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Testimonial Letters from our customersbiomatbiz.com/testimonial-letters.pdf · My aches are relieved, my appetite is restored, and my strength has been regained. The stiffness of

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Testimonial Letters ...from our cu stomers

Page 2: Testimonial Letters from our customersbiomatbiz.com/testimonial-letters.pdf · My aches are relieved, my appetite is restored, and my strength has been regained. The stiffness of

I am Didi, 37 years old and a registered nurse.

As a professional nurse, I’ve been working hard caring for my patients. It is a great joy to me if I am with patients and able to meet their needs physically, mentally, and spiritually.

One day, a disease medically called Lupus struck me. It is a degenerative disease that is fatal. This is a dreadful disease that affects the immune system. While I was caught up with this disease physically, I felt generalized weakness and pain all over my body. I could hardly walk because of the vascular necrosis that affects the femoral joints of my hips. My orthopedic doctor scheduled me to have a total hip replacement. In spite of these ailments, I never lost hope that someday I would recover. I leave everything to our dear Lord Almighty, my precious life. He has given me strength, and I know he will never leave me alone.

When I went home to the Philippines to visit my family, this disease seriously attacked me again. My body became swollen. I was very weak, unable to eat, and totally bedridden. My days were numbered. I was confined at Manila Medical Center. The medical staff did everything. In spite of their dedicated services to make me well, I am diagnosed as critical. I cannot be transported back to the US because I am almost dying. I was very aware of what was happening to me and as I said earlier, I never lost hope to get well. I have deep faith in our Lord Almighty. While I was in this critical and dying condition, my family prepared my dress for my burial, and arranged funeral services in the event I will have my last breath. My family here and in the Philippines, had already accepted my situation. All of them were very much affected emotionally by my case.

But miracles happen day by day. One morning my doctor advised me to go home, and instructed me to follow treatments at home. At the same time, I am to seek further treatments back in the United States, if I am able to go back. I was discharged, and transported via wheelchair.

I arrived in the United States still in a weak condition. I was able to ambulate with the aide of my wheelchair and walker. I am disabled, and not able to go back to work. I felt demoralized being helpless. I’ve been a hard worker, I can’t accept being idle. But God is so gracious to me. One day during our Bible Study, I met Sister Fleur de Jesus. She is also a nurse, and was so concerned about my situation. During the course of our conversation, she mentioned the Bio-Mat. We had a very good discussion about the Bio-Mat, how it how can help people with diseases such as Lupus, which is my diagnosis, cancer, etc. Considering her professional background as a professor at USC College of Nursing, she’s knowledgeable about the exchange of negative and positive ions which the Bio-Mat plays an important role in the prevention of diseases.

I was enthused to know more about the Bio-Mat, she gave me brochures. I read it and was delighted to know that there is something to help me. Sister Fleur and her husband, Brother Lito, offered their help to drive me to a clinic to meet Dr. and Mrs. Barlicos, who are the coordinators of a Los Angeles clinic. I lay on the mat, and a few minutes later I could feel the warmth all over my body, and the pain is somewhat relieved. Right then and there I decided to purchase the Bio-Mat. Although I am financially low, I asked my friend if she could help me finance, and I would pay her in installments. She consented without ado, and finally I got one.

Days pass since I’ve used my Bio-Mat. I feel the therapeutic effect within my body. My aches are relieved, my appetite is restored, and my strength has been regained. The stiffness of my hips, joints, and legs is gone, and the bluish marks all over my skin, have faded and is clearer. I observe my body’s reaction to the treatment closely. I am now able to walk without the help of my walker.

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Sister Fleur and Brother Lito have been nice to me - recommending that I see their private doctor for a complete medical examination. I have been under the care of their doctor since then. He has submitted me to different tests, prescribed me some medications, and along with this, I am an avid user of the Bio-Mat. I never let a day pass by without using my Bio-Mat. A few days after the doctor had seen me, he declared to me that my Lupus had been cleared. He even said that it is like a mystery. I told him that I have been using the Bio-Mat.

Well this is the story of my life. Thanks to God that the Bio-Mat was discovered, and it’s a great miracle. I will not trade in the Bio-Mat for anything. I owe my precious life to our dear Lord Jesus who “leadeth” me to use the Bio-Mat.

Many thanks to Brother Litoand and Sister Fleur, Dr. and Mrs. Barlicos for being instrumental in helping me to have a healthy life. Now, I am in the best of health and able to serve our Lord spiritually.

- Didi Kawaling -

My name is Mario Y. Hermosilla. I am a 47 years old military

veteran currently living in San Diego, California together with my wife and two children. When I retired from the U.S. Navy after twenty-four years of service, I was awarded 40% disability, which accounted for lower back pain, migraine headaches, and others. Although my migraine headaches are controllable by prescription drugs, the frequency and intensity have increased gradually which required constant medication. The side effects of the medication had interfered with my daily work and quality of life. For a while there, I surrendered to the fact that there is nothing that can make me regain my usual health-life without migraine headaches. I prayed for the day when something can be invented or discovered that could ease my suffering from this dreaded ailment. That day came when I discovered Bio-Mat.

