

• There is now an increased level of integration testing that must be performed.

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API Parameter Selection

• Consider a function

determineEmploymentStatus (int age)

that is to implement the following rules:

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Age 0-16 Don’t hireAge 16-18 Part timeAge 18-55 Full timeAge 55 or > Fire ‘em

0 16 18 55

What would you think about these test points?

20, 23, 25, 27, 30, 32,37, 38, 40, 42, 50, 51

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API Parameter Selection

• Services should be tested directly through the API to avoid GUI “filtering”.

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determineEmploymentStatus (DWORD age)

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API Parameter Combinations

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• Now let’s consider the function

doSomethingReallyUseful(parm1, parm2, parm3)


parm1 has 6 equivalence classes

parm2 has 6 equivalence classes

parm3 has 6 equivalence classes

Choosing all combinations of parameters yields 216 different test cases – more than I want to do.

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All-Pairs Testing

• An alternative to all-combinations testing is all-pairs testing in which pairs of parameters are combined for testing.

• The reasoning behind all-pairs testing is this: the simplest bugs in a program are generally triggered by a single input parameter. The next most common category of bugs are those dependent on interactions between pairs of parameters, which can be discovered through all-pairs testing.

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All-Pairs Testing

• All-pairs testing can result in a significant reduction in the number of test cases required but still provide excellent defect find rates.

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5-20% of test cases

70-90% of defects

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Service Invocation Sequencing

• SOA services are stateless. This means that they know nothing about functions that have executed before, and they require nothing of functions that will execute after.

• But real applications have state, that is, they must guarantee that services are executed in a well-defined order.

• A classic example is the Input-Process-Output sequence of most applications.

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Service Invocation Sequencing

• Well designed applications remember their state, allow valid transitions, and prevent invalid ones.

• State-transition diagrams are a valuable tool in documenting the required temporal relationships.

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Service Invocation Sequencing

• Test cases are then derived from these state-transition diagrams.

• Test cases should verify all services have been exercised, all transitions have been followed, and, if possible, all paths have been tested.

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Additional Testing Challenges

• Let’s now consider:

– Publish, Find, and Bind

– Security

– Interoperability

– Performance

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Publish, Find, And Bind

• Service providers must “advertise” their existence to brokers (automated catalogs).

• Service requestors (your SOA application) must find providers and connect (bind) to them to use their services.

• Service brokers must acceptregistrations and then provideinformation through searchfunctions.

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Publish, Find, And Bind

• You didn’t have to test anything like this before because all the application’s functionality was there, right inside the application.

• Are services your organization is providing able to properly register themselves?

• Can your SOA application find and properly bind with services?

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• An SOA application is a collection of independent services, collaborating to provide valuable functionality.

• “Valuable” often suggests the need for security, for the authentication of users before access.

• Consider an application in which each service requires a different authentication approach and enforces different security policies – it’s a design, development, and testing nightmare.

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• Your organization needs a centralized SOA security management approach.

• Various strategies include:

– Ignore the problem

– Hide within a private network

– Whip up a home-brewed solution

– Buy this functionality from an experienced vendor

and it all has to be tested.

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• Do you remember how Java’s

“Write once, run anywhere.”quickly became

“Write once, test everywhere.”

because of incompatible implementations?

• Well, we’re seeing the same thing in the SOA world. In fact, it’s so problematic that the Web Services Interoperability Organization (WS-I) was created to deal with the problems.

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• Remember, just because it looks good in the glossy brochure

• And in the vendor’s demo,

• That doesn’t mean it will work for you.

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• All this loosely-coupled, platform-independent stuff is not free.

• Major performance problems are often due to:

– Layer upon layer; abstraction upon abstraction

– Small services with large overhead

– Large services that are undersupported by hardware

– Services distributed across a networkwith its associated latency

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It’s performance testing Jim,

but not as we know it.

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• You’ll need a tool that provides an integrated look across servers, networks, and layers.

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Testing Acquired Services

• What is the trustworthiness of acquired services?

– Functionality

– APIs

– Interface definition

– Publish, find, and bind

– Security

– Interoperability

– Performance

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Or Are You

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Testing Acquired Services

• How well did your vendor test? How do you know?

• “Classical” Acceptance Testing is required here (with all the work that it entails).

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Summary Of Testing Challenges

• Today we’ve discussed the promises and testing challenges in SOA applications:

– Functionality

– APIs

– Interface definition

– Publish, Find, and Bind

– Security

– Interoperability

– Performance

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• Thanks for joining with us today.

• If I can be of assistance, or if you’d just like to chat, please contact me at

[email protected]

• And now, I’m pleased to introduce John Michelsen …

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