SIM Learning Strategies: The Test Taking Strategy University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning www.kucrl.org

Test Taking Packet

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SIM Learning Strategies:

The Test Taking Strategy

University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning


Steps of the Test Taking Strategy

P sych Up (Prepare to Succeed)

I inspect the instructions

R ead, remember and reduce

A nswer or abandon

T urn back

E estimate

S urvey


Extended  Steps  of  the  Test  Taking  Strategy          1. Psych  Up  

     2. Inspect  the  Instructions  

     3. Read,  Remember,  and  Reduce  

     4. Answer  or  Abandon  

     5. Turn  Back  

     6. Estimate  

     7. Survey  


P  ut  your  name  &  PIRATES  on  test.  A  llot  time  and  order  to  sections.  S  ay  affirmation.  S  tart  within  2  minutes.  

R  ead  directions  carefully.  U  nderline  what  to  do  and  where  to  do  it.  N  otice  special  requirements.  

A  void  absolutes  C  hoose  the  longest  most  detailed  answer  E  liminate  similar  choices  

 SIM Test Taking Strategy

Section I. Place a circle around the letter next to the best choice. 1. The University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning is located in: a. Kansas City, MO b. Kansas City, KS c. Lawrence, KS d. Topeka, KS 2. Learning disabled students profit from strategy instruction because

a. Of their complete inability to learn in a normal way b. Of its direct and intensive instructional techniques c. It is easy d. It is not difficult

3. The final stage of instruction in the Strategic Instruction Model is a. Describe b. Advanced Practice c. Generalization d. Post-Test 4. Which of the following is NOT true about the Learning Strategies Curriculum?

a. Each strategy has a mnemonic related to the learning task. b. Each strategy has a series of steps that lead to completion of a task. c. The first word in each step of the strategy makes up an acronym. d. Each strategy has a song that each student must learn.

5. What is the most important factor when it comes to giving feedback? a. Being helpful b. Being specific c. Being kind d. Being Nice 6. Generalization is important because

a. It is the 8th stage of instruction in the acquisition stages. b. It is in this step that students take the strategy they’ve learned and use

that strategy in real-life situations. c. Dr. Deshler says it is very important d. It is the easiest stage to do.

7. Controlled Practice is a. Homework b. Busy work c. Worksheets d. The initial practice done by a student in a new strategy that is controlled to some extent by the teachers.

Section II. Match the term on the left with the word(s) on the right that means the same thing. Write the letter in the blank beside the number of the appropriate term. ______1. Model A. when a student applies the strategy he/she has learned to the appropriate grade level materials ______2. Generalization B. when the teacher “thinks aloud” for the students by problem solving, demonstrating, and working through the strategy being learned ______3. Verbal Practice C. the stage of instruction when the students begin to use the strategy at home or in other classrooms ______4. Advanced Practice D. when the student begins to learn the strategy at a verbal level Section III. Write a short essay below on the following topic: Three Reasons I Enjoy My Job Section IV. Write True or False in the blank beside each question. __________1. Don Deshler, PhD., is the director of the KU-CRL. __________2. PENS is the mnemonic for The Sentence Writing Strategy. __________3. Adaptations to the strategies are never allowed. __________4. The Strategic Instruction Model has 67 learning strategies. __________5. The strategies were initially developed for learning disabled adolescents.

__________6. It is important to remember to say at least three positive statements prior to giving specific feedback. __________7. If you forget to make a commitment to students you will never be successful in strategic instruction. __________8. The University of Kansas has repeatedly been named the #1 graduate school in the field of education. __________9. Lawrence, KS is a small college town about one hour west of Kansas City. _________10. A strategy is designed to meet a demand that is found in the setting and involves steps to tasks, which must be learned in order to become an independent learner. Section V. Write a word in the blank that makes the sentence correct. 1. The __________________ step of the Strategic Instruction Model includes

engineering success for students, thinking out loud, problem solving, making

positive affirmations out loud, and engaging students.

2. Each student tracks his/her progress on a chart, which is called the


3. Students set __________________ dates for each stage of strategy

instruction; in this way they see that there is a beginning and an end.

4. Word Identification, Visual Imagery, Self-Questioning, and Paraphrasing

are all examples of the _________________ strategies.

5. Four important characteristics of effective feedback are: positive, immediate,

___________________, and individual.