Earlier last summer, close family friends of mine introduced

me to the Bio-Mat and the Jade Pillow. They made me try the products and let me experience first hand the effects of negative ions and far infrared rays. Within fifteen minutes from the time I laid down on the Bio-Mat, I started feeling the tensions on my back go away. The sharp pain that I felt between my shoulder blades and lower back seemed to have gone away. The warm soothing feeling I got from the Bio-Mat was a welcomed relief on my knotted back muscles and tired body. I readily bought the product and used it daily. Coming home and using my Bio-Mat for one to two hours right after work is almost a ritual because it relieves the tense and tired muscles after a full days work. After each session, I feel so rejuvenated, relaxed, and ready to tackle other tasks at home. My wife felt the same way since she uses it as well right after coming home from work. Best of all, using the Bio-Mat for overnight sleep is indeed blissful, a must for my wife and I.

Then two months ago, I underwent a triple bypass heart surgery. With a fresh 7-inch incision on my chest and a badly bruised left thigh with a 3-inch cut, I started my slow recuperation at the hospital recovery ward. That was probably the longest five days for my life being away from my Bio-Mat. Sleeping became a problem for me since I can only sleep on my back. Every little movement on either

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side puts pressure on my chest incisions causing pain. Although the hurting was mostly controlled with pain medication, which had to be taken every four hours, it was indeed miserable to say the least. Additionally, pain pills put me to sleep every time I used them. With such a limited movement, I started getting backaches, cramps, and knotted muscles. By the end of the fifth day in the recovery room, I was released from the hospital and started my outpatient recovery at home. The first order of business as soon as I got home was to lie down on my Bio-Mat and experience once again its soothing warmth and healing effect. It was indeed very welcomed relief. Although my incisions on my chest and

left thigh were still fresh and painful, I managed to move around the house on my own. The first thing I noticed from the time I started using the Bio-Mat is that the black and blue bruises on my left thigh, which ran from my groin all the way to about two inches below the knee, disappeared within two days. Just simply gone! But the best thing about recovering at home is that I was able to use my Bio-Mat most of the time, which relieved me of all the back pains and knotted muscles. It also seemed to relieve the incision pains and swelling, which allowed me not to use the pain pills anymore. It was then that I realized the tremendous effect Bio-Mat had on my health. I owe my trouble free recovery to my Bio-Mat and its healing powers from its negative ion and far infrared technology.

After six weeks of recovery, my doctor released me with a clean bill of health and favorably commented on me speedy and uncomplicated recovery. I was told that the recovery time for such procedures normally takes three to six months depending upon a lot of factors. I was removed from my disability status and was allowed to return to work right after. This amazing product truly works and will be part of my household for years to come. The manufacturer of the Bio-Mat deserves my whole-hearted appreciation. More power to Calvin and Jeanna Kim and the whole RichWay International, Inc. organization!

- Mario Y. Hermosilla -I am fortunate to have been blessed with good health, but have noticed many positive changes in my body using the Bio-Mat despite my good fortune. The changes noticed have been, literally, from head to toe: the hair on my head has started growing! At first, I thought it was wishful thinking, but my parents commented about this on my annual visit to Omaha last year.

About 2 years ago, I developed Rosecca which is an affliction that President Clinton and Princess Diana also contracted. Rosecea is an involuntary flushing of the face, and a topical prescription or an antibiotic is usually used. I have never had to use the recommended treatments because I started using the Bio-Mat at this time.

For over 20 years, I’ve had a lump/tumor on my back that had grown to the size of a lemon. The doctors told me it was nothing to worry about, but they would cut it off if I wanted. Who wants to have an operation if they don’t have to? By using the Bio-Mat, the lump has decreased in size by 80 to 90%.

I stubbed my toe during the 8.2 earthquake experienced on Guam about 6 years ago, and the big toe nail on one foot had remained sort of black/dark blue. It returned to normal after about 10 months of using the Bio-Mat because of improved blood circulation which is the basic reason all of my ailments have either improved or been cured. With improved blood circulation, the numbness in my hands and feet has gotten much better, and the number of trips made to the bathroom during the night has been cut in half. - Lee Klima -

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My name is Mila Jackson and I live in Chicago. I would like to share my experiences using the Bio-Mat and how it improved my health.

I’ve been suffering from numerous ailments for many years. Some of my problems were sleeping and insomnia, sinus, tonsillitis, leg cramps, arthritis (especially a swollen right knee), and hair thinning. I was worried of going bald! Sometimes daily, I would suffer with severe headaches, coughing and right shoulder pain. Numerous times I visited specialty doctors and massage therapists. I ended up spending a lot of time and money, but I never got better.

One day in June, my friend Ben Rosero introduced me to RichWay International. He explained to me about the Bio-Mat and asks me to try it. After I lay down for abut 30 minutes, my back pain was relieved. I have been using the Bio-Mat for one month now and all of my symptoms are alleviated. I have good sleep and my sinus problems are gone. My blood pressure is normal and my hair has stopped falling out also.

I appreciate very much for using the Bio-Mat. I would like to help others to use the fantastic Bio-Mat.

- Mila Jackson -

I am Julie Shin and currently use the Rejuvena 2000SL. I am writing this because it has improved my skin in so many ways.

It brought back the elasticity in my skin and makes my face look 10 years younger. I had “crows feet” and fine lines all over my face. With the Rejuvena 2000SL, I no longer have these lines.

I thank you for this wonderful product.

- Julie Shin -

I am Sarah Shin, 65 years old and have been using the Rejuvena 2000SL for about three weeks. I had a lot of fine lines over my entire face and was so ashamed of them. Now, my friends tell me how much my skin has improved. I would like to share some of these improvements with you.

