Testimonials on InfluenceMap

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Testimonials on InfluenceMap

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  • Comments about InfluenceMap


    I hope this puts and end to the business world's forked tongue diplomacy on climate change." Tessa Tennant, Sustainable Finance Pioneer

    Investigating how companies and their trade associations lobby in the EU and at national level is enormously complex and time-consuming. I applaud the efforts of InfluenceMap who are trying to do something very difficult: open up the world of lobbying to allow scrutiny in the public interest." Ben Fagan-Watson, Policy Studies Institute, University of Westminster

    Influence Map is an invaluable new tool for financial analysts, investors, regulators and civil society. In a way that is enormously healthy for markets and for democracies, sunlight has been poured into the normally shadowy world of corporate lobbying. Their analysis adds to a growing body of evidence that high carbon companies are lobbying against urgently needed climate policy, not least through trade associations. Catherine Howarth, Chief Executive, ShareAction

    There is a lack of detailed analysis available in this area and sadly great companies sometimes do bad things by lobbying against government action to avoid dangerous climate change. We at CDP applaud the work of InfluenceMap seeking to expose this unacceptable use of corporate resources." Paul Dickinson, Executive Chairman, CDP

    It's encouraging to see corporate leaders like Unilever and Nestle proactively pushing for a low carbon regulatory regime. Companies are increasingly realizing the positive role their communications can play in climate politics, and it's right that corporate leadership in this space is recorded and recognized." Nigel Topping, CEO, We Mean Business

    Thanks to Influence map, large investors now have the evidence they need to show that many companies in their portfolio are actively working against their published intention to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The only credible action is for investors to disclose what engagement actions and resolutions they will now implement to put an urgent stop to this destructive behaviour"

    Julian Poulter, CEO, Asset Owners Disclosure Project