Three years ago I had noticed a mole that had enlarged. By using the Rejuvena 2000SL, the size has decreased dramatically.

Thank you for such a wonderful product.

- Sarah Shin -

I am Chung Hi Ham. I have used the Rejuvena 2000SL for more than a month now. My skin was very dry and sagging. Now my face feels cleaner and is more supple.

Since my accident, my mouth had been swollen, but now its back to normal. I had previously considered surgery, but now I’m glad I didn’t.

Thank you very much.

- Chung Hi Ham -

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I am Tommy Shin and currently use the Rejuvena 2000SL. My skin was rough, sagging, and had fine lines and discolorations. I was so worried about my appearance, but since using the Rejuvena 2000SL, my skin is cleaner and smooth and more elastic.

If I did not hear about the Rejuvena 2000SL, I would not be as happy as I am now. Now, I can go out in public without feeling bad about how I look. I don’t use any other cosmetic other than the Rejuvena 2000SL.

Thank you so much.- Tommy Shin -

My name is Gary Yamashita, and I am an engineer working in the Silicon Valley. At this time, I would like to share some personal benefits regarding my experiences with the use of the Bio-Mat. I feel that my health and life-style is normal for a 59 year old male, who is a smoker, and a non-exerciser. Therefore, my experiences and observations may be similar to those who may fit this profile.

Improvements to my health over this past year are:

Tight knot in middle of back between shoulder blades disappeared after 30 minutes on the mat using a temperature of 70 degrees C.Lower back pain disappeared after sleeping on the mat for three nights, mat temperature at 45 degrees C.Severe neck pain due to stiff neck eliminated after sleeping on the mat and using the Jade Pillow for 7 nights.A foot fungus that has persisted for 8 years disappeared.

Biannual allergy (resulting in red blotches on my neck) started to appear, but disappeared without a trace within 2 days.No longer need to urinate 3 ~ 4 times in the middle of the night.Cramps in both hands from manual labor have disappeared.Gum problem, which exposed the tooth root healed, surgery cancelled.Blood pressure improvement, systolic from 154 to 137, diastolic from 93 to 88.Playing recreational sports results in no stiffness or soreness the next day.

Many of you may not have the minor adult ailments which have bothered me over the years, or perhaps you have more serious issues to deal with. In either case, it is a priceless feeling to experience an improvement to your health, and that is basically why I wanted to share my findings with you.

- Gary Yamashita -

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In March 1995, I injured my back at work, and have been unable to go back to work ever since. I suffer from chronic back pain on my left side and my lower back. I was unable to sleep on my left side or my back. I was also using a cane because it was very hard for me to walk around the house or outside in order to go to my appointments, do errands, etc. As a matter of fact, I couldn’t even sit for a very long time without feeling pain. However, after Angie introduced me to the Bio-Mat my life hasn’t been the same. It eased my pain in all parts of my body as nothing I have ever used before. When I sit down to watch television, or at a desk to write a letter, I am able to sit long, with less pain. Furthermore, when I am walking somewhere, I have less need of my cane. Finally, since I have been using (and continue to use) the Bio-Mat I am more active than I used to be. - Johanna Nielsen Sua -

I am writing this letter of testimony, to share what the Bio-

Mat has done for me. One of the effects of the Bio-Mat was it relieved my breast pain. Using the Bio-Mat also helped to decrease body aches and other ailments like sore throat and muscle pains. I am also able to relax and sleep better at night. By sharing the Bio-Mat with my friends, it eased their body aches and pains as well.

The Bio-Mat is a helpful way to relieve body ailments and I give a thoughtful thank you.

- Efigenia Ventura -

My experiences using the Bio-Mat is the following:

My kidney was malfunctioning and I was unable to stand up for one week. That’s when my friend invited me to try the Bio-Mat. The first 4 days I didn’t feel a difference, but by the 5th day, I was able to get up and walk by myself. Then I decided to buy one. Now, my kidney is in good shape. Also, the gas pain that bothered me for 15 years disappeared, too. Six specialists from Stanford Hospital, couldn’t cure my gas pain, but the Bio-Mat did. Now, there is no more abdominal pain.

My experience using the Rejuvena 2000SL cleared my eyes. I’ve been wearing eye glasses since I was 18 years old. Now, I’m 62 years old and for the first time I’m not wearing any glasses.

- Marina C. Labson -

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I am Leticia D. Orteza. I have had high blood pressure and back-pain for a long time. When my sister-in-law, Vicky Taa, came to visit us, she told me about the amazing power of the Bio-Mat. I went to the office in San Jose the following day and tried the Bio-Mat. Since I felt for myself how good it is, I immediately ordered one of my own.

After using the Bio-Mat for two weeks, my blood pressure has normalized and my backpain is gone. My allergy of 5 months is also gone. Thank you.

- Leticia D. Orteza -

I had gout and an allergy to seafood. Before using the Bio-Mat, eating crab, lobster, shrimp, etc., would make me “itchy” all over and I was unable to walk. Now that I use the Bio-Mat I can eat whatever I want. I also had a problem with hemorrhoids, but now they are gone because of the Bio-Mat.

- Rizaldy Rey Cudera –

My name is Joe Dizon, and my wife’s name is Angie. We are both retired. I am retired from the U.S. Navy after 20 years, and also

from Lockhead Missile and Space Co. Inc., after 18 years. My wife retired from Hewlett Packard after 23 years. This time we feel that we want to share some recent findings with you regarding our experiences using the Bio-Mat and the Rejuvena 2000SL. We feel that our health and life-style is normal for a 70 years old male and a 62 years old female. My wife’s cholesterol of 254, dropped to 197 after she used the Bio-Mat, and I do not have asthma attacks much anymore.

We can personally recommend the Bio-Mat and the Rejuvena 2000SL Hi-tech Ultrasonic Facial Care reverse aging to all our love ones and to our friends for improved health physically and mentally. May God will bless us all always.

- Joe Dizon -

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Since 1986 I (George K. Shimabukuro ) faithfully slept on an electromagnetic mattress. However, in April 1988, the moment I sat on, and laid down on the infrared / negative (-) ion pad, my life completely changed. Being that I am not an athletic-type person sweating-out was my biggest problem.

For the first three months, I had to change my undershirt at least twice each night. In the meantime, I had the most unusual experience where as the sweat from my back was literally wetting my shirt during the day and night. To make matters worse, the smell of the sweat was like that of poison. Today, after two years of continuous use, I am happy that I did not quit sleeping on the Bio-Mat. My blood pressure, cholesterol, and sugar levels are like that of a 30-year-old, although I’ll be 70 years old at the end of the year 2000. My family is 100% certain that we will not have to live out our lives miserably, and spend $5,000 to $7,000 per month, in the care of a nursing home.

The Bio-Mat costs only about 30 cents per night. That cost is less expensive than a cup of senior citizen’s coffee at McDonald’s or Jack in the Box, for the next 10 years!

- George K. Shimabukuro -

I would like to share the benefits that I have experienced from using the Bio-Mat. I have suffered with asthma for 20 years, and since using the Bio-Mat for three weeks, my asthma has improved tremendously. My airway has cleared and I haven’t used my inhalators since. The numbness and tingling pain in my right hand is also gone.

Before the Bio-Mat, my migraine would last for 2~3 days. Using the Jade Pillow and Bio-Mat for 30 minutes relieves my headache. I don’t have to take my migraine pills anymore. I can sleep better at night now and wake up in the morning feeling more relaxed and full of energy. Thanks to Bio-Mat.

- Geldelita Retuta -

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It was Martin Luther’s Day, a holiday on January 15, 2000. That day, I awoke feeling nothing but a disfigured face with saliva falling from the left side of my mouth. Findings: A mild stroke - bells palsy. Result: I cannot eat because my teeth are disaligned, my left eye is affected and my face is disfigured.

After a series of tests (blood tests, x-rays, cerebral angiogram, and referrals to specialists), I called up Miriam Bautista-Villaflor to borrow her Bio-Mat. Immediately, I began a daily rigorous routine of 6 hours a day-two hours in the morning, two hours in the afternoon, and another two hours before retiring. It was a therapy worthy of commendation for it became a “sweating exercise” for me. After each session, my body seemed more at ease, and I felt relieved to see my disfigured face coming back so soon. Even my doctor was surprised!

This type of illness normally require 4-6 months of continuous massage and therapy. However, in just two weeks, it proved to be fruitful. With each session, I would place the left side of my face

directly onto the Bio-Mat. Thanks to the Bio-Mat, this has been a personal experience and I send a very special commendation to a product worthy of patronizing.

- Rodolfo A. Jacobe -

My name is Angie and after three months of using the Rejuvena 2000SL, I have noticed my freckles and wrinkles starting to disappear. The age spots on my neck are disappearing too. Every time I use my Rejuvena 2000SL I feel fresh, because before that, I looked so grouchy and grumpy. Now I feel happy and my face look so bright.

I also have arthritis. After I use the Bio-Mat and get up every morning, I don’t have any problems walking. Both my husband and I have a good nights sleep since we have the Bio-Mat.

- Angie Cadion -

After (Ermilio Diocares) using the Bio-Mat for 45 minutes it also stopped the ‘ringing’ in both my ears and eliminated the pain I had in my joints and kidneys.

- Ermilio Diocares -

The Bio-Mat and the Jade Pillow give me so much relief, comfort, and cure. My aches and pains are gone and I feel young again.

For the past 5 years I suffered with migraine headaches. I took prescription drugs, had my head examined and X-rayed. My doctor recommended that I attend classes for headache sufferers, to learn more about the cause and treatment besides medication. The medication and the information I learned about did not do me much good. Almost every morning, I woke up with headaches which lasted for more than two days.

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During the time I started using the Bio-Mat and the Jade Pillow, the pains slowly disappeared and are gone up to this date. Amazing!

I am also an allergy sufferer. I have a seasonal allergy that attacks me twice a year; Spring and Winter. I am so miserable during these seasons of the year. I start with a sore throat, hard cough, itchy skin, and congested head. I feel so uncomfortable with restless nights and lousy days. The Bio-Mat and the Jade Pillow has done a good job for me. The muscle aches and pains go away. Unbelievable!

This device has done wonders for my backache also. No more ouch! It is really working on me.

As the saying goes; “to see is to believe.” See and try this Bio-Mat and Jade Pillow, and experience the effect of them. You will surely like them.

- Angie R. Oruga -

I Adrian Barlicos, M.D retired in early 1999, and returned home with my wife to the Philippines for good. To keep myself busy, I opened up a medical clinic and started a medical practice. On May 3rd, we came to Los Angeles to visit our children. Three weeks after we arrived, I noticed a lump on the inner aspect of my left arm. As days passed, I noticed it became bigger and tender. It was diagnosed as a malignant tumor of the nerve. I got so scared, especially when the doctors said they might cut off my left arm during the operation. I was relived when, after the operation, my left forearm was still intact. The doctors, however, were not sure of the probable outcome after the surgery.

Three days after the surgery the Bio-Mat was introduced to me. I tried it for three days. The pain, swelling and tightness disappeared. I stopped all my medications. After a week, we were able to go dancing. I have not been back to the hospital, and don’t have any reason to go back at this time. I feel good, and I am free from any sickness.

Over the past year, other improvements while using the Bio-Mat were:

1) Chronic sinusitis is gone.2) Internal hemorrhoids disappeared.3) More stamina.4) Better sleep.5) Improved sexual function.

- Adrian Barlicos, M.D. -

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After 35 years of continuous smoking (two packs a day), I suffered from asthma and early signs of Emphysema. These ailments resulted to using Albuterol, Serovent, and other medicines to relieve me fro sickness.

After using the Bio-Mat for only three weeks, I can breathe easier without using my inhalers and noticed that my asthma was gone. Now, I can enjoy my ballroom dancing for hours, and feel energetic all the time.

Thanks for the discovery of this miraculous and wonderful Bio-Mat. It helped me quit smoking too.- Romeo V. Ventura -

I am Eun Joo Heo and a mother of Heuk Heo.

I’ve always worried about fine lines around my lips. One day, I had a chance to have a facial demonstration done with the Rejuvena 2000SL. Surprisingly the fine lines were gone afterwards. When I put on my make up, it goes on much smoother now.

The Bio Essential Cream is especially wonderful. Others notice the improvements of my skin.

I am very satisfied and I will help my son to be successful in RichWay Business.

Thank you.- Eun Joo Heo -

Testimonial for Marcelina Gonzales, by her daughter:

My mother, Marcelina Gonzales is 90 years old, and has been bedridden for 15 years due to severe arthritis that led to the disappearance of her cartilage. She also has heart and kidney problems, as well as, diabetes.

She could hardly sleep due to all these ailments. Before using the Bio-Mat, she was taking almost 20 pills a day. Her situation was pathetic, as there was much pain. Today, after several months of using the Bio-Mat with negative ions and infrared rays, her whole physical and psychological dispositions have changed for the better.

She now only takes 3 pills a day, her multi-vitamin included. She sleeps well, her facial expression is brighter and she has become happier and more alive. She even “cracks jokes” now. Her doctor is happy too.

We are grateful to God for accompanying the producers and promoters of the Bio-Mat. We thank the latter also for being instruments of the healing and well being of so many suffering people. God bless you.

- Francisca Gonzales –

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My name is Florentina Galzote, I currently reside in San Jose, California. I would like to share some of my experiences using the Bio-Mat. I had a severe sore throat for several years, ever since I was in the Philippines.

Doctors prescribed different medications for this ailment, but there was no improvement and I was advised not to drink cold beverages or else I’ll lose my voice. I was so scared not being able to speak, because I was a public school teacher in my country.

I continued consulting to doctors in U.S. I tried all the medicines that would improve my voice, but it was getting worse. When anyone called my house, I felt embarrassed to talk over the phone, because my voice sounded like a broken

guitar. I tried another doctor and told him all my problems regarding my sore throat. My last doctor’s prescription was to “stop talking” which was a big NO! NO! to me. He even told me to write on paper every-time I wanted to speak to my husband. From that time, I felt so hopeless an I accepted the fact that maybe I’ll be like this forever.

But after trying the Bio-Mat for at least a week, I was so surprised! I answered a phone call early one morning and noticed that my sore throat was gone. I couldn’t believe it, but it was real. Anybody can just ask my very good friend Vicky Taa. She was the one who referred me to the Bio-Mat.

Another important experience that I can share with everyone, is that using the Bio-Mat everyday and night, gives me more energy. I can perform household work without getting tired.

Using the Rejuvena 2000SL is also amazing. It helped my wrinkles disappear.

I urge everyone to own this, because it can change your life-style.

- Florentina F. Galzote –

I am Rick G. Abella. Over 20 years ago, I had a major surgery for multiple liver abscesses due to Amoeba. My right lung was ruptured because of the operation. Over the years, I had back pain, high blood pressure, and an infection on my left hand palm that required minor surgery.

I believe in the food supplements that I take. On January 3, 2000, I was introduced to a product called the Bio-Mat. I tried it again and again, and to my own belief, I found a perfect combination that heals my pain. Up to this date, I have purchased both the Bio-Mat and the Rejuvena 2000SL for anti-aging. I joined the business with a vision and a mission to spread the word about these amazing products.

- Rick G. Abella-

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I was skeptical about this product made from Korea, I was not impressed, and did not have faith in it. I did not believe my husband, Felicito, for investing a large amount of money on this particular Bio-Mat.

I have been suffering from eczema and psoriasis for a long time, as far as I can remember. These skin ailments worsen every time I eat something against it and much to my dislike, I tend to rub and scratch my legs and head every time it aggravates.

So I tried what my husband has been doing since he bought this Bio-Mat. After a while, I never experience the worsening experience of rubbing and scratching heavily on my legs and head. Little by little, I feel comfortable and confident that this product helps in alleviating the conditions of my skin ailments.

Thanks Bio-Mat, and you too, Romy and Celsa Malinao for introducing this wonderful Bio-Mat to us.

With sincerity and honesty.- Beatriz J. Barrera -

This is a real experience in my life without exaggerations. Romy & Celsa Malinao introduced to me this magnificent Bio-Mat more than a year ago. I asked for some brochures and research documents about the product. He gave me some without hesitation, and since then, my life has changed ever since.

After my colon surgery in 1993, my life had been miserable. I had no appetite and no energy or pep most of the day. Most of the time, I had diarrhea. I am ready to retire from work and the American way of life has depreciated my life span.

Not only that, but my latest medical prognosis, showed I had blocked arteries and needed by-pass surgery. Two cardiologists attested to this fact. One from Virginia Mason Hospital and another from Swedish Hospital. I was also taking pills for high blood pressure.

After a year using the Bio-Mat, my body conditions have changed, and it is like a miracle - Thank you, Lord Jesus Christ - you are my healing, oh Lord. Praise the Lord alleluia! These are the only words that came out of my mouth. My only prayer day in and day out.

The last time I saw my cardiologist, Dr. David Brody from the Swedish Hospital, he took the last exams and echo stress test of my heart, even my blocked arteries is gone. You can believe me on this and I am willing to attest to all these happenings.

Thank you Lord, Jesus Christ. Praise the Lord, alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

Thanks also - you wonderful Bio-Mat.

- Felicito D. Barrera -

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Page 15: Testimonial Letters from our customersbiomatbiz.com/testimonial-letters.pdf · My aches are relieved, my appetite is restored, and my strength has been regained. The stiffness of

My name is Paterna Mapanao, and I currently reside in Union City, California. Before I came to USA, I had been suffering pains in my whole body and have been anemic since I was 26 years old.

My family and I arrived to the USA in 1986. I was able to find a job and was so glad that it had full benefits. I started going to the doctor with the same problems I had in the Philippines. I went back and forth to the doctor, but did not feel any improvement, although I had been taking medications like Prednisone everyday. Instead, my stomach ached very much while taking the Prednisone prescribed by my doctor. It also affected my spleen, gallbladder and caused me high blood pressure, rheumatism, and gout. Other side effects of Prednisone to me, were hyperthyroidism, diabetes, and lupus. I kept going to work with all these pains, and was allowed to work only five hours a day per doctor’s order.

I am so thankful to God, because on the first week of May 2000, Flor Galzote called me to visit the San Jose Office. I watched the video tape and tried the Bio-Mat at least 1 hour a day until I tried it 3 times. Since that time, I feel improvement, and I can’t believe it--but I am talking through experience. The household work that I couldn’t perform before, I can do well now, even after coming from work.

I decided to buy a Bio-Mat, because I believe it works for me. Now that I use my Bio-Mat everyday, I have stopped taking my sleeping pills, pain killers, and feel better now. First of all, I thank God, because somebody shared me this Bio-Mat that helped to improve my health.

- Paterna E. Mapanao -

The Bio-Mat has given me open options to everyday life. It has cleared my vision and helped my allergies.

My life seems clearer now. Without the Bio-Mat, I would be living life in the “sick lane.”

Before using the Bio-Mat, I experienced severe allergies; to what I don’t know. After a good nights sleep on the Bio-Mat, my day is a lot more pleasant. The Bio-Mat’s effects are felt for a period of days. If I refrain

from using the Bio-Mat, in a couple days my allergies would return.

The Bio-Mat also soothes my muscles. Usually, my muscles become sore after doing an intense athletic activity. The heat and ion effect of the Bio-Mat helps loosen my tense muscles. That leads to the fact that I

can be more athletically active.

In conclusion, the Bio-Mat has numerous positive results. Whether it be relieving muscles or plain stress, it is good for the health. If the price for the Bio-Mat seems costly, money is nothing if you are not able to fully

enjoy it. It is not even time-consuming when using the Bio-Mat. Just a good night’s sleep on the Bio-Mat and your day will be fresh.

- Alton Caine Palencia -

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I am Adelaida Barlicos, am 52 years old and was a back pain sufferer for 7 years. When my husband retired, I quit my job and we decided to go

back to the Philippines for good, thinking that my back pain was due from stress and too much working, but to my dismay, my back pain didn’t go


We came back in the US for a vacation with my daughters, and was introduced to this product from a fellow dancer. The first time I used it, I

felt relief at the demo show, but my husband was skeptical and negative about the product. He did some reading and studied the concept of the

mat. I tried to convince him and told him we need this mat. I told him money is nothing if we are suffering from pain. My husband is 13 years

older than me, and I want him to be healthy and active. We bought the product and after three weeks of using the Bio-Mat, my back pain was

completely gone, plus our sex life has improved a lot.

I became a Diamond Executive in three months. Now I am enjoying my mat and also enjoying my weekly commissions and bonuses from the company. I am also qualified for a car allowance. I am just waiting for

the new edition of the car that I want. All I did was show it to my friend and relatives, and now my group is over 200 and still growing fast.

- Adelaida Barlicos -

I was diagnosed with degenerate Arthritis over twenty years ago. From that time to this day my body has

been ridden with the disease. My hands have been twisted with hard painful nodules on each of my fingers and toes. My right knee has been three time it’s normal size. I have not been able to walk or sit any length

of time. Looking for a pain relieving creams in order to sleep at night has been a constant ritual. As time progressed I worsened.

When the mat was introduced to me, I feared it was just another

sales pitch. Just something else someone wanted me to try, therefore, I threw this out of my mind. After reviewing the cost of a

wheel chair, a battery driven cart for shopping and many other changes in my life I made a decision to reconsider the mat.

Finally four months ago I started sleeping on this mat. The relief from

pain and cramps during the night has been a miracle to me. Today my hands have almost completely returned to their normal size as

well as my knee and toes. I can walk without the fear of falling and I can shop without any assistants. In short the Bio Mat 2000 has

changed my life forever.

- Rachel E. Nutter -

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Page 17: Testimonial Letters from our customersbiomatbiz.com/testimonial-letters.pdf · My aches are relieved, my appetite is restored, and my strength has been regained. The stiffness of

I am writing this letter to you with gratitude from the bottom of my heart. I believe because of your generosity and your product (the Alkal-Life 2002 water ionizer) you have given me a second chance at life.

As you know, I was first introduced to you and your product in July 2002. I was suffering from DIABETES with dangerously high blood sugar. I had also been diagnosed with HEPATITIS-C, a fatal liver disease. I was told that if I could not get my blood sugar down, I would not be able to participate in the CHEMO-TYPE THERAPY which is vital in curing HEP-C. One side effect of the treatment was HYPERGLYCEMIA (a blood sugar disorder). In only 2 days after drinking a liter a day of Alkal-Life water, my blood sugar was the lowest it had been in 18 months. I was able to cut my insulin intake by 75% in 8 weeks.

I finished my treatment successfully in December 2002. The whole time I was in treatment, my blood sugar was monitored with what is called an A-C-1, which is a test that can tell how your blood sugar has been the previous 90 days. My A-C-1’s were the same as a normal NON-DIABETIC person.

Others who started the treatment with me lost their hair, and I retained mine. I became slightly anemic, but all in all, I “sailed right through” treatment. Today, not only is my HEP-C cured, I was informed by my endocrinologist that if I lost 30 pounds I had gained in treatment, I could go off insulin completely. Most people in treatment lost weight.

It seems every time I see a doctor, they marvel at what good health I am in when my blood tests are done. Everything is in the normal range, POTASSIUM, CARBON, NITRATES, etc.

I have started seeing new doctors at QUEENS HOSPITAL. They are amazed by my recovery. They are always bringing in more doctors to meet what they call the MIRACLE MAN.

Last week, I had an Optometrist appointment which was originally how I was diagnosed with DIABETES. They saw blood vessel damage in my past annual check-ups, but this past week he informed me that he saw no trace of any DIABETIC damage. He also said my vision had improved, and was lowering my eye glass prescription. He said that I can now come every 2 years.

I continue to drink your water, in addition to eating a healthy diet and getting exercise. My energy has increased dramatically, and I have lost 20 pounds. People are always stopping me and commenting on how much better I look.

I was a shallow gray person when I first started this course of drinking your water which I still continue to drink a liter a day. I have color back in my skin, and I feel and look 100% healthier.

Last but not least, the most powerful thing that has been restored is my sexual function. For 5 years, I had lost this ability mostly due to DIABETES, but today everything is working properly.

I am deeply indebted to the Kim’s and RichWay International. I recommend their products to anyone who has health problems. They have given me a second chance at life.

I hope this letter will convince others.- John R. Peinert -

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Page 18: Testimonial Letters from our customersbiomatbiz.com/testimonial-letters.pdf · My aches are relieved, my appetite is restored, and my strength has been regained. The stiffness of

I had been suffering from allergies ever since I can remember. Any airborne pollutants will trigger my coughing. I can’t be around people who are smoking and even if they were not smoking at the time, but they did prior to talking to me, will make me start coughing. There were times when I could not even do some frying when cooking, because the oil irritated my throat. Perfume does the same thing too.

My coughing most of the time is non-stop which is embarrassing especially when I am at work or in public. Aside from my allergy, I also have a problem with my blood pressure. I was also operated on one knee for a replacement. Ever since my surgery, both of my legs are always swollen and heavy.

Chronic coughing due to allergy and the poor blood circulation in my legs made me feel miserable and irritable from time to time. Doctors cannot cure me from my coughing which is also robbing me of my sleep, that drove me into taking sleeping pills sometimes.

My sister introduced the Bio-Mat to me, and told me about some people she knows from work whose health condition had improved with the use of it.

At first I was very reluctant because of the price, but later on since my sister had joined the group and had her own, she let me use her Bio-Mat. After several days, everyone at home noticed that I had not been coughing anymore. Even people from my work had observed it too. The nagging cough was gone, my blood pressure had improved and so did the blood circulation in my legs.

Thanks to the Bio-Mat, I’m now cough-free and am very happy because of it. If other people ask me about the change, I always tell them that Bio-Mat had made miracle to my throat.

It works on me, I’m sure it will also work on you.

- Violeta E. Ebilane -

Aloha and Merry Christmas,

My name is Frank Meno. I am here to give my testimony because my most loving, beautiful and wonderful wife keeps nagging me to share my story to everyone.

In March 2005, I started using the Bio-Mat and drinking alkaline water.

My health condition was very bad. I had diabetes, high blood pressure, a hard time breathing, getting closet phobia and varicose veins to both legs. Every morning, when I wake up my body feels so weak. I had no strength and I was in pain. I felt I was carrying over 100 lbs. Both physically and mentally I was in bad shape. I was taking four medicines a day. In March, when I got the Bio-Mat, I was hesitant to use it, my wife was mad at me and she was going to return it, so I started using it. At first I started using it 30 minutes a day, now I use it up to 1 hour. I started to feel light, all my pains were gone and I stop taking my medicine. My varicose veins are gone, I am breathing good, no tightness or closet phobia. I even lost 20 lbs. I feel like a million dollar man. Everyone who knows me see how different I look. Physically and mentally I feel terrific. I am more focused and alive!

- Frank Meno -

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A dog recovers

On October 20, 2005, I woke up and looked at my mother's thirteen year-old dog (Prinz), a 75 Ibs. Viszla (Hungarian short haired retriever) and knew it was the end of the line for him. With an enlarged heart and arthritis, the dog was weak and sick. For the past couple of months, he could barely walk, had sores on his paws, had to be carried (coaxed) and held upright while he relieved himself. He was miserable (and so were we).

Thus, I took him to the vet's office to have him examined. The vet looked at him, pointed to the bony hind legs, said that the muscles had atrophied and that the neuropathy was so bad that the dog was beyond the point of recovery. He said the only merciful thing to do was to put him down before the dog deteriorated further and that we were doing favors to no one by keeping him alive; he said that he'd done all he could for him through medicines and supplements and with the steroids failing there were no more arrows in his quiver, so to speak. I told him I wanted the kids to say goodbye to the dog, he said fine, bring the dog back in a couple of days to put him to sleep.

That Thursday, Nuuanu area was rainy and the arthritic dog was in pain; thus to make him more comfortable. I took the Bio-Mat and placed it on the floor and the dog on it. I noticed the next day that the dog's coloration was pinker and he seemed more comfortable. Two days later, I noticed that the sores on the dog's hind paws were about a quarter of what they were. And the dog was able to get up off of the Bio-Mat and move back on it as it suited him. About a week or so later, the dog was able to get up on his own to pee and poop, the cracked paws seemed softer and looked much better, the coat was darker and more silky.

Two weeks after October 20, I took Prinz back to the vet to see if he'd confirm the changes. The vet looked at him startled and silent. After a few moments, the vet said that he'd never seen a recovery like that in over thirty years of practice. He said that he's very accurate ill his assessment of physical changes - e.g., he said he can tell when people have lost or gained a few pounds. He said that the hind leg muscle mass actually looked somewhat regenerated and quizzed me about the dog's care. I told him the only difference that I was aware of was the Bio-Mat. Amused and astounded, the vet looked at the dog and said to the dog. "Prinz, are you playing games?", gave the dog only two weeks more of supplements and said to keep in touch.

Now in December, two months later, I notice that Prinz's paws have fully healed, he's gained about a third more mass in the hind legs (it Feels like muscle), and he's able to get up on his own and walk around, look for food, pee and poop, and so forth. He will walk with some difficulty but unassisted a couple of hundred feet to the front yard to eat and relieve himself. The dog seems pretty lively. The vet now will provide an unlimited supply of supplements for the dog and says he wants a Bio-Mat in his old age.

I have a Ph.D. in engineering and realize that this is only one dog, one incident, an anecdote. However, I really cannot attribute the remarkable improvements to any other factor. I'm astounded.

- Carl Yee -December 14, 2005

Honolulu, Hawaii

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Page 20: Testimonial Letters from our customersbiomatbiz.com/testimonial-letters.pdf · My aches are relieved, my appetite is restored, and my strength has been regained. The stiffness of

Last night I had a full sweat for 3 to 4 hours. When I woke up, I felt fully refreshed and relaxed. I had a problem with my shin that was preventing me from jogging jog for 90 days and the pain is persistent.

In the afternoon, I was able to run around the entire Ala Moana Park. The pace set in, in about 10 minutes and my stamina remained constant, as if I were continuing the jogging, I as doing 90 days ago. There was no pain in the shin. The stress that developed no longer exist.

How wonderful the Bio-Mat and alkaline water is in restoring the body.

- Thomas R. Griffin -

I first started drinking ionized alkaline water processed by the Alkal-Life 3000SL in July 2002. I have noticed many changes in my body’s vital statistics since that time.

The first thing I noticed was the extra energy I had from the oxygen in the water. My blood sugar had been a little high, 113, and it is now 85. Blood sugar should be between 70 and 105. My blood pressure averaged 135 over 85 (a little high). It now averages 120 over 70 which is very good.

I use to get s sinus infection every year, and I haven’t had one in 4 years since I started drinking ionized alkaline water. It would take several weeks to cure my sinus infections taking strong antibiotics.

It is obvious to me that my immune system is much stronger now, and am enjoying better health as a result of using ionized alkaline water thanks to my Alkal-Life 3000SL.

- Le Roy Klima -

My husband and I would like to thank you for the wonderful Bio-Mat. It really works!

March of this year 2006, I was diagnosed with a tumor in my pancreas. The pancreatic specialist advised surgery. He said that the size of the tumor was at an alarming stage. But there were some issues that arose which made me seek another opinion. The 3rd doctor I saw was willing to listen. He ordered more testing and allowed a period of observation.

However, the doctor said that I would eventually need to take it out because there is no treatment aside from surgery. Right after, that, my husband purchased the Bio-Mat. A close friend of ours recommended it and we wanted to try it out.

For about three and a half months I went on a treatment of drinking alkaline water and using the Bio-Mat twice daily. Then I went for a follow up C.A.T. scan. To my delight the doctor called me up the very next day to inform me that surgery would not be necessary. The growth had shrunk to half size! Thank you again.

- Liddy Paulmino -